I F ADiMOppAr_: Y SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1869. Store, Aoiti . Ace,, NIL y FA ma.v. and NIADINd GAZETTE & DEMOR ci ttAY 1 41 6 ) 6 eo( renioirried to .f 1,42 Penn street, Sehmtioker 110 4K ( buiblingt oPPP B ite ,the Keyitene House. lie: 0 1461 IL gointhnitt re"tinr 'author. 3 ,z 10 _ e l t ions for the PAIL:. ' the, OUltne Deneunetr i :end the Ito •le now '4finvidiing 'the isinOty, • 'aihritiato PiovianiirTt. Ouicite'ptitiltOeik triehde Are going to Ana' ''retiiinins 'Vain `Ww3PhigiOn sqneAfi;' slid both the AtexAfiler soo s Tutton factious profess themsetves aurq of eitimatoltiecesi. , "Outside" ; curiosit y has indticed us to consider* n anther bf pia Ideal eitiologora, who ire titiw so heavily taxedhy the eV peetkiiti,"itidthejhartiptitithe reqtiliiite horeaceptit, ''and' fiitntelted 'tilt ' With' the following result ' ' Wilitedi II:Baird; Ell y isigaln: in his oiliCA-‘,4ffe thini ' mean the 'office' Of Colteddir s , bett'his fan Oiliee in Court etreet,alihd is tie'plieid as ugetal. Mr. Galt . list returhed; ' ' and ie' Cbneidering whit 'limo,' lie' of ill accept. li!aPipeitTs that ill l ifte big Conisnlatia litie l lidiPOlitia sortie ilia iigd; *lid Vie . litile'otiiii dOnit paj.."Dr, - Walla* anti litieisg "his patiebletbr ``ticsibti itidie ' to 'lbb i lithler nuircil l eti'llf othd . debt:ve t ' has, r4torifed front"'Wishingtbh "iltli +try' dlifileishitd, hoPii. ' Col. reiti. l lititidt4t e d 'N't'AVash! ingtob - With It c'ar'petAbg (nil ''of 4'coi) mentlitltilis; "Polecbtifident bi'littacisis l ,' the' lfeSsta.: Edkart liti,4lng '1;114 their naiad - at' laii.' tiaete lickert;Goyaril'ai Meldifight ktijd'Andy bails raid . iiiit 1 . 60 Geniiiiti '' Caniertin" at WashfnitOii t . ;16 after looking ati,l4outtlida of the Tr'eas. nry Department rol l .' a few !Mors, they hurripd;,pn, to,,llarriaborg, roidsed , kthe Oenerid but of hie bed on Satutdasoo&, , ing,' I Ind , ; i ptcar yld ' .tboir ,vieli , ,,,, ; ;#ft. Tutt4R:l l o l l l Ytl t -40PpPned't9 Jake the same, road , ' home, ../and . apprising •his friends of this flank movement,they hut , ried'to flairisburg to the room Obr friend Elliott of the Dispatch and Harry EckErt atarted for Now York a few days' go to buy a how press for their newspaper—to they saitl--bot somehow found r themselves in Wnehington, like the gentleman who lately started for Othetha, and Janded in _Richmond. • While M' Washington they roman• stray] against,iienntors making the ap pointments, and put, in other big licks at Willard's—the result of which is es yet unknown. In the . themaithe Major MoiCnighOi Oppon'enis aro a c ,tive, and have discovered that in 18G4, he woujd not let his soldiers help stuff' the ballot boxes for Abrahnin' Lincoln,-1 other words Would not let thoin vote, a other ofliceri, who had no regard for t o law, 411; an act which greatly disgusted the friends of "Father Abraham?' in Reading at the time. Snakey Fisher is stOposed to know all nbont thin. Of , course McKnight wou't do for Collectort . Dr, 'roller's supposed withdraWal was in this wise: ' . -.' , The Dtossrs 'Belied first propOsed to . him that on condition • of Durell with drawing, ho should give the latter the Doputyship and 25 per cent. bf the etholunients. The Doctor Was not Willing to kind ti;ty devision so long . as ho had to take Blithe responsibility of the office, but was ready 'to make Dutell hie deputy at *liberal salary. This Duroll wouldn't stand. ' The atory'is that' the next offer was that Derell should ho appointed, then his friends declined going Ms . bail so ip.a to ,procroot his taking' the office, upon which Dr. Treiler was to Kellette the support of Durell's friends. Dr. Trexter ,indignantly rejected any such dodge;,eapressing his opinion of certain parties pretty freely, and has by no means withdrawn from the contest. 'l% Tutton 'party complain ,that they are' witheut'an organ, while the Dispatch pitches into them daily, anti they must ..rinl'and bear . it. Col. Aleiander'e "legal advisers" having disposed of hith; hare ample i iime to attend to hitroppo• netits, the more particularly as the pub. Header: of that irk, which Mr: Ifofftean was goitingi Out, hai been. indefinitely postpOn,:odiforsifssetta best known to the counsel. The Dispatch still represents , Col. Alexander as a martyr, and bis Melt& ad Weil. Is the Colonel himself, while . 44 Joirnel :won't say a word in suppor,l pr )44 Tuttoreat Mende... So all the latter can do is, t) complain that th e Dispatch is th e began' bf a fietiiiri'ftnd not of the'imrty, and tiirptiteo,to start it' new daily, so that they can strike back. Thefrientle of Col. Alexander seem de. tertnineidlto , nominate hiti successor, and want no man of the; Totton stripe, 'who will worry himself over other people's inconic4q,sendi for account books, hire ootsida,hook-keepers, and inflict fines and ,penalties. They say that if they can only get' 001 i. 1 Ca meton to viol; the revenue, depallnienk from their' stand. point, they wilt be all right. The various fictions are holding fre quent caticases lathe bask-rooms of lair. olfice.P.in l o4rt . ittiet, at, Orliate tables in beer satoone; and oecasibitally at street corners. Thej are all very comtnnnioa• tive, and the *town is daily apprised of their tiOped and ttleventente. ' More anon°. . . . pli!k#,virliliCOVllß QED.. e r About •5 , ago, tir se . es,., the crew of th , boon Brave, ', rtitally murdered t. N hitt ~ • an :, . ate of the easel i. ' .esiiiie Bay . t ' thie A. 2. ; the iodies erboiu.. With leas,`', lac 4 4 ettFil . i 'dieni, nd . •. e at wit . the sc b ogaer.,Whe.4,Crial*A'PdifS.9.Tig , -,, 'ed, .the bodies were lotind,,ae.t Ihi) iiei gross were arrested, and colilrifted;'abd a fell days ego theywere executed. The On(dtred • men left, families, and there 7as much indiguatien felt try . the peopie , or tticiiottoi iii-ioii - A - iii- IfieTniatter. In; forittertl in es," wtieli oar it ael - stie' peaceful, happy and virt u ous, . Inatt : who woul d syiupathico . with a pirate' . and a murderer was looke d as, w, had cit . izona,n4 a dangerous chartoter. , c Ire!' have chimed—lre have " biro i~deb and Republican daily paper of this :city actually his the bardihded to WOO these pirates beeatae they ':sere itegroct,t: The Dispatch excuses their crime by saying that the four' negroes killed the' two white men "in selidefence,":andthat tket 'tole the' schooner "because they Mouph, it belonged to them 1" Four mew kill two men "in self•defence," and steal a vessel, worth some thousands of dollars, because they "think" It their own property! Truly, we are progress. jog rapidly—in the wrong direction-- when the organ of the '. l l;hd•wnd•tneiality party" encourages piratiy . murder: Commeut is unnecessary. tohn Brown must grin with hellish delight see hoW rapidly "his souths marching , on 1" ANOTHER' VICTORY I • Col. T. H. Good ) tho Dooioeratie 'Can- Mite, Iyos elected Mayor tot tho City of Allintotto segterdny.' , ":The present cumbent ill, a ltopublionn. good work goes brnvolion I" . , . ~ Tin?.Siate Chard complains bitteily . be, ceuse'Cicorge Bergner, of the Telegraph, has been appointed Postmaster of liar. risburg.• . ' , is • Horn. Ozo. D. JACKSON, Of the ,State &nate; has our thanks for a report of the proceedings bf thd• Stater Agrienitui Convention ! at Hanish*. We re pot that the . , erowded state our , columns at present . prevents us from it. 11. B 110138; .Esq., of the House of Rep. rOsentatiVes et Ilsrrieburg,bas our thanks for a copy of the Report of the C6m rniesionere for the.,RAstoration of the Fisheries of the Susquehanna, for the year 1868. It is very interesting, °ape. dally to these who teel an inthrest in the commendable enterprise of stocking the creche and rivers of our State with fish— an enterprise, which we hew; the Legisla tore will encourage by every means In their power. OUR, NEW DICTATOR PREPARINCiTOR WAR.—Orders have been sent from Washington ~to tho armory at Springfield, to turn out 500 of ti new breechloader, daily. Mona NIOGER.—Tho President , •has signed the bill "for the security Of equal rights" in the District of Columbia. It strikes out the word ''white" from the laws and charters of . the District. "Grant Democrats," how do you like it? PENNSYLVANIA LECiISLATURE , HAnntenuna l Marc h i t:11. I , In the Senate, no business of iinpor tithe° to our roadcrs was transacted. In the House, tho general militia sup plement, reducing the minimum number of men required to form h militia come puny and imposing a tax of one dollar annually upon thoao who do not belong LO any militia company, passed finally with thp tax reduced to fifty cents. rno EI:WINOS OF COMMIES'S. WASHINGTON ) March 19. In th t Senate, a bill was 'presented aincndatory of the laws relating to the settlers upon public!' lands. The bill continuing the educational find collection departments of tho Freed men's:Bureau was passed. The Tenure of ufrice pet was, disetiss ad, but the Senato atboUrned f-tvithbut acting uponit. • In the Honse,. a' bill requiring that ag ricultural lands sold for non-payment of taxes in the South, shall be sold, itflots not exceeding 40 acres, was introduc e d by Mr. ,z Mr. Dockery introdfieed'a bill to re fend the,speeial tax to ',brandy distilled from apples, peaches or grapes. The Indian Appropriation bill was passed. A resolution with reported directing tho Foreign Conntittee to investigate the iniprisomnenti of Messrs. Bliss and Mae t4rman in Paraguay, with the conduct of oitr late Minister there. A message was . presented announcing the ratification of the Suffrage Amend molt by Massachusetts. !A. despatch from UticA states that a fight occurred in Oxford, Chiming. county, N. Y., on St. Patrick's' day, and a number of Irishmen were driven out of the town, some of them boing fstay. in- Jared, Further trouble is apprehinde‘ Onr, Weal etadort /.44105er.. Womnsooni, yard! 20 , 1869. DEAR EACILIS -- 1 -the election for officers : in the Boiough of Womeladolf.pasaol quietly, with the folloyinicCselt :Chief Burgess • 1:. ~ 14`: Smith; Town Cpuncil, Michael Kalbach, Etra John fir. Keiser, Jacob Shard?, John M.' Shonour,John O. Geisaler • JMlge l Chas.. P i Moyer ; Inspectors. Jelin 111 , Kmtzer,, Simon Von Nelda ; School Directorsp, Charles ClousciAdam Filbert Conatable t f Joseph Price; Supirvisor, Daniel bitch ; AsEearr, Augustus Fidler ; Audil tor, Peter Spans... • Our borough,* well, he irUytii of the worthy selectlOre thiy' hate ,inedb fox, the ensuing ear.'. 1 * ' Speaking about .tinsiniss i I supposo, oar worthy merchants an d tnethanici hire got their share. Our ruling market. priceS at prosept. Pre: For wheat, hest, per bus. $1.60 to. , 1;60, Corn Wets. Itys sl.2s,:Qats 66 ere, Butter 85,c0 . pet '11). Ekgs 2.lcts per dor.,, i t Twist now corne'.to close,' for it is 1 nearlttlikirtirno. ' yinire TrdlY, di • .I. , . • . • Ts5,).mAR E,Ts. . ...,..• . ,,,„ . , ~.... , ..,:,"---- rr '-- :it ir ma .i arch 20, 18 6 9 • '" Stuottct a t ii ?..L i ~ ~ luAcjkr.lo,l4o (—ft4 oto, ~ .. ..., t ‘ -. ‘ t liowsi .` It sAblam, Ittarclol/100., Old U.S. Ws I E B I • • - ' 111 ' rtu..,....„.5.a. -,. ak ~ : _, • ~, ,i t ~ , 113 , "V t 8 1 -24 el lte l fai li t -' / 15 el/ . 8. , 16'6 sty cl . i; itt" , ' New U.& PO, new r • . - 11$ 1641 , i hen U. S. 603 , 114 July and J. - 113 Now U. 8. , 1 '4.) 1f e , t:t I , i 8 Ten Foils? . 4 1 \ - All Ci /: . ft Gold In Nett o übloi2 ba ~ .. 7 30 .1.404.14*W4 2 gigAuth054.4,44.0,0 0 ., P.% . Bifttpa t While Wheat Flour per 10131., $ll ISO Rea Extra Faintly per UM 10 50 • Is t , Is • - r 00 Its Beet Iltddlingt, 7. 30 Common, , Man, . 40 corn [ ideal 1 30 ilr Mt. iirliettt pbr bolis1; 1 .- . ' 1 .6441)1 90 lted !11,50Q1 70 Rye, ' 1 40 Chits..".„ . • 65 . Corti' . . ... ......., t"—rg. ........ 1.-----" T•• 88 Ralf and Straw. finical • • Timothy ljay 410 00 for• 2000 lb, Long Rye Straw 115 00 • ‘ .540adow I ;: " ", • Mangled - " •` 1: 11110 " • " a __. ilimili-Vreu deilri, iil Vit., • , ~,,, ~..41 i ..,., 44 , ' LUMP'''. ! 4 / ....i.t/ 88 Ctipossz--t:iteeset II lb., 1 , 24. • Id,en,- , i,urd I 1 lb., i 4_24 E0w5.447.0gs dozen,., . , .. • .. 2 08 Arrtattl-r-APP es 40 PPeift . ,24,55 D/10 , quatti..... ..... •. . ......./ 4 Pskonm- ", r lit.,_ ,- i 5 , fils,tr-Boefstogir, roung VI b,..,,,,,„22 11 " irloin, 1 " ~....,...26 II 4.1 nulp, ,1. II = 20 • 46 Iles i roast, t,, 20 " Ile° dried , • i. 16 35 ", VO4ll Cutiellsh 41 1 4 23 44 4 , Ippops, , I ..... ....16 44 Mutton, . 1 " IS O2O "" Pork, , . . i . " Istrx it ',. stesir, ~ t ki ' 'o .1' It . ,134 sago fresh, ' , t'. ." 2 3625 it stuohol, 1 , I ' 28 y llama-Maw, , i i " 24 " Miced• .1 ! i i " 1 80 • SitouLlliß4-.L t ,1 1„.„,„,16 ilDEti.-- ' .qj ~t, It IS Pout.Tar-,Cblekens litre, i ::..... ..."". ft ti dressed, 't IS ." I ' 1 ,Turittes live, 41 ....• II •, , IS dresseti, dl, . 64 .' . . .„ 1 20 • t, Ch i ckens live p pr " :601600 Potatoes 111 bushel..., ' ‘ 125 IRigic and Broken. Coal; -• •$5 50 For ton ktovo„ - • • • 525- Nut, . s • - . 500 1 84 .: fittiitnllcenanal, 4 1 .iir BOOKS! : NEW .j300K81! „ , -t," y MA • foll Owing 800 , ,are offered , solo by BITTER, A , at tho EAGLE ISOOK STOUR , bid roans root: . .. 'Books. ~ • - r Pima. Nownitt,n air .71001htlIbn," ' 00 141(0 44A, 04,114,11 i Chtiblellin, Panorama of Professions and Trance, •aa Ross' Bookkeriping,,„•. ; 1 „ —‘• florae's augl, , Max on , uncon scious In. hence, , , ' Bandit's Bride, • Amaranth for Young People, • ChilsitnaS Oreithig, : Starke Book of the Iludadn—lrving, Jonas' Stories, , , Sermons for the peoplo, At argttmout for Christianity, Depot ten kilster, Exposition of Unlvemialism, Small Books on Great Subjects, Tupper's Poeticel ( Works complete, Lettere to a, Daughter, • Proverbial PhiloarniftY, Naoml,Boston two htmdred years ago, Deck and Port, Promontis ExplOrtitiond, Comile of Creation, • 10 Cohrse of 'Ault —kollook, Life of .Joieplihso, Poetical Works of the Davidson Sisters, • Ship and Shore, , Sketches end Legends of the Rhine, Combo's COnstitution of an, Ilydrophoby for the Feo Living Author's' Of England, Ireland as I saW it, • Land and Leo, Ifinslovils Philosophy, ~ Lectures for the Flroslde: The Sliver Cup, Memoirs of a liungarian Lndy, Fowler on Hereditary Descent, Dobato on tho Doctrine of Universal Salvation, Scott's Poetical Works,', Lilo of Jon quirlOy Adams, Life of General Taylor, l• Life of JamesK. Polk, Lifo of tlimeral Putnam, Whitehead's Life of Wesley, Life of Gen, Nathaniel Groono, .Lifo of Gen. 'Marlon, • Life of Murray, • : tile of Silas Wright, Life of Gon. Pierce, , , Lives of Itadlecon and Sfonroe, Lifeef gen, Lafayette,' , IflOstrations orthe Parables, Defence of Phrenology, MoChania's Assistant, HuMan Rights, Faintly Pictures from 'the lilblb, Rationale of Crime, Austin on thoAtatrlblitee, . Yot\ng Husband, -• Illustrated Life of Franklin Sbhiller's COmplete.Works fob 02—d . , Needlee'Compocmd Hemlock Plasters, Never fail,•la giving rollei, and often per fect radical cures in acute eases of pain, Inflammation or tVeakness; they promptly relieve Rheumatism, • Lumbago. • Kidney Diseases, Weak Doke, 'titian - mutton at Aeuto Dyspepsia, Swollen Joints, Enlargement of the Liver, Whoop. ing Cowell and Asthma. • N. 13.—The genuine +mile, In yellow en velopes, with printed name in my trade Mark) an ecl I pse:—.3 sizes—small, medium and large Retail at 110, Z . and .35 cents each. ?Jade , C. 11, N EEDLi*, Druggist, .*For sale by host Druggists and Dealers. Jan 16-iem, I MEM • LUMBER! LUMBER I 1 BOAS Sh 11AUDEN.BUSIL Corner 4th aTl:Spruce titreete The first LtoOfr rfird On 4th .e., below Penn.) BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST \ NVIttNTIENT:III.RD IN TUE CITY. Wo have. ,00netantly ,on • hand, a large ssortmont °tall k ode of Lumber, which 1 -11 l bo disptmed of at tho lowest , market piloes in quantities o suit purchnsore. MID. F. BOAS. CI H. W. RAUDENBIIaII. 7 'eb. 24461 I, ..-txd XGELSIOR BOOM AND SLIDE STOItE, No. Me Penn Bowel, flecking, Pa., (N . C.if poor to LorO t O Illizqwqre Stork) IIARWICIC, & b 1 • DAAKE Beg to enneence to t 0 eltl sonsr of Reading and td t einity, that the have new In Store, a very Ono essortmon lef . ' • i MEN'S' AND I.IO I IBvpOOTS AND SHOES. I • . , A 0, '., , LAMES' ANl;) 0111LHEENIS BOOTS AND SHOES 'of all sites, and ,41f ter superior Make, which they 'will, sell at the lowest cash pribes. They Ini , itii All to call and sue }heir stook beforC pbt•ol t heinx 0 1 8 9whe t re• , The hayo 'Also a ilnii, Osort.inent 0 the lidos , iit4le i s .HAT "t'AliD pArt),. et; Adtv egure§: ' • • ~ 1 '.. .: , . • r 1.11 ktnds of 41 stemi) .for te m' en u facturedli the Or best style, at short no• 4,100, • i , J 0, i t 1 i ,11:41 , ) ".. ~' -; . , The petronkao,of tli public is rcapecV. "Ully sollolted. li(.141111-ly4 • t • *Al'OlO rittoktt,i lIIN Read . inkHotsqekele.)kniii*: Market. , Coa/ Mcirhei. bath°, la pre arid bilifinigtsta "g i ener. rrA r ef f 1 1 S :t the lc i tTitli n e r an k 4 Iles' tb ae ve pride! a rig , 11, dark and.' ut,lnqua dcoootion, Mine is tbe coieronfigredtentii: fru Buctin In tiiy preparation predominates;{ the smallest , quantitypf the ether ingredientip -are ad de d,,to pret eel term entationl 'Avon inepeo. t fon; it Midi' he found not to he a Tine. tura, at mfule in PharmaoOpcsa, riot dif Ha Syrup ate) therefore eau be need in cases whore' leVer or 'inflammation extras. Di this yogi have this kneaded& 0 of the Ingre dients and tile flied° of preparation. Ilopixig that you will favor it with*. trial) and that upon inspecition it will meet with, your approbation, With a feeling of con lideuce, I am, very respectfully, H. T. HELIIIIOLD. Chemist and ..Druggist of 16 Years' ' Experience in Philadelphia, and now located at his Drug and Chem-1 iced Warehoiniel, 591 Broadway, Now 1 1 (Front the largost Manufacturing diem, bus in the World.h . 1 am acquainted with Mr. T. Helm. befit i tie, occupied the Drug !tore aro. bite, my residence and was iinecessfu in conduoting the business whore others ad not been equally so before him I have been favorably impresscd - with his charac ter and enterprise. WILLIAM WERHITMAN. ' Pim Of rowers it Weighttnan, Manu facturing Chemists Ninth and Bream Streets. Philadelphia. llv.viteoLn'e FLUID EXTRACT Buono. for weakness arising from indiscretion. , The -exhausted powers of nature which are aci. companted by so many alarming °pup. tows, among which will be found, lndie pp Sition to Exertion, Loss of Memory Wake fulness, Holler of Disease, tir Forebodinge of'Ev 11, in twit., lfluiversal Lassitude, Pros tration, and inability to enter Into tticien• joymonts of soelety. The Constitution, ones affected with Or. gable Weakneini, reqs 'the aid of Med icine to strengthen invigorate the . system, which EEL LIPS EXTRACT 1111CIIU invariably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues.' UNLNDOLD 3 B FLUID METZ:ACT 1103110, in affections peculiar to Females, - is une qualled by any other preparation, as hi Chlorosis 'or, Retention, Painfulness, or, Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation,. imprudence, or the decline or change of ifo. , 'LIDLNHOLD' FLUID EXTRAOT BUMP AND Ikr moven a Wash will radically at terminate fro the system diseases arising from habits of ,dissipation, at little ex ponse,little or no change In diet, no in 'convenience or exposure completely en lierseding those unpleasant and dangerods remedies, Copaiva and liforoury,inall these dieettiiett. ITAg HIIILIWBOLS I S FLUID EItiOACPT Boone, in all diseases of tho' organs, whether in male or female, from whatever cause ore- glnating, and no matter of how long stand. Ing. his pleasant in taste and odor, 'gni teediatts” in notion, and mote strengthen ing than any" of the preparations of Bark oriron. Those suffering from hrolten-down pr delicate constitutions, proeuro the remedy atoned, The reader must be aware that, however slight may be tho attack of the ahovo diseases, it is certain to affdot the , bodily health and mental powers. All the above diseases requite 60 414 of a Diuretic. LIELBIBULIPB EXTRACT UTERI is, the greatest Plural°. Sold by Druggists everywhere.' Pri —41.25 per bottle, or 6 betties ..for 41.64 : Delivered to any address. Describe sym tome in all communichtione. Address H. T. . lIELAMOLD, Drug gild (Jhemtoal•Warohouse, NS Broadway, N, Y.I W NONE AUB GENUINE. UNLESS DONE Ur in etreel.eugraved wrapperi with fae•similo of my ChomlealWarehouse , and signed deo '4, -2ineeddcwl T. lIBLKUOLD, THk SELECT FAMILY'BOAItDING SCDOOL, An Englisli, Classical, Mathomatical,Scion. Olio and Artistic Institution, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS At Pottstown, Montgomery County, Pa. The second half of thel eighteenth annu al session commeneedi on Wednesday, the 34 day of Februaryllast. Pupils re ceivcd at any time. For Circulars address REV. GEO. F. MILLER, A. M. Reforesting. REV. DRS. . Maim Schaeffer, Mann, Brawl), Salsa, Mnhlenborg, Itutter,Stork, Catiratl, Bomberger, Wylie, bterret, and Murphy. HONlgo Ludlow, Leonard Myiire, M. Russel Thayer, Benj. M. Buyer, Jacob S. Yost and Rieder Ciyiner. , F4Stri.—James R. Caldwell, Janice L. Clog horn, J. F. .t B. Orne, .fames Hamilton, Theo. G. Boggs, C. P. Norton, L. L. lioupt, B. Grods Fry, Miller & Derr, Charles Wanneraaoher, Jamoa Kent. Santee & Co.. John WleEit, oto. fob 20-2ineoclaBinw BM GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT SCHIIOEDER, & FELIX, Waroroom, corner Fifth and Washing ton streets. UANUFAaronY. WASZING.TO,N ST. BELOW FIFTH. wrroriEsAtz AND 11,ET.4414. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPreIiOLLY linvito public attention to the eplendid stook of brat-olass furniture now and constant. 17 on hand. and made to order to Emit customers. Among othor articles, espooNl attoittlon Le Invited to their unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, , DINING ROOM CHAIRS, - CENTRE AND OTHER TABLES 8.50 BEDSTEADS OF THS LATEST .STYLES Emit' every other article in their line of bust nese. ~ Every article Is manufactured by themselves, iD their admirably arranged u3nnufactorY. !with tb• moat perfect machinery. and skill ful mechanics, and tlnielk3d in au uneurpase ed manner. I leo prepared tO maul CA VING, 1 TURND MOULpINGS. orders pTimptly ox give etitiefaction. rev mnipit 1110. BUCH & No. 543 PEN Aro now .offering e!. SPRING t G COME AND SECliitE 0 Sults mane np to otnei in splendid style EXCELLENT An unsurpassed stoel of ;onto' FURNISAING GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT TUE THIE6, CALL AND B.liE. BU CH & BRO BEAU MO NDEIIiALL, • N (we 844: PENN' STREET. fob 184 ;, 1 401% AR Xi Mare is* Ser. Pt= Pi Ornoittir, invited,* fiq i on nt l y , t 0 mar 19-gtd I " RAmoc• t itf s c!( riwnberb, tlia:aa go; ITAVE Just itMODELEWtheltpomi. a_ ses, and fitted up a roolgon the oecontt door for their lino Tortmout of Otto Fit turfs, vfhteh have j tit been reeetyed frOni New York, and to W fah wo call the atten tion and exatnlention Of the pnblio, gyLL:LOW: 1,, {, and put up l all our gag fixtuite. ' ' ALIO,' *ATV' '710119 MID , WATER H 44,otoliwt IFEETVAIKS: ~VgJceep!t.Ornyigo' r, ailgo juko,d, gm( also up"dliToront othev Ranges, All kindll, of Reittaterii for Heaters au4 .ItangOs. ute 10-2,v.1 City Billiard Salocin, 1 i I THIS 3.2k1 1 .00N bee boon fitted up in the Most benutiful style. regordloss of ex, pens° end trouble.' The beet o( Sharp's tables b nvo been proeured,vatb everything routilßlte for enjoyment. mar 10:Jituod New Furruture Stote l Np. 927 & 920 Penn Street. • • rIPITE RESI'.ECTFIILI.Y 1 Invites pnblio attention to Lle,large and excellent stook, Ready-made linrOans,.fled. steads t Washatands,Wardrobes, Cupboards, Hook Lases; Chairs, Sofas, *o 4 it all, korts and patterns, and at all peless.., All kJ 1)(1,3 or Cabinet Ware, frtga the most ornamental Bureaus, lledstoads and Hook Cases, to' the plalpest articles of Furniture, promptly made to order, VirlinlsOr Cbaira of all kinds always on hand. • Farnitare Renewed and Varnished. The old stock will remain at, the old stand, o. MO P0)111 street, until April Ist. & STORE, 0•17 &„1 1 E1. • i'N ST., 1 . 4 2 s'lready opened. Where all -.11 wftnt ne Fur- Mute can be suited 1n Eoty,o and price. mar 12-Iyd•ltw) WILLIAM gLizip- 0 1 4 c P..4'J'• 1 , 1 / 4 1 Ny 111 3 01 • Ob. fi r ` , • E F o• vViie 0 Wri ° o • fi • Lil. 0:1 p.4 4> t 4 t p .l 1 SS ij Z ci9' e,ap orders for a, pANVINO, an exited, and warrant,- ap:10 d THE SELTZER HOUSE, WonieledWi Beaks 0o.; ' * -1 r4( 1111 % • , • . , .47ropristers. -• • , AT TRIM nowet..o,upTs!wiLi. FIND exeelient accereniodatiOn", the land. lords obliging, and the table fliladt pith all the best the market affordii". Coritleetelt With the hotel is a Stilt-elms Livery Stable, sO that conveyances Are Always at hand for those who may sorontiiin the beaotlful vll. Omnibuses to And from thivd6p6t", , . 11.—After April let the partnership wi Ibe dissolved, And enr Kachel will mar l assume entire control Of the otel, e4imd BRO., PITAIER'r, 314nt1141 stook of II ODs. EAT BARGAINS FOR SALE, • . 100,000 BRI.CitS,' of the very btlet kind, weli c tnitifie aad dura bp). For fnrtiter partionlars address or call upon the undersigned, at Bower's Station, E. P. E. E..; 604.91 COunty..l%. . Jan 184( AARON BOWER. NOTICE IS iIER,EBY. GIVEN;i that the account ef Abraham ilenrlek Assignee of Retelyalle pry, las boon . I In the PrettumotarY k s °Mee er tv t and that the same will be confirmed on 'MONDAY, the 121,0 1 412f1f 'Aprilttext, unless amuse be shown to the contrary. W