T1LK ttCHANTON TK JJB U JN JhJ T U E S JL A Y MOKNlJSGr, J A UAKY 9, 1894. llllllll!lllllllllllIlllligilllllllllllllHIU I Pipe i Valves a I Fittings x THE SCRANT AND W ftiimiuiimiiii iiiiitiuifiuiiiiiiii REPORT OF GRAND JURY Protest Hade Against tbe Way Law Regard ing Fire Escapes Is Observed. ACTION ON THE VARIOUS BILLS si m mil my a T"W.I! NorrmanA Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna THE S08 Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. VYARMAN. HEARS & HAGEN- Offer for This Week A new line of 4o inch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to sell for 75c; 7 yards will cost you $2.03, or only 29c. per yard List of the True Bills and Those Re- urned Ignoramus Costs in Every e but One Placed on the Press ors County Directed to Settle in the Case Made an Exception of. Carpets, Wall Papers, Wiudow Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. Gordon, Charles Blaok, pros., Samuel Mel - fOL Alary V. JJuiry, prox. All 01 tnese prosecutors were directed to pay code, ex cept Thomas Jucket. In that case tbe county was directed to pay tbe costs. MURDER IS THE CHARCE WOULD NOT APPOINT CHASt. to Court Thought His Int.restB Adverse Jesse J. May. Court yesterday refused to appoint Attorney A. A.Cnase guardian of Jess J. May. a minor child of tbe late M. D. May. Tbe little boy had asked that Mr. Chase be appointed, bat in refus ing the request tbe court said that it was tbe "opinion that tbe interests of the said A. A. Chase are adverse to tbe interests of tho said minor, and the said A. A Chase not being of the same religious belief as that in which tbe said minor has been brought up, and the court having doubt of tbe mental capacity of tbe said minor to make a proper choice of a gnardian, declines to approve of tbe said choice, and has ap pointed Attorney M. A. MtCinley, In stead." The appointment of Mr. Chase as Kuardian of Eugene P. May, another minor child of Mr. May, was approved. Both guardians wei directed to file bonds in tbe sum of $300. WANT SHOES AND CLOTHES, Demands for Sir h on the Relief Agouti are Numerous. The relief agents working for the poor board and the associated char ities would like those churitably dis posed to send all the shoes and clothes they can spare, to the ground floor of the Mnnicipal building. Many requests are daily made by needy and deserving persons for raiu uent for feet and body. The agents be lieve their are many the in city who can spare partly worn articles that will be appreciated by -food people, who are not to be considered ineudieauts be cause they accept overcoats or dresses they are too poor to buy, and that are absolutely necessary to shield them from the inclemencies of tho season. CITY NOTES. The "Land of the Mbnight Sun" will Iw the attraction at tbe Academy of Music this evening. The new order of exercise adopted by the Green Kidge Baptist Sunday school was used for the flrst time on Sunday last. The regular meeting of the Women's ' hristiun Temperance union will be held nt 303 Spruce street this afternoon ut : o'clock. A meeting of the Commercial Travelers' homo Association of America will be held nt tbe Westminster hotel this evening at 8 o'clock. The Ladies' HocIbI union of the Penn Avenue Baptist church will give a turkey upper In the church parlors this evening from 6 to 8 on tbe occasion of the annual pew letting. All ladles who are iuterosted in the con templated amateur theatrical performance lor the benefit of the Associated Charities are requested to meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at tho residence of Mrs. Fran ces B. Swan, 681) Clay avenue. The llrst number of the Hnwlev News, a weekly paper into which Editor Slattery, brother of John P. Slattery, the Canouse avenue merchant, pours spirited Demo cratic doctrine and crisp local now, has teen retoived. The Mews begins well and has The Trihi nk's best wishes. By reference to our advertising columns tbore will be seen an excellent opportunity for investors. The Scranton Axle Works offers for sale $75,000 of tl per cout. coupon bonds with iuterest payable semi-annually. These bonds are an extremely safe invest ment as they are a first mortgage on the entire plant of the company. They are Issued for tho further enlargement of the works. For particulars address John M. Kemerer, president, or Col. E. H. Elpple, treasurer of tbe company. The 'grand jnry disposed of all the indictments before it yesterday, vis ited and inspected the county jail and nt i o'clock in tho afternoon pr -sented its report to Judge Arch, bald, who went on the bench to receive it. The report presented by Foreman Q, V. Wilson w; as follows: To the Honorable the Judges of tbe Court of (Quarter fe$. ... of Lackawanna county: The grand jury inquiring for the county of Lackawanna nt tho January session. A. I). ISM, respectfully submit tho follow ing report: That they have disposed of nil th iu dtotmentl presented to them, according to their belt judgment, and luire made re turns of their liudiUKS thereon to the court. They desire especially to call the atten tion ot the court to the; provisious of tbe laws regalating tire escapes upon hotels, factories, lodging bouses, etc, and to the fact that the provisious of said laws are Dot complied with in n great niHny in stances m Lackawanna county, and es penally Within tho limits of the city of Bcranton. They recommend that the at ten I ion of the proper ohlcers be culled to the matter with a view of euforciug tbe provisions of said law ill that respect. Judge Archbald said that he did not know what could be done about the recommendation with regard t6 tire escapes, but lie was convinced that the publication of the protest against tbe failure of builders to obey the law would be productive, of much good. He then discharged the jury trom further duty. The true bills returned by the jury were; TRUE BILLS RittCKSED. Bawdy house .Margaret Gehere; Wil liam Price, pros. Tippling bouse Margaret Gehere; Wil liam Price, pros. Attempt nt rape Philip J. Leonard; i'nrah J. Morgan, pros. Secreting property to defraud creditors-John W. Mcl.aiu: William Hess.pros. Embeuletnent P. J. Callahan; John W. Kinsella, pres.. Lewis H. Beble; F. E. Wood, pro. Kiot John Doboclt. Joseph Ziirneny, .John Gadow and George Beruotb; Joseph Gluck. uros. Carrying concealed weapons, Frank Mollinaro; .lames F. McAndrew, ores. Diechurgiug tirearin?, Andrew Mebal lick; John Evans, pros. Felonious wounding, Bert ilartman William Gilbert, pros. Forcible entry and detainer, E. J. Ehr- good; Jonas Christ man. pros. Felonious attempt, i a ... Mollinaro; James 1. JlcAndrow, pros. Alfrny, Phelix Pelulns, E. Jabn and John Buishinsky; Michael Dutfy. pros. Poiutlng lirearms Charles N. Banker Joseph Stautou, pros.; Patrick Malia,John t'aino, pros Larceny -Patrick Muuley, Thomas Gib bons and Frank Morrow, T. F. Pierce, pros.; James JJanui-r, Charles Uidgway, pro3. ; Anthony Peanut and Anthony vat eutine, Anthony Voudor, pros.; Felix union, W . T. Simpson, pros. Malicious mischief John P.usnn and Owen Malis. Uwen Leo. pros.: Wolf Mc Toifor and Stopuen Slavioskv, Paul Van Go:!lo, pros.; Theodore Roberts, Mike Pen yah, pros.; John Doback, Joseph ur-nit-ny, John Gudon and Csorgo Bernott, Joseph Glick, pros. Neglect of duty M. M. Luddy, Thomas Owens, pros. Aggravated assault and battery Wil liam Davis, Michael FnriUa, pros. Assault and Battery- Matthew itrey, William Acton, pros.; George Prokepovity and William Davis, John Drozdeck, pros.; George Proltopovitz, pros.; George Has pnsko, Philip Williams, pros. ; Michael t erko and George Huss, Isaac Harrison, pros. ; Frank Barrilla, Andrew Cooamage, pros.; Barney Crevolis, Matthew Tonu latitch. pros; Autrust Blankenhurg, pros.; David Kane, J. J. White, pros.; George 0'L.eary, Mary O'Leary.pros. ; Mrs. Michael Lymuu, Tnomas Jacket, pros.: Wilbam James, Willlsm Davis, pros.; W. J. Mc Hale, Paul Keller, pros, ; Michael t-noe, John Polo, pros. ; Edward Coukline, Wil liam Dillon, pros.: Frank Shanley, Edward Humphries, pros.; Anthony Monagban, Barbara Monahan. pros. : Patrick Judge. James Moran, pros.; Frederick Harper, M. J. Bolgan, pros. HILLS THAT WEBE IGNORED. Cases in which tbe bills were Ig nored were: Larcony- George Moon, John Mclfale, pros,; William Hogan, Max Klopper, pros.; Frank Cbilaw, George Jones, pros.; John Slopentzki nud Joseph Gelonetz, Peter Wincbiewicz, pros.; Anthony Kos suth, Balfe Mnrrosco. pros.; Sauipko Par saka, Mosko Pasalopa, pros.. Sarah Devers, John C. Moran. pros.; Joseph Stanton, Charles N. Baker, pros.: Minna Batten burg. Charles ti. HBanker, pro.o Samuel Monell, William Matthews, pros. Attempt at rupo Jainos .. , ,., Harriet Smith, prox., to piy costs. Adultery J. W. Stroud, George L. Varus, pros., to pay costs. Embi zilement John A. Hart, U. G. Stockwell, pros., to pay costs. Perjury JoReph Jnpichick; Andrew Snr rosta, pros., to pay costs. Keeping gombllng house -Joseph A. Dolphin; William Davis, pros, Philip Williams to pay costs. Assault -Andrew .Camenska; Stanislaus Gorzleuski, prof., to pay costs. fornication and bastardy James Fer guson; Ellen McDonough, prox., to pay costs. Misdemeanor in office Jainos Mnnley; Joseph Arlglni, pros., to pay costs. Nui.-ance-John P. Mooro, Jacob Kah er; pros, topayooets. Aggravated assault and battery -Palrl-cio iradorii, William Pasquina; pros, to pav costs. Forciblo entry and detainer George Corey, Charles Mesher; pros, to pav costs. Tippling house-John Early. Patrick Mcllnle; pros, to pay costs. Henry Ort, John Vinson; pros., Samuel H. Smith to pay costs. Selling liquor on Sunday P. B, Higgins and Kobort. Willis. ( 'nthnrine O'Donnell: prox. to pay costB; Joseph Dolphin, Will iam Davis, pros.; Philip Williams to pay Costs, Malicious mischief Thomas Rowland; William Leonard, pros., to pay costs: Au thony Rowland; William Leonard, pros., to pay costs; Hugh Gannon, Mike Morko. pros., to pay costs; Isaac Harrison, John Perko. pros. Robbery Alexander Clark; Moses Ca hey pros.; Audrew Cleary and James Sul livan, W. T. Cleary, pros. Secreting proporty to defraud creditors William Gilleran, William Hess, pros. False pretenses Anthony Sorupersand A. Lawrence; Francis Gelibsky, pros.. to pay costs; John Theburg; Adolph Kas kio, pros.; to pay costs; John Wickham; Lyutau Walters, pros., to pay costs. COSTS ON PROSECUTORS. Assault and battery John Nealis, Cor nelius Usddtn, pros.; Margaret Gehere, William Price, pros.; Mlko Maylewicz, Peter Kate, pros.; Michael Lyman, Tlionias Juckett, pros.; Edward Killing, Carrie J. Bnchniati.proX.; Michael Gospar, R, Rerkowlcb, pros.; John Backawanud, John Pitts, pros.: Adam Branko, Joseph Shuloka, Joseph Golss and Valentine Copnt, John Hhutsky, pros.; James Rey nolds, Mary E. Edmunds, prox.; Auton Coinage, Peter Vonos, pres. : Michnel Reynolds and Catherine Reynolds, Mary K. Edmunds, pros.; Georgo Scbacky, An drew Huddy, pros. ; Peter Hiehl, William Bleb), pros. ; Jobn Burke and Mary Burke, Frank Lenuihuu, pros.; Alexander Fran cis. Solly Valongans, prox.; Joseph Vu- belka, Martin Tullalla, pros.: Patrick U Walsh, Margaret Walsh, prox.; Andrew A FEROCIOUS UNTAMED LION. It is Being Exhibited This Weak at the Edxn Uusee. The ferocious nntamd lion "Wal lace" which is beiu extiibitol at the Eden Musee attracted immouee crowds y-ster day afternoon and eveni g, snd all who attended were astounded at tbe conragous conduut of the animal's traiuer. who vetitttrned into the cage at the risk of being a patron of the un dertaker before he cuino out. "Wallace" is a magnificent species of his kind. The very appearance of any one near the oage in which he is confined serves to arouse him to a ter rible anger and his Ion 1 growls and the hungry snapping of dangerous look ing jaws inspire fear in almost every p.ctator to say notmng or the East Indian trainer who onters tbe cage. As a first class attraction in popular priced places of amusement, "Wallace" has never beeu surpassed in Bcranton, and is well worth seeing. Manager Jelferson, who has assumed charge of the Edn Musee, is a woll known Scrantoniun, thoroughly vofsod in the theatrical business, and if tho show in the theater yesterday cm be taken as a criterion of wliut the pat rous may expect, Eden Muses will rank as u place of amusetuint of tho very best grade, i he performance was not woak in any resptot and most of the entertainers were new to Hcriiitou au diences. Tho favorite Nurauton boys, Dillon and Murray, the clever Irish skotch artists, were given a ronsiug welcome by their numerous local friends. Thoy responded by giving as neat an Irish turn as has ever been seen her. Mclntyre and Rice in a refined sketch tire so far above the av erage variety sketch performers that their work was decidedly refreshing, and was loudly applauded. Miss Inez Pearl danced and sung herself into popularity with the audience. E Idie Sbludlii sung a number of excellent parodies and Marreste and iiill ex cuted several very good dances, . . AFRICAN JUBILEE SINGERS. An Organization That Rdndors Some 'Ex ceedlnaly Qood Musio. The Magnolia quartette, which made such an unqualified success at Wonder land last v. by its remarkably good rendition of plantation melodies, has beeu secured by Charles H. Hlggtnf, of this city. He will tour the couutry with the quartetto, wbioh will In the future bo kuovfii as the African Jubiies singers. The qusrtetto is composed of A. Browu, first tenor; C. (Joins, second tsnor; T. Grundy, first bass, mid W. M. Cheeks, second bass. The concerts gon by these jubilee, singers are espec ially adapted to church entertainments LOWRY DIED A NATURAL DEATH. everal Witnesses Testily That They Saw Fick Strike Page with His Fist, and He Is Held by Judge Gunster in Tyenty-tive Hundred Dollars' Bail. Michael Fick, of Mayfield, was la- ore Alderman Wright yesterday on the charge of murder. Fick is accused of beating John Page over the head with n stick and then leaving him in a coal shanty, exposod to the wind and uin, from tho effects of which Page died. Tins occurred in Mayfiold 'on Christmas night. John Lowry testified that he saw Fick strike Pnge and afterwards hit im with a Btoue. Theodore Wacana testified to finding Page lying in his coal shanty nt 5 o'clock on tho morning of Dec. ilij, He had the man taken into his house where he would be warm. His shoos were frozen to his feet. sPage told him he bad cut his head by falling from a train of ears. Dr. Scnnlori, who attended Page, de scribed the wound as being a gash in the sc ilp about three inches long. He felt un ler the scalp, but could hnd no fracture. The wound hud evidently been iuliicted by a sharp instrument nd with the exposure which Page was subjected to, would have a tendoncy to produce death. BTBUCK PaGB WITHOUT PROVOCATION. Michael Dai. in stated that Page had come to his boue Christmas night an d asked for food. Michael Fick had como it it few minutes later and without provocation struck i'age with his fist twice. The witness then hsld Fick nutil Page got out of the bouse. Later be heard cries out in the street, and when he went out saw Fick strik- ng Page with a stick. Danio's wife corroborated his testimony except the latter part. George fSewonski who boards 'with Dauio also saw Kick striking Page with a stick and saw Pago run awv. When Fick was ask.nl why he bit Page, ho re plied that Page cauu around at night and stole from tbe houses. Tho alderman decided that Ficl should be held and had him taken be fore Judge (inuster, who heid him in bail in the sum of s'.'..,-n to appear at court. Bail was furnished. Coroner Kelly Thoroughly Investigates the Jtrmyn Oas;. Coroner Kelly visited Jerinvn and investigated the death of Lafayette Lowry yesterday. Alter examining the body and malting inquiries, Dr. holly decided tliut no inquest was necessary. To a THIBCNE reporter last evening tho coroner stated that he thought Lowry had died of heart failnre. .Tiie only wound found on the body was one on the head, caussd by being struck by the wagon wheel. Lowry was dead and his head dropped over the side of the wagon. MR. CASEY WANTS TO BE SECURED. He Is Taking Ton JHuoh R;sponstb lllty as Dslong's Bondsman. A. J. Casey, of the firm of Casey Bros., bondsman of Alderman C. M De Long, of the Eighth ward, wants to be relieved of his responsibility and yesterday petitioned the court to com pel Mr. Dj Long to give security to indemnify him. Tho petitioner says that by reason of Alderman De Longs intemprat habits and insolvent condition t:n re sponsibility of tho surety on Iub bond has b en greatly increased. The mat ter will be heard in conrt on Jan. 15 at 'J a. m PERSONAL ichael Fick Will Have to Aiiswor Death of John Page. (or the Judge H, M, Edwards Docs His First Duly as a Trial Judge. VIDENCE WAS ALL AGAINST Hi (Ho HEARD IN CQuR I THE SUITS HEARD BEFORE HIM PLANS ACCEPTED Little and O'Connor Will Design the New High School. FINAL REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE J. a Mott was in New York yostordsy John T. Porter spent yesterday In the metropolis. Jobn G. McAskie has recovered from two weeks' illness. Miss Nellie Sesmen, of Avoca, visits In Scrantou recently. C. E. Bradbury will spond this week in rotter county on business. Dr. H. 0. Wheeler, of Carbondale, was visitor to tbe city yesterday. O.-car Sturmer, of Danville, Va., called on Scranton mends yesterday. P. G. Harding, of Pecltville, spent Son day with friends at bcranton. W. B. R ickwellwas among the Scran tonians in new xork yesterday. A. F. Rhoades, of Carbondale, wai Visitor to Scrantou last Saturday. K. N. Willard registered at tbe Murra Hill hotel in New iork yesterday. V. W. Scianton was in New Vorkyes leiiisy auu stoppeu at me imperial. Joseph M. Boies returned to Ynls yes ttrday after spending his vacation at home. Mrs. J. B. Nielsen and Mrs. W. M. Card ner, of Honesdale, passed Saturday In this city. A. J. McNenlis roturned from Chicago Saturday after a year's sojourn iu the western metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Nettlnton are enjoy ingllue Jane weather iu their "Southland homo, Luke Helen, Flu. County Auditor S. S. Sprnks will leave this morning for Alleutowu to attend the Lumbermen s convention. MIsb Blanch.' Wood returned to her Honesdale home yesterday, after a pleasaut visit with scrantou trieuds, Dr. M. J. Murphy, ot Providence, and U.MlLn.K,,liiuri nt Sxrantnn ., 1 1 -,, ,1. I i I, fair at Frtceburg Saturday night. Misses Marie Curran and Agio Lyn of t returned to their homes in Scrantou yes. terday artur a few days stay in Avoca. Miss Mettle Williams, of Sorauton, at tended an enjoyable party last week at the residence of Ambrose A Item in, of Moosic. Master 'Km erson Uose, who for several days bas been tbe guest of bis ancle, L. G. Rose, in Honesdale, bas returned to his home in Scrantou, Miss Nettle Berkeley, of Throop, yester day resumed her studies at Bloomsbtiig normal school. She was detsined u week longer than usual owing to the illness of her sister. Miss Fannie A. Winton returned to her school yesterday after spending tbe holi days at her Scranton home. She was ac companied as far as New York by ber father, B. M. Winton. Mr. August Lango and Philip Brm bacher left yesterday for New York. With Mis. Land's husband, pastor of the Hick orv Street Presbvterlan church, thav will sail for Germany Weduesday and will be absent tbree montns. The following persons will leave for New York this afternoon to attend the conven tion of tbe Coal Operators' oaeociailou: William Connell. president of the associa tion; 0. B, Johnson, C. D. Plmpsou; Thomas 11 Warklns, James 0. McChire, Mayor W. L Conuell and K L. Fuller. They will return Thursday. BUILDER'S EXCHANGE OFFICERS. Tboe Who Will Quid. Affairs for the Coming Yasr. The Builders exchange held an in teresting session last evening and elected officers for tho ensuing term The onicers elected were: President, John W, llowartli; vice-presidents, John Colligan, Charles N. Lord: re cording secretary, James Collins; reading secretary. Willmni K Will iam?; treasurer, 1 nomas L Lyddon. Direetors for two years, tteorge W. Finn, W. R. Williams, Peter Stipp, John Colligan, lL.-nry Gunster, David P. Thomas; committee on appeals, D. P. Thomas, George D. Brown, Conrad Schroedir, Thomas E. Lyddon, John Nelson. H. C. llinmnn, U. A. Kauf- hold ; delegate to national convention, Conrad Bcliroeder; alternate, John Bo- uore; delegate at large, George D. Brown. The convention will bo hell in Bos ton, Fob. 13 and 14, nnd several prominent builders of tins city will at tend. Oae of the subjects to be dls ensssd at this meeting is a uniform contract. A committee of tbrae was sppointed to consider the matter and report at the next meeting. The officers will bo installed at ft special meeting on Monday evening next. HEARING IN THE BURR CASE. Evidence of Many Prominent Citizens Was Takon. The hearing in tho case of Dr. Burr's family against tho doctor, charging him with being an habitual drunkard, wascontiuurd before Attorney Churles L. Hawley yesterday. Many prominent business men of the city wre sworn and their testimony heard. Some had senii Dr. Burr drnnk: others testified that they had never seen him drunk. The entire day was consumed hearing testlm iiiy.nnti 4.J10 o'clock, when adjournment until 9 o'clock this morning was made. The esse will end today. They Were Three Actions Arising from Disputes Concerning Wages. He Presided with the Ease of a Vet eranCases That Were Tried Be fore Judge Gunster in the Main Court Room Two Cases Con tinued for Settlement. Judge H. M. Edwards tried his first case yesterday. He showed that he can instantly adapt himself to bis sur ¬ roundings, for ho seemed quite as much at bis ease passing upon the law points raised by the attorneys as he was when a pleader at the bar, s The January term of common ploas court opened yesterday morning and Judge Edwards was assigned to try cases iu court No. 8. A case arising over a dispute about wages was the flrst one called for trial before him. Miss Bridget ( I'Mnlley was the plain- till and Frank Carpenter the defend ant. Both parties reside at Crboa-dale. In August, 1892, Mr. Carpenter's wife was tnken siclc and Miss O Alalley was employed as nursa. She acted in that capacity for seven weeks and Mr. Carpenter paid her claiming that tbe agreement was that she should get $1 per week. MitsU'Malley demanded 75 cents a day and sued to recover $8 75, the difference between what she says she should have received and what Mr. Carpenter paid her. Attorney James Mahon appeared for the fair plaintiff , and Attorney- H. C. Butler for the defendant. The jury bud not returned a verdict when court adjourned. SUED THE WRONll PERSONS. Statesman (Dorge Fanninir, of the South Side, sued E. H. Jordan and Thomas McDonongh, who conduct a livery stable on Pig street, to recover $0 for digging a ditch and laying a pipe for them. It was the second case tried before Jndge Edwards. Attorney Jalnes Mahon argued for Mr. Fanning and Attorney T. B. Hobau represented tbe defendants. They denied having employed Mr. Fanning end said that tbe owner of the property. Martin McDonongh, was the proper perr.on to pay for whatever improvements were made. Martin McDonough was called to the stand and said lie hud been willing and ready to pny Mr. Fauning's bill. A verdict was returned in favor of tbe defend ants. When court adjourned for the day the case of Patrick McLouuhlin against Jermyn & Co., was being tried before Judge LI wards. Attor ney A. A. Chase appeared for the plain tiff and Attorney George Vv. Beale f r the defendant. The plaiutifi claims that he did not rsceive from Jertnyn t Co. the full amount of the wages that he earned in March, April and May last. IN THE MAIN COURT ROOM Before Juge Gunster, who is presid ing in tbe mam court room, two wages cases were tried yesterday. In both Jermyn & Company were the defend ants. ' Felix McLaughlin, one of the defendants, sued to recover $1083 Tno defendants admitted owing him (! 03 for work done in May, payment or which lie refused to accept. The jury sam Mr, McLnughlin was entitled to 814 91. Patrick McLaughlin, the other de fendant, sued to r-cover ijiil Oil that ln declares Jermyn & Co owes him. Up to tbe time court adjourned no verdict had been retnrued in the case. In the trespass case of Nellie Stev ens against the Peoples Street Rail way company, a continuance was nskod for and allowed on tbe gronn 1 bat negotiations are pending for a settlement, The same action was taken for a like reason in the esse of Anthony Ruane against the Hillside Coal und Iron company. BOLD WORK OF BURGLARS. An Uniuomssful Atump to Enter ArchlUot Duckworth's House. An unsuccessful attempt was made by burglars early Monday morning to enter tbe house of John A, Duckworth at Onincy avenue and Olive street The nuy window faciug u lighted elec tric arc lump was bniiilv shoved open. Mr. Duckworth, awakened by the noise, frightened the marauders away before entrance was secured, - CAWLEY'S FLAG STILL THERE. Will Be a Candidate for Ssl-ct Council in the Eighteenth Ward. John Cawley who received .6 votes at the Democratic caucus recently held in tho Eighteenth ward for select conn cil will be a candidate for the office on election day. Mr. Cawley Is a popular Delsware Lackawanna and Western conductor und he is snuguine of his election. WSS Ltlaud T. Powers in the Y. M O. A Standard Course. The third number of the Young Men's Christian association course occurs Friday eveulln, Jan. Hk Leland T. Powers will give "David Copperfteld" ns only he can do it. Single admission in cents. . Triple BUnd Java and Moona lleduced to 85c. ConrBen's print and tub creamery reduced. Also otter fifty tubs good butter at -Vic. " UOVBSsW. The three oictures. "Telephone (lirl "Hood Morning" and "Hwltintng." offered by TliF. Ttuluns, now briutiteu hundreds of homes. Ibo young men iu the olfice are kept busy dealing out these gems art. JANUARY 9, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice Of tlttM beautiful piotojratj'TelepboiMGlrV' "De livoi'infi OhfUttfisVI I'rcscnls" and "Maidens Swinging."' Send by mail or DtMweugsr oi bring coupons like this of three dill'er nt dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OPPICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. It Gives in Detail the Precautions Adopted The School Can Be Built with tho Money Appropriated for That Purpose Teachers' Commit tee Report. aiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiig I OUR I CURTAINS i i SCRANTON CASTLE, NO 117, K. OF G. E. Officers Elected for Easumir Tsrm to B Installed Saturday. Tbe following are the officers of Scranton castle, No. 117, Knights of the Golden Eigle, of Scranton, elected for the ensiling six mouths' term: Past chief, Samuel J. Lavies; noble chief, Jobn C. Shuuk; vice chief, David E. Thomas; high priest. John T. Jen kins ; venerable hermit, John B. Dt vies; master of records, William G. Howelle , clerk of exchequer, Elwiu Howell: keeper of exchequer, Richard E. Jones; sir herald, Peter Turner; worthy bard, George S. Price ; worthy chamberlain, Josepn iietemsu ; ensign, David Welch; esquire, Jacob Sohmer. first imnrdsin 111, L R. Follett; s-cond guardsman, Victor Smith; trustees, John Sullivan; representative to grand castle, William Q. IIuwolls. I nose ofbuers will be installed next SsturJtiy evening. PADDEN FOR SCHOOL CONTROLLER. He Was Named by Independent Dsmo- crats of Seventh Ward. A caucus of the Independent Demo orats of the Seventh ward was held in Curran's hall, New streot, last night. Janet Gillespie was chairman, Miohael I nomas secretary, and Patrick Weir und Martin Gilgallon tellers, JanM J. Padden was unanimously chosen for tho oflieeof school controller and the district officers named at the lute Democratic caucus were indorsed, - Tin: great people of this country who accomplish so much 111 tbe nltairs of lite have the peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to them in tho line of actton on the spot. There is that pile of Harper's, Frank Leslie's, Jicl.'lure's, He viow of Reviews, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They are a joy forever, but not a thing of beauty. (iiirMr. Schwencker can transform them so Unit 1 bey will become tbe brightest und handsomest volumes in your library As soon as you read this will you not get all the numbers together, before they are lost or soiled, and bring them to Tin: Tftlli'NK binders? A few cents will give you some beautiful books tbut will take the place of those rough and ragged magazines. , . ... We Off-r Today Canned goods for 10c. worth 13c., and a Lie. line worth from 'JOc. to Hue. Ask to seetheui. ' Co0Mttt. . . . Music Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gsntschi .v Hons., manufacturers, 10W Chestnut street, Philndelphla. Won derful orcbes: rial organs, only V and 110. Specialty: Old riuslc boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes. The high school question, so far as the architects and plans are considered, is finally disposed of. At last night's meeting of the board of control Mr. TboniLSon, chairman of tho commit tee, presented tbe following report, which was unanimously adopted: After numerous meetings aud careful examination- of tbe plans for the new high school submitted, as provided for in tbe prospectus, by their professional advisor, Professor Ware ot Columbia College, tbe committee unanimously agreed upon tbe plans uuown as :so. y, presented by Little & O'Connor of 98 West 23d street Now York, provided tho building, accord ing to said plaus, could be erected within the amount appropriated by tbe board. for that purpose, viz: $150,000. lu order to ascertain this lact the plans were submitted to three competent build ers, two selected by the commute., nud one by the architects; and their report belne satisfactory, tbe plans have liually beeu adopted in accordance with tbe authority vested iu the committee by the terms of the prospectus, subject to such revision as tbe committee may deem necessary, and Little & G'Conuor and Professor Ware duly notified. We also recommend the payment of 250 each to the followine architects, us stipu lated iu tbe prospectus, they being the au thors of the four next best plans: Poole & Sutton, of Newark, X. J.: Nyatt 4: Not ling, of Baltimore, Md.; George Oakley Totten. 1r., of Now York; Lord & Hew lett, of New Y'ork. We further report that In accordance with the recommendation of the commit tee, adopted by the board Nov. '-'7, IBM!), relative to the strengthening of the mine supports under No. 1 school property, ar rangements have beeu made with the olS- lalsof tbe Lackawanna Iron aud C'onl com pany to huve said company do this work, tbe agreement being that the board shall pay only tbe actual cost to tbe company of labor aud material. We recouimoad that the finance com mittee be instructed to have the balance of unsold school bonds duly executed by the proper officer, tbe bonds then to be de livered to the city treasurer.and the proper receipt to be taken tberefor. The commit tee huve approved aud recommended the payment of the following bills: Mtildoon & Bowe. WSS.'iO; James Gillespie. $13.75; C. B. Pratt, 4.00; F. R. White, tl.SO. TEACHEHS' COMMtTTE RUPOKTS. Mr. Wormser, of the teachers' com mittee, presented the following report, which was adopted: We recommend that the resignation of John U. Wagner, principal of No. 10. be accepted, aud that M. J. Ketrick be 1 1 ansterred from the pnncipalship of No. (I to that of No. 10; tbnt D. W. Phillips bs appointed principal of No. b vice Mr. Ket rick translorred. That Mrs. Josie D. Knsuss bo appointed principal Primary C at No. SI, the position made vacant by tbe death of Mis Jeunie T. Lankan. That Miss Mary E. Monies ba trans ferred from No. v:i. annex to Primary C, No. 2t, vice Miss Bhedd, resigned. That Miss Frances Connor M appointed tacher at No. 88 aunuex to the position made vacant by the transfer of Miss Monies. Thet Miss Lizzie M. P.aubbe transferred from No. 25 to Grammar B, No. 33, to tbe place made vacant by tbe death of Miss Hartley. That Miss Anna R. Dnvis be appointed to No. 20, vice, Miss Rsub transferred, subject to adjustment of grade by super intendent. That Miss Drlesen and pnpils be trans ferred from No. 28 to the building recently fitted up on Dickson avenue. That the resolution shortening the ses sions of the preparatory school, Washing ton avenue, be rescinded and the two-session plan be adopted. Mrs. Surah Morgan was appointed janitress at No. 19. Mr. Williams eked for the privilege of permitting pnpils from B-dlevue Heights toatteud school No. 18, their school having been burneJ. This permission was granted The new fence at No. S3 was reported in bad cinditim and tiie matter wss referred to the building committee. Mr. U'Mslley e tile 1 attention to the fact that the Vacant lots on Stone ave nue were assessed to John Schwenk. The matter was referred to tho finance committee. siiiiiuiHiiitiiiiiiiiiiififinimiiiiiins H Are worth going a long distance to S see. No such collection can be S found nearer than New York or E Philadelphia, and theu it is not snr- 1 passed in the matter of unique and m exclusive designs, or richness, daintiness and delicacy of mate- rial. In a word, onr Curtain stock g this fall reaches our highest ideal 5 of what is should be, end cannot S fail to meet the approval of tbe 5 most refined and artistic tastes. 5 Yet all this does not mean high 3 prices, on the contrary.the values S we now olier are submitted for S your inspection. Of course, we' ve S every make, und among tbem will S be found tbe very choicest crea- S tions in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham aud other Lace Goods ; S also the New Bnowflake Swiss, j with Silk Stripe in contrasting " colors. Also full lines of silk 3 Stripes, Tapestries, etc., made to g order. 1 S Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 HILL k CONNELL SCRANTON, PA. I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II1II1IIIUIIIIIIIR Don't Forget Hull & Co. When Looking for Furniture. Hall's Furniture Store 205 AND 207 HOMING AE Best Seis of Teeth, $3.00 Including the painless extracting ef teeth by an entirely new pio- S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 13ii M'YoailMG AVK After Swearing Off How many have taken vows of absti nence with tbe birth of tbe new year U perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts aro futile against inveterate babit, n babit which has become a disease. There was a time when it wruld bavo been easy to quit, but having ueglected to do so the babit continued un til by the constant or fri qtient use of tbe poison there was forced a change in the nervous system wuicu made it not t nly possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and not seem 10 get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to keep you reeling good aud you craved uauot because you had become diseased. Now that swearing off does no good and the pledge can't be kept, go and make your resolution good for all tune by taking treatment at tbe Keeley lustitiito, 72tl Madison avenue, Srantou, Pa. nncD. BRADY In Duntnore, Jan. 8, 1S94, Mrs. Elizabeth Bradv, widow of Isaac Brady, aced (i; years, BS days. Funeral Wednes day at 2 p. m. from residence, 201 Maiu Btreet, Duntnore. HANAWAY In Scranton, Jan. 7, 1894, Laurence Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannway, aged S years. Funeral Tuesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the family residence, 2tS Lackawanna ave nue. Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teeth. $5.30; beet set, $S: for gold caps nnd teeth without dates, callod crown and brldite work, call for prices and refere-ieee. TO.NALGlA. for extracting teeth without pain. No ether. No gas. OVEIt FlKST NATIONAL BANK. . For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE Have you ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oysters fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find tbe nicest yon base seen. Open Until Midnight BROWN'S BEE HIVE MONDAY BARGAINS Feather Uo:ps, 3 yards, long. Worth $1.0t. Fcathftt Boas (Neck Boas'. Kegular 40 cent. Ladies' Fur Shoulder Cape. Worth $5.00. Ladle!' Tudia Print Wrappers. Worth $1.23. Men's Scarlet Strictly All Wool l uderwear. Monday, 69 cents Monday, 25 cents Monday, $3.25 Monday, 79 cents Regular priee, $1.00. Monday, 75 cents per cent, on all For January we allow a discount of 25 Cloak and Fur Sales. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
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