The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 04, 1894, Image 1

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    Do Not Fail
To read the full text of
the Harrisburg conven
tion's platform.
a. r
ititf 111 mnhttm
Wilson's Bill
Was never more thorougly
or justly dissected than
in it.
Ms Only Competitor, ex-Congressman Biery,
Gractfully Abandons the Field.
The Wilson Bill Is Mercilessly Dis
sected and All Its Sectional Hatred
and Economic Crudities Are Laid
Bare Cleveland's Unpatriotic Pol
icy Toward Hawaii Denounced.
The Convention Does Its Work
Speedily and in the Best of Spirits,
and the Party Is in Splendid Trim
for the Election on Feb. 20.
For Conureosnian-Ht-Largi) 0 ALUSIIA A.
UROW, Of Susquehanna.
Resolved, That ttio Republican convention
of Pennsylvania, recalled to nominate a cou-invsinaii-at'larRe.
needs not to M reminded
of the fact that this ig a ra-ponalbls office-,
that the situation at Washington given it not
only state but national Importance, and that
it invites the fullest expression of public view
on Tuesday, the 9Kb of February next, to the
end that ail our laud may know the tenor of
current thought upon the most important and
vital issue, pre euted in the Wilson bill. The
simple anticipation of this metsur" has
dosed thousands of workshops. It has
reduced to idleness two millions
of workers, and sjup houses now displace
former hives of industry. It has reduced
values to an amount greater than the national
debt. It will enlarge the free list only upon
productions which employ tbe greatest
number of AtuoiicAn workra 'n It will
strike with euual cruelty the farmer, the
miner, tbe lumberman, the iron worker, the
glass blower and the textile worker. It will
transfer work from onr owu mills, mines and
workshops to those of foreign countries. It is
sectional in its authorship, and ."is all too
plainly aimed at northern industries. It
strikes southern Industries, onlv where the
sumo blow roaches greater northern indus
tries. It f .isters the pi . utution system and de
stroys the farm. It is an att nipt
upon he free traders of the south to
reduce the industries of the north to
the level of those of the south. It is vicious
in its change from specific to ml valorem
data s, the latter inviting for eign undervalua
tions and loading to constant and cumulitivo
frauds upon the revenues, It is vicious lu re
ducing instead of increasing revenues. It
will reduce the revenues many millions of
dollars, and the reductions will grow with
time. It is vicious in compolling the govern
ment to make up these deficits by means of
increased internal and direct taxes. It Is
doubly vicious in compelling its supporters to
resort to tbe most s rious war taxes. It Is
wholly erroneous In theory that the less work
thero is to do in this country the higher will
be tho wages.
The protective policy conveys the opposing
thought, und says that tbe policy which se
cures the largest amount of work at homo is
tho one which secures the host wages to tho
home workmen. If the Wilson bill does all of
these things in threats wbic'i it convoys, what
will It do in its fruition The Kenulicans of
Pennsylvania and the people of our groat
commonwealth as well, declare war upon it,
unceasing war in house and senate, and its
senators and representatives in congress, in
cluding the congremmaii at large nominated
today are requested to make this warfaro felt
in every wise and patriotic way, to the end
that by the defeat of the Wilson bill Ameri
can workmen, producers and manufacturers,
may resume that prosperity which the coun
try had but a single year ago.
Wo denounce the unpatriotic foreign policy
of the Democratic national administration iu
the llawaiiun matter.
Haruisblro, Jan. 3
S rJHE Republican state convention
of Aii)?. 30, which re-convened
here for the purpose of nomi nu
ll ting a candidate for congress
mun-at large to fill the vacancy caused
liy (ieneral William Lilly s death, did
its work with a rush. The 257 dele
gates were in session only an hour and
u half, hut during that time a half
dtzen vigorous speeches were made,
platform was read and adopted, as was
also a resolution eulogistic of the de
ceased congressman-at-large, an 1
Galuiha A. Grow, the veteran states
man ot busouehanna county, was
chosen as the nominee,
It was a foregone conclusion that Mr
Grow would be nominated, but James
S. Biery, of Lebigli county, assured his
selection by acolamntion. Mr. Snyder
made a verv eloquent address in nomi
nating tii-Uongreseman tit'-iry, and al
though tbe latter's followers were few,
the speaker was given the closest at
tention while he praised the qualities
of the Lehigh candidate. When Mr
Biery announced bis withdrawal Mr
Snyder promptly moved that Mr. Grow
be nominated by acclamation, and this
was done with a shout
The gavel of permanent chairman,
Horace B, Packer, fell at 12 15 o'clock
with the opera house well filled. Every
body was in good und quiet humor,
and had not a brass band been present
to make some noise, tbe gathering
would have been taken for anything
but a political convention. In calling
the body to order Chairman Packer
stated the object of the iratherinar and
predicted the overwhelming election of
the proposed fcnotutnae, Galuslia A
Grow, denounced the Wilson bill, and
charged President Cleveland with hat
ing violated his eonetitutional author
ity in tbe Hawaiian affair.
Christopher L. Magee, of Allegheny,
then offered the following resolution,
which was adopted unanimously "We
deplore tbe death of General William
Lilly, cut down in the day of his use
fulnese in the house of representatives,
His memory will ever remain in the
hearts of Republicans of Pennsylvania
as that of a man representing the best
and noblest type of American citizen
ship, Ut lofty character and unun
peacbable integrity, he was one whose
services to his country, his slate, r
party and hie friend were rendered
with unfailing patriotism and fidelity."
This resolution was a prelude to the
platform, for Mr. Magee immediately
followed it with the report of the com
mittee on resolutions, of which com
mittee he wss chairman. The platform
was adopted by a unanimous shoot of
''yeas," Tbe preliminary work of the
convention having bsen disposed of,
Chairman Packer announced that tbe
nomination of s candidate for congress
man at large was in order.
At this juncture ex-Attorney Gen
eral Palmer, of Luzerne county,
mounted the stage and presented the
name of GalaSba A. Grow, whom be
characterized as "the choice of the
people before some of as were born."
The mention of Mr. Grow's name was
a signal for the first genuine cheer of
the day and it was loud and prolonged.
He won Ins spurs forty years ago,
Mr. Palmer continued, "when
the names of Sumner, Lincoln, Doug
lass, Stevens and other giants were con
spicuous. He was a leader and the
speaker of the Thirty seventh congress.
The old coat worn by him when he
struck down the fire-onter, hung upon
the back of a chair in congress, would
have more force than any free trader."
The nominator wns frequently inter
rupted by applause, as was also Rep
resentative Henry F. Walton, of Phil
adelphia, who seconded the nomina
tion on behalf of the Philadelphia del
Delegate Snyder, of Lehigh, was next
given the floor to espouse the cause of
ex-Congressman Biery, and his motion
that Mr. Biery be nominated was sec
onded by W. Cooper Stevens, of Berks
oonnty. At thiB tune it looked as
though a vote would have to lie taken,
but Mr. Biery saw tho hopelessness of
his candidacy and he diplomatically
withdrew. Mr. Biery m ido a some
what extended speech to announcing
his withdrawal in favor of Mr. Grow.
Delegate Snyder, who had placed Mr.
Biery's name before the convention, ut
once moved "tuat Galusha A. Grow be
nominaten by aeclamation."
C. L. Magee, in seconding the mo
tion, declared that the Democratic
and the free trade presi have been full
of dispatches ahont the resump.tiou of
industries in Western Pennsylvania as
an indication of whet might be ex
pected under the Wilson bill. Mr.
Magee referred to the riot that re
sumption of work in that section of
the state was a resumption at a groat
loss to the manufacturers, who had
agreed with their employes to kep
their works in operation simply to
furnish employment at a great reduc
tion of wnges.
Mr. Crow was chosen by acclama
tion. David Martin, Walter Lyon aud
J. Snyder were appointed a commit
tee to notify Mr. Grow of his nomina
tion and escort him to the hall. Mr.
Grow entered the ha.ll nt 130 o'clock
and was given an ovation. When or
der was restored Chairman Packer iu-
trodueed tho nominee to the convsn-
tion and he proceeded at once
to an eloquent comparison of
the histories tof the Republican and
Democratic parties Bince 1800. He
referred to the scornful language of
Democratic newspapers which had re
ferred to the present depression as a
legacy of the Republican party, aud
discussed what he term 1 honorable
racies of his party, mentioning the
bank. 11.- system, th- protective system
and other leading issues. He then
took np the Wilson bill and
in some detail discussed its pro
visions. He declared it was a
system intended to benefit foreign
countries aud the poverty stricken
labor of the world. In conclusion he
condemned President Cleveland's Ha
waiian policy and termed the first act
of tbe present administration to have
been an effort to restore a "broken
down monarchy."
The convention adjourned sine die
at 1 :45 e'clock. The Republican Stase
committee this morning decided to
hold the next convention in Harris
burg on Wednesday, May 23.
Banks Bfus to Honor County Orders
and Poor Dlreotors Crafts.
Holi.idaysbtro, Jan. 3. The hard
times condition of the Blair county
treasury was not bettered to day. The
local banks here refused to honor the
county orders aud the drafts of the
directors of the poor for the outdoor
relief of the poor cannot be cashed.
The new county commissioners are
unable to find a record of tho outstand
iud bond, and the actual indebtedness
of the county is not known.
Congress Exhausts tbe Day in Wrangling
Over tbe Hawaiian Affair.
All Absent Representatives Notified
by Wire That Urgent Public Busi
ness Demands Their Immediate
Presence at the Capitol- -What That
Urgent Business Consists of.
Democrats Are Helpless Without a
Quorum Day of Incident but of
Very Little Achievement.
His Arm Caught in a Belting, He Was
Hurltd to His Doom. ., Jan. 3 While soap
ing a beltjin his sawmill yesterday, Geo.
W. Crawford's arm was caught be
tween the rapidly revolving wheel and
the belt.
He was whirled around and flung
several yards away upon a harrow, a
tooth of which penetrated bis bead,
causing death.
Engaged in Propping nn Unsafe Roof
In Twin Shaft Colliery.
Pittston, Jan. 3 Two miners,
named Peter Leavitz ami John Zinka,
both Polanders, wer killed in the
Twin shaft here Into this afternoon by
a fall of coal and rock.
The were engaged at the time in
propping an unsafe roof in one of the
lower lifts in the shaft.
Northern Pacific trainmen do not expect
a raise iu wages.
The ton days overdue steamer, Egyptian
Monarch, reached Now York in safety.
The report that Atlanta has offered a
140,000 purxe for the Mitchell-Corbett, fight
is denied.
Republicans, Populists a-id Kolbites, of
Alabama, have coinbiued against tbe reg
ular Democracy.
A bill to appropriate $20,000,000 to deepen
and widen tho Erie canal is bofore the New
York legislature.
Chicago's 13-story Young Men's Christ
ian Association building w.u opened with
a New Year's reception.
Dr. Quzemnn, tho Nicaraguai! mlniitor
at Wnshlugtou, thinks that the Vauquez
government will bo overthrown.
For various crimoa, forty Indians from
the Indian Territory wore committed to
Kings county (N. Y ) penitentiary.
Crabbing a 1,300 liackng.i of money
from a desk in the Perkins institution.
Boston, a wily thief escaped with It.
Local politicians at New Orleans are at
tempting to run a daily lottery drawing
despite the state law on the subject.
Thinking an old pistol unloaded, MIbs
Sbelton. of Hndensville, Ky., tired it at
Mies Allen, a trien.l, shooting her dead.
Governor Waite, of Colorado, is putting
Ml henchmen into Denver offices, prepn-
tory to seeking Senator w OlCOlt'l seat.
Congressman Dates, of Alabama, will
not oppose Senator Morgan's re-election
bat will seek Senator Pugh's seat three
years hence.
Trying to prevent riotous toughs from
breakiug up a dance, Citv Marshall Lar
son, of Dayton, O,, was dead by
KraasJey Winter,
Washington, Jan. 3.
OONGRESS settled down to real
business today. The first thing
done in the senate was the swear
ing iu of Mr. Hunton as senator
oleot from tbe state of Virginia to till
the unexpired term of tho late senator,
Barber. Mr. Huntoti's servios hitherto
being u-ider appointmeut by the gov
ernor. Many remonstrances were re
ceived against the passage of the Wil
son bill.
Mr. Frye, of Maine, offered a resolu
tion declaring that in the opinion of
tbe senate, during the investigation of
tho committee on foreign relations into
our relations with Hawaii, there should
be no intefereuce on the patt
of the United States government
bv moral interference or physical force
for the restoration of tuu queen or
for the maintenance of the provisional
government of the Hawaiian islands ;
and that our naval force should be ihJ
on the islands only for the protection
of the lives and property of Amentum
citizens. He asked that the resolution
He on the table for tbe preseut and said
i.e would, by aud by, move to refer it
to the committee on foreign relations.
The senate at 12.45 proceeded to the
consideration of executive business and
ut 1.80 adjourned.
In the house, after unimportant pre
liminaries, Mr. McCreary, Kentucky,
chairman of the committee on foreign
uffairs.offered a resolution setting aside
Friday and Saturday next for the con
sideration of the Hawaiian matter. Tbe
resolution was agreed to, Mr Boutelle,
of Maine, tried to call up for consider
ation the Hawaiian resolution reciting
that tbe privilege of the house has
been infringed by tho executive. The
resolution bad been referred to the
committee on foreign affairs, which re
ported a substitute in lieu of it and re
commended that the Boutelle reaoln
tiou should lie on the table. The
house wus soon in a turmoil through
Mr. Boutelle endeavoring to Becure im
mediate consideration of uis resoln
Tho point was made that having been
referred to a committee it would not be
called np except by a member of the
committee. The speaker ruled, how
ever, that there being a question of
privilege, it could, like a contested
election case, be called up by any mem
ber unleai objection was made to its
consideration. Mr. McMillin, Tennes
see, objected. The question was then
put as to whether or not the Boutelle
resolution should be considered and the
house dividod on party lines, no quor
um being present.
Mr. McMillin moved a cull of the
house. Two hundred and throe mem
beis responded, and Mr. McMillin then
presented s rosolulion revoking all
leaves of absence and culling on tbe
sergeant-aturuis to notify all absent
members by telegraph that important
public business demanded their pres
enco in tho house. After dilatory
tactics the resolution ottered by Mr.
McMillin was agreed to by a vote of
145 yeas and one nsy.
Mr. Adams, who was recently elected
to fill the vacancy in the Second dis
trict of Pennsylvania, caused by the
death of Mr. O'Neill, was then escorted
to the bar of the house, where he was
sworn in by the speaker, after which
he was introduced to some of tbe
members and held a little reception
Being unable tosecurea voting qnorum
the house at 2 o'clock adjourned until
Professor ShortlldaV' Case In Oharge of
Lunacy Commission,
Media, Pa., Jan. 3. The case of
Professor Shortlidge, who blew out his
wife's brains on Saturday last, came
up before Judge Clayton this morning
Jndge Clayton appointed Dr. J. L.
Forwood, Dr. Jefferies nnd Captain
Isaac Johnson ss a committee on lunney
to take evidence Saturr ,f. Whatever
the ruling of tho committee may be
it is believed the guilty man will be
held until-the grand jury passes on his
The body of the murdered woman
was taken to Brooklyn today for burial
Funeral services hero were largely attended.
the supreme court to be relieved of its
einbarrussmeut, aud suggested that the
early confirmation of Mr. Hornblower
would solve the difficulty, but in case
of bis rejection he would like to have a
final decision reached iu order that an
other name might be sent In. It is the
mpression here -that Mr. Hornblower
will be confirmed.
Soldier Di tabled Absent froan Command
la Not Entitled to Pay
Washington, Jan. 8. Assistant
Secretary Rsyuolds, of the Interior de
partment, to-day rendered one of the
most important pension decisions that
I. as been made by this administration.
The case under consideration was that
of James E Harrison, late of Company
M, Third Iowa cavalry, who claimed
pension for a gun shot wound iu the
The principal question iuvolved is
that of "Line of duty," and the effect
of the decision will be to reverse a
large number of decisions made during
the last administration in which this
question was at issue. This decision is
to the ettect that when a soldier re
ceived a disability while absent from
lib -command, acting for himself and
for his owu pleasure and benefit, he is
not entitled to a ponsion.
Plane for the Employment of Idle Mon
Are Discussed.
New YORK, Jan. 3. The beads of all
the departments of the city government
assembled in the mayor's office this
morning for a conference with Mayor
Gilroy as to ways and means of provid
ing work for some of the unemployed
poor of the city.
Provision wss made for ths early
employment of 1,000 men on street im
provements. A bill authorizing the
issue of bonds iu tho amount of $1,000,
000 for park improvements was drawn
up. The committee will go to Albany
and ask the legislature to pass tbe bill
at once.
It was decided to start a charity
fund. Each employe of the city will
be asked to contribute what he can to
aid the unemployed poor.
Eight Industrial Associations of Indiana
Sharply Condemn It.
Indianapolis, Iud., Jan. 3. At a
joint meeting of the eight industrial
associations of the state, headed by the
delegates from the agricultural board,
held here today, tbe following resolu
tions were adopted:
Whereas, ItispropoRod in the Wilson
bill, now pending iu congress, to place on
the froe list twenty-nine of the Qnished
products of the farm which are now pro
tected oy eqmtabie dune, aud,
iierea, l no same bill gives many
manufacturers 40 per ceut. protection, now
therefore be it
Unsolved, Thnt we condemn tbe cross
nnd n 1 1 j. ist discrimination against the
farming interests manifested in that bill.
and we call upon our congressman und
seuato: .- ,i i opposusaid measure.
A copy of tho resolutions will be for
warded to Wus'iiugton.
Mi. Allen, of Schuylkill County, Charged
with Party Treachery.
PoTrsviLLE, Jan. 3. County Com
missioner Charles F. Allen was ar
rested again this evening, this time
charged with committiug perjury in
tukiug oath of office and swearing that
he had made no promises or bribes be
fore the election. He gave $2,000 bail.
Allon is the Republican reform com
missioner who refused to act with his
Republican colleague, but is running
the office and dividing the appoint
ments with Democratic minority offic
ials in conformity with what is claimed
was an anti-electiou deal, and tho
Republican politicians are trying to
oust him, and there is scarcely any
doubt that they will succeed.
Foar Men Broke Into the Offloe of the
Westmoreland Specialty Company.
QrBBHBBUBO, Jan. 3. -At 3 o'clock
this morning four masked man broke
into the office of the Westmoreland
Special ty company nt Grapevi lie, bound
and gagged tbe watchman, John Jeu
klns, and then blew open the safe.
Jenkins was warned to keep quiet or
he would have hit brains blown out.
After tbe burglars left Jenkins walked
to the home of his sou D. F. Jenkins,
who is superintendent of the works,
who untied his hands and removed the
gag. It is thought the burglars got
only $75.
Democrats in the House Give
Eight of Way.
Washington, Jan. 3. The Democra
tic members of tho ways and means
committee have decided that when
tbe tariff bill was taken up it would be
best to push it through without any
The Hawaiian matter will have to
remain in the background until the
tariff bill is sent to the senate. .
" ' - s
Bat the Question May Not Be Oeoided
for Several Days.
Washington, Jan, 8 Judicial no
tice waa taken iu the snpreme court to
day that full complement of justices
through the confirmation of Mr. Horn
blawer's nomination, was not an early
probability. Fx Senator E linnuds, as
counsel in a case, asked for a contin
uance until a full bench was present,
and his motion was granted.
Mr. Cleveland has suld that be wished
r r. i ir y N'
"Oh Fireman, what kind of a store was itV"
Fireman: They manufactured fire extinguishers.
The American League, With Which
Mr. Powderly is Connected
Submits Its Platform.
Lutheran Conferenoe Dlcoountenanose
tho Christtnoe Festival.
Allentown, Jan 8. Santa Claue
was the object of many a ministerial
blow at the new Allentown Lutheran
conference's first meeting here.
The conference se verely condemned
Christmas festivals with Santa Claus
Hlshop McNierny, tbe well known Cath
olic prelate, at Albany, N. Y.
Baron Trucksess-Waldbourg, formerly
(Jermau envoy at Ht. Petersburg.
Hon. Obcbt Craig, president of the State
board of charities, nt Rochester, N. Y.
Hon. Worthington C. Smith, of St. Al
bsns, Vt., ex-cougressrnau, aged 70 years.
At Yarmouth, William D. Dovett, ship
owner and the wealthiest man in Nova
At Salnin. N. J., William pierpont, a
well known inventor uud machinist, aged
77 years.
At New York, Orlando B. .Potter, agod
70, ex-member of cougress and a well
known financier.
Charles J. White, a merchant of Lancas
ter, who has served in the city councils
aud the school board.
Edwin Gilbert, captain of Company F,
Forty-seventh regiment, of Pennsylvania,
during tbe rebellion, at Cntasauqua, Pa.
Bennoville Schueffor, foremau of gov
ernment industrial works at Frederick
City, Md daring the war, aged CO, at
At Wilmington, Del., John Wesley Haw
kins, one of the old Brandy wine coopers,
aged b I years. He was active iu Republi
can politics.
At Detroit, Mich., ex-Mayor Stephen B.
Orummond, a largo vessel owner nnd
president of the police commls doners .
aged Q0 years.
Elevators and Several Large Buildings
Reduced to Ashes Causing a Loss
of Half a Million.
Ntw York, Jan. 3. The following
was given out here today by Wharton
Barker: "The executive committee
of the American leugus submits to the
people of the United States the plat
form herewith: All citizens who agree
with the principles set forth in the
platform herewith submitted may send
their names and addresses to this co m
miltee: Wharton B.irker,ohairoian ; T.
V. Powderly, James Campbell, H.Cary,
Build, David J. McLaughlin, James
Farry, Willinm G. Hillenbeck, David
Callahan, Samuel Cavanagh, Charles
S. Keyset-, George B Ennrhnrdt,
Michael Breslin, Dr. A. H. P. Leof,
Miobael McCarthy. Walter Tuite,
Thomas C. Walsh. Philip J. McGrath,
Thomas O'Reilly, Dr. William Carroll,
P. H. Quinn.
Declaration of principles:
L We demand legislation that will
check and prevent tbe aggression of con
centrated capital, that will provide means
to discover dishonest over-capitallzntion
of corporations and enforce peuslties
aKuinst such over-capitalisation.
Second We demaud the maintenance of
a true protective system, a system that
will protect American labor against under
paid aud degraded European and Asiatic
labor, and secure to American citizens
tho Americau markets: extend American
foreign commorce by adequate subsidies
to American shipping; remove ull protect-
ive duties from imported articles which do
inestic"trustt"and combinations, created to
control domestic production and repress
domestic competition, have monopolized,
destroying thus at home the benctit which
protection along tbe frontier is intended
to secure. UomoiiBti-ate thnt protection
is a national question, tint a class question.
and that protective duties are not im
posed for tbe benefit of any class, but for
tbe public advantage.
Third We demand legislation that will
establish on a permanent basis the unre
stricted use of both gold and silver as
money of the United States, that will
admit to the United States uiiuts for
coinage silver bullion from mines of the
United States, upon payment by the
owner of a seigniorage absorbing three-
fourths of the difference between tbe
market (London) y-""" nuTj its value
when coined, and that will admit foreign
silver only far coinage purposes as u
seiguiornge absorbing all of the differences
between the market (Loudon) price und
ils value when coined.
Fourth We demand tbe extension of
our external trade relations with countries
having different soil, climate and products
from those of the Limed Sitntes una es
pecially when they use both gold and sil
ver as mouey. unrestricted iu amount and
upon an agreed ratio, thereby establishing
an international trade league.
r ive w e demand legislation that will
prohibit sale of public biu-is to aliens, and
the ownership of lands by aliens.
Six We demand legislation that will
prohibit immigration of subjects or citi
zens of foreign countries, unless such im-
miL-raiils inleiid to become citizens of the
United States, and unless they cau demon.
strate t bat. they Have not been of tho
criniiunl or pauper classes in the couutries
from which tuey emigrated.
Fire 1st a Drug Store Causes a Lose of
Detroit. Jan. 3. Fire started nt 0
o'clock this evening in the wholesale
drug home of Hincbman & Sons cans
ing a loss of $100,000, which is fully
covered by iusurauce. The firemen
worked detpemtely to confiue the fire
to the Hinchnian building, hut despite
their efforts tbe flames gaihed entrance
to the top floor of Stanart Bros., build
ing. The dsmage to the Hinchnian build
ing is $25,000 on building nnd between
$30,000 aud $100,000 on stock, both cov
ered by insurance. The damage to the
Stanart building is $12,000 and the
firm's los on stock will be between
$40,000 aud $45,000, also covered by in
To Fight In the Duval Club Roome or
St. John's County.
Jacksonville. Jan. 8. Charles
Mitchell signed the amended articles of
agreement today under i Tonsure from
the officials of the Duval Athletic olub.
The amended artioltw now provide that
the light shall take'.plat.e in Duval or St
John's county, the latter beiug the
county in which Mitchell's training
quarters are located.
Mitohell also insisted upon a change
in tbe clause regarding the furnishing
of gloves for the fight. The original
articles provided for five-ounce gloves
to be furnished by Cnrbett. Tbe Eng
lishman Insisted that tbe clause be
changed go as to read gloves should lie
furnished by Corbett or Mitchell.
Bowdun yielded this point and the ar
ticles were changed accordingly.
510 AND 512
Dress Goods
In order to close out balance
of stock in a few broken
lines the following
Special Prices
will hold good for this week.
7 pieces 46-in. Storm Serge
in Navy, Myrtle and Black
55c, former price 85c
5 pieces 54. in. in Navy only,
65c, former price $1.00.
4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking,
50c, former price $1.00.
Toledo, Jan. 8. After enjoying im
mutiny from disastrous fires lor about
ten years, Toledo tonight experienced
the worst conflagration in tbe history
of the city. At ten minutes before six
o'clock flames were seen to broak from
the top story of the Quale Eleva
tor on the river front. Within
fifteen minutes after the first alarm
was sounded the elevator of
C. A. King & Co., caught fire and the
heavy wiud blowing from tbe south
east, carried the flames to the chamber'
of commerce, a s. .yen-story building at
Madison and Water streets. At tbis
point, while fighting the flames in tho
rear of the Quale elevator, Captain
Frszter, of Lugine compauy Mo. 1. we
struck by a falling timber and prob
ably fatally injured.
From the chamber of commerce the
fire spread to the 7-story building of
C. L. Luce, adjoining and occupied as
a Wonderland museum theater by Col
onel J. H. Moore. Next to thiB build
ing stool the 5-itory building doeu-
pied by West & Truax, wholesale
druggists. In an incredibly short space
of time the buildings were one mass of
flames. The fire then found its way
into the King block, a four story build
ing running half the length of the
block between Madison and Adams
streets, This was one of tbe oldest
structures in the city and proved an
easy- victim to the flames.
Directly across from the chamber of
commerce stood the Hartford block,
four stories in height and having a
frontage of about eighty feet.
In a short time this was a
complete wreck. To tbe right of
the Hartford bnilding and adjoin
ing stood the three-story building
occupied by R J. Wallace as a saloon,
the Toledo Rubber company, Pafte
dentnl parlors, A. Zeiss & Co., cigars;
Jacob Hockenberger, saloon; J. H.
Roosman, gentlemen's furnishing
goods; N. Judd, jeweler, and I. N.
Reed, druggist. The building was de
luged with water to prevent the flames
spreading and the contents will
be a complete loss. Tbe
personal losses so far are: on the Quale
d-vator $120,000, insurance about $95,
000; on tho chamber of comineace
$140,000, insurance about $100,000;
on the King elevator $8o,000. wholly
insured; on the King block $35,000.
wbollv insured; on the Ilurtford block
$75,000, insurance $25,000. The minor
losses will aggregate $100,000, the in
surance on which cannot be estimated,
Brubacksr and Livingston Forcss Have.
Opposing Municipal Nominees.
Lancaster, Jan. 3. -The Republican
nominating meetings were held to
night. Tho candidates placed in nomi
nation for mayor are: S Clay Miller,
Morris Zjok, Edward Edgeriy, A. F.
Shenck, Elias McMellen, J. B, Peoples,
D. P. Rosemiller. S. M. Myers, Wil
liam Riddle and D. E. Long.
The election will be held next week
aud the contest will be narrowed down
to two candidates, one representing tbe
Brubaker faction and the other tbe
Livingston faction.
npes and
1 6 pieces strictly
Cheviots in St
Mixtures at
29c and 47c, former price
50c. and 65c
A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch
Cheviot Suite in Broken Checks
and Plaids at nearly Half-Price.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tannod Leather Belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
S13 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi
Lewis. Reilly & Davies
Samuel S. 1 lair, cf Blair Coanty, Is in
Fiuauclal Difficulty.
HOLLIDi.YB.BURG, Jan. 8, An execu
tion for $29,273 was issued today
against Samuel S, Blair, superintend
ent of the Tyrono and Clearfield Rail
road company, and a well known oper
ator iu the ClearhVld coal regions. His
three sonB are tho execution creditors.
Mr. Blair was involved in ihe Me
Coy, Livrright & Co. failure.
Beading browpnes last year turned out
12000 barrels of beer.
Judge Cyrus L. Pershing, of Schuylkill
county, hsagouo to Uouver, Col., in search
of health.
William Schuttlesworth, of Mt. Pleas
nnt, wan killed in the Willianmtown col
liory by a (all of coal.
A Philadtdphia and Reading Uailrosd
train ran down and killed Uavtano Mar
olla, a traokwalkur, nt Ljwtsbnrg.
Judgments amounting to (15,000 having
been entered against J. M. Han is, a ready
made clothing dealer of Coudersport.
Th uridcty,
in tor.
Washinhto!. Jan. 3. Forecast
for Tltvimlaij: For tastirn
nmntyiMnio, partly cloudy or
ctotufv unatktr will tonitail tmt
without precmitatlOlt tlurinn
warm sonfi tci'uils will cuu-
Delighted and happy becsuso his principal
article of apparel ! a new pair of SHOES.
You, too. will be more than pleased If you
wilt lotus fit you with a warm, comfortable
pair of
Lewis, Reilly & Davies,
It will pay you if you don't wish
to buy to look in our show windows
and see the Prettiest Line of Jew
elry and Novelties for Christmas in
Scranton, All goods warranted as
Fitting Eyes for Glasses a Specialty