t 8 THE SCBANTON TRIBUKE FRIDAY MORlSTN"Gr. JANUARY 5, 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C. B. PRATT. JANUARY Modes and Fabrics OUR FASHION ' MONTHLY Just Out. Describes and contains the Leading Fashions, Latest Dress Materials, Stories, An ecdotes, Humorous, Illustra tions, Valuable Information, elevating and pleasing read ing for the home. GIVEN AWAY to those who call for it at our store. Modes and Fabrics Bound at the end of the year will make a book of 384 pages or more, with about 500 illustrations, describing gowns for calling, shopping, weddings, receptions, balls, parties and other occasions. Every lady wishing to be well dressed, and dress econ omically, should have it. BT THE NEWS OF H NEAR OWNS TOutof town corrospon.l.ints ofTne Tula Dkk shouM ston Ihnir MUIM In full to eaob, iinw s l.-tUT, nut for imblicitlou uut to guard Htaiust deception. I DR. SCHAEFFER'S LECTURE. Also Notes on Closing Day of Wayne County Institute. ITonessdale, Jun. 4 A. good lizad house grouted the appearance of Dr. SchiteiTer at the court house last evsn Ing, Preceding the lecture, Professor Coxgswell naiig "Morning Land," by Dudley Buck, aud "Huppy Three" for mi encore. The subject of Dr. Schaef fer's lecturx was ''T.ie Three Great Tendencies of Modern Education." TheBe he said vrero, tbo tendency to study nature instead of old books; the religious tendency and the humanistic tendency. The speaker gave a short sketch of the slow progress of theje tendencies down to tho present day and showed tlmt they were steadily growing upon the people, until now the great open book of nature wis fast revealing its secrets. He said the knowledge of human nature made the aucces-iful stomp speaker, salesmao, etc , aud not the knowledge of the tariff laws or of the goods for sale. A successful farmer must apply science to his agriculture; he must put bruins in his farming. A study must be made of the book Difino. It must be read in our schools. He sketched the history of the Jesu its, and told of the numberless schools they had founded. Dr. Schaeffer was troubled with a b.id cold and spoke only a short time. His lecture was impressive and delighted all bis hear ers Professor Twitmyar opened this morning's session of the institute with a talk on his emirs of reading for the ttaoheri which had beeu previously outlined as follows: First year, "Hew it's Pedagogy" and "Hewitt's Psycho logy;" second year, "White's Peda gogy" and 'Baldwin's School Man agement;" third year, "Bald win's Applied Psychology" and Painter's "History of Elucation." Pro- cssor Alhert gavi- a talk on 'Trimary ceocrauhv. ' and at the same tun fro- ft'usor Coggswell addressed the Hones dale teachers at the high school on Music." Ex Superintendent Cass closed the morning session with au ad lress on ''Physical Education. Much interest was manifested in the afternoon session, rrofesor lwitmyer giving an illustrated lecture on "Ey Experiments in Natural Smence." Pro- essor Albert addressed tne teacners on 'Advanced Geography." This lecture closed the ssssion of tbo Wayno county nstitute. GORMAN'S GRAND DEP FOREST CITY. Miss Agnes Madigan, of Pleasant JNlount. was married at 2 o clock last Wednesday afternoon, at St. Agnes' church, to John Scully, a well known .voting man of this place. Rev. J. J. Coroner, of this place, performed the marriage ceremony, The newly mar ried couple left on the 3.57 train for a wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Herrick iiave returned from their Binghamton, N. Y., visit. Jake Krieki has gone into the butcher business. Born -Last Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watti, a daughter. Kev, Mr. Lappeus is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe. Harry Yewens and M. S. Stokes, of Scranton. were in town Jon company business Wednesday. Walter Lake's Minstrel company pleased a large audience at Davis' opera house Wednesday evening. The work of the principals was very trood and was most liberally applauded. The songs and jokes were now, and all pres ent enjoyed the many good features of the performance. They appoared at me opera again last night and de lighted another laree audience Man ager Collins is constantly trying to have none hutthe bestoompanieH billed ior tins place. "Dub" Martin, of Carbondale, was renowing old acquaintances In this place Wednesday, The building in which tho Forest City bank and Daimler News company ure lor.atod is receiving a coat of paint, whieh adds greatly to It appearance. Quite a number of young people from this place and Carbondale onioved the skating on Lewi' Lake at Uuiondale Wednesday evening. Superintendent W. A May, of scranton, was in town on official busi ness Wednesday. Dr. D. Dwyer was called to Pleasant Mount Wednesday to attend eoine of the sick, C. Freedman has adorned hie place 01 oiiBiness oy nulling into position a large sign. T. C. Manzr has returned from boutli (iibson, where he has been oon ducting an auction sale. Miss Libbie Riley, of Pleasant Mount, is visiting at the homo of her aunt, Mrs. IhomusClune. Mist Addie Riley, who has been yisitinir at the eame place, returned to her homo at Pleasant Mount yesterday. Henry O'Niel has a valuable young hound winch he will sell at a reason able price. Joseph McCormlck, who has been visiting at the home of his parents iu Friendsville, returned to hit duties in this place yesterday. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE AMUSEMENTS PAST AND TO COME. Programme at tho Cp-ra House and the Dar.ce Hall. Honesdale, Jan. 4 "Zsb, the Clod Hopper." will appear at the opera house Monday, Jan 8 The special scenery carried by the company con sists of oue seeue representing tne natural gas fields of Indiana in full working order; another, the interior of a nawnbroker's establishment at Chicago, but the greatest hit is a re production of the movable sidewalk at the World's fair. The special attraction to Honosdal- lans Will oe ine appearance ox our former townsman, Irving T. Busb, who is one of the leading comedians. Look out for "Zeb." Tho large crowd that poured into Maennerchor hall last night so com pletely filled the room that was only witu tue greatest uimcuuy inai any dancing was indulged in. It was a m"iry crowd and added one more suc cess to the weekly dances of the Key stone orcliestra. The dancing class of Professor Heft met in the old Eiederkranz hall last evening, whore the hours were pleas antly passed. Many persons outside the class enjoy these dances, tue next of which will probably beheld on Mon day evening. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Uheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures riles, or no pay requiroa. it M guaranteed to give ptriect saiisracnon or money reiuuuea. rnce a cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. - - o MINOR HONESDALE NOTES. Hot Uoimportan', but Merely Cut Down to Crisp Paragraph. Honesdale, Jan. 4 Miss Lizzie White returns to ber home in New York city tomorrow morning. Honesdale will again lose its holiday air when the 200 visiting teachers re turn to their homes, the institute hav ing closed with Ur. Warheld's lecture this e,-ening. Unv ..ml Mrs R J Raldslev of Car- bondaie, passed yesterday with Rev. and Mrs. Ctjorge u. nail at in-) rec tory. The funeral of Mrs. Watts will be tomorrowFriday) at 15 o'clock and not Saturday as announced iu today's Tribune. Mr. N A Rv nnd Miss TjIzzih Rav will return to their home in Pittsburg tomorrow. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Lir. Kings New Discovery In the house, and his family has always found tho very best lesults follow its use; that he would not be without It if procurable G. A. Dykeman. druggist, Catlskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discoveiy is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has nsed it iu his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do nil that is claimed for it. Whv not tre a remedy so long tried nud tested? Trial buttles free at Matthews Bros', drug story. Hegulcr size ullo. aud 8I.00. CLARK'S GREEN. J. M. Conrtright retnrned to Toronto on Tuesday last and his brother, Mur ray, relumed to Tyrone on Saturday Archibald Courtright returns to his college today. A J. Stone and family arrived here yesterday from New York city and will spend a few days with relatives. Gertrude Northup, of Factoryvilleis spending a short time with her friend, Mary E. Bevau. S. D. Parker, of Pittston, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kondino Parker Richard Griflin returned from New urk Saturday last Misses L'ina, Mary and Flora Court right, of Aurora, III., have been visit ing at their uncle, B. F. Courtright. Misses Lena and Mary returned home Friday, while Miss Flora will continue ber visit. Henry Thomas is now comfortably domiciled in the Charles Smith dwell ing on Spring street. Chapter No 11281 of the Epworth league, will hold its beginning on Sun day evening next in the Methodist Episcopal church from 0 to 7 o'clock. Topic, ""Joseph; or Virtue Rewarded." A. A. Davis will conduct the services. La grippe is holding high carnival here, aud has numerous victims. Among those most seriously afflicted are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lntsey, Mr and Mrs J. C Higgins, Miss Clara Smith, Miss Battle Hinckley, and fif teen others have either light attacks or aro couvaloseiug. J L. Lutsey and wi are spending s few days with Mr. and Mrs. E Lut soy. Miss Carrie Robinson, of Ariel is here caring for her sick sister. Mrs. B. E. Wheeler. "Three Little Maids" of Dunmore by the name of Jackson, are visiting friends here Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Northup and their sons Wiufr-'d and Htrry, and daughters Mary and Amy, speut New Year's with J. C. Clark's family. G. T. Spencer, of Thompson, has ob tained the contract of heating school building No. 1 with steam. This is thought to be a wise move, as the hot air furnaces have done such poor work. Many have become disgusted and it is hoped that this move of the directors will reuiovo all reproach. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday school elected the following officers for 1804: J W. Mnllenlx, superintendent j J W. Rhodes, assistant superintend ent; Miss Lnella Trace, Secretary ; Miss Clara Smith, organist, and J C. Hlir gins, W. S. Trace, Mrs. Frances L. Divis, J. B. Austin, Mrs. Cassie Ben edict and A A. DaviB, teachers. M. H. Coon was apprised of the death of his brother Lewis, who Jived near Dallas. He left here yesterday to attend the interment, which takes placo to-day. Mis. Wells visited friends in Taylor on Tuesday last, roturuing the same day. Mr. Bonj received serious injury bv being struck upon the side of h;s hoad with a large stone while at work on the Griffin reservoir of the Providonoe Water company. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Chapman called on frieudj in Daltou on Wednesday last. t Washington Camp No. 418, Patriotic Order Sons of America elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing term on Tuesday evening last: Past preii dent. G. W. Bond; president, W. P. Coon; vice president, J. B Croasdule; master of forms, Chartier Griffin; re cording secretary, Lewis Covy; finan cial secretary, Samuel E Snyder; treasurer, A. J. Brittain: conductor, inspector, Edwin Anthony; outer guard, Daniel Wehr; cbaplaio, J. C. Higgini; trustee (eighteen months), George W. Bond. A beautiful regalia was then pres.-nted to C dninbns White for obtaining the largest number of recruiis for the cBinp for the last term, which was eight. Ci-itp prut flnnnv lltin llr Tlinmen' Eclectric Oil according to directions. It is the best remedy ior nil sudden attacus ol culde, paius and iuflamatiou, and injuries. CARBONDALE. ficers: President, Mrs. Margaret Mc Hale; first vice president, Mrs. Kate Devers; second vice president, Mrs. Katie Healy; recorder, Miss Susie Banks; assistant, recorder. Miss Katie Farrell; financial secretary, Miss Annie Holly; treasurer. Miss Mary Collins; marshal. Miss Maggie Carroll; tru-ti-cs, Mrs. Jennie Riordau, Airs. M. A. Del aney. Miss Georgia A. Franc, of Scranton, is Visiting friends and relatives iu this city. JERMYN. Keith, son of Thomas Price, of Ceme tery street, is sick with the scarlet fever. Mrs. J. L. Crawford, of Scranton, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. G. Shepherd. Thomas Walkey. our popular post master, is on the sick list. Misses Gertie Vail and Genie Burrit will return to their school duties at Mansfield tomorrow. Subscribe for The Tribune and get a barrel of flour free. Richard Gendall has gone to Kings ton to attend the seminary. Wednesday night an attempt was made to break into the gent's furnish ing store of Thomas Griffiths, in the Odd Fellows' building. This plaee has already been entered three times and probably the thieves would havo been successful this time had it not been for a large dog, which Mr. Griffiths keeps in the store. Dr. I, S. graves, when returning from a pro essional visit, heard the dog barking and saw two men lurking in the shadow of the building, One of the men whs tall and wore a cap. The other whs thick set and wore a slouch hat. They, seeing that they were ob served, sprang over the low lence and disappeared in the darkness. Upon in vestigation it was found that thsv had stolen a brace and bit from S. B. Hill's wagon shop and bored a number of boles in the store door. It is to be hopsd that our council will soon appoint night-policemen. The only child of John Pattfield died Wednesday of scarlet fever. The in terment, in Rose Hill cemetery, took place today. Mrs. William Jenkins has returned from Pittston, where she has been car ing for her sister, Mrs. Jouathan Davis. OLD FORGE. William E Watt, Lvman R. Smith, William Af. Lathrop attended a recep tion at Wilkei-Barro last evening at the home of Miss Lillian Hauce. Last evening Miss Nellie and Master Joe Crocker entertained a party of their little mends at th -ir home on Wyo ming street from 7 to 10 o'clock, On Wednesday morning of next week will occur the marriage of Misa Mary Collins, of South Grace street, nnd ilioinns Coughliu. of Dun WIT street. The event will be colebrated at 0 40 o'clock a. in., at St. Hose church. Yesterday afternoon ocourred the funeral of the late William Rosaer from the residence on River etreot. In the absence of Rev. Charles Lee the sermon was preached by Rev. P. E Jepson, of the Baptist church, who took for his text the following words of Bcripture: "Lord make me to know mine end and the measure of my daye What it is that I may know how frail I am?' Psalms, xxxix. 4 The singing was rendered by Miss Lucy Varman and Mrs F. E Burr. The pall bearers were composed of Delaware & Hudson passenger con ductors and were as follows: D R. Nicol, Lewis Cook, of Scranton; George Forrell, of Wilkes-Birre; Elliott Skeels, William liisted.'aml John Harvey, of this city. Howard Kuapp, was flower bearer. Olive Leaf lodge, of the order of Odd Fellows, of which organization Mr. Rotser was a mom ber, attended the funeral in a body. Among the out of town people who were at tno funeral were Hon. E. B. Hurdenbergh, Mr. and Mrs. G. W . II dibs and Frank Hobbs, of Hones dale; Mr. and Mrs, D R Niool and Mr, und Mrs, Jarn-s Nicol, of Scran ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Ferrell, of Wilkes-Barre. The funeral was one of the most largely at ten led of those thut have been held iu this city in many months Tho remains were in- terred in Maplowood c uuetery. The subject of today's noonday prayer meeting is "The Corner Stone," I Peter, ii, 1 10 The meeting will be led by S. Bolton. Mrs. A S. Lewsloy and sister, Miss Anna Wilcox, called on friends in Scranton yesterday afternoon, Miss Jennie Jones has returned to her home iu Scranton from a pleasant visit with frieudi in this city. The funeral of William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cannon, of Powderly road, who died yesterday morning, will be held this afternoon. - Interment in St. Rose cemetery. Will R. Davis retnrned homo to Jen ningsville yesterday from a visit with friends in this place. William Brennan, of Archbald, was in thiB city yesterday. He had in his poisession the lucky Mozirtband fair ticket No. 9118, which drew the $50 gold prize, lie presentod the ticket to Manager Creegau and received the money. The members of W. II. D ivis post, Grand Army of the Republic, of this city, will go to Scranton this evening to assist in the installation of officers of Ezra Giiffiu post, No. 137, of that placo. Last evening occurred the installa tion of officers in the Ladies' Oatholis Benevolent association, It was con ducted by Past President Miss Maggie Kelly, who installed the following of- Mr. Mclntyre has resumed hia old hotel, and the opening on New Year's day was a grand one. Two looal wrestlers try their skill in Loftus' ball Una evening. Both are well known nnd public opinion is about equally divided aa to their merits. It is gratifying to be able to say that the accident to Mr. Jones at W. A. Connell mine is not so serious as an ticipated. It is believod that he will soon be able t attend to his ordinary duties, Contractor M. Joyce is to the front again, having secured a big job this time, Ojjiccr Eugene Christine Of Philadelphia. An Officer's Battle He Might Have Lost But for Assistance Dr. K. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And his associated etulT of EnKllsh and Ger man I'll) Hcmiih.uro now iiermunuutly located Temple Court Building .11 1 BPRUOR ST., SCRANTON Wbera llioy may t,o consulted DAILY AND si N H AY. The Doctor Is a graduate ot the Ur.lvorsity ct Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physiology and eurgorv at tho M'dic:o-i:hlr-uriical College, of Pliiludolidiiii. Ho Is alao an linnorary member of tlio Medico C'hlrur (leal Association, nnd was physician ud inrgson-ln-Ghlst of the men noted American nd Gorman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by tho leading profosbora of Philadelphia mid New York. His many yoara of hosoltal expsrienos on bloa this eminent pliyniuian sad surgeon to correctly diagnose end treat all deformities and diseases with tho most flattering success, and bis hlkh standing in tho otato will not all w him to accept any incurable case LOST MAMiODD BUftTOUKD. WKAKNIXS OF YOUNG MKN CIJHKD. Ifyouhnvo noon given up of your physi cian cull upon the doctor and lie examinod. lie cures the wont catesof Nervous Debility, lcrofuln, Old Borea. i stank. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Ear, Eyo, Noso nd Throat, Astlimn, Deafness, Tumors, Can cer and Cripples of every desorlption, Con saltation In BngUsb and Gorman Pioe, which ehull lie considered sacred aud utrictly couu dentlnl. Office Hours: OA. M. to U 1. SI. Daily. Sunday, 9 a.m. to " p.m. I low It Was Given, and the Inevitable Result. An officer connected with the Tacony Station house, Philadelphia, has had a se vere battle with a monster, or a demon, he hardly knows which to call it. Wo will let him tell the story in his own words: " I Want to Say a Word about what Hood's Samparllla did for me. I was troubled the wont way with dyspopsla. Why, I could ael eat nnylhing at breakfast without distress, and when I did manage to eat a ltttla it would all come up agalu. I tried almost everything I heard of to find relief, but still I suffered. At last 1 was told juat haw I felt and what Hood's Sarsaparilla would do for ins by an advertisement In a paper. I de elded to try the medicine, and realized all the benefit promised. It was what Hood's tiarsa parllla actually did for ine that Convinced me of Its Merit I cannot praise It enough. I can cat heartily now, although two months ago I did not know what It was to keep anything on my stomach. Hood's ss Cures Besides being cured of dyspepsia, I have been relieved of severe pains In the kidneys. I am willing this should he used to tell others how to bs cured of dyspepsia." Officeii Euqenb Christinb, Tacony .station House, Tacony, Philadelphia. HOOD'S PlLLS cure KauMa, Sink Headache, Indigoitt'cu, lllllosiueti. Sold by all druggists. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Khst-olass Ear atteobed. Depoi for Bergnor A Engul's Taunhiousor I E. Col lath and filbert Philada. Mot desirable for residents of N R. Penn' ylvRuia. All conveniences tor travelers to and trom Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Htroet station. Die lrablo for visiting Borantoulans aud pen lie Iu the Anthracite Region. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT S CONNELL CO. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are huudreds of young men and young women in this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COUKSIi BUSINESS COURSE. SHORTHAND COUHSE. p g NEW YEAH OPENS JANUARY 1. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement. Dec. 11), 1803. railed for by the Comptroller ol the C'urreuoy. RB8OUB0ES. Loan 1, 204,473. 10 Overdraft. ,.r 7-lo.i:i United States llnnds 800,000.00 Other ItomU 44H. 17. 7C Itanlilnic Honte 28,071.40 i n nonius mi I . s. Bondl.,,1 17449 70 Due from V. S. 1 1-eunurer 10.000.00 Due Iroiu llutiks 321,130 00 Caah I73.oao.08 2,403,01)8,06 LIABILITIES. Capital 8200.000.00 Mai-plan 240.000 oo Undivided I'rorlta 50,0.'l,-.20 t'lrriilatlon 102,000.00 IHi ol' in It luialll 1.8H2.M) Deposit.' 1,722,2J0 HI) Due to Dunks 80.024.0; 82,403,008.00 WILLIAM CONNKLT, Tresldent. i.i ii II. N'ATLIN, Viee-I'reslilent. WILLIAM II. FKCK, Cashier. DIBKCTORS, William Connell, George II. Cntlln, Alfred H i... I Henry Delhi, Jr., James Archbald, William T. Smith, Lutbar Keller. , This bank offers to depnsltnra every facility Warranted bv their balances, busi ness and responsibility. Special attention i;iv, n to business ac counts. Interest puld on time deposits. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton OltUANIZED 18'JO. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. KERR lb SIEBECKER . 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenua. "E have completed our inventory and naturally have found some odd lots of LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE PORTIERES and TABLE COVERS, which we will close out at actual cost. They Must Be So d In our Carpet Department you will find bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, and in the finer grades, such as Moquette, Velvet and Axminster. Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old Pieces will be sold regardless of cost. Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, $2.50; reduced from $3.50. STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMUEL niNF.n.il'resl.lent W. W. W ATSUN, Vice l'resldont A. U. WILLIAM?', Cashier. DIIUCOTOM, BAlltni Hints, .iamks M' EvEitnAtvr, liiviNo II, Finch, PimroiB, p inlet, .Uwepii J. Jl llMVN, M B, Kkmiihek., Cuab, 1', Maitiilwh. John T. I'ouriK. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tbls bank Invitee tbo patronage of business men and Hrms Keusrally. DFITF.R snOK CO.. Iuo'p. Capital, lj 000,000. BKST ni.no S1IOK IN THE WOHI.l. "A dollar tactd a dollar rarnrd." . Tills Lotlles'HolIrl French Ilongnla Kill But ton Boot dellvorcd free snywbire In the U.S., oil rccciit Dmata, Money urucr, or I winl Nolo for ,, : Equsls evory wny thu boots solil In nil reiull stores for ' Wo miiRO this boot ourselves, therefore we guar antor tho (, IrrM iinii wtar, and If any one Is not satisfied Will rcillim urn money r send another pair. Opera Too or Common Btmse, litths V, I), K, ft KK, lies 1 lo in-. i nan slics. Stnd your nix; tin ni you. uiunrawq Cata logue FREE FEDERAL ST.. 8flciul term tn laitrt MSI Warn I S3 K iir a'; RUGS A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE) ONLY THE RIG MSER 00. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, TS?S4 Scranton, Pa. WHILE many manufacturers nnd doalor aro making extravagant state ments concerning the merits and durability of medium or low jjnvd pianos, intending purchaser should not fail to examine the fainoui STECK PIANOS. Illustrated hook containing valuable information on pianos on application. E.G. flicker & Co. 123 Adam3 Ave. Dexter Shoe Co. Odds and Ends And Remnant Sale. You who have experienced the Dol lar Saving Virtues of these sale? will be the first, as usual, to get the ben efit of our offerings. To you who have not tasted thereof, let us advise: Look in our show windows during the next few weeks and note the goods and prices, but they are only a hint of what can be secured inside. It will pay you to investigate further. OUR EVER-LIBERAL CREDIT SYSTEM Deals comfort to all with a lavish hand. Our Heating Stoves are being sold at big reductions. We only sell the best.