The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 09, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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In great' variety
at prices
Suit the Times.
Out of town correspondents of TllH Tnm -I'm:
should utgn thulr names in full to enoU
uewB lottor, not for publication out to guard
Stfitinst deception.!
Modes and
Just Out.
Describes and contains the
Leading Fashions, Latest
Dress Materials, Stories, An
ecdotes, Humorous, Illustra
tions, Valuable Information,
elevating and pleasing read
me: for the home. GIVEN
AWAY to those who call for
it at our store.
Modes and Fabrics
Bound at the end of the
year will make a book of 384
pages or more, with about
500 illustrations, describing
;;ovns for calling, shopping,
weddings, receptions, balls,
parties and other occasions.
Every lady wishing to be
well dressed, and dress econ
omically, should have it
Talki Inooherantly and His Clothai Con
tain Numeioua Blood-stains,
Fprctnl to the Feranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Jan. 8. Lawrence Mc
Donald was arrestud tjr the Hoossilale
constable soou after 5 o'clock tonight,
in an intoxicated condition. He was
brought to llonesdale and looked up,
charged with drunkenness, no one as yet
daring to swear out a warrant charg
ing him with murder. When inter
viewed by The TfUBUNl reporter in
jail be said be was 57 years old, had
neon born in Ireland, and that five
years ago he brought his father to this
country. His father has been out of
bis mind for six or seven ytars.
On Saturday uigbt he was alone un
stairs in the house with his father.
Hislfatlier fell down stairs and receivsd
injuries from which lie died. He went
ont after a neighbor, Hollenback by
name, who refused to go with him
U-turned to house aloue; afterw.ird
went away after some cider and did
not rturn until 9 o'clock tho next
morning. When questioned about his
father, Lawrence seems nervous, glar
ing in the reporter's face, afterward
dropping his head and mumbling
au answer. When questioned about
his father nt one time he trembled like
u leaf and answered almost fiercely.
His outer flannel shirt and under shirt
had been removed and an examination
showsd blood spots on his shirt, his
right cull being saturated on the under
side. Clots on left shoulder bad drop
ped or had been rubbBd off, leaving the
tnin. The bosom of the shirt was
smeared with blood on either side.
The case looks bad against the pris
oner, who must be released tomorrow
unless more serious charges are pre
ferred. The coroner's jury met at Justice
Snow's r sidanc at 10 o'clock today.
Drs. linrns and Peterson g.ive sworn
testimony. Jury adjourned and met
at 1 o'clock p. in., District Attorney
Treadwell beiug present. The jury not
coining to an agreement, adjourned to
meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Little Gleanings of News and
Carefully Selected.
HonesdalE, Jan 8 W. S. Lambert
left liones'lale this morning to join his
wife and family at Thomasville, Qa.
Mrs. Lambert is in poor health and
they will spend a year iu the south and
Augustus Thompson and George
Weston returned to Yale today.
William Pell returned to his studios
in pharmacy at Philadelphia today.
JjTlie dancing class of Professor Heft
met Monday night at their hall.
W. W. Wood, his daughter, Mrs.
Charles Wood, and her two childreu
returned home Saturday.
"Zab, the Clod Hopper,'- appeared at
the opera house Monday night. This
laughable play presented many new
specialties. A special attraction for
Honesdale people was the appearance
of Irving Bush, formerly of this place.
Walter M. Fowler left Hones lale to
day to enter the employ of Scott &
Woodroe, grain dealers of Colum
bus, U.
herd; flag drill, public school scholars;
cornet duet, E. Stevens and J. Hag-
garth; reoitation, A. A. Ayers; quar
tette, MisBee Gardner and Bengough,
Mr. Oeborn and Mr. Jopliug. After
the entertainment the basket social
will be held Four hundred invita
tions have been issued and a good time
ii expected.
At the annual election of officers of
the Methodist Episcopal school which
took ploce Sunday, the following were
chosen to serve for the year: C. D.
Winter, superintendent; Jamos J.
Shepherd, first assistant; E. D. Bovard,
second assistant; Martin Ci i 11, secre
tary; William Osborne, assistant; Jo
seph Jav. sr., treasurer; Arthur Fow
ler, librarian; F. Baker and A. Jop
ling, ushers. The school has 4i30 on the
rol., and au average attendance of SS5.
The funeral of Kieth, son of Thomas
Price, who died Sunday night from
scarlet fever, will take place today,
interment in Rose Hill cemetery.
John II. Race, of Wyoming semi
nary, spoke in the Methodist Episcopal
church last evening.
Michael McIIale and John Muldoon
are candidates for common couuoll
from the Tuird ward,
Owing to a collision between two
cars on the olectrio road Saturday
travel was impeded nbout two hours.
Several were slightly injured.
Saturdav night tho fair was crowd
ed. The Father Whitty's were present
In full Uniform, under the command of
Captain P. May. Their resolute fea
tures and manly bearing, together with
their bright uniforms, lent a dazzling
beauty to the scene. A first class pro
gramme was rendered and a moHt
veutful evening was brought to a
close. Master James Arthur won a
parlor lamp and J. Jenulni'" won the
barrel of flour at the fair on Saturday
James J. Snyder, of Dickson, and
Miss Myra Hinkley, of tho boulevard
were unitod in marriage on Friday
last. A. L. Lloyd acted as best man
while Mrs. Lloyd did honors us bride's
maid. The ceremony was performed
at tho home of the bride, a few invited
friends being preseut. The golden
knot was tied by 'Squire .1 .tines J Lo
gan. The fair will be closed on Monday
and Tuesday but will reopen on Wed
nesday wheu more new aud costly ar -tides
will be on exhibition which will
be disposed of.
William Snyder of Main street has
left for an extended visit to friends iu
Patrick Langan and Mrs B Failon
have returned houn after a pleasant
visit to friends in Philadelphia.
Ambrose Altemus gave a party Fri
day evening to a number of his
friends. Those present were: Misses
Katie Oillet. Lizzie Bozzard, Etta Tre
galiM, Blanche Tregallas, Bertha Itns
sell. Rose Warner, Nettie Weir, Lizzie
Weir, Maggie Lewis, Carrie Sieber
huids, Msggie Parfrey. Bessie Hindi.
Lottie Elwards, of Lake Erie; Mamie
Sturott, Lizzie McMurtie, Minnie
Greene, Mamie McCrindle and Ada
Wood; John Greene, Charles Watkius.
H. L. Warner. B. E. Lewis, Harry
Hinds, Walter Hinds. Lewis Jones,
of Scranton; Evan Roberts. J.iraea
Brown, Willie Jennings and Hugh Joi
nings, Peter Weir, Sam Bono, Henry
Kirk, Alex Young, who enjoyed them
selves in dancing till midnight, after
which supper was served.
The secret art of beauty lies not in cos
metics, but is only iu pure blood, aud a
healthy performance of the vital functions
to bo obtained by using Lturduck Blood
T. W. Brown, of Pittsburg, who has
been visiting his brother, W.J. Brown,
returned home on Saturday,
S. E. Finn suffered a relapse and has
again been quite sick. He is now im
proving. Mrs. W. It. Rice, Mrs J. B. Colvln,
Mrs. D Smith, Mrs. B E. Smith and
Mrs. Ellis are on the sick list.
The week of prayer will bo observod
iu the Baptist church. Services each
evening except Friday and Saturday,
at 7 510.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union are to hold their regular meeting
on Friday evening at their headquar
ters. Business, of importance will 1 e
transacted. It is hoped that th mem
hers will all bo ores nt.
Dr. E. Grewer
The PMItdeMta specialist.
And hi MSpolated Staff o! English and Ger
man Pays! cltns, are now permanently Looatsd
Temple Court Building
:ti I BPRUOn ST.,
Wheru tuey may DS consul Ud DALLY AND
Tim Doctor Is a grad as t ot the t'niversity
of P"iin-yivnni.i, formerly demonstrator ot
physiology and snrsjgry at the Medico-Chly
urgical College, of Flilli.iMjihi.i. lie is also
Sli llollor.'U-y r ember oi the M dieiel 'Inl !ir-
oinil Aes'irintem. nnil was nliv.-iehiii mid
snrseon-ln-eble( of tho nest noted American
mid Bernaa hospitals, eomss blshly Indorsed
by tho leading professors of Philadelphia aui
hew erk.
Hi many ye.irs of hoSOltSl rxperlonoo o'l-
ebleH this eminent physician and Burgeon to
eorreetly dlsgnoss end treat all (lei.-rm-.t o
and disss sss with the moat flatt irlng snoces
snd hi lih-h standing in tho state will nut
nil w him t aoosfpl snv Incurable cw
I Ds l MANUOlllt III TOKI.l).
Ifyouheve neon given up of your physU
clan call upon th" doctor mid be ex imined.
He cures tin' worst cases Ot Nervous Debility,
PrrofuR Old Korus. ntm rh, I'ikw, Female
Weakness, Affections of tbi Eur, Bye, tfoss
snd Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can
ears and (Monies of every description, Oon
snltation in En lishand fernisn Free, which
(lull! !' considered taered an 1 htrictly couU-
i Hoe Honrs: 0 A. II. to I) 1'. .11. Dally.
EuikIoj , U a. in. to : ii in.
Tlicro aro hundreds of young men and young women in this
country who have splendid ability, lint lliey have never beeu
wttkened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
IIus been un inspiration to hundreds of young people. II. yon
are tired tf inactivity ami want to do something tangible,
come to the College.
MioiuiiANu couksk. F E W00D Froprietor
4C6 and 403 Lackawanna Avenue.
Every lady member of the Price Li
brary association is requssted to be
present Thursday evening at a meeting
of the reception committee to prepare
for the reception Jan. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jones, of Storrs
street, hare issued invitations to many
friends to attend their twenty-seoond
anniversary on Jan. 22.
One week from tonight the cantata
will again be produced at Weber's
rink by the Welsh Congregational
Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Waters, of Dun
more, passed Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Gordon.
The February election will no doubt
bo a spirited one. It is probable that
the three tickets will be in the held.
At the meeting of Lackawanna
Township school board yesterday, Liz
zie Daniels was unanimously chosen as
school teacher In the primary depart
ment in place of Lizzie Burns, now
Mrs. James Price, resigned.
Joseph Taylor, who is at present the
' -Indent tax collector ot Lackawanna
township.announcss himself as a candi
date for tax colleotor of the borough of
George Nansteel announces that he
i a candidate for burgess of Taylor.
Mr. Nansteel is yonng and ambitious
in d wonld make a bnrgess of enter
prise and pusn,
Glllam Meatless iu Duamore Increase in
Les-itimati Interest.
ftveei'U to the BCMUtUM Trilntiie.
Dunmoke, Pa., Jan. 8. Widespread
intrtis being inauifestod in the Oril
lam meetings which are being held in
Mia Presbvterinn church every alter
noon and evsning. Large audiences
yreet Mr. Glllam at every meeting and
Humorous conversions are reported. A
large corp of ushers are In attendance
and every one who attends is sure of a
good seat. Mr. Gillain is a plain
UT,Bkar nnd exnonuds the gospel in a
manner that can be understood by the
amailest child. Ho preaches tne gos
pel plain and simple, appealing to the
hatter nature of bis hearors.
Tnesdav afternoon services will ba
held at 10 a. m. and 3 :10 and 7 30 p
ii snd oraver meetings will be held
t 2 o'clock at the homes of the fol
lowing: Charls Furrar's, Cherry
treeS: Mrs. J. Broigol s, North Park;
rhn H. Smith's. Elm street, and G
W. B. Allen's, Drinker street. The
uveninir's sermon is to be devoted to
the subject of skeptieism and promises
in ha interesting.
On Thursday meetings will be held
at S :m and 7.30 d m. Friilny, it is ex
DBCtsd, will be another special day, and
hesides the afternoon and evening
meetings there will be one at 10 a. in
Un Saturday afternoon the servicus
ni b for children and will consist of
o halk- talk on the blackboard. Three
,iMr,irs will be bold on Snnday, To
night a largo audience was present.
Mrs. G. A. Megargel is visiting
friends at Meshoppen.
Miss E. E. L'jach, of Providence,
was calling on Mrs. David L Stearns
last Ssturdav.
William Kestoll and J. E Milroy are
indisposud with la grippe.
Eldie, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Lee, is suffering from chicken
Irvin Bronz, a driver hoy at the New
York and Ontario breaker, was throwu
from a mule a few days ugo and got his
left arm broken.
William McKelvey, who has been
visiting with his family during tne
holidays, returned yesterday to nis
studies at the Medico Chirurgicul in
stitute at Philadelphia,
William Richards, of Scott road, who
has been in a critical coudition with
pneumonia, is improving.
Washington camp, No. 043. elected
the following omcers last lhnrsday
evening for the ensuing term: Past
president, A. (L Demming; president,
(iomer liugues; vice presiueni, vui
inm Strong; master ofiforms, David
Williams: conductor, Thnmss Hughes;
treasurer, t1 rann ilivies; recoruiug b -c-retary.
Ira Jenkins; finance secreUry,
H. R. Giimtlis; nupcctor, Isaac D,
vies; guard, .Joun unmtns.
i -
Mr. J. Johnson
of Philadelphia
Good and Reliable
Hood's Curocl Malaria and Loss of
The following letter is from a gentleman
widely known in the section of Hiiliidel-
phia where he lives, heitu; a member of the
LO.O. V.. Red Men. Order of Tonti. and
the Republican Club, aul a popular speak
er in public meetings:
" I dare say that I am more glad In taking
flood's Sarsaimrllla than Its proprietors aro In
selling It. I took It for nal.v.l:t and loss oi
appetite, snd the fact that We have continued to
use ii in Duruunui is luucieni viuouca ui eur
confidence In its efficacy. My food tastes belter
and rclndies morn naturally. My wllu and
Hood's s Cures
daughter sav ITood's Ssrsapnrllls has also very
much improved my complexion. We regard II
rood and reliable, and recommend it to allot our
nends." .Iamfs Jouksox, 6S1 E. Indiana
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
An All Nisht Patrol Is the Method Tried
at Taylor.
Rpeciat to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Taylor, Pa, Jan. 8. An all night
patrol of borough policemen was tried
Saturday night as an antidote against
tb ) tramp nuisance. The idea origi
nated with Chief Jermyn
For the past fortnight abont forty
tramps have been in nightly session
near Minooka junction. It is supposed
they are the ones guilty of breaking
into the St. Joseph's church of Mi
nr:oka and also Avoca's St. Mary's
church and robbing each of its poor
box. Tbey were kept nnder close
watch all day Sunday and today dis
persed voluntarily.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors she had Con
sumption and tnat there was no hope for
her, out two bottles Dr. King's New Dis
covery completely cured her and she says
it saved her life. Mr. Tho. Eggors, 139
Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a
dreadful cold, approaching Consumption,
tiiiid without result everything else then
nought one bottle of Dr. King'B New Dis
covery and in two weeks was cured. Ho
is naturally thankful. It is such results
of which these are examples, that prove
the wonderful efficacy of this medicine iu
Coughs and Colds. Free trial' bottles nt
Muttbows Bros,, Drug store. Regular size
60c. and $1.
It Is Already Meeting- witn very iin
couraRlnir Buccess.
AhMtal fo .Scran (on Tribune.
rixniiosDALE. Pa . Jan. 8 The in
terest which has been taken in the
Sunday school recently organized In
Carbondale township by the Baptist
nirlstian Endeavor society is very en
cournging. Sunday was held the third
nervine it bing at the home or Mr
and Mrs. S L. Carlton.corner of Tenth
iiren tie and Arch bald stroot The at
tendance was sixty-seven and a very
nrnfitnhle hour was spent. '
Throuzh the kindness of Mrs. J. F
Knse the the school next Sunday will
be held at her home in that neighbor
In the Cirbondale column of tho
Scranton Republican of yesterday it
said that tho price paid by the Masonic
lodge of this city for the building on
Salem avenue, which thev purchas-id
from John Jermvn. was 1194.000, It
should have read $.'4,000.
The column of railroad news, which
for many months has appeared in the
Evening Leader twice a weelc ana
signed "Araspa," will appear in this
paper no longer, the correspondent
baring resigned trotn tne stau, ana
hereafter his columns of interesting
news will be printed in the Evening
Henry Crocker, of Green Ridge,
passed last evening with friends in this
The store of M. is. Alartignn, on
Salem avenue, is closed on account of
the death of Mrs. Madigan a brother
William, who died Sunday morning at
his home in Scranton. Tho funeral
will lie held this afternoon from his
home In Hyde Park.
Miss Flora Allen, of Forest City
nnd her gnest, Miss Laura Davis, of
Wyoming, spont Sunday in this city as
the guests of .Miss LiOltie lilies, ot Xjitl-
coln avenue.
Sris and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
yE have completed bur inventory and
naturally have found some odd lots"
which we will close out at actual cost.
They Must
Be U
In our Carpet Department you will find
bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains,
and in the finer grades, such as Moquette,
Velvet and Axminster.
Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old
Pieces will be sold regardless of cost.
Hood's Pills core liver ills, Jatindfct. bil
iousness, nick hcnitit'ho .1 rmiHtipntlon. '.'."
Look at This
for a New Year's
Bargain. It Will
Interest You.
At These Prices You
Help Buying.
h i
of Scranton.
Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs,
$2.50; reduced from $3.50.
G P. M.
Dry Hemlock
atlonal tps qh!iuditc i iiu
Electric Seal Capes, 18 inches,
14.40; formerly 110.
Astrakhan Capes, 18 lnches,$6.49;
formerly 11
IS ini'li.s, $12; for-
inches, $6.40;
Btatemant Dso. 19, IS03, ralli-il for ly
the Conitrom-r ol th ( ui-renoj,
I.nnn tl.lMM.iTS 10
Ovardralls MO.
Dnttad Statos Bonds 2no,no.m
Other Bonds J4s.r:;
Bsnklng Boom 18,074.46
PYffjmiuttls n i'. B, ISondS.... 17.448 7A
Dae from U, 8. Treunrer lo.noo on
Iiuelroni IiiiiiIih 891,139.00
iiali 178,600.08
rapHni 2oo,ooonn
Knrvlns 10,000.00
Undivided Prottta 60,038.99
IreaUttoi 168,000.00
DU Idends I i 1.888.60
Depotlts.' 1,798,866 80
l)uu to llutikii 86,694.07
tiKO. II. ati. IN, Vlee-r resident.
wiLi i A Ai ii. k, Culiler.
Diiii.t ro:ts.
William Connell, Georce II. Catlln,
Airri'd Band, Henry BelTn, jr., James
An-iiimUl, William t. Bmltn, Lnthar
TON ImiiU offers lo denosttori every
fneilily wtti-raitled ly ilietr balaneeSi Iiuhi
ness ami responsibility,
Bpeelnl n: it n uiven to business ac
counts, interest iaid on time deposits.
:i is.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building,
lAM'i J'.I.J'V AlUtt
Scrnnton, Pa.
"Vr 11ILK nriny mannfootrirers and dealers are making extravagant
ments concerning the merits and durability of medinm or low
pianos, intendiuj; mirchnsers should not fail to examine the lauious
IllnstratccT I'ook containing valunlde information on rnanoa on npplicitloi.
E. C. RscScer & Co.
123 Adams
3!" - ' :t 1., .ww y IT I r-ir r-.w-- ,n-
John Pnlmsr
John Wardell,
York last week.
Ida Doty lins
Westchester, N.
and danghter,
returned from
An Athletic of Flg-htin
Polanders Leads to Oonrt.
Siiocnil (o Die AnMOS Tribune.
PnTCiiiiURO, Pa., Jan. 8. A charge of
asanlt and battery wss preferred by
Mike Rock and Mary Rock, PolsnMers,
residing in the bush behind the Orovs
Honso. The defendants were: Mike
Meshenkl, fim Rock, Stevo Wattroll,
Tabiiis Mello. Mrs. Rock and Mrs.
Justice of the Peace Logan, after sx
nonndine the law In a plain Bnd able
manner. discharged tho two women and
held esch of the other defendsnts nnder
800 bail. They Rave security, but the
case may be sottled before it reach's
The programme for the entertain
ment Friday evening, under the aus
pices of William Hunter post, Grand
Army of the Republic, is as follows:
Selection, Temperance Band; address,
J. 0. Turner; duet. Mrs. Nicholson and
Miss Soby; reoitation, Jamea CI. Shep-
been called home to
Y., on account of an
accident which befel her father.
A handsomo siifn has been erectf d
before J. Hoffman's new barber shop
011 Mill street.
Mrs. Fred Crippen, of Providence,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Connelly
The Erie and Wyoming Valley rail
road's Uypsy Grove branch was opened
Michael Lennon, of New York city,
is visiting here,
The Neptune Hose company have
elected the following officers for the
ensning year- President, U, S. Pot
ter; vice president, H, W. Tregear;
recordine secretary, Eugene Washer;
financial secretary, P. h O'Horo;
treasurer, E, E. Siizer; trustee for
three years, F. E. Waicuer; foreman,
F. W. Allen; first assistant, F R.
Spencer; second assistant, Edward
Wlien flaby was sick, wo pare her Castorta,
When Hint wa. a Child, alio cried for Cimtorla.
When ilits Ix-camo Miaa, .he clung to Coat oris.
When alio had Children, .lie gave thew Oastorla,
Mink ( bpes,
merly 146,
Grimmer Capes, is
formerly 13.
Hussion Lynx Military Capes, 22
Inches, 15.98; formerly
Electric Seal Military Capes, 22
inches, 19.49; formerly is.
Forty dozen Assorted Mulls at
$1.4!); formerly ;f.
Fifteen dozen Assorted Children's
Sets ;it 98o.j formerly $2.50.
A fine lot of Sleigh Robes, plush
lined, at $; each.
Plush and I Ho1 Ii 'oats sold at your
own price.
Millinery almost given away.
National Bank of Scranton.
138 Wyoming Ave.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
W. W. W A l SON. vtci I'rcmdant
Ii. WILLIAMS, C'usUiur.
SAmnn. Bnmi jami m- r.-run ht,
luviN.i A. FlM'IT, Pit ltd. H. PlNLBTi
Obas, P MatxuiwSi Jons T, FouTaa.
This 1mnk invltos ths ptttOWfl oi liusini's
nn wiJ iirma gMrsllr.
Hotel Wayerly
Enrcpeftn flan. First-cliww Tr iM n
Depot tur IlurKuor A l.ii.l Taunbiousur
H. E, Cof, 1Kb and Filbert Sts,, Philada.
Moat drilraliln for roHlilenta of N.E. Penn',
sylvauls All conTenloiioes lor travi'tars
to and from Brond Btrset atatinn and thu
Twelfth and Markst Street station. l -sirablofor
visiting Sarnntnnluna and kw
tic in the Authruclto Beg-iou.
DETTKB RIIOR CO.. T m'p. mrits'. si .fioo.nno.
".I dollar f I' ttl is itollur tan-'a.
TblslAdles'BoUd rien.ii Dongoln Kidltvit
ton Hoot delhered free uiiy in 1
roefllil.oi t'.wh, M.iney onn r,
or l'lwlal Nolo for IIJO,
K.iimln every WSf IhS boots
aeld In nil rcliill StOffJ fer
ttilQt W iiiiikn thin hoot
ouwlven, thereforo wo guar
antee tho fil,ttlr and UMP,
if nny ono 1.1 net mti 'Hen
wo Will rslilno mo inmicy
ortnidanolWrpair. wpora
Too or 1 imunon renie,
wldtli O, 1, t SIJ.
x 1 to i iimJ Imo
R'pl,Ofl. Std ijouretee;
''".j'tV Ifl will ft Wit,
" C'lltu
I 'M?9 Inicun
Dexter Shoe Co., SsSS?
Upteial term to VeaUn.
smrocv. s
tf; .J
than lie wanted did not sell
as many for holiday trade as
anticipated. We have re
lieved him of soma at a very
low price. You can judge if
you care to relieve U3 by
looking in our window or
coming into the store; our
price on them is much lower
than regular cost.
Remnants of Carpet3 and
Cdd Pairs Lace Curtains are
si i TT
moving nveiy. nave you
V v 1
. 7 had your pic ... J