TTIE SCRANTON TRIBUKE-TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1891. 6 i 11 . . i BninA Hrvue&est of Pittston. gyt-; jmmm sf Jsm. -asm sm ri w Wmf m -sMty mm ' 8j" 1 ' r- mm -mp -snsssw M ssi Daily Chronicle OF Pittston Events. The Sctunton Tribune's Pittston office, No. 8 South Main stmt, is in charge of W. E. Tooke and J. M. Fuhy, to whom complaints aud nowa items may be referred by any subscriber, j THINGS OBSERVED AND NOTED. Forty-oight dollars duoount for cashing an orJer of $1,740 is looked upon as a rapid method for making money by Burgess Malouey. Inas much as borough orders are not "na gotiable paper" the next question that naturally arises is whnt action Sacks ifc Brown propose to pursue to recover their money. The situation is certainly a perplexing one and any thing but cheerful as far as Oontrso tors llealey & Andreas are concerned. The revelations disclosed by Engi neerBartl during the week just closed have Worked the people of this town up to a pitch of excitement only ex ceeded by that which attended the Tweed ring exposure in New York years ago. When the auditors sought to perform and acceptably did i similar service last fall they were the "butt" of uncanny remarks. Many alleged their motive was "purely mer cenary," but the present expos ure following so closely upon their investigation renews lateiesl and hai been the means of sustaining any sua picion of wroug doing they supposed existed. It ts to be hoped that Bur gess Malouey will prosecute the good work be has so fearlessly begun, and while be is about it, have Mr. Uartl thau whom there is no better surveyor hereabouts measure William street and ascertain if possible if the work amounted, as Andreas & llealey alleged, to some ?4,tfU0. A faiut idea of the health of this commnuity may bo gleaned from the fact that a clerk in one of the drug stores of this town compounded BOO prescriptions during the mouth of De cember. There are eleven stores of this kind in Pittston. Assuming that each of the eleven compounded a simi lar amonn' there would be a grand to tal of 3,;S00, or an average of 110 tot each day in the mouth. As is well known there are hundreds of cases which are never brought to a doctor's attention, preferring home treatment. in tho various wards this, Tuesday, evening, for the purposn of nominating candidates for th. several ward offiOM. Delegate to the borough convention will also bi elected. Tne regular bor ough convention will be held at the town hall tomorrow evening for the purpose of nominating a burgess and other borough officers. Professor E C. Wolfe, of Wyoming seminary, spent yesterday, the guest of his brother, in West Pittston. Frank H. Brown and Will Smith, of ilkes-Barre, spent yesterday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell arrived home after a visit with friends at Stroudtburg. AVOCA. WAREHOUSE, Pittston. WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR HOLIDAY NOVELTIES At greatly reduced prices. Articles of art and utility. A few pict ures will go at HALF PRICE. WILL SUPPORT MR. MAIONEY. The Citizen's Caucus Decides for His Re-election. At a meeting of the standing execut ive committee of the Citizen's Reform movement held in Phenix hall last evening, Beuj uuiu Harding presided, and John McXamara acted as sscre tary. The meeting was held as a pre liminary move to a convention of citi zens in the same place tonight, for the purpose of selecting a reform borough ticket to be voted for at the approach ing spring election. Thomas Mangan offered a motion empowering the chairman to name delegates to the convention. Mr Harding replied that delegates bad al ready been named in all wards except the Tenth, and that these delegates will support Burgess Malouey for re election. WASN'T A QUORUM PRESENT. No Session cf the Borough Council for Six Weeks. The non-partisan members of the borough council, elected under the citizens' reform movement, refused to be present last evening, and a quorum could not be obtained for the transac tion of business. No meeting hoi been held in six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin were called on yesterday to mourn the loss of their youngest son, Robert, aged 5 The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Iuteruunt in St. Mary's cemstery. Robbie Webber is suffering from an attack of the grip. Misses Maggie McCorruic and Cassio Moran left yesterday for List Greek, Pa., to visit relatives Miss Lizzie Watters, of Dnnmore, speut Suuday here. Miss Maine Fitzsimmnns was a vis itor to Pittston yesterday. St. Mary's fair was clos-ul on Satur day night for one week. It will ro open Monday evouing. Jan. 15. The funeral of George Aborns, who died on Friday.took place from his late residence in Dnpont at 1 HO p m. Sun day. The services, conducted by Rev. George T. Price, took place at the Methodist Episcopal church. The Odd Fellows and Knights of Honor, of which the deceased was a member, at tended the funeral in a body. After the services the remains were borne to Dnryea andburied in the Brick Church cemetery. Mrs. E. S. Torr will in the near fu ture move her millinery store to the store room recently occupied by L. F. Nolan as a hardware store. Miss Carrie Simrell, of W'ilkes-Barre, spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Oliver on North Main street. Miss Anna Callahan was a visitor to Pittston on Saturday. St. Mary's choir will ging at St Dominiek's fair at Parsons on Thurs day evening. James Maloney returned yesterday to Newport News, Va., after a week's visit with frieuds here. STRUCK BY THE UP TRAIN. 9 NORTH MAIN ST. BUY THE Happy Thought Range gLANK Books Stationery Pocket Books Wrapping Paper Paper Bags Wholesale and Retail. Music Hall Block. KGLEUIiNK 0 IMKi. tVlade by PITTSTON STOVE CO. JEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, First-class Work, Superior Art lit CHTLDBKN'8 PICTUBKS A BPECTALTY Now Styles of Panel and Boudoir l'irturo. uni-urpaasod. Cabinets 18.00 per dozen. Other styles 'iua ly Inexpensive, W. K EKYEK. 14 80. MAIN ST., PI I'TSTON, PA. if n desire tnsi tiu remains of vur friooils bo well nrmoTTld. have Mr. Kirby do your IT. di-rt.'i-intf, m 11 has iiixt r turned from the U. S. Colleen of Embalming, Now York, wbero bo Iioh learned the latest Scien tific Methods of Embalming, and is now pre pared to i seonte a 1 work in tho best sumner, vury low pricos. MEAT URGE STOCiToF FIME FURNITURE COMPLETE LINE OF FALL CARPETS nt lowest prices. J. 13. KIR BY,' Odd Follows Building, PI lTSTON, PA. The Strike Over Send your Linen to the ACME PittBton's only STEAM LAUNDRY, and have it laun dried properly. CST'A POSTAL will bring our wagon to your door $5,000 WORTH OF HOLIDAY And other spnRonaiile pnorti wore tied up on tlio road and delivered to us now Then" must bo sold every article ii narked with its lowest soiling prloa iu plain figures. Wo will deduct an extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent Thai offering a grand variety of fine present! at prioM invariably less than cost of transportation or niiiuuC-ictiiro. Cash is kine; you hear all sing, Firm Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, G-love and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each article is a piece of art, ornamental and useful. Our annex is located on William street, next to onr Millinery Department See the windows. Tliey contain hundreds of. doll.vrs worth of lino wire, aueU hp Qniltc, Bed Spreads, Si!k Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and man) other use ful sulect articles. Thcs1) constitute our CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anlhruclto coal upl exclusively, insuring rifaniinoss ami ootntort, timb casta in effect dec. 21, im Trains Inavo Seranton for Pittston. Wilkiw. Hair-. Mr., at b.10, O.I.T. a, in., 12.:ji), iJUJ. B.JU, MbTJL U.08 p. io. Sundays, U.UO a. m, l.ui, i.oo, 7.111 p. m. I 111 l-ir.V-w I.JHai,! rii7!.li.-(i Kin xpruss with UufTet p-tn. Btraday, 2.00 alAri'll f'nrvir AiTrvTATi. n. :M. E.ston ami Pktt.a na , i,,,, bia. . U JLUn iM (except I'l.iindelpMa) pT'S Sunday MX) ).m. lor Long Baascn, Oosas Oaova, sto at p.iii a.m., lj..;u p.m. For Beading; Lebanon and arriebnra, via ah'uu,v.u, mu a.m., Ja.lW. 2i n.iu. Sun- Uav. J 'M mm. I'nr Pi.tuiviMc !.ino. m., UUO p. is. Ifi-tan.l 11. 1 a Xivf Vnvi- f,.t',.f r ite MortUBlver, at MS riirinesil mi I 0 ' MB fi 111 w w-nii Hniri 'Mi-i p.m. Sunday, AX) a.m. Leave Pblladelpbla Bead Ins remind. tM m.,2.00 and U(l p. m. Bandar, 121 a.m. 1 Urotnth i K-ki-rs to ail n,,iitu 1, ...,. gay bo had on application In advanoe to'the liek'-t ua-ut at tho mjitiim. u. p. Baldwin, oi.nAnsr.N-, (Jen. Supt AnniiEl loiiday Greeting BlMJT article is a present lo yon if you patronize tin 1'ioneer HiIiiLli:ii,menL. )f warranted goods and low prices, A. B, BROWN'S JiKIi HIVli CUQM JSJB We will and o$n show yoa a larger stook than any other concern in this section. Remember, we nr.. MAKERS; tho ordinary factory garment has no room in ovr Cloak Department and iibo prioes, we invit-j comparison with any concern iu tho laud and know wo are the obsapsst r. a T KHIOH VALLEY KAILHOAD. Trains leave genaton for PhOadatpbiaand No fork vlaB. a B. R, if. ,lt , m., do 1 lor NewTork), U.10, 1.88 and 1L88 P.W. vta 1) , L & W. B. nV,a08, U.W a.m. and r.i i. p,m, LveSoronton for Ptttotou and Wllkef i'','-"',' ' V'- M- .(, 1120 a.m.. I. 5, 1,50, 8.0, , H :w p.m. ' Leave scrantofi for Wbtte Haven,Hajileton. Pottsvdle and all i,.nts on tlio Beaver Meadow and Pottsvlllo branches vlaD AH g, .at l.'.l'i. 2.88, (.10 p in., viaU, I..& v.. R B. ILma.nL, I.So.8.60p m. Leave Bcranton for Uotblotn-rn. napton, Beadlnir, oarrisbars and all ii ; n-diato points via 1J. & II. H. It , Sa.iu. 12.10, g :;t m vln I).. L. ic W. It. B., B.0S, 11.2.1 a. m.. 1 :)i 8.80 p.m. LeavoSeranton fir Tnnxbannook, Towaada, Ehui'a. Ubaoa, Geneva and ail ii!orm edlate point via I). A: II. 1!. I!., IJ3S und 11.8SO. m.. Vta 11.. I.. W. R.&, m a.m., 58 p.m. Leave Bcranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit Chicago and ullp.,inn West xU 1'. t: 11. B. J.'. Lii, 1L88 p. m, via I).. L. .V W. It. Ii. and Pitt-ton junotton 't jO . ' torBnl do only), l.j j,.m.. via . ti w, II. Rj 4.10 p.m. PorElmira and the west via Balamanca, vt D. AH, If. K. at 0.1& p.m., via D., I., ii W. fi II.. !. 8.80 .1 111 and tM p.m. Pullman parlor ami sleeping or r.. V. chair ' i- 1 trams I "tv.-i-.-n L is IS. Junctw.ti or -,:.r: -. :,-,.i ... u- rk, Phtladelphta, and Bnstienslon JSi M(ro. IN H. WILBUR, Gen. Bnpt. EastDlv. I IS. 8. LKE.G in.PaM A't, Ptdla-Pa. uth p t n'Y 1 . A "' Ueu 1'a,,As BiiITii KU. H u D eiowNS BEE 33 N. Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St, PITTSTON, PA. INSPECTOR M' DONALD" 3 REPORT. Six Fatal and Fourteen Non-Fatal Ac cldents In December. Mine Inspector McDonald, of the Third anthracite coal district, reports six fatal and fourteen non-fatal acci dents at the various mines during the month of December last His report also shows tbat there were 64 fatal accidents and 178 non-fatal accidents during the year of 16U3. One Italian Instantly Killed on D. and H. Track! Near Avoca. .CpfCt'nt to (ne Sc-raatoa TVidune. Avoca, Jan. 8. An unknown Ital ian was killed by the '2 oU afternoon north-hound Delaware and Hudson train this afternoon at the red bridge, lie and another countryman were walk iug along the track when the train struck them. One whs instantly killed and