TIIE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 0. 1894. 3 rHEABwRPis IX GREAT VAU1ETT No Fake Sale in Ours We have better barealns rvnry day !r. tfcr year than so-celled "bursain day?," "clearing tales," and such well-known. Worn-out, played-out schemes will afford. For real bargains m FIB&T-CLAS8 NBW PIANOS AND ORGANS SEC US. EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable and witliin your reach. HALLET & DAVIS (IAN OS BT taken over 103 first premiums In llie past lif ty years. OiVr makes of Pianos. Four msltes of Organs in beautiful new debris. See onr toik beton baying. Wo uuto the goods. Uur prices aro rifUfc Everything m the ILUS1C line. STELLE k SEELEY IS4 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, Pi. Mm OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS NEWS FROM WEST SIDE Happenings of a Day Tbal Will Merest Hyde Park Readers. MERCHANTS VICTORS OF THIEVES Marauders Who Rob Business Men of the Displays in Front of Their Stores Funeral of Mrs. Thomas Williams An Old Fashioned Enter tainmentWill Discuss Proposed Viaduct. The West Sid offloe of tho Scr.ANTOM Ti'.iitnk ib located lit U8 South Main ave nue, where subscriptions, advertisemonta and commuuicatious will receive prompt attention. B. 8c Co., Imnrinert on Each i ilnnr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. lllLl.l UUlMi MJUAKK. DR. H. B. WARE! SPECIALISTS EYE, EAii, KCtii AND TIIBOAT. tTOU.M A.M. lUW'lu 5.SU P.M. em part of the state); S. B. Stillwoll, Scranton; Louts Streuber, Erie; I. V. Ebcl, Hr.rrisburg. Heretofore the applications for fish fry only required the signature of the commissioner to whom they were made; but in the future, undor a rider to an act of the last legislature, they must be indorsed by the senator or rep resentative of the district iu which the application it made. GRIMES' CELLAR DOOR. OFFICE HOURS: 135 WYOMING AVE. MRS. FRENCH SAVED HtR HUSBAND. He Was About to Become a Bigamist Whon She Interfered. lira. Mary Ellen French, of Price liuru, 1mm applied for a divorce from George Edward Freuc'ii tbroujrh At torney K. J. Beamish. Cruel and un provoked desertion is the reason why tin divorce is asked, George Edward married Hie Mary Eilen llr.miltt on July 20, 1800, anil about a year later deserted her. Ho went to Bhamokin where in July last he was engaged to be married to a very estimable young lady. Mrs. French Informed the prospective bride of French'a entangling alliance in this county ana the engagement was de clared off. French at once left Shamokin and his present whereabouts are unknown. COURT HOU!E NtWS NOTES. The polling place of the Third district of the First ward of Carbondale was changed yesterday by order of court to a room in the hotel of Edward Jloloily at -73 DundalT street. Coir, t made an order yesterday allowing cither party to the dispute over the an nexation of a portion of the township of Lackawanna to the city of Scranton, to take deposition upon giving forty-eight hours notice to the attorney for the oppo sition. Judse (iunster handed down an opinion yesterday settiag aside the report of the reviewers in the mutter of layine out a road in Bpring llrook township Ho Bet anide the report, for tlio reason that the application for the appointment of viewer, was not made in compliance with the act of assembly in the case and for tli" l'u: ! her reason that the application for the appoiutinu.it of reviewers was made too late. Attorney D. L. O'Neill, of Wilkes-Barrn, yesterday began an action of ejectment in this county for V. A. O'Neill, Who seeks to obtain possession of a hulf acre of hind on Pittaton avenue, this city, which he says is unlawfully held by Mrs. Catharine Rowan. The term of Attorney C. Comegys as a member of the examining board for law students haviag expired, court yesterday appointed Attorney Qeorge S. Horn a a member of the board for tho term of three years. EE-Judge Henry If, Secley, of Wayne county, has begun tho practice of law Id this county and was yesterday appointed by Judge Archbejd master and examiner In the case of Ann It. Phillips, executor, gainst Mary 0, Wallace and others, The dispute is with regard to coal royalties from land located near Carbondale. The case of V. Ratter and others against George A. Simmons and others was re ferred to ex-jnstlce Alfred Hand yester day nmler tho provisions of tho act of April 8, ISfiO, A rule was granted by the court vesior uay to show cause why the rule granted on .Inn. II appointing viewers to assess the damn'es caused bv tho grading of Meri dian street should not bo vacated. Clerk of the Courts Thomas yesterday granted marriage licenses to Jacob Suro vltz nnd Susan Angoslin, of Price ville; lames T. Mcllale, of Scranton, and Bridget T. Dougherty, of Dunmnrn; Edward E. Sillier and Bertie. Wombatker, of Dale ville. NOTICE. Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., Notice to th Public, commencing Monday, January 1st, 1891, passenger trains of this company to and from New York, Jersey City and Newer! will run via wost NewarE, nring tho Pennsylvania railroad tracks between that point, and Jersey City. Passengers will therefore on and after tho above date tako the Pennsylvania railroad from tho foot of Conrtland nnd Desbrossos streets, Now York city, instead of tho Liberty Street ferry of the Coutral Railroad of New Jersey. Passengers from Newnrk will take the Lehigh Vailoy trains at thn Market Street station of tho Pennsylvania railroad. Slight change iu time. Important to Business Hen. The Titim.NK will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of tho leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton nnd vicinity. The edition will be bound in book term, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of onr public build ings, business bloc!ts,streets,etc. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot, fail of good results to those concerned ns well as tho city atlartr:. Representatives of Tin: Tmnuffk wili call upon THOU WHOSI names are nF.sir.ED In this edition and explain Its nature more folly. Wo trust our live BUMNkss men will givo it their hearty support. Those desiring views of their residence ' in this edition will ple.-so leavo notice at tho offico. Anheuser Butch Beer. Louis Lehman's, Dili Spruce sb For some time past, complaints have been heard fromjmerobanti in tho dif ferent portions of the West Side, about artioles which have been taken from the fronts of tlioir Stores whore they were being displayed. One merchant who bus loitered losses at different nines, is Artbttr Heal, proprietor of tho People's Dry ( roods store outside of his establishment. The police were notified and a watch has boon kept, bat the thieves have not as yot been captured. Funeral of DnviJ J. Divide. The funeral of David J. Davies, of Jackson street, who died on Sunday evening, will take place tomorrow afternoon at l.od o'clock fro:.i tho family residence. Rev, D. P. Jones, of the Tabernacle Congregational church, will conduct the services. Griffin post, No. 189, Grand Army of tha Republic, of which Mr. Davies was a member, will attend in it body. Kev. N. F. Stahl will nfliciate at For est Hill cemetery, where interment will be made. Funeral of Mrs. Thimna William!". The funeral of Sirs. Thomas Will iams occurred yesterday afternoon. Services were coudtictud at tho bom by li"v. W. S. Jones, of the First Welsh Baptilt church. Tho floral of eringi were numerous an I included many lino tribates, Interment was made in the Wasburn Street ceme tery. Tho pall bearers were Joseph Reynold, II. P. D.ivies, Johu T. Will iams, Samuel Phillips, Johu Bo wen and William D. Morris. Old Ftahioned Entortalnmsnt. Thd Sund iv school of the Washburn Street Presbyterian chnrch Will give an old fashioned entertainment at the chnrch on Friday evening. This eutor- tainment will be given by tho different classes. Committees have been np pointed for decoration and refresh ments, and a jolly time will be en joyed. A meeting of tlio committee) will be held this evening. I Meeting of the Bisrl of Trade. A meeting of the West Side board of trade will be held this evening. A full attendance is reun -sted, as many im portant matters aro to bo considered. Ti:e proposed viaduct over the Dela ware. Lackawanna and Western cross ing will be diacnassd by Common Councilman T. Ellsworth Davies and others. Officers Eluded. The Welsh Philosophical society have eleottd tho following officers for the ensuing year: President, James A. Evans; vice president, D. C. Pow ell; recording secretary, Bbeneier P. )avies; corresponding secretary, Will iam A. Price; Welsh correspondent, D. 0. Powell ; treasurer, Benjamin Hughes. Intrsting News Ervitios. T. R. Philiips, of Plymouth, has re sumed l is duties at the store of Mor gan Thomas on Jackson struet'aftor an attack of grip. Miss Mary Spary.of South Main ave nue, has returned home after visiting friends in Providence, R I. The congregation of tho First Welsh Congregational church has adopted resolutions extending congratulations to the members of the Plymouth Con gregational chnrch who dedicated their new church on Sunday, All West Side merchants closed their places of business last evening at 6 30 o'clock, this being a new resolution which hR gone into effect. John It Davies, of Forest City, for merly of this side, i.s lying dangerously ill at bis home with pneumonia. Mrs. Mary Daniels, of North Hyde Park avenue, is convalescing after a severe illness. Byron K. Wade, ex-cliiof of police, is rapidly improving. It is expected that in I bo course of a fow days he will be ublo to resume his daily labors. Miss Hattie Williams, of Reiser avo nuo, returned yesterday from a visit with friends in Moscow. Henry Bsddoe, of Plymouth, inside foreman at tho Green Ridge colliery, spent the Sabbath with his uncle, Ben jamin Befldoe, of this pide. Lewis Price, of Avenue D, Bellevue, is recovering from an illness of typhoid pneumonia. Robert OwenR, of Koland avenue, is recovering from the grip. Misses Mattie Williams, of Acadmy street, and Martha Davies, of Eynon street, attended the luneral of Mrs. Bran Morris in Naaticoke yestordny. Miss Florence Fairchild, of Dalton. is visiting friends on this side Tho early closing movum-nt is being agitated among the hardware mer chants on this side. The Di mocrnts of the Fourth ward will hold their caucus this evening iu Alderman Oram's offleo. C0TH INJUNCTIONS DISSOLVED. Judge Qunstcr s ; His Opinion in the Cross Cases. Judge Gnnster handed down opinions yesterday dissolving the Injunctions heretofore granted tho city against the Scranton Gas and Water company and thn gas and.wutor company against tho city. In the former case tho judge said that the city bases its right to an in junction on ati ordinance passed on .March 1GV1884, but that for almost Ion years that ordinance has beou a dead letter. He did not think the reasons sufficient to warrant him in granting a peruianont injunction. TROUT FRY FOR THE ASKING. Gat Your Senator or Rsprae'ontativs to Endorse Your Application. The Pennsylvania Commissioners of Fisheries will havo on hand for distri bution after March 1 about :i,2.")0,000 trout fry, and announcement N made that applications for this species of fish for planting In suitable waters will now lie recelvad. These applica tions should be made to the following commissioners, who will furnish blanks for tilling out: Henry O. Ford. ly-M Vine stroet, Philadelphia; H. 0, DemUtb, Lancaster; John Gay, 1020 Vine wtirtM I 1 i i -i . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n,,r !h,v we .1 Mackis's Company Fails to Make a Big Hit at the Acadtmy. Oh, Jimmy I Oh, Jameseyl Oh, Grimesey, me boy 1 Everyone who was at tho Academy of Music lsst evening and had pre viously seen the star of tho company. Jamta B. Haokie, in "A Bunch of Keys." expected a much better enter tainment than they wero given. Truth to tell, the show pleased only a few a verv few. ' Mackie mads the same facial contor tions that ho did half a dozen years ago. Thoeo who looked for an im provement iu his work failed to soe any. The audience was large and vigor ously applauded wheiiuvsr it had a chance. The songs wre not at all new, and ono or two of the company risked their lives by warbling such delectable sam ples of classical tunes as "Two Little Ciirls In Bine." and ''Daisy Boll." They were brave actors. Mr. Mackie did all his work in his own llap-CJ BSD-bang style. His prin ciple lOUorette was u young woman of the "Uee tree tvpe, who boasts or the raro name of Vivee Nobriga, who sang badly and looked as if sho was hunting for a "scrap. " Tho rest of the com pany's acting was not good or bad enough to attract attention. NOTES SMI SIDE Happenings or a Day That Will Interest Han; Tribune Readers. SMALL BOY SERIOUSLY INJURED SCHILLER LODGE FCMILV MEETING. Annual Gathering and Banquet Held in Excelsior Hall. Schiller lodge, Free nnd Accepted Masons, held its annual family gather ing and bamiuet iu Excelsior hall last evening. It was an enjoyable altair and seventy live couples sat down to the tables, which were spread in the largo room on the second floor. The tables were profuiely decorated with plants. Schiller lodge is composed of the representative Germans of the city, and all turned out to do honor to the occasion. J. C, Lunge was toastmaster, and during the evening Frank Lsuth nor. F. L. Wonuser, P. F. Gunster, M. D., N. G. Goodman, Edmund Bartl snd Moritz Bwartskopff made rc markd, Frank Lenthner, retiring master of the lodge, was presented with a hand som Masonic emblem by his fellow Masons. After suppor, dancing was enjoyed. The hull was tastefully decorated with palms and ferns, ami Schmitt's orches tra furnished the music. EAST LYNNE AT WONDERLAND. Good Houses Greet Mies Flora Stam ford, thi Accomplishad Actress. Flora Staniford in ''East Lynne," was the attraction at Wonderland yesterday, and she was greeted by good crowds. The play is one in which Miss Staniford excels, and the last time she played it iu this city Wonderland was not large enough to hold the crowds that turned out to witness the production. Miss Stuuiford displays some mag nificent costumes in this play and the ladies should not fail to see them. The members of the supporting company need no commendation in this city. When the company played here before they all distinguished themselves in their various liues. Mr, Dorcey es pecially, proved himself an excellent comedian. MRS. GAFFNEY STOLE A GOOSE. But Mayor Connell Orderd Her to Pav for the Same. Mrs. Ann Qaffney, of the Wost Side, is very well acquainted with tho po lice. Her latest escapade was to steal a goose from ono of her neighbors, Patrick lliggins by name, Who, resides on Meridian stroet. When brought hsfora Mayor Con nell last, evening in police court Mrs. Gaffnoy claimed that as she was walk ing down the stroet lliggins ran up to her and laid the goose down on the ground and then made his departure without saying a word. Tito mayor took no stock in the storv and told Mrs. Qaffney she must pay $2 for tho fowl nnd settle the costs of the .,aso. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connor Accidentally Hurt with a Toy Gun and Is Now in Wells' Hospital. Funeral of Mrs. Griswold New Officers of St. Patrick's Society. Shorter Paragraphs. John Connors, tho 12 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connors, of the Arlington hotel, was painfully injured last week and is now In Well's hospital, Philadelphia, undergoing treatment. Tho boy was presented with a toy gun at Christmas and while playing with it a discharge entered the region of the eye. Mrs. Connors took him to Phila delphia on Saturday and it is hoped that no serious consequences will re sult. Funeral of Mrs. Griswold. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Griswold, was held from her late home on Hiko ory street yesterday morning, At 9 o'clock the remains were borne to St. Mary's church, where the pastor, Rev. Father Christ, sang a high mass of re quiem and preached. The remains were laid to rest in the German Catho lic cemetery. The pall bearers were H. J. Ziegler, William Scholl, John Demuth, Charles Schench and Henry Wetter. The funeral was largely at tended. New CfHcers Elected. The following now officers were elected by the St. Patrick's Catholic Total Abstinenoe sooioty Sunday: President, James P. Lsvelle; record ing secretory, Frank Brady, jr. ; finan cial secretary. C. J. Ruddy; corre sponding secretary, Michael Riley; treasurer, John Mayock. Shorter Paragraphs. A special policeman will be engaged by the board of control to preserve or der at No. 2 school on Sundays and to prevent vandalism. Friends of Miss Julia Kelly, the young lady whose eye was injured Sunday, hope that her injury will not prove so dangerous as at first antici pated. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCrea were in Avoca yesterday, a niece of Mrs. McCrea and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, being dead. The funeral of James Devine will take place at 2 30 p.m. today! In his canvass for votes in the Twen tieth ward, Thomas McGrail is trying to induce voters to abstain from going to the polls on election duy. Iron fences about schools 2, 3 and 10 cost the board of control $750. James M. Melvin, who has been se riously ill, returned to Duryea last evening to resume bis duties as engi neer for Connell iv Co. Ferdinand Smith, who keeps a saloon at Simonson's, is dangerously ill. On Bundnv ho was visited by Dra. King and Wehlnu, NORTH END. The Leader. Tnu Tribune Encyclopedia Britannica covers every department of knowledge known to markind. The Tribune Encyolopodia Britannica is tho most complete reference library the world has ever seen. The Trihune Encyclopedia Britannica is tho highest authority ou every subject, being tho result of the labors of more than V00 scholars, each one a master special ist in hts class and a recognized authority on the Bubjoct of which ho treats. It has been said of the Encyclopedia Brit annica that, "If all other books should be destroyed, the Bible excepted, the world would have lost but little of its informa tion." The president of Yale college has said, "he will defy anyone to buy 3,000 volumes which will give him as good a working library as is furnished iu the Encyclope dia Britannica." The authority of the Encyclopedia Brit annica has never been questioned in any court of justicoln this country or in Eu rope. Lawyers take it into court to speak from it or quote it with the same nssuranco that tbey would from a law book. Nowadays everybody is expected to have an Encyclopedia. If you act at once you can get the best in print for a soug and sing it yourself. If you would bo one 01 the fortunate you should act at once. Only 10 cents a day, and it means success iulife. Call at The TRIBUNE E. B. department, 437 Spruce street, and seo for yourself what a library is now within your reach. BmntOTON Typewriters aud Edison Phonographs for sale and rent. Copying work executed. Phonographs rented for an ovening's entertniumeut. Telephone 2343. Edw. Uunstor, Jr., 435 Spruco street. " FOR A NEW YEARS GIFT You could make no better present than to buy a We have BOY'S ULSTER them, from $3.50 to $10.00. Martin & Delany, Coal Exchange Building. 132 Wyoming Ave. THE COLUMBUS MUSIC HOUSE New Bioycle. A new bicycle worth $75 will be sold for 35. The machine is guaranteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may bo Been at the Tribune ollice. Books ! Books I Books 1 During tho coming week we shall offer to the subscribers of The Triuunb Hare bargains in books. e have a large lino of bright aud pop ular volumes, elegantly bound, that wo intend to givo to the patrons of the paper at about one-fourth of tho nsual price. Tho following list will givo you an idea of the inducements and the unusual op portunities to secure valuable additions to your library. Betralar Trilninn's price. Price. Tho World's Fair (NeV) Ji60 I .85 Pictorial History of thetireat Civil War 3.00 Pilgrims' Progress (lllust'od) 2.50 Earth, Sea and Sky 2 75 Marvelous Wonders 'J.75 Life and Works of Spurgeon 1.60 Pictorial History of the Bible 2.75 Museum of Wonders 2.75 From Pole to Pole 2.75 Pictorial History of the Uni ted States 3.00 Science of Life 2.75 Lifoof Parnnm 1.50 Indian Horrors 1.50 J Bephus 3.00 Shepp's Photographs 8.50 8 Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvania The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos, Everett Pianos. Vose & Sons ' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos, THE WORLD RENOWNEu Estey Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Cottage Organs, Palace Organs, And all kinds of Musical Merchandise constantly ou hand. The Holidays are hero, and this is tho place to buy Pianos for a Christmas 1 resent. Prices are lower than any other music store in Scranton. Speoial Attention Remember always when vou start out to search for a Piano or ON gan that Christopher Columbus points with bis right hand to the exaot plaoe" you want to go. Nowhere It Is: OPPOSITF. COLUMBUS MONUMENT, SCRANTON, PA. 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Guernsey, Prop. .90 l.uo .50 .50 1.00 1.25 (CUT YOUR COUPONS.) On presentation of two of tlie'.e Coupous, Subscribers of THE TKIII- IT'K ninv nurrlmun unv hoolr in thn abovo list. YOU IN FAVOR OF A NfcW BOROUGH. A Second Grand Jury Save Throop Should Be a Borough. In presenting its final report to court yesterday the grand jury stated that il had passed favorably on the petition of the citizuns of Throop asking that that portion of Dickson City borough be ma le a separate borough. The report said "that aftsr a full in vestigation of the esse a majority of the jury do lind that the conditions prescribed by tho acts of assembly iu such cases inado and provided and re lating thereto have been complied with, and believo that it is expedient to grant the prayer of thu petitioners.' NEW PASSES OF TRACTION COMPANY. They Are for Ue ou the Lines Within Limit, of the City. The passes of the Scranton Traction company for the year 1B1H aro being distributed. They are good only within the lirai Is of tho city and are in book form. Ech book contains 101) coupons printed on chocolate colored paper. Every coupon will be honored as a tare tor tho per son holding the book, but for no other The old passes will not be honored after Wodnesday. FRED DURR THE NOMINEE. Defeats C. M Truman in the Eighth Word for Select Council. The Republican caucus in the Eighth ward lust ovening was a spirited one, and the contest waged warm from 4 until 7 o'clock. The contestants for select conncil were C. .d. Truman and Fred Durr. Vhn tho count of votes was finishod it stood: First district, Truman, 55; Durr, 4!). Second dislict Trumau, 43; Durr, 84. Majority for Durr. 29. George F, Jacobus was nominated for common council. Beadloston & Woorss'e and Ballantine's Alee nretho best. E. J. WaUW, ageutjl The marriage of Mark Lenalian and Nellie Conway, both of Dickson City, will take place tomorrow at St. I nomas church. Kev. M. J. Conway, brother of the bride, will perform the cere mony. Miss Colia Ruddv will aot as bridesmaid and Patrick Higley attend the groom. The funeral of Mrs. N. J. Woods took place from the late residence of her pareuts on North Main avenue Sunday, The funeral was largely at tended. Interment was made iu Hyde Park Catholic cometery. The marriage of Anthonv Neary aud Miss Mary A. Paddeu ii announced to take placoon Jau. 24. The funeral of tho late Mrs. J. D. Evans, of Delaware street, Green Ridge, took place yesterday. Inter ment was made In the Odd Fellows' plot, Forest Hill cemetery. Drentford Akerloy, of Clark's Green, was a caller ou Providence friends yes terday. There will bo a special meeting of tho Christian Doctrine society at St. Mary's hall this evening. The Christian Doctrine society will give a literary and niusioa! entertain ment on Thursday eveuing in St. Mary's hall for the poor of the Nortb End. This society has existed in Holy Rosary parish for more than ten year, aud has accomplished much good among tho deserving poor. Tho follow ing programme has been prepared for the occasion: Instrumental duot. Misses A. Hell and Mary Urady Recitation, "Robert of Sicily." Miss A. Dolphin Vocal solo Miss Kathryno Mougan Recitation, 'The Mystic Chain." flliss Mary Flyun Vocal solo Miss Belina Noon Recitation Mius Mattio Flynn Vocal duet. MISS'S Mary O'lioylo aud Ocrtio McEnchen Recitation Miss Lotta Hawks Solo c. Berry mentation iiliss Allen Solo M. J. Coyne Furce, "Sim Dempsey'a Visit." W. burke, M. J. t'oyno, F. Dovors PROBABLY don't know it, but it is a fact We have the largest line of medium priced DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS in the city. We sell no goods but what we guarantee. SILYERWARE, CUT GLASS, BRIC-A-BRAC. CHINA l HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. AMUSEMENT NOTES. A. Y. Pearson's spectacle. ''Land of the Midnight Sun," will be the attrac tractiou at the Academy of Music this evening. The curtain rises on a beau tiful midnight scene on the coast of Iceland. Then with expert mechanical devises it changes to a tempest scene on the const of North Carolina. All the realism that stagocraft can bring to bear is used with telling effect, to gether with a thrilling donouement closes the act. THE UXTTBD MAIL. At the Academy of Music Thursday evening Elmer E. Vance'a familiar "Limited Mail'' will be presented. This is one of the best of the many railroad plays at present on the stage and never falls to please. A IIAILHOAD TICKET. Freeman's comedians in "A Railroad Ticket" will be at the Academy ou Fri day night. This piece was here several weeks ago and made a big bit. It ia ono of the best faroe comedies on tbo road. A Bieyolo for $35. A youth's bicycle will be sold at $95, worth (75. Call at Tribune office BUSINESS NOTICES, Reinhnrt'e Market, 83 and ."' Lnckawnnna avenue. Every day from 0 a. in. to 1(1 a. m. Round steak. He: sirloin steak, 14c.; standing rib i t, 10c. ; chuck roast, be.: boiling meat, 4c,; fresh pork, 1" . ; pork sausaqo, iv IF YOU WANT A Photograph taken of your Wife or Chlldron, II 1 1 IIouso, 8vi;kthi;kt Or Yi ursolf, yon ennnot do bottor than CALL AND 8KK epBoiattm At Van Gordor's Gallery, IM Spruce street. Special Attention given to developing and (lninini for amateurs. 6 BONDS for SALE To Investors. WITH SCRANTON' Axlo Works 1 have issued 175,000 of t; per cent. Coupon lionils, interest puyiibleseiiii-aniiiially.Tlii'St) bondf are to run lor ten years, iroin INov. 1, ist:. Only a limited amount aro offered 6or snle to investors These bonds are lirst mortgage on the entire plant of the Company. and are issued Cor tho nurposo of enlarging the works. The bonds are of t lie denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100 each. For further particulars address JNO. M. KEMEREB, Ties. Or E. H. RIPPLE, Treasurer, SCRANTON, PA. Do Oo i You You Need Need an an Ulster? Overcoat? YOU do, now is the time to buy one, and our store is the place to get it. Be at cause we are going to sell every one which we have in our store this winter. Price is no object, profits have now disap peared, and you can buy one very cheap. Try it. THE CLOTHIERS FOR THE PEOPLE. 220 Lackawanna Ave. P. S. Look for our name before the door before en- terinr. Make no mistake. MARK DOWN MEN'S SLIPPERS All those who are seeking useful and serviceable SLIPPERS should avail themselves Immediately of the bargains now ou sale iu 'S SLIPPERS Men's Fi.ust Slipper. ...S.OO Men's Alligator Slipper, Men's Russia t'alf Men's Russot Goat " Men's Kangaroo 1 Men's Velvet Op'ra' Meu's formerly $!."0 formerly 11.00 1.50; formerly 1.50; formorly 1.50; formerly l.OO; forniorly .50; formorly 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 Also, a variety of Fancy and Colored Slippers, in all shapes and styles, at figures far below market prices. SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. WYOMING AV& tin THEY FILL THE BILL. Wo have the most rompleto assortment of Men's FurniHlilnit Goods that over appealed to the eye or to the taste. Homo of our new shades and designs in Tios aro especially at traetlve. They are boHIiik at flauro which Kive you no excuso for boiuif without all Borts of sizusi aud stylos. Christian, THE HATTER 205 Lackawanna Avonuo. 9 G.W. Owens & Co. 50s; Ladies' Tailors and Furriers, R1 :CIC ir.. COI KT HOUSE syUAKB DON'T Think that bought your because jou hare not Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tlio Eye. Headaches and Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eye Glasses and Spectacles at the Lowest Prices. Host Artificial Eyes inserted for $.1. 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poat Office. WINTER FURS OR CLOAK, EUR CAPES, JACKET WRAP OR MACKINTOSH That yon can get along without it thig winter. We hare three mouths of cold weather ahead of us. To dress warm is to have GOOD HEALTH. You will find our stock large with NEW IDEAS. If you think of buying or not, visit us. We may have just what you were looking for. You know that a garment that fit perftotly is what you will buy. The Price Will Please You. SlllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllg CUT THIS OUT. II TRIP AROUND TIE WORLD " Portfolio of Photographs COUPON. January 9,1894 5 Send or bring in 2 Coupons 2 of different dates, together 2 with 5 eents, and receive this S Album of rare Photographs. THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Penn ATo. and Spruco St. CUT THIS OUT. I liiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiigiiiMuiiuu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers