The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Dark Calicos
Half Trice. 2.70 op ward.
Misses' Gretchens
Hall4 Price. $2. 75 upward.
7-Yard Dress Patterns
All Wool. ti.fKI upward.
15 fonts upward.
Down Quilts
93.08 upward
White Blankets
"s cents upward.
Kid Glove Bargains at 45c ,
69c. and $1.
128 Wyoming: Ave.
A New Sleeve.
A new sleev. which is a decided im
provement on the
leg of mutton
sleeve, is cut wid
er at the top. so
as to droop mora
toward the el
bow. It is gath
ered all round at
the top, the full
ness being slight
ly eased in just
under the arm
and equally dis
tributed else
where. As the
exaggerated leg
of mutton sleeves
are goinjc out of
style, this offers
t most desirable substitute.
Keeping Cu-pctt 4 lean.
To carpets and prevent nothl,
go ovi-r them once a week with a broom
dipped in hot water to which turpen
tine has ben added. A tableipoonl nl ol
turpentine to a quart of water, i Wring
a cloth in the water and wipe under
pieces of furniture too heal y to bo moved.
l'letnre Nursery Screen.
A pretty nursery screen is made by
Covering the panels with any solid back
ground desired-black, dark red or
brown and pasting pictures cut from
nunery tales upon then, One panel can
be handsomely decorated with the pic
ture! that made last year'i calendar such
B thing of beauty, illustrating, as many
of them do in such lovely fashion, the
procession of the months. The pleth
ora, indeed, in these daya of r ally ex
miisite specimens of tiie lithographer's
art makes a disposition of them, after
they have survived their brief present
in current weekly, monthly or annual,
a real problem to those who dislike to
discard them wholly or keep them for
ever out of sight,
1, litest Style. In Hilling 'i'ublcy Priuvlple.
to lie Observed In Table Decoration...
DoVMlftlG unil Imported China- Lump
Adapted tu the Dining Table.
In no portion of the dwelling is the
taste of the house mistress so much en
evidence as in the dining room. There
miir-t bis ample space, good ventilation,
plenty of light, but no glare; linen spot
less and crystal shining, though neither
may beof a One Quality, and china with
out the suspicion of a nick. Then, with
two or three plain dishes well arranged
ami served, garnished with greenery and
flowers, an American housewife can en
tertain a king.
As for tableware, the names and prices
are too numerous to mention, At first
class bouses can be obtained good, com
mon earthenware shs, .stamped with
brown, blue and green. While cheap,
they are both jiretty and durable. For
those who prefer imported ware comes
the Wedgewood, the Doultou, the Mili
um and so on up to the hundreds of dol
lars. For those who choose a nice po--celain,
while believing In home manu
facture, the Trenton ware amply satis-
or less of nervousness will be felt by the
pupil, who in his excitement will hurry
the movement of his work. But even in
practice hours anxiety may overthrow
his balance and cause, especially in hard
passages, the same hindering haste. Too
much cannot be said in favor of slow,
steady practice it cures digital stam
mering and stumbling; it gives oppor
tunity for accurate comprehension of
the contents of the pago for honest plan
ning; it largely secures command of all
one's faculties, so that improvement is
huiv and continuous.
fit's the most faitidioufc It may not be
generally known that the famous Beleeli
ware is almost exactly reproduced in
these New Jersey potteries."
For table deCOf&tlona there are designs
without number. A bright woman may
easily improvise upon a hundred differ
ent schemes. One principle should never
be forgotten. If flowers are used, they
should not bo profusely selected of the
iwi I scented varieties. With the odors
of viands and those of blossoms ming
ling together there can bo but little
harmony. Neither should the decora
tions be made so high that the view is
intercepted between parties placed visa-vis.
Again, while the dining room
should be comfortable, it is a mistake to
have it kept too warm. The windows
may be slightly opened from t ho top,
yet not enough to create a draft.
One of the latest fashions is that of a
triangle shaped dining table made by
placing three small tables corner to cor
ner, over we cavity may DS placed a
large circu'ar tray, which can be rilled
with flowers. This arrangement has the
merit of novelty and the fact that every
one faces the host and hostess, who oc
cupy seats respectively at the point of
the triangle and the center of the base.
