6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1894. Daily Chronicle OK Pittston Events. Tim Pchantox TniiU'Nr.'s Pittston ol'ilce, No. 8 South Main stroet, is in chnrgo of W. IS. Tooke and J. At. Faliy, to whom complniuta kad uows items my to relerroil by any subscriber. PRESIDENT HARDING'S CARD. The Chief of the Kefurin Movement Vents His Inilleatlon. President Benjimln Harding, of the citizens' political reform movement, smarting under the bare-faoed fraui toagbt to be perpetrated upon the tax pay m of thin town, in paving Railroad street, and its timely exposure, vents his Indignation in the following pub lished card : "It looks vory runcli like another niece of that official villainy that the p-opleof this community have had to endure within the last five yearn, and especially within the last three yearn. Were it not that wo have bec une so nc customed to this kind of villainy, the scoundrels under whoso official lanotioa these things tra done, would be branded and utterly despisad as public robbers, lie assured there i n reckoning day coining. These public officials who haw sought position! that they may occupy vantage ground, bav been treasuring up wrath until the day of wrath, and the day is nut far distant when Ihey must reap what they have sown. I am growing hopeful, from the fact that there is coming up in our midst a generation of progressive young men, pOMMting a more noble conception ot citizenship, aud a higher tone of moral character. "Thtae, together with the full and earnest support of nvory other good citiz.m, cau, and I firmly believe will, on the 00th of februiry next, deliver our borough from tin curse of the boodUra, and down them so doep po litically aud socially, that thoy shall die without hope. Down with the boodlen, and let there bo no nonsense about it." ENGINEER BARTL'3 R5PORT3. They Show an Overcharire of Easily One Hundred Per Cent. Civil Engineer E. EL Bartl. of Scran tou who baa been engaged surveying the work performed by Andrewi & Hmley on Ltuilroad street, and the grading and opening of Daley and La uranm streets bv Contractor Nolan, I has made his reports. Mr. Bartle re ports are accompanied by throL maps, one each of Railroad, Daley and La craoge streets. Without entering into the details of his measuretnonU of i Railroad street, his report shows that the actual amount of work done, giv ing the contractors in all eases the benefit of doubt, amounts' to a trirl l ovr $800. The contractors claimed $1,740 for the worir, and their bill was approved and ordered pail and an order drawn for the same by council, but Mr. Malouey has had an injunc tion served preventing its payment. The retaining wall which was built at the instance of the council was found to be nothing more than a skele ton from beginning to end. Luokilv, however, it has not bion accepted by the couucil. Mr. Bar tl's measurement of Daley street shows that the actual cost of work done in opening that thoroughfare amoauts to $1!):) 08 in stead of $388, the amount claimed by Contractor Nolan. DEATH OF WILLIAM BRUCE. Business Mouses of Pittston. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, Pittston. He Was Once trincipal of the West Pittston Seminary. Professor William J, Uruce. at one time prinoipil of the West Pittston seminary, die 1 recently at a private asylum in Philadelphia. He was pri vate secretary to General Sewell whe n that gentleman was president of the New Jersey senate. He also serve 1 General Sewell in the same capacity when the general was a member of the United States senate Mr. Bruce was subsequently mad secretary of the United States senate library committee aud later on secre tary of committee on Indian affairs, which position he occupied many years. Ho was also for a tima secre tary of the New Jersey State League (if Republican clubs and was historian of the Yorktowa Battalion organiza tion. HELD FOR INVESTIGATION. arrived here Saturday night, na is to take charge of the pattern department of the now sted range company. Detective James O'Brien, of the Le high Valley rail road, was circulating around town last week. He was ac companied by a couple of young men, who, it has been learned, are in his employ as detectives. Jimmie, as he familiarly Styled, is actively engaged collecting evidence to be used against James Hendriolf, now imprisoned at Wilkes-Barre charged with several. robberies, among which is the theft of a barrel of pi copper taken from the Lehigh Valley Railroad company's cars lust spring. The metal was stolen from a point on t ie Wilkes-Barre mountain and was valued at $100. Several churches in the two l'ittstons will observe the week of prayer. John Sourcman announces himself a candidate for the office of tux collector of West Pittston borough. The depression of the workings of the Old Forge colliery above the Lehigh Valley track at Duryea, caused great excitement in that baliwlok " Joseph Murray, West Side reporter of the Wilke- Bnrre Times, was a caller iu town yesterday. The lady friutids of the Elgin Hoie company will meet thnrsdsy evening Carrie Louis, and a first class reper toire company at Music Hall each evening this week. A regular meeting of the board of managers of the Young Men's Chris tian association will be held at the as sociation room), this afternoon at 4 80 o'clock. Considerable interest has been mani fested at the Water Street Baptist cbnreb revival meetings. The week of prayer will be observed by special ser vices. The Young Men's Christian associa tion praise service yesterday afternoon was conducted by voting iun, The funeral of N, P. Setsir, whose death occurred at his home at Mount Zion, was held at Lynn. Susquehanna county, at 2 o'clock yesterday after uoou. A meeting of the citizen's committee to fix a date for holding a citiz-n's con vention, is announced for this evening. The town council, says the (1 .zette, owes it to the citiz-mi of Pittston to investigate thoroughly the charges of irregularities brought against certaiu contractors who bare done work for the borough. liev. F. S Dobbins, a secretary of the American Biptist Missionary union, gave a highly interesting talk on Japan last evening at the Luzorue Avenue Baptist church. James Clark makes an open denial of the supposed fake story regarding the recent robbery. Miss Bessie Dean, nf Wilkes-Barre, was a guest of Miss EUiabetb Jones, Montgomery street, ovt-r Sunday. Saturday afternoon an Italian by the name of Gennaro Lcpre, employed In the Cl-ar Spring breaker, was taken suddenly ill, and soon after fell over unconscious, and died a few minutes after being taken to his boarding house on Salem street. At a meeting of the borough school directors held Friday evening, the important business transacted was tho p tying of bills due, aud awurding ot l'i'urince on high school building, $ '0,ooo. to J. T. Plannery. A vuiap llookcase. It is mado with a picturo frame CS by Si inches in front, a box of rough boards being inserted whero tho picture and glass usually are placed, except at the bottom, which should extend down as far as the eago of the frame, so that it will set level upon a tablo or stand. In sert two shelves spaced to suit tho height of the books, paper inside, and cover the outside with old canton flannel tacked on with brass tacks. Curtains shirred and run on wires at tho top and bottom aro of service to close while sweeping and dinting. Whero one has to move of ten, or cannot afford an expensivo case, this answers tho purpose. Patrick Jordan to Stand Trial for Al leged Election Frauds. Among the trin bills raturned by tho crand jury upon completing their work Friday was an indictment against Patrick Jordan, of Pittston township. Constable Thomas Mitchell is the pros ecutor. Tho indictment charges Jor dan with election frauds in the Tenth district at the recent elections. Friends of the accused allege that when the time for the trial arrives Mr. Mitchell will fail to show up, as the latter is only "working a big blnff " in order to accomtilish his own interests politically. Be that as it may, Mr. Mitchell asserts that poor extuse is better than none at all," and time will tell. PITTSTON NEWS BREVITIES. Borne Facts of Twi Days Noted in Short Paragraph. The charges preferred by John Lsn iii against Thomas J. O'Brien, of this place, were returned "ignored" by the grand jury. The grand jury returned a trui bill nf involuntary DUUslattghtcr against Rosencrance, of this place, who, it will be remembered, applied the battery that resulted in the killing of Thomas Rowan and Thomas Nalley somi days ago. Andrew Quinn is the prosecutor. Jumps B. Mackev and company plaved "Grimes' Cellar Door" before a packed house Friday evening. The performance was not up to that stand ard of excellence which Mr. Mackey attempts to convey compared with at tractions of a like nature. While in teresting in some respects it is bur dened with, too, a superabundance of "bone play" and suggest iye ballad singing that conld well be dispensed with. To ticklo spectator's risibilities requires something more refreshing. At the time of the purchase of the Pennsylvania Coal company's office by the Miner's Savings bank several pa pers jumped at the conclusion aud pub lished that a handsome new hunk building with all modern conveniences was to be built. Tun TftlBCNl disputed the assertion at the time on the author ity of one of the directors aud now learns from the Gazette the following: "The fact that the Miner's Saving bank has plaoed its Dew purchase, the Penn sylvania Coal company building, into the hands of Real Estate Agent Banker for rental as stores and offices, would seem to indicate that the bank dots not intend erecting at once the pro posed new bnilding. The leases are to be limited to one year. W. H. Whitman, of Columbus. O , Watering House Plants. Water freely all plants that are in ac tivo growth and never let an evergreen pUmt get dry, says Gardening. Fine foliage plants, also most tropical plants, like u damp atmosphere, and this neces sitates spilling lots of water in the green house. This damping may bo accom plished by syringing the plants and plashing water on tho benches, path ways and walls, but for comfort's sake keep the paths fairly dry. In syringing do so early iu tho forenoon and early in the afternoon. Don't let. your plants go to bed wet overhead. But remember while begonias lovo ft moist atmosphere they hato n syringe; so do cacti and suc culents generally. And iu the cool greenhouse, whero you have petunias, gi raniums, nasturtiums, oxalis, libonias, bulbous and other plants in bloom, don't syringo them overhead, and never wet a Lady Washington geranium on tho top. To Keep llluo Cotton From Fading. Dissolve an ounco of sugar of lead. oak the print or lawn In this eolation two hours, and let it dry beforo being washed and ironed. In this way any shade of bine can bo kept from fading when washed, according to Tho House wife. In thousands of cases the euro of a courjh is the preventive of consumption. Tim surest cough medl'-ino in tht world is Dr. Wood's Norway I'ino Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. COUGHED DAY AND NIGHT. jd&KB&attbL was do sick I cniilii not AwSeEeHeV em. sleep or walk, for I coughed all day and night, i -1 v wrlfrhl was reduced from 150 to 127 pounds. 'J in ttrst night that 1 slept tour hours at one time, was alter I had taken three dOSM of Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcilleal Discov ery. The offensive mat ter expectorated irrcw less every day and when I BM taken the whole of one bottle I could sleep nil night MH8. b ft Coates. without roughing, ami have been well ever ainuo and weigh its pmin'ls. Mrs. LOUISE V. COATKS, Bllthdiounie, Klny Co., N.Y. PIERCE ss CUBE OR MONEY nBTVRNGn, In Sovere Coughs, Bronchial, Throat, nnd Lung Diseases, Asthma, Scrofula in every form, and even the Scrofulous offoction of tho lungs that's called Oaisumption, in ail its earlier stages, the " Discovery " guriu. WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR um m uliuh V UINf tl T If Q ,'JILLI 1LU At greatly reduced prices. Articles of art and utility. A fuw pict ures will go at HALF PRICE. 9 NORTH MAIN ST. EUY THE Happy Thought Range i gLANK Books Stationery Pocket Books Wrapping Paper Paper Bags Wholesale and Retail. BOGGLES & INNING Music Hall Block. rviadc DITTCTiM CTAUP PA iiiiDtvn u iui u uu. by N 1.W PHOTOGRAPH OALUSBT, First-class Work, Superior Artist CHILDREN'S PICTURES A BPECIALTY. New styk-s nf Panel and Bondotr Picture, niifurpiiesed. Cabinet s;l id p.-r iloj-u. Oihur --t ! equally Inexpensive, W. fc. FRYER, H BO, MAIN ST., PITTSTON, PA MRU If y- Q (Ichiro tluit tht remains of your frlor.fi a bo woll proBiTv-d, haw Mr. Klrby do yur Undurta!?iiir, ns hi butt just nturuud from tho U.S. College of Etnlmlmtug, Now York, uhoro lit ban Um mod tho luteac Hcioii tillc Methods of UmlmliutiiK, Mtd in iow ptu iuri!it to lOOtttt a 1 work in tho Lt'ut manner, very low prices. VERY URGE STOCKOF HIE FURNITURE COMPLETE LINE OF FALL CARPETS at lowest prices. J. B. KIR BY, Odd Fellows Build iuL', PITTSTON, PA. Send your Linen to the Pittston 's only STEAM LAUNDRY, and have it laun drifcd properly. ff3TA POSTAL will biiug our wagon to your door. The Strike Over WORTH OF- ACME HOLIDAY And other seasonable goods were tied up on the road and delivered to us now These must be sold every article is marked with its lowest selling prioj in plain figures Wo will deduct an extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent, Thus offering a grand variety of fine presents at pricss invariably less than cost of transportation or manufacture. i Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot comprises Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each article is a piece of art, ornumental and usoful. Our annex is located on William street, next to our Millinery Department. See the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of fiae warei, such as i,i. a Us, Bed Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and many other ihj ful select articles. These constitute our Annual Holiday Greeting Every article is a preiont to you if you pntronize the Pioneer Establishment of warrantod goods aud low prices, A. a. BROWVls HEK HIVE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insm-ini Hesnllneaa ami comtort. time taiii.ein arraoi ma St, iw Tiaiiie lcavoSorauton for Pittaton. Willie Parr . otc. ut b.10, u.15, 11.80 a, m., 12.30, 2.00, irt.' m rn UM' m- Sundays, H.0U a. m. l.'i :..U0. i. HI p. ni. For Atlantic City, MO a m. I f r Nw York, Newark and Elizabeth. 8.10 (exprc-bh; a.in 12 SO (express with Buffnt. pm t"r')' (cJl'rss8) p.m. Sunday, 200 Foil Mavcii Chunk, Allentown, Bkmu P" Hjstos and Philadelphia, s.lo a.m.. uaivJU2.0u:p.n1,,XC,iPt """' ill) a.mTlfe0"' CtAN GH0V- ' For Beading. Lebanon and HarriaburK. vU AUentown, S.10 a.m., la.ou, 4.23 p.m. Sun day, 2.0J p.m. For Pottevillo. MO a. in., 12.JU p.m. Roturiil'iK. leave New York, foot of Liberty ? if5 V "rtl, at H.4S fexDre9) a. m.. 1.10. 1.J0 4.30 (uxprees with Buffet parlor can p.m. Bandar, e.gu a.m. Leave Philadelphia Headline Terminal, 8 40 am., 2.00 and IJD p. m. Huuday, 1127 a.m I 111 UIIL'll t lelfefu Inoll ....I , L may bo had on MmUoatiOn In advance to the ticket, lirent nt ,,,. , t .. w 11. P. BALDWIN, H. OLHAL'KEN, Uen. Supt We will and can show you a larger stock than any othor concern in this section. Renumber, we are MAKERS; the ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Department and as to prices, we iuvite comparison with any concern iu the laud aud know wo are the cheapest BROWN S BEE HIVE, 33 N. Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St. PITTSTON, PA. Headquarters for Winter Gloves and underwear. R GKETT THE HATTER THE Finest Line of Slippers Ever Shown in Pittston, Velvet, with Silk Embroidered Flowers, 44c. to $2.50. THE Thatcher 0.P.4C. O. Shoe Co. The Great Financier, Russell Sage, (lives the following good advice to bjys, which tho parents miuht ulso read with profit: "boys, no to sell iol us 1ot as y-m o in. an 1 nm im'jir avk hoar spjnt in stinly in your youth will bo w.irth money to you in after life. Rsad g vd books. mikeyouroslTdi acquainted with history, study tin pr.ijf-eji of aattooi and the careori of inoii who hnvo m ide natiom reat. ".Study religion, salenci, stitacruft and history. Liara to real iut-)lli-gently, so that yon oau turn to prastlc il ma In after-life tht readings of your youth. He sure you bu?in riifht. D not waste time in reading trashy bookd. " Mr K.iife says fui thar: "The boy who is w mte.l In tin bttltnMl world of today must he edumto I. If his parent! cannot afford to givj him a college or liit'h soh'iol education, he must leara to stuJy without thi aid of a teaohar in the early in ornins before businwi bstfins, and in tho evenings after business hour. It can no lonor bo truthfully said that an odumtlon is out o' anyone's reach," This is tho advice of a in in who is one of ttnnnst oonspicumt bminees successus of our time, nnd who has amassed one of the largest fortunes in America. It cannot possibly be charged that be is in the pay of the Encyclo pedia Ilritannica, and yet these words, ifiven as the conviction of a life of un ufnal observation and exporion .-e, a Wis as strongly as words oan, that you hasten to accept tho offer of THK TUIBUNE nnd secure this greatest of books. The edition of the Encyclopudta Uritannioa offered by THE TRIBUNE fills every requirement of Mr. Sage's recipi for success. Who will bs without these books now when ten cents a day will secure them? On receipt of only $4.50 tho entire set will be delivered to yonr home th e balance to be paid on rasy monthly payments. It li an netual fact that these books are more strongly bound than the original at $8 per rolum, of wbieb these are a copy. The books can be sen any day nnd Tnesday. Thursday nnd Saturday even ings at 437 SPRUCE STREET, near Washington avenue. IS THE BEST. Get prices and tee the lurnsce and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE MlbS WOItCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and cbool, 41- Adams avenue. t'upiU r if l at all tlmea. Full term will upau Kantemhef BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1'IIVSK IANS AM BURGEONS, DR. U. E, DEAN, Disoueosor tliu Eyo, Noee Tin out and Ear, WM ttiiruco btreut, oiipo Hite court limiH. DR. A. J, ION NELL, oilirn 'ill Washington avenuo. corner Spruce uticet, over I''ranckc'B drui; store. Residence, T'ii Vino et Oflico hours: lli.il i to 1:.' n. in. nnd - to uud tiB to 7.30 p. m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. in. DR. W. E. ALLKM, Offles cor "Lacka wanna and WsshinytOD lives.-, over Loon ard shoe itorei oflico hours, 10 to 12 a. in. mid Jt to I p. m.; ovoniuifs ut rcaldonce, 612 N. Washington nvo. DR. C L. FUEV. Praetlra' liiultod to DIs etftefl of the Eye, Ear, Noho and Throat; oflico. l! Wyoming ava Residence, W Vine Btrcot. 1 K. L 11 GATEsTilll Waahington Avenue. M Oillco hours, Stoli a.m., 1.30 to ii and ! to I p.m. IOHN L. WENTZ. II. D., Offices tig andil I Commonwealth building: residence "H MadiRonuve: office hours. 10 to 12, to 4, 7 to H; Sundays 2.80 to 4, cm nings at residence. A upcchilty mado of diseases of tho eye, car, nose mid throat and gynecology. nK. G. D. ML HRAY, specialty made OO dis enscs of aye nnd kkin.212 Wyoming Ave. Office hours: Until HI a m..2to4 and 7 to Hp.m. If B8. DR. KING B MULBERRY UTREBf 1I At Cnrhondale on Flidavi of each week. DI-.N rUTK CC. LACBACH, Surgeon Dentist. -No, UJ Wyoming ave. R. M. STKATTON, office foal Exch.nee " I OANI. STOP PAYING RENT. OWN YOUR hums. Money to loan on easy monthly 'aymenta. S. N. CALLENDER, Dime Bank Building. li i I I I - A Nil REST AC RANT . T 'HE WESTMINSTER, 2I7-21H Wyoming avo. Rooms heated with steam: all mod em improvements. C M. TiiCMAB, Prop. ZIKOLKR'S HOTEL. IR Lackawanna ava nue, bcrantoa Rates reasonable. P. LIBOLKtt, Proprietor. I LSTMLS&TER HOTEL. VV W. G. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan. S.1oUpcr day and upward. SOYNE HOUSE. European plan; gooil rooina Open day and night Bar sup le best. P. H. COYNE. Proprietor CJC'RANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas lengur depot Conducted on the European plai:. Victor Koch. Proprietor. r UaITd CENTRAL. The largest aud bjst vJ equipped hotel in Allentown, Pa. ; ratoj Proprietor. plied with the vJ equipped hotel in Allentow $2 and S2.M per day. Viitiiii D. Bstivrn. AttCHITKCTg. AVIS & HOUPT. Architects. Rooms -t. 25 and 20 t oniinonweaiiu n in g. f 'ruiion. I? L. WALTER, Architect, Library build J, ing, Wyoming avenue, Scranton. I) 1? L. BROWN. Arch H. Architect. Prico I t building.ISi! Washington Ave, Scran ton. MISCELLANEOUS. U'ORTON D. SWAKTS WHOLESALE lumber, b and V Dime Bank building, Scranton, Pa. MKOARtJEE HKOT11EKS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper baits, twino. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa Kli;ilINAItY stu.i:Ns. I."s STUROE, Veterluary Surgeon, Den j. tlstry a apecialty; gold modalitt of Oo tario eteriuary College. Offlctv Summer's livery, 3211 Dix St., near Keller's carriage shop. T-l-plion.. No. 4IS LASVYER8. T M C. RANCK'8 Law and Collection of. I . lice. No Ml" Spruco St., opposite Forest House, Bcrnntoii, Pa,; collections a fpeclalty throughout Pennsylvania) reliable correspond ents In every county. II-'.SSL'I'S A HAND, Attorneys anil Counsel lors at Law. Commonwealth bulldiug, Washington ave. W. H.Jkrhi'P, Horack E Hand. W II Jkssup. IXriLLARD, WARREN A K.NAPP, Attar- neys and Counselors at Law, Republican bulldinr. Waehlngton ave.. Scranton. Pa. 1)ATTBBMOK 4) WILCOX. Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law; offices o aud b Library building, Hcrunton, Pa. ROSWKI.I, H. PATTIRSOII. Wii.mam A. U'li.cox BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MU8I0 FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terras address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ve . over Hulbort's music store. 1 SZRA FINN St MINS, builders and contra.--i tors. Yards: Corner olive at. and Adam ave. I corner Ash st. and Penn uvc, Scranton KEEIlS, ( R. CLARK St CO., Beedtmen, Ilorlsts VJ. and Nurseryinen; store 140 Washington avenue; green house, 13JJ North Main avenue; store telephone Tb2 TI'.A. GRAND UN ION TEA CO.. Jones llrot Wllii: RCHKKNfd I OS. KUETTF.L 5lf Lackawanna avemu ft Scranton, Pa., inanuf'r of Wire Serwns. A LFRED II AND. WILLIAM J. HAND, At V torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Hooms IS, 20 and ii. I 'HANK T OK I.LL, Attorney nt Law. Room V 6, Coal Exchange. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. LOWRY, (Att v. B7 Washing C H. VON HTORCll. itonnv . ( II wpiare I AMES W. OAKFORD, Attorney at Law, .I too ma 68, 64 and 68, Coinmonwealth b'l'g. CAM CEL W. BDGAli, Attorney at Law. D Office. 1117 Spruce st . Scranton. Pa. 1 A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, 421 -I J . Lackawanna aue.. Scranton. Pa U P. SMITH. Ooansellor St Law. Office, 1 . moms M, fA M Commonwealth building. PITCHER. Attorney nt Law. Com monwealth bnllrtlng. Scranton, Pa. C. COMEGYH, ;t!I Spruce st ' . moi DB. REPLOOLE, Attorney-Loans nogo- tlated on real estate security. 40s Spruce. BE KILL AM, Attorney at Law. 120 Wy omlng avenue, Scranton. HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTGAGES written and acknowledged by J. W. BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public, SB Com paoowes Kh Bollffin f. SCIIOOI.S. (JCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran i ' ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at request. Rr.v. Thomas M. Can.i, Waltih U. Bcell. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager ..Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, JEHIUH VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton for Philadelphia aud ix ew SOW Via g, ft u K ut m., no L i uV V Itlll, 2.3s uud 11.35 V.vV ,1, L 41 W' K' H .S.W, U.2U u.m. and i iKi, o.ji p.m. Leave Scranton i foj Pittston and Wilkes Bai re via D . L. St W. R. R tM, 11 20 a m 1.36, 3M, ti.U, U as p.m. ' J'm' I.i'iivis HflMfltnn fnp Whli., u . a PQtterOta aud all pointH oi he lienver Meadow ami rcttavlll! brimrhes. via lJ. i 1!. W. R R. s.ijs, 11 30 ..m., I..I3. a.aii p JS. " Leave S- ranbjn for Bethlehem. Easton Reading, H:.rriaburu aud all intermediate points via V. St H. R. R., H a m 12.10, !!.;id , via D., L. & W. R. R m. 11.20 a. m., i Cs, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tuiikhannock.Towauda Elmlra. Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R R , 1.2j and 11.35 p. m . via D. L. St W, K.R., D.50 a.m., UK p.m. Loave Scranton lor Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west viaD. All R. R, 1 Zj, UM p. m., via D.. L. 4- W. R. R uud Pittston Junction (l50 a. m lor Buffalo Only). 1J6 p.m.. via I. i. W R. H 4.10 p.m. For Elinlra and tho west via Salamanca, vlt D. a H. R. R. at 0.U p.m., via D., L. St W. R. R., 0. IMO a m uud 0.U7 p.m. Pullman parlor uud sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trams between L A B. Junction or Wilkes-Barro, and New 1 ork, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROI.LIN 11. WTLBUB, Gen. Supt. EastDiv. CIIAS. S. LKE.Gi u. Pass. Ag't, Phlla , Pa. A.W. NONNEMACHER.Ass't Gen. Pass.Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD Commencing May 2W.18B2, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge street Matloti.Scranton.for Pitts- . ,1-JII ,1 ... a a K i livl '' W. 10-43 a. m. SH W M m l tL 4.10. 5.15, 0.15,0.15, ffB r auu ii. .i.j p. m. fr For New Yorl: and Phila- ' delphia, S.00 a m , 12.10, L20, 2.3S. 4 10 and 11 JOp m. PorHonesdaie (from Delaware. Lackawanna aud Western depot.), 7.00, ts.30. 10. IU a.m., 1200 m ,2.17, 510p tn. For Carlxmdalo and Intermedial" st itlona, 6 40, 7 00. S30. 10 10 a.m., 12Ulm 2 17, 3 25. UO. 0.20 aud 0 55 p. in. ; from Bridge Street D:Vt, tlfl a. m.. 7.10 and 11.35 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains. Bostou and New England points. 5.10 a. m , arriviug at Albany 12 45. Saratoga 220 p. in., and leaving Scranton at i p. m . arriving ut Albany at 8.50 p. nx. Sara toga. 12 55 a. m . and Boston 1 00 a m. Th.1 only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adlron jack Moun tain resorts. Lakes George and Champlain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations ou all divisions Dela ware and H'.idsou system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices H O. YOl'NG, J. W. BL'RDIOK. Second Vice Presidont. Gen Pass. Agt DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AXE WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Exprees for New York und all points East. 1.50, 6.15. a.00 and 0.50 a. m. ; 12.55 and 3.50 p. m Express for Easton. Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and UjOa. nx; li.53 and 3.50 p. m. YsshinKton and way stations, 2.40 p. m. Tob.i hanna accommoilatiou. e.10 p. m. Express for Elnghmton. Ow.go, Elmlra, Corning, Bath. 1'ansillle. Ihunt Morris and Buffalo, 1210, 2.15 a. m. and 1.24 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo to all points la the West. Northwest and Southwest Buffalo Accommodation, O.dl a. in. Bmghrmton and w ay stations. 12 37 p. m. Nicholson and way statu ns.5 45p. m. Bingliscili ii and r.lmira Express. 0.05 p m V Hll MS for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Vlii-a ami Rilchtiuld Springs, 2 15 a. m. aud 1.21 o. m. Ithaca. TM and O.no a D, an 1 MM p. m. For N' rthumberjsnd.P:ttston. Wilkes-Bsrre. Plymouth, B.oooisburg and Danvillo. making 1 1st u nuections at Xorthuiuberland tor Wff liamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and tun Booth, .Northumberland and intermediate stations, 6.0i. 9.50 a m. and i.M and 0.07 p, m. riantncko una lnteruieaiute stations. sOS r.nd 11 20 .m. Plymouth and Intermediate stations. 3 50 and 0 3S p.m. Pulbi.an parlor uud sleeping coaches on all express trains. lor detailed informatlon.pocket timetables, etc.. apply to M. t Muith. city ticket offlo, S2i Lachawanua avenue, or depot ticket office. XJEW YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN 1 Railroad. Scranton Division, Time tablj in effect Nov 10. ItWI. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondalo: 0.50, S.3U. 11.06 a m , 4.50, 6.10, p.m. For Hancock Junction and main connections 11.115 a. in- 0.10 p m. Trauii leave Hancock Junction for main linj connection for Scrantou: 0.00 a, m. 2.00 p. m. Trains leave Csrbondnlo for Scranton 7.21 0.45, a. m. 1.10L&M 0.15 p. m. J. c. ANDERSON. General Passenger Ageut, Mew York. T. FL1TCROFT. District Passenger Agent. Scrautun. T s HIE AND WYOMING VALLEY KAlLr li ROAD Trains h ave Scranton forXcw York ar.d In Urmedtata points on the Erie an.l Hawley and local points al 0 ;I5, 0 45 a. m. and 3.21 p. m. Trains lonvlns ut 0.45 a in. und 3.24 p. m. are through trams to and from Houesdale. Trains leave for W likes Barro at O.lo a. m. auJ 3.41 p. iu. RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market Br andt Clay Product Co OFFICE: liiughamton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt. Pa. Woak Men Oan obtain Btaleil Hiun il (Jjliarged FreB i)reiJnl)ef ftwonilnr- rumnal inula: pdy which CERTAINLY, 4IC1CKLT enS rl Ian Ran fcIt!HA- NKM'I.V curaa all forma o( nrrrnut dabllltj. leal iijuifcjjj-jl, vital lu.aea, ntronkj, phvali ol woaliaraa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers