Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 20, 1869, Image 3

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    Tj In 1) ATLY &att.
It fiAl", MA ken' 1860,
':p.tut.err RuiTlol , 4.-10 11 P.'141: ,'
i- -- - ------ , - ff.: ---- nr -,--- 7 - 7 --
cowNiuNwArioss ,intended iiir , publiteli
tiott hi ihe fiAOl.O must. bill aceoinpanidi by,
a "4101181b 1 0 name, a' $ guaruntoe Of eln
cprlty on the part of the writer. The Onind
will Ina Ile published uPlesa go deeirod by
OP erespomiont. 1 .• .
, .. ,
Co feeparlout.l4lollld ITlAkopoint.
,c om.
non ontions nhort mid to the' ' Our
sp Writ in e onlyon onace to° limitede side 0 for very
h long Articles
paper, and ;
fig plainly as possible, withon‘ Sondem.
it 4.,.. ca1 0w4 who fat
confer teoffd'ee the
Exar,a regularly, will tiviqr by
jAriv lag notho at Ulla Attlee, where coin.
plaint 4 Of Irroguiarity or 100,14,3 of d e .
Merl will b op atteodeld to..
AtionTogns Aro roquontOd
thPlr tylvertiaementa na ottriY I
rton n compels 1
US to go Our rpidlto pFesy, Marcso
iIL• ,
0 uji, JOlllll Nf) DEPARTAMIg+, y
--rly VllO-
o'o to call spocial attontton'to4be oust.
Ina ec and completeness Of prtr i Jobbing
prpartment. Our fatillltles .f " , 'turning
a nt work aro suporior 'to 'th so of iAtiy
mbar otlico in this city. Fl 4 ,PrOsses
aro ke pt constantly running, *tut any
thing, from the largest poster to Atte tl.
moat card, can be prlntod oh tl el shortest
jot i ee . Our compositora are a llful and
t w aty, find vio proudly point to pr,Oirds,
hilte, lx A t work, (o. tho boat, spool.'
piens of tlio typographioal art loh aro
gotten op in ths
jjyAtIONO It [rainfall. pay three per cont.
on all natty I)4lnnocs, four per cont. for ono
t a nd ate vr cont. for ono year.
war 11--d Sc •
par cent. for n.voar, end 4 bar OOnt. for
thnrtur porlodg. Money paid on dollnuid, at ,
tile Reading Savlogeßanic, friar 11-d&rif
The loading Clawiloal liondeirly will
open Its spring Sorsion on . 'Monday,
April sth.
Notleo 114 given that an applicatl9n will
itirtito to the Court of Comtnon Pleas
of Borkti county, on Monday, tho' 12th
cikty of April, for tho Incorporation' of
"The Itotl iJug Dlsponsary.~'
Anglorm and gunno►s dhbiild attend
tho inoatinE, to-night at Library nall; „
Tho l'htladolphia and Reading Rail
road Company have \ added another on,
glue—the l'ortivian l —to their rolling
stock. Tho now engine Is Intended for
the coal trade.
Wosioy 11. Gerhart, Eitg„ nttOraep-at•
law, has rotttovod to Scranton, Pe, with
the intention of commencing the prne
tico of Wv in thnt place; Mr. Gorhurt
has neon living in this city for Enverel
uolgor Lir Tiro., 431 Penn street, have
Just roochrod n splendid stock of boots,
1311Q0A, 112tR nary cups—all the latest styles
will ho tlb posed of at astontih-
Ingly low prices. tio anti see them.
itov, Loberman was t im Sunday
evening, lagt nanimously otoeted to tho
p3sterato of limanuol's, Churoh, Ham
burg, placo of Roy. I). B. Albright,
who resigned soino time since to become
the Hu perintondent of thu Orphans'
Homo at Womotadort
Vanier_ F. Kern, of Hamburg, Wag
out oarrlago rldlog, on Werlnosdarlast,
and turning R Obrnor, one of the wheels
of the carriage broko, when no was,
thyysti out. Ile epraluod hie loot, and
le not able to walk. •
The reloelpodo
.school eoniitittOi to
largo crowd of young mon, to
learn to mining© the trioy don l eorns.
Whcnfryou tread on
the street don't expect silo
for any supposed injuiy to your I,loot.
She won't do it. It Isn't the custoin of
the rount7—nor city.
•lhlgcrsnap sap; MO' voloolpw`lo
Noise than a young colt—]t throw; bo•
gulneFa about all tho
It is \lane Ina man to be strong,i but
not In tho huttor ho oats.
Iri4litown+l looking up in tho way of
iiiiprovatnotits. Many 1101 V 1101111438
ho kmilt this meason. Sovoral stores have
boon (Toned. It will ala i bo
long beibro all tho racitnt loci In tho
vicinity of tho Cotton Factory will Con.
Wit lino boluses,
t 1
A young man while jumplucc ou of a
enrriago yesterday In front of the Berke
County House sprained his foot.
A lady was insulted last evening by ; a
"loafer," as she paused the Keystone
Bow% WO hope it will not he long be
fore Justice will be Wrought unto such
A horse slipped on cho ratiroad track
yoitorday at Snvonth Alma and Ohorry
Alley, and fell down. Not hurt.
largo hill at tho Fifth atroOt rail
mil H I T° la being cut down, to intik()
(lir improvements. •
.1,0114 tr,lio, of stook daily pars tho
my &ot tic Wofit to Now York.
A torri.sle (log tight took pine() out
Eighth 'w root yesterday afternoon. A.
booket full of water thrown over them
ended the fight.
street - ntilway tnanagois yt think
melt of tit° volocIpodo:.
'lllO Knight. Templar of lliarteaster
county, are making arrangentionte !di
i3king an extensive trip through Penn
sylvania mid New York in the early part
of Juno.
Moro Is a negotiable 'inorkiiiso ; iii t~io
I)Tio of apple& The it drama will tie
itpiTht Nahum, until we have a now crop
l this palalabloiruit,
, Theil)runing' knife la being applied
‘r o 3 - 6tisly to tlid treeft,in all parte of the
Itapid progrosc 18 Wing made in hn
provements under headway throughout
.100 thy.
Dußt Was floating around in large
p le ntUlea'qomtorday. To•daq It nitluin
cd the situp° of mud, . , .
. .
People who talk most . about tb Or con.!
tzeieneo, aro observed to iiiksto tho entail,
eet quantity of It. Mainly confined• to
the tongue, RIM a bad place ; for. oonflne'l
NO IVCC)11111 . 11 tn
library flail on
marols will•poffoini
Monday evening, Apti
To•mor ro w is
thnrchos should
Eitttiday. -All tho
•e filled with worship-
The Reading
Monday OVOnid''
Itonnarchotwlll Rive a
I, at Libraiy 1101'0
March 20th. • '
Mn.`i 11111 Inn: • SCUORNER, widow 'of
Henry ;kimono , deceased, sold Sector-.
44 5' to Franci KetTor, Esq., a lot of
ground frontin on North EgurliFeLreet,
awl bliunled by the Centid Wriftdkap
eoinsining hot Freon tin* niATOM,r 4 , 4 9nr., t
This is a valOible property'‘ art& verr
'roll locatod. MIQ Underatupd .that Mr. ,
KotTer Intend/dent:thy; ItupintobOlldlig
/ 01 R, which ho, will
.ogur !Air gait), ot, An
early day,
II 1 ^
rkigh3l w T te ttliS 1 , 111
tho Fitst OzorehtntC *melt, h
street, to•tuorroW, will , be in the Oerinan
language In theanoming.and in the Eng.
Bah In the evening.
, Barnabaa' Church.—Ttev. 3. P. Lun
dyfittli ofilQi4fe
dat nt 3 Woble P. N. ifoids frth.
ReV., Deweg, tielitlligfoYe.
the newly elected pastor at St. Matthew's
Lutheran Church, Franklin street, this
city, willirofnualy It*urtiolhel pastotate
of that ottfuth tliedattei part of
Universatial Church.—ltov. Me: Peters
twW X-1011YOri the fottbaettiwo Off tho
inplitory Courso to-morrow (Sunday)
'evening. Elijidept-0100.:
Sin." Services in'tho morning as usual.
The public aro revoctfully invited.
Preaching ai_lhe iborhouse. —The Rev.
Wm. A. qopd will preach ts at
County. Poorhouse tq-morrow (Sauda7)
afternoon at 2o'clook.
CoNFtnNtATIPti 41 C/Inisl'!rttoxr.—_
Last evon(ng the Rt. Rev. N . B. rite
yens, Bishop IoU the Diocese; •adminis
tered the Rite of Confirm ation,: in se;
cordence with the rittlatof the - 44601d
Church, to elghteea : candidates. The
evening se'rvice, weal conducted,:by tha
Rev. J. P. Lundy, ltdctor of the Parish.
Atits close the Bishop ascended 'the put .,
pit and delyertjd a scriptnral discourse
founded on St. Paul's Epistle to the Phil
lippians, chap. 2, verses v—xt. . The liev.
Divine mnarited i tthat it Is not \without
its meaning or Significance 'tlia•Church
had selected the text as the lip %tie' on
,the ensuing Paltii Sunday; pro aratory
to the Reiman services of Prieto Week,'
obseryed by, the Christian world in corm
In elperation tif the buffet:tette and tenth or.
Christ, and, portrayingqlti ,t 7 altatien
and glory; and then. proceeded 'la the
elucidation of his &mourn nude the felt
lowing distinctive heads : '. ' '
1. Thepre l existent glory of Ch Ist.
2. Ills aubstxpientimgity.
2. Ills consequent exaltation.
,1, • •
The Godhead' of 'Clitintjlis eto lenient
and glorideation, constitnted ; the gran I
theme of Om evangelical liishop. Itrie
"It inlikbo ,Htittpd the, ',Jim to
i I
were among:the leading ' deals of ' he sc
reen : ' 'lri „Ithe ; - ,,beeptiftil: harmdiny :of
fralhillieOlvlne. VOrfectiOns /11 d .been
revealed. What the glory of Christ: le
was beyond finite conception;" , * o gee
bilk,s4r9kigii!# glass lt
c]Ot O.' ' • Ili gio,r,y
oneircles the oreSs—the The roe of'
rightemumeas , l4 Imparted' to every be
'lleying Muller. Can ye 'llth, sweet as-' ;
mimeo say , "who lovoerinob and gave
hitnselffor me?". „The )itimility of Christ
was unsurpakiing: • Stich cOndeseending
mercy could never have, heen•couceived
'by men or angels, had. not cod I ipaself.
revealed this mystery in 'the 'volt nto . of
'llk grace. lib bath visited' and i deem
ed his peeple,ll,o . Is' becothe th Lord
of righteousness, 10 lowered Itiiself
to death—lower still, to death on the
cross. history Makes ' know p up' such
love: Front le ' htitnility liri3 quin to
Ilia exaltation. Inconceivably groat is
the thought that Jesus having 'loved Ills
own' *ill lovo them unto the 'end, and,
glorify them With His Mil olnry'. 'Ho
had a name givba ttiltt which . is ebo v,a.
every other namo-LJ.mius. It was a .
God-bestowed namo. ,It Is the great
central point of all 'theology. 'llls i gra
°iota( invitation,fs, "come." Now is the
day Of salvation. : What a speotaele will
that be when every knee shall bow before.
to,l and in
I thda titiy as
tug ;el eoultt•
bout 2 p. In.
At gio ejoio of tpo Hormop tho,contir
entitiod in nu iinkostjso manlier
throughout—a (loop sensibility of solem
nity perYecled,' the wbolo ,pongTogntion.
Nor woe atldrOsi of tho! ItishoP to
thoso who had been conflithed less lin,-
portant. It was cionr, oxprossivo, pra
nityl the whole ,ppeedure was
marked by adevottontilTooling that Stall
long tio romomberetl by all - who were
present on this interesting occasion et
Christ Church.
Our limits prod udo an extimtlod notice,
but wo oanuot,rofrain from the ox pros-
Mon of congrAtuletien that the liishOp
lies so far rootwored front Wes liite AM
dent'as to onahjo hitn , t6 resume_the ox
°mist) of his tvlsecipal;cletlea.
. .
Po ice. AsTAIRS.--, Joseph Moore and
Dan el DeVine and bOattnell.'• The sounds
of' their horns make resonant tho banks
of the Seintylkill: Daniel had a hanker
ing after anoth i er man's coat, and Joseph, ;
althOugh not Partial to coats of "many
coln,s,' still has a.dosiro t,bat, his ward
robe s4ould be oxtqnsit'oly ropionisheci
with these partloular articles of woaring
apparekcome into his possession what
-way theyjnay. Daniel • , contisettl'ed " a
coat belonging to Mr. Jacob Rittenhouse,
on Thursday. Th,o "confiscation " took
place at Timothy' Lynne' tavern, In
Unionville, Union township, - this county.
The "confiscated" coat was folind on the
boat of which Mr. Moore is the conduc
tor, the Tulip, a very pretty, ilowory
'lmo.: Complaint was Made at the May
or's office by Mr. Rittonhouso, And Offi
cer Briestly yesterday , 'succeeded in
arrested' Mooro in this and Devine
'some four milei below tilt, 'City. They
had a hearing, and each was held in
default of $l5O bail.: ; , . ,''
Parker ttichards, ono of the ringleaders
in tho assault on the young colored man,
Smith, near .the African M. IC. Church,
North Tonth street, on Tuesday night
last, was. arrested, yesterday,
,nosr Mor r
gantown, by bilker Lawrenco, on a-Wat
rant issuod by Alderman Richards.--
Ths, pslik of Reading • don't, do their
duty, eh? "Aotfons sneak lender than
Words," Mr. Dispatch I:, - 0 . . • ~ ;.,_.
"Wonian, frailty is thy names" Eliz
abeth Jackson vas artiosted by :Ofileor,
Sherman for drunkenness. 'Paid a Alto
of $3.25, and was discharged.
Daniel L. Wlnterson halls from Sobttyl
kill county. At a very unseasonable
hour this tnorning,•say between 1 And, '2
o'clock, Daniel was trying - to burst,i in
the door , of (101Sileil Eitovo BON,. re)m
street above 7th. I Oti)eor Lewis mite
along, and WlnterAon suggested that ho
should hqlp him tobaccomplish hie por
pose. The officer "eouldgit see it," kotv
ever, and on question! g the motives!of
Wlatorson,'eonoleqed hat ho lial hotter'
lodge at tho Statio4 AL use.. ',The, Atityior
let him g,o thiu morns pyipaying $445.
1 o of Wit*
rarowt son
'of the Botks County
coulpleted the canvass
of the City
directed to yieit every
tho fellowleg 'statistic:3
will lio tutekeetiog to o
'Whole number of fault les . vielted, 5,702
Numbor - of faMilies' uod dosti• -•
tunl of ilie SAripture I , . 610
Number 'of faMilles on pplleil •by, ~
.. 1
gift,' I • .• 2 • 4 39
• a
Number supplied hro i a e,. . I - 21
Amo tit of eentribution r s` itbelrecl
,by he Agents,- • 1
,1 ‘.• x. 5375.27
Th Agenttv emploYll• in, tilts",work
wore oseph Gress, fort free months Anti
ono' eok, and baniel Holl, for ono
wont/ . , The ' icpoenseapf„ the Moolety 19
carrying On the .work 4unounted,,, to
1,431.80. Atr,'Groos will now commence
to can ass the oOuntyi ~' • • • ,•
Who'otiloorsofthoSeoletyore ; Ro'r., W.
A. G + . lol,Treshiefit I 110, 1'..;r4. Becte
tory ; i'lid A. V. 800, Esq,4 Treasdrer, :
Ex i urnrozi TO Wksr row---_a. Orlr,i ty
Lutheran cOugregation of this oliy are
eirca t ily making arrangements for a
'gron ,o)rouraimt next June. tp,ffirest
Point, sitnatek on the litulson "liver,
t t
abon 50 miles Shove • Now . York. , Thta
Nye lii flake one of the most delightful find
cont 'table excurekn.s that gout( bo
ProJ'etedr and It 4outikleffs 'gill be.. a
I f
grey success. • ~
„, % - - — I - 7.71 ,
It -v. D. P. ItoSElngir.t,En,` )of•'Lan
,igytt r, 'WII predeli s ' In' .I9t:' sitheW't
i t rAtittered ' °buret!, ,riebuil , street
to' .Orto Otindkv) *riling n 4 eve
illn . , • 1
1 ‘
Tice.- 7 Tho agoar . ta
iblo fildnioty hap)
ng and inpp)ying
An Mop w
atgily in tho,oit s y t
roan their roporta
~, a-'-
+144 ti 61 1 itibtutik)6'l,ooN Wr,
f oldman, No. 1 05 Venn' atreer,
(Misbler's Hotel) has been fitted up in
,the most beautiful manner, regardless of
expense or trouble. The boat of Sharp's
(N. Y.) tables havebeatt previded, with
everything requisite for ; the enjoyment
of billiard players. All who are fond of
:the game should try aoldmau,'s
lent laibt6h eitei Leha theikoWlio ate
not knights of the cuo shetild "take
their cue" and learn now—they can't he•
gin younger, and they will never find a
! Te at 1141etto practjc9. ► ~ ‘,14
LETTER Lis - I%—Th° following list of
letters remain in tho Post Office, for the
Week ending March 20th. Persons. op.
plying for any of those letter* ?rill pi q
Mention that they are adiOillood to [he
'~DAILY L'Acmittl, ' .
Mlaa'l,4lli IbutOlet, 14143 Rebecca
Royer, ILottle Edwards, Miss Clara Fish
er, Ikllas Anna pobret,, Nina. Bivah Geig
er, Miss Mary Cali Illnnerabits, Mrs.
O. Leo. Mies Annie Mull, Alice McEl
hone, i5l rs. E4abeth Tete, Miss Ann
Maria Reltanyder, Mrs. Lizzie A. Reeser,
Miss Cassie Shteffer.Alia* Ittabolla Hours,
,Miss Sarah A'. Van Atoket, dire. Ellen
M. Williams, Misa Ida White.
D. L. A I thouso,, Henry Aa mottos cit Co.,
TO6 Anderson, Joseph Darkly, Michael
Walter Boyer, John D.cottry, J,
U. 14wees, , .Henry EngloBll, Alfred
'Fitter, Charles D. Fenton, ( ~) Henry
Valentino Fritz, George W. Gritlah,
Ikenry Heath, Heury A . Hartman, Gee.
A. Holtoman ' James Horne, Jacob Hilt,
Edward • Koahier,• David 14mtz, John
Ifong, Peter Link/ \VIA. I•Lueken•
Baugh, (5,) B. H. Miller,Samuel J.
Murphy,. John Nolitar, „ Abraham
Roberts, David llalirbsCh, Jahn Y.
Rhoe,da, • John • H. • Basehoar,
.T/tcoh Reich; Phillip' Rd, E. Schwartz,
Pranittiti Soinehl„ll. &sighted, /lo Co.,
James Sheridan,
,Jeseph Smith, 'Robert
Shriver, Solomon Schlegel, Stephen
Sutith,, Fritz Trott/Ivo:lel, .Cbsa o E4'.
IVOlkohiten, C. M. IV/akar, E. IL'Whee
lor IVolsoy WiAls, \Valiant IL
WARatus, Isaac Al.rl,e'•Yoting, Walter
§I ) LPti , •
doom it duo to the efficient choir of , this'
church' to state, diet' on the ocoaelon Of
the locturo of J. AfoElvoy, on
Wodneeday, the following pieooa wore
Ocollently rendered o •
1. Trio—Mlas Witman. 13oliaat10."
by Donizati. ' ' „ ' •
5010-4.7.11 r.; ,Iloyor. Tito beautiful
triph . Ballad. Theo Harp that once
through Tara's Halls," by tiltevenson.
3. Izanda Sion—Frain Chorus by.,Latn-
It Swould be anpertioua to comnient on
th6,ninalcal taste and talent, so manifeat
to ell present, but we oannot refrain
front adding an unqualif)ed approval of
tho fluo execution on that noble Warn
nient —the orian—of the nevem) acoom..
nimen t 14 by our talented fellow-citizen,
Atr. A bort Ritter. • '
ai)out bola - formed under tiui mote of
"Friendship" is ProgresSing very finely.
.4 charter has boon applied for, and a
general !testing 4 g . all intocited is to be
collect shortly.
SAVIIDAY, March 20.
Mr. Itohett4 the Minister from the,
Provisional CloVernmeut of, Spain, was
Omitted to Pre:Went Grant yesterday.
lo said that his country hoped for the
mpathy of;tho Vnited States, trod that
hp, would endeavor to maintain the
friendly relations between SOAR aild th 9
anited Status. The President, in reply,
said that'the , events in Spain 'exeited a
lively interest, bore, and he rtielkocated
the - desire to 'continue dnd strengthen the
fritnidlY relations bot:viocin:lthe two
ebuntrics. ' '
The Committee of Ways and ligargt
It t ad, an interview with Becretary 13out
wei,1 Yec,)TdAy. ,T,119 S,cer`*ry,;,said
would never, 5011 g old except' putdiels l .
bht thought he had power to invest gold
in,hends, and could do so. ,
Wm,. - A. , Richardson, r oe, i ßolton, was
onninated as Aiisist!ant ,eeretary of the
Treasury yesteraity.,'.c?
lA•construetion car rari Off thii flaek,
the DutcheSs and Columbia, Y., •rail•
road yesterday 'morning, killing. ono man
and Injuring 'seVen.others: ;„
"rho marble • building',!•No. 49 Warren
street, New' York, Occupied by 'Several
business firms,. was burned last evening,
The loss is over $lOO,OOO.
A still in the refinery, of pphofiel,d4
Co.; at'Cleveland i Ohio, exploded yes
terday, killing Mattlimi f Ono of
the firm, and Mortally' Injurldg another
" IVII,f, wol,never cease 1", is the en*
ifOrin: exotic , ,Lion. of the millions who
conidantly usid" Ilarrottos Vegetable Itilli
, R oStorativoLlf Qtio' bottle' Will' conVlneo
tho most skoptioal otitsmtekonlodo eireat
upon trio linfuttn.‘hatr.=-Norfolk 1.141 ti (an.
mar 17.1.wd. •'• '—
Tun Ei*o,,EA .Art.o..thirs.sart,....wre refer'
our readers to the advertisement of Dr. ,
Garris: , n c qt li w. Yorlci; who intends •tto
visit ltdarllii , monthly:, 'llll4 will afford
'au opportunity o tinifie•Who arc afflicted
With nottfocss, Catarrh a#d iliseaSos 'of
trio Eye, to el•al • thoipsolves of the servi of a skillful' 01111E4 and iiiirist. Doctor
Garrison will arrive' on t ruostlay, , April
to. Olden At Abri Allitirloan notrse..,
' mar 1 'mil 1 ,•, . . -, :-
,' .77 - e , -- T - 77 - 04 . i i R , -- -7- ---,---
1 E D. ' . '
Olt AWLEY-SHAUP,:-On the Bth inst.;at
Spring !bolt, Luzern° county, Pei. by nor,
It, S. Rose, Idr.Jatnes Crawley, of Vermont,
to Kato, (laughter of r Thomas . Sharp, Esq.,
of PhilklolplthL !1 • g ! "' ; '• •
fly th 6 t: O. Haag.
'DUN W ITTI 1•;-)y _411.\10N.-Oit q lan., 12th,
George Wolitutilttie td.Maiy E. Wateon,
both of Newport, Bond county, Illinois.
By the Rev. Thomas T.4aeger,
ORD BE it-11A-81811/1R. 1 ,4)it Yobfuar 20,
Georg() B, Wilbur, Of Perry, to Tllerali
lloansher. o( Winds/Or, , ! '
By the it4W. A. S. '
• MA R 141101184,--Ou , March I I th,
Dr. W, Malice to,jlooltio 4lthouse, both
of Leesport.
, By the Rev. B. D. Zweltsig,,
'MOSE Iti-GETZ. I -o'n March 4th, Giorgo .
Moser to Sophia Getz, both of Beading.
M.y t the Rev. L.,retors.
CO I 4OIIAN-Wil Dt 4 N.I-L-01 MTh 18'41,
Witham' Cblemati .of Tront, on, , T ., to
MargutWO: Wevitan, of RoWlltl , Pa.
DIED. = • ,
'3I4p;DEItIIACII.—On, the 15th i t itet_ l .. at
lityroitt)a'n,'.T.oPaaoa opinkti y ptlan
tiorbitatf'. •-' 1 • • " - '•
The &Herat will take plane;totn lite lath•
arts residenee,' In, s Uyeratow . on, Sunday,
- 2f trQll 2.lst, at I, , o'clotk P. m. ho'volattvea
and frlinide of it ho flintily and feepeetfulli
Milted to attend, wlthont.furtber notl4e.. 't
mar 1841 M 1 ,
WEIN HIL-Inithis city, on tile, mil l l as i .
of con Mt ItllltiOn, 'hive Belt, yonn gest dangh:
ter of ,l'„ I. ank4dary R. 3VOBner, &mod 3
year 8 menthe and 17 days., t.. 1 A. , , ~ ; , ,-,, ,
114(31E4 4.3 p spring, Mare) 14„1linig/la,
loth, ividow of Vonethan - Yitici or. ' ngPd G 7
yearn. n mom lis_and )8 ("Ay?.
BROW N.-In Marion;litnrehl,'tva, wife
of John Brown, agod 69 yeur , .6 filantlii
and 29 days. • • • - i - -
' -FfirT,.-In Beading, January' t!i William
wary', Only child ofileffrie F. 'Alta Marge
!rot Welt, Ilgoil 3:yertro. B'inobthe Ann 21
,' , ~• , •• " " , , ' ' , • v
' 1 (YUNG , - Near Ilfurnir,,lnd lane, Vet:27.
• Aniellai ilatighler 'of ' Adatn . and' AlarY
'Young, a,3 l )d Is ' Y 4 4arai A' cilelithe ;OW 'fli
r! 11411E1111:111.--Itt ' 11111ctob1ri, Lebanon'
comity, byttrell 04 ' John . Zimmerm an, 'aged'
Istsll3o4.ll , OtOnt4siohtiVdays. - .
Loggs;4ol' fittsooirdnuanor, Fe% IBtlii
Charles Daniel{ Akin of Daniel aaia .130111%
rtittorsovatilrisicituiT4'.. •
• . ,
on Thatedwty." hi this tarot litgateotet, y
Colt% Imtanyed, SOL - The shove tei -
Ward will boya l d by leaving It It
met .20‘Itd • T/lIS 011ifiGNI. •
AV ll L A t iaft2lTAtaireNd :titic°4l
P. Ira *t the Keystone House. In the elif et
Ileadlnv, a House and lot 'pi g round, sltn.
Ater 1104 h ?tiletreetyear Elu l , I L IVII t Ib Ii
pr 9 a r4 ta , I i) , , 4004 , I s elin, and„..l t :htit t .,
plc MI ; eon muftis 1 n front oh ialt !Fifth,
street 3) feet, and In depth 230 feet—late/
the property of Esther Boyer, dee'de
) 4ENRY S. Boy er ,
. 0 4.11.0PN1: 51101324A.K Ett,, 1 ..
prier 20-3ttlatuctf
V SATURDAY, Morel', 27th, 1869, at the
Keystone House, Reading, at 1 o'clock p,
it., a holm and lot or plod() Of ground, situ.
ate On the Southwest corner of Ninth and
Walnut etreete,coa og 20 feet .eh Muth
street; arid 110 Test dri Walnut street, to a
ton-feet alley. _ Condition* wade knowirekt
sale by OEOItOE W. GARS'''.
W. V. _Lvox, Auctionoor
Ell'llEft SEX—Suitable for steady bands.
1 3 11 y a largo prat ta.—.A ddreas fa parttoulais
at once,
, COSTAR," No. 10 CROSBY ST. N. Y.
Men-=Woraen---nnd ; Children
' Chi!drool
' , Cooling to Scalds and ilurns. l !
' , Boot)Ang to all painful wounds,
"Mating to all Sores, Ulcers, Av.' ,
Costar's Buckthorn; Salve
tho. most ext,rnor(ary SALVE over
known. Its power of $ thing and Hosting
for all Cuts, Ilurns,4li uteesi;Bores,_Ul ere,
Chapped 'lands nud kip s fee Sore MP lea.
for YilGh /tn., So.—ls , without a part 1101.
One persion says of It, "l, would not ha ith.
out a box in. my house if it*Oost .5.0003 r I
had to travel all the way tliew York for
Y. Evening 'Nei% , gat. •
, All Druggists In lIEAISI l sell It.
""That Gough *lll kill you," ,
; • . Try " Costar's" Cou g h Remedy.
"Colds and Hoarseness lead tellenth,"
. Try "cost r's" Cough Remedy.
"For Croups—Mhoo ing Congiip, ,&0.,"
Try ""Cosh 'B" COugh Remedy.
"Costar stirs it is, the best in the wide
world—and if U 9 says s,a-4to True—lts True
—its Trill); and We ea Try it—Try it—Try
it."—Moi•tling Pakr. I tio, Ts.'
All Druggists in . c
,1C ADINO - mill it. •
Bittor-Sweet Orange
40- Ono Dottlo o $1,007,-Tlirco
otioefo , PB".fint,
ilUostesea ,, , Bed Dm/ Extermlilator.t.
Costar's" (only, pnro) 41iseet 4Vwdeo.
"Otll3 Infallibmitetaaalos knOw4."
"18 years establisho iu NeW York.", , •
"2,000 'Joao Flasks ninnutaoturod
, of spurious ittiftatione."
Ilynotiota iu 111!:ARING 8611 them."
"Cowan," 10 Crosby St., N. Y.,
Or, JouN F. iiiSNlrr, (Successor to)
DI AS &Stip k Co., 21 Park Itow, N. Y.
Sold In ENADIN(.I,.rd., by Dr. B. 8; STE
VENS, No. 144 Ponn ittroot.
/A 14914 V 6, COURT BALE.—#Pursuant to
an order of the OrPhans , Court of Rorke
county, will be , mold At public vomitus, on
84. T URDA V, the'Rth.tlay of /*Web, D.
MY, at the Roystime !louse, in the city of
iißeadlnif a certain two-story DM, EL.
LING R OUSE, number 2,1 f tioutb Third
street, end lot of ground; or piece of
lend on whlch the same is erected, situate
on the west side of .South Third street, be
Chestnut and Spruce streets, in the
said city of Reming, in no county of Henke
and state, of, lquelnylyania, bounded and
desoribed as folloye,lo.wit: On the north
by lot of,ground now or late the property
of \Valiant Lolubaoh, on itho east by Said
Thus! stretit, , on the southiby lot of Fund
late tho.proporty nt
Jeila Millard, 4op
the west by a.t.wel . ve feet alley, ooh Wing
in front on said Ed , St., and breadthltiorth
and south, feet, had
in length or depth, cast and west, one hupt
dyed and ton feet, with ato appurtenances,
Late tits property of Moines Millard, de*
ceased. , - •
Salo,t6 coma . once at I o'clock In the after
noon, when duli,attendanes wiii be t given,
and theterine of sato made known by
Adminis trato - r.
LS order of the Court, ,
Lavt II Lima, Clerk.
es. Gas all through t h e house, water, &C.
Wm, N. LYON, Auctioneer. [mar 20-ted
Celebrated' Tonlo Ron) Bitters.
!-. • 'lmporter of -
Also Sole Agents for Damara! trairrsuiri
No. 121 N orth Third Street, • .
,?RitiADELIWA. ,
For taco at the Eagle
7 00 ‘ 0 rre:
owl vt_
NOJS ee PAPEIt von tE3A4.,E . at t i h e t r
m bn
4 Wll l crA l ii )- 4b l l7( 4 l4 l l ° A n tn ra i t igfirtel l u n g
ttetnetie. TA;featlon no object. , '
Ingntreat ' THls.olor/eg,
mar ID;lt4 '
JOI pla4 00144-11TorY Aeseription o f .10
Printing neatiy‘ogrouted at the ' , RAUL
Priattitut kistoblObfsent, f 42 Peon street.
(mar 24-tsd
1,1 •1
i ‘
ARE 1119
n ::'
• T
'iRRISON, M. D.,
atiai o;
. ' i l
ti l
Respectfully informi the citizens o : sal
lug and vicinity that he will visit t : 'pity
s monthly, Office at the American . mum.
and WIN be prepared tOregseiverti• me On
Tuesday, April lath, until Baturd y, t . e 10th,
and again n Monday, May 1 th. • Wed
nesday, th'eleth,After that time notion
will ho given of each appointmeet, . nd can
be consulted for Dourness, Nola • in the
IloadG Catarrh, Discharges from he Ear,
AceumulatiOn Of Wax In the Ear, bstrue•
lion Of the Eustachian Tube, and • 11 ac to
or Chronic, DiseaSes of the Ear an Air P -
sages. . it'.
and imrfooqy l
1 ,
Skillfully, peril:waxed, •i
Treated. And ev,opry ep
Opthaltaie Surgery pi
Da. GARRISON treats catarrh by MO is4l
of medicated inhalattess.
NOTION.— Any one ileSions ti of biting
my opinion in any reistie ;tither tel
the Eye, Ear, or Catarrh, will 4 tit tithes
receive the Same candidly, itap plication be
made in poreon, I am generally aitier to
inform the inquirer Whether or flat A sure
can be effected; if not whether relief an
he Oren, and. to what eatent. , .
_ ..
DR. GAititISON does not preten d to sure
,all diseases, but from hie 'experien of
twenty years' practice in Rumps And We
country, is' prepared to
.treat all eta bin
diseases. , -
DR. GARRISON refers by partnApsion to
the following medical gentlemen; Pr. J.
Mott and Dr. Lovett, New York City Prot.
Sanborn and Dr. Blokes Rostoll Meer%
Syracuse Dr. Wodward. Tray* . Boit.
Nettmontatt - Plerto, Now York.
Forfurthar partlcalarth refaranots. testis
oases, O. send for a Circular. •
mar l&anadaw
, `.
1 '
hi am AI ...- 41 aim 111
lahiss l ,—Ost4n)i,
Patn al eye.
UPIL I &0.,
•ll disieheee Of the
ratio), le Aural and
tanned by Dr. 0A.11,-
t•' 1
lam tollowleig Lw illembs ors for
, Sal by
No 642 !inn Ikrfot o R'sdlng, pa.
Quit Llatu? Deed.,
Fes Shople Deals,
Administrators OW., • • 1
Trustees', Hxecutors' or Guard t a Wit Deeds
Mortgage, (Cotornea Form)
44 41 I I (Beira Facdae)
I j
J diment Note,
is is H (with water
i romtssory Note, (with waiver)
Magistrate's Blanks, .
',mention Attachment, (with laterroga:
Sammons, (Lan4lor4 and Tenaat)
Conntable's gale;;
PCP itin In Divoroe, (Adultory)
Iterrog i atoviike in woo of 441Iltorlr
Petition in Divorce (Desertion)
interrogittoriee in, me of Desertion .
Petition in Divorco (Intolerablo 'Treat
mint) ,
Interrogatories tic ' of Intororab o
one, (
'd Asslipiee of flood,
Malgnoo of Bond,
'ealgnoo of Bohn,
1),or and; Idatorlale,
Debt by Sh
Debt by Si
Debt by A
Work, Lal
Oommon presoh.
Bill of lixchenge,lttid Indpreee re. Acceptor,
Bill of Eichahge Ye: Drivirei et fudernbr,
Bill of X change pie. Acoopter,
Commend !tient of Declaration in ease;
Good's Ho t And Delivered,
Quantum alobant, ,
Money Le .leakil Alkelvaineell': '
Money ha hand Received, .
AoCount pa 0 fed, • ;` . i
Slieliiki liar .
,•., , • ,
Debt upon Bond and Cognoylt Aetienem,
Pronteliastiry Note Be.iee Ye. MakeY, \T '
Ida IP. 1 ' Indorsee ye. Indo,
i" • . ;s; 64 • ` VO. Maket,
Troier, r .
Work, fto., pods A 014, 40., ind dui' 4ii .
Connie AilnOd in one Count,
Bill of Exchange Peyei• ye. Maker in
of Non ACeeptanie,
Bill of Exchange Maker ye. Aeeeptor
Role ge of a 4pdgiiielif,
Refunding Bou4.
vowing pi' *Tire*Ns'', '
rower or. Aiiiirtifit; To t 10 01 1)
Posir 6,t .41scoi444yllof fteeetre;littirest,
rower of Attorney to Reeeteo Divi.denfl
44 1 Due and Whig Due t 1 . •
~ i ~, ~~
, • , ,
.• . .
Vowsr ./Ltbrrney Traistss eloski
(lendlard mad Manaus) j' •
Landlord's Notlaa Qin; "
Bead aid Innis% Lir Foil' iiimn,ll )
41.410Ptied btiii4l3oUti 7
I t
1 1 : 41 Y
t l ,
ot 101 W tokt .nd bop n ot, hits Gikrigtoy
Bon tit% Silks mud Bonnet Volvete and Droop
Silks, The
ever Ovine! in. thtasetty. ,
MRS. 0. 0. KELLER,
;17 Penn street,
mar Id•d
Quinton TOmatops I Quinton Tomatoes
The Quinton canned Toinatoeik ere the
best in the market. For sale by the cue QV
can et, tho store ot
.111.1RKLIOLLPhit &
mar e-a
CARD.-1 have takon the Store No. 704
Pcnin atreet,fortserly ottoupled by J. S t 4 ,
oa where I
I. keep a Atil Ratko( I.s i diett'
Drolis Trinimings aria Millinery'. I Asig, my:
friends and the public 4eitersttlyto ve tub
a'oali hetgre puroltasing elanwhere. ..
mar 111-Itudl MAtitilE A. 11U1 lilt,
FOR SALE —Will he solli at rrivate Sale.
. the Steel( Of J. IItiIiUIIIIB , 'BAURISII,
8 Mil, with appurtenances. at 241 b. RM Pena
t.treet, Rending. Sold On account of going
into other business. 11 if
13 1111)0 E LETTING. -j-NOTICE
le hereby elveit that the COntUt i ssionere
of Barka county will _bo in attendance at th eir
oftl.yo in Heading, front April )21h (010 OTIS'
ISO next. for the purpope of letting the (inn
street Leueamter and Molar Nee%
by the year All those, who fail t !iron
thessives of the opportunity trill positively
be occluded front making a contract, the pre
seat year.
IYM, 8. YOU ti,
CouxismoNien Ovvio*. Vommissionors.
btart:h 150, ttioX ) .
VALLTArEW ; f t : ,
JUST 11*ONIV*1.),
A Large and Well 863(40 Stook /
At Prices to Suit the Timm [
Shades Furnished and Lettered Order.
A chola() lot at
mar 9-4 UURKIRADErt, A DlADZlllaili.
No. 018 PENN 14PEEEET1
JAIIiES E.ST4.l,i'llAtD
, p ,
1 0 4.1E4IIIONABLE 2,111 It () 11 AN"I' Alt OA
, , , ~ , 1 , ' t 4 't% 'r • ;I .
ehnonncee to the oltizone of 11 ding that
haVing reinotoe4 hie Iferehapt Tetletinft
estateltehment to the benleetne, Mite
room, No. 616 Penh btroet, ho, la' oQry rt
pared, with an increased stack of 3; 40
and superior facilities TUC• insrillitelurirtg, t •
to supply, all with ••• ', - -
of thq boat quality goofle, gotten tip lc , tleo
highest atiqu,
of Orrery Style and yarletY to sult:ttte taste
of all In went ef anything In tilts Hine.
.Nohe but. op best lianas tiro ernnioytql,
and all Work guaranteed, The patronage
of the public Is respectfully aol felt ed.
feb 18(11 ' No. CIO Penn Street.
The undersigned, , Centai'Ude ea rinenee
of the Corp°, uttOn of the City of - Heading,
is ortiowered to borrow the irate of •
tiNVENTY-VlyoWlitireallt? DOLLAUS
for the purpose or enlargihrr the Water
Works of the !air; olt.t Una the ealei Com.
WW1() hore by give notice ,thitt they arch
preperbil td lailitio tTertilleatel 'Mr the battle'
nt etp.per Cept. Interest, io.partiostOlabig
money to the city for the porposq Min)
named. -rersons doeirodir or intreetiti -in
this loan : will apply to oitherof the tin erw , .
Mood 14omniitthe, or to Wll latnAlleh . lOnv •
'retch, iteq,,ollyTrerusurer. ' ‘.• ,
. ' DAN EL 3 lEL [LIAR 111 t. .
Jan -2*, 0 68-Iyd COMroitte on H riiiitee.
Marrow and Medium Beane I.
Armada nazi, Asrpur .tylitit; othoher
Dried awn, Rice, Tapioca, Nap,
Barley, Ircmitny, Grits; , •
antaritNetp4.7t / i
t the cliesostoro ot
mar 9-41 , ‘, .Ith . an 4 Waablasion.
DR. A. 1.111011111;
I • ' • " , •
Ofth—Pio. etttlX
,Itto t
-(A Detre J. V. elleall!a Hal efoia•
RelhAreea 'Pees No. 6 Nora RN *tree.
Partionlar attention paid to curlnt diresse ,
4 the Month and Gouts: such so Bouhvy, Ire*
t.rnatnral Growth 6f , Game; Alveolar Ab
er/mei:4mo of the Alveolar Preerell7ll.
rod isl‘tott. and all trouts wle Lk*
outh and some are abject, •
Tlth extracted without pain, sod inverted
a I material used by ,the Proftestr.
0 co boort, from 7 V. •-•
AbA 1.,
ic-1-Bs Li r p tii, maB) rawki,
add treetVerlB2 patois, with Fianna
eientravinge. Price &Inept,. • PoY 'oat*
at the :k4.(I)LE BOOK STORK,
;gar *Sterna street.