2 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all Mnril rout thai much, u - cept Situations Wanted,v!hi:h are inserted FtOtM. Wanted. A V ANTED - TO PURCHASE CIGAR (tore, r would rent DIMM suitably for Ailurom, r o. a., care ot 1 npoB". Help Wanted Male. WANTED - BOOK KEEPER; ONE OK experience, an elderly man preferred. Call at Cfttet Hall, lit) Wyoming' aye. T a NTED-oooD ALL ABOUND BLACK- smith Inquire ut Tribune otnee. w Help Wanted -Females. I i work. Apply tHO Monroe ave cor Pine For Sale. FARM, stuck SHEFFIELD, w FOB SALE - it' ACRE I Hlld UlfliKllU. .1. M Monroe ave. - I 'OK SALE ONE NEW YOST TYPE I writer, also one new Abbott check punch, at a bargain. Address ft. J., care Tribune or flee. 1 'OK SALE CHEAP, FOB WANT OF L'8E, J a DrtVelaMJ freight elevator, electric motor, shaftina. beltinir. etc. Apely at ELK" BUILDINO. lii anil 1117 Franklin aveuue, or to I. I j. WILLIAMS. Arehllect. T70B SALE OB EXCHANGE FOB 8CRAN -T tou property A bearing oraugo grove increasing m production and value yearly in the orange section in Florida. Addre.i h. E. NETTLETON, LaUo Helen. Florida For Rent. IX)K KENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NoVV F occupied by the Telephone Exchange. IK' L.iuliawulina nveuuu Apnlv at the DUO Of Lehigh Salt Miniim Co.. Third Nutioual Dank tuildiug L S. and K C. Puller. I 'OK KENT Till: FURNISHED RfcSi I deneeof the late William W Manueas, IH7 Jefferson a?enuj ftltli or without barn in the lea". Iuq.uire of II A Knapp. Uepublicau LtdMing T'OK KENT TWO-8TOBY BRICK DWEL J ling boa; modern Inprot ei'ieuts. Ul.'i lorest court. Apply to MACRICE COLLINS, agent, M Wist Lackawanna avenue. II'O LIT FOB A TERM OF YKAKH 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad. Apply at li Kraukliu avenue. '0 RENT- STOKE a&xiWOlt FURNISHED I hall on Oreeu Ridge street. Very deslra tle locatiou and on reasonable toiuis. Apply to F. E. NETTLETON or 0 8. WOODBUFFi Betmbllnan building. Real Cstate. T'OKT-HuTinKusiBi C Y y avenue; vory desirable location. Anply 0 F. REYNOLDS, or WiLLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. yi.tiSo WILL BUY MODERN NEWSROOM V1 house, all Inipiovciuents; tenns easy, OOT per Madison avenue aim Delaware street. Ap ply HARRYLEES 01.400 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT ' corner Madison avouus and Delaware street. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Valley Employes Clad of Supt. Alexander Mitchell's Reinstatement. JERSEY CENTRAL AND THE VALLEY Money to Loan. l.OUO OR '.',IAIU TO LOAN ON FIRST SlORT s gage. Address K. TBIBVI office. Special Notices. THIRD NATIONAL BANK SCItAXTON, Dei- 28, 1SIR fl'HE ANNUAL MEETINU OF THE I stockholder of this bank for the election of directors, and such other business as may tome before it. will be held at the banking luuuia on Tuesday . Jan. V, MM. The polls will he open from i y m to 4 p. ni HE.VKl UEI.ItS, JR., Se. y. OTICE OF ELECTION THE A N NI A L ll meeting of the shareholder of the First National Bank, Scranton. Pa., fur the election of directors for the ensuing year, w ill be held at the banking house on Tuesday, Jan. H, l.StM. Polls will be opened from ; until 4 o'clock, p.m. ISAAC POST. Cashier. fT'llE ANNUAL !-TOCKHoLDEKS MEET J lug of the Weston Mill Co , for the adop tion of by laws, election of officers, and inch other business ae may come before the meet lag, will be held at the First National bank at uuht o'clock p. in., Saturday. Jauuary 13tb, 18U4. A. W. DICKSON, Secretary AN V lbtfl -ON AND AFTER THIS DATE ) I will pay no debts unless contraeted by mviseif. JABED J. POSTENs, I3.'l Soutu N iueteotith at., Philadelphia. WAR.' roiitainiug Frank Leslie's famous old volumes folio. Every New "'PHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVI1 1 containing I r War oictures. Two pige illustrated. Over Kjopugcs As an tdu cator it is unexcelled Sold on easy monthly jiaymoi.ta. both volumes delivered complete. Address P. 0 Moody, UUti Frauxllu avemie, agent for Northeastern Pennsylvania. 4JCRANTON WRINOivR HOSPITAL, BIO 1 ' jprune stieet. gniund tloor. The best felld White rubber rollers, o'le dollar taoh, Work guaranteed by the oldes. aud only ex pert wringer repairer in Scrantan. Situations Wanted. VrOUNO MAN, STEADY ANU RELIABLE I desires a situation, with or without board Will work reasonable. Address, J D, B., Tribune olllce A lady would like a SITUATION as housekeeper in a small family; prater a place where there is no woman. For in foi mntiou please call at -U5 Washington SV. Call for E S Buffalo Live Stock Market Buffalo, Jan. 4. Catilb Ilecoiptc. VM head; anle, '1U head; market f toady; lair to good fat cows, 2.!Sa2.85; veals, strong, 7a7.60; extia prime, 18. jc Hoes KecelptB, l&OOO head, on sale, tl.WO head; market dull for light grades with the bulk of lute sales, lOa'lOc. lower: Yorkers, l&MlDifa, 5.tMt.7A with lho hulk of sulea at H,tt; six cars of light hold ovor; mixed packers, $o.iJds5.75; choice heavy, 5.05a6.75; rough, $4 60a 5: sluts t&toaiat, BUIF and Lamhs Receipts, 7, oi0 heu.d ou sule, U.UUU hcud; uiurket easy for all kinds, but about all sold; choice to uativu lambs, .7ia5.00; UOmmontO Jood J3.75n 4 50; native sheep lair to good, U.lioall.'Jj; choice fat, 4.:i.00a8.35H3.50; heavy export wethers, H,75a4.5'; Canada lambs, ti.WJa 6.10. - Chicago I.ivn Stock Market. C'hiuauo, Jan. : 1 inn. Receipts, I.- -. market firm; common to extra steers, f3.25ati.00; Mockers and feeder, tt,8Sa&65; cows and bulls, jl.2M8.7S; cuives, . . -'.'.a'- HooH-Rceipts, ai.OOO: market actlvo and strong; heavy, fco.05a5.45; common to choice mixed, $5.0Ga5.ir; choice assorted, t5 :'.,:.. 15 light, 5.lKla5 80, pigs, M.SM&tt. SHEP--Receipts, 10,000; market weak; inferior to choicu $l.n0a3.50; lambs, 1 1. 75 to. ' Philadelphia Tallow Market. l'liiLADKi.piiu, Jan. 4.' Tallow was quiet and Eteady. Prices were: 1 rime city, in hogsheads, 5c. ; prime, country, iu hogsheads, 5c. ; do. dark, in bar relt, 4Jjc. ; cakes, f'kc, grease, 4,c,c Dr. Woou'u NoKWAy Pine Shrup was used for years as a prescription by a suc ceisfal physician. It Is In all respocts tho beat cough medicine made today. Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction. The death rate is higher in Burks county than ever known before The Fight Between Them Is Begin ning to Get Warm Central People Come to a Close Understanding With the Lackawanna -As to That Alleged Discover ot Anthracite in Delaware County, N. Y. Some Shorter Siftings of Industrial News and Gossip. The Wilkes-Barre Record editorially pays a handsome couiplimerit to A. A. Mitchell upon his return to the super intendency of fie Wyoming division of the L'jhtgn V.illey railroad, which he so ably and susoesefully filled until maile general superintendent of motive power nnller the McLeod regime. The Record says: "Not only are the em ployes of the division delighted, but the general public u well. Mr. Mitch ell has earned a reputation horealwals of which any man may feel proud. During the many years covering hi connection vrith the Lehigh Valley he has not only shown himself to bj a thoroughly capable railroad man, hut n kindly, thoughtful gentleman aa well. The men who have grown up uuder his supervis ion are among the very best rlfilroaders in the United States. They love him as a father for he treats them all ashiscbildreu. While insisting at nil times upon the faithful psrfor mancd of their duties, Superintendent Mitchell has always shown such thoughtful consideration of his men hi to merit their highest esteem. Search the Wyoming division from one end to the other and you oannot find a single railroad man who has any but the kindliest feelings toward Superintendent Mitchell. Even the men whom he has most severely dis ciplined speak of him with the groatest respect, for ho has nover been known to administer undeserved punishment. Not only docs he know every foot of the road between Cuxtou aud Munch Chunk, the hardest section of railwuy to operate in the United States, but he knows nearly every employe on it, understands them thoroughly and has their entire confidence." A dispatch from Huzleton says: "For some past L. A. Riiey ev Co. have been mining the coal underlying the land in Scotch valley. It now transpires that their title to it has been illegal. The operations entered into by this com puny are quite extsnsivo and are con ducted chifllv under the authority of the Lehigh Valley company. Several years ago the land, which then be longed to Mrs. Robert P. Riley, was sold for tuxes. The latter at the time was iguorant of her possessions and al lowed the vast lield of coal to be trans ferred to the Lehigh aud Wilkes-Barre Coal c mpany. The latter obtained the land for a nominal sum of money and at once opeued up a coal mine, lu the meantime the company neglected to have the lease of the tract recorded, and District Attorney Buckingham, of Columbia county, says they have uo lawful right to the property. Robert P. Riley, of this city, has begun legal proceedings against the Lehigh and Wilkes-Burro company and it is ex pected will regno possession of the disputed mine property." It was rumored in Philadelphia Wednesday that a truflic agreement had been entered into between the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western and the Central Railroad Company of Jersey lor an interchange of have sailed for tho Mediterranean. The party will remain abroad uutil April and expect to visit the Holy Land. The averago of anthracite coal prices at Schuylkill Haven in December was &53 4-10, us agaiast $2,004-10 iu Novem ber, i iW.'.j in December of lsst year, 2.34 in December, 1801, and $-.115 iu Docember, 1800. Wages are li per cunt, above the basis. The Rending receivers have succeeded iu gutting Expert Little to delay publishing bis report until he brought bis investiga tions up to Nov. 30 for both companies, which would complete the fiscal year. The strike of the railroad c al miner on the Wb eling division of the lialtimore and Ohio railroad, is now complete. About X IX) i men are interested and the utruggle will likely be a stubborn one. The men are determined ty remain out until the C5 cent rate is puld. Few if any of Sonth flarrltburg's indus trial plant! are ID operation now. Some have ahut down tor the holidays and have not started up as yet. Orders are few and far between, aud the era of "full time" seems away off. Stark No. 1. of the Alleotowu Rolling mill, is being blown out and No. I stack is being bauked, with a probability oi being blown out in a few days. Tia likely that the whole plant will be idle by the end of the week. The East Lebanon Rolling mills resumed operations for the first, time since lust Ap ril, when tho mills were destroyed by tiro duiiug a high gale. They give employment to about 100 men. The Hpeyer loan to the Reading com pany has been extended for a period of three mouths, fwo.iHW additional collat eral having bceu depoaited under the ugrccment made !, October. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stccks and Fondi Nw Youi;, Jan. 4. The Wall street markets were decidedly stronger todav. The rise cm only he explained by the fact that the professional element for some reason hat become imbued with the idea that tho bear campaign has come to an end. Iu some quarters It is confidently be lieved that any attempt to make radical changes iu the tariff will he checkmated. This, it is argued by those favoring higher prices, means nu improvement iu the stock market and as a result they started to discount the good effects tudaj . The principal advauceS w ere Gen eral Electric 3) Delaware uud Hudson m4, Western Union i, Sugar lj, liur liugtou Ik, Chicago Uas lx, Northwest 1, St. Paul IK, Rock islanil lit, Dacka wauna Vfy, Distillers and Cattle 1H, Louis ville and Nashville S. Mhsouri Pacific 1, New York Central IK, New England 1, Heading 1, Omaha 1W, The high prices led io some sales for the long account aud a recession of i to I per cent, followed. At the close, however, the market was firm iu tone. The total sales were 285,400 shares. New YoBK, Jan. 11 Following are ths clos ing quotations of active stocia Specimen Cases. i). a. Clifford, New Catsel. Wit., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was afl'ected tiu alarmiui: degree, uppetlte fell away, 4Wl be wu terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd. Harrishurg, HI., had a running soro ou his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottlea of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck len's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O, bad five lame fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was Incurable. One bottle Elect i Ic Bitters aud one box Bucklen's Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Bold by Mat thews Bros. Am. Cott. Tr. A. T. ft 3. Fe. ... Cas. Ho Celt, of N. J Chic. 4K.W.... ri.lu .Hiir. A i.; .. Chicago tlas C. M. . St Paul. Chic, li I. ft P., C. S. P. A O.... C. 0.0, & L... Col..H. V T.... pro D. ftH D., L. ft W Hen. Eioetrie Lake Shore 1S0U 1 , , m ! ; ' . Maubattf.11 ivii kllaKUrl Pacific. 21 National Cordag. '.'0 mt, I Nat. Load Tr i'Jfi il .j I i. I. OS 11. t. ! 48H I N. Y. Cent v; I Mi l&W 114 1 N. Y,L. I. AW,, W I N. I . unt. ft W. 7oU ! North. Pac, com u2 M I North. Pac, p'fd. oii ! N. A PaolflsMall 1'hlla. ft Heading. it, T Sugar Tr Texas Pao T. C. ft I Union Pao Wabash Wahuah p'fd II Weatern Union... -1-., W. A L. B - W. ft L. E . p'fd isK . ii . 80 .m .16.6 83 14 7of4j UN freight and passenger traffic for Buffalo ami Western points. This mova was brought about by the New Jersey Cen tral people, who are determined to fight the Lehigh Valley company for the business between Jersey Ciiy and the coal fields In the Lshigh Valley and the through business between Bulfilo and Jersey City. Since the begiuniug of the year the Lehigh Valley Railroad company has been running its trains from Mstucbin to Jersey City over the Pennsylvania Railroad company's track, ah-1 using the depot of this company. To do this the contract made with the Central Railroad company for tho running of trains over that com pany's trucks was broken. It is the in tention of the Central Railroad com' pany to make a vigorous move wher ever possible to get all tho business it can from the Lthlgh Valley company. A dispntch from New York late last night quoted Steond Vice President S. M Williams,of the Jersey Central rail road, a saying that his road had made no traffic alliance with the Lacka wanna against the Lehigh Valley. There is no traffic agreement of any kind between the Jersey Central and the Luckuwaunu. Conflicting reports come conceruing tne alleged recent discovery of anthra cite in Dataware county, New York. The story which has gained most gen eral currency is that while Andrew Cookhouse, a fanner living at Thod bottom, near Equiuunk, was enlarging a spiing on nis place ne unearthed u substance foreign to the soil of that re gion, which on close inspection turned out to be coal, and being tested proved of good (Uility. Enongh has been dug since to keep the neighhorhool black smith shop supplied. A ooal operator from Wilkes-Barre is said to have vis ited the farm aud stated he would lease il, sink a shaft and pay 35 cents a ton for all coal mined. Unfortunately for the authenticity of this story, 110 name is given and nobody iu Wilkes-Barre knows who the allegsd visitor was Si nee Mr. Cookhouse 'a discovery p.ir lie.) have beeu prospecting Mr. Hul hurt's land, and last week again dis covered unmistakable signs of coal, so the narrative has it : but other reports from Equlnunk discredit the whole tale, it being asserted that the coal is of insufficient quantity to justify de velopment. UNDEH THE ScflKtCNH: John Gordon, manager of the Lehigh Valley Transportation company's lake lines baa resigned. Captain Henry, who has been In the service of the company for years, will lie appointed iu his place. The new plant of the West Side Electric Light company, situated near the Hlack Diamond colliery in Luzerne b.irough, wai completed a few days ago, and on Tuesday night at 5 o'clock steam was turued into the engines for the first time. They ran smootely and promptly. Philadelphia rumor has it that Roll in II Wilbur will succeed his father, E. P. Wil bur, as president of the Lehigh Valley When the latter retires. special Master George L. Crawford will today give a hearing ' on the Bice petition to remove the IteniUug receivers. First Vice-Prefldeut Robert H. Sayre, of the Leblgb allev, uccompaiiied py his wife aud daughter, Mrs. V. il. Chandler, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS ANU gUHOftOlt 1h7(. l ukan, Disease of the l.ye, Nois Is Thi oat aud Ear, 604 Spruce btreet, oppo alto court bouse. Da A. J. WOMNELL, OSo na Waihuigton avenue, comer Spruce street, over Krauckc's drug atore. Keaidence, 7i Vino at Office hours: lU.SUtnlSa. m. and to 4 and 0.3U to 7.80 p. m. Sunday. I! to m. DK. W. E. ALLEN, OtBee vSt. Lack wauuaand WaahlueUm aves over Loon aril choo store; office hours, 10 to 1" a. in. aud 3 to 4 p. Bt; even:: : at residence, Hi It washlaaton ave. Dlx. C. L i-HI-.V Practice limited to Di eaaes of the Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat; olllce. it! Wyomlug ttve. Rcaideuoe, 5a Yins street DR L M. OATES. 140 Wuahlnatou Avenuj. OKI..- hourt, S tut am , 13U-.0 3 aDd I toSp.ni. ,. lUll.M I, WENTZ. "jl L. Officoi alt aud 41 l O.mraouwealth building: ridno 711 Madisoaavu; olllce BOttrS. 1J to 12, 2 to 4, " to I Sundays 2 80 to 4. evenlnys at residence. A upeeialty mado of di'-eaaes of the efe, ear, uo and throat aud gyinoology. I 1 it 1.1 L) MURRAY speolaltr mad oa dis X.' eases of eye snd kin.2l2 Wyominl Avu. Office hour.i: Until 10 a lu .2 to 4 uud 7 to s p ni. MRS. DR. KINO. Ml MUUMCRBY STREET. At Curbondale ou Frldava of each week. foranton Wboltsal Uarkst. PcBxicroK. Jan. 4. Fautrs asd Pao- Dtici fried apples, per lb. , 9a7e. : evap orated apple;. KaUo. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 4,a5c; English currants. a,o.; layer raisins, tl.U0ali.O0; muscatels, tl.40a 1.50 per box; new Valencia, Tale. per lb. beans -aiarrowiauLH,wif.oa per uusi eii mediums, 1.80al.u0. PaAS Greeu. tl 25al.80 per bushel ;spht. i2.50a2.00; leutels. Saldc. per pound. rOTAToas NMTOe, per bushel. Oaioas 86a70c. per bushel. K-uttbh 22u'Joc. per lb. CHzaaa 10124c. per to. KoOS Freiii. iifinaOc: pickled, Wc: coolers. SOalllc. Mk ats Hams. lOWe.; larg. 10c; skinned bams, lOe.; California hams, He; shoulder, uc; dry salted bellies, .'Vi.; smoked breakfast baoou. I9e. fresh pork loins, VKA "Wyoming" pork atuage, lie.; Wyoming home made sau sage, o-pounn pail, larded, lie; butch ers sausage, tike, our own make: fresh pork shoulders, 7Wc.: fresh pigs' feet, SCI frush pigs' i.eada, Sc.; fresh spare ribs, He; fresh leaf lard, lie; lrssh kidueys, be. doc.; rough sausage meat, He: tongue, SWc; plucks, Sceach; whole hogs, ij4c. fOBK Mess at 117; short cut, $18 Laud Leaf iu tierees at UK.; 1" tubs, BJifcl in Id-pound pails, l(i)e.: in 5-ponnd palls, 10MC; V-pouud palls, lu'te. pr pound. iiLKif Choice sugar cured, smoked beer, Uo. Pooltry Chltbena, lOalO.Vfo.; turkeys, IBalSkc; ducks. 12a 13c. Flouii Minnesota patent. nr barrL Ii.40a4.60; Ohio and Indian amber, at tS.7B; Graham at IU.50; rye Hour, at VS.'ib. buckwheat Flouh $3 .00 per owt. FxtD Mixed, per owt., at $1.1X1. GHAia-Kye, V5,; corn, 40 to 5a. ; oata. IUl5c. per bushel. Ktk Straw Per ton. $1319. HAT--Pr ton. $1018. ' New York Froduos Markat. Nxw York. Jan. 4 B'l.ooa-Moder- ateiy active. Wheat bpot market active firmer; No. 2 red, store and elevator, till'-,'adi Vo, ; f.o.b., lieattoiic.; ungraded red. filawc.; afloat, OS.auS'iC; No. 1 northern, '- ,dc; options active, IMO. higher, closing; No. a red, January. OT'ic; Fehrunry. (v. Murch, MHC: May, TlHCi July, e t.oHN Spnts, fairly active, stronger; No. 2. 42ka42I ,c. elevator; $Xa48wa afloat ungraded mixed, 41c; steamer mixed, UKO,; HO, B, 41c; low mlxei 4'!a42'",c options fairly nctivo, closing firm; J aim ary, 42:;;c.; February, 4314c.; March, 44c. : May, 4.iHo. oats Spots, moderately active, firmer options firmer, fairly active. January.lMc.; reoruary, 4JiC; May, K:. ; spot prices white, USaJjc. ; No 3, mixed 55a40Ke- 00 '4 western, white, No.'.', S-ta34V'c; No. No. 2 Chicago. 35c. No. 8 white, 83,'Xc; WaMe.1 white do., state. b'5a40kc. Dauv-Vdiet, steady. Hekf Dams Dull. Tiaiicku Beek Inactive. Cut Meats-yulet, firm: all unchanged bABD Better demand, firmer; western steam, $8.US;city, 7i48'.Bc.; options Janu ary, $8.15; February, 7.5; May, K7.95; le nucd, quiet, firm; contiueut, $8.75: South America, $0.25; compound, fii.nuaO.aS. POR-Quiot, steady; mess, $13.75al4.50 IlUTTER yulet, steady; mess, $18.75 14 50; state dairy, 18a'24Xc.; do. creamery. lyaiHC. ; western uniry, loaiviir. ; 00. cream ery, lUa26a: do. faofory, 16al0c; 13 gin, 25Xs26c. ; imitation creamery, 17a20c. ; rolls 16alKc Cheese Fair demand, firm. Eoob Dull, weaker; Ice house, 1 Sal 7c. limed, l.'vulOc.; western fresh, aOaaljc. southorn, 20u2I& Clippko MOM Canada Presbyterian, under signature of C. Dluckott Koblusou.' proprietor 1 was enred of oft.-recurrlug oiiuoui ueauacuo oy ouruoCK D10OII Bit ters, - Any tubiorilicr uf Tkt -Tribune may t- ciire n oook or yiour una coul coujuyiu worth $$ and fans Mm SO mi nit tmA barrel uj Jtour uud M cenfi on ritci on of mm. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Coubt House Squake. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed me uesc, vi-iKitiNAnv SDROBOMI l.' hTi li'UB, V, JL. tlstry a speciulty liverv. KX DU st near li-phoiiii No. 411. leriuitry nureoii. laity; ifold r tario Voterlnary College. Office. Summer's idallst Uull f On- nil fuller's carriage ahop. LAW VKRS. I M. C. BANpK'8 Law aud Colluellon of J . flco. No. 817 Spruce St.. oDnosite Forest House, Bcrnnton, Pa,; collections a specialty tbrouKhout Pennaylvauia; reliable correspond ents in evory county. J- E88UPS HAND, Attornor and t:ouusei" lora at Law, Commonwoalth building, Vt'aflbiugtoD ave. W. H JKS8UP, HOKACE K. HAND. W. H. J ESS UP. JR. UMLLARD. VYARRLN & KNAHP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law. Ropublicuu buildlu?. Waahington ave., Ucranton. Pa. (JATTKRHO.V & WILCOX, Attorneys and 1 Counsellors at Law; offices (i and 8 Library building, berantun, Pa ROSWEM. H PATTailSoa. William A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 111, ?0 and 21. nRANK T. UKfcLL, Attorney at Law. Room T 8. Coal EEchange. Scranton, Fa. MILTON W. LOWRV, I Atfys, 2.7 Wasluug C. II. VON 8T0RCH. f tou av.. 0. H. aquare JAMES W. OAKFoHD, Attorney at Law, ) i-ooins 03, C4 aud 05, Commonwealth I.'I'b- OAMCEL W. LDC.Alt. Attorney at Law. ' Olllce. 817 Spruce at . Scranton. Pa. A. WATREs, Attorney at Law, Lackawanna ftue. Y. Hili'f H CiJ Scranton. Pa. Counsellor at Law. Office. Oil Commonwealth mUdUM c rooms 54, R. PITCHER, Attorney at Uf, , luoriwraitb bnilalng. Scranton, 1'a. Com- C. COMBO YS, 821 Spruce at. DR. HEl'LOOLK. Attoruov-Loans nouo tjatod ou real estate security. ICS Spruce. O "K KILLAM, Attorney at Law, Iw' Wy ! cmiiig avenue. Scranton. HAVE YOUR DEEDS AND MuRTOAOES uiitten and acknowledged by J W BHOWr.'INO. Attorney and Notary Public, comi:i"iiweitu ii'iiioiiLff. UKMTMTK "i 0 LAUUAC11, burgeou Dentist, No. Hi v ' , v yoming aye It M. t-TRATTON, otfice Coal Exchange Connolly & Wallace . ' pfsiii m A new price on those seven-yard Dress Pat terns that were $2.45. Now $1.96 Worth. $3.50 AS LONG AS THEY LAST. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 ZsKrvE B LANK BOOKS LANK BOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LKADINO MAKKij. Fine Stationery WIKTjWATEEM AN aud FRANK -LIN FOUNTAIN PENS. All Quaranteml. Agents for Crawford's Pens aud Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. SCHOOLS Ml i - WORCBST BR'd K1NDEBUABTKM nd BehuoL 412 A Jains avenue fuaiU received at all tluiba. Fall term will open Su : ,t in ).. r I OI HOOL Of THE LACKAWANNA. S.ran tot), P., nienare9 hoya u:u1 clrla foreollesa M'HOOL Of or bnuiwai: llioi-out(hl tiuiua vuuuk ehiiUreo. Liiiuiuk'uo at reueit. Kr.v. THOMAS M CAN.V. W A Ll K It H. BOtl.U LlAN8 TOP I'AYINH Hbl.N'T. OWN YOUK h. in. Money to lun 11 on ea Bluathl laviueuU. 8. N'. CALLKNUKli. Dime Bunii Balldttii HOTKI.t AND ItVsTA l'KANTc. '1HK WEbTJIlN'STEK, HI7-219 Wyoming 1 ave. Room heated with steunr. all uiuX cm tuinrovementH. (.' M. ThL'MAN, Pi,u. 1 1 KBTM1N 6TKB HOTEL. W W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Sliteenth street, one block eaat of Broadway, at L'lilon Square, New York. American plan. $i So per day aud upward. 'tOYNE HOL'iJE, Euroneau plan; X'oc-l v rooum. Open day aim night. Bar'bup plled with the Uat. JlfL i!i w ti. IToprletor. C( RAN TOM HOUSE near b"L"i VI pa Is lenger deput. Conducted on the Europeau (ilan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. ' I El I LEB'S HOTEL. VI Lackawanna uv Li n i..-. Scranton. Kates reasonable. p ZiFfit.KH. Propristof, "HAND CENTRAL The largest" and Bwt " 1 tuuippe.l hotel iu Alleatown. Pa.; ratal ; - aud i -' ai p.-i day. Vl.'TiiK D. BAB wan, Pr"trletor. m DUTHE1L STUDIO, OIK LACKAWANNA AVENUE, OAy SCIIAN'IO.N, PA. 0 . AVING MADE a J U fiau.o lactory ti ri Irani between v niaa, I nuh toani p yy AyiHtJ MADE a contract with a to turn out 1.UXI now and Cbr at announce tu the nub He that I will make a GENUINE CnAYON POHTKAIT' copied from i.lv small tne ABSOLUTELY l'KKE 01' CHAHGE. i. It.M STYI.KS OF FRAMES HIOM 'I 5 i ni urn Workmanship Kuaranteed. Krauea Jl pel cent, leaa than regular price lu. DUTHKIL, Artltt. -. From the HI y. 2WMHM .Vof. I, UM, The Flour Awards "Chicauo, Oct. 81. Fha first official announcement ot World'a Fair di plomas on flour has been mude. A modal lias been awardad by tba World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by ths Washburn, Crosby Co , Id the treat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to iauk as first-class patent Hour for family aud bakers' nas." MEGARGEL & GONNELL WHOI.KSAl.F. AGFNT SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand of flour can be had at any of the following merchants, who will accept Thk Tribune flour coupon of 35 on eaob one hundred ; oautit of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. cranton-F. P Price, Washington aenue, Gold Medal brand. Hyde Park -Carson Davis, Washburn St. Geld Medal Brand: Joseph A. Mears.Malu avenue. Suerlatlve Brand. Ureen Ridge - A L.Spehcer.Oold Medal Brand, Dunitore-F P. Price, Gold Medal Brand. olyphant- James Jordan, Superlative Brand. Dunuiure-P. D. Mauley Superlative lit and. Providence Fennel & Chapoell. N Main ave nue, Superlative brand;t J Gillespie, W. Market atieet, Oold Medal Brand. Ktiser, W inters Ctt Supeilativo Super aiatlvJ Peck villa Shall Brand. Jermya-C, U, I'rand. I'arbundale B. (. Honefdslo-J .V Hraiiil -W.P. Seheiii.k.Snoe Lalton- S E. Finn A Sun. Jid Medal Brand Uouldsboro- S A. Adaiua. ti dd Medal Brand Tubyhanna Tobj haiuni l.elo.'h Luiubj Co , Oold Modal I rand Clark, Hold Medal Brand. Foster Co. Gold Medal in i mmri muu u. uuiiiiuuu u NEW STORE A lit HI1F.C18. DAVIS-,- YIOUPt, Architects" Booms . IUI aiid 2(! t'otnmouwealth b Id'a. Bcraotmi V l.. WALTER. Arohltaot, Library buiicr I J, liter. Wvoiiiiuir avenue Scrmiu.n n L. BROWN. Arch 11. AfchltMIt, Prion 1 . bulldins. 1110 WnahliiKton Ave.,Scrantui. II MISCKLLANKOtK. 0"RTON" DT TwAilTsiiolTEljALE lumber, ; and V Dlind Bank building, Scranton, Pa. MEG AUG KE B RO l'H EtW,' PRINT ERS' aupplIcA, envelopes, paper likga, twine. Warehouse, 130 Waabingto.i avu. Scranton, Pa. B Ai i:u s orcbtha mi sio f6b balLs, ploiuca. pai'ilee, recepttnus. wed dings and ooncert work I ui nlahed For terms atWtsl R- J. Bauer, conductor. 11 Wyumiug ave., over Hulbci t's iiinsic store. Tv7ra FINN .- SONS! balidvr and rotitr Tj tors Yarda: Comer Olive at. and Adams ave. ; cornel Ash st. and Peiin ave . Scranton SEEDS. ( it. ci.ark & co.. Bead sown, florists " X t and Nursei yuieu: nime 14I Waahiugtuii avenue; r.'een bouse, UM North Main avenue; ft. n-e ti'lep lolio TEAS. ORJLND i nion tea co.. Jones Broa tt UU SdlKFNS. JS. KDF.TTEL, &l5 Lackavauna avenut Scianton, Pa , mauuf 'r of Wire Screens E. Robinson's Sons1 Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 10O.000 Bbls. Per Annum, WASHINGTON AVENUE Never since we became known as a business firm have wa shown suoh a marvel -ously beautiful line of Holiday Novelties. In REED, RATTAN, FANCY AND PLUSH CHAIRS AND ROCKERS We show a range of specialties which baffles description. Reception Chairs.Rock ers, Corner Chairs, Easy Chairs, Work Tables, Work Baskets, etc., are here in all the daintiens3 and elegance that art can lend to them, and in such profusion that the only trouble will be in selection. We desire calling especial attention to our ONYX CABINETS AND TABLES. The Marble used is the finest Mexican Onyx, and the Standards are the very best, quality of Brass, highly polished and lacquered, In Heavier Furniture We show many specialties in Ladies' Writing Desks and Secretaries, Combination Furniture, Book Cases, Sideboards,etc. All purchased for the holiday trad 3. To particularize further is unnecessary. We would simply add that we're making a big bid for Trade, and if Fine Goods, Moderate Prices and Endless va riety count for anything, we ought to have it, as no finer stock can be found in this State. OPEN EVENINGS. HILL & CON NELL, 131 and 133 Washington Avenue.