The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 12, 1894, Image 1
A STUDY IN SCARLET. IN SGAHLt I 5 Z A STUDY IN SCARLET A STUDY IN SCARLET EIGHT PAGES--. COLUMNS. SCHANTON, PA., FRIDAY MORNING. .JANUARY 12, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. KEEP AM EYE El FOB I SOLUTION IF WE MYSTERY IF ah BY 8BABLET." LOUH BEGINS T 10 EXPLAIN II Says He Went to Honolulu Absolutely tree Irora All Prejudices. REPORTED FACTS AS HE FOUND 'EM The Course of the Cleveland Crowd, He Says, Is Not Necessarily a Re flection on the Administration of President Harrison, Because Harri son Was Not in the Possession of Facts and Evidence Which Caine to the Knowledge of His Successor. Washington, Jan. 11. PARAMOUNT BLOUNT is begin ning to talk to the newspapers. Today he talked freely. The criticism which bun been current, to the effect the nttaek upon the diplomatic policy of the Harrison ad ministration by tins is unprecedented, was answered by Mr. Blount in char acteristic fashion. "It is all nonsense," laid be, "to say that one administration is bound by the wrong act of its predecessor in in ternational affairs. It is plainly not s". An administration is perfectly free to criticise any act of its predecessor, whether diplomatic or otherwise. We constantly see the Oondnot of foreign affairs by European countries criticised by the opposing party in all except des potism. "I believe that the foreign affairs of a country should uot only bs discussed freely that all the t'aets may bo brought out, but should be the subject of ptrti san action. We had party lines drawn in this country ou the auuexation of Texas, and there is no sound reason to expect anything but partisan aotion in regard to Hawaii. But I do not con sider that the action of this adminis tration in discrediting Mr. Stevens' actB is an attack on President Harri son's administration. It is not shown that President Harrison would bare indorsed bis minister's action had he known the facts. Even President Cleve land did not know all the facts until uiy report was submitted." STATUS OF PROVISIONAL UOVERSMEXT. lu speaking of the statin of the pro visional government. Colonel Blount said: ''The members of the provisions! government mast recognize the desper ate character of their case. They know perfectly well that it was intended us a bridge to carry them over into the United States. Bnt annexation did not come. They know perfectly well that their government could not possibly last if submitted to a popnlar decision. They have taken the leap and realize perfectly well that they have got to land somewhere, and the uestiou is, where do they propose to laud? "I have been living quietly on my Georgia plantations," concluded Colo nel Blount, "and while I have seen the papers have not paid special at tention to the progress of Hawaiian matters, I have not even seen a printed copy of my report None was sent me, though I suppose that one will reach me in the course of time. I fsel some interest in it so far as to see whether uli of my statements have been cor rectly printed. I had no prejudices in the matter, and went over there merely to get at the truth." BLOUNT BEFORE THE PROBERS. Later in the 'day, before the senate probing committee, Blount told anew the story of his mission to Hawaii. The trip to the islands ou the Hush, the In tiding in Honolulu on, '39 and Mr. Blonnt'a reception by the people on on both sides of the question were pasted over almost without mention, as was the fact that both the Annexation ists and tho Royalists were apparently exceedingly anxious to make bis stay as pleasant as possible. The decision to have the American ensign taken down and the American soldiers re turned to the man-of-war was next revived. Mr. Blount said that he bad found the islands and the government entirely under the control or protection of tht United States troops. The American flag floated over the government building in which the officers of the provisional government conducted their business. Everywhere was noticed the influence of this country upon the people of the Islands. It was evident, Mr. Blount said, that it would be difficult to se cure an impartial account, or opinions uninfluenced by the surroundings, as long as this state of affairs continued, Consequently he decided on March 81, two days after his arrival, that, in accordance with the spirit of his in structions, and in the inUrest of fair play, the flag should be taken down and the American troops removed. Of this decision he informed President Dole, and on the following day, April 1, ended the temporary protectorate and had the flag lowered. This pro ceeding he defended as witliin the scope of his mission and as an entirely proper proceeding under tho circum stances. The subsequent eventB, he said, proved that the presence of tho American troops was not necessary to preserve order or protect the life and property of cither Americans or natives. MINISTER WILLIS' DISPATCHES. They Reach Waebington, and a Cabinet Meeting Considers Them. Washington, Jan. 11 The dis patches, aud enclosures addressed to the secretary of state, which Dame by the Cor win from Minister Willis, were in his bands this morning. The budget received from the Corwin is bulky, but no accurate estimate can b obtained as to the amount of its contents. It is said to contain from ten to twenty thousand words. The Hawaiian matter was not trans mitted to congress today. A special meeting of the cabinet was held to con sider the matter. It is stated semi -officially that the correspondence will be sent to congress in a message as soon as it can be copied. It is bcl ieved that Mr. Cleveland will try to sum marize it in an argument and to place is before congress in the peculiar light which will be most agreeable to him. Further dispatches to Mr. Willis are being prepared ut the state department, which art doubtless intended to go by the Mariposa, scheduled to said tod iy, but which will doubtless be held over until tomorrow for the British mail to Australia, THURSTON IS ON BOARD. The Steamer Piking- D at Sm Fran cisco Fob WUv Delay Her. Washington, Jan. n - A dispatch has Wen received by the Hawaiian legation, which arrived per the steamer Warrimoo at Vancouver. It udvisos the charge d'affaires, Air. Ilastiugs, that all is quiet at Honolulu aud that Mr. Thurston is to come back to this coautry ou tho steamer City of Peking. The Pacific mail steamer City of Peking is expected at Ban Francisco hourly witli Important Hawaiian ad vices. . SAVS HE IS NOT A CUCKOO. Representative Tracey Threatens to Slap tbe Face of Hie Critic. Wasiiinuton, Jan. 11. A god deal of quiet amiueiuont was occasioned by the sensitiveness oT Mr. Tracey. of New York, when facetiously called an administration "cuckoo" by Mr. Bou telle and others. He threatened to slap tho face of the next person who used that epithet concerning him. This episode occurred yesterday, but today many whispered jests were passed at Tracey's expense, and had he fulfilled his face-slapping threat, it would have occupied the major portiou of his time. TURPIC ABUSES STEVENS. That Is tbe Only Way He Can Find Out of the Administration's Awful Muddle. Wasiiinuton, Jan. 11 -Tha senate was entertained today witii two able speeches on the subject of Hawaii. The first was by Mr. Davis (iiep.. Minn.) in continuation of that which he had be gun yesterday, aud the second bv Mr. Turpie (Deni., Ind ). Mr. Davies argued that tbe appointment of Mr. Blount as commissioner to Hawaii with out the advice ami consent of the sen ate was a presidential invasion of the privileges of the seriate, for which he found a parallel only once in the history of imperial Rome. The haul iug down of the American fl ig in Hono lulu came in for much denunciation on the part ot Mr. Davis in which be was sustained by other Republican senators, and he wound up his speech by the d-'daration that, in the snbliine judg ment of the American people, the president's Hawaiian and fiscal policy would be condemned. -Mr. Turpie took tho broad ground that the provisional goverumont of Hawaii was a de facto government, which could not rightfully be inter fered with, bnt that no treaty or pro ject of auuexation with it could be honorably entered into by the Ameri can government. Minister Stevens was hold up to execration as an un worthy minister and man for bis coarse expressions as to the queen who had been his hostess for mariy mouths, and he was;characterized, iu Mr. Turpie's forcible language, as a spy, aud iugrate ami an outlaw. In tbs house, tariff speeches, pro and con, were drlivered by Breckenridge, I Ken. ), Richards (0.), Dingloy (Me.), Springer (111.), Dolliver (la.), and Bros ius (Pa.). . ON THE BANOII'S TRACK. . St. Joseph Polios Exnot to Capture Train Robbers Quickly. St. Joseph's, Mo., Jan 11. W. H. Mosely, of ttie A lams Express com pany, has received a tuleram from the express messenger on the train which was robbed here last night stating that the exact .sum seenred by the thieves was ifW. Sheriff Carson lias a force of deputies scattered over the country looking for the thieves. The police force is now making an effort to find from whom they were secured. A strong clue has been ob tained, and the prediction is ma le that the robbers wiil be under arrest inside of twenty- four hours - GOT VERDICT FOR jStg.soo. Awrd to One of Victims of the Park ville Wrnck. Miuulktown.N. Y., Jan. 11 -Supervisor Gabriel Tuthill was given a ver dict of itUHouO against the Long Inland Railroad cumpiny at I . s!ieu today. Tuthill was injured in the Parkville wreck in June last, while returning from the Shuepahoad B-iy races. RANDOM CRYSTALS OF NEWS. FLEEING ROM DREAD MAUD Another Death Added to the Grim List iu Albert Family. PHYSICIANS CANNOT BE SECURED Ignatius DdoubIIv wis elected presides of the Minnesota Parmer's alliance. Electrocution for condemned criminals is proposed inn Maryland legislative bill By a Boston llro, Scott Leurhoru, the artist, lost ... worth of paintings and sketches. Mrs. Lease, the Kansas agitator, is to be come co-editor of 114 aoti-Lrwelliug paper at Topeku. Inability to get enough patronage ctused tho suspension of the Bank of I'ort Wash ington, Wis. A lone highwayman held up the over-' land stage near Bowie, An.., and got 1800 from a mail bog. In tho burning of John Montnl's house iu Dickiusott, N. V., two boys, aged 4 aud 0, were crotnsted. flor embezzling $10.1,00!) from the date City National bank, Cu-hior Lewis Ked wiue is ou trial at Atlunta. Virginia Populists want the electoral laws amended to make county supervisors and city councils tho canvassing boards. World's fair acquaintance will end in the marriage of Miss Alice Hmney, in Chi cago, aud Nojep Finesse, a native Syrian. With three bullets in bis head, Cashier D. A. Huker, of the First National Hank of Nowurk, ()., was round dead behiud his boose. By the breaking of a curboy of sulphurio aciu on the steamer Kansas, at- Ouioga Banding, Ala., twelve of the crew wore terribly burned. ( In a fog at Louisville, Ky., tho Now Or leans steamer, U. P. Hohenck, struck nnd sank the towboat Kult.on, with 14,500 worth of dressed stone. Wnilo apparently insane, Mrs. Samuel Ettlnson, of Marsbnlitowu, la., leaped from a third-story window of a bie dry goods store at Kansas City, Mo., and was ulruost killed. e v One Who Attended for a Time Is Sick and Another Was Frightened Away. One or Two Nurses Called to An other Field Public Prayer Offered for the Afflicted Household in tho Methodist Church Malignant Diphtheria Refuses to Be Allayed. A''erioI loth' Scranton VViontie. BntOODSBVRO, Pa., Jan. 11. Till', death rute iu the poor, unfortunate Andrew Akbert family, at Water Gap, contin ues. Another, a young man of 2d, has succumbed to the fatal disease, diphtheria, making a total of five since Jan. 1 Ou that day a bright (1 year- old child tell a victim. L ist ihursday, Jan. 4. Mrs. Kulp, the young bride of Theodore Kulp, of this place, who was called in to nurse her younger brothers ami Bisters, died. Last Sunday a 12-year-old daughter died. Yesterday a young man years of age, who brave ly fonght the horrible disease, was conquered and todiy another young man aged 2d years, was laid in his grave. The same day he died, another child was lying daugerously ill and hourly expected to die.and tho mother is sick; and should she escnpe death at this time, it may be only to find her mind leaving her, for the terrible strain is likely to be too much. One of the two lady nurses who were brought from the city by tbe authorities to nurse the sick family was compelled to leave on account of sioknnse, and another has been sent for from St. Luke's hospital, Philadelphia. It is difficult to obtaiu medical aid. The physician who has had charge is down, and those from uear by towns refuse to entor ttie house on account of the malignant typj of the disease. One doctor from Portland, who wb sent for, was frightened away upon hearing of the terrible state of affairs that existed. The Water flap authori ties are determined that the poor fam ily shall have the best of care. Public prayer was offered for tbe bereaved fimily in the Methodist Episcopal church last evening. WORSE THAN ENGLAND. Stowaways Paint a Putlietic Picture of New York' 1 Lib r Market. Southampton, Jan. tl. Five stow nways, who were found concealed on board tho American line steamship New York shortly after she left the United States on her last passage to this port, were brought up before tho local magistrates here todiy. They touched the heart of the mag istrate by drawing a pitiful picture of the New York latior market, snvitig that they would rather get back to England at any cost than sUrvo in America. - 1 WILL NEVER CATCH AGAIN. Backstop Charles fieonett of the Bos tons Loses Both Lege. Ottawa, Kan., Jan. 11. Both legs of Charles Bennett, lbs noted base ball catcher, who was mangled by a Santa Foe train at Wellsviliu last evening, were amputated early this morning, one near the ankle and the other above tbe knee. He is perfectly conscious and may recover. John Clarkeon, the famous pitcher, who was to have gono on an extended bunt with Bennett today, is with him. . MANLEV SUCCEEDS CARTER. Is Elected Chairman of Republican Na tional Executive Committee. Washington, Jan. 11. -Thomas II. drier today resigned as chairman of the execntive committee of the Na tional Republican QO M in It tee, and Jo sepn II. Stanley, of Maine, was electod to till the vacancy. this does not, of coarse, displace Mr. Carter as chairman of the national committee. e WILL JUSTICE FULLER RESIGN? Rumor That Carlisle Will Succeed Him on Supreme Court Flench Wasiiinuton, Jan 11. There is a report, which appears to originate from gossip in administration circles, that Chief Justice Fuller contemplates re tiring from tho supreme bench and that Secretary Carlisle will bo ap pointed to succeed him. Whether there is any truth in the report cannot be learned at this time. - VERY SINGULAR FATAL ITV. Snloon-keepre Fuis Pulls Down Chands ller and Is Smothered. New Yoke, Jon. 11 Andrew Fuss. a aaloon-keepev of White Plains, was found dead beside Ins bar today. He held in his hand a chandelier which he had pulled down. He was mothered by the gns which escaped through the broken fixture. FANNY DAVENPORT HURT. est daughter undertook to assist her mother, when he turned on her with a elub and gave her a hot chase for a full half mile, Bevoral times striking the child, and at one timo he knocked hel lo the ground. She is now lying at the point of death from exhaustion anil injuries from the clubbing. The wife last night was nursing her tbirt'euth child (eleven are living) when Noe struck her several times on tbe head arid would seize her by the nose with bis left hand and punch her in the eyes with the stif fened finger of his right hand. Noo was at one time a prominent citizen, but liquor has made him almost a madman. SENATOR IKIARKLEY NAMED. Antl-Adminietralion Democrats Protest Emphatically Against Boesiem. Philadelphia, Jun. 11.- Democrats who aro opposed to tho Pattisou-Har-rity-llensel crowd met tonight iu this city, decided to support Senator Arthur IJ. Markley.of Montgomery county, for congressmau-at-large, by nomination papers, and signed a formal protest against the existing regime of Demo cratic bossism uud hypocrisy in Penn sylvania. The protest was signed by (ieorge MoOowan, William McAleer, William S. Stenger anil Michael J. Ryan. The salient portion of it read as follows: We are irapellod to this course because of first, the impossibility ot securing re dress uuder the present party rules; sec ond, because of the unquestioned incouipi teucy of the present boas and hug manage ment of the Democratic party, and third, because of our belief that the time has come to challenge tho cnulid- of the Democratic masses as to whether or uot they desire a continuance in power of a body of man whose rule has wrecked the party, lost all county ollices. caused it to be beaten iu the state ut thu last election by 180,000, and which refuses to light for ; i' as instanced in their abandonment ot tlio second congressional district. Wu urge this course now because wo believe this time to bo the most opportune. The boss system of exacting porKoun! fidelity and dealing with oftices and honors as articles of purchase and sale has made it impossible at tins election to win Pennsylvania. A vote for Senator Murkley will be a rebuke to this boss mis management to tho policy of surrender, ami to the Incompetency aud huckstering that has degraded the party in reuusylva-uia. The following resolution was unani mously adopted. Resolved Thnt the Pennsylvania Domo cracy cordially aud earnestly endorse the the policv of drover Cleveland and th National Democracy, and pledge oursel ves to labor untiringly to promote the uatioual honor and thu cnuse or luriu re form. e PEDAGOGUE HARTSHORN ACCUSED. LIKE PAGE OF The Actress Sprain Her Wrist and Is Unable to Act. Denver, Jan. 11.--Fanny Davenport sprained her wrist badly in tbe third act of "Cleopatra" Tu-sday night, and as she was unable to appear last night the theatre1 was close I. She is undergoing an electric treat tnent . .. WAS A BRUTE FROM DRINK. Inhuman Hoosler Barely Eioepaa Vio lence from His Neighbor. Winamao, Ind., Jan. 11. Louis Noe is in jail here, guarded by the sheriff and deputies. Violence was threatened him by his neighbors for the inhuman treatrnest of his wife and for nearly killing his daughter. Yeoterday, while engaged iu wuipplug his wife, his eld The Principal of the New Castle High School Lodged in Jail on a Very Serious Charge. New CABTLE, Pa , Jun. 11. Profes sor R. C, Uurtstiorii, principal of the New Castle high school, was arrested today ou a serious charge. Cries of murder coming lroni the rosidsuce oc- cilpied by Miss A bin Robinson aud her elder sister, Ou North street, attracted the attention of Ueorge McEee, who rau into the house to learu the cause. He found the air heavy with the odor of chloroform. The elder .Miss Robinson stated that when await ned, she discovered Pro lessor Hartshorn bending over tho bed occupied by her sister Alda, shaking a hiuikercbief saturated with chloroform Sho at once cried for assistance Further investigation disclosed that an assault had been committed upou Miss Alda, who charges the crime upon Hartshorn. The sisters claim that Hartshorn, who hail threatened to Kill them if they ever exposed him, was trying, this morning to chloroform them to death. Miss Alda is iu a critical condition. Hartshorn is in jail aud refuses to talk except to say that he is innocent. - AT LAST KILLED HERSELF. Sirs. Sample Had Been Charged with Her Yaunr Son s Death. Loi.IsviLl.K, Jan. 11. --Mrs. Etta Sample committed suicide in the city yesterday bv taking poison. Two months ago sho an i her tl-yenr-old son were foutidiuixoi si 1011s fi 0111 the etlecls of morphine. The boy died, and it was tlwi.rtit at Ml,. tilllM .!).. v .. him thu drug, but the verdict of tho corner was that she accidentally took it. believing it to be quinine. Mr- 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . u .' . I h n jlian il charged her with having tried to poison 111 111. THE V ALL IAN r IN INDIA. Mr. Vanderbllt'e Party Will Be IheGuestB of the Viceroy. Calcutta, Jan. 11 The American steam yacht Valliani has arrived b rs The Vandorbilt party will go over- laud as tbe guests of the Viceroy. - GROUP OF NOTABLE DEATHS. F.ugene O'Neill, a lawyer, at Susipie ban na, I 'a Frnttk Hollos, secrotary of Harvard uni versity, of pimuinouta. At Vienna, Benedict Ratidhartlugor, the noted musical composer, uyed VS, Major Daniel Washahuugh, aged 91 years, nt Lverett, Bedford county, l'a. Rev. Fattier Corrlgau, pastor .of St Mury s church, Uobukuu, a, J., of puou tuouiu. At Southnmptlon, L.L.Kdward S. Mead ol the New ork publishing tlrm of Uodd Aloud iv Co. At Hagerstown, Md., Rear Admiral Donald McN. Fuirfax, United States uuvy retired, age J 70 years. Rev. Samson Cartur, originally a Blnve, nnd cook on Mississippi river boats, at De Moines, la., aged 1U2. Joseph C. Focer. 70 years old. of Ula9 buro, N. J., a descendant of one of the original settlers or tbe place. In Bethlehem, Soltnou E. Lawrence, who was a lieutenant iu Company 1), Mtcbigau Light infantry, during tho war. Mrs. Amy Anderson, well known throughout Burlington and Monmouth counties, at Alleutowu. N. J., at the age or 107. At Pottsville, Mi'H. David (J. Yuongling, head of the lsrire browery Unit In New York. Her wealth is estimuted nt Bevoral millions. At Buffalo, N. Y., John Kaiser, ordnance sergeuut of tbe army, who served iu tier many, uuder Hcott in tbe Mexican war, and 'was active iu repolling the Morgsa raids in Kentucky. ROMANCE i"i th n to: m Reckless Bandits Uirinlv Terrorize Cltliens ola Calilomia Town. SIX PERSONS HELD UP AND ROBBED Constable Shot in the Fracas Both of the Desperadoes Escaped -The Notorious Chris Evans Driven Off After Seeing Ed Morrell Well Out of Danger. FrENBO, Cel., Jan. 11. TWO men, believed to be Chris Fvaus, the Visalia bandit, and bis promising aide, Ed Morrell, U raided tho town of Fowlor last ovoning. Another tale of bloodshed nnd terror is the result Fowler is a village of 'M0 inhabitants ton miles southeast of Frenso. Oeorge Lsou.lhe station agent, and three men employed as seettou hands were m the depot at o'clock, jnst after the Los Angeles ex press litid passed. While the four men were talking a masked man with a re volver in each hand appeared nt the opou door and ordered them to throw up their hands, No one hesitated to obey. At this juncture Howard Hams and A. Vincent, a proiniuunt bu-iness man of Fowler, stepped on the platform and took 111 the situation. Ihsy were about to run away and give the alarm wheu the robbers espied them through a window. The outlaw, still keep ing thu other men covered, backed out of tbe door and ordered Harris and Vincent into Hie depot, saying he would kill them if they refusod. The masked man th 01 stood the six along the wall, covering them with one re volver, and went through their pock ets, lie secured a little ov r $50. He then ordered bis prisoners into the street, made them whIIc down down town through the principal thorough rare to cutler uoiueteine groery store. 1 ho roboer followed his six prisoners into tho store, nnd it was evidently bis intention, alone mid sin gle-hauded, to loot the grocery. BLOODY SIIOOTINU AFFRAY) Just as he ordered the men previ ously in the store to throw up their hands the proceeding was interrupted by Constables Ochs and Nelson. Then began a bloody shooting ailray. Ochs with his pistol drawn, rushed into the store. The bandit turned upon him and fired. Ochs fell uud rolled out through the door, firing at the robber from the door. His aim wae wild. however, and the constable hit one cit izen through the arm and another in the breast. The man hit in the breast was struck by a spent bullet and not seriously hurt, though knocked down During this great Insilade the robber escaped aud disappeared In the dark neia. Another robber appeared upon the scene during the battle 111 the grocery A wagon dashed up to the door aud the driver began shooting at Constable Ochs, thus aiding iu the escape of the other robber within, iho man In the wagon then drove rapidly away. The man answers the description of ( hris ESvane. in the other robber, who wore a red bandana handkerchief over his face, tho meu attacked believe they recognized El Morrell. The robber told them that his name was Morrell It is believod that tho bandits, becom ing pressed for food and money, camo down from the .mountain determined to make a raid. . CARLISLE'S BOND PLAN. K- p ibllcan Srnators Foresee Bad, bickoiing Before It Can Take Shape Wasiiinuton, Jan. 11. Republican members of the senate committee on finance do not see any prospect of im mediate action on the proposition for issuing bonds which was ktibmittcd to the finance committee. Some of tho Democratic members of the finance committee do not relish th bond Bcheme, and there is sure to be a sharp contest before it is agreed to. If it should bo reported the whole hn an cial nneitibn will again be opened, iu eluding the coinage of the seigniorage, the silver iiueetioii, the issue of green backs and, incidentally, the tar ill OHIO WOOL GROWERS SPEAK. Wilson Bill Condemned and tbe Admin loiration Roundly Censured. COLOHBUB, Jan. II At the meeting of the Ohio word growers last night resolutions were adopted denouncing tne Wilson bill and protesting agams free wool. The administration was also de nonnoed us discriminating against th agricultural iu favor of the muuufac taring eluBses. t WORK FOR TWO THOUSAND. Big Carpet Mill at Yonksrs Starts After S X Mouthu' Idleness. New Yoiik, Jan. 11. Tho Alexander Smith & Sou carpet mills at Yonkei are running today after a six months idleness. Two thousaud employes are at work and it is thought that by March I th full forco of o.OOO will be busy. . MARR IED MEN TO GET WORK. Two Thousand of Them Apply for It in Duluih Dumth, Minn., Jan. 11. The city has otl'ered work to married men out of employment, and has appropriated ld,000 lor their payment. Two thousand men applied for work COREY IS AN ECONOMIST. Wants the Salaries of All Public 0111 oiale Much Reduced. PiTTsiicmi, Jan 11 J. B. Corey, of the Corey Coal company, is ciroulatiu a petition asking the Democratic con gross to help the people establish tariff reform bv reducing the salaries of all public officials, from tho president of tbe i nited States down, to "what they wero under the golden era of Demo cratic rule aud before the era of ex travagance inaugurated uuder the Re ibllcan pnrty." Mr. Corey in bis petition sets forth at the binaries of all public olbcers, ational, state and county, are too high the present hard times ALLEGES NO JURISDICTION. Crank Donjan Claims He Must Be Tried by the Senate. Wasiiinuton. Jan. 11. -The case of Joseph Donjan, the alleged crank, who was arrested 011 Dee. 87, aud held for Beuding threatening letters through the mail, is before the grand jury. The prisoner claims that the only place to hear bis case is in the senate of the United States, and that he in tends to sue the authorities for $30,000 damages. His lawyer states that wheu the case comes up for trial, the plea of insanity will be abandoned and that be will plead lack of jurisdiction, and that tho lefense will summon i'resident Cleve land, Vice President Stevenson, Secre tary Lamont and Senators Mills, Shsr mau, Clordon, McPherson nnd Oray to show that not one of the letters was latsd in Washington. FORWIER WAGES WILL BE PAID. Long Stride Is Made Toward a Res toration of Harmony on the Le high Valley Railroad. Wilkes-Babbe, Jan. ll John II Rice, chairman of tho general griev ance committee of the Lehigh alley employes, who was in conference with Rollin 11. Wilbur, at Uetmenem, ar rived home this afternoon. The con ference was an important one and will likely prove a long stride in the direc tion of restoring tho old etmiiiurium between the L.-higu V alley aud Its employes. At the conference .Mr. nice learned that the rumor as to the contemplated reduction of the nay of the men was tot without foundation. It was ths purpose of the company to pay the old engineers only 18.70 per duy, though the new ones wero receiving the pay the old men received previous to tbe strike, namely, fo ,80 per day. A sirai lar discrimination was to be made in the pay of the firemen. Mr. Rice, however, succeeded in getting Super intendent Wilbur to aciiuiesce in the unfairness of such discriminationd and a bulletiu will be posted tomorrow in forming them that they will heuca fortn be paid at the old rate, such rate dating from the hrst of the year, ine new men will bo obliged to conform to the sums regulation and discipline of the old men and those thus far shown li'tinaliried for the service of the road will not be continued in it. It is believed that the old men will mostly all bo taken back into the.ser- vice of the road before long. DEMOCRATS WILL PROTEST. Leading New Humpjhire Democrats to Oppose the Wilson Tariff. M ANi'HEsi'Kit, J an. 11. Byron Chand ler, C. D. Duffle, agent of the Man cheater mills, and William Corey, one of tho largest machine ueedle inanu facturers in the I tutnd States, have beeu appointed a committee to go to Washington and protest agniust the Wilson bill in the interests ot the Man Chester bonrd of trade. Chandler and Corey are among the leading Democrats of New Hampshire and Mr, Cuaudler was a member of tbe Democratic convention which nomi nated Cleveland. FINLEY'S 510 AND 512 lack a. avenue. SPKCIAL, Dress Goods SALE. In order to close out balance) of stock in a few broken lines the following Special Prices will hold grood for this week. 7 pieces 46-in. Storm Serge in Navy, Myrtle and Black 55c, former price 85c. 5 pieces 54-in. in Navy only, 65c, former price $1.00. 4 pieces 50.11, Hop Sacking, 50a, former price $1.00, 16 pieces strictly all-wool Cheviots in Stripes and Mixtures at 29c. and 47c, former price 50c. and 65c. FIRE IN LANCE COLLIERY. Spark from Bhukamith Shop Ignites tbe Five- Foot Vein. W11 KE8-BABBB, Pa., Jan. 11. - A fire was discovered this alternoou iu the 5. foot vein in the Lauce colliery, oper ated by the Lehigh and likes-Barre Coal company, at Plymouth, It raged fiercely until 5 o'clock this evening, when it was extinguished, The fire is supposed to have caught from a spark from the blacksmith shop sdjolninft All the men inside the shaft, excepting those fighting the lire, wore ordered out, PEIX0TO HOLDS THE FORT. Dispatches Denying That Ho Has Re eUcned- Insurgents Seize Ouaretn. ' BdiNOSAYRBS, Jan. 11 -There is no truth in the reported resignation of President PeDtdtd. The insurgents in Rio Grande do Sul have seized Cuarein. . Schaefer Defeats Sloeuon. Chicago, ju. ll. Schaefer won to liight's game in the Central Music hall tournament, defeating Ueurge SloCSOO by a More of ouu to wo. e IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Hungarians have taken the place of strikers in the American Ax aud Tool works, at Heaver Palls. Stopping in front ot his own train nt Nolin'e tlrove, Conductor Harry l'riuce, of Siinbuiv, was cut to pieces. Freight Brakeman B, L Mitchell, of llui rifdiurg, was struck on the head by an overhead bridge and killed near Lancas ter. Tho Prank L Pray no Theatrical com pany stranded at New Castle, aud two bears wore sold to buy railroad tickets for the girls. Mre. P. V. Bavilend, of Bnnbnrfj whose husband was burned to death in the Big gins hotel, Hrudford, last summer, bus sued the proprietors for $10,000. damages. OUR TRANSATLANTIC COUSINS. liarou Arthur liothschild was robbed of $700 iu bis pocketbook ut thu Toulou sta tion. Jnckon's polar expedition, which left Loudon last summer, has reached Komj liothnis, ou its way home, having failed to reacli tne pole. John B, Bargent nnd Frank Bromley, painters, and (leorge Trainptou, sculptor, Dave beeu elected to the Royal Academy of England. 'Scott," the mysterious missing link in tho llimibrough murder case, is said to have written to Alfred J. Mouson, tho al leged murderer, saying he will give him self up. WEATHER FORECAST. II COLO I w'AAHntQTOM, Jan. 11. Forecast J fur Friday; for saltern Vnn I i sylvanta, fair, aecMedly eooier. A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch Cheviot Suits in Broken Checks aud Plaids at nearly Half-Price. mm lHE GUTTA PERU & RHEi) MTG Ctt'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE, CHS. A. S( 'HI P.REN & CO. '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belting, II. A. Kingsbury AGENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Rellly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Foet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies CLOSED EVENINGS. We Examine Eyes Free of oliarge, I f a doctor in Deeded you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a per fect lit. WATCHES A T COST for one week ouly. I . J. WU, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE