The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 11, 1894, Image 1

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Harrlty Is Inflexible and the Venango Oounty
Patriot Finally Yields.
The Nominee Would Give His Check
for This Sum If He Had Not Been
Selected-He Calls the Tariff a
Monstrous Fraud and Proposes to
Annihilate It All Along the Line.
Favors the Income TaxCollector
Grant Herring's Ludicrous Little
Platform -Other Incidents of the
Sacrificial Rite.
For OoagMMIDU'.t larife. JAMES U. HAH'
L'l CK, of Venango.
He Wa. born in Wilkes-Barre, June L8S7.
Hewn uducateil at Konyon ollxne .Uhio.fn.m
Which institution he v. as ur.idiiatt'il in I8fi&
Ho was proCetjtor of mathematics in the s
ti i M university, in I'ittsbura, from 1889 1 1
laS2,studyinf law in t meantime end sub
sequently practicing in t ho Mlehony county
court-. Iu IHtt 3n liHiicock removed to
Franklin, Venango county, where bfl lias
practiced law eMee thai tine. He wee
the solicitor for tue Allegheny Valley Rail-
mail co.-nt;in .and fiioral tulii'itur of the Wes
tern " ow York a d Pennsylvania railronl.
Mr. Hancoc'f waa tm of the oionoor fre
traders lu tuo Pennsylvania Democracy. In
IK'.' lit) was nominated bv ins p irtv for con
gress in the Twenty-seventh 'listrlct of this
Mate, which embrace the counties of Cam
eroDi McKeau, Venango and Warren He
" as. however, defeated by ex Lieut i nant
Governor Charles W. atone, by a vote of 12,
4TU to 1)618. Mr. Hancock's admirers regard
liunasoneof the most eloquent and logical
advocates of so called tariff reform iu the
state, aud declare that ho will make an ag
gressive campaign on that ; i m.
Is a Conventional Declaration Cleve
land and the Wilson Bill Endorsed.
Hakhisulku, Jan, 10. The following
is the pint form :
Tho reassembled representatives of tho
Democratic party of P-nnsylvaira realfi rm
the declaration of principles adopted in state
convention on opt. hi, IHOB, Tbcv again de
clare their 'aithin the nlatforni of tho ( hi
cago convention, npon which the Democratic
party gained control of th legislative and ex
ecutive branch's of the government in lh'.ri
They renew their hearty expressions of con
fidence in the leadership of President 3 rover
Cleveland: they cordially endorse his admin
istratiou, and comm -ud tho . onru;o, firmness
and uprightness with which it has maintained
th- faith of tile government at horn and up
lield its hoiOT an i dignity abroad. They
gain endorse aud approve tho wise, econom
ical, ami honest adminiitra:ion ofUovernor
Patti son, which has kept it pledges and has
been true to every interest of tho common
wealth. Recognizing the issues involved in the nom
ination made today to he directly and especi
ally related to federal legislation, the De
mocracy of Penney vania declare that:
First The present disturbed condition of
the business and finances of the country is the
natural and inevitable consequence of 1. n.'
j ears of Republican mill -administration and
vicious legislation. Inequitable and oppressive
tariff laws. wastefulness and profligacy in pule
lie expenditures,aiid cowardly financial make
Bhips, are responsible for the prostration of
American industries, the derangement of the
currency, and the deficit in tho federal rev
enue. Second-The extravagance of the Repnbll
can congress, tolerated and allotted bv a Re
publican administration of the executive de
partments, wasted a surplus of nioro than which hail been gathored into tho
public treasury bv a Democratic administra
tion, and left a deficit of over $:l,IJH0.U(IU in its
Third Evaidve legislation on the currency
by successive Republican congresses debased
the public moneys, rendered the standard of
values shifting and uncertain, disturbed con
fidence, and wrought financial disaster, from
which the slow but sure recovery of the
country Is mainly due to courage, fidelity,
and consistency of a Democratic president.
Fourth Three years' experience of the Mr
Kinley Republican nigh tariff bill has resulted
In general business depression and in wreck
andiuinto manufacturing ami commercial
interests. This result has fully Justified the
Democratic op; osltion to that measure, ana
the demand for its reu al which found xprns
sion In the overwhelming DemiM-ratic victory
of 1883.
Fifth Every consideration of political
honor, fidelity aneT expediency demand, that
the pledges upon whien that victory was won
shall b ' faithfully and fully kept, and that the
Democratic i-ongress shall revise the tariff by
promptly passing the Wilson bill reported by
the whs and means committee, to the end
that the raw materials necessary for Amori
can industries ahaUb cadmitted free of duty;
that tariff taxes shall bo lowered on the neces
sarisS of life, and that import duties shall bo
distributed with a view of lightening the bur
dens of the many instead of protecting the in
terest of the (avored few.
Sixth -We donounce as a ci imo against the
business Interests of tho country, against the
prosperity of the people, against tho welfare
of the workingmon, tho efforts of the Repub
lican minority in congrosB to delay and to
P'event tho settlement of the tariff question,
We call upon our representatives in congress
so to act and ot" a to romptly determine
this Issue in accordance with Democratic
promises and Democratic profession.
Seventh A speedy and thorough revision
of the tariff on the linos of tho Domocratia
policy ennuniiated by the last Democratic
ivatlonal convention and adopted by tho
Democratic president, will revive tho indus
tries of the American lnauufacturot, enhance
the profits of the American fanner, increase
the wages of the American mechanic, and en
largo their purchasing p .wer, stimulate our
export trade, and restore our supremacy In
the coinmerco of the seas.
Eignth -To these principles and policies we
pledge the candidale for congress this day
nominated! to their support wo invite all tho
electors of Pennsylvania who would record
tho vote of their state for an enlightened,
lils-ral and progressive system that must
quicken the prosperity of our commonwealth
and promote tho general welfare of the
Hahrisburo, Jan. 10.
"I n ARRITY ha. .elected his .aerifies.
U Mr, Hancock didn't relish the
11 role, but nobody else would have
-I U it, to he had to accept, if only
for iipparance's saka. "I would rather
give a thon.Aiid dollars to the support
of the ticket than be the candidate,"
said Mr. Hhncock to one of those who
Importuned him, but they were obdu
rate. Finding that they could not get
him any other way they held a little
informal caucus of delegate, and in
dorsed bim; and when informed of the
fact that this action would be taken in
the convention today Mr. Hancock
The committee on resolutions, of
which State Senator Herring, of Col
umbia county, waa chairman, returned
at 1.10 o'clock and reported the plat
form, which was unanimously adopted.
Senator Herring, who read the plat
form, was continually interrupted by
the applause of the assemblage.
The reconvened Democratic state
convention of Sept. 19 last was called
to order in the Opera House at 12.20
o'clock this afternoon by ex-Congressman
E. P. Gillespie, of Mercer oounty,
the permanent chairman. At the be
ginning of the convention it was every
where manifest that Hancock would
be, the nominee. National Chairman
Harrlty has given out "Hanoook" to
ill inquiries from delegates for instruc
tions, and this was equivalent to a
Before the adoption of the resolution.
Attorney General Honael made an ad
dress, in which he dwelt upon and up
held the tesuu. contained in the plat
form. Ex United State. District At
torney James M. Peck, of I'liiNdolphiu,
was called for, and he responded in an
impromptu speech. The platform was
then adopted with loud cheer..
Chairman Gillespie having an
nounced that the nomination for a
congressman at-large was in order, E.
U. Cotter, of McKean, in an address
largely devoted to the tariff, placed the
name of James Dentou Hancock before
the convention. He eulogized Mr.
Hancock as a student on economics.
The nomination wits seconded by e.
Seuator Samutil Wagner, of Cumber
land county; W. J. Hreuuan, of Alle
gheny county; District Attorney Gar
man, of Luzerne county, and others,
and at 2.05 o'clock Mr. Hancock was
nominated by acclamatiou.
Mr. Hancock was loudly cheered as
he appeared upon tn- stage. He wa.
introduced by Chairman Gillespie,
aud prefaced his remarks by thanking
the convention for the honor conferred
upon him. He approved the platform
adopted by the convention, and classed
the syetoui of protection as a "rob
bery and a fraud " He dwelt upon
the tnriff at length, fid declared that
as the Democracy is now iu control of
the federal government, it must carry
out its declaration, of tariff reform oi
forever to be relegated tooulivion. Re
garding the prop med income tux, he
said it would die of it.-lf when the
prosperity of the country shall have
besn re-established under the prespec
tive Wilson tariff law. He. however,
expressed himself as favoring such a
tax, but denied that he was in favor of
the single tax theories of Henry
George, he contending that the prin
ciples of an income tax antedated the
theories of Mr. George,
Mr. Hancock', speech was almost
wholly devoted to the tnriff, and he
urged congress to "move on" in the
adoption of the Democratic platform of
1H92. The convention adjourned sine
die at 2.87 o'clock.
Paying Teller Baker Stole from the
Bank Because His Salary Was
Not Large Enough.
Overthrow of the Queen's Government De
fended iu the Senate.
Philadelphia, Jan. 10 After twenty-seven
years of service, Theodore F.
Baker, paving teller of the Consolidat
ed National bank, this afternoon stood
before United State. Commissioner
Craig a prisoner, charged with em
bezzliug $47. 000 from the bank and
with falsifying the bnnk's book.
Baker attempted no defense nnd said
his stealings had extended over a period
of twenty year.. In default of $15,000
bail he waa committed to prison.
Baker fir.t went to the bank in the
capacity of n runner. His attention
and apparent faithfulness brought its
reward, and 1 he has been advanced
gradually until in 1S91 he was made
paying teller. A short time ago a book
keeper named Van Duzer discovered
that his books had been falsified nnd he
found a shortage of 180.000, The discov
ery and probable suspicion that might
fall on him 60 worried bin that he fell
iil and while sick he conliied the mat
ter to his physician and at the same
time protested his innocence The
physician railed at the bnni; yesterday
and told Van Dozer's story to the
officer.. President Juuie. J. Watson
called a meeting of the board of direc
tor, and they met this morning.
Baker was called in and at once con
fessed he was the guilty man.
He said that he had been stealing in
small amount for twenty years and
that the total of his defalcation wa.
about $47,000 His method of stealing
was to alter nnd erase the amount, in
the individual ledger while the book
keeper was at dinner nnd then abstract
cash from the money he had for the
day', business. He had always been
able to maku his books balance when
then bank examiner made hi. examin
ations. B iker said that he hud never
gamnled or speculated and the tnonoy
he took nil went towards supporting
his family. Hi. salary as paying teller
wa. $1,800 a year.
Executive Commiltse of National Organ
ization to Convene Today.
Washington, Jan. 10 - The execu
tive committee of the national Repub
lican committee will meet here tomor
row to dispose of accumulated routine
bnnine.g and to take action as may bo
deemed expedient with a view to co
operating with the congressional com
mittee in the next fall campaign.
Those who have signified their inten
tion of being present nre .lame F.
Clarkson, of Iowa; Cornelius N. Bli.s,
of New York; R F. Sutherland, of
Rochester. William J. Campbell, of
Ohio; Henry C. Payne, of Wi.consin:
R, C. Kerens, of Missouri; David Mar
tin, of Penn.yl vania; Garret Hobart,
of New Jersey; Samuel Fe.ienden, (if
Connecticut; Joseph H. Mnnler, of
Maine; William H. Horn, of Ohio;
Thomas H. Carter, of Montana. The
national chairman is already here.
Proposal to Lengthen Thm Fourtesn
Feet and Furnish Better Foundation.
Washington, Jan. 10. The report
of the naval stability board, appointed
to inquire into and report on defect, in
a number of warships, has been sub
mitted to the secretary of the navy in
reference to the gunboats Machlas and
Castiiio, by comini.gioner John C.
Walker, it. president.
The board reports that these gun
boats are unsafe at thttr present arma
ment, being top heavy and unstable,
and it proposes that the two vessels
shall be lengthened fourteen feet and
thus giro additional foundation for the
heavy guns and masts To do this it
will be necessary to out the vessels In
half nnd the estimated cost of makiug
the alteration is $80,000.
Ivee Def late Wizird Schasfer.
Ciiicaoo, Jan. 10. Tonight's billiard
match was between Ives and Sohaofer ftud
was won by the former 000 to 3S8.
During the Past Three Years, Ac
cording to Mr. Gorman, the Excess
Has Been Over Three Hundred
Million Dollars Hawaiian Affairs in
the House Give Rise to Two Tilts
After Which the Tariff Bill Is Con
sidered. Washington. Jan. 10.
THE resolution which Mr. Frye,
Maine, offered in the senate a
week ago, and which has since
U been lying on the table, declar
ing a policy of non-intervention in the
irovernmental affair, in Hawaii, wns
taken up today and made the basis of
a .peetdi by Mr Davis, of Minnesota,
in which the action of Mr. Blount and
the administration was criticized, but
without asperity; the action of Minis
ter Stevens commended, and the over
throw of the queen'l government de
fended and justified.
The speech was not concluded and
will bo continued tomorrow. There
was nothing else of interest in the sen
ate proceedings today except a little
discussion that sprung up on the ques
tion of why the erection of public
buildings for whieh past
have made appropriation, ha. not boon
commenced aud carried on Mr. Peffer,
Kansas, assigning as a reason the inad
equate force in the office of the super
vising architect of the treasury, and
Mr. Gorman, Maryland, giving tho
depleted condition of the treasury as
the rital reason.
He.tnted in that connection that the
aggregate appropriations made by con
gress in the last three years exceeded
the aggregate revenues of the govern
ment during the .am period by more
than $1)00.000, 000, and sai l that if sena
tors wanted public work, to be carried
they must either authorize a treas
ury loan or iuereaso the roveuues from
It has been generally supposed thnt
Mr. Boutelle's original Hawaiian reso
lution had been finally disnosed of
when the house took Dp the tariff bill,
but to lay the question again came up
in connection with a r. port made by
the chairman of the naval affairs com
mittee on a resolution offered by Mr.
Bontello calling on the secretary of the
navy for any information iu the pos
session of tho department relative to
the Hawaiian matter. Tne committee
amended the resolution by calling for
information from March 4, ISO'-J, in
stead of 18'Jit.
The discussion gave riso to two little
tilt., one with Mr. Tracey ( N". Y ), aud
the other with Mr. McMillan (Term.),
after which the house went into com
mittee of the whole to consider the
tariff bill. Mr. Hopkins (III,) con
cluded his speech, which had been in
terrupted oy the ncess of the house at
i o clock yesterday, and was followed
by Mr. Johnson (Ohio) in defense of
the bill, Mr Dalz dl (Penan.) in oppo
sition to it, and Warner and Coombo
(N.Y.) in favor of the bill.
Count Von Arnim's Conviction Was Just
aud Hie Judgment Biased.
Bekun, Jan. 10 The Hnnibureer
Naobiiehttil resumes today its defence
of Prince Bismarck against the accusa
tions made by young Connt Von Arnim
in defending his father. Count Von
Arnim. I he inspired oditor speaks at
some length of the famous state trial
which resulted in Count Harry Von
Arnim'. conviction, then adds:
"The court's sentence was perhaps
severe, but it wa. not contrary to pub
lic opinion. Moreover tiio highest
Prussian judges are recognized every
where as impartial, Leaving out of
consideration the attacks made in
Connt Vou Arnim'. pnmplot, anybody
may know that Prince Bismarck's own
judgment wa. OODtainod in the report
made Dy him to the emperor Dec 5,
1H72, when he .aid that ho never reck
oned on Count Von Arnim'. political
judgment because tins had become so
biased, as was shown in hi. olhuial re
Can Punch the Head of Democrats
Under Crisp's Rullnir.
Washington, Jan. 10 Mr. Reed to
day said iu reference to Speaker Crisp',
ruling in connection with Mr Boutelle's
effort to bring up for consideration his
Hawaiian resolution: "The speaker
now decide, that not even a privileged
quest inn can come iu to disturb tho ex
ecution of the order under which the
house is icting.
"I enn take a little comfort out of
it, however," continued Mr. Reed,
dropping into a jocular vein. "The
speaker has ruled that nothing can oc
cur to interrupt the current proceed
ings as defined in the order. There
are about a half a dozen Democrats
whose head. I shall take occasion to
punch before the expiration of the
order. It will be a perfectly safo pro
ceeding, for I shall be protected by the
speaker', ruling. Positively no notico
can be taken of any little scrap of the
kind in which it may indulge if we
only uet through with it, before the
vote is taken on tho bill on the 2'.)
Colorado's Senate Declined to Print it
and Favor Immediate Adjournment.
Denver, Jan. 10. The extra session
of the Ninth General Assembly of Col
orado organized at noon today with
the same officers a. nt the regular ses
sion. A joint aession was promptly
called and the governor oecnpied two
hours in reading hi. message, outlining
his reasons for some of the proposition,
mnde in hi. call.
Following the reading, the senate by
a vote of 21 to S3, declined to print the
message, and placed the m itter in the
hands of nine members to report at 1.80
tomorrow. The complexion of this
committee indioate. that the repurt
will declare for an immediate adjourn
ment without further action and tins
report will probably be adopted.
The Committee Has a Conference with
General BupsrlnUndent Wilbur.
I'-i i u m. Jan. 10. -The pyierance
committee of the old empl iyes of the
Lehigh Valley railroad he .ded by John
H. Rice, of Wilkes llae;M. chairman of
the general committee, had a two hours
conference this afternoon with G.n
eral Superintendent Wilbur,
None of the committee would gny
what was discussed at the conference.
Another conference will be held Satur
day. Mr. Wilbur went out of town
immediately after the conference and
no interview could be had with him.
Hagan Wlna a Skating- Match.
AusTEKiiAH, Jan. 10. Ilagau won the
five kilometer race skating, having cover
ed the courso in minutes 117 1-5 seconds.
Kiuguias time was U minutes 302-5socouds.
No Further Steps Wiil be Taken to Restore
pen Lil.
All Communications to and from Mr.
Willis Will Hereafter be Sent to
Congress by Mr. Gresham and the
Other Members of the Cabinet
The President Regrets that Mr.
Willis Took His Instructions So
Seriously, and Exercised the Spirit
Instead of the Letter of His Instructions.
Supposably Dead Woman Resented the
Service of the Approaching Undertaker.
LeWIBBDRO. Pn., Jan. 10. Mr..
William Stroahrecker, wife of a prom
inent oitiztn ofjthi. place, and who has
been suffering with th grip, was today
overcame while sitting in n chair uu l
to all appearances life became extinct.
ihe undertaker wa. mut lor, but
when he arrived at the door with hi.
icp box the body had revived and the
woman Is now able to converse with
her friend, who had been notified of
her dentil.
Rushed Down Fire Ladders and Over
Housetops When Their New York
Residence Was Afire.
NftfV YORK, Jan. 10. With flames
all a.ound them und witli dense vol
umes of smoke pouring frum a score
of windows, nearly 100 Chinamen
climbed over each other in nu effort to
oscane destruction in Doyor street this
afternoon. Down the hre ladders and
over house tops they rushed, their
crie. of alarm being nuswersd by bun
dreds of their celestials from the street
below, or from the windows of adjoin
iug houses.
So far as can be ascertained, nil es
caped unharmed .nve one who was
ionnd in the second story of the bum
lng building, half suffocated from
smoke When carried out by the fire
men, ho lay in a heap on the .ldewalk
iiioaniiiL', but unable to speak
enough Luglish to tell his name. Later
he was removed to the hospital. The
fire broke out on tho ground floor of the
six story building at 15 Doyer street,
used ns a Chinese restaurant by the
Cuing Kee com pan)'.
How it started no one teems to know.
It was suggested bv several people, who
know the house, that the fire may have
sturted through opium smoking.
Several "Dope fiends, " it is said, fre
quent the place. The flrumen put the
blaze out after an hour's work. The
damage frill not exceed 5,000.
The Sensational Experience of Pasaen
eere on n Western Flyer.
St. JOBKPH, Mo., Jan. 10. -The Han
nibal and St. Joseph fast train "Eli"
was held up and robbed by masked
men four miles oast of this city to
night. There is no clew to the identity of
the men.
Johu Kinney, foreman, met denth yes
terday in tho (Jrowu .lato quarry at Peu
argyL Friends in York are looking for William
fileesiug, who has boon milting for several
franklin and Marshal college, at Lancas
ter, will soon open its doors to women
Fifteen Hungarians wont to work iu tho
grinding department of the Atnericau Axe
and Tool works at Beavnr Falls.
The mills of tho Bwedeland Manufactur
ing company at ISwedeland were burned,
eutniling a loss of $511,000 to M0, 000.
Various associations of manufacturer,
of Pittsburg will go to Washington to
work for the defeat of the Wilson tariff
Willinm Yocnm, of Amity township,
Berks county, for sevoutoou years treas
urer of the State (Irnngo of Patrons of
Husbandry, bus resigned.
Daniel Wnshnbaueh, aged 91, died at bis
home at Everett, Pa. Ho was elected a
member of the lower house in 1840, and
and wns prothonotary of Bedford county
from 1S51 to 1851.
Tho leading window glass manufactur
ers of the country, ngreed at Pittshurg
that reductions of 50 per cent, are neces
sary in wages to compete with foreign
glnsB tinder the proposed Wilson tatiff.
Cougressinau Slue, of tho Alleghouy dis
trict, is ill with the grip.
The house pension committee will recom
mend tho repeal of the law excluding non
resident pensioner..
The houso committee on naval affair! re
fused to suspend all payments of prouiiuiiH
fur increased speed in naval vessels.
Tho net treasury at the closo of business
stood: Held, t27,85fi,T.'IG; currency, fl8,
854,8iM; a gain in gold of niarly &00.000.
Nowberry Fulmer, of Kaston, appointed
a rovouue ngeut at 1,000 a year, at Con
gressman Mntcbler's request, hat been as
lgued to duty nt New Orleans.
Assistant Attorney (Jennral Thomas has
ruled that persons ordering "green goods"
through the mails are liable to S500 line
and eighteen mouths' imprisonment.
. -4
Three persotis were klllod at Porte
d'Az.o iu the Italian Apennines by an
avalnnche descending upon their houses.
Austria proposes to resume specie pay
ments in three yoars and will letire $35,
000,01X1 worth of paper money each year.
Alfred J. Monson, who was not cou
vioted on the charges of killing Lieutenant
Hiiiuhrougli, will exploit bis theory ot tho
mystery in a book.
Because Historian Syiol praised Bis
marck too much in comparison with Wil
liam I. as he thought, the kaiser vetoed
the award of the Verdun prize to him.
Washington, Jan. 10.
in) further steps will be taken by
the executive branch of the
Y government to carryout the poli
J J cy of restoring the (ueen
Liliuokalani. Secretary Gresham i.
authority for this statement. He said
today to a United Press reporter that
the settlement of the whole Hawaiian
question was in the hands of congress,
and everything that would aid it In ar
riving at a eonclntion, would be sub
mitted by the president. All docu
ments, reports and other communica
tions received by the state department
from Mr. Willis, said the secretary,
would be transmitted to congress aud
given publicity through that source a.
soon ns they came t hand.
Furthermore, all communication, of
an official nature addressed to Mr.
Willis will go to congress n. soon a.
they had been mailed to the minister.
The report of Mr. Willi, on the latest
phase of the Hawaiian situation, was
not received nt the state department
today. It is expected to reach Wash
ington at the earliost late tonight and
if this expectation be realized it will
not be delivered at the stte depart
ment until tomorrow morning. Tho
department officials think, however,
that the report is likely to come in some
time tomorrow atternoon or evening,
and it is stated that no arrangements
have been made to insure its delivery
in advance of the ordinary time.
Mr. Gresham tays the communica
tion of Mr. Willis would bo trons
mitted to congress without delay. He
did not know whether or not it would
be given to the press In advance of that
time. A gentleman who la said to
have had an interview with the presi
dent on the subject, is authority for
the statement that while tho president
is sorry thnt Mr. Willis made the de
mand on the provisional government,
ho admit, that tho minister did no
more than oarry out his instructions,
obeying the letter, however, instead of
the stunt, ns was intended.
Drunken Father's Brutality Leads a Boy
to Commit Suicide.
PITTSBURG, Jan 10. August Somer
field, the man who whipped hi. .on
last October until the boy jumped from
a third story window nnd was killed,
todav pleaded guilty to voluntary man
slaughter. The plea was accepted by
the commonwealth and court.
Souierlield on tho night of the killing
came home drunk. His wife told him
the boy wai truant from school. The
father got a blucksniiko whip mid pun
ished the boy so severely that, in order
to escape the brutal father, he jumped
out of a third story window and wa.
killed. Somerheld will be seutmctd
OlV-rs to Bet That Governor Mitchell
Will Boon Weaken.
Jacksonville, Jan. io. "I will bet
$1,000," said Manager Howden of the
Duval Athletic club this evening,
"that iu a week Governor Mitchell
will lay down his hand and announce
to the public over hi. own signature
that he will no longer attempt to pre
vent Corbett nnd Mitchell from fight
ing in Florida."
Mr. Howden refused to give tho res
son for his confidence but said he was
ready to back tho opinion with his
money and that time would show that
he was correct.
Corpsee Hod to IU Removed in a Hurry
from the Flamee.
SouTiiwicK, Mm.., Jan. 10 The
house of Charles N. Johnson nt Hillside
wu8 burned this evening. The fire
caught bv tho overturning of a lantern.
In the hou.e were the dead bodie. of
Mr. Johnson', lathe , Auaza Johnson,
ami John.nn'. mother, Mrs. William
Wright. Mr. Johnson's two childron
wero also sick in bed.
The tick nnd dead were taken ont
with great difficulty.
An Insane Man Slakes Thing's Lively In
a Delaware Bank.
Wilmington. Del., Jan. 10. This
morniiiL' William McC'aulev. an insane
man, entered th Farmer's bank and
dematulod $00,000 in gold, which he
claimed to nave deposited tuere.
He was p r.uailed to leave, bpt not
until the clerk, were considerably agi-
Cheering News Greet i Employee of the
Cumberland Rollins; Mill.
Ci mheki.anh, Md.. Jan. 10. Richard
EtawUy a roller employed by the Cambria
Iron works, is here putting the ( umber
IhiiiI rolling null iu order.
Ho save n part ot tho mill will bo started
up next week.
Another Serious Outbreak in the Italian
Province of Barl.
Rome, Jan. 10. Last evening a mob
gathered lu Corato. a city in the pm
vince of Dari, and proceeded to the
office of the mayor, whloh wa. quickly
surrounded by the crowd. Tho win
dowB iu the building were smashed,
and when the troops, who had been
called upon todisper.ethe rioter.,m ide
their appearance they were met wish
volleys of stone, and other missiles.
Finding all other mean, unavailing,
the officer in command of the soldiers
gave the order to tiro upon the crowd.
The order was obeyed, with the result
that seven of the rioter, were killed
and many wounded.
Republican Senators in New Jersey Take
Forcible Possession.
Trenton. Jan., 10. When the Demo
cratic senate adjourned this morning notion werefglren to tbesorgeant-
at-arms to bar the door aud keep every
one. When the Republican sunators
came to the state house and found the
door closed a plank was procured and
the door was broken and the Keputin-
can. took possession of the chamber.
When quiet was restored the session ot
the Republican senate began.
Ihe senate passed the racing repealer
by a unanimous vote, and adopted the
house resolution providing for a joint
meeting on Jan 23.
Flames in a Baltimore Iron Foundry
Eat Up $200,000.
Bai.iimohk, Jan. 10. -Fire of un
known origin tonight destroyed 200, -
000 worth of property at the Henry
MoSnane iron woiks and Isall foundry.
The fire originated in the pattern room
on the fourth floor.
The insurance on the plant will cover
the loss, but many valuable patterns
were burned which cannot he replaced.
The Anti-Harrity Democrats Will Move
Friday to Select an Opponent
to Candidate Hancock.
HaRBISBDBO, Jan. 10 A move
ment to name a second Democrat can
didate for coiigressman-at-large, will
take definite shape on Friday. At
that time noraiuation papers will be
circulated, with his approval, in be
half of Senator Arthur D. Markley, of
Montgomery county. The signatures of
not less than 4,000 Democrats are
already pledged to be appended to these
papers. At the same time and also with
the candidates consent nomitintion pa
pers will be Bigned in behalf of ex-
Magistrate Alexander J. Diamond, of
Philadelphia, a. a Democratic candi
date for magistrate iu oppositioe to
Magistrate Peter J Hughes. A like
number of names will be signed to his
nomination papers.
It l. Rltogother likely that through
Senator Markley's nomination paper.
the courts will be asked to declare nim
the regular Democratic candidate aud
to void the action of today . state con
vention. The friends of Senator Mark
ley coutond that this convention was
adjourned without day on Sept. 19 last,
aud that it is now without any right to
existence. Other legal point, will be
raised in the contention by Senator
Markley'. suppoiters.
