t 3 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12. 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C. B. PRATT. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT January Sale Woolen Dress Goods. In anticipation of our regular annual stock-taking we have re-marked all our Dress Goods stock so that immediate buyers may secure Uncommon Values in Rich Foreign Dress Goods. THE NEWS OF IT NEARB 01 s rontnr town coriosponilonU ofTun Turn DUB ihonld Hin thuir MM in full 10 oactt uowii Ivttor, not for publication out to guard gainst deception. 1 HONESDALE LOCAL SPATTERING3. Uiscellanaoua Maple City Notes of an lnterMtinyr Nturn. Special lo the Bcranton Tribune. Honksdai.e, Jan. 11. Mr. Theresa DUch has just received from tha hands of Assistant Superintendent U J. Stew art of the Prudential Insurance com pany, $1,000 due from the company on account of the death of hr son Frank. A. C. Stewart, of Towanda, formerly of Honesdale. is visiting his ion, .Turner L. Oakee. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will Kivu their Mattel hop in the arm ory tomorrow night, Jan. 19 The boiler In the engine room of the court hOUte was cleaned out today There being nothing provided to take the water otr.it was allowed to run out on the floor and then pnmpe 1 out. The little episode formed the nucleus for a nice little story to the eflyct that a former j anitor possessing duplicate kys had found his way into the court house and in avnirefiil mood turned on the water and flooded the rooms. The name of H. . Benson, of Scran ton, was noticed on the Allen House register today. Mrs. L. O. Hoso and daughter. Miss Vinnie, left Honesdale today to attend the funeral of a relative at Cuddeback ville. "A Box of Monkie," the farce re cently played in the Opera house by members of Grnco (Jnnrch Sunday school, is soon to be repeated. DARING OPERATIONS OF BURGLARS. It Is Thought That an Organlzition of Thieves la at Work. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plains, Pa., Jau. 11. This place in believed to be the rendezvous of a nest of burglars. The numerous depreda turns that have been committed In this vicinity lend color to the theory that an organized band has selected it as their hoadqnarters. The house of David Morgan on Main street was entered some time during Tuesday night. Burglars went to his bed room nnrd rifled bie pockots, taking !) On the following night burglars entered the Bunnett store where they opened the money drawer. The alarm bell rang, which awakened Mr. Ben nett, who came down at once, but not in time to capture the robbers. He beard a noise and fired several shots, but the robbers got away. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Thoebe Thomas, of Junction Ctty, 111., was told by her doctors Bhe had (Jon- sumption and I inn there was no hope for her. lint two bottles Dr. King's New uis covery completely cured her and she savs it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggcrs, H9 Florida St., Pan Francisco, suffered from a (tremlful cold, approaching ( onsniuution tried without result everything else then nought one bottle of Dr. King s New Dls covery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful It is such results of winch these are examples, that prove the wonaerlul umency'f this medlriue in Coughs and .Cold Free trial' bottles at Matthews Bros,, Drugstore. Regular size 50-. and si. COLONEL NORTON'S REWARD. Thia Effjrt to Ctrouravnt Robbers Should II Supp ement'd Si'tcial to tha Scanton Tribune, BtBOUOSBTROi Pi.. Jan, 11 It is the duty of the authorities here to ri I tha county of the gang of daring robbers that is working old Monroe for all there is in it. Nearly every (lay a bold pieco of work is reported, and tho audacity of the deed is evidence that the robbers have no fears of being molested A reward of $oi0 has been offered by CVlonel E E Norton for the arrest and conviction of the vandals who, with dynamite, broke opeu hie handsome family vault, which wan built at tho cost of nearly $io.00(). But this will not be sufficient to bring the culprits to justice, if th authorities themselves do not take a decided Stand and at no matter what cost to the county run dotvn.the thieves. It is hardly to bi expected that one policeman can do the work properly. The polioe force should bo increased and in this way, not In any other,show the plurdtrers that they cannot expect to carryon theirwork In this community any longer. The present state of affairs hero is almost as bad as during the building of the new Wilkes-Barro ntul Eistern railroad, when doors were locked during tho day and the female portion of tr.e community were