TUB SCRAN TON TRIBUNETHURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4, 189!. ijiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiig Pipe I CLAifflS AGAINST CITY Valves Fittincrs i suits that aggregate $40,000 Si I i City Solicitor James H. Torrey lutervicwed by a Tribune Reporter. THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY GO, SniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiirc Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE .20 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna They Are Caused by the City Not Ob taining a Release or Properly As sessing the Damages They Might Have Been Avoided Pach Case Will Be Tried Separately. THE Laundry Ti8 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. WEARS & UAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of 4o-inch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to for 75c; 7 yards tost you $2.03, or 29c. per yard. sell will only Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANUL TY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. regular meet- -).. t couucil will LuM ng this eveuing. Tbe Baker opera will present 'Talk" st the Academy of Music ttiis nil : The tale of seat! fur James U. Haokis iu "Grimes' Cellar Loor." wit) open at the Academy box office tomorrow morning. All commercial travelers are requested lu meet at the Westminster today afl.SU to attend the funeral of Brother L. I. Keeley. The tire last evening was at the house of a iiuiu named Triveltieve on New York ttreet. Only the inside of the building wad damaged. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the managers ot the Home of the Friendless, will occur tomorrow morning T'ridayi at tbe usual time ami place. All singers having copies of Dr. Clark's cantata, are earnestly requested to return them to Haydn Evnus studio over Stella & Foley's, Wyoming avenue, at their earliest convenience. The bill of Sheriff Fahey for feeding the prisoners at tbe county jail during the month of December amounting tn $i4G.5o, was approved by the county commission ers yesterday. 1). D. Simpson, of North Main avenue, was held in 830(i bail by Mayor i.'onuell last evening for beating bis wife. He ac knowledged the offense when brought up for a bearing. Tbore will be a caucus or tbe Republi cans of the Fourteenth ward at Co-opera tiva hall on Jan. y at B o'clock for tbe nomination of candidates for select ami common councils and all other ward Ora eers. Market men, on lower l.ackawauua ave nue complain that the employe Ht the crematory keep the barrels that are sent out containing garbage. The matter is to be brought to the attention of tlio board of health. Members of Scrantou Conclave No. 117, Improved Order of Heptasophs, will meet at Kaub's hall at 1 iso o'clock sharp this afternoon to attend the funeral services of l.everett I. Seeley. Members of sisteroon claves are cordially Invited tn attend. The Remorse club, of this city, have elected the following officers: Frank C. Hughes, president; John 0, Lewis, vino president; John Leonard, secretary; Frank U Hani, treasurer; Or. John Cusb, Wil liam Luxemburger, Dr. Frank McCJfatb, trustees. A sewer in Moir's court in tho property of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany, bat been blocked since Saturday. l'ho newer was broken into in three differ ent places but the obstruction was not dis covered till yesterday. It was a cement barrel left in the man hole, the street com missioner thinks, by careless workmen. Attorney I. H. Burns yesterday pre sented to tbe court tbe petition of Mis, Ellen Gibbons, a property owner on Meii diau street, asking tbut viewers be ap pointed to ascertain the damage done by the grading of that street. Judge Gun eter appointed Attorney John M. Harris, Charles Koempel and C. F. Van Nort. Tbe marriage licensee granted by Clerk of the Courts Thomas yesterday were to Adam Perdeys and Lizzie Future, Peek ville; Patrick Norton and Katie Kelly, Pcrantou: Alexander Zawouskl and Jo sephine Vanerskl. Arcbbald; John Irving and Mary Caffeity, Scrauton , Cornelius ivtcGuIre and Maria Mullaney, Scranton. Tbe proceeds of the performance at Wonderland this afternoon will be devoted to the needy ones of the city. Tickets for the entertainment have been inthebands of the members of the police force for sev eral days, and a large number have been sold. Tbe performance is first clans and those who attend will be well entertained. Tbe Cornell Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs, will give aconcert at tbe Academy on Jan. IV. It will bo followed with a re ception at tbe Bicycle Club house by tbe Cornell Alumni association, of Northeast ern Pennsylvania. The Cornell musical organizations are very strong this year, and an excellent entertainment may be Anticipated. Much comment lins been caused bv tbe numerous claims for damage that have arisen during the past year, all having their origin in public improve tuent Home ot these eases date back for several years and the surprising thing nbout the situation is that Ira H. Burns, ex-city solicit or. is attorney for the claimants in each iustanca. In deed Mr. Burns makes no secret of his intentions. Ho proposes, if possible, to show that mistake was made wuen ho was turned down last apriri i. and If the signs portend anything, Mr. Burns will bo a candidate for tho position a year hence. To learn something about the atntns of affairs as at pressnt existing, a TRIBUNE reporter waited on City So licitor Torrey yesterday. Mr. Torrey was loth to spoak. He said that he preferred to fight the battle out him self without the aid of the newspapers, but when the reporter pointed out to him the deep concern of the public, hs couseuted to speak. MK. TOHREY 1STEIU lEWEl'. 'Why are there so many suit" pnd nig against tbe city at this time'.'" asked tbe reporter. "Because the city has made public improvements, such as gndiu streets ami constructing sewers, and in aomn cases opening and widening streets, without securing a release or assess ment of the damages. Prior to the con stitutlon of 1874 the courts had liell that there was no liability on the part of municipal corporations for consequential damages arising from municipal improvements. But tbe constitution of 1874 provided that not only damage for property takon, but also for property injured must be paid by all corporations exer cising the right of eminent domain At least nsTearly as 1881 the Supreme court decided that under this provision of the constitution municipal corpora tions were liable for any consequential damage resulting to property from the grading of streets. So far ae I know no claim was ever made in Scrantou for damages for such cause unti' tbe present year. "What is the total amouut of the damages, as claimed up to date?" "In round numbers upward of $40,000." METHOD OF PROCEDURE. "What method of procedure will vou follow.'' "The statute gives tbe city the right of appeal from the award of viewers within thirty days after their report has been tiled. 1 have in every case re ported to couneils, when the reports have been tiled, and in evury casa I have been instructed to appeal. A separate appeal must be filed for every individual property for which dam ages have been awarded. Upon each appeal the court will frame an issue, in which the property owner will ap pear as the plaintiff and tile city as the defendant Each case will have to be tried on the question, whether the property is damaged, and, If so, how much." "How much time will elapse before tbe easesgeton the trail list? "I nless they are advanced bv rule, or order of court; from one to two years after they are begun. As in other cases! a regular jury trial will ensue, tbe costs, ranging from $25 to $50, to be paid by the losing party. "Does it make any difference in tho case, if the property holders petition for the improvements on which they claim damages.' "Hid supremo court has held that tho mere signing of tne petition for tue improvement, does not stop ihe pro perty owner from claiming damage The fact that he has signed a petition may nave some weight with the j ury upon Ills claim. COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDS!). "Is there auy way by which the city could have avoided the prosonc diffl cultvT "Yes. The act of 1839 provides that viewers to assess damages, may be ap pointed before the work is done, and the city, if dissatisfied with the amount of damages awarded, may repeal the ordinance and so escape liability This method ha been pursued in all casos where Improvements have been pro vided for within the presont year, un less the property holders voluntarily released the city from any claims for damages. "What will be the future- result, in your judgment, of this step on tho part of dissatisfied propertyholders Will it not act as a bar to progress aud pub lic improvement ?" "Whether or not any portion of tlm cost of an improvement should be paid ont of the general city fund is ex clusively a legislative )ii9tiou for the councils. The important danger to be avoided is tho making of improve ments which are liable to result in claims for damage without a clear and distinct knowledge of the amount of these damages. The most important consideration in the minds of property holders Is the advantage to be derived. Without any previous settlement of tbe damage! 'the property owners are very apt to forget the b unfits aud magnify tbe damages. " "I think the natural result of tho present situation will be, that coun cils will hesitate to pass ordinances for Improvements, until claims for dam ages have been released, or settled at such amounts us the councils are satis fied, ought to be paid out of the gener al city fund." barrel apples, one half crate of oranges, confectionery ; Mrs. P. J. Horan tur key, cakes, canned fruit; Mr. Koempel drugs, John MeHale, Olive street, turkey: P. McNally turkey. P. H. Gilgallon, liquors, J. J. O'Boyle, Penu avenue, crate oranges; Eugeus Kleberg, dishes, orange, cakes, Mrs. W. B. Dniriran. itrv roods: Miss Louise Qunstor, candy; Miss Nellie Coleman, oandy: Mrs. Simon Rice, oranges; Miss Mary Hickey, confectionery; Mrs. John Casey, tea, coffee and fl.iar: Mrs. Carey, cinned fruit; Mrs. F. McDon ald, cakeB and candy: Mrs. John Colli gan, turkey; Mrs. P. Coyne, apples and grapes; Miss Bertha Knlttel, con fectionery; Miss C'jUins, dry goods; Miss Ellen Cuinmiugs, clothing, Miss Katie Gordon, cauu I fruit; Miss Mc Andrew, Hyde Park, canned fruit; Alpine Knitting company, six dozen children's nndervests; Mr. Huntingtou. New Process bread bakery; Miss Annie B-rreit, Mineral street; Mrs. John Quinn, New street, clothing. I1F111II WILL OF JOHN j. GODWIN. His Hen Who Passed Counterfeit Money Answer at Couit. Will HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER The Coin Passed Is First-Class in Every Respect Except That the Ring Is Not Exact and the Weight of the Dollar Is a Little Below the Average Men Are Held in $5,000 Ball Each. CERTIFICATES OF NOMINATION. LARGE TIBER DEAL. F. E. Looniis, of Scrantou, and Asa W. Scolt, of Jefferson Co., Com plete a $190,000 Sale. F. E Loomis, of this city, nnd Asa W. Scott, of Jefferson county, have just completed a sale of 0,000 aores of s'tumpsge in Jefferson county to George V Kipp& Co., and Clark Bros., of Snllivau county, for $100,000. This tract lies near l'uuxutawney on a branch of the Pittstur. Buff ilo nun Rochester railroad, ami contains 70,000.000 feet of hemlock, 10,000,000 of line, 10,000,0o0 of oak, ash ami poplar besides some chestnut and maple. A band and circular mill with 80,000 daily capacity will be built at onco by the purchasers. AT ELM PARK CHURCH. Impressions Created bv the List Ser vice of the Dylne Yea". WillMhSarri Ltodtt, Jan i. Tho Wilke8-Burrean v. ho upends Sun day in Scrantou and does not attend at least one service In the new Elm Park Methodist Epicopal church misses one experience for which, in the opinion of the residents of that city, irrespec tive of denominationnl affiliation, he ought never to be able to forgive him self. Jast now the Elm Park church is Scranton S pride aud to it tbe stran ger receives a cordial welcome. Aside from the spiritual benefit which it is hoped all who come mav receive.the handsome edific. the grand organ, the big choir, everything in fact about the new church is dear to the Scranton heart and tbe people want their enterprise and the magnificence that has resulted from it admired and appreciated by the stranger within their gates. And with all the elegance - and as Dr. Buckley said there is not a handsomer Protestant church in the city of New York and evidences of wealth on every band, there is no ex clusiveness. but the genuine epirit of Mxthodist hospitality prevails ami neither kid glove nor broadcloth is es sential to one's welcome. Tbe death of the old and birth of the new year were naturally incidental themes in last evening's service and the sermon by the pastor was an earn est appeal, particularly to the young, to improve the opportunities which are nifordod all to win success in lifo and to prep ire themselves for the fu ture. The music was grand and the vocal features were a quartette and a chorus by the full choir. There was a congregation ot nearly 8,500 persons in attendance, nli apparently in thorough sympathy with the spirit of the occasion. The references to the dying year, the possibly neg lected opportunities nnd the earnest appi.al to correct the errors of the past, invest il the services with a certain solemnity that was felt by every one in tbe congregation. It was a servio long to bo remembered, and whatever may be said in depreca tion of elegant church associations and snrroundiuga, it cannot be denied that amid such enviroutnents, thoughts of heaven are inevitably suggested, and if one is at all susceptible to heavenly in fill ?no he must feel it on occasion like tnat of last evening at Elm Park church. e - ASSEMBLY AT BICYCLE HOUSE. Very Enjoyable Dance Held Under Fat- ronaae of Prominent Ladles. The subscription dance at the Bi cycle club house last evening Under the pa'ronage of Mrs. Jobu P. Kelly aud Mrs. Josenh O'Brien, was one of the pronounced social successes of ths season lue music was furnished by Bauer's orchestra. Among those present from out of the city were Miss Barrett, Frank Brown and Mr. Tighe, of Carbondale: Miss O'Mallev, of Chinchilla; Miss Hart, Misi O'Brion. Miis Sullivan, of New York, Misses Lauahan and Dr. Lena ban. of Wilkes Barre. From the city were: Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs, Scott Cnsey, Mr. and Mrs. M. E McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelly, Mr. sod Mrs. M. F. Sando, Dr. and Mrs. Bur nett. Mr. nnd Mrs. John E. Roche, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Beyle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ruddy, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mc Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Neville, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Flynu, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. (iilgallon. Mr. r.iud Mrs. J. J. O'Boyle, Mr. ami Mrs. W. J. Burke. Mr. and Mrs, R. M, O'Brien, Mr. aud Mrs. J. J. Brown, Miss Braiuard, Miss L, lirniuurd, Miis Kelly, Misi Beamish, Miss Nallin, Miss Smith, Miss Bnrke. Miss ( ' Mai ler, Miss Hart, Miss Harriet Ward, Miss Si idee Ward, Miss Corbett, Miss H che, Mia Croesen, Misi White, Miss Allen, Miss Duffy, Miss McCarthy, Miss Scaulon, Miss McDonald, Miss Barrett, Miss Leonard, Miss Kelley. Miss Mellon. Jmne Beamish, John Nallin, Thomaa P. Duff)', James F. Mitchell, John M. Corbstr, W. McDonald, P. O'Malley, William Coyne, Frank McAndrew, A. T. Duffy, J. A. Collins, J. P. MoCaw ley. M. J. Healey, Stunlsy Smith. M. J. Walsh. Uttorge McDonald, and Jo seph Levis. The two men arrested by Sergeant Spellinan nnd OrB "era Ssnl and Siltrv, for passing spurious United States coin on the merchants of Providence, on Tuesday night, ver given a hearing in police court bv United States Com missioner Colboni vestur.lay morning. Thy wore held in the sum of lfr,000 bail each, to appear at the next term of United States court. There was a largo number of wit nesses present at the hearing and all identified the men as the ons who pass'd the coin. Sergeant Sp"llman and the officers testified to the arrest and to the 'amount of money both good and bad that was found on their persons- S-rg"nt Spel Imnn also id nti fied several pieces as having been found on the men When questioned the shovers of the "queer" cav their names us Charles Wells, of Corry, Pa . and Michael Webb, of Franklinville. N. Y. Wells appeared to be very sorry a 'd wpt frqnnifly during th hearinir Webb is a hardened customer and looked as if ho had been a crook all his life. In his possession was found a poem entitled "Lament of a Convict." Tne coin found in possession of the nen, was dollars and half dollars of first-class workmanship. At first sight the money is to all appearances good, as it is made of an alloy that looks like silver. Tbe ring of tbe coin is not just perfect, and its weight is a trifio under that of the genuine coins. The business men who were victim ized were M. V. Morris, William Jar vis, A M. Atherton & Co.. M. Dile. Eaos Flyun. W. B. Christmas, John Morris, A. K Dstweiler, Miss Scnhill, Miss Lach, George M Malley, J. E. Stanton, Johu J. Morris. Manner in Which He Disposed of Iroperty. The will of Jobu J. Godwin, the South Washington avenue merchant who died Inst Thurday, was admitted to probate yesterday by Register of Wills Koehlnr.aud letters testamentary, granted to Patrick Walsh. The will was executed on tbe dsy Mr. Godwin died and was witnessed by Attorney P. W. Stokes and Dr. W. K. Dolan. It diiposes the property of the desensed ss follows; Michael Thornton, cousin, Ireland, lot at 403 South Washington vnus: Thome Thornton, cousin, Iieland, lot at 405 South Washington NVentte; Michael Wnlsh of 410 Soutb Washington ave nue, cousin, lot and building at 407 South Washington avenue John Walsh cousin, lot aud building at 409 South Washington avenue ;Bridget Donahue, for faithful services for many years $1500: Msrgaret Walsh for faithful service j'JOO; children of tho deceased brother, Peter Godwin, $1000 each. Tbe balance of his estate is to go to bib- brother. James Godwin. AUGHT On the Fly. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OUR CURTAINS 1 I ,CTll 9 - DON'T FORGET That we are hudciuarter a for everything in the line or Watch us if you have any idea of purchasing any kind ot a Watcb, lady's or gem's. Oold or Silver, you will wake a griev ous mistake it you do n ' give us a call and Kit our prices, which you will And far below all otnere. especially in all tbe high grades ef Elgin, Waltharo and Hampden movements. If you have any doubts und are at all posted on prices gl e use call and wo will have uo trouble m convincing you. We still have a large stock to Uisp ) e of, aud will otter you won dertul Inducements in Jewelry, Silverware, Clock) nnd ail otlor goods which we have iu lock. c. w KUNERAL OF L. I. SEcLEV. Tbe Servloes Will Be Held at Penn Ave nue Baptist Ohurch. The funeral of L. t Saely will take place this afternoon at the Penn Ave nue church. It will be a military service and will be attended by the officers of the Thirteenth regiment and Mr. Seeley'e company. The pall bear ers have he-n selecte I from Companv D, as follows Sergeant! A. F. Stokes, Thomas Gillman, Corporals John M. Hughes, Leidy R. Reel, Frank Branda, John F. Gibbons. The following order hns been issued Quarters D Coxpant j 13th BKOT. Inf , 3RD Bkioade, N. (i.P. BCRAXTOKi Pa., Jan. 3, 1S'.U. ) The company will assemble at the ar mory of the Scrantou C;t" guard on Thursday, Jan. 4, to attend the funeral of cur late secoud lieutenant, Levoritt 1. Seeley. Assembly will be sonuded at 1 o'clock sharp. The men will appear iu uniform. and great coats will be worn. Bv order of HOMtROra Barnard, Captain Commanding Company. Fremont BtoeRS, First Sergeant. January S3 lo tbe Last Day Filing Thorn With Commissioners. Jahuary will be tbe last day for filing certificates of nomination with the county commissioners and January 30 the last day for filing nomination papers. The election will be held on Febru ary 0, und eighteen days prior to that is the last day to file objections to the nomination papers or certificates. ST. JOSEPH'S FOUNDLING HOME Donations That Were Btceived During the Month of December. During the month of Decomber con tribntlons were thankfully receivod us follows: Patrick Ooiden, or Parsons, 100; a friend ?5, from an unknown friend through Carbondale bank 25, Richard O Brien $25. W. T. Smith $10. Mrs. B. E. Leonard 910, James Nolan $5. a friend $3, Mrs. John Coliigan $1, Mrs. Keating $1, Mrs. George McCarty one Heapycaktkrs 13Tfl Recmcxt. 1 no Brigade, N. U. P., Scranton. Pa., Jan. '.', 183. Regimental Order No. I: With profound sorrow the colonel an nounces the death of Llenteuaut'L. I. See. ley, of Company D, Thirteenth regiment. Lieutenant Seeley entered tbe regiment as a private in Company D, April fl, ls85, was promoted corporal June SS, 1880, and to'sergnant Feb. "4, 1SS.1, aud to first ser geant April 11, ISWJ. He was elected sec ond lieutenant of Company D, July 11, MW. In all the grades through which he has passed, ho has cominsnded the respect and love of his superiors and subordinates In respect to bis memory tbe colors of tbe regiment will be draped iu inourniug for thirty days, and the usual badL'e of mourniug will be wnru by the officers dur ing that time. The rlagof the armory of the Scrantou City (Junrd will be displayed at, half mast on tbe day of the funeral. 1 aptain Montrose Barnard, Companv D, will provide an escort to the remains from his company. Tim regimental drum corps will report to Captain Barnard at tbe armory at 1 p. in., lbursday, Jan. 4. Tbe officers of tbe regiment will assem ble liijUnirnrm at tne armory at 1 p. m., Thursday Jan. 4, By order of Colonel Ezra H. Riiovle. W, S. Millau, Adjutant. SEVENTEENTH W-'RD CONTROLLER. Althoutb the present winter has uot been specially goo I for pickerel fishing by the' tip np"procuss that is, by holes cut through t, Ico nnd little painted sticks, so arranged that when the fiih is booked, it tilts one end op. as a warn ingseveral eizable catcues have been reported. Three Carbondale anglers. Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Cook and Mr H irt man, are reported to have basketed 300 Bounds out on Sicklor's pjnd.in Green field, recently, und anotner party, con sisting of two enthusiasts.one day later captured 120 pickerel of reasonable size. One of the best fields for this kind of sport is on Lake Carey, when safely froz m over. The necessary ap piianc.'S may bs rented right at the lake side , and there are hotels and farm bouses near, so that frozen fingers and toes are entirely unnecessary. Har vey's lake is a fair resort; and so is Luke Ariel. In fact, the opportunities for winter piscatorial pastime are numerous hereabouts, more numerous, perhaps, than fishurmen hardy enough to brave the necessary cold. ' ft S The biiliilera of the city ar not over burdened with orders at present, in fact there is a marked lethargy in building circles. A brisk spring and summer is expected, however, as a compensation for the dull winter. There are man v man who contemplated making improvements or erecting new buildings during the months just passed, but became frightened at th palsy that attacked the business worl 1 and helped to increase the trouble bv allowing their money to remain idle, thereby giving eloquent evidence ot their own distrust, As soon as the spring opens this de layed volume of bnildingisexpected to gush forth and furnish steady employ ment for the armv of men who labor at the building trades in this city. The largest strncture to be erected in th" city this year, so far as heard from, is the new high school. a e By tbe opening of the regnlar bnild ing season the new Delaware and Hud son station on Lackawanna avenue will be practically completed. The mild weather thus far has favorod the work and the building already begins to assume commanding proportions. Iron girders nnd columns are being used throughout with the inten tion of making the 'station ns nearly fire proof as possible. When com pleted it will be an ornament to lower Lackawanna avenue. Pi nn Ave and Spruce St. Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE ihiiiiiijiiiiguiiiiiia!iiiiiiiiiiiiiniii Are worth going a long distance to see. No such collection can be found nearer than New York or y Philadelphia, and then It is notsur- passed tn tbe matter of unique and 5 exclusive designs, or richness, daintiness and delicacy of mate- g rial. In a word, our Curtain stock g tbis fall reaches our bighnst ideal g of what is should be, end cannot g fail to meet tbe approval of tho g most refiued and artistic tastes, g Yet all this does not mean high g prices. On the contrary.tbe values g we now offer are submitted for S yonr inspection. Of coune, we' ve S everv r;iko, and among tbem will S bs found the very choicest crea S th. n- in Brussels. Irish Point, Swiss, 3 Nottingham and other Lace Goods , g also the New Snowtlake Swiss, g witb bilk Btripe iu contrasting g colors. Also full lines of Bilk g Stripes, Tapestries, etc., made to g order. g llllllllll!lllllllllllltllllllllllllllg I HILL k CONNELL S Have yon ever Huntington tried For oysters stewed or oysters fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find tbe nicest you have seen. Open Until Midnight. SCRANTON, PA. y a IIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU11IIIIIHI1IIii Don't Forget Co. Hull & When Looking for Furniture. Hull's Furniture Store 205 AMD 207 WYCMIRG kU Henry W. Kingsbury Withdraws from the Contest for Nomination. Henry W. Kingsbury, whose frieuds prevailed upon him to become a candl date 6 succeed himself as school cou troller from the Seventeenth ward, has withdrawn from the contest and his name will not go before tbe caucus tq-morrow evening. Mr. Kingsbury has been a membsr of the board of control for the past twelve years. For two years he was president of the board, in which capacity lis served with much execu tive ability. To Mr. Kingsbury is due much of the credit for having uch ex cellent schools as No, 'Si and 35 iu the Seventeenth ward. The withdrawal of Mr. Kingsbury leaves but two candidates seeking the nomination. These are Charles S. Penman and Frank S. Barker. The caucus will be held at the office of Alderman Post to morrow evening. PERSONAL. John II. Brooks yesterday returned to Priucetou. Milton NY. Lo'wiy was in New York yes terday. II M. Bailey, of Wllllamsport, was in the city ou business yesterday. Miss llesBle Green, of Wilkes Parr.', was visiting Scranton friends yesterday. . F. Kingsbury returned yesterday from a trip to Amsterdam, Ctlca and New Yoik. Sheriff John J. Fahey was able to be at bis utHce nftain