T THE SCRANTON TRIBUN E MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1. 1894. iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiig WANTS Man uant but Uttlehne below, L, Kor Hants lAaf littlr long - 37ii surt; isn't true of you, 'Though it b$ to of the tony. 5 Toa wish to reach hundreds of pooplo S each year. Your want arj btlltllMP 3 m able: uml the question before you Is, 3 9 Which Is the cbuauer and more conve, 9 W niont nay to gain the attention of thoso 5 whoso service you wish to secure'' in iQ3 ruiure i nrj xkuiu.m: proposes to make a specialty of want advertise lnents. This paper will become not9d for It! n - In brinxini to (tether the employer and IM unem ployed. Send in the "want" on a postal card, or else call on your way down S3 town. We'll agree to do the rest. ni.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif Ltd 1 Wanted. "V ANTED TO PURCHASK C1UAR store, or would reut place suitable fur live. Address. P. . B . care of Trlbiin . For Sale. 1 "56b" SALE - ONB ' NBW YOST TYPK writer, also one new Abbott chock punch, nt a bargain. Address H. J., care Tribune of fice. "LHH BALE CHEAP, FOR WANT OF USE, .T a Brat-class freight elevator, electric motor, shafting, belting.etc. Apply ut "ELK" BUILU1NO, lib and 127 Franklin avenue, or tYU WILLIAMS. Architect. you SALBoB EXCHANGE FB SCKAN Jl ton property A bearinx orange grove Increasing in production and value yearly in the orange section in Florida. Addres F. E. NETTLE TON, Lake Holon. Florida For Rent. I"y'H HKNT AFKIL i THE ROOMS NotV occupied by tho Telephone Exchange. 'Mi' Lackawanna avenue. Apply at the office of Lebixh Salt Mlniux Co., Third National Bank 1u IJIng. L, 8. and E. C, Full.-; foK KENT THE rl'UNISHEU Hr-SI- ! f the late Willi mi W Manness, 127 Jefferson avenue, with or without barn in the lfesr. Inquire of U A Kuapp, Kepublicau building. ?OH BEN T-TWO-STOKY BRICK DWEL ling house; modern improvements. 1115 Forest court Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, i ixent, 721 West Lackawanna uvenue. TO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS--Part or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad. Apply ut U0 Franklin avenue. TO 1 h RENT-STOKE ix( OU FDBNI8HEIJ hallonOreen Ridcn street. Verv desira ble location and on reasonable terms. AduIt to F. E. NETTLETON or Q S. WOODRUFF, Republican building. Legal. VBT ATE OF " " f ILL I jVM ' ' MAT T II E W S J lato of the city of Surautuu. county of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, lie ceased. Lotiors testamentary upon the ubove named estate having been grunted to the undersigned all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them tor puymeut and all thole indebted thereto will pleas.1 make immediate payment to MaRY H. MATTHEWS. RICHARD J. MATTHEWS, CHARLES M. MATTHEWS, Executors. Scran ton, Pa. W1LLARD, WARREN & KNAP1', Attorneys, MY W IFE FaV IN U LEF 1' MY UKD AND board, I hereby notify all pai tiei tliat 1 will not pay any bills contracted by her In my aau . FRED PE1L. TO WHOM IT MAY" CONCERN - MY Wife, Guaele, having loft my bed and board 'ithuut ju-t cause. I hereby notify all persons from trusting her on my account, as I will not pay any debts contracted bv her after this date. ERNEST BEES. Dec :, DH3 TWJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN - application will be made to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lackawannn county on Tbuiyjl y, January 4, lstll, at U o'clock a. m , for 'je livisiou of the borough of Dickaon CI and the erection of a new borough to he ktiov. n as the borougli of Tbroop, out of a part it the territory now comprised by the said borough of Dickson City. WILLARI), WARREN & KNAPP, SolHti irs. Lost. ' ..ST IN .'ENTrtAL" PARK OF " CiTY, Xj i ladies' handbag, containing a purse witn money. Finder will be rewarded by re turning same to Mrs. G. L. Dicksuu, 623 Jef ferson avenue. Reel Estate. r.'OR SALE- SINGLE HOUSE, tWj OU1.NCY I avenue; very desirable location. Anply 8, F. REYNOLDS, or WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. y-'.Ujn WILL BUY MODERN NEWS ROOM 'I? house, all improvements; terms easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Deleware street Ap plyHARRY LEES. IC.1,400 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT '.. corner Madison avenue and Delaware street. Terms uasy. Apply HARRY LEES. Special Notices. VoTICE OF' ELECTION THE AN fi I ' A I . i.1 meeting of the shareholders of the F'lrst Natioual Bunk,' Scranton, Pa, for the election Of directors for the ensuing year, will be held at the banking house on Tuesday, Jau. 1. lbi4. Polls w. II be opened from : until 4 o'clock, p in. ISAAC I'OST. Cashier "HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR,' 1 containing Frank Leslie's famous old war pictures. Two volumes folio. Every p jge Illustrated. Over WO pages. As anedn rator it Is unexec led. Sola on easy monthly payments, both volumes delivered complete. Address P. O. Moody. :; Franklin avenue, agent lor Northeastern Pennsylvania JOHN BH1EOEL. DEALER IN PAINTS, oils, vainlsiies. brushes, 815 Penu avenue. Paper banging, painting and kaUoininin' promptly attended fax 4JCRANTON WRINGER HOSPITAL, Bill Spruco street, ground floor. The best solid wblte l ubbor rollers, one dollar each. Work guaranteed by the oldest and only ex pert wringer repairer in Scrant,,u. THIRD NATIONAL BANK. Schanton, Die. St. iw t rpHE ANNUAL MEET1NO OF THE J. stockholders of thisj bank for tho election of directors, and such other business as may come before it, will be held at the banking rooms on Tuesdav . Jan. t, i -.' I The polls will bu open from I p. m. to 4 p. m. HENRY BEL1N, JR.. Hcc'y. Situations Wanted. A lady would like a situation as housekeeper In n small family; prefer a place wbero there is no woman. For in formation please call at 2U5 Washington uve. Call for E. 8. Chicago Produce Markst. Chicago, Dec. 80. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat, No. :. Decom ber, 00Xa60c: May, AWaMko.; July, 7Haa")c. Corn, No. 2, December. 84)a 84Jo.: January, M'aHSC; May, S8a 8SJ,c. Oata, No. 8, December, Stfn28c; May, 80nbWc. Mesa pork. Jauunry, tl2.05al2.02H; May, tl2.67Kal2.72K. Lard, January, t7.80a7.82K; May, 7 iL'a 7.05. Short ribs. January, tO.52Ka0.35; May, I0.55a6.60. Cash quotations were as follows; Flour, quiet, prices easy, but unchanged; No. 2 epring wheat, OOKc. ; No. 8 spring wboat, 5ii61Kc; No. 2 red. 90Kc; No. 2 corn. 85c: No. 2 oats, 28(c. ; No. 2 rye, i;,c. ; No, 2 barley. O'.'c. ; No. lflaz seed, tl.3V prime timothy seed, f4.80; mess work. 111 S2j lard, ttUfi! short ribs, sides. t0.00a0.70: dry salted shoulders, t6.25s6.50; short clear sides, 0.75a7; whiskey, 91. 15; sugars, cut loaf, t5 41; granulated, 14.70; standard A, 14.60. Any subscriber of Tht Tribune may se cure a book of flour and coal coupons n orth t! and thm save 0U cents on each barrel of flour aud S3 cents on each ton of coal. Cure for Headache. As s remedy for all forms of Headncbe Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure aud the most dreaded habitant sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. Id cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels. and few i-n. im.ip m.ut. tnw uaa or inn niej GENERA L NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Getting at tbe Real Facts as to What Free Coal Would Mean, LIVELY BATTLE AT WASHINGTON One of the Fiercest Fights in the Ex perience of Tariff-Tinkering Is Wag" ing on the Part of Jeoparded South ern Owners of Bituminous Coal Mines and Carrier Systems Olher Interesting News and Gossip of the Hour Touching Our Factories, Mines, Railroads and Mills. With the re-assembling of congress this week will bd resumed tho tierce, but not noisy, fiht that is waging be tween friends of American industry and those foes of it who arc uppermost in tbe councils of the present WJN and means committee. The particular brunch of this struirple, which has for iis purpose the retention of a proteclivf duty on bituminous coal imports, is of especial interest to Borantooiana and other residents of the anthracite region because the freeing of Nova Scotinn coal would surely cut away from our anthracite industry u considerable and a growing market for the smaller siz", nuch as buckwheat nnd pea, vbic!i are profitably utiliz-d in many factory fur naces along the Atlantic seaboard. .Stu dents of the coal trade concur in the prediction that a desirable future awaits the attempt to redeem the little grades of anthracite, but they also ad mit that this future would be sorioutiy impaired by the unrestricted entrain1 of the cheaply-mined surface coal of Nova Scotia brought in syndicate ves sels and put down iu New Entilaiid and other seibo ird cities at a mere fraction of tbe freight curt unfairly put ou an thracite by the rail carrying corpora tions. The Washington Post, discussing this subject recentlv, said: "The shipment of coal from Virginia and West Vir uini'i to New England has grown to enormous proportions. There is ship ped annually from Newport News, the terminus or the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, 1,000.000 tonsof coal to points along the northern and New Eaglan I coast. A similar amount goes from Lambert's Point, near Norfolk, the ter minus of the Norfolk and Western railroad, The shipment of this ooal means not only an immtns revenue for the railroads, but upon it depends the operation of thd extensive 001 tields in Virginia and West Virginia, the employment of thousands of min ers, and the service of a large ll at of ships, with all their officers und men it is claimed by those who are inter ested in this matter that the placing of coal upon tho free list will close the mines, stop the running of freight trains, and seud to the wharvs (tie snip; that are now engaged in tbe coastwise coal trade. Of course the endeavor to secure a duty on coal will be fought with great bitterness by the syndicate that has just secured acres and acres of coal tields in Nova Scotia coal that lies in thick veins close to the surface, and so near to the sea that a few miles of rail road will be sufficient to place it in the holds of schooners, a very different condition of affairs than exists along the line of the two great trunk lines al ready mentioned, which have to hum several hundred miles to the nearest seaport. The tight of tbe syndicate to save its investment, and the struggle of tbe coal roads to save their business will be one of the most noticeable fea tures of tbe tariff tight, and will be none the less interesting because of the fact that it will uot bj fought upon 1 1 1 - surface." Statistics of the new cars aud loco motives built in the United States dur ing the year 1893 show that in engines and passenger curs the record, as com pared with previous years, is not so bad as was to have been expected, but the number of new freight cars has fallen eff fnin 9S.150 in 1893 to 50.0S3 in 1893. The statistics are gathered from the principal manufacturers throughout the country (but do not in clude railroad companies' shops), and they are Bumraarized as follows: Loco motives built this year, 1953; last year, 2 036. Passenger cars this year, 1,971); last year, 3.195. The 50,000 new freight Can make an addition of only about i per cent, to the total stock of freight cars in the country, though iu capacity the addition is much larger, the new curs biting built to carry twenty to thirty tons, while tLe averag capacity of all cars in sarvico is much less. The business is now very dull, dspcially in passenger cars, an unusul number of which were built early tn the year to accommodate World's fair traffic. Of the iifty car shops in the county ten, including one or two large ones, are now wholly idle. The Pitteton Gazette argues edito rially for better organization among anthracite mine official) and saya: "It is strange enough to occasion surprise among visitors to this section that in the vast anthracite territory of Penn sylvania, with its thousands of men iu charge of important work that la to n considerable extent the same, there la not in existence u aingle organization whose object is to disseminate facts and new ideas connected with the bus iness. Important questions of engi neering and mining are continually coming up in these days of advance ment that wonld furnish profitable subjects for discusiion at a mining in stitute. Tbe organization might b' local or general, and ita tnembershl:. might include even those workmen who are sufficiently interested to de sire knowledge other than that to be secured by actual experience. Tbe matter la one that might well engage tbe attention of foremen, engineers nnd other mine workers Hereabout." The) Individual Operators' association baa for its purpose au interchange of viewe aud newa of this character, and would dobtleas welooin the co-operation of mine officials whe. this would not interfere with the normal worklnga of the collieries. Miscellaneous Industrial News. Schuylkill miners' wages for January will be 3 per cent, abovo the 13 60 ba-is. A reduction of the wages of all the em ployes of the Bethlehem lion company ooraide the ordnance department has been announced. The cut ranges from S to 80 per cent. The Bethlehem Iron company's stoel mill will start up tomorrow on an order for 8,000 tons of rails. The Pittsburg, bhenaugo & Lake Erie railroad company haa notified all em ployee that their wagea will be reduced 10 per cent., begiuniui today. The Juliet rolling mills of the Illinois Steel company, employing !3,500 man, has been closed down lndajltHiy. iideut roaJ will, it is rumored, be transferred to the auperin tendency of tbe diviaiou be tween Coxton and Sayre. Mr. Esser, who is stationed at . Wilkes-Barre, will make a trip to Colorado for the benefit of hie health before ussurning charge of his new field. Ue will bo succeeded by Alexander Mitchell, superintendent of motive power, who is now nctlug supo.iutendent of tbe Wyoming division. Tho Philadelphia Inquirer learns that an attempt will be made oy aome of the an thracite coal operutor at Harrisburg next session to repeal the aemi-rnonthly pay law. This is -newa, so far as relates to Scranton. The ax continue? to fall among the em ployes of the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany. On Tuesday ilfteeu clerks in the passenger department were notified of i heir dismissal, while one of the engineer ing corps lias been dropped. Supervisors arc also sutfi-ring, some being dismissed, otheis liaviug their territory extended. Tho Exeter machino shops at West Pittstou are enjoying a very basy season just at present. Tuesday a pair of eugluea and a fan were shipped to a coal company In West Virginia. Work was also begun on the new blacksmith shop and sheet iron shop aud on the new pattern room. Owing to the low price ot iron ahd steel the Pottsville lrou and Steel company gav notice that another reduction of Irom 6 to 15 per cent, in the wages of em ployes will go into effect nest Monday. About SOU men are effected. J. & It. Meely's Lebauon Valley furnaces have suspended operation-) for three weeks, tbrowiug 150 men out of employ ment. The management of iho Florence, N. J , Iron worlis received instructions to get ready atfouce for the reeuuiptiou of work on big pipe. Three hundred employes oi the Warren foundry, Jat Phillip. burg, received cheer iug news when orders were issued for the resnption of Work next week at six of the casting pita. It is expected all the pita will be stal led up in n short time. . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stacks and I ond". Nsw Yuiti;, Dec 80,-Wlth the excep tion of Atchtaon, New England and Sugar tbe stocl' market was srrong aud higher today. Louisville and Nashville was tho Brent bull card, opening H higher lit 4 re aclinii to ii and jumping to 41K- NKW VoBIt, Dec M i. -following are lh cloa inn uuolulioua or active stocks: Am. Cott. Ir s'4 -at- Lean ir A T. JkfJ. Fb IMi N- Y. H. ii fan. .1i ... . t'eu. of N. J Chic. N. W.... Chtc.Bur. g... ChicMco Gas f .. M. St l'atil. Chic., It. 1. ft P.. C. S. 1. di I)..., f. f. C. &8. L... Col ,11. V& T.... D. C. K D.&U (J.. L. & W un. Eloctrlo Lake Hhoro.. L. 4N Usntjfcttn... lllaacuri Pucltlo.. ::: 'i National Cordate. 4S I .V. Y. Cent. S. Y.L. K. W.. UN N. Y.Out. W Hfi North, fac, com. MM 70K el's North, fac, p'ld. iSJ eVi DON 1M ,..189 ... 1111 .... nM. ,12tH N. A... PaclllnM.il Phiia. A licadlng. lift It. T - Sugar Tr 81 Texas Pac T. C. 1 - Union Pao is Wabash - Wabash u'M Wa Western Union... i W. & L. K - VY. 4 L. E., p'fd. fcranton Wholesale Markets. BCBARTOK, UeC. 30. i'HUIIS AUD PBO DUCI urlcd apples, per lb., 6a7c: evap orated apples, eatfc per lb.; Turkish prunea, 4',.i.r)u.; English currants, 8a8o.; layer laisina, $l.&Oat!.O0; inuacalela, S1.40a 1.60 per box; new Valencia, 7a7:4'c. per lb. Beans MaiTowfat9,f2.55a)i. 6d per bushel; mediums, gl.SOsl.UO. 1'bas-i ireeu, $ l.'JSal.l'O nor buaheljapllt, I2.50a2.tl0; leutels, SalOc per ponud. Potatoes C5a70c. per bushel. Onions OSaTOc per bushel. BrjTTEii 'tis&bc. per lb. Cbiisb lOalSc. per lb. Kuqs Freab. '25u20c: pickled, Mat coolers. il'Va'-'-'e. Meats nama, l"He.: large. 10c; akiuned batna, California name, 8c; sbouldera. Stfc: dry aalted bellies, OJt'O.I amoked breakfast bacon. 1J.; fresh pork loins, 9c. ; "Wyoming" port sausage, llo. ; Wyoming home made sau sage. 8-pouud pail, larded, lie; butch ers' Bausuge, 8c, our own make: fresh pork shoulders, 7c: lreth pig's feet, 3c; fresh pig'a head, 5.I.; freSh spare ribs, 3c; fresh leaf lard, He; fresh kidneys, tic. dor.: rough sauaage meat, 8c. : tongue, bXc; plucks, 5o.each; whole hogs, 7)c. Pork Meaaat 117; ahortcut, SI8. Laud Leaf in tlerees at UXc: In tuba, c; in 10-pound pails, 10c: in 5-pound pails, 10c; 8-pouud pails. .I1-;-,. per pound. Beek Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c POOLTRY-Chlckens, lOalOo.; turkey a, 13al!lJc.; duck?. Merita 1 louu Minnesota patent, per barrel U.40a4.00; Ohio and Indiana amber, at 13.75; Graham at $3.60; rye Hour, at &.-ii. Buckwheat Flour 18.00 per cwt. Fred Mixed, per cwt., at 1 .00. Grain Ilye, Be; com, i'j to bio. ; onta, 89a45c per bushel. Htb Straw Per ton, tlfolS. Hay K-r ton. ilCalS. aj New York Produoa Market. New York. Dec. 30. Flocr Market dull, unchanged. , WnKAT Spot market dull, 'c higher, flrme: No. 2 red, atoreand elevator, i .-,, 07c, afloat, 67jja67J4C., f. o. b., ungraded red, 80a87c; No. 1 northern, TSa7HJjO, options very dull, closiug firm; January, 880. ; March, QSjjjfO.: Way, 71Xc COM Dull, steady; No. 2, 42,Va42Xe ; elevator; 43)i'a4H,1n ufloat; steamer mixed, 42,'c; No. 2 white, tljajo.; options dull, unchanged to c. up; closed steady; January, i'ic. ; February, 42J'c; May, 441 c. oats Spots dull, firm: options dull, firmer; January, SSJc; February, 844c.; May, 8Bk No. 2 white, January, 35c; spot prices, No. 2. BSWc.i No. 2 white, 850.; No. 2 Chicago. 84c; No. 3 82)c: No. 3 white, tso.l mixed weat ern, 81a35c.; white do., 86a40c; white state. 83A40O, Beek Dull, ateady; family, tllal3; ex tra m "sa, Mao. SO, hEi:F IlAMS-Quiet at tl6:il5,Q5. 'fiERCKh Deef Dull; city extra India Beta, I'.eaSO, Cut Meats- Quiet, steady; pickled bel lles, 7J.c; pickled shouldeis, OaO't'c; pick led hams, t)a9i'c; middles, uomina1. Lard Dull, easier: western steam closed at ta.40; city, I7a7c; January, 8.1S asked; May, 7.95; refined, quiet, easier;continent, h :ij; South America, 9.20: compound, U.25ali.37. PoitK-Uull, steady; mess, tl8.75al4.50. D UTTER Dull and weak; elate dairy, 182oc; do. creamery, 22a20c; western dairy, 17a21c: do. creamery, 2()a28c.;do. factory, 15fa20c; E gins, 871a88o,; im itation creamery, I8a22c; rolls. 18aS0c Ciieesk- QiiieMirm, stain larue.9,il 1 c , fancy, H'n1,; do., email, .10nl2)j(c. ; part ekims, 49(,c. ; full skims, 2a3c. Ecus Quiet, uuchanged; ice houe, iUa 20c; limed, 17c; western fresh, 81a Mo. j do. seconds per case, S8n3.50; southern, 28u24c. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. Dec. 80. Cattle Receipts, 800; market firm; comniuu to extra steeis, f3.l5a8.00; stockers and feeders, 82,25a8.05; cowa and bulls, 1.25a3.5U; calves, 9225a8. Hous.-Receipts, 15,000; market firm; heavy, 16.005 40; common to choke mixed, So.OBaS 49; choice assorted, 15. 35a 5.40; light, V 05a5 35; pigs, ei.8ftii5.20. SiiEEi'-Recelpts, ajl.UOU; market firm: inferlo. to choice 81. 485. l.U0d8.50; lambs, 175 When Baby ivus sick, we gave her Castona. When sue was a Child, she cried for Costorla. When she became Miaa, she clung to Castorla. When sl.e had Children, ahe gavo them Caatorla, Can obtain a , laalad Sum lenar llo ch Han IIXAINI V. H l KI.V m I'EMMA- 1 irta all roiut of . rkjll hem BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS ANi 8PBOKOWH DK. (i. E. ULAN, pisensesot the Eye, Noa Thi oat and Ear, 5U1 Upruce street, oppo sito court house. DIt. A. J." CON NELLToillce 2U1 Washington avenue, corner Upruce BtroGt, ovor Fraricke'a drug storo. Hesldonco. oM Viuo st. Otllce hours: i0.HU to 12 a. m. and '.' to 4 and B.aU to 7.30 p rn Sunday, 2 to :i p. m. DK. W. E. ALLEN, Office " cor. Lacka wanna and Washineton uvea. : over Leon ard shoe store; oUico hours, 10 to 12 a. in. und 3 to 4 p. in.; eveulngs at residence, 612 N. Washington vo. DK. U L. FKEY, Practlci limited to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; orflco, 122 Wyoming uve. ItesidencD, 52U Vine street. Bit. L.il. OATES, 1411 WashlliKtou Avenue. OlHce hours, StoU a.m., Kioto 3 and . to 8 p.m. TOHNL. WENTZ, M. O., Ota oea U aud II t Commonwealth huildinjt: resideuco 711 Madisonavo; office hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to t; Uunduys 2.1X1 to 4, evenltiKS at residence. A specialty made of diroasos of the eye, ear, nose and throat andeyueoology. nil. U. I). MLHKAY, specialty made on dis eases of eyo nnd skln.212 Wyoming Ave. ( Ulice hours: Until U) a iu. 2 to 4 and 7 to H ji.m. YJK3. URK1NG 320 MULBERRY BTBIBT. HI At ('url)ondali) nn Fridays of each week, V KTKItIN AUV Si lt G ICONS. J.1 bTUKUO, Veterinary Wurcoou, l)eu j. tiatry a epecialty: ttold meduliat of On tat hi .'teriiiary UolleKe. Office. Uuumer's livery, S2U l)lx St.. near Keller 's carriage shop. Telephone No. 4l:l. LAW vitas, j M. V. KANck'S Luw anuCollButioirof" .) . Bee. No 17 Upr uce St., opposite Forest House, Scrnnton, Pa, ; colh-ctlone a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents in lively county. JKH'sUPH HA.b, Attorneys and Couuae; lora at Law, CutiiuionHealth building, Waahiugton avo. V. H. Jessup, Hohacx E. Hand. W. H. Jkssup, Jit. YVILI.AKD. WAKUEN KNAPP. Alter- neya ami Counselors at Luw, Kepubllcan bulldmv. Wnslilntrton ave.. Scranton. Pa. PA'1'T1CH80N A "W lLOUX, Attorneys auU Counsellors at Law; offices (I and 8 Library building, Ucruutou, Pa. H08WRLL H PATTlHSOa. William A. Wti.cox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM , I. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth huildlnif. Uooms 19, 20 and 2l. LRANK T. OKtLL, Attorney at Iaw. Moom r 5. Coal Exchange. Scran ton. Pa. MILTON W. LOWRV, (Att'ya, 227 Washing C.JH. VON STORCH. I ton av.t Hqiare TAMES wr'oAKFOllD, Attorney at Law. I rooms 113, 04 and 115. Commonwealth b'l'g. OAMUEL W. EDUAlt. Attorney" at Law. Sj Ofllce, 817 Spruce st.. Scranton. Pa. A. WAT Hits, Attorney at Law, 421 Lackawanna sua,, Sciunton. Pa. I) P. HMITIT Counsellor at Luw. Office, I . rooms 51. 5'.. U Comiie.nwi.altli building i H. P1TCHEK, Attorney at Law, Com V '. inoiiweu'th bi.llalinr. Scranton, Pa. C. 'co'MEOYS. 321 Upruce 'at. DB. REPLOULE, Attorney-Loan neao tluted on leal estate security. Spruce. i p. KilLa.m, Attornev-at-Law, lai v I oming avenue, Scranton. H' AVE YOUR DEEDS AND MORTOAUE8 written and aokuowledVed by J. W. BROW NINO. Attorney and Notary Public, SSt L'ommou wealth Hull, I in I DMMTMTH p C LaHbaCH, burgeon Dentist. No, 113 v ' . Wyoming ave. I(M. BTRATTON, office t.'oal Exchange ' SCHOOLS MISo WOkCESTER'S K1NDKROAKTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil, received at all tiuu .. Fall term will upon September 4. QCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran ij ton. Pa., prepares boys aud glrla for college or business: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at request. Rev. Thomas M. Cans. Waltku H. in i. u LOANS TOP PAY1NU RENT. OWN YuL'K hum Money to loan on eaav monthly laymenta. S. N. CALLENDER, Dime Bauk Building s HOTELS AND MKSTAUrtANT. rj'HE WESTMINSTER, 2I721H WyominB 1 avo. Rooms heated with steam: all mod ern lrnprovementa. 0, M Tkiiman, Prop, ; bSTMlNsTEK HOTEL. V W. Q, SCUE.NCK, Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east ot Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan. 3 SO per dav andjipwar.l. t'OYNE HOUSE. European ' plan; "good ' rooriis. Open day una night Bur sup plied with the nest P H. COYNE, Pronrlntor QCRANTON HOUSE near D , L. & W. pnv O seuger depot Conducted on tho European plan. Victor Kocn, Proprietor. yiKQLER S HOTEL. 327 Lackawanna, ave j uue, Scrunton. Kates reasonable. P ZlKOtlB, Proprietor. Gi RAND CENTRAL 'liie largest und beat ( equippel hotel iu Allontowu, Pa. ; rated $2 and 2.50 nor day. vhtok D. Bahnvp. Proprietor. ARCHITECTS. AVIS & HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 21. .5 and 28 Coniinonw.-alth b Id's. Scranton. 15 L. WALTER, Architect, Library build j ing, Wyoming avenu. Scranton. I) I? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price 1 . bulldlng.lZo Vnsblngton Ave., Scranton. HIISt'EI.I.ANEOUS. ORTON V. SWAKTS- WHOLESALE lumber, s and s Diuio Bank building, Scranton. Pa. i Ml.. I ABO EE BROTHERS, PRINT! RS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twiuo, Wurehouse, I'M Wauhiugtou ave, Scranton, Pa. B' AUER'B ORCHESTRA" -MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, part ma, roceptlons, wed ilinga and concert work furnished. For termi midie-s K. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 WyomiUr) ve., over HulberCsiuuslc store. tZRA FINN A SONS, buUders and contra Cj tors. Yard": Corner Olive st. and Artuuu ave. : corner Ash st and Penn ave., Scranton SEEDS. G r. ci.AHK & co." Betdamen, Horuti I . and Nursorynien; store Ut) Washington avenne; green house, 1115) North Main avenue; tare telephono 782. 1 LAS. GRAND I NION TEA CO., Jones Broi. WIRE S( KKKNS. I OS KUETTEL, til Lackawanna avanu I Scranton, Pu , inauuf'r of Wire Screen. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery lianufacturera of tbe Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY .OCXOOO Ru P- Annum. Connollyfc Wallace Three Special Humleers in Underwear At a very low price. See them near the door. Now is the time to buy. 40 DOZEN Men's Natural Random Shirts and Drawers, worth 60c. everywhere Price to close, 37 c. per garment. 40 DOZEN Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made of fine Egyptian cotton, 50c. in any other store in the city; 37c. buys one here. 20 DOZEN Ladies' Natural Vests and Pants; another 50c. article, and a good bargain, S7c. each. These are great snaps in Underwear and at such low prices they are not liable to last long. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 ZSSAVE The Most Exquisite Line of Calendars ever seen iu tbis city are to be seen iu our store. Our line of Holiday Xoveltiei are all new goods--no old stock from last year. Finest lines of Celuloid Cases, Oxford and Banter Bibles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Leather Goods and Booklets at Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVE. , I T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO, OIK LACKAWANNA AVENUE, UAU M ll I VI on PA HfAVUra MADE a contract with a framo factory to turn out 1,000 lram-8 between now anil Cur.at ifiua 1 I. :i, f . r t 1, lie that 1 will make a GENUINE OKA VON POBTRArr conleJ from any nmall one ABSOLUTEI.V FREE OP CHARGE. LATEST sn i.i s OF FKAHKS l'KUU :.. UrWAUU. Workmaualilp guaranteed. Kraniea 'M utr cent, leas than regular price I in rill II.. ArtUt. iiom the .V. lr. Tribune, Nti I, IIM. The Flour Awards "Chicaoo, Oct. 31. Fh first ofUcUl announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour Las been made. A medal has ueen awarded by the Woild's Fair judges to the flour munu faclured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , in tbe great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tbe flour strong end pure, and entitles it to rank as first-daw patent flour for family und bakers' use." MEGARGEL & GONNELL WHOMMALE AOKNT SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brand of flour can be had nt any of the following merchants, who will accept The Tribune flour OOCPOH of '.'"( on each one huuJreJ jo i ids of flour or SO on each barrel of flour. Ecranton-F. P. Prica, Washington avenue, Oold Medal Brand. Hydalrk-Caison Davlf, Washburn St. Uuld Medal Ilrand; Jaeph A. Mean.. Main HTenue, Superlative Brand. Oreen Ridge-A.L.Spencor.Oold Medal Brand. Dunmoro-F. i'. Price, Gold Medal Brand. Olypliant-Jaraea Jurdan, Superlative Brand. Dunuiore-F. D. Mauley. Snperlativo Brand. Providence-Fenner & CbappelLN' Main ave nue, Superlative brand ;Ci Oilleapie, W. Market atreot. Oold Medal Brand. Peckvllla-bUaffer K. iser, Superlative Brattd. Jermyn-C. O. Winterj Co. Superalntive brand. C'arioudale--B. S. Clark, Oold Medal Broad, Honesdule- J. N. Foattr ot Co. Oold Midi.l Brand. y Honoedale-W.P. Scbenck,.Surirlatlvrt Hi and Haltou-S. E. Finn & Son. Uuld Modul liryii-1 Uuuldsboro-8 A. Adaii,. Gold Mrdal BtTind Tobybaima Tobvl"""f- & JelHiib I.umbj Co , Oold Medul brand. llllilj k CULLS -0 NEW STORE WASHINGTON AVENUE Never since we became known as a business firm have wa shown such a marvel -ously beautiful line of Holiday Novelties. In REED, RATTAN, FANCY AND PLUSH CHAIRS AND ROCKERS We show a range of specialties which baffles description. Reception Chairs.Rock ers, Corner Chairs, Easy Chairs, Work Tables, Work Baskets, etc., are here in all the daintienss and elegance that art can lend to them, and in such profusion that the only trouble will be in selection. We desire calling especial attention to our ONYX CABINETS AND TABLES. The Marble used is the finest Mexican Onyx, and the Standards are the very best quality of Brass, highly polished and lacquered In Heavier Furniture We show many specialties in Ladies' Writing Desks and Secretaries, Combination Furniture, Book Cases, Sideboards,etc. All purchased foythe holiday trade. To particularize further is unnecessary. We would simply add that we're making a big bid for Trade, and if Fine Goods, Moderate Prices and Endless va riety count for anything, we ought to have it, as no finer stock can be found in this State. OPEN EVENINGS. , ' HILL & CONN ELL, 31 and 133 Wj ton Avenue.