1 1 - 1 r . . .1 . , 1 • •r. / 1 . • • . . . E f ,i. :, .. . _.,.,,,„„,„.:„„„;,..2.„..........,... . • ,„ ~ . . G ...........• •.{ - 4 , .:,.::- 1." ;"`... . . _ . I , --, 5.;1.7., Jai.-- X..1..•H1Ve-_,/,,,, . . , . , ,g, *, 1,!,,,-,-,m,, 5...4 , 40--., • ii... I ~. .11Y , . . ----- . 11 4.1: 1, • - "VIS k ... . 4.1.'‘..., ."..,' • ..... ~ - 1 • . , ‘,-P:V.„- 1 ., . .... .... . , ,„ ) i 0 11 A I!==alii VOL. 11.---NO. 46. THE, READING DAILY EAGLII Is PUDI,IIItBD Mandl Alf ITTE CU., AT NO. 542 PENN STREET. A EIITNIN1M:11 INIIHRTEM AT REA- St . :0_11A111 , 11 It ATM. M=== GEORGE F. BAER, A TTOIINEY AT • LAW. , tit g e e, No. 44) Norm /3 1.11,1 ntrent, (up „ t o r Q nearly opposite thouCour tl t Home, Readwg,rs. m MATTHIAS MENGEL, I,DERMAN AND ATTORNEY ji nt Law. Onloo No. 21 South 131x.th sheet. All kinds fir collecting and eon v4auchig (Ire nt the aliortent notice. Al,O nets as Counsel for Adminhdrators In selling up ethites on reitsonableternas. (nate)) I-11 JOHN W. BICKEL, , 4 rI'OII.NKY AT LAW, °tyke, l iActi(t,r _iv wonting, (bit ttoor s lntok.) No. IROrCett trtr.wt, Potlgvtllo,Cun ho conntil- Wit In tlw Gorman hinguttge: (mar 4 JESSE G. HAWLEY, A ITORNEV AT I,AW.—Qflleo No, 442, I'c'on atrcet, Sehmunkot llougo Bull , Flutrauce through tttO 15Aor.n •,11ook Horn. CIAO 27-d •_ _ :IMO IV Al. AI)VAItTiaIVIIEN*I4. DR, LOUIS Do BARTH KUHN, I v VIC 11 AND IaiiiIDENGEi No. 244 North Ninth street, heading, riv Sea 3ti )It. JOHN STEPIIEN I • 'renders his professional servieus to citizens of !tending P : No. 2(17 N 0 Glut lie consulted In t l sa English and tier new languages, at all hours of the tI or when not professionally absent. dee 21-iiintaw. H. M. NAGLE, (11. S. Pension Surgeon.) tzto Pena str4q,t, g, Pa. • (Mee lioard-12 to 2p. in. otoB p. in. JAa 1,1 41 D. P. BOYESt, M. D., (lPENI.;1) AN OFFIcE FON TUN I j riltel leo 0( 314911000 !it )10. 39 NOrth SI Sat 90(91( i Wading, Pa. 0111 co itoare (1010 9 10 9 A. M., 110 3 and 0 t o 0 mar 12.(1 P,l INTB,OII, AND GLASS.-- 1 iretherili him whit(' Leila, Foster's Engli,ll Pure White Load, Liberty Pure Lead, Pearl Pore White Lewis Red Skttl Mae, French Mass, all sizes, A tuvrictot UhtHH , qIL tllPea, Linseed Oil, rut , ty„l'al»l9, (to. For sale cheap, sod all goods tenrrnnlyd as if Old, lry )doIiONVAN Jr hill/TIMONE, (ct 31-triv 612 Penn street. JOB WORK GERD N AND ENGLISH, Dolsilt ,AT TIIIG snoRTEBT NOTICE, AT TIES taGI,I.I PRINTING OFFICE? 1'1: .VN fkili'2,) it 11orsr Ft tt RENT.--A THREE-STORY IIItit:Ii )11)11Sii, with twO•story back blinding., situate at 814 Penn troot, bia liv,pil Ehtlith and Nlnth, sul.4 Vic for a 1 t•torp. 'Cho third story is arra god for a (Ago Room, AVIIV to 1 , REM: RICK SUIIIILDT, ( log :iontit Ntnth Moot, mar IA 1 CATHOLIC PRAYER BOORS. CATHOLIC lIIISCILINE MANUAL, KEY OF 11F,AVEN. fill; UATIIOLIC YAM MECUM. I'N'CLE FRANK'S SERIES. SERIES Gol.f)EN LIGHT SFAIIES AI if,Y MOONBEAM SERIES, siNGING BOOKS. MAITY VOICES. S.IIIIrATH SCHOOL B 1 LL. FOB SALE*, BY RITTER & co., AT TM: LAGLE Boou'sTonE, X e.. : 4 '3 reftti tell 2;-41 LUIs.III3EIII LUMBER 11 BOAS& ItAUDENPUSH, Corner 4th end Spruce 'Street. The R r I.uniber Yard on 4 fth sf., Wow Penn.) Vitt ROT, C/II 7 :AP4gT AND MOST CON V ENI ENT YARD IN TrIII CITY. Wo have constantly on bawl a largo ^"()( ( tam% of all %limits of Lumber, which bo di4ansail of at the lowest intil.ket Price : 4 n gaßatlties to suit purchasers. AYG. F, ItoAS. GEO. W. ILANDENDUSFI. Fn. '21461 I, I XCELSIOI: BOOT AND /HIDE STORE, !Co. ttO(t Penn Street, Rend ink, Pa., (Nest Door to Ler \ eh'd frardwake Store.) 11 A.RW & DRAKE; 13 , ,K to anneunee to the calzeus of ti.etlittog na vlelnity, that they have HOW in' Store, very i)11e flisort mont or 'S AND BOOTS AND SHOES. A 1.80, LANES' ANI) 0111,1312E1 4 1 1 8 BOOTS AND et all /dies, and of very .43U parlor tnalw, winch they will sell at life lowest Mlei's. They Invite all to enktandtipo the)r ono k berere Durehaiing eledwliere: , 1110 Y hive also a Ilmwtssortment of the stylo3 HATS OD OAPS, at 10W llgarea, 4 4'.1.11 kinds of customer work Mann vuun rvilin the vory best style s at 610 " nCF. 11( , 0, patronage Of the pul)110 is respects at le aulietted. • tjanll4l7, flint dreadful Had tlest rue etivo habit which anuitaify swoops to nil untimely grh 0 thousands of 'young Mon of tim most exalted taients tun), brilliant luteßeet s win) might otherwise have cll. Crttticed Listening beitatea, with the Min ders ut eiecluelice tit yvwked to eebtasy the living 11 , re, linty call with full trouthlo nee. TAIiE I'AirrIOU.LAR NOTICE. 12nasa are mane of the lutd etfootproduced by early habits of youth, viz Woakuues of tho Batik uuU bhubs, rano in tho Head, Dininebs of bight, Lob Of M ILIOUlasrPo wur r t'a Ipi lotion of thell earl, Dyspepalit, Norvous irritability, Derange• wont of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of ConiAtniption, Sr.e. AIHNTALLY.—Tin) finlflll, fleet on the mind aro such to be trot 110 Loss 01 Memory, Contusion of I.letW, yuproulona (.1 ripirits, Iforeboilingo, veraion to 800loty, Solf-Distrust, Lova crt Solitude, Timidity, /le., are tiOtile of tit 4 ovile pro duced. Married Persons, or Young Mon contem plating marriage, being awaro of physical woulcuoss,_ organic) deformities, cto., should apply iruniediatoln 1J who places hiinsoli tumor the care 01' - Dr. J. may religiously emilitto i his honor as a !Nauman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. OlttiANIC WEAKNRSS, IMPOTEN• `CY I 1 PIL1)IN1!).NT TO MAURIAO E. Dy Dr, lohnstones marvellous iyoutinont, woiticiaiss of the organs is speedily eared and full vigor restored. Thousainis of tho most, nervous, ticallitated mud impotent, Who linti,lout all hopes, have been 10 1110. diatuly relieved. Ail impedimental° Marriage, rhYsioal or Mental Disqualilication, I,t)bb i'rooreii time Powery Nervoui irritability, Trom bling and Weakness, or oxhaustion of tho most fearful kina c upeotlily ourocl. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the noyiik Colloo of Surgeons, iconcloupraduitto troth ono f the most em inent Collogos the United dtatos, and the greater part o whoscplife has boon spent in tho hospitals o London, rarlsi riiiiadolphla and elsowlieroi sca.,c uoleu `with si•-• ringing artne nem and curs when aeleep, ,, great netyousnestr,boing alai.inoii at sial.' den sounds, bashfulness, with irequenti. blushing, attended sometimes with tier raugement, of mind, were cured limnecli ataty. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain prautice indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned trout evil eompauions, or at bchool, the effeetsofwmeh are night• ly felt, even when asleep, and it not eared rondets marriage itnpossiM 0, and destroy t , both mind and ,body, should apply hrUne diately. What a pity that a youth, matt, the hope of ats country, the darling of bia parehts, should be snatched from all prospeets and , 3 edeymeate of lite, by the consequence of deviating frOta the path of nature and In. dulging tit tytertitin secret habit, such pertsou9lC4aT, before cOntoinigating , refieet that a somiti ininQ and body aro the mon necessary requisites to promote con. militia happiness. Indeed, without these the journey through lite incomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect 'hourly darkens to the`view ; tho mind becomes slittdowcil with do spair and illiedwith the melancho ly fettcotiou thitt.tho happiness of ancii;lier tieComOs blighted 'With our own. , oii.h DISEASE OF,IMPRIMEN OE, - \ When the misguided. and imprudent vo tary or r;lcasuro Mitis that ho hag imbibed tau seeds of this painful disotthe, it too often, happons• that an tit-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from apiilying , to those who, iroin ciluca-' lien andrespeciability, can alone befriend Min, iltilqing till tile constitutional syrup . toms orp is horrid disease make their ap peariniCe, such a. ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose:nocturnal pains in the bead anti linibs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes o the shin-bones and arms', blotch es on th 4 head, nice and extremities pro grvaging with frightful rapidity, till at last the Alitt f o of the Mouth or the bones t of then le,) fall in, anti the victim of this awful di ease becomes it horrislobjeot of connulaeration, till doat b h y p s u o t i s id a ti p lif ei t . if m il t t: g h, i t s liii d tk r . t3 U ll 'a ti d f l u s i c a o t N i ' ll eiVd il eo s u l utry f r oni w hen es no traveller returns." , , . DR. JOHNSTON, ovfloil l No. 7 FiouTil ionsnEnion ST., Left-hand side going frotn /Ind tituorestres a few doors frourthe corner. rail not to observe the name and number. Letterstnust bapaid anucontain astatnp. Chu Doe't.or's Dtploma liangB in his Utica. ENDORSEMENT OF THE picEss, The many thousands mired at this insti tution your after year, and the manor- Cps important surgical Operations per formed :by 1)r. Johnston, wttnessed by the reporters of many other papifts, notices of -willeb bare the "Su Iv Giii,p6rer and appeared again and again before the; pub. lle,iresides his standing as agentlemen of oharacterantiVesponsibility, is anuciont guarante,oto the millets A • SKIN DISEASES EASILY CURED. I May 424,1606-I.yd&w* Mo(towan & Miltim.ore 0. C. HAIIIIILL. TIN PLATES, SIIRL:T IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, &c., &v., &0., &u, No. 612 PEN - N - SfREAT, R AbING, PA, sr 21-d. —Every tlesoription of Soh J Printing neatly eitaeutll,et the 'EAGI Prlntinit Ratntiliiihment. siPenn street. rE at the BAAL* 101/264 'VOTE PAI'EIU• von s, 41 once. SUS 26 ti '.'Ulf. JOHNSTON, 11ARRIACIE. MARRIAGE, DUALERS 1X lIA"RDWARR, CUTLERY", GUNS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS., METALS, REMARKABLE CURE -01-1 SCROFULA ~.-.~.-.~ u~:r-- ABOUT eight years rigoi, was attacked with a disease which wady its appenr. anco in the form of SORES, which kept getting worso for a length of time, unt,il my condition becitmo'ularming, when Pr. -. of Biddle street, was exiled in, who attended me for two months„at the end Of which time ho pronounced my ease hop o• less. • Ito then called ih Dr. then Of Lombard Street Infirmary, as ebnanign4 physician in my case,who also piononifeed my case incurahlo—to Uhl) Me Own words " my lower limbs would rot off." Both told mo I ;night poultice, but it wasino tom taking medic/tic ; and both stoppelt con - lug to see mu, During thu time or a 'litti beforo their attendance, the sight of m, loft eye left me from the effects of the d IS- Ciih=o, In this condition I lingered for near ly a year, when a friend brought me from Coleman tot. Hoge' 'a Drug store a botilci of the SANIAMTANIfi and 111:11111 When 1 comnumetul taking it I was confined to my bed, and not able to stand on the floor. After taking that bet tio 1 felt hotter. I then continue() until I hini taken si.levon bottles, when 1 wits Ml !lndy restored, ins sores all healed, my goterat ,heuttli na good, no over, And my sight netirly reetelcd. MATIY normmi, No.l JEtiderat Street. Sole rf Illargand, JlaZ i»torc (Nu, to•grit This Is to curt ify thaC on t 11th flay of Morel), ISM, pemmovily appeared betotiA mu, thu s(bserMer, Justice of the react) o the Mato of Maryland, In fool for Balt* more Cite aforesaid, Allay Hodges, and outdo oath to duo Soria of law, that the matter and facts stated h the foregoing , certificate are true as therein stated. Sworn hOfOro me. 1 1).113111)E, JtOtleo of the Peace. I IVesturn District. MS It is unneeessary to jay anything ntore regarding the curative powor4 of thu SAMARITAN'S ItUOT lIRIT.II JUICES. Morels a case given' , up by two of the most ado Doctors of Baltimore, ono of them a Physician to Um Lottibard Street Infirmary. in lialtiniorn CRS', an institu. [ion that is known throughout the coun try. Tlio SAMAILITAN'S•IIOOT a HERB JUICES Is a positive cure, for 'Scrofula In MI its forms, Urcers, t 4 ores,' Spots, Totters, Scales, 110115, and all diseases of the blood and skin. Asa remedy for'Syphilis it is positive. Physicians, by the use of this remedy you will permanently cure LlllB dreadful disease. Simi then the lancet, painting and caustic, which have alwaYs failed, and use it remedy that will lenvo your patents with sound bodioB. 111.23p0r bottle, SAMARITAN'S GIFT 1 an n. ply real aild poettlye cure for an. orrhael, Gloat, and flleeMlee itrißlng fri?in indiscretion. • 'llnlenut Copnlba :And Ideren -7 ilicsenrile6 only ton pills effect a cure. limy tiro pirely vemitithle; i.titrii In from two to four lave, lima avoiding ex polure and trouble. Prim male paelimets, 4r2.09; feniule,43.oo. , Bent by mall. LEUCORItH(EA, Olt WHITER. The attention- of females Is called to the use of this reinody, It botns• ii poeltlve,CaZif for these eoinlitattits._„.,,, m uN) a co,, titNe 1) , - 4 ' ' 915 Rite() Street, Plilln. •--- "SIANHOOD'S W E AKNESS." TUB BADEN•BADEN Constitution Invigorating Syrup TT AS BEEN PItEYditED rAPRE9SLY 11 to moot those iliriorrlcrif mining from Self•abuse and Sexual FACCESti. Energetic, yet Innocent, it gives tone and vigor not mil' , to the organs otgcneretlon, but to the system gonorally ; chucks involuntary sem inal emissions anti discharges, sores Dopy. tenon, anti removes the long train of dis• tretoing symptoms resulting trom • exces stye or umnitural use of the sexual °row). Call or send fora cfreitlar. Orders for , I idea-Titoloo Cooßtit talon In \Agora! Inir t 'yrop-stiottlit 'be aildroßlied to W M. C. MO N 1 - OttlEit Y, No, 140 North 54.t11 btroet. I'l4o' Att pot. hottlo. HONEY BIRCH, Agt. Inar 17-Bind itoNTG q ! . INI 14, It ' cELF f nfikrr,D LAIR 'RESTORER An Inlablo Article for the •Toilot, IT CURCK9 r. FALLING OuT or , . 111 V. HAIR, CAIIBI4 A ZIP:TV (11tOWTII Or HAIR , ON BALD SPOT:3, Restores Its Natural Color, Impreves Its (7 rowt h, r Invigorates t)oNealp And Roots of tho 'Hairs , • . 'Herm I es dm Secretions of Ulm Coloring Matter of the flair Removes Dandruir, Cures Eruptive Diseases of the Spell), Changes Whiskers anti Mustaches to their Natural Color, Does not Stain the Skip. IT IS NOT A DYE. A I'm Among Many Cases in Proof or its Invaluable Properties. 211 S 0 RRA P 1111,R- TO NIC OP TIIE DAY. W._ C. Mat oxicioertY, Egli.—Pcqr - Sir.-14 all New YOrk there is not a pi - elms lion to,t the hair tbitt can compare with Montgom ery's !fair Restorer, as a renewer of color and dressing. Undoubt6llyyours 14 tRe i l i, great hair tonic of the day. 1 speak fro II exvorieuce, having nsed many prepay • lions, and yours Is the only one that h s beneiltt ell me. My hair had been very gray • for a number of years, and your Rester 1 r has perfectly mit! WO/ 60 original color if the hair and greatly . Improved its grirt 1. itAs a dressing for the hairis exqu sit , and in every respeet a pleasiire to :$.1.401E. D. .1 4 .:1C1C1101 4 1e, 102 i t 101/Maiden La tie New York, August 20, 1600. • . m9,Airaomint rs IIAIR /7,/aTORE.II. W.(l. Mozcroomattv, 110 North oth etree Dear Nir.--My hair has been gray and whit for over thirty years. illy son, a ntercharit of this p 1 ice, purchased Imm M oof ontgon - eYve Hair Restorer. 1 was induced to It it, and in one week It restored my hair t its original, color, which was a dark brown. It not onifreetored toy hair to its natural color, but ronde'red le soft andgLosay, and removed alt dandruff from head. As a hair tonic it to the heat I have ever used. 1 feel It my duty to let the public generally know that they need not wear gray hair any lon• g r if they will only nee Win. C. Montgom, e y'a flair Keetorer. JAMES B, BARKER. i Georgetown, Del., March 18, 1888. , T t ESTIJIONY OF WILLIAM ROT Wu. C. nor/T(l°l4shr —Deur .Bir.--I take pleasure in giving my testimony to the sin. eaoy of yonr . Ifair Restorer. Dly hair half. tog been gray for several years,and hearing your Restorer highly spoken of, 1 deter. mined to try, it. lam now happy to state that it has dean all you advertised it to d& —having restored my hair, which vats very gray, to Its original natural color. It is a splendid preparation for the hair; and I advise all persons who have gray hair, and, wish it restored to Its natural 'color, to use Montgomery's flair Restorer. It also keeps th e scalp clean and free from dandruff, and' is easy and pleasant to use. Any. person Who doubts the truttof thittOrtitleate.ean .001 and see for themselves. Tours, truly, WILLI/ill& It. milt, AOti garket, Philadelphia, Jan 8, 1166. Price, WO; three bottlett, $3.50 ;big, $3.00. gold by all Druggisitt• WM. E. MONTGOI.IERX, sole Proprietor, 140 North *Huh street, VR1110 , 414, warl7-Bpid lILIMEDIVITLY after the snow storm, the following was perpetrated by a nose be ginner in poetry : - '" Softly, softly, while wo slept, Came the snow-flakes gently down, Came and sorrowfully wove A shroud of white for the buried town ; We rose with fooling grand and intense, And hired a iniddlo.aged Anglo African' shovollst to clean oft our sidewalk for ally cents, Meat EGOS.—Lehigh county hens are i straining the feathers all out' of their tails in trying to lay big and curiously formed eggs. All this happens because we some weeks ago noticed a foolish hen laying n very - large one. One day last week a hen of kr. Samth el Brown, of Whitehall, laid an egg measuring 81 inches around the ends, and 8 ieches. in circumference. That was "a good egg," and is hard to bent. On Saturday a duck of Mr. George Russet, °Olio First 'Ward, laidan egg, Mild/while, it was of ordinary. size, in shape bore a Closd `fesemblance. to n Crook neck quasi), having on ono o f it s ends a regitlar stem, slightly curved, and about an inch in length. This was very curious production indeed. On Sunday a hen of Mr. Manama Schwartz of the Fourth Ward, deter• mined net to be outdone by Mr. llus• sera duck, laid an egg which ia.altogeth. er the most curious production \ yet heard of, and we think will be the bent of the season. This was a:double oy' "Siamese" egg, each covered 14 a film instead of hard shell; the two being connected by a cord or ligament about two inches in length, one co•Ataining the yolk and the other the white. This born , is working at now patent for the special convenience of lady cake bakers, so that they can get eggs, either containing all { white or all yellow,as occasion MO requit3. Strange, ' very strange; linker!, hat no hen ever thought of this until t year 1809.—Ab (meow& Democrat. \ —A laborer in WnellingtOn county, Miagouri, picked up gn old elm, nod found in it $BOO in gold coin. —One of the ornaments of the Iran of the fieuse of:Representative') it Werth Carolina is a peanut stand. sum, au:t Oat, ....tar mysteriously disappeared 'at the Inauguration ball, have been returned to him, the individual who appropriated these histditeal habiliments ;having n 9 further use for them. Gratifying fuel, 1 --A granite boulder, fifteen feet long and seventy feet in eircumfoninec, and n prole, perched upon the .top of Motto floW, one of tho highest pkics in Slas ssehusetts, is said to have boon trans ferriAl by th'e action of lee daring, the glacial period, from the apex of anothe. mountain at Stanford, t. _..,. 10 it present Secretary of War, Gen oral Rawlings, began his career as a char coal burner. --The Louisiana, Legislature having igourned, a New Orleans paper says that its closing hours ioassed amid a scorn) of confusion which tquarked its kinship to the orgies of tho dawned." --At Pompeii there have just been dis covered two tosrbto busts—ono of Porn pey and the other, lof Brutus. They ere both of lino execution. —lt in estirnitted that therre - aie 255,000 Itreshing mathipes in the United States. - 1 • —Seven hundred trains tinily now run over the London underigotind railway. —All ear driTerS in New York are required to take out a:license—price 2t cents. Boston has founded two now public libraries for tho eteitnan working classes. , —Ladies trace( on ; snow shoes in Can ads. —A man aged 102 has knit died in Georgia. --Wisconsin its 'building a wooden rail road. ! , „ .—Portugal hns obolisl44 illaxery in all her colonies. —A little girl In 'Milton, N. 11., bad two pets, a chicken and t liple dog, which she always fed tog Cher.' While sho was feeding them ono day, the dog bit the chicken so badly that it soon died, where. upon the dog . refused all food and died of starvation: • • —Gen, Longstreet'a position is said to be worth SRO a year and pickings. ' —Col. John \V. Crockett, a son of the celebrated David Crockett, has recently died in Lexington, ky. - —The . navy of the Sandwich Islands, it is said, consists of two fishing smacks And tr raft. —Texas has five million head of cattle Vermont paper says that tho at nual product of maple sugar in the United States is 7,000,000 pounds. —A reverend gentleman of Tbiladel- Phia sends all his complimentary dres• sing•gowns, smoking caps and slippers to a furnishing store, which selle them on commission. —.-Ohio is to be geologically surveyed. —Bavaria wants' to invest 0,000,000 in breech-loaders. • —A largo emigration ofSwias colonists to Tennessee is-reported. —A, Buffalo policeman smelt smoke, Sounded en alarm, got out the enginea, fed then discovered the came to be a smouldering cigar burning a hole through his coat-tail pocket. • —A boy 'of sixteen bung himself Jamaica Filling, Massachusetts, Wetines days 10 CENTS PER WEEK, f‘ EMPLOYMENT A YOUR OWN HMS. RITIIV.R SEX—Suliable steiy 1 1' 4118. Pandargo prollta.—Aildroa for s for p m articul 11 ats at oa co, COSTAR," No. 10 CROSBY ST. N. Y. =I IiOUSEKEEPEIIS )10USEKEEPERS 1 Men---Woraen---and ' Children ! Men---Wonien---and Children ! ). ~c oming it) and ~ s oothing to an painful WollilllP % ae." "11014114 Z 10101 Soros, Ulcers % 4e." Costal . . ! s Blickthorn Balve N-ttio moAt extraordinary BALVR over known. tin power of Soothing and Iltaltoil for 011 (Ado, .I.lnritN Ilvittses,aoroa, ttletarv, Cllnpood Banat% and Skin, for ;lore Zilippleg, for PIRA withant, paranci - . Ono portion elsyn of ft, "I would not bo with. old 0 box In illy bonne 11 It cost .3.00, or t had to travel all tho way to NO* York for It."—Ar. Y. Evening Nemo, #t,l)l, &h. All Druggists In It F.Linlisit4 twit It. Mil "That Cough will kill yOu'," Try "Coster s" Cough Rimedy. "Cola and iottrsettess load to death," I‘rY "Coster's" Cough Remedy. "For Croutut—Whoopiug Coughs; ao•s" - 'Yry"Dostar'6" Cough Remedy. "Costar AftVN It is the hest itt the whio world—awl It Ho etqa se--tts Tvuo—its Tree —its True I and Wo say Try It 7 Try it—Try it."—ltrornio "per. deg. tYI. All Drugglots BRAVING sell It. "COsiLikiglit.'?.6.o.lTs BEAUTIFIER: Bitter-Sweet and. Orange Blossoms. 4:ir Ono Bottle, Isl.o . o—Throo for .2.00. Janitor's" Rot, Itonsh„er.,ArtertOltiqtat's • samtatJa" Itert kirterostootors, jandopos" (only Loire) bisect .I.'neder, "Only In fidliblo Remedios known." "le years entittilislied lit New York." "i,uoo Boxes and Fiuskii umnufsetuied, In)ly.o " 111 Beware ) 1 ) of spurious IniltattOns.' Druggists in ItiGADIN(I /Veldreei "COSTAR," 10 Crosby St., N.' - Y.,. Or, Joinf F. thorny,(Stiocresor tat 4 INAS BARNRS it CU., 21 Parkltow,. N. ri Rohl In REA DINO, ra., by Dr.,8,. 8. BTI. ,VENB, No. 724 Pont& atroot. fe,blB-daw ~ E AST PENNA. rItAI,I4ROAD., A.1.1,11/aG l MERT or PASKENUEIt Tri.4l2+lB, Cemmenctnij Monday, Dreentoerilst, 1938. f.-i:::tietiNvoe's 6' Re 3 „%n i g Tr l(l. l / 1 11; . , ~ iirt yes 't entown !Mt tit 'Now York 3.60, P. 31. No. 7 Vast Mall, leaves Reading' at 4.20 P. M. 'arrives at Allentown 8,66; ut Now York 10,1)6, P.)11. , , Nos. 6 and% run daily, except suntlay, stopping at till Way Btutions between Reading and New York. EXPIIESS TLlALtiti: Leave Reading at 8.44 A. M. a " 7.81 A. M. 14 11 L2B A. M. 11 t/ 1.00 A. AI. Arrive at Now York at 11,60 A, M. II a 12,16 A. Ato 7.01) P. id. II 6.16 A. Id. These treble run through from Pitts.. burgh to Now-York, without change Of ears,stopping ' only at Lyons, Allentown,. Bethlehem, Easton Junction, tlinton , White /louse Somervillu, Bound Broo k Plainfield andEllzabeth. The 6.41 A. .61, train runs daily except Sundays and Mondays, The 2.2 b I'. M. trallia run daily except Sundays. The 7.31 A, M. and 1.00 A. M. trains run West bound train», Mitre New York, at the foot of Liberty sticet, as follows: Leaie New York. ' drrite at Reddin. 12.00 M. ' Mail No. 6, 6.00 P. M. 9.00 A. M. Express Train, ; 6.101'. M. , Express Train, 10,10 p, kr, • e..0011' . hi. Express Truitt, 1.00 A. M. Mall Train leav in g Allentown at, 7,'u, A. M., iii,opii"at all Way Stations, arriving at Reading at 0.10, A. hi., running daily except Sundays. The 12 M. Train from New York, stops at all Stations between New York and goading, leaving Allentown at 4.20, P. AI., arriving at /that at 600, p, M., ran• ning daily except Sunda,re, • The 11.0 U V. .11. train from Hew York, rims daily stopping at Elizabeth, Plain field, 1 Sommerville, Junction, Easton a nd Bethlehem, at riVing at Allentown at 11.46, P. M., passing i t at lism,A.M., arriV ing tit Read lug ati.oo A. M. i'assOngers are requested to purchase tickets before entering the cars, • a 28 cts extra will be uhargeti and colleeted on the train; from all who pay the litre to the Conductor. OMMUTATION TICKETS. goOd for Twenty.elx Trim, at 26 per Cent, ditieoinit het wtien any pointa desired. MILEAGE TICKET 1300X13 for 4000 toilet.. awl I)etween alt Pointe on this or the ildindelphla & Reading It. B. cielhe Reading 4 Ct' nuTenla it, K., at 02.60 (malt tut famhtea and Orme. B.EA 30. N TICKETa, good for the holder only, for three, !IX) nine end twelve mouths, at reduced rates. P. M. ERMENTROUT. 0 49,1110tai Tleket Agent. IPSVILLE ACADEMY Jan KU -AND-. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, AT kULPSVILLE, MONTOO3IOItr CO„PA. THE SPRING SESSION . Or 11118 Ja. popular Institution will o on MON. DAI, APRIL 3tb, H 0 %% Tor pa rt iculate. sena for catalokuita. . 8. U. BRUNNER. rtiticipaT; Kulps#llle, Itlontmouwq UO„ Va t mar 6-titw AAR m l'ilit QM