1 6 THE SCKANTON TBIBUltfE -TTTUTtSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1894. Daily Chronicle OF Pittston Events. The Scranton TrIBTJNI'S Pittston oflice, No. 8 South Main stroot, is in cliarge of V. E. Tooke and J. M. Fnhy, to whom complaints and news items may be referred by any subscriber. THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Lively Sisiion Held and Almost a Riot at On Time. In pursuance of a regular cull the Democratic borough convention met in the town hall last evening to place in nomination candidates for the ensuiiiK cleotion. The convention was called to order by Chairman Patrick Sweeney Mt 8 o'clock. The following delegates Were recognized and given seats in the convention: First ward, M. Healey; Second ward, George Hently; Third ward, Thomas Lung; Fourth ward, Frank Daley; Fifth ward, Daniel COD nell; Sixth" ward. Thomas Devine; Sixth ward, Second district, T. Cole ruau, contested by M. Long;buev; Sev enth ward, Joseph Heap; Kitfhth ward, William Liuneu; Ninth Ward, Thomas Corcorau, Tenth ward, J. J. Mcllale; Eleventh ward, Patrick Corcoran. Considerable excitement prevailed for a lime over a contest between " bourns Coleman and Martin Laugh ntjr, of the Secoud district of the Sixth ward, who each claimed to be regular ly elected. A similar condition of af fairs existed between Patrick Cum miugs aud Patrick Corcoran, of the Eleventh ward. After considerable wrangling, to which the friends of neither candidate would yield, thu chair decided not to recogniz- the Second district of the Sixth ward, it was therefore ordered stricken from tho list The outer room was packed to overflowing with citizens. Concern ing the seating of Patrick Camming!, of the Eleventh ward, in preference to Patrick Corcoran, an episode happened that was not down on tue programme. Friends of Corcorau, smarting under what the termed an injustice and a direct Ming at them, bided their time. It came. Finding the door ajar for a second the crowd rushed In, headed by Mr Corcoran aud John II. Mnllin. All was coufusion and a geu eral uproar followed. Fears of a small siege now took the plaee of ques tion of parii imentary milages in the minds of the delegates for the time being and were only allayed by Chair man Sweeney who, in a voice suffi cient to be beard above the din and uproar, prevailed upou the intruders to behave and they would be giviug a hearing. John Mulliu addressed the convention by saying bo bat voiced the lentimeuts of the voters of the Eleventh ward when he stated Mr. Corcoran was tho regularly elected delegate aud not Mr. Cumminge. He said such proceedings as characterized the convention's action was never heard of and was not the work of Democrats. To ratify Mr. Cuminings and sucririce Mr. Corcorau would bo a perilous act that the future alone would disclose. E J. Barrettspoke in a similar man ner by saying while he was perfectly sail-:-', at whatever the convention would do. he, like his brother Demo crats, did not prorjose to stand by and see such an imposition perpetrated. In view of these remarks it was finally ordered that Mr. Corcoran should be seated, and the name of Mr. Cummings thrown out. The next order of business was taken np and resulted in the nomination of the following ticket; Burgess, Thomas Maloney; auditor, John E Dempsey; jigh constable, M. Deinpsey: tax re ceiver, E. J McDonnell, Chairman iweeney arose and thanked the con rention for the courtesies shown him while he had the honor to preside over its deliberations. He supplemented his remarks by saying he was aware of the intention of certain delegates to onst him before making up the ticket, but was glad to say they were a littie previooi, for under the rules govern ing the office of chairman he had the power to hold over until the work of the convention was conclnded. M. N, Donnelly ws then elected chairman and in a brief speech thanked the members for the honor conferred. John E Dempey was elected secretary. Tho convention then took up for ratifi-cat-.jn the nomination of either P. A. Sweeney who was nominated for school director by the regular Democratic caucus, and Patrick Corcoran who was similarly nominated for councilman of the Ninth ward, or M. N. Donnellv and John McNamara who were nominated respectively for councilman and school director by a "romp" convention. The convention by a majority vote indorsed the latter named. An adjournment was then taken. THE CARROLL- FLYNN NUPTIALS. fiandsome Church Wadding Unitii Two Popular Young Persons. St. John's church was the scene of a brilliant nuptial event yesterday morn ing, the contracting parties being Dr. M. E. Carroll, of 1'lvuioutii, and Miss Agnes Flynn, of Dnrvea. The interest ing ceremony that made them men and wife was performed at 10 o'elock by the Rev. Father Finnen in the presence of several hundred friends of the young couple. The bride looked charming In n beautiful gown of white corded silk, trimmed with rich lace. She was at tonded by Miss O'Hara, who wore a becoming costnmo of blue broaa cloth. The groom wore the conventional black. lie was attended by Dr, Mc Graw, of Soranton. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride, where an elaborate wedding breakfast was servod to a small number of friends. Tho newly married couple left on an extended wedding tour over the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western railroad, which will include the cities of New York. Boston and' Niagara Falls. Upon their retnrn tney will make their home in Plymouth, where the groom haa estab lished a lucrative practice. Miss Flynn, the happy bride, is one of the wealthiest heiresses In the val ley, being a daughter of the late Jnhn Flynn, who for years was identified with John A. Mears in the mining of coal. She is a most amiable person and possesses a cheerful disposition, a characteristic which has won for her many fritnds. Dr. Carroll is well and favorably known, having formerly re sided in Hyde Park, where he has many friends who will rejoice with him in having secured au excellent helpmate. MINOR PITTSTON HAPPENINGS. Events of On Day Chrololed in Crisp News Notts. The newly elected officers of Camp 401, Patriotic Order Sons of Ametlca. were installed Tuesday evening as fol lows; Past president. William At water; president, H. H. Weatherbee; rice president, William C. Allen; mas ter of forms, B. S. Emory; recording secretary, P, H. ltopp; financial secre tary, A. V. Coleman; treasurer, Eli D Kyte; conductor, George 0. Allen; in spector, John Kohlor; guard, John Powell; sentinels, C. S Underwood, and Alex Stevens; chaplain, Marshal Diotrick. The installing officer was Distriot President CJeorge V. Ander son, of Wilkes-Barre, who was accoin panned by a large delegation of Wilkes Barre membois of the order. At a meeting of the trustees of the Miner's bank yestorday afternoon, the following others were elected: A. A. Bryden, president; J. L. MoMillau, vice-president; 0. M Hileman, cashier. The Carrie Lewis company, who are Playing a week's engagement at Music Hall, pleased a large audience last evening. The play was "Chick, or My Little Colleen." It was received with geuerous applause. "A Study In Scarlet." NOW SW..LP 'EM UP. An Interesting: Curling Hatch la Held at Iukerman. An interesting curling match was played on the iukermau pond yester day afternoon between the Avoca and Pittston teams. The iee was In good condition and had it not been for tho hard luck experienced by the Avoca players, tho result in all probability would be far different. Three riuks were played aud resulted as follows: 1 3 a Total. Kinks. Pittston 'Jo 14 19 68 Avoca 4 10 ltt 86 "A Study in Scarlet.'' - s THE HOISTING ROPE BROKE. One Man Killed and Another Injured at Forest City Breaker. Special to the Scranton Tribune. FOREST City, Jan. 10. A serious and what proved to be a fatal accident oc curred at the Forest City or "old" breaker, this morning about 8 o'clock The engineer at the breaker was hoist ing a car of ashes up the culm plane aud when near the top tho hook on the rope to which thee tr was attached sud denly broke, leaving the car start down the plane at a terrific rate of speed. At the foot of the plau Mike Yend tes, a Russian living on North M tin street, and Joe Waters, an Austrian living on South Maiu street, were at work loading a car of pea coal; not seeing the car coming dowu they were struck and rocivod serious injuries. The two unfortunate men were re moved to their respective homes and medical aid summoned. Mike was suffering from internal in juries, fracture of the skull at the oc cipital bone, also many other injuries, from which efficts he died about 11 o'clock. Joe's injuries consisted of a broken arm and scalp wounds, but it is thought that he will recover. PLOWED THROUGH HIS VITALS. Half Ounce Bullet does Through a Boy Without Fatal Results. Bpoeioi to the Scranton Tribune. Cariiondai.e. Pa.. Jan. 10 When Peter Pitopsky last Saturday aecideut ally shot his 14-year old sou John, while trying to quell a disturbance in bis place, he sent 105 grains of cold lead clear through the lad's vitals, and yet the lad did not die Dr. Mauley, at the local hospital, today discovered the bullet lodged about three inches to the right of the spinal column, and an equal distance abovo the hip bone. The ball weighs half an ounce and. in its course, uar rowly missed tearing John's liver into tatters. OPERA COMPANY'S PLIGHT. The Lady Members Purchase Tiokets to New York City. Fpecial to , Scranton Tribune. CARBONDALK, Jan. HI. Through the chivalry of the mate members of tho stranded Sliackford )peracomtany, the ladies of the company wero today en abled to purchase tickots to New York. Malinger Sliackford left lowu yester day afternoon and today five stranded male members applied to the pour board for tickets to Scranton, whore thoy expect to get assistance. e OOOLEY TRIEO TO ELOPE. When Opposed, He Hacked the OfHcor Who Arrested HJm Wilkbs-BaBBB, Jan. 10. Lawrence Dooley, of this city, whs arrested to day on a charge of attempting to elope with the wife of Joseph Skiple. Doo ley, when arreated, used a knife quite freely ou th officer, but was ovorpow ered and locked up. At the hearing his friends refused to go his bail, aud he aud Mrs. Skiple were both sent to prison. .sv "A Study iu Scarlet." e i STRUCK BY RUNAWAY CARS. Robert Price, of Pitlston, Killed at Num ber Eight 81. pe. Wii.kes-Harke. Jan. 10 Robert Price, one of the best known miners of this valley, residing at Pittston, was killed today at No. 8 slope. He was struck while coming up the slope by runaway coal cars, and badly mangled. He was 60 years of age anil leaves a wife and seven children. DEAD FROM HEART DISEASE. Very Sudden Summons Comas t Miner Thomas Egbtrtson. WiLKIS-BaRRB, Jan 10.- Thomas Egbertaon, aged 67 years, a well-to-do miner employed at the Chauncv breaker at Avondale, dropped dead while on his way home from work this afternoon. His death was caused by heart dis ease. SKATING AT CRYSTAL LAKE. This Fine Body of Water Is Now Nicsly Frozen Over. Special In the SftTSMtOa Tribune. OaBBOMBAU, Jan. 10. Skating par ties to Crystal lake are now all the voguo here, lee on the lake is nine inches thick and the snrfaee ie as smooth as glass. Many skaters tonight enjoyed the splendid amusement. "A Study in Scarlet." U" A study in Scarlet." "A Study in Scarlet." PLEASANT EVENING RECEPTION. Miss Flo Allen EaUrtains in Honor of Miss Laura Davies. Sl-ecial to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Jan. 10. A very pleas ant and select party was given by Miss Flo Allen at her home on Miin street Tuesday afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Laura Davies. of Wyo ming. The evening was most enjoya b'y spent by indulgingln many favor ite games, college songs ami dancing. About 10 o'clock a very sumptuous repast was served, and those wno par ticipated in the festivities were Miss Laura Davies, of Wyoming; Miss Cira E. Avery, Miss Charlotte (lilese. Miss Minnie Bowen, of Carbondalo; Mrs John Lindsley, of Manilius, N. Y ; P, Allen, of Forest City; Harold W. Skeels, Knssell M. Shepherd, Harry Williams, H. G. Likeiy.of Oaroondale; Benjamin F, Maxey, of Forest City. The guests from Carbondalo dap irted for their homes on the 10 :)" train, with the exception of two young m-in who preferred to linger with good reason in the Citv in the Forest rather than go to the Pioneer City. "A 9tudy in Scarlet." - . AN OLD TRAGEDY DUPLICATED. The Waterman Murder Recalls a Queer Coincidence in Crimes. Special to the Scranton Trilmne TOHKUANNOCK, Jan. 10 Further in quiry into tho death of Washington Waterman, of Nicholson, who was found dead Tuesday in a pool of blood on the roadway leading from Warren street to the coal chutes of Jaynu '. Buck, tend to confirm the original be lief that Waterman had boon mur dered for his money. Tho inquest showing that he had been struck on the head with a blunt instrument set tles all but one question, and that Is, who struck him? No olue was devel oped today, although every effort to get trace of the murderer was made. It is a noteworthy coincidence that almost on this identical spot where Waterman was murdered, years ago occurred another tragedy, that in which Jesse Phelps killed William Hoot. Phelps was not convicted of the murder, but it is thought the mur derer of Watorman would stand a bet ter show of gotting a tasto of hemp. - "A Study in Scarlet." IT PROVED TO BE HIS PYRE. Tramp Who Smoked In a Hay Loft Is Burned to Death. Fjircial to the Scranton Tritiune. Clark's summit, Pa., Jan. 10 A few nights ago the well-filltil barn of Mrs. Cornell, near Shnltzville, was en tirely consumed by fire, evidently of an incendiary origin. Evidence since fonnd in the ruins leads to the belief that the barn was est on tire by a tramp, who had been smoking a pipe and who perished in the flames. MERCHANT KNOCKED DOWN. Three Colored Highwaymen Relieve Him of Surplus Wealth. Special to the Scranton Trilmne. StroudbBURO, Jan. 10, Upon hear ing a request from throe uegroes to hand over what cash he had, Merchant Henry Ehlers, of Poeonn, as he was about to close his store, complied. He was knocked down and $23 in cash and his watch wero takeu from him, "A Study In Scarlet." a Word About Perfumes. Good Housekeeping says if a scent is required to neutralize what arc known as "shop smell," use orris root in pref erence to anything else. Or, if you like it, bergatnont or sandalwood. Deodor ized alcohol, with a ttuspooiif ul of scent to a pint, used as a spray, will leave tho clothing redolent of neatness. And for the skin.is there anything more aromatic and agreeable than a handful of lavender water? LOST HIS LITTLE FINGER. James Morgan of Simpson Encounters a Painful Accident. Special to the Scranton Tribune. OaBBONDALB, Pa., Jan. 10. While James Morgan, of Simpson, was work ing at the Northwest breaker, his left hand was caught between the side of a car anil a mass of coal. The little finger was cutoff. HELPS IN ECONOMY. HOW TO MAKE A FEW DIMES SAVE A GREAT MANY DOLLARS. Stylish Gowns of Handsome C olor at Small Cost New Clothes for the Whole Family -No Need of Looking Shabby Even in These Hard Times. 'T hope to help many who are trying to economize," says a writer in the Li dies' Journal. "With a few puckages of diamond dyes wonders can be done in making old dresses look like new. In my, own family we actually did not buy a siugle new dress or cloak last tall, yet we dross comfortably and in style, by dyeing over clothes that had been cast asido. Diamond dyes come in convenient packages which color from one to ten pounds of goods for 10 cents. Full di rections make it impossible for one to have "poor luck" with the diamond, and they are so simple to use that per fect, non-fading colors are obtained without any experience in dyeing. They have completely taken the place of tho old-fasliioued dye-stuffs, and are as superior to the imitations offered in Some sections as is sunlight to moon light. Men's suits and overcoats are often colored at homo, and th- color is handsomer aud faster than that made at the dye house. A book of free di rections for homo dyeing will be sent to any one bv tho proprietors, Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington. Vt. The Strike Over VERY SEVERELY BRUISED. Acc'dent to William Stage While (Jotting Off a Car. Special to the Scranton Trilmne. Peckvii.ee, Jan 10 Tuesday after noon, while getting off a gravity car with two large lumps of coal, the foot of William Stage slipped and he fell to the ground, striking on his back. The coal fell, striking him in the face aud braising him up very badly. He is recovering. Helpful Hints. When buying a lamp, choose n broad and heavy base not easily upset. Oilcloth when soiled should be Washed with a soft cloth in lukewarm water, without soap, but it should never be Scrubbed. If before making tho morning's coffoo the berries aro heated for five minutes till they take on a darker shadoof brown, the flavor is improved. A good way to test ham is to stick a knife under the bone If tho knife comos out clean and with a sweet smell, the ham it: pure and wholesome. If not, not. If the extension table doei not slip eas ily, when adding or taking out leaves, rub a little paraffin on the joints and see how it will be improved. A piece nf c hamois skin cut. tit fit the inside of the shoe will not only prove very comfortable in cold weather and to tender feet, but it will save tin-stockings from wear. Crape may be renewed by passing it over the steam from a boiling kettle. The best way of treating B stove that has not been blacked for some time is to rub it well with a newspaper, adding just n little clean grease of almost any kind. It will soon take a polish after a lew treatments of this sort. Place in a bag of soft flannel, 5 orO inches sipire, bits of toilet soap too small for use, and then use it as a cake of soap. With expensive toilet sniipthis is a bit of economy not to be despised. V ery popular me the collars of fur made very full and just large enough to cover the shoulders without concealing tho waist . In thousands of cases the euro of a cough is the preventive of consumption. The surest cou,'h meili' ino in tht world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. . Robinson's Sons' Beer Brewery JHaniifactnrers of the CelobratoJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, MT, PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal or the host quality for domestic uso.and of all p'aes. delivered hi uuy part of tUe city lit lowest price. Orders left at my office, NO. UK, WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank. or sent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will tho sale receive BromDt attention. Special contracts will be made for and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. IB RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON $5,000 WORTH OF : Dry Goods And other soasonahle articles wore tied up on the road and delivered to us.now These must be sold evory article is marked .with its lowest selling price in plain figures. Wo will deduct an extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent, Thus offering a grand variety of fine presents at pricis invariably less than oost of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods aro just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each urtiule ie a piece of art, ornamental aud useful. Our annex is located on William street, next to onr Millinery Department. See the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of fine wares, suuli as (guilts, Ded Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and many other use ful select articles. These constitute our List of of Rare Bargains Evory articlo is a preiont to you if you patronize the Pioneer Establishment of warranted goods aud low prices, A. B, BROWN'S BEE HIVE. What a Minister Says. Trinity station. Morgan Oo Ala. Da. K. V. Pikhce: If ar Sir In the full or last year I siiffcriil from rheumatism In niv left shoulder nud elbow, t tried a groat n any remedies, rec ommended to me by friends, Imt they all failed tn afford relief. From the lime I begun Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, uu- til I fell that I wu cured, was a period covering four or flvo months. While the at l.t lasted. 1 suffered a great, deal, aud could not dress or undress myself, Altliouifh I um II vcars old. I now re gard my health as splendid. I had spent a grnit deal of money previously. In various PIERCE CURE. kinds of medicine, but the "Discovery," from thn day I commenced until 1 was well, cost only roi'R iioli.aii. Accept my gratitude, and I lieg to subscribe myself. Your friend, Riv. WILSON WILLIAMS. IlKV. W. WII.LIAMB. B R I C K Best in the market. Brandt Clay Product Co We will and can show you a larger stock than any othor concern in this section. Remember, we are MAKERS; the ordinary factory garment has no roam in onr Cloak Department and as to prices, we invite comparison with any concern in the laud aud kuow wo are the cheapdiL A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIV 33 N. Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St, PITTSTON, PA. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF H.J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite ronl hsaA ..v,.l,. K ln.. cli.sulliicHH and comfort. TIM ta 111.K in amm HEC-1, lMfl. Trains loave Hcrauton for Pitt.stun, Wllkes Rai re. etc , at S.10, u.15, n.;io , ftM, 2.00, 'wi!' th'' IrA' U-115 '' '" Sundays, 9.0U a.m., l.WI, 2.011, i.lO p. in. For Ailantlc t'ity, S in a. m. For Now York, Nuwark uud Elizabeth. 8.10 (express) u. m., UUO (oipross with Bullet parlor car;, 3,:W (exnreu) p. m. Sunday. "00 p. m. " POB MAff 11 (,'Ml-NK, Al.I.ENTOWN. BETllI.lt- IIBH, BASTOa nnd I'mi -mm, 8.10 a. in.. ,1.30, 4.25 1 except Philadelphia; p m. Sunday, 1 00 p. ni. v For bono BhAKCR, Ocean Oiiove, otc, at MO a. m., li.'io p. in. For Hearting. Lebanon and HurrtaburK. via Allentown, 8,10 a. m., 12.30, 4.i5 p.m! BuuUay. 2.00 p. m. For Pottsvillc, 8.10 a. m 12.30 p BL "turning, leave New York, foot of Liberty stroct. North river, at 8.45 (express) a. in., l lo, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet par.'or car; p. m. Rcnilay, 4.30 a. 111. Leave Philadelphia. Heading' Terminal. 8.40 n. 111 . 200 and 4.31 p in. Sunday. JJ7 iu m. rnronBn tickets to all points at lwest rates may pa had on application in advance to the ticket agent at th statin. H. P BALDWIN, J- H. OLHOl'SEX, Agont. lien. Supt. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PBYSK IAN8 AM) BCHGEONS, DH ((. K. DEAN, Disease of tho Eye, Nose Throat and Ear, ia spruce btrcut, oppo site court house. 1 H A. J. COMNBLL. Ofllco 201 Washing-tun xJ avenue, cornor Sprtn-e street, over I'raucko's drug store, hesldonce, 722 Vine st Office boars: 10.80 to Us. m. and I to4 and MB to 7.:) p. 111. Sunday, 8 to 3 p. ni. TAB, W E. ALLEN, ortice cor. 'Lade U watinaaml Washington aves.: over Leon ard shoo store: oihco hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. in ; evenings ut residence, 512 N. Washington live. I K. (.'. L. FKF.Y, Practice limited to Ui Is eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office. 122 Wyoming avo. Hesidence, 52D Vine street. IK. L M GATES, 181 Washington Avenue. 1J Office hours, 8 to 0 a.m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p.m. IOHN L WEMTZ, Commonwealth M. D buildiiu Offices 52 and 51 nr: residenco ,u Madison avc: office hours. 10 to 12. 2 to I. 7 to 8; Sundays 2.30 to 4, evenings at residonco. A spoclalty made of iliroases of tho eye, car, uosa ami throat and gynecology. DK. G. 1). if U RB AY, Special ty made on dis eases of eye and skin, 212 Wyoming Ave. Office hours: Until in a m .2 to 4 and 7 to 8p.m. IHS. DB.KINO, 830 MULBERRY STREET, 1H At Carbondale on Fridays of each week. l i l.ltlNAItv BVROEOMa ii BTURQE, V,'torinary Surgeon, Den 1-4. tistry a specialty; gold medalist of On lollni tario Veterinary liverv, 3211 Dix St.. near Telephone No. 4U Office. Summer's oiler's carriage shop .1. LA n 1 Mix. M C. RANCH S Law and Collection of lice. No. 317 BDrSM St., opposite. Forest House, Scrnnton, Pa,: collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents in every county. "lESSUl'Sft IIA.ND, Attorneys and Counsel tl lors at Law, Commonuoallh building, Washington ave W. 11. Jehsup, RoRAOf E Hand. W ii Jtsetrt1, Jil It. I. AUD WAKliF.N ,V KSAPl nevs and Counselors at Law, Kepul bulMinc, Washington avo.. Scranton. Pa. 1)AT TF.KSON ,V WILCOX, Attorneys an I 1 Ceunsellors at Law; offices 0 and 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. KOSW1U, II. Pattbrsost. Wll.l.lAM A. WlU OX w Attor publican AUCBITEi 1 1 DAVIS & HOL'P-T, Architects Rooms 24, 25 and 2fi Commonwealth n'ld'g. Scranton. U L. WALTER, Architect Library uuiJ lJ ing. Wyoming avenue. Scranton. F. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Price building. 120 Washington Ave., Scranton. MIM til AM (M S. D. SWAKTS WHOLESALE 8 and j Dime Bank building, MORTON lumber. Scranton. Pa. 1 1.UAHUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' .! supplies, envelopes, paper hags, twine. ...::.,;. uve., ocranton, Warehouse, Pa. 130 UAl'ER'S ORCHESTRA - Ml'SIO x) balls, picnics, parties, receptions, FOB wed dings and oonrert work furnished. For terms address It. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming are., over Hulbert's musjc store. EZRA FINN ft SONS, builders and contrac ii tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adam-i ave. ; corner Ash st. and Pcnn avo., Scranton. PEED8. CLARK ft CO.. Seedsmen. Fl.ri-ti and Nurserymen; store 14 Washington avenue; green house, 1350 orih Mam avenue; store telephone 782. G. "ai TEAS, GRAND UNION TEA CO., Jones Bros. M ini: si re JOS. KUF.TTEL, III Lackawanna avenu?. Scranton, Pa., mamif'r of Wire Screens. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and sre Ihe furnace nnd be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Range CONLAFS HARDWARE LFREDHAND, WILLIAM I HAND. At- A buHdlnu' Rooms H'. 10 and I. 'RANK T. OKi-.LL, Attorney at Law. I 5. Coal Exchange. Scranton, Pa. MILTON W. I.OWRY, I Att'vs, 227 Washing C 11 VON 8TORCH, i ton nv . c H square Law. tomevs and Counsellors. Commonwealth 21. Room IA.MESW OAKFORD. Attorney at l rooms 88, IU and Ai Commonwealth b'l'g QAM UK 1 offl. , W. EDO Alt, Attorney at Law 117 Bprneest, Scranton. Pa. A. WATKES, Attorney at Law, 42J Lackawanna atie.. Scranton. Pa i SM I 'I'll. Counsellor at Law. Office, rooms 51. 55. '.ii Commonwealth building It PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com monwealth boiliiinii. Scranton, Pa. COMEOYS, 821 Spruce st. nB. KKPLOO I.E. Attorney Loans nego- Hated on real estate security. Ills Spruce. I I. K1I.LA.M. Attorney nt Law, 120 Wy- 1), otnlnssvonue, Bcrsnton. nAVEYiil'lt HEEDS AND MORTGAGES written and acknowledged by i. W. BROWNINU, Attorney and Notary Public, H Commonwealth Building. M IH,,.. THE LACKAW ANNA. Boron treparos boys and girls for collegi QCHOOL OK O ton. Pa., in or business: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at 1-cu.uost. Ray Thomas M. can. W ALTBH H. BtrBkb A f IBS WORCESTER'S KINDEltUARTEN .'I and School 412 Adams avenue, pupil i r lvM at all tlmos. Se- tember 4. Fall term will open OFFICE; Binirhntnton. N.Y. FACTORY: Hrandt. Pa. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-class Bar attached. In poi for Berguor ft lOngel's Tannhiuuser Boer. N, Ei Cor, 15th and Filbert SU., Philada. Mont (lcniral)l fur rosldetits of N.K. Tonn ylvhU. All convrnlnncoH lor trjivt'lara Ao and from Brontl Btrot't ttatton und tbo Tl'welfth mill Market Htrent station. L)- tii tilil fur vInIHiik SorHiitoiiluns aud pou lile in thu Antbraclto Heiftua. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. II KN TIKI'S. C LAUBaC". Surgeon Dentist, No, 113 Wyoming ave. R. M. BTBATTON, nfflro Coal Eichsnge c. LOANS, WTOP I'AVINO UF.NT. OWN YlH'lt O h,. me. Money to loan on easy monthly laymouts. S. N. CALLKNDF.lt, Dime Bank Building HOTKtH IMi BKWTAtRANTs 'IMIE WESTMINSTER ..'IT'Jiii Wyommt i j av". Booms heated with steam: all mod ern ImproTemeiits 0 M. TiuiMAB, Prop. IBOLBB S HOTEL, SS7 Lackawanna ave uuu, Sci autoii. Hates reasonable. P y.tKOi.KH, Proprietor. ; LST.MINM'EH HOTEL. VV W. t. SCHENCK, Hanager. Sixtoentb street, one block east of Broad' at t nloti Square, Now York. Z1 way. American plan, W IM per day and upward. ( HiVNE HOUSE. Europeiin plan; good rooms. Open day and ulgliU Bar uup plied with the best. I' n. coynk. Proprietor, SCItAN KIN lllll HE, near II., U A W. . senger demit. Conducted on tho Euronoan plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor. IRANI) CENTRAL. The largbst and best ' enuliipe.l hotel in Allentown, Pa. , ratoi ) and I2.u0 per day. VicTon D. Barnf.r, Proprietor. -Tllli mm mm co Me idow and Pottsvillc It. K. at Ha in., lilii. A: W. R. K., H.m, 12.10 a.m.. J KiiiuH valley railroad. Train Iwvm Scranton for PUtadslpfaJa and JPfk Via. D, A- H ilt U. at 5 a.m , 12.111, and 11,8b p,m -IhD.,L. &W. It. K., H.w, II 11 a.m., and l..'j, IM p m. Leave Soranton for pittston and Wilkes- Leave Sennit,,,, for White Haven. Bajleton, PottSVUle and all points on the Beaver munches, via I) At 11. I, LID n.m iili.l. : V ;, , ,,, i.eave M-ranton for Bethleliein, F.Mton, Readn.g Harrwmrg and nil Intermediate poinn ia D. A- II. It. R Ha.iiL, 12.10, 2 ;w HM p in , via D., L. A: W. R. R..S.0S. 11.20 a. m 1 SO MO p.m. I la ave Scranton forTuiikliunno k, Towanda, Elmira. itbacs. Qeneva and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. It.. I 23 and 11.35 p. rn., via D. 1,. A: W R R.. jil m., IX p. iu. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points reft via D H. It. R. 1 i'l.ti.l.O.llU'i p. in., via D. L A- W. R. R. and Pittston Junction B HU a. in for Buffalo only), l-Mll s p. in., via E. A W. B, It.. 4.bip. iu. For F.lmira and the west via Salamanca, via D, H. R R ett.lOp. in . via D., L. W. R. R.. i,. MO a. m and it.DT p. m. Pullman pari irmd sic, plug orL. V. chair csrs on all trains between I.. & u Junction or Wilkes Bern and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sssoen-ion Bridge. ROLLIN H WILBUR, Gen, Supt East Div. HAS S. LEE. Oeu. Push. Ag't, Philu .Pa. A W Ni iN N EMAi HER.Ass't Oen.Pase. Ag t, South Bethl-lM-m. Pa. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May ID, ls!!2, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station, Scranton. for Pitts ton. Wilkes Barre. etc., I 00, J.0T, (.87, 10.42a. in.. 12.111. 1,21. S.as, 4 .111. Me, ti.lfi, vi. li und IL8S p. ni. For New York ami Vhila- uetpuia, a ' ' ill-, l-iu, ijgk MS, Ut and I1J0 p. m. For Houesdule i from Delaware, I.nckau aana and western depot X ' DO, S.30, IU lO a.m., 12.0J m.. 2. 17. ') 10 p. m. For Caibondalc iml intermediate stations, 0.40. 7 00. .:. 10.10 u. at . 12.00 m ,2 17, o 15,6 in, t.SOandt Kp. m.; from Bridge atreet Depot, 2.i(l u. in.. 2. Kan 1 11 :i5 p. m. Fast eliiress to Albany. Saratoga, the Adl n ndack Slo lataias, Boston and New England points. .Mil a m.. arnv n- at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2J0 p. m , and leaving Scranton at :i p. m . arriving at Albany at t.ti" p. m. . Sara toga. 12 U a. in ., aud B ston. 7. on a. m Tin- 'inly direct rout- between the coal fields and Boston "The Leading Tourist--' Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes George and Champlaiu. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing l,s-nl and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware ami Hudson system, may be obtained at ull Delaware and Hudson ticket offices). H. O YOUNG, J. W. Bl'RDICK. Second Vice President. (ten. Pass. AgU DUPONT'S MINIMI, BLASTING AND SPORTINO POWDER Manufactured at the Vspwallopetl Mills, Lu zerne county Pa., and at Wil mington, Deluwuro. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District, u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOBirotte. THOS FORD. LMttstin. Ta JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth. Pa. F. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Marre. Pa. Agents for the Hcpauuu Ctieniioal Com pany's High Explosives. Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, SCK ANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER lladoattho MOOSIO and RUSH DALli WORKS. Lnfllin & Rand l'owilor Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fusoi for explod ing blasts, Safoty Fuse aud RepaunoChcmical Co.'s High Explosives THE IjAUUEST CHEAPEST BEST Ihe Tribune ISA y El.AW'RE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN' BAII ROAD Truins leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and all potota East. 1.50, iW, 5 l.'i, mi and H..VI a. m ; Vi 5"i and 3.50 p. in. Express for Beaton, Trenton, Philadelphia ami tin- South, ." 15, s.00 and V.in a. iu.j liij and 8.00 p. m. Wusliingtuii and way stations 2.40 j, in. Tobyhanna accommodation. 0 10 p. m. Expr ss for Binghamton, Oswego. Elmira, Corning, Bath, liausville. Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10, - II a. ni. and 1 21 p, m.. making close oonoecnonset Buffalo to all points in tho Wt'.t. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo i.c-einm "lation, .( a. m. Bi,.gliamt, n and way stations. 12.37 o. m. Nicholson aim na, stations, MS p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express. B Ofi p.m. Express for Cortland. Syiaeusc. Oswego, I'tlcaand Richfield Springs, 2.U a in. and LH p. m. It :iac.i. '.' I", and K.mi a. in. and li'l p. rn. I or NorthtunberUnd,Plttston,Wllkea Barre. Plymouth. Rloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for WiUiamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash Inaton and the South, Nurthnmb, rlnnd and intermediate stations, BjOU, M0 a. m. aud L8D and B.0T p. m. Nanticoke and Intermediate station a, s.os and ll.'.li n m Plymouth and intermediate stations. ;i ill and H.;ls p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trams. For detailed information, pocket tini - tables, etc.. apply to M. L, Smith, city ticket office, ;12s Laekawannaavenue, or depot ticket oftice. F.V YORK. ONTABIO AND WESTERN 1 Railroad. Scranton Divisiou. Time table in efleoi Nov. Id, IKIW. Trains leave Scranton for Carbon. late: 6JS0, 8,10, 11 ,06 a. m 4.50. 6.10 p m. For Hancock .luncti m and main connections II 115 am. 6M p. in Trains leave 11 an ock Junction for main line connection for Scranton, e ml a.m., 2.05 P- m. Trains leave Carbondalo for Scranton 7.24, 8.46 a.m., 1.10, :i,34, 6,16pm, J. C. ANDEKSON. General Passenger Agent, New York. T. FI.ITCKOFT. Distriot Passenger Agent, Scnuiton. T7RTE AND WYfjMIKa VALLEY RAIL 1' ROAD Train leave Scranton for New Y'ork and In termediate points ..ii the Erie and llawlcy and lo.-al point! at 8 86, " 45 a. in. and 8JN P m. Train leaving nt 8.46 a. m and 1124 p. m. are through trains to and from lioiics.l ale. Trains leave for Wilkes Barre at 1.40 a. in. and II II p m JJATTHEW8 BROS. Druggists AND DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Ailantlc l ead nnd l-'rencb Zinc, l'uie Linseed oil. Turpentine and Varnishes. Beadjmlxed Paints i ail colors, Qilders' Whitlnc Paris White unit Kalsomlnn, Oil' Vitrei, .Marble Dust and Window Glass BObOM Friend cures your pain and cough. That's all. S5a Matthews Eros., Scranton, Pa Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St, and Adams Ave. Count House Squahr. All kintls of Lauudrv work guaranteed the best,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers