THE SCHAXTON' TTtlBTJNE-TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY t). 1894. ONE CENT A Word. It aufs ( all ktudi OOtl that mueh, erit Situations Wmttwhieh are (nurt$d RSS. Situations Wanted. U,ANTKD A S1TI A'J'lo.N pi A M AH ried in. .11 ! 11ns ii fair education and can give tho bust Of rsferenOS In regard 1" 1 .1 1 i 1 i i Dun had experience M wert In More, an farmer ami as school teacher. Ad dress N. N , Tribune office U" r ANTED Vol' NU LADY ' lKSIKr.S A position lit oltlce us !. i. lit .!. ; uud typewriter. Will work for toe eipi rtsBC she Mould gain. Would prefer u place tint in it few weeks would receive salary. Address A. Ji Tribune olHce, Help Wanted - Male. Uated-a' vyyNu UAN to keep books; must be good writer und n r:i id AUd accurate accountant, ono who lives on the South Bide preferred. Address Hroour, South Side. City. Help Wanted- Kemales. U'AOTBU-UOOlJ UIKL ink i INEKA1. housework. Call 7)1, lolforion uvo. Kvi-n lngs only. Wanted. A' ui ... I I . - .'-I . :. WwHeS AN INTKliEsT in established business in central part of city; capital ruiiutred not to exceed fifteen bundled dollars, . iportiiig modi or hardware preferred. .1 A., Tribune Otlice. XATANTBD- WOKK TOR a nui.iD TEAM V Will work cheap. Address H. A. BMITH, luumioiv. Ph. For Sale. l.'OK SALE . X6S& FA KM, STOCK I' mid utensils. J, at. SHKFFIKLD, tit Mouro ave. V'OK SALE -ONE NR W VOBT 'i'Yl'K I writer, also one new Abbott cheek punch, ut a bargain. Address II. J,, care Tribune or Bee. 1'OJt SALE SI i:iUANlli: FOR HI 'K AN " ton property A besrltlf orange grove Inoraaalng in production and value yearly in the orange section in Horidn. Addre r. E. NETTl.EToX. Lake Helen, Fiorina GENERAL NEWS OF DOS ES Furllier Particulars of Montgomery County's Alleged Big Anthracite Find, For Kent. i;OK HENT A I.ARUE SToRH ROOM AT J 441 Spruce street. Iiuinire at 114 Wyom ing JHUII-. T'Ok" UENiT- THE nTTNlSllliD KLSb -T deuce of the lute iw Milan w. Hanueee, 127 Jafftl son avenue, with or without ham in the rear. Itiiiiire of 11. A. Kuapp, Kcpublicau building. . I. UK HENT -TWO-STOKY BltlCk OWEL X Hut; house; modern improvements. :il.r Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, ageut. 721 West Lackawanna avenue. '0 LET FOB A TERM OF YF.AU--I Part or all of three hundred feel of yard room along railroad. Apply at 24 Franklin awuue. rjno HENT -STOKE 26xflu OR FURNISHED J ball on Green Kidge street. Wry desira ble location and ou reasonable terms. Apply to F. E. NETTLETON or 0 S. WOODKl.Fr, J.. I ; . .ii building. Lost. St 'between t u r CATHEORAL -1j and w -ii- v avenue, one largo gold cuff buttou: flniler will be rewarded by leaving it t the hardware store or T. FJ LaOUaru, No W5 I.acaa. avu. Lost two cab oil cups. Finder wiH da rawardad by returning to Nealis' lilvery, Oakford alley. Special Notices. H I A DQVUk RTEU.S " J.i klik.vant Ezra S. Unirnx Pust, No. Us Department qv Pa. O. A. K. BdWUtTOa", Fa., Jan. 9, im. J tieneral orders No. 8: Ootnrsdea, again wo are called upon to as- ni.'Uible tn rollow one of our comrades to the total), Comrade David J, Davis died at his borne, liio Jackson street, Sunday afternoon, The funeral will be at the house aa l.Aip. ni. "Wednesday. Jan. Ml The post will assemble ut post headquarters at 1 0 clock sharp Wed Mtdayi in full unlrorm. to attend the funeral, Interment at Forest Hill cemetery. Thir teenth Regiment, N. 0. P.. drum corps, will please take notice and bf gorerMd aeOOTuV jngly. By order of En L. IIAA9, Sr. V. Commander, .1 R, Thomas. Adjutant. THE ANNL'AL MEETINd OF THE stockholders of 1 he Jloosic Powder Com nany will be held at their ottlce in the city of Soi un ton. Pa, on Wednesday, January ltiV4, at eight o'clock p. DL, for tho purpose of electing directors for the eustiing year and t rarisactlng such other business an may come before them. No transfer of stick will bf made for ten days ueit preceding the day of lefitlon. JOHN D. HHEHEK. Secretary. rpHI ANNUAL STtn'KHoEDEKS MEET 1 ing of the Weston Mill Co., for the adop tion of by-laws, election of ofiicors. mid such ither busine-is as may come helore the meet lug. will be held at the I 'list National liank at eight u clock p ui , Saturday. January 13th, 1BSI A. W. DICKSON, Secretary. THIKD NATIONAL BANK SiRANTON, Dc 139X fl'HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE J stockholders of this bank for the election ct directors, and such OUST business si may come before it. will be held at the baubinu i in - on Tuesday. Jan K 14. The polls will be open from J i in. to 4 j). in HENRY BELIN. JR., S-. . XJOTICR OF ELECTION -THE ANNUAL meeting of the shareholders of the First National Bank. Scranton, Pa., for the election of directors for the ensuing year, will bo held at the banking house on Tuesday, Jan. ti, 1W. Foils will be open d from J until 4 o'clock, Ji m. ISAAC POST. Cashier. LECTION NOTICE - THE ANNUAL J i meeting of the stocltholders of the Seran tOB St.. vo Works will In held at the offloe of tlie couinuny in tfcrant.m Saturday. Jan 13, 1804, a. 0 FULLER, Haeretary Scranton, Pa.. Dk: t, IM THE ANNUA1 i UVSmwn ,,L. ,i.rfc a NixicKuoiuers 01 me r"cranion uiuminat lug, Heat and Power company will bo held at the offloe of the t'oinpauv. l.ili Wyoming ae ...... .... T .. . l..n 1,1 IU.1J , . I i. j ii ii,. ,u, .ijvi, uv t . u., for the election of directors for the etisu ing year and raob other business as may come belore theUl. FRED C, HAND, Seeretary. Scranton. Pa.. Dec. 15. UPJ ANNUAL MEETISll OF STOCK Hi lU er.s of the Lackawanna Lumber coin pany will he held Tuesday. Jan. it., S4, at Ml o cluck a. in , at the Third Natloual Lank of h. ranton lor the election of directors for the ensuing ynnr and such other business as may pi operly come befoie the meeting. .1. I.. CONN ELL, Sec'v. '0T1CF. IS HEKEHV HIVEN THAT THE ilriu of 1. A. Finch A Company, having old their entire plant business and goodwill to the Finch Mannlacturing Company, have this day, December 30th, I8II3, gone out of Imainwsa. All persons having claims svuiust the retiring llrni are requested to preatpj t hem o Mr. Irving A. Finch, through whose hands all such payments and all collections will be made. "'I1 HE SOLDIER IN' nl'lt TVIL WAR,' A containing Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every page illustrated. Over WO pages. As an edu cator it is unexcelled Sold on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered' complete. Address P. ). Moody. 800 Franklin avenuo, agent 'or Northeastern Pennsylvania. CCRANTUN WKINUH'h HOSPITAL, 810 (j Spruce street, ground floor. Tho best kolld white rubber rollers, ono dollar each. Work guaranteed by thu oldest and only ex pert wringer repairer in Scranton. Public Sale. J JUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES tate Pursuant to an order of the or phan's court of Lackawanna county, Penusyl vauia, there will be sold at public sale at the nrbitrstion room In the court house In the city of Scranton, on Saturday, the .''it h day of January, ivn. the following described runt es tate, late of John J. O'tlara. deceased, to wit: A valuable lot of ground situate In the cltv of Scranton, county of Lackaw anna and state of Pennsylvania, known and designuted as lot No. V, in square or block aud situate upon ' .! cili, J and kuown as Pear si ruut upon the town plot of the city of Scranton, intended to he duly recorded Mild registered; said lot being forty (40 feet in frout and forty (0) feet in rear and one hundred uml sixty four (104) feet in depth. All improved with a double frame two-story dwelling house, fruit trees and out buildings, subject to reserva tion of coal and minerals. Persons desiring to view the presslses will please call on Mrs. Mary O'Hsra, administratrix, residing there on. Salecoinmenoos at lU a. m. Conditions piado known at ante by MARY O'HARA, Administratrix. Dec 10, 1898. Jessnp ft Hand, Attorneys, IS SAID TO BE A GENUINE ONE An Old Indian Tradition Corroborates the Narrative, Which, of Course, Settles the Matter In the Affirma tive New Mining Developments In the Lehigh Region Railway Build ing in Pennsylvania Last Year. Minor Notes. Montgomery county's anthracite coal "find'" is described us an ununnally rich one. The "find" is on the farm of John K Shirley at Areola, ti station on the 1'erkiomen railroad, and every indication. It is said, points to millions of tone of fuel bcintf Mend in the great bills in that section. The coal lias been discovered in three separate places, indicating a continunnn oxteti sion of the vein for over 8,000 feet through the bills. Samples of it have been burned by Mr. Shirley and his neighbors, wbo nronouncu it excellent fuel. John and Daniel (J. Boyle, wbo have bad twenty live years' experience prospecting in the anthracite coal re gions, and other experts ware shown the opening of the vein several days ago. and after a careful exami nation the Boyle brothers pro nounced it the finest showing of the kind they bad ever seen. The coal so far mined has been merely ou the outer edge and has become thoroughly saturated with water, bnt the i a ports declared the vein to bs one of excellent white ash eosl, Mr. Shir ley has not yet taken any steps toward the formation of a company to mine the coal. No deficit estim its can yet be nisde ns to the extent of the coal bed, but there appear to be several veins ou top of each other. The dis covery has had a wonderful effect on tii usually quiet neighborhood, and the price of land has gone up to fab ulous figures. In fact, nobody will sell any. Since the discovery of the coal an old legend has been revived in the neighborhood to the effect that a hundred ye irs or more ago the In dians, wbo conhl still be found there at the time, had discovered the secret of the coal hidden in the hills. They are said to have used it us fuel an 1 been willing to sell it to blacksmiths, but would never divulge where they got it from. The Htzolton l'lain-Snaakei gives the following account of contemplated mining in its region: "Preparations are being made at Jsansville for the driving of a rock tunnel to reach the Buck Mountain vein,whioh wai proven tbere some years ago. The tunnel will start 180 feet at of the bottom of No. 10. end will be driven north n distance of 210 feet, when it isexpected to strike the vein. As soon ns the vein is reach cd a gangway will be driven west until a point can be roachnd, and a Blope driven to surface. Where the vein will be first reached, it will crop out on land of E. B. Cose A Co., and in or der to reach a point where it will crop on theJeausville tract it will be necess ary to drive the gangway west from the tunnel. After the slope is completed so far as the surface it will bo driven to the basin. It is thought that the vein will cover the same area as tn Mammoth and Wharton veins do now. A new Allison pump will be placed in the No, 10 slope and the tun nel will be driven by machines." The recent death of John Moser, of Coaldale, reveals some curious history, John was the youngest son of Btirk hart Moser. jr., who was the first white in He is said to have been the direct heir of Burkhart Moser. who first discovered coal in Panther Creek V,illey,and whose property, now valued at tl-t,i)00,n00,is it is legaliy by tho Lehigh Coal and Navi gation company. It Is claimed that be, with his father, came to Tamaqua in the early days, and by an examination of the sand in the bed ot the Wabash creek, where it empties into the Schuyl kill river, discovered what they sup posed was mineral and decided that tho land was of a paying quality. This find resulted in the pnrchase of 'J50 acres of land on Owl Mountain by Bnrkhart Moser. sr. Later Barkhart Moser, jr., purchased 1,000 acres of land, comprising the Dutch Hill por tion of Tntnsqua and extending east ward to n point near No. 10 breaker. They were the first to discover noal on this p,operty,smalI quantities of which were mined and conveyed to Lshigb couuty and thure sold by the bushel. For a score of years or mora the de scendants of Burkhart No. 1, have been endeavoring to regain the possession of the vast estate.which they claim justly belongs to them. The hoirs stilt hops to establish this. The dispute is now awaiting trial before the courts of Schuylkill county and is expected to come up in the near future. Isaac L. Rice's campaign ng.tiust the Heading receivers Mine to an ignomin ious termination in Pniladulpbia yes terday, when at the annual election of officers, ho received the support of only 117,11-' shares for president, agaitiBt MBii,3oy shares cast for the re-election of President Harris. The other officers and the board ot managers of the rail road company and the board ot direc tors of the Coal and Iron company were elected by a vote ot 889,808 shares, there being no opposition. Various Minor Items: The Baltimore aud Ohio relief depart in. -n t is to be extended over the lines of the Pittsburg and Western, which is con trolled by the Baltimore and Ohio. Tim Western Now York and Pennsyl vania litis ahundoiipd the road between Brocton andjCorry ponding the reconstruc tion ot the trestlus between Hroctou and Sherman. j For about 1100, (XJ0 (Jeorge Westinghuuse. i jr., has purchased the Westinghouse Ma chine company, or I'lltsburg, an import ant branch of the industries there bearing his name. Contracts for supplying coal to the Uni ted States war ships at Kio Janeiro will soon be awarded b tho secretary of the navy, aud it is likely that the Newport News and Philadelphia coal exporters will secure the awards. The Ohio convention of miners at Co Iambus this week is awaited all over the state with great anxioty. About -',000 idle miners m the state are now in distress. Prices for Iron and steel are declared to have been still f urtber shaded st oasteru centers since, the beginning of the year. Xiao President Udell Miys the New Kng lanifTccclvership has not aa yet affected through tariff, which compares very favor ably with last year. Orders have been isiued by the Reading Coal uud Iron company closing its collier ies two days each week Friday and Hat urdny on account of dullness In the coal trsde. Temporarily tho work of surveying and laying out the line of the proposed ' New York, New England and Northern rail road, which was intended to f nrnish a N ew Y ork city terminus lor the New England, has been abandoned. The dividend declared by the Delaware aud Hudson directors of T par cunt, out of lost year's turnings Is payable in four equal instalments during thu year 18U4. 'I lie earuiugs of thu company last yuar equullod 10,'j per cent, on tho stock. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and those who have uot, huvo now the opportunity to try It Free. Call on the advertised DrQgglSt and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your nana and address to H. E. Huckleu & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Br. King's New Life Pilli, Free, as well as a ropy of lluiile to Hoalth aud Houehold Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. - For Rheumatism, Lumbago. Neuralgia, Cramp and Colic there is no remedy super ior to tho genuine Dr. Thomas' F'.lectric Oil. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL fit r. its and Eonds. Nik YORK, Jan. 8. During the first half of the day the tendency of prices at tho Bto 'k l'.xchango was decidedly up ward. Tito large Increase in east bound shipments from Chicago last week, tho superabundance ot money and reports from Washington that the tax on distilled spirits would ne increased to Jl.'JO per gal lon aud th ut a duty of iiy cents per 100 pounds would lie imposed ou roilnod sugnr.all contributed to the bullish feeling. General Electric rose 2, sugar s1., Chicago (las l v. I .... k Island ItK Distillers Uli.New England Western Union 1, Burlington I, Northwest 1 H and Lake; Shore K- Rend ing, Louisville and Nashville and North ern l'aciii'' preferred were weak through out, Beading fell 1 the annual report having proved a disappointment. North ern Pacific preferred declined 1 on re ports that the .mi, nut of money requirod, to put the property on its feet had been underestimated. Louisville aud Nashville were weukened by old stories of tbe passing of the dividend. The stock sold down l !;Tho hears detected liquida tion in the afternoon mid immediately j began to pay Attention to stocks that huve j scored the 'greatest advances during the past ten days or ro, Hugar, Rock Island ! wore uaeli forced dowu i! uer cent. Tho - decline in these stocks led to realization In other parts of the list, and at the close there wore a number ot issues whioh were below Saturday's llual. Compared with Saturday closing tho general list shows losses of ,',to "J percent; the latter iu Reading. .Sugar gained J, Kock Island H.H, Distillers 1, General Electric and Now England :'.,. Total sales were 'JV7,0ub shares. The following complete table showing the day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied aud revised dally by I.aBar It Fuller, stock brokers, Ul Wyoming avouue: Open- HUh- Low- Clos ing. sit) est. ing. Am Cot. Oil M Ul' If -S Am. Hugar. HIT 84 Sly Si4N a. t. 's. F tia rjt.1 iij Ufl Can. So iilii.j TiO'ii Ui in ceu. Sr. j lint i lots, no no Chic, ft N. W ns I0II4 loOt loom 0., B. ft U TUf "t, TU2 T&s, chic. Qu Us Gbtn 00 t P.. C.c.ftsi. L... 96W so- B6M 354 Col, Hock.Val. T D ft H ittM MM l' IK D . L. ft W his m IN 10H D.ftC. F 25 '-'CU B '.'it Erie MM UtJ MM IHi O.K. Co Ulj Nl M WR Lake Shore I'-.'Vi 12U IN I' ll, ft N 4 Wk 4'JMi 4'.!j Manhattan tn Ut m hM Miss. Pac -I's -I'fi "-'" M Nat Lead MN 91 Ml BNj N, Y. ft N. E ll'i 12W. IIM 1IW ft, Y. Central VtM Nftf Ifffi pal N.Y.. 0. ftW Ufl fj'u I6K lofj BEir Dull, steady: family, Illal3; ex tin mess. Ptag.oii. blew UAMS-Quiet, t5alS.2u. Tickoud Bskf-DuII; city extra India mess, tlUaSO. Cut pickled bellies, 12 lbs., VltfaTJio; pickled shoulders, 0c: pickled hamsOaOc; middles, nominal. Laud Firui.qmot; western steam closed at tb.IO: city, T'o.: Janunry, 18.80: Feb ruary, $8.05; May, Jb.Ofj; reiinod, dull; con tinent, s.7S: South America, tUo&; com pound, Sflal).:J7,!t. Poiik ilore demnnd, firmer; moss, clla 1460. Butter Fair demand, fancv steady; statu dairy. 17aiMo.;du., cieamury, WiiMSc. : western dairy, !5,VilUc; do., creamery, BOaSoXo.) do., factory, U)fe1le.; elgins, WHc ; imitation creaiuery, ltiu'JOc,; rolls, l&uI9c. Cheese Moderate demand, firm; state large, Bailee.; fancy, llkci do. small, llali'ic, part skims, 4al0c.; full skims. 23c. Eggs Moderate demand, firm; ice house, ISalTo.) limed, I54'altlc.; western fresh, SOaSlKo.) do. seconds, per case, l,90a9Wj southern, I'Jalc. Philadelphia Tallow Slarkst. rnil.AUELrniA, Jan. S. Tellow is tirm, but quiet. Prices wero: Prime city, in hogsheads, 5c; country, prime, In barrels, 5c. do. dark, iu barrels, 4Vc; cakes, t)c. ; grease, 414c. ii ' 1 Si 1 11 1 Henry Schoenhals foreman Henry Krng Packing '., St. Joseph, Mo. uses Br. Thomas' Eclectrlc oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. U is the bust. Any lubwibrr of 'V'ic 'J'ribunt mny se cure u boofc of jtuur ami oal ;...-. worth ft nirf miii raee 60 sentepa earh bCUTfl offtvur uml I , cents on MCA tun of coal. Y.. S. ft W V. H. 0, Co North Pac North Pac. pf I 'malm 2(1 I I7M N MI 2u N 4li I'll 101, W NH H3M lunanii mis .nu ,k,i Pac. .Mull lit., I,., i it... Reading IflM M 17M It Rock Island. R. T St. Paul T..C. ft 1... Texas A: Pae I nion Pae.. Wabash, pr. W. I'nion... .. 1'S .. 14 UK l;"itu tkllj f.7i m lN 14 His Hla MH4 S4?4 and Provisions. -The following guota correct d dally by La' jkers.l'.T Wyoming ave- Jan. May. July. SIM Snjl (iau, oitji NB m MM lUiU titi, til', ttii us mi .Ws N ' ' Mj SKti ill uu ssra .".1 2!ii4 N ilS N N NN 29 INO ISM i;iiu 8U 12 jo 1N6 wc IN) wj 77 iu ;sii Tiki 707 iSH 77 j 070 (". no w NO tut. ere :i Chicigo Grain Si'IiAnton, Jan. U Honiara supplied and Ear ft Fuller, stock br nuo. WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing ( I ATS, Opening Highest Lowest Closing PORK 'polling Highest Low st Closing Lard. Opening prTgbtst Lowest , CI, sing sh Rr BIBS, Opening Highest Lowest (.'losing New York Produce Market. New York. Jan. 8. FLoun Market quiet, held higher, winter wheat, low grades, jy.OOs'J.l.'i; do., fair to fancy. N.4S a'J.75; do., patents $.i.40aJ.lo; Minnesota clear, f2.60a2.Si); do., straights, $).25a3.75: do., patents, $;).S0a4.30; low extras, $2. 05a 2.4:"i: citv mills, t3.55n3.uo; do., patents, J4.20s4.50. Wheat Spot market dull, easier; No. 8 red, store uud elevator, 61a87)0.! afloat, 68j4sU9c.; f. o.b., iWaUSit'c. ; ungraded red, NaOBo.) No. 1 northern, 73o"3,Lt;a; options closed stoadv at .SjC. below Saturday; Na i red closed G7';;c,: February, C8.lic. j March. 60;",c: May, 71Jo.; June 72;bc; July, 7flbc; August, 7lc'. corn Spots quiet, firm; No. 2, 42Via 42Xc elevator; 43Ya49.lac. : alloat: un graded mixed, 424tt43c. ; steamer mixed, 42c. ; options dull, weak, .Ksc. lower; Janunry, 42c.; February, 43c; May, 44 "o. oats Spots qniet, easier; options dull, lower; January, 84c; February, 84Lc; March, :i4';c. ; Mny, 33c; No. 2 white, Febriiiirv.ut'.c; March, 80)0.; spot prices, No. 2, 34c; No. 2, whito, 88attXa; No. 3 Chicago. 3oc; No 3, 33c; No. 3 whito, bWaWWo.; mixed western, fMaKic.; white do., BSMa40tc-l white, state, 85Ka 40Hc Beecliam's pills are fot biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B.F.Aflen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Rest Cstate. 1 rouaic .11 a ut pi 10 AND LOT 1 1 M for sale. FOR SALE and iiauauarava, at s bamin UORCHEIJs P. V. AT 71J 1(1111 1 re l.'OR SALE- SINGLE HOUSE, (KlayUlNCy J avenue; very desirable location. Anply 5. F. KEY MOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARRISN ft KNAPP. ffl.i,l)WWlLL BUY MODERN NEWS-ROOM v house, all Improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madison avenue and 1 Mow in o street. Ap ply HARRY M i's Ql,4O0 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT ;p corner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. CURES Biliousneif. CURES Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. Connolly &, Wallace nnw m n- .i 1 . COATS JACKETS CAPES ALL THIS SEASON'S STYLES. HALF PRICE RULES FOR INSTANCE: $25 GARMENTS FOR $12,50 18 GARMENTS FOR 9.00 12 GARMENTS FOR 6.00 8 GARMENTS FOR 4,00 5 GARMENTS FOR 2.50 $20 GARMENTS FOR $10,00 15 GARMENTS FOR 7.50 10 GARMENTS FOR 5.00 6 GARMENTS FOR 3.00 4.50 GARMENTS FOR 2.25 This is a bona-fide reduction, and the greatest cut ever made in this class of goods. CONNOLLY & WALLACE LIVER Direct Proof. Mv wife has heen troubled with Liver Complaiut aud Pal- piranon or tne heart tor over a year. Uer caso ballied tbe skill of our test physicians. After usinu nin e Dottles 01 your Burdock Blood Hitters she is al most entirely well. We truly recommend your luodiclne. ur-ionoa W. Hhawll, Montpelier, Williams Ox, O j I DON'T FORGET That wo are hnadquartors for every thftii; in the line ot WATCH KM. If you have an Idea of purcliasiui; anv kind or a Watch, lady's or (ant's. QoM or Silver, you will make u uriav ous mistake It yon do Hot give 01 a call and get our prices, which yon will tind far below all otners, especially in all the in.-! grades of Elgin, Wallhaiii sad Hampden niovements. If you bav o any doubts and are at all posted on prices gi e us a call and wj will have no trouble iu convincing you. Wo still have a large stock to dispj-o of, and will olfur you won derful inducements in Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and all other goods which we baveiu stock. C. W. Freeman Pena Ave. and Spruce St. HOLLY WREATHS, BOXWOOD WREATHS, ROPING MISTLETOE, etc. Prices very reasonable. Space will not permit us to mention the good tbitiKH for a Christmas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a first class market. W. H. PIERCE, PENH AVE Dueber Hampden 17Jewel Adjusted Watches. f RUBY JEWELED lea ADJUSTED vM fi WATCHES .OrJf A the ,? It is marvelous how these famous. Watches arc taking the place oi all others where accu rate time is required. Railroad men will have nothing else. Duebeir Watch Works, Canton, Ohio MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING fl) Manufacturers and Dealers I Burning All AanJ lifarlcatlng UILO m Also Sbarting and Journal Greasa, 0FFICB:-7J1 West Lackawanna Ave. , WoiiKS: Meridian Street T tr HE DUTHE1L STUDIO Q1 C LACKAWANNA AVENUE, o i o SCKANTON, FA. H AVINi.1 MADE a contract Willi a $ frame factory to tum out 1,0)0 Irani. h between now and Christ O mas. 1 wish toannounce to the nub He. that. I will make a HEN CINE CKAYiiN l'oliTKAlT copied lrom nnv small one ABHOLUTELV FHEK OF CHAKHt. UflW HTYI.Ka OF l KAMI i FROM H'-VoO I I'WAKD. Workmanship guaranteed. 1'rames UU pur vent, less than regular pi le 1".. 1)1 TH Mill, Artist 209 WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court House. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY. JA 0. A SPECTACULAR TRIUMPH. A IIKEAT NOVELTY, lirst presenlatiou in this city of Edwin Harbour's Land of tie Midnight Sun A Strong Dramatic Company, heade.I by Mr. William Harcoiirt. Miss May Wheeler, Katie Ull bert and others. A Barbaric Romance of the Arctio Zone Elaborate Scenic Effects. Bale of seats opens f-uturday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, JAX. 11. atH SEASON 4th Tho Phonomonal Success. EI.MEK EC. VANi K M Great Realistic Kail road Comedy Drama, M LIMITED MAIL. and tho wonderful BEATRICE. A marvelous scenic and mechanical produc tion. A novelty, see the flight of "The Lim ited Mail." Beats ou sale Tuesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, JAN. Ii. Return Engagement i if- Freeman's Fun Makers In the Furiously Ennny Faroe Comedy, A RAILROAD TICKET Which scored such a tremendous success here four weeks ago. ALL LAUGHS. Sale of seats Wednesday. N. IL BROOKS, fiupt and Lecturer. JUARRV THOltNE. SUge Manager. Week commencing MONDAY, ,IANII AKY 8 The Ureal Emotional Actress, MISS FLORA STANFORD, Snppot ted by the Henry Comedy Com'ny. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday EAST - LYNN E Thursday Friday and Saturday. PRIDE AND POVERTY. I ii.-. to back of balcony; Oe. to frout of balcony and rear parquottn: oc opera chairs. Performances at and 1,11 Doors open at 1 it) and 7. DEN MUSEE Weak Commencing Jan. 8, '94. CURIO HAUL., WA r.T. AfT? n9 I'ntamable Lion n AUIIAUCI, and oilier uttractioiis. IIM THE THEATER. Entire new show. All new faces. Admit' sion to all parts of the housn TKCN cents Atlantic Refining Go, Manufacturers aniflDealers iu Illaminatiag and Lubricating OILS Linaeed Oil, NaptUas and Qaso linos of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Greaee and Colliery Com pound; also, a large line of Par raftius Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only family safety burning oil in the mnrket. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offlcot Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ave. Works at Fine brook. I(E3K. The only nnfo. sura and reliable Female PILL ever offered to Ladles, especially recommend ed to married Ladies. PILLS and take no other. circular. Price 81.00 per box, u Doxes lor ttli.oo. DKMOTT'IS CHEMICAL CX., - Clevelsiud, Ohio. tor Male by C. M. liAltKIS, Druggist, l .'T I'ouu Avenue, PENNYROYAL PILLS. Ask for VS. MOTT'S FBVaTTROTAL P1L1 Ifir a8nd for ciroular. Price HI. OO per I puzrzxc, B . . Mi i hi -, - i - wi ' THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE i:ay avhex you know how $300 IN PRIZES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOIMi THE PUZZLE IN THE SHORTEST SPACE OK TIME FOU SALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS ANI AT TOY SI OKI's, OR SENT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS, RY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 112 AND 114 SOUTH El'TAW STREET, BALTIMORE, Ml). 1 rowP 1 from (he X Y. Tiitunt, Kov. 1, J.'SJ. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 31. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. Tbe committee reports the flonr strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AIIUNT-. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had nt any of the following merchants, who will accept The Tribune flour coupon of on each one hundred pounds of flour or 00 on each bnrrel of flour. Bcrantou-F. P, Urice, Washington avenue, tloli Mednl lirand. Hyde wk Carson A Davis, Washhurn si. Hold Medal llrnnd: Joseph A. Mears.Main avenue. Superlative Brand. (IreenRidise A I,.Si.encei .( lold Modal Hrand. Iinnniore K. P. Price, Hold Modal Brand. Ulypuum James Jordan. Snperlntlve Brand. Duuuioro-K I). Mauley. Sunerlettvo Brand. Providence Penner & chapj.ell. N Main are. nuo. Superlative Brand;!. . I. (Illlesple, W. Market street. Hold Medal Brand. PeokviUe Bhaffsr i Ktiaer, Superlative Brand. Jennyn-C, D. Winters Co. Snperalativ Brand farhniidals W S. Clark. Hold Medal Brand. Houesdale-J. N. Foster et Ca Hold Medal Uraud. Honesdsle W.P. Si-lienck.Sunerlntive Brand l)alton-S. K. Finn Son, Hold Medal Brand Houldsboro S A. Adams. Hold Medal Braud Totyhanna- 'i'ohyhanna Hi Lehigh IiUinhJ CO., Hold Medal Brand. SURDAMS 133 Penn Avenue. 'Bargain Stores 103 Wyoming Avenue. Goode at the merest fraction of their value. Ooods for the kitchen. Qoode for the Garden. Goods f or tbe workshop. Goods for every day. Thousand of Bargains. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Pins, 4 papers for .1 cents. Matches, 12 boxes tor , cents. Household Ammonia, large sirs, Scents. Best French Blacking, 4 cunts, worth 1U ec-nU. Best Machine Oil, 4 cents. '."i" yard Spool t'ottou, II) cents a dozen. Knives and Forks, M cents to Sl.oO. Bread Knives, 1!) cents to DO cents. Mi sheets good Writing l'apor, d centa Ittgood Knvelopes, I cents. Blacking Brushes, 10 cents up. All kinds ot Hair, Tooth, Horse and Clothes Brushes. Suspenders, 5 cents to .10 cents. Men's one half Hose, good heavy goods.O pairs SO cents. Men's one-half Hose, very heavy, fine goods, 8 pairs 23 cents. 8 ouuee Tacks, 4 papers for 6 cents. Hammers. 4. 10. 15, 25. 80, a', and 59 e nil Saws. 15, 20, - M, 85, 40, 4&, 50, "5 cents an 1 3125. Planes, 25 cents tot Squares. HI cents to SI. A good list of Bits, tSSj a bargain. Chisels, all size, from 15o. up. Sad Irons, cheap. Dinner Falls, N cents up. Boys' Cloth Hats, M cents; cheap. Men's Hats, 20 cents to l. Tea Spoons, II for 25 cents; douplo plated. We sell these spoons, giving the buyer the privilege ot returning them after On year' use, if not satisfactory. Thay contain na brass or copper. Foe ket hooks. :), 5. 10, 20, 40 and 60 centi A good Ksior for SI. folly warranted. Razor Strops ot all kind. Remember the place: .'33 PENN AVE, 103 WYOMING AVE.
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