The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 10, 1894, Image 1

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was not nearly so doad a
candidate as his name
might imply.
victory, by the way, was
foretold by THE TRIB
UNE weeks and weeks
Pattlson, Harrity and Hensel Cannot Find
Anybody to Head the Ticket
Ho Peremptorily Refuses to Go Down
Before the Growing Grow Tidal
Wave James D. Hancock, of Ven
ango, Is Under Fire, and if He Re
mains Obdurate, Public Printer W.
Hayes Grier VVill, It Is Said, Sacri
fice Himself on the Altar of His
Party's Need.
vUJ lUJ LTQ Q) LEj g
X Harkisburo, Jan. 9.
THE hardest work the leaders of
the Pennsylvania Democracy
are having on the eve of the
state convention to nominate a
congressman -at-lHrire is in inducing
some suitable person to become a can
didate. Governor Pattison and Ad
jutant General Greenland held a con
ference with Andrew G. Curtin, "the
war governor," in Philadelphia today
and endeavored to secure bis consent
to become a candidate. The venerable
ex-tfovernor was inexorably firm in bia
declination to run despite the entreat
ies of the governor and the head of the
State National guard.
National Chairman William F. Har
rity, ex-District Attorney John K.
Read, State Chairman J. Marshall
Wright and other prominent Demo
crats were in conference hero tonight,
and after numerous seleotions hid been
dropped because of the rofuial of those
chosen to pose, a determined effort
was made by Mr. Harrity to
induce James Denton Hancock, of
Franklin, Venaneo county to accept the
nomination. Allhongh Mr. Hancook
aid late tonight that he would not ac
cept the nomination, it is regarded as
extremely probable that tomorrow's
convention will nominate him and that
strong pressure will be brought to bear
by Mr. Harrity and his friends to have
him accept the honor.
W. Hayes Grier, state superinten
dent of public printing, has announced
his willingness to become the nominee,
and should Mr. Hancock persist in his
refusal to serve, it is likely that Mr.
Grier will be chosen. Only 220 of the
464 delegates entitled to sit in the con
vention, had arrived tonight, but the
remainder, or at least a large majority
of them, will reach the state capital
early in the morning.
While the Harrity forces will domi
nate in the convention, the anti-liar
rity forces will uudoubtediy rebel. The
revolt will be lead by John C. Bane,
chairman of the Washington county
Democratic committee, who will
introduce a series of resolutions,
terming the gathering nothing more
than a innss meeting and de
claring that it has no authority to
make a legal nomination. The resolu
tions contend that as the delegates to
the convention of Sdpt. 19 last fulfilled
the duties for which they were chosen
for they cannot be legally again called
together by the state executive com
mittee for another purpose.
Resolutions which have been pre
pared by the anti-Harrity wing attack
Chairman Harrity as follows:
That the conduct of the I'hiladelnhla
managers in cowardly refusing to make a
contest in the Second eonfrritsBional dis
trict at the recent special election merits
nd receives our earnest condemnation.
That such action in the lioiue of the
national chairman of the party, pro
claiming lack of confidence in the
Democratic policy of President Cleve
land, baa already served as a cue
for Democratic apathy and has inci
ted to party treason. That we deplore it
becausb if the national chairman directs
iis friends and followers to abnndon the
contest for tariff reform, it is useless to ask
the hnmble'toiler to rally for its defense,
and the same reason ad vancod as a cause
for such action, namely, the lack of cer
tainty of winning, would apply with
greater force to the stato at largo.
The action of the executive commit
tee in reconvening the .September con
vention is next condemned as careless
and ill-advised and "as likely to result
in the extension of their policy of sur
render and to hand over the state at
large like the Second congressional
district without a protest to the Re
publican party." The conoluding para
graph reads:
That ns Democratic electors we demand
tint the state committee immediately is
sue a call to the Democratic voters of
Pennsylvania to forthwith elect delegates
to a state convention to place in nomina
tion one candidate for cougrnssman-at-lnrge,
and that the said convention meet
In Harrisburg on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 18U4.
The resolutions will be appropriately
referred and will, of course, be "pigeon-holed."
It is definitely known,
however, that the anti-Harrity forces
will shortly place a second nomineo
for congressman-at-large in the
field who will be named by
nomination papers as a second "reg
ular" candidate. The identity of
this nominee has (not yet been
divulged, but it is stated that he now
holds a hiu'h public oftice and has fre
quently been honored by his party. If
it should happen that the resolutions
will not be presented to the convention,
their Bubstance will be embodied in an
early call to the Democrats of the state
accompanied with the name of the sec
ond nominee. It is the urocramme.
, however, to have Mr. Dane introduce
The platform has not yet been pre
pared, but it will indorse the principles
of the Wilson bill and urge its early
passage, and approve of President
ueveiauas Hawaiian policy.
Five Hundred Government Troops Killed
and Many Taken Prisoners.
Rio Janeiro, Jan. 9 An imnortan
battle has beeu fought In the etate of
Sso Paulo, in which the govemmen
troops, unasr Uenernl Argallo, were
defeated by the insurgents. There
were 10,000 troops engaged in the
battle. Five huudred of the govern
ment forces were killed and the rest
were taken prisonsrs, Among the cap
tured are Generals Silva aud Tell as
Deo. 22 an unsuccessful attack was
made on llhngrande, Tho only means
of communication with Rio Janeiro is
by a naval escort. Firing between tha
government and tho insurguut forces
is going on all the time. The govern
ment intercepts all inland communica
tions. -
Governor Werts Sends His Message to
the Democratic Bodv
Trenton, Jan, 9. Tho Democratic
senators organized thin afternoou by
electing Rooert O. Adrian president of
the seuate. The Republican senators
later forced their way into the hall,
and finding that thu Democrats had
orgauized, demanded specific assur
ances that all senators holding creden
tials would be sworn in and allowed to
participato in thu deliberations of the
This being refused the Republicans
adjourned to a clonk room, where they
organized their senate. Both bodies
proceeded to transact business. Tho
Democrats adjourned till morning.
Governor Werts sent his message to
the latter body. The house, which is
Republican, organized without any
frictiou. They have refused to receivo
any communications from the Demo
ratio senate.
The Prohibitionists Name an Oppon
nent to Mr. Grow, and Charge Busi
ness Panic to Other Parties.
Harrisbtrg, Jan. 9 It was 3 30
this afternoon when the Prohibition
state convention decid-.ul to nominate a
candidate for congressman-at-large,
after wrangling an hour aud a half
over its right to do so. Henry F. Mor
row, of Delaware county, was nomina
ted. Profe(sor Henry W. Evans, of
Luzerne county, also received a few
The name of Foster A. Mulliu, of
Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland
comity, was presented but ho promptly
got on the floor and declined. Upon
the adjournment of the convention the
state committee met and also nomi
nated Mr. Morrow in order to meet
any possible objections as to the legal
ity of the nomination under the B iker
ballot law. Tho reeular convention of
1894 will be held at Williatnsport in
Jnne, the date to be fixed by the execu
tive committee.
Resolutions were adopted congratu
lating the Prohibition parly upon its
gains during the past year and charg
ing the present business depression to
the Republican and Damocratic parties
who lmv fostered and perpetuated
the liquor traffic to drain business and
burden taxpayers,"
But It Differed from tha Facts Retard
ing- Bis Taking Off.
LOUuTVlLLK, Jan. 9. John Newton, a
student at Bathel collego, Russellvillv,
Ky , committed suicide last night. He
used morphine. When found in his
room this morning the following ad
vance account of the tragedy written
by himself was discovered on the table:
"Jack Newton, of Cadiz, Ky., who
has been attending school here for the
last six months, was found dead this
afternoon in Dr. Harrel's oflioe with a
dagger in his heart. No cause is as
signed for the rash act. Newton had
always been considered an eccentric
fellow hy hia fellow students. He was
about 21) years of age and the son of
Rev. F. N. Newton, a Methodist
preacher, who resides at Cadiz, Ky."
Evidently hu had been disappointed
in his first intentions.
Ohloans Will Agree to Reduction of
Tan Cents Per Ton.
Columbus, O., Jan. 9, Sixty dele
gates representing all the local miners'
unions of Ohio met here today. Presi
dent Nugent stnted that the object of
the convention was to devise some way
of bettering the condition of Ohio
miners during the industrial dipres
sion. It is probable that the convention
will agree to a 'reduction of 10 cent!
per tov in the prico of coal mining in
order to enable the Ohio operators to
compete With those of Pennsylvania.
The miners here get 7 cents per ton.
One Workman Killed by Dynamite and
Two Others Injured.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 9. An explo
sion of blasting dyuatnite occurred in
the Delevan avenue sewur this morn
ing, resulting in the death of Casper
Poiak, and the serious injury of Louis
Ryan and Joe Pete, all laborers.
Ryan lost the top of his head and
Pete lost an eye aud was internally in
Engineer Edward Morriseey dropped
ueau in 1'otts colliery, Asniand.
The senate confirmed the nomination of
James Kleckner, to be postmaster at Miff
liuhurg. Judge Rico, of Wllkes-Barre, will hear
casus in HcliuylkiU county this week, owing
to Judge Pershing's illness.
The body of Conrad II. Mendel, Alle
gheny city, was found hanging in a barn
twelve miles rroiu ins uome.
Judgments aggregating (28,000 were en
torod against John (1. Benr, one of the best
known urovers in lancaiuor county,
Money suponsnd to have lieon stolon
from Mrs. ieruslti, Miuer.ville, was con
cealed under Anthony Mi hat-band.
Attorney General Hensel began proceed
ings to prevent tho Keystone lienoflt as
sociation, of Beaver Falls, from doing an
illegal insurance business.
The engineer who examined the bound
ary line between Pennsylvania and New
Yerk and will set the fino monuments has
made his report to tho department of in
ternal affairs.
Tho executive committee of the Demo
cratic Colored Htate league at Harrisburg
inuorseu uovemor fattlSOO and betretary
nanny, tun Wilson bill aud the preai
dent's Hawaiian policy.
An interstate gamo of basket ball was
played at NanttCCke by the Trenton team.
the champions of New Jersey, and the
fluuticoae team, the champions of Peuu
sylvauia. It stood 7 to 7 at the finish.
Administration Is Wiggling Because of Min
ister Willis' Humiliating Step,
Its Friends Making; Every Effort to
Put a Muzzle on Congress A
New Point of Attack Ready Fost
ering of Monarchical Ideas Con
trary to the Country's Spirit.
Willis Will Fight for Himself.
Washington, Jan. 9.
THOFGII merely confirmatory of
what is already knowu, the dis
patches from Hawaii published
today have caused excitement
and no little indignation in congress.
Ihe Democrats, however, seem to be
gathered tighter and tighter into the
web which tho administration is weav-
iug for them, and they are still hesitat
ing about taking action in repudiation
of the administration.
The Republicans being in a minority
are helpless to do anything more than
to introduce resolutions, and these are
at once referred to the foreign affairs
committee tosuustitute their own reso
lutions in perversion of propriety.
The foreign affairs committee.which
is completely in the hands of the thick
and thin defenders of the administra
tion, has the house by the throat, hold
ing tight lest some utterance offensive
to the administration should escape,
and the senate is bound down by
the fact that the matter is there
being investigated. The hope is enter
tained that the senate investigation
may result in some action to maintain
the dignity of this country ami to pre
serve it from the disgrno which Mr.
Cleveland's polioy has put upon it in
this matter. But what the sentiment
of that committee may be is a matter
merely of conjecture.
Notwithstanding the action of Mr
Willis is known all over tha world
now. and that the Corwinhaa brought
official dispatches relating the inci
dents, Mr. Gresham still puts out deni
als and endeavors to preserve secrecy.
Every possible effort is beiug made by
the defenders of tbe administration to
prevent action by congress, and it is
boasted today that if tho mutter goes
no further than what is disclosed by
Mr Willis' action in the latest dis
patches, the question will not bo per
mitted to come before tue house unless
they are confident that a resolution of
approval can be passed.
In this, however, they appear to be
reckoning without their majority, for
there are many Democrats of standing
who in their present mood are far from
willing to allow the action of the ad
ministration to bs ignored. Une thing
certaiu is that Mr. Gresham will not
lie permitted to make a scapegoat of
Willis, but will have to take the re
sponsibility for the action, which was
in strict accordance with his own in
structions. The sub-committee of the senate
committee on relations, which is
is charged with the Hawaiian investi
gation, met a few minutes past 10
o'clock this morning and proceeded
promptly to businoss, Senator Sherman
being the only absentee. Tho commit
tee was in brief executive session for
the purposes of discussing the chances
which have taken place in the Ha
waiian situation with reference to
Hawaii since the committee adjourned
on last Thursday.
The witnesses summoued for today
were on hnd. These consisted of
Lieutenants Young and Moor and
Paymaster Hobbs of the navy, all of
whom were officers on board the Bos
ton, from which the American troops
were lauded at Honolulu on the 10th
day of January last. It was under -stood
these gentlemen would be exam
ined in the order named. Ex-Commissioner
Blount arrived at the Capitol
today and went promptly to the room
of the senate committee on foreign re
lations. Friday at 10 o'clock has been
set for him to appear bofore the com
mit too.
Cabinet Will Await Full Dlipntchee Be
fore Taking Any Further Action.
Washington, Jan. 9 Tho cabinet
meeting lasted from 11a, m. till 2. 15
p.m. Secretaries Gresham and Mor
ton were the first to leave. It it un
derstood the result of more than three
hours' exclting.discussiou was simply a
determination to await-Mr. Willis' full
dispatches tomorrow before deciding
upon any further course of action.
tionas far as oould be learned, provides
for borrowing $15,000,000 upon col
lateral trust bonds aud a voting trust
will not be creattd.
The Brazilian Minister Denies Reports
iae to Pelxoto'a Withdrawing.
Washington, Jan. 9. Salvador Men
donica, tho Brazilian minister, speak
ing of tho report that President Peix
oto had resigned, said today: "The
president is not of the resigning kind.
He is a soldier, and I can understand
that it is possiblo that he may hare
been killed at the head of hi army,
hot he never wonld resign.
"He is a brave man, and if need be
ho might turn over his civil office to
take the head of his army, but I cannot
conceive of his resigning. These re
ports by way of Loudon and Paris are
all sent in the lntereit of the rebels.
To Borrow Thirty Millions Seoured by
Iaeue of Collateral Bonds.
Philadeli'IIIA, Jan. 9. From a gen
tleman who is closely associated with
the management of the Reading Rail
road company, it was learned today
that a plan of reorganization would
probably be submitted to the stock
holders within a few weeks, The new
reorganization plan differs essentially
from tbe one submitted some time ago.
That plan provided for the borrow
ing of $30,000,000. secured by an issue
of collateral trust bonds and provided
for creating a voting trust for seven
years. The plan now under considera
The Reports of the Slaughter of Der
vishes by Italians Grow.
M.ssoWAH,Jan. 9 Later dispatches
received here from Kassala confirm
the previous accounts of tbe battle re
cently fought between the Italian
troops and the Dorvishei.
It is now stated that the latter left
4,000 dead npon the field, and that, in
addition, tho leader of the Dervishes,
Haniod Ali, and all his emirs were
killed. The Dervishes are Baid to be
much discouraged at their defeat, and
serious dissensions are reported toexist
among their chiefs.
The Annual Report la Read to the Di
rectors and Approved.
Phii.adeli'Hia, Jan, 9 The annual
report of the Lehigh Valley railroad
company was presented to aud approved
todHy by the board or directors, resi
dent Wilbur read the report which
shows that for the year ending Nov. 30,
18911, the gross receipts were $18,610,
777, the expenses $12,705,861. and the
net earnings $5,905,116. Adding $303.
283 income from investments makes
the total income $6,208,649.
The company carried 10,775, tVt tons
of freight and 6,306,039 passengers,
being an increase over tbe previous
year of 248,757 tons and 287.590 pas
sengers, bnt the haul was snorter ror
the freight, resulting in a decrease ot
the tonnage.mileage and rata of freight
earnod. The net lots from the strike
n November is estimated at $150 000.
The company now has $40,441,810 cap-
tal and $33,931,000 mortgage debt, and
its guurautees of bonds aud stocks of
affiliated companies are $48,400,000.
The total mileage of the system is
1,022. It shipped 11.477.630 tons of an
thracite coal and 345.830 tons of bit
uminous coal last year, of which 4,-
106,477 tons were shipped by the Le
high Valley Coal company, over one
third of the latter going from the
company's own collieries and the re
mainder shipped by its tenants. The
Moating debt at tho close of the year,
without deducting for cash on hand,
was $8. 870. 000.
William H. Curtiss Fired Them at His
Daughter, After Shot His Wife,
Then Attempted Suicide.
Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 9. Miss Clara
Curtiss, tho haudsome 18-old-daughter
of William H. Curtiss, lies dying at
her home with thru bullets in her
breast, fired by her father, who is un
doubtedly crazy. Shortly before 1
o'clock Curtiss walked up to his daugh
tsr, and pointing a revolver at her said
he was going to end her Hie.
Tne young lady tried to seize the re
volver and called for hor tnothor. Be
fore she could grasp the pistol hor
father had fired. Tha bullet entered
the girl's body and she sank to tho
floor, He fired twice again and each
bullet struck ber in the breast. The
noise of the shooting was heard by
Mrs. Curtiss, and she rushed in and
found her husband standing over the
girl with the smokiag revolver in his
hand. Curtiss then turned the revol
ver on his wife and shot her, but her
wounds are not serious.
Mrs, Curtiss' screams brought as
sistance from the neighbors land Cur
tiss was disarmed. Later Curtiss at
tempted suicide in his cell by cutting
the arteries in both arms with tho
broken pieces of his eye glass. He
was then put in a straight jacket,
-- -
Only Four of the Bark Cooleen'a Crew
Brought Ashore.
Belfast, Jan. 9 The bark Cooleen,
from Talcahune, Oct. 7, from (jueene
town, has been wrecked a mile west of
Bsllycotton during a heavy storm.
When the vessel struck, the crew took
to the rigging, but with faint hopo of
rescue, as tremendous seas were sweep
ing over the vessel,
Tho coast guards, by the nse of rock -ets,
managed to bring four of the sail
ors ashore in safety, but tbe others, ton
in number, and including the captain,
were swept Into the sea and drowned.
Mr. Wilson Continues His Speech and Makes
Many Glowing Promises.
The Hawaiian Affair Comes Up Again
in the Senate Mr. Chandler With
draws His Resolution on the Repre
sentation of Vest and Sherman That
the Subject Matter Was Embraced
Within the Scope of the Inquiry Now
Going On Before the Committee on
Foreign Affairs.
In Boiling the Material the Teats Were
Not Stlifotory.
Homkstkad, Jan. 9. In tho 33-inch
mill of the Carnegie works the experi
ment of rolling 6-iuoh beams from alu
minum, for government vessels, is be
ing tried. The first beam was rolled
yesterday, but was not altogether sat
isfactory. The aluminum was heated juit hot
enough to char a pine board and
then submitted to tne rolls. In the
second place it coiled on the rolls aud
broke ten boxes and the experiment
was postponed until later in the week.
El Paso, Tex., is crnzy over a rich strike
of gold in tho neighborhood.
A now oil well near Fostoria, ()., flows
I.HSfi barrels a day, aud the section Is
Mrs. Jennie Dinplo, of Now York, was
found dead in bed by her husband when
he awoke.
Baldwin Bros., bankers, of Wellsvillo,
N. V., suspended, going into voluntary
Asked for bread at a house in Patter
son, (la., John Sullivan, a tramp, was shot
in the abdomen.
After a week's absence Town Treasurer
Albert Kuop, of Riverside, .. is found a
delimiter in 118,000.
With a razor Vluoenzo Carchidl, of Bos
ton, nearly out off the head of I'asquale
Bacco, a follow Italian.
Thieves blew open, with dynamite, the
Western Brewing company's safe at Belle
ville, III., and got W,00.
The light between Tommy Ryan, ot 'hi
cogo, and Billy Smith, of Boston, at Bos
ton, resulted in a draw in six rounds.
Frank Ives defeated (leorgo Slosson in
thoHscond gume of the 0-ilay tournament:
at Central Music hall. The score was
Ives, OOQj Slosson, 100.
Jackson O, Chick, who thought George
uouiu woiini give nun ciun.uuo with which
to start a magazine, has beeu put in Flat
bash, L. I., insane asylum.
peal the ten per cent, state bank tak.
The bill that has beeu before the com
mittee was amended this morning in
several particulars.
Its purpose is to place the state banks
on an equal footing with the national
banks so far as taxation u concerned,
while preventing private firms and
corporations from issuing circulation.
Ten of the seventeen members were
present this morning. A poll of the
committee shows eight in favor and
eight opposed to the bill, with Mr.
Warner, .New York, holding the bal
ance of power. Mr. Wasner favors the
bill with some modifications,
Washington. Jan, 9.
THE house presented all through
the day's session a scene of much
interest and excitement the
speeches for and against the
Wilson tariff bill evoking, in turn,
commendation and applause from the
partisans of eithor side, both on tbe
floor and in the galleries. Mr. Wilson
opened the day's debate, aud concluded
the speech which he had begun yester
day. He was subjected to a good deal of
badgering from the Republican side of
the chamber, but was loyally sustained
and encouraged on the Democratic
side. The galleries joined in the demon
stration, and had to be sternly rebnkod
by the chairman of tha committee
of the whole. Mr. Wilson iu the
course of his speech promised
that tbe pending bill would he followed
up by an internal revenue measure
which would put an income tux of 2
per cent, on personal incomes in ex
cess of si ooo, would increase the tax
on cigarettes from 50 cents to $1.50 a
pound, and on whiskey 10 cents a gal
lon, and would place a tax of 2 cents a
pack on playing cards.
Mr. Burrows, Michigan, followed
with a spicv speech against the bill,
and whs applauded to the echo as Mr.
Wilson had been. The other two
speeches of the day's session were made
by Mr. Black. Illinois, for, and Mr.
Hopkins, Illinois, against the bill.
HOI-SB' s ETBmxa session.
At the evening seesion of the honse,
Haines, New York, spoke against the
pending bill and presented a petition
signed by 09,819 persons, residents of
Troy, N. Y protesting against the
collar and cult section of tho tariff bill.
Mr. Bryan asked tho New York mem
ber whether, if the tariff bill were
changed in accordance with the wishes
of Mr. Haines, he would support the
tariff bill.
"Undoubtedly, " said Mr, Ilainrs,
amid laughter on the part of the Re
publicans, which moved Mr. Hartman
to ask whether Mr. Hainos did not
think that, if he was so anxious to
alter the bill to suit his ideas, it would
be only right for him (Mr. Haines) to
holp out the other fellows who were
trying to obtain the same considera
tion for those who were dependent on
wool and load (the products of his
In answer to a question from Mr.
Bryan as to how much protection he
wanted, Mr. Haines replied that ho
wanted the protection afforded by tho
McKinley bill (Republican applause).
Mr.Woomor, Peunsylvauia, then spoke
against the bill. He characterized the
policy of the Democratic party as an
inconsistent policy "a janus-laced
God, trying to look in every direction.
and incidentally to squint at the Popu
lists. Mr. Pendleton, lexas, spoke in
support of tho bill. Mr. Curtis, New
York, opposed the bill.
The house bill for the repeal of the
Federal olectiou laws was brought up
in the senate today, postponed till
Monday next, ami made the "un
finished business" after 2 o'clock each
day until disposed of, or displaced by
some other bill. In the course of
a colloquial discussion, Mr. Gray,
Delaware, who is iu charge of the
bill, announced his intention of pres
sing it, not in nn extraordinary
manner or against the traditional cus
toms of the senate, but in the ordinary
miinner of pressing the consideration
of unfinished business until the final
vote is reached, and Mr. Chandler, of
New Hampshire, who leads the oppo
sition to the bill, expressed himself
satisfied with that announcement.
Tbe resolution offered on Monday by
Mr. Chandler, as to the authority for
the appointmont of Mr. Blount, "with
out the advice and consent of the sen
ate," was withdrawn bv him on the
representation of Mr. Yest and Mr
Sherman that the subject matter was
embraced within the scope of tho in
quiry now going on before the com
mittee on foreign affairs.
Colored, of Courae, aa Ha Shot a White
Man in Alabama.
Biiiminuham, Ala., Jan. 9. E. L
Harrison, a prominent Butlor county
man, while attempting to arrest Sam
Sinltn, a negro uesperauo, yesterday,
was shot through the lungs aud fatally
The negro was caught last night and
a posse loft with him for the Greenville
jail. His body was found this morn
ing in front of Indian Creek church
hauglug to the limb of a tree.
- - -
Petition to that Eil'.ct Offered In
French Chamber of Deputies.
Paris, Jan. 9. Ihe first session of
the chamber of deputies was held today
after the unristinas Holidays.
Among the petitions is one from
Nantez, demanding that everybody who
professes anarchist or socialist opinions
be transported to Danomy.
House Commlttae Favors, and Will Re
pott Favorably, Very Likely.
Washington, Jan. 0. It was decided
at this morning's meeting of tho house
banking and currency committee that
a vote, without debate, shall be takeu
at the meeting Friday on tbe bill to re
And President of tha Bia Four Answered
Not a Word.
Columbus, O.. Jan. 9 While im
promptu speeches were being made at
tbe close of the Jackson club banquet
early this morniug Allen W. Thurman
being called upon, proceeded to vigor
ously denounce President M. E.
lngalls of the Big Four railway for his
attack in a set speech upon the coal and
iron features of the Wilson tariff bill.
He accused Mr. lngalls of working
for his personal interests in the matter
and not iu the interest of the Demo
cratic party. Mr. lngalls made no re
ply, though ihuruians invective was
Rice's Motion for the Removal of the
Reading's Receivers to Be Heard
by Master Crawford.
Philadelphia, Jan. 9. Judge But
ler, in the United States circuit court
today, made a formal order npon
George L. Crawford, special master in
the Reading railroad receivership, di
recting him to hear testimony in the
suit of Isaac L. Rice for the removal of
the Reading receivers and for the in
vestigation of other matters pertaining
to the management of the company.
1 he order specifies that the master
shall investigate the "sale and purchase
by A. A. UCLieoa.wnen president of the
said company, of stock of the New Eng
land and boston and Maine Kailroad
companies, as are charged against A.
A. McLsod, for which be inuy be
accountable in respect to those trans
actions, and also that part of
tbe petitiou relating "to the Lehigh
alley Uailroii company lease, the
contemporaneous contract with that
company respecting coal and the re
ceiver's accounts under the said lease
and contract." Special Master ('raw
ford will hold daily sittings and an
early report to the court is expected.
Work Resumed on a Pennsylvania
Branch Railroad with Bia Foroa,
Johnstown, Jan. 9. Work on the
Black Lick extension of the Pennsyl
vania railroad near Ebensburg has
been resumed, and a fore of almost
TOD men was put on. One of the
causes of this resumption is said to be
the faot that the Beech Creek company
is endeavoring to get into tbe Black
Lick territory, and has several ganirs
of engineers at work surveying routes.
1 1. e line is graded nine miles from
Ebensburg, and it is the intention to
extend it five miles further. When
completed it will extend to Black Lick
station. n the Indiana branch. By
using this as a connecting link with the
Indiana branch to islairsville and the
West Pennsylvania to Pittsburg tbe
lv-ii lv. n n will have a short rou.e
from Pittsburg to the east.
Tha Police Compelled to Charga Upon
the Mob Arrest of tha L-adera.
Berlin, Jan. 9 There was a riot
yesterduy evening outside the Warm
ing refuge, situated beneath a railway
arch. A crowd of unemployed persons,
after loudly demanding work or bread,
smashed the doors nnd windows of the
This crowd was re-enforced by riot
ous mobs from tbe adjacent districts,
and eventually became so disorderly
that the police were ordered to draw
their swords and charge upon the mob.
This was done, and after a sharp strug
gle the rioters were dispersed and a
number of tho leaders of tbe disturb
am o wero arrested,
May Prove to Bi on Those Who dot Up
the Mock Marriage.
Weston, Conn., Jan. 9. Serious con
sequences are threatened as a result of
a practical joke played on William
Hope, an impressionable youth of this
plaoo. Ho proposed marriage to Miss
Nora Corcoran, and iu fun she con
sented. A mock ceremony was performed by
ex-Burgess James II. O'Reilly. Now
Hope refuses to give up Miss Corcoran,
his friends claiming that the marriage
was legal.
At Rome. -Mrs. W, W. Story, wife of the
noted American sculptor.
At Haverhill, Mass, Anna E. Johnson,
principal ot Bradford academy, aged 7U
At Revere, Mass.. Lahon Heath, pub
lisher of Lahou's Counterfeit Detector,
ageil 50.
Ex-Judge aud ex-Congressman Freder
ick H. Teese, of Newark, N. J., at New
York, aged 71.
At Lagos, West Africa. Roy. Joseph
Sidney U ill, bishop of tho Niger country,
and his wife.
Rev. Dr. Robert Allen, for twenty yoars
president of the Southern Illinois Normal
university, at Carhoudale, 111.
Timothy Keeuey, a wealthy paper man
ufacturer and pioneer wood pulp maker,
at Mauohester, Conn., ngod 01.
Mrs. Hiram Paulding, widow of Rear
Admiral Paulding, ot tho United States
navy, at Huntington, L. I., aged 87.
Th. 'inns B. Swain, a leadiug Republican
politician and promiueut Grand Army of
the Republic man. at Bridgeville, Del.
At Bridgeville, Dol., Catosbv F. Rust, a
prominent fnrmer and Democratic poli
tician, who was apeaker of the state sen
ate at tho sossiou of 1881, aged 74 years.
510 AND 512
Dress Goods
In ordeis to close out balance
of stock in a few broken
lines the following
Special Prices
will hold good for this week.
7 pieces 46-in. Storm Serge
in Navy, Myrtle and Black
55c, former price 85c
5 pieces 54-in. in Navy only,
65c, former price $1.00.
4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking,
50c, former price $1.00.
16 pieces strictly all-wool
Cheviots in Stripes and
Mixtures at
29c and 47c, former price
50c. and 65c.
A few Choico Patterns Fine Scotch
Cheviot Suits in Broken Checks
and Plaids at nearly Half-Price.
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
Lewis, Reil If & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor is
needed yon me promptly told
so. We also guarantee a per
feet tit.
AT COST for one week only.
W'asninotov. Jan, 9. Forecatt
for ffffftvtlflyiy' J'or easttrn
ftMltylVMfa ' din Of snuu', casf
M in da.