! t El VOL. IL-NO. 36. ¶VIE READING DAILY.NAGLE FFIBZIBIIND pAirzr ar RITTER & 00., AT NO. 542 PENN STREET. ADVERTIB BMO AHLB RMS. NTt3 1118010110 AZ 1014. SON MATTHIAA taNGEL; LDEIMAN AND ATV:WM A at L a w. 011 Ice No.. al South Sixth ot, All ktnde of collecting •nd con veyancing none at the shortest natlee, Also sots as Counsel tor Administrators in ml i ng up Mao on reaeonableterme. march 14 N. LOWS 0• BARTH KUHN, VVICE AND nithlDENt) 9, N 0.04 North vNinth street, Bealttlft,P4. OW 14 1)11. JOIIN STRPIIICIf ?enders hlaprOfeselonal Nervloea to she ell,lzeßt of Ifea4Unjr,___ Orlie No. W/ NORTH EILILT/1-11T. ebn ticeortaulted lit the Etlitailh fold Oer. , man languages, at all hoots of the day or n ight, when ,uot professionally ab4ent.- fleo 21-4)naddow 1, • H. M. NACU. ~ piIYSICIANI (U. 8. Tim Burgeon.) ko Penn street, Ile (ling, P*, otttee hogre-19 t 11 p. M. 6 tol p. m. jtta 49 4 GEORGE Fo BAER, - A, TTORNEYI AT , LAW. --- OF- Xi. coo, No. 40t North efeth street, lop Reading,os opposite the Cour. House. Fa. post 9—daw lOHN D. HOUP, A UCTIONBBIL-NO. 834 BING. Llt. moan street; Reading, Pa, , will attend to On selling of real estate and personia property on reasonablateruis. utaril-lerd I JOB WORK, IN GERMAN AND ENGLISM, IX)NIf AT THE SITORTEEI NOTICE, AT TUB • EAGLE nowt(' OFFIOB I No. 80 PENN arsgsr. fob 20 ei Tains YOU ItlanT.—A TIIIISE-STOWY 1 BRICK 110113/0, with two•story back .ailding, &Mosta at, 814 Penn street, ba worm iflghth and Ninth, suitable for a store. The third story is arranged for a Lodge Boom. Apply to • + FIINPHRICK 80111 MDT, mar 1-d) 09 BOUM Ninth street. CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKW CATHOLIC URSULINE MANUAL. KEY OP HEAVEN, • THE CATHOLIC VADE MECUM. UNCLE PRANK'S SERIES. VIEW MERVILEART'S SERIES. GOLDEN LIGHT SERIES AIRY MOONBEAM SERIES. SINGINU BOOKS. HAPPY VOICES. BA,I3BATH SCHOOL IItLLA, FOR SALE lPf . RITTER &. CO. ; AT Tliii ICAQLE MOAK& STORE.. No. /top •fitreets Reading, INS, fob 27,d LUMBER! LUM \ BER I BOAS & RAUDENBUSII, Corner Ath and #47 1. 0e Street. Me first Lumber ranters st,beioso Peowi3 NICST t OHRAPEST AND MOST CONY itriENT YAW) IN THE CITY. 2tine l a o c All ta ll l t t ni 3 ° 4 1 1 . 1 rag 4 4 , N: will bo disposed of at the lowest market prig es In quantlOooto suit purchasers. MI. Y. BOAR. ORO. W. astrostatutin. Yob. ft4-tfd THE city 18 ?AMA THEY COME? TUE AUKS CONTIIMES FOB BOOTS AND SHOES. N. T. GEHO, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER 668 Ann Stresh , Readlig, Pa. • littarsaligt ON ` RAND THB 4°4 in 4 48401 'Os a nkle a . Wi w i Ohildrsies 800 of a. to o f 'Woe and prim: Itlip's calf boats, bone mae, iS 60080 kla " " • 00 0 •-$ 71 )I W' 41'' " 44 " 200 $7l Touth'is is 44 a lt eO U Id Woolen's kip Iwo boob', lllel t p Winton's Uo*a Polish, 900 0 73 *I tw e e 14 44 f, IP • ono, ipnos A rOtio,_nui r „: 0 ewe ' Plaiw u it 44 II ) 1 1.184 11 11 ChtlArembs doo, 7 • R Qt Pri :14:Ithe stook ot gOIMARA , ° 10 r, With appurtenanotioit retil strati, itta4lng. Sold Am I.ooooftt riftil NO other Anthill:sir, lob Ili O.'. • .. , , . / • .1 l .' i " 1,. ' , l ..; .7 , '., • .;'- ' y .. 3 ., f ~,. ii. ' • . . • . r 1 $. . , 1 , , . , ..• , , ~, - . . . . . , -i., : •:• '', . • A , '; { " , ) .. • Illik, i 4 ; +.'' 1. -...." f c;it - oilh*ZZa .)' -' '`'''' 4 4 " ..; ~ A • , ... ~; •_,. . ..,. \ .-: '..--:_•:' ' ' . E . , . t •_ .: „ ,...„....... ...........„ : . ..,.,. ..., . • . ... ....., k ' , . • • " ' ' .'• , . i . . , . . CLOTHES HARDWARE STORE •a 104 BOILER ~FOR 'The underalgßO`offer for Me, si :at onable rotes. ORB WILIAM° SWIM or FOUR 11011811 row= ONE mortzuousa TURMAN, VP• ' RUM' BOILER, ' - A ply sit, the MANS OSA, or tddrbilb II WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, At 41 WARSANTID, LEI M* KNIGHTS I= rum AND PENN 87& ENGI • IMPORTANT TO IItACMINISIB AND MANUFACTURERS. , 1 , itrrt — elt 4i O. 400 •as w '" as . 9 rOR THE , 000 p ,THAT. 1,4“111 'Fat Witol4 . o THAT HEIHNIV;tikeiITAHMOI PHIiAsAND READING RAILROAD VIZIas t AviLwaraur , ~! ' . . Ar d mipp — '( W PASSENGER. TRAINS . . zaaanniA lan!, NW. . Ininvrgiors'bositit TO tilliAmm. FRI 44 panning . Reasline, at P. 40.85 an 4 11.15'A. art. i awl 4.25 an 4 5.55 P. M. 11•1 lIP TO POTTEIVILLII, at 10,55 A. IL, and SAO and 41.00 P. 511. THAWS MUT TO LICBANON & HARRIS. BMW. Western ipress trolls 'New York, at 1.05 and 1.50 P. M. and 40.19 P. U. /tarrlsbuti Aooommodation Train at 7.15 A. M. and Kan Trains at 18.46 A. M., and 8.08 P. On Sunday, the down trains _pass Road. Mg at 0.40 A. M. and 4.85 P. IL, and np trains at 10.50 A. M., and 6.47 P.M. The 4.25 P. M . down, and 10.50 A. 14. up trains. run only between Philadelphia and Read !pg. Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Harrisburg and Pottevllle at, 7,110 and 8.15 A.M. 12.86 noon, and 6.80 P. M., ansil at 4.45 P.M. forßesuling only. The 8.15. A. M. train connects with trains for Tatatigtut, Wll - Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara and Oanada. The 8.16 A. At., and 8.80 P. trains front Philadelphia; and 10.85 A' and 4.80P.M. down trains A stop only rinoipal sta tions below Reading. y ..., • Refuting Aeoonsui6datton' Train : Leaves Reading at 140 A. IL, returning from Phil /AWOL,* at 4.16 P. it. The Pottstown Acommuoattort tram leaves Pottstown at 6.45 A. If. Returning leaves. Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. The Western Rayless trains connect at parrisburg With Express trains, on the Pennsylvania Railroad forilaltimore,Pitts burgh and all pointe Westand thelo.4sldall train connects at Harrisburg for Pitt.. burgh, Lanoaster,Chamberiburg, Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, WilkesNuTe, Williams. port, Look Haven, Elmira and the Oe.na. das. Passenger trains leave Upper . Depot for Ephrata,Litis, Columbia and Lancaster at 7.00 A. X. and 6.15 P. M. 4 ‘ %%rough Eirst•Class Coupon Tiokets and Emigrants* tickets at reduced Pares, to all thepanel al points in the North,WeSt and the Cana . 1 Co TATION TICKETS, I . With 'le Coupons, at bi per cent. die- Count, between any points desired. ~ .. • ' MILEAGE T/OIETS, good for 4000 tattoo, oetween all into, MVO 00—for families and, Modal= nro,s. • • " SEASON ITIONEtB, Good for the fielder only, fore, 6, 9 and 19 months, between all points ) at reduced feree. Behan Beason Tickets one-third less tlagin the above. ' • Mir ressongent wilt take the Bzpress trains West at the LIPPERT:OMM', and all other • trains. at tbo LOWER or OLD DBBOT. 109 patina Baggage allCiwed each passen ger. Passengers aro requested to purchase theta tt eta before_ entering the Curs, as higher arcs are charged If paid In the CUL . Stow:Van 'broken, good tor one day, by 7.i0 ph i s, Accommodation Train to Phil • ademid retina , at 115165 eiiob. u. NIVOLLS, May Sad General Superintendent. READiNG $ COLUMBIA, StAIIAtOAD. • . On and attorThura day, Nov. Nth, enitur will run on Mil rot s ma follower .4411V.) - Altdpig at 7.00 A. X. - 0.10 P.M. Artive a t LsnCsaLer at OA A. m, 44 (4 Columbia at 9.1 A. h. 41 li .lalicast at i t Li . VL , a 44 Dolumbi er a at 3, R. MI 'RETURNING t Leave Lanoseter4 Columbia at 8.00 A. IC " cola aibia at 9.20 P, Lancaster at . • 8.2 e P. Id. Arrive at Reading at 12.22 A. N. “ • at Reading at 5.4.0 P. IL Trairie NOS. 9 and 41 make oloeo connec tion at Beading with trains North and South, on the Philadelphia and iteadlitit gailrowl, and West on the Lebation Valley /Wad. No. 2 also make close connection with train for New York, Tiokete can be obtained at the ofticeS of tho New JerseyeentralS. It., foot of Lib erty otrook. New York, and Phila. 4 go a d lug R. IL, Thirteenth and Callowhill Ste., Palladelph . k Through lets to Nov! York and Phil adelphia, sol t the principal etatlone and baggage 0 °eked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia, and teed. lug Railroad time, which le ten rainu t faster than Pennsylvania R. U. Time t r GEORGN P. °AGE, Superintendent: E. P. Rasvaa, Qtn. Frt.4 Tloket Agent. fob 18-Im'a LAUMAN do friMMlLif t IMPORTERS AND DEALERS' • DI CHOICE LIQUORS,. WINES AND SEGA RS, 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET, 1441.1111.1.. N, • G. C. 11.411111 ML. Feb. thi• K.4YD/! . li CO., Mani/hob:rem of DR. STONER'S Celebrated Tonle Herb Bitters. WIRES AND LIQUORS. Also Rots Amite for BUM % Unrctuato RIB Mauna. No4 l ll. North' WS Otrt*ty PHTLADELt' A l Feints et th• Neils iloOtotore. tee 04 READING, PA, THURSDAY• AFTERNOON, MA Il 11, 186% Importer- of EMPLOtMENT AT OUR OWN HOMES. NITRES MlX—lfinitable tos 'Midi bands. Pitye largo prollts.—Addressfor partloulats at once, 44 cOSTAIt s " No. 10 CROSBY EIT. N. "11. LATEST NEW YORK NEWS LADIES!! , TOOK OUT I LOOK OUT S ! . 1 . LOOK OUT LOOK OUT.I! tbbOorepleictoe. ,, ' , Gives a Resp oto the Obtiebr. 9 ttuby Ttn oto the U.” pe "R moves at Illeteltbe attdr.teeklee,” "The Boit In the Worlit." "COSTAR'S" BEAUTIFIER! • TUB Bltter•sweet and Orange 'Blossoms: Zip One Bottle, sl.oo—Three for $2.00. 1000 Bottles sold In oge day In N, Y. Olty. sr All Druggists In READIIIO sell It. [Morning ?cwt., _ld I. A tre) "Olt 11Y t t loan'tittsnd tt I but be did, for he sent right oil aud gota box of 1 00STAR'S' , 00BN SOLVENT, and it oared him') Thousands of Doass sold. . All Druggists in 111§ADIND soli it. f "COSTARIS";!v . STANDARD P4PA.ItA.Tioio3 ARE tiCostaroilt .Rat t ßoack&a.,lWormi4atora. 4 dOestarts" Bets Bug etermtnators, • • '"Costar"s" , (only pare) Xesteet Powder. "Oaly Infallible Remedies known." • "18 years established In New York." "2,000 Boxes and Flasks thautiketured " 1 I 1 Beware . t I I of spurious Imitations." "Alt Druggistei in READING soli them." Address • - "COSTAR "10 Crosby St., N. Y., Or, .jonifF, liaturr, (Sucoessor to) - Duet; -d BARNgs & CO., 21Pork now t N. Y. feb 10aw •, EAST PENNA. RAILROAD. Antt4NGEBIHNT •or rAssENOn# TRAINS, 1 • ecoimenctng Aforidath Deotuibrr7lBl, 4 1 65. a No. , Nail Train, -iiiiiiritatee.ves Reading 10.5 n, arr vas lentown 12.05 iat Row York t. 60, P. M. NO. 7 fast Mail, leaves Reading at 410 P. N. arrives at Allentown 5.65 ; at sew York 10.45, 'P. M. Nos. 5 andl, run daily, except Sunday, stoppling at all Way Stations between Reading and New York, EXPRESS TOMNe t Leave Reading at • 5.44 A. M. 14 7.81 A.ll. II 44 9.28 MX. IS 14 3.00 A. Di Arrive at New York at n • It 11.00 A. M. 19.15 A. Kt II 44 .7.00 P. M. 41 44 8.15 A:. M. These trains run through from' Pitts. burgh to New-York, without change of cars, stopping , only at Lyons, Allentown. Bethlehem, Existon Junetion, Clinton ; n House, Somerville, Benicia Brook, Plainfield and Elizabeth. - • S • Theundays 6.44 A. M et o , nda train runs daily except and ys. The' 9.28 P. M. trains ran daily except Sundays. The 7.81 A, If. and 1.00 A. AL trains run West bound . trains, leave New York, at the foot of Liberty street, as follows a Leave New York. Arrive at Iteadtrwp. 19.00 51: Mail No. 6„ 6.00 P. M. P.OO A. M. Express Train, r - 11.50 P. M. 5.10 P. M.• Express Train, pup P. M. 8,80 P. M. Express Train, 1.00 A. M. Mail Train leavteg Allentown it 7.20, A. If., stops at. all Way Stations, arriving at Reading at 9.10; A. a, running daily exce,ot Min :flays • The It M. Train from Ne'w York, 'steps at all Stations between New York and Beading,leaving Allentown at 4.20, P. If,, arriving at Beading at 5.80, 1 1 „ M.,. run. ning dilly exbe_pt Sundaye. The 1.00 P. X. train from New York, runs daily stoppping at ElleabethOPiain fleldt Sommerville, Innotion„ Easton land Bethlehem; arriving at Allentown Ait P. If., .passing Loris at 12.29,A. IL, lardy: Mg at Readirignti 00A. M. Passengers gra 'requested to purchase tieketis befortientering the can, a 95 eta extra *ll be charged and collec t ed on the train fr om all vie pay the fan to the Conductor. COMMUTATION TICKETS, good forTwentreix Tripe, at Wiper pent, discount between itny Mints desired. * • MILEAGE T/OBET BOOKS for MOCimiles, geed between all 'points on this of the Philadelphia Reading B. 2.. or she Readino & Columbia JL IL, at 0210 easel for • fATXI ee and Arnie. SEASON TICKETS, : . good for the holder linty, for three, six, nine and tweltemmiths, at reduced rates. P. M. SEMENTIIOIIT. Jan s-4 7' General Ticket Agent. • FREDEII,IOr. W. LAVER, "OLD JAIL," Cbtreer nth ,4 Waditivtoa Week amok" pq. gob) 1110111, for Berke sad Lebanon counties, for the aaletrated SAMPSON SCA LE COMPANY; . , TT 6e osi rellAbli v o dorsal* &ales ire ti c a " trii: before tiuratsihis it s ., ! , . • ro t i viiat e r 84.00.t0beiw,:,. . nPL AT pORII‘IS'OAt,Ia s. • ~,.) 0140 otol for Polo oligin, • toes fr 4 . tioRNMYN BALTIIOII LOU ROSOTAI k . oak. 14. 7, &NO& rridortois 41~. THE ONLY.OIIIIIIOIAti AIMERVILING. btaadtscoveredthetaeittlertclugZet'in Effectual Reused" - tl3 the wall, 1 138141)B8 OP neauxocaus. /A • Yours/ Ne 111rifite#1 Pereetu Rtr , iNd by ignorant Proksiders. fir akk otorw t s = PoirOOlMMUTltliphoultforipv A OURS WARRANTEDOK NO OKAUWII, ItROME ONK TO TWO PUB. Oloot, tie:4pm SoOljagpl Weakness Weak. 0,4 " In thb mon and &Umbel Adeottotui of the Kidney and Bladder, iiivoltuitary Dip. «barges, impetenit Oeuttral Vobility,_Ner vowlaeu,Dplo 1 140 je trit, Low its, Ventage o Ideas, Motion of the Kean, Tim! ty, TreMblin 'Walnuts of Lght or Utddbieol, Disoluieo,of thefts:AO, Throat Nose . or skin Affoottozio of the Liver. Lunge. or Bowels —Attwe Terrible DiseratzWarilingfrOns the bout* ry Habits of Youth-4300i ae 04, solitary ureetbms more fatal to their Vietims than the song of the limns' the the)larintre Of Ulysses, blighting their most hopes of anticipation), rendering mar ikogimposolblo. YOU Q MEN whO baste become silo 4 victims Of doiltary Vice, that dreadful acid deutruo. otive habit which sathutdly *Weeps to an untimely grave thousands of Yount Yen of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might Otherwise have en. tranced listening henates, with the thun ders ot eloquence or waked to roam/ tha living i.Vre• may 41111 with full oteldenoti. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Tallow° some of the sad inelaneholy effect p_roduced by early habits Of yonth, Waltham of the Back and 40nbe, Pains In the liemliblullisss o blAbtfiXdOeb of Musoularkower,talpitativ of ine cart, Dyspepsia Nervous Irritab ty, Derange. snout of t hey iikestive fun° One, general Debility, fiymp_ vas of Consnuiption, Mc. Atanraator.—.T 0 • festal effeote on the mind are muob to be dreaded'- Lou of Memory, Confusion of ideas, Depression.' of Spirits, ]GullYoreboilLage, Aversion. to Society, fielf.Distruit, Love or Solitude, are eoin, Of Ufa tivll9 pro. dated. xitaßaoic. • • Married Persons, or TCwils Men CtOitta• plating marriage, being *were of phyeteill wesktesse_drgsale debility, deformities, Ito., s oido apply immediately. lis who m plain; himself hinder the ears of ni t Dr. J. ay relously co Ade liable honer as a mtleman, and oo Cloudy rely upon his skill as 1 Pb.Vsl4:44n. - ORGANIC' vinetoti. s o I IMPOTEN. CY, ISPEDIUNNT TO MARRIAGE. Dv Dr. J 011,111401 1 14 marvellous treatment ) Weikkrieill of the bra ns is speedily masts and full vigor teetered. Thousands of the most immens e dectilitated and impotent, who hadDest all hopes, /dive been imme diately relieved.. . Ail impodbnente to 31arriage,Physloill or genial Disqualification, "Lose Of Procrea tive rower, Nervous Irritability, Treni• bang and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedilif Cured. • 'DB. JOIINEITON, • Member of the Royal CoWog, et Surgeons, Lonaonlaraduate from one of the most em inent Colleges in the United , Retie, and the greater part o. whose life has been ellimin the hospitals o London, Paris, elphia and elsewhere , u n offeloted some of the moot astonishing cures the were ever known mail4roubled with ringing in the head end when ' asleep, great, %nervousness, being *rind at, and• den unds, bashfulness ' _ With freqUent blushing, attended sometimes with 40- riuggegant of mind, Were cured immedi ately. YOUZiG M 1 N Who have injured themseives by s. certain practice indulged in when alone, habit frequently learned from evil companions, or fe lt, tocd the alfoOtaof which are night ly even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impoesible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immo diately. What a pity that a young man' Mello* of hip country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from prospects and enjoyments of I te, by the oonseqem ueenl doviatpag from tno path of nature and , ln• dulging In a certain secret habit. Snob poriono.musr, before oontempbiting MARRIAGE, reflect that a sod re quisit e s and body aree most necessary to Ortomote con. nubial happiness, ludoed, without those the journey through life becomes a weary Pilgrimage tub Prnspeol hourly darkens tattle view; the mind beetnnee obadoWed with despair and illiedwith the melanehe ly reflection that the happiness of another' becomes blighted with our own. ,DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the miegnided and imprudent ye tary of plewiure finds that he has imbibed the seed. of t h in painful disease, it too often happens that sti ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of dlsoeVery, deters bila from applying to those* he, ' rem *due& tion and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the oonstitutional amp. tome of this horrid disease make their ap pearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose i nooturnal paths in the bead and limbs dimness of eight, desfaess, nodes on the shin-bones and arms, blotch es on the head; face and ettremities, prO grassing With frightful rapidity, tin at fast the palate of the month or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful diocese beoomes a horigobject of commiseration, ill death puts a period to his dreadful eufferinav, by sending him to "that UndleooVered Munag from whence no travellen returtuhlo R. JORNATON't OTSION, 110. 7 SOUTH FSIDIUtIifiX ST. t L•fteland aide going from lisithnorn street a few dooralronl the oorner. rail not to observe the name and number. Letters mutt be paid suictoontato antilop. The Doctor's Dipo3lliillangs In his Moe. ENDOMMENT OP THE PRESS. The many thousands Cured at this. Duets tution :year after year, and the warner oils important Surgical D i ction' per formed by Dr. W. eased by the reporters of the Johnston , " (Sting" " 0 twerp and many other paper*, notloas of Wide hare ePPeareti eg.6lll4 l lllegalii before the pub lic, tocaldes DIA standing ea a gentleman of character and respOtilhillty, te a sonde* guaranteeto the allicted. SKIN DISEASES. EASILY CURED. . 31,7 20.1866-Irlawls Mottos'= & DRAMS tif HARDWARE, • I OVTLEIIY i GM, ROUSE rumen* 000 a ,METAIr.B, TIN PLATES, WERT IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, U., Ay., ko., ko, 612 M I N BTRIDErp RRADING, PA spll4 01111 wArsu 70* BALIat Of Ito lip fen lad rank. S v Zid i l tlitott a y h Of ever Wad. at MO ixdca Boos STOMP, NO, sq ops street~ 101404W4 =I a A lIVALOS The report thst Mr. Ericsson, the in• venter of the fismous ," Monitor," - bad died of hydrophobia, Is. denied. The name of the victl ; llllfic t karsOu. , The Paterson . Js) Guardian- relates the following touching incident in con-, unction with this eilae "A neighbor who was engsgedin hold ins lib. Eoktreon after the ayaptom of hydiophobla began to manifest itself, gives a touching limident of the last scenes. Just b efore his death, whilst temporarily relieved from violent spas medic struggles, Mr. Eckerson desiied to see hie wife Before his death. Re fklin (Curio six men to'hold Mtn all the.ll6e," of Course it was .not pru dent, his wife being 111 , in the other room, ind even If ba were able, It Was thought his dreadful condition, held by men all be while to preventlnetant Injuty from his sadden fits or spasms, might make bar worse. "He begged and continued to - entreat them to let him look•bpot► his wife once more before he died, and finally his friends and neighbor's could held out no longer, and consented to ,taVe him to her, he expecting to die in the next spasm, which he knew would,flot belong delayed. "He carefully wiped off ' the froth ,which was foaming all the whle from his month, lest, any of it IlilOil get"' upon her, , and closing Mal lip l s tightly with a ..fi i deaperate'effort, was borne to her bed " Bending down, his lips 'Met those be hid so Often kissed in joy, lo `!e and holy affection., And then with on long look spon slime he well knew he ought not to ask to see egaiu, ,he bade . lir a lilt adieu.' "The strong menwho we , non ,the scene wept like thildret as 'saw the dying men, who with lips still com• Tressed signified the neeessi of being removed from her ri t t.llooo and was then ready to diet Shortly - aft rwards, in renewed paroxysms of the dreadful com plaint, death came to his relief. those ausilve• Thera is great politic'st agitation in Ilegleo. The steamer from Vera Crus brings the, following news * General Atatorre, in Command of the National troops, muse . up,A ; with the rebels under Negretetit'Leseils, and after a sharp tight routed. them. General Malo was killed in the . action, and twiny rebels were taken prisoners. Negrete himself escaped with a few adherents, pins in ti southerly direction. flocando'e wintry are in close pursuit. Colonel Prieto, implicated in Negrete's attiventent, was captured near Vera Cm and taken to that city and shot. General . Amides also . joined Negrete, but cannot be found. He 'accompanies him in hie flight. The, flexiian Government is sanguine of com pletely crashing .his revolt. The imtur realer' at Merida, !Neaten, is river. The ringleaders were caught, and Colonel Cabello!, had-them all shot. - Gen. Itoseerans has recently bad &s -quest private interviews with 'President .Tueres. 'lt is supposed that questions of great Importance ate under consideration • , between them. • Execution, bad become frequent in the country and,oreated general 4ietpay. On March Ist s Preeident hares forbade them, and ordered 'the officers to bring their prisoners to the capital for trial. It wee rumored that a man named Ifayei, late of the United States army bad been shot', but it bas since been ascer tained that be w♦s sent to Mexico, to be tried. • Oonerst'Neveto hod not been found. Tt is hinted that hie defeat wee not so complete as reported. Senor Romero writes to a friend that theopposition, at tar tormenting rebellion, rtow clamor for a amigo in the ministry. their motives are Ignoble, end as they'represent only a minority of the nation_,• the • President heeds them not. • Becobedo had defeated the bandit Ca. miles in Tamaulipas, Rebel bands is other quarters had also heed routed The Tresouser nopiprimink The law which, prevents Mr. A. T. Stewart from holding the office 6fi Secre tary of the Treasury ie "Section 8. Be it enactek&o., That no person appointid to any ogles hnak'. tad by this act she I directly,'or indirect. ly, be concerned'Or interested io carrying on the busintei of trade Or comMerce, or be owner, In whole or in•part, of any s eseals, or purebssa, by himself or auoth.ea , er in trust for him, any phblio land, or other public property, Of be coneerned in the purchase or disposal 6( anyipublie securities of any State, Of of. the, WWI States, or take or 'apply to' his own ties any .emolument or pin for negotiating an Business lin 'the UM department; other than that which shall , be applied by taw ; and if any person ilia olfskiff against any of the prohibitions of thib acte he shall be deemed guilty of 'a high misde meanor, and forfeit to the United Steles three thousand dollars, and shall, upon comictiOn, be removed from officer sod be - fOrerer thereafter lueipable of bottling any office nudes the United States, go." kr an "Osblind, Ohicidsoftel !anently a strong smell of gee wes disoeverol tun ing from the room cif's lOW party from the eonntry. Admission being &Mended to put out the ps, the rural tireln plied that 4the blew it ont o sud then the 'atoned thing knelt so bittliat he pit hie itoehhig oslie the* *ea the itoehing down cr* ilia' "4614 sad Ils4 dotra wlikyseb.s string. ME 10 CENTS PER M. Dam lisout:-1 bid good bye to Wis consin at last and dne, down ,to this place lo the mornlrgeo trains r did not leave Wletoasin because I vria 'Wild of either the **nutty or people, for I I** them botb c but I hare a deers' to see Old Reading amain and mot the familiar thin of my otd.filende tit" I tore Sput up at the Sherman lons , Web, it ad to he (Moor the best kept Itetebt the West, The arrenometto soy eo*' pinto in all the aspartame% sod in *o pium lore I *lead the coma)* old wants VArOte s modal weed And to pfninally eyed ,(or they ere hire. My spice mill not idiom lee 40 speak of this house , as I lould Ahe to. It'ims refitted and refUrnishod hat* as a greet expense, the rsreltotter in the. parlors slope cootie, some 114.000. I rrtlt not pretend to delete*** 4ate display of richly ornamented fondle* that I find We * for to mass tie boot/ you lilt hare to. see It as it lei *nosed around Ihotelpaciaug parlors. Chicago may well be Palled the Qd*en City pf the Wait," for ahe yet• taint) , is,o boeutifkil plemp t She 4 titalt• ins rapid strides toward. onVetrippili both New York and Philadelphts in the mivildoenei of her , building* end ,the extent of her improvements, toe Street well nigh com wit bead. wear IS Its massive blocks of toothle bnildinge and in the moving Intelefiiio4 pits which is 0%1464 erOrdiaithroegle it. The great novelty in thie 44.1 1. its S 1112128) postage under the bed o the tillable River, similar to the 411101111 street tassel utalte the Thames lo Lou. don. This tunnel has but reciatlgfisie completed, and Ydo not think that it, Is really a euceas,for it is not sparely free from leakage. overhead, which la very *buoying to yodel Wiwi who pass through it. The, outer walls of the tunnel ere stone and the whoa %lob. The wages Patene is wide enough for tiro Vogue to smtie conveniently, over which is u• esr mated briekitrelt, .14141 a tilt high and ten feet 2 below the bed of the tire% and over MOO feet long, dipping 041114 from etch end into, the center, task's/ an Satyr grade for teems to "pus through It. The sidewalk is abont four feat above the stwitind eight'" feet wide, and oily long enough to Pus under ILI belt of the river,with - elight• of atone steps lit see end leading.np On to thikaitHt i s distance ot`itbdtki tett feet: • This tette° Id /A 44- perinsent, an if it should prove II itter cast, it 'will be followed op 440041 more en etreeti which . !tie gargle Fit% Weibingtou street, as these greet Oior oughtetie now pus over the tjin 011 turning bridges, which ere Ott* opened to adMit the paisage of boa* Op ; esid down the rifer; causing great wept* and detenticin to peteone who 01%4140it them. Obicago, by her natural advantites for lake navigation and net work of rallrontht which centre there, and her internal ha provemeuts, which extend and bold tri. butiry to her trade the whole %realm and north-western countrh