the other injured. The injured one was taken to the hospital at,Scranton. The remains of the dead one were removed to the Delaware and Hudson depot, and the following jury j empanelled by Justice of the Peace tVhalen: . L. Snyder, G. P. Allen, L. F. Nolan, T. F. FiUsim mons, L. J. Baxter, Walter Anderson. They viewed the remains and agreed to meet at Attorney miters omce at o o'clock Tuesday afternoon to hold an inquest. LAFAYETTE LOWeRY'S FUNERAL. MINOR PITTSTON MENTION. Paragraphs of Local Interest to The Trlbunn's Readers. Owing to lack of cars the Clear Spring colliery has been idle since yes terday. Rev. P. J. Kain is in New York. A meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance union wili be held in the West bide Methodist Episcopal church parlor this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Carrie Louis company opened a week's engagement at Music hall last night. Mrs. A. Farrcll, of Seranton, is a gnest of Kennedy street friends. ) Oscar Stnrmer, recently of Danville, Va., has been in town for a day or two. Yesterday he left for Easton, Md., where he will embark in business for himself. The Even Eight club held a business meeting at the home of Miss Benedict, West Side, last evening. David L. McDonald returned yester day to Drew Theological seminary, H. W. Hankee, jnsticu of the peace of Slatington. is the gnest of bis bro ther, P. E. Hankee, Miss Sanders has resumed her duties at the Globe after a brief illness. Harry D. Laycock, of Wyoming;, who has been on the sick list, has nearly recovered, and oalled on Pittston friends yesterday. Braneh 208, of the Order of Tonti, has elected the following officers: Past president, W. M. Atwater; president. Daniel Hamlin; vioe president, T. B. Mitten; secretary, E.J. Evans; treas urer, J. H. Mulkey; medical examiner, Dr. T. M. Johnson; chaplain, W. H. Jaokion; marshal, A. L.Dando; gnard, J. A. Stone; sentinel, Edward Thomp son. The First Presbyterian Sunday school has elected the following officers: Su perintendent, S. M. Parke; assistant superintendent and secretary, Fred W. Busht librarian and treasurer, J. C. Manning; assistant librarians, George Manning, W. A. Howarth, John Mat hews; pianist, Miss Anna Gorman; assistant pianist, Mrs Q C. Bowman. Dnryea division. No 209, Sons of Temperance, has installed the follow ing officers: P. W. P.. Thomas H. Ward; W. P., Owen Treleaven; W. A., Miss Jennie Stephenson; R. S. , Miss Fannie ilk; A. R. S.. Miss Edith Stephenson: F. S., David Williams; treasnrer, Thomas Martin; chaplain, Thomas Cnshing; condnctor, Arthur Price; A. C, Miss Esther I 'a ton ; I. S , Miss Margaret Carey; O. S. John G. Ward. A call has been ssned by the bor ough Democratic committee and signed by Patrick Sweeny, chairman, for the holding of oauousos at the nsnal places It Will Occur Today No Marks of Vio lenc Found. Special to the Scrttntou. Tribune. Jermyx, Pa., Jan. b The funaral of Lafaylt Lowery, who whs found deud in his wagon at the Scott toll gate by Gatekeeper Daniel VanSickle, will take place from the house at 1 p. in. Tuesday. Interment will be in the Lowerv cemetery at Orvis Comers. Coroner Kelly visited Jermyn this morning, and after investigation, do cided that death was due to natur-il causes and that no inquest would bs necrssary. On Saturday, Lowery. who had been to Archbnld with a load of produce, stopped at the Farmer's hotel for his supner, leaving about 8.30 p. m. for home. He had been suff iring from the grip for some time, and it is supposed it cause i weakness of tho heart, as no marks of violence were found on the body, and no bones wre broken. Low ery was aged about 50 years, an I his is the lust death iu a family of ten children. In thousands of casos th cure of a cough is the preventive of consumption. The nurest cough modi' line iu tht world Is Dr Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. LEVIED AN ILLEGAL TAX. Headquart for 3rs Winter Gloves and Underwear, R CKETT TUB HATTER TIIK Finest Line of Slippers Ever Shown in FMttston. Velvet, with Silk Embroidered Flowers, 44c. to $2.50. fhatc:. : O.P.