THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY 1, 1894. SIMIIIlllMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIUimill I Pipe I Valves I 3 S mm B S I Fittings I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, niliiiiliiiiliilliiUiiliiiiililiHliiititR Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue THEY HOLD 1 KEYS Lackawanna THE Laundry 08 Perm Ave. A. B. WARMAN. WEARS & HAGEN. Offer for This Week A new line of 4oinch all wool Bourette Stripe Cheviots, made to sell for 75c; 7 yards will cost you $2.03, or only 29c. per yard. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. In Case of a Fire Persons Know to Co. Where LIST COMPILED BY CHIEF FER8ER Upward of Three Hundred Keys Given Out by the Fire Department for the Sixty Fire Boxes in the City Some of the Keys Are Not Yet Located. -WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Grand jury meet9 tomorrow. Don't forgot to date all letters 1S94. A happy New Year to all The TBiaVlfl'l readers. All of the brick work on tue Frothiug ham theater is completed. Lovers of sleighiug are earnestly wish lug for another fall of snow. Enterprise Dancing class will conduct a social nt Excolsior hall on Wyoming ave nue tonight. The fuueral of Dr. Horace Hollister will take place this afternoon at 9 o'clock from his late residence, SOTO North Main avenue. The new rooms on Lackawanna avenue of John Boyle O'Keilly council, Young Men's Institute, will be formally opened today. Those who have pledged refreshments for today's Y'ouug Men i Christian asso ciation reception aro urged to have all such sent to the rooms before noon if possible. T. F. Wells delivered a most forcible address at the Young Men's Christian as aociation Gospel meeting yesterday after noon, and the quartette rendered excellent music. The hours at thepostoffice today will be: Carrier's, general delivery and stamp win dows open from 10. SO to 18,80a.m. and 1.80 to 2.80 p. m. Carriers will make tho morn ing delivery. The funeral of Miss Jennie D. Kafelt was attended yesterday afternoon from the home of her piirents at Mulberry and Taylor avenue. Iutermeut was made at Dun more cemetery. Tonight the annual ball of Division No. 8. Aucient Order of Hibernians, will be held at Music hall. Bauer s orchestra will furnish the music and haudsome souvenir programmes will be distributed. The George A. fiaker Opera company will begin a week's engugetneut at the Academy ot Music this atteruoon when "t-aid Pasha" will be presented. ''Boccu -do" will be the attraction this evening. Scraufonians who do not care to make preparations for a New Years dinner today thould go around to tho West Minister, where Proprietor Truman has prepared a New Y' ear's menu of more than usual ex cellence, The board of directors ot the Sacrad Music society held its llrst meeting on Saturday. Those present were A. W. Decker, president; E. H. Ripple, secretary and treasurer: E. L. Fuller and Tallin Morgan. Plans were inude tor the com ing year. Judge Smith's room in the court house was renovated last week and put in readiness for Judge Edwards to move in. Judge Smith's law books and effects werd taken back to the office in the Common wealth building that he occupied before hit appointment to the pusitiou ot ad ditional law judge. e "To the Business Public" SerenUn Di rectory, 1804 I appeal to my Scranton friends who have aided me In building up the Directory of Scranton. for the past seven yean to continue their support in preference to strangers and tyros who do not know tho first rudiments of the Directory buslueis. and who propose to reap the benefit of ny past lauor. vv lieu l came to ncrantou you kuow how incomplete and inaccurate the Scrantou Directory was. Y'ou know now Halves perfect satisfaction. 1 ftwl that your interests as well as mine entitle me to vour suuDort. I have brought the Scranton Directory up to a standard sec ond to none lu tue state. Melon, my ad Tent the Scranton Boole was printed in New York; since that time Scranton has been given the printing. The book will be out earlier than over, will contain a new map, new street directory, and many new features, ola your orders for Wil liams till his oanvassers call. W. H. Taylor, his manager, is a resident of Scranton. J. E. Williams. Publisher Scranton Directory. 4. s. V. 10. Chief Perber has compiled the fol lowing list of persons who bold fir alarm keys, and thsir uddresses. Trid L'NK readers in looking over the list can seo Where the nearest key ia located, and the knowledge may some tima prove valuable. Some of the keys have not as yet boen located, notwithstanding the herculean efforts pnt forth by the chief. He hopes that a perusal of the list as here published may liavo the effect of in ducing holders of keys whose names do not appear, to communicate with him nt once: 1. Enoch Page, 'i'ii Hiffllo ave. -. 0. E. Kobinsoit, 'i'M Preacott ave. J. W. Hale, asst. chief. H. F. Ferber, las M. Main ave. Peter Kobling, jr., avst. chief. Patrick Feeney, asst. chief. Jacob Fries, U17 Presrott ave. O. M. DeLong, ISM Mifflin ave. John Flanaghau, 5W Adams ave. Mayor. 11 to 37, inclusive, police. 88. No record. 80. Suburban railroad offlco. 40. Couutv jail. 41. 1). W. Donnelly, 1509 N. Wash. ave. 42. A. B. Keed, 1439 CnuoUse ave. 4:t. D. B. Braiuard, 80S Jl'irlon st. 44. Fcote'siLivery;otHce, 158 C'apouse ave. 45. Kea& Joue, luti'l Dickson ave. 40. D. & H. ticket offlce, Dickson ave. 47. Drop Forge works. 48. F. Young, 5-i E, Market st. 49. U. B. Cooper, 00 1 E. .Market st. 50. N. W. Beujiiniin, 1!."II0N. Main uvo. 51. Arthur Deun, 2430 N. Main ave. 52. D. & B. ticket office, Providence station. 3. K. Smith, 1093 Church st. D. L. Lewis, 1U3 Market st. James l)ugan, 541 W. Market St. P. J. Rowland, 535 W. Market st. John Hegnn's hotel, 1777 Brick St. W. B. Christmas. 2019 N. Main avo. 0. P. Miller, cor. Oak and Church st. J. E. I'edrick, 1339 N, Main ave. John Hawks, 121S Providence rd. B. E. Bedell, 7-t cou' t St. M. Pieston, 721 Couitat. V. Ward, 103 Diamond ave. J. W. Millett, 608 Fourth st. J. J. Gordon, 1 1 Carliou st. John Beuore& Bon, 7 JO Swathiuj St. Police. Scranton Gas and Water Comnauy, Engine room. John Coggitm, 4 J5 Fifth ave. James M. Brogan, 421 Fifth ave. P. Golden. 504 ltailroiid ave. , 714 Conrt st. D, J. Missett. 503 Third st. Li. 1. aud S. CO., Machine shop. 11. H. Finch, 431 S. Washington ave. Thomas J. Conway, 914 Piuo st. Harvey's Silk works. Wm. Franz, 1004 S, Washington avo. Sauquoit Silk works. Scranton Steel company olllce. Wm. Counell Ic Co., Meadow Brook store. Meadow Brook breaker, Knitting mills. Philip Kirst, 1031 Cedar ave. Charles Heu'ter, 818 Cedar ave, Joseph Shields, 911 Cedar ave. John Kosen, 009 Cedar ave. Lost. Dennis Kelley, 417 I'ittston ave. F. A. Beamish, 574 River st. James Manley, 3!2 Prospect ave. Scranton Houf Lackawanna ave. Lacks wauna Valley House, Lacka wanna ave. D. , L. and W. Railroad Co., Tele graph offlce. Sidney Broadbent, 313 North Wash ington ave, 1. A. Finch, 404 North Washington ave. W. 11. Whyte, 001 Adams ave. Finn's Lumber vard. E. N. Willnrd, 608 Madison ave. William Council, 1105 Vine st. E. ft W. V. R. R. depot, N. Washing ton ave. P. Blewitt, 3IC Phelps st. P. DeLacy, 800 Capouso ave. George S. Throop, 334 Jefferson ave. People's Street Railway c nnpauy. Lost in fire. E. Robinson's Sons. Scranton Stove works. George Wuench, 1084 W. Lacka. ave. Clarke Bros., 319 N Main ave. B. Anthony, 414 N. Main ave. M. Robiusou's brewery. Warburton's hotel, 1311,Swetlaud st. Joseph P. Phillips 1422 Swetland st. 1424 Jack'on st. Brooks A. Ba33, HIS Jackson st. Catholic Parsonage,.) ackson st. Davis drug store, 100 S. Main ave. Jenkins' drugstore, S. Main ave. L. Schoen, 1 105 Jacksou st. 129 a Main ave. D. D. Evans &: Co., W7 9. Main ave. Thos. I). Thomas, 303 S. iV-iu ave. John Wagner, B07 Hampt. ft. tionn scnaniz. o40 fcvnou st.V C. 53. 54. 55. 86. 57. 58. 59. 80. 01. 02. JOS. 03. 05, 00. 07. OS. 09. 70. 71. 73. 74. 78. 79. 80. 81. 90 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 101. 105. 100 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. no. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 120. 127, 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 130. 137. 136. 139. 110. 141. 142. 141. 144. 145. 116. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 150. 157. 158. 159. 160. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 100. 167. ICS. 180. 181. 182. IS.'!. 184. 185. 180. 187. 188. 189. 190. 1W. 192. 193. 194. 195. 190. 197. 198, 199. 800. till. are. s 203. 407. 208. D., L. & R. R.o. 209. No record. 210. No. record. 211. No. record. 212. D., L. 8s W. R. R. Co., freight house. 214. D., L. & W. R. R. Co., freight house. 214. D., I j. 8s W. R. K. Co., freight bouse. 210. D., L. & W. R. R, Co., machine shop. 216. D.. L. & W. R. R., Co., machine shup. 217. I)., L, & V. R, R. Co., machine shop. 218. L. I. & S. Co., steel works. 219. L. t & .S. Co.. steel works. 22 J. L. & S. Co., steel works. B31. L. L & S. Co.. old rail mill. 222. L. I. & S. Co., old rat! mill. 223. L. I. & S. Co., old rail mill. 224. Weston mill, Lackawanna ave. "25. Stowor's Packing Co., Pine Brook. 220. Stower's Packing Co., Pino Brook. 227. Stower's Packing Co., Pine Brook. 223. H. F. Ferber. 229. No. record. 220. Stower's Packing Co. 231. Matthew Snow, 820 Prospect ave. 232. John Manley, 902 Prospect ave. 233. John H. Gray, 1624 Lafayette st. 884. David A. Morgan, 302 Fillmoro ave. 235. John Langan, 1830 Jacksou st. 230. William Searing. 1909 Jackson st. 237. Henry Walter, 1915 Jacksou St. 888. Z. A. Stover. 1018 Lafayette st. 239. neorge B. Thompson, CI 1 Gibson st. 240. No record. 241. No record. 242. John F. Scragg, 341 Mouroe ave. 243. No record. 244. , 1559 Votl Storch ave. 245. J. C. Hopewell. 1757 Sanderson ave. 240. S. S. Spvuks, 430 Cedar ave. 247. John MrNamara, 1044 W. Market b;. 243. Green Ridge Lumber Co. 249. John Saltry, 1045 West Market st. 25 ). T. G. Wolfe, 321 Clay nve. 251. Philip Kirst. 252. Enocn Page, 2 )2 M'ftlin ave. 253. W. Silkman, 411 .leifersou ae, 254. Philip Schnell, W. Lackawuuua ave. 255. John Gnrev, 308 Carbon st. 250. W. L. Council. 257. Ed Mayer, 1402 Ash St. 258. Bristol House, Providence. 259. Thomas E. Jones, Wayne and Wil liam streets. 200. T. H. Allen, 3)1 North Hyde Park avenue. Wl. F. E. Hutchiuson, 222 Rebecca ave uue. 283, S. 14. Slillwell, ToO Mouroe avenue. 203. E. C. Fuller, 040 Monroe avenue. 204. 501 Bromley avenue. 205. Lackawanna Store association, Booth Store. 200. Stephen Short, 640 Monroe uveuuo. 207. W. H. Nieve, 1517 Jackson street. 203. Coyne House, cor. Penu aud Lacka wanna avenues. 260. Cr.rson & Davis, Washburn street. 270. 271. C. W. Dovoe, 328 S. Main avenue. 272. ('. C Becker, 521 Harrison avouue. 273. Police, 274. Police. 275. W H. Nieve, 1517 Jackson stroet. 276. Dauiel Battle. 613 Fig street. 277. Hook and Ladder company. 278. Crystal Hose company. 279. A.'J. Thomas, 402 Webster avenue. 289. Lackawanna. Iron aud Steel com pany. 251. Cnarles Speicher, 430 Madison uvo-uue. 383, C. H. Milier, 031 Adams nvonue. 283. L. H. HallsUail, 922 Delaware ave nue. 281. E. M. Green, 92S Delaware avenue 285. Geo. Sanderson, 1017 N. Wash. uvc. 230. B. J. Snvdor, 332 Tenth St. 287. D. A. O'Connor, 149 Robiuson St. 288. 3. H. Fellows, 418 Tenth st. 239. H. W. Poters, 331 Fifteentu st, 29. Hess bakery. 517 Ash st. 291. D. W. Schoouover, 233 Ash st. 292. Petej Koss, 902 W. Lucka. ave. 293. M. 11. ICene, 1531 Lnzeruo ft. 294. Atlantic Retiuiug Co., oil house, Pine Brook. 295. D., L. & W. R. R Central mines. 886, John B. Bognrt. 218 N. Ninth st. 297. Geo. A. Jessup, 400 Clay ave . 293. Andrew Holmes, 337 S. Main ave. 299. Dickson breaker, E. Market st. 300. H. T. Fellows, 423, Tenth st. Sol. Chas. M. Zizlemaun, 4'JC Webster ave. 302. Jos. A. Mott, 921 Olive st. 0273 Chns. E. Wade, 510 tiincey avo. 0274. A. J. Mahon, 590 Third st. 0275. Wm. Craig, 110 Linden st. 0230. F. Robling, jr., 522 Gibson st. RECEPTION AT Y.ffl.C.A. A Hearty Welcome Will Be Given to Every Person Who Visits the Rooms, EXCELLENT PROGRAM PREPARED Bauer's Full Orchestra Will Render Mnsic During the Afternoon and Evening Prominent Vocalists Will Sing During the Day Entertain ment to Be Given in the Gymnasium. R. R. o! N. J., offlce. C E. v .den. 519 Lacka. ave. Lacka. Store ass'n, Lacka. ave. R. McKenna 313 Madison ave. D. L . aud W. R. R. Co., car shops. Forest house, Wyoming ave. Goodwin's livery, Spruce st. Post office. Westminster hotel, Wyoming avo. Moody's Boarding house, 306 Frank lin ave. Geo. R. Suydam, 204 Linden st. Lucln. hospital, Franklin ave. 11. U. kittle, 1,31 Jefferson nve. J. H. Med way, Mulberry st. E. Zizleman, 819 Jefferson ave. F. Mecbler, 1315 Ash at. Henry Wensel, 1001 Crcs-i st. G. Bogart, 202 Adams ave Wm. Kellow, 214 Mulberry st. No record. ( has. Graham, 501 Madisou ave. No record, No record. Excelsior Hose house. W. A. Grady, 401 r if th ave. No record. Police. G, W. Okell, 005 Mill st. George A. Conner, 823 Penn ave. No record. J. J. O'Malley, 441 Railroad ave. Huut & Council Co., Lucka. uv.. Thomas Bevau. Wyoming House. A .in in Motcbmau, 501 Lacka. ave. E. L. Buck, 331 Madison ave. Arja Williams, 409 MaJison avo. John E. Gaff uey, 158 S. Sumuer ave. 7SU Jefferson ave. S. D. Hallook, 802 Jefferson ave. P. W. Stakes, 401 Webster ave. Edwiu Frable, 2'J5 Stone ave. Daniel Hayes, 221 Stone ave. 109 to 179 inclusive. Police. 179. No record. John Berry, 023 Flttston ave. No record. No record. No record. Dicksou works. Dickson works. Dickson works. D L. & W. R. R. Oo. L. A. Y'oos. D L. & W. R. R. Co. Fred Miller, jr., 450 Willow street. No record. Philadelphia Fruit Co., Franklin ave? K. L. Mojer, 313 Halstead court. John Westpfahl.031 Plttston ave. D U & WR. R. Co. D., L. & W. R. R. Co. D L. Ss W. R. R. Co. No record. No record. O. B. Scbreifsr, 101 Mulberry it, H. P. Fenner, 546 Adams ave. D . L. & W. R. R, Co. Oxford shaft. D. Bartholomew, $28 Madison ave. William Rilev, 825 Prospect ave. D., L. & W. R, R, Co No. record, The Bachelors flushed with the suc cess of their sixth annual ball held nt the Wyoming ou Friday evening.are al ready tnii.king of the preparations that will be necessary for their seventh an nual to be held next year. They are determined that it shall eclipso all previous balls iu point of brilliancy and splendor. On Friday night the idlewile Social clnb of the West Side, gave a select uiaFUUTade partv in Menr hall. There were about fifty present and the costumes were many of them original All of tucm were very beautiful. The Leiderkr.inz Sitiging society will hold its annual "fools' sitting" or New oar s festival ou Jan. The Keystone Social club, of the West Side, will bold its animal ball in Mears' Hall Thursday evening. This tear the club will hold a mu9u.uerade The Syracuse University Glee club will give a concert at the Llm Park church next Friday evening. The Syracuse organization comes well recommended, after appearing in a number of New York cities. I 'i i THE BAKFR COMPANY THIS WcK. It Today's reception at tho Younz Men's Christian association rooms will be attended by thousands of Scranton- ans who wilt be given a royal welcoma by the reception committee and treated to refreshments and a feast of music by the leading singers of the city. Ihejreception will begin at 2 o'clock and will continue uutil ten this even- ng. There will be music all day, and those that will attend will have a most enjoyable time. Uauer s full orchestra has been en gaged for the afternoon and evening, and will discourse the finest music. There will be solos, duets, quartette and choruses, accompanied uy piano and orchestra. Among those who will positively sing are Miss Annette Reynolds, of Nw ork, contralto of MM Second Presbyterian church, and Mrs. B. T. Jayue, the soprano soloist of the same church; Mrs. W. J. Hand, soprano soloist of the First Presbyterian church; the quartette of the Penn Ave nue Hantist puuroh. consisting or Airs. Frank Brundage, Miss Maggie Jones. David Stephens and J. T. Wat kins ; Professor Protueroe, director ot music at the Elm Park church ; Mrs. M. A. Goodwin, soloist of the Asbury Cuurch choir; El win Boweu and Moses Mor gan from the Green Ridge Presbyte rian church; Miss Anna. Reynolds, so loist of the Providence Presbyterian church; Philip Warren. E R. Grif fiths, Hector James, Morris Thomas, Miss Cora Storms, Misses Lizzie and Margaret Ri-yuold, Miss Susie Black, Mrs. T. J. Lewie, Miss Verna Mitcnell, Mrs. Dr. Brewster and many other ex cellent vccalista will appear in solo and chorus work. The accompanists will be Miss Florence Richmond, Mrs. Evaugelyn Kicol. Mrs. Nellie M. Thomas and Miss Norma Williams. V. M. C. A. MUSIC CLASSES, There will also be fine chorus work by the combined mush; classes of the Young Men's Christian association, numbering over 150 voiaes. Duriug the afternoon this chorus will ..sing several selections, one of which will be "Fairy Voice?," with obligate solo by Miss Auuette Reynolds, aud accompanied by piano and full orchestra. The Sacred Musi society will also sing several beautiful gospel songs and an them ', with piano and orchestra accompani ment. The entire musical part of the day will be under the direction of Tal lie Morgan. The refreshments will consist of cake and coffee, and will be served in the dining room from 2 in the afternoon till ten at night, In addition to the musical attrac tions Professer Weston bat prepared a hue programme consisting of eight numbers, including a game of basket ball for tne gymnasium. This part of the day's exercise will begin at 8 o'clock. Duriug the afternoon the muic will be in the reading room, which bus been tastefully decorated with plants and evergreens. The platform is near the front of the building, and the singers can be heard in every part of the building. In the evening there will be music in the reading room and in the largo hall, as it is expect-!.! that the ball will not accommodate the crowds that will be present. YOUNG WOMEN TO ENTERTAIN. Excellsnt Prog-rajmme Arranged for To day at tho V. W. O. A. Today, from 4 to 10 p.m., tbi members of the Young Women's Christian Associatian will hold their annual reception in their rooms and welcome their gentlemen as well as lady friends. A pleasing programme, consisting of readings, violin, piano and vocal selections has been arrauged. Among tbo!e who will entertain aro Mr. Weisnnnue, Miss Winton, Mr. Davis, Misses Brown, Hall and La Rue. In the evening from 7 30 to B 30 an entertainment will be given in the gymnasium by Miss Lois L. Shard low assisted by pnpils from the ladies clusses aud the junior class. Misses Josio Black and Caragan will sing dnr ing this hour. From 8 30 to 9 30 se lections will be rendered by the Elm Park orchestra. Refreshments will be served during the hours of reception The invitation from the asseciation is extended to all having a friendly in terest in the work. GEO. A. BAKER COMPANY IN TOWN Will Delight Old Filsnds with i Wealth of Mtlody. The George A. Baker Opera com puny, which never brought a poor en tertaiument to this city, will be at the Academy of Music all of this week,oro duciug operas of unusual strength, this afternoon giving "Said Pasha," and in the evening "Bocoacio. " Of the work of this company In Bos ton the Herald of that city says: "The singers from thus being strangers fairly sung themselves into the heart iest good will of their audience, and their director compelled an equally quick recognition of his abilities. .The first night was a triumph, and Hiere will evidently be many more of the same tort during the coming weeks. Of the performances as a whole it may be said frankly that the company sings and acts the 'Beggar Student' as well, aud, iu some ways' better than it was sung and acted during the memorable run of this opera at the Bijou theater some ten years ago. DEATH OF EDWARD C. IYNDE. This community received a eerere shock upon the announcement of the sudden death of ttlward i;. Liyna. as- sistant secretary ot tne mcicawanua Iron and Steel company last Saturday morning. For several weeks Mr. Lymle had been suffering from a severe nttaaic of pleurisy and rheumatism, (rom which he had apparently suffi ciently recovered to attend to the per formance of his office duties, and he was nt his desk Friday until after 5 o'clock. In the evening he remarked that he was feeling fairly well and re tired early. At about 4 o'clock in the morning his family was alarmed by another sudden and severe at tick of the disease which bad reached bie heart and in a few minutes he passed peacefully away. Dr. H. V. Logan, who bad been immediately summoned, arrived soon afterward, but said noth ing coiUd have been done to prevent the fatal termination of this attack. Mr. Lvnde was born in Wilkes-Barre July 22, 1831, and was the son of John W. L-vnde who settled in the Wyom ing Valley in 1830. The latter was a descendant of Joseph Lymle who came rrom England to Boston in 1712. Ed ward C Lynde reoelved his education in the Wilkes-Barre Academy which stood on the public square where now stands the Luzerne county court bouse. At the age of ot eixteen he entered the employment of a wholesale drv goods bouse in New York; but in 18o2 re turned to Wilkes-Barre and accepted a position as accountant in the office of the Baltimore Coal company. Ou June 10, 1853. the firm of Scran- tons & PJatt, of this city, became merged into the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, and Mr. Lynde, who bad ap plied a short time previously for a posi tion in their office, was secure I by S. T. Scranton, then president of the com pany, to take the position of book keeper. He assisted materially in clos ing up the accounts of the old firm and in opening the books of the new cor poration. He was an excellent account ant, and rose rapidly In the esteem of tho officers of the company. On the re tirement of William Henry, Jr., be became its chief bookkeeper and ac countant. In December, 1850, be was elected secretary of the company. A few years thereafter, it having been de cided to remove the main office to New York, involving the nsceialty of having the secretary at that point, his title was changed to assistant secretary, al though bis duties and responsibilities remained the tame. Thus, for over forty years he had been in the employ of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany and its predecessor, and of him it may be said, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Mr. Lynde was a courteous and gen al gentleman and of exceedingly fine artistic taste. It has been frequently said of biin that a most excellent artist was spoiled iu developing an excellent accountant. He was never so bappy as when entertaining! his friends either in hie pleasant home on Clay avenue or in his delightful cottage on Harvey s lake. He will be greatly missed and tincerely mourned by many friends who will bear in grateful remembrance bis courteous atten tions. He was a charter mem ber of Peter Williamson lodge. No. 323, Free aud Accepted Masons and received from her the highest honors it was in her power to bestow, aud for nearly thirty yeais he has been her treasurer. In 18oo be married Miss Gertrude Murray who survives him as do three children EJward H. Lynde, superintendent at the South Steel mills ; J. H. S. Lynde, manufacturers' agent, and Mrs. John Ryman of Dallas, Lu zerne county. Mrs. Calvin Wadhams of Wilkes-Barre. a sister, also survives him. The funeral will take place from his late residence on Clay avenue this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Duntnore cemetery, will be private, The great people of this country wbo accomplish o much in the affairs of lite have the peculiar fashion of executing whatever may come to them iu the Hue of action on the spot. There is that pile of Harper's, Frank Leslie's, McClure's, Re view of Reviewr, North American, Cen tury, etc., that you have read. They are a joy forever, but not a thing of beauty. Our Mr. Scbwencker can transform them so that they will become the brightest usd handsomest volume., in your library. As soon as you read this will yon not get all the numbers together, before they are lost or soiled, and bring them to The binderr A few cents will give you some beautiful books that will take the place ot those rough and ragged magazines. There will be a caucus ot the Republi can voters of the First aud Second districts of the Seventeenth ward held at Alderman Post's offlce. 504 Lackawanna avenue, on Friday evening, Jan. 8, between the hours ot 7 and 9, for the purpose of placing in nomination a school controller and other ward officers. By order of Vigilant Com wamn Chocolates and Bon Bons. Bakery, Ice Cream and Dining Rooms 413 Lackawanna Avenue, 227 Washington Avenue, Don't Forget Hull & Co. When Looking for Furniture. Hull's Furniture Store 205 AND 207 WYOMING AY?. BARGAINS! THEY ARE MANY. THEY ARE DESIRABLE, THEY ARE RELIABLE, Our Choice Selections for the Christmas Trade are now ready tor the Inspection and approve of all who know a good thing when tasy see it. COME IN AND BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED, Surprised at the Splendid Assortment. Surprised at the Nice Variety. Surprised at the Superior Quality. Surprised at the Low Prices. We have New Novelties Id Dice but Inexpensive goods. W have choicer and more costly gifts, raugiog in prion as high as you care to go. In all grades aud at all prices we can supply you with tho uioest and most appropriate GIFTS FOR LITTLE AND BIG, OLD AND YOUNG, DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR SPEICAL ATTRACTIONS IN WATCHES, - CLOCKS, - DIAMONDS, Jewelry of all Kinds, Silverware, Optical Goods, Novelties, Etc. Aui many other ale selections that w have not space to enumerate. HAN'T HISS SEEING OUR BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Uv" A Fail to Take Advantage of Our Wonderfully LOW PRICES, Select your Gifts from our Complete Stock and and you will ha sure of getting ths best aud most appropriate presents at the fain-st figures you have ever known. TO HAVE A MERRY, SATISFACTORY AND MONEY-SAVING CHRISTMAS, MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY PURCHASES OF C. W. FREEM JLN COR PENN AVE. AND SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. giiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuii: OUR PERSON At Matthew J. Mam. ium, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is visiting friends In the city. James Nalliu, of Brooklyn, N. V , is the gnest of his parents on Pittston avenue. Misses Minnie aud B. la. (iibhons.of the West Side, are guests of Cnrbondale friends. W. H. Coyne, of this ottv, attended the social of the Crescent Social club, of Car bondnle, on Friday night Miss Wintcn, of this city, was the guest of Colonel Ueaumont, of Wilkes-Barre, on Friday and atteuded the auuual assembly. Misses Maggie McDonald and Lizzie Lundy, of Carboudale, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Mitchell, of Ash Btreet. The Well Known Cperatlo Singers Ar rive Here from Newburar, N. 7. The (ieorge A. Baker Opera company, which will begin n week's engagement at the Academy of Alasic this atternnon, arrived in the city last ui"ht from New burg, N. Y. , where It appeared Satur day night. With the compnny are Miss Irene Murphy, Mies Mauds Dickesou, Mibs Josie Intropidi, William Wolfe, Arthur Wooley, Frank Ranuev. Musicul Director Robinson. Stnga Manager J. J. Juxon Manager (ieorge A. B.ikjr and other ijcrantou favorites. Muelc Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any deired number of tones. Gaut8Chi it Sons., manufacturers, 101UI Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orcheslrial organs, only $5 and $1U. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tuuos. Pay Your Poor Tax. Costs will be added on all poor tares for I8M not paid before lan. 1, 1894. F. L. Wohmseh, Collector. Thk members of Peter Williamson lodge, Free aud Accepted Masons, will meet at Masonic hall Monday, Jan. 1, at 1 o'clock p. in., to attend the funeral of rot tier Edward C. Lynde. T. F. Penman. W. M. JANUARY 1, 1894. tribIeIoupon Your choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "De livering Christmas Presents'' and "Maidens Swiugiug." Send by mail or messenger or briug coupons like this of three differ eut dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Avf. and Sprues Bt. CURTAINS s 5 i W4 I I s s IUHmiMUIIIItNlllllllllltlNHIItlH a . .... Are wortn going a long instance to see. No such collection can be found nearer than New York or Philadelphia, and then it is not sur passed in tli- matter of unique and exclusive designs, or richness, dalutine-19 and dslicicy of mate rial. In a word, our Curtalu stock this fall reaches our highest ideal of what is should be. and cannot fail to nil et tlie approval of the S most refiued aud artistic tastes. 5 Yet all this does not mem high 3 prices. Ou the contrarv.t he values we now orrer are snomutea ror your inspection. Of course, we' ve ! ! every make, and among them will ! i be found the very choicest crea- I tions in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss, I Nottingham and other Luce Goods; j also the New Snowflake Swiss, ; with Bilk Stripe in contrasting ; ! colors. Also full lines of Silk ; S Stupes, Tapestries, etc, made to ; 9 order. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HILL CONNELL SCRANTON, PA. aiiiiitiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiii Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Including the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new pro- S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 135 WYOMING) AVli Our Remaining Remnants of DOLLS AND TOYS You can have at Cost Price This Week. THE GREAT STORE 310 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TUESDAY SPECIALS Boys' Winter Cloth Caps, never sold below 25c.; Tues day, 17c. Boys' Woolen Mitts, worth 12c; Tuesday, 8a a pair. Infants' Cloaks, fur trimmed, sold at $1.90; Tuesday, $1.29. Infants' Bonnets, regular price, 25c. Tuesday, 18c. Millinery at just ONE-HALF PRICE. 25 Per Cent. Discount allowed on Cloaks and Furs. Store closes at 6.30 P. M., except Saturdays BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.