afraid to walk i he streets after dark for fear Of being molested by workingnuu and tramps who were employed on tho road. It is claimed that the authorities have been warned that thieves were working the coti'ity, and still, for fear of a little extra uxpense to tbs county, they refuse to employ special police to protect property hoi lers who would like to .leave their homes foslin,' as sured that their property and families aro protected by law. The ery is, "Down with the thieves who are dis turbing the peace of quiet Monroe." .. INTERESTING STKOUDSBURG NOTES. Several Littll Items That Wi", mirror the Day's Progress. Fjeciitl to the Scranton Tribune. BtBOODSBUBQ, Jan. 11. Miss Bessie Aekerman who has been ill nt her home, is reported to be mneh better. The Kuights of Pythias will have a snppr on Eeb, 2. This occasion it lik.'ly to be a most enjoyable affair as all their suppers are. Bx-Postmaiter William D Walton, -vhose term expired some months ago. has been retained by Postmaster E I inger up within a few weeks ago. The ex-postmaster, who is a brother of County Chairman Walton, tho Repub lican leader here, is as hopeful as ever and expects to be called iuto servioe again in a fow Bhort years. Don't forgst to subscribe for The Tkiuvnf. and secure one of those ele gant half Russian dictionaries. The terms are 1 for the first month and 45 cents for additional months. Orders left at Keller's Novelty store will re ceive prompt attention. TBtBONKS will be served in East Strondsb'irg by Oeorge Shively; Old Stroudsburg by Keller Novelty company. . . PIONEER CITY BREVITIES. Crisp FaraRrap'ia Which Toll tho News Lf One Day. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Oabbokdalb. Pa., Jan. 11. Miss Mcrritta Donovan, who has b ion visit ing friends in Binghamton dnring the past three w?ens, reiunva to ner 1 r ... tTT I 1 Ml home on saiem avenue weunesuay an- ernoon. Miss Anna Wilcox will return to her home in Nineveh. N. ., nfter a two months' stay in tins city as tlio truest of her sister, Mr?. A. . Lewsley, or High street. Tomorrow Mr. and .Mrs. (leorge S Kimball will leave for Boston, from where they will take their departure on ret). 1 lor im-ir lour inrongo nut citv across the ocean. The trip will take about three months tune Mrs. S. Bolton and daughter Lelia ttten led a party in Scranton this even ing given ov .miss jvnnie iv"yuoius in onor of their eouaiv, Captain GNorge Reynolds, of New i ork. The Delaware and Hudson paid their Gravity and shop ban Is in this city to lay and tomorrow will pay their steam road employes. LIVELY BOROUGH POLITICS. Citizens of Taylor Will Have a Chobe of Three Tickets. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor. Pa., Jan 11. TUe political bee is humming in the ears of the poll tiolana of tho borongn. The February election will bo interesting no doubr, as it is predicted that three tickets will be in the h"l l, the Republican, um- Z"ns ana Democratic, ine town is Republican bv a large majority. For burgess there are only two names presented, Uavnl J. Harris, tne present incumbent, and George Man tell For tax collector there are five candidates, Joseph Davis, John D Athortoti, Aliuzo Hendershot, Jam -s Mapleson and John IS Roese. The present councilman will soek for a re election. Morris Davis is tha only one mentioned for high constable. No caucuses have yet been called and it is not Known on which ticket those named will eeek for a nomina tion. The secret, nrt of beauty lies not in cos metiCH. bat is only in pure blood, and healthy performance of the vital functions to be obtained by using Burduck Wood Hitters. RELIEF QUICKLY SUPPLIED. Charitable Business Man Contribute to John Prrc'or'e Aid. Special to the Scranton Tribune. TAYl.Oit, Jan. 11 ibe special in yesterday's Tkiiuinh regarding the poor circumstances of the stricken family of John Proctor met with much approval and this afternoon Mrs. W. H. Gordon and Mrs. J, E. Nash circulated among the business men soliciting donations Every place visited responded will ingly with donations or Hour, meat sugar, etc The response given is de serving of mention as showing th charity of the bu-duess men of this bor ough, who have always been liberal in helping those deserving of aid. DUNMORE POLITICALLY ALIVE. Merohant P. J. Horan Ie Very Favora bly Mentioned for Buraeaa. filarial to the Scranton 'W'ntiie. Dunmour, Pa., Jan. 11. Among th ones who aro mentioned as possible enn didatea for the nomination of burgees is P. J. Horan, the popular msrehant Mr. Koran has been a resident of this place for a good many years and has shown by his integrity ami