II TIIE DAILY EAGLE. #lllDAY;lttrft 12; 1869. A Tim Eagle * . Book Store, AnLin . .oplee, 1 AO4, an4. l gApiplpp4zgn. , sr„PE4o- OftAT fla,Vejleili;iiillOVed to 642, , Pej0i House building, opposite . the Keystone 'Mono, ' MR. JACIOit R. Sony is Onr author izeil agent to obtain subeeriptions for tho DAILY Eme, the GAZETTS AND DNNIO6RAt o : do" 'Anun. lio will commence hia ea' me 'of the county at ( Mee. P ( • .r •• • • IN the Pennsylvania Senati, yesterday, the • Negro Satrapo lunondm . ent was adopted- 7 41J the itspeblfesno vgting for it. , . r Move tratitiliCltalktak—tiront elningreas bh Proon.ninto. The a rreeldent jesterhy sent in•to the Senate tha following nominations I I I • For Secretary of State,. Epeovernor Hamilton Fish, of Now York; for See• retaty of 'the, Treasury, Px•CloyornOr liont,weli t of ; Maesaohusotts ; for Beare. tnry .0 1 Warp General, Rawlins; for Ninlsteito.Oratitio; Hon: E. 13.' Wash. baiie, of WHIMS ; foi Minister to 'lassie, Ex•Govornor A. G. Curtin, of Pennsyl. vania. It is stated that President Grant has decided that Mr. i Bancroft is to remain ns Minister t 6 Pritssia J.' P. Little as Min., Liter tOßrkin; Geo. P. Marsh as Minis• for to Italy. • • • 800`retary Cox has decided to t retain IV. T. Otto as Aseistantßecietary of the Interior, at, the iequest of 'President Grant't • 'Toro is a great contest over the . Corn• missionor of Pensions. Strong influences aro brotight to boar 'to retain Commis. sinner' Coil-Tho other leading can& dates aro Mr. 'Perham, of Maine i Mr. Vnn Annum', df New York; Dr. Hood and Dr. Coleman. of Ohio. ' Joittr A 4 LOGAN has recently ho como a member of the Mothodiat climb —Exchange. We are glad that the General has re• peated'ef his Strip \IMO Werts . 48 scarlet• Ho bos•no 4Oubt !wide full atonement for hie efforts to raison rebel regiment at the outbreak of tho war. His eloquent op .„. peals caused many young men of South. ern Illinois to enlist in the canoe of the South. !can, John suddenly veered about: md took another, tack. lie made a present Of ft Valtiablo ring,: costing the ettoriumts stim'of. $l4, to the widow . of "rho late lamented," and, instead of ..,taking npArms in defence' of the sunny South,beeame General in the army of the Nortlf. • He made Ups) , handsotnoly. Tho war is , over, and "Loyalty" pa) a now by assuming , the garb ,of re• It,payi, well to . "steal the livery of Heaven to servo the'Devil in I" • And no tine knows this bettor than Logan. We auivtise JaC!C has mimed 'a pow in tha new,Metropolitan ,11. E. Church at Washington. It is to ho hoped that , no vile sinner will dare to occupy it, 0180 wo may have to be under the painful . neces• city of - cheenicting a similar scene to that which occurred there on Sunday' last, when ,Piesideat Grant left the sacred ,ltigh‘ dudgeon beeanse his pew was ottcmPled by`aomebody else than- one of the roytil family. Of course no well bred gentleman would have been guilty of such gross miaconduet, but then a.new order of things reigns aim Ulysses, tim,son of Jesse, has assumed the crown, and Methodism has laid aside thd simplicity and religious rigor and de• votion' of its fathers. ." Let ps haVe peace I" GRANT AND VIIR INDIANO, 2 It is stated in tho Review, the organ of the Society of Friende in Philadelphia, that grant has applied to that body, in view of its almirablo record as respects the Indians. for lists of names of persons Suitable for Indian Agents, •of mon who will truly represent a paternal and beneficent gov• ornment, and as such take the place ,of those then who, to our shame and thei i rs, have been permitted to disgrace us in our dealings with the aborigines. Tun Innuguration Dail at Wasbington was an uncomfortable jam througliout. Many ladies fainted, hundreds of !adios had their expensivo dresses ruined; it'd hundreds of men lost their overcoats and ti hats. Oun of the Nice young en" who figured at the bail ? :riained I glo p was killed last week by a young ,mu ciao girl whom ho had ruined and refused to sup. port... phoosinliNas tai cogaitsms. Witanisorow, March 11. In the Senate,Mr.lirimes' bill to root. , ganizo the navy misreported andor dot ed to be printed. Various bills were introduced. The Publip,Credit bill was .taken up, and Mr. Sumner Moved to strike oat the Itiond heetiOrif legalisingcoin contracts hereafter 'to be made. Re said the re. cent decision of!thelinprettie Court had made it unnecessary. A -message was. received • from the Proaidenti and tbir Senate went into ck ecutife,session. . On restiminf legislative business, Mr. Sumner's motion to strike kat the second section of, the Public Credit bill was agreed to—leas.2l,, nap 14. , Me. Mortekilvi 3 Oved• An amendinept . to, tho,4T,sit sectiout Lion to gold paymenE tir• the. vi.vollrm bonds. 'rho rereeted—' yeas 14,nays .and the Elevate ad papi 400 : !,: t. th"' j#4:, Tim Journal wants dishonest goyetts tont officera:mitti to A141149k That would bo the `Ailieboat*y to.Aailto a "great Repub?n roaj ' ty" tb —' 4 . , Tl i S i ft t' • . i., 4 p ` e. ?,i ,, 4 . ‘..1 - s. . RIOINOi, *44 12;1869.-- xmw igq•*eh Bus hasq`4ll 100., NaltharS, N 0.16, North oth e Week quote as follotta ESIX.IIIO * Month 12,1809. Old tr j N. 6 , 0 1881 - • - • 116 Old U., O. - • . • U6IA New U. 8. Ws, 1864 , July and Jan. -410 i Now U. 8. WOO% Kay aha , Ntor. . • , 117. -Nati U. 8.1965. haw ' • /AV hew U. 6.6-20'a 1807, July old Jan. - 112 Naw tl. 8.5-20'e 1866; - • . • * 112 Ton forty Bonds, • . ••• 103 UM In New York up tO 13 Wolooke • 131 gold 14 Reading at Bush ong a Bros„ -180 itetading . Oratta and Mout)littriket. Flour continues dull, there being , a total absence of any demand ib'r shipping and but :ft limited. inquiry froth home consumers. who pUrehase only enongb• to supply' Oleic immediate wants. Prices ate slow to yield; but if this depresseA state of affairs continues longer to exist, decline Must soon take place. Mer chants show no disposition, to pay the quoted pti,ces, whilo farmers begin to see the necessity of moving their grain into markef f . riot much wheat was brought in this week, mostly owing to the bad state of the roads. The highest prices of wheat seem now to have about• been touched for thp season, end. with the good prospect of tho future crops, there is reason to suppose that prices hare reached the higliest point. BELLING num. , . White Wheat FlOur per bbl., $l2 00 Redii Extra YarittlY per bbl • 11 00 Ilf . 1 II to *II 10 83 , 4:3orneliop (now) .. : , , N 93 B Poet Bllddlings, • 1 o Common, i. ...e ' 9) . 40 i 6 Oran, 1 BO Corn Meat, PAYING moss: White Wheat )ier bluthel, . .4.4. 50 001 8001 00 Rod " • " 44 7O 04te Bye 1 40 , , , Co , . . Vona 80 Philadelphia th. inapt i. excised ingly doll. There ishveri Iltll6 demand for wheat except for prime pate, and prices, in consequence :of the increased offering, aro lower. Corn is in fair ire quest, but prices are weak. PaovlstoNs:-The market continues quiet, and prices are unsettled and lower. Mess Pork sells in small lots at t i p:, GO bbl. Bacon Hams are quiet; sales of plain and fancy bagged at 180210 'll lb. Green Moats are firmly held. Pickled Hams 801 l at 170174 c. Lard is dull ; sales of barrels and tieices at 1901fiic $1 lb. WHlSXY—Saleirare malting at 05008 c gallon, tax paid. Reading liotiseltiepere Market. Durrsa—Fresh dairy * 11l lb., 48 11 . Lump, I 44 , • 88 Casnes---elioeso 1 111 lb., ' 26 .. l atzu— lb., 24 Lard Tr , . Etins—lfoggs died,,, 23 APPLawt-App es posk,, * • 28083 " Dried quip% ' • 12 . Psminss— " /b. * 20 limit—Beefsteak, roun o d 1/1 b., ' 20 29 .' le " , sirlin is 11 • /imp,* " 44 20 l' ' neof roan, 41 . 20 4• . (1 Beef dried,' 11 , lis " Veal CAW°, 4i 23 ci 11 ehops,,, , . 41 16 1 4 . Mutton, ' --' ' " 18020 :. 10 Pork, "•14 • 18020 il steak, 44 20 il fiatisago smoked fres if ..e. 4...230215 11 " k, ii, 28 likke—lTnams, 44 11 2 8 4 , 44 0 • 11 Seed SHOULDERS— 16 81D810".• " 18 PouLTuy—Ohlekens Iff . e, 6 . 6 " lite4Bo4 SI 18 Turkles live, " (1C0138041 20 Chickens live p pr" -60810 PolstOos VI bushel, 125 The Reading Hay Market. Since Saturday lasti fourteeti loads of hay were brought into the city by farm. era. Five loads wore consigned to livery stables, while the other was taken to the press. It was all taken at prices below quoted with the exception of two loads which was infer* and sold at $l4 per ton. Seven loads 'of mangled straw were brought in, which was exchanged at the hotels for manure. The demand for hay and straw is good, but owing to the bad state of the roads in the country, it is not brought so readily to market. May and liirato Ma -4 Timothy nay (116 00 for 2000 lb, Long ltyo Straw 00 " " sloadow Hay - , 14 Iv a, 1, ?tangled 11 00'. " ": Ph/lode/phla Iron Mgrket. In Pig Metal there is a fai t business doing, and prices.a►'e firmer; sales No. 1 Anthracite at $42, and No, 2 ats4o. Scotch Pig tells )tit $48043 60 etl ton, and Glendon at $B7 /fl, ion. Manufae• tured Iron commands $B2 50087 ton for Bars. Blooms are quiet. . 4 .Phltadelphla Cattle Markat , The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle at the Avenue Drove Yard reached about 1000 head this Week. The market was active and price; tether higher, selling at 1001010 for extra Pennsylvania and western steers; 80940 for fair .to prime, and 6107 in 111 lb, gross, for common, s to quality. Cows wore unchanged; 150 head sold rt $85050 for springers ) and $40085 for cow and calf. Sheep were in fair demand at an ad vance; 10,000 head sold at . 8410010 'tl ib, gross ) as to condition. Hogs Were also In demand ,at as ad. vance; • 2300 head sold'at the'Union and A,venuo drove yards at $lOOl7 100 the latter rate for. prime corn fed. V Coat Market The coal trade in thelYyorniag isogon is as "flat astt flounder," .notwithstand• lug a quarter`of a million of tons more than the trade to the same time „hist year have gone to market. • „ COW Market. , „ 4B . roket. 43°,1; • ea e r s tierV9... itmolnie44PA" • • • • TO PIITSIOI4NS. Haul., , oath 413 gust 15th, 1917. c ir .I,w mo to your ': 'ttentiou to „gni. • ..,4 AUATIO Or • I FOUND Al 5 -- ! • ' MICH The , • , . nent parts are •+" i : tr 1 • 0 49 fin4P' ' NM* JuNir.o i r obi 07 PnapAn 3 iri fi caenchn, in villas, ,nniper,Berritrub d tion, to form, a e alai, Ons extriAted by displace-, t n ! elifbyllquers/btalnoditrOmJuriperßer rice, containing very little sugar, a MOM proportion of spirit, and more palatable than wiy noW In use. , The *diva prOpere ties age by this mOde extraet•Nl • B echo, au prepared -by Orligglsts'pener ally, Is of a dark color. It is a plant that dolts its fragrance; the action of a flame destroys this (ititaellve pfir 'pleb leaving a dark and glutinous de non. ,Mine is the color of Ingredients. - he Bache In My. PAiparati9ll redominates; , the omalloat , quantity of.t he other ingredli3nts are ' ad ded, to prevent fermentation, upon Mimeo %ton, it wilt be found not to, pe a. Tine tare, as made in.Phartimeopira, nor is It a Syrup-r•and therefore can be used ia • cases whore fever or inflatumation exists. In this you have the knowledge of the Ingre dints and the mode of preparation. • Hoping that you will favor it withatrial, and that upon inspection it will meet with' nyour approbation, With a fooling of eon dence, • •-• • I • • . l • I am, very respeotfully, ' - ' ' H. T. if irD111101.13: ' 'Chemist and Druggist of 16 Years' Experience in , Phllaeciphiat and now located at his Drug and taiont teal Warehouse, 591 Broadway, New York. . 'From the largest Hannfttothring Chem - .. -- letirin the Worifi.l am acquainted with' Mr. 11. 'P. Debra. boldt ho, occupied the Drug Store oppo site my residence and was successful in conducting the business where %hots had not been. tivally tio bolero him. 1 have boon favortiblieimpressed with hischarao. tor and enterpriae. WILLIAM WELIIITMAN. Firm of Powers 8 iVeightman, Manu facturing Chemists Ninth and Drown Stroota;Philadolphia. . • LIELIIIIODDIS FLUID Ex.I.IIACT RUCs% for weakninel arising , from' intlisoraion. Tho exhausted powers of nature which aro no-• cimnpauled by so many alarming synip. tome, among which will be found, Indian°. sition to E,xertiou,•Loaa of Memory wake oilness, Horror of Dlsoaso, or Forobod Inge of EV it, in fact, Un (venial Lassitude, Pros tration, and inability to enter into the en ioymonte of society. The COnetitntiOn, once affected with Or. gaido Weakness, requires the aid of Med icine tto strengthen and ,invlgorato tifo svutetu which lIELMBOLIPS EXTRACT t • invariably does, if nd treatmont is submitted to, Coustnnption or Insanity ettpoB. Liatagnomfa FLUID F,XTBAOT nuentre in affections peculiar to Females, is lino.' quallod by any other preparation, as in Chlorosts or Retention; ainfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Wilms State of the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence, or in the decline or change of ife. • listmnoLDls FLUID EXT/tAOI. 13UCIIII AKA Impnovao Rom Wasu will radically ex terminate from thoso t ystem diseases arising from habita of; ditSipation, at little ex pens little or no change in diet, nb in eonvel once or exposure; completely Su persedi those Unpleasant and dangerous remedie , eopaiva and Iferoury,inall these s k if diseases, , ' ; • ' , . . USN HatlitioLnis FLUID EXTRAgIa 817401111 In all diseases pf the organs, wll6ther -In t male or (Male, from whatever cause oril &stating, and no matter of how lOng stand ing. It - is pleasant in taste omit odor, "im mediate" in action, and More strengthen ing than any of the preparations of Dark orlron. 1 Those su ff ering j from brolten-Own ler delicate constitutiens, procure the remedy at onoo. Who reader inns( be aware that however Olfight; 'may be • the attack . of t he above dideatles, !t Is eortain to affect the ,hodlly 'health and mental poweni. All the above diseases require tho .atd of a Diuretic. IiELMBOLD I B EXTRA.UT BUOUCT is the greatest Diuretic. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Price —41.25 per bottle, et. 43 bottles for a 5.50. Delivered to any address. Describe 914: 11 *• ,toms in all communications. Address H. T. lIEJAIIIOLD, Drag and Ohemioal•Warehouse, 59t Broadway, N. Y. NONE AILS GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP_ln strool-engraved • wrapper, with tatt-sinile oftuy OhetuloalWarehouse, and signed . . doe 23-2mdod&wl • U. T. IiELUBOLD. "THE LULL " SELECT VAII.IILY BOARDING 80110914 An iCnglieh;Claiislcal, Tsfatttomatteal,Soten , tiflo and Artistlo institution, • yon YOUNG AND BOYS 1 At Pottstown, MoriVoniciv county, Pa. The second half of the eighteenth alma• al session commenced 'on Wednesday. the 8(1 day or February last. Pupils re• colved at any time: For Circulars address npv. GEO. F. MILLER, A. M. • References; REV. DRS. Melgs, • Schaeffer, I!ann, Krauth, Seise, Mullionliorg, Huttor,Stork, Conrad, lombergor, sterrot, and Murphy. • . . 11.0N4.—Judge Ludlow . , Leonard Myers, M. Russel Thayer, Benj. U. Boyer, Jacob 5, Yost and Iliester Clymer.. _Eillri.--James E. Caldwell, James L. Clag horn, J. F. & E. D. Orne, James Hamilton, Theo. Q. Boggs, C. F. Norton, L .L. Haupt, S. Gross Fry, Miller & Charles Wannomitcher, James Kent, Santee S Co„ John Wiest, etc. • fob 20-2mecid&4mw GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT. SCHREDER & FELIX, Wareroom l . oorner Fifth 'and Washing , ton streets. ' MAIWPADTORY," 'WASHINOTON ST nem 4T II PLOW • • • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TIRE UNDPIRSIGNED RESPIWITULLY publto attention to their Splendid stook of tirst-olass furniture now and constdnt ly on hand," and made to order . to suit customers, • Among other mild" ospeeifil attention le invited to their uneurptussed . EXTENSION TABLES, • DUSSiNG BUREAUS,' DINING ROOM CHAIRS, CENTRE AND OTHIAR TABLES . BEDSTEADS OF THE ' LATEST STYLES. and every other artiole in their line of bpi- Every article h manufaotttred by themselves, in their admirably arranged manufactory, with the most perfect• mael inery. arid skill ful mechanic, and finished in an unsurpass ed manners . Aho prepared to execute all orders for GARVIN% • TURNING, SAWING, and MOULDINGS. • AU orders promp. tly executed li Alnd warrant ed tc g i ve aattsfaohon. ap. 10 d BEAU MONDE pALLI BUM & BRO., No. 543 PENN FITEEET, Aro now °tiering a splendid stook of SPRING GOODS. COME AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS Butte outdo up to ordor In sPlendld style—A . ETOELLIOiT PITS. , • An unsurpaosed stool; of gonte' ' PITRitISIiING GOODS. . PRYOR'S TO 1301.1 1 Tsl4 TIMES. olu;LANDsgo."' TrU aR & IRO, ew MoINDE Pip;,s.4oPkikri , ,~ V t ; ; MI 0 . V - EARLY 1 . ME „ -15 tic ) ,: 0 - 114 044 1 . , , , / =I PACIFIQ 11. it, CO,` • AN,O TM§ CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., nave added Eight . /fundred 000) 7,411 es tas their lines during tho ()quota year, while doing a large loc al passenger and freight business. ' Thu through connection will undoubtedly be • Completed next summer, when the through train° will be very great. Forty thousand men aro now employed by the two powerful coMptinies in pre - ssing forward the great, inational highway to a speedy completion. Only MOO miles re main .to be built, of which mostly aro graded and ready for the rails. i First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Union Paeltie Railroad Company tor t 'sale at 'par and into t, and First Mertgage Gold Bonds of tlio Central Pacific Railroad, at 103 and interest. • The prinel.)alr and nearest of both bonds are pa_yablo in gold. DEALERS IN GOVEI NMENT SECURI TIES GOLD, ETC., I 0 E.-„:,....:::t.yENk8R0 No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, uov7-damlvl \i,IIILADELPnIA - 7 . CLOTHINGI LOTHING I REMOVAL! . . i....__, A. HE N L 'F. I N , lIERCHANT t , i TAILOR,, Has Removed hits EstabliShmont ~' from No. 331 Penn street, to 41Penn street. five doors below the larniet 1 National Bank, )1 wher he will be hapn to meet all hie Alen is end oustomprs. - A i w and fresh /dock of Goods On hand for t (o Spring Campaign, which will be made up in theRhIST STYLE and at . very reasonable (Merges. , MR. GEORGE I . EO.KMAN . Ha charge of the (Jutting Department,and good tits will be. guaranteed; . . A CALL 18 SOLICITED. may 8-2wdl :".. ' A. HENTAIN. NEW BOOKS! . NEW BOOKS rim II following* "Hooke am offorad, for 1 sale by BATTER, & CO., at tho EMILE BOOK STORN I 612 Penn street : . Books. Nowinan on Fascination, . Life and Campaigns of McClellan, 'Panorama of Professions and Trades, Icn§s , Bookkeeping, ; 'tome() and May on: unconscious Buono°, Bandit's Bride, Amaranth for Young People, Christmas Greeting, Stories of Old Daniel, ' , • Book of the Iludson—lrving, Jonas' Stories, Sermons for the peoprii, Au argument for Christianity, Departed Sister, Exposition of Universalism, Small Books on Great Subjects, . Tupper's Poetical Works complete, Letters to a Daughter,- ' Proverbial Philosophy,' Naomi,Boston MO hundred yeas ago, Deck and Port, Fremont's Explorations, Course of Creation, Course of Thne-,Pollock, Life of Jopliine, Poetical Works of the Davidson Sisters, Ship and Shmo, Sketches and Legends of the Rhino, Combo's Constitution of Man, HydrophobY for the People, Living Author's of England, . Ireland as I saw it, • • Land turd Leo, Window's rhtlosophy, Lectures for the Fireside, The Silver Cup, MomoirST \ oi a Hungarian Lady, Yowler on HereditarY Descent, Debate on the Doctrine of Universal Sslation, ' Scott's Poetical Works, Life ofJohn Quincy Adams, Life of General Taylor, Life of James R. Polk, Life (id* General Patnunt, Whitehead's Life of Wesley, Life of Gob. Nathaniel Greene, Life of Gen. Marion, Moo( Murray, Woof Silas Wright, Life of Gen. Pierce, Lives of , Aladleon and Monroe, Life of Gen. Lafayette, Illustrations of the Parables, Defence of Phrenology, Mechanic's Assistant, Duman Rights, Family Pictures from the Bible, Rationale of Crime, Austin on the Attributes, Young Husband, Illustrated Life of Franklin Schiller's Complete-Works fob 2'2—d MACEDONIAN OIL WILL yo U 'PLEASE REAP .TIIISI Reading, Pa., Jan. 12,1869.-)Ir. Wm. O. Krouse, No. 204 South Fifth street; says the M. IL Oil is the only thing which haft giv'en strength to-his broken arra-.-has used It. In his family for Earaoho, Neuralgia, and frosted feet, performing in each case a wonderfully quick and radical cure. E. FOX, Proprietor of Keystone Rouse certifies that three bottles of the Oil cured a strain in a Horse, valuing the curd at $lOO. • -JOHN HEMP, 'Policeman, says the Oil outoa him of a severe fracture bf the collar bone. .Theabove named persons aro *ell known in tots vicinity, and aro living witnesses. Having furnished such ample testimony at the tittles, wo advertised, with the • . FOUR FLORSR,ORARIOT, • giving those popplar open air, CONWISTS, • doom it unnecessary, to add more names. Tho Magio Macedonian 011• 'CO. will *felt $lOOO,. it any , dozen remedies combined will fur. nigh as many good cortlfleatos from prom!. Wont oltizensln the city and vioinity as those who have been: cured by the use Of the lictoodonianoll—call on • •• . PROF. RAVIOND, The Gorman and gnash lecturer of the Company, stopping at the Keystone House and purchase a bottle of the 011, or receive advice and treatment free of charge. Also —Sold by J. K. McCurdy, Doctor Ziegler and'S. 8. Stevens. : al iii d, TIM NEW FEE •Bl.li'L' ' '. , . 1). Aeon ALDERMAN AND JUSTICE 00 UM PHAVE, , Approved February IetNIEICk - 1 , • . ' For sale At the- • •• ' I • , i ' EAG - LE.BO.OK ,szo.n, par 84 ifit.NKR4G LICITYSE. . . • BUSjit)l,loBi 'ORO" • • :r.• AA:* RBlO. . ) . A . S U. S. ;BOND S:B4 StOCKS; f O 4OLIk sitVLR * AND. WITPOSO: • Interest pati_kon All Depoelto. , (4 . 10 KfJt 9a. m. • Close at sp. m BusnoXo: Zb 'BROTHER: feo. A-issa 4 =Mil BE RIM READING FIRE INSURANCE ' AND. ' - • .-`,, - TRUST COMP'Y OF BE KS 000 . 0. Org . atatiodp..Tosii;ilB67.. Ca Hal t $lBO,OOO. Office, jteacyn i Vitsuivinell Bugging,. No. 111 North Pifeh n atrest; 'Soulli-kait OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. DIRECTORS:. J. PRINGIA JONES, JAMES itOKNIOUT, HENRY Z. VAN Kan, JACOB SRADISRU I Jitageow, D. E. Stour, Joses SUALTHR, J. T. VelforTnius, Gamma Riounto. , . . . , • THIS COMPANY INSIMES, ALL kinds of property against loss or dim ago by tiro at rates as low 'as any other nit able Compaey ants upon every plan known to Stock lusurance Companies._ • ' • Perpetual Policies Issued. • requiring tao renewal and upon Which Ilio umatint of premium phtd can he reclaimed atiany time less a deduction of ilveper cont. T ho ad vantages of this method ar4worthy, of the attention" of (antlers- awl ethers haying first-class dwellingtonSes, barns and other buildings, in town or codutry, as being.the cheapest and Safest. Policies for one,. two, three, flvo or more years, Or for less than one yo:ar, istMed end no - ohergo =dolor Polley and survey when renewed or when insurances arc transfer red fxx)m other compfulles: •., The citizens Of Reading and vicinity, hitherto dependent maia.ky upon foreign tlinpanies, haw now the privilege of of t cling their insurances in a home institu. oh ,well organized, with an adeatiato pate, in add guaranteed capitiii,•presenting as stroll g• h basis of security as that of any other:company. Thu advantage of doing business direhtly with the Company-and the importance of keeping so* portion of the large sums paid , for insuran cos, air imitation at home, will bo appreciated by ail. J. PRINGLE - JONES, President. JAMBS MoKNltiliT, Vico Prosidwit. ' t 8.19. ANQONA, tiooretary and Treasurer. aug 8,1868-Iydasw .• , . • ' rf A. URIESIEIMISR'S • • tis Extent)lvo ciptin Worehoute, ; ,FARMERS AND OONSIGNORS, Who may wish to store • Grata, ko. Storage stooks of nnalSaiOn reasonable. Also, o superior PRICE FLOUR AND FEED, &c.l, Formle wholesale and retail, fit lower prices than cm' be purehpea olsewLere. Also, a suporlorlot?t. • • I 2 Buokwhet4 Motdrana rotatoos, Offioo,los North Eighth St.Beading,rti. febb-,(1 • DR. JA6KS.ORPB ANALRPTI(JA. A NEW'REMEDY IN cON.SUISIPTION. , . A physician who had consumption for several years, with frequent ,bleeding of the lungs cured himself witlr'a modieins unknown to the profession; Whenhis case appeared hopelessiand When g i vOtt up by several eminent physicians as incurable. lie is the only physician .who 'has used it in his own person, or who haA .any edge of its virtues, and ho can ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the use of this Medicine ; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together With a want of confidence in all others, induced him to hazard the" experiment. .TO those suf• fot ng with this Malady,he proffers a treat tment which he confidently believes will eradicate. the disease and restore plealth • lie has witnessed recoveries bat seemed beyond hope t when the worst symptoms existed. Lail or send' for Circular. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON. AL D. • No. 2ZION. TENTH Street Philadi For Salo by HARVEY MOLT, Drugg t, Reading, Pa., and all Druggists. Nov. z-lywi MONVX WAIiTED) BY THE CITY OF READING. The undersigned, Committee on Finance of the Corporation oftho City of Reading, IA empowei•ed to borrow the sum of aRvENTy-FIND" THOUSAND DOLLARS for the purpose - of enlarging the Water Works of the said city, and, the said'Com witty() hereby give, notice that they. tire prepared to issue Cortiticatei for liuratittlo at six per cent. intoreat, to parties loaning Money to the city for the purpose aboVe named, Persons desirous of investing in this loan, will apply to either of the under signed_Cominlttco, or to William nekton: rob* Esq., City Treasurer. FRI?.DEIIICIC LA.U.EE, DANIEL MILLER, .DANIEL BPUIIN. . Jun -2 9 , 'OB-lyd Committee on Finance: J,26 05 1111 Txrar VELEDRATE.p FAST TROTTIN G - STALLION AND STOOK IIOR(SE WILL stand the ensuing year, at Royer% !cord, above Phoenixville from April 1 to July I, VW. For information, apply to Dr. Dean, V. S., , foyer's 'Ford. Montgomery county. Terms, $3O for the season, to he paid ut the time Of service. Good stalling and pasturinir'on the prevail - OS. • Partlenhir attention paid to mares from 'a distance. 'All wires at the risk of the owner. His net trotof the season was over Point Breeze Park; HMO g.:2q JAMES MOLE, mar 8-3twj Owner. 8.60 . . 7 --- BOOTS AND . SHOES , - FOR THE PEOPLE, .. , THE BEST AND CIIHAPEST 1 REINHOLD dr, gOHOENfiR • No. 41 N0rtp. , 13114, Stred, READING, PA. THE BUBSOEIBERS HAVE JUST ESTAB- Halted a first-class Boot and Shoo-making establisl went and storelA the above stated place, where they are. able ,lo accOnimodatti. customers with the best aticles in thoir line of business, and at ower pr i c es ~ than at an y other place is the city. . ' '1 The following list of Prices proves all we say : Mon's calf boots, •, . K. 00and upwards Men's kip boots, 43 06 Men ,'s working shoo', - • . . 160 Men s French calf Congress gaitare s n . ox 06.800 Men'svalf (balms' gaiters, 2 2& gon's calf Balmoral', • 200 en's kip ‘Balmorals, . 180 ys' calf Balmorals, Boys' kip Balmoral", 1 . 1 Youths' kip Balmorall, ; 1 Women's lasting high Poltsh,' 275 Women's (Ingless gaiters, 76 0 250 Women's lasting Balmora", , . ' 1 19 0 Nomen'" Morocco Balmoral", 200 Women's 'brood° shoes,„ .. , ' • . ~ , ~ , 1 &I Women's kid slippery. , - - " ` •66 Afissetelasting Polish, ' 145 Youths gaiters from 15 eta. to 75 Youths'and boys' sitOos from ~ 80 eta. to - , Abso, a large stook of notion!) on hand an d for sale. • The above prities are ' lower than at any other sirailaStkuts of buiduess in thO i!..7.:vi ' 11 EPAIRIN'G. - • • Partial*, attentoB,ls - Bala to g all hinds of repairing. .• .. 0, REINHOLD & SOIRE'NEL ' NO. 41 NORTH -taxa* swum, (AIION TM OpttaT N . ovmg.) , -1.1411.4 READING; .P. 6., =I iffier df sf7otiraireet. Now ready for ; , • 'I,IALL OP rm , opox . . • . . ' .. •;:''- ' . ;i:1; • ei4.•,.. v., JO t'S -: ' 'it „. ...„?.;•,:.so. 610 rigNif ~, PIPET 1 , , , ,t: 1.„ ,- . • •• 4 , Ay t • ' 1-, . t.•',..!f': . `ri: L ....i f i r• 1 1i . - ).. • 'l:',.:,f , • 44, I t . ,t,t , 1 t,, ,, . , A i - .TAlMEe'kiS7ijigltolit), • F.Keittoiatt:l2 tigitoitAitt" TAit..oic announces tO the citizens of Reading, that having' reniO•red hie Merobant Tailoriug es Wishnient to tho handsoino store roo . (0.616 Penn street, he is now pre pa d tt4 k , with in increased stook of goods andOnikerloir facilitioS, for initirfat4olll)ll; t 4) ihipplfali With ' • • • • 1 , . : •—• • ~ -,. •,. FASHIONABLE CLOTLTINGti•• , of the host quality goods, gotten up in the 'highest style. I i 'GENTS' UNDERCIA)THINQ AND FUR-' NlBllll4/ DQODS. ' ' • of every it,*ki and iio.tioty to suit tho taste of ad in want of anything In this line. • • Noue but the twit hands uro employed; ono all work guaranteed. The patronage of the public' ta respectfully solicited. • JAMES R. BTAFFORI), fob 1841 , No. 616 Penn Street. , . . . INITIAL ENVELOPES AND INITIAL LET INITITACOVITATTIVIt7 1 1 '114 LET TER PAPER; 410 NTS A BOX. INITIAL ENVELONES AND INITIAL LET snat BAEHR, 43 CENTS A BOX, FOLEY'S BEST ogi,4 lIENS 'AND, AOLD ERP3 A V.M. • FOLEI"S BEST GOLD PENS AND iIOLD ERS AT 111.50. FOLEY'S BEST GOLD PENS AND BOLD• ERS AT V. 50. • FOLEY'S BEST GOLD YENS ANDTHOLD• ERS AT 81.50. SOLD AT EAGLE BOOK norm. ' SOLD LT EAGLE BOOK STORE. SOLD AT EAGLE BOOK STORE, IiMIE fob 20-d HAT EVElltYlloi)Y WANTS. The VY MORNING LlOilT.-W. T. RAIN has secured of ORR, PAIVTER it CO., tho stoney for the above named stove, which is meeting with runparalldied success wherever' it appears. Itr-enttrbines alt the modern improvenients, such oh reversible cross pieces, (coder ',door anti cut off fines, &o. It 11118 extra lar , )nd ns a baker i is not surpassed by ny stove in the. mar. kot. They have all. Iven the best sails. faction... Every etc vo - warranted. The place to get it is at No. ti North Eighth street. ' •• .. . _ ' ROOFING AND SPOUTING anti alt kinds Of light job work solicited and promptly attondeAl to. IliCving had consider- able expetionce in this. line 1 fool sat• lolled that t pont produce work in the best manner possible, anti at as reasonable terms as any other pit►co in the city. To snob astray favor me with their pat ronage 1 will say that,tho host of satisfac tion will be guaranteed. W. T. lIAIN, 20 North Eighth street. f0b16.21d.] R EMOVAL! REMOVAL!! BARTO'S • LIQUO I R STORE, lias boon 'remove(' from the Keystone Build ing tv the now and elegant store, NO. •137 PENN STREET, Whore customers will find every large stook of the boat and puA oat WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, ,to., ever offered to the public of Reading. All the proof of the above that is required is T a l i; 28 41 share of patrona klltacatTo. WHOLESALE AND RETAILDEALER IN _LUMBER, K constantly on hand and for sale at the LOWEST PRICES, WRITE I!lNlC,„'AiAhg.opt, .0111101C 1 CHERRY, OAR, ASII, I INTi:IANARLACR AIiD,WHITR - WALNUT, CAROLINA TT B E \R . 9 Thoroughly gemmed and under oover. W.H.174 , py.fE,639, AND NORTE tte:RimnfrA" SHINGLES. 41141 r, ord Ore respectfully loliCited and prompt''' . attended, or pito* 44)., call at the NEW BRICK OFFICE_, Chs Ike Owner oiAntrth awl Pin. 8t t, . Or, tatdreos . 15. : 1 I T :: Feu* iBetAlf.f.:l" lA' LNG PA, P 2 ii:;..i. •..; t. t"..111 I= 111 NO. 512 PENN STREET. NO. M 2 PENN STREET. NO. 512 PENN STREET. , o QVEM 'J. KEELY, READING, PA., A general assortment of Incuovir Pm, AXD M10)11,04N VANE'L, ALSO, BE SWAMP OED,A.R DErtamia n ti tivl : i lit .641 . itIV B A T L AG A B N B D AND •_ ,•,. , . MAILg, r itiAII6VON . MAIL AND R AGE LINg A 4 i x ' t en d la Uniari Station—Les et II r a , To„ week. tyi Tuciday, 11,`,,,k 1 :4;1i5 i 7 80 A, . n ia rda.v. ' tankslasae.,,duys,fted ,ttserve• . *follow ng named Post 0(5 4 . tt" A,.. ,r, , g ersyllle, Adasustoa n so, -: la i .. 'ff.. 0 .„.: , ,s. a utl, ijoylifelOWN MAIL AND STAGE 14 1 goa t Leitves Boo t irtown. at 0 o'clock, i w . le, ee, at Rea s m, at 10 °block, a, , Retir• loaves Rol@ ng at Y/4 P. In. Arrives sir, w us wawa at ip. .It serve, S tonersvill e B flaidville. Oresbville. Ye ll ow Hodg e , e izi N,Th and Boyetrowu. • ty. l BERN`VILLE.MAIL AND STACIE LINI teareis•Bethel at 3 o'clock, l; ul, . t. *teeing at-10 O'skok, a fxj . i ttt :trllt .ts ?I vo ) ROAM* at 2o of f , . in., itt;l 4 4. ill m b urg p 4 A 9P. tn. it 0 rvca Letrlty,,it' LowarDerl). Xernvill.e. Rebtersbure, ga it Tulpehoccon and Holsters Mills, , 40, BLUE BALL MAIL AND STAGIILINg Leaves Reading:on Monday . , Wed atij. th'iday at 8 o'clook,a. m. tteturoloCie,'N Blue Ball on Tuesday, Thursdny andb om rtr' iirrivinif altoacting at 4 % o'clock, b s k \ i'y s : L B e il i a._: ri p i e Mi g u h u ;d h Ai y am il d ur' ll iAli c l 6 g o ia t k o , oA r T e ni , ; , b r i ;r e r ; s l li n l u aAt i l l y e ati l r , 7 1 4 1 3 :: :: c 11;16, avesilet::::: and Bluo Ball. • and Friday at '7 o'elock; a. us. Awn. 41 a n t e re l i o n i g ool t n , 1 11 . sues(.llYesupplies Mt. Peen. li t a. orsvillo Joanna Furnace, Morgantosa Talt, villd Honey Brooke, Cambridge sal $, Oll l llersisitago. LOBAOIISV4LLE STAGE AND MAILLINI Leaves Lobaohsvillo on :Tuesday, ih ark and Saturda 4 at 0 o'clock, a. us; Atrive4 Reading at 0 eclook . , a. na. notarising. 1 4 , 4 Itading at ' % relookdp: us. Arrives 4l 1 4 . baChsvillt at 6o c• olobk , p, ro. It soles 14 1 ,,, Oloyancl hoNsobsvillsi, . , .. READINQ TO COLUMBIA Daily by Railroad—Leaves Reading at (p . , i FArrives at LOA a, m, Supplica Prqzto4' oinholde Station s Btevons, ilphrala, Mot u . , Silverlilanhom Sporting 11111, Landisvinokil Springs. • wESTWIESTER TO 13IRDSBORO TA-weekly _by, Stago— Leaves {Vesta: ' /ster li on Monday _lv all,nesday and Friday i v: ktt Arrives t'ArttabOe at 7 P. as. .Returnl4 loaves Birdsboro on • Tuesday, Th endi , Saturday at 7 a. In. SulTlies 0 cigt eel Ni, Illue lioqi, Lon 'n .t iltallnoc, Uwcalasid, t.l Ol , villa aua.drest ivbiteland. • IIEADINQ TO ROBESON sixalieokly by Stagat-Lcaves Ilssilna te Tuesda and Saturday '7:3oa. Fa, m 1, 1 1 441 at Ron lug n't II d. in. , ' ItEADINII TO HOST Semi-trooklY by Stage—Loaves Beadier Tuesdayand Saturday at 11:30a et , mate , a t, Heading at:9:3o n. in. Supple, Adds Tavern, Lower H ats /icideltn i eidelberg, Ninth Kriok'e Mills and Rost, . , LIitSPORT xo HOR S a. j .i.i rc elay by Stage—Leaves Leesport T. dtty. Thuredigy and 6aturday at 12 m. Arrive. vinoespo at Bp. m. Supplies South ETill :and idolitown. . • OOXTOWN TO iqROINSVILLiI Tri-weekly by Stair o-r-Leaves Vortowu Tett. day'at. i Thursday and Saturday at 9 a: cu.• • Arrites VextOwn at.:4 . P. al. SUPPlica Hirbyrine, Mosolom and Ydrginsville. REIIRSItginI.4O 0 STOUOIISBURG Trt-ireekly ..by Stolle — Leavea Itatitetth ri Tuesiay, TbtrodaY and tiaturday at ti 1. rg. Arrlvee at Iteht firebug at 6 t). Su Wintbraville and Itoat. ppliet Jan 28d Important to Printers 3 PRESSES FOR SALE, A FINE CHANCE Tpoß NISTS XND MA..NUFAO TUBERS. ONE EN'GINE AND ONE BOILER TO :BE SOLD CHEAP. Tho following machinery Is offored for sale, at advantageous rates ONE OSCILLATING ENGINE OF FOUR SORBS POWER. ONE EIGHT-HORSE TUBULAR UP• • WORT MILER. ONE LARGE CYLINDER PRINT• ING PRESS, GAZETTE SIZE. ONE SMALL WASHINGTON HAND . ' , ,PRESS. WE STANDING PREM. Apply at the Adler Office, or address RITTER itic ° CO., Reading, Ps. deo 71.1.icw SPEC AL NOTICE Provioue to removing into our Now Store, NO. 1124 CHESTNUT ST., A UT- kAncil . Nye wil l_ Ciol3o out our largo Block of WATC,IIjES, DIAMONDS, JEIVEIAt I Y S WASH, ME oLooKs;- FANCY GOODS„ " ItRONZEB, ETC., AT EDUCED PRICES. Persons desiring to purchase rim the lioliliktrpegeon wilt titian to their appall* tago to eXaMittb Our stook.' i 1 • VLARX & BTDDL , 2 4 komas Carrells Neo;7l2'ijitEciTtlUT 15111Eir, may 23-lyw • , . IiIitTA.TE AtiItICULTURAL SOCI- N-FETY.—groposais for holding the spriest i t il ex [Onion ' of ,' the • Pennsylvania Buda A Milt' rat Society la :September netit, * IM X IVO by 'the ,undersittned 1151 . W ai►#l arelr'l7th ) , /EGO. A gaol. te , or• t Arrldrulattee sof the prcwq., tits . tenili) ' *lll, be"retinfrred.The - r ur, aril meet tit 0 Voriiinittoo - on the 17th 11 .,,,1it0b. qd :demo Upon location. , bet' '''"+ 4, ' '' saltlressed to Amos Is; Kapp, N um rlAnd;LlßLongaker,Allento in e Or .110y4 Uttmilton, liarrlsburil, ' ' Olowlitmi r ) ~': .; ‘', , .._ r. - es ,i ; 1 ,