Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 18, 1869, Image 2

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MARC 4 18, 1869.
An f ril4 j t I
te once,
Mid Rikiltira oAtrris Dtmo-
ORAT flit* Web retribired to
542'Pettit tatted; Sehtitheker
11)00 oprooite the
Keyatone noun,
Mg. lAtoop,R. Sounwrgit ts our author•
isott tkgent, to obtiin 'iubecription for
MI DAILY , 111.0* the oAgferr' Et AND
DIOICOODAt, oud tho ADLItu. lie will
couitneues fiis canvass of the county at
°sloe, „
POMMY Ilia recoived 1140 appo
"MI !s tbip t4us?" Is Cu'
b,16 way?
"Wno Is I,loiie 7" is the gime
New England:, "Who is doer ?"
(l i neation in Itinnsylvsnis.
Tan Felker Abraha4 peblhthee
stteet of Eig:Preiident Johneon'e l
diete,ry Adltelio. It to the only
patriotie article that has appeared
paper fOt , sonie time pest.
: •RADICAT, peperi howl beenusei their
Toie iiviliteed by the reeentlignOng bf
foir losgrb . ipliatei i
. n qietislandi: The
nigger. ;mid • only Mille two white men
awl stolen i schooner---that tine nil I
Poor lambi 1
Hamm henry itorm •in the od
rites region,brought to the nurtecetwitive
Wines& victims ; of the Alittie Steven.
diluter. ) • ,
Taw Mogi Post says c "The rgmer
Qineral;l 4 ogin was lately admitted
to the Methodist ()hotel) ) M
b 0 be is kept on probation
aq 10ug,m,40, contiausiln Congress."
. ; .
814T1, 1 ‘.0tr.f., residing at 088 Marshall
eireet l.
sn rhihtfleiPhie, : died of hydrophobia
an )4°04 ornins.. fiont the bite of
pet dng, „wee ;playingi
shout four weelie,no t • . • •
Ciii; 4,D, 04 ihdre44.of the Inte
rior under,Gpiphyoys, governor
of Ohli; in'lBos,ana opposed negro suf
frige in his !neinoral address. Wonder
What hi thitilyfof the fruition now?
'4 l l4oissraotts Ilvvssins,s is now Wan'
theiteililature t in the shape of a bill
piovidini that a 4,rtnin "steam indica
tor" shall be piaeCd upon every' steam
Whir tltate. It creates the of
of bilonei 'inspector," and gives a fat
jobliktioiliiv'entor' of the '" &Warn Isii
oatitiVeirO4silld. The owners of boll.
err Must 'pay Kir "Indicators," and the
tax•payers must pay the " boiler inspec•
Are ih the United Staten 7,971,
000 valued at $L080,000,000.
trIF colored pooplo 'of Giles county,
,have pet4ionod the Governor
;to withdraw the militia from their coml.
ty. Drownlowse favorite pntienta are
elolt of
,hip medicine.
Tait Row York Tribune howls pia•
tally beCause a 'Radical in Georgia,
named Parilen,"ft highly respectable and
wealtby,cititen," was taken from prison
and Ilhol dead by masked men. The Tri.
Wine daeseot mention the fact that Dar•
den lila in,walt for Alt. Wallace, editor
of the Wprenion Clipper, and : Mot hint
(40 "rya, :iciindow wits a r(11s 1 be
cause Wallace had denounead him in his
paper ror, promising to hive him admitted
to a /4C041) and iben secretly blaelc.ball.
log Oat. 'After the experience. of Grant
and oliwedi
at_ i Olchiii9 n d, where 'a con.
:Itledver,. ria:a acquitted * the
frieof of WO I;OVI what a farce the
.tial 'of 144 in ,wonli be, and they acted
,accoidinglY. Under tho circumstances,
their action will ba considered justifiable
by majority ,of the people at this
country, . An assassin who shoots his
enemy from a window must expect sure.
mart' Punislment.
WASUINGTO I, Unecik 17.
In the senate k Mr. , Wilson introduced
a *ll continuing, the educational and col•
lectio departments 9f the Freedmen's
• Tsprnbull, from the :Judiciary
Committee ! reported,the bill to enforce
the Fourteenth Amendment in 451 3 orgia,
and also the credentials of the Se ators
eleo (I:om,that S tate, with a reconmen ,
datlon,that they be tabled until the MO`
lutlop isncted upon.
Mr. Morton introduced his resolution
relating to proceedings by State Legiala•
tures on Constitutional Amendments,
and on his motion, it wits tabled. •
The bill to repeal the Ceoure•of•Of
,Gce act was discussed.. •
Ip (e louie,,the Indian appropria
' tion bill .whys reported.
4 JOintaesolution was also reported to,
minitf•clietWono in ibe enrolment of
some of the appropriation bills last sea.
One of these was the section reiliring
owneri of bonded. warehouses to reim.
burse"the government • the salaries of
storekeepers, etc. Mr. Holman moved
to *ft4ke ont this parngtaph, but the me.
tion 1,4.'1011 4 and the joint resolution
Tie Senate resolution relating to the
provisional governments in Virginia and
Tens *es passed.
11 1 21
AT the outbre ak of theist.° *ai l 4*
A. J. 6 . 11 1 now P. - • r Gatlin
tinder a ril . , wai,al olent z , e 4 al
citified aco - 2 any of 'Meta . 1 • Bola
In Marylanik Omsk:jean& : 4 , treaai
Ockenr."• 1: 1 , • ''il :• . , J- .
i ':•::-,
AiribliklAir ---r—i,----',..
A 'A T 0 n Satii,
night a gentleman in the viciotly_
Eferelith - Cirßiteigiffigtr,Thill
descended into his cellar with a. light
procure some articles, and on going into
a corner observed a rat, , which sprang at
blot in arnost ferocious manner, trying
toreach hie throat. The gentleman re 7
treeted f irnoeitin off the infuriated Ares*
min with Ilia han d, mnd analiy pug:lino
piece of )wapdirillfki it. jlt triat , 44 1 4110
as a good sized itten, and tore tom
gentleman's civilise in several places, but
fortunately did not injure him.
Tun iltuation of Polynesian laborers
in Australia amounts prictidally , ilos
slavery, and •their Orient itriportatinie
from the Pacific Islands is nothing more
nor less than a slave 'trade. They nie
kidnapped• and huddled together in the
holds of ships. They die , by thousands
on the high seas. Those that finally
reach Australia are obliged tO work for,
a trifle of what white men receive,
aro punished by irons and: whipping.
They are frequiintly shot, and a!ti trans ,
(erred from one master to another
out their own conserit. ‘,'Loyal" Efig.
land, the champion, of negroesishonlir
cast the slavery beam ont of her own eye,
'eon in
A CORREAMiDENT wants to 'know who
were the parties,. beeides Abraham Lin•
coin, that entered into a Contract with
Jefferson Davis and the Confederate got
'ernment, the fait-year of the war ,to
change bacon for tobacco? Such , a con
tract was Certainly entered into by the
"late lamented," etc., of the first part,
and Jefferson Davis, etc., of the second
part ; tint Gem Grant vetoed the transac•
'tion by capturing and , destroying the first
installment of tobacco , shipped by the
'Confederate gnverninnt per the Freder-
Aeltsburg and - Pot t omtio railroad.—N.
Democrctf. •
ton In
Is tho
Tile 'WORKING PEOPIAI.—_ 110 , Gorman
,cabinet makers of New York have struck
for an advance of wages. Irc. that city
there are 107 shops, in which the cabinet
makers, numbering about 2500, and'im
longfng to an association s are emplqed.
The journeymen are now earning from
eighteen • to twenty !loiters par tfietirr l —?
Thintrika is for a genet/11. advauco of
about fifteen per cent. The men em•
ployed in each shop. however, will do.
termine thoprieo to -be paid.
The gak and steam fitters of Now
York, 'it is stated, will on March 22,1
'strike for an increase of fifty cents upon
the. present rate of wages, $2 SO ,per
The stone rubbers' strike in New York
still continues, the unemployed mon be
ing supported by the hands who have
The printer& strike in Now York is
not yet settled ; eight bosses decline ac
ceding to the demands of the men and
it is asserted•that. the ram* must est ablish
a Co4)perative printing establishment, in
order to•obtain the kontracia now held by
:the employers., -
The strike among the journeyinen in
the morocco manufactories in Made!.
phis is virtually, ended, most of the work ,
men having gone to work at the - old rate
of wages.
Wrirdstons of tur •Army Appiopirlit
'Soh Art.
• The Army Appropriation act is . pd..
Balled in *Order No. 15 of the War De•
pertinent, Besides providing for the
support , of tho, army. rind its various
branches, it provides that there shall be
no new tiommissiolis, no rirom e tions,' and
no enlistments in any infantrypiginienta
until the total number is reduced tn,
prenty-five, and directs. the ticeretery of i
'Wet• to consolidate the infantry regiments
as rapidly as the requirements of
_the public service and the reduction of
the number of officers will permit, that
no appointment of brigadier generals
shall be made until the , nuniber to re-
Alueed to leas•then cight, and thereafter
there shell be only eight brigadier gen.
orals in the army. Of the fifteen bands
now in the service, all except the band
nt the Military Academy shall bo honor
ably discharged without delay and that
until otherwise,direeted by law thereshall
ho no new appointtnents and no promo.
Lions in the Adjutant General's Depert
ment, in the Inspector General's Depart•
ment, in the Pay Department, in the,
Quartermaster's Department, in the
Commissary Department, in, the Ord.,
Hance Department, in the Engineer De.
pertinent, and In the 'Medical Depart
ment ; and that brevet rank shall not
entitle an officer to precedence or com
mand. except by special assignnient of'
the President'; but, such assignment filial'
not entitle any officer to additienal pay or
From our Traveling Correspondent.
LOOK HAVEN, Pa., March 17, 1809,
• DiCain EAOLK:—I came' Up here from
Williamsport last night in the accommo •
dation tra in' and had intended to have
gone back this morning, but there is no
train. palms th is place going eastward,
through the day, that • will carry passer'.
Nara. The accommodation . tram that
comes up_ here from Williamsport, at
6:30, P. M., after the arrival of the 171•
Mira Express, returns haek to Williamt•
port in the morning at 8:00, but wit hot
carry any passengers. It rubs dow' to
Williamsport, a distance of M 17 flee,
1 .1
empty. 'The Penna. Railroad. does this
for thepurpotte of forcing the travel' from
this point around `y Tyrone and over the
Penna. Railroad from that point East.—
TIM traveling' pphlie must either take
that rove, or be. content to lay over here
about twenty hours. ; .There is 'Do other'
company but the Pnna. Railroad cow;
panv would dare to practice such art'kn.
position -on the public, but they'eal
even more thatt that with impithity. -
' Lock Raven is eitaated on the P. 4 E.
Railroad, about midway between Phila-
delphia and Erie-12§ miles. fronttack'
City. It is surrounded by a epldfbroken,
mountainous county, thich is not ' we:l
adapted to either agrieultiire or grazing,
.1t is not likely' that it 'would ever have
been known to civilixation h if it had' not
been dug but WM obscurity 6y:the gel th
Drench Cabal; 'since Alehlinie it has
been going up . steadily but very lilOwly.
it now contains a population Orostioot
7,000. It is , not by any means a bulimia
place. Some five or six saw 'mills,
which nianufacture annually' about p';-
000,00 feet of luitiber 4 constitute its
list of manufactories.' 'There is a great
deal ot, lumber `'passes • hands,. at .04 '
point, tbijs? seas&n ;of the' year., icany,
lumberMea In the lumber,
region', 'vim
their blether thls'far on theway_iii Oak
ket Rad thehj,iell it. There are ajood
Many : m 4
en ro , now, from gargle erg,
and•Midillatiiwn looking etit for 's# UN'
dons in lumber. ThrieFe - are some rafts
OD the river to-6Y butinbtliiittYd is the
small streams are too low. The lumber-
men tell Inielthat 'there di rabOut !the
usual quantity_ofilember to • go' ihrivil
to market frOm this county, but tbeitte
ate far in advance of last Ifear t i`,* Ws
been very cold up, , here,thlit,w ( COit t litit it
mobrating doka .slitilli Dow. , Aistd.
,-,h, - • 0.-4
1 11 11411P3`
...Son . My ,
Joni a rts' EX..
1, J
tu l le
J o tO 1.4.. N. ' ;
sitssitar. ' -
du,gstroi Malt
MOM, edit'.
-- - 3,9., roper-.
~0111I1p6 old- a i , : , : f i . )
_ ..._—.., as Pre A.Ottligiffi war.
ail le of s tar eolor.: . It is SP; plant that
dewvattilro;st&LialirVls be
L l Vril Ithi l valulni
a dark iinVgAttil d. .. , - ixr.r tune
the colen of Inr a ditsu ... The Dischn in DIY
Rtes' ' lei; 'lle' 41111110111 t
quantltz oft e 0
.er for...lle:lM are sttl;.
(Leo, to a 4 tits 9. to du; uPPO , (t"
irs g t
tion,WO , MI n 43,11. el,
tura. ' aln P 1 44'
arta • tftereit. .' - bo w,
n #
where foyer or Il i a i rnmation exists. In
thlsttni have the` otrledge of the !Ogre.
dtant4 and the) Mot el ottstaVaratten.
. Eloping that youn favor It wib at rial ,
tiny 4na. , Atka ins ton ityirtit eel with
your approbation, , . ith a, teen of con.
Ildencei .. • s,' ' • " - . • •
. —. . i I auti,votv restrict toll I .D. '.
. ~,,,,, - ~,' i )1. T. SUMO I •
• Chemist"' and Drupelet a l6 ears'
Experience . In Philassinhiet and
now locatektatfds 'Drug and9ll l l,m).
teal Warehaine.l,lso4 Brft4lvety,*
• New
York. , •
['from then' largest lianntaoinring' Chem
lets in the World.l
lam ,acqnaloteff with Mr. H. T. Helm
bold; he; occupied the- Drug • Store oppo
site my residence and was suctdolstnr, in
conducting the business where others bad
not been equally en before him. 1 have
been volubly impressed With hla chorea
ter and "sae:prise. ; • ,
Firm of Powers a Weight man, Manu
facturing Chemists Ninth and Brown
Streets. Philadelphia. •
Dirx,smotn's FLUID HITRAOT Dllontlo for
weakness arising from indiscretion. The
exhausted powers of nature which aro ace
compattled by so many alurentnii symp
toms, atuong which all' be tound Indiapo-
Hilton, to Exertion, toss of Itlemoy Wake
fulness, Horror of Maces°, or Fosoboti Inge
of Inv 11,1 n fact, Universal Lassittide, Pros
tration, and inshinty to enter ln o the en
joy 'lents of Eoetety.
.4:he Constit CI I lon, once ' affected With Or.
gable Weaknets, requires the tdd of med
icine to strengthen and Inslgorate the
twatomt which 1110,141101,1K1 EXTRACT
111.1011 If • invariably does. Hilo treatment
is submitted to, Corusump i tion ty Istaanit,y
ensue.' I , f
affections peculiar to Females, s one-
Rualleil by any other preparation, as in
Litioroals or Retention, Painfulness, or
Suppression of Customary ;Evacuations,
Ulooretted or Bohlrrus Slate Of, the Uturu' L
and all complaints • incident •to the sex,•
whether arising from habits of dissipation,
imprudence, or In the deoliror change of
its. , • • .
IlasatisoLP.'6 rLtrin , ExTzlior Ituonu Arm
,Istestovarr Rose .Wean will , radically ex
terminate) from the system diseases arislog
from' habits of dissiputlon , at little ox•
pence,little or no °bongo In diet, tio 'iti
conveience of exposure t completely su.
perseding t h ose unpleasant mitt dangerous
remedies, Vopaiva and.Mercury,inall hese
diseases. ,
has il atainOttl'a *LITID EXTaAOT B env
1 in all discaseti .of the organs, taunt) r. In
male or female, from whatever cans ed.,
ghtating, and no matter of how long a and
ing. Itls pleasant in taste and odor, 'lni.•
Mediate" in notion, end more atrongt on.
log than any ox the preparations of ark
or Iron. ,
Those' 'suffering from ' brokon-down tr
eilleate constitutions, procure thereto dy
at Ono°. '- . • •
The reader must, be aware that, howo or
slight may be the attack of the ab ve
diseases, It Is certain to affect the bo ily
health and mental powers. • - ••
All the
.above iliseasos• require the id
of a Dturotte. • HELMBOLIPB EXTRA T
BUOHU is the greatest Diuretic. •
Sold - by Druggists everywhere. I'r on
31.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for 'a6,60.
Delivered to any address. Desetitie sYrfP•
toms in all communications. •
Addroa* U,. T. lIELM BOLD, .Dru_g
phowleal-Warobouao, BroatiFetty_. N,
DONE Ilk wrapp
with la6alntilo o my OhoudealWarohou
and a_litned
dria 24-2tnoodikwl H. T. ilittArpOL
. title gild Artiefio IngtitutiOn,
FOR YOVNO MEN .1v,q,9 00Y8 !
'AilPdaslown,•Jfantyromery County - p Pa!
The second half of the eighteenth annu
al session commeneed,! on _ Wednesday,
the day of February' last. . Pupils re
coaled at any time. For Circulars address
z v l
References. '
REV. DRS. —lg.t. Schaeffer, •Bfann,
Xrnuth, Belas, Muhlenherg,Thitter,t3tork
Conrad. Bomberger, Wylie! :Stove% anti
lION 4 .—JuilgO. Ludlow, Leonard Myers. M,
Russel Thayer, Benj. M. lloyer;, acrob 8.
Yoat uhtt !floater Clymer.
lEMQi.—Jun . les E. Onid well. 4James L. Clog
horn, J. F. & B:Orne Jaines Ilan Mon,
Theo. 0, Boggs, C. F.- Norton, L. L.
Boupt, 8. press 'try, Miller & Derr,
Charles Wannennteher. James Kent,
Santee te Co., John Wiest, etc.
fob 20-2moo11&1mw
WareroOra l coiner fifth and Watihing
/ toe Oreete.,
• BELOW 1.7FT8.
ill Mc public attention to 'the splendid
stook oi firs -glass furniture now and constant
ly on hand, and 1411414) to order to suit
customers. • ' - 1 - • •
Among other articles, especial attention Is
Invited to their unsurpassed
and every othetlitlelettt their line of busi
ness. • _ 1. , • _ ,
Every article is Manufactured by thernse ver,
liittr h g r e r i n tl ya ir _t_ b r l t r eit a , t ra "n eri d m manu t f l a°
fill mohair/ea r and Alnug l ed i n nan u a u ll a t ila ss .
ell manner.,
Alia prepared to szeimtrsall orders for ,
• •
' '• TURNING, .•
• • SAWING, aid
• itOULDINPB. ' ' • "
All orders promptly oriented, and warrant
ed to give eitisfaetio_n. ap. 10 d •
,& BRO ! ,.
No. seti Fnimia,
Ara ttonl' iitreriiii *Plendta etoeic isr
• , •
c0 : 1119 AND . BISuuIt,IS GI AT
an!te mea d 11:4)1rmilnyyliOd style—t
uttenighsbedi at/Jac • Or „„ante'
Bt) 011 & , Itoi;
ti EA
lq.s. o )4x,',Otlicttif-'
"bu d L;
4 "
pea 74
highest terms of he ink nianetac reel b 7
them "'VOWS of Ittelrialt Were WPM'
used in t is establishment,anit Dave given
entire satlsfuotion.--"DeMy Telegraph,"
Itarrtsbarg, Pa.
Goon Palermo lecia-11. very impor tant
requisite to the predlaolitort of W "P rlnt•
*I newspaper 111 Minimum ing. ifs! ting
the "Bucks County Intellfgeneeri on a fast
pram we in tiq bed Kt boateatt",ttli'a staid
Ztfei /tee sa Alert wirarest
using an Ink made especially rot the. ,
telLigeneer,Phy V. R. ISOBlNatntoprtierol l .
Gray's Font road and Thirty-third street 4,
rbibolelPhia• which. comes 1 Seater. the
mirk than any other we have met with.
That this opinion is shared by other pule'
Inhere is shown by the following extracts:
Pantrea's GOOD Awriota—The
ink with which this issue of the "Republi.
can" is printed.
is from the Gray's Ferry Printing Ink Works of O. R. ROBINSON. It
is clean, Bows freely, and loot a good color.
Our brother printers can judge of its quail
ty by comparing it with ink from other
manufactories.—"Dolaware County Repub..
Uca i."
To Paisraas,—We have been using for
several week, a very fine
_quality of lok,.
from the Gray's Ferry_ Manufactory or
011.ARLICS B. ROBINSON, which onr press
men say Is the beet for cylinder press news
work, that they have used for a long time.
It is a clear black, and free from all kinds
of sediment. Mr. Robinson Is a practical
ink manufacturer; liberal and courteous In
all business transactions, and as he has
recently had the misfortune to be burned
nut, we are the more free to recommend
his Ink and himself to the patronage of all
printers whit desire a good article at very
cheap rates.,—"Delaware Gazette."
One of oar cotemporaries also recom
mends it as 'follows:— _ ,
Fuse rnINTINo lex.---We have fee some
time been using the new* ink inalitifa_atured
Grays IFerry • Printing Ink Works,
Philadelphia, by C. R. ROBINSON, and, as
Stated some weeks ago, have fouled it better
adapted. to our .presaes-than any ink we
have had in onr office for ton years. It is not
only a very excellent article of ink, but it
is 'undated at very reasonablelr r lces. The
Works also tiiabrifacture Meek a d Colored
Printing and Lithographic Inks, ernishes,
/to. Their address loGreyleFerri road and
Thirty-third street.—" Hagerstown,
land, Herald."
We,ne'ver re6Ommans an artistic in these
columns sinless ft really merits it, and to
learn whether our own opinion of the ink
the "Tax 9ger" Is now.usleg coincided
with our pre man% .We inquired his esti-
Mate. Go replied, "Good, very good and
as wo never know. him to deviate trrem the
truth, we intorm our fellow printers that
said of Robllasen's Philadelphia
Printing Ink.—" Tax Payer." Now, York.
We -have recently been using fin Mir
poWspaper the Ink manufactured at Gray's
Ferry Printing Ink Works,by C. R. ROBIN
SON, and as it gives the best satisfaction.
We cordially recommend It to our brethren
'of the press geuerally.—"The American,"
Media, Pa. '
Title Week's edition of the "News" bi
printed with ffik from Gray's Ferry - Works,
Philadelphia., The Ink is all that could be
desired, and We cheerfully recommend ft
,to the oraft.—"Shippensburg News."
The ink with which this issue of the
"Times" is printed Is from the Gray's Ferry
Printing Ink Works of 0, R. ROBINSON. It
Is clear, works Mean, and Is of good color.—
.E. Wells, "Port Tobacco Times," Maryland,
Goon INK. —One of the greatest SieereCil of
annoyance in a printing office fa bad • ink.
We have tried various makes, payingsolne
times very high prices, and !Oleg. IYe now
use the ink manutaotered : at Gray's Ferry
Printing Ink Works, by 0. R. ROBINSON,
and it gives satisfaction. Weaballoontinue
to use it and commend it to others of the
craft with confidenee. Adfetnonian,"
West Chester, Pa.
• Many of our onlces have been in the habit
of sending away for their Inks, We would
cull attention to the advertisement of the
Gray's Ferry Printing Ink Works. We are
using ink from the above factory and find
it,eptirely satisfactory in quality and price.
and take pleasure in adding - our testimony
in its favor , —Philadelphla Evening Star."
Front "Savannah ( tsla.) Nevie." .
Five PRINT/NO lew..—We take pleasure In
'calling the *Mention of printers to the
advertleoMent of Mr, C. E. Rommox; Ink
Manufacturer, Philadelphia. The "Morn=
fug News" is printed with ink 'from hie
manufactory, It Is clean, well ground.and
of good color, ond Is sold et a very reasons..
blo price. In fact, it is the HEST INK for
the price that we have over used, and we
cordially add our endorsement to those in
the advertisement.
Frew "Daily Tratuloript," Portsmouth, Va.
We -are using Mr. 0. R. ROBINSON'S
Printing Ink, and find all that is said of It
in the numerous eXtraots Otero to ho true.
mar 18-ltd
An Invaluable Article for the Toilet,
CAIIOBI3 A Now ()Bowl% or BAIR, •
Restores Its Natural Color, •
, 1'141;o:roe Its Growth.,
Inelgoliktsa'the . dealp,
And i4ols'ot the Mire
Increases .the georet len s of . the Coloring
-I Matter of the Hair, Removes Dandruff,
Cares Eruptive Diseases ofthegoalp,
Changes Whiskers and Mustaches to their
Natural Color, Bta i t t e the ,
A, Yaw Anioni Many Oases la Woof of
its Ifiyaluabld Properties.
Mr . C. Monvoommtv, Esq.—Dear Bh.—ln
NewTork there is hot b. preps_ration for
the hair that can compare with Montgom•
cry's Heir Restorer, ab a• renewer of color':
and dressing. Undoubtediy yoqrs Is the
great hair tonic of the day. I speak from
experience, hav ing , need many proverb..
done:and yours is the Only oite•that has
ben eette(rme.l My hair hart been very, gray
for a number of years, and your Restorer
hes perfectly renewed the original color of
the hair and greatly improved tieowth.
Ana dressing for the hair it Is ex quisite,
and in every respect a pleasure to use ft. • -
D. FIORROYIP, 102 A 104 Maiden Laub:,
New York, August:29, 1866, ' •• .
~ .
NO NTOOMBRY)B 04 m R4thromen..,
' ki i • (Or ow r onximr . I,to North eih'ln; nit_',
Dent Mr.—My hair hab been gray and white
for river thirty years. , ' MY son, a nierehArit
01 this pl co, purchased to. of MOntg6M.'
errs flair Restorer. restored iteigitto' try
It, and in one week it toy hair to
its original color, which was a dark brown.
It not only restored in) , heir to its natural
color; but tendered It soft end , glOssy; and
removed all dandruff fro •heitd - . AO.. hair
tenter It is the best I have viir used. I feel
It Inv' duty to let the poblt generally know
that.tbey need riot 'Wear y hair air Ion;
ger if they Will only limb • in. C. Iltoutgotn- 1
cry's, lialr.Restorer. „ 1 ., ,
JAMES 13.'DARR101. '
Georgetown, Del., March 18, 1888,' .
rzstraroxyar TO/4U Ay Ross.
. Wit. C. AlorreonesT-4Dose Mr.-.. 4 take
pleasure in giving my testimony to the
coop of your flair Restorer.. lay hair hav
ing 0 00 8241Y:or Boverill roars and booting
your Reaterer MARY onOteti of, I date;. '
mined to try It: Inn noW happy to state
that It bas done all you ,linvertised It to do
—having Mitered my hair, which was vary
graY, tone Original natural color. It is a
proparettop for .the , hitt:44ol:l
edvlso all p ersoha * hive ' roy hitt; itot
wish it res t ored Wits nOlOr t to use
Mont &me yisligirritiWtorer..ltsilto'kceps
the scalp clean and free from !land ruff. and
is easy and pleasant to Use, Any:Person'
who dirt 'the truth Of tbhkeertt e nte, eon
Oen an *no for themgelven. Vo troly t
, ma R. nosn, 03 t At.
ThillyielphlL 1 1 4 5 8
So Pride, st.ool three bettteli. 03.64113t;53.111.
_bsrall,Droiralsto. • < l ' , :
Wit' Ir th sixth iitroeskinip44ftw I>:
And . •• • ~ .k
0 MG 4411
164 MAT
, r ,
• t
. ,
' , '.•)t.....;1 :: IN , (10 ; 0 ._1 : 7.;31z-1 . .' - l'i,r. 4' '
itiverlWro(A Goqwwg
They= w ri a l e Tt i =l;lo..gil.ektult
111014.0414414 t,
•." f:f 4
' qeouie4 by l i ft* sores of ebolvelitikdis
011.14 the Esurcka, Stook
Compatintbt 40, 1 . „
At .111o.ind 'INTEREST:
Yield In Currealry NEARLY Tim mu
z • Clain /141TREST. I
, •We :rill tocriV arch:o44loAl or cottiettlet
lanes at full market price, In eliobange r
tae Hondo.' Parnpbleisatil fun tritertpat
and Bondi ' furnished on application by
Ina% or in person.
0i1 ...:,,.,:., . •.:.0
Al'lD , DEAtvais xN P0 17 ,*
itIIII4AENT Emounrim 991,P.0u.-
No. 40 SOUTH THiftb STRS
nov7-41awly1 • ' • isirAnzu
E N t
NEWHANT ~T 4404,
s ae • nvrflOlreat • tllo` Notabliehuient froth
o. 031 Penn Ittreesi to 433 Penfretreet, eve
ion below the barium' National Beek,-
here h 9 yttll be happy' to meet all hie
lends and customer.. . ,
Anew and froph .71r Or.tioode on llatfl
or the aptlnk Cant aW l ,,vildelt *lll
ado up In thollEB STYLE 'and at very
wettable charges. • ,
Hee charge of %Ike CeifieptDOeitittneot,and
good ate *III be , guaratiteedi
044., td. gio4447llTfiz
mat 8-2wdl A.,IIIINLEIN.
114£3,JinttBIC Oiii()l6
Br •
For many seam with Joe. Mahler it Co.,
Bon ~t Nit 3); H. 'litvido, Atii4o.44 - o* F it of
: They bavo on hand and Will st ttll 'times
keep a largd and' woll seleotod stook of all
brawls and qualities of - . • •
narOntrip*iioss. 4 0' 6 ' •
A ohOlos lot of ~ • . .•
_ .
, • ' •, • ~. •
Also, fine double djiltilled rye whisigrof•
different brands; also °amnion, rectified
whisky And vinegar WhOlegale and r 4141111.
Dem kjohn s add honks of all sites. All stdods
Will be sold at Oleos to Suit tha Limbs. • •
Thai' extend an ihvitattou to their nu
010VOnli friends and the public generally,
and hope by , strict attontion to busi cab,
and Courtesy to all who may favor t CM
with their patronage, to gain the e nit
donee of buyers. ILUGRICti A RILOD •
idar,s-imd• • • • • • ,-:
$2O BE WA LiD,'—' Thei ' reOlents 'Union
will pity sloweed of $2O for the hr.
rest 01 eon vtotloo pf any pp or he r .
hone raking* faille - 041in 0 Bre ytthth the
utatte,of the Ottrot Itthtdth . • - =
' JOH A.. PO, •
4.lhlefleritneer Aro Departokeht. '
tear 10.1w4 , .• . - , ...
meui 430 8 100)041Ing in A Rqvnto rota ,
y,45,0(ip0r woy . &trees
Non* !--214,1 'OMAN 0111i1044
. • • • • , .
Atf lILIVOAI4O,- , Tge N li i~KggUUI7B o.
139 South eight street, 1441 the
modem' eonvea enoesfen(lo. let by' 230
felt will be igid i t o arilmo,vlA etTliti•
DA t, Margit ,4 tii eyistene louse.
Conditions ends knoWle At time - Of sale by
mar 15,5td* ,tv TliQ#l4B
WittY U, • r4E 4 ss tuihi
Rein% Jan. lerHr. Wm. 0 1 1
Kron K . South ilith Veteet, hays the
H. M. 111 the only thing Melt haS iglieerr
strength to his broken arot—hall used 4 1 In
I bis leanly for Esmohe,'•Hearalgla it
(frosted feet, performing in each e ase a
!reienderfu)ly quiqk and netelleal enrol
B. YO X i Yroirleter of Keystone) House,
PertillesAkutt th ree betties of the Ott cured
laloo. st lAA rain IA Hers., 'retains/the cure at
JOlll4 KilildP, M f 'Po r retnan, says the 011
bbbured him df a SlraCture of the collar
The above nanied pereons are well known
in this vicinity, arid 4re Plea vritneu.
f Having furrileheideeloh
lit the tiuteswe advertised with the
g ving tholes popular ben *lr
\ •
I it Weeesliatito add ili(il4'll4,ol/03.
Ac m e P -1 4 v 4 Wi t,: OP , •
(), 1 1 ki
' v l V * i • '
ai4 is
retiteittea ' combined i►lji inr.
iJeh ab many good eartilleateg trom promt•
ant citizens In tbe eity as vicinity au
theme who hay, been onret.ity*, gge.te
the itsciei!lon lan 011—eall en .
PAO,. lt4lllllOl l lD,
The German and Xogfteh %Otter pf,tl
Company, etopphvg at the ItryatOne st6l4
and purchase b bottle of the 011, or reed
adrtoe and treat num t fate Of - charge.
Alio hold by J. K. licCurdy, Doctor
politer and
,Llan 13 d
tek• t t
Ram r% ":sl,4], t
FEE BI fol;
rot . - Aitvrzcius or
TRU 1111\0E.
'4oo ,MV. lr eqW7Afith"l
, ' ) N l 4`;
raST w dr.ThiNt* . A9 410
Atl i ";
ftaluildr " a 's
°WAS T 14011.1
"te ;.„ rimitepho
riri s r4Tr'
Internet 0%14 on all Deposits.
Opot at 9 a.
fob. 1-IN9 d a w 1.4
ital e olso,ooo.
4:11( 11 .
.ort4 IA street, Sbutk-East
Ajmer et/ Mort Street.
ornon 11013138 FROM 8 A. 11. to 8 P. M.
J. Nunez* Wain *Amour,
yam4-Iritifthltios s tsidirre,
JonS f alAitA I TEVainits,
Gamma $lllllll.ll.
kinds of property against lose or dam.
tte by lire at rates &slow as any other
able VoMpanwr
I nd upon every plan known
to Stock lue nrcrriiPsti
Perpetual' It d ulring no
.renewal and upon which the amount of
pymium paid can be reclaimed at any time
le s a deduction of fivo,per cent. The, ad.
v ntages of this method are worthy of the
attention of farmers and others bawl)*
11*it-class dwelling houses, burns and other
,buildings, In town oh Ountry, as being the
cheapest and safest.
Policies for one, two, three, Ave or more
years, or for less than one year, Issued and
no bharge made for Polity and survey when
renewed or when insuranctu3 aro transfer.
red from othercOMpardes. I
The citizens or heading end TialnitY,
hitherto' tieFndent Maialy lily foreign
,00mpanies, fitja or of-
Meting thOl Jro**lloo74 Who 8 institn
tiontwellorganited, with an adequate paid
in !anti iguatAnteed caPital, presenting as
strong a basis of s i /Kairity as that of any
other company. .T advantage of doing
buetnose directly With the Couipah • and
the importance of keeping some port on of
the l large sums paid for Insurances, i dr.
oulation at hoc e, will i p i tpproote4 a
c: /ly
It N SON ret,
KNiti 'l`• !MIT . I
ANCONA, Secretary and Treas rer.
aug B,lB6B.lydaw
NO t :. fO9 fitNSpT,fiOTHEAOOII).
[ovEn nnoveres HAOILB lIAT siorin.]
v. • •
Aprq A - 9pp4
1214AIRINO riourmr Arrispir,
In A. (141,ITABEIldERII:
• Extensive' Grain. Warehouse, •
Now ready for
anPeorettit aalt;lrittitagio;
itoolr. ot
1 10 '"
Farsale wholesale and retail,littoral. prises
'than Call bl) purchased elsewhere. Also. a
;sasperlorlotul r ti p A
Bnokwitest Ideal, and Potatoes. .
b 5105 North Eighth lit..lleadini,Pa
fe d r)
lVl ßiVfi r b l 6.44 '440 Atli/44 1 (1 41 -
;I%e undersigned, Committee on Finance
t of the Corpoi Won of the City of Beading,
la empowered to borrow the sitm of •
for thepurpose of enlarging the Water
iWorks of the said city. and th'said coin.
tnittce hereby give notice th at
they are
prepared to issue Certificates for the, same
'at six per cent. interest l , ro parties loaning
!tooney t(l . !the eitylhfr the purpose aboie
tamed. Persons desirous of Investing In
his loan, will apply to either of the udder
leigned Committee, or to William llettd?u
-role)), Esq.,'City Treasurer.
Jan 441 . 41.8-154 Comruitteitpri Finance.
Oandy ,
Oa' VandylletMandyl 11
4 1:
f Candy, anti Con f ectionery fn general,
bat Oannot bo Burgas/led in this Otty,
woh Ittfa frOlpvimptmQ • em
lOW lit IN oilkons .
mar It-Std •
Maxiow and ,Medintn Beau I .
Canada .reice, Split. Peaa, Lent%le, titlaker
. Dried Cbrn, Rice. Tapiocci,4lago,
i• . .I:!arley. 11 1 "Fiz, ott (rz, - .
I PiNigtrnV • 04.faTI Or' - 1
iat ttiO a ir 'Mkt 'At taftlilt
s s ,
mar 94 ath ant ViraehinOtit,
Viomel.dort. Bork, 00 ,Pit
irr* I
41,1, ft ,'1,61110-104.1-lt • A
Proiwierers. J l '
. ,
A T THIS tIOTtIto GllEliTaiiVlLla HIND
excellent iieenveniodetion, the Inuit
'lords and the table 11116.1 with rll
the 'bait the untricat affords. Connected
with the betel Is* tiret.olitedi Livery (UAW.*
io that eOnviYATAOOe ere sawiLye at hefld for
those who may 00journ lathe heso;11111
ee, Onielbilsecta 'nil from the nip*,
N , '4.—After A tit let. the,' ttnerthip
111 el !till
I •
. A.ll •
4:111)1 Vit)
Al ,ol'
fei 111N/11. STatti,l
r 1,4
„Imitit s ,jeDlT:oo,l4l , 44AJ!"l^,7..-
IP.ollioNAui,i meßcumiii
inkiii+iscoettioibe (Allmon* Ot ReAdit '
I : , oll: ` 7 ., q . o ti vi i 7 .ll la ttil i;4 "l ll l ll44 i tu li
of the beet euellt? gQods, gotteu 4 4 h ,
tr* i
kiNiTS t 1 1-. 11 11
NISI ING (iook9. rft
• \
of aveti bryla iena *ratieti in mnt(iitt,
of all In want of anything In hts
Nom) but the best handy ate telp4
gattoteita. The pit
of the publloArmeret fully onlielk
feb 1&11 Vitt
1!1?. 818 pea l!' 41 3;1
' * .
W DOV SI I All '
I '3 • 11( 1 1 . SA ' , ' l
i;r.„ 95-
A Largo and` Well SOleotpi Stock
I ,fwvA).o
1,04 '141411)
• " IV/ND OF . SilAbß4
Suit .the, Time.. (:
~A' COjiiSli
'T 10 .dURT ROE ::
IVX 7 ' '
A.Oditto . lot; lit < ." ,' , ,4
' ', LiMplit r ip , 141$11 a 1,1A:1940,1
molt. . I. 4• . 1 k
1 . '4.
A BOUT eight %yenta ago 1 wrie glom
tt with a disease Which Made its appto
anon in the form of BORNS, which opt
gettiP? V
i rtiF /Mgt& OfVUIO B paid
my e t olltilt 01 m 0 alfirletoli
or KM d treat, *moaned in, aho
;attended me for two inenthe at the end of
which time hepronounerd my ease hope.
lose. Ho then called thlUr. thene
Lombard Street infirmary, as coneuV4
physician in my case who also pronooora
MyOttb394llo4o4:,Ubo , hie wen worio
-01 ►lorver amble MMit rot oft'M
;tole idle 1 might poultice, but it was no OM
'taking MCl4llla MO a 00 itemied eota•
toy to see BUting the time era little
be oro their attendance, the sight of my
I • ftfiNy 9 totfrAist effects uf the Ns !
9y • , Unnitibyt A litigorea Tot hose
• rrat:Htentl 1104_4103 wolfed
ettmlai:(; •
Ils•78tgloa bolUe of
t• er 841 Art% OOT and 1111111
J IUES. It 100' EMMA takflit I
waVTI4IIP aPYS' tied net ale to
' eta pf i ti er taking ; thattot•
tie t • atter; th n co»tinued bold I
had takee , ,,lopm VOttios, when 1 wit tn.
tiroly restetttiC tia9 'Boresull ' bottled, my
general health as good us over, and toy
81 St i k gi "P r { 1 7.FTISPtcaiiiii6
No.l Fecionti !hut
. _ . , '• 1 ~"
Stale of Mary/and, Baltimore Cify:fodrif:
Tisim As to,nertily ¢aty ou• tbis
Mascots( 180 D. Idaho ally 'appeared Ulm
me. the subscriber, Justice of the Peso of
the State et, nary/and, in s and o jor DO*
more City storeetild; Mary , II gee, aid
made oath in duo form of law, that Or
matter Ned Opts,. stated; to the fore Old
Icortifleate ere tre Sae therein stated
Sworn tplcire me. D. nizior,
JUsttne (if the Pekoe
• Western District
'lt is to all,Y4iiithing tots
regarding the curative power. of the
Niter4iftlik ; (3l4 4 i , liven) twd df iht
most able Doctors of Baltimore,
them a Physician to the Lombard Bneel
Infirmary, In Baltimore city, an teitin
, tion,that le known thrOughoUt the eon'
try. The
, SAId4RITA I N4 i iitiO l t 'di 'DEES JUICE!
is a po sitive etre,. fpr
,Serofola in OM
',Corms Uliers, , 2 , .'Ortut, 'Elpete, Tettert
Settles; Dell and all diseases of OA bled
And skin( i a *pocky:4or , Elyplllls it 11
ypositlytY. 'P yelttrans,'ny the nee :Of OU
II Tom apg , perptsgentiy Me tg
, dreditralsear`Stop then tbe Ise
polgllng and tootle. ableh bays shril/ 1
laden, Itild , th4la remedy tbst sill‘ltin
your patento with•sound bodies, :,,LIPP O
. -_
! 1 PAyfiffirANA 0111' ~' I
, movitrit44o4pttiyo ogre *ft
' cir ! essr ken° guest's itlelnt.oin .
lndlloretten.,_DislistuligTala ,44 .7?"
Ey initsstasd rimiptenrtmis 6 rot it' rc
; 4bey en,' POIY-vegttedel Cora Infra!
!ii I IYVII V',
,fie,! Ag^ l l . .
a i ~, iNe itie_Ditourir
re xer .ik tii .-tultO - .' - ' : '.
ulon,f 6 6 :,' r ,1
la s : iiiiropLyikl: im
. mkt # ~: o pitt .4,, soa le o,
nee ox, • AN s ,it, w as a paotitstiUl
hk.. . t
r ttfigi i r n tliclh: S. s':liteteiiiti iti l
by Druggist. DESMOND i 1 !b•
• marl? ' . P' -SO Race Street, Eta*
91 1 Vik.f, :31:p , i„ • .. R .
' t 1 • 1 . "
i •<:a
'....;.!4 ' • - - 1 '
i• .
.i s l:!::tolkkitigOricit-iii v aniN-
1 If- :it ( ',
011ati ••tkVipiLltlitiiif i l
i t "bet prioipluiseite
',Be (Abuse and Beat Ileac Xne ,2
I.llltlidloolitititttildWil tOsie , ind Algot Pr e
!only to the organs pr, gpperat Inn, but to tp
;system • eneradlyiefteeninvoluntaty Kik
frklargtit 0 1 1 110 Ili:
i 174_ , 4 Ict vp.. 0 7 ,Ma tons Milo sips.
i! - .. fl 1 ‘ 1 1. 4 41 : . mug. (rom, ,
.71711 : co . tbo•os '• St
4•• I' • oi . ty
~ ; . l ac • re i dell .._
v ii , 1 110
1 .'it4 .. . P-4, Ittli i ~gls.,!,„ri , g nievosi.
it ', -.:lri,- ~ , 4 bit, itii iiiogi: o'l 4 'o l
ttllmeo Marrit t O: *t • 1 i -... l• .- '. I1: 1'
X411°4°144 ittattgriisom AO.
. .
• e ilac q still, ) . 1" , ' Jr ' : i -
• Ir+OV-.-