Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 10, 1869, Image 4
RECEIPTS ANP EXPEN hiTURESi• ' • ar 111R.K8 coviar FOR TJIF YEAR,.EI) A. ;D m DM. • rpm AUDITORii ELE(;T TO AD ilist and settle the, Recounts of titb 'County of Perks, from the Ist dit'y of January. Ann° Domini, 1918, to the Mat day of Do:ember, A. D. it Yl, (both days included) having oxatillned -Oa taina,respectfolly lay befOrO Ito llouorahlo •tho J wives of the Court of Cointnon Pleas, the follow ing titat<nnent and Report, to wit VITARLIM N. PRIM, Esq., Treasurer,' 2b &Opts /rpm Collectors of (WHO/ to wit: ' ' ' Albany, Ilolomon yiltoV, 18 on accottul, JvHso Miller, o t ticeoutit Frey, i fe on not;ount, MO Alidce. .101 in Fee 4, I&) In full Henry tiebtnobl, JBffl on aCcOillit Ihunol )1. Wontzolo 1868 on act. . . Amity.' floury foyer, 18017 In fnII ' Henry foyer, 1 , !03 on timumit • . . . • Ilern. 1.1.1 i. ft winner, l& 7 ln fon 1). IL Kreunier, un account Wens 17 ' !Award KuulTman 16 0 4 In full, (0 John finvugo i P. O Ol - 4,711 9i IL liaullunun,l6ii on ueo?unl, :f,44i35 Baur ftle !mold YYillicrt, tera on I flt I)Arl4 Ito • Illg, neon!, ..Alt•ltta. • Etign Vidtionivil, )94; 4)11 Jilted !Angel o Ith7 lit full Jared Lvitgel l l , 3o3 Olt 114:tOti8t Boyer/OWit. ThOpitli3 I•Pa 111 Thq:pitoi Bch enor, 1H ;LI utfacct Brednork. 'Christian Baiting, 1144 In full Christian Hurting, Doi Carr:tanon. • I. ftods 1/1.47,011, ltiGq in full Uanlcl Iluek, It A 7 on account Joueph li t 1011 On account • ; Centre. Mors° IL. Honeliter, 111:1 In tulle Wtn.Tottelger, ISO on neeottnt' optebrookaette. Jocllluthsrt, 11171 n full 45.4;v1) 1,. (4,1,10, it• 63 on Ll:cc:vont C'tvarif. JoleWl Randunbush, 1t 0 ,4 in fnlli 'Bonn; Ktele,nl)l3, PM on acct. Mgrlel. • chall,cB W can, la;) on account, Aunt j N. Fox; Isill In full Fradklln Miner, 1154,11(in nucount , . putioNsv. . U. Ila Weld!, 1437 In full U, U. Hatfield, Oil account Is'qr 1. kculrpu 141, U pkgs . ov e, 1 , 164; In foil i5l 01 Itenbtn 111,Uplogrovo, 160 on net. 716 i/O Ii: Ilruuilxte 1b69 on nc9ount 4,119 ;I,J 83oinel 'link, lON In full Ito do Mon account,: (Irecntrich.• John bclial:4, IKI7 In Intl Po 'do IEO3 on to:count ' ilmnburgo. • Kop4or, Itoh7 on amount A. fthollonl,orger, .154.4 on acct. •-•, ilelacWerg. • Jlinutalin Lolce, ltlez In full Dutiful'Moyer, ill in full thuyitil)ggiitoi, 1807 In full Jlllonuill J. Flutter, 1861 on ticot. _ Archfclberd' Henry (Jerboa, 1t365 ln full ' )11.11lulOre41, 13 , 14 In full . O. Tilunbett, lPfa on account Elijah Htooly, 18:8, on ticuonnt '.• itthletbery North. ISchj unto UrattlY, IW7 In fill! Mani btutup, Itiooll acodnut . ' Ifcrehra. Jonti A. Adam, INA In Intl ,1. ri. liuttlawntik, 184 In lint. DAM Zeigolifool, 1t3(13 on amt. • 1 1 Jc:e'er/ton; illonnollltnnuelbornor,lFlliC full Immo 'Choi!, 1867 in , Jolui Fox, 1608 on accutut6 • /Litt:town Ali•nnyti. -Non 8. Ilutteinit.olii 1607 in hill K. 19 ~t. 4449 liiittilyer,lBqii' nut:omit 4 . W (in 1.26:1 813 Lolifilittnntis. ; , • ictittiii. U. 11 ilitur, 111'1'01 1807 In cull • an:ennui. • • lhartencreek. Join' Shut. 11307 on account' John 19. ItolB °aim:omit ii,l)xonilil6r,lB3U on nocuin►t David N, ICtllmor PIO In , full .11014 Trationmi, 186 on Ke a. I . , .adatt»ty. U W , agontiortiti is&, in fall U. U. pilau 16437 tail D. U. BlgfrtA, 1838 on account Ifithipiberq. Daniel SpongliOr,l3l7 In fuU Do do D6B on account Oho. Wm. V. Bum 1867 In full Daniol bnuoks,lBdi on twoonni, lannce. David 8010, INI7 on aci:onnt; John 1 1 1. licmp,lB9•3 wi nccou ul 1 IVui. l'hillpo,'lM in full C. haMader, WM on 11004/11111, Perry. P. SI Allnight,l64.l7 In MU Alfred Droweitli(A, wk.; on acct. A Pike. r, prunalutior, ova • Richmond, • RolontOn Dtltlur,l4s7 In full Boum:11110 klwoyor; 180 S on noel. ME! J 03001 it lckitt on tottlott tit 11.1. Vlukettutm„.lBo7 Itt Albert , 1101,1608 on account,. Mx%law'. " ' • ItOubon Fox, IK/ on account Joint A. Angstna,lt34B on nod. jinscomtnnonoi*. Anici3 fichulohl, DM on novOunt EIILb3 liAtni, 1667 on uoommt Yrtinic. Sohhtohl► IbllB on &loot. 'hintiO Y. Befdlor, Iffil In roll' , Dantoll Man, lwa j tt.ful I John M. Artt, DM on account '.l4l!pulwei.on. I. Aloam Oxonriclor, 18(17 11117 3,g17 ;; )Q do tSti:,3oll uuuuunb 1,861, et/tie/in/von Upper. John liolurrtfer, WO 1n lull ilborgo .11101 1:;:11 In full ,E.111111,1tebor:!*18 on account • ' , Union. tlolger,ltka In full • 1,118 11 A. U. Wise, UM on acoonut 3,507 71 • ll'afiiington. Li. lt. 10110, 1.1 in Intl !atm b'.:Bl - ottlor,lBl4 In full, . 116 ilo ItkiS.9n account M. A. elollors, itkii on mount, It. J. R. Millor, ISO on account, lavl.Ganser,loo7 on account, 492 en Aaron %Voider, idA on account, 1,560 00 1,831 CO IteADtmo —kiral Ward. Z. U. Miutrov, 18134 In lull • 211 21 'Multi; Ilatni, IRVI In full 1,30 75 „Do • tit/ 1849 On noOotiut 1,711 32 ' i • •••-----.l—• 3,201 31 11HADINcl---&COnct 117tra. . ! 1: tLWlU•tlBolllilOClC,lei7on tteUOtiiit - $lB 70 Je100) &littler, ItkHon account •, 3,557 'l7' --, 1,115 97 ItoADlN(l•4'hird lli n •d. JauolA tiohuler, 18u7 1n full • MO ." do. 1863 un account ltnAomu—/burth Ward, :1). !Wail, Itol In fall . Do' 100 on Account i . s • - • ' lti intio—l.VO4 Ilium, leanllolt or, Iva In full Do • : •' du u'istv--61,11h Word. Igtutollory Isur In full DO •,; , 4, /803 On 4u:count t'• A, 1 • i . - , _..--, • • limloteru. , -Settentlt li'ard. William Bruientkoul, 180110 full 1,174 74 DO • do • , .10,48 on acol •,/,013 21 , 1 - •'t ,• . • t•- • -- 5,133 03 .. , ItirAnixo—,Elphi4 w ard. • • 1 , .76043 b 5,1143111); 1,8137r0n Roocniut ' 1,031 frO .. I i ptienh' Mtllllllmlgori 1803 In full 3,200 Etl '• ' : •:.• ~ ,•••• 1 ,• , •• •,•• . ' f • , . , • ---- iP3 81 _ • '.317 OD , tXO3 ti•.' 1,490 6:1 1011 tt Sow p, (Whole ninount , 9lGoonty Tax rcu'd inloabo 1 3 1 .) . • Ifgaittera ° loeffos in OW; out of Betkreoirntyr.'- . 11 uoktstorn in boa's county fluelletors oat of itho county usADtßd—Ninth Übrd. JOatritti Altdbar4lBls Lu MI Do • do Imo) in full I JEW* Smith, 1867 osi sooweint bassi Lassoks s 11108 on account .OR. Cbunty'llrldues. • Penn' ntrent Bridge by oondruot and toll • 1,33 i 73 l'eun Street Brldge,FranCls Ikelb tel by toll 1 , 264 1,901 5l• 2,0115 bi Lanctutler Bublko'contract 1,033 So Do toll collet:loll by gimlet ''' i • Magnin) G37 to ----; . 4671 p i t • , .. . P9Plat DiCcIL .11rIttgo by oontrwat 295 50 • DO toll colloutotl by Daniel • •noyor ' - , 337 - 4, 4 227 32 100 !:.: 1,V.1 77 990 75 3,00 74 2,977 15 3,499 OU • liamburg Ilrblgo by contrite* • Do collected by Jobb het lkrer - 4,377 15 lii 16 U , Y.X.; 00 (Whole autOuitt of J.011'111 . 1(1 get! e,.1) Finvs tout c;0313 Pr(son reeelpts GtoofitiwiedXla Frein *`etlyge II nyett.l/ein tp.l 311scalutteoua. !faience In the ry of leo( ---- 3,~fJL I's 5,20 :J year Douglas, 1;r1.1go Company Franklin F:clitiltz,in full of Coma 'Ai 5o 51.5 ix) [EC eo.4ta .Jacob Fink bonc, on (stamin t' ot (kin it costa Depsher zel, plank Fold. IS. flarly, on ,Itec't.. of Cunt!, geozili Ilen). Pa , Treas. orAltaloll4o Bridge Company jalwla Putt, tlilforenve on Bond ekobanged lfarrlaon Epleri Treaeures . Itrldgc,Company Jacob B.l.lvingood,JSrl•:.ics 8011 Albert Green, road slatfiage:3 = refunded. from U. Tulipboccon Joseph Homy, bricks and old 116143 m Kati 45; Dr•Abelblei; old lumber sold Joremlall 1I igclllluul, moncy . colletilo 1 Co. agalwit Sloytr 77)39 I ,ZN 17 2.475 ti) 5,111 ili 313.31 tAH) Xi 1,113 31 1,531 11 1,1:6 (NJ . u IY) 4,11t2 1,435 2,`..V0 00 ILF.CAPITULATIWinV RI:CI:11TM FOR Is4;tt Whnlo :Lomat of County Taal c• cetve.r ~ 211,9 y) 01 ilittokatora 11conse3411 8erk:4,4. 1 ,0. 1,0•,,) 50 Iluelltstuni IfeOtteim oAtt., or tJOrlis'.,‘" ,' lt , cOutyr , • , , , . -• •54 ' 0•po ' f County lull bridges - •. ~ 5,•225 t ) ,O Vordletfee9illll.oJ Mill (04tES ''. , 3 1 7 t 7 O '., • l'ilsim rec.olpts - . 3 ; 691'.7' Conditional road 1111,810(;1.111 . ~ 1 1') 05 itliecoyaneous recelptn , - J3,9:1 1:0 ' 1 [-:',-,t, --d271,711 40 2,193 93 ',Mit s 7 4,099 t.l . 15 110' • KU ai • . • I,IVC• (r/' li5lF 3.3 2, ,000 38 , T o . 'CREDIT. The TrelOttror 011111)16 credit lye the I . 9llowing orders drawn on hitn,to tv11.,: . • Prison 11131v:tore 0 (lets. • • George Guttman, soap • 17 3.1 Vance & Landis, lacks Is 75 ' . llrenelser &co. tobacco 101 93 Milk;lion & Co. laSt, reeds, .it . • N. 95 D. It, Fosig, glazing i • ' ' .9 so L. Kohnor, thread and notions _ , '2B 47 Young & Summons, visiting . ' • ennui - Otte°. " •21,..ty Reading Was Company 141 tot J. Neely, lumber • 81 25 S. Summons, carpenter work 58 01 8. Summons, cx. to Harrisburg, 7 CO J. Young &. Hon, coal 1. 6.1) 00 ' . J) Burkhart., masonry • 19 73 F. %Peseta', smith work , 53 lu 3, L. ,Getz, printing • attuttat re port _ J. Gamier, compiling. g annual report. , J. (.I.lllser, utisecllanc,Ous es penbcs Ilinnershitz & lltabp, setip, au. Peter Steinel, brushes T. Jackson, 1897 • ti.Stimmons,bedstvatis for prison D. Engel, ilucketo E. Godfrey /t Sons,- shoemaker tools Borttiptrt & Koeli,straW Raman & Snow, shou'pattern.t A. T. Stewart, blanket)* Gibson .t %Volker, shots Imts mull trees , Boyer & Soto, hauling I, S. Hollenbach, painting Kline, Epphilmer & Co, crash Loyntaster & Selling. pointing, Ben. Engler, last bidders O'Relly ..'t CO., lasts and tooti. Ir. Ilanuon, sewing machine.. V. Ciro% sea p, , Ilolfa & Shatter, lumbar ,* • Strickland & Bro,, itbolts ". Douglass & Conrad, I..cpufring• • welt eater J. L. Stichter, hnrdwnro itittert& Co., printing .. Wm, Rosenthal Bo • C. Dontli & Son, tin waif and re., pairing • 1 , IL J. Rhoads; notlems • , (I. 11. Levan, itunpS , . 1 B.l'. Owen, prlntiog.. S. Wentz° . ,I soap • ' Rumbp d Heckman, 'pint Ling, Ir. Ifongen shoes A. IL Light, drugs John Dlelthight, - 11Ardware Bard & Reber, Int.fdwore 1..5 11. Killer, srOlt,,h. work' J, Ganser; Intip4hte ci I►leal3 J.Galeyer,lalntain itg tal.rnit'Af I fifirt,faeturinct, Mosseintan & Kir , woc , l chain •&e. , Young. Altetutt3 1 .t Co., dry goodsl 1 3 tai . senorita .t.. Peitz, chain, ,&u. 0 CA 2 (Cl F. Winkelman, coloring yell' 2 tiB J. Ganser, carpet, rogs ' 7.7 89 Diller Luther, revenue lox . 101 60 Levan it; Bixby), chain '' " . 510 Coyle & Co. elmin ' ', ' - A lay co B. Connard, leather ' • 201 60 E. God/Iy.o Sons do 273 (17 Ely & Sanger do ~ ' 141 50 (1. A. StOckso ' der do '736'33 Lewis Longo, do • .', 421 2,5' J. 1.. Moyer. do 810"50' J..% M. Do Long, do 77 135 'Wholly tft Steinman ) , leather_ 139 65 A. D. Carrol.l . t.%).,.&t00 Dimling*. 43 07_ F. J. Mohel, hat ronnds . 67 99 Kett, ti: Arnold, hat rounds 33 55 D. Lutz, do do _ '-'f s tl5 -P ,1;1'1 "o'l .• 0 ,02 si; ;272 10 2731 01 1,N)o 00 1,02 01 125 00 1, 4, 7 A bo 1,!o3 :4) 31 -10 203 65 2,0.17 01 1,675 7t 3,950 07 1Y:52. 78 430 05 00 - 1,1137 00 2:)7 na 141 m uu 10u7 41 77 17 427 O. 2,012 67 ---- 3,110 89 BM fiJO 3i '2,000 00 --- 2,733 70 I,rAO 0 , ) 2318 62 937 09 =ME Ii:1•2 6 1 1•2 3,621 131 . • ; 1,818-tp .150 (s) • 9,1/19 15 '2,919 00 3,1W8 10‘ H( 33 P.) 62 3,432 7f 7,033 13 2,.201 11 3,163 r,7 -------- 5,04 , 5 01 3,lrpi 29 9.2k1; 1!,691 01 81•2 Id 3,V15 00 1,037 13 102) 04 :1,13.) 00 1,153 ('0 1,710 12 LIM a -- 3.:07 7d 1,511 It ts 4 4,572 57 5,k.")(1 6.) 00 '2,11411 41 1,948 t 9 (0...f . r.) 1 &Moles. . • Joseph Gammon° your's valour. tlOO 00 ilerminn, thmsor do • • 000 0s Thomas Will, ussll year's Jai:try 910 oi John llotrurt, do ' 1416 00 Jacob Solltdbly, - do • 5t9 01 John Groff, ' ' . do 1•21. 60' W. M. WOhlman, Oltynbilau 100 00 Charles 11.4'rit z, treasurer t:1) 00 5,417 V: 1,197 '2) 1,W7 IX) '2,j o 1 45 ;WO IMP 1,:35 (4) 3`2.3 7 =SEM 5,213 05 • 4;210 i7ll WM.! 1 ;' , 4 710 10 1011) 1,123 it 1,357 25 -- 2,753 St 329 23 731 10 . ' 2,223 0 32'33 