I THE SCRANTON TTJIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11. 1894. ONE CENT A Word Hants of all kind 001 thai much, M- etpt situations Wmted,whieh art Inserted '.Vf. Situations Wanted. .11 Alt s1 H7ANTKI)- A SlTl'ATION BY A I'ii'ii iiiuii. hl'i" i Hu a fmr education ond ran give the best of nbtMH in recur. I to .harm-tor. Hu had experience us clrk in tor! a farmer ami as waool tMODWi Ad dree N. N., Tribune offloe. SiXTTl i-bY "X"41lTtnEAiTF.t I ffli a position ai housekeeper or unso term for nnrelng, 18 pir week. Keeieno idven. Address Hoiuek.-.p ir. Tri'muio oilif. . 11TUATION WANTF.D-AMKRICAN MAN vearaoCate a id natrrleo, to act as watcnuian, Ian .or or inc-uiau, A. HO, I reference. Add rat . N. 't rlbune otl'oi. U'ANThU SITVATION - JoI I'lA.V Id, slsht rialer, well up lu show biici neat, t. M., i rlbune oMi UrANTED-YOUNG LAI'Y DE81RH.8 a position in ortioo as stonoraohor and typewriter. Willwore tor UteexperlenoeBne would sain. Would pfefer a place that in .i few weeks would receive salary. Address A B . Trlbnae office, Help Wanted Females. U' vT?iTXuVof"om Ti? Tim 1 r ! . s t t iko cider, for medical work. Ad drew, Order. " tUsoBli'O. WEEK wil.l. BE PAID A OOQD ibl Add reas, p, o i ox EE L NEWS INDUSTRIES CstOU A O relish 1 . eiil t . . do ventral housework. For Sale. U.'RK .1. M. 1 MU sale '. .1 and utensils. Monroe ave. I70U SALE - KOWl.INd I FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD, tSU 1 I, ' . I Y fix tu, compete BOB Center street, city. ,'OK sale ONE NEW Yost TYPE- ib. if- .1 writer, also one user Abbott cheek pun at a bargain. Address H. .i., ears Tribune floe. I70B SALE oK EXCHANGE FOR Si'RAN ton property a bearing orange groV increasing in production and value yearly in the oranue section in Florida. Adores F. E. NETTLETUN. Lake Helen, Fiorina For Went. r'OK RENT- STORE KooMANl) T(.Ki: I-1 basement, HO, 1X1 rent) avenue, now oc cupied by 0, s. woolworthas aftrCfUt store. Inquire of B. o. HILL, 111 North Washington ivenue. 1 'UK RENT A LARGE STOKE ROOM AT V 4ns Spruce streel. Iinuir-at 1 1 1 VVyom ng avenue. nOB KENT Till: FURNISHED REST- I deuce Of the late WUlfaUB W. MalillOSS. I K llersou awnue, with or without haru m the rear. In quire Of H. A. Kuapp, Kepublicaii wilding, pi i: RENT-LARGE STORE ROOM AND V lageincat links .11 uaar",t'rceu Uld,v. Suitable for furniture and undertaking. Kent low. 11. A.OLEABWATER noRRENT TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL .V ling house; modern improvements, :tl"' Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent, 781 West Lackawanna avenue, rpo LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard rooni along railroad avenue. Apply at 46 Franklin Effects of Free Bituminous on tlie Trade in Anthracite Coal. THE OPINION OF ONE WHO KNOWS There Would Be an Immediate Falling Oft in the Demand for Smaller Sizes Why Free Bituminous Would Be a Blow at More Than One Mil. lion Workingmen Discussing the Idea of an Elevated Railroad Be tween Carbondale and Wilkes Barre Minor Gossip of the Day. liaird Halberstadt.of PotUville.coin cides with Tilt: TRIBUNE in the belief that free bituminous ooal would exert .i depressing elVeet upon the anthracite trade. This is how he explaim his position in the Miners' Journal : ''Since lsTSour anthracite operators have, been shipping large quantities of the small i buckwheat and rloe) coal which before that time was thrown into the culm banks. The use of perforated plates in place of urate birs mid forced draft have, however, made this of vulue, an thousands of tons are now sent to mar ket It is used largely i Industrial works for generating steam and Im probably displaced a larce tonnage of bituminous coal for this purpose. Without the duty Pennsylvania, -Maryland and West Virginia cannot com pete with the coals from Nova Scotia in the markets from New England The mines of that province are all near tbe coast, and the distance by water from them to Boston is leas than 700 miles; hence if we as mine that the coals of Novn Scotia and Pennsylvania are of equal value at the miues, it will readily b ssen that owing to the lonir railway haul of the Pennsylvania, West Vir ginia and Maryland coals before reach ing tidewater they will be practically left out of this market What is true of the bituminous coal is also true ol the smaller size anthracites Notwith standing the fact that in 1892 the coal production of the United states was over 179.000,000 short tons or over ll0. 000,000 long tons (9,940 poundsi tiler were imported and entered for con sumption at the several seaports of th I'uited States in that yjar over 1,009, 000 tons of foreign coal, (treat Lirituni sends her coal to points ou both tin Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Australia and British Columbia ship to San Fran cisco, while Nova Scotia coal is entered at the Atlantic ports. Should the duty he removed, 1 believe that the New fglO REWT STORK asrSU OR KI'HNISIIKl) 1 hall on Green Ridge street. Very dvsira- Eliclaud trade in buckwheat and Kic coal will be lost, and I am suru that Center. Clearfield, HmitiuRdon and Cambria counties will lose any bitumi nous trade they may have in that sec tion, owiup; to the competition with NTova Scotia coal, which can bo placed in the lloston market and pay the duty at a cost per ton less by a dollar than the Pennsylvania coals." ol. location and on reasonable terms. Apply .. L, L' VTl-'fnfl't l.'Tii.T ., O BfiMMllfse ' . . : 1 . i . 1 1 1 , oi V. O. nwvJii ... Republican building. Lost. I uST UN E FL'K CL'ivE IN THE Soil L Ll x k, ilaye 'acouri. Finder w. 11 ret urn ui' iou'Ji Bifenoook court and receive reward. Special Notices. A southern writer in the Washing Ion Post, speaking of this same sub ject, says: "Careful estimates show per cent, ot the cost o! coal is iabor. The long and short of il is, wages of the American miner must corns down if the duty on coal comes off. Reduced to an ad valorem basis, the duty on bituminous coal (anthra cite comini; in free) is now less than 25 :er cent. The McK'itilov tariff put a the retiring firm are requei ed to present j lower dnty on coal than the Clay tariff 'I 'HE ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET 1 ing of the Weston Mill Co., for the adop tion of by-laws, election of offloers, and such I oiuer uu-mess as may . ouie netoretne meet- . a ma. will lie held at the First National bank at I 111,11 .lU"" J BUCUt o eioes p in., Dnaraay, January loin, im. A. Vf DICK80N, Secretary VTOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of I. A Fin 'h ,V Company, having .ld their entire plain, business and good Will to the Finch V..u ...... .... Company, have this day, December antu. IHB, gone out of bnsuMst All persons having liaims against thuiu o Mr. Irving A. Fiuch, through whose hands ail such payments and all collection will be made rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR," J containing Frank Leslie s famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated. Over WiO pages. As anodu cator it is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete. Address P. O. Mood v. ;Hi Franklin uenue, agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvania. WR1NOEB HOSPITAL, MO floor. Tlie best fcolid whlto rubber rollers, one dollar each. Work guaranteed by the oldest and only ex pert wringer repairor in Scrantoii. CJ OBAN TON lO Spruce street, ground - Legal I N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEA8 OF 1 Lackawanna county. No. 317, .tune term. 1S98. OnlfrlO Salerno VS. NUDlata Salerno. To Nunzata Salerno, res)), indent above named. The subpoena and alias subpoena in divorce havluff been returned mm est inventus you are hereby notified to be ami appear at the next term ot said ronrt. to wit; the eighth dav of January. A IJ. bill, at in . . lock a m', to answer the llbellalit's complaint, JOHN J I'All V. Shorilf. WATSON ZIMMERM AN, ttoi neys. JN THE COURT of COM Oil PLEAS OK I.aekawuuna county. No Sill, September term. UM. Joseph B Milburn vs. Sarah Sophia llltbnrn. To Sarah Sophia .Mill. urn respondent above named. The subpoena and ulias subpoena in divorce having been re turned non est inventus, you are hereby noti fied to be and uppeur at the next (era ot said court, to wit; tile eighth day of January A 1). ISDi. at 10 a. in., to answer tin-Ubellant s complaint. JOHN J. FAIIEY. Sherilf. WATSON A- ZIMMERMAN. Attorn, vs. Real Estate. L'OK SALE -SlNULK Hot SL Ml-, yUl.NCy Jr avenue; very desirable location. Aoply (I F. REYNOLDS,. or WILLAKU, WABBEN tt KNAPP. VAUODWILL HtJY MODERN NEW 8 ROOM O house, all Iratiroveiuenfs; tonus easv: cor- lier Madistyi avenue and Dulewaru street. ply n Art KV LKKS Ap 1.400 WILI O corner Madwoii Street. BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT avenue and Dolawarj Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. A alf-an Uet. There is a story told on a SOOfety woman liece who, although getting considerably beyond the debutaute stuge, is hi ill quits well nnaorvad. thanks Hi large nnrt to her dermatologist, it was for n long time n be Used eerious question with soineol the younger people whether or not she wore false eye brows, n nil one mean girl bet a party of other girls u Week's candy for the crowd that she WOuld find out within a week. The next. .Monday nigiir, the ludy whose eyebrows were subject ul suspicion tit tended the tlieidcr us the chaperon of the girl who bad undertaken the wager. As they were passing in through the crush in the lobby the mean girl whispered fo her, ''Ob, dear Mrs. Bloom, your kit eyebrow has been brushed off." "Thank you, my dear," was (ho quick reply uud with g'reut piesenceof mind this veteran ot society knocked off the other one With flick Of lier fan. Some of the girls who held the other end of that candy wager were in the Opposite box that even ing, nnd they did cot need anydpsfAten tary evideuco to tell then that they had lost their bet.--Washington Correspondent. of 1649, and lower than the Walker tariff of 18 10. To put co:il on the free list would therefore be nothing short of a wanton blow s.ta class of men who perform a dangerous work for pay which is now far too low. When coal comes to the seaboard, which is the plnce where the price of it is affected, it is, as we havo said, probably 03 per cent, labor. Coal is worth more than from 10 to 10 ciuts in the mines. For the sake of cheapening the price of bituminous coal a few cents per ton to wealthy manufacturing concerns and to enrich the foreign producer, it is proposed to reduce the wages of nearly 850,000 coal miners, nnd thereby Im poverish nearly 1,500,000 men, women and children whose existence in a measure depends upon the prosperity of a great mining industry, carried on in no less than twenty nine stales and territories." Says the CsrbondalS Leader; "The question of more rapid transit through the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys is a matter that may require earnest at tention in the future. This is one of the most thickly settled portions of the country and the popnlatiou is rapidly increasing. Even now it Is one con tinuous town from Carbondale to Wilkes Bans and the business inter ests of the region are closely inter twined. Colonel H, If, Boies, of Scran ton, advocatas an elevated road bs tweon theso points operated by elec tricity. The feasibility of the scheme was demonstrated by the Intramural railway nt the World's fair, but trains would have to run ut a much J higher rate of speed. The first i cost of the plant would be large, ns the road should run tbroujh , the center of each town, (,'onserjnontly dividends would not be enormous nt i first. The road should be double tracked and in the beginning ft sched i nle ot trains every thirty minutes I would probably bs all tint woul I be necessary. Sixty miles p r hour could be obtained between stations. As on all similar roads she gate system would I5uy your ticket at, the sta tion and drop it Into a slot before get- i ting on the train. Tickets would be all the Batne price whether for long or short haul. It would cost no more to go to Wilkes-Barre than to Jertnyn. ! The immense amount of traffic this would induce would make a low rate of fare possible. Who will be the first to start the movement? ieo, verily, whoV ended Jau. H, 1SU4. increased fifty-one tons. Coal people say that sales of stove coal hnve been made in New York for $4.'W, lee a cOmmt'iion ot 15 couts. The July circular is HflO less a couimissiou. This was for first quality coal, fuferior grades are said to linvo beeu sold at tl net. Isnao L. liice has not clearly (iefluod his programme against the Heading re ceivers. Ho declares, however, that his attempt to depose the manugumoiit was on.y a slep, nun mat ins Inuuro win not Interfere with his plans. He adds that, ho will not rest until be has fully enlightened Beading security holders on the policy of the management, nnd held Mr. Mcl.eod accountable for his speculations. Miscellaneous J ttin is i More A huso For Jonali, Walls 1 OOu't belilTe Jonah was swal lowed by n whale. A whale's throat is too narrow for liny such performance. Potts Hilt think how small the man must have felt when he realized that, he vtu the origi'uul Jonah. ludiuuupolis Journal. , For Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic there Is no remedy super w, to t ho genuine Dr. Thomas Electric Oil. There has been n noticeable increase in the passenger traffic ou the Pennsylvania's lines west of Pittsburg during the past few days. Railway passenger agents affect to feel greatly enconraged, and say that better times are in store for railways. Under the traffic arrangement made re cently with the Lehigh Valley railroad, a weekly average of ISO car loads of anthrac ite coal Is carried over t lie New York, New llnven and Hartford road. The Lehigh Valley management ts now perfecting a system of new dining enr ser vice, which Will be furnished on a'l thorough trains, and it is expected they will be provided within a week. All engines on tbe Heaver Meadow and Weatherly division of the Lehigh Valley have began using bituminous coal. The officials claim thai it is much cheaper than the anthracite. The It ading railroad Is discharging scores ot employes at Reading, Pottsville and other places to cut down expenses. Tbe Heading's coal tonnage for the week FINANCIAL AND CUMMtRCIAL Stroke and Honda Mkw YORK, Jau. 10. It was another quiet day on the stock exchange and as ou yesterday the tendency of prices was down ward. Tho'ealea were only HT.IMT shares of both listed and unlisted. The street is gradually veering around to the idea that the bull pools organized recently to twist the, short interest have accomplished what they Bet out to do and are now willing to see lower quotations, The weakest stocks today were the Grangers, American Sugar and Chicago Lias. The New England was quite firm at one time on the revival of the report of the formation of the old vot iug trust with Charles 1'srsous us trustee. Parsons subsenaently said bs was out of the New England stock to stay, in tho closing dealings there was a rally of W to , American leading. The market lett off firmer in tone, Tic toil .wing complete table showing the day's fluctuations in active .stocks Is supplied and revised daily by I. altar & roller, stock brokers. 121 Wyoming avenue: upon ing. -si. Am. Cot. oil Am Sugar A. T. A S. E Can. So Con. N. .1 ( hie. it N. W. C . H. & O Chi.- tins ('.. C. C. tt St I. . col . Hoek.Val. si I D H D., L . Jt W I). .V C. F Erie (I. E. Co Lake Shore L. A N Manhattan, Miss. Pae Nut. Lead N . Y . fc N . E N. Y. Central N. Y . O. it W N. Y..S. & V U. S C. Co North Pae North Pae. pf Omaha I'ae Mail Reading Roek Island It. T St. Paul T., C & 1 Texas iS Pac. Union Pac Wabash, pf V. t iiion V. L. E V. L. L. pf m Mis IS'... im 7IH, BS ;r;i.. is, 14 8SJ i 4al iii Mi m Vi la, ft is" l,Vl, 5Tjd li isiM siij ISM 4fi HI h- Low Clos est, est. 1. g. -s'4 jiu, m M mis sir, 111 I I4h li 484 4SI, fsu, lio" iV tV'ii 7lH 7ifK 74ki US M B5U 31 314 n't." ist" it" m m 14 II II 8TM Salt; 36 128 Ml m 13", ISM i:W, 12 ItriZ I;-: ji :ts -'I 2SK l!5Vi r-'s 1 1 uu US US OS laSJ 6 , 15 ivii ii4 iiiL 14 44 4V4 17 ISMy 17 IBM ;ii u isU lHi t VBN s '4 fitu WM mm in4 u ia tM i's isi w" si 4 m 134 1-4 ISM Uyi 4s,4 B4 Jan. May. July. 14 WM 68m 01m t;7iv BW 1,14 iae ii7?J 1114 ttnj (17-J SI? 34 3 344 B8H W MM 3S1.4 St 2;ji snuj mt 3iiS i4 M auu m 'h- WH St 1115 1313 -ISttS 1377 1316 1816 1:105 an - mi 72 s;.7 stio mt -xi S-'7 S05 700 B7 7ll 712 71 m 1187 7IIU 712 - pickled, 1'JC. in hogsheads, 5c; country, prime, in Uigsheads, 5c Mo. dark, in barrels, 4?c; cakes, 6jtfO. grease, 4ia All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and those who have nut. hnvu now tho opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist, and get a Trial llottle, Free, Heud your name nnd addross to H. K. Huckloii ft Co., Chicago, nud got a Bnmplo box of Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills, Free, ns well as a copy of Cluidu to Health and Hon ohold Instructor, Free. Allot which is guaran teed to do you good and cott you nothiug. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. llenrv Schoenhids foreman Henry ICrug Packing Co., ,St. Joseph, Mo. usob Dr. Thoma.V Eclectric oil with his mentor spraina, cms, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is tho best. Jny subwriber of The Tribune may se SUfs u book of four i)i(f coal coupons worth J". nmf thus sure :'M cents on each barrel uf flour and 11 1 eiifs 0)1 each ton of coal. Chicago Grain and Prcvitlons. Si BAMTOH, Jan. t -The following qnAta- tlons are supplied and oorrected. dally by La liar A Puller stock brokers,PJl Wyoming ave-nue. WHEAT. Opening Highest .. 014 i.oweat v Closing J COBN. Onenina Highest 344 Lowest Closing OATS. finning Highest 74 LfOWeK CI .sing POKE. Opening Highest Low st Closing LAUD. Opening Highest Lowest CI sing SH BT BIBS Opening Highest Lowest Closing Ecranton Wholesale Markstg. 8cn anton, Jan. 10. Fruit ad Pro duce Dried apples, per lb., Ba7c: evap orated apples, hullo, per lb.; Turkish prunes, 44a5s,; English currants, 8u3!t'c.; layer raisins, tl.0Ua2.uil; muKCatels, S1.40a 1. 50 per box; new Valencia. 7a7!. per lb. Beaks Marrowfat, IS.60aB.6S per bushel; mediums, fl.Klal.tM. PlAB-fJresa, ILlUal.SO per bushel;plit, ta.50ai:.C0; leutels, Saloc. per pound. PUTATOU oSaTOc. per bushel. Onion.' T0a76e, per bushel. BUTTIU 8025 C per lb. ciiiKsa 10alS)to. per lb. Egg; Fri'sh. Ua80o, coolers. lOaSOc. Mkats iiamsw IOJiTi.; large, 10 skinned hams, 10c; California bams, Sc.; shoulders, ij'ic: dry salted bellies, UJj'c.; mokd breakfast bacon. 12o.; fresh pork loln, 0!;c; "Wyoming" porK sausage, lie.; Wyoming homo made sau sage, 8-poand pail, larded, He; butch ers1 sausage, 8,4c., out own make: fresh pork shoulders, 4'c: fresh pigs' feet, 3c: fresh pigs' heads, 5c; fresh spare ribs, 80.) fresh leaf laid, 11c ; fresh kidneys, 8c' do.; rough sausage meat, 'C. : tongue, H,1.; plucks, 5c.eac0; whole hogs, Pork .Mess at J17; short cnt, IIS. LABS Leaf In tierjei nt OX.; In tubs, 'JJic; in Id-pound pails, IOWe.1 111 6-ponnd pails, IOc; v-pound pails. ; . per pound, IIkek (,'hoico sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. Poui.TRT-Chlrkens, lOalOJio.; turkeys, 18a18Wp. ducks. iSalda, Fr.ouK Minnesota patent, per barrel. t ; e l. Ohio nnd Indiana amber, at S3.75; (iraham at $3.50; rye flour, at I3.2h. BUCKWHKAT FLOUR-ta.OO per CWt. Fr.ito Mixed, per cwt., at II .00, (irain-Rye, Boa.) corn, 49to52e.; oat. N46c per bushel. Hvit Straw Per ton, llJalo. HAY-l'er ten. HOalH. - New York Produce Market. New York. Jan. Hi. Flour -Firm, moderate demand. Wheat spot market dull, lower; clos ing steady; No. 3 red, store and elevator, (iTaiH'.c.lHtloat. CSijtiotac.; f. o.b.. (Iia 88XC.! No. 3 red, 05c; ungraded red, tiila 87o.l No. I northern. 7S'?aT8o.: outlons lower, May must active, closed, No. 2 red, January, 67 4c; February, OSVic ; Mareh, m(c.; April,- May, 71 -'.c: June, TSKO.; December, 78c. corn Spots dull, easier; No. 2, 42a 42,'c. elevator; IWa43V(o. 1 afloat; un graded mixed, 48a4Ss.i steamer mixed, II, 4a42c; No. 2 white, 42411 13c; options dull, wek;Jsnunry, 4'Jc. ; Febrtisrv. 42Vc. ; March, 434c; April, 44"iC: Mbv, 41"'i,c OATS Spots (bill, easier; options, quiet, weaker; January, SS-'ac; February, 3;rc: March, 3-l'Hc.: May, Mc; No. 2 white. January, DSai6ia; spot pi Ices, No. 2, SraSSc: No. 2 white, MWai No. 2 Chicago. 84.4c; No. 3, MRf-i NO. white, 38,c: mixed western, S-la85c, White da. ;i5n404'c; white stato. 35a404u. Bkek Dull, nominal, family, UelB.j extra mess, ?SaS.60. Bjd Hams Ljulet; 11510.88, TltnCID Heei' Quiet. Cut Mkats-DuII, firm, pickled bellies. 7c; pickled ;shonlders, (Inline; picklod hums Oa'.l Vc I.ARU-Excited, much higher; western 18.70; city, SSuS.25; January, 18.06; Feb ruary, J8.45; May, 18 40: leflued, quiet, higher; conilnont, 10. 10; Houth America, III. 50; compound, fi.'iallk'c. PoitK Active and firmer mess, 14.50al. Butter Large supply, fair demand.easv; western dairy, 15Jal8c. ; do., creamery, 18 aSaWo.; do., factory, 1882.'.4c: elglns. 25b254c: Imitation creamery, luaiyc.;rolls, 15alSc. Cheese Fair domund, firm; fancy, llKc; rart skims, 4al0c; full skims 2a3c. Loos Fair demand, itendy; ico house, ISalTc.; limed, ISalflc; western frB, H4b21c; do. seconds, per case, t3.5Qii3.00; southern, J0a20,4c . Philadelphia Tallow Harkst. FniLADELPiiiA, Jan. 10. Tallow was quiet aud steady. Prices were; Prime city, Look at This for a New Years Bargain. It Will Interest You. At These Prices You Cannot Help Buying. Electric Seal Capes, IS inches, 14.49; formerly $10. Astrakhan Capes, IS lnches,0.49; formerly $l!t. Mink ('apes, is Inches, $12; lor rnerly ' 15. Crimmer Copes, is Inches, $0.49; former! $13, Russian Lynx Military Capes, l'l' Inches, $5.98; formerly $12. Electric Heal Military Capes, L'i! inches, 19; formerly $18. Forty dozen Assorted Mull's at 11,49; formerlj Fifteen dozen Assorted Children's Sclsatasc; formerly i;.50. A line lot of Sleigh Kobes, plush lined, at $.'! each. Plush and Cloth Coals sold at your own price. Millinery almost given away. HIGHEST PRICES PAIO FOR RAW FURS. 138 Wyoming Ave. m I SSJa "I fi p -r o i ., iTr stKl DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything in til., im. i,f rt.l ll iitx It' vein have nnv idea of parchaslng any kind or a Watch, iady'aor gent's. Gold or Silver, you wid make u Rriov- nis miMtasoit you do not give us a call and get our prices, which yon will And far below an oiners, especially la all tho nlgn grades or Elgin, Walthum and Hampden movement. If you have any doubts and are at uh posted oniiiieeSKl e usu call and .va will have uu trniihle in convlnolng you. Wo still have a large stock to dltpo e of, and will offer yen iron M r hi innu vamenta m .'eweirv. sitviMare. cioi ks and another mod which ere oave in stock. C. A. Freeman Pnn Ave. and Spruce St. T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, LACKAWANNA AVENUE, "aw SCBANTUN, PA, H t$"J5 TT lAVING HADE a contract with a y frame factory to turn out 1.QUU trams hetweer. now and (Inst d mas. I alih to auiioiince to the Dnb- (5SS.$.s lie that I will make n UKNIUNIi CaAYOM P( ilt'l'H Al I' copied from anv small uuo AllSOLL'TEl.Y I It 12 E OF OHAHQK. LATKel' STVLE OF EBAMES VROSl 9.S0 UPWABD. tVoikmanship giiRrautoed. Frem lid per cent, leas than regular price E. IHlTHMIIi. Artist. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices vry reasonabla. Spaco will not permit us to mention the good things for a Christmas din ner. Stock ia complete. Anything to be found in a first -clues market. W. H. PIERCE, TENN AVE. Dueber f RUBY JEWELED . m a n incrrn .jim WATCHES JeM Hampden I7-Jewel Adjusted Watches. Connolly & Wallace COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12.50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6.00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4.00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10,00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7,50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5.00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3,00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of good fjueber Watch It i marvelous how these famous Watches are taking the place of others where acvu .. . , i rale time is rcuuirvu. Railroad men Will have nothing else. Works, Canton, Ohio CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAN. 11. Att-l SEASON 4ih Tho Phenomenal Banc, BLMBR li VAN K'B (ireat Realistic Rail road Comedy Drama, TU17 LIMITED IflEi MAIL, and the wonderful BBATBIOK, A marvelous scenic and mechaslcaj produc tion. A novelty, see the ItiL'ht of "The Lim ited MuiL" Beats on sale Tuesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Vn l I a A V laHl i . Return Engagement OF Freeman's Fun Makers In tho Turiously Funny Faro Comedy, A RAILROAD TICKET Which scored such a tremendous success here four weeks ugo. ALL LAUGHS. Sale of seats Wednesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, JAN 18. T he Tornado The awful tornado. The (treat rigginc scene. Hix tars rurlini; a monster sail. The collision of two ocean liners at full speed. The Blight? open sea Scene, with waves running mountain blgh. Uis scctiuK room of a medical college Chicago harbor at uiitllt and many other scenic wonders. CARTERS SCENIC FRGD'CTION Scats ou sule Thursday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, JAX. 15. OSCAR WILDE'S PLAY, Lady Windermere's Fan Direction of Chas Frohman. retforuieil for 300 nights at Palmer's Theater, New York. The Rreatest. social comedy since Sheridan "School for Scandal." Regular prices. Sale opens Friday. N. II. BROOKB, Supt and Lecturer. 1IAKKY THOHNR. Stan- Manager. Week commencing MONDAY, .1 M' ait a The Great Bmotlonal Actrtu, MISS FLORA STAMFORD, Supported hy tho Henry Comedy Com'ny. Monday, luesday and Wednesday EAST - LYNNE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, PRIDE AND POVERTY. 14lc. In hack of balcony; "Sr. to fn nt of balcony and rear barOMtt! 80e.OBra chairs. 1'erfiirmances at S,SU and S.IS p.m. Doors open at l.lki and 7. 1 PUZZLE. I THE GREATEST NOVELTY OP THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. yl'ITE EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW $300 IN PRIZES WILL BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING HiK PUZZLE IN THE SHORTEST: SPACE OF TIME FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, OR SF.VT TO ANY ADDRFSS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 113 AND 114 SOLTU El TAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. 1 1 From the A. V. IWettas, AOH, f, If!-.''. The Flour Awards "CfllCAOO, Oct. 81. Fh first olllcial announcement of Worlds I'air di plomas on Hour lias been made A medal ha been awarded by the World's Fair judges I 1 the Hour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , iu the preat Washburn Flour Mills. Minneapolis. The committee reports the Hour strong and pure, and entitle it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL inn BSAT.E m i nt-. EDEN MUSEE Wc.sk Commencing Jan. 8, '94. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of Hour can be had at any of the following merchant.-:, who will accept TheTuihune CLOUR COUPON of '.,r on each ODS hundred pound of Hour or o0 on each barrel of flour. WATT AfT? The t'nlsmahle Lloa WttUUAUIi, ,,,,,1 other attractions. IN THE THEATER. I'litlre new show. All now faces. Admis sion to idl jiarta of the hoiisj i i M centu. MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers and Daaleri Burning, All Aani lotaicalioiUILO m Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFlCEt-m West Lackawanna Ave. WuKKS: -Meridian Streat Bcranton F, P, Priep, Washinirtoii nvi (,old Medal lirand Hyde Park-Carson & Havi, Washburn St. Hold Medal hraiui: Joseph A. Mears.Maiu ii venue, Superlative Brand. Green Rifts A.L.8pncr.Qold Medal Hraml Dunmore F. K M Hold Medal Urand. ( ilyphaut .laiuof. Jordan, Suporlative lirand. Danmore F, D, Mauley. Superlative liraud. Frovldenco Kenuer Ohapbell. N' Main ave uue, Superlative Hrand;!. . . I. Ulllespie, W. Markotttreet, Gold Medal Brand. Kiiser, Stiporla' i-, o Co. BuperalaUv me, ! PsckTllla-Bhalter .v Brand .Terinyn- c, D. Winter .v Brand, Car'Boadal B. B. CUrlt Gold Medal Brat d. lloneidalii -J N, Fatter tt Co, Bold Medal Brand. QootedaU W.P Bcbenek,suuerlattV( Bran.! Daltoii- S. E. rum A s,,n. Quid Medal Brand Oouldsborc.-g A. Adui::r. Hold Mi-lal Brand Tobyhauna Tobvlikiina A l.ehifch LumUJ Co., Uoid Medal Brand. SURDAMS 133 Fenu Aveime. 'Bargain Stores 103 Wyoming Avenue. Goods at the merest fracticu of their valin. Good? for the kitchen. Goods for the Garden, Goods for the workshop. Goods for every day. Thousands of Bargaius. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Pins. 4 papers for eenld. MatrhcR, 12 boxe9 (or b eenu. Household Ammonia, large alze, 8 cents. Bent French Blacking, 4 eeuto, worth in cents. He. t Machlno Oil, 4 cents. LIO yards Spool Cottou, 1(1 cents a doican. Knives slid Forks, !IU cents to 1 hi). Bread Knives, 1U cents to 5U cent. 1)0 sheet OM Wrltln?: Paper, j cents. "Igood Envelopes, 3 cents. BUi klns Urushos, 10 cent up. All kinds ot Hair, Tooth, Horse and Clothes Brushes. Suspemloi'S, 5 ceuta to HI cents Men's one half Hose, good heavy goods,,! pairs X cents. Men's one-half Hoso, very heavy, Sno goods, II pairs iU couts. S ounco Tacks, 4 papers for & cents. i and .V ait 46, SO, 7i cents an! Hammers, 4. 10, U, 'S. 10, Saws, 13, tt, Hi, 10, Hi, SO, sua Planes. K cents to S Squares. Id eeliti to $1. A g.xid list of Bits, $1 wC: a bargala. (.'hlsnls, all sizes, from lje. up. Sad Irons, cheap. Dinner Palls, SI) conts up. Boys' Cloth Hats, SS cents: choap. Men's Hats, Ul cents to $1. Tea Spoons. 0 for IS cents: doupte plated. We sell theso spoons, giving the buyer til privilege of returnlug thoui nfter oue year's use. if not satisfactory. They contain n brass or copper. Tocket books, ... 6, 10, X, 40 and GO ceuU A good Razor for SI, lolly warranted. Razor Strops ot all kinds. Remember the place; 133 PENN AVE, 1 03 WYOMING AVE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers