The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 02, 1894, Image 1

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Better Times
Comprise the wish of every
nierchaiit,eniployer aud employe.
Better Times
Are the creation of hard
work ami persistent advertising.
The Philadelphia Delegation's Caucus Tonight
Will Settle the Matter.
ill f
No Official Intimation Has Been
Received at Harrisburg as to
Whether He Is Hi -If a Candidate
or Not, but the r Sans May
Concentrate on hi.. ''ctor
Thomas V. Cooper Is it
The Susquehanna County Candicu..
Is Ahead Among Country Delegates,
and His Friends Are Still Hopeful
of His Success.
ttecial to the Scranton Tribun.
ATE this afternoon tho advance
guard t the Republican stal
warts, Vlio will he in special
session "Wednesday for the pur
pose of selecting a successor to General
William Lilly, and incidentally for
comparing notes us to the later fight
for governor, rescue i tue capital an 1
diffused itself anion- the various
hotels. Chairman Crilkeson was the
first to arrive. He went at once to the
reconstructed Lochiel, where, present
ly, he was greeted by Galusha A.
Grow, who had brought a lively dele
gation of supporters down from the
northeastern counties to assist in the
opening exercises of his handsome
headquarters on the second floor.
During the evening "Farmer" Tag
gart sallied in from Montgomery and
Iron Master Joseph E Tbroop made
his bow, fresh from bis Bedford home.
Late tonight or early tomorrow, the
Philadelphia contingent, including
candidates George A. Castor. A. Low
den Snowdeu, aud such familiar con
vention figures as ex-Sheriff Leeds, ex
Collector Cooper who, by the way.
conld have the nomination himself if
he wanted it, but who has joined Chris
Mage; In sapt ortine ex-Speaker Grow
Ma .or Stau.., Boies Penrose, David
Mart.n aud the rest of them will reach
the city; and tomorrow afternoon the
Allegheny contingent, headed by
Magee, aud having in careful tow the
lieutenant governorship boom of Wai
ter Lyon, will enliven the corridors of
the Commonwealth. It is expected
that ei-Congressman Biery, of Allen
town, will iaunch his candidacy in for
mal fashion, tomorrow, at the Lochiel,
a suite of iuuais. with ice water accom
Snnimenti, having been reserved for
is occupancy.
A whole regiment, of complimentary
boomleti is expected to burst from
their chrysalis state to-morrow.
Among them are the candidacies of ex
Congresimati Charles N. Brumm, pro
posed as a pacificatory move by Will
iam Wilhelta, one of the warring
lenders of faction-rent Schuylkill; E
B. Leisenring, the Carbon eounty fav
orite son; ex-Congressman Huff, of
Westmoreland; Colonel W. ,C. Mc
Connell, of Northumberland, and sev
eral others that take this form of illus
trating local popularity. It is scarcely
likely that any of these minor booms
will figure seriously in the delibera
tions of next Wednesday. Some may
not even be presented.
Indeed, as a matter of fact, the opin
ion is growing that there will he only
one ballot in convention, and that the
nominee will be known by this time to
morrow night, in which event he will
have the field to himself. It is an
nounced that the Philadelphia delega
tion will caucus at the Lochiel tomor
row evtnlng; and emissaries of the
Allegheny crowd are already putting
things in readiness so that the Republi
can strongholds may, if considered de
sirable, ast substantially as a unit.
The fight at this time, taking into ac
count all that cau be ascertained from
various sources, is narrowed down to
two persons, ex-Speaker Grow and ex
Chairman Frank Reeder. The latter is
a late entry, having been brought ont
within the past sixty-two nours. He
has been quoted as not desiring the
nomination; and it does not appear
clearly, even yet, that he is actively
solicitons for it. Nevertheless, the
sentiment of a number of younger Re
publicans from the cities, and particu
larly those supposed to be on terms of
intimacy with the controlling forces in
Ph11adphia and its iu favor
of concentrating upon him in prefer
ence to letting the nomination go
without serious opposition ter Mr.
It is believed that among the people
as represented in the country delega
tions, Mr. Grow is far and away ahead
of any competitor. Some line is being
mad' , however, of the argument that
he is too old, and also of the fact that
years ago he followed tho lead of
Greeley. There is, too, some dispo
sition among the younger '"machine"
element to make prejudical use of
Chris Magee' publio indorsement of
Mr Grow. This is directed toward
spreading the belief that the ex-speaker
is unacceptable to Senator 'juay. The
whole matter, however, hinges upon
the Philadelphians' cancus tomorrow
night; and at this hour there is abso
lutely no ground for predicting that
Mr. Grow will not stand as good a
chow of landing the prize as any other
atpirant. The outward signs of public
favor distinctly point to his nomination.
He Thinks in a Time Like This a
Short Session and Little Legis
lation is Most Desirable.
Coi.rMurs, Jan. 1. Governor Me
Kiulev's uiessairn opens with a refer
ence to the prolonged indmtrial de
pression from which he says there ii no
prospect of immediate relief. "A
short session am. little legislation"
says he. "would be appreciated in a
time like this. Liberal treatment or
the national guard is recommended,
but it is angirested that $10J,O0d could
be saved with no great disadvantage
to tho guard bv omitting the annual
encampment this year,"
Ihe govsrnor closas with this: "toe
party charged with the legislation of
the state has had committed to it a
great trust for the faithful execution
of which it will b held to thj strictest
accountability. Tor the exceptional
confidence bestowed by the people it
must give in turn ths best and highest
service, It should keep the espouses
witnin the revenues. There should
be no increase in the rates of taxation,
which can be well avoided, in the ab
sence of the most prudent economy. "
are a few cannons pointing skyward
with the breeches burisd In mud. The
whole affair reminds me of a light be
tween a whale and an elephant. They
can't get near enough to hurt anybody.
There was some firing of gun while 1
was in port, but nodody could tell
what it was auout. I thought it was
- - - - S . , i - F
mistake that caused a bad wreck. BViiiIxts oi the Diplomatic Corps In Brilliant
Lohlsrh Vally Passenger Crushes Into a Array with Prominent Citizens.
Pennsylvania Coal Train.
PoTWVILLt, Jan. I. Tho Mnhnnoy
division of the Lehigh Valley reports
the first wreck of the new year. It
occurred between Buck mountain and.
Delano between a Pennsylvania coal
train pulling out of a sidiug from ft
colliery and the Lehigh Valley passen
ger train due here at 8,08 this after
noon. The engines crashed into each
other and both engineers were badly
The passengers and trainmen were
dly shaken up and some were cut
sii hut none seriously in
jured. The I'enr.nvlvanii engineer had
mistaken n l'uiinsylvaiiia passenger
train for the Valley train, and sup
posing that he hid a clear track,
started out on the Valley train's time.
She Said the President Owed Her
Money and She Wanted It Right
Away -Greater Number of Persons
Appeared Than for Many Years and
Mrs. Cleveland Became Very Much
Fatigued, but Boro Up Well and Re
tired, Leaving Others to Entertain
the Guests Who Surged Into the
Presidential Parlors.
The Brazilian Contest Thus Character
ized by an American Ssa Captain.
New York, Jan. 1. The steamer
Mosart, Captain Leaker, arrived from
Rio de Janeiro today. Captain Leaker
said that "Fort Villegagignon (about
winch so much has been recently pub
lished) was totally demolished. It re
sembled a pile of mud, and If any fir
ing had been done from there since
then, It mnst have required very skill
ful engineering.
In fact, there is no fort there and
the only evidences that one was there
Ten Thousand Houiss Were V. sited and
Many Personal VVre Arrested.
Paris. Jan. 1 The police all over
France have searched the dwelling
places of all supposed anarchists dur
ing last night. Thev visited ten thous
and houses in all and arrested a num
ber of persons, chiefly in St. Etienne,
Lyons, Marseilles and Paris.
Among the arrests made in Paris was
that of Elie Reclus, father of Paul
Reclus. tin allsged accomplice of
Auguste Vaillant Elie Reclus was
liheratod this afternoon.
They Caused a Young Man of OUan,
N. Y . to Take Bis Life.
Olean, N. Y., Jan. 1. Edward Gal
lagher, aged abont 23, at Sizernille,
while under the influence of liquor
shot and killed himself at the house of
Nettie Bennett on Barry street, this
city, todav.
Excessive cigarette smoking and
Irink, coupled with jealousy was prob
ably the cause of the rash act.
Boston's Globe Theater on Firs.
Boston, Jan. 2, 3 a. m. The Globe
theater In this city is in Humes aud will
probably bo entirely destroyed.
Over 3,00(1 New York painters have de
serted the Kuigbts of Labor.
Three young men were killed in a fracas
that closed a ball near Sun Antonio, Tex.
The Kent Iron and Hardware company,
of Delaware, is In the hands of the sheriff.
Tho secretary of state nt Washington
entertained the diplomatic corps at break
fast. Charles T. O'Ferrell was Inaugurated
governor of Virgiuia with great core
mony. Connecticut swarms with exiled bunco
steerers from New York, who are glad to
get anyone to pluck.
Statehood for Oklahoma is strongly op
posed by Colonel Kohert L. Owen, chief
adviser of the Cherokees.
Ex-President Harrison is said to plan to
feel the popular pnlsn on the '96 nomina
tion on his California trip.
Because of paBt interference of horn
blowors, Trinity chimes in New York
failed to ring in the New Year.
Tammany will probably name Isidor
Strauss and Colonel W. L. Brown
to succeed Congressmen Fitch aud Fel
lows. On a forged certificate purporting to
convey a bequest a sharper called Charles
Anderson swindled a Brooklyn man out of
Falling to win Mrs. Olive Cloud, of In
diunapolis, in marriage, Ixmls Snyder, n
dissolute character, shot her dead and
Informal as It was, the exposition offic
ials at San Francisco were much elated
over the success attending the opening
Dr. Robert M. Huuter, of New York, a
recognized authority, repudiates the city
health board's idea that consumption Is
Because Dentist J. O. Clayton hurt his
wife and smoked cigarette-i wile operating,
Richard Powuli, of Chicago, roundly
thrasned him.
Found guilty of the murder of Operator
i. T. Lowry, of Slioll Hound, Mo., John
and Gene Kennedy were Sentenced to be
hanged Feb. 80.
Chasing his falthlesR wife to New York,
M. M. Becker, a St Louis railroad man,
tried to take away his boy, but was
worsted iu the rumpus.
Alleging cruelty because her husband
went up stairs with his shoes on, Mrs. E.
B. Palmer, of Boston, sought a South Da
kota divorce, but was refused.
The landing of Sir Francis Drake at
Drake's Day, Cal., was commemorated by
the dedicatiou of a beautiful monument
presented by George V. Chllds.
An appeal to the patriotic women of
America has been issued by the National
Mary Washington Monument association
of Washington tor funds to complete the
Wamiinuton, Jan. 1.
THE official season iu Washington
began to day with the regular
New Year's reception at the
White house, tho first held In
two years. A year ago to-day the
presidential household was iu monm
ln tr for the death of Mrs. Harrison and
official social functions were generally
suspended. There was nothing in to
day's reception that, differed materially
from those of former years.
The members of the diplomatic
corps were there punctilious as usual,
in coats or divers colors but all trim
med with gold lace. The ollicers of the
army and navy also lent brightness to
the scene by their uniforms, simpler
and plainer than thosu of the diplo
matic dignitaries, but nevertheless im
posing. Just before the recent Ion be
gan and while the carriages of mem
bers of the diplomatic corps were ar
riving at the entrance to tho mansion
an old woman appeared and created a
sceue. The president, she said, owed
her a bill and she wanted the money
right away. She would take possession
of the White house and stay there uutil
Mr. Cleveland opened his purse.
The receiving party stood in the blue
room which was tastefully and ele
gantly decorated. Tliis rimtii was Mr.
Harrison n pride, as the red room, re-
eently decorated is Mrs. Cleveland's.
The receiving party consisted of the
President and Mrs. Cleveland, the Vice
President and Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs.
Greg burn: Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. La
mout. Mrs Olney, Mrs. Bisseil,
Miss Herbert, Mrs. Smith, Miss
Morton, while behind tlie line were
the wives of Chief Jus ice Fuller, Gen -ornl
Schotield, Colonel John M Wil
son, Assistant Secretary McAloo, Com
modore Rams ir, Commodore Oliad
wick, Colonel Heygood, Smators Gor
man Gray, Frye, Brice, Gordon, Man
dersou and Sherman, Speaker Crisp,
Representatives W. L Wilson, Savers,
Burrows, Outhwaite, Private S;cretary
While the diplomatic corps had been
passing and the ton el played patriotic
airs, people were forming in line out
side the mansion for the beginning of
Hie public reception. By noon, the
line, two deep.extended from the white
house portico down the weBt driveway
to the west gate and eastward along
Pennsylvania avenue nearly to the
treasury department. The day was
chilly and a cool wind was blowitig.but
it was not unpleasant and people bore
the long wait before the head of the
line began to move with good nature.
About this time tho fact began to
impress itself on the attendants of the
white house that the people who at
tended the reception were in greater
number than on New Year's day for
many years past. All the receiving
party with the excf ption of the presi
dent und Mrs. Cleveland withdrew
from the blue room after the official
contingent had passed and left these
two to greet the hundreds formed in
double file outside the mansion.
It soon became ovident that the
crowd was too largo to be disposed of
by 2 o'clock, the hour for the reception
to end. Ac that hour the police closed
the gates, leaving fully a thousand
outside, but Private Secretary Thurber
had them opened again. Mrs. Cleve
land began to show signs of fatigue
before the line was half through, but
the bore up well, striving to repress the
signs of physical suffering on her face.
It was nearly 3 o'clock when the last
of the general public shook hands with
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, and the New
Year reception of 1804 ended,
Four Membsrs Already Dsad Carbollo
Acid the Favorlta Moans.
St. Paul, Jan. 1, It is bslieved that
a suicide club exists in the northwest,
with at least two living members in
St. Paul. A third member, iu this
city, commlttod inidde yosterday by
drinking carbolic acid. A fourth
member committal suicide one day be
fore Christmas, employing the same
method. Two other deaths can be
traced to the same source,
The suicides are the fulfilment of an
agreement that each one Is to die at a
certain time.
Ia View of Labor Saving Machinery
That 8 eon i Sufflalsnt.
Kansas City, Jan. 1 Secretary of
State Otborn, of Kansas, has prepared
a circular in which he advocates a law
making two hours per duy the limit of
work of each man. He holds that la
bor saving machinery has made such
progress that one man is now able to
do as much as twenty, seventy live
years ago.
He believes that over production is
responsible fur the idleness of millions
today. 'Ibis he holds would be done
away with if two hours should be made
the day's work limit.
He Pays lh Betrat of Success Ia ia
Doing the Right Thing.
HaRRISburu, Jan. 1. Governor Pat
tisou speut and ate his New Year's din
ner with two hundred enthusiastic,
howling newsboys. He was the central
and moat conspicuous figure at the an
nual dinner given by the Harriabnrg
Telegram to its host of newsboys at the
Hotel Columbus. In a bright, eloquent
speech, he counselled the cheering
boys, and told them the secret of suc
cess was in doing the right thing and
being manly boys.
Secretary Humphrey T. Tato made a
rousing speech and was fairly over
whelmed with applause. Spouches
were nlso made ny Mayor fuiy. fio-
nrietor William F. Jordan and others.
The dluuer was one of the most suc
cessful of its kind-over given.
BUFFETTED by angry elements.
Ralls and Deck Fixtures of the Steamer
Virginia Swept Away.
New York, Jan. 1, The staunch
Gnion liner Virginia, which arrived
last night had a particularly boister
ous puasage from Liverpool b-ing six
teen days buffeted about by fierce and
raging gales and high cross seas The
bad weather culminated C iristmas
day iu a hurricane. The sea ran moun
tains high, and occasionally a white
capped-comber cam breaking over tho
bow aud rushed aft, carrying away
rails and light deck fixtures.
Tho bridge itself was badly wrenched
and tho iron work twisted. Third Offi
cer She I lord was on the bridge and
was thrown backward, fulling to the
detk, a distance of some fourteen feet.
Luckily he broke no bones, but was so
bruised he was taken to his bed. Several
seamen were caught by the rushing
waters and more or leas bruised. Bent
aud twisted railings and a wrecked
cattle stall are the visible traces of the
conflict with the elements.
The Danbury, Conn., Hatters Secure
Tbls to Rats Their Spirits.
Danbury, Jan., 1 Jan. I briugs no
important chance and little prospect of
any for some time to com in the bat
ters' lockout situation. Bellaire, Lurch
& Co., are runniug, but there is no
indication of auy other factories open,
ing at present. It is said that Holley,
Bellaire & Co., Lee, Holley and Hatch
ford, and Byron Dexter, are inclined
to open as union shops when they shall
receive enough orders to warrant such
action. Their withdrawals would mean
the ultimate victory of the hatters.
A new feature has been introduced in
the d tily meetings of the locked out
employes and now besides gpeechuiak
ing,a band and orchestra provide musics'
Weil known local singers render solos,
recitations, and specialties are per
formed. This all helps to make the
meetings attractive aud to keep up the
spirits of the men.
i ,
Simply Called Attention to the Mlssiy
of London's Uutnpl3y4 Laborers.
London, Jan. 1 - Annie Wis", an an
archist. one of the persons arrested ont
side of St Paul's cathedral last night
wi h arraigned iu the Maiuiou House
police court todav to answer to a chana
of rioting. Lord Mayor Tyler presided.
The prisoner said she was only doing
her duty in attempting to call public
attention to the misery of the utiem
ploytd. The Lord Msyor interrupted her,
laying: ''That has nothing Co do with
yon breaking the law. " The prisoner
replied: "You men made the laws
and forced them ou us. I know no
more and care t o more for the laws of
England than those of Timbuctoo "
The court found her guilty and sen
eucsd her to three d- y impii o nueut,
Thousand! of Dollars Will "robably Be
Realized for the Poor.
Johnstown. Jan 1. One of tho lead
ing events of the present social season
is the charity banquet which began
tonight. It is under tho auspices of
Ilia Ladies Auxiliary of the bt. Vin
cent ile Paul Aid society and has un
listed the aid of leading merchants and
others In Johnstown, Pittsburg, Phila
delphia and other cities.
Over 100 ladies hero are interested
and are making the affair a grand suc
cess. A flue literary entertainment is
also given and the poor of the city will
doubtless realizs thousands of dollars
on the three night's banquoti.
Msjority of the Way and Means Com
mittee Meet and ACjoma.
Washington, Jan. 1. Tho majority
members of the. ways and means com
mittee met this evening at the treasury
department and had a long conference
lasting until 11,10 o'clock nu the income
tax question, but nothing definite was
determined upon.
The committee, however, will hold
another meeting tomorrow afternoon
at 4 o'clock when it is expected a final
conclusion will be reached. All of the
members of the majority were, present
except Mr. Bynum, who is confined to
his house by illness.
John Sun Ha hanged himself to a tree at
The big Steeltou plaut of the Pennsyl
vania Steel company, shutdown.
Tho Beading Boiling mills resumed op
erations after uu idleue8 of two woeks,
Henry Billman, of Williainsport, aged
CO, a recluse, huugod himsolf iu his lonely
Samuel Lebo, agod SO, a resident of
Lykons township, committed suicide by
The Central Democratic club of Harris
burg adopted a resolution eudorsing the
Wilson bill.
The Leader Publishing compnuy, of
Pittsburg, gave dtuuera to 1,000 newsboys
and bootblacks.
The W. U. Hensel club, of Berwyn, will
celebrate Jacksou day ou Jan. 0, at Valley
Forge, with a banquet.
Returning home from a shooting match,
Edward Burchcr, near Gettysburg, .found
his wife hangiug iu the attic.
The American Khoet Iron mill, of Phil -lipsburg,
which at nrfcaent is closed, will
be put in operation in u few weeks.
Martiu Bell, of Hollidaysburg. took the
oath of office s president judge of the
Blair county court for a teu year term.
Prominent Chester county citizens talk
of entertaining Ambassador Wayne Mac
Veagh at a bauquet bdforo he suila for
A reduction ranging from M to 16 per
cent, went into iffect at Phoeulxvillo,
affecting about 4i'0 ompluyes of the
Phoenix Iron compa.iy.
' 1 1 declare, Rufil-R, watcher holdin' yer head so high fr to day f
Ruffles' ' Bern 'pointed inspector of weights and measures
If She Accomplishes Her Purpose
with Republican Members They'll
Constitute a Quorum.
Matters Now in a Condition Which
Indicate That the Fight May
or May Not Come Off'.
Topkka, Kan. Jan, 1 Mrs. M E.
Lease, the deposed president of the state
bourd of charities, made her first ag
gresBive movement this afternoon in
her fight to retain her position ami to
accomplish the defeat of Governor
Leweiliug for a renomination, A
meeting of the state board of charities
Was called some time ftgn to be held at
Wlnfleld tomorrow, but Mrs. Lease to
day telegraphed to each of the four
other ineuibora of the t oi'rd informing
them that she ln.d changed the place of
meeting to Olathe.
The governor hearing of her action,
promptly sunt a dispatch to the mem
bers of the board, saying that J. W.
Freeborn bad been appointed to suc
ceed Mrs L-ase, and that he would be
present at Win held tomorrow to at
tend the meeting and assume Mrs.
Lease's place on the board. It is now j
quite certain that the two Republican
members of the board will meet with
Mrs. Lease at Olathe tomorrow, and
that the two Populist members will re
cognize the governor's action in re
moving her aud meet with Freeborn at
Mrs. Lease instructed her attornoy
to commence quo warranto proceed
ings iu the supremo court tomorrow
morning to prevent Ficeboru from ns
suuiing the functions of president of
the state board of charities or from
acting ns a member of the board.
Should she succeed in securing an or
der from thu court, as she expects to,
she, with the two Republican members
will constitute a legal quotum, and
will make such changes in the manage
ment of the state Institutions' as Mrs.
Lease desires.
Inquiry Into thu Louisvilbi and Jrffjr
sonviile Affair to Begin Soon.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 1 The offi
cial inquiry into the cane of the Louis
ville and Jett'ersonville bridge disaster
in which an unknown numtier of lives
were lost, will begin next Monday.
Tho affair will be sifted to the bottom.
So far ten deaths are known to have
occurred from the accident and the
bridge company Hay that thero are
about twelve bodies still in the wreck.
The general opinion is that twenty -two
will uot nearly cover the Dumber
of dead. Tho true number of denthu
may never be known.
One Hundred Thousand Persona Wit
ness th Vessels in I recession.
Manchester, Jan 1 The Manches
ter Ship canal was opeued to general
traffic today, and Manchester theroby
becomes a port of entry with till thu
benefits that accrue to such a port,
The bankl wire lined at many places
by thousands of spectators anxious to
witness the pHssaco of ocean going ves
sels to Manchester.
It is estimated that tho crowds col
lected along the banks of the canal
numbered over 100,000 persons. There
were twenty-five cargo laden vessels i u
the procession.
Harvard Stood Bsoond, Followed Dy
Yale with Princeton Last.
New York, Jan. 1. Columbia won
the inter-collegiate championship to
day, with a total of 8J wins. Harvard
stood second with 7, Val" third with
5 and Princeton last with 8.
The men were pitted against each
other in the following order in the
final games: Table 1, Roberts (P) vs
Hymns (C); table 8, Hewitis (H) vs.
Skinner (Y); table !1, Spalding (ll vs.
Rois (Y)i tablo 4, Ewing (P) vs.
Caucus of Republican Msmburs of the
Nsw Tori Stat Assembly.
Ai.uany, Jan. 1 At the caucus of
Republican membsrs of the assembly
to-night Mr. Maltby was nominated
for speaker by ncclainatiou. The
Democrats at their caucus renominated
the old officers of the assembly,
The Democaatic senators renomin
ate 1 the officers of last yenr's session.
The Republicans nominated Charles T.
Saxton for president pro tern, of the
Thtre Is a Possibility That Sabola'a Fate
Meant Revenge
Wilkks-Bahue, Jan. 1. Evidence
has been discovered that leads, to the
suspicion that John Sabola, whose body
was found banging in the woods yes
terday luorniug was the victim of
lie was suspected of the murder of a
man iu Broderick a month ago, and It
is thought tho vsngenco of his country
men overtook him
Jacksonville, Fla. Jan. l Augus
tus G. Hartridga state attorney lor the
Fourth judicial circuit, who was angry
yosterday at the publication of Attor
ney General Lamar's letter declining
to mix Dp in the Corbett Mitchell case
has cooled down somewhat this morn
ing. List night he said he had iu prep
aration a personal lttor in reply to
Lamar, which he would give out for
publication today.
This morning, however, he declined
to give anything out for the news
papers and it is surmised that the gov
ernor's friends and supporters here
have persuaded him to keep quiet It
is now the general belief that if Judge
Cull releases the pugilists next Wed
nesday on writ of habeas corpus the
Duval Athletic club will defy the
governor and all other authorities
which would obstruct them, and will
bring suit for $300, 000 damages if they
or any bo ly elde interferes witu the
The Mother of fcuoitlidffs'a Murdered
Wife Test. fiie that He Lovsd Her.
Media, Jan. 1 Coroner Cjninby to
day held an inquest over thy body of
Airs. Marie Shortlidge, who was shot
and killed yesterday by her husband,
S C. Shortlidge, principal of the Me
dia academy. Dr. Miry Ann Jones,
mother of Mrs. Shortlidge. testified
that she had never seen anything but
love nnd kindness shown by Prof.
Sbortlidgu to her daughter, and that
elie hid never kuown tuem to have auy
Professor ShorllidgVs friends will
apply tomorrow to Judge Clayton for a
commission in lnnaoy, and he will be
sent to tho NorristOWO Insane asyiuiu.
Today, at times, Professor Shortlidge
realiSid be had killed his wife uni the
fact Invariably dr we him into a frenzy.
Schuylkill County Otticiala Installed in
Office Under Peculiar Circumotatics.
POTTSVILL, Jan. L To-diy the
county officials who were elected laBt
November took their oaths of office and
possesion of their respective offices. Iu
the organization of tue board Rontz,
Republican, waa elected chairman, and
the other two proceeded to elect the
man they had chosen. Rents WSJ uot
given a siiila appointment.
The positions iu the commissioners'
offico and tho prison wero divided
among s.'veu D-mocrits and eight
Republicans. This neither suits lie
Republican party lea lers nor He
people because the latser wanted a
clean sweep in the way of reform.
Harml"ss, Her Son Says, Although Dis
turbing the President's Fnniily.
CaMDEN, N. J Jan. I Mrs. Lucre,
the woman who disturbed the presi
dent's reception today by demanding
pay for work done, has a son living in
this city.
He was a bookmaker's clerk at the
(Honceiter race track. He said tonight
that his mother had been demented for
ten or filteen years, but that, idle was
harmless, aud had never made threats
against any one.
510 AND 512
Dress Ms
In order to close out balance
of stock in a few broken
lines the following
Special Prices
will hold grood for this week.
7 pieces 46.111. Storm Serge
in Navy, Myrtle and Black
55c former price 85c.
5 pieces 54. in. in Navy only,
65c, former price $1.00.
4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking,
50c, former price $1.00.
16 pieces strictly all-wool
Cheviots in Stripes and
Mixtures at
29c. and 47c, former price
50c, and 65c.
A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch
Cheviot Suits in Broken Cheeks
aud Plaids at nearly Hah"-Price.
Laie Portion of an Expensive Block
Goes Up in Flarosa.
Passaic, N. J., Jan. 1, Two three
story brick buildings, forming part of
Edward Kip's block at Jefferson street
and Main BTenue, were guttod by fire
this afternoon.
The burned buildings covered an
area of 188 bv ?." (eat and the total loss
will be if GO, 000
-. .
Feiir bombs of orelul type were found
near Sahadell, ton miles north of Bar
colons, Spain.
The unemployed of London celebrated
New Vent's Day by holding one of thoir
ninal meetings at Tower hill.
Kiug Humbert vaid peace would be
maintained, thus permitting the govern
ment to dedicate its labors completely to
internal ufl'uirs.
A portion of the force of Captain Wilson
of the Matabeles, escaped from tho Cape
Town natives and fled in the direction.of
the llimtley hills.
The English house of rommous, con
trary to nil precedent, was hard ut Work
attempting to clear away sottM of the
great mass of legislative bnsim ss.
No negotiations have yet taken place in
I.oudnn relative to sending a challenge to
the New York Yacht club for a series of
races this year for thu America's cup.
Maltese Cross
And Oak tanned Leather Belting,
H. A Kingsbury
313 Sprues St., Scranton, Pa,
WAsntNciToN, dan. 1. forecast
for I'ttMidaii: For east$m I'enn
IglvaniOi fair, warmer; souti
Lewis, Reilly Uavies
HERE IS 1894
Duliitlited nnd lnpyiv because hl principal
article of apparel is a new pair of SHOKS.
You. too. will ho more than pleased if you
will let u lit you with a warm, comfortable
pair of Shoes.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies,
It will pay you if you don't wish
to buy to look in our show windows
and see the Prettiest Line of Jew
elry and Novelties for Christmas in
Scranton, All goods warranted as
Fitting Eyos for Glasses a Specialty