THK SCRANTON ' TRIJHJSTK-TI?ESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rcUl.lgBETl DAILY AND WEEKLY IN SCRAN- tun, Pa., v Tills TitmuNS I'm OOMFAIIY. New yojh ornoK: Tuibcns Buildino, fa ahu H.'Gkay. Manager. Vulered at the Ihtttaffien at Amnion, Ta., flfcDnmt CtuU Mail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. fCBANTON, JANUARY ft. 18W. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET FOR CON UK ESS MA NAT LA KUJC, GAI.l SUA A. CHOW, OF Sl'Syl KHANNA ELECTION FEBRUARY 20. MERIT WILL WIN. fof iitart the tfito York litrald flltd IWkNM nM Out uuius' m il JOKf UlustratiiKj. The lie mid VM Ao' to neknoitledje its mistake: and '"f Sun day (ki IVttwM qjtMartd MtfcNni MrtopM oh fls yir.-i wttntN M0, HprmHmi Urorer. at drum mqor, proudly marching iii front of a band" Yankee marine, with re crowned QuttH til ptrthtli in snicker i ni majesty oil (Ac op 0 (t stretcher tniriie bit t m lf Sam's disyustid KtMoTS, r tt tf hci'iidiiiiihViJ h) Vrummtr QrtthmnlMattng a NtyOnHli n(.fn-fnf- (on mi a 6uit( drum kMd labeled "HONAnfWMn fort ton policy. That rarivatnre teas IMff. a iardof labored editorials. II SjJAlM llWtOttttlMMM jioial 111 nCi y rii ri' and ' ufc nnd inc. ( IMI WOrtt jirintiny and it wqm worth tt(dyfa(. 77i" wcl In, "is jtraple nan' iltiintratiuiiii. They want tobtumMHd. 7n' jiaiirrthat donn'l riifrrfiliii M Ot MrMOIliM in f'f- nfad Mr Knit. ( d ftopsttttly tt tamed in the race for poailar far": It has turn the twitch ntQQAitUM Of this fa- t that has ait thu SCRANTON 7 RlJH Wf MI Of ill iir rtn(. BilgM liens anil "M" wHI r( in fi Kid". MERIT WILL WIN. Tine LATtST apt title of the pending Wilson bill: "A bill for the promo tion of Anieritviu idleness." With i"Kt: of truth than elegance, the Xew York Sun describes Sesretary Hoke Smith as "an obscure Cracker." Democratic irotBKRa of cougres3 are recouiinsuded to drop a vote for free trade into thu administration slot aud pull out a federal plum, - 1 QqvkbnoS Leweixiku has shut out Mrs. Lease, but her voice is still unim paired, and it. will keep her before the governor ns well as before the people generally. Kei KESESrvrivK WOLTERTOK says be "intends to vote for the Wilson bill straight through, from beginning to end." And bis reward is Herring's appointment. I'ndek TBI bounUous plenty show ered down upon this couutry by a Democratic administration, the only way to keep the government running is to borrow money. The Imj:. Tkade REWEvvsays of the iron market: "It will creep before it walks." Ho also the market iu all branches of trade; and happily, the creeping has begun. Prediction OF tba Philadelphia Rec ord, Jau. s "Mr. Urow's majority will not come anywhere near the No vember mark. " Let in await the ful filment, keeping this taunt in mind. - The iii.eulak who "bnrgleH" with equanimity under the Blrong illnmina tiou of an electric lamp has reason to feel grateful to the municipal enter prise which keeps policemen out of bis way. The sociiiek.n characteristics of the administration are shown in Speaker Crisp's rulings with reference to Mr. Uoutelle, And this ll the same ad niinistrutiou that usod to get so right eously furious at mention of "Czar" Reed'' Altaic hearsay is sometimes a good good thing to discount. Bank depos itors in Luzorno took Mr. Rockafel low'n ionesty at par on the strength of mere hearsay; and now they've ac cepted a compulsory discount of jnst Hjj per cent. With its issue of Saturday, the Scranton Index entered upon its eighth year of usefulness to the commnnity and profit to it indefatigable editor and publisher, Jamos F. Judge. The Index is a consistent and persistent champion of tomperance, nnd has done inestimable good among its steadily enlarging constituency. On the same day the Providence Register celebrated its nineteenth anniversary, showing a contented countenance and an issue full of news. The Trihcne extends to Proprietor Tunstall and Editor Hope well its compliments and best wishes. As matters now stand in Louisiana the question of the prize light reduced to lte inherent simplicity is whether two bruisers are mightier than ths governor and constabulary of the whole ittate. As it looks at present, Mltche and Corbett will not entertain the members of the Duval Athletio clnb nnd their guests, and if they come to gether in some out of the way place and settle matters before the oflioers of the law can discover their whers ubouts this will make the "mill" very list, the number of spectators ueoceS tiarily small, depriving the affair en tirely of all the wide publicity to the principals which constitutes the essence of the whole affair. " m Ui'ON him recent retirement from the bench, the bar of Lebanon county tendered Judge John B. McPhersou a complimentary banquet. The festive amenity took place last New Year's evening, and the Lebanon Report has favored ns with a neat souvenir ac count of ths oratorical proceedings, from which the deduction is inevitable that Lebanon's lawyers all narrowly UiisseU becoming celebrated poets and wits. The Reporter's gifted editor, al though pledging bis toast in ice water, as became a resolute. Prohibitionist, made merry with the others, and read an or iginal poem that contains a laugh in each Hue. The function as a whole is a creditable instance of the cordiality exiltiug among fellow members o f a distinguished profession when cures of state are momentarily laid aside. The annoi NCE51ENT of Jo.qepu A. Menrs' intention to erect an eight story steel building on th southeast corner of Washington nnd Spruce calls atten tion to the fact tliat.iu the far of hard timeB, Sc.ranton's realty valuos have held their own, while judicious invest ments in tbo business portions of tho city have continued to return a steady and reasonable prolit. F, toh of the three or four metropolitan ollice build ings In thii city that, when lirat da signed, were scouted as chimerical has demonstrated the wisdom of its owner in seeking this form of an investment; and Scrnnton's steady growth siucj the newest of these was built rouders an addition to the list entirely practicble. There is still a groat nnovenness It) tho business portion of the oity. Tower lug structures of brick and stone stand cheek-by-jowl, so to spaak.with sijimtty one- and two-story sheds of frame. Whatover tends to remove these eye sores, or to shame them by the con trast with modern architecture, be comes, therefore, a cause for public thankfulness. SENATOR HERRING'S APFOINTMENT. In point of character, qualifications and experience, State Senator Urunt Herring, of Bloomsburg.appointed yes terday to succeed T. P. Penman, of this city, as collector of internal reve nue for the Twelfth Pennsylvuuiadis trict, is the peer of any Usmocrat pro nosed for the place. He is n progres sivo aud industrious young man, well educated, popular and showing con -siderable evidence of diplomatic abil ity. He has been named after a seem ingly spirited struggle, but as a matter of fact, the success of his candidacy was assured six months ago. I Hiring this period of waiting ho tins given Droof of patience and equanimity, fac tors needful in his business. H will have the good will of Scrantonians generally, and the warm congratula tions of those of his own political faith who may be looking for soft births as deputy collectors, Mr. Herring's appointment has signi ficance chiefly in the light that it throws upon the question of tho pre dominant iniiuencs with the powers that be. it settles anew the suprem acy of Mr.Harrity.und the large weight of Governor Pattison's endorsement when presented at the white house. The same influences which gave u Mr. Yandling as postmastsr, h ive given us Mr. Herring, who, politically, is not a bad double for Mr. Vundlintr, as col lector; and these influences have prac tically overridden the earnest wishes of Mr. Cievelund's secretary of tho trea sury, and ignored the written protest of the majority of tho congressmen di rectly concerned in the appointment (f there is any ulterior significance in the Herring triumph, it is that tacit acquiesence in the Wilson programme, combined with persona respectability, business character and avoidance of too-active participation in tbo rough work of Democratic campaigns are es sentials to a realization of Mr. Cleve land's favor. There will be some speculation as to the destination' of the colKctorehip headquarters under the new manage ment. There was a time when Mr. Hines could have got this thing slated for Wilkes-Barre, but it is currently reported that 110 immediate ehnuge will bo made, especially in view of the handsome federal building soon acces sible to Mr. Herring. The commercial, if not the geographical center of the district is Scranton ; and It would be of decided advantage to the chief business interests of the district were the head quarters to remain in this city, with such an adjustment of the deputy col lectors as to sntirfy the naeds of dis tant portions. All this, however, be longs to the future. For the present it suffices to extend compliments and con gratulations to the latest conspicuous beneficiary of the potent Harrity "pull." , 4t 11 HIE NICARAGUA CANAL PROBLEM. The question of opening nn inter oceanio canal through Nicaraugua, and maintaining it nneW American domi nance, is evidently going to stay with us until it is brought to some practical aud final decision. Geograph ical facts, commercial exigences, na tional traditions, and current political considerations unite in pointing, as with the glanco of destiny, to the su preme relation of tho I nited States to the work of shaping out and perma nently administering the contemplated short cut for navigition. Tho clear drift of American sentiment is toward the direct or indirect assertion and establishment of such supremacy. Then why not at onto adopt the opsn and straightforward method of pro ceeding with the business upon this foregone condition'.' Unquestionably that is the way that most commends itself to acceptance from incentives of economy In time and money, and na tional honor and dignity. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, who once strongly advocated a complicated fcbeme with a government guarantee of the credit of a private company for construeting and operating the canal, now soems to lean to the direct and simple plan above suggested. There are msny reasons of immedi ate exigency why congress should deal promptly and decisively with this mutter so as to determine manifestly th double purpose of speedy construc tion and American supremacy. In ternally, this country is suffering rrom a dangerous state of commercial, in dustrial, moral and political vertigo. The congestion must be somehow re lieved to avert a disastrous catas trophe. The Nicaragua cauul problem offers a splendid opportunity for timely and wholesome diversion. The oppor tunity should be improved without any circuitous, hazardous, and at the best costly employment of the government credit in aid of any speculative private syndicate. The experience of the United States with toe Union Pacific railroad speculation and of France With the He Lesieps Panama canal speculation, ought to be warnings enough to steadfastly stand away from such course. Senator Frye, who has made a Special itndy of the subject, re cently stated that the government could build the canal for seventy five million dollars, while it would cost the Nloaragua Canal Construction com pany two hundred million- dollars. It is estimated that simple bonds of the government for the expense of this work could be negotiated at par or at a premium, beuriuc four or less than four per :ut. iuterest, while the com -p. toy, eveu with some sort of contin gent guarantee of tho government, could not borrow ul loss than six per cent, Kngland is tho only power which might be disposed of und able, in given circumstances to seri ously dispute the point with us. But England is in no mood nor portion to give us trouble in that connection. The signifioauce of her complacent acquiescence with the late ly apparent prospct of Hawaiian an nexation Is not to be mistakeu. Eng land is not looking westward for expe dients of aggrandizements or for o: casions of contention nnd conflict. She desires iu every manner to propitiate this country nnd secure its moral and substantial aid nnd comfort iu her an ticipated struggle aguinst combined forces of militnry despotism for main taining her territorial Integrity in the east nnd perhaps for the preservation of her fieo institutions aud her political life at home. The BREWER; who contributed to the Cleveland campaign fund mndo as big u mistake us the workiugmen who were cajoled into voting for the n lvo cute of industrial destruction. If there is any industry in the country that has Cievelund's good will, it is some industry that is not carried on iu for eign parts. WILLIS' IMPUDENT DEMAND. Wher th Harm Comas In. PMIudatsMa JVfi. Bcni The "cuckoo" apologists of tho adminis tration seek to extenuato it on the plea that nothing came o( it. I- it posslblo that they can see 110 harm In making our govern Blent uu object of ridicule and con tompt throughout the world? No harm in treating congress mid the American people with bad r.tita No haf in to compromising nud jeopardising all the American inter ests In Hawaii!' No harm in provok ing the hostility and rexentuieiit of the existiug gnroiuuieiit holding the key of the il !no harm in recnguuiug a ue- grndtil old debaileheo as the rightful rtlier, and inflaming all her lawless followers' No harm iu presenting to all the world ihe humiliating spectucle of n great govern ment calling Upon the petty provisional government of Honolulu to abdicate In favor of a rotten Throne, and cuffed away with u plain refusal" Nothing could save such an act from everlasting infamy but the burlrsOM of its failure: nnd nothing could save it from everlasting cmieuipt but tho tragedy of its success. Anxious to Drop th Subject. MkilMtttpkiA HetfiTd, lHm. With the refusnl of the Provisional gov eminent of Hawaii to comply with the oolite hint of Minister Willis to step down and out, the interest of this administration In Hawaiian affairs has definitely come to an end. I ; 1 Llliuokalaui nuu l'i- Ident Hole will hnvo to tight it out with out any further interference on the purt of this government. A policy of non intervention, which should havo been adopted in tho beginning, must now be adopteil out of necessity. Anxious to Stop Meddling, Philadelphia Timet flem,i The otin imperativo duty of the adminis tration now is to stop Mr. Willis or any body else from meddling further in Ha waii. We ought never to have been mixed up 111 this revolution at all. Having got into it, it was a iUetion whether the wrong done could be undone or whether It was worth while to try it. At the most it could he undone diplomatically, and time having fiuleil there is nothing left but to drop the whole business and pull out of it as promptly aud completely as possible, It Was Literally an Aet of War, Ihtltiinore Amtrivan, ttri. Tho act of Minister Willis was an act of war. aud it was directly and deliberately ordered ov 'resident Cleveland. An bo gus twisting of tho constitution can niter the simpto logic of this overt attack on a friendly government, and congress cannot longer tolerate this grotesque misdirection of tbo functions of tbo administration without actually endangering its own In dependence, mid bringing discredit aud shame upon tho American peoplo. But That Is What He Has Son. H nth .. Off, 2nd. We cannot believe of Mr. Cleveland that, having once taken congress into his confidence, no would or could Do guilty of tho breach of good taith which tho re ported action of Minister Willis irupiiof. ruich 11 course or uouDie-jeanag would do stroy the uduiinistrution, digrnce tho country, shock tho civilized world. ii my - . THE POLITICAL WHIRLIGIG. Tho Philadelphia Times intimates that Howard Alutcbler's olive branch to tie state administration crowd, extended in tho naming of young Wilbur to tho West Point ciidelship, has been contemptuously ignored at iinrrisourg unu at nBtnngton A. II. Kan pillar's peremptory rot iiemont from tin- list 01 eligible Democratic sa'-ri flees iii the campaign for congressman-at large leaves (.'liarlos R.Hnck'ulew conspicu ous as onu or the row remaining hopes. Prothonnlary Westbrook.of Pike county, is serving his eleventh term. Returns from 89 out of 4!) counties, made to lie Media Ledger by KepuMlOM state edilois, give uonnrni Hastings as the un opposed choice for tho gubernatorial nom InatlOO. Uical complimentary candidacies are favored in vonie of tho remaining ten counties. f'hrls Msgno says ho will support tleorge Handy Smith, of Philadelphia for lieutou ant governor, no matter if every other Allegheny Republican supports Walter I, yon. r. 11. Hnrdnnbergli, of Honesdnle, is hav ing it all his own way in tho Wayne Sus quehanna senntoiial district, It appvara now that ho will be nominated practically without opposition, In which event the redemption of the Twenty-sixth district is assured. To the list of probable changes in the judiciary next fall must be added ono in Northampton county, Where a Democrat will doubtless succeed Judge Render. This will be compensated for. if. a now seem probable, a Hupnblirau shall bo elected iu Mercer comity. (lovernor MelClnloy, it I announced, will find time to deliver only two speeches In this state prior to Feb. 20. tine of these will probably be at Pittsburg and the other at Philadelphia. This sots at. rest the probability of his coming to Koraoton ; but ex-Speaker Reed will have more time at his disposal nnd an effort ought by nil menns to be made to get him to open tho cnmpalgn In this city. Thu Republicans Of northensteru Pennsylvania have not rocoutly had a good look at this brainy leader; and ho would doubtless be willing to niak some eaerlllco in order to help (long the candidacy or their favorlt, his honored predecessor in th utionltm. ship, by nn appearance In that candidacy cuiei vflutuF. T e ImpSrttnre of keoplug the liver and kidnoys in good condition cannot be overestimated. Hood s Sarsaparlllu is 1 gnnt remedy for n gulatiug aud invigora ting the organs, 1 Hood's Pllli act easily, vet promptly and effectively, on the liver aud bowels. SURE CUBl FOR DRUNKENNESS Kiuai to tuo KBMSj l ure at smau cost. Try :i bottle and If It does you cood continue It. Druggist sell it. Umbrellas you would own, Thai will give the proper lone; And shed wafer like a stone. CCW RAD sells but does not loan. 305 LACKAWANNA AVtNUE. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, ii WYOMINU AVK. SCKANTO BTT5INWAY SON in ki:u HitoTiiuitfl an H HAN K it H BACK Hiuivrz a iSAUtiit PIANOS t)rr n kirg (took Of Ol'lt claa ORGANS Ul sum, MKKCHAND1SK alLbTC, KTU., U'l'U Goldsmith's Bazaar Mammoth Red Letter Clearing TODAY. Sale Day GEE F.L Crane's New Prices FURS 1 FURSI CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. French Conoy Capes, IS inches Astrakhan 1 'apes, ' Astrakhan Capeaj 11 AUralihau Capus, " Dyed Opossum Capos " Mousey ('apes, 11 Monkey Capo, " Nat. Utter Capos, " Nat. Utter Capo, " Kriuimer Capes, " Beaver Cap, " Nutria Cap, " Seal or Persian Capes 1 Al:ika Seal Capes, " Alnska Seal Capos, " Mink Capeu, M Brown Marton Capos " deep. ..I 300 .. 4 01 .. 600 .. lJ .. 0 00 .. u 00 .. 15 UU . Ml .. It") IX) .. UOQ .. is n .. JUKI .. m 00 .. Hi in .. M ou .. M00 .. aw CAPE 8 22 INCHES DEEP. Astrakhan Capes, H inches deep $10 00 Bultlc Sua Capes. " Ill 00 Electric r-eal Capes, " 15 Oil French Coney Capes, " tl 00 Mink Capes, " 50 00 MOWH Marten Capes, " SO 00 Moukey Capos, " 8 OU Highest Cash Prices Paid for Raw Furs Repairing Furs a Specialty. B LANK BOOKS LANK HOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LKADIMO MAKKS. Fine Stationery WIRT, WATERMAN And KKAXK- UN FO IN TAIN PDKS, All HuaranUed. Agents lor ('raff lord 'a IVus uud Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Engravers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. Such a Slaughter Never Known Before. 75c. White Blankets, 59c. $1 White and Crey Blankets, 79c. $1.50 White and Grey Blankets, $1.25. $3.50 all-wool 11-4 Blankets, $2.63. $4.50 White all-wool 1 0-4 Blankets, $3.25. $5.50 White all-wool 1-4 Blankets, $4.25. 98c. Comfortables, wool-filled, 73c. $1.25 Comfortables, cotton-filled, 98c. $1.19 Comfortables, cotton-filled, $1.25. $1.98 Comfortables, fancy quilted, $1.50. $2.23 Comfortables, finest cotton filled S1.75. $4 Down Quilts, satin-covered, 32.73. $6.50 Down Quilts, satin ruffle, $4.98. These prices are for one day only, You will find a new an nouncement in this paper every day during this great sale. Mercereau & Connell 307 LACKAWANNA AVEXUli. DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. HILU E Removable and Self-sharping Calks. We are sole agents for Bradford, Columbia, Lacka wanna, Luzerne, Montour, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming counties, State of Pennsylvania. Catalogue on application. Bittenbender&Co.,Scranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' in Wagomnnkers' and Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron and Steel. THE SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE BEST. THE WESTON MILL CO, SCRANTON, PA. THE Upholstery Department OF- I CO . . All Prices and all Sizes. Skates, Foote & Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS LIE, CEMENT Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO 6CRANTON AND WILKES. BARKS, PA, MANUFACTURERS O? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCKANTON. PA. ASK YOUR GROCEft AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWBES William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Chnrcb, Perm Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. DO YOU SELL? OK ARE YOU MAKING PRESENTS? of Mixed dandy, Hour Toys, or any style of Candj or Nuts, Express wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, ioll Cabs, Drams or Toys of every kind. DOLLS China Dolls, Wax Dolls, Patt-nr Dolls, Jointed Dolls, any kiud ol'doll from 26otol8 SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, in Maple, Dak ot lion, from 250, toijflo.00. BICYCLES We Lave the goods and our prices are right. Wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO., 311 Lacks. Ave. V muke a SPECIALTY of lupplving com mitter tor Sunday sUook Falra, KustivaU. DELICIOUS, MIt,D 8TJGAII CUnBL) ABSOLUTELY XTH-BI HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. rHB $ applied THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA Frank P. Brown & Co. Wholesale Dealers to Wood ware, Cordage anil Oil Glotb 720 West Lackawanna Ave. v..h....i t. An. ... for CKOCKHY, l.AJlfsJ uud OLA3SWAK&
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