The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 06, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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No Fake Sale in Ours
We have better bargains r-virr rlaT 'JJ
the year than so-called "bargain 'day,'
!vrina rales, ' and tuch well-known,
worn-out, played-out scheme will afford.
Fur real bargains iu I'lKST-CLASS NEW
Popular, reliable and within your reach
Have take-u over 100 first premiums In
lit past fifty years.
Otber maWw or Piano. Four makes of
Organs in beautiful new designs. See our
itock belore buying. We have the goods.
Lur prices are light. Everything iu ihe
it unit hue.
1S4 Wyomlna Ave., Scranton. Ps.
The Leading Events of the Week in Scran
ton's Rcliiioas Circles.
rhe New Plymouth Congregational
Church Will Ce Dedicated Forty
Candidates to Be Received Into Full
Membership Completion of the
Sunday School Room of St. David s
Punch Cigars
E3. & Co.,
Imnrlntort en Ench Clqar.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
i in in mil -i. m.'Iaix
i.D0'i'o 6.11 P.M.
The Ueorj;e A. Baker Opera com
pany will bring a very successful
week's engagement to a close at the
Academy tonight when they will pre
sent "Robtfrt Mcaire, or the Two
Thieves" another name for "Er
mirjie." At the matinee touay "Era
Diavolo" will bo aiven.
The popular young comedian, Jurats
B. Muckie, will bo seen on Monday
evening at the Academy of Music, iu
the itreat laughing comedy, ''Gnuies'
Cellar Door," which is said to be gay,
merry fun from first to last, relieved
only by bright musical numbers, or
iginal songs, dances and specialties
which are thickly strewn throughout
the performance. Much is expected of
this attraction as Mackie's work as
"Grimesey Me Boy" in a "Bunch of
of K'-ys" while esjllaut, gave promise
of his doing even better work iu a
better couiwdy. His supporting com
pany is lurge and strong.
E. G Pearson's speotucular wolue
tiou of "The Laud of the Midnight
JSiiu" will bfl at the Academy of Music
on next Tuesday evruiDjf. A good
Compauy will prod ace the piece.
. .
Card cf Thanks
1 desire to hereby return uiy heartfelt
thauks iu the officers of tbu Thirteenth
rtgtmint, ton members of compauy D.,
the Heptasophs: the music dealers of the
city, the Commercial Traveler's associa
tion and all others who manifested so
much Kindnes toward me during my re
cent bereavement. Mm L. I. Seelev.
A Gentleman Anked Us Today
if the grocery business paid. Well, not
very heavy. Valuos never were as low.
V,Te are civing more for one dollar than
ever in cur history, but oui volume of
business increases yearly and we are ust
what we claim to be, the lowest priced
bouse iu the state for line groceries.
E. O, Couksin.
Wholesale and Rutail.
Ladies' all Wool Black Hose
at -. HaOe.n.
for 29 cents
Important to Business Hen.
The Tuir.t.NE will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking', manufactur
ing and professional interest of Scranton
and viciuity. The edition will bo bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure vie . vs of our public build-ings,bosiue-s
blocUs.stroetetc. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the c.ty
atlaree. Representatives of The Tribune
will call upon those whose names
are desiiied iu this editiou and explaiu
its nature more fullv. Wo trust our LIVE
business men will give it tbeir hearty
Those desiring views of their residence '
in this edition will pleuBe leave notice at
the office.
Geul's Fleeced Lined underwear, C'i cents
at bihs a: iiauen.
Lohigh Valley Railroad Co., Notice to
the Public
iximmencing Monday, January 1st, 1894,
passenger trains of this company to and
from iew xorU, Jersey city anil INowarlt
will run via west Newark. uing the
Pennsylvania railroad tracks between
that point and Jersey City. Passengers
will therefore ou and after the abovo date
take the Pennsylvania railroad from th
foot of Courtland and Desbrosses street, '
New York city, instead of the Liberty
Street ferry of the Central Railroad of
New Jersey. Passeugers from Newark
will take the Lehigh Valley trains at the
Market Street station of the Pennsylvania
railroad, alight chuuge iu time.
Reuinoton Typewriters and Edison
Phonographs for sale aud rent. Copying
work executed. Phonographs rented for
an evening's entertainment. Telephone
2843. Edw. Uuuster. Jr., 435 Spruce
New Bloyole.
A new bicycle worth $75 will be sold for
185. The machine is guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the
Tribune office.
Anheuser Busch Bear.
J.onli Lehman's, 3W buruceaW
A 10 inch Silk Umbrella for 95
Mbaks & Uauen.
cents at
M A KU 1 1 ;i.
BOYER KOCH Jan. 8. 1894, in Scranton,
by the Rev. E. L. Miller, Miss Martha E.
Koch and J. Milton Boyer, both of Scranton.
Next Tuesday the (iorman Evangeli
cal churches will hold a conference at
Taylor. Meeting will be held at 10 a.
m., 2 p. m , and 7 a. m. A pmsr will
be read nv Rev. Karl Kiesling on
"Christ's Words of His Person and
Work." Rv. Dr. Pope will preach the
sermon in the evening session.
Last Tuesday afternoon tho preachers
of the West Side met at Rev. L. 0,
Lloyd's home. An informal discussion
took place. Those present asked Rv.
A. W. Cooper to read them the paper
he presented last Decewb-r to the
Scranton Clerical union. Mr. Cooper
tins complied with the request and will
read the paper at the next regular
meeting, It is "A Brief (Jinnee at
Rationalism or the Relation of Reasou
and Faith to Religion.''
The week of prayer is observed this
week by the Caiviuistic Methodist
church of Bellevue, It will be ob
served next week by the C'alvinistic
Methodist church of Sjiith Mini ave
nue. Rev. Hugh Davies is Buffering from
nttuck of the grip.
The Hickory Street church will ob
serve the week of prayer beginning
Monday evening.
Rev. J. Evans, of Sharon, this state,
takes charge of the Welsh ohureli of
Olypbant. He is expected to begin his
ministry tomorrow.
The weak of prayer will be objervd
iu the First church o:i Scranton, be
ginning Monday evening.
Rev T. Collins will deliver a lecture
to his bible class on the first chapter in
Genesis, on the "Creation," as record :d
by Moses,
Rev. M J. Watklns, of Factoryville.
will road a paper at the prenohst'l
meeting next Monday oa "Pauline
Teaching of Siintsbip."
The Welsh church of PrOVidSOCS
will observe the week of prayer, begin
ning Monday eveniug.
Congregation aliit.
Rev. R. S Jones, D. D , of the Welsh
church, of Providence, will preach a
memorial sermon tomorrow evening in
memory of Mrs, Oliver Lewis and Ev
an U iJavix, uwmuers oi me anove
church who recently departed this life.
The following persons were elected
officers for the year 1894, to take
charge of the Dutch Q ip Mission
school iu tho First ward Superintend ent,
R. R Williams; assistant, S.
Daniels; supervisor, T, I. Jones; sec
retary, John Lloyd; treasurer, luce
Jones; chorister, R R. Divim; organ
ist, Anna Price ; librarian, J D ivies.
The school does well Braver in etiug
held ill Alexander hall at 7 oU Tuesday
(veiling All welcome.
A week of nraver win be observed
by the First Welsh church on the West
Next Thursday evening the Purilan
church, of Providence, will hold its
annual meeting and elect officers for
the ensuing year.
Tomorrow the Plymouth church will
be dedicated. Rev. C. C. (Vegan, D
D.. and Rev. Cobb, i). D., of Boston,
will officiate, iu the eftarnooa about
forty candidates will be received into
full membership. The pastors of sister
churches in the city will bo present in
the nfteruoiin nud take part iu the
uurvinoK A snecial rii-ofi-amttiH o'
- - ' -- , I m-
music has been prepared, and the ex
ercises are expected to be of an inter
esting character.
The Sunday school room of the St
David's church has been completed,
with th exception af putlin,' in the
seats. When the sets wiil l - put in
order the Sunday school will b trans
ferred there from the main au Hence
Archdeacon George 0, II ill, of H ues
dale, has accepted the call tendered
hnn by St. John's church, Wilming
ton, Del. He will, therefore, shortly
leave the Scranton diocese, and a new
archdeacon will bo elected at the next
archdeaconry meeting, which will con
vene in St. David's church, J in. 10, 1C,
and 17 The Rt. Rev. N. S. Robinson,
assistant bishop of the diocese, will be
present at this meeting.
Rov. M H. Mill, has just recovered
from an attack of the grip. He was
unable to conduct the serviotl last
Sunday, but his place was taken by
Chales Frszer, onu of th j lay membors
of the parish.
A new organization was eLctsd last
Tuesday among the German Lutheran
churches of this part of the itata. It is
known as the Willres-Biirre conference.
The first president elected ij Rjv. II
H. Biuning. Tho confe.enc i is made
up of of over forty churche-, and about
thirty ministers are eurolUd.
The Young People's socloly of Christ's
church has elected the following offi
cers: President, Rev. F. Holter; assist
ant, William Wilk; secretary, Fred
Miller ; treasurer, Amelia Blechsrt.
The following offi;ers were elected
by the Ladies' Aid society of Christ's
church: President, Miss Schneider; as
sistant, Mrs. Jo inna Roasch ; treasurer,
Mrs. Emma Holter; treasurer of mis
sionary fund, Mrs. Kaipert.
Rev. E. L Miller, of the Holy Trinity
church is in a strait betwixt Boston
and Scranton. His congregation is do
ing its utmost to keep him in the city,
and a church in the "Huh" offers him
a flattering call. Mr. Miller has dons
good work i.i the city. His own church
has been greatly strengthened and its
indebtedness reduced from $7,00!) to
$1,000. He has also established two
mission churches, one iu the North
End aud the other or the West Side.
The latter is now an independent
church and the formsr is rapidly grow,
ing. The people feel that to lose their
pastor would be a serious chick to the
work so successfully inaugurated and
prosperously c inducted by him in our
Services will be held in the North
Scranton mission on Thursday eveniugs
instead of Sunday afternoons. This is
so arranged as to relieve the pastor of
preaching three times each Sabbath. -
A most delightful entertainment was
given by the young people of the Park
Place ohurch last Monday aud Tuesday
evenings. The evenings were pleas
antly enjoyed by the largo audiences
tbut they ask for alike entertainment
in the near future.
Tallie morgan will meet all those in
terested in vocal music ou Jan. 12 in
the lecture room of the Park Place
church. Hib objact is to organizs a
class in eight reading and give the peo
ple an opportunity to learn something
of mnsic and singing.
The First German church has greatly
improved its edifice by a coat of paint.
The Sunday school rooms were also
Soveral very pleasant surprises oc
curred at the Epworth League Pnri
tnn supper held at the Cedar Avenue
chnrch New Year's night. The pastor
was presented with a fine olivo wood
writing set, a gold pen and a pearl
paper knife. The Sabbath school su
perintendent, D. J. Clearwater, re
ceived a fins picture, "Bon Hur's
Chariot Race." Tho chorister, C. J.
Carr, received a music 9tand.
The Second German church will ob
serve the week of prayer and take the
subjects proposed by the Evangelical
Alliance. The meetings will ba held
in the bows of some of the members
Five of the members of the Ladies'
Aid society of the Second German
church have organizd a sowing school
for girls. Thsy meet every Wednes
day afternoon at 4 p. m. Last Weduus
dav 130 pupils were present
Week of prayer will be observed by
the Hampton street church aud by the
Simpson church.
Rrv. M. D. Fuller, of Providence,
and Rev. 0. A. Bjuj uuiii, of Hones
dale, will exchange pulpits tomorrow.
Mr. Benjamin is one of the sons of the
Providencs church and will conduct
the love feast ani communion at to
morrow morning's service.
Cjmrterly conference will be held at
the Providence church next Monday
"veiling to he conducted by Presiding
Elder J G. Eckinm.
The pastors will meet next Monday
morning for the first tima after the
holidays at the parlors of tho Elm
Park cbOT'th,
The third quarterly conference was
held at the Asbury church last Thurs
day evening. Frank S. Woodward,
editor of the Dunmore Pioneer, was
granted leavo to serve the churches us
a local preacher.
Rev. August Ltnge h suffering from
an attack of malar! i and lias been ad
vised by his physician to take a rest.
He has resolved to take a trip to Ger
many and will leave early next week,
accompanied by his wife. During his
nbssnco Rev. A, Weber, of Hohoken,
N. J., will serve the church aud oc
cupy the parsonage.
The week or prayer will bo observed
by the Wash burn Street and by the
Providence churches, beginning next
Monday evening
The Sunday school of the Washburn
Street church is busily preparing an
entert linment which will be given
imxt Friday evening.
Seats are being placed iu tho West
minster church. Services will be held
thsre tomorrow The front window
has not come, but as soon as it arrives
the dedicatory services will be held.
The trustees of the Peckville church
have purchased two lots iu their town,
upon which they ezpsot soon to erect a
church. They are busily engaged just
now soliciting subscriptions,
Rev Ralph Giltmatl has many ad
mirers in the city, and ths services to
be conducted by him in the Dunmore
church will be attended by a large
number from the ceuter of the citv.
The annual meeting held at the First
church last Tuesday evening was inter
estiug. The sale of pews amounted to
over $7,000 Perfect unity of feeling
characterizes the congregatiou aud all
are ready to co-operate with the pas
tor. Rev. James McLeod, of the First
church, was called out of town this
week to attend the funeral of a rela
tive in Western New Yuri;.
Calvary. Rkformid Church Corner
Monroe avenue aud Uibsou street, itev. w.
H. Stubblehiue, pastor. Preaching 10 au
a. in. aud 7.30 p. m.
Church ok Christ Bciirtist Spen
cer buildiuir. 519 Adams avuuue. Uilile
lesson at 10.30 a. m. Churrb services at
7.80p.m. I). N., speaker. Allure
welcome. Seats free.
Christian Church - .North Main avenue.
Services 10.811 a. in., "Uur Owu Security;"
7.80 p. in , "Emanuel, God with Us." Ser
mons by pastor D. M. Kiuter.
Sr. Paul's Gehman Church Prospect
avenue. Services, ,0.3J a ni.. and 7.30
p. m. Sermons by pastor E . KUslmg.
pknn Avxntm Baptist Church Pastor
Q Warren Partridge, Services at 10.30
a m. and 7.80 p. m.
Jackson STRUT Baptist Church Pas
tor, Kev. Or. D. C. Hughes, D. D. Services
10.3 1 a. m. and 0 p. m.
First Baptist Church Pastor Collins
will preach Sahbath at 10 30 a. m. aud at 7
p. m. Morning theme. "Immortality.
Scats free. All welcome. '
North Main A ykntic Baptist Church
Pastor W. G. Waikius will preach at
1C.30 i. m. and i.30 p. m.
Welsh Baptist chlrch vVest Maiket
street. Pastor W. F. Davis will preuch at
10 a. in., aim p. m.
Main avenue. Pastor W. S Jones will
preach at 10,3o a. m, and 7:30 p. in Eng
lish sermon.
HICKORY Street German BaptI:
CHnncB Pastor J, 0. schmitt will preach
ut lo an a. ni. ami , .au p. in.
URIEN iiiuci: baptist uiHURcn factor
W. J. Port! at 10.30 a. DL, subject, "Tho
Unity of the church; 7.80 p. in., subject,
"Pmtecost, u u I'o.sioio lousy r"
Pknn AVSNUI BAPTIST Ciiihch liov
Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at
10.30 a.m. aud at , .80 p. in. In the mom
ing an address to now members followed
by the I. mil s suppor. lu ttie uveniug,
"Mew tilings tor the Mew lear Song
aud eveiigenstic services lu tne evening
All welcome.
Jackson Street Baptist Church -The
pastor will preach tomorrow both morn
ing evening. Services 10.8U a m. and tl p.
in. suuuuy sonooi p. m. a corunii iu
vitatiou is uueudod to all. Stats aruall
Calvli.ialic Methodists.
C'alvinistic Methodist Church Belle-
vuo. Pastor, i. J. Morris will preach at
10 a. m. aud o p. m.
Calvinisth: Mkthoihst
South Main avenue. Pastor Hugh Davies
will peach at 10 a. m. and G. p. m.
Calvinistic Methodist Church -Wayne
avenue. Service 10 a. m. and U p. m.
Sermons by tho pastor, W". E. Edwards.
First Welsh Congregational
chnrch South Main avenue. Pastor D.
Jones will preach at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m.
English sermon.
WKLsn Congregational Cnrncn
West Market street. Pastor R. S. Jones,
D. D., will preach at 10 n. m., "The Be
ginning; C p. m., "Our Heavenly Citizen
ship." Plymouth Congregational CnuitCH
Jackson street. Services 10.80 a. m. aud 7
p. in. See notes.
Enolish Congregational Church
Wayne avenue. Pastor D. A. Evnus will
preach at 10.30 a. m. ; commnnion sor
vice, 7 p. ni. Snndny school, ' p. m.
Tahernaclc Congregational CHURCH
South Hyde Purk avenue. Pastor O.
P. Jones will preach at 10 a. in. and at 0 p.
m. Dr. Cobb will preach.
Giiica Church (Reformed Episcopali
Morning prayer aud sermon at 10.30 a.m.;
subject, "For His Body's Sake," Cor. 1; xiv.
Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30 p m.,
sunject; "The Crowu of Righteousness,"
B Tim 4; xviii. The pastor, Rev. G.
L. Alrich, will preach ut both morning
and evening services. All are cordially
invited. Seats free. Young People's so
ciety at 9.80 p. m. Uuiou bible class for
lesson study, Thursday, 7.45 p. m.
Et, David's Church Jackson street.
Rector M II. Mill will officiate at 10.30 a,
m. and 7.30 p. in. Sunday school at 2.30
p. in.
Saint lukk's Church Rev. Rogers
Israel rector. First Suuduy alter the
Bpiuhany. Holy Commnnion, 8 a. m. Holy
Communion sermon, 10.3'J a. m.;
Suuday school, l'Jm.: evening prayer,
uud sermon, 7.3o p. m.; Kindergarten open
ut 10 a. in, at 845 Washington avouue,
where children will bu kindly carod for
while parents attend service.
Saint Luke's Dunmore Mission Rev.
Samuel S. Marquis lu charce. First
Sunday after the Epiphany, Sunday school
3 p. in.; evouiug prayer and sermon, 4
p. in.
OBORCRor the Good Bbkpbrhd Qrsan
Ridge street. Services lit S, 10.3J, 2.30, 0.45
auu . .: .
Holy Trinity Church (Evangelical Lu
theran) Adams avenue and Mnlbery
street. Services couducted by tho pastor,
Rev. E. L. Miller, lit 10.30 a. m. uud 7.30 p.
m. Free pews. All welcome.
Christ's German Lutheran Church
Cedar avenue. Pastor l ied Holtur will
preach at lU.SOa. in. and 7,80a in.
Trinity E angelical Mission, corner
Luke and Kurtz streets Kev. J. G. Whit-
lntre, pastor. Services. 10:80 a. iu. and
7.30 p. m. Hev. A. H. lrvlue. P. E.. of
Miltou, will preach aud administer Holv
Communion iu the morning, Sunday
school, 'J p.m. The DBStor will conduct re
vival services in the evening. Kev Irvine
will preach Monday aud I'uoaday evening.
Elm Park Methodist Episoopai
Church SV. H. Pearce, pa-tor. Morniot
services at 10.30; subject. "The Oav break
The Brightening Future." Evouinir
services ut 7.30; subject, "The Hand of God
in uur Ueleiice. Sunday school at -o'clock.
Epworth leaffUa at fi 30 o'clock.
mmpsgn Methodist Episcopal Church
Services as follows: Epworth league.
Bp. in.; evening Beivice, T. Preaching by
the pastor, Kev. L. C. Floyd. All wel-
Oukks Khigk Methodist Episcopal
CHURCH Pastor George A. Cure will
preach at 10.30 a. m., "The Power of the
Gospel;' ,.30 p.m., "Pilgrims uud Struu
gers. "
Park Place Methodist Episcopal
( in io n l'aator J. F. Jones will preach
at 10.30 a. iu., "A Bible Kulo in Business
Life;" ,.30 p. in., "Walking by Faith."
Providence Methodist Episcopal
Church -North Muiu avouue. Services
10.30 a. m. auu 7.8o p. m. Seriuou by pas
tor, m. u. r unci .
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
Church. Pastor A. W. Cooper will preach
at 10.3Ja. m and 7 p. m. Epworth league
ai o p. m.
Firht Gkrm . Mi iiiodist Episcopal
CHURCH Adams avenue. Pastor G. Han
sou will preach at 10.80a.m., "God Know
ing His Children's Need;" 7 30 p. in.
"Simeon's Peaceful Departure."
Second Methodist Episcopal German
Church Prospect avenue. Pastor Suter
will preach at 10.80 a.m. and 7 8'J p.m.
ItlJAIl & VENUS AllillloDlST tl'ISl'OI'AL
CHURCH- Paster b L. Suutee will preach
at 10.30 a.m., "Seivi -e to the Poor;" 7.30
p.m., "Nature aud Usuof Faith " Sundav
(chool at 2 p.m. Epworth league u 1" p, ni.
First PRBSBYTKRiaj church Servioee
lu. 80 a. m. ana 7.3Uy. in. Preacluug by
the pastor, ur. James McLeod, Sunday
M-uoni, noon, lining reopies So
ciety of Christian Endeavor, 0.30 p. m.
'hurcli prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7 45.
Wasuiiuhn Street Presbyterian
Church Preaching 10:30 a. in , as usual
Welcome to all.
Providence Presuyterian Church
North Maiu avenue. Pastor Georgo Guild
Will preach at 10.80 a. m., ou "Kedccming iiiuo, auu r.t i : .,u p. m.
The Second Pp.kmivtehian CHURCH
Rev. Charles E. Hobinion, D. D., puscor
hrrvicesiit 10.30 n. m and 1.80 p. in. All
seats free iu the evening, when the pastor
win pieacu ou coiiiessiug jurist."
Dunmore Preshyterian Church J. W
,r.i .1 . - . . . - . .
miliums, pusior. a series ul special ser
vices, beginning tomorrow morning, will
be conducted by Kov. R.dph Gillam, tho
assistant of B Fay Mills, and lasting for
about two weeks. Mr. Broutou, of Chi
cago, win aceompatiy Mr. uillam, ns
singer. A special choir has been prepared
to assist in tue singing. Help lias been
promisid from tbe eacred Music society of
Ocrunton tor the afternoon services at 3.30
Services loiuorrow will be as follows: 10.80,
3.J0, ,.30. Services will be held each af
teruoou anc eveinug of next weok.
Beadleston & Woeri'g and Ballantlne'a
Ales -we the best. E. J. Walsh, agent.
Lackawauua avenua
A Bicycle for $3B.
A youth's bicycle will be sold at
worth 7o. Call ut Tribuuo office.
sas ajH
c UT 'l'lllss OUT. B
a .. ss
S ll-rmr, inAillin -rnr unm n n
Portfolio of Photographs i
mm JJ
January 6,1804
Bend or briiifc iu 2 Coupons S
of different dates, together s
wit.ii 0 cento, and receive this 5
Album of rare Photographs,
Cor. l'enn Are. and Spruce St.
Solid Silver Chatelain Watches,
$3.98. Worth $5.
Ladies' 10-k Gold Filled Watches
Ladies' Solid Gold Watches,
$ia Worth $23.
Rogers' Knives and Forks,
$3.90 per doz. Worth $5
Photograph taken of your Wifo or Children
nones, uogs, House,
Or Yourself, you cannot do bettor than
At Van Uoruer s liallory, aai Spruce street
spucntl attention given to developing aud
in. 1 in: t lur uiuateurs,
Connolly 80 Wallace
A new price on those seven-yard Dress Pat
terns that were $2.45. Now
Opp. Court House.
don't know it,
but it is a fact. We
lave the largest line
of medium priced
in the city. We sell j
no goods but what
we guarantee.
You could make no better present
than to buy a
We have
them from
$3.50 to $10.00.
Martin & Delany
Coal Exchange Building.
132 Wyoming Ave.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
All those who are seeking useful
and serviceable SLIPPERS should
avail themselves immediately of
the bargains now 011 sale iu
Men's Faust Slipper. ...Sj'i.OO; formerly (ISO
Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn
sylvania. The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The
lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal
terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the
leading inducements. Look at the list.
Sohmer Pianos,
E verelt Pianos,
Vose & Sons ' Pianos,
Me I I in Pianos,
Popular Pease Pianos.
Estey Organs,
Story & Clark Organs,
Chicago Cottage Organs,
Palace Organs,
Ami nil kiuj-i ut .Musical Mercuauuls)
cuusttiutly uli baud.
Ihe Holidays ro here, and this is the place to buy Pianos for a Christmas
i reaent. Prices are lower than any other music store in Soranton. Special
Attention -Komeinbur always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or
gan that Christopher Columbus poiuts with his right hand to the exact plaoa
you waut to go. Now here It Is:
J. W. Guernsey, Prop.
Men's Alligator slipper.
Men's Kii99in Calf "
Utn'i Russot Goat "
Mtn'l KnniMi uo
Men's Velvet Up 1 a "
Men 0
li.'Jj; formerly aoo
l.BOj formerly MB
l..r0: formor'y 100
l.BO; formerly 'J.OO
I.OO; formerly l.iO
.00; lormorly 1.00
Also, a variety of Fancy aud
Colored Slippers, in all shapes and
Btvlea. ut liynrfs i:i r hnlnw m-u'l.-,.!
SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store.
.W. Owens & Co.
Ladies' Tailors and Furrier
BFRI :c;i-. vst..
Think that because vou have not
bought your
That you can get along without it this
winter. We have three months of
cold weather ahead of ua.
To dress warm is to have GOOD
You will fiud our Btook large with
If you think of buying or
not, visit us. We may have
just what you were looking
You know that a garment that fits
perfectly is what yon will buy.
The Price Will Ploase You.
Do You Need an Ulster?
Do You Need an Overcoat?
F YOU do, now is the time to buy one,
and our store is the place to get it
Because we are going to sell every one
which we have in our store this winter.
Price is no object, profits have now disap
peared, and you can buy one very cheap.
Try it.
220 Lackawanna Ave.
P. S.Look for our name before the door before en
tering. Make no mistake.
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Specialist on tlio Eye. Heudaolios and
Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved
Htylu of Eyo Olasses and Spootaelus at the
Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes lnsjrtod
for S.V
30s SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office.
Wo have tue most complete assortment of
Men's Euruixhlug Uoods that erer appealed
to the eye or to the taste. Some of our new
shinies aud desiftUH iu Ties are especially at
tractive. They are solliuir at flames which
give you no excuse for being without all sorts
of size and stylos.
205 Lackawanna Aveniu.