The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 03, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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oliday Gifts !
In great variety
at prices
Suit the Times.
Reductions in
& urn
For Ladies,
Misses and
We have made it a rule
for several years never to
carry any garments from one
season to another, and at
the new or reduced prices
we have garments that are
within the reach of every
purse, however small.
It is impossible in our lim
ited space to give a descrip
tion of the goods or enum
erate prices
We arc confident that you
will find on examination that
the prices are very accept
able we mean by accept
able prices lower than the
same quality of goods can
be bought for elsewhere
at a saving from one-third
to one-half.
We have a large number
of them to select from and
every one of them fashion
able. Gorman's Grand Depot
The nsw year was ushered in with
considerable noise. At the first stroke
of the town clock for the hour of
twelve tho last breath of the expiring
year the bells, with joyous (Mail,
ranp; in the new, and "Very factory
whi9tle sent forth its shrill Htinounc
rnent as if to frierhtcu away the old,
while in many of tho churches the con
gregation on bended knee gave thanks
that they were permitted to seo the
Bloomsbure has great reason to bid
farewell to 1888 with especi il defer
ence for she is one of thi few towns
npon which the late business denression
has left only faint truce. Thero is no
real want here that would not receive
immediate relief if it were Bade
Companies have shown much good
judgment and real sympathy bv r)tiin
ing the most needy among their em
ployee nnd reinstating as fast as pos
Bible those first whose circumstances
were most imperative heads of fam
ilies, one son from n family, etc. In
that way actnal suffering has been
kept at bay. Ail the Industries, of
which we have a gondlv number, are
working with nearly full force.
A surprise party was tendered to
John Allison at his liom in K'ndham,
it being his nineteenth birthday,
(lames und singing were indulged in
up to a MaaODable hour, when all tint
guests dispersed, hnvin ir enjoyed n very
happy evtming. Tho following ar the
names of the persons preterit: Misses
Emma Heiser, Ella Hisor, E.nma
Johns, Nettio Kohler, Ida Orahum,
BdlaOlWer, Katie Avrs, DreillUa
Howells, Argrottn William, Harsh
Williams, Nellie Wharton, Maggie
Cosgrove, Bhoda Thomas, of Scranton;
Flora Wilson, Ella Howells, Mr. Will
iam Evans, Miss Netti Vickers; Will
iam Todd, of Taylor; William Uarclay,
George Johns, William (Irovor. Boo
ert Grover, Albert Hersohel, Thomas
Ayers, Henrv Daniels. James Visiters,
William Rippen, William HcComb,
Thomas Goodman, William Tompkins,
William Weicbel, of Scranton; Will
iam Evans, Thomas Shrive, Thomas
Edwards, William Morris, of Taylor,
Bucklen'a Amloa Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for Cuts
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Hheiim, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns end ell Kkiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required, ft
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 ceuts per
box. For sale by Alatthews Bros.
Cciut fob Ckoup. Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrlo Oil according to directions. It is
the best remedy for all sudden attacks of
colds, pains and inflamation, and injuries.
fOntot town 0011 respondents ofYits Tata
I'M: uli.inlil hi :n ii nn.'s in full t oadb
Dewt letter, not for pablioatloa uut to guard
against deception,!
Professor Twltmyor'e Il'ustratMl Leoture
and Livo Hoten of the Day.
ITon! sn.w.K. Jan. C T ha illustrated
lecture of ProttSSor George W, Twit-
myer, of Honeidale, at the court honsa
last evening, brought, together DO I
only tbe teachers, but a large con
ooorw of Hodeedale people, completely
filliui: the l:ir;.'o auditorium. TIim
professor Opened his lecture by a well
and carefully prepared description of
the World' fair, il apok 1 ol its im
mensity, the gigantia icaleonwhloh
everything wna laid out, the beautiful
and wouderfnl architecture. Elesaid
that the America:) people had nver
bad the love for sculpt urn they should
have, but that tho sidllfnl manner iii
which it was wrought and arranged al
the fair, would revive tin peoolo'a love
for it, iintil we should b carried back
to Graolan glory.
Ha draw many and valuable lesson a
from the fair, pointing out tbe parts
fruiii which the most. Instruction could
bo gaiued. The Midway plaiaauce
formed m topic from wbion many lea'
eons were drawn, After tne opening
lecture the professor, who was assisted
by his son, Edwin, had tho lights from
the atereoptloon thrown upon the oau
vas. A map of the grounds was first
exhibited ami explained; after that li,"
varloni bnlldiugs, exterior and inte
rior view, scenes on the streets nod tho
Midway, When the picture of the old
"Liberty" pell w is thrown upon the
canvas the bonis broke out Into ap
plause. The J. ist vhhv was that of the
''wbaleback'1 steamship leaving Chi
c igo.
The lecturer commanded tho i !
attention of Hie and I toco through thr e
hours, the only drawback being the un
comfortable, benches of the court room
Tho photographic viiwl Used Were
good. The picture t.ikeu were all
Institute! was opened this morning
with singing, led by Professor CoggS
vrell, Professor Oh iriss li. Albert con
tinued bis address on the anbject,
"Fnridameutal Principles of Educu
tion." Professor .Vs address-d the
Isachera on "Drill Work." Dr. S H.
Albro, principal of Mansfield Normal
schio', spoke on the "Mi thoda of
Teaching in a District School " Simul
taneooaly with Dr. Albro's leoture to
the district teachers. Professor Twll-inyt-r
was mldrrssing the teachers of
the public school in the icho !
building on the subject of "Scie
In the afternoon the lectures v-r. de
limed by Dr. S H. Albro, "Cuss
Work;" Professor ('. It. Albert, I o
graphy ;" and a short sddrets b)- Wal
a ce Bruce. Lust year Professor Twlt
myer was appointed chairman of a
committee to prepare a course of study
for the teachers to cover a period of
three years His report was submitt id
to the. institute today. Two hundred
and fifteen teachers have enrolled.
M. L Willier, representing the El
noatiooai Publishing company, has a
larg.- selection of sCOOl room help and
tec!ir's books on exhibition.
Wednesday evening Dr. X.C. Scbief
fer, superintendent public of instruc
tion, Will lecture on ''Three Great Ten
dencies in Modern Education,"
Kernels of KeWB Containinir Essentially
filuch In Uttle Vevblag-n.
HOHKSDALE, J. in 8 Mr. and Mrs,
John Lyons and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Rowane attended the funeral of their
brother-in-law, Pttriek Haw
ley, Sunday at 8 p. m. S:ait' waaem
p'oyed at the ruin ! 'hot a' P r: .1
vis. where h ili-id Friday, li i was :''"
ye irs old at:d is snrvived by a widow
and two children, aged -I and 2 years .
Ausnstus (ir nubs left for Pbilad ! -phia
today. The best wishes of his
friends atten I him,
Guerdon Pellett, of Now York city,
passed the day at the home of his
uncle, Hon. E. B. Harden bergb.
Miss Mary Bossell returned to her
home in Biuvhamton today.
Keystone oroheatra will boll its
weekly dance in Maennerchor ball
Wednesday nielit.
Edward Reed rendered a fine flute
solo, "Majourka Elegante," Popp, at
the fee' ure this ev. mag.
T. M. Graham, of Scranton, was
registered at the Allen House today.
Fred Diettrioh, of Scranton, is
spending a few days at tU-j hotiie of lit s
parents here.
A Household Tipnsnrs.
P. W. Fuller, of Cansjnbarie, N, Y.,
says that be always kM-n i i-. Kings New
Discovery in the house, and las family has
always found the very best results follow
Its use; that he would not be without if- if
procurable. Q. A. Dykeman, druggist,
Catlsktll, W. Y says that Dr. King's W.-w
Discovery is undoubtedly tbe best ooOuh
remedy; that he has n-d it in his family
for eight years, und It has never failed to
do all that le Claimed for it. Wbv n tre
a remedy so lung tried and tested! Trial
bottles free at Mai thews iiros'. drag slury.
Regular size .Vic und 81,00.
Rev. J. 0. Hogan, pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal church In t.. a
place, was tii recipient oh Verv hand
some New Year's present from a
brother of bis in Pueblo, Colo. The
present is an ink etand m ide of twenty
mineral curiosities which wore found
In that Motion of the state. Borne Of
tho minerals nro gold ore, silver ore.
lead ore, topper ore. moss agate, wo id
opal, pettjnel cotton wood, crystallasd
palm wood, Iceland spar, Amason
stone and many other beantiful stoni a
In the center a beautiful glass iok well
is placed, surrounded by red velvei
On tho whole it is a very beautiful and
valuabio present and is highly appre
ciated by its owner.
Dr. J. F. Jacobs loin removed from
this place to Nanticoke to practice bis
chosen profession, e
Representatives of tho Oar bond ale
Dye works were in town yesterday aol
lecting work which they will return
next Saturday,
Mis Addie Lappens, after spending
her Cnrlstnias vacation with ber par
ante in this place, has returned to
Philadelphia to complete her course In
a Baptist missionary training school.
Angus Gray, of Scianton, hni been
visiting at the homo a' John MtfLlUgb
liu the past fow days.
In yesterday's items a small error
was made. It was John Matey instead
of John Mnx-y that was calling o;i
Jesafp friends New Year's.
1 he company which presented the
"Plying Vulture" at, the opera house
Monday night gave a vry good enter
tainment. The two comedians, Koley
and Kennedy, were excellent and the
support was good. Tonight the cele
brated Walter Lake's uiiuitrcl will bo
i (he 1 1 f ii i i in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
V.-, '" - ".! r:2)
tho attraction nnd should be grouted
by a large au lience.
William Jones hna again resumed his
studies at Wood's Business college
after enjoying a vacation In this place.
The members of the Methodist t'.pis
copal Sunday school presented their
superintendent, Mr Biehenborg.Wlth "
handsome chair Now x ears nignt ror
his faithful work in tho Hnnday aobeol
during the past year.
A New Yen's w dding was solemn
iced .Monday evening about 7 VI. ok,
Henry Dal I i more and Sarah J Strat
ford, both Of this place, were united in
holy wedlock by Rev, .1 (J Hpgan at
the' homo .f the bride's parenta op
South Main street, before a company
of select friends. A wedding supper
was served during the evening and a
very enjoynble time was had by those
present Mr. and Mra Dalllmore will
begin uoueekeeping al once iu this bor-
George 3 Dunn, the popular Ontario
emd Western station agent at Jorsaya,
visited bis tmrt-nts iu t'.iis boroUgb a
short time New l -ar s.
Miss Jessie Smith is the guest of .'diss
L zzie Moyle, at M )C0W)
Attorney L. Ii. Wesleman was at
Montrose on uusiuoit, Monday,
li irn, to Mr. and Ms... o.-v- M '.run-',
u son.
Foremen James White and John P
Gallagher were in Scrimton Monday,
Mrs. Blanobard, residing on Seventh
nvenne, this city, has received a prizs
of 82 from th WorliPs lair for nri nr.
tide of fancy work, wl lob is tii work
of her bands and was on sxbibii on 1 1
tbe fair on the mouths that it was open
at Chicago,
Deputy Sheriff Crilp, nf Scranton,
was a visitor iu this city yesterday
Mis fonn Tyler, of Forest Ctly, was
Miss Use 1 tallock's gu 'at yestord iy,
Frank Bsrry, Barry Rettew and
Maurice Cu -at were visitors at the
ScrantoA Young Men's Christian
ciatioii rooms on Xw Y-'.irs e, , .. ;.
The monthly business meeting at
h'.er.irv enlerliilntii :it of th" liiowor
league will occur this evening i'
Methodist e nroll. The entvrti
programme will be as follows-.
soa'. LenaBronSon; essay, Miss
Thompson; niano solo, Mt-s if "u
ring and Lena Bronson; r-'cit
Miss Ethel Bobbins; New Year's!
ii v. William Edijnr.
Miss lora t,.ialirorar, reruivic
Millersvill , i' i.. to resume her si
at the state normal school ul ttukt
place, aft.-r spending het vacation at
tier home in tnis city'
?diss Adetla Wlllhms, of Williams
avenue, is visiting friends and r-.-la-tires
in 'Scranton,
Thomas Vv'yllie, of Plttston, was the
guest of bis parents on Belmont street
over X'-w Year a.
Yesterday afternoon it was decided
who should wear the handsomi watch
which was given away ly Jeweler
Burr to the person who should write
tbe name Burr the greater nttuiher ot
times on the sheet ol paper whiohwas
secured nt Burr's store dnrfitg t'ie
month of Decern beT and retiun-.l by
Jan. 1, Much iiit'"-est was taken and
many trie- i tt.. ir luck miu many falle I
to win tbe prise, The sheet on Which
(lie name v as written measured five
anions b'nlf inches Wide anil s x in
ches Ioiit an 1 'ha person wiio took tin
prigs was Willie Frltzpatrirdi wfio
was fortunate enough to writo it 1 1 $9 1
times. O.i iy oik) prize was awarded
but fo other parties did remarkably
Well and their work is worthy of nioa
don'. Bocond ii ice wis lake t by Mr
0. A. Ski els, who wrote it 12,89J times
and F, J. Johuaon came in third with
10,822 times to bis credit.
William Roster passed from time into
eternity si his home on River street on
Monday ni.:ir- itt 11,80 o'clock, Mr
Rosar had peori a long sulf -ir. li
was in November, l8fJ0, that be became
a vift i in o! stomach in uble and from
that tuny until death his sufferings
have been great, o i Febroary, 1891,
be went to New York, where be re
ceived treatment from an eminent
specialist, but iiis confiltion did not
improve. Two months Of thai year be
spent in a sanltarinmnt Wat kin 'a Glen,
from where be returned feellug much
Unproved. He then resumed his Dosl
tlou as paaaenger conductor on t. i i
Delaware and Hndaoo railroad, but
after a titue his Iron de cam b.teli and
be was obliged i give up his work.
This tinu he want t KeuKulr, la,
where he spent live months with his
brother, Josinb 11 jsserf and on
tbe advice of a Keokuk
pbysiolari weut to Denver where be re
in naed until last October, when he
was called to his home lot&lecity by
the death of bis mother. From Ine
time of bis arrival lie failed rapidly.
Mr. Rjosser waa born in 1830 and was
on-of. i family of f ur children, two
of whom survive him, John, of this
rily, and Joaisb, ol Keokuk, .Mr.
Rossi. r vi-ns employed as brak'tuan on
the first train run on the D lawsre,
and Hudson company's Pennsylvania
division, an t was the iirsl conductor
to run n psssenger train on the grav
ity railroad between Oarboudale and
Honesdsde, in IbiiJ he took oliarge of
a passenger train on the "steam" road,
which position he held until bo was
compelled on account of ill health to
resign, Oa Nov. 2, 1803, Mr U ..... r
whs united in marriage to Mi-?s R;ise
Trailas. of this city.
The funeral services over the remains
will be conducted by ReV, Ortarles L e
on Thursday afternoon at KiSOo'olook,
at lite tySldenOe No. ;n River street
Interment will be made in Maplewood
oem itery.
The funeral of Mrs. Daniel Dunn,
who died at tin early hour Sunday
morning will oocur this afternoon at il
o'clock from Hut late residence, 180
Dnndaff street.
Lust evening J. W. Dimnek, district
deputy graud ragvut, Reynl Arcanum
this city, attenJed a session of the
ilonesdale council.
VTien Doby -.r.-.a Otclt, we Rave her r-rtorl?.
When sltq waa a child, she cried f -r ( lontorla.
When SMcrbfS' one v,, . . ,.i lung t. C'ustorla,
When Uio liu J Children, sho g.ivo tlitia (Jastoria.
if P
Obri'tmni and JjTew Yenrs were botli
unusually pleasant dava for the time of
vear and our people made gor.J DBS of
them', judging from to uuiiy gather
ings. The skating on Cott igo lake baa been
Very fine for a number of d iys and our
young people ar- out in large numbers
enjoying tne exhilarating s;. n,
The health of the nel fhborhood is far
abov4 tbe average; there being only
one case or grip, that of Mr. Philo.
There baa been only fonr deajths from
natural causes In thrs vaar to a pop
ulation of nearly fi.030. Wait oilier
place i-iin b:iv us muoill
Jfov.-.ird Saiitli, of Wyoming, was
calling on Iriends hero recently.
James McLaughlin end Mr. Taylor,
frT.m TompkinsvilU, mads 'tt business
trip to this plaoe M iw Year's ilay.
B i'. Duolap liu purchased a lot
from Mr. Atberton adjoining that of
the Mlasea Bartree, and has a cellar
Miss Hi tile Athsrton is taking a com
mercial course at. Wool's Bus ine a col
leg?. When it is completed she will
have an engagement with her brother,
A, M. Atberton eV Co.! ready pay
store, nt Olyphant, as bookkeeper.
Miss Dertlni Letts gave a select purtv
to a fi w of bi r moat intimate friends
New Year's nigh.
Will Letts is slightly indisposed.
Uev. Mr. Douglass is holding revival
m otlngs in Dymon l'a ball.
Daniel Stark, o( S'lulteville, died
January l of pneumonia, aged 77
Professor Th iy r gav a free c mcert
hist evening, preparatory to starting a
musical class in t i M -tho list Rplsoo
pal chnroli at CI irh'i Snmmit,
Dr. K. Grewer
Ik Philadelphia Specialist,
Ami tils associated ttaff of English and Onr
man Pbj'sicuuis.ara bow peraunaatb; located
Temple Court Building
:.i i RPRUCE sr..
of Phil ulelphla.
"Bad Gpsils" with the
Dizzy, Faint, In Despair
Hood's Saraaparitla cured.
"I have suffered very trudi during the pa3t
fow years from
Heart Trouble)
Pliy I lanes Id i mlgh live a number of years,
m:ht die any itnj . 1 1 sold usually toll wlion
the worst attacks wore ooratng nn by feeling a
harp pain in tbe heart, then violent thumping,
shortness of l reotli, follow ed by acoldnoss com
ing nil over me, tiui DnsztNESs, kalntmss,
and ih ih, unless i could Ho down at once I
Would riO' Bfbl
left slonn for l
thai BPDlll d
oouragoc at
pr 1
i. 1 nori r dared to be
ive h ij' hi once and
I cunld nut do any
ind ii .'i to be careful
i .- very much dls
nd ibouitrt
f No Hcpo
Ot over finding anything to help me. ore day
friend asi i .t, ;y don't you try Hood's bursa
parlllay f lliontu it over and decided to try It,
end I tlwnk Ool for it t o.- t-im-o i began t.ik
liinft. tlir lyoarsi 30, 1 have had batons 'bad
spell' and thai ivas duo to carolei m -s on my
recovered, 1 enn
t .-r I fi .-I ar.d hisv
: w ul 1 Ilka to tell
b iu 1:. 1 can and
. wn to washing."
1 .1 Latlmor htrcet.
pari, am! from tint I q
hot fcdi ypa how mm
thankful 1 am. 1 fc 1
1 very person tti I iv
do now do all inv linn n
Mns. BArah Trbxi
fbtiadelpbla, f'u
" I know Jfi 1. Sal ib Trrxlcr from having pur.
eha ' -l i ': p.". il'.. for a l'iii(? tlmo, and
have every rensoi to believe that tho above
statement Is true." B. & K. 1. suoct.i.i-.y
Pbarmaotsts, m e. Ihomps nn St., Fbltadelphia.
Hi r-ci's 1 l.i.
diitlo and effeoUl
re the best ..u.iiiy oathartte,
3. Try a box. 20 cents.
Hotel vYaverly
European riaa. t'lrtt-olass Bar attielmt.
In pot tor Berguer & i.iik.I s 'I'muihieus -r
H. i Cor. 15th and Fittot Ptiila.k
J!' kt 1', iral ' 1 for residents i.f N.E, t'enn'
tylvioii'i. All ronvt-.iiieticos lor travelors
to amt ircin Broad Btreot station and tho
Twelfth end Market Btrset itatton. De
sirable for vmitii'K Berantontans und yjii-la-
in tbu Anthracite Homou.
Wburu ihoy may be coo ulted DAILY AND
1 h Doctor Is a graduate ot the University
or Fentuylvanta, tornierly demonstrator ot
pliysioloay and sargery at tbu Medlco-Ohu
orj 1 .1 College, of PhUadelphia. He Is also
M I. ni'l.uj 1 i-inliiT ,,t tin. Jti'ilii-o C'lllrur
Kiral Aatoclntton, nnd wan physician and
1 1 1 goon In-ohiaf ( the most aoted Amorlcaa
aud Hi rman boaiiitala eomes htshly tndorsoq
bi I be loading urofesaora ot PhUadelphia and
Hew York,
HI' many years ot hosoltai oxtierlonoo on
sblos this eminent physlolan hihI Htn-gnon to
eorrectly dlugnose and tri-at all defonttltles
sod dti isees with the most flattering saeceesj
end bis In h stntidhn; in the state wtti not
all 1. biui in accept nnv Ineurable ch-ia
r.vsi 1 .Minoii iikhtohkd.
Jfyonnsve ooen civen up uy yoor pbyst
i an call upon th" doctor and he examined,
ii.. cures ine worst cases of Nervons Debility,
Bcrofnla, Old Bores aturrh. Piles, Fetnale
Weakness, Affections of tin. Bar, Bye, Nose
end Throat. Asthma, Deafnom, Tumors. Oaa
ears and Crifples of every description. Con
sultation in 1 nullah nud Herman Pras, which
shall tie considered saered and Htriutly contl
denttat. Rie 1 Olimi !i A. M, t- U 1". ML Daily.
Siiiitl-,'.', U a.m. tu 1 Rl
Seeds aoi
large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
'i in n- are hundreds of youug men uud youug women iu tikis
country who have splendid ability, but they have uever been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
lias been au inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you
are tired of inactivity and want to do sometbiug tangible,
come to the College.
c ommon ENGLISH cotitsfcl
MI OUT 11 AM) OOpgB. p j. WQ0Dj proprietorf
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
Pfl a
.v '."if 3
liii il
Bank of Scranton.
Statement Dee. Ill, lstiil. railed for by
the Comptroller of tboCamiaojr.
. . 1 . ! 1 1
1,-ii Ktntrs Hand
Other Bonds
Hanking llnttss
lTi miums nn If. s. Hnnde.
Due from ii. S, Tniasuvcir.,
Due from Bnnks
Umltvlded I'roais..,,
Dividends l upnld . . .
lUO til ltllltl.H ,
. 800,000; OO
. 448,197.73
I 1,443
1(1.(101) nn
. 881,130.09
. 173,088.08
,940,000 Oil
HU.H- 1,07
9, 103,088.00
WIl.l.lAM i onm i.t. President.
UBO. II. CATMN, Vlre-I'resldent
Wllllem Counoll, Osoiws ir. Cstlln,
Alfred Hand, henry UelTn, Ir., Jntnes
Arohbeld, Vtitllnm T. ISiiiltii, Lutlier
'iliis IhiiiU cifloifl to dsflnsltote rvrrv
fneillty i rrnnti d i,v their bsJnnoes, im.-.i-ness
And i i sponiilbtllty.
8peolnl sittentlosi slvetl to ImslncvH aci
oounte. Interest pnldon time depuslts.
have completed our inventory and
naturally have found some odd lots
which we will close out at actual cost.
They Must Be Sold
In our Carpet Department you will find
bargains in Tapestry Brussels. Ingrains,
and in the finer grades, such as Moquette,
Velvet and Ax minster.
Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old
Pieces will be sold regardless of cost.
Djlg Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs,
2.50; reduced irom $3.50.
Dry Hemlock
1 r . 8 1
2m im DifiiiADne s iiudcd mi
1 nmnnnuQ Lumotn uu.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building,
r?S?SvbR Scranton, Pa.
XETHILE mSjDjr mAnaftotarers end dealers, are making extravagant btata
inents concerning the merits and durability of medium or low radj
pianos, intending pnrehasers should not fail to examine the famous
Illustrated book containing valuabio information on pianos on application.
E.C.Ricker & Co.
123 Adanu
National Mi of Scranton,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
A . W, WA'J sux, ViiwPrssldsns
A. h. Williams, Csebisr.
IRViau A. J'lM'lt. PiEHCKQ, 1'",
. ,'!! I'll J. JcRUYir, 11. . Kkmgrru.,
Unas. P. Hattuhvjs. John T. Poaxau.
w . v. aisoK
Tiiix linnu Invltos the pasransgs of business
men sua Bras gen, r.iiiy.
PKTTFR RIIOK CO.. Inc'p. Capital. SI .000.000.
inSin .50 MIUK IN THE '.Voitl.n.
".I .,' '.,,r ,ri,( Ud dollar i-arnnl." ,
ThlsT.!tdlo'8othl YonohDoafols lUrtniit
tun Hoot dsltv, rsd fan seywhsrs tn tho D.s.,on
el pt ilt:nil, AK-iu-r v'rilcr,
Dextlr Shoe Go
f vr Miisiil Note for CI
' KouwIh fvory mVf Ib6 bOQtl
mIu In Ml rrtall itorti fur
if j :'. W maka Ibli boot
onnthrvte. Uwrefort wc guuf
initec iUo tflt, stilf nn? iPrrir.
BOq V' ;ny OtM nut HitrtAfliMl
1 Wl i 1 a rt'fiintl the money
V ur aontlunothiTpair. tptli
x'Nw Ton or I'urnun m S'iio,
V ,vl'lllm D. K, Sc BK,
' fci V,l"'N to H nnd Imlf
' ; j4-vsl7.w. Sttul pnuraite;
'. i,)5k.,fr !ri"''' f0M
V .Jfcw. 1 1 ! itntrratcU
I iruii
l,Jtk--I'..V HI leu
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Special ttrtnt to jHuttri,
We extend our heartfelt appreciation for the liberal pat
ronage we have received in the past year and the preced
ing ones. Just as Time's march is indicated by periods
historically eventful, business advancement writes its
methods aud its movements indelibly with the epochs
of its progress. The first, time our name was spoken in
Scr&ul a new epoch of retail business was born.
A Higher Standard of Quality, Larger Quantities of the Suit
able, and the Outspread Wing of Price Protection,
With its su Ing, its security, its its infallible satisfaction,
and our ever-popular CREDIT SYSTEM, these are every
where recognized as
Our Epoch of Progress