Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 17, 1869, Image 2
READING. PA. Yi. Mb, WEDN r SJY,. -BOok -Store; ADLER tact/II DA:XLY. EAGLE aiId*AADING GAZETrE,& DENiN CRAP titt; N611'1'01114:004 tp 54 tahniuoker Hour : imildinib opposite . the Keye site' House. : • .`Ms. 4soo*lt. ißgissYsit, is our iuthor. / lied agent '' to 'obtain lobtcriptions for tkif_ DiILY 'iiiirs; ' thi‘ Cissrris 06 . 1 i ;alt Duo° . i and .030 AhrAriri Ho will . sopswii?, ,cp his.csurass of the county Once. , , ( stiacioxlipravoirmii . 141111011111 LA. Timer: We werishown the 'other d day by a gentleman:of"this nity t who bed jupt m -10601 frOfn nirip to . the South, a photo. graph or the member); of the recons etracted BOuth Caroline Legislature on one card. • - •The following WO' is nt the bottom of•thoiord • - - ifThite ;aio' the photographs of 08 mentheri of the , reconstructed, South 04104 1 ). •iftishanr.o, 60 of whom gr. 6 negrges or mulattoes and 18 whitetti -22 read and write (8 grammatically,) 'the refeninder (41) mako Omit mark with the aid to( an arnitnuenBlo.... 10• are tax payerp to an • eggregateamount of $140,. 10 ,t he reit (44) pay no taxer, and , the WY levies on the White' people for $l,. 000,000.' 1 , . • ' Title interesting body of Sot:mats now `Sitislon at the Capital of the, State, - Oolttnibia. , The gentleman-'who showed as the card, and who, by the way; is a Itndicallte,publican t tells som e . very ladicruits 'incident's of Ms observa tions—:as for instance, the manner in Whieh - tho' sable legislators 'imitate their VAIN brethren, of slMilar bodies in plac'• big their feet uponithe 'desks and taking their 'Mum in the tnitiy arm . ehaira ; of one. of oplored‘ members rading a bill nisidn'dnirti # a feat which we think im• pliSsible t for any' member of out State Ltilitat*Leij anothtir c. rising and asking ihi,Mieiled(bow he should vote; that he had` already, *bled twice upon a quoit. eon, know whielt ytas - right 1 or the 'exCeedingly hinny manner, which` iesi of them' bnye of stating ,a propbaitioiror attempting a speech ; and hoW it reeembles tho roaring of lion, when' they vote in ,ft body.' 'llk delickiptibit of a visit to the present South ; Oatollati J.egishituro would cause thoie'to .11S f illatugh who never .langhe4l beforoi' Ana tho.o who laugh e ndWiattgh the Wore.", And this hi the body upon whom is con.: fitted the prlvilego,ot Making the laws and regulatingtho interests of the white • •, peoplo of Solidi Carolina! , The pre sent Radical Congiesi of the United States is endeavoring to fotco the latue state of affairs upon the white peo• 'Pio of Pennsylvania, and already the idth amendmo* has ,been` approved by our Radical Governor and adopted by the Radical Senate of, our State. If you confer the right of suffrago upon the negro, he is' entitled to tho right of hold ing office and also to a position of social duality! • 1 1 ,kite voters, what do you think of it? tee!, not the blush of shame mantle your chooke at such unnatural and debased conduct trp the part of men of your, own race and color? If you want the present state of affairs to continuo, in feet become infinitely worse, vote the Radical ticket, and you will have negro entffrage, negro legialatora and' negro eluality to your 'hearts' content. But if you want a difforent etato of affairsi and that this government, of white men shall be conducted 14 white tnen fei white tnen and "their posterity foryer, then vote the Pemocra is ticket. Tut 1.1,5., MARKIN dispatch to the NOW Monday ma: • **Theta is a lively co t the the office of Unite% . .. for the Eastern dietrict Fortley is urging the of his, named George L , , merchant of Ph iladeJebi tand, ,of Lancaster, is is Cameron's man, and Senator Scott, besides h jorlty of the members section of the Stets on h • 4 If Simon Cameron, oh 'Otani* clan, is in fay , on friend Major Leurnr his armor and gS,into l t 1 • his well kaolin v igor, !or i secure the positibn. qk allies will boar watobio °Mt PICT The ,folKwlng, from the Phila. But. latin ) (Radic‘l) will give an idea of the, true eharacterofthe Russian government; to which American Radicals aro so fond of toadying: Tho Emperor of Russia is a Ally tor agovernment conduCted by e6ll'men as' Stanton, Seward ) Holt, and other "loll" rulers of the Lincoln ' 4 . .thik . .tlmate prieo nere to Warsaw who are sentenefid , lo be fogged, receive their . stripe, at the httrids 'of a tell, .hercuteaa woman,- who belobOrp • her. poop' , lister/ more mercilessly than the Cossacks do the male prisoners. ..ThO,Rosppßi „Code , (pi emPts women, from .ckrpoceill' Ininiati. meet, bat the cenril'always-tptie it ire. dieted epos &Maio tolsonert *kW Mem' to wreptoolt, Woos fireiektlte*,.; Nearly , .140.1 ,51,.010,Isti0croi h who wireArlon* tr 4 l i tut 444 'four or Or Yeare . .oh WitelO 141105,11 th Via; ihihi l ~ i goo** , MOTOWthitts - hgwihit 'tho'' KO Goverttooat,. hoerh, , •ll4aid.,, and Ilb ` t r i a r t e l o d t t t't i be trea' ra t i atti P t r :3 4 l4i l i a lLili l iti e ; . so while to prison," • • ' Irene lasi „: 1141 ' - , - a4side, WlLUAi'f,,,;...i' l P . • oe . h , 1i869:',". ,D 1143 E.,± t-4. .. `op to •,1:, p . 'i In, . e Bata ,: , J night,,, ran ; '," , ,srk a ;;; m i uatte f• 'he 't ‘'' Hall, ( '-re I. • ,is ' r.., .fo l'' , situ`' , '• .. •. ' an l.' kir has studi.. we I-, , . - ar t-'of• `o Q , keOPiglibfindll '9.4tow 141:We.rfiit,_Okfi, Wants or hii g u est s . retool' eliding ' Williamsport ol her on business or plea sure can find it better hems, While they' arthereohan th e City Hotel. `!:7s. - 1 whlllemsport is a big littletown, titan.. ted away Up on the Kest Branch of the ItistinitilliftWebsdritatornally:binsoir • all syles, fyum yr ach_the inhabitoutts. dap . ileithet io, Poe, bi Ome, $00,144 .04. . it follow the court - of the 'streams which I pass through IL ~.And itilli;With all Its surroundings, kis a beautiful place, built up in the centre Stith ' lirge , handiome budlness block - o,6nd surrounding them are Men, OA and tosklY4wellittgOitaltefelly; Wilt; aniengwhich ate the homedef dOnie 'men who:have made, tbejr mark in the world. The citizens aro_ generally of 'a Oleic, actiye business' tutu. - The humor 'busy life is heard in every corner. Some brandies of manufacturing AM cried on ,quite pAtensively. It is the great lumber ,deptit,fot the State, and Nets' Jaritey and .iftirylandenlso look,to it for part`of their supply. I know of no place in Eastern Pennsylvania where the Brune' amount of business tact and energ' are manifested. by the people as' thete is in this' place. Isivery one appears desirone to act out hie .own part, of the great drama, of life , _ and' fill the sphere, right manfully, whic h the great Architect bf the , universe hiss marked out for him. This had made it emphatically a bueingss toga, filled with active-business men,'Whe are always Up and doing. It has been well - said that-the "gods help those who help _th.enutelves," for sluggishness and inactivity generally. bring their own reward, while active in. dustry and perseverance are always repaid by a rich and liteuricips harvest. • • • I hive not had limo to gather, any of the business statistics of the place, and it would make the communication too long to attempt I to desoribe . 00 ijidividual ow; terprise that I ,see here, Cr I will n tss these things over for the prese'nt, and say something about the-farming interests of the country. ''The winter'whetit:elongthe riveg-flats does not look very pp . :liming. The farmers Were,much more encouraged with the appearance of their crop alnonth ago ,than they are. nap. The altoinate freezing and thawing of the • past month has injured them very much. The wheat in this section lest year was not an aver• age stop. The "straw was good and the owiii pinitip,..but ;the heads wore 'short, and when they c r etin' tli thresh they had no yield of grain.. There was alarger breadth of grain sown last fall than there has 'been for,several - yearti In this 'section, the fatinera being determined to makeup in quantity what they are likely to lose in quality. The weather was-delightful here yes. terday. Eiery one thought that spring time had cow:The streets were full. of ladles, all.riehlY 'mid gaily, drcisaed, 'seine with muffs and others with shados . to hide them - from the sun. Every ono appears to feel. Shat summer- will soon be here. One than had no doubt seen a swallow, for he passed down street with .his white Patinina and summer coat. But last night the Storm King visited us again, and this gtprhing, winter bad—spread liar fleecy mantle _over i 'everything without' ) to tell tis that "Winter still lingers in the lap of Spring." `.Alec. 17, 1890. 7 TIIE ounlaw WET MITE The distribution of splendkd gifts in Grant's 'Great Letter Y. on at Washington. The luO: of drawh numbers are comini rapidly and 61almitrOluiir pr following is the list announce present date: Elihu B. Washburne, first minty). ,Knew Want in Oak, tained for him his brat promoti army. tie, draws two , prizes, of State and . Minister Ao Fritne Alexander I'. Stewart, first c AFO. lle wont a share of a houae and lot in Weill.: ington and . one in New York. o drew the office of Secretary of the 'rensury. "An old and obsolete law .of 1 89" un kappily converts the tnagnifice t *prize into a blank. • • Hamilton l?ish, first. class. H i'invest• ed in a handsome purse - raised by ' the merchant princes of Now yor . . a few years ago, and comes out Meer ary 'of &ate in Washburne's, place. Adolph E.' Bodo, first class. Ho was a liberal 'contributor to Grant's splendid furnished house on Chestnut street, Phil. ‘ adeiphia. He draws the office of Becre tary of the Nary. B. H. Hoare, first class. lie presented a library worth fifteen thousand defiers to his Excellency, and pulls the splendid prize of Attorney Gen oral. . A. Sharp, .third class, had the goad fortune to marry General Grant's, wife's sister; and draws at Eidhmond, Va., the prize of Marshal of the District of'Co• lumbi,ai Colonel Casoy, third class, is another brother•in-lani, and draws tho Collector. ship of New. Orleans.. • • Mr. Cram, first class. This gentleman is a member of thq distinguished Gratit family,. and is to 146, promoted, from Con sul at Leeds, in England, to Minister to Switzerland. one.—A special York. ; Herald ofi teal, goieg_on Co t States Marshal of Pennsylvania; Aims of a cousin trunan, a whialtY i: John A. Lliea: lao named. 111 is supported by ving a large m om the eastern I a mem!' Orville blrant, third class; .11e is to b appointed a collector of internal revena in Chicago. lie voted for hie brother. James Longstreet, third Ors. Thi! distinguishod'phol pneral , has the goo fortune to bon poilsin of Mrs. Grant,ani he draws the prize' of Survoyot"of Cott toms of Now ,Orleans, .• George Wilkes, first-class; Wilkesis editor of the Spirit of the Timms sport. ing newspaper in Now York, and is ono of Grant s stable cronies. He keeps the President posted up on the genealogy of his steed, and all kinds of equine erudi tion. •Helens him what horse was great grandsire of tamp Lighter, And the shostest time made by the famous Godol phin at the Derby.- Wilkes lost heavily on the impeachment, and Grant makes him whole by giiing Mission to Mexico. On his ireturn it is expected that the. people will he 'regaled with a bullfight in the White House grounds, under the auspices of the sporting min ister. of of the Penn• r of liiestand t mat buckle on e 'fight With ell Ilieetand will leron nnd hie Lll4lr. All the Dents,•law, • and husbands of sistervin•law ,of tho 'Presi dent; draw offices in •value consid'erahly above their mental capacity for filling them. The man . in St. I 4 ohli who bonght a toad it( wood dna rainy day and thiariby enabled. Ulyises to replenish his jug, draws a blank. , 2 qhounis If. Foutleptlifrd claiis. This is a rOlailt) of Genimil Grant who lives in eniington, in tho r State, of 'KentuAlty. 110tawik* Airize of postOlas• ter or Cin c innati ,, .Ohlo, State or which be is not a citizen. —liarriiblo fatriot • ,-.100,000.,8R1CES • P 4ot 4to 7 , ol7:tmat Mad, well *ids and do .r t, ; turibet:partiozdire.'addriolik. Ot .6011 Apo ' tba,aOdoltilitned, at Sows .% Matto* r R. IL, Berko doiroUalala: ' ' WuWirlit taw 1541,141 E :' • • '' 'f 1 : . '. . ' 'kW i o A., egn et 15th, 111a 7. r' A l . Me . • •, '. • attention tit MI i. • •. MA osiArj r* ° i *roust) ; rag , C , BU i. V .s` l Mat tart, are. 0 . • ' • 'l. '. NW NB JINN 2 _ - •„,,' • • ~4. ' 1,7” #i ' liprter;i4ifiletithlttinON JeelOer Berries II instillittipts, O,AlbrAt ifo' Zan 4 - Rd - mg Hui ' Dolga Ift t ibusigat, liknikl} fropbil 119.1011;, anitinOre Widish!' ban any noir In tusa; The 'Olive propp. lee arc ny• it t i nicirsydso r 4. Buchiisa, pa b .DD one* , ally, is et* rit .It /117 , tibia emits I 'fragrances, tbeactien flame 41 *WWII sett,* Wineiple)ilesivieg 7 1 a. ark and gintinoteldeodetion. Mine is the eel retingredienta. . The Beebe in taw .preparllen.predoinituitee; - ,the 'aniallotet ?nentl er the ether ingredients!. lOW ad *as 19 I tiiiit fermetitatien; ,upodinepeet Ion; It 11 be found not to be 0. Tine ,turaLstst teed, in l'hilletteopcea, nor Ii it a Syrup-aed tnereforwean be geed in 'Owe where fever or inflaurnoistien eilstit.`, In this yen haVe the knOwledge °tile 'Ogre. *tient* And th aviode of preparation. • , • Hoping thaayOU will favor it witha trial, and that upon inspection it will meet with YOUr appeehatton, yerith h feeling of n. edema, • . ' • -. ' ' 2.14t r ° 11 11. . rfr m ff e la ct la ti ß l ili . . Menthe and' Druggist of sld Years , • Exporiende hi lehillieelphia, and no* , located. at hiS.Drug and Chem ical • Warehouse, 591. Broad way, New Turk; - , __ - (Frani the lar g est Manufiteturing MOM fete in the World.l_ lam acquatnted with Mr. 11. T. Helm bold ; he, ocenpled the Drug 'Store , oppo. Site my residence and was succiessfel in Ooncldettht the husinese Where others , had not been • equally so before. him. 1 have been favorably impressed with his chsrao;, 'ter and enterprise.. • ,- • • WILLIAMtFEJi.4IITMAN. Firm' of rowels SW Weiglitman, Mann-, 'featuring Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets..Philadelphla,_ ' )lELMBOLDNI FLUID EXTRACT Beano,. for weakness arising from Inclllsorotion.• The. exbanstod p6Wers of nature which aro no. oompanied by so many alarming syrup. toms, among which will be found, lndispop Stlon to Rxertiou,l6oBs of Memory Weke. fulness, thirroref Disease, or Forebodings M By it, in fact, enivereal Lassitude, Pros• trutton, and inability. to enter into the en )oyments of society. • , The Constitution; once affeotod• With Or ganic Weakness, requires the aid of Med icine torstrongthen and ` invlkerete the system, which HEI:MBOLI08. NXTIIACT BUUItL .inVariably does., if no , treafaiont is eubinitted te, Cenituniptiou iSr Insaulty owns. • • - Hgranfottee FLUID Errakor Wreath- In atlections . peculiar to Fentales, is imp. Zirttl i r e osll/ 1 17 :r ill l iCole tt irtiog r , e ft r ili t f l ul i n i es i r,_ e l :. Suppression of Customary nvsouatfons, Ulcerated or Bob irrus State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits ofdtsstpation, imprudence, or In the decline or change of ifs. . _ . . .__ IfiLMOAXDIS •FLUIC EXTRACT Etre= MID IRPROVRD ROBS WARR will radically ex. terminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little ex pense, little .or no change' in 'diet, no In d •eenvehtenee ot:ekposuro ; coniplete y su. perseding those tutpletisant and (inn areas remedies, Copaiva and blerepry,ina these diseases. - Y. , , . ties Hatunem's FLUID EXTRACT )1170R13 in all diseases of 'the (*gaits, whether:ln male or fonialo, trent whatever cause ort. gloating, and no matter of how long stand. ing. !tie pleasaht in taste and oder, Not- Mediate" in notion, and moil) st renithen. In g_ than' any of the preparations o Bark or iron. . . . . . Those suffering . from brokon4liiwn lei ielicate'constitutlons, procure the remedy at once.. - ~ . The reader must he aware that, howiivei slight may be the - attack of the above .fillateeee, it i,s , oortaln to affect the 'bodily health and Mental powers. All thb a Vo i diseaseS require the aid of a Diure 'IMAM HOLD'S • EXTRACT MICRO is t reatest Diuretic. Sold by . Druggists • everywhere. Price .--41.2.6 per bottle, or .0 bottles for OM. Delivered to any address. Describe gym!). 'terns in all communications. Address 11. ..T. LIELSIBOLD, Drug and pioniteal.Warehouse,CAl ilreadway, N. T. lir NONE ARE' GENUINE UNLESS ROME UP in atreOl•engraved wrapper, with fac-slmile of tuy Chemical Warehouse, and signed . de02.3-2moadawl H.T. lIELMROLD. PRIAI3 national _still goes liehlera [forward zee. The up to the' "THE' HILL " • BBLECi FAMILY MAIMING BOIIOIIL, ArkElTll!h,CipaioaL Miltheplat!ottleSolon. • FOIL YOUNG PitEN,AND BOW At Pottlitown, ,ilfirltgotnery Counts, Pa. r TheigeOnd half of the eighteenth annu. wl iessilon commenced on Wednesday, the Ed day of Vent - nary Inst. r.uplia re ceived aVany time. For Cirenlarenddreffs REV. GEO..!, MILLER, A. M. clan pre ta, and•ob ~n in the &order • REV. DR`A. Malgßi, Behaettor. Mann, Kraut)), Solos, Muhlenherg, llutter,Btork, Conrad, llombergor;yylle, iSterret r •and Murphy. lioN ..--anqgo Ludlow, Leonard Myers, M. Russel Thum*, Benj. At. Boyer, Jnooh B. • Yost and Moder Clymer. ESQR.--James IL Caldwell, James L. Mg. horn, J. F. it B. Orno, &mos llnnillton. oTheo. O. 11'. Norton, L. L. Houpt,• B. Gross Fry, It' Derr. • Charles Witnnemather, James Kent, Manton .1c Co., John Wiest, oto. lob 20-2meoda4mw • GREAT . PUENITURE DEPOT, SCHRODER •Sz Wireroom; corner Fifth and Washing• ton Amts. ALANUFACTORt .IVASHINOTOZiI RT. DELOW FIFTLf; ! WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. irn. UNDERSIGNED RESPAGTPIII,LY klvitt publio attention to the splendid stock °blink-elan furniture now and constant ly on hand. and made to ordor to suit customers. • • Among other articles, especial attention le invited to their unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, r , DRESSING BUREAUS, • • , DINING ROOM• CHAIRS, . BEDSTEADS OP TIM. LATEST STYLES ;le and every other article in theiVine of tinel• nese, , • • • Eve artiole,it man nfactured by th e MOM, In th eft admirably arrang ed mannfactorY , with e most • perfect machinery, and skill• ful mechanic*, and finishcd'in an uncarpaso e&manner. S Also prepared to execute all orders for OARVING, • • TURNING, 7 SAWING, And MOULDINGS. An ordois promptly •xeoated, and .warrant ,ed,pt, lair° satisfaction. ap. 10. d 431cAu MONDE HALL I P. • _ AAA nwit',o,4,4a..g a iipleadld atoelc . of • C 0163 'AND . SEOLIFIE 13411 6 11TBAUGAIN 8 Suite wage , up to order in splendid style= . EXONT;I4EIre ' A i n unintosded Steolt of !ruItNISHINOQQOPS.. • ,• , L'M BRNO ! , 140.14 . 0 - CLOA.LV v0 e. 844 visits *MOM =NE End i . ioo i►nd Artie lustit.utlon; g=l CENTRE AND OTHER TADIMB, II BIJOH & BRO., Ns. • Mit, PER* • orrsiewr, 'SPRING , GOODS. SE ?MOSS. TO BUTT' TOE TIMES. H Cttxt - •:4 ; „•• •,'_. . • ; ; Q =SEE , . , ;Iv ; • • cOrrel Willi 111410 X PA _ r• 7 -, • ? •• t ' CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., ~~ ~ - 118.Y6 'added Elghtlinnifired (iiiiiiftleli to their Hoop during thtiourren year, while doing it large Ihical passenger and freight business. The through connection Will , tomtilited nit ieutumer, whop; the through trate will be very great. trttt, Forty the sand mein are now employed by the' two Owerful companies ' In prmssing forward th great national highway 'to a speedy, completion. Only SOD miles ro main to be built, of which /mostly are - iradei'l anilyeady.for the rails. , Flritilortgago Gold Bonds of the Unto' feeble' Rallreed Company : for ,sale : at par and interest, and First gortgage Gold Bonds of the Central Pac ific Itialroad, ati , 103 and interest. . !.. ' :. 1 The principal and ht4rost.Of both bonds .aro payable in gold: . . ' ID __ EAI.ERB" • IN' GOVERNMNNT BROURI. \, TI Es GOLD, RTC., . • Os vENk,BII,O No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, nov 7.41.tw1v1 HING! CLOTHING! REMOVAL!' CIAO A. • N EI N , 31ERCUANT TAILOR, k . Has Itomoved his Establishment from lio. SR Penn street, to 493 Penn Otreet, live doors below the Pannone' Motional Bank, whore ho Kill to happy to moot all ids friends and eustOmors. A now and froah stook 1 .1 f !foods on hand for the Spring C'ampol i g . which Will be made up in,the BEST 8 1.. E. and at very reasonable charges. . , .. • MR. GEORGE HECKMAN Rae ehnrge'ofthe Cutting Department And goOd tits wilt be guaranteed. • 'OA.LI4 I 8 SOLIMOD. mar 8-2wtil A NEW WINE < \;Y.) . / . : . LIQUOR' , HAS JUST BEEN OPENED AT TILE 001 V. OF EIGHTH AND PENN -STS., GEO. W. HUGHES, For many years with Joe. Mahler & Co., FRANCIS C. RHODE, , Son of Win. R. Rhoda, under in° tirm of HUGHES & RHODE: `They have on hand and Will at all time lie ep a largo Rnd well selected stook - of ull brands and qualities of . , . , IMPORTED WINES, •' ' t••iY ' .BRANDIES AND _: • .4 • • ! . . 01N8,• -•t , - ..,,, „•, - A choice lot of CHAMPAGNE AND CLARET. { 4 So, fine dot blo distilled rye whisky of different brands; also common rectified whisky and vinegar wholesale and retail. 'Demijohns and betties of all sizes. All floods wilt be sold at prices to suit, the times. , They extend en invitation to th eirtin. morons friends and the public generally, and hope by strict attention to business, and courtesy to all who may favor therrt with their patronage, to gain. I to cond. denoo of buyers. ,lIUGIIKEI & lODE.• ' Mar fl-lnati - SEED .STORE, • AT THR AGRICULTURAL WARE .OF '• L L. STICHTE tsok; Penn Streit, lleadln BLACK OATS FROM PRINCE ED ISLAND, BRITISH POSSESSI RED MEDITERRANEAN AND • WEAVIL PROOF SEEP WU .• CLOVER, FLAX AND TIMOT • FRESH GARDEN sr,m4. CANARY, HEMP AND RAP ALSO, ORCHARD GRASS, LAWN Jau 28.2vair MAO 7 DONIAN OLL THIUMPAIA ; WILL 0 U ,i'bltAtileliiAD , Reading, Pa., Jan , " 12.1849. - Mr. • rn. O. Krouse, No. 204 South Flftb street; Baps the M.Oll is the only thing whieh has given strengthto his broken arm--bas used it in hie family for Earache, Neuralgia, and f r osted feet, perfornling in each came a wonderfully quick and radical cure. E. FOX, Proprietor Of Keystone House, certifies that three bottles Of the Oil curet { a strain la a Homo, valehig the cure at .100. , JOHN HEMP, Polfoonian flake the Oil oared him of a severe fractu re of the collar hone: Th c above named persons ail) Well known in tn is vicinity, end are living witnesses, Having furnished anon ample leatimony at the times We adyetltsed with the FOWL HORSE OFIAUWT; ,awing those popular open Alr . _ CONOERT6i I deem It nenecossard p:f add more names. , The Magi() Mace oaten 011 co. wlll ferpdt $lOOO , • if any dozen remedies oombiged will fur nish as many good aertifloatee from prom. nent *Merano - in the city And vicinity as those who have boon cured by the use of the blacedonian 011reall on . . The German awlEn)tehJeettiOr of the Company, stopping at the Keystone House anapurollase a bottle of thn Oil, Or toesht6 advice and treatment. free of charge. .Also—Soh; .by 4, K. McCurdy, Doctor Ziegler anti S. b. Stevens. Uan 131_ ►NiB NEW a , 1 . '1 74 Et RILL - Fon, At.D.triip..i ksi• 30.5 . • • THE. 1 1 11493,.. ApprOved F9bralty Itthilet,• • • •• sale at the' 'AOLA" .13001C,,A.T0.44 1 ',• • t.:‘ 111211 k MkitA.TE .11.W13 3,0 AND At 'Med fli limonmeht o mtutkelt: uki Pft!ttrft jradaNittirat4aolll, ot4ll-01 01$111410tret4 titsiat . y •' =Ma VID A: UENL)IN. AXD STORE BY AND PROF ?. it4TAXOP D. cr 13 __...,•,.‘t.,._,....:!:;:,.....,.......,f..._,,,......„:,.,,,._.,.,.. ~ :._fi..,..'r0tri , \:::*' .. ,..,::: .,, _ , ~...,..,.•.;, -',:,:::::::.,:i.1....'•::.,t' 4 4 . , ': ', ;,:` B 0 11ig•,"0,...,' .:::.13.itt : .: y !f . , „. ..,....,,,:,,,...-.. t , . -, ..., -,..,... ....,.. w i t -., i ....;,...,..a.„ 4........* #04:...... , 1„,1', .12 ,77,7 & ,. 1 ~i ._ •. : l - 9Y.-,A it t io nip rti r i cfisfii i ßßll:: ' ' ‘• - - • - ‘/. 1 4 1 44 4 11 1 ;: •.l "" •: . 7 . - : : ON • ," • ' -, - •!W T o ••' R4 I I D Pl . i 4 I.olriliA. ' inter , e i t pild - oi lrpopeita. . . • : • .‘;, -:: A p, ,-. ~, i: - , -t- . :::' , • :. ,--, • , ' . 'iltiBllo,lik:B4 `13001211, - -.. ...f•D•1410 . 4 - 4* - :, ,- ' , ' :.., ' ~'.., . ..i, :. , . READING' - FIRE"" nititrico!wrY orOgots COU ft oieftsis•!t, Ado, 286t.bapUdi. • , Offi 4 ice, Readrnig+r4ned .OW/din', IP , North .14veA street, iSbutte-Etlet , Comer of Mutt !Street' •1. _ ,0101117 uoilltB FROM 9 Aiit;.to e J. Pattroza Joist!, : J4ine/tOliressair t • 11,21111 T Z. VAX HEIDI If: 811APPEN Ili • •'J. T. JaciLbox, ). E. &reef, , Jonas eXA,LTaIti ' it J. T. VALENTIN ' : GleOltell Rums' II IS COAIPANY INSURES 'A r iAla A. kinds of property against loss or dam ftaky fire at rates as low tut any other telt. le convaey end npoh eveftpleu.lcn we /Honk /amulets. COmpaiii, . . ,„ . - l'orpotwal Policies Issued Tequirin • .un renewal and epee Which thil _atnoun of premium paid can be ree)almed at any t, me less a deduction of fivaper, cent. , The ad .."Autagos of this method are worthy of the • attention of farmers and ,othit,ra having first-class dwelling houses, parne and other. tloge, in town, or cotintry,as being the e te st and eateet. ', , , , o cies for one p two, throe, live or mike years, or for leas,than one ycar,Assued and no charge Wade for Policy find snrecy win% renewed or when insurances. are , transfer red from other companies. 'The citizens of Iteatlipir, and vicinity, hitherto dependent mainly. upon foreign eempanies, eave .now the privilege, of of. tooting their insurtmees ii a• imme Institut tiet, well organizedi wit an ;neonate paid in and guaranteed cap it al, resenting as strong- a bulls of security ao that of any other company. The adVantage of doing business directly with the Company and the imporance of keoplug:iloirie po tion of the largo sumspaid for ineuranoes le elr. oulatton at Mune, willim appreciate by all. J. PHINtILIVJONICEI, - President. JAMES IticHNltaliT, Vice area dent.. 5.1 D. ANCONA, lioxrotary antt Trcaseter: aug,a,ls6B-I.ydarw . I - • (JOHN M. SITAIIik, - ) ' jEW ELLE It piaolD- SETT -ET, NO. 009 PENN S,TIIET, REM)I STOUr. • SPEOIAt AtTEN'TION , ' OIVKN • - D-1.A.11D - ZEAL AG IN Vi'oltlC, Lnirr Arnim! PItOIIIP.T44 o.llll'touti • 211n,r 6-Sind: ,' I , -, • : ' Ci s A. QRlESllitEllri, Entailslye Grain Waretionea, rARI(EItS,AND 0048IONORB, Who may wish ta• Afore Grain, &o. Storni commlsajon reasonable. Also. s'auporior , took of FLOMANP FEED, &0., OUSE For sale irbobtiate ati iota at loweiptioes t een be . maimed elsowbpre,. Moo , a aapertorlot of. Buokwheat Meal, asa Potatoes, Pa. NB. - I VATIIITS I. 0e,105 E t t:trth Eighth St. Rottding,Pit ' • MONEY ; * .AN EDI • BY. TIM CITY :00. ittA.DING. , The undersigned, committee • on 'Finance of fhb Corporation or tbe - Olty of Reading, is etnpowered , to borrow the sum of " 811ViiNIT-.PIVB TUOuiliANk DOLLAIIB for; th .purpose Of enlarging the Wt4er Writhe o r the said city, Hnd the said tiol"4- mitten hereby give 'notice that they, re prepared to Issue Certificates for the same at six per cent. interest, to parties leaning money to the; city, for ,tho Purpose Mor o.named.; .nometl. Persons desirous of investing in this loan., will apply, toeltherof the under signed Vonlinittee, or. to Willhain Heiden reioh, Esq., City Trefumrer.r. . • , FREDEItIOR, LA.UEIt. DA,IIIRL WAR. j _ sDANIEI4 BPOHN.- • Jen -V, 9 6a-lyd Committee otmleintince. anl Cindy! Candy!' Candy! !.! 630 PENN STREET, READING, Il A v s ent4lll.ll42,ielySllOALM; - That Oaratet bo Silrpaspa in this Oitii witch will bo filapOse4 of as LOW ' as any other House in Reeding. mar 1141t4 ' Marrow, and Meaium Beano C'anoda Peaa, Split Peaa,testetta,halter Dried Corn,. Toed. Tapioca; Sago,: Bartel?, Hominy, Grita, OcOsary Beeet,*e., at the cheap store of BURKHOLDER di MADEIRA, • war ,•4, Otkand Ivickalilpt,tlm3; ---,- ,-,,-,. THE SEVIZEIt S.E ) HOU Womels 4 ort. Berk. Co.; Pa. • , rt. & isr. wait, - 1 1 • A .l l s , i' ro IF $* te tors., , t-; • 7 ...._ Av I' A i lute nonicovesto n.j.; I'M* tia:OOMA aeaornhitall I Plt tilovilkitd• lords obliging. and the tab ird lad .w ith all the best. the- notchat affollts. Con n oftett wAthsththhjaitlita illtatlohlas tiverrdtable,. a 6 that eon b rillaneat Mt alwtile at bind tor "S° VIO frINM9OI I I% the beautiful•vtl imit. nwslawouto ir e the depot. 11,-,Ajtar_Afittl'. e wartnerabin wli be, dtilotaeQ_ itik • 4 1 ,11Ciehati win moire control or the note!. ' lair 04sit • . • • BES nzasolvaa AND " ittp Ncete re tor for IA i : • ';', . ' -. ". " it t i o ' i t „ , ~ : '•4,,, , ;•-•:, -, „ '-v. `., . • ~' :;-' ~ , , , ' , - ' s, -,. ' ..V • .' . ' 6"" PS ~. 11 • XS* 1 ' —' ' ,---4,. ~ f.,„ ..--';` ........,..:..4,..,.., :,..__ • . {4-N. await.-- IMEST:ST2I.IrP)RD;r • _ FASHIONABLE - If . CII9IIAZIT ' weni. l t , \ ennouncea Waite ottfeen;ot Reading, OM having removed ble X rohans Tailoring estalillabizeft,,to,,ita , biliacMtt Wkka. remit;No.els'renit %tree be' SI new. pre. pared; with an litereasn eim af _gonl,l4 and euperldr facilities fo, • map_ Tailt , nrlpgi to supply all with .%,- 1 3 •I, z . FASHIONABLE 'ol46T.llllid; of tbo boatquality gooda t iotton itp . in ilia ,hishost iityin. • • ptivise . k whiniatoknxa AND FUR. MIMING GOODS, • 1 . 4000- of evory style anti vartoty to Butt the taste or oll,ln WPM% of anythillg id thie lire. None but Lilo best bands nro oluPloYed• awl alt work gasirtood. The patroung^ of thopubllofre,ro eotfuliT % .44 irk , . sTAPPoIit ) ," " fob • b. 010 rendbtroot. WALL . PAPER' WINDOW 'SIIADES JUST ,11EUE1VED; A Large and Well Selo WALL P4IPER k At Prioes to Suit the Rados Fninishod and Lettorfid to OrdOr, mar fl -Ind ST. GEORGE' CuiFISH Jen itimuvnp, A oholoo lot at IiUItICROLDER, a MADAM/10a mar 9.41 D n. A. fIERR, • D . g;,l;i'' . :T I 'B:,T Office -40. 009 1 4 Venn it.; Bending., :(Ali v a J. O. DROWN'S RAT 920R114 . Removed front No. 6 North Fifth strcot. ' Partiular attention paid to' miring disonse Mouth of the and Gums, such m Scurry, Pre ternatural Growth 'of Gems,. Ahroblar Ab seems disease of the Alveolar process, }le isured Palates, and all diseases to whioh the mouth and gums are subject. 'Tooth eitraoted without vain. and inserted on all material used by the Profession. Ornse hours, from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. doe4-Iy)d Mil REROVALI UENOVALII BAR I T I Q I S. LIQUOR STORE . Ilse been removed from the I(eystone 811114 - tug to the now and elegant atom. NO. 437 rEsN STREET Where eistomers will find every largn ate& of the beet and purest i yirINES BIIANDIES , WIIIBIKIES,' &e.. ever offered to the publie of Reading. AU the proof of the above that is required is trig share of patron 28 d- alootatell6o., KEELY, WHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN LVNIBER, READINO, PA., Keep constantly on hand, and for bale at the ' , •• LOWEST PRICES, A general amrtment of ' , WHITE PINE ; 11 E111443is ,!3 • PAUCEs OUICKILY. OAK. 111311.,, CKESrNUT; INDIANA. BLACK ANO . iirifitit • WALNUT, CAROLINA THLLOW PINE, ADD LUMBER, Thoroughly setuioned and under cover. • WiliTir 'p E 0 OFRIZOIS, 'AND IRE Kozak' CAROLINA OREEN • . • •SVAAtp CEDAR S INqLEs az JIB} Or #ll . , rospecittally prompt Ortf3ntled to, rfir priCOA • 0 . 0 the • -4- ‘` • 14' B W 131,10 k OPT 1C k ' , 0* a f t 04. "*..tAinti finis Pligeetieffi, iy , orirviiiii i la•- • ' ' , t, i' ~,, :' itotiV„ 1.1W41 .2 : dtri, rta =NM LIM tgd Stook 1. At3D WIND OW NADES, Imo's. OE , 1'. ,. f 4 4 . 1 ANTLYs. Iris' ' NBI T T g , t I ~,i . i l q f l . . , c,.. ti , AND '"? 1 * toeffrANDV.l:. -egllti AN TONId Tue ,( ittvi.*Pit 4o , 6 r44llplte a „ lth larista. 147'441.4011 OR bletsr • I 4 4 w...GAICe. • i-• t., i 4 `.'' ••, , ,'• • 0rm...:,...; . i & , ; uctbri4vD,'s_:ls4R4v t i na il :,,ii, itiiapoiert or the pure • • him, 1 ttsat th ee<Pl4l l llrneelly totr a i 14 1 ) orliciot e amarbian,t 4 eilkinit istepssutteti, highly t ott , It, OA t OM entirel y feff from eiroh o . q'tl 'lure grongAtind.;.k_ 7 t S _IIOOFLkND'B O EMII4 TO , . la a combinat4on of 411 this ttl ro ,_ of sho kitters, with the purest o il Ak 'at/Vet' Crime Mon, (m gig iw,, mall q of the most pie scut mitt agreosth4,% dios over 9 ff eretl to tlitntibliEN 'its Thdso Voteletrleg It zueolehtb ti tti . • r h.— Alooliollo adtuixturo, will use • e ta .11001 4 kNp is 4.II4LNIAN 1114 703 bl T olt h i os en '‘ o l f ho t•l h io eravileitlit°t'objeette to t , as atstN,•,,tif ,n A liOOPLANDVI GE'R'llitlt T(pi - . l A . • Theit'ate both 14161 k/Ir 60 di iliticliii rs '''' UM 00.1316.tilettiletiltd two•ou the we beleit I intro !natter bt r . thTonio bele* he.tnost, p a t ioabto,. h . ,\ - •he etouuteh t 'v hula a variety+ ot ti ,.../ e t tvh• s% * intligestiopi•Dyttpeibmift, 1,:t,••• pebilitY, eto. , , is veto to Tim's it4yo ticnie d e ranit oil • TheLttormiZ athlehle as otw o / Y,, ti stt dot% ' the St/31110b l Paw • tleookoh all'ocltet,i; 1 roitult of -wblop la tbat l / 1 4) tish eri; ci l,:t from HOVectsliy itibte•of tito follow/4AI ..0 'COnstipattou, Flatulence, lowaniptia, Ire'nesa of Mood' to tho Piesti;ildfil'' of the Stomaoh, tifieties,•ilvArt.buw Disgust for , Food, Fititios - 6; 1- , 'Weight in the StotnitoN g out .Eructationts, 'Sinking ,oi• n ut , .. ,' oting at the Pit of the ,Siornattli Swimming of the Heed, 'Rented 1 or Difficult Breathing, Plutteribto the treqt.P4oicillitPr See Noting tkt . ,, ' AntiouP, vt lion in a Lying l'ostnr e, i I;,nese Of 'ilielon t 'Dots 'or , Webs t•t t4 ' • ,thn. Sight, Mill Palo le th e . ItA , , 1 Doficieney of rerspirettoNyelQ•l, •floss •of the Skin and Eyes, 1 1 4 II hi the Side, Each, Ches t , Limbs eta., Smitten irlusinis of ilem, I,lliruhtg In tho 11;314 Onstati ninginiggii of •Vvil t • aud Do re . . . -ol 8 p'l 1%1 ta • _ . Tho \ llittforor from these i11eet.„41,t 0 , 14 ozotolso -tho gientest, caution hi hie le. 10010 of it remedy. - for his catorlitudi ping o tly. that tithitib ho is imtliteil Ina his potigatloptibighlriri postely4 true trit; Is liklll fully tot norm l it ad, ,iii ..frtio froth hijorious liv, diotitti, pith LAO (nimbi tilled, for iti e u titr , I'M& t for the Guru of• tittle Moyer, ri thin o mntict,ltnt Ivo viould nuLuill Oro wwlt-it iotvh re ,imAlleil— , , . HOOPLANDW 0111B11.41V..81Tritil , 1 :AND F,LAND'S GIEItUAN TONI°. i MU) BY Dr. O. ALJAtIIBO.I; . . . I,II LADEIZIIIA,r.a . .y -two years 81116) they vetestn p eed into Ude eenntry frOul, 411. I ornipt which, , ttnio they have tv *eying thereetzrea, kid ttv jieting butnan!ty In a greater ti n 'any other rmeillea knevol-q a. • RO , PIMP Zion' pkt,t(Nt I double( ollted tont,tb, the pub Mbso Livi n tr Chi Olio ttrAltdia, all :Dleo &rod L tromedAta will •cffectnally cal 4tanplitiiit, Japndteo, Nepersik ,1 zietvona DOAllty, Chronic V Ilu octiar iofRI Aulio Kit o lh l eg & fgfrol te yDiU ver, etown( tg or ititolltiti I, DEBILITY S• • Reittli4t# /rein '44 eaWe 4214171 PIIdaTRATIOZ'I .01 1 2'117.1 6L5 • TEM, induceVby Severe Labor, ..LEardsA(ps, .ft.priksure t \ Fevera, Thorn Is no medicine k ttztapt oval to these remedies In such caSes. A tone ul Vigor is linpatted vtoloyet t u, tte Appetit° strepgyhertsd, food It ea the stomach digests promptly, 0.4 blood is purified, the complexion berer.o sound anti' healthy, tho yellow tinge eradioatott from the eytoa, a •bloon) fe Ora to the elteeks,and the weak rani nutt3 invalid - becomes a strong end loth being. ,• • • PglittibNi 'ADVANCED IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of titre welgthri heavily upon them with all its atteralei Ills, will find in tio use of this itiTTuLt or the 'ION LC, to elixir that, will Instil nu life 'lnto tholr veins, restore in s meatus , the' 'energy and. itrtier 'Ol s ore yontho days, build up their shrunken forms it give health- and happiness to Oasis sluing years. NOTICES It is a well-establishcd fact that ally one-ftatt ottlitt fent e portion of oat pp. platton are seldom in the enjtjmeot of good health I o r expmslo, to use their own ' , never foci web Iht7 tirelangnid, devoid of all energy extreme ly nervous, and have no appetite. To this class Of persons the DITTEIN or thb rIONiO, Is s eapeOially rocoramenCed WEAR AND DELICATE °MURES Aro mado strong by the use of either et these retuodics. They will care °voles of SlAltAtildlifi, without fail. Thousands Of certificates have se vas lated.ip the bands of the Proprietor l' sp tee will allow of the publication (did few. lbws), it will bo observed, are as of note and at such standing {het Chi must be believed. • . •"TE 8 T 0 N A L • Non. ace. W. Woodward, 17/04 Jitst(cei Of thdo9upromo Cturt of P.I , , . Tut LAppLrn IA , Blotch Itt, is 11 1 find' Iloolland's german Bitters' a t goon tonic, nsefulin disemesofit: digestive organs, end of groat t:s °fit incases or del:111 y, and want of 110. vont; action 113 t.llO SWAMI , . • ' Toni% truly, , l' GEM. W. WOODWARIV Hon. James ThQpiPtipi Judge of the 'Supreme Cburt of Ponssylvois 1• K ,, ill LADBLYSISI April I, ttl "I consider . 4 Itoo.lland 4 B german lbttert A valuable medicine in ease of attacks of is d Igebtion or Dyspepsia, 1 can certify till from wy experience 01' 1621 i ' • • Youre, wity reapcot, •. 1,4. , ,', .. , , JAMlcti 'Ill(0111 011 . ) •FrOPI , evi Joseph H. Kennard, D. 0 .Pastor the Tengt Baptat purth: imi.x Pr. Ja kwon-Boar Sir: I have boo N qt 31113 toghOOted to connect TO to' w_lth r oromendatione of di ff erent lab Of Infillitriee, 'Mit 'ressrd In tbe oie. Avr ,,, es out o to appro Viet* sphere DM °ll9l4eir deOline4; tit Wail Aei ProOf n vaHotts ' instance is partioulturly , lu m own smily,of tbs sis NI:1Mo( vr. Sol:Maud , . german PIM 6PI NI V t°r ( Woo It'orn my uisnel co ' f r 0 9,8 O W f ull eiodviottein thet fir 0.0 rtLVI Ol'ust +tremor/el espeefally fer_PZ tint, Uit a "ft and vtlivab:6prir , ri In etas 7 i cases it may fail, but UsUkilli doubt not; It Will be very bon offotet le tho+ . twhoOttirtr fito, tho above efilutek. . . zotills von , . reepeettellyi" ' J, li, gNIIMID, , Xfirhth below' trio btre il 'lli. i t , , ~, -, , ' , t111111:::itt . po r lir r vit :O r ri at:6; . re ß ed,i il ohti V oteo ; 4 : :ist E eoodi l ati D in . belo F th e nrop li ft: d oit i ll eat l ereo l i: t hol flt 0 of ifoollandli (4013031 /3144r 6 . 4404 1"', in clat arafg v ro a en i m utt erd b ae l iicit e an to ebe nio ron tO yen a ot i f l ocr w f o b tri O r a d r i f eemeiv a er :V i 1 I. ram :3 '-' 1 ' ... 9 ' '' :' ' Yo IC Vt.421i 0 / / __-:.,. 4 ~.. . , • • litoottiitVe r tleptisit SeinNito a te e ( 11: .ItieS lien that the elguature .of , 1,4, 88iee tin t tapper of ratio P ly Vp a .A.l) liergove, b ou nterall; it , # 3, ~ ,to )I ,,,,, k roortiti t 6'1)0110 )fed ne tore, 1,0, ifs A l . ItitistiMittlit‘te Writ- , _ _ f ,' - ' . I , .;t:.'"dit.lirffalN‘ • eltrArig 41T---... : V 4 sl tg.wkii4l 'bi- iimildsliatio,46o il l ~ 6 • 4.1 . O. ' Mar. /0,41"117