Senator Markley has long been a con
spicuous Democratic leade-.. He served
during the late war with honor. Pre.i-
dent Cleveland made him postmaster of
the town where he retides and Audrew
Johnson had previously made bim
revenue collector. He ha. also served
in tho lowor house, of which
hotly he wns his party's choice
for speaker. He was also his party's
cumulate for president pro tun of the
senate at the close of the last legisla
tive session. The formidable appear
ance of this revolt already make, the
campaign promise to be one of unusual
interest aud excitement within Demo
cratic Hues.
The Ohio Minors' convention is still iu
executive cessiou.
The omiier Baltimore hns arrived at
Yokohoma, headquarters of Ihe As atic
The United States steam -r, Yantic,wg
at Montevideo Nov. no, with no Intention
of leaving thero.
Admiral Donald McNeill Fairfax, aged
70, of the United States uuvy, retired,
died nt Hagerstown, Md.
The flagship Lancaster is under orders
to proceed home from Yokohoma and be
utilized ns a training ship.
The Baltimore aud Ohio southwestern
railway shopsjocated at Washington, lud.,
employing 510 men, cut down time from
time to six hours a day.
Sherman Wagoner shot and killed hit
wife at Shoals, lud., and sits bosido her
body with a gun, defying arrest
Tho stock bidders of the Southern Na
tional bauk, New York, voted to reduce
the capital from $1,OOU,000 to $500,000.
Robert Hubbard was assassinated at his
home nine nnlos north of PriMtOn, Ky. Ho
was shot while sitting before his lire.
Charles BohepfllU & Co., the wholesale
clothiers of Clainlleld, N. J., failed. Nom
uul assets, $ lHO,U0O liabilities, $179,000.
Three weeks of fasting in obedienco to
an alleged revelation has brought Miss
Ida Uuex, of Wannatah, lud., near to
Louis K. Red win 6, ox-assistant cashier of
tho defunct Uute City bank, is on trial at
Atlanta, (la., for embuzzliug $105,000 of
bank lunds.
John Newton, son of a Methodist clergy
man, of Cadiz, Ky., and a student al
Bethel college, Kussellville, Ky., commit
ted suicide.
J limping the track at Missouri Valley,
la., a passenger car weut down the em
n. .in- ne nt. rolliug over und killing Mrs. F.
M. Helisler.
lleorge Wiohninu, a candy vender at San
Francisco, aud Louis Ureenwald, of Vic
toria, B. C, are held at Sau Francisco fur
smuggling opium.
A negro tramp assaulted tho youug wife
of liuorgo W, Morgan, Sunday ni; nt, at
Henderson, Ky., while ehu,was alone, mid
then shot aud killed two bloodhounds sent
after bun.
Judge Wallace in United States circuit
court, New York, heard the application
for ihe appointment of n permanent re
ceiver for tho New York and New Kng
laud railroad.
After executing some important papers
aud writing four letters, Dr. J. II. B.uo, of
Montgomery, Ala., committed suicide,
presumably of a divorco scandal iu which
he was named as co-respondent.
510 AND 512
Dress Goods
In order to close out balance
of stock in a few broken
lines the following
Special Prices
will hold good for this week.
7 pieces 46. in. Storm Serge
in Navy, Myrtle and Black
55c, former price S5C.
5 pieces 54-in. in Navy only,
65c, former price $1.00.
4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking,
50c, former price $1.00,
16 pieces strictly all-wool
Cheviots- in Stripes and
Mixtures at
29c. and 47c, former price
50c and 65c.
A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch
Cheviot Suits in Broken Checks
and Plaid, at nearly Half-Price.
Maltese Cross
Wahiiinoto. Jan. 10. Foreeatl
for Thmday: For eastern
fcnnsiiiiiHiii, or, foUvmi by
tueivusiiii cfottifiu'sN dad prefc.
rum "! ihurmny nfOAL ICOCmer,
south icinds.
And Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reiily Sl Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
We Examine Eyes
Fr$6 of oharge, It 11 doctor to
nteded you are promptly told
so. We also guarantee a per
(sit Br.
AT ( '( )ST tor oue week only.