t THE SCH ANTON TRIBUNE TH I' ItM AY MORNING, JANUARY" 11, 1S94. 5 yiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig I Pipe I Valves I HOW TO GET A LICENSE AN EX-JUDCE IN COURT TO GET i OF THEM REVIVAL AT DUNMORE ESCAPED FROM UBBY Si The Tribune Answers Several buwrtut Questions Asked by a Subscriber. H THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. niilllliiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna HE JC8 Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAM. HEARS & HAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of lo inch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to sell for 75c.; 7 yard-? will cost you $2.03, or only ?oc. per yard. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 12 7 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. "A Study in Scarlet." Commou council will hold a regular meeting this ovening. "Tho Limited Miul" will be the attrac Hon at the Acndoiuy of Music this eveumij. Several skating parties from this city yesterday went to Elmhnrst, where the ice is splendid It's nueer, but people all over town are begiuDinp; to a.sk each other what there id in "A Study in Scarlet." Patrick Hannon, of the South Side, was adjudged in-iine by Itoctora (.master and MauUy yesterday afternoon. The PefttOD Metallic company of James town, BT. Y.,is tinting In its portion of the file cases at I lie municipal building. chief Ferber will petition council for nine extra permanent men, the intention being to wurk the department into a paid systtuj by easy stages. The feeling in favor of the purchase of a chemical engine is growing daily. Much damage by water could be avoided if the city owned siich.an apparatus. -Michael Ford, wholiye9 near I.pggett'a creek in the North F.nd, was run over by a Delaware and Hudson train in oiyphuui Tuesday night. . He is not expected to live. lames Allen, who was arrested with five pairs of socks in his possession, end sus pected of stealing them, was discharged by order of Cnietof Police Simpson yester day. A package from Mrs. N. il. flrooks, clothiug fiom Arthur Thomas mid a dozen lliawls from -.ome unknown person were the article received by the relief agents yesterday. Alderman Wright yesterday married John Weiland anff Senna Dunn, of Price burg. The brido was given away by her father aud Constable Thomas Hart acted as best man. Frank (,'ntler, the popular nsher.it Won derland, entertained about fifty of bis friends at his parent's homo on diamond avenue last evening. A very enjoyable time was bad by all. T. J. Snowdeu, the well known lnmoer man of this city, was yesterday elected vice president of the Pennsylvania lum berman's Protective association at a meet ing held in lancaster. The store of H. H. ('annon.the Wyoming avenue candy merchant, was closed by Deputy Sheriff Onswold yesterday on an execotion issued on a judgment for ;t U held by Contractor Frank iloyer. The board of engineers at a meeting Monday night decided not to hnvn Chief Ferber enter the contest for a belt against liiiighamtou's chief iu aid of the Uouh and Keudy Kire company or Montrose. The funeral of Mrs. Emma Quinlin, who died on Wednesday, will be heel Saturday at -.30 o'clock p. m, Servicesfwill be con ducted at the St. Luke's gnssiun, Don more. Interment will be made at. liuu inore cemetery. I.elandT. Powers, who will lecture on "David Cupperfleld" at the V. M. 0. A. hall to-morrow evening, will Do greeted by a large audience, as be is one of the ablest aud most popular lecturers who ever ad dressed a Scrautun audience. The annual meeting and election of offi cers of the Homo for the Friendless will take place to-morrow at 3 p. m. in the hull of the Young Women's C'brlitlau associa tion. The public is iuvited to uttend. All members are entitled to vote. The marriage licensos grnntod by tho clerk of the courts yesterdnv were to Thomas O'Malley, of Scranton, and Sarah O'Malley, of Dunmore; John Weiland uml N-llua Uunn, of Priceburg; Kmie Secor, of Jiunmore, and Susie Holier, of Scranton, "A Btudy in Scarlet." Mrs. Mary Rosenagle Wants to Recover $3,000 that He Invested for Her. piBA S. O. F LORY 8. Q: Flory, at his late resi dence, MM Washington avenue. Funeral will take piece Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. k"A Study in Bcarlet," IS AN EXTREMELY EASY MATTER ll Is Fashionable to Print In Newspa pers the Names of All Who Procure Licenses II Is the Custom,. Also, lo Publish Marria(r,cs Licenses Only Good In One County. A young nan who is very evidently hovering In tnat uncertainty between the blissful stat of holding young worn in s liund throe hours every night and the danger of mussing the creases in lus trousers by (jetting on his knees before tiiis young lady, write The TrIBDNI as follows: Si'BWTon', Jan. U, 1SIH. Editor Of The Tumi xr: Dbak sut- seeking Information, i know of no better source thau through your jour nal, if not too muoh trouble, will you at an early.date kiudly print in TltK Titni i m: Pact! regarding the marriage license. What 1 wish to know is: First- Is it necessary that the names of parties obtaining license be published V Second -Must notice of marriage be pub lished' Thud Is license obtained in one couutv cf this state good anywhere in Pennsyl vania or only ia county where granted? Fourth Form id application for licettsei By complying with above request you will greatly oblige yours trulv, A SUBSORIBSR. If the tit irriug 9 license editor of The TribUMI only knew which particular subscriber of this paper's many thou sands is the author of the above he could hotter famish the desired infor mation. It might be that Punch's ad vice of "Don't" might be applicable to Subscriber." The editor's ideas re frding tiie questions asked are of the opaque variety to much in vogue now adays among newspaper men who are compelled by the pleasures of their occupation to labor from fourteen to twenty-three aud a half hours a day. However, with tho aid of the offlje boy, be will do his best to enlighten "Sub scriber.'' Fust question: "Is it necessary that the natnea of parties obtaining license be published?" IT IS SOT NECESSARY. Tim editor of Thk Tumi ne Joes not thiuk it tiny more necessary to print the names of all persons who pay 00 cents for a marriage license thau it is to eat pie with the aid of a fork. Still it's quite fashionable, and "Subscriber1 should follow the prevailing style re gariiiug this matter. It should give a deal of unalloyed pleasure to any citizen to read in tho newspaper that he has been gruuted a marriage lic-msj along with. George l'rokepovit. John Drosdtck, (leorue Raspasko. Michael Perko, Fradk Barrilla, Andrew Coo amage, Birney Crevolis, Matthew fontlavitch, John Slop-ntzki, Jospb Gelonet;, Peter Wineiiiewicz, Anthony Kossuth. Half Murrosco, S.impko Par saka, Moslco Pasalop;, and a few other well known aud prominent per sons. Second question "Must notice of marriage be published?" It must, if any of the hustling young reporters of a well regulated newspaper like thu TuiHiNE Knows of the event. "Sub scribers" friends would all bi greatly delighted to hear that he has agreed to pay a young lady's board biil for au indefinite prioJ. Besides, a wedding i- wav ahead of Christmas, or a birth day so far as the matter of presents from loving friends aud rslatives is concerned. UCEKBEOOOD FOR OKI COUNTY. Tidrd question- "Is a license ob tained in one county of this state good wuywhere in Pennsylvania, or only in the county where granted';'1 The editor regrets very much to state t.. fcul seribar that if he gets a marriage license in Lackawanna county lie must patronlss the home ministers. aldermen, or justices of the peace. This is in keeping with the true Republican pol icy of protecting local industries. Bnt if "Subscriber" and the young lwlv upon whom he calls every night are petint persons, they can, by waiting until Oct, I, 1805, secure a license at tho Lackawanna court house and me ander over to Wayne, Sturjuehantis, Luaerne, or in fact any other county in the state, where the marriage license Will be found to work just us well as here at home. But wn would advise "Subscriber" not to wait, as the aver age young lady is mighty fickle, and she may at some near day or night -object to the not altogether pleasant odor of a celluloid collar, and want to rend in twain their mutual agreement of love, sweet love. Fourth question: "Form of marriage licenses?' The &C&ANTON TftllitST. is sold for 3 cents a copy, whereas a mnrriage li cense costs 60 cents. We a re afraid that genial Clerk of the Courts Tliomns would object if we ruined his marriage licenes business. We have information in great large wads and we aro always :::- I to distribute it among our fri"nds, bnt we are rVher shy on mar ringe licenses. Mr. Thomas, though, has a plentiful supply.nnd he is always glad to give them away at the regula tion price of SO cents. - "A Study in Scarlet." ! NEARLY BURNcD TO DEATH. Patrick Ruane R-ceivea Frightful In i'ii i s in Johnson's Mine. Patrick Uuane, a mfner employed in Johnson's mine, was burned so badly by an explosion of it keg of powder yes terday that it is feared he will die. Johnson was working in his chamber and had with him a keg of blasting powder. A spark was probably dropped into the powder, for it exploded with terrific force. Ritiino was burned by the Hash so badly that his flesh hung from him in several places. He was taken to the Lackawanna hospital. In diagnosing the case tbo physicians said that if Runne could live twenty four hours he would recover. ' "A Study in Scarlet." PERSONAL. J' hn A. Nalliu spent last evening in Win,, i-Barre. Professor J. H. Crowoll, of Carbondule, spent yesterday in Scranton. Mrs. J W. CnHtnrd, of Tunkhannock, is visiting her sou, Joseph Custard, of -M Mulberry street. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Madigan, of Carbon- dale, were In Scranton Tuesday nltendiiig the funeral of his brother. Mrs. John Milligan, sr., and daughter Nettie, of ( nrboiididp. aro spending the week with friends in the city. Mrs. Andrew Peel, of Kureka, Utah, with her children, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. H. Uolden, of Providence. John Boyce, proprietor of the Chinchilla House, and Miss Isabella Mealy, d itigbter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoaly, of Green street, were wedded at Holy Kosary church yesterday morning. MONEY WAS SUNK IN A COAL MINE The Plaintiff Thinks that tho Stock In tho Wyoming Manufacturing Com pany Was Not a Good Investment, but the Defendant Says It Was Until the Panic of 1084. Behind to Be Stopped iu the City of Scranton. FIRST TEST CASE TO BE MADE A Little Child Picked Up on the Streets Yesterday lo be Given a Hearing by Mayor Conncll Under the Provi sions ol City Ordinance Colonel Ripple Interviewed. Ex-Judge John ilandley is the de fendant in a snit that is being tried tie -fore Judge Kdwardstu court room No. ". The plaintiff is Mrs. Mary A ltosenasrle, of Nw York, who wants to recover 1)3,000 that she lost, on an in vestment made for her by Mr. Iland ley. The action was begun on May :!. I S7, and on April 6, 1880, after the case had been tried before the .late Judge Con nolly, a verdict for Jme defendant was returned. Anew trill was refused and the case was taken lb the supreme court, where it was argued during the last week of February, IH'.U The su preme court decided iu faVor of the plaintiff and tba case WSI sent back to this county to be retried. Attorneys 0. H. Soper and James W. t hi k ford appear for Mrs. Koseiinglo and Attorneys Lemuel Aiiieriuau and liorge S. Horn for the defendant Ki Attorney General Palmer, of Wilkes -Havre, assisted tho counsel for the defendant yesterday morning, but was too ill to appear in court in the afternoon. HISTORY Or THE CASE. On July 96, 1807. Valentine and Mary A Roseuagle brought suit in Lu zerne county against the American Life Insurance aud Trust compuiy on a policy issued on tho life of Msry O. Kring, who died in 180?. Attorney John Bandley and At torney H. W. Palmer, neither of whom had as yet won the exalted titles they are now privilege! to pr-dix their names with, were counsel for the Rosen, iglos On April 10, 1 s T a verdict of 6,167.49 was given in favor of tho Rosenagles, but a new tri il was granted au 1 subsequently tho Case was settlod for 14,000 In 1883 Attorney Palmer wrote to Mrs. Itosen agle, telling her that Mr. Hundley, than president julge of this county, held the money, subject to her order. 0'i Do. 17. 1883, sho came to this city from New York and on that and th following days had conferences with Judge Hundley r bis office on Lacka wanna avenue. From the amount In Judg" Hundley! hands, $1,000 was deduoted for counsel fees, aud as Mn Rosetiaglo desired to invest the $3,000 remaining, she say S that the Judge of fered to buy stock for her in tot Wyo ming Manufacturing comptny. SHE INVESTED HER MONEY. According to Mrs. Rosenngh-'s story told on thestaiid yosterd By Judge Hund ley told her tho coinp iny was doing a prosperous business and displayed a book showing her that he had a large block of stock iu it aud that other prominent citizjns of the city were sl,o stockholders. He told her the stock would pay six per cent, dividends, and personally agreed to pay her that amount. Ou this ahowiug she agreed to take thirty shares of the stock at par, and a certificate was accordingly made Out for her. At that time she did not know the works of tho Wyoming Man ufacturing company consisted of a coal mine in West Virginia. On her stock she was paid by Judge Haiidley three seuii-aunuai dividends of if!i() each. Tbey w.re paid in Jnlv, 1884; January, 1885, and July, 1886. o June, 1880, she received a copy ot ths Star of Charleston, West Virginia, which conveyed to her the unpleasant Information that the Wyoming Manu facturing company was insolvent and that the coal works on the Kinawt river were about to lie sold at commis sioners' sale. She never re.iliz-d any thing on the sfS, 000 stock she had in tho company. Although sho demanded that Judge ilandley nuke good the amount sue hud lost in the company, he refused to do it. EX-.ICUHE HANUl.F.V TKSTldES. Ex-Judge John Ilandley was called by the plaintiff on cross examination alter Mrs. Kosenagle had retired from the stand. He said that he was presi dent of the Wyoming Manufacturing company but never drew a cent ol money as salary although the company allowed him one, The company began operations in Wfst Virginia iu 18M and the follow ing year the board ot directors decided to give two shares of stock for one to new stockholders as an iiidiicvineut for people to ir.veHt. This extra share of stock was in the nature of au advance dividend. Tho company wanted money to build a railroad troin its coal works on the mountain across the valley to the Kanawa river so that its coul could he shipped in boats and took that means of raising it He allowed Mrs. Rrnenagle to elect whether ahe would take thu two for one stock or purchase a portion of his stock at par and receive the guarantee of a dividend. She took the stock at par, as she wanted an assured income from her investment. He felt that he could safely guarantee tho dividend, as he bad great faith in the future of the compuny, (STOCK ABOVE PAR. "What did you consider Hie stock worth at that time'.' " asked Mr. Hoper "I considered a $100 share wortn llStf "Then yon ware kind enongh tossll this worn in your own stork worth ; i . 1 a share for $100. wore you'.'" "I had a legal right to do it," replied the ex-Judge and Mr. Soper admitted he hud. Mr. Ilandley said he told Mrs. Ros enagle that sho would have to take her chances iu the company the same as the rest of the stockholders Ho guar anteed the dividends but not the in vestment, The company was in a prosperous condition and making money until the . panic of 1884. A crisis came, money could not be raised ' 'to Worn of the compnny that he - nsi rod worth from $r, 1,000 to tfO,. 1 Owi sold for $0,000 or $7,(100. He I t all le had invested aud ab ut $10, 000 on iots for money ha had ad vanced. He did not know the amount of stock ht had at the time of the fail ure bnt he had at various times held from $o,0l)0 to $0 OiH) He always considered the property valuable and the partis who obtained it after the sale have since made for tunes out or it, When court ad journed James Jiffkins, one of the directors of the company, was on the stand. Btors for Rant. One of the stors In the now Price build ing is now vacant and can be rented tem porarily or permanently. There are a number of fine suites of offices ou the see nd and fourth floors still unoccupied, but as ihoy aro -among the truest iu the city, ought not to remain so very loug. A fast electric elevator makes the fourth floor .fully as desirable as the second. Series of Successful S i vices Being Conducted by Rev. Ralph GIUirjL THREE MEETINGS IN ONE DAY lieggiug on the streets of the city of Scranton, or in any part of the city, is to be stopped. Ill Associated chari ties has taken up tho mutter in dead earnest, and a test cn-e is to be made. For years the city tins been infested with a class who, although being not in needy iliroumstBUCSS, instruct their progeny to daily go out begging from door to door, asking for and taking everything conceivable, from a loaf Of bread to a pair of shoes, a hut, a shawl, a dress or a coat. Even iu the city's most prosperous condition the begad ng has been prac ticed with profit, ami the mendicants are not confined to any particular por Hon of the city. CHrls, and even boys ot tender years, aro sent out. and in stead of Independence mid selfreliance, they are taught to become hypocrites and prevaricators The public generally will rejoice Hint an end is to be put to this disgraceful practice, and il tho effort proves suc cessful, as it undoubtedly will, it will aid very materially in separating the deserving from tho unworthy, and will place the latter class where it properly belongs, behind the bars of our penal Institutions. A 'I EST CASE. A little girl, apparently under IS years of age, is the first person to be arrested, and a test cuBe Is to be made of her. The little one, who is from the West Side, was picked up on Lacka wanna avenue yesterday. She gave her name us Uumbrowsld and ad mitted that she und her mother went f i oiii door todoor hogging. The mother herself is liable to prosecution for send ing the chili) out in the deplorable coil ditiou in which she was found. She was in a pitiable condition when found. Siie was illy clad and, judging from her appearance, the water mains ot the Scranton tins an 1 Water com pany are not laid in tho vicinity of her home. The little one wan picked up by Mrs. Pettigrew and taken to Colonel Rip ple's office in the Third National bank. An officr was sent for aud thu little Waif was then taken to the city hall. Eater in the day Mrs Dnggan applied soap and water with 'good effect and the child was then sent to the orphan age, whets she will remain until Mayor Oonusll'S return from New York, when the hearing will take plat. LAW IN THE CASE, Tho'nrrest was made under U19 fol lowing section o( a city ordinance: "Person! found begglogin the streets by policemen, shall be taken before the mayor, and if found to b- proper subjects for relief, the) are to b;j taken before the directors of the poor. If found to be va grants or impostors, to be dealt with by the mayor according to law.'' Colonel Ripple, president of the As sociated Charities, thus defined the intentions of his organisation in tbS premises to a TRIBUNE reporter last evening: "We aro acting in the cause of hu manity. We want to put an end to bogging, it is our desire to separata those worthy of relief from tnose that are not. To the former class we will accord nil that the msana at our dis posal will allow. The other class will have to earn an honest livelihood or go where they properly belong, behind the bars." "A Study in Scarlet. ' THE NEW COIMT CaL ENDAR. Official Orders in Relation to Common Plem and Orphan' Oourta. In re l Terms of Court of Common Pleas. ) Lackawanna county, ss: Now, Jan. 8, lS'.u it is ordered by the jndget. of the court of commou pleas, of said county, that there shall bo live regu lar terms of said court in each atld every year, and that thu tunes for holding the Bllllie shall be us i to wit : The second afondav of January, to con tinue three weeks, the fourth Monday of March, to continue three weeks; the last Monday of May, to OOUtinUS three weeks; the third .Monday of September, to con tinue three weeks and the second Mon day of .November, to continue three weeks. l.y the ( ourt, B, w. Abchbald, p. J, Attest: ('. E. PRTOR, Prothonotury. In re Argument ( '.dirts. ( Lackawanna County, is; Now, January Kih, ISM,J ordered by the Judges of the several Courts of the said county that there shall be five regular argument com ts in each year, the times for holding the same to be as follows to wit: The third Monday following the fourth Monday of January, to continue one week ; the fifth Monday following the fourth .Monday "f March, to continue (die week the Monday following the fourth Monda' of .lime, to continue one week; the lillli Monday following the third Monday of September, to continue one week; and the fifth Monday following thesecoud Monday of November, to continue one week. B) the Uourt. If W. Am titiM.n.P. J. Attest: Oi B. Pin nit, I'rothouotary. - After wearlaa otr How many have taken vows of abut I nonce with the birth of thu new year Is perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts are futile against inveterate habit, a habit which lias become a disease. There was a time when it wc uld bav been easy to iiiit, but having neglect ea to do so Hie lishit i-onliuued un ¬ til by the constant or frtqttOUt use of the poison there was forced a chntige in the nervous system which msdo It not my possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and not seem lo dl link, h'lt Voil lll-o I ' i II Nil II ueces ISry, to keep you feeling good and you "craved tiuinr because vou had becomi diseased, now that swearing off does no good and the pledge cau't be kopt, go and mnke your resolution good lor alt tune by taking treatment at the stealer Institute, 7'Jl'i Madison avenue, Snint"ii, Pa. JANUARY 11, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three beautiful piotareSy'flelephoneOirl," "i Uverint; ('hristmas I'tcsculs" mid "Mnuk'iis Swinging." Send by mail or incssi'iigcf or bring c(iiiiniis like this of three ftx cut. dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. und Spruoe St. Prayer Meetings Held All Over the Boroug.li - Mr. Gillam Preaches at Each Service in tho Presbyterian Church Sermon on Skepticism In the Evening. The revival meetings being conduct ed by Kev. Ralph Qlflam, who assisted U. ray Mills in his meetings at the Adams Avenue tabernacle, at tho FMin more Presbyterian church, aro attract iug great interest. Yesterdnv was a SpSOlsl day and three services were held at the church. Prayer meetings were held iu all sec tions of the borough and were all large ly attended. Mr. dillam preached strong sermont at loth forenoon aud afternoon sessions. His subject last night was "Skopti ism," aiid one of the largest uu lieucea of the week greet d him. The spacious audltorum was inaiiftioieiit to hold the rowd, necessitating the op tiipg of the largo doors leading to tho lecture room Mr. uillamj text was, ''The Bon of man bus come to savii that which was lost." ''Then are hero tonight," Slid Mr. Oillam, "many who came expecting to hear mu slap at the skeptic; but I want to talk to the so callo 1 moral man as well as the skeptic. There is not one bit of hatred in mv heart tonight because everyone's belief is not the 8 line us my own. sin, NOT BKIPTft isu. 'I do not believe it is skepticism that keeps a man from accepting Jesui Christ as a Saviour, but it is sin. Get sin nut of the heurl aud skepticism Hies away. There are the honest aud dishonest skeptic. Tho first is honest in his skepticism and says very littie about it, but the dishonest sk 'ptic is forever tliunting his skepticism betore the people anil In most cases he dors not know what ho is talking about. 'T here lire men who are doubt -rs, but they are tru. men beOSUSS they are honest in their doubt. I do not believe Christ can save a man against his own will. No one can be saved who does not surrender his will to tho L or I. The dishonest skeptic cannot withstand argument and if cornered will gen erally escape by s lying mean things. ' llier are men beretonignt that are honest in their skepticism; but I do not believe that there are any here tonight that will go out of the door a skeptic if he prays to (r id for lignt. I ho honest skeptic wants to believe but cannot, because of the doubts in his heart You cannot surrender your will to God aud offer up prayer expecting to have it. answered," The second part of Mr. Gillam stalk was given to the moral man. He said: ''There is no tru mor il man outside of Christianity. I beleive that Jeans Christ cannot save a man who thinks he is good euotiga." BILL 18 ROT fOK MAN. "Hell was never prepared for man but for the devil and his angels and it is a m ill's own fault if he goes there. "There are two kinds of moral men the one who lives a pure life but yet is; not a Christian and the man who is always talking about Ins morality Tho latter claims he has always pai l his debt- and treat' his neighbors hon- stlv This he is continually flaunting before hi3 fellow men und scornseverj- tnine concerning the church. hat snch men need is to take their places before God as sinners and yield to liitn. "1 would say to the pure moral man, add to your already good life tbe hope for the hereafter and give your heart to God. Seek first the kingdom of God mid his righteousness and all else will bp added unto yon. "To the man who knows he is a sin ner 1 would say, listen to the text, 'The Son of (foil is como to seek and to save that which was lost. ' AU a sin ner must do is to take his place as oue of the lost and he is saved. 'Jesns is not coming bnt. as the text says, 'He is come.' He is seeking the lost ones; not the ones already saved. The devil is biding for your souls; Jesus of Nazareth is bidding for your souls. The one offers worldly pleasures and hell hereafter; th? other offers pence and joy in heaven. Which bid are yon going to accept';1' Services will be held today at " HO and 7.30 p. m., in the Dunmore Presby terian church. Many Bcrantonlani attend the meetings, und much good is resulting from Mr. Gillam' labors. m . . TWILIGHT ORGAN RECITAL. It Will Pe Given by Professor George B Carter at Elm Park Church. Professor George B. Carter will give a twilight organ recital at the Kim Park church Baturday afternoon at 4.80 o'clock, to which the public is m st cordially invitod to atteud. Admis sion will be free. In giving this twilight recital, Pro fessor Carter is following the lending church organists of the country, as for some time past this form of musi cal entertainment has been ipiite the fashion. No children under 1 5 yoars of age will be admitted unless they are accompanied by adults. The recital will be rather religious in its charac ter, although muoh of the musie wiil secular. Tho doors of the church will closo promptly at ! 30 o'clock, and after that hour no one will be admitted to the recital. Professor Carter lias arranged his programme in such a manual as to please every one who will attend. It will tie as follows: i .niiel Chorus tluiluiont U. H. tarter. Minuet Uuilmont G. B. Carter. "Abide With Me' Allen Quartette, Home, Sweet Home Dudley Buck U. B. Carter. Annie Lowrie Dudley Buck U. U. Carter. Twilight, Quartette. Poet and Peasant (by request), O. A. Carter. Adagio Merkel U. B. Carter. The Elm Park Churoh qnartette.con slstingof Mrs. Joseph 'Hrlen, soprano; Mrs. A. K. Council, contralto; Alfred Wooler, tenor, and LleW Herburt.bass; will assist Professor Carter. - - . Kfutlo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number ot tunes. (lautschl Sous., manufacturers, 1060 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Won derful OfrBeatrtal organs only and f 10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes. Amateur Theatrical Entertainment for Bene fit of Associated Charities. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Including the painless extractln ol teeth by au entirely new process. WILL BE GIVEN AT THE ACADEMY The Play Will Occupy the Stage on Jan. 30 and 31 Enthusiastic Meet ing Held by Prominent Ladies at the Home of Mrs. Frances B. Swan and Committees Appointed. aiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii OUR CURTAINS The amateur theatrical performance for the benefit of the Board of Asso ciated churities which will be given at the Academy of Music on Jan 30 and lit, will be a great success. This was assured at the meeting held yesterday morning at the residence of Mrs. Fran ces B. Swan, on Clay avenue, which was attended by a large number of prominent ladies, all of whom mani fee ted tho greatest enthusiasm. The play that will be given is "Es caped from Libby." It is note blood mid thunder, unreal piece, but a care fu ly constructed dramatic composi tion that compares very favorably with such popular war dram is as "Shenandoah." "Held by the Enemy" and "A Fair Rebel. " It lias been pre sented with wonderful success by auu teurs iu Detroit, Springfield, Albany, Syracuse, Providence, EL 1. .Cleveland, Amsterdam, N. Y. The author of "Escaped from Libby" Hoico ; L. Wiiitemn ri is conssnted to come to Scranton and in addition to assuming one of the leading parts to givethe play the benefit of bis personal supervision. COMMITTEES AW'OINTEU. The general committer consists of Mrs. Frances F. Swan, prssiden Mrs J, F. Everhart, treasurer ;Mrs. C. L. Fry, secretary, T he following sul -committees wars chosen und will commence work at once: Advertising -Mrs. 0. H.Scott, chair man ; Miss Moses, Mrs. Edgar Conne I, Miss Margaret Oibbs, Mrs. George M. Hnllitead, Mrs, Louis Stelle, Miss Ho ban. Miss McKenna. Miss Carroll, Mi s Care Reynolds, Mbs Dolphin, Mis. George B Smith, llStage Decorations Mrs Evereit Warren, chairman: Mrs. T H. Wat kins, Mrs. II. W. Kingsbury. Press Mrs C. B Penman, chair man. She will be assisted by Miss Susan E Dickinson Miss May Kings burr and others. Ladies' General Committee Miss KeOgh, MlSSeS EtDtllll Mott, Bessie Jones, Davidson. Mrs. F H. Jer myn, Miss Margaret G.bbs, Miss Flor ence Gibbs, Mis Clare Reynolds. Misi Elizabeth Griffin, Mrs L;muel Ainer ra'i, Miss Louise Seybolt, Misi Grace Norton, Miss Jessi Cornell, Miss Moses, Miss Hoban, Miss Carroll, Mrs. George Halstead, Miss Cora Brooks, Miss Louis Sttdle, Miss Leonard, Grace Kingsbury, May Kingsbury, Liz zie Hitchcock, StieJermyo, EmmaJer myn, Fannie Pratt, Prances Hunt, Jessie Blair. Mis Smith. Miss Hrsinsrd, the Misses McKenna. Miss K ite Dick er, Mrs. Charles McCuivey, Miss Nettie Colemsu, Miss Gnssie Bernstein, Miss Kate Levy. "A Study in Scarlet." ORGANIZING A NEW CHOIR. Sixty Person! Attend the Initial Meet ing at the Cathedral. A meeting of young la lies and gen- tleinen interested in the formation of a Catholic church choir was held at the cathedral last evening. Hsydn Evans presided, and stated the object of the meeting to be tbe cul:ivation of a taste for sacred music. There were probably sixty persons present representing St Peter's. St. Patrick's and St Mary's Dunmore church choirs. A second meeting will be held next Wednesday evening. ( HAYDN EVANS' GOLD MEDAL. It Will Be Rtcilved ia a Few Days from Chttago. Haydn Evans received a letter from Chicago yesterday stating thst the hand-ome gold medal which was awarded to the leader of the victorious choir at the International eisteddto i held Sept, i, 1993, would be foiwar.le 1 to him in a few days. Mr. Evans has waited patiently fi r this token to be sent, nn 1 tbe news that it is on ite way is most pleasiug to nim. Leland T. Powers in the V. MCA Standard Couree. The third number of tho Young Men's I Christian association course occurs Friday I evening, Jan. 13, Leland T. Powers' wiil give "David Copperfleld" as only he can do it. Single admission 711 ceuts. Thk great people of this country who I accomplish so much in tho allairs of life have- the peculiar fashion of executing j whatever may come to them in the lino of action on the spot. There is that pile cf Harper's, frank Leslie's, McClure's, Re view of Reviews, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. Thuy are I a joy forever, but not a thiug of beauty. Our .Mr. BohweOCker can transform them so that they will become tho brightest uud handsomest volumes In your library As soon as you rend this will you not get all the numbers together, before they are lost or soiled, and brine them to TKB TbIBCKS binders! A few cents will give you some beautiful books that, will lake the place of those rough aud ragged mngaidues. The three pictures, "Telephone Girl," "Good Morning" and "Swinging." offered by Thk Thihuni:, now brighten hundreds of homes. The voting men In the office are kept buv dealing out these gems of ! art. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiumi I ! Are worth going a long distance to S see. No such collection can be found nearer than New York cr Philadelphia, mid then it is not sur al passed iu the matter of unique and S exclusive designs, or richness, daintiness and delicacy of mate - rial, In a word, our Curtain stock 2 tbis fall reaches our highest ideal gg of what is should be, and cannot fail to meet the approval of the g must refined and artistic tastes. 9 Yet all this does not mean high 5 prices. On tho contrary.the values SS we now offer are submitted for S3 your inspection. Of course, we' ve 9 every make, and among tbem will S be tound tho very choicest crea- 6 lions in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, SS Nottingham aud other Lace Uoods; SS slso the New Snowflake Swiss, SS with fcllk Stripe in contrasting I colors. Also full lines of silk SS stupes, Tapestries, etc., made to m order. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii I HILL k CONN ELL i mm SCRANTON, PA. sxilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliuilllllrl 1 j v s THEY FILL THU BILL. We' have the most complete assortment ot Men's FurmdiiiiK Goods thst ever appealed to tho eye or to the taste. Some of our new shades and designs in Ties sre especially at tractive. They are selling at figures which give you no excuse for being without all sorti of bi. .- aud styles. c 1. 1 THE , 'W m -m iillpUldii, HATTER 205 Lackawanna Avenu?. S. C. Snyder, d.d.s. lao WYOMING AVli Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Fet teeth. best sot. ?S: for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown and bridge work, call fur prices and referenoes. TUN ALUIA, for extracting teeth without pain. No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have you ever Homington tried For oysters stewed or oyster? fried? At Lackawanna awe 413 You'll find the nicest yon have seen. Open Until Midnight. a 25 rv j ii 1 0 i discount anoweu in 0 Cloak and Fur Dept. Special reduction on all Winter Goods. Prices on Millinery cut in '. Agency for Dr. Jaegers Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
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