The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 01, 1894, Image 1

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    Peace to
The old year's aslics. And
may we not soon look
upon its like again.
Begin the
New year with clear
hauds, clean brains and
the cleanest and brightest
daily paper.
it in
Two Hundred and Thirty-five Millions Van
isb in Slock Shrinkages.
The Market Value of Twenty-five Rep
resentative Railroad and Industrial
Stocks Show The Great Deprecia
tionBelief That the Bottom Has
Been Reached and Better Times Are
in Prospect Table Showing the
Market Value in 1892 and in 1893
and Net Loss on Principal Specula
tive Railroad and Industrial Stocks.
hare been various, but one of the prin
cipal reasons has beou the reckless and
and unreasonable cutting of rates by
th traffic in infers in all lections of
the country. This cutting was most
severe amoug the roads northwest and
southwest of ohioasro and the trans
continental lines. The eastern trunk
lines also became involved in the
squabble, ncd of late and up to the
present time have i a-n slashing rates
right and left. The Erie has taken the
most prominent pnrt in the fight, and
being operated by receivers appointed
by the court its reductions have been
open and announced, whereas its com
petitors were in a poiitton to secretly
make lower rates than those of the
After several conferences the troubles
east of Chicago were adjusted, auU on
Jan. 1 rates will be restored to the
basis in force previous to the war. The
transcontinental lines have also
reached an agreement.and will advance
rates on Jan. 1. The Canadian Pacific,
however, threatens to carry on a guer
rilla warfare, but if the other lineslive
up to their agreement they will be able
to whin the Canadian company into
New York, Dec. 31.
'HE business year jusc closed has
been specially remarkable for
the enormous depreciation in the
values of speculative securities
and commodities in all the markets of
the world. In L mdou the deprecia
tion in values of secutities traded in
there amounted to $335,000,000, bnt
large as is this amount the depreciation
in the market value of securities dealt
in ut the Now York stock exchange
has been many times greater. This is
indicated by the fact that the market
value of twenty-five representative
railroad and industrial stocks decreas
ed over $23.), 000. 000 in the past year.
A calculation of tin- depreciation on all
the bonds and stocks listed, if it were
possible, would show the losses to
have been stupendous.
The depreciation has not been con
futed to the speculative markets; it ex
tended to every branch of trade and
industry, and the losses in strictly bus
iness enterprises hav.. been simply
enormous. The wonder is, not that
failures have been so many, but that
they have been so few.
The money market had a severe
shaking up during the year, at times
nanicky to a degree that loans could
uardly be obtained at any rate, even
on the best gilt-edge collaterals. The
stringency began in February, when
the hanks practically withdrew from
the time loan market, and borrowers
were forced to satisfy their needs by
.vborrowing on call. At this time the
treasury gold reaerva was falling
rupid and the New Yvk banks came
to its relief by giving 48.800,000 gold
In exchange for legal tenders. Tho ac
tion of congress in voting to continue
the operation of the Sherman silver law
until the new congress should meet, in
sensified the feeling of uncertainity re
specting our currency and induced
foreign bankers to call sterling loans.
One of the most striking features of
the financial disturbances of the year
was the masterly manner in wbich the
presidents of the New York banks
bandied the situation. Their prompt
ness to recognize the gravity of the
crisis and their equally prompt meas
ures to meet it have been fully recog
nized and appreciated by all classes
of the businesi community. The is
sue of clearing house loan certifi
cates enabled them to utilize their
entire resources and give their cus
tomers the full benefit of the same.
That this was done is shown by the
fact that during the oritical period
the amount of their loans was largely
iu excess of their deposits. Thus at the
clove of 1892 the loans amounted to
$437,722,000, deposits to $444,589,400,
and the surplus reserve to $0,839. 550
On Feb. 4. 1893. loans were $464,910,
200. deposits $49.r), 475, 600, and surplus
reserve $18. 054. 00' the Utter having
been $23, 143,300 on Jan. 28.
' From the total of Feb. 4 deposits de
clined to $370, 479,2d) on Aug. 19, while
loans fell oil to onlv $106,510,200 in the
same time, a decrease of $124.99400
iu deposits, and only $58,870,000 in
loam, Iu the same lima from a sur
plus of over $23. 000, W0 th banks' re
serve fell off until on Aug. 12 they were
$16,545,375 below the kgal reserve re
quired against deposits. Since Aug.
19 deposits have rapi lit increased and
now stand $493,747, 700; or over $54.-
000,000 more than at the close of 1892
Loans continued to ho reduced until
Sept. 25, when thev were down to
$392,145,000. Since then, they have in
creased to $416,287,000. hr $21,500,000
less than at tbe end . 1812. The low
est point of the total reserve was $76.
505,500 Aug. 15. since wlich time it
has risen to $202,610,700. The surplus
reserve on Dec tia $74,1)37.775, nn
increase of $94,500,000 sluce Aug. 12,
and is $71,000,000 greater trim at tbe
end of 1892. In tact the plethora of
money is now so great that blnkers are
at their wite end to find some; channel
of profitable employment for at leaet
part of It. The following nble ex
plains itself:
Tabu Showing Mahkbt Vaiurin 1BH2-93
and Net Loss on Stocks.!
Market Market
vriucikl' Miiupim;. IVrroiuio
A . T & S. F..1 ... .".!, S VA2UI.U0O 3 &440.UUU
B. &V
Can. 8
C, B. & 0 ...
Cen. of N. J..
C, M. &8t. P.
C, R I. Ss K.
C. 4 N. W....
D. ft H i i pf.
Manhattan. ..
MiHunrl P...
N. Y. d! N. E.
Nor Pat
No. Pac, ft. .
xi.inii.ivii iN.7W.miu LUUl.uuv
H.WO.UX) 7.86tl.(Ji M60, 000
8t.A17,;YM 61,0)7,025 IhW.WU
ltf.NOO.iiOO -i -..!. I ,l
28.:nt, STi.ixii.nio .tx;t.ii
87,7-l2.;).V) HS,ar.f30 ll.flw.S-'O
iw.anuso 90,ff!W8ii
43.74l.4BO W.iSWKO 4,-ur.uxo
12.WU.7a0 7.141,500 n.MiitiiO
18.,W.',41 Ui2,040 M'-HM!
47,100.0)0 R!.7),w00 l().:ui,KI
27.IOS.HOO 9.7i4,4BO 17,l)14,tfi
8.011,05 2,575,170 0.;i3B,8fc
7,840.IKK) 2,082,5110 5,757,Sjl
17,160,5110 (!,406,2W) 10,76l.:idl
'II I. II u-il .1 k- ' J".l 1 I I 111 Of.
The San Francisco has arrived
Decrease In ma'rkJt value lu 1803. . 101,'u? v! ttiluM nainbuco on her way to Rio
ne. Rates for both freiirlit and pas-
seueers have fallen to tho lowest point
on record, and holders of railroad se
curities have suffered enormous losses.
Tho latest complete returns of both
gross and not earnings were for the
month of October, tor that poriou loo
roads reported total gross earnings of
$64. 022,923, compared withe $67,396,-
29 for the corresponding month in
1892, a decrease of $3,373,907. But
though the economies put in force ear
ly in tbe last half of the year operating
xpensea were reduced $3, i05,219, the
totals having benn $38, 992, 975
ul893 and $32,398,194 in 1892,
As a result net naming were $25,
889,948. against $21,998,685 in 1892.
an increase of $331 ,313 This increase,
although small, was a material train. as
1892 net earnings wero $607,618
smaller than for the same month in
1891. whn the increase over 1890 was
2.722. 350. The results for the ten
months ending 0:t. 31 refl-ict the ad
verse cond'.tions under which the rail
roads labored during the year. The
returns of 120 roads show total gross
earnings of $502,341,089. compared
with $o.l, loo,208 for tUo corresponding
petiod of last year, a decrease of $10,-814,219.
Four Persons Croma'.oi by the Burning
of Their Home.
Omaha, Dec. 81. A fire in a cottage
owned by John Cummings this morn-
ng resulted in four fatalities. Ihe
fire was quickly extinguished and four
bodies were discovered huddled to
gether in the corner of the bedroom.
They were the remains of John Cum
mings and wife, one chile: 3 years old.
and Mrs. Margaret Fox, mother of
Mrs. Cummingt.
John Cummings had bun ill in the
bedroom adjoining tbe sitting room in
hlch tho family were seated at the
time. The child was with t - father.
Tho mother who was reading, rose
from beside the stove and went into
he room, Mr. Cummings overturned
lamp, which was standing on the
ter table, and the home hum i
ly took fire. Mr. Cummings closed
I 1. i. .ill ili-mr- nn1 ! ... t , r . 1 1 n . t.i
t Jitory of Totnmie Fox, a boy who
escaped, held it tightly shut. The four
human beings were ponned up aud
conld not escape. They wore burned
to a crisp.
According to the story of the bov, he
endeavored to open the door aud re
lease those in the burning room, but in
vain. When the fire burst into the
room in which he was, he was driven
into the street. Cummings was a
heavy drinker and had been suffering
from excessive drinking for some time.
It is supDOSid that he had an attack of
lelinum tremens and was in an insane
state when he committed the awful
Prominent Philadelphia B inker Expiree
at a Rip Age.
Philadelphia, Dec. 31. Alexander
Brown, a well known citizen of this
city, died tonight, aged 78 years.
Mr. Brown was tbe son of J n A.
Brown, one of the founders of the great
banking houee of Brown Bros. & Co.,
and was born iu this city.
Greecea' Parliamentary Building Is a
S.cond Time Attacked.
Athens, Dec. 31. A dynamite petard
was exploded outside the parliamentary
building. Much dam ige was done to
property, but none to life.
Rose and Charles Coughlun are recon
Reading company collieries ordered to
be put on three-quarter time.
Lehigh Valley officials will not employ
ex-strikers who niulie threats.
tleorge N. Leigliton.a Cincinnati swiud-
ler, committed suicide in Chicago.
Ex-Minister Stevens will explalu before
the senate probing committee what he did
in Honolulu.
William A. Benuett, teller in the Provl-
deuce, K, 1., Ulooe .National bank, ab
sconds with $10,000.
Shock won the big bicycle match, break
ing tbe record with 1,000 miles, or 143 miles
more than ever riddun before in six days.
The minority or Republican house re
port on the Hawaiian affair charges the
uroououb wiiii ignoriug lue piaiu mu
guage of the constitution.
As the wife of Frank Billlngslaa, iusane,
kissed him good-bye iu the Weston, W.
Va. asylum, he drew a razor from bis
coat, cot her throat and bis own.
at Per-
A. C. O
A. CO. pf...
A. 8. It
A. B H. pf..
Chicugo One.
D C. iind P..
Ouu. Eleutrle
SO. 77.11100
21,6 9.000
7.525.1 00
Decrease in market value in 1893
Decrease In railroad stocks
2.243, 1 ;il
Total 1236,589,180
That the railroad business of 1898 has
been unprofitable admits of no question
ge causes for sucb unfavorable results
Chancellor Von Caprivl and Finance
. 1 Ul.l.... M ...... I 1 C. ... I. J
iiii0.c. mujuui iiuvw ..ruuii.u im.uui.iicu.
Corbett is over-trained. It was decided
Inst eventug that he shall taks a four days'
1.4 OliMLnn.l .laatlia fn.n Mlilain Im..
ccuurred at Teueriffe, ono of tbe Cauury
"is'iithaniel Wheeler, president of the
Wheeler & Wilson Mauufaotnriag com
pany, died at Bridgeport, (Joan.
The opinions in full of Justice Harlan
null Senator Morgan, arbitrators for the
United States in the Bering sen case, wore
in. m fans.
Professor Sbortlidge, Inane from the Grip,
Shoots and Kills His Wife.
The Principal of Shortlidge's Acad
emy for Young Men, at Media,
While Temporarily Deranged, Goes
Walking with His Young Wife and
Suddenly Empties the Contents of
His Revolver in Her Head.
510 AND 512
Thrilling and Terrible Experience of
the Crew of the Red Star
Steamer Rhynland.
New York, Dsc 81 The Red Star
Line steamer Rhynland, which arrived
in port early this morning, four days
overdue, brought a story of storm and
havoc, such as the big liners seldom ex
perience. The Rhynland left Antwerp
Dec. 10 On tho night of the 19ch the
moon was bright, but the
wind blew a gale from the south
west bv west, and the seas made
the big iron steamer tremble and pitch
At midnight she was in about longi
tude 17 west and latitude 52 north. On
the bridge were Captain Mills, Chief
Officer Duhson nnd Third Officsr Krog
er. A second watch had been called
nnd was on the point of relieving the
first when a cry came from the bridge:
Look out for a wave.
There was it thundering noise, a
crashing of timbers, and the steamer
shook from stem to stem, staggering
under thousands of tons of water. A
wave not less than thirty-five feet high
met her, head on. and swept the entire
length of her decks, reaching way up
over tbe bridge. When it had passe!
the decks were nearly deserted. Of
the.twenty-sevenmen of tho two watch
ers, hardly one was in sight. tne oaloers
on the bridge at lesst Mnrtv
feet above the wat"r bud seen the com
ing avalanche of water first, aud catch
ing hold of the rail war.' able to resist
ihe force of the crest Hie seamen and
petty ..Ulcers on the promennde deck
were swept along as feathers, and
dropped on various parts of the deck
aft. No. i llteboat on tne Dort side
was carried away, and the iron guard
rail of the protueuade deck was whip
ped up from its holdings for a distance
of 180 feet and swept overboard.
Tbe officers and tbe few men who
were able to pick themselvss up started
in search of the other men. They
found the men in various portions of
the vessel, some of them uuconsious.
The ship's surgeon was on hand
aud be found teu men requir
ing treatment, three of them having
snstained serious injury. The carpen
ter had his left thigh fractured. He had
been picked up by tbe wave as the
quRrtermaster had been, and wa4 swept
against the forward port shrouds to
wnieh he had clung. A boy of 16 had
bis left leg broken in two ulaces, and a
sailor was found to have a fractured
thigh The others were badly shaken up
and bruised.
'I ho Old Volcano Is B lchintr Forth Fire
and Bmoku.
City of Mexico, Dec. 81 The vol
cano on Popocatepel has heen in erup
tion for several days. A smoky glare
has been discernible from this city,
with frequent fhshes of light, The
eruption is usually violeut. The vol
cano at its crater is a sua of fire, which
is viftMe for a great distance.
A tourist prrty, which is now be
lieved to be near the summit; is in
great danger. The fate of the work
men at the sulphur mines at the old
crater is also tbe subject of much concern.
General Resumption of Mills it
Western Pennsylvania Will Occur
Early in the New Year.
Best Oltlatna of Atlanta Anxious
Have the Bur Fight.
Atlanta, Oh.. Dec. 81. An athletic
club was organized here today wttb a
paid up capital of $10,000 aud a bid for
the Corbett-Mitchell contest was made
in the event the meeting cannot be
milled off iu Florida.
It lias been found that the laws of
Georgia do uot even prohibit a prize
fight and tbe parties interested in the
movement are among the leading and
most influential men ia tbe city.
Probable Length of the Present Ses
sionHawaiian Question to Come
Up in the House Friday.
Pittsburg, Dc. 81. The advent of
the new year will will be accompanied
by a decided boom in industrial circles
in this section. By announcements
made by the various mill owners on the
South Side nearly every mill will be in
operation by tbe middle of this week.
Mo9t of the plants will be run double
turn, something which they have not
lone since the beginning of the pres
out depression ia business circles last
spring. The resumptions ou tbe South
Side alone, it is estimated, will give
employment to 3,000 idle men. Among
the mills preparing to start this week
are the Sligo Rolling mill, Oliver Her
bert mammoth wire and rod works,
and Oliver's Tenth street mills. These
plants will all resume on Tuesday or
Ihe tire and plate mills at the
Black Diamond, which have been only
running three days a week, will be put
on full turn Tuesday. Assurances
have been given tho men that work
will be reasonably steady, as the com
pany is taking all the orders it can, se
cure with the intention of operating
the mills as continuously as possible.
After nn idleness of nearly ten
montbf the Carrie furnace, No. 1, at
Keating station, will be put in blast
this week. 1 he furnace has been re
paired and enlarged, and is practically
a new furnace. About 300 men will be
given employment. Miinball's coal
works, near Homestead, will resume
this week after being closed down for
nearly five months. Over 200 men will
be given work. The Rochester tumb
ler works will start up Tuesday, and
300 hands will be taken on in a short
timo, as the large new factories will be
started up double time.
That Is, If That Alone Will Convene an
Kith Sosalon.
Denver, Col., Dec, 81. Governor
Wnite says he will have au extra ses
siou if lie has to hang for it, and that
he will do all in hhj power to keep tha
legislature iu session.
One of his schemes, it is said, is to
frighten the legislators by surrounding
tbe assembly building with several hun
dred populists who shall bowl for the
passage of relief measures aud who
shall threaten the senators and mem
bers if they adjourn.
Was Z corner Murdered by Highwaymen
on a Flttiburg' BrldgeP
Pittsuuru, Dec. 31. Max Zjorner.
aged 23, was found at 8 o'clock tonight
lying on tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago railroad bridge, apparently
dead. He had been shot through tbe
There is a doubt whether Z mrner at
tempted suicide or was assaulted bv
highwaymen Z)orner stated to the
physician that he bad been assaulted
and robbed or $200.
Another Car Oraehed Into Motcrman
Hartman'e, with Faiel Effaot
Philadelphia. Dec. 31 Jacob Hart
man, a uiotoruian on the Catherine aud
Bainbridge streets trolley line met his
death tonight on bie oar in a peculiar
There was some trouble with tb
trolley wire aud Hartmau was leaning
out of the front window looking up at
the wire and bis oar over ran a switc
and collided with another car.crushiug
his head against the woodwork aud
kl Uing him almost iustautly.
W ASHINOTON, Dec. 31. Maoh specu
lation is being indulged in as to the
probable length of the session of con
gress. It is thought tliis congress will
be compelled to consume about us
much time as did the fifty-first con
Kress in tbe consideration of the Mo
Kinley bill. Senator Voorhees looks
for a loug session, not, us he says, so
much ou account of the tariff bill, but
because of general matters before the
country. There are other senators
who think this congress will be in ses
sion until lute in September, if, indeed
it does not run into October.
If all the calculations of the leaders
of the party in both houses are not out
of joint, tho Wilson tariff blil should
become a law by May 1. It is now
nearly five months sinoa tbe subjeot of
Ihe tariff cam boforo this congress. In
the consideration of the bill there has
been consumed about four months.
Debate ou the Hawaiian question in
the home is expeuted to come upon
Friday, under the terms of tbe in
formal arrangement entered into the
day before adj uirn meats by ChairmaD
McCreary, of the foreign affairs com
mittee, with SDeaker Crisp nnd Cnair-
tuau Wilson, of the ways and means
committee. If it should appear on that
day that a D'tnnoratic quorum is not
present, the resolution will not De called
up. It Is exp'cted that the dubate m
ast two or threa davs, and that the
resolution reported by the committee
will receive the united support of the
Democratic members.
It Will O.cur Before Referee Call In Re
Corbett Fight
Jacksonville, Fla , Dec. 31 -Next
Tuesday Governor Mitchell, represent
ing, as he says, "the peace aud dig
nity" of the state of Floridn, and the
Duval Athletic clnb, representing the
lovers of tho manly art of self-defence,
are matched to meet in tho legal arena,
The occasion of the meeting of these
parties will be habeas corpus proceed
ings instituted before Judge Call in the
matter of the recent arrest of
Corliett, nnd Mitchell to test
tho Florida law in relation to prize
fights The athletic club mauagers
claim to be absolutely certain
of the result. They say that Judge
Call will grant the writ of habeas
corpus nnd release Corbett and
Mitchell from arrest, declaring that
there is no law iu Florida ttgaiust
glove contests
Alter this decision the club offioial
say all will b plain sailing for the
meeting of Cnrhatt and Mitchell on
the date advertNed, Jan. 26.
Ban Antonio Busineee Men Renew Off r
of Bla- Puree.
San Antonio, Tex , Dec 81. Since n
strong doubt has arisen that the Cor
bett Mitchell light will not come off in
Florida, the syndicate of San Antonio
business men have renewed their offer
of $25,000 to tbe managers of the prin
cipals to have the contest come off in
Sun Antonio or Mexico.
No reply has yet been received.
Robert Lewis SUye Robert Smith, a
Drinking Companion
P1TT8BU uu, Pa,, Dec. 81, Robert
Lewis Shot and fatally wounded
Robert Smith during a drunken brawl
early this morning in Spruce alley.
Smith cannot possi bly rooover.MhejEis
was arrested. lioth were
Media, Pa., Dec. 81,
HILE snfferiug from insanity
due to an attack of the grip,
Switheu C. Sbortlidge, prin
cipal of Shortlidge's Academy
for Young Men, this morning shot and
killed his wuo instantly while walk
ing with her in a country road near
the school. Professor Shortlidge has
been arrested aud is uow raving in a
cell of the county jail.
On Nov. 15 last, Professor Short
lidge for the second timo married, his
second wife beiug Miss Marie Dixon
Jones, a young and pretty instructor
at Wilson college at Cbamuersburg.
Pa. Miss Jones was well known in
society here, her brother being the
rector of the Christ Protestant Episco
pal churoh and nor mother is Dr.
Mary Ann Dixon Jones, a well known
pi-noticing physician of Brooklyn,
N. Y. Although Professor Shortlidge
is 55 and his wife was 27 their married
life gave every promise of bsing happy
and congenial.
Professor Shortlidge has boon unwell
for some time prior to his marriage
bnt until the 4t'b of the present month
when he was attacked with grip bis ill
ness was not serious. Since he has had
tho grip, however, Professor Shortlidgo
has given many indications of being
mentally affected aud his family have
watched him closely.
Last night he got out of bed and
insisted upon taking a walk, and sooner
than let him go alone his wife accom
panied him. It is supposed that the
same notion suddenly possessed him
this morning about 9.30 o'clock, and
that bis wife again went wilh him.
That the walk was hurriedly decided
upon was shown by the fact that both
Professor Shortlidge and Mrs. Short
lidge hud their night clothes on under
their other gaiments.
"What words or incidout led up to
the terrible tragedy is not known.
Several people met tho professor and
Mrs. Shortlidge sauntering down a
road near the school and spoke to them,
but the sound of the revolver shots on
the clear air was the first intimation
that any person nearby bad of tho un
fortunate man's crime. Attracted by
tne snots, several men ran towards the
spot, and in the dirty, snow-tinged
mud of the road thero lay the bodies of
Professor Shortlidge and his wife.
The former was stretched across the
body of his wife moaning: "Mane,
Marie speak to me, speak to mo. What
have I donef What have I done?" A
dark rod stroam of blood was flowing
from beneath Mrs. Sliortlidge's head
and forming a horrible pool in the
muddy road. Clos'j beside the pnir
was a revolver. The men raised the
professor from the body of his wife and
tbon they found that she was dead, the
whole back of her head being crushed
in by the bullets that had entered it.
Dress Goods
In order to close out balance
of stock in a few broken
lines the following
Special Prices
will hold good for this week.
7 pieces 4in. Storm Serge
in Navy, Myrtle and Black
55c, former price 85c
5 pieces 54. in. In Navy only,,
65c, former price $1.00.
4 pieces 50-in. Hop Sacking,
ouc., tormer price $1.00.
16 pieces strictly all-wool
Cheviots in Strines anrl!
Mixtures at
29c and 47c, former price
50c. and 65c
A few Choice Patterns Fine Scotch
Cheviot Suits in Broken Checka
and Plaids at nearly Half-Price.
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tannod Leather Belling.
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.
It Ia Illustrated in the Case of Reading
Company's Emploves.
Reading. Dec. 31 During the past
week n numb-r of employes in the
various departments connected with
the Reading Railroad company's ma
chine shop iu this city have been un
dergoing a physiciiil examination by
physiciam employed bv the relief asso
ciation. As it consequence a number
failed to pass tho inquired test and
were discharged.
A few of those ex trained were re
jected because of beiug ovor 45 years
of age.
Cannot Co Business Under the Throat of
Free Trade.
Huntingdon, Pa., Dec. 31 The ex
tensive fire brick works of R. B. Wig
ton & Sons, of Philliphiirg, Center
comity, have shut down, throwing out
of employment a large number of men
employed at the plant aud firo elay
Superinten " int Wigtou nnnounees
tho works w iot resume until a final
disposition is ule of tho Wilson tariff,
which proposes a reduction of two dol
lars per thousand on firebricks.
- -
Creditors Havo Despaired of Qettlna the
Frotnleed Settlement.
Tiffin, U Dec. 81 It is now ac
cepted as a tact by most of tbe credit
ors of ex-Goveruor Foster that he will
be unable to make a settlement with
them at 50 rente on the dollar accord
ing to agreement.
The process of law looking to the
recovery of what is in Bis,'-'-, for the
benefit of the creditors of Fos & Co.
will be proceeded with without delay.
Causes Given for the Suicide of Two De
spondent Men.
PlTTSBUf.'i.Dec. 81 Horace II. Graf
ton, of Sewickley, a traveling salesman
aud William Douuhue, of Mercer, an
oil operator, committed suicide last
Grafton had Bright's disease and
Donahue was suffering from the ef
fects of drink.
C!AH tVASHiNOToa. Dee. Jl. Fyrrcatt
.u..c.awru rii.M'.i 1 run
Lewis, ReiNy Uavies
a ha: py new year to ah.
HUliE IS 18U4
Delighted and happy becauso his principal
article of apparel Is a now pair of SHOES.
You, too, will bo more than ploased If you.
will lotus fit you with a warm, comfortable
pair of Shoes.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies,
It will pay you if you don't wish
to buy tc look in our show windows
and see the Prettiest Line of Jew
elry and Novelties for Christmas tn
Scranton. All goods warranted as