& C. O. Shoe Co. TRADEMARK U WaWTSRin Indapo a well Man of Me." mi &eMYiaae l il A . ... I INDAPO IIIKIIIIMT HINDOO REMEDY SBOUDOSSni AliuVE IM -I I.I- in BO DA VS. Clll't-X Nt-rvuiii pletaies, Kiiiiintt Ktaiory l'ui-t!lfl.' M.-litlv Kllih- lona, M.,oahisq n past absjes,sives vlserandslse to htimiilo-ii oi-KRiif , nnl qiilekly tint tnirrly rufltoren Munhnml in -.lil ,.r'"ilinr. lMiy carried In pocket. PrlcnSI.AO npncknuc Six for o.OO With pUtan eiiarnntcc l ,'iirc or mmiry i-i-fu illicit. Uun't let any unprincipled arOSaw asll you nnii MM cl Onitrifloti. Inhit on havln- I Ml A 111 -non.-other, fl he not got II. Wi "ill f.. ii. 1 It by mall upon receipt ofprl'-e. rainplil'-l In nealeil envelope free. AiMrea Orleiitul Meilleul Co , l'roiin., ( hlrinrn, HI., oroarnreDlH SOLI) by Matthews Urns., Wholesale and Retail prooflts, SCKANTON, I'A., and other Lead- inK l -K-' '. .. Ecklsy B. Coxa Beg-In Suit Against Foster Township Collectors. Wilke--Ba.urb, Jan 8 Ex Senator Eckley U. Cose, of Drifton, buijan suit today in equity nifaiust the supervisors ami the tax collectors of B'oster town ship. It is claimed by Mr. Coxe that for the year 18!)li the valuation of his property ns Hvl by the assessors amounts to !jil09,!)GT; that in addition to the general roud tax of 10 mills an additional tax of 1 mill was levied, Wbicd tax he claims was illegal. The plaintiff therefore asks that an injunction bo iftsnod restraining the tax collectors from collecting the taxes CALLED BACK to health, every tired, ailing, nervous wo man The medicine to bring her back is Dr. Herco's Favorite Proscription. If she's weak, run - down, and overworked, that builds her up; if she Buffers from any of the disl i l ining derangements and discuses that afllict her box, it correct and cures. Department of I'holouraphu, V. S. Artillery School, Fortran Monroe, Va. I Da. Pisiick: DearStr My wife cannot apeak too highly of your Fa vorlto Prescription," It buvlng completely cured her of a serious womb trouble of long standing, l-lii- took five bottlos ulloiretber, and she has a large, healthy child since. There bss been no return of the complaint. She only wishes every poor, suffering woman should know of tho In- your " Favorite Preecrlik tlon" would bo to them, sod thanks you, Seiitlemen, from the hoi torn of her heart, for .0 benefit she has received. Yours very truly, KDWAHD F. F. BAHOENT. Esoosho t ths Hiohist Midici Authorities a S IEMTnOL 1WHALER CATARRH HEADACHE ThlalBNTmir iNtTAt.Kn will caro you. A wonderful lionn to suiTcrnn from folds. Sore Tin t , Infltir-nrii, llrnnehHIa. orn.VK Fr.VKK. Afrtt immediate rrllf. Anernclont rcnieilv. cioivenlenl. to eni-r In peetSti resrlr to nso on Urt Indlcstnm of eohf. olloiied lls lireii.i Pet mnnrnl fore. Hallf faction riiarr.nteed or money rot unci rd. Price, BO els. Trial free nt prncglsta, Id-u'luterrd mall, 60 i cam. B. D. CDSISIN, Dir., TbrM Kinrt, K. .1 , U. 8. 4. MPNTIini Thn suroft. and ssfoat rnmedy for men I nUL allsklntllsiases,Ketenia. Itch. Halt IthPunvi'd rlores, ililrna, Cula. Wonderful rem edv for PI I. KW. Irlre,CA rts. nt Drue-n a ss SJSUor bl I" "II prepaiil. Address as alioTc. DnLlvl DUPONT'S MINIXO, BLASTlXtl ANU BPOBTIKG POWDER Manufactured nt tho Wupwallopon Mills, l.u aorne county Pa, and at WU mitigUu, Dcluwaru. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oeuoral Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Seranton Pa. Third National Hank Building. IS THE EE ST. Get prices and see the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. COXLAYS HARDWARE BUSINESS AXD PROFESSIONAL PUYSH IAN- ,M M :t.;i - I 1. (i. I-;. I KA N.I the 1 yo, - 1' Throat and Bar, fui Bproos street opiio- flto enun boiie. K. A. J. t-ONNKI.I.. oii,-e "ol Wnsbniiitiin AflHS WORCESTER'S EUfDERQARTEN 11 and BehooL 412 Adams avenue, p.p.. rceeivod at all times, lull term will open 6- lelnlier I. lit- v I -. 5 LATJBACH, Sui-ttou Deutiat, --io, 113 Wyomlns svw. K. M. 8TBA PP offlcs I 1! Exchi 1.0 :vs. TOP PAYING RENT. OWN Yon: m . Money t" loan nn easy monthly laymen ts. B. N. uAJaLENDER, Dime Bank Building s1 HOI ELS AM" i i 1 I i:ANr-, npHE WESTMINSTER, 217-219 Wyom ng J nvo. Rooms bested with steaai ail nod ern improvetnents. C M. Tiiujiah, Prop ri j noe, iuuUiu. J)1 For ua lo I v MutUi'-ws UruH. ami Moruati broa Mrs. Saikiknt. enlltnabln value Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM Removes Freeklen, Pimples, Uvsr Molss, Blsokhuids, Sunburn and Ttn, and re storcn tho skin to its origi nal Ire.-! Hi- .., I '"duciiie, a clonr and btallhy com plexion. Fuperlor to all loco nrepntatloim and perd ctly bnrmlefw. At all drugBlsts, or mailed ior SDets. Bend fur Circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP I' 'Imply Incompn-ibl. m a tkin navHas assssaM r,r SM IsttakJaS Utni a rival fur llio 1.1. . r r. UMlaMl nurn r . . L dtliuaUM iu.ji cMrf. At Ann Mi, Prloa 25 Canft. G. C. BITTNER 4. CO., Toledo, O. For salo by Mattbows Uros and M .r -r. Bro. Every Woman Sometimes needs a rsll able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Arc prompt, aafn and certain In result. Tho genu- Ipp In-. I '. ni' i never disappoint. Hunt uuynherc 1-'J0. foal Medicine Co , Clnvollwd. 0 Sold tsr JOHN H. PHXLPfl Pham,nii corner Wyoiulnt uvonuje and Bpi ueo stroot oranMO, a. AOSROIIS. TIIOS. FORI). Plttat m. Pa. JOHN Ii BMlTBASONiFlrmrattL Pa. V.. W. IIL'I.LKIAN, W'llkvn-llarre, Pa. A pent a fur tho itcpauuo Cboiuicul win pnny'u llish Kxplusivea JJATTHEWS BROS. !' avoini". cioner Si-ni.-o stn.-t. nv-T Krancko'a drtiL' Muro. Bostdenoe, i'J2 Vine at Offleebonrsi lO.Jn U 1- a. tn. nuil 2 to4 und .;) to T.ilU n. m. bui.dav, 2 lo ;l p. ni. Ii. W E. ALLEN, OSioe cor. Lack w.-iima und Waalinictou avos oviO Leon- srd shoe store; office hoars, into Its. in. and Sto 4 p, ni.; evenings ut ratridenos, ui-N. Washington avo. Fitl-.Y. I'lneti.n limned to i-'it-esses of tho Kye. Ear, N'uao and Throat; oOice, 12 Wyumiug uvo. ltuiidonos, j2J Vino street Rat - f asdnable, P. Zieot.GK, Proprietor. EUTAUNttTER HOTEL. W. a. aval NCK. M-infr. Bixtoonth ftreot, "no hlck . nat of liruauwuy. at Union Bonare, Mew York. Arnerlcan plan, S I per daj and apwajrd. TtOYNE HOUSE. European plan: zoo i V riKinis. Own day uud n;tfh Bar (-ui-plied with tbu best. ; tr. rovxF. Proprietor OCR ANTON HOUSE, near i).. L A . pa O sewer depot Conducted on tho European plan, Victor Kncir. Proprieti ( HA:- i i ENTl! AI fho uu-gei and i il Vf equipped hotel 1st Allesitown, Pa. i rates t2 and 92.0U per day. VfCTOH f. V rvrr, Pv( prietnr. DELAWARE AND HLI SON R-UI.KOAK. Commendug Jiuv H&.19U, Will I-11II ;i . toll.-UVS! leave Bridge street i),Seranton,lor Pitts i!k-- liai-re. otcS'ld. I 'fi9 :n. .2 1 1. p & 1 :. ,. .' f-,Sr i ' ''' 11.85 p. in. f. For New YorkandPhQa delphia, S.00 a.m.,18.10, 1.2 K.SB. 4 in and 11.30 p. ni pi r Honesdale tirom Pt-lawaro.I.acl:rter.irns fuel Weatorn depot), 7.0ft .!, I2.iAI ti... " it, ;, m p. m. For Rarbondale and lntermoJIato stations, 640,7.00, ItO, 10.10 a.m., 12.00m., 2.17, a2& 6.1 8,20 and 8.S5 p. in.; from Bridge Btrset Depot, t.U1 m.. T.,i and 11JH p. fib I . express to Albany, Baratogs, tho Adi rondack Monstain . B stonand Ne England potntt, B.40 a. 111.. srriving nt Albany UL4& r; tratoga 2L20 p. m., and leasing Bcranton at j p. m.. arnying at Albany at .vW p. tu., Bars t-1 12.59 :i! in . nod Boston T.'O a- ia. Tin- only direct route lietwr-u the cut Belds snd Boston. "1 be Loading Tourists' Ron tool Amrioa" to tho Adirondack Moan tain resorts, Lakes Ueori;o and Champlaiu, Montri ai. etc. 'j-.ii -1 ihles showing V-e.-il and throuifh trala anrvlcel ' dations on aU dlriaiona Dahv ware and Hndso syatem may he obtained at ail Dolawarean . Hudson tioket offlees, p (.. Mi! no. J. V. BUBDIOK, Second Vice President lion. Pa. Agt DH. L.M. uates. no Washington Avenue. Ollleo hours, 8 to U a.m., UO to 3 and ( to 8 p.m. ItHi.s L WEN 1., 1 1 . Office and i I Commonwealth building: resldenos -H Jladiaotiiivo; ollleo hnuri. 1J io 12, 2 in I, 7 to It Bendays 8.80 to . evenings at rssidense, A speelalty'inado ,.t' ili-oiis-H of tlio eye, ear, noao and throat nod gyn ecology. li. 0. 1). .Alt Hit AY, specialty made on .lia- eaaes of eve and nkin.212 wi.-uiiiic Avo. office hoarsi Until 10 to 4 sad 7 to I p.m. Its. DK.KINU. 82UM1 LBEKRV HTKEEf. At Carbon dole on Ft iihnw of each wean. I)' Ollle M1 Druggists AND DEALEIiS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Atlantic Lend and French .Inn l'ure Linseed OIL Turpentine and Vurnlsliea Beadjrmlted Paints in ail colors, ailders' Whiting, I'll I - V, lilli. mill K illumine, UIP Vitrei, Marblo Oiiht and W indow Class MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL, Coal of tho ttost onallty fur domestic uao,nnd of all alee, deliverud In any part of tuo city at lowest price. Order left at my oflVo, NO. 11H, WTOSUKQ AVBXCB, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bnnk, orsont by mail or tcleplioao to tho mine, wdl receive nronint attention. Spuclal oonlrnets will lio niado for tho salo and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE LARGEST CHF.APEtJT BEST The Tribune E VETERINARY st Kt.KoNs BTUB8H, Veterinary Burgeon, in- turlo Veterinary livery, Il2il i)x St., T. leplii.n No. II . Coiieae. once, Bummers near holler m carriage abop. MtCH ITECT8. .W is .v HOUpT, Arcbltects. Rooms 21 and 'JH Commonweaito n ni j. ranion. Library bnlld- I a. L. WALTER, Architect, Cis tag. WfominB avenne. Hcrani F. 1,. RHOWN. Arch B. Archltec building. ISS Washington Ave.," :. Price can't m. M l sl I I A M ol s, 1 ioktoN" dT' Vw ah re '' holesalb I I lumber; t- and Dim-) Lank building Bcranton. Piu r ItAKOAROBE BROTHERS PKINTER8 1M Mipnl.cs. envelopes, hags, twine, Warehouse, ico Wasolngfou live, Bcranton, "ilAUER'B ORCHESTRA --MUBIO FOB J) balls, ntenios, parties, n ptipns, wod- dings and onncert work furnished. PoT terms address R, J. Baser, oonduotor, nr Wyoming avc over Hiilburt'a music store. TXELAWARE LACKAWANNA AXD i WESTERN RAILROAD, Tra ns leave Scrantou as fellows: Express for New York aud all points East, 1.50, 3JS0, 6.15 - ') I nd B.50 . in.; 155 aud 8.00 p. m. Express lor Easton. Trenton. Philadelphia and tbi S nth. 5.15, t.Ul and Vl.oda. m.; 12.55 and : ..Vl p, i::. Wt ton ind way stations r.40 p. m. Tob b una aceommodatiott, 410 p. m, j XT tv - for Binghamton, OWrgo, ElnlrlL Coining, Bath, I snsvOle, Mount Morris and ' :::.i!u. l- to. :',13 a. m. and i.-.t p. m.. making ; t-onnirtions at liuffalo to id', points iu ti v ithwest and Bonthwest, Bufiuli omnia lation, 8.00 a. m. 11 nghi mton and w sj stations, 12 81 p. ra. NicUol on andway sutione, 5.45p. m. P. n .nam ton and i hnira Litpre-s. I'M p. m. i xpres lor i ortland, Byracnse, Oswego, Ctics and Ritehflald Bprlngs, tits. m. sod Ithac .. '.18 an 1 8.00 a. m, an! 1.21 p. m. i-hnmber' .nd i'.ttHtou,Wllkes-Bsrre, Plymouth, o iuu burg snd DsnTflle, makim; os n ctioasal Northumberland for WlP ii ,i i rrisbnrg, Baltimore, Washington . .I rthnnth rianl and intormediata stations l .i". D.Wa, in. SBd 1.30 and 0.07 n, m. NanncoiM aim intsraediste stations, and 11.20 ,m, Plymonth and intermediate ttatli " 8 60 and 8 :M p.m. I nil i an pai-lnr and lUeping coaches on all rxpr -ii trains. : or detailed Wormatinn.ponfH UmetsblSS, etc.. apply toll, I mith. city ticket offioa, 82d Lsebiawsnna avenne, or depot ticket oriico. l.A KBS, J M. C. BANCeTs Law "and Colh-ctlon of I . rice. No. .117 Bprucn st., opposite Forest Bonse, Bcranton, Pa,; collections s speclalw throughout Pennsylvania; reliable OorrSSpODO1 ents in every connty. i IEhSL'l S & II A. ,1), Attorneys and I'ounsel-1oi-k at Lew, Commonwealth bslidlng, Waahiualon avo. W. H.J ksi p. linn tOS B. il iNn. W. H. -Ikskiip. .T II. ilTauD. VVAltUI-.N KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors nt Law, Hepublioau Imildinif, Vi'asliiniitonave.. Seranton. Pa. MAT'TEH'mi.S 'ii WiU'O-V Attorii-yi aud I OoUUSI Uors at Law; ulhoosO and s Library buildiug, Boruntuu, Pa. RpSWSUl II. PATTBItlOSJ. W 1 i.i.i A M A. WlXOOX A LFREmlXNuTNV 1LLI AM J. BAND, At- J torneys and donnsslfors, Ocsnmonwaaltn imildlng. Hooin l.-''ijjt; 'Ka.nk T. oh.. I.E. Attorneys Law Uumu '.UA i- i.-..n .v sons, builder ami contrac tors, jnrds: Corner t 'live -t. a no anMUS eve.; corner Ash at. and I'cnn live., t-. i antou. sEI'Os. ("S h. CLARK to., Beadsmen, I its T, and Nurseryinen: store 146 SI hip .; in avenue; r.-. n bon i.-.l W No. Ui Ma. a avenue; store telepl one IK Fi TKAS. (ill AN 1' I N ION '. : : '.. fOUes Hi'o-i. WIKK m itKt 1l. K ' tf heran TEL, ran ton, Ps-, u" Lsefcswsnna svenni lanufT of wire Screens. V II J.....1 l.-v.,l, Mil TON W, LOWR C. II VON BTORCH. i ranton. Pa. I Att'yn i I Washing1 II aipiare I ,a .V. at ci AM EE OOfflee, Ion nv., I". AMES W. OAKI OKO. Allorn.'v rooins Ut. TI and 06, Commonwealth big. , w. BDUaR, Attorney at Utts in Bprneest-i Boranton, Pa. A. WATR&a, Attorney at Law, CJ Lackawanna auc. hi ranton. Pa. J-P. SMITH. t'oUllMllor a! l aw. Office, . rooms 84, 66, "l Commonwealth build In tttoraey c PIT! UElt. monwesitb blinding, Boranton it. at Law, Loin- i 'a. C. COMEUYS, 381 Spruce st. nB. BEPLOQLE, Attorney Loans ntgo t Haled on real eststa security. 40S Bprnoe. F. KILLAM, Altornev iit-Eaw, 1 I I XI written ami sokuowledired by J. W BROW NINO. Attamsy and .Notary Public, 8V I'oiinn. in wealth Ituil iin;. 12U y oininiraveiitio, Hjcrsnton, AVI', Mil li IMd'HS Acti) MOBTOAfJEB SCIIOIIl s; H'UOOL OF THE LACK A WAN .VA, Kcisn- or buHinoHs: tborouirbly trains Miuuit . mi ,u-a s ton. Pa., prepares boys and c'rls foreoUegS Cstaloguo ut request. Bkv. TnnviAs M. CAv, Walt Kit II. IU i:i.u , Robinson's Sons' Lagek Beer Brewery Itwntsetarsts ot tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Por Annum, VW TORS, ONTABIO AND WESTEIIN iN l,a. head. Seranton Division, 'timetable in riTiM-i Nov in. 1888, Inn lea' Seranton for Cnrhondale: i , . S.bU 11. Hi a.m.. i.-Vi. ti.U. p.m. lor Banco k junction and main ,un-e'ions" n. m. SJO p.m. 1 rains leave Hancock .Tuncthn for main l.n o nnei tlon tor Seranton: 6.00 a, BU 8.0s p. m. , n-. leave Carbondile for Bcranton ".24 "'"'"'xPEKso:;. Gei- -. .1 Passenger Agent, New Vnrk X, EfclTCROET, District Passenger Agent, seranton. 1B1E ANU HOAIV SOMINQ VALLJCV HAIL.- - leave Boranton for New Tors: and in ternn diet - points "ii tin' Erie ami Hnwley atid local points at S8S, B.4S a. in. and ;!.'.' I p. m. l'iam-i at IM.i am. iind -i u in. are through trc.ns to and from Houesiiain. Traiu - leave for Wilkos-Barreat t.W a. m. aui .i. 1 1 p. m RICK DRAIN TILE. 1 RON T, WIRE CUT, HOL LOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COWiMON B R I C K Best in the market BrandtClay Product Co OFFICE: BiiiKhamton. N.Y. IV. L'OliY: lirandc. Pa. C m obtnln ft-H-'uloi, .smii- fill I !ut itlilifin EtiOto -in I.rKK l AI.M.V, 01 ICRI.Y ntl I KH.M A- .. lsY ant ii forrai of nervowsnirbiuir. ut n unliJOif, iinl Itioicn, ittrnphy. phr ulettl vrrftkriMM,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers