T!IE D :'ILY •- ~ • • .READING. PA. TUESDAY, 11AIIC11 10, •1889, lino ; !%.F4gle 'Pe& Storts, ADLEit 'Office, DAILY EAdLE GAZETTE of AM 'lave been rernOved . ‘to \ .s42'Nnn street;, Sehmtieker Iloupe,hq(ling, opposite the KeystOne House. JAVOII R. &wenn is our author -110 agent to obtain oubecriptions for the MILT &OEN, the GAZEMI D11110134,4T i and the ADLER. He will o s 'halms his canvass of the county at UOV. OIDARY A LiAlt MT, Geary l told us in his -harangue at the Corirt House in this Oleo last Fall that negro suffrage WOULD NOT be ?area upon the people of, Pennsylvania, without their first having the privilege of. MRIM:UM) at the BALLOT BOX *hither they would havo it or not. • Gov, Wary' LIE D for tho purpose of defraud ing the people, and ho now recommends the ratification of an ameadment to the Constitution of the United States, which gill forco negro suffrage upon this State without giving the people any voice in the matter.-Nutibury Democrat. , Gov. (leery lied I Preposterous, men! The soul of honor, magnanimity and jos , lice lie i . how can any ono as " as obriallf Intim i tilat?_, We will note The hero dfdtho ditch before Chapulte pee, ond the ono Who captured a wooden Fannon at Sniekersvillo and exhibited his bravery by riding detrido of it, can not toll an untruth I Colonel McClure said as much that Geary lied, in his re• cent communication in reference to bid noted interview with General Grant, when he remarked that •ho only bad Geary's • word • for what lio told the General of Penn oylvania's• preference for the Cabinot ; that he had not Geary's protest'in, writ!. ins I But then MoCluio is jealous of the fame and greatness of our brave, noblo and gallant Chief Magistrate,• and might fib a Milo about him 1 •Then, there is Col, , Fitzgerald, of • the philadelphia Oily !tent, au 'intensely "loyal" man, who says that Geary is a notorielts 'bar INV Fitzgerald wanted tho c ltecordership 'of Philadqlphia, and although' Geary promised it to him, Lo only "went back" oh Fitz—that was all ! Then we have the Governor himself, who said that he promised his mother when but t seven years of ;Igo that ho . .would Doter drink, and and that he had never from . that 'early 'period of his existence tasted a drop of liquor,! But the adman !radicals of, ario gat spiteful at him, and they insist that in his first campaign for' Governor ,he, Wes gloriously-under the influence of, old King Onmbrinus in tho eity,of Erie! And dOoontO the Govornorri_roolthivisvor. • I‘li tomPorance and religious /atheringsat the Sodom of Ponnsylva via, r olopt our State Capital, linrrisharg I ind ., doesn't he entertain the : "loyal'? religious enthusiasts and long-haired tom .peranCe faenties with imaginary fonts'of heroism end hair-breadth cocaine at Lookout Mountain, Gettysburg and the rest of the eet4ptylix boffins of which ho was central figure and, per consequence, conqueror? None but a yilo "Copper- . 'head;", or sonic geptleihan - of the Itadi cal party who has reason to know other• wise, will ,believe that' Geary . ` .lies 1 As ',we commenced, so we end': Propostor• ono 6181131 AN IN WIIE PVIILIo gmlooLs A bill to introduce the study of the Ger Ma n language Into the common schools of this State,. is now before the, tegislaiuro. It provides that • "Meunier in any school, district the parents of twoutY-five or more pupils of any publie schoOl shall certify to the boated of school directors. or sackdistriet, that ,desiyttho 'German language, it shit be tiro duty of Bitch directors, with• out Unnecessary delay, to adopt measures for instituting (lemon classes in said sehOol o or for establishing ,separate sehtiols for that purpose." Xb Is supposed that the bill will be pasiqd by the Legislature, but that it will apply only to those counties in which' the realerity of the population speak the Ger. • man language. Tint people of Georgia appear to re gr,etthe departure of Cleo. Meade. T:t friends of Capt l Walt e r are itfraid: General Grant Is about to send them, a Valentine: .GRANT has.:egain charigod his mind, and Phil Shoridnn' is not to he gout to. New Otleanii. - r i ot tho people of'touis cant► rejoico I I Futher Abram); tbink4 -Capt. MTtail:Walter trill bo appointed Assess. or or Internal Revenue fol. this' District. 'What is tho use of guessing at it? Ask ,BituOrt Cameron—ho rules Pennsylvania"; and l eontrols. aid appointments therein, Ask Simon, and find out the truth ante. • • - Gat Gahm has proved himself capa. ble of doing a verj mean thing, 'dictated ,by petty spite and malice. • The :gallant Gen. Ilancoek, although suffering ftom wounds and disease contracted in ibe war, has been order:o to the command of the department of Dacotah. • This is a paniahment for opposing Grant's' elec. Ctn. It is as inhuman as it is ditcgrac'efuli, and shoWa that Gant can stoop very low to gratify potions! spite.—Concord (N. H.) iriot. TAN Spaniards in Cubs massacre the maaa of 'their prisoners' with knives, and shoot the insurgent littler' by tontatict of court ruartiol. Mx. Beattolvi minces I lie Buil COgresi Twikllll 4'l ^ hear Hai null' the tittrikitleCettitittitrZlidelq teenth Ij, 8, Infantry, has left, for Rich . merit]. • • •Tin news that • two American Iteprth.. i , Se 4 D94 1 4)89441 4 t44,04,1,./.4+. 1 0.0e , ; an al),OCltickn . Senate : of the I.liiited'Sffifei3'in - Ain f er t 0 bo Fe - iolied as SWO) orfrerritories In the Union, .or to • 'ho placed Under 'the protictoreto of the great Auicrican ltePublie, has created quite quite a sensation in tiro Official circle; of 4 ,9 Hurope.: daTjt Tub officers of tho shtp es.oste ;Jr., aro On trial in Nett/ Yorki.for'benting and starving their Crew. and paisengers on a recent vo.taitt froth Europe: This captain and mato escaped,-. but. vrere af‘ terwards .firrestid:' The testimony' re. ,vcals the'Most shocking brutality. Sev. eral of the' pasSejagers and crow died from the effects of the beatings .they re. ceived. It is hoped that kn eiainple krill be made of the "petty tyrants of the sea:" Twenty-two men died from-beat ings or from weakness caused 'by starve; tion. • , . BEEPMSI protests Jou r f CESSNA to trying i . ` . e Can; es . ore o pass a prohibitory liquor kw.. , Tne• friends of denote's' Mead° 'and Thomas 'complain of the piomotien of Oenerel-klheridan over the heads:of those two veterans. They' he've 'reason to complain, but—let havo Peace I EXPLOMON OF ANOTORII. GAO TANK,- Tho foil Cushier of Olt; Virst Nstiontd Bunk of Itockford t 111., is reported to have absconded witlithO doP,Osits of the still its Moro ise'xpeeted., , . . I / .. PROCIDEDINGII OP; CONPITITt%S. WAtiiiitiGioN t *itreil 15. , Li tho Senate, various, bine' ivoro intro. (Need.i . , , Mr;i Trumbull, from the .Jndielarl i Coinrnittee, reported bills rel'ating tb' the removal of oilleiala in ' Vit. inir()' and Toxas,4o roorganizo,. the 'JIM Aiary Byti• tool, to susiend the Tenuro-o t :Conic° ail until' O . p next session of Congress, mid to, enforce the disabling provisions orthe Fourteenth amendment. Mr.'lll6rto'iioffered'a regolution to en= able a majority df any State Legislature to ratify a Constitutional , amendmot, oven where two•thinis arc required - to form a quorum forliusineos: ' '. 'l'llo House blitto strengthen the. Pub i ? lie Credit was con l urged in—=yeas 42, nays P 3,, After'it 'Executive session, tli'o enato § adjotitlie .', ' In the Pons°, ,' . various bills were Introatteed, . rinapng them tho following:, Establishing :a . : free sysfent of national btinhing; i• 'regulating the conversion of gnld into currency ; ,to fiv i ther increase of. the public debt; iolating to gold eon: tracts, and "to . repeal the net requiring militaryorderii to ho issued' through the • .(4eteral'of the A'rtny.. • Tlio Standing Committees were an nounced. , • • • ?dr. Schenck is 'chairman or the Ways and Means;, Daives of the 'Approßria tions ; Garfield of the Banking and Cur ropey ; Butler .of neConstraetiotr; Lo gan of the Military ; Bingham' or the .Tti cliciary; Banks 'of rereign Affairs, and Scofield of .Naral Affairs. ' Mr, Kelley, from . the Coinage Con). mittoo, reported 114,, nickel coinage bill From our Traveling Correspouileut. Mwrox,,Penna., March 18, 1860. • IfsAtt very unexpectedly stopped off at, this place on my.'way up North,. this Morning, cilia as I haie to to., mein here for tho p. m;, train, some six hours, 1 thought I would write you. Milton is emphntieally-ti Pennsylvania town; both in,tho style of her buildings.and the character of her people..llle .buildings are plain otpi substantially built, free from display, or external de- Oration, numifesting that,comfort , end durability were thq.only tlttng cared for in their 'erection. And;:the pebpli are characterized by theiv'sio)v,:•ntid gtook, habits, willing . to 't , patiently , for business to come to them, and .evidbntly do nbt exert thenntelves.much'to if along. Some few eriterprieing. meeltan., ics have come in be:re-the lait't few years,' dud established • some -Manufactories ; which have enlivened up the'. bugiitoss of, the place a little, btlt.etili it -is many yeafs behind the age, ebuidering the •lo cation and 'county 'whin'o it: is' eittiated. It is over' half a! century eines, 'it wiis first locatdd in tile midst of ti, rich, fertile ftirming country ; -and tho . inhabitanis will not now number over 4, 00 people.' A. better or a more 'pleasantly leicated• farming country there te nowhere to 'be found than there; is immediately. around this plate, Qll4l the. farms appear to be rich and well Cultivated., • The Philadelphia Ss' Frio Railroad pasi!ea through this place. This rend that. beeaming one of the great through fares for travel l and transportation from the West, ZOO' of the freight whie:t formerly passed to tide water, via Dun kirk,.,Bafralo, Oswego and Ogdensburg, now stops at Erie., nail passes over the E.. Road to Philadelphia. In Agri eulturarproducts,almie the inerease — laSt year over 1867 was more than, two hup : ("re f / and wen& percent., From c'hiengo, Niilwankie and other lake ports, the n & B. Road' plays Mt ithisorltint part in the rail rind water line, Winch ivepen earliest in the spring and latest in'the fall, and is the elwapest and Vest.routo - between. the 'maw and the lakes. teannot addraore at present, as it is nearly train time, and I wish to goon 'up North as far as VilliantsioKt• . More anon, • . Time ably sear and blivrich . Vour .1)row,! mit It Punnet silver your hair, If YOU 11ReS that oxnettent renewer known p i s onarrettie Vegotablo flair Ro4tortktive" to On abao. Into otoluAlon ot.aif the vilo oottipoundo With whWli tho tuarket . lo mouth Journal. • ' A CAR D.-1 hay.) taken 4 1 1 6- atm . ) , No. 7 ' 4 1 - 1. Penn Qtr cot, formerly occupied by,,)", Leatt. whet° I trill keopatitllltnotfLadiol ) Drem Trimmings and /11111norv, / ask fat Mends end the tintiltdanbtallytOglvo Via a call Wore purobwil I ng oleawbaro:_,;‘,„;i„ - ' Aug' WHO] . 11A9(011 noyEn.. I •, .1 41 , • , • ~' '.„. . • . ; ',, , ,..j• 1 Yo ' Atigtot 15tha11ti l .., le y attention to Itty ,' ,A 'MY' • ••..0 r li COMPOUND Rai' 300 D, 1!:'/... ' .m_perient_tertejtre, A. C i • '. • '..- trllEase ! julf4'- ! " !' ' • I • Ana . „ .—Dechtl,titiiiiettO, Le y',.. , • •. , lation; terfj(iptrt,, ,, It 1 16 e, e oted by d i l o Vitesi , aorebtalned from Juni Dor... , 110,11( .veYy.littla sugar, a Aileen trOgig. . ".0 .)111,11t,• • end more paintahle i nt t IStlighlOilikhtitb * 4*lPeri i, * t ar Mesita y t m oea rgeted. • • ache, air pre red by 'Druggists senor.. ally, is of Adar polor 1t1.4 a plant... Put oriti otritli M e t Cell hese Orl'efil. ilahle destroys t; 1 sett Apriti Spiel, Hating It ihirtrAnd 41 41., Uq11 , 0,44%±4•1gti0n,.. Mine is V 'alio tandrOflo leilto4••''atitir DOOM lh nit ,preparatlen.. 0 detnipatest - the snutliest qT z i nt k•v O t til - : 4 4,b 0 r Digracitent,a i erti ad. 4 , TVA ferrneotet lotti,egV 1 94 r io ni fo. ,tlntl . Ilot t 9 , .A, e•t ;int% s e in Par.rulacopcsts; nor la it a' Syrnp--and therefore can be used. In eaties , where loiter 'Or triflainmatton existe.... in this you have the knowledgett the Ingre , 'dionte and the mode of preparation, Iferdng that yen will favor it with atrial, 'and that upon Inspection it wlittneot with your upprobatione-` With a feeling of pow. iltivoce r - • ' • -.- • - • 1. ate, very respeotftiliv, • 11. T. 111(1.111WLD. . %. Clientist and Druggist to 16 Years'. ' Experience in • Phila..q,lphis, . and now located.at his .Drug, au' Chem ".. 'teal Warehouse, 691 DroadWay, Now • ' York: - - . (From the largest Manufacturing (3104- •.' , bits In the iVerbil , ' . .-- lem itennainted with 'Uri H T. Helm. held; tie,, occepted the Dreg Store oppo site my residence anti: . was supeetisful In conilneting' the busint ;IS where others had not' been entiallyeo before him, t have , uceitlaverably in:ll:tressed with . hisplittrao. ter And ehterprise. ' • - • • • , .. o f • WILLIAM WEI.JHTMAN. •, : ' lirizrPoivore tt' Weightwanoll an u • ' '' faeinring ChemistP Ninth and• Drown,' ' Streets; rhi ) adelphia. • • llntadeetnts ittxte h:,rinswr Utica% ter weakness arising from Indiseretion„ The 'exhausted powers ,of tottn re whi e h are ac. companled by, 'so many alerinitig syrup- toms, among which will be idund, Indian°. sition .to Exettiou, Loss of Aloinery Wake *faineos, norror.of Ifltiease, or Perched Inge of Ev I!, in fact, Universal. Lassitude, Pros. ,ttation, and Inability to enter into the en tioymeats of SecititY• Thotkahltption, once a ff ected with br genie realtneas, requires the aid of 'Weil :Mho • o stragthen and Ittylgorate'" the .6yo.to t tirk which LIELMIICILUIS EXTRACT - BUCIIU • invariably does. If no treatMent is submitted to, Consumption .or Insanity 'ensues. pi .•, Her; nOto's Pm: 1D ExTrtAct Buono, In ,afteet tine pectilla to Foul leso is une ,wittlied• by auy o 'her preparation, as in Ultiorosts, or Retention, Painfulness, or anpprehsion of Customary Evacuations, , Ulcerated or Snhirrus Mute of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the 80x, whether arising from habits of dissitiatlon, imprudence, or in the decline or change of lie; . , . . . lintittiOmPs Prom EZTRAOr flociu AND ,114YROVUD 110814• WASU will radically ex i terminate from tho system diseases arising from , habits of dissipation, at little ex • , ponso o little or no change In diet, no In convenience or exposure ; completely au. , pewee(' ing those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Copaiva and Moroury,inall these diseases. . . • =I thin HELTIBOLD'iI FLUID EXTRACT iltronu In all (11803,809 of thu organs, whether In male or female, from whatever cause ori ginating, and no matter ()thew long etand• lug. it is Wonsan In taste and odor, "lin- Mediate , ' in notion, and more *lom-siphon nig. than Any of the preparatiens of hark or iron. • Those entering from broken-down for delicate constltutiong, procure the remedy at Mum. " Tho reader must ho awaretbat, however slight Wta:bo the attack of the ittbove diaeascs, it, is certain to Affect the 4.aadily health and mental poweis. • All' the aboiro diseasea require the \aid of a Diuretic. 11t1A1BOLDim EXTRACT HUMID is the greatest Diuretic. 801(1 by Drugglstw everywhere. P lee —1 4 1.25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for a .50. Delivered to any address. Deserlbo'sy op. toms in all 'communications. • Address 11. T. lIELMBOLD, Drug nd Obanliciti.Warehouse, 591 Broadway, .N. Y. NONE ARE OBNUINE U 4 N 88 DONE UP in streel-eagraved wrap or, and signed - deo 25-2inoodttwl ; 11. 7,!. lIELMEOLTI. • • • t • • • LITE HILL" •j SELECT 'FAMILY •BOAILDING 13O1100L. . . An Engnab, Classlcai, Matlionatlaa,Solon • title and Art hitt° lnWLution, ; • FOIL YOUNG MEN AND BOYS I 41,Pattsecat, 4.llQpigomgr:y Tho seeoad half .ortlio (Ugh toonth annum iossion onthniencod 'ow Wodncsday, tlio,Bd (MY . of February las. Pupils ro t . oolyod 'at, any Vino; For Circulars 'addrosa ' ' REV. GEE. F. MILLER, A. M./ .• . REV. DRS.' MOlga, 'Behaeffer., Maun,, Kalil Poles, Mu hienherg, Iluttor,Btork, Conrad. BowbOrger, btorrot, and Murphy. • . HONS.—dud& Luetlow l Leonard 51yore,it. ItuSsOl 'Thayer, Benj. M. lloyor, Jacob 8. Yuri, and Master Oly num. • ' Est) -I.•—Jiiene9 E. Cold %roll Jo Os ()lag. 13 horn, J. F. it B. OrnO James Hain Mon, Theo. G. Boggs,' C. F. • Norton. L.' L. lloupt,' S. Gross Fry, Minor Doh., • clbarles • Wanneinacher, James Kent, antu() & Co., John Wloet,,,ato. fob 20-2rnoodaimw , • GREAT. FURNITUREDEFOT, SOIIRCEDEIt SL - FELIX, w . arerooin,-Oonier Fifth and Washing . ton !greets. „ M'ANUFA'CTORY. WASIIINOTati RL lIELOW FIFTH, .W..IIOLESALI,AN,P RETAIL,: Tgtnr ic r i* FUTFLTA l4lP t t! °Vl ° eao.k of 461,fugitgo nOl, :na Onsant ly on hand , and made to order to' spit onstoniors. • t . Among other artislos, osnoot‘l attontion is •Invited to,thoir unsushassod • ENT! NSION , BPSTgADS. 01', Op LATEST. BTYLEB and eV ioiy other article in their lino of busi ne Evss, 404. erffirtiele is mtinu4Lotured by themselves, in their admirably arranged manufactory, with the most perfect machinery, and skill ful mechanics, and finished in an unsurpass ed manner. Also propared to moats all orders for • CARVING, • • TURNING, SAWING, Imo' Ail orders promptli executed, and warrant:- _ed to glvosattsfaotion. ap. 10 d BEAU MONDEIIALL l Are eow offering n splendld,etock of COME AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS Suits pi . lti'spiLid lit style,-.L - - M k • TIMES, 1111 CH St :BRO., =t4ONDE HAL4,' ` *0.1%41140x sinv" Mil 1•1121111 DRESSING nuREAu;3;,,. DINING ROO4 .cI4IR,S, CENTR AND OTHR,,TABLEII MOVLDINGS. BITCH . & 131t0., No., U 3 PENN STREET, . , SPlttisiG GOODS. EXCALENT " An ''ltstrpas9ed stook . gonte , Ult>likt G 004)S. lIMI CALA'ANDBEID. =IN = , . „. 'CW 4q 1 ;E A TRL f IT)" • • , ± • , , T 1 ", . 4 1f - - • { • 4 1 - - 1301IC t . • • _ • , - „ „ TILE ITITION B PACIFIC B . P 9. 'T , , OENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD 'OO, . , lave . fidded pgbekiunproa (sop) Miles to) their lines during the current 'ear, while doing a large local passenger and freight 11.tuslriess. The through connection * ll l undoubtedly be , eompleted next suminer, when the through trade wio be vbrigreat. Forty thousand men are now emPloyed by the two powerful companies In presidng forward the great national highway to a speedy completion. Ottly. ilOO miles re main to s ite built, of which meatly are graded and ready for the rails. First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Union Paeldo Railrodd Company for sale at par and Interest, and First ',Mortgage Gold Rends of tlio Central Pacific Railroad, at 103 and interest. • .. : I Tho prinel.)al twirl' re reit of both bonds aro payable - la gold. DEALERS IN • GOV RNMENT ,iIECUR,I- -r,- MO 00. E At m ..4„" No. 40 SOUTH nov 7-4 - lawlv I CLOTHING! M A. Ft E IitERCIIANT llas Removed his Ettablishment from No. 331 POllll street, to 433 Penn street. five doors below the Formals , National Bank, where ho will, be happy to meet all his friends and enamors. A now and fresh stock Of Goode on hand for the spring Campaign, which will be made np m the BEST STYLE and at very reasonable charges. - MR. GEORGE 'HECKMAN (Ins °barge of the Cutting Departtnent,and good llta will bo guaranteed. Infix 8-2vtdi A NEW WINE AND •4.,e•- 4 (4:R/1 LIQUO4 STORE 11AS JUST BEEN 01' 00R. OF EIGHTH A GEO. W. 11 For hinny sears with J 1 AND FRANCIS Q. KIIIME Son of {Vin. H. Rhode, under the firm f HUGHES & .1?,116D They havp on hand And l urid at ion times keep a largo and well suleoted tacitly/ of all broods and qualified of. IMPORTED WINES, 'BRANDIES ANb GIN A oholoo lot of • . CIIAMPAGITE:AV CLARET. r. . 4 Also, tine double•dislilled rye whisky of different brands; also, e t lommon rectified whisky and vinegar whol sale and :retail,. Demijohns and bottles of al sites. All Roods will be sold at prices to-su t the.times. , • They extend an invitation to their nu morons friend(' and the I; bite generally; nbd hope-by strict, attebt, ow to business, and' edurteBy,tO all who 2 ay faVor 'thorn with their patronege; to (gain the cent!. dend of buyers. .11U01,1148 & AIIODE. ; 2tinr 8-lnid • . .1 • 1 ' • SEED B p .T , , 15„ . ,. •.. • • • • A.l` TUB , AGRICULTUitAL W..AIIVE#OI7SR - J. L.. STICHTM, • . .• 505 Penn SirOet t noimainit, Pl. IMAGE OATS FROM PRINCE ItOVD'S' M ISLAND, RITISII POSSESSIO NS. RED MEDITERRANEAN AND WHITE WEAVIL {'ROOF SEED WHEAT._ CLOVER; FLAX. AND TIMOTHY. PRE 111 GARDEN SEEDS. CANA Y. lIEMP AND' RAPE. ORCHARD GRASS, LAWN &o. Jan 23-20 aw, -REBIOVAL.-7. A:STAOtIECICER hRe re ,lnovodhlu MEAT DIANNE/ . to No, 41 North Nintlistroot. Old and nod onatoin= ere dro invltftd to pall. All kinds Of Fresh( and Smoked .➢feats on band.' I 'inarfe-lw , • • MACEDONIAN ;OIL TILIUI4PDAN't . . * WILL you PLEASE READ THIS - Reading, Pa.; attn. 12:1869.—Mtk, krona°, No. tot South Fifth street, says the M. MOIL lathe only thing Which has &Aim), strength to lila broken aria—has used it in his fainflY for Earache; . Neuralgia., and frosted feet, 'performing to -each 'ease , a wonderfully quink and radical cure. E. POI, Proprietor of *eystone Moine, certifies that three bottles or ulo on cured a .stroia iu a iforse,:valaing thp, cure at $lOO.. JOHN' HEMP, ,Policennut, .says the Oil cured him of ade YrtiAlltesQr tile collar bone. The above named persons are well known' in tute:vl4lnity, ander() Wing Avitnesees., !laving fnx Lied •nld each ample testimony ,at the,times we -advertised with the' • a. • IOUR - 11011.81r• 611ARIOT, , • giving Mao popular open air ' ' ' . CONt/PITB, • • • • 1 dada it umecessary to add More na l mes. The Mute Macedonian' Oil Co. twill fortgit .$1.000 ) „ it any dozen remedies combined will fur nish as many tr good certificates from promi nent citizens in the city anviolnity afl those who have boon cured by the use of the Macedonian - PROF. SATMOXD,, • • • The Borman and K6lOllOl lecturer 91 thil poftany, stopping at the Keystone Ilse and parobaso hottla of the 011, or roc° ve advleo and treatment free of qhurge:. Also bold by J. K. McCurdy' Doctor Ziegler and S. 8, Stevens. jjan 18 d • , r'E E P. LL . Fon - ALDEtiini:N AND 4014 . 10fi . Tug IPSAUE. Approvoci Irettrati.OP l?Lik i IEO1 1 , - For sal* at the . 4 1. B (101 C 'SrO4 "ail 4l - /W e ekfet , 0 , , go z; ,'" `~ ' r.~~. isdvas ME D, ETC., , 150 HIRD STREET, FLEILADELPIIIA.. CLOTHING! IT A Lk I_, E I N , TAILOR, A CALF: IS SOLICITED. 11. UNNLICIN., NED AT TILE D PENN STS., FM . a. Mlehlor & Co., =I °.0i."940 HC 41 0v:.:. • ' I) 4 R"s6- Sli 6 , i t ii: ''Bo NI 8. 84 'S TOblr6l3 , GOtik; MINER Aiin (. 1 3r 0 / 4 10. . -., 1-, , •"-DlLASi t ric ' ' ' ~' ON NEWYORK ilk') # I IIILAD iLrlita, Antiiiidit: iiid:o4itilt De ita - ' 11 06, . „.. . ( ) Palate!. lis• ' , Closelit Sp. vs . ' „ BUSIIONe ita 3)ROTITER. fop. 148,66 li a w ' , S ~ , I READING FIRE INSURARCE AND TRUST COMP'Y OF BEAKS COUNTY. organisq. Ad v. 1167. 944 W. $ 130.090. Office, Refittini Inaurance 19 North WM' street, iSbtittrEtral ' Owner of ()bort ASTreed. . , • , OFFICS ITQUItB FROM 8 4.1 C to S DMOTORes J. Paii