couserva Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. D Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE ... . ., ...I j . , ism to on a man wen ntieu ior mm responsible office, The People's and Republican party aro glancing asaance t him, as is also me uemncrauu party. Whichever party receives the consent o his nomination will undoubtedly re- eive full indorsement from the oppos- ng faction. No detinue information cn on eaned regarding tne People's prty nominees tor council, but tlis proba bilities are that Mr Taylor will be re initiated with Jacob Bronaon . to eep him company, which would make strong team Mr. rayior during ins terms of ollico, has shown a fearli-ss front and voted honestly on all qoe- ons, whether partisan or not. Al- hough Mr. Bronson has never held ny office iu the boroagh.he has shown imseif to be of good, reliable limner, n.l is recogtnz h1 as a mau or honest convictions. FINE MUSICAL PROGRAMME. roceeda Oo to the Simpaon Chapl TluiMinir Fund Special to the SortMton Tribune. Carhondai.u, Pa., Jau 11. A rnnsi cale will be held tomorrow evening at he home of Mrs E D. Latbrope, on Lincoln SVanUe. A Una programme as been arr uigud.and eacii guest pret- ii t will hav-.i the privilege of giving is mite to tho fund already siarted or the pUfpOM of erecting an Addition o the Endeavor chapel, of Simpson. The programme lo be given will be s follows: QunrUtto of Violins Pray and Hondo, Harris Thomas, F. J. Johnson, Lyman Smith, D. L. Crane. Duet, Selected .Mies auuau, Mrs. Burr iauo Duet, Selected, Miss Herring and I'roiessor Thomas Reading, from Rip Van Winkle, J. w. AltKOU Tenor Solo--Creole Lover's Sang, Dudley Buck W. D. Evaus. lute Solo II. Torrance, jr Solo "Ora Pro Nobis" " Piccolomiui Miss Vauuaii. Recitation A Home Stretch, Miss Laura Harper inartotte. ..Evans, Thomas Hall, Laihrup DUNMORE IN MINIATURE. Blrd'a Eye Survoy of ths Activities of Thia Llvo BorMitrh. Special to the Scranton Tribune. DUMCORB, Pa , Jan. 11. It has been cideti to continue theGillam meetings ext week for a few days. They have been productive of much good. This fternooa and evening the meetings were largely attended. Services will be held Friday at & 80 and In tho evening it will be a special people's ser vice that promises to be very luterest- ng. Notices regarding the meetings for next week will be made Sunday. Canvassers for THB fttlBOXIB Eacy lopedla Britaunica are at work through this soctiou and no one should miss the opportunity of examining thid unrivalled work. Persons desiring to have notices, either personal or social, inserted in Thk Tribune, can do so by leaving same with Harry Spencer at Price's cash Btore. MINOR TAYLOR HAPPENINGS. News Chronicle of Twenty-Four Hours BriiftV Qiveu. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor. Jan. 11. The funeral of Thomas M. Howells, of R mdham, took place Wednesday afternoon and was argely attended interment was maue n Marcy cemetsrv at Lackawanna. Mrs. Thomas X. Davis, of Barber- town, who was dangerously ill, is improving. Tho commissioners appointed by court to divide Taylor borough into wards will meet Situruay alternoon it 2 o'clock in the Price Library ball to take testimony, hvery citizen should be pr-sont and give his views on what he thinks will be the o-t lines of division. . DIRECTORS CLOSE THE SCHOOL. AN ANTI-GAMBLING CRUSADE. to Wilkea-Barra'e Many Card Experts Bo Er,tretd 1 1 Reform. Sprciol to the Scranton Tribune. Wii.kks Barhe, Jan. 11 This sod den city is to have an anti gambling crnaade. John P. Oiinn, the colebrat d r vivaliat, has been secured to hold a series of meetings. The first will b' held next Sunday, and the crusade will continue three days under Mr. LJuinn's supervision, and as much longr as it may be deemed expedient by local re formers to prosecute the work. Wilkes Bsrre, some how or other.ln.B won tho reputation of being tho gainh ling center of the coal fields. It is the endeavor of the (.nitin movement to lead the large number of local ''aportB" into paths of righteousness. Cottage praycr meetings. Two Will Be Hald Tonight at Different Plaoaa. Special to the Scranton Tribune. CARBONDALB.Pa,, Jan. 11. Tomorrow evening will be held a cottage prayer meeting at the home of Joseph Wal lace on Belmont street uuder tha aus pices of the Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church. There will also be a cottage prayer meeting at a homo on Archhald street under the auspices of the Baptist Chris tian Endeavor society. BOYS' BRANCH ANNIVERSARY. It Will Be Very Pleasantly Celebrated Noxt Monday Evening. Sjteciol to the Scranton Tribune. Caruosdalk, Pa., Jan. 11. The Hoys' branch of the Young Men's Chris tisn association will give an anniver sury anpper to the boys and girls of this city next Wednesday evening from 4 to 0 o'clock The event will be in celebration of the fifth birthday of the organiz ition Hood's Cures Dr, ED. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And lile aseoctntod tafT of Bnejlsh and tier man I'liyslcians,are now permanently located "temple Court Building 31 1 SIMtlH'R ST.. SCRANTON Wlu-ru thoy may bo i-onsultod DAILY AND KUNDAY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot tha Unlvoraity of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator ot physiology and surgery nt tho lledleo-Chtr-iirL-ical College, of Philadelphia. He Is also an honorary u ember of tlio Medieo-Chirur-(deal Assoiiatlon. and was physician and Sarseon-in-obiet of tho moat noted American ami Qerman hcepttala fomm highly indorsed by thn leading professors of Philadelphia and a York. His many years of hospital rxnerienoe en ables this eminent physician ami aurgaon to correctly illagnoso und treat all deformities and diseases with tho most llattoring aucccss, and his huh standing in tlio statu will not all w him to accept nnv incurable casa LOST MAMIooii BKTOKKD WEAKNESS OB VOUNO MEN rUltF.D. lfyouhnve '"-en givon up ey your physi cian rail upon the doctor and 13 examined. He cures th? worst caao-of KefVOne Debility, Scrofula, Old boroa i atnrrh, Hilea, Female Weakness. Affoetlous of tha Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Asthurn, Deafness. Tumors, Can cers and Cripnlee of evory description. Con sultation in English and German Free, which shall bo cotiBidored sacred anil strictly couli- danttaL liflloe lloiii: 11 A. M. to !) P. kL Dally. Sunday, U a. in. lo 12 p.m. Seeds Poor Attondance Leade to a Temporary Ceeeatlon of Work. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tayi."H, Pa., Jan. 11 Lackawanna township's school board has closed tlio high graded room in thn ( ontinental school. There have been many com plaints to the directors regarding the principil of tho school, Martin Joyce, and alter investigation the directors decided to closo the room for a short time owing to poor attendance. Mr. Joyce is riled over the treatmont and will go to court. - POOR BOARD STARTEO THEM. Members of Strandad Shackford Opera Companv Rsnch Scranton. Special to tie Scranton Tribune. Carhondai.e, Pa , Jsn. 11 The poor board of this city today purchased five tickets to Scranton for the remaining members of the stranded Hhackford Opera company, who applied to the oard for ai l on weoneaday, Upon the members' arrival at Scran ton they expect to receive assistance from friends i BOILING WATER OVER H ER. Fatal Accident to a Little Girl Playing Near a Stove. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HOMUSDALB, Jan. 11. Little May Everling. daughter of Peler Evnrling, living in Texas township, east of Tra ce)' ville, met an awful death at 5 o'clock last night. In somu manner she pulled a piil of hot water from tho stove upan her body, and was frightfully scalded. BRIGHTER INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK. Three Honeadalo Factories Rseume and Another Oaa Soon Will Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Jan. II. Durlnnd, Thompson & Co., Clark & Co., and John H Wooden, have resumed opera tions in their respective factories. The Honeadalo Shoo company will re-open next week. When Ttaby was sick, wo gnre h r Castor!, When she was a Child, she erlisl for 'listeria. When she became 5IIsk, she Qtaag to Castorla. When shu had Children, alio gave them Castorla, Mrs. Mary Spcakinan Of Philadelphia. A Week Writing Would Not Tell the Story Scrofula for Seven Yean Cured by llood'a Sarsaparllla. "A week devoted to writing would not be suf ficient to tell of the good Hood's Saraparl!lahas done me. Kevi n years ago a running sore ap peared on my ankle, which grew worse until It entirely covered my foot and the hones came out ol my loos, men the sorrs apiienreii on my otlier fool, right arm and hand. Holes were eaten in my lower limbs, my arm was one great sore from t lie shoulder down, end the bonus eauio out of two of my nngvrs. Words Cannot Tell My Sufferings. I could not sleep and had no appetite. About three years alter tho first appearance of the dis ease my husband lend of what Hood's Sarsapa rllla had done for others, and ured me to try It. I was counted to tho bed at the time, had given up all hope. However, 1 commenced taking the medicine, and before I had finished the bottle, could sleep, and uut only eat, but enjoy uiy food. Now the 6ores aro All Healod Up with the exception of one spot on my limb. I thank God for hitvtng directed my husband's at tention to Hood's Sarsaparille, otherwiso i should have been in my grave, I can now move about with the aid ot crutches, and will always need their assistance, hut anyone who had seen my condition when 1 commenced to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla would marvel that I am now ahvo to movo at all." Mus Mvky Si'Eakman, 2725 Latona Street, Philadelphia. Hood'8 Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, slek headache. Indigestion and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and . Gardens. BUN S MNELLCO. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they Lave uever been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON BNOLiISB COUltSE. BUSINESS COUKSH. s 1 1 1 Ml I II I S I COURSE. r T tt7 a Ar n .-.I.-. c.a. wvvjlj, xrioprietor. WKW YEAH OPENS JANUARY 1. Third national Bank of Scranton. Statement Dee. 1!, 1803, culled for by Hie Com pti-olb-i- off the Currency. RESOUKCE8. t.onns I,t64,4TS 10 Overdrafts 74o.ii:i United States liomls xno.ono.no Other ltoniln 448. 1ST. 7.1 llnnlilnK House 88,074.40 rreiniuins on C. s. Bonds.... 17,443.70 Dae from V. 8. Treasurer ln.tioo.im Hue from Hunks 811.130.00 Cush 178,000.98 li I(i;i,t;!i8.(it; LIABILITIES, Capital s2nn.n00.no Mil-plus ,840.000 00 Undivided l i-oflts 80,938 ill Circulation nyi. oou.on Dividends I Hpuld 1,888,80 Deposits.- 1,788,888 HO Dun to Uitnks 80.1124.07 , 403,008. till WILLIAM connm.t. President .i ii II. CATUV, Vice-President WILLIAM II. PUCK, Cnahler. DIRECTORS, William Connell, George 11. Catlln, Alfred Hnnd, Henry UeiTn, jr., dames Arehlinld, Willi mi T. Smith, Luther Keller. This' hank ofl'ers to depositors every facility warranted by their buliiuces, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention given to business ac counts. Intercut paid on time deposits. t i ii-: TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CKGANIZED 18'JO. Study in Lost Manhood HropU. rtc, Hindoo JOtm-iIy. and vigor qulrkly retJtured.Varlco'elat nlirhtiy einiHstoni, surely cur-fii by I.NlAr0. the grtM WUh wrltlfnciismiilffloear. MOIU uy ticriiutuD, l'n. KERR U SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenu.9. YYE have completed our inventory and naturally have found some odd lots of LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE PORTIERES and TABLE COVERS, which we will close out at actual cost. They Must Be Sold In our Carpet Department you will find bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, and in the finer grades, such as Moquette, Velvet and Axminster. Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old Pieces will be sold regardless of cost. Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, $2.50; reduced from $3.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. RUGS A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER! TO THB TRADE) ONLY THE RiSHARDS LUMBER CO. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, TELEPHONE 422. TAKE ELEVATOR. Scranton, Pa. V7"WJ'E many manufacturers and dealers arei uienta concerning the merits and dtirabilit malrins extravagant state ty of medium or low gruUi pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine tho famoiu STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMUEL IUNES.IProsl.lnnt W. W. WATSON. Vn-.. l'tewdonU A. 13. WILLIAMS, C'ashiur. MKKcTons, RAMfur. Hint. jami:s M Evr.niunT, lHVINO A. KlM'lt, PlLIU'K B. Fin LEY, JOSBPfl J. .lUIMYN. il H, KKMI I1K1U, L'UAB. P, Maitukws, John T. POBIM W. W. WAWON. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This tmnk invltns tho pntrunaee of buslnoss niuu unu iirm . neuernuy. DKJTFR RnOK CO., Inc'p. faplial, lijOOMOi. UEST m.RO BHOB IN T 1 1 m WOK1.U. "A dollar MM (1 i dollar earntd. Tlni Lumi.iT Snll.l KriMii'h IJonunU Kid Ttul ton ltoot Uellvorwl (r nvhoro in tho U.b.. on receipt of 1 nli, Money t 'riii r, or ratal Not for SIM KquaN WeW "V th 'l0u il In nil remit name. ior 2.t0. We mttt UMI iwoi oureolveri, thtnfON we guar antee tut ft, ttflt and irrir. mid if ny one i unt bmIiIIi'U ro will reiuna ine nuaj oreendnuotliorpiilr. 0ifr Toe or t iinuiion r'MiH,, ii ( , i, K, s r.v.. Ilea 1 lo 8 and hull ie. Send uonrnis'; WW nt yon. Illll.tl.ilr.l Cats. lo(ue FREE Dexter Shoe Co., SKS:' Special ttnne to Ptutert. m sir K E. O. Ricker Co. 123 Adam: Ave. I mm mm Had more OFFICE CHAIRS than he wanted did not sell as many for holiday trade as anticipated. We have re lieved him of some at a very low price. You can judge if you care to relieve us by looking in our window or coming into the store; our price on them is much lower than regular cost. Remnants of Carpets and Odd Pairs Lace Curtains are moving lively. Have you had your pick?