Tiie dining room ought to be well
lighted. A number of mirrors adds to
that purpose. Nothing can be more
enlivening than the effect of multiplied
lights and the reflections from the
gleam of crystal and silver. Somehow
these seem to gently exhilarate and plO-
StcrlinK Silverwure.
There never was a better time in
which to buy forks, spoons and other
silver ware, so far as prices are con
cerned. Silver articles are, as u rule, at
least one-third less in price than last
Mini to Do With Them Koiista For an
I A Superior Hash.
Thero are a great many unpromising
looking pieces of meat that make excel
lent braises and other dishe. But if
any one Imagine! that it is as easy to
prepare a tough piece of meal that lias
abundance of fat and sinews in its make
up as a prime roast, she is mistaken. It
require! time and patience to deal with
a sinewy piece ol' beef. If theineat is to
be a success as a braise, the greater part
of the fat and all the sinews must be re
moved. It is not at all difficult to do
this, but it reifnires patience and a keen
edged Imife aboul the size of a boning
knife. Keen the knife m ar the sinew
and scrape it away from the meat on
both sides. Continue until all the sin
ews are removed.
A tough piece of round is very much
improved by this process. There are so
many sinews in the leg that it had best
be used for soup, though the patient
French cooks very of leu take the trouble
lo prepure this cheap meat for stews,
Theso stews they serve with piquant
sauces flavored with tomatoes or mush
rooms. Bo that tile whole dish takes on a
grand air and is really Delightful to eat,
while the meat is deliriously tender.
A breast of veal with its surplus fat
and gristle is not a very promising sub
ject iu the hands of an inexperienced
cook. But remove the soft hones very
carefully, so as not to waste a particle of
the meat, and remove a large portion of
the fat. Make a well flavored stuffing.
If you wish, use about a pound of clear,
lean veal, chopped line and pounded ton
paste, to the loaf of bread used for the
stuffing, or make the old fashioned dress
ing of bread crumbs alone. In either
case use a small onion and a liberal tea
spoonful of parsley for flavoring and bind
the dressing together with two or three
raw eggs, according to their size.
Economic cooking of a superior order
cannot be done in slapdish manner. A
flue roast can be cooked more quickly
than a breast of veal, but it costs about
three times as much. The veal takes
twice as much time to prepare. Either
dish is equally delicious. An epicure
might prefer the breast of veal, if it was
prepared in perfection. Even a roast
must be attended to while it is cooking,
but probably bears neglect better than
almost any other service of meat, al
ways providing the tire was right when
it was put iu the oven, says the New
York Tribune.
it is because of her dainty care and
skill in flavoring that the French house
keeper excels in her ragouts and other
rechauffes. She seasons a hash with as
great care as if it were a piece of choice
game. The result tells iu the excellence
of the dish. The careless cook who
I chops up the debris of meat from the
last meals without stopping to separate
I the lean from the fat and remove all the
bones and sinews is sure to make a
failure of her work. In all hashes ex
cept corned beef, where a little fat is .al
lowable, all fat should be removed aud
clear lean used. Look over the meat very
carefully. If potatoes are used, allow
about half the quantity there is of meat.
The care taken in this matter will pay m
the superior excellence of your dish.
Beccham's pills are foi
Ijiliousncss, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth
coated tongue, loss of appc
lite, sallow skin, when eatised
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills 25c. At
drurstores,or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New Vork.
year, and there is an Infinite variety to
select from. The average housewife is
content with silver plat! of good manu
facture for such large table pieces as
trays, tea and coffee service, cake bas
ket and the like. but she wants spoons and
forks of slerlijjr silver when this is prac
ticable. In making a selection do not
be beguiled into buying articles of very
light weight because they cos! u little
less. Remember that spoons and forks
of medium weight sterling silver will
endure unto the third and fourth gen
eration, while those of under weight
first bend and then break in a compara
tively abort time.
' Peel and slice six bananas, sprinkle
with sugar, with a lit tie orange juice be
tween the layers, using one large or two
small oranges for six bananas.
Gum arable and gum tragaconth, In
equal pans, dissolved iu hot water make
the beat aud most convenient mucilage
you can keep In the house.
rineupplu Drink.
tJood Housekeeping makes it by this
From one pineapple take the rinds nml eves
And add one quart cold Water, if you're wise.
One tetSpOOlllul brown tiifc'ar aud ginger, too,
To inul'.j it sweet. Aud now, be lore you're
Put in j&r and cover. I t it stay
Twenty-four hours. Then strain the Juice away,
And bottle, not forgetting to put in
A lump uf white Sugar, if success you'd win.
Keep cOV.l and driflk it tOOtl as you amy choose.
After three days li Is not fit in use.
Bad Blood.
Bad Blood.
Bad Blood.
rnaue a wen
Man of
S s
1 ffi crnoroj-. x
tr I ir Off-r-"S
til "0,
1 HI oiitir
JIluUl I'KS THE AI10 u
UESrIiTS in S DAVa, Cun
Nervous liii.t-ut.t-ri, hulling JltnU'iy
l-ui-.--.i- si- -ii -1 -ii' -nn
kloOK,ote,t eanse! iy past aoUMs, glvei siirui-niiilpitr
ttn.iiniiikt'iioiriiiiMiii.i qulekly imt inreh rcitorti
1...-: iunl,,ml Inofaoryoani'. l.uiiv earned In o-t I . l'll.-.'Sl.OO ;t (.tt. U.iK--. SO It ft.lMMvlt!i 1
V rilleil gMMIlitet MM "I llliiticy rt-lull ill (I. Dflll'f
at any EnprfnclplMl uruggf! -ell yoa tnuj Had of
faRftaffoa, liutstonlfavlngJNIIAPn nonuother 11
Do lia-f not irot it. it lit m-iiiI it lit until -1- :. n-rclil
t.fltrlee. I'ampfilet in -ealetl eiivelopt free. AadrM
Oriental Ut-.lli ul Co , fnift.,,, 111., arMMfMU,
SOI. I) In- Muiilie.v lir. 1.. Whole-.ale and. Retail
Dtngglala, St RAN TON, PA., and oilier Lead-
illK !'. ,v . :.
A BviXQCtl I-AMI'.
' mote coT ersation. Banquet lamps,
some twe) feet high, are suitable lor the
imuip tabl!. They may be softly shaded
in harmony with the prevailing tints of
the flowers or other decoration. These
similes tuny be or home manufacture.
1 ather ! colon -I china -ilk. crimson,
gold, pink or white t'. iminetl with lace,
,,1' l.i.ltinir 1.1, ill, ,1.,:1 It, ft .,,!,.
are good, according to Decorator and
Furnisher, authority for the foregoing.
Candied Lemon reel.
As lemons are used drop the yellow
rind into u weak brine in a glass jar.
When a dozen are thus pickled, they are
freshened by putting them into cold
water and letting them scald, changing
the water once or twice to extract the
salt. Boil them in the last water till
they are thoroughly tender and drain.
Then make sirup enough to cover them
out of slightly more than a pound of
sugar and a pint of water, using nlways
the same proportion of pint for pound.
Cut the peel into pieces about half an
inch Square, and drop them into the bail
ing sirup, which is allowed to cook slow
ly till the peel looks translucent. Then
keep them slowly steeping till theqirup
has almost dried out of the peel) Spread
on plates, sprinkle with more sugar and
put iu a cool oven to complete the drying.
Enooiimo r Tut Hiohi-t Mioicnt. Authositiii
VdgKoW un tier vai a m fln t t
asthma In Inn nfl
IN'HALFR will euro you. A
vouUOrful buou tu ":iV'-i
fruiTiColdi, iii mil ,
Influona. Hi J. 11 vhu;,
orllAl ITVKK. Afordj
inmuifiatertlitf. An fifrli'nl
rrnitwlv. or iiiTf nliMit lo tarrv
In portipt. roadr to iif1 011 UrM. ndlcgtlon of cold.
Continued I to KttVctn J'ormnnenC dirr.
h.itlntftclloriffiurnnt.i't'd or money refunded. Frlrp,
vtm. Trial free? nt Drum; I tun. KttHitrrud mall.
tt OtDtl. B. D. CUSHMIN, Mir., Mm linn, Mich., 0. S. i
MPNTUn! '1,hl' 'ureit nn-i R.ircMt romniy for
m Ulf I IlUi. an iMIn d'.t'ntrn. '., z.-n.n Itt-u Mi t
llhnitm.nM Sores, HuniH, Cntl. Vnndprrl rum
! '1 . ' r . 0 , u
jtljl:' iir iiy ii:hi1 )rcmnl. A'hln- DALIfl
Yor s.uu ny Jluulicwa Lirui. aim Uurgfta 101
3 ,d
s V
I havf Wn snfFering ton ;
years with Krysipelas Have
taKen doctors' tnodieinea anc: j
patent ln- ilieiues of most all 1
Kind-, imt none teemed tode
me any good. I finally made
up Day mind to try Huidoek
Blond Dittera. Have used four
bottles nf B B. B.and thin ,
myself entirely cured.
51 lis N .1 McCati.t.
Berrlre, Beaver Co., Pr
The Hose lllusheil.
All roses were white, in the (-Jnrden of
Eden before the fall, says an old tradi
tion. Al Bother Eve strolled iii among
the flowers f.he kissed u white rose, and
it blushed it-elf pink. When Kve was
iriven from the Uardeu of Bdm, the
rose covered itself with prickles so
no profane hand might pluck its sweets.
Recipe lor Apple, ( ream.
Peel, core and steam Ii or 7 large,
(nicy sour apples. When tender, cool
md ruh through a sieve. Add U enp
luls of sugar, the whites Of I eggs hrnteu
ki a stiff froth and a quart of cream,
freeze, turn from the mold and serve
prith cake.
Beats keeping Kotee,
Any painter will mix the stains with
rVhich you can stain your new floors
Milutit, mahogany, oak or ash, but it is
preferable to buy the prepared stains
rhichcomo put up in pint, quart, half
Jallou and gallon cam.
Crocheted slippers are just as popular
e ever and are made in all shades and
To make lemon drops, take a cupful of
gar, juice of g good lemons and a very
Utle water. Boil until they will harden
u water.
Bucalen'a Arnica SaWe.
The best selve n tlio world for Outs
ttulset, Pores, Ulcers, Salt Hlieum, Ferer
lorea, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, aud poal
vely cures Piles, or no pay required. It
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
Ir money refunded. Price 141 cents per
Jul. Fur sale by Matthews Bros.
Prevalent Habits Md Emm mat ought
t lie Corrected by TeaeheM,
The pupil is Usually unaware of nil
own mannerism!, such as swaying bis
body, beating time with his head and
the like. It is the teacher's privilege
and duty to correct these and similar
. nriotis habits. Venturing in to play a
new piece, many pupil! strike at the
Dotes with no very definite idea of the
clef, signature and time mark, the three
fundamentally important things upon
which success depends. The mariner
'tailing on a voyage without chart, rud
der and compass, three equally impor
tant things, would run constant risk of
ihlpWreek. Many u pupil has found
himself stranded in a region of flats
when he should have been iu sharps; has
found himself moving in waves of six
eights, when the underlying current
should have been in eight-eighths. He
who 13 wise makes careful and adequate
preparation for his musical voyage be
fore touching a note, sicys The Etude, au
thority for the following:
( )ne of the most prevalent and distress
ing habits is that of striking the hand?
separately instead of together in double
chords and octaves, and the same fault
is frequently heard in passages of single
notes where two hands should strike si
multaneously. The incoming of the
right hand a quarter or u half second
after the left gives a peculiar effect to
tho music allowable and necessary in
some passages of earnest or tender senti
ment, but used unintentionally or with
false judgment it is exasperating in the
extreme to the sensitive ear. Why tho
right hand should follow the left in such
manner is oue of the mysteries, but the
habit should1 be avoided at all cost.
A very natural tendency among pupils
is one that is not confined to the lesson
hours. There it is expected that more
A Whisk r.rnom Holder.
The sunflower Whisk broom holder is
both useful and ornamental. Its founda
tion is a disk of cardboard "i inches in di
ameter, and on it the conventionalized
Mower is made. Olive green felt is first
cut in tt disk 7 inches in diameter, with
deeply pointed edge, which fi'aewed fast
to the cardboard, then to it again are
sewed two circles of yellow cloth cut
and folded to represent the gorgeous
flower. Luch of these last is of Ihe shape
the diagram from the New York Times
khows, and measures just '21 inches at its
longest point. They are all folded so
thut the edges meet at the base, and ure
then sewed to the cloth within the points
so closely that their edges touch. The
center is a small pincushion and is mado
Of brown silk crossed and recrossed with
heavy yellow silk. After the (lower is
completed the back of the cardboard is
covered with green felt button holed at
the edge; two straps for the broom are
made fast to it, and a ribbon is attal lied
by which the broom holder can be hung
In place,
Atlantic Refining Co.
Manufacturers and Dealer! in
Illuminating and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Nnpthas and Oasn
lines of all grade, Axlo Grease,
Pinion Qreaw and Colliery Com
pound; also, a lurge line of Par
ratline Wax Candles.
We nlso handle the Famous CROWJ
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in the market
Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ava
v orks at 1'inu 1-trooic
r.omove Freekles, Pimples.
Liver - Moles. B!s(.k'ioad,
cunourn anu isn. .i i i
cunurn .uu ,an, twu ,c-
rtcrcs tho gLin to Its crH- - j(
i:al freshness, produchif; a Xtffc '!)'
dear and bealtliy ccn-tfJEr- jflnWl-.'
icawu. DUtmnawauMM
'. --'pitratlona and pcnVctlv harmless. At all
ui o. i U, or mailed lor 50- s. bend ior Circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP I' 'Imply Ini-raptnlilo u a
I)Sb purlfrlag Smp, ua'niiiilrl f -r Ib.i tillot, BBS titUiiut
i Tv'il lor tliw nurtcrr. luclue-lr t-nrc and d' lktlely i..-. i.
rati. Atdnuslsm Price 25 Ctru'1.
.'i. C. BITTMER , CO.,Tc!.sco, O.
For sale by Matthe-xs Bros and Morgan Bro.
Every Womai.
'tjsJ J Pomclimi"; needs a r
able monthly regulati:.;,
ur. rt al o
Art rronipt, left nml cerl;ii:i in result. Tho gen a.
Or . Peal!) never disappoint. Kent auywhoru
J. 1'oal .tl. ... . Co , c'ievelaDd. o.
Sold hy JOHN B. PHF.I.PS Pharmacist
corner Wyoming avenue uud Bpraos street
Bcriinton. Pa,
906 South Washington Avenue,
Ct-ntractor and bnllder of Concrete Flags'ing,
Oon Crete Bl- eks. Potat , Butter nntl Coal
Bins. Wet Cell oa dried up. Orders may be
left at Thomiis-in - Pra.t, Will anis ,vi Co.
Ahull and Kynon Streets, o:- at Bcranton
I Stove works. Alto Foun latione. Cisterna.
(f'.Hh Wire I'unncU anil Collin 1'luwiujf lor
I Harden Walks,
This Week
Q p p Pimples, BiotchesEg
be I Tb anfl niri cnroQ
Catarrh, Malaria
an'J Kidney Troubles
g Makes
tz Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
4-" P. P. I'. cur-Hie ttiH t.looil, lialUH np
gm the w itk iitii Kbi)itii(tii, -iv.-s
KrtBgtn to vtAKtiM Dorvo, oupeU
' 11 -e;i-siH,KiTinK tht putii'iit health &nt
p tin ij u whrrt nU;knt'!4-4, I.M.iny
!'I1dk and lum.UaiJj llr-t prtv:illii.
Fur iirimnry,Mri)iiiliiry ami tirtlarT
forLUiuil toinnnlnr. tiuri'U-
ruu bdltoOs mnli.riii. -i . h . : . mimI
In nil tiltioil aii'l itkln tlUoiiM-'. hko
blot''ho:f, plmptufl, uhl chronlo uIiht-,
tttttfi OMdhMUli hollo, trv-tpWina
i iiftma woum.VRay, wiihi.ut d'lir of
contrudh'tlon.tliBi P. P. P. ItthvMM
blood purltlor In tho tunken
,..'!'... ipoody uuJ pemmuouc curus
in till onset.
Ladles whose aj it ems art t- ; -i
and wlicst hltMMl 1m in mi Impure eondt
tlon, iluo to nioDstrunl lrnitularltleA(
nrojieotillarly tMu(Mlied by tlu wou
dorful tonic and hloo.i i-leahsinit prop
ortii'Aof p. p. p. Prickly Ash, Poko
Hoot nud Potasslutu.
Hphinokikld, Mo., Ann. I Kti. IH',1.1.
I oan f-ponk In tho hltcliL'St terms tf
yonrtnediclm from iny own pi r'mal
knowledtre. I wusnfltcte l Alih heurc
1 1 l . pleurisy and rhotiumllHui for
'Alt years, waa trentcil by tht very bst
filivNlcIanti ana spent hundreds of dob
art, trlnd every kuown remedy with
out ilmliiiK relief. I huve ouly tnkon
one nottlu of your P. P. P., and van
cheerfully say It his doue rnemofe
iritod than anything I hare vor taken.
I cnu recouimeul yourmedielno tu all
sufferers of the above dlaeases.
Cprlngfleld, Urweu County, Mo.
Are s'litii'i'ly removed by k'.IM.
PrloklV Albi Poke Hoot and Potan
hlum, lUo i.i ' bluud purlllor oa
AnntBFKM. 0. . .Tuly 21 . lM.
MRSsits. I.ippman Hros., tsuvannab,
Oa. : IMcAJl Si its I bung lit aboul of
your P. P. P. at Hot Hprbisi.Ark. .and
It has done me more jrood than threo
months treatment at the Hoi Hprlui;.
Houd threo DOttlM 0, D.
Bi'SpoelfuUv yours,
Aberdeen, llrowu Cuuutj, Oe
apt. J. 1. Joliutlou.
Tii nit vfn'in if MMf NMtMi I lire
tiy testify to the wo'inlerful proper lea
of P. P. P. lor eruptions of the akin. I
differed for aevornl years with nn un
alghtly aud illsaKreeable eruption on
my face. I tried every known reme
dy bin In vain, until P. r. P. was used,
nn i am now entlrelv eured.
(Signed by) J. I). JOHNflTON.
Havaunab, tu.
skin Vnnoer Cured.
Teitifoony U am Ihi Mayor of Sequin StXt
HrgiHN.TRX., January 14, 10X
Mkshhh. lippman Hitos. . Havannali,
Oa. : Uentteiut n- I have tried your P.
P. P. for a disease of tho?klu, usually
known a ekin eaneer.of thirty yenrn'
mamllntf. and touud itreat relief; It
purities tli blood ami removes all Ir
ritation from the reat, of the disease
and prevents any spreading of the
aores, 1 have taken flvoor six bottles
ami fuel conlldont that aDothor course
will efieut u cure, it has also reltevud
me from Indigestion aud atomaeU
truublei. Yours truly,
Attorney ut Law.
Book i Blood Disetises Moiled Free.
l.ilpniau'. IlIork.MaTniinah.CIn
2WICT!K?,T3CB!,E5 Th0 only ,ar8' Bur8 an(i
lutiumu rumaxo rlluu
ever offered to Ladios,
especially recommond
cd to married Ladina.
MAjk for IR. WOl'T'S PSVVYBOTAI, FILLS and tulio no other
VVtr Send for oiroular. Price ijil.00 per box, boxee for csj.uul
I Uli. MO'lTN CI-IE:11CVIj CO.. - Cleveland. Ol,;,.
lor Sate by C. M. H Alu;l iii ,, .k,. i, 147 j-enn Avenue.
We will sell
the balance
of our stock
of cigars
and boots
and shoes
at about
half price.
We don't
want to
move a
cigar or a
shoe if we
can help it.