yesterday, but still shows signs of tbe ravages ot the grip. Mrs. Sarah Evans and niece. Miss Sarah Williams, of Nauticoke, are visiting Evan S. Evans, of the North Eud, John J. Murphy and T. 3. Iluffy left yesterday for Washins'tou, u, c, to re sume tbelr studies at Georgetown uni varsity. Thomas C. Jones, a member of the Uni versity ot Pennsylvania Ulse club. Is spvndlug a few days of his holiday vaca tion at hit home ou Jefferson avenue. HEAbyl'ARiKRs Company "D," Thirteenth Hkuiment Intantkv Third Brigade, N. U. P. Scranton, Jan. 9, 18D4. Order No. Tbe company will assemble at the ar mory of tbe Scranton City guard on Thursday afternou, Jan. 4, to attend the funeral of our late second lieuteuaut, Level lit I, Seeley. Assembly will be sounded nt 1 o'clock sharp. The men will appear iu uniform and great costs will be woru. By order of Montrose Barnard, Captain Commanding Compauy, Freuont Stokss, First Sergeant. JANUARY 4, 1894. tribunTcoupon Your choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl,'" "De livering: OhrllttuM Presents" nud "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messenger or bring coitpous like this of three (litter cut dates, with 10 cents, stamps Ot in, to TRIBUN1 Cor. Penn Avd OFFICE, Spice St. Such an ornamentas ths new Federal building is to ihe corner of Wssbing ton avenue and Linden street. The high board fence that so long sur rounded the building has disappeared, tho ground has been cleared and Scrantonians begin to , appreciate what an attractive lookiug spat that corner will be when tbe grounds about I'ncle Sam's building are b:autitud iu the spring. k a The advance guard of tho business army has been steadily advancing on Adams avenue for several years, and the building of the new telephone ex chaugo of the Central Pennsylvania Telephone company ou that avenue serves to clinch ihn bold that business is getting on it. The building Is almost completed but it will probably be the April I, before it will become the home of the yonug ladies who so sweetly lisp "Did you calli" and "What number, pleaseV" A number of workman are now laying cables continuing the tele phone wires into the new building, but tho work of connecting the wires and getting them ready for services is tedi ous and will take some time. a a The Frothingham theatre is a build - ine the erection of whic'i has been watched with great interest by Scran tonians, When its erection was begun there were many who staked their reputations as prophets on the assertion that it would never ne completed. But work on the building was pushed with vigor nnd dally tbe walls grew in height Now that the building is un der roof and considerable interior work accomplished there are 'fewer prophets who declare that the building will not be completed. The great people of thl country who accouipllih so much iu the affairs of life have tbe peculiar 'asbion f executing whatever mav come to tbem iu the line Of action on the spot. There is that pile of Harper's, Frank Leslie's, A cClure's, Re view of Review?, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They are a joy forever, out not a thing ot beauty. Our Mr. Schwencker can transform them u that they will become tbe brightest sad bandnomsst volumes In your library As soon ss you read tbis will you not get sll tbe numbers together, haore they are lost or soiled, and brins them to Tuk Tribc.vi lander-! A few cents will give you some beautiful books that will take tbe place of those rough aud ragged magazines. Dr. C. C. Laiibach, ututist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years In Scranton. Furniti'HE, merchandise, all classes of goods stored at 1 lv Krankim avenue. Our Remaining Remnants of & You can have at Cost Price This Week. THE GREAT STORE Mueio Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Flay any do-ired number of tunes Gsutscbl & Son, manufacturers, Hi80 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrbustrlnl organs, only $5 and 110. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunci. Best Set9 of Teeth, $g.oo Ii rinding the painless extracting ct teeth by aa entirely new pro cese. S. C. Snyder, D.D.s. 10 WYOMING AV'li 310 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. FOR JANUARY 25 Per Cent. Discount allowed in Cloak and Fur Department. Special Reduction on all Winter Goods. Prices on Millinery cut in . Agency ior Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Goods. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.