8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 11, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. c B. PRATT. THE NEWS OF rout DM sh utwi i GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT January Sale Woolen Dress Goods. In anticipation of our regular annual stock-taking we have re-marked all our Dress Goods stock so that immediate buyers may secure Uncommon Values in Rich Foreign Dress Goods. BEGINS TO LOOK LIKE WRIGHT. Th, Member of the Fifteenth Dotting Ready to Run Aanln. Sverial to the Scran (on Tribune. Honesdale, Pi., Jan. 10 It begins to look to many exjierinnced observers bare as if Congressman Myron B. Wright were getting his fences fixed ho as to make his calling and reelection sure. Some of those Republicans of Wayne county who think it is pntty nearly timo for Wayno to have a turn at the congreisional pie counter re cently endeavored to Beeure ex-Judge Seely's entrance into the field as an ac tive candidate. While ex-Judge Seely did not rebuff them, and expressed his cordial appre ciation of the honor thus conferred upon him, it is understood that ho de clined to wage an aggresiv, campaign as an activo seeker for the nomination MONEY MADE IN APPLES. Fortunate Golden Harv.st of Wayne County's Many Apple Grow.rg. Special to the Scranton Triltune. Honesdale, Jan. 10. Now that col lections and returns are all in for tin year, it is estimated that the uggre gate amount of cash brought into Wayne county by tho apple-canning and apple-pacKing businesi last year exceeded $85,000. Apples were shipped into nearly evwry state and territory in the union, and somo were exported to Cauada and England, THE ECONOMIC AX FALLS. Sun Pennsylvania Railway Force on bury Division I. Reduced. Special to the Sc nnton Tribune. Wii.kes-Bahre. Jan. 10. A recent order issued from the Pennsylvania headquarters notifying division super intendents and other ofliciuts to cut down the force of employes wherever possible is hemi carried out. The force on the Snnbury division has been rc duced 10 per cent. The company prefers carrying out the policy of a reduction in the work ing force rather than continuing nil in their employ and cutting down their wages, The secret art of beauty lies not in cos metics, but is only in pure blood, and healthy performance of the vital functions to be obtained by uaiiiir lSurdnck blood Bitters. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of .(unction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had 'on- latnptlon and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. Mug's new Dis covery comulotelv cured her and she says itBaved her life. Mr. Thos. Kggnra, 1U9 Florida St., San Francisco, Buffered from a dreadful cold, iimiiiiiuiiini.' niisiiiiiptioii, tried without result everything else then oouiht one bottle of Dr. ICiutr's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. He Is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and, Colds. Free trial1 hottlos at Matthews Bros,, Drug store. Regular size HJc. and l. NEARBY TOWNS of town corrospon'tonts of Tub TatB imild sliin thoir mi In full to o:ioU tf..r Ml r,,t (,,,).H....ti., t.. nnuVll ftuAAnt.lnn I vided. He leaves two brothers, D uiiel Davies, of Denver, Col., and David Davies, of Clifford. The funeral will take place Siturday and interment will be in Clifford. CLARK'S SUMMIT. MINOR HONESDALE MENTION. STROUDSBURG HAPPENINGS. The News of Monroe's Cap.tal Chroni- ol.d in Orlsp Paragraphs. Sicciol to thr Scranton Tribune. STRoi nsm ito.Jun. 10. Two men who were looking at a switch mi the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road, in Kast Hlroudsburg, were ar rested by an employe of the company and taken before 'Squire H. S. Drak inesday afternoon, 1 here was not snf ticient evidence to lock the men up.and they were accordingly given their lib erty. Mrs. William llafferty died suddenly at tho home of her son-in-law, i P, Morey, editor of the Monroe Demo rat, SIib had been out dunug the day visiting friends, and upon return- ng home in tho evening dropped dead immediately upon entering the house with heart failure. The news of Senator Herring's nom- nation was received by the Pattison- Harrity faction of this place with a great deal of favor. Ex Congressman John R Storm, who was defeated by Allen Craig for president judge of the urbon Monroe district, indorsed Sen- itor Herring. It is hoped that Chair man llarrity will not forget old Mon roe in the distribution of the big plums the stockholders or the Monroe County Agricultural society have re duced their debt to about $700. Hon. John IS. Storm has resumed the practice or law, ana notwithstanding his defeat holds his position as leader of the Monroe county Democracy. There has been no arrest as yet of any body supposed to have had any thing to do with the blowing up with dvnamite ot the Norton vault. The wife of Thomas Kitson, the well known woolen maiiufacturer.dledTu'S. day morning after a long illness. Mrs. Kitson has beeu a sufferer for years, tod only lately moved into the hand some residence now occupied by the Kitson. one of the finest m the town. l'be Presbvterians are observing this week as a wsi-k of prayer. The knights are getting ready for an elaborate supper soon to be held Two other members of the afflicted f ii in i 1 v of Andrew Albort are down with diphtheria and not expected to ive; Threeueatus have already oc enrred. A reward has been offered for the ar rest or trie burglars wno roooeu me Water Gap postofflco a few weeks ago Kevival services are being held in the Methodist Episcopal church, and a few conversions are reported. The meet ing is in cnargeor rcev. Mr. rionman. pastor of the church, assisted by Rsv. H. K lsett and others. The dispute about when the term of the county chairman begins is sud denly brought to a close by the an nouncement of Senator Shull.th pres ent incumbent, that he will step out on his own accord on Jan. .'0. liobert u. Burnett, the popular young attorney, will take charge of the office of coantv chairman of the Democratic party in Monroe. Don't forget to subscribe for Tin: Tribune and secure one of those ele gant half Ituisian dictionaries. The terms are if 1 for the first month and 4 cents for additional months. Orders left at Keller's Novelty store will re ceive prompt attention. iuibune- will be served in East Strondsbnrg by Gtorgi Shively ; Old Stroudsburg by Keller .Novelty company. . SCHOOL TEACHERS CONVENE. Instructors of Lackawanna Township Form a Permanent Oriranizstion. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor Pa,, Jan. 10. The teach ers or LiiicKawanna lownsuip met in Nfts school Wednesday to discuss the advisability of holding monthly local institutes m conformity witli the request by Superintendent Taylor at the last county nistitnto. A full representation of the teachers of the townhip were presnt and after h few preliminary remarks on the neces sity of monthly meetings by Superin tendent J. F. Foley, 1'rofessor X. P. Joyce, T. J. Coyne, F. (i. Ofhourn", Miss jjKate Burke and others it was resolved that the first session of the in stitute be held on Saturday, Jan. 27, of the present month A permanent or ganization was flrected, J. i. 1'oley being made president, and-1 J. Coyne, secretary. The teachers in general iificussed and outlined the course of instructions that win be tanon up at their monthly gatherings. The subjects include all the course of studies in our common school curriculum A committee on programme was appointed, consisting of the fol lowing teachers: T, P. Joyce, Minooka; T. Q. Osbonrne, Pyne; Miss Kate Burke, Taylor: Miss Watkins, Bellevuo, and Miss Monies, Moosic. This committee will meet In No. 3 school in Minoona next Friday at 4 o'clock p. m., to arrange a programme for tho first meeting of the institute. Judging from the interest manifested in school work by the teachers at this first meet ing, good results are expected from those monthly gatherings. As the meeting was abr.nt to adjourn, Mr. Repp, one of the directors of Old Forge school board, called and stated that the teachers of l.is district had resolved to hold a series of institntes and that they would be glad to join with those of Lackawanna in joint lession. This proposition was favorably considered and in the near future a centrally lo cated place may be selected in order that both districts can m let together. DEATH OF JOHN R. DAVIES. An Eventful Car.er Is Drought to an Honord Close, Spcctnl to the BofflUOH Trilmne. FokestCity, Jan. 10 John It. Da vies, formerly a resident of the West Side, in Scranton, for eighteen years, died of pneumonia at 5 o'clock this morning at his home in this place. Mr. Davies moved to this plane from Scran ton about two years ago and assume 1 tho proprietorship of the late Isaac E Davies' hotel. Mr. Davies was born in Brekinshire, Wale, 1885, and came to this country at the age of 11 years. When the war for the freedom of the slavos from their shackles broke out Mr. Davies was one of the first to enlist, of course, with the north. He enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty second regi ment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and in it did heroic and gallant service for his country, participating in some of the greatest campaigns for a period of three yenrs. Mr. Davies has been for many years a member of Ezra Griffin post, 130, Grand Army of the Repub -lie, of Scranton. He is survived by a wife and seven children whom be hat left well pro- Pithy Paragraphs of Maple City Mew Specially Reported. Special to the Scranton Trilatnc Honksdai.U, Jan. 10 The firm of Ktantz &c Co.. shoe dealers, composed of William Krantz and Otto L. Schnel ler, will soou bo dissolved. Mr. Krantz will continue the business The store will be in charge of Sex Smith, who, until lately, was on tho road for the Honesdale Shoe company. Mr. Schuel ler has not yet decided what he will do. Myron E. Simons has given the con tract to Richard Brown to convert the factory lately used by Noble A. Ray for decorating purposes, into a double tenement bouse. St. Joseph' Aid society will give a grand masquerade hall in Liederkrantz hall tomorrow (Thursday) night. The music will be furnished by Metzgar's orchestra. Admission, 50 cents ; ladies, 25 ceuts. One of a number of small boys who occasionally "hook" fruit from deal ers on Main street, came to grief last evening. Amid tears and pleading ho promised his raptors never to do it again Small boys usually practice this slv art onco too often. A Honesdale gentleman has re quested The TrIBURI agent to say taat if the person who found his glove on Main afreet will kindly call on the agent he will be presented with the other, also. Rev. M. J. Watkins, of Factoryville, will deliver the third of a series of lectures at the liaptist church tomor row oveniug, Greet the reverend speaker with a crowded house. HE PLEADS NOT GUILTY. WHS Lawrence McDonald Says He Is Innocent of Ki-i Father's Murder. Sfecia1 to the Scranton Tribune. Honbbdale, Jan. 10 'Squire Snow, of Prompton, appeared before Peter s. Barnep, jmtice of the peace, at the court house this morning, and at 10. lo a.m. swore out a warrant for the arrest of Lawrenco McDonald, who at that time was in j dl charged with drunk enness. The warrant was given to Ooustabl" Brown and twenty minutes later he brought into court with his conusel, C. A. McCirty and F. P. Kimble. 'Squire Barnes, r;ad the warrant, stating that W. V. Snow, of Prompton, being sworn, said that on the S-venth of January Thomas McDonald was found dead, and in a condition that in dicated violonce; that a jury w is im panelled and that he acted as coroner; that the jury brought in a verdict stat ing tiiat tne death of Thomas McDon ald was OSIMtd by violence and, to their belief at the hands of Lawrence McDonald. To the question of guilty or not guilty, the prisou"r pleaded not guilty and waived a hearing. The next grand jury, before which Liwrenc McDju aid will appear, meets Feb. 20. FOUR DEATHS Tn ONE FAMILY. Young Son of And ew Albsrt Aided to h Fatal List fyecfal to thi Scranton Tribune. StRODDSBURO, Pa., Jan, 10. Another death from diphtheria has occurred in th family of Andrew Atbert.of Water Gap, making a total of four deaths in this family from the same disease in side ot ten days. The latest victim was a young boy who, during tUo illness of the other, acted a a cook for the bereaved family. The house containingthe unfortunate little ons has been quarantined by the board of shealth of that place and every effort is being made to keep the disease from spreading in tho com munity. S.) far this effort has been successful Two others are sick in the same family and one is reported likely to die and the other may recover. EARLY MORNING WEDDING Thomas G. Cougblin Leads Miss Mary Collins to the Altar. Special to thr Scrantnn Tribune. OaRBONDALB, Jan. 10 Tnis morn ing at 0 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Mary A Collins and Thomas G. Coughlin. The ceremony was per formed at St. Roso church by R iv. J. V. Hussie Professor Stockman, or ganist at the church,' played Lohen grin's wedding mirch. Miss Susan Banks was bridesmaid and John J. Coogan attended the groom After the ceremony the party was Iriven to the home ot tho bride's father, John P. Collins, on South Church street, where a wedding breakfast was njoyed, and on the Delaware an 1 Hudson 8 o'clock passenger train the newly wedded couple took their de parture for New York. On their re turn to this city they will take up their resilience at 3S Itiver street, where a newly furnished homo awats their arrival. . ENCOURAGING FINANCIAL SHOWING. Ten Thousand Dollars Addsd to Proi prnu Bank's Borplui Fund. Sfn-i iol to the Scranton Trittune Camion pale, Pa., Jan. 10 At the nmiual meeting of the stockholders of the Miners' and Mechanic' Savings bank on Tuesday afternoon tho follow ing directors were unanimously re elected: Alfred Pascoe, I) E. HVndrick, H P. Patterson, s. A. McMullen, V. VV. Watt, D. Scurry, John Jermyn, W. W. Lstbrop and C. E. Spencer. They also re elected the old officers and retained the same clerical force as fid lows: President, Alfred P.ncoe; vice president, E. E llendrick; cashier, C. E. Snencer; tellers, C. G Avery and J. 11. Paul; bookkeepers, E. A. Wheeler anil George Paul. The usual dividends were declared and the mini of $10,000 has been added to the surplus during the piist year.and in theso tunas of depression this is a most encouraging report. WEDDED IN BINGHAMTON. Miss Nellie Murphy, of Olyphant, Be comes Mrs. Llnde. Spcciut to the Scranton XW&UttO. ARCHBALD, Jan. 10 Last Saturday Professor Cbnstopher Liode, .. well known Archbald musician, aud Miss Nellie Murphy, of Olyphant, were married nit Blughamton. Mr. and Mrs, I, mile returned to Archbald last Thursday night. Both are well known young peoplo. Mrs, Linde has for some tlm past beeu a teacher in the Olyphant public sobooll and Professor Linde is well known throughout the valley as a mu sician of more than ordinary ability. When Tlaliy was sleV, we nave her Castorls, When she was a Child, she cried for Custorla. When slie lieenme Miss, she clung to Castorls, When tho hud C'uiMreu, -lie uavotuciu Ciutoria, G. O. Cathesa has bought a large lot of Wm. Atherton, opposite El. Welss's residence and will eroct a neat cottage iu tbe near future. Mr. Martin has the lumber on the ground for his new residence. Ed. Dunlap has stone masons at work on his collar. The Misses Bortrees has a tenant in the vacant half of their new house. Samuel Smith has a new piano. Mr. Calvin has bought Mrs. Well's piano. The tax payers are very much In censed over the unnecessary expense of heating school No 1. It is rnmored photographer Wells' house has beeu sold, The singing class under the leader ship of Prof. Thuyer, of Nicholson, is a decided success and was materially aided last evening by a number of good singers from Clark's Green. Young Mr. Celham is still very low witli pneumonia. Mr. Phila is convalescing. Albert Crown, of Dovor, N. Y. calling on friends here yesterday. PECKVILXE. O-icar Mayo has moved his family to Green Ridge. Mrs. Sylabee is very sick with grip. Dr. D Kelly was called to Honesdale yesterdav on account of the serious ill ness of his brother. D. P Lewis has moved into tho house of N. H Johnson, on Brook street. Albert Chapman received a slight in jury last Tuesday while at work at the Sterrick Creek breaker by falling off a trestle and striking on the frozen ground below. Richard Wren is home again after an absence of two weeks, whore he was called to Louisville to the bsdside of bis father, who is very ill. Frank Callender was a caller in town this week. All members of the Independent Or der of Old Fellows' Hall assojiation are requested to attend lodge meeting Friday evening, as business of impor tance is to he transacted. A. N. Thorp spent Sunday with his parents at South Canaan. Mrs. Mncklow and daughter Efti. of Avoci, visited R-v. and Mrs. E. P. Duty Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. W. H. Pearce, D. D., of the Elm Park church, Scranton, .delivered a very interesting lecture Tuesday evening at the Methodist Eniscopal church. Subject: "Among the Heights of Carmsl." ARCHBALD. Miss Maine Moran, of South Scran ton, called on friends iu town last Sufi day. The Davis Comedy company is hold ing forth at Father Matthew hall this week. They are playing to good audi ences and their performances give s itis- faction. M. F, Mcil ale wishes it to be under stood that he is still in the field as a possible candidate for burges, and will seek the nomination at tne D -m ) 'ratio convention to bs held Jan. 22. Reports to the contrary are false. Manager J. H. O'Hearn, of Carbon dale Academy of Music, was in town yesterday. An infant child of Thomas Siddons, of Hill street, dUd last Monday. T ie funeral took place Friday afternoon, and interment was msde in the Catho lic cem-tery. Miss May Birs, of Cirbondale, called on friends in town last Tuesday. There is a slight improvement in the condition of Michael Kenny, who is seriously ill witti typhoid fever, Hs is not yet out of danger. George Miller, who for the past year lias been working in Chicago, returned home last Saturday. James F. Judge and P. F. McAn drew, of Scniutoii, were in town last Sunday. Work on tho Crescent electric light plant is progressing rapidly. A large force of man are engaged in stringing the wires throughout the town audit is said that we will have light in about two weeks Dr. EX Grewer m Philadelphia Specialist, And Ills ussoclutod ftair of KiiglUh and Her man HjyBlciuim,uro now purmauontly locatod at Temple Court Building .11 1 SPItloCF. ST., SCRANTON Wbcru tho limy bo consulted DAILY AND M NIIAV. Tho Doctor h n graduate ot the University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology nnd surgery at tho Modico-Chlr-urglcul College, of Philadelphia. lt in also an honorary member of tho Medico Chirur gtral Association, and was physiciau and Surgeon in chief of tfm nioHt noted American ami Ueimaii hospitals, coinos hr;ldy indorsed by tho loading professors of Philadelphia and Now York. Ills many years of hosoital cxnerieuoe en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to correctly diagnose and treat all deformities and diseases with tho most Battering success, ami ids I i h standing in the state will uot all w him to accept anv inrurabto case I lls l MAMIeuh RKmTOUKD. WEAKNESS Of YOUNG MliN CIIIIEO. Jtyouhiive oeen given up oy your phyel c an call upon the doctor and ho examined, lie cures tho worst canosof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old tioroe. Catarrh, Piles. Fomalu Wcnkncss, Affections of tho Ear, Kye, Noso and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, On cers and Cripples of ovory description. Con sultation in English nnd German Free, which shall lie considered sucrod and utriotly conll- denttal (irtlco Honrs: OA.M. to J 1'. M. Daily. Sunday, 0 ii.m. to ' p m. Sirs. Sarah Tvtxier oi Pulladejptua. "Bad Spells" with the Heart Dizzy, Faint, in Despair Hood's Samnpnrllla Cured. "I have suffered very much during tho past lew years from Hoart Trouble Fhyslsisni said i might live s number of years, inil.ln dir nny day. I could usually tell when the Worst attacks were coming on liy leellng a sharp pain In the heart, then violent thumping, shortness of breath, followed hy a coldness com ing all over DM, then DtSSIlrBSS, kaintniss, and then, unless 1 r.onld lie down at once I would fall wherever I was. 1 never dared to bo left alone for 1 linil to have help at once and that applied with vigor. I could not do any work, even to sweeping, ami had to bo careful r the least excitement. I got very much dis couraged at the outlook ami thought There Was No Hope Of over finding anything to help me. One day a friend asked, ' Why'don't you try Hood's Hursa parilla? I thought It over and decided to try it, and I thank Qod for It too. Since 1 began tak ing It, three years ago, I have had but ono ' bad spell' ami that WSJ due to carelessness on my part, and from that I 'illicitly recovered. 1 can not tell you how much better I feel and helv thankful I am. I feel as If 1 would like to If II livery person In the world about It. I can and do now do all my housework, even to washing." una, Babah Tonus, B09 Latimer street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hood's x Cures " 1 know Mrs. Sarah Trexler from having pur. chased Hood's Sarsaparllla for a long time, and have evory reason to believe that the above statement Is true." K. & K. 1. SiiocLr.vi Pharmacists, Ml B. Thompson St., Philadelphia. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic, senile and effective. Try a box. 20 cents. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Dec 10,1803, called for by the Comptroller of the Currency. RESOURCES. I.onns Ml, 304, 473. 40 Overdrafts 740.88 l ulled States Bonds 800,0(1(1.00 Oilier ltoniU 448,197.7!! Hanking Hons U8,07I.4A Premiums onU. s. Bonds.... 17,443. 7S One from U. 8. Treasurer lo.ooo.on I lie In. in II. ml. 891,130.00 tush 173,600.08 8,463,008,60 LIABIL1TIE& Capital 8300,000.00 Manilas ,340,000 00 Undivided Profits 80,038.80 irculatlni 169,000.00 lllvidends I op. mi I.S.X'.' ."ill lie posits. 1,799,986 XII Duo to Hanks 80.11'.' l it; 93,403,111)8.(1(1 WILLIAM roNNKLL, President, UliO. II. ( ATI. IN, Vice-President. WILLIAM B. PUCE, (ashler. DIRECTORS, William Connell, George ll. ratlin, Alfred Rand, Henry UelTn, r., dames Ari-bbiild, Willi. mi T. Smith, l.uther Killer. Tli fs bunk oflVra tn 1pnKltnrB rvcry fact lit; warranted by their iulaQc?K, im-i cms ami retpoiulbllltys Bpeolal "Mi niion given to ImikIupmn ao eount. Interest paid on time deposits. Tin; TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED 18'JO. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and youug women iu this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has beeu an inspiration to hundreds of young people, If you are tired of Inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COTJR8B. BUSINESS OOURHE. SHORTHAND 0OUR8B. p mQJ)$ pr0prietor NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. PAMIT.I, fIIES.President W. W WATSON, Vice President, A. 11. WILLIAMS, Caehior. D1RBOTORS, Sami-f.i. Mines, jamks M- EvunnAivr. Irvino A. Finch, PibbcsB, i-im.cv, .li'M I'll J. .Ii ii m v N, M. ti. K8!88i CUAS. P. UATTBBWS, John T. Pobtkii W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Thin bank InVites the (tetronsgs of business men and linns generally. DKITKR RIIOK CO., lni-'p. Capital, $1. 000.000. KKST 8Jl.no SHOK IN THK WOKI.l. "A dollar rates' ii a dollar earned. This Ladles' solid Freneli Dongola Kid Hnt tou Hoot dollvercd freo any where In the U.S.. 0B reeeliit ot t suh, M eney 'ruer, or Postal Nolo tor fl.fiO. Kqml every wuy tho hoots olil In all retail ItOrSS for 83.50. We mats thi hoot ourselves, theivforu We guar- antte the fit, W """ ,rr,,ri and If any ono fa not ntlnlled wo win reiiiiiu me iiienvj or sSofl soother pair, uper l'oo or UODHBOa Prime, widths (', D, E, Sc ., res 1 to H and hull ties. Send your lte; ill Itt you. Illiistrnted Data- ksPHHm. 'BsaBBaWidesW .T"-,n Hsnra - , , . iciaasssF sssBnaiii H43 KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "YyE have completed our inventory and naturally have found some odd lots of LACK CURTAINS, CHENILLE PORTIERES and TABLE COVERS, which we will close out at actual cost. They Must Be Sold In our Carpet Department you will find bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, and in the liner grades, such as Moquette, Velvet and Axminster. Dropped Patterns, Remnants, and Old Pieces will be sold regardless of cost. RIIRQ sPecial 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, OUUu $2.50; reduced from 33.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. E A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE LUMBER TO THE) TRADE) ONLY THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, fWS Scranton, . Pa. XJTlIILE many niHmifacturera nnd dealers are making extravagant stats nicnts concerning tho merits and durability of medium or low trails pianos, intending purchasers should not tail to examine the famous STECK PIANOS. Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application. C .T ft. 123 Adams Ave. B3I iii nm iiiian FREE FEDERAL ST III lUtSTOX. .11 Special term) la Vtultrt. Dexter Shoe Go. Had more OFFICE CHAIRS than he wanted did not sell as many for holiday trade as anticipated. We have re lieved him of some at a very low price. You can judge if you care to relieve us by looking in our window or coming into the store; our price on them is much lower than regular cost. Remnants of Carpets and Odd Pairs Lace Curtains are moving lively. Have you had your pick?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers