THE SCBANTON TRIBUiN K FKI J) AY MORNING, .lAM'AKV 12, 1894. MlltlllllllllllllllillllllllllilllHIIIIIIIU iPipe Valves I ! Fittings j I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. nilllllllllllllllllilHiliSlinilllliHIiSi Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna the city of Captain & 1). Fellow, an 'l important witness. The replevin case of Guernsey Broth ers against Meredith Jones and Attor ney Q Comegys was referred to Attor ney C. R. Pitcher under the act ol Au amendment to the deolara tiuu wns allowed to be filed in the ejectment case of Thomas Bromoge and other against Norah Diver At 11 o'clock court a Ij nuned iu the main 00 art room for the da?, there being no oaeee ready for trial. mm n HEPsuuri i mim tpi i n run TmiTfi nmfl nmin iiioimniinn nun nNnnii nnnnnrnn ulilhK II UMIiMJIIU 1ELL5 11 1KU1H bill 5!IKu iNolinRnLL M K MHO Ho Tries to Hold Up tlie Bill of the Electric light Compaiiy. ROBATHAN COMES TO THE RESCUE Mrs. Mary Rosenagle's Story Is Flatly Con tradicted by Witnesses for Defense. THE JGC Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAM. HEARS & HAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of lo inch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, nude to r.ell for 75c; 7 yards will cost you $2.03, or only 29c. per yard. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave:. CITY NOTES. Tub Home for the Kriendlees will elect officers for the year this afternoon. The Lackawanna Social club held its an nual ball in IfBSiO ball last evening. There was a large alte idauce. There will bo a regular meeting of the board of health, at Us rooms in the Muni cipal building, at A 0 clock today. Steel Hie eases are being placed in the office of the county commissioners by the office .Specialty company, f Boone tar, I'pto bllt evening there were ten cases of contagious diseases reported at the board of health rooms. Eight were measles and two were scarlet fever. clothesline thieves are operatiag in the Tmrd ward. They stripped the liue of Mrs. J. Cannon, of Hudson street, luut night of the family washing. Frank Chilon, Benjamin lieorire, Alex ander Frances and Samuel Monell were discharged from the county jail yesterday, the grand jury having ignored charge against them. In (uarter sessions yesterday a nolle prosequi was entered in the caso of tuo ('ommon wealth against William Atherton. The prisoner was subsequently released from the county jail. L G. Klory, for the past, twenty five years timekeeper at the I lit' works, died at his homo on North Washington avenue late Wednesday night The deceased had been ill since before New Year with the grip Uardner T. AlWOOd, tho express nfoeton ger who accidentally shot William ICeeloy, onggagemaster on the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western road on Oct. ablest, wns discharged from custody nt fSelvidoro, N. J, Those who obtained marriage licenses yesterday from Clerk of IneCl nrts Thomas were: James .Manning and Ellen Kelly, (-'crnnton, -John Thomas and UMsgJafflCS, Sciauton; Kdward Norman and Kuitua Bevon, of Wilkes iinrro. ''Pride nnd Poverty" at Wonderland with Al. F. Oarcy in the loading comedy role, is Ilrst class. The work of Miss Stamford and also Miss Kate Woston is excellent. The play itself is a good one and the comedy parts are all carefully bandied. The attraction at the Academy of M tisic this evening will lie "A Railroad Ticket,1' a first class farco comedy winch was pre sented here a few mouth ago with grati fying i-nccem. The company nnuer the direction of Manager Freeman is an ex cellent one. Tho lion, Wallace, now being exhibited at the Eden MuMO is a magnificent ani mal and should bo seen by all. The per. formauco giyen by Bronco Uoccaclo with Wallace is one of much daring and skill. An excellent vaudeville per.ormapce is given in the theater. "A Study in Scarlet." V VERDICT IN FAVOR OF MR. BAIRD. Jury Says He la Entitled to Damages in tha Sum of $500. Yesterday morning tho jnry in tho c ase of M. If, Baird against Walter B, t'artis gave a verdict of 500in favor of Mr. Baird. He sued for $25,000. The damage were asked for on al leged malicious prosecution, which re sulted In Mr. Baird being incarcerated in the county jail for thirty-six hour. Jt wae the belief of the jury that it was )rt worth afancy price to be the forced guest of the county for a day and a half with incidental features in tho ehape of a small cell and prison fare. In the case of Qilmore & Duffy age i net Attorney O B Partridge, gar nishee, a verdiot of $310 wan talcon by agreement. For sHVecond time the case of Mrs. Ann Mnnley against John L Hull was called for trial but was continued for today on account of the absence from COURT HOUSE GOSSIP. Judge H M. Edwards manifests a praiseworthy desire to expe .ite the le gal business that comes before him. While ho displays gr-'at courtesy ami is desirou of giving litigant a full and fair hearing, he impress -a ou the at torneys that it i not proper to use lessly waste litue iu the trial of case, as it retards public busiuess and is uu just to litigants waiting for a bearing, lie tnles questions very quickly and the point at issue is no soouer stated than the ruling corn? quick, clear and decisive. a ft e Time has dealt gently with ex-Judge Handley since he retired from the of lice of president judge Of this county to privute life. As he sit with bit Attor neysat the defendant' table in the nmin court room yesterday there was but slight perceptible obange from his appearance in the day when ho gr.tcod the bench with such dignity, and was looked upon as the Tilden ot tho Lnott awenna Democracy. There lit trifle inoro silver iu his h nr, hut the stern face is the same. The ex julge still affects tho long broadcloth coat, the black cravat of antique cut nnd the GHudstonlan oollar that were distinc tire marks of his attire when he was a prominent figure in public life. Eg Congressman, one of Mr. Handle)" attorneys, baa returned to the mo tern style of collars. For a long periftd a hie;, expansive linen band of immaculate whiteness, similar to that which President Cleveland always wean, was wont to encircle the not al titudinous nock of the ex-congressmau. When Mr. Amerm in and President Cleveland cumo to to parting Of the way on the tariff, the expansive collar was relegated to oblivion and oae of more modern sty la adopted. Mr. Amerman has been very successful in politic, having, like President Cleve land, sustained bat one defeat. ft 4 ft There is no more interesting Individ ual on this week's panel of jurors than Putrick McUarry, of Fell township, familiarly known as "Chief." Hefore Lackawanna county was thought of Chief McGarry was one of the coa spicuous mmb?rs of the Otrbondale delegations that went to the exciting Democratic convention of old Luzerne. There have been few Democratic con ventions held in this county since its creation that h ive not beu grsced by his pro8nce. Though well advanced in years he is a fine specimen of vigor ous and virile manhood. ENTERTAINMENT FOR CHARITY. Held in St. Mary's Hall, Proviilac, Last Evening. Highly successful was the entertain ment, for the benefit of the poor, given by the Christian Doctrine society of Holy Rosary chnrcu in St. Murv's hall, Providence, last night. The larg hall, which had bf:eu urtittically decorated, was crowded to the doors with an ap preciative audience. Tho first, on the programme wis an instrumental duet by Mise3 A. Bill and llary Urady, which was warmly encored. MiI A. Dolphin's recitation, "Uobort, of Sicily," was effectively de pivered and much applauded. Miss i Kathryne Mongan next treated the I audience to a vocal solo. Mis Mame Flynn'l recitation. "The Bishop and I the Cow, "was followed by a vocal nutn ,berl; Miss Selina Noon. Miss Ad-ir's I rendition of the Catholic psalm made a decided hit she wis repeatedly en I cored. The dialogue betwaen Mettle Flynn and Mary Moron was particu larly interesting, and the duet by I Missel Mary O'Boyle and Or-jrtie Mc j ilachen well rendered. Miss Lotts Hawk next delivered a recitation, and I then came a vocal solo by Miss Allen I which drew forth round after round of applause. M. J. Coyne's hutnorou recitation brought the entertainment to a close. Tim success of tho occasion is due to the zeal and untiring exertions of UjV. Father i I'Donnell. TO HONOR ROBERT BURNS' BIRTH. Annuil Banqi'. of thi Sorantin Cale donian Club at th Wyomlne. The annual banquet of tha Scranton Caledonian club which will be held at the Wyoming on Thursday evening Jan. ,85, gives promise of being an nn usually enjoyable affair. The one hundred and thirty-fifth anniversary ot tin birth of Scotia's bard, Kobert Burn, will be celebrated in oratory and song by w?ll known persons. Among thoo who Will spe ik are Judge II M Edwards, Mtyor W. L Connell, Captain B. E. Morrii, (Colonel Franii J Plttiimttons, Dr. June McLeod, William T. Smith, Senator M E. McDonald, Professor Gporge Phillips nnd others The music for the orc tsioa will be rendered by the Caledonian Ulee party under the leadership of Professor J. H. McMillan. Supper will be served at 9 o'clock. RECEPTION AT ST. LUKE'S RECTORY. - e Pleasant Atf.iir Under Autplcas of Woman's Guild. Last evening the Woman's Guild of St iiUke's church gave a reception at the rectory for the rector. Rev Rogers Israel anil wife. The affair was an ex tremely pleasant one and there was a large number of the parishioners in at tendance. The refreshment tables were spread very prettily with pink decorations and they wero laden with many deli cacies. The committee in charge which also acted us a reception committeo was compnsod of Mrs. O. L. Dicktou, Mr. S. H. Steven. Mrs. L (1. LaBar, Mr". William Marple, Mr. Thomas Sprngue, Mr. John Highriter. Mrs E. J. Smith, Mrs. Jt. J. Foster, Mrs, D. T. Losson, Mr. Charles MoMullen, BELLEVUE WANTS CHEAPER WATER. Petition from Citizen to B Prsientsd to Mooilo Water Company. The citizen! of Bellevae at a public meetiag decided that they needed cheaper water and a committee con sisting of James U, Dunn, Thomas D E Iwards, Thomas Jones and Thomas M. Morgana was anp anted to got up a pstitiou and present it to the Mooiic Water company at its annual meeting to be held today. The matter of having a polling place was also discnsied at considerable length. The county commissioner will be asked to erect a booth on tho school house grounds by a committ'e consisting John E. Williams and Rob ert 8 Davi. ir. John Hale presided at the meeting and Jacob T. Jones was ecretary. The Third Ward Commoner's Motion Tabled and the Bill Ordered Paid, with the Exception of One Light. Tho Lamp to Be Put Back Opinion from City Solicitor A Good Meet ing of the Lower Branch. Common council met in regular ses sion last evening and tho number had k very busy mealing. Tho Important feature was that James J, drier nllempted to holdup tint bill of the Scranton Electric Light and Heat company, amounting to $J,G18, for tho reason, as be stated, that tho company was not living up to-its contract, it having placed a light at a different point than that oalled for in the ordinance. The bill had bo.'n.with all others that cams from the auditing Committee, approvol, but in the sixth order of business Mr. drier move I to reconsider. This motion prevailed, but tho motion to hold up the com pany's pay roll pending a change ac cording to the ordinance, wus not so fortunate. Mr. Robathan spoke against, the mo tion and then moved ta lay it ou the table. This motion prevailed. Mr Robathan then moved that the com pany's bill be Paid save the one for light that Mr. liner objected to. Tais prevailed and then on motion of Mr. Duhigg, the chairman of tint light and water committee, was instructed to have the light, that had been moved without authority of law, changed so that its locality would coutorm to the ordinance. Ttlbl CITY NOT MABUE The biil of Contractor Nichols amounting to $87 Ul that wa referred to the city solicitor, wae returned with an opinion from Mr. Torrey, iu which that gentleman said tue city was not liable. The bill was for 'lieaderi," These are miniature curb etones to keep the pavement in positiou. Mr. Torrey took the ground that no asnes ment hud been mad for tho purpos , ind by tho terms of the contract the city was only liable for tho assiss ments made for tho improvements specified iu the ordinance. The bill was ordered tabled. OPINION PROM solici tor TORREY, The following opiuiou from the city solicitor was read: In November last I brought suit upon claims for grading Lucerne street certi fied to me lor collection against about thirty property owunru. They tiled ulll davit of d feuse, alleging as i he principal ground of defense that under the provi sions of the act of lSsj the councils had no power to improve a street by grudiug only and to make an assessment for the cest by the foot front rule. The sufficiency of this defonso argued ill tho last nrgtiinont court before Judges Archhald and Gunster. They handed down a statement that they were unable to agree as to the sufficiency of the defense; and, therefore, refused to enter judgment. L'poa this refusal, the city has tho right to carry the case into the supreme cvurt for determination there. The question involves not only the legality of the assessment on Luaerae street, but is, I am Informed, on some other streets where asaxistUMUts have not yet been col lected, and which were graded by the foot front, rule. 1 think it would he desirabio to obtsin a ruling of the supreme court, if possible, upon the question as early as possible, iu order that the assessments m J he col lected, if legal; and it' not, that; step) may be taken to secure a reassessment. Awaiting yonr instructions l am Very respectfully yours, James H. TOOJUtT, City Socicitor. NEW BCBTRK8A. WHERE THE DISCREPANCY IS APPROPRIATION FOR Manner in Wliicti It Is Placed by City ON cials Having Charge of It.. Tho Fair Plaintiff Says She Was Led to Believe That the Wyoming Man ufacturing Company Did Business in This Vicinity Defendant's Wit nesses Say She Knew the Property Was in West Virginia. Whon court adjourned yesterday afternoon the defense was being heard in tho case of Mrs. Mary Rosonagle against ex-Judge John Handler It is probable that today will bt continued in listening to the evidence of the other witnesses for the defense. At 11 o'clock yesterday court adjourned for the day in tho main court room and the trial of the Rosonagte case wa transferred from No. to the main room. After court ooenod yesterday morn ing Thomas Jilfklni was again called to the stand. He aid that in tctober, 18x8, ho first became a stockholder of tuo Wyoming Manufacturing com pany. He considered it a good Invest ment and In September, 1SHJ, pur chased (3,000 additional stuck on the two for one plan. From the informa tion In his possession in D cember.lSs:), he considered tho company sound li Dancially and safo investment. MOTT'S THIRTY rIIAUEs OF STOCK. S B. Mott testified that be owned thirty 6hare of stock in the company. He purchased it in 1881' for $1,500. It was represented to him that the com pany had a ninety nine year lease ou the coal properly iu West Virginia. (iorge Du B, Dtmmiok, the vic president of the company, was the next witness called bv the plaintiff On orosH examination. The comnauy was in good condition in las; hut In 1880 its interest iu the West Virginia coal property had to be fold, lie acted a receiver of the company after it be came insolvent. The amount of stock he had in it was $10 000 Besides the West Virginia prop erty he understood tho Wyom ing Manufacturing company owned several aori of coal land between this city and Olypbnut In 1888 the com pant was making money but instead of paying dividends ihe earnings were used to improve tlin property. In 1881 the company lost considerable money through tho failure of the Scranton Iron Company, to which they si Id coal, and by tho closing of the batiks, in '.vhich the company' money was d iiositod The property was sold twice in 18S0 at public sal". Tuo first time it brought between : 000 and $0,000, the second time about ' 000. The property sold was very valn.ilile.aud the company had made Improvements on it that coht much morn than what it was sold for. MRS, ROSHNAOI.E ON THE STAND. ?.Ir, Mary Roscnagle was re-called to the stand and said she would not nave purchased the stock had she known that the property of the Wyoming Manufacturing compiny was located in West Virginia and had not Judge Hundley, In whom she had the utmost confidence, recommended that she take the stock and guaranteed to pay the dividends ou it. That closed the testi mony for the plaintiff and Attorney GUorgeS, Horn opened for tho defense, saying that they would show that no misrepresentation was male to Mr. Rosenngle to take the stoe'e. She was told that the property ot the Wyoming Manufacturing company whs located in Weet Virginia and that if she took ntiy stock slio would have to take her chance in the investment tho same a the otiier stockholder. Richard Evans, the first county stir THE YEAR It Is Provided for in the Annual Ap propriation Ordinance and Amounts to $l,COO-lnsurance Agents Who Placed the Insurance on City Hall and Other Property of the City. Mow Bills Are Paid. Bcifnr olfti.f u, t in tliio niitnitr hmj tliun tiwiuuvitiiuin a. -,1 to tha stun. II. Is troduced: Mr D.ivies brought iu three i I reeolntionl that were adopted. They Were: Directing the city engineer to change nurn-s oa streets where one or ; more are nuraed alike: to make no tin provements on any street not accepted by tho city ; directing the city engineer j to name all streets now accepted or i that may hereafeer be accepted by the I city. Mr. Robothnti introduced a resolution I directing the bnildmg inauector to pre pare plans for new homes for tho Nay Aug and Crystal companies, subject to I approval of the mayor and board of en ! gineers. It was approved Mr. Grier introdncod a resolution directing the purchase of a sito for a new home for the Cumberland Ho3e company. Approved. These ordinances passed first and second readings; Preventing the erec tion of sharp poiutel picket fences, making a transfer for light in the Xin h ward, transferring $83 from Carbon Sirct bridge to Seventh ward stre-t repiirs. These ordinances pes id third reading; Providing for euro and (hg stone walks at Excelsior hose bone, amending ordinance for paving Madison avenue, improving Tenth street between Fellows aud Hampton street, empowering Economy Eight, Heat and Power company to erect plant. The ordinance repealing the grading I of North Msiu avenue will lik-ly b repealed, Mr, Thomas, who is very popular, opposes the uew plans and 'presented a petition against It. He also moved that the matter be referred to the judiciary committee and his mo tion prevailed. t The ordtnanos vacating the Drinker turnpike was concurred in aa amended by select council. - BASE BALL MEETING TONIGHT. Tha Magnat to Malta Arrangsmint for Stat Lsagu Hasting. This evening the directors of the Scranton Base Bill associatiou will meet at the residence of President St. John, in Forest court. On Tnesday next the Pennsylvania State league will meet in this city and the meeting ttiis evening is tn make ar rangomsuts for the gathering of the magnates ou that day. The Forest House will be nssd as a headquarters and tho meeting probably be held thero. The Bcranton associa tion intends to entertain it gnaats in a manner btlitting the fair name of the city for hoepltciltf. ACTED ON TRIBUNL'S SUGGESTION. Arja William Put on Estimate Com - " Vlo 8. W. Robert. In Wednesday's Tniuu.NE attention was called to the fact mat it would be n - try for Cptain Moir to appoint a meinbsr ou the estimates committee of common council to succeed Ceuuty Commissioner S. W. Roberts. Captain Moir acted on the suggestion last evening and appointed Arja Wil liams to the vacancy. E. E. Robathan will act as chairman of the tax com mittee, vice John P. Kink, county auditor. In the annual appropriation ordl uhiics, as drafted by the citv' legisla tors, there is one item, as follows; In uraucc, 11,900 This amount is ap propriated annually for placing inur ance on city property, ami i regulated by a commission consisting of the mayor and the pretideuls of select and common councils. The usual rate is about 1 per cent., although ou some properly it u not so high Soma of tho policies expire in March of this year. Insurance bills aro paid as other bills contracted try the city. They nre Bent in quarterly, passed upon by the audit ing committee, and then have to be actd on by councils and tho mayor. Formerly this branch of the city's finances w; 8 carried on by the city solicitor. Bills would come before the auditing committee and tho members, having no knowledge of them, were placed in a peculiar position. In order to know what they were doing they passed tin ordituuee rectifying tho matter. Among other matters that would ag gravate the auditors was that of in surance on fire departnisnt house. The members thought it was a waste of money but while the sul jjct was under discussion tho Neptune Engine company's houss of Daomore burned down and nothing was saved. That settled the question for all time. PLAOQtQ THE LKIITRAKCE. Mayor Connell. Charles E. Chitten den and Captain Jam Miir have i made a very fair distribution of the patronage at their disposal, and luiur anco agents in general have no cause for complaint. The commission has been very Impartial. The bull: of the Insurance is, of course, on the city hall. The insurance carried on the city hall was placed by agents named be low. The amounts nre as follows, each representing svral policies in as many different comnania: Roberts m & Hitchcock, 110.000: C (i. Bol m !& Co., $10,000; Peter Robin & Son, $10,000; H. E. Paine & Sin. $10,000; R W. Luc- it Son, $7 500; Norrman S Moore, $10,000; O. H Birdcall, $5,000; James D. Evans. $V000; Phillips A' Holmes, $11,000; W. F. Kie.l, $o.030; G H. Schndt & Uro , $3,000; Henry Belln, jr. $5,000; W. J. B irk , 7 5)); W J. Lewie & Co., $10,000; Charles Full-i i: Co., $7,000; A, Conrad c Sjn, I if !. O00. Miscellaneous insurance is placed as follows: C. H. Schadt & Bro hive $1,000 on stone crusher au I $300 on road rollor; C. G Bolond ha $1,000 on the lame, $1 000 on the station house and $1,500 on Capottie bridge; W.J. Lewis h is $1,300 on Capouse bridge and $.',000 on crematory. HUE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY. Fire department property is insured as follows; P. Robling. $4,850 on furniture of Friokliu, Neptune, Ex oelsior nnd Columbia companies: $1,000 on furniture of the Liberty and Niagara companies and $9 130 on buildings and $1,000 on fnrniturs of Franklin and Neptune engine houses. C. A. Schadt cV Bro. have $9,100 on furniture 'f the Crystal Ho 0 'inpanv, W. J. Lewis A Co have $4,000, five eighths of which is on building and mining I balance on furniture of Liberty and Other Children Being Gathered in for Bering ou the Streets of the City. SJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllj am am an OUR 1 AN EXEMPLIFICATION OF CHARITY i CURTAINS Two Little Girls Call on Mrs. Duggan and Want to Know if They Can Help by Giving the Children Arrested Some of Their Clothes The Offer Accepted Children Held Until Mayor Connell Arrives in City. engineer aud surveyor and in 1S81 was I Niagara Hoi companies. This firm Fnr bale. Fine upright piano at Jefferson avenue. a bargain, 345 ent to Wost Virginia hv Judge Hand- ley to mike nn examination of tho Wyoming company's property. He found it valuable ami so ropirted. OKI! STuKV OORTRADICTBD, J. C. Evans, Oeorgu Reed, Henry Lschor and Mrs. Mary Christ then tes tified to hearing or having conversa tion, with Mrs. Kosenaglo, showing that she knew the property was located In West Virginia when shi purchased atock of the Wyoming Manufacturing company, this being aflat contra lie tion of the plaintill's statements that she believed it did buiues iu this vicinity. The testimony of Mm. Rose Locher, now dead, taken at the former trial of the c.19?, was also read to the jury. It related to a conversation between Mrs. RoMnagle and Mrs. Lochor, in which the former said she had purchased stock In Judge Ha&diey'l Wet Vir glnta Coal company, and was goiug to Hundley, W. 'u., to keep boarding house Attorney E. C. Ditntnick was ou the stand when court adj unicd. FAUX IN TROUBLE AGAIN. P I I A. I Sprncei's Horse ami Da cam yd with the Procacdo. Harry Fhux, a well known horseman, sold a horse and turnout in Berwick which was tho property of A. L. Spen cer, of this city Faux was in Berwick list week driv ing the annual around, and at lust he made a deal with H U. Klin, of tho St. Charles hotel, nnd decamped with the proceoda. Faux is in New York city and will prohahly be brought back by the aid of a requisition. MANY YEtlRS A DIRECTOR. Dr. B. H. Throop Severs His Connection with tbt Danvillo Hospital. Dr. B. H. Throop. of this city, for many years past a director of the Slate hospital, at Danville, sent in his resig nation yesterday. Dr. Throop decided that be wns be coming too old to attend to the duties incumbent on th I Office, and that a younger nil would do better, hence tho retignatiOU, Dr. Throop was ap pidnted by Andrew U. Cnrtiu, tho war governor of Peutiivlvauia.aml ha since served continuously. JANUARY 12, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your clioiqe of Uinr beautiful pioturafJ,TelepboneGirlM "De' livering Christinas Presents" mid "Maidens Swinging," Bend by limit or messenger or bring coupons Like ibis of three diner cut dates, wiiii h 'i nis, stnitijis or coin, lo TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. has $9th on furniture of Cumberland Hose companv. Phillips A: Holmes have g3,000 on the building anil 3,ff90 on the furniture ol tuo Franklin Engine company, and 88,750 on the furniture of the Hook and Ladder house besides. $4000 on Colum bia Hose house W. J Llnrke A Co. have $1,100 on building aud $4810 on furniture of Un eral Phliniey Baglnt compiny. This firm also incnyeu furniture in th houses as follows; Nay Aug,l,089 81; EC tgl ,tl,885:Exoeliior, $l,000:Pnoenlz, 11,980.70 besides $5, 1i0 on buildings and $1,000 on furniture of Franklin and Neptune Engine houses. C. Q.Boiand A Co. have $5,000 on the Xeptune Engine house eaud furniture $500 on the furniture of the Willi un Connell Hose company and $S0O on th--furniture of the Riliet company. PUBLIC INSTALLATION OF O'FICERS. It Took Dace at PntniAburg T.asc Hon dny Night The newly elected officers of Peters burg castle, No. 68. A. I). K of M. C , were publicly installed on Monday evening, Jan. 8, by D. D. 8, 0. George H, Shires, of Providence Castle, No. -Ill The officers installed were S. K. P Q, Rudolph Tlu her; 8, K. C , W. It. Neileen, & K. V. C, Edwin Richer; S. K. first liaueenant, Charles lUuer; C. of S , Charles Mi'ler; A. C. of S., Anthony Stompp; L Q E. A. Wen eel; chaplain, Peter Kretz. trustee, W. II Nellion. After the installation ceremonies were over the members and their fami lies, sat down to a bamiuot prepared for them by the lady frieuds of the castle; after which thy were entertained by inasic, speeches, etc., until a late hour. After Swearing Off How many have taken vows of abslf neuoe with the birth of the new year is perhaps hind to estimate, but we now know that such cQoru are Cuttle against inveterate habit, a habit which has become a disease. There was a time when it wc uld have been casv to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit continued un -til by tho const nut or Iri intent use of the poison there wns ft reed a change in the nervous system which made it not i nly possible to drink, but necessary. Then yon could drink n good deal and not aeem to get drunk, but you nlso found It ncces sary, to keep you feeling good and you "craved liquor" became you had become diseased, Now that swearing off does no good and the pledge can't bo kept, go and make your resolution good lor all tune by taking treatment nt the Keeley Institute, 7i0 Madison avenue, Srantun, Pa. . Kfuaio Box Exclusively. lst msde. Play nny desired number of tunes. Chiutschl iV Son., manufacturers, lo:Kl Choctuut .street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrhestrtal organs, only ?5 nnd HO. Specialty; Old music boxes carefully re pHiied and improved with new tunes. Two more children were arrested by the poliee yesterday afternoon for beg ging on the treets of theoltV, Thev were taken to the statioii liosse, Whore they were oared for. They gave their name as Anuie Kashimie and Loraine oft. Both claimed a residence on I nun )tt street. Th y were clad in garments unfit for old rug and their appearance bespoke the typical street gamin Their fac-s and hands were begrimed with dirt and both looked as if they never knew of the cleansing properties of soap and water. About 5 o'clock Mrs. Duggan ques tioned the children. Annie Kashimie said she lived with her father. Sue lal I that a woman who lived with them sent her out to beg everyday. The Zofa child was sent out by her pi rents. ROT ACQUAINTED WITH WATER. Mr, Dngg in asked tho children if they would liked to bj washed and have nice drei-ses, The children did not at flrt understand, but when they noticed the condition of the Dnmbroski girl who was playing around the corri dors, they eagerly asasuted. They will be held for a hearing un til Mayor Connell returns from New ' York. i While the children sat in the elation i house answering Mrs. Dttggan'e quee i tion, two little girls about 15 years of age cam there. lliftv were looking f is Mrs. Dnggen They had Been the officer! arrest the children and know ing that clothes that would fit might be acceptable, they came to s -e if Mrs. Duggau wanted dresses for tho unfor tunateone. They guv their names to n Triuune reporter as Plauche Brookl and Cora VVilou, and their res idence as Forest court. They were not members of any Charitable society but juit thought they might be able to heip along this great work by rescuing the children from the slums by contributing clothes for which they hal no further use. This is Indeed sweet charity when it comes from such a sourc. MISS ESTELLE PKiNNEf INJURED. Whil Out Driving a Strait Car Crashes Into Hr Carriaga. MisEstelle Phiuney, step dan rht-r of Marshal Preston, of Park Place, came near losing her life yesterdiy morning by being drsggod und-r a Peckville street car about thirty feet. Miss Phinuey and her brother, Wil liam Phinney, were driving oa the Providence road near Diamond avenue when the Occident occurred. There is a sharp curve at thi puint and the car rounded the curve and struck the car riage. Both Miss Puinney and her brother were thrown out end Miss Phinney fell to the track lust Under the car. The carriage was demolished and the top fell between the yonug lady and the car and protected bet I from serious injury. Dr. Wehlau happened to bopassin: I nt the time and he assisted Miss Phlu j ney to her home, where he nnd D: I Ross made nn examination. The left wrist was dislocated anl a bon in the left hand was broken. Mr. Phinney wag badly bruised. SHERWOOD WAtifEO A MEAL. SIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIB Aro worth going a iong distance to see. No such collection can be found nearer than New York or g; Philadelphia, and then it is notsur- j passed in the matter of unique and exclusive design, or richness, g daintiness and delicacy of mate- g rial. In a word, our Curtain stock g this full reaches our highest ideal g of what is should he, nnd cannot g fail to meet me approval of the g meet refined and artistic tastes, g Vet all this docs not mean high g prices. On the contrnry.t he values Z we now offer are submitted for S your inspection. Of course, we' ve S every make, and among them will S be fousd the very cln icest crja S. Hons in Brussels, Irish Point, SVsV, B Nottingham and other Lace (iuods; g' nlso the Now Bnowflake Swiss. g with Ellk stripe in contrasting g- colors. Also lull lines ot i-ilk g Btripes, Tapestries, etc., made to g order. glilHIIIiiillillliJIIIIIIUtlllllllllllillllS I HILL k CONNELL ! 1 ? SCRANTON, PA. s m mum iiiiuiuiiiii tMiMiiiiHiiiaiiK 2 T x THEY FILL THE BILL, We have the roost complete osiortinent eT HenB PuroiSblaa Oood that ever appealed to the eye or to the taste. Seine of oor ne.v shades mid di-sinns in Ti?j re especially at tractive. They are telling at figures which give you no escnss for being without all sort, of ske and stylet n - j .i r 205 Lackawanna THE HATTER Avenua. Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Fet teeth, IM0; best set, SS; for sold caps and tiath Without plates, calle t crown nnd i orulge work, cull tor prices and relere:.o-. TOnALQIA. for estraetina teeth without Iin. No ether. No gas. OTKB KIItST NATIONAL BAMR But His Way cf Scutiag It Did Not Happen lo Suit. Frank Sherwood was before Abler man Wright in police court last even ing charged with being drank aud dis orderly. Sherwood walked into the resi leu te of Mrs. Moore on Main avenue, Hyde Park, on Wednesday evening, and sit - ! ling down to the table, ordered th. women of the family to give him something to eat. They Complied with his request, nnd , while he was masticating ih food, lent for an ofiloer. He was fined od. ge For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Tin: treat people of this country who accotr.pilsh so in the nffairs'of lite have the peculiar fashion of OlOCUtiug whatever may OOtnetothea in the lino of action on the spot. There is that pile of Harper's, Prank Leslie's, . c( 'hire's, He view of Review, north American, Cen tury, etc., that you have rend. They are a joy forever, but not a thing of beauty. Our Mr. Schwoucker con transform them so that they will btcome tho brightest and handsomest volumes in your library As soon as you read this will you not get all the numbers together, before they nre lost or soiled, and bnug theui to TBI TBIBI it blndr! A few cents will give you soiuo beautiful books that will take the place of thoie rough and ragged magazine. Llnd T. Fowar tn th Y M. C. A. Standard Course. The third number of the Young Sleu's Christlau association course occurs Friday evening, Jn. 19, Leland T. Powers wi 11 give "David l 'oppet field" ss ouly ho can do it. Single admission 78 cents. i - - ' The three pictures, "Telephone Cirl." "(food Morning'' and "Swiuuing." offered by The Thuu'm;. now brigbteu liundreds Of homes, 'iheyiinig men iu the oflice are kept busy dealing out these gems i t nrt. Have you ever Huatington tried For oysters stewed or oyster fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find the nicest you have, seen. Open Until Midnight. Best Sets of Teeth, $8. oo Incladlng the painless extracting cf teeth by au entirely uuw ii o-tess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 25 i j 1 1 i q uiscouni anoweu in O Cloak and Fur Dept. Special reduction on all Winter Goods. Prices on Millinery cut in Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.