THE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNTNG, JANUARY 12. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. H ants of all Kinds vox! thai much, MM ei ii SituaHoni Wantcavihioh art murua FREE. Situations Wanted. ll'.Wil.H-A MH'NU WOMAN WISHI'. T i, read to elderly l .'iv ! g, GENERAL NEWS 0 INDUSTRIES luy. , ..' lent i" Allures Reader, Pitt few hours seen ton, 1'H. .. UrANTED A SITUATION MY A MAR tied iimn. aged ii Il.ii n fair education and qui give the best or rettrenct In regaid j character. Has bail xptnune M clerk In store, a farmer anil us hcko.)l teacher, Ad dress Si N., Tl Ibuns orti.v. ' ANTED liY A MiULM.K ABED LAKY I, i- .1 ion a. '."tl .'Kit-, c: : nnse .inn Jin nmslnc, 8tr Wk. Be eience (.iwn. Address, nonwceeji r, mbnne otflce. 'IT' 'AT ION WANTFD li A. man in,.f atu ami mivul. a ! hi wat.LUiiu, inn nor cr laie-iunn. A, No. I reference. Add rem, N, Tribune 1 1 - 'ANTED sl l'i ATION -GOOD PIAN lit, nit lit rcn lor. well up ID su o x busi ness. T. M., i ril une oiiu o. AVl'Eli-Yol Mi LAI Dfcglltth A position ill Dfflce as st. .nodal, her 8110 : freo coal clause in tlio typewriter, win wow tor me experience une iftahowlno i wouidgaut. would prefer a piacs tuai tew ww k. would receive seiarj B . Trtbtuis offloe. w ten slvi s1 Mr. Cliveliuid Said to Have Been Badly De ceived by His Friends. MEANING OF FREE COAL CLAUSE Thi' Claim is Freely Advanced In New York That the Gentlemen Who Se cured the President's Election Had a Distinct and Valuable Object in View The NovaScotian Syndicate's Fine ItaJlaiuHand Is Seen Through the Wilson Bill's Schedules Mis cellaneous Notes of Industrial Progress. Agents Wanted. w iTANTED A BALES MAN, KM to 130 .ly .mi l.o made with our gnoue in hiiv locality, win prove it or sun. Mien oreoinuiiBslouUa you prefer. There fcultn of ;i few iiour-' work often ouusls o track's wages. Address, "MAN'l'FACITli Kit." P o. lfc 58(18, Beaton, Mas. Kelo Wanted females. imauu a VP r. Hub I' WEI R AVI 1,1 111 to U. P. o. lox 8M. BE PAID L! ACHE j if. FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, 4IW For Sale. nOB'SALE HSK L'PRIQHT I'lANo AT -F a bargain. ;;i .Jefferson avenue. v.K BALE - ffi r and utensils. Monros are. 1 or SALE BUWLINU AL'.EY n I lures, compete. 805 Center street, city MUK SALE-ONE NEW Y 1 1ST TYPE r writer, also one new Abo, tt rbaek punch, at a bargain. Address H. J., cere Tribune ot Bet. b-OB SALE OR EXCHANUR POR SCRAN X ton property A beariug oruugo nrvt Increasing in production and value yearly it the orange section in Florida. Addr NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Kiori.u For Rent. t -'Ai RENT APRIL I THE ROOMS ROW 1 ucuup.ed by the Telephone Kxchani;.'. Leake wanna avenue. Apply at the office of l-liiu'h Salt Mining Co., Third National Bank building L s. and K I'. Fuller. rORE FOR RENT STORE ROOM AND basement. No. l'-M I'.Min avenue, now oc cupied by C, Woolworlh :u a f.-cent store, tiiquiivor H. O. HILL. Jji North Waahlngton avenue. j;0!t KENT A LARUE STORE ROOM AT I 41 Spruce street, tnqnlro at Mi Wyom ing avenue. s L'OR KENT THE FURNISHED RtSI r deneeoi the it. William w. Hacneaa, IS! Jelferion avenue, with or n itlioUt barn tn tlie rear, luquiro oi H. A lnapi, Republican building. no R. RENT- LARGE STORE itnoM AND J K.. La u avenue, (i root) Ridge. Eul table fur furniture and i.ti.l. rtisuiu. Rent lw O. A.i LBAMWATEB. 1MB K2NT TWO-STORY BRICK DWF.I. Holland." In a letter to tba Phila delphiu Preae, tbrowa new light on the I ls m lull. Uter abowloa how, in various mat- ter. Mr. t'lvvoland lius buen deceived by hit triendf, he auys there me re ptttablamen In New York, emioant nnanolera, noted merobanta, oooapioa- ous truiloMuaii and professional men who have DO doubt that soiuj of those who uiuiiuued Mr. CleTaland'i cam paign together with tome of thenu who aru said to huve permitted Mr. Cleve land to reap some of tho ndvAiitattes of slock uiaiiiiKilatioiis, mid who tire v I frien ls of his, had a perfect Under- oi'Hii : etandins dui itig the . .i that housework, , whiitever else was done in the way of tariff revision one thing should 1)9 ee cured, nml that was the placing of coal upon the free list. of course, Mr. Wbitney'i name i associated willi this understanding. Ids friends nro deeply interested ttnaneially In tu" eiioruiuiH co il mins of the Canadian provinces, Mr. Whitney's brother, who it) us able a business man as the New England States possess, snems to have given up most of his other inter ests that ho may develop this glgantifl combination, lie planned new railroads, international in the territory to bo tra versed by them, whoee existence would bu useless but for this proposed coal traffic, and be planned these railroads ! an.l thnju -r..ut up'.iomx MM lltWoK . tied after Mr. Cleveland's election Success iu the venture is impossible utilesj the tariff is removed from coal ; with the tariff off, the New England States and, perhaps, territory a little further west, will afford a rich and al most exclusive market for these mines of the provinces. None of the reports affect Mr. Cleveland otherwise tlnn as showing that some of those who pro fessed to be his friends hive buen cuu niug enough and without his inspect Ing it to overreach him, to inflaenoe bis judgment, and, in tho case of the Hawaiian Islands afi'iir, to huve done it in such a manner as has brought humiliation upon the A-aor- ican people. Tne following table shows the pi k iron production in 1S!K1, the second half V, E. ling house: w.d.-rii improvements. 815 I of t he year being estlmate.t : Forest court Apply to MAURICE "OI.LINs, atreut. weet Lackawanna avenue. rpO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of three hti'idr. .! feel of yard Aptly at ISM Franklla along railroa'l avenue. 'TO HtNT -STOLE SSxili OR FURNISHED 1 hall on Oreeu Ridge street Very .lira nle location and on reasonable terms. Appy to F. E. NETTLETON or C S, V.ouKkLFE, Republican building. Special Notices. fpHE ANNI Ai.'sTocKlb.l.tii-.lfs .MEET I lutr of the Weston Mill ('.. . for t'ne adop tion of by -laws, election of ollicers. and such other btuineM as may oonu before the meet ing, will be held at tbe i'irst National bank at eiaht o'clock p in.. Saturday. January bltli, 14 A. W. DICKSON, Secretary rpHE ANNUAL MEETINQ OK THE I stookholders of the Scranton lUnminat iiit;. H"al and Fower compuiiy will be held at the office of the company, IM Wyoming ave nne, on Tuesday. .Ian 10. Isul. at 4 o'clock v. u... for the elect nm of directors for the ensn leg-year and such other business as may come b..fore tlieiu. FREK C HANK, Secretary Scranton, Pa., Kec. IS, U98, AN. 4 USs ON AND AFTER THIS KATE 1 will pay no debts unle-s oulitrncted by eif. JAREI) J. POSTBNS, Uil Soutn stoentb st.. Philadelphia. OTb.'E IS HEREBY .il E.N flrtl half ... s ad ball . Yiar ,., mi ,5Bi918 .'J.lSi'J.1,11 4'7iiJ.Us3 4.3 :,.u: Dei !.... 1108,761 I.TJ1L877 MS .368 W,U7,CO0 l, N met s '1 l!A I' THE firm of 1. A Finon It ComDanr. having sold their entire plant business and good will to the Finch stut:fa..ttiring Company, have thi' day, Deceinber :iutb, lvit. gone out of bnalnets All persons having claims against the retiring- Ilrrn are io,itoi ed to present them .o Mr. Irving A. Kineli. tlirottgh whose bauds all Inch payments and all collections will be made "rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CSVTIi WAR,' I containing Frank Leslie's lamotisold war plctnrea Two volumes folio. Every paps illustrated. Over 660 pages. As saedn- cat or it is unexcelled. Sol.! on easy monthly i payments, both volumes delivered complete. 1 Auuress r.u. nooay, .n. rraneun ag.-tit (or Nfortheestern Psnniylvanli QCRANTON WRINOER HOSPITAL, mo 3 Spruce atreet, ground l!o.r. The b -t sobu white rtthher roller, one dollar each. Work gnarantesd by tho oldest and only es pti t wringer repairer in Beranton. avenue. Money to Loan. tfJLOOu TO JL-'ioii O mortgage "H,1 TO LOAN ON Tribune ortb e. FIRST Real Estate. ,HR SALE SI.NUI.E HOUSE, WifiOCINOV J avenue; very desirable location. Aoplf (i F. REYNOLDS, or Wll.LAHD, WARREN A K N aPP. 2,B60WrLL BUY MODERN NEWSROOM 9 house, all Improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madison nvenue and Delewere street. Ap ply HARRY LEES m,m WILL BUY VERY DEBTBABLE LOT O crner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms ussy. Apply HARRY LIES. Ciltirteins n Younir Lady. ' She would be n pretty girl for but one thing.'' "What's that?'' asked Charley. .Gorge Her lace is always covured with purple mid rod blotches. Charley Ob, timts easily enough dis posed of. Used to ba tho same way my self, but 1 caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it, in no time. fieorge What was it? barley -.Simplv blood eruptions. Took A short Course of P. P. 1. I tell TOO, it's 3be boss blood corrector. The governor butl rheumatism so bail that you could hear him holler ciour across the country every tiine he moved. Ho tried it, nnd you know what an athlotio old (tent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy u pointer, sho would thank them after wards. All the drug storos sell it, - Philadelphia Tallow Markst. Paii.ADF.Li'niA. Jan. II. Tallow was firmer, with n better demand. Prices were: Prime city, in hogsheads, fttje.: prime country, in hogsheads, Sc. do. dark, in hogsheads, 4Xc: cakus, S)c. ; grease, -I . H. I S All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New discovery know its value, and those who have not. Imvo now tho opportunity to try it Free. Call on the ndvertised Druggist and got a Trial Ilottle, Free. Send your 'tame and addrese to II. F Huckleu & Co , 'Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Free, ns well ns n :'opy of Uuide to Health mid ilouehohl Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Alatthows'Bros. Drugstore. work. Nenrly tlvo hundred men are still at work. Several mills in tho Phouix Iron works that have been closed for some tints opened this wed., and moro men are going to work daily. The Pennsylvania railroad has uban dnned the tiunscontiuental tours projected for this wiutor. Henry Schoeuhuls foroman Ilonry Krug Packing CO., St. Joseph, Mo. uses Dr. Th inns' iJclectriu oil with his men tor uprsins, cuts, bruises, chapped bauds, etc. 1 1 is the best. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stock and Fundi New Yoiik. Jan. 11. After a rather weak opening nud a decline of i to k per cent, tho stock market showed a little more strength owiug to u rise In Sugar. This led tu some covering in Western Union mid other prominent stocKs and the early loss was regained. Later on a demonstration was made against Man hat tan which decliuod to il--,. Tbo stock was sold on the introduction of the bill at Albany to Compel tho omrauy to Charge hut. one faro on City and suburban roads. .Northern Pacific issues, however, Were really weak features of the day. The com niou sold tlowu to 4(L preferred i:i . Tho foreigners sold these securities prob ably on tho letter of Receiver House, w hich shows that the Immediate necessities of the company are oven greater than at It 1st supposed. Louisville and Nashville de clined from IT', to 414 on tho ganornl be lie!' that the company would pass its divi dend. T his was subsequently coulirmed. The statement of the company issued by tlie directors late today showed a surplusof 11,108,109 for the six mouths ended Deo. SI, I6V8, against 11,945,541 for the smuo period last yesr. Atchison, llenernl Electric, Union I'acitic, Western Union and the l Imagers were all tpjite weak during the afternoon, 'ihn declluo in these stocks ranged from to l per cent, and was most pronounced in Lackawanna, winch full 107 to 164 ou sales of lull shares of In the Una) dealings there was a rally of to per cent, due to covering of short contracts. The market left off tolerably Arm. New Changes for the day outside of Lackawanna and Manhattan were ) to 9 per cent Total sales were Btnaller than yesterday, looting up I48.BA1. The foil wing complete table showing the day's thictuations in active Htocks P. supplied and revi.e.l daily by LaUar Fuller, stock brokers, rji Wyoming arenas Open- Hluh- Low ClOS lug, est. est., jig, ... 2s is a n ... sl'i KM siw ... IH4 IPif, lUt), HJt, ... 4Siu 4'tfa 4812 i ...11.'. US llliw Hit, ... "Ai W114 tm us- ...74 TU, TU4 7s ., uiii;, SiU mai ,.. 314, ait; 3ii.;' ,..U" Bli" la l:u nil if.i b;i lot . . . SON 2Mf ... 14 14 ... :ni 3nli Am Cot od Am. Suuar A. T. S. V Can. So Ceu. N. .1 Chic. & N. W ... p., B. at Q Chic (las C , 0 . 0, it St I 1 ol . Val. K. . II K . L. Jt W 1). A- CP. Erie , O. E. Co Lake Shore IV.' L AN 43iv Manhattan ISO Miss. Pao a Nat. Lead 25 N. Y. ,V N. E lUjl N. Y. Central I7H N. Y..O. & W ltlH N. Y..S. A V. U. s. c. Co North Pac (forth ia..-. pf IBM nutalta 35 Pac Mall Reading IS Rock Island uj R. T SI . Paul sMi T.,C. 1 15M Texas i- Pac Union I'ac is Wabash, pr IM W. t nlon Si. W. ft L. E 18 W. & L. E. pi 48N 12 KM i248 Hs U 188 IM 1 IMj INK m 1H., I4M 11 12114 4SU llUt .'i 'Hi 24vh DM W 16 1S IS)4 lsti ISfs lS K B5Ve ?s W i m MS 13 ;iii( "s" mH 5o lStti iiji IBM lt i: i Ills J4l isji iiu 194 "4 18 The WilkeaBarra nnd Wyoming Valley Traction company now operates 48g miles of road. The gross receipt nf tbe traction company for 1893 were tfull),'.i27 from passenger tratti.', with a few hundred dollars from other sources. The operating expenses war" (140,240, leaving net earnings, $102,739, The intereston bonis and loans Ws (99, 800, leaving a surpln of 183,444 Av eruge daily receipts for 1898, 151.85, In view of the intention of tbo Read, ing management to launch another re. organization plan nt somi tints in th" near future, Mr. Kica's position us--urues soiti J importance. Mr. BlOB as serted recently that reorganization was needless and that the Beading conld extricate itself from its diffionltise by wise and economical management, The concensus of opinion in financial cir cles in Philadelphia, according to the Tine s, is, however, that an early reor ganization would be best for all inter ests, and it is believed that -Mr. Rice will yield to this sentiment and confine his intention for the present to secur ing a judicial investigation of the nl legel McLeod speculations and tba punishment of the c.i -president if the court adjudges him guilty of wrong doing. A report was current in Philadelphia y.-sterday that the Beech Creek rail i-osd bad 60t the freight rate on bitu minous coal to tidewater to 00 cents a ton. No 0fliji.1l in position to spoak with knowledge conld be found, and opinion was divided as to tho truth of tho st dement, if the reduction Ims ben made tho prices of pes nnd bnok wbeiir, coals will stiller in consequent:-., aa bitnmioona will be given the pref erence, owing to its cheapness. According to a current estimate, the city of Uetroit now consumes 5.000 barrels of crude petndem daily. Most of it is need in industrial furnaces, where cosl heretofore supplied heat Tbo petroleum supply comes from the ( Mio and Illinois oil Helds, the prin cipal centers of which are at Lima and Keystone respectively. It come by rnil in tank cars which have a capacity ranging from eighty to l!io barrels. Tho principal consumer purchase di rectly from the oil lields in cur lots, but there are two dealers who retail in less quantities, and whose nggregite daily sties Bre about 'J10 barrels. The cost of pe ti oleum deli vnrsd in the city in oar loads US about 70 cents per birrel, so that tba annual onnsumtrtloo is in the neighborhood of 11,988,000. M. M. Fisher, a large manufacturer, says: "We tried soft cosl for a time but it could not innks steam enough. Crude petroleum was then usi with satisfac tory results up to the present time, I consider that the economy comes from tho saving of labor, which ii about $200 per annum, and tbe uniform energy of the oil, which is about 98 per cent, over coal. " SS9 Miscellaneous OlksNlnus; Transcontinental lines have reached no agreement yet In regard to passenger rates. It Is denied that Chnrles Parsons will form a voting trust in New Rngluud stock. Tho foundation walls for tho now round house of the Wilkes Bane mid Hastern railroad at l.aflin are completed. Tho round house will hotis.. fifteen engines. Fulls of coal killotl Michael ( 'honey nnd fatally hurt AYilliam Denglur in two Sha mokin collieries. Manufacturers of various classes in western Pennsylvania aro endeavoring to unite their opposition to the Wilson turlff hill. The now bonrd of mine inspector exam iners will meet at Pottsvilleon Feb. 17 to exntiiluo candidates for inspector to suc ceed tho lato Batons! Gar, Niniey-uino employes of tho Heading rntltoad car shops in Keadiug were sus pended Tuesday night ou accouut of -lack Fcranton Wholtsals Harkets. Pcraxtok. .Ian. 11 FRUITS asd Pro oi'Cg uried applea per lb., 8a7C! vp (.rated spples, ba'Jo. per lb.; Turkish . 4 Lcglish currants, 4a4!j'.j layer raisins, l.yi'as.iin; muscatels, S1.4U I.5U per box; new Valencia, '.; ,c per lb. Hkass Marrowfatii,2.t)0a2.65 per bushel; mediums, ILBOaLOO. PitAS-ilreen, ll.80a1.SO per bushel jspllt, t8.60aS.00i lentela, tsaioc. per poand. Potatoks tlaiOc, psr bnsheh Oxioss 7a75c. per bushel. Bi.'TTBii OOaSoa. per lb. Chxxsc ltialSc. psr lb. Euos fresh. 24c; pickled, 19c.: coolers. 19c. Ubats natns, 10)fai large, 10c; skinnnd bami, inc.; California bams, He; shoulders, 8o.: dry salted bellies, !',e.; smoked breakfast buoon. 12o.; fresh pork loins, UJVo.; "Wyomiug" pork sausage, He.; Wyoming homo mail" sau sage, 8-pound p.iil, larded, lie,; butch ers' Bntissgo, Mj., our own make; fresh pork shoulders, 7,-d'c.: fresh pigs' feet. Be.) fresh pigs' heads, BCJ freeU spnrs ribs, 8a; frekh leaf lard, 11c : lresh kidneys, 8c. doa.1 rough sausage meat, 8X0.1 tongoe, bjc.;plncKs, ec.oacn; whole hogs, Tvjc. POBX Mass at $17; shortcut, $18. Lars Leaf In UaNts at 9)fc.i la tubs, 9Ke.i in 10-pound paila, loxci in8ponna puiln, lOffc.) -pound pails. 10f per pound. Bikv Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14 c. Poui.Tnr Chlekms, Halite; turkey, ISaWXs.) dncks. 18a IBs. Flour Minnesota patsnt, per barrwl. I4.40a4.804 Ohio and Indiana amber, at $3.75; (irabam at 13.50; rye Hour, at $S.2i. BvOEwaiAi 1'i.oun 8S.90par cwt. FkEii-Mlxed, per cwt., ttllM. tlRAlx- Rye, DM.1 COrn, 4Wto5J.; oats, Un4.ric. per bushel. llVK STRAW Per ton, $13r10. llAV-Por ton. 11018 Chicsgo Grain Scranton. .fun. II 1 s are supplied and 1. ir r tin. r. siook m line. WHEAT I 'polling Highest Lou est Closing CORN, Opening Highest l.owast Closing 1 1 ATS. Opening High, st Lowest Closing FORK. Opening Highest Low st Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowest 01 sing sil RT BIBB Opening Hihost Lowest Closing and Provl linns. TI.e following .U"t e .rroct. ,1 dally bv La oksrs181 Wyoming ave Chicesk Moderate demand, firm; large, UallJic; fancy, llKp.; do. small, lla!2;c. : part skims, 4al0o. ; full skims 2a2tl1c. Eoos Mr.dernte demand, steady; stnto ice house, I2al7c; limed, 15al0c; west n;freei.,i'.i ,.:ic; do. secoudu, per catt , $2.50a;i.00; southorn, lUa20tfc. For Kheutnntisul, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic there isuorimedv super ior tothogeuuiuti.Dr. Thomas'Glectrlc Oil. Aau swossrtbsr of Thi IWONNaaMii se- CltlV II fllillfc of folic Illilf coil COIIPIOIH 11 , 1 , ' . . - , ,1 . lilllu ,.. .',11 .,,.. .... .-.,. barrel of flow aud li cents on saolk I071 of ' Jen, id jj nl 111 84 HI m I M0 bsm iw Ism MB K2.1 S17 Bm (1st) 8JU I'kSU tisil May. Juj UN uiy. B7?4 n.ij !s 88K Mi BBft 80U ml 13SI1 IIU I bud 1342 BOO BU si 7UU 7fl& iiu OH.' A STUDY IN SCARLET A STUDY IN SCARLET A STUDY IN SCARLET :is 311 24i Nw York Froduos Markat. Naw Yoiix. Jan. II, Flour Very QUiett Winter wheat, low grades, f'.'.UUa 2.45; do. fair to faucy, t8.4oal3.7o. Wheat (niel, lower; Na 9 rod, Janu nry.OO'lic.; Fobruar.v, 07,'Vc; March, (Wc' May, :n,c: Juno, 71 Xe.; July n:c.; Dncembor,, Coun Dull, steady; January, 41 4,0. ; February. $9KC, March, 4HRc. ; April, 44c. ; May, 44 Wc ' Boats Spots dull, weak nt options, ipilet, easier January, 8ls'"i February, BBko. I .March, 34jc.; May, 84L;c. ; No. 2 w bite. Fcbunry, 35a85Vc. : olosingHO),'. Bnar QUlet steady, family, $llnl3;. extra mess, xrR 50. Hkki- Haus tJnlet; llrnier attlitalO.,10. Trial so Bh-rf Dull, city extra India mnsH ; t . 'D C'tiT Meath-DuII, firm, pickleil DSlllaa H9 TWct pickled shouJdsrs,80Va; pickled hams Unlike; middles nomlnnL La hp -Quiet, easier; western steam, closed at BB.08 ssked; city, B8 January, closed $, nominal; February, closed, $8.35, nominal; May closed, 18.31), nominal; re lluud, quiet: coutlneut, 0. 10; Houtb Atner ica, 10, fid: compound, fluOo. Pork-Quiet) steady; mess, tl4.50ai:.. Buttkh yniot; fancy about steady state dairy, l7aS4n. ;do. creamery, 18a'J8c. WM tm dairy, 15ial8a; do., creamery, 18 s25Wc; do., factory, Mal7c; elgins, SBalOke,) Imitation creamery. lOalOc. trolls, 14al8c. WHAT IS IT I WHAT IS IT ? WHAT IS IT ? Look at This for a New Year s Bargain. It Will Interest Von. At These Prices You Cannot Help Buying. Electric Seal Capes, 18 Inches, 14.49; formerly 10. Astrakhan ( apes, IK inche8,f6.49; formerly $18. Mink Gapes, 18 inches, 812; for merly 45. Crimmer Capes, 18 inches, $0.49; formerly $13. Rnssian Lynx Military Capes, 22 Inches, $6.98; formerly $12. Electric Seal Military Capes, 22 inches, $9.49; formerly $1. Forty dozen Assorted Mutt's at $1.49; formerly $3. Fifteen dozen Vssoiied Children's Sets at 98c.; formerly 12.50. A fine I'd of Sleigh Koberf, plush lined, al each. Plush and cloth Coats sold at your own price. Millinery almost given away. HIGHEST PRICES PJUO FOR R.W FURS. 138 Wyoming Ave. 1m Connolly & Wall COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12.50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6,00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4.00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10,00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7,50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5.00 0 GARMENTS FOR 3.00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of good3. NOLLY & WALLACE 509 5!H 4VE CON ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Fill DAY, JAN. , Return Engagement -or Freeman's Fun Makers In the Furiously I'uuny I uno Comedv, A RAILROAD TICKET Wbich scored eucli a tremendous success bere four weeks ago. ALL LAUGHS, sal.- ofasets Wednesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, JAN 18. The Tornado The awful tornado. Tito Kteat rigging scone, ' tars roriing s monster ball Tbe collision of two ocean liners nt full apoeu. Tbe miulity open sea hi-oho, with waves running mountain high, Dlsi acting room of a msdlcal co11k Chicago harbur at night and many other scent.- wonders. I CARTER'S SCENIC Seats ou lalfl Thurs.l ay. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, JAN. 15, OSCAR WILDE'S PLAT, Lady Vindermere s Fan Direction of ('has I'robuiau. Performed for 900 nights at Palmer's Theater. New York. The grentdft sociil on: -lv sines Shcridau's "School for Scandal." PUZZLE Regular prices. Sale opens Friday. 3 W iJ THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable a3 aSourenir of the Fair. (.M-ITF, FSY WHEN VOL KNOW HOW $300 IN PBI2KH WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOlXti THI; PUZZLE IX THE SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME, FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, Oft NEXT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE, '1 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 1 1 J AND 1U SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE. MD. Prom ! X V. r, .tunc, Ren I K, II. BROOKS, Snpt and Lecturer. 1IAKKV THOltNR SWife Manager. Wack commracing MOMOAV, JANUAKY 8 Tha Or Sat Emotional Actres', MISS I'LORA STANFORD, Henry Oomedy Oom'ny. Monday, Tuesday end Wednssd ay EAST - LYNNE Thursday) Friday and Saturday. PRIDE AND POVERTY. lOoetobaek of balcony; BOo to front of bfjUooQy fttad roar parqiutioi opon ciMirts Porfonnanooi at Mil uuJ pnii fours i ; n at i 4) and DON'T FORGET That We we bssdqoartsrs for sverythlng In thaltneol wau hks If youbavaanv Idaa ..f purchasing ear kind of s watch, inJVs or gent's. Hold or Silver, you will iiuketi irriev oils mistuhe It you do not give us a .-all anil get our pries, wlti. h ..u will find far 1ml,, w all otnera, I'Hpenlallv in all the hilfli gi'Sdesof I ' -i Walthttin and llmupd.'ti novemsnts If you hae any doublH and aru at. all posted on prices gl . .' una call and w.t will have no treuhls in convincing you. Won till hu ea largo stock to dlsp i-e ol, and will offer vou WOU1 dcWul lliduceineuts in Jewelry, Bilverware, Cloaks and all other kooiJh wltt.-ti we tin s o lu stock. C. W. Freeman lVnu Ave. and Spruce Bt, T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, OIK LACKAWANNA AVIIIIDB, 1U M WANTON, PA. d . y vAylKQ MADF. a contract with a Y H fratno factory to turn out 1.000 ri p frames between now ami Ohrisl tints, I Uh toannounce to the pub li' that I will make a HENlTNli L'KAYON HOKTHAIT copied fr. tn iinv naall one ABBOLUTKLV PBB1 OF OHARQK l.ATISI STY I .IN OK I-ItAMKS IKOM a'J.fto i i it vhi. workmanship guaranteed, l-'rauies 30 per cent. lon than regular price. E DUTHEIL, Artist AKTOHEHARTHAH 90G South Washington Avenue, rontrnctor ami liulldrr of Concrete Flogging, I'oncrete Bl.mks, Potato, butter an I Coal Hlns, Wet Ollaia drieJ up. Orders may bs left at Thompaoa & Pratt, Will anis A Co., Main and Kynon 8trmt or at Scranton Ktovo Works. Also Foundations, Cistarna, Klsh Wire Tunnultand Colflns. Flagging for Uardvli Walks, EDEN MUSEE Wcsk Commencin,1! Jan. 8, '94. CURIO HALL, WALLACE, The l'iiti.iualil,i l.lou nn.l other attractions IN THE THEATER. Satire new show, ah new faces. Adnls. alon to all purls of the honsi 1 i N ceute. HOLLY WREATHS. BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very n souublo. Space will not permit us to luention the good tuni:s for a Christmag din ner. Stock is complato. Anything tu be fouml in a lirst class uiuikvt. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Msnufacturcrs ami Doalers I Burning, All QanJ lubricating UlLO Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICB.-7JI West Uckawsnna Ave. WUUKS: -Meridian Sir jet .1 The Flour Awards "CHICAGO, Oct 31. Phe first Mllcial announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by tha Woild's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Wash bam, Crosby Co , in tbe prost WRshburn Flour Mills. Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong nnd pure, and entitlee it to rank as first -class patsnt ttmir for family and bakers' u- MEGARGEL & CON N ELI WHOLESALE At. i nt SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of Hour enn be bad tit any of the following merchant, who will accept The TftlBDNS FLOUB COUPON of S3 on each one hundred pounds of tlour or .",0 on ench barrel of tlour. Beranton P. P, Frio, Washington avenue, (iol.l Modal 111 mid Hyd. t'.irk -Carson A Hi. vie, Washburn St. Hold Kedsl Brsnd; JflotpB a m. ji , avonue, Superlative Hrau.l linen Kldge A.L.Speti.-er.i iol.l Medal llrand. Dnnmore F. P. Pnoa Uold Medal Brand. ilyphaut .latues .luidau, Superlative Bland Dnnmpre-F, U. Manley. Superlative Brand. Pruvideuc. Feansr S ChappelLB Msitiave uue. Superlative llrand ;(.. .1. Uillespie, W. Market street, Hold Medal Hi aid. PockvUle -Shaft", r Bland JermyaO, Krsnd ( 'arbondale II. iI'.CS, lulu t Brand. ilouewiau K.ik, r, I). Winters ,v Co Superlative Buperalatlve U. S Clark, Hold Usdal Brjiid I N. Foster A Co. Hold Medal W.P. Schenck Stiiwi-latHo Hrau.l Dalton- S. t. 1 inn A- Son, Oold Medal llrand Oouhlsboro-8 A. Adams, Gold Ksdsl Brand Tobyhanna Tobvhauua A Lehwh LutubJ Co , Cold Medal hraiiil. SURDAMS 'Bargain Stores 133 Pens Avenue. 103 Wyoming Avenue. Goods at the merest fiaoticu of their valu?. Goods for the kitchen. Goods for tbe Garden. Goods f or the workshop. Goods for every day. Thousands of Bargain. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Pins, 4 papers for .". cents. Mutches, li boxen lor 5 cent. Household Ammonia, large slza. Scents. Beet French Blaakbig, 4 cents, worth ID cents. Best Machine OU, 4 OsnSS, M yards Spool (,'ottou, in Beats n dozsn. Knlvee and Forks, :'M cents to 8160. Bread Knives. 10 cents to SO cents. Op sheets good Writing Paper, Beeata to good Envelopes, I cents. Blacking Brushes, 10 cents up. All kinds of Ha.r, Tooth, Horse nnd Clothis Brushes. Suspenders, f, cents to SO cents. Men's one-balf Hou, good heavy goods,3 pairs 'M cents. Men's OSS hSlf BOSS, very heavy, flue goods, IpelrSJM cents. 8 ouncul'acks, 4 papers for .'. .-ents. Hninrners, 4, 10. IB, BV SO, a", and W nts. Saws 15, iO. 2S, 30. S5. 40, 45, 50, 7i cents ani BUB Planes, i,', cents to J t. Squares. 10 cents to 81 A good list of Bits, 81 W: a bargain. Chisels, all sites, from ISo. up. Sail Irons, cheap. Dinner Pails. Bl cents up. Boys' Cloth Hats. " centa; cheap. Men's lists, SO cenU to 81. Tea Spoons, 0 for Bt ceuta; douplo plated We sell thcte spoune, giving the buyer tka privilege of returning them after one year's use, if not satisfactory. They contain no hi ass or copper. Focketlooks, 0, .. 10, 'JO. 40 and SOcenU A good l: i for $1, fully warranted. It. i Strops of all kinds. member the place: 133 PENN AVE, 1 03 WYOMING AVE.
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