c THE SCRANTON TE I BUNE FR J u A Y MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1894. Daily Chronicle OK Pittston Events. The Scuanto.i . . ItUtun olllce. No. 8 South Main street, is in charge, nf V. E, Toolie and J, JX l'iUy, to whom complainti uud umvj Hums may be referred by any subscriber, j REPUBLICAN CONVENTION CALL. Frlmaiiis to Be Held tlw L; it Tuesday i of the Present ..i. nth. The West PitUton Rspublionn bor ough convection will ho hel 1 at the Town hall, Thursday, Feb, 1, 1S01. at 7. 30 o'clock p. m.. to nominate Repub lican candidates for the boroiuh offla II to bt tilled at the spring election ujld on Tuesday. Feb. 2J, 1311, to wit, can didates lor olKce as follows : Burgeai for three years, two couicil nien for threo years, two school direct ors for three yens, one tax collector for tiQrr years, one UU litor for three years, one high constable for one year, and all other officers to be chosn at this eleotioti; also register, assessors and electiou oftiovrs iu each election district This convention will consist of twon ty live delegates, auportioued as fol lows: First district, three; Sscoud district, three; Third district, four; Fourth district, two; Fifth district, tarse; Sixth district, three; Seventh district, two; Eighth district, two; Ninth district, two. The primary election will be hold by the Republican vigilance commit teemen at the various polling places iu taoh election district ou Tuesday, Jan. 81, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock p m. Tho convention has to be held earlier this year thau usual, owing (o the change iu the law re quiring nominations to be tiled with the commissioners eighteen days before the election. PROBABLE MURDfcR AT SM ITriVILLE. Douglas Havord Shoots John Bait, latter May Die. During an altercatiou over an old score Douglas Havord, alias "Dig more," snot John Halt at Smithvllle. late Tuesday night Havord, it nf pours, stabbed Halt a short time ago, tnd robbed him of his pay. Halt, on meeting Havord on the night iu ques tion, demanded satisfaction, when 'lavord whipped out a large slf -acting evolver and discharged it four times in quick succession. Tne first two ihots went wide of their mark, tiie third graced the left shoulder and tbo fourth imbedded its lf in the left breast about two inches abjve the heart. The injured man received no med ical attendance up to yesterday when he was removed to the hojpital at this place, where he now lies in a critical condition. Howard, who did the shoot inc. fled and is nowhere to be found. Doth men are colored and caine here from Roanoke, W. Va. , to wora on t lie Wilkes-Barre and Eistern railroad at the time of its construction. EXPLOSION NARROWLY AVERTED. The Boilers at Hughee' Brawn ry Ex-l-l d , Without Lose of Life. Tuesday afternoon the boilers at Hughes' brewery exploded, fortunately, however, without doing any serious damage, to the property, or loss of life. Tho explosion was due to tho fireman allowing the water to bicome entirely exhausted before "feeding." As a cou si'quence the boilers became red hot. Thinking the water was not entirely txhausted, he turned ou the feed. He had no sooner dona so than crack, crack, went each boiler. A brewing valued at $1,0 X) was in course of fermentation at tne tiun and desperate measures had to bj resorted to at once in order to save it Work men were immediately despatched after another boiler to the works of J. A. Touhill on North Main street. With the aid of tho latter, after a hard night's work, a 90 horse power boiler was placed in position andstoam raised in time to save the m ish, greatly to the joy of Mr. Hughes. too well known to need any cntnmeut. That the production will afford an netting of rure enjjyment there is no qus ioning. Employes of tiie Eri and Wyoming Valley Railroad company will bo paid today. The Trinity Guild of the West Side held a meefing at the residence of Mrs. Merrill, on Wyoming aveniu yesterday aft rnoon. Miss Morris, of William street, left Tuesday for Baltimore and other cities, where she expects to spend the eusning six Weeks with friends. Frank Walsh, of Vv'sym.irt, is visit ing friends in this place Mrs. Philip 11 life and friend, Miss Bowman, ol WHkes-Barre, were the gnefta of Mrs. Joseph Morris, of North Main street, yeslerday, Mr. and Mrs, Peter McElhanney, of Mill street, celebrated their ninth wed dim: anniversary ytsterday. Miss Hewitt, of the )West Side, will entertain the. "Even Bight" club this evetiiug with a ghost Dirty. Misses Alice Maloney, of Upper Pittston, and Margaret Mangan. of South Main Street, returned today to Mauhattanville convent, New York, where they will resume their scholas tic studies. The Miners' Savings bank has de clared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per eent, payable on or after Jan. 20. The Water Street Dridge company also has declared asemi annual dividend of 15 per cent., payable Jan. 20. The Carrie Louis repertoire com pany delighted a large audience at Music hall last evening with "A Mid night Call." The piece was admirably staged and gave exceileut satisfaction. The following ticket has been nomi nated by Avoca Democrats: Burgess, John J. Curley; oounoilmeu, Thomas Herbert, John Cannon; scu'oi direct ors, James Merrick, Will O'Malloy; tax collector, Patrick O'Boyle; consta ble, P. F. Boylan; high constable, A. A Curley; register assessors. North district, M. Noon ; South district. John Clifford; inspectors, North district, Frank LiHle; South district, M. Ryan; judges, North d:3triut, P. J. Connor; South district, M. Touuey; ail litor, M F. Osborn. To Mr. McDangall much credit is duo for the excellent class of attrac tions that the theater goers are being favored with of late. His julginnt, with few exceptions, has been excellent and it is to be hoped ho will continue to merit the confidence of the public. To witness the large throng of peo ple Who attend the opening of A. B. Brown's "10 cent sale" this week abundantly testifies to the advantage of advertising From early unrn to late at night the large force of clerks was kept ou the jump catering to the wants of the hundreds of customers. A pleasing feature worthy of more thau passing notice is the politeness j Hid affability accorded the poor and lowly as well as tue rich and opulent in making their purchases. HIS FEET TERRIBLY BURNED. A Liborer Receives a Routing at Tcu hSl'S Foundry. George Tlsxbervlck, a laborer em ployed in Touhill' fonndry ou North Main street, wai t-rriblv burned while at work Wednesday night. He with others was assisting in the casting of a large piece of work and had about succeeded when the fastenings gave way, allowing the molten mjtal to rlv anil run about tho floor in streams. All escaped but Tischevick. In some unaccountable minner, ha was slow in getiing oat of reach and the flying motnl dropped into both shoes, badly burning him, When his shoes were removod his feet were found to he horribly roasted. The injured man was removed to his boarding honse, close by, where ho re mained until yesterday, when it was fonnd necessary to removu him to the hospital for treatment. His injuries will incapacitate him from work for at least two months. DEATHS ANO FUNERALS. Ellen, wife of Thomas Oerrity, of Port Griffith, died Wednesday evening She was aged 5(1 years and is survived by a husband, five sons and two daugh ters The funeral will take plaoe Sat urday morning at 11 o'closk with a mass of reqniem at St. John'R c lurch. Interment In Maikvt Stroet osmetery. Miss Margaret Brann, age! 23 year, of Exeter, died at 2 30 o'clock yester day afternoon, of pneumonia. Funeral announcement later. The funeral of Patrick Price, of Mill street, who died of injuries received at No. 8 shaft Wednesday, will take place Saturday morniug at 8 30 o'clock, with a mass of requiem at St. John's church. Interment iu Market Street cemetery. The funeral of Matthias Coknavche, the Polander who was killed on the Delaware and Hudson Tuesday, will occur 'his morning. The deceased was h memberof the Lithuanian St. Anthony's society. Services wili bs held at St. Cassimer's church, and intorment will be in the Polish Catholic cemetery on Swallow street. Peter Rumage, aged 79 years, of Duryea, died yesterday. He was form erly a residen tof Ashley.but for some time nae made his home with his daughter, Mrs Nathaniel Meade. Funeral Saturday at 1 o'olock, p. m. NEWS NOTES IN PARAGRAPHS. Stories of Greatness. "You know John Habberton," said one i of a group of artists who were talking to- gelher, "is doing the hook reviewing for Godey'snow. A few mouths ago he had a letter from nn editor an editor, mind you I who ashed if Mr. Ilabln rton could possi bly secure him a new novel hyOuorge l.hot or one by Thackeray. Said he would be willing to pay almost any price if either of them would send him a new story." "Oh, pshaw!'1 said the rest, with un bounded contempt. "Uh, it's a fact, upon my honor!'' "Well, perhaps it is," said the second speaker, "for I know of a hook dealer who wrote to a publisher here and asked that ho would send him a new novel by Jane Austen, for those he hud were selling very well. Poor old Janet I guess she turned in her grave at that." Everybody laughed, and tho long haired youth shook hack his bang! and ulluwed himself to look renlly intelligent. "Your stories are bad enough," he said, "but they don't equal one which I have heard vouched fur by good authority. It is that 'As You lake It' was produced several years ago on the stage of a New York the ater, and part of the audience called tor the author!" That broke up the