THE SCRANTCXN" TKIBITtfE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Itu.iiso all ktndt roll thai much, cjc etfil Situations II 'itjitVi.tuii.'i arc iiwrtcd FUSE Situations Wanted. md luuu, age I 9. ili"1 fair educauon and ran gin tba best of rsfeTSnoa in regard tn character. Hai bad ax patience as clerk III tore, as (armor anil a lehool teacher, Ad Ureas N N , Tribune uitlee. rANTID-YOUKQ LADY DB81BK8 A position in otneo as stenographer and typewriter. Will work for the experience she would gain Would prefer a place tbat in a few weeks would leoelve salary. Address A. B . Tribnue office. Wanted. KIK nithed rooms for Marbl housekeeping. centrally located, l y neat, responsible party, Answer Tribune clliee. O. K. AULNTLKMAN W1M1KSA.N IN TKllEST in tataUlsnad buatnota in contra pan ol city; capital required not to SXOOed llttecn hundred dollar: sporting gooda or barrtwaro prefun ed. .1 aM Tribnna Offloo. 1 1 ' ANTKli TWO OR THREE Agents Wanted. Ul ANTED A SALESMAN, S'-'n TO I II weekly ean tie made with our gooda in any locality, will prove it wr lurfoit 9100, Salary or commission as you prefer. The re suits of a lew Hours' work often equals a week's wages. Address, "MANUFAuTJ R SKs. ' p. o. Box 5306, Boston, Man. GENERAL NEWS Or INDUSTRIES For Sale. IOU BALE itAcHK FARM. STOCK SHEFFIELD, s'-v ami utensils. ,1. M. Monroe uve. 'OU sale ONE NEW Yosa' TYPE. J writ er. also mo new Abbott eMail punch, at a bargain. Address H. .)., cu e Tribune of flee. T70R SALE uK EXCHANGE FOB SCRAN A ton property A bearing orange grove increasing iu production and valQS yearly in the oruuge section in Florida. Addros F. E. NBTTLETON, Luke Helen. Fiorina For Kent. "oTORE FOB KEN T ' 8 TORE BOOXAND lO buseim lit, No. I'J8 Penu avenue, now ue cupied bv C. S. Woolwortli as a6 cent stoi'e. Iti.'uireot B, 0, HILL, 181 North Washington avenue. nOH RENT APRIL I THE Koi -is HOW I UCGOpiod by the Telephone Exchange. 800 Lackawanna avenue Ateplv at the office of Lehieli Salt Mining Co.. Third National Hank building. L. S. and E C, Fuller. I'OK BENT ALABOE STOBE ROOM AT " 40(1 Spruce street. Inquire at Ul Wyom ing avenue. .OR KENT 1'HK FFKNlSllEll' KtsT I deuce of the late William W. Mniniess, I VT Jttlersou avenue, with or without ban iu the ear. inquire of H. a Knapp, Rapnblicaa on tiding "l, OK KENT-TWO-STORY BRICK DWEI. 1 Iiul: house: modern improvements. HI.'" Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, 1 agent ''I nest Lackawanna avenue M'0 LET FUR A TERM OP YEARS J Part or all of three hundred feet of yard luoin along railroad, avenue. Apply at 'M Franklin rro RENT-STORE SoxOU OR FURNISHED 1 ball on lirocu Kidgu street. Very desiru Lle location and on reasonable terms. Apply lol' E NETTLETON or c. S. WOODBl f F. Republican building Lost. Lost two cab uil ci pj otndeb will be rewarded bv returning to N'ealis Livery o.skford alley Special Notices. Interesting Review o! Last Year's Trade la Bituminous and Anthracite, YEAR OF NOTABLE FLUCTUATIONS IU Etui Saw Both Branches ot the Coal Trade Depressed, but the Advantage Was Resting with An thraciteSome Reflections Apropos of the Recent Statistics of Produc tionOther News arid Gossip of the Flying Hours. Since it is in a mensute competitive against anthracite, the tr.fl. in oituini nous coal, mi reviewed for 18U:t, presents some minis of reminiscent ial in! crest In thin connection. Wo condense what follows from the l-Jagi inuring and Mia lag Journal; "Bituminous coal of all descriptions during the first five months of 1893 was in a strong, healtbv position, and in January, February and March demand was active, operator and Urge shippers being at times un able to till orders promptly. Coal carrying roads were ... I to their full capacity. Iu February the severe weather rendered it diflloult for ship pers to supply fuel to regular cus tomer.i, and till now business was ac cepted only contingent on ability to AU. Toward the end of March the supply of bituminous coal whs over abundant. The bif' strike iu the Hock ing Valley in Ohio In May causud little embarrassment iu the market, as sup plies were ample, shippers taking liberal quantities before the miners Want out. The opening of many new mines in the bituminous coalfields of In liana began to affect the tonuige of the block coal man and prices weakened. The closing of the steel mills at Juliet threw a large quantity of the ehoapar grades of coal on this market, riming a drop in prices. Other plants and fac tories shut d urn, and COaJ ws offered at cost of mining plus the freight in Order to keep the minea going at least a part of the time. Operator exorcised the usual caution in credits, so that while .It in ml had falleu off and prices i were demoralized there were few fail I urea to quote. The withdrawal of 1 mauy passenger trams at the close of the Coluuibiau exposition was also a factor iu decreasing the tonnage, which was not offset by any increase in freight traffic after the close of navigation. The year closed with a congested mar ket for all kinds of bitumiuous coal, nnd prices are completely demoralized. The same authority presents an in teresting review ot the trade in anthra cite. In this trade the year opened well, With a good volume of small orders Rumors of a break in the com bination bad a weakening effect in , February. The heavy surplus of that I month caused much incouveuience through inability to get supplies for warded to tne country. Bituminous coal was so short that many steam plants were obliged to use anthracite. March maintained its eld prestige as a good coal selling month iu the several branches, ana stocks steadily decreased Tut, ANNUAL KBETIHO u" THE stijckbolders i,t 1 be Muusio Powder Con MQ will be held at their office in the eity ot BcrastOO, Pa. on Wednesday. Jannarj J4. l"s. at ei(rht o'clock p. ui.. for the purpose of 'l,.etii., ,1 in, 1.., 1-4 fin- flif. ununinr, ,-..., o,,.l 1 1. m-aotinu auch other business as may oiue ' notwithstanding large receipts. About before them. No transfer of stick wni b, i April stocks were estimated at iiW.000 tons, or barely enough to last. The Straits of Mackinas wera opened April 13 and coal began ..-iming forward by lake. The fueling of a possibility of an advance in June somewhat stimulated buyers. May was unusually cold and trade active for small lots. Scarcity of cars at mines enabled shippers to more a good tonnage of dock coal. lVn coal was scarce nnd in i de- 'YUy SSSEf SFSSH 91 ?HF mnd. The advance of 25 cents in l stockholders of the Scrauton lllunilnat V i.. .;,!;. .,i U(ii . ouno v aa suveioijr oiii.ioi.nii. ...tin a good deal of coal changed hands at Msy circular with settlement to bi election. JOHN D BHBBEB Secretary. rpHE ANNUAL HE&TINQ OF THB I stockholders of The B.i.s Bteel Wn.-. l Company will he held at their offlos In the city ot Scranton, i'a., on Thursday, January tS. In I, at l.'o clock noon, for tho purpose of vlei.'tin directors for the euauini year and transacting such other business as may coiuu before them. No transfer of .itock will bo made for ten days next pratifdjllf the day of election JOHN li. SHEh.CB, Secretary. luit. Heat and Power company will be Held at tu-otne or me company, iJo Wyoming a; i.i.e u Tuesday. Jan In, 1S91. at 4 o clock f in . for the election of directors for the eusii Inf ycur and such other business as may come lo-fora theni. KHI'.l) c HANI). Secretary. Beraaton, Pa , Dec. IS, UK, Voth k IS HBBEBY OIVEN THAT THE hriu of L A finch tt Company, havUm old their entire plant business and iroud will to the Finch Muuafa turun; Company. ha this day, December 30th, HW. gone out of business All persons having lalms against the retiring firm aro reijuea ed to present them o Mr. Irving A. 1-incn. through whose bands all men payments and all eollacUoni y, ill lie mad,- J" AN , UM -ON AND AfTER Tills DAT! 1 will pay no debts unless OOntrnOted by luyteif. JAREll J. POST EN'S, 13.M South Nineteenth st., Hhiladeiphis. ?'I'HK SOLD1EK IN Dl It I IV1L WAU," J containing Frank Leslie s famoiw old Uar pictures. Two volumes folio. Kv.-ry Jiage illustrated, liver HBpagta As an odu toi It Is unexcelled. Sold on easy monthly jiiiyinetit. both vohimea delivered complete iifdress P. U Moody. Ulti FraiiKlin avenue, iigent for Northeastern l'ennsvlvanln. COB ANTON WBINOEB BOHPITAL, 110 I? Suruce vround floor. Mi ),est kolid white rubber rollers, one dollar each. ork guaranteed by the oldest and only ex Jrt wringer repairer iu Scranton. legal. 1? STATE' OF "WILL I A M W M A N N ESS Ji late of the city of Scranton. County of j.a kawaniia, and Statu of 1'eiunylvaiiiii, da l-east-'J Letters testamuntary upon the ab vn nam. d estate having been granted to the undersign.!. I all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto w ill Illaaja nuke immediate payment to the everutors herein after named, or anv of them ISAAC S. CASE, Tobvhaiina. I'a. MAUV T. AlANNESS. HENRY A KNAI'P, i Scranton, Pa. Wil l villi, WahiiKS 4: k'NAi'i-, Atb.rnej . INSTATE IF ELVIRA MANN ESS, LATE J nt the oity of Scranton. County of Lacka ivanua and Statu of Pennsylvania, deceysed Letters i f admwiiatratlun upon tho above liamed estate having lai,.-n gran tod to the un dersigtiod, all persons having claims or de mands against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to MARY T. MANNESH, Administratrix Scranton, Pa. WlLLABD) Warm-is & Knaip, Attorneys. Res J Catate. HOUSE AND LOT FOR KALE AT 71:1 II and Do Cedar ave nt a baivam. Iiiouira at place for sale. F. V. BoEj 'HE lis 'OR SAI.E -8INOLK H0U8S, rj yuiNijy avenue; very desirable location. Anply t). F. REYNOLDS, or WiLLARD. WARREN KNAPP. OZJifo WILL BUY MODERN NEW R-ROOM O house, all Improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Deleware stroet, Ap jly HARRY LEES eyi,m will buy very desirable lot O corner Madison avenue and Delaware Street. Turma essj '.pply HARRY LEES. Chicago Live Stook Market. Chicago, Jan. 9. Cattle Receipts, 7.0UO; tuurket steady; common to extra steers, f8.25ao.00; stockers and feeders, i.'25a8.T.r; cows and bulls, tl..oa!t.7o; calves, Hooa Receipts, 25, 000: market weaker: heavy, HWari.M; common to choice mixed, ti.03a5.3r; choice assorted, t&30a f. :. Ii,;ht. 41 in, pi! . cl ' ' . Siikkp Receipts, 14,000; market weak; Inferior to choice 1.25aS.5U: lambs, t2 75 4.78. For Rbeumatlsm, Lumbago. Neuralgia, (.'ramp and Colic there is no remedy super ior to the genuine Dr. Thouias'Electrlo Oil. made in October. The strained condi tion of finances affected sales and to ward the latter part of June thoy fell oil' considerably. Another advanco of '.'5c. July 1 only served to make mat tors worse. For a short time the strin gent orders from proJncerseast had its effect, but priees soon drifted back to the old figures. Tue separation of the Lehigh and Heading intorests in Au tfmt caused a further weakening in prices, which, coupled with the in creasing depression, added grcatlv to the dullness in tho market. Careful estimates disclosed the fact that up to the end of August tho tonnage sold was fully 59 per cent, less than for the corresponding month in 18112. Through out September and October country dealers continued their conservative buying. At iht close of navigation the docks and yards became glutted with coal, and many loaded vessels were tied up at the various docks. The aunual election of officers of the Pittsburg, Marion and Chicago Kail way company was held at Beaver Mon day. An important matter to the com pany was th transferring of the option on leases on '.',000 acres of cannel nnd bituminous coal land near Negley, O, on the line of this railroad, known as the liillingsly, llykaand Rogers tracts, to a New Yum iTDdioatt of capitalists by I. F. Mansfield and C. II. Smith. The formor has been for years inter ested In the cannel coal mines, at Can nolton. The company purchasing the options on the leases, will begin exten sive operations at once. The snles agents on Monday, Nov.'7, voted to restrict the December output to 2,500,000 tons, and took stens to en force the reduction. The official fig ures for the month will not be out for two weeks, but in the four weeks ended Dec. 110 production was :,224,OOL tons, or ovor 700,000 tons more than the amount agreed upon. For the year, with the reduced consumption, the out put will probably prove to be nesrly 1,200,000 tons grenter than in i-.o This moves the Philadelphia Stuck holder to usk: How can tho coal trade continue to show snuh large earnings for three companies when nil agree ments are violated nnd the laws of trade ignored bv this over production? 'I in applanation is that the stock car ried ovor unsold must be simply enor mous, but the railroads have carried the ooal to storage points nnd are cred ited with earning money just as though the coal was sold. In no other busi ness does this seeming disregard of the laws of trade seem to pay. James B. Oliver, the Pittsburg iron king, says there is not a mill in the country operating iu full. "Every thing," he says, "seems to depend on the Wilson bill. It it is not nasied tmdo will no doubt be brisk, ns stocks never have bean as light as at present in the history of the country, but buy -ra are holding, awaiting the results of the tariff legislation." The Huntingdon and Broad Tod Railroad company started otf the new year under favorable circumstances so far as its coal touuugu is concerned, the week ended Jan. 0 showing an in crease over the corresponding period in l-'i.; of G.mitf tons. It is to be noted, however, that this increase came wholly from the Cumberland districts, the tonnage originating on the line having docreased about 50 per ceut. It is believed, on tho other baud, that there will be a cbauge iu these losses shortly, and that the tonnage of Broad Top coal will materially iuorease. Winnowed veqm Cbaefi The Lehigh Traction company, of lln zletou, carried 115.UO0 passengers last month. Pi unhkeepsie Bridgo bondholders are anxious to know what the Heading people aro going to do for them. The proposed doul, by which Ihe Con cord and Montreal railroad was to be leas ed to the Boston and Maine, is off. Bills are being prepnred for introduc tion in the Uhii legislature to tax sleep ing, dining, bullet, refrigerator und fast freight line cars. Tho tonnage of tho Honoy Brook dlvi sion of the Lehipdi and Wilkes-Bnrre l.'onl company for 18H1 consisted Of 618,660,00 tons, and is the largest in the history Ol tho division. Pennsylvania railroad ofBolali deny thnt the ecouomies now in practice will be car ried to the extent of consolidating divi sions, and thus dispensing with one or more sets of officers, It Is suggested In Boston that K. P, Vin Ing he made permanent receiver of the New Bngland, us ho bus no intornst in the warring factious, nnd knows the prop erty well, having been traffic inananer for a long time. More than n half million tons ot coal were brought down the Control Railroad of Now Jersey I'pper Iiehigh branch last year, and morn than 1,000 freight cats went up from White Haven during the same period. Friends of the Now Haven road will present evidence at tho New Kugland hearing to show that tho gentlemen who made affidavits by which Mr. Piatt was appointed temporary receiver ot tho New England have sold most of their stock since that event. Tho Mingo Mountain Coal and CokO company is ihe latest big corporation oper ating in Kentucky to go into tint hands . receivers, O. at. Woodbury, of Middles borough, having been nppointed receiver to take charge of the affairs of the com pany. Most of the stocks and bonds of the Mingo Ooal and L'oke compauy are held in Knglaud. . -All Free. ThOS who have use! Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, havo now the opportunity to try it free. Call OH the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottie, Free. Send your Dame and address to II. K. Bucklou '. Co , Chicago, and get a samplo lux of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Free, ns well as a copy of Qnida to Health ami Household Instructor, I'ree. Allot which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews "Bros. Drugstore. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds Nmv York, Jan. B. The volume of busiuess at the Stock exchange showed n material falling off toduy and speculation presented few reunites ot inteiott, al though the movements wore somewhat erratic early iu the day, the tendency of prices in the main was upwards, the hulls having taken steps to frighten the shorts into covering. Tho result was nu advauce of W to zyi per cent. Tho industrials were again conspicuous imd really loud the market. The notable game were: Sugar Jt$', Obloago (ios yk. Rock Island lji. General Electric 1;', Louisville and Nashville, 2'; Missouri Pacific, 1; Western I'nion, St. Paul, IV, aud Burlington, 1. Tho mlvauco was snort-lived, and after a good deal of back ing and tilling, the bears finally made a determined and effective raid ou the list. The fact that no iiiorum could be obtained for the proposed meeting of the Louisville and Nashville directors did not provunt this stock from being one of the firmest on the list. Sugar fell off 1 Burlington, yK, Chicaso Uas, Ikj St. Paul, l;Kock Island, 1; (ionerul Electric, I, N'ew Eug laud. tli Western Union, The murket closed steady at a fractional recovery, The sales footed up 192, S7U shares. The foll'iwinif comulete table showing the day's fluctuations In active stocks is supplied ami revise.! Oaily by LaUar & Puller, stock uioaers i.i vt vominit avenue Open- Muli ini. ... -a ... KM lift Am. Cot. Oil Am S.iirar- A. T. S. F Can. So Can. k.j Chic. N. ST.. C , 11 A y Chic Uas, 0., C. 0. 41 St. Col, Hook.Val l. a H p., h & w D. &C K Erie O, E. Co Lake Shore h A. N Miiuhattan Miss. Pac Nat Lead N. Y.N. K... N. V. Central . N. f O. & W. N. V ,S. A W. U.S. C. Co North Pac North Pac pf.. Omaha I'ac Mail Reading Ho, li Island. R. T. St. Pain T ..C It I Texas iS Vac union fuc Wabash, pf W. t'nion W L. E W. ft L. E. pf.. ...lis ...WOM ... rtjn ... MM ... w ,.,'lMU . IG.V4 . . . m ... mB ...ltlC ... m ...ifi ... vu ... m .... m ... tJW ... UN 4 . isv, , Mi "'I . IS . 9Hi '. ti . UN ! itjj . K6 . 1 11., 4M St. !? 110 100K ml ttM H5 i:iiia UM BfG ml law m m IIKI. Id W est. IS) n lit' IK) 7HC. I.,' , afl mii Irt.ila m :iit, m '.Hit, mis iU.j m ;t?i iu4 i-it, UN m im4 tm l:iW i9 jfti 1:1 Clos i'K. H lis too . 1 , otB in. II' I MM li-.., mi ia Co MM US UN .IN 1, ...C4 Mia IKla MM .0 iaia ns MJi 13 Chicaso Orain nnd Previsions. Si 11 an ton, .Ian. S -Tie foUowlna tiuota UonsSM supplied and Corrected daily by La Har Fuller tock brokers, 1.' I WyntulUKave nue. WHEAT. .Ian. Ipnnilig '.'?4 niKiiesi Lowest Closing CORN, Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATH. Opening lllKhest Lowest Cl .slug I'.iliK. 1 'I 11,10; lliiihest Low. at Clotlne LAKI). Ipi'llltUf HlirhesT. Lowest CI sing Sib RT KIDS Opening rflgbest Lowest Closing tni Ws on, MM MN M SJ M W m ISM uwu IL'WI l:w 7117 m m sun WIT ll7 UU7 Wi7 .May. M lisn tnj ATS M m MM MM UU Bpfl HN linr. IBS IJH7 ;ho 75 771! Tii 0T(1 m SM July. M Htm , BUM OU :mi ;iii.i2 Btfj M MM ttjj MM Butter Moderate demand, steady; west ern dairy, laaLSc; do., oroamery, 18 a25Jc; do., factory, 14al8c; elgins, 2Sc.: imitation creamery, 16al0c; rolls, Ijalhc. riiixsK Fair demand, lirub Kqoi, Quiet, unchuuged. Philadelphia Tallow SCarkat. Pail irtrrvliii .In,, . .Tn 1 1 , ,w n,nu quiet aud eteudy. Price wero: Prime city, iu nogaueaus, :.-.; country, prune, in hogshouds, 5c. do. dark, iu barrels, io; cak.-s, le. ; grease, s 1 ,c New York Produce Market. Naw York. Jan. u. Floor Market morn active, held highor. Wheat -Spot market dull, tinner; No. 9 red, store and elevator, (H;aOHc.; f. o.b., (Watt8!V4c.; ungraded red, I18c.! alloat,, .'. . Mo. 1 northern, T8s4arla.; op tions active, closod easier; No. : red Janu Mqr.WMe.) February .Otfc; March, TOKCi May, T'Jst.c.: IJocemW, TUt,c , Corn Spota quiet, firm; No. 2, 4Ua I ; , : elevator; 4.4.. alloat: ungraded mixed, l..,:ii:r sleumer mixed, 4'Jo.; op tions dull, closing weak; January, a:- .- , Febrnarv. 48c.; Mnrrb, 44c ; May, 45o. UATS Spots quiet, firm: options dull, easier; January, S!io. February, 84 V; Mny, U4ic. ; No. 'i white, February, 691(0.; spot prices. No. i', 34c; No. '1, whit, :iSia85Xc. : No. 2 Chicago. 86c.; No. 8, 88c.; No. 8 white, aajt'c; mixed western, .'WaH.'iVc. : white do., B6Ma4UV;c; white, state. 8S)a4uKc. Bkk Steady und quiet. Bkek Hams Dull. TikRi'lii Beik - Unlet. Cut Mkats -Dull, steady. Lard Firm.quiet; western steam closed at $8.45; it v, . January, S8. 4U: Feb ruary, (8.15; May,t8.10: refined, quiet; con tinent, 8.T8; South America, SD.8&; com pound, CS,atlKc. Punic Moilerato demand, firm; mess, tUal4.S0. Criticlaiuv a Youna Lady. ' She would be u pretty girl for but one thing." "Waat'a thai' ' asked CTiarloy. Jeorgo Her face is ulways covered With purple and red blotches. i. nsrley Ob, that s easily euougu uis nosed of. Used to be tho same Wuy my self, but I caught on to the trouble ouo day, and got rid of it iu no time. Ueorge w hut, was ltv Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a Bbort course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's !)lie boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bau thut you could hear hliu holler clear across the couutry every time ho moved. Ho tried it, aud you know what an uthletic old gent he is Uow. If somebody would givo Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it. Henry Schoonhals foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectiic oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. i v is tne hi. Ami tub$eribtv of The ZHbwMmay se en re a 6oyfc uf your anil coaf 0OHJKMII Worth Und thus saee SO vents on each barrel uf flour aud it ent$on each ton of ooal. afl HH6BTWII9. aJNfl IttiSD bil.ty, A I'dkiir. i oT isouy WEAK MEN Y0UR attention Jit... "ill1 it' I lit" Ht . i , :i ReuieUy, s Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER f"" Nff uuil Mind, hni'i rnu- tti tIiom, and InitiiituiK'y, und all 1 ur-i.-a that HilHufrutn oViT-Iu'luluencf mid Hvlf-abuao. us UN uf Memory ami l'owor, Uimutas of Vis Ion. I'reniaturt) Old Aftu aud many otlior dlt t'uuet thut luad to Insanity Off -OiiauUipiiou and an t'urlv LTaVf, writ' for h painphlot AdOreH QfflAY HEDIOIMH CO., Buffalo, N Y. Tim .specific Mfdicine ia sold by all di iifttfiHtH at pt-r iackaic, off nix (Juckatt;t,-B for ui bj ihml on ivoi'ipt of money, and with evory rd.;r Wc (iUARAMTEE a euro or monuy r.-i umini n tW On account of ruuutvi'ftdtrt wo havo adopted the Ytdlow wrapptff, thu OJDly Rt-'iiu ini'. k-old iu Scranton ltv Matthows Uro Connolly A. Wallace COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASONS STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12,50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6,00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4.00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10.00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7.50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5.00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3.00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of goods. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, .IAN. 1 1. th SEASON 4th The Plionoiuonnl Hiktusb. BtMBR K. VAN i i M Qnat KeallHtlc Kail roail Cuinvdy Draiuu, THE LIMITED MAIL. aud the wondurful BRAT KICK. A luarvoloiiH lotfiio und lu'rliaulcal produc tion. A novelty, IM tho fliuht of "The Lim ited XVlail' ticatH ou sale Tuesdayr. Look at This for a New Year's Bargain. It Will Interest You. At These Prices You Cannot Help Buying. Eloctric Seal (.'apes, IS inches, 14.49; formerly 10. Ajstrakhau Gapes, L8 inehes,6.49; formerly ;. Mink Capes, 18 laches, $12; for merly 4S. Crimmer Capes, 18 iuebes, $6.49; formerly $13. Uussian Lynx .Military Capes, 2' Inches, $5.98'; formerly Electric Seal Military Capes, 22 inches, $9. 19; formerly $18. Portj dozen Assorted Mutt's at $1.49; formerly $3. Fifteen dozen Assorted Children's Bets at 98c.; formerly 2.50. A One lot of Sleigh Robes, plush lined, at $3 each. Plush and Cloth Coats sold at your own price. Millinery almost icn away. HIGHEST PRICES fill ID) M IIIDS. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ae. f I I - f 'aYi.;i. DON'T FORGET Tlml wo ai i licailqtiartors for .'vorytlilnp iu thi ll,. or WATCHES. If Mm hiivo anv Idea of i i i ' i .i - any kind r a Watch, Iiiut'h cr Kont'H. Hold or Mllvi'r, yon will niakuu Kt lnv OttS mUtaltv 11 villi do not ixivo ux a cull and Kt onr prion1., w lilrli yon will find far holow nil . .'n-'i n i illv lii all the lilgli Krudoaof KlKtn. Widthani und Ilunipden tuovouiHiitii. If yon havo any doublM and aro at all poated on prli uH kio ima oall and u n will havo no trouble hi OOttTineltig yiu. Want ill bavss Inrif.! Stook to dlapoi Or. und will offtir von won di -t-t 1 1 Inducement in Jewelry, ttllverware, CliK-lcu untl all other goods whluti wo have lb stock. C. W. Freeman l'c nn Ave. and Sprues St. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reanonable. Spaco will not permit us to mention the good tbiiiRs for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a first-class market, W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. nmiAv, j an. is. Return Engagement -OF-- Freeman's Fun Makers Iu the Fuiiouiily 1'unny rarce Comedy, A RAILROAD TICKET Which scored such a tremendous bnecess here lour weeks ago. ALL LAUGHS. Sulo cfneuti Wedasaday . ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, JA 18. T l ie Tornado 1 1 n rn i m i l Tue "wful tor,"ijo- Tbe LinbULI Ji ercut rigu'liiK scene. :x tars furlinc a monster mill 'Ihe coIIIbIoii of two ocean liners Ht full speed. The mighty open soa scene, with waves running mountain high. Dis secting room of a medical college Chicago harbor at night und many othr scenic wonder. SCENIC FRODCTION Seats on sale Thursday. N. H. BROOKS, Sup', and Lecturer. 1IAKKY JHOIINE. Stage Manager. Week comm. nclng MONDAY, JANUAKV8 The Urea t Euotlo&al Actress, MISS FLORA STANFORD. Supported by the Henry Comedy Com'ny. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday EAST - LYNNE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, PRIDE AND POVERTY. lOc. to bark of bulcouy; "Oc. to frout of liali-otiy and rear iarinetc; 9 Or opera chair. IVrformunceH at few aud m p.iu. 1'" i -ood at 1 !t0 and T. EDEN MUSEE Week Commencing Jan. 8, '94. CURIO HAUL., WALLACE, Thi Untamable Lion and other attractions. IN THE THEATER. Kit tiro now aimw. All new faro. Admis sion tu all parts of tho houu 1 i .N colitis. MALONKY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers and Dealers k Burning lubricating OILS an Also Shafting and Journal Grease. OFFICE:-7!U Went Lackawanna Av. WtMUCSt- Meridian Strait THE DUTHEIL STUDIO, 1 OIK LACKAWANNA AVKNliE, OJlU SCKANTON, FA. t wa.v i t- s a t i m i P U ZZ LE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. (flTE EASY WHEN YOf KNOW HOW $800 IN PRIZES WILL-BE Dl'STRini TED TO THOSE DOIXt. THE PUZZLE IX THE SHORTEST SPACE OP TIME FOR SALE BV ALL NEWS COMPANIES, STATIONERS AND AT TOY STOKES. OK SENT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON HECE1PT OF PRICE, 2t CENTS, RY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 112 AND 114 SOUTH ECTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. ' AVINO MADE a contract with a TT frame factory to turn out 1,000 A r f Irani ! butwven now and OhVSt & ma, I lli toanimniico to the imb- lictlmt 1 will nmko it I1KNUINE CHAVON PUKTKA1T couied Ironi nnv amall onu ABSOLUTELY FREE Of OhARQI i.iil-i STYLK8 OF FRAMES FROM U.BU I'PVTARU. Worlcmanablp guarnntted. Eramea 'JO per ceut. less tlinn rogular prioo. E. DUTHEIL, Artist. From the A. V, ZWMtttS, Kov. 1, 1S: The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. SL Fhi first offlcii acnonuctment of World s Fir di -pluinn-. on flour has beeu rniide. A medal lias been awardad by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the grtat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the floor strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-rlass patent flout for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL w holes LB Ac; knts. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tho aboTo brands of llour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept TBI TrIBCKI fi.oi'r COCPOS of ''" on each one hundrod potiadl of flour or "jO on each barrel of flour. ficrantnn-F, 1. Prioo, Wahingtoii nieuuo, Uold 1i. Jul Uriiinl. HyJo Park - Cars. in & Dnvis. Washburn St. Golii M.nial Brand; Joseph A Hears, Main uvouuo, Sii))orltttive Brainl. (Ircon R1Jk A L.Spencor.ilolJ Meilal Branil Kuuuiore F. P Price, Oolil MeJnl llraud. Ulypbaut Jamen Jordan, Suparlativo Brand. Dnnniore-P. 1). Mauloy. Superlative Brand. Provldeuce-Feuner CliapLwll. X Main are nue. Superlatlva Brand;!.. J OllIepie, W. Market troet. Uold Modal Brand. Peckville-Shaller Jt Keii,1 Surorlativo Brum). Jermyn-C, IX Winters v Co. Suporalativo Brand Carbondale-B. S. Clark, (lo'.d Medal Brand. nonstflStS .1 N. Foster Co. Gold Medal Brand. HonaaoaM W.P. Bchaaak ,3oprlstlTS Brand U.lltoli 8. E. Finn & Son. Hold Medal Brand OouUUBoro- 8 A. Adamn. (iold Modal Brand Tobvhanna-Tobyhanna & l ehieli Luiolm Co., ; f.. . Brand. RESTORED MANHOOD" Tliaanatremady for ncr runs prostration and allUSIIOlll IllSSasUI Of IbogoneraUve organs or vltUer mx. siu h as Nervous Pro!tmtlon. Inll Inu or l.osi Manhood, lmocuuiry. Nlhily Kmlssions.Yoiilofiil Knors aleatal Worry. eieesnive uw or TObaWO or Opium. which lead lol on eunipiloii and Insanity. Willi everv 5urilerneKlvoawi1iunitiinr antee to euro or refund Ihe ikuiiix -;. I :it SI. Oil pSrbOX, SbolSO tor 0. Oil. fill. MOTT'S iMKU nil, CO.. t'Uvolaud, Ohio. lit 'kohl and amu; isuu. For Sale by C. M. II li;i;h. llruKUt, 1-7 lun ArvltUa. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Bufui". aaJ AAnl Varna tli w dln-OTrT Will tr.r on loiin a w.'rk Bold with WBITTKN SuiUUUl .EB to 1'ura llerTous Debility, LoSSSfOfSaal I'owsr in elthrisei, Ibvoluutsry Kiassaioui from auy cu. If ueglectej. such troubles Itsd , ccii.unifalmi cr laaaolty, 0J .no pur bos by uisil. C boaes for t5. With avers b. .i.i.i wo al.s wrlltea Kuaisiitet- io cut wr itluudtbr aauaey, Adartss rVAL HXDIC1ME 00.. d.stlsud.OUlu. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Aye. and Spruce St., Scranton, I'a. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Concrete Flagging;, Concrete Blookn, Potato, Butter aud Coal Bins, Wet Cellars dried up Order may be left at Thompson & Pratt, Will mm & Co., Main and Eynon Streets, or at Scranton Btove Works. Also Foundation a. Clsterna. FlBh Wire Tunnel and Cofllnt. Flagging for Haldol! Walks, Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Coi'RT Hoi sE Square. All kinds ot Laundry work guaranteed the best,
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