The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Holiday Gifts !
In great variety
at prices
Suit the Times.
fOutof town torMnnnlnti of Tni Trih
1nk should stun th'tr iihiuoh in full to naob
tittwH Ititaf, uot for publication out to tfturd
L'uiiibt dtouition.i
Reductions in
For Ladies,
Misses and
We have made it a rule
for several years never to
carry any garments from one
season to another, and at
the new or reduced prices
we have garments that are
within the reach of every
purse, however small.
It is impossible in our lim
ited space to give a descrip
tion of the sroods or enum
erate prices.
We are confident that you
will find on examination that
the prices are very accept
able we mean by accept
able prices lower than the
same quality of goods can
be bought for elsewhere
at a saving from one-third
to one-half.
We have a larcre number
of them to select from and
every one of them fashion
Gorman's Grand Depot
nterestlntr OanUta by Children in the
Baptist Church.
Honesdai.k, Deo. HI The scholars
of tlie Bupust church and all others in
terested in the wort or the school
gathsrsd in the church edifice Friday
night to witness a cantata given by
members of the school.
The carols were bright, spirited and
nicely sung. Noah's art, where the
toys of wonderlaud are made, grsatly
uterested the children. After the can
tata Kris Kingle and his assistauts dis
tributed the sweet meats among the
Weekly Dance of the K systems Orches
tra Is Well Attended.
HONSSDAU. Dec. 81, Thj weekly
dance given by tua Keystone orchestra.
at the Opera house was largely at
tended again last night, about 201) en
gaging in the dance. The floor was
well filled t each dance until the end,
and everyone present enjoyed a goo l
time. The next dance will be an
nounced later.
Another of Houesdale's familiar faces
as pnssed away. Jacob Z iiiner, aged
0 years, a veteran of our late war and
also of the Prussian army, died this
morning at his homo ou Smith Hill.
Dressed in a uniform of grey, with
reen stripes ou hu trousers, his was a
striking figure and always caused a sec
oud look. He is survived by one son,
Fred, who resides hero, and a daughter
who resides in New York. The funeral
will be held on Monday nfternooa at
J. 80 o'clock, and will be in charge of
the Grand Armv of the Republic.
Henrv T. Dolmetsch, who has lone
been employed lit the photographic par
lors of J. A. Bodio, severed his connec
tion with that establishment today and
about Feb 1 will open up parlors of his
own In the new Keif and Spettigne
building. Harry Uretter, of I'hiladel-
phiu, supercedes him at Bodie's.
Kit-hard Humeri, lor many years ein-
oloved bv the Delaware and Hudson
Canal company at this place as a watch
man and in their stables, died suddenly
at his home this afternoon. He is sur
vived by a wife and three married, and
one unmarried, duughters.
The fair for the benefit of St
Thomas' church is getting what it
richly desirves a crowded honse encli
Dight. The untiring fffrtsof those in
churce are bringing about good results
Kane and Donnely have brought the
best talent they can find. Friday even
iug Walkensbaw's orchestra was in at
tendance, and rendered some pretty
music. The rendition of Bongs and
recitations by several ont-of town per
sons brought another pleasant evening
to a close.
James McGowan is on the sick list.
James Meehan, it is said, will start a
dancing class in Fa-Men's hall as soon
as the fair closes. Professor M J. Big-
lin bas been engaged to furnish the
mnslc, and a gool time is promised to
all who shall join.
Daniel Farrel has accptd the mn
agership of Mrs. Tom Ho lgson's gen
eral store.
Mrs, Isaac Davis, of Halsteai ave
nne, is recovering.
Peter Burke, of Jesinp, broke his leg
at Olypbant depot the other day.
Tom Carty, whos1) splendid tenor
voice delighted many at the fair, has
retnrned to his home in Peckvllle.
Malachi McDonooirh will resumi the
pos'ition of stable boss for the lirm of
George Uonntreman & (Jo. Jan. 1.
The illness which has prevailed here
for the past two months is abating
Miss Norah Dongher. of Arch bald
has been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
J din Gilligan, during the past week
William Blackwell, of Nantlcoke is
visiting his brother-in-law, David
Lloyd, of Halstead avenne.
Patrick Langan. of the Wayne ho
tel. has gone on a ten days' visit to
friends in Philadelphia.
J. D. Lloyd, of the Central hotel, is
making extensive preparations to cater
to the public in a manner to ploase the
most fastidious
Buoklen'e Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Halt tyheum, Fever
Bores, letter, snapped nanus, i-iniuiaina,
Onrua and nil Skin Eruptions, aud post
lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Matthews Uros.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist to
sell Dr. Kiuk h New Discnvury for Con
sumption. Coughs and Cold, upon this
condition. If you are afflicted with a
Cough, cold, orauy l.aing. ibroac orunes
trouble, and will use this remedy as dl
reeled, giving it a fair trial.uml experience
no bcuellt, you may return tu oouie ana
have vour monov refunded. We could n:
uiake this offer did we not know that Dr,
iCinu's New Discovery could bo relied on
It never ditmnuoiuta. Trial bottlee free at
Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size
60c. and 11.
J. J. Roberts, of Third street is
seriously ill.
Last Friday evening Miss Laura Hill
entertained a number of her young
friends at her homj on North Main
street. those present were Muses
Edith Davis. Carrie Coon. Emma
Moon. Elizabeth Oiborne, Belle Baker,
Rosa Rich, Eva Wheeler, Miss Odell,
Emily Rich. Miss Dnnn, of Forest City;
nd Walter Moon, Ueorge Nicholson,
Richard Gendall. William D.ivi.
Harrv Bovard. Ralph Rymer. W
Stephen, William Winter, George
Dyer, Kalph Wheeler and ueorge
Dunn. A royal good time is reported.
Misses Carrie and Ethel Hutching,
who have been the guests of Mrs. J.
Stocker, have returnod to their home
at Moosic.
Rfv. E. J. Balsley, of Carbondale,
held services in the St. Jam ;s church
yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. J Farrel, of South Main street,
is recovering from her recent illness.
Jan. 15 will be the opening night of
the Red Men's fair, which is to be
held in Enterprise Hall and will run
one week. As every effort is being
made there is no doubt of the success
of the fair.
C. D. Winter spent Saturday in
Presiding Elder Thorpe held services
n the i Methodist Episcopal church
Friday evening.
Miss Mary Swick is suffering from
an attack of bronchitis.
Saturday Mrs. Frank Carpenter
moved her household goods to Scran
ton, where she will resile for the
Henderson Trotter took first, and
Jacob Pellow, ir , second priz at the
pie eating match held at Enterprise
hall, tnday evening.
Next Saturday morning the people
of Jermyn r.nn attend an educational
feast at the articled school building.
The programme of the Teacher's Local
institute will bs as follows: Mmio in
the public schools. Professor R. H
Martin; ilrawini. Miss Kirs ; recitation
Miss Myrtle Price; school work, J. H.
White; discussion, "Aro School Ex
aminations Advisable?" E. D Bivurd
and R. N. Davis; recitation, Miss
White; langnage, Miss Rymer; rscita-
tion, Miss Eliz Oiborn ; class drill in
calesthPiiics, Miss Jones; recitation
Miss Duffy; solo on the zither. Profes
sor M. J Lloyd.
Saturday John McGovern wr
slightly injured in No. 1 shaft.
The usual watch services- were ob
served in the Methodist Episcopal
church lust night. A deep spiritual in
I "rest was manifested and many were
in attendance. At midnight the ser
vices closed with many happy wishes
for the coming year.
Don't forget the faithful carrier boy
this morning when he comes with the
New Year alinannc.
Miss O'Horo. of Dnnmore, who pnssed
the holidays with Miss Nellie Price, of
Main street, returned home last l'rl
Rev. M, E Lynott, of Jermyn, was
in town last Saturday.
James Crtrcoran, one of Archbald's
oldest and most respected citizens, is
severely ill of catarrhal pneumonia.
Misses Jennie and Kutheryn Kearny
of Persons, called on friends in town
last Tuesdny.
A banquet will be held this evening
under the auspices of the Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor
at the home of Mrs. Charles Milliaus.
A great many young people will attend
and tho affair promlsos to be very en
joyable. Miss Sallie Corcoran and Mrs. Wil
liam O'Connor, of Duntnore, are visit
ing their father, James Corcoran, of
Church street.
Miss Maggie Eaton Is visiting friends
in Harrisburg.
The entertainment of the Serenade
band at Father Matthew hall this even
ing promises to bean affair of extra
ordinary merit. The programme con
tains selections by the Serenade and
East Side bands; Professor Jay, trom
bone soloist; Professor Aukerman, oor
net soloist; Miss Annie Brown .soprano;
Miss Kate McGovern, soprano; John
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
DqVI Baking
Gilgallon, tenor; W. A Kellv.barltone;
Professor U, Elude, violin; miss uauet
O'Boyle, piano. Mary A. Foots will be
accompanist. The admission is 15, 20
and 80 cents.
l. M ii v and Annie Jndge. of
Kcvanton. visited Mrs. Michael O'Brien,
of Hill street, last week.
II lee If Unvle of Olvnbant. is visit
ing Miss Mary Burke, of Cemetery
TUvid Vail and W. J. Brown have
accepted positions with the Crescent
Electric Eight company.
Fiv dollar' worth of fhur free with
a year's subscription to Tun TttlBUNE.
( lid enhscri bars can secure this by re
newing their subscriptions. Inquire of
the local agent, jonu a r-ooie.
The Baptist Christian Endeavor so
ciety are eudeavoring to do their prt
in the line of city missionary work,
and yesterday began holding a Sunday
scnool In Carbondale township. The
meeting of yesterday afternoon was
held at the home of Mr. Lloyd, a real
dent of that locality, but it is expected
that soon they may be able to secure
tho school house ou the upper end of
Park street to hold services id. It is
hoped that the parents of that vicinity
will encourage the young people iu
their work by sending their children to
the school. A few years ago preaching
was conducted in the school building
which is mentioned above, but for
some time now no religions services
have been had in that place, and this
move of the endeavorers is one that
houl 1 be helped along by all.
George Rogers, of BorantOD, called
on friends in that city Saturday after
noon. He was eurouto for Dundaff,
where be will spend New Year's with
his parents, of that place,
William H. Richmond, of Scranton,
was among the visitors to this city ou
John Lot, employed at J, B. Van
Bsrgan's, is spending New Year's with
his parents near Montrose.
All young men should attend the
New Year's reception at the Young
Men's Christian Association rooms to
day. Tho rooms will he open all day
and the Ladies' auxiliary will serve re
freshments during tho afternoon and
evening. These have been universally
pleasant occasions in the past and the
programme that has been prepared for
today insures a very enjoyable and
successful day.
Miss Bessie Hsrds, of East Orange, is
visiting her brother, S. S, Hards, of
baiem avenue.
This afternoon will bo held a recep
tion at the Methodist parsonage from 8
to S o clock by the Ladies Aid society
of that church, at which time the dol
lars promised by friends of the society
will be received.
Germania orchestra has been en
gaged to furnish music for the hall
whieh will be held touight in Keystone
halt by Franklin lodge, No, 88, of the
Loyal Knights of America.
Frank Kelley is spending a few days
with his parents, Mr. anl Mrs. John
Kelley, of South Church street. Frank
is a student at the College of Pharmacy
at Philadelphia.
George J. Benton spent Saturday in
Afton. N Y , bis former home, as the
gust of his father.
Frank L. Smith and mother have re
turned to their home on Darte avenue,
from a visit with friends and relatives
iu Selinsgrove, Pa.
Miss Ida Brechtel, of Honesdale,
spent Inst weok in this city as the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Charles Mc
M alien,
On Saturday afternoon at 1. 15 o'clock
Mrs. Thomas Kennedy passed from this
life at her home on Brooklyn street.
S ie was born in lemis county, Ire
land, about soventy-one years ago and
has been a resident of this city for over
fifty years. She is survived by her
husband and five children, all of whom
are residents of Carbomlale. They are
Mrs. Ricbnrd Burnett, Mrs. J. P.
Campbell, William, Thomas and Lucy
Kennedy. The funeral will be held on
Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inter
ment will be made in St. Rose ceme
tery. Edward Histed is spending New
Year's with his parents in W'aymort.
Today the postofflce hours will be as
follows- Open from 7.30 to H 30 a. m ,
and from 3 80 to 4 80 p. m.. and only
one delivery will be made by the car
riers, and that in the morning.
Today's Monday prayer meeting for
men in the Young Men's Christian As
snciation parlors will be led by S. Bol
ton The subject will ba "Go For
ward," Exodus xlv, 15
On Tuesday morning Frank Berry
will resume his studies at Wood's
Business college in Scranton.
On Saturday at 1 80 o'clock p. m. oo
enrred the funeral of Dr. James A.
Bowers from his late home on Canaan
street. The services were conducted
by Rev. E, J. Balsley, rector of the
Trinity church. The singing was ren
dered by a quartette from the Episco
pal choir. The following ere the
pall bearers: Dr. J. S, Miles. J. F.
Wheeler, W. M. Lathrope, Dr, F. E.
Jenkins, A. W.Corbin, F. C. Titnuions,
Dr. M. K. Bailey of this city, and Dr.
8. D. Gruves, of Jermyn.
On Friday evening last ocenrred the
semi-annual election of officers of the
Franklin lodge, No. 83, Loyal Knights
of America, at O Id Fellows' hall on
Salem a venae. The lodge was ad
dressed by Joseph Oliver, of Scranton,
on the order and its principles and the
olection of officers resulted as follows:
Worthy mastor, John W. Lewis;
worthy deputy master, Joseph Johns;
assistant secretary, William Gillies;
chaplain. Francis Masters; conductor,
Jsmes Harvey; Inside trier, William
Smith; outside tyler, Robert Tully;
representative, C. F. Masters; trustee,
Thomas E Campbell.
Mrs. Frank A. Stems, who bas been
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. McMinn, of Canaan street, re
turned to her home in Btnghamton,
N. Y. , on Saturday morning.
district of Lackawanna township, met
Siturday evening at M. P. Judge's
MlSSee Gen lly mi. i CriVau, lei t'.-to-
ton, are visiting Miss Maggie McCrea,
or Main street.
Miss Katie Calahan. of Plainsvllle,
are visiting friends in this place.
The funeral of the late Daniel Cor
coran, formerly of this place, occurred
numiay. interment was made in
Minooka Catholic cemetery.
Martin Conroy, of Plainsvllle, is piy
ing a visit to J. C. Coyne, of Grove
The Democratic caucus will be held
Friday evening, Jan. 5.
Blanohe, the 2 year-old daughter of
Mrs. and Mrs G T Davie of (4ree.ii.
wood, is seriouslv ill with lull animation
of the lungs.
The monthly mAArlmr of thn Tlnllrl.
ing and Loan association was held Sat
urday evening at Mcuonough s nail on
Willow street.
James Powell and William Toole, of
Minooka, will leave Tuesday for the
Stroutsburg Normal school, where
they intend to complete their studies.
M. P. Judge and P. J. McDonald are
the aspiring candidates for supervisors.
Democratic conferees of the South
Any subscriber of The Tribune may se
cure a book of flour uad coal coupons
worth fi und thus sure ui) cents on each
barrel oj flour and Hi cents on each ton of
Mr, J. Johnson
of Philadelphia
Good and Reliable
Hood's Cured Malaria and Loss of
The following letter is from a gentleman
widely known in the section of Philadel
phia where he lives, being a member of the
I. O. O. F Ked Men, Order of Tontl, and
the Republican Club, and a popular speak
er in public meetings:
" I dare say that I am more glad in taking
Hood's Sarsaparllla than Its proprietors are la
selling It I took It tor malaria and loss ot
appetite, anil the tact that we have continued to
use It In our family Is sufficient evidence of our
confidence In Its efficacy. My food tastes better
and relishes more naturally. My wife and
Hood's s. Cures
daughter say Hood's Sarsaparllla has also very
much Improved my complexion. We regard ft
f;ood and reliable, and recommend It to allot our
rlendi." Jamks Johnson, 661 E, Indiana
Ave. Philadelphia, Pa.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, aundloe, bit
loiuness, sick headache and constipation. 26a.
Atlantic lead and I'renoh Inc.
Turn Llnm-vd OU,
Turpentine Had Varnlsliee.
Rcaily-tnlied Palate In all colore,
tilldere' Whiting,
Parle Wlilto ami Kaleoniluet
Oil1 Vltrol, Marble
Duet ami Window )!
Hotel Waverly
European Plan. Flrnt-olsee Mar attohed.
llrpol for Bergner A Kugol'a Tanunaeueer
N. E, Cor, 15th and Filbert Philada.
Meet desirable for reefdente of N E. PonnJ
ylvenla. All conveniences or travelers
tc and from Broad Street station and the
Twelfth end Market Htreet station, lie
lirable for vtHiting Serantoniaue aod pes
lie In the Anthracite Region.
.LeflV -?ljM0eeeeeeeeeeeW
W' ySsBStW VefliYCmVsHseeeeP
Dr. ED. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And hie asaoeUted ttaff of Euslleh and Ger
man Pbyelciaus.are now permanently located
'temple Court Building
Where they muy bo consulted DAILY AND
The Doctor le a graduate ot the University
of Penueylvunla, formerly demonstrator of
physiology and surgery at the Medico Chir
urglcel College, of Philadelphia. He la also
an honorary member of tho Medlco-Chlrur-gleal
Association, end was physician and
eurgeon ln chlof of the moet noted American
end Herman hospitals, comes highly indorsed
by the loading professors of Philadelphia aud
New York.
His many years of hoeDltal experience en
ables tble eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly dlugnoso and treat all deformities
and dieeaeee with tho moet flattering success,
ana nis IUyn stauaiug In tnn statu will uus
all.'W him to aocept any Incurable case
If you have un eiven up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor and lie examined.
Hocuree the worst casus ot Nurvoue Debility,
Hcrofulu, Old Sores, i atarrh. Piles, Female
Weakness, Affections of tho Ear, Eye, Nose
nd Throat Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can
cere aud Cripples of every description. Con
saltation in English and Oerman Free, which
shall he con siderud sacred aud etrlotly confi
dential. mice Honrs: 0 A. M. to tt I. 31. Dally.
Sunday, 0 a.m. to 2 i
There are hundreds of younu men. aud young women in this
country who have splendid ability, but they have never bee .
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you
are tired of inactivity and want to do somethiug tangible
come to the College.
SHORTHAND COURSE. p J. qj proprietor
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g,
Made at the MOOSIC and RUSH
Lafflln & Rand Powder Co. 'a
Electrlo Battorios, Fusei for explod
ing blasts. Safety Fuse and
RepaunoChemical CVs High Explosives
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement Dec. 10, 1803. called for by
the ou) pi i oiler of the Currency.
Loans 1,304,473.40
Overdrafts 740.23
United fttutea llonde 200,000.00
Other Bonds 448.1K7.75
Ilanklue; House 28,074.46
I'remiuma on V. 8. Mnmle.... 17,443.75
Due from D. S. Treasurer 10.000.00
Doe frum llanka 321,130.00
Caeh 173.000.98
Capital S200.000.00
Snrplua 240.000 00
I'mllvlded 1'rollts 60,935.29
tirrulatlun 102.000.00
lmidende I'npaid 1,882.50
Deposits.- 1,732,250.80
I is.. IO UBIIKS 8U.'.'4.0
WILLIAM CONNFl.T, President.
QKO. H. CATLIN, Vlre-I'rraldent.
WILLIAM II. I I 1 K. Cashier.
William Connell, (ienrg-e H. Oatlln,
Alfred Hand, licui'y lie 1 1 n jr., James
Arrhbald, William T. 8ralth, Luther
This bank offers to depositors every
facility warranted by their balances, busi
ness aud responsibility.
8peclal attention given to business ao
counta. Interest paid un time deposits.
National Bank of Scranton,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at tho
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.
W. W WATSON. Vlco President
A. U. WILLI AMD, Cashier.
Joseph J. Jf.hmyn, m 8. Kkmkher-,
Ciias. P. Maitiuws. John T. Pokteu.
W. W. Watsom.
Tide bank Invitee the patronage of business
men aud linns generally.
c'p. Capital. l. 000,000.
BEST l.60 Slim. IN THl
"A dollar suvid it a dollar tarnfd." .
This Ladles' Hollil French Dongola Kid llui
ton Boot delivered free anvwhere In the U.S., on
receipt of Cash, Money Order,
or PoeUil Note for tl.M.
tho boots
sold 111 nil retail stores for
: .in. We make tide boot
ourselves, therefore wo yuur-
nnfM tho flt.ttult and wear.
und If any one is not satisfied
will refund the money
send another nslr. Opera
Toe or Common Bense,
widths C, I), E, 8 UK,
1 to 8 end half
. Stndyowrtitr;
will fit yov.
logue FREE
Dexter Shoe KjtSSiSs
Special terms to Dealers.
Onyx Top Brass Tables, Teakwood, Oak
and Bamboo Tables in great variety, Rogers'
Groups, Bisque Statuettes, Pedestals, Vases,
Jardenieres.Screens.Easels, Umbrella Stands,
Blacking Boxes, Carpet Sweepers, Ottomans,
Hassocks, Ladies' Work and Scrap Baskets,
Bric-a-Brac, &c.
Goat Skin Rugs from China, in
White, Gray, Black and in color com
binations, Baby Carriage Robes, &c.
Eastern Rugs, in Daghestan, Ka
zac and Persian Patterns.
Moquette and Smyrna Rugs
at low marked-down prices.
Open evenings. Goods reserved and delivered when
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
Dry Hemlock
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building,
Scranton, Pa.
"VrHILE many manufacturers and dealers are making extravagant state
menta concerning the merits and durability of medium or low grad
pianos, intending purchasers should not fail to examine the famous
Illustrated book containing valuable information on pianos on application.
123 Ada ma
We extend our heartfelt appreciation for the liberal pat
ronage we have received iu the past year aud the preced
ing oues. Just as Time's march is indicated by periods
historically eventful, business advancement writes its
methods aud ita movements indelibly witu the epochs
of its progress. The lirst time our name was spoken iu
Scranton a new epoch of retail business was born.
A Higher Standard of Quality, Larger Quantities of the Sail
able, and the Outspread Wing of Price Protection,
With its laving, its security, its its infallible satisfaction,
and our ever -popularCHEDlT SYSTEM, these are every
where recognized as
Our Epoch of Progress