party. New York Sun. HOW AN ARM WAS LOST. Not Eligible Himself, The retort courteous has seldom been more aptly made than was done by lion. Frank Nation of The Post. It will be re membered that Mr. Ilatton held the posi tion of postmaster general during tho Arthur administration. Over a year ngoa would he swell entered the editor's private room at the office of The Post and voiced his grievance that in the Dumhlane .ace he was to ride the following afternoon at Ivy City he found that a young fellow em ployed in one of tho departments was to have the honor of compt ting with him. Reiterating that the sole objection to the other gt titleinnn entered for the race lay in the fact that he M as in the employ of the government, the visitor left, urging Mr. Ilatton to attend the races and promising to send tickets by the first mail. This was done or rather one ticket duly appeared in a note to be as speedily returned to the donor with the brief message that the editor did not feel himself eligible for the honor conferred, inasmuch as he also had once been iu the employ of tho government. -Kate Field's Washington. Louis Morrison will appaar at Mnslc hall Monday evening in "Faust." Sinoe this will be Mr. Morrison's first appearance before a Pittston audience, it is to be hoped that the locator-loving patrons will accord him a rousing re caption. The merits of the play are An Atmosphere In Outer Space, Maybe. That extreme cold paralyzes every vital function is of course u piece of everyday knowledge. Hut it has ban left, to Profess or Fictet, who has been conducting some experiments on this subject, to discover that, at it temperature of lfiO degrees below the Centigrade sera there is no chemical ac tion between nitric or sulphuric acid and potash, between oxygen and potassium, though under ordinary eireumstanOSS the affinity of the hitter metal for oxygen is so great that it will burn if thrown into wa ter, owing to its combination with the oxy gen in that fluid, lint if the electric spark is played on laslies which have thus lost the power of chemical nihility some new anil curious Combinations fault. The latest investiga tion, the OQncluSiOnS of which, however, have been theoretically presaged for some years past, may require us to reconsider the question of the temperature of outer space and the possibility of an at mosphere com posed of gases in combination existing there. London Chronicle. One of Nature's Harmonies. Nature lias her own eye for harmonics. I studied one of her schemes of color the ot her day. The man had light brown hair, brilliant reddish yellow or old gold beard, light green eyes, rose red oars and a pale yellow complexion, strikingly Tabled with blue. He was not half an ill looking man either merely unique. Boston Commou-wealth. A Soldier Started Out to 1'Ihj- u Terrible JoUe anil Vua Win-sled. "No, sir, I didn't lose thai arm iu battle. I lost, it while playing the fool," said .Major John Leonard as he looked regretfully at his empty sleeve, then swung intoline with the storytellers at the Laclede. "It was shortly before the battle of Shiloh. I was out prowling around, looking for fat pul lets or anything else that would give the mess kettle a savory odor and Dually found myself in ar the Confederate lines. A long, gaunt Teiinesseenn, evidently ou picket duty, stood leaning against a true reading a newspaper, He appeared deeply eu gt) -Mil, and I chuckled as 1 thought what a rich joke it would be to sneak up within easy range and plug hitn. "I began to smuk. The ground was wet, envoi id with briers, and I crawled for fully 800 yards, ruining my new uniform to play my little joke. The Johnnie kept on read ing. He had evidently not seen me. I stopped to hug lnj self before I rose up to my hellish work. I took good aim and let tly. Tlio sent ry never moved just kept on reading. That made me hot. I reloaded and blazed aw ay again. He never budged. 1 kept up a fusillade for half an hour with out result; then I got so mad I couldn't stand it any longer. "I was not a little proud of my marks manship, and to have a large, loose jointed enemy of my beloved country stand up there iu his butternut breeches and calmly absorb the news while 1 was chucking lead at him at a distance of 500 yards was too much for me, I reloaded, marched up Lo within iii paces of him, took deliberate aim and biased aw ay. He kept on reading. I dubbed my musket and mad a rush. I whacked him over the dead with force enough to kill a church scandal, then re versed and jabbed my bayonet into him, It was a dummy. "I started to lose myself in the direction of camp when there came a shriek of de moniac laughter from n clump of hazels to my left, mill three big Tennes-,eeans stepped out to incercept me. Surrender? Not much. I was mad enough to light the whole South ern confederacy single handed. 1 made a rush for 'em, and they turned loose, reliev ing me of this arm und breaking both legs. But I licked the dummy, One of my cap tors told me afterward that they shook a pound of lead out of it." St. Lou's lilobe- Democmt, Trees Are the Friends of Men. All trees display constantly and broadly their nature and the marks of the class to which they belong. The oak, elm, willow, birch, beech, together with poplar chest nut and pice, are among our native born trees, and those most familiar to us as the ancient landmarks, remembered so well in childhood the mulberry, olive, ilex, hem lock, spruce, apple, pear and cherry trees -go to make up the almost sacred circle of friends so dear to us because they are mon uments of other and bappic r days. The homestead and its associations recall all the dear old t roes so fondly cherished in days "lung sync" and so dear to mu now that it is pleasant to write what I know of their history, utility, and why they are val uable as lumber or the more valuable me chanical need which they meet. They all afford the human race a certain amount of reliable service and are the foundation of many industries. They furnish the ships that cover the ocean with white sails and furnish easy communication with all na tions. The arts and sciences depend upon them for substantial aid in completing pal aces and churches ai.d all the grand and lasting buildings which have dotted the earth with beautiful cities and comfortable dwelling places for man. And thus we And that the trees are really tho steadfast and never failing friends of men. Boston Tran script. A Lazy Rare. A lazier man than tin- average Burrcan it would be exi redely hard to find. When it is absolutely necessary for him to work, he generally hits upon some method which will save him a lot of exertion. If he wishes to cultivate a piece of ground, he sets light to the brushwood BS a cheap, easy and etficacious method of preparing the soil. For two or three years he cultivates that piece of land, and then he sets light lo an other spot, allow iug the jungle to grow in the old place, which will be ready for re burning when the other ground wants a rest. Kice growers dispense with plows, turn ing loose instead n number of buffaloes, who cut up the saturated soil with their hoofs. When a Bnrman has earned a little money, he Immediately proceeds to spi ml it all, for the Burmese have no ambition to be rich, and never hoard. ConseQUl utly there are no large landowners, and. tin re being no aris tocracy, the people are BS near ls'ing on an equality ae possible. Poor people are quite as ran' as rich people, and the only beggars to be met with are t lie lepers, who sit on the steps of the pagodas. Current Literature. Not mi Affair or the Heart. They stood nt her disir, and there seemed to be some constraint, between them. He WHS a trifle older than she, mid she had the advantage of him in looks too. In his eyes there was supplication, and in hers there were disdain, scorn, rejection. "If I might," he began, "No, sir," slie interrupted, "His totally unnecessary." "But" "I do not wish to hoar you." "One word." "Not one, sir." "Well, if you won't" "I want nothing you can offer me." "But 1" "Onct for all, I toll you I want no tin ware today." She shut the door and went in, and the peddler went on to the next lnuse. New York Truth. A Natural Currency. The cheapest cuius in the world are the cowrie shells, which are found in the Pa cilic islands and largely Imported Into Cal cutta and London, being sent to the west const of Africa for trading with the natives, They are pretty shells, and tlieAfricansii.se them for a variety Of purposes, principally to adorn their clothes. In west Africa they pass current, the only objection to their Use being the fact that when a man wanted to buy anything he had to take a wagon load of them along. Copper coins nre had enough, hut, when a man is lorced to carry half a ton of shells to buy a fowl for his dinner the transportation problem becomes of more importance than the question of finance. Million. Long Sarannah, Jnmei Co, Tenn. Dn. ft. V. Piance, Buffalo, N. V.: Dear Sir I think your " Favoritn Prcicrlp. lion was tne pre servation of my life. I was undor tho dootor's care for three months with wnrab Its eiine anil a grm uiil wasting-all thn time. I was so weak that f could not N raised la hod when I eom nienoed lull ion the s. " Prescription," end hy the time I had taken three bottles I wns up and going wher ever I pleased, sad have had Rood health and been very Btrong ever since. That was four years aao. I have recommended It to a irnnd many of my friends, and they have taken It und uro highly pleased. Yours truly. O. A. 8I'ttI(108. Mns. Hi-ninas. Tho Anceelry of the ropes. The popes have been drawn from all classes of society. Nineteen were sons or near relatives of princes, and an equal num ber came from illustrious families. Many came from absolute poverty and obscurity. Sixtus VII was the son of avery poorllsher man; Alexander V was the son of very poor and unknown parents, the future pope spending ull of his young life in begging ou the streets. Adrian, t he only English pope, was abandoned early in life by a worthless father ami had to subsist on charity until, going as a tramp to llud an asylum in France, he entered a monastery or convent as a servant. His real worth was tcxin manifested in his diligence, and his virtues and Intelligence soon won for him the papal tiara. Sixtus V had for a lather a poor laborer, a common servant for a mother, and a laundress of vicious habits for a sister. ('destine V was the son of a farmer of no means and little intelligence. Benedict XII spent his childhood in a bakeshop. Urban IV learned the carpenter's trade from his father, as did also (iregory VII. Five of the popes studied medicine before taking holy orders. Julius 111 wxis the son of a fa mous Jurisconsult, Benedict XI was the son of a poor notary. The father of Pela gius was a prefect und the vicar of his province, Tne father of Paul V was a pa trldan of Sienna. The fathers of Kiigene IV, (iregory XII and Alexander XII all be longed lo the patrician families of Veuice. - St. Louis Uepublic. , The Lot Katong, The princes and greater magnates of Slant prepare a long toy boat with gill prow ami ornamented stern and cross benchea all complete, and sometimes u pinnacled dome lncrusted with gold tinsel and paste w ds. On the benches are placed well dressed dolls iu the uniform of the owner armed with mimic paddles. Instead of the hum ble taper large candelabra are fixed up, blazing with waxlighls and showing oil' the splendor of the ship and its crow. Such "katong"aa these are launched iu the royal presence at one of the palace landings, and float along between a line of guard ships flaring with oil lamps, amid the discharge' of rockets aud lireball.s and with limelights shining upon them from some gunboat or royal yacht. The floating Of these boats (for the word loi means to float) Is not really "to the dead," but only in honor of them, for after a short journey they arc recaptured and re stored to their princely owners. But they oild an imposing feature to the night's dis play, and doubtless yield to their proprie tors, und to all who have n hand in the business, a comfortable conviction that by the whole proceeding they have "made merit" as good lluddhists. It is a rather strange coincidence (If it is a coincidence at all) that the date of the "Loi Katong" cor responds nearly iu ull years with the old Catholic fete connected with the jour des moris. Uindon Raturdav Review, In thousands of cases the euro of a cough is tho preventive o( consumption. The surest couuh medicine in tht world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Byrup, Sold by nil doalers on a guarantee of satisfaction. E, Robinson's Sods' Lager Beer Brewery llantificturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. MX. PLEASANT AT BBTAIU Cnsl of tho noit quality for iloin stle use.aml of nil flz"8. ilelivorud iu any part uf the city at lowost urico. Order loft ut my ofllro. NO. 118, WYOMING ATBNtfB, Ttonr room, first floor. Third National Rank, or sent hy mail nr telephone to tho mino, will receive' prompt assentfon. Special contrnctH will ho mndo for the solo nil delivery ot buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market Brandt Clay Product Co. PIERCE ""C a CURE OR MONEY RETURNED. OFFICE: Bingham ton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt. Pa Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Coubt House SquAns. All kinds of Laundry work guarantesd the best. The Strike Over $5 ,000 -WORTH OF- Dry Goods And other seasonable articles were tied up on the road and delivered to us, now These must be sold every article is marked ,wita its lowest selliag prioj in plain flgurss. We will deduct sn extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. Thus offering a grand variety of fine presents at prics3 invariably less than cost of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king yoil hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Set3, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxe3, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each article is a piece of art, ornamental aud usuful. Our annex is located on William street, nsxt to our Millinery Department. See the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of fine warei, such as Quilts, Bed Spreads, Silk Umbrellas;, Curtains, Linens and many other usu ful select articles. These constitute our List of of Rare Bargains Every article is a prooiit to you if you patronize the Pioneer Establishment of warranted good aud low pricos, A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE. We will and can Bbow you a larger stock than any other concern in this section. Remember, we are MAKERS; the ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Department and us to prices, we invite comparison witb any concern in the laud and kuow we are the cheapest A. B BROWNS BEE HIVE, 33 N. Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St. PITTSTON, PA. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'llVNH IANS AMI BURGKOML DR. H. K. DEAN, thssasasof the Eye, Noss Throat aud Ear, 001 biii-uce strset. oppo site emirt house. DK. A. J. CUMNBLL. oitleo id Wuhtngtos avenue, comer BprnOS street, oyer Fraticku'B druu store. Keidonce, ?! Vine nt. Otllee hours: ill.) to VI a. m. and S to 4 mid tJO to T.JO pj m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. m. DK. W. L. ALLEN, offlco cor. Lacki wuuna uud Washiucton aves. ; over Leon ard shoo store; oflieo hours, 10 to l:!,-.- m. and ;ito 4 p. m.; sveajngi ss residence, r-us. w ashii.ton HVe. DIC Q L. FREY, Practleo liuiltoil to Dis eases of tiie Eye, E.ir, Nose and Throat; offiro, li Wyoming ava Kosldoiico, iUU Viae street. DU. L 11 HATES, liil Washington Avenui. Office hours, StoU a.m., l.Juto 3 aud 7 to S p.m. OHM L. WENTZ, M. D Officii !il and ",l tl Commonwealth hulldlng: residence 711 Madison ave: office hours. IU to 12, 2 to I, 7 to 8; Sundays 2.3U to . evenings at residence. A specialty made of difeases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology, nit. 6. D. MURRAY, spec ialty made on dis eases i t eye and akin.'JIS Wyoming Ave. Offloe hoars: 1'util In a m.J to 4 and" to 8 p.m. A IKS. DR. KING BliU MULBERRY sTKEEf. i'l At Carbondals on Fridays of each week. K1 ER1NART SURGEONS, L1 STL" HUE, Veterinary Sunjoon. Don i j . tistry a specialty: gold medalist of On tario Veterinary Colletm. Office. Summer's livery. &l Dix St.. near Keller's carriage shop. Telciilmn-. No. LA tt I l.io. I M C. RANOK'8 Law aud Collection of f. lire, No. 817 Spruce St., opposite Foroit House, 8crant.ni, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents in every county. 1KSSLTS & 11A.MI, Attorneys and 1'ounaul tl lot's at Law, Commonwealth huildiii Washington ave. W. H. Jtsst p, Horace K. Hand. W. li Jsssup, Jn. W'll.i AUD. WARREN KNAIT, Attor v neys and Counselors at Law, Republican huildimr, Washimrton ave.. Scranton. Pa. PATTERSON & 'WlLcoX Attorneys ami 1 Counsellors at Law; oUIcob ti and s Library building, Bcranton, Pa. ltOSWEt.L H. PATTSnsOS. WlMAAM A. Win " ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J, HAND. At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth tuill'lini: Itoiiius 19, -.H and 'Jl L'KASK T oKi.LL, Attorney at Law. ltooni r ft. Coal Exchange, Scranton. Pa. MILTON W LOWRY, i Att'ys, 25 Washing ('. H VON STOKCH. I ton av.. C 11 MUSTS J AMES W, OAKI'UKD, Attorney at Law. I rooms til. 64 and Oomaonwealth b'rg. AM ULL W. EDO Alt, Attorney St ''Lav 0 Offlco, 111 7 Spruce st . Scranton. Fa. 1 A WATKES. Attorney Sjj Law, 423 I J. Lackawanna aun.. Scr.-iiitoti. Pa I) P. SMITH. Counsellor ut Law. office. I . rooms r4. ftft. M I'oninionwoiiltli huildiiu 1 R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Com V7, monwealtli building. Scranton, Pa. C. CO.Ml'.OVtl, :l Spruce at' nB. KEPLOOLE. Attorney - Loans DSffO- tinted on real estate security. iOH Bpruea, Br, K1LLAM. Attarnov ut Law, VM Wy omiuguvcntle, Sersnton. HAVE YOUR I)KEDH AND MORTOAOKS written aud acknowledged by J. W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public Common wealth Huildlm; .M IIO.'l QCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scrn 0 toll. Pa., prepares boys and glrl forcollogt or business: thoroughly trains vouug children. Catalogue at icijuost. Rev. TnoMAsM. cani, Wai.tkii H. BoSt.L IISS WORCESTER'S K1NDKRHARTEN .'1 and School, 41.' Adams avenue, pupils 1 .. . i at all times. Full term will upuu Bentemher 4. HI I IMS. f1 C LA URACIL Surgeon Dentist, No, 11J ' Wyoming ave. R. M. STHATTON, office Coal Exchange LOANS. QTOP PAYING RENT own YOUR 0 homo. Moncr loan on cusv monthly laymonts. S. N. CALLENDEK, Dime Bank Hnililinir Mini is VNI) HESTACttANTS. 'IMIK WESTMINSTER, li I T 2III Wyoinitw 1 ave. Rooms heatod with steam: all moif orn Improvements C M. TitllMAK, Prop. yiEOLKR S HOTEL. M7 Lackawanna avu j nuu, Scruuton. Rules reasonable. P. UtoUtn, Proprietor. IIBBTMlNBTER HOTEL. V V W. O, HCHENCK, Manager, filxteonth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan. ISftilper day ami upward. C'OYNE HOUSE." European plan; ;good rooms. Open day uud night Bar sup plied with the best P. II. COYNE. Proprietor. ifJCKANTON HOUSE, near D., L & W. pas C lenger depot Conducted on the European plan. Victim Koch, Proprietor. RAND CENTRAL. The largost und bast I iiqulppol hotel Iu Allentowu, Pu. ; rate Und Jiao per day. ViiToa D. BAtiKER, Proprlotor. ARCHITECTS. A IS St HOL'PT, Architects. Rooms H, ) 2ft and Mi Commonwealth h'ld'e. Scranton. L. WALTER," Architect, Librury bund- log, Wyoming avenue. Scrnnton. 1? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price " building. I'X Washington Ave. .Scranton. MIMlCl.l.ANKOI S. HORTON D. SWARTS- WHOLESALE lumber, 8 und Dime Bank building, Scranton. Pa. MEGA RU BE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, papor bags, twino. Warehouse, IliO Washington uvo., Scranton, Pa. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, partios, receptions, wed dings and ooneert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave.. over Hulbert's music storo. TCZRA FINN & SONS, buildors nnd contrao Xi tors. Yards: Comer olive st. and Adams ave: corner Ash st and Peun ave., Scranton. (J NEEDS. R. CLARK tt CO.. Seedsmen. Floruits and Nurserymen; store 140 Washington avenue; green house,135J North Main avenue store telephono 7s2 IK AS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jones Bros WIRE s RBI NS. TOS. KUETTEL, fu5 Lackawanna avenui tt Scranton, Pa., tuanuf'r of Wire Screens. THE Thatcher IS THE BIST. Get prices and see the furnace and bo con vinced. A full line of HEAT v ERS, Appello and Ctauza Door Hanges. (OMAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA, DUPONT'S MI.NINO, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallnpen Mills, Lu . , i-i couuty Pa and at Wil mington, Dcluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, n8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Ihird Nntlonal Bank Building. AOIKOIIS. THOS. FORD. Pittston. Pa. .loHN I! SMITH & SON; Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes-Harre. Pa. Ageuts for tho Repauno Clioiuloid Com pany's High Explosives. -THE - MOOSIC POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Eld'g, SCKANTOX, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER liado at the MOOSIC niid RUSH. DALE WORKS. Lnflltn & Rand Powdor Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fueoi for explod ing blasts, Safety Fusu and RepaunoChemicsl Co.'s High Explosives THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BB8T The Tribune RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insurina eleauliness and eomf..rt. TIME TAIILE IN BBOI DEO .Si, 1S93. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes .!'.",!'r!'',.et!; ',.,,t,1!'1"' "'r'. " JO a. m., 12.8U, WO, lioolWn? P-'"- 8un,ta'w ' tar Ailantic City, 8.10 a. m. For New York, Newark and EUzaheth, H.10 (. Xliressl n. m . l":ti, ,.......... il. ELmZl parlor con, 8..IU (express) p. m. Sunday, 2.W PoR lfAucB Chdxk, Aunsowir. Brnu. !.,':i!' r'.irT.,i-a"d 1''0.ai.hi.i-iiia, 8.10 a. in.. UJU J..VI. ViU (except Phlladelphioi p. in. Sunday, 1.00 D, m. For LoNu BiMsen, Oi ean Okove, etc., at s.lua. in., Vl:V) p in. For Heading, Lubanon and Harrlshurg. via Allentowu, S,l0 a. nr., 118& 4.55 p.m. Buudav, - ill p. in. For Pottsville, s.lOa. in., 12.31) p. m. Ketuining. leave New York, foot or Libert SMst North river, ut , (express) a, m., l i", 1.80, ISO (express with Buffet narlar eai ) p. m. Sumlny, .-JU a. in. Leave Pblhidalphla, Heading Terminal, B.40 a. m tOOand 4.3 1 p, m. Sundry, (I :."7 a. m. l nrough tickets to ail points at lowHt rato jssjr be bsd on application la advaaos to the ticket SgSBt at (be atuti. n. II P.BALDWIN, J-H.OLHOl-EN, ' "' Agent. GrHI, Supt. W.iL JEHlQa VALLEY RAILROAD. nlmvS! ,,,, '''" (or Philadelphia and St ",fy.iu- 0. H ,lt it. at S u.n... 12.10, II. Ou. m.. and LB, :i.sup. m, n,!HV.8i lr"i'lo 'or Pittston and Wilkes,- P,!.f,a,Voi8cl''''n,(''r V"u' Hvua- Hsslaton, PottevUIs uud nil points ou th- Beaver Meadow and PotUvUK brsiXs, via u. ft g K. K. at H a.m.. 12.1(1. 1 HI i, . v a !1 I R. R.,8.08, 12.10 u.l,,., i.cIvm!!"-' ' Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem. Kaston. IC-.'lOO i. i . - i ..I ... . .... l... ... . m, ,.U...,,JU. null ..li intenasuuita points via D. a ft R. ft o a m .12 10. 2,38 LM p.m., via D., L. t w. u. ft.. n.two. m., uo '.'.'"yo Scranton forTunklminoek, Towamla, vmmi una an intormsaiatj points vn. p. it II. R, R., l.jjt and ll.:tj p. m via I). L. H V It. It., O.M a in.. 1 JO p.m. Leave Scranton for Bacbsster, Buffalo, Ni agara FnU. Detroit. UblCSfO and all points Mt M i ft It. R. l4Kllo,Il.J p. it., via l). Ij 4u W. B. R. and PltUtoO Junction fOfiO s. in. for IluiTu'.o only I, 1.301) 3S p. m . via E 3t n . It II., UU v. in. ..''Vr,?1'.n'r,tt "k1 the west via Salamanca, via d e J?: R at (1. i-l p. m v.aD.. L. tt W R. K.. C, P.oo a. nt und n.07 p. m. Pullman parlor -nd sleeping or L. V. chair Vft-S 00 fJ1 tl'""'" b''t w,'u" t B .1 unction or Wilkes Barre and New York. PhiUdalphta, Bui Jul'; and SusiK-nsiou Bridge. BOLLIN H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt. East Div. . l'.AS LKE. Qan. Pass, Ag t. PbOs ,Pa. NpNNEMACJlftftAss't O ...Pass Ag t south BetMshws, Pa. DELAWARE ANO HUD SON KAILROAD. f'omnioneint. At.-iv -n mn'i trsina w i.l run as follows: ri-.-.ilil h-itiv, nri.l.r.. Btntipa, Scranton, for Pitts- WTla -,,,n llke Barre, etc., D.IO, mm T mt u. 1042a.m.. 12.10! M r r anu u.ns p. in. " For New York and Phila delphia, HVa. in., 1210, ;jHl U8, lit and 11.80 p. m, For Honnsdale (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot i, 7.00, s.ilij, 10. 1J n.m., 12 00 m .. 2 17. ',. lo p. m. For Oarbonaals and Istermedlate ststloM. .-..40. 7 00, B.aO, 10.1(1 a. m . I2.nu m ,2 17, 3 SB .1 1ft 0.30 and 9 16 d. in.! from Bridge ktreet Depot, 8.03 a. m.. 2.17and 11 "5 p, m. Fast express to Albany,, Saratoga, the Adl n ndaek Boantains, Boat m and New England points. 5.4(1 u. m., nrriv.n,' at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2.2,1 p. m., and leaving Scranton at 3 p. 111 , arriving at Albany at 8.50 p. m. , Sara toga, 12.05a m , and B s on. 7,00 a. m The only direct route lietwoenthe coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of Amuri.-a" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes Ucorge aud Champluiu. Slotitreal, etc. Time tallies showing local und through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware ami Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. 0. YOUNG. J. W. BURDICK. Second Vice President. Oen. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and WESTERN railroad Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New Yolk and ull points East. 1JVJ, V.50. 5.15, 8.00and0.50a. in.: 12 51 and 3.50 p, m Express for Eastou, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, s.ou and 8.50 a. m.; 12.55 uud 8.50 p, m. Wiahlngton and way stations. 2.40 p m. Tobyhanua accommodation, il 111 p. m. Expr ss for Bingham ton, Oswego, Elmira, Corning, Bath. Dansvill,., Mount Jlorris und Ruffalo. 12.1(1. 2 15 a. ni. and 1.21 p, mn making dose oonnectlons at Bnffalo to all points in the West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation. 8.00 n. m. Bingliamtou mid way stations. 12 37 p. m. Nicholson and wav stations. 5.45 p, m. Biiigbamtou and Elmira Express, 506 p.m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, Utiea uud Itiebfleld Springs, 2.15 a 111. and 1.21 p. m. Ithaca, 21," and 90 a. in. and 1.21 p. In, For Nortbnmberland,Plttston,WIIke(-Barre, Plviuouth. Bloomaborg and Danville, making close connections at Noithuinborlaud for WilUanuport. Harrisburg, Baltiuioie, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate itationa, 8d0, ftSO ;i. m. and IM and 6107 p. m, Naiitic, ike and intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. in Plymouth and intermediate stations, 3.5 land O.its p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coach, s on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket tim-tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city tickot olflcj, 888 Lackawanna avenne, or depot ticket offloe. VEW YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN J.1 Railroad, Scranton Division. Time table in effect Nov lo. USUI. Trains h ave Scrunton for Cnrbondale: U0, 1.80, 11.05 a 111., 4.KI. 6.10 p m. For Hancock .function and main connections II ,06s m , fi 10 p. m. Trains leave Hi n oek Junctiou for main line connection for Scranton, ti 00 am., 8.08 D. II), Trains leave Carbondale for Scrnnton 7.2t, V.41 a.m.. 1. 10. 3.34, ti.11 p m. J. C. ANDERSON, Heimral Passenger Agent, New York. T. FI.IT1. R0FT, District Passenger Agent, Scranton. 17 RIB AND WYOMING VALLEY kail li ROAD, Train leave Scrnnton for New York und in termediate points- on the Erie and llawlev and local points at li 35, 8.45 a. m. and 3.24 p. m. Train leaving at 9.4.1 a. 111. and 3 24 p m. are through trains to and from Mones.inlo. Trains leave lor Wilkes -Barre at 6.40 a. m. uud 3 ll p. 111. pTTHEWS BROS, Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and Q LUBRICATING WBlaW Atlantlo l ead nnd Prenoh Zinc, Pure 1 oi OIL Tuipeutlue and VurnUtiea, Iteady-uiliod Pnints In all colon, Qildere' Whiting, Pul ls White nnd Knlsomlne, Oil' Vllrol, Marblo Dust and Window Glata Hotel Waverly. European Plan. Flrst-olaas Bar attsohed. Depot for Berguer Engel'a Tanuhiouser Beer. I E Cor, 15th and Filbert its,, Ptiiladi Meet desirable for reiidenta of N.E. PennJ tylvai.la. All conveniences tor travelers to and from Broad Street elation and the Twelfth and Market Street station. D ilruble for visiting Soraiitouiaus and peo pie iu the Anthracite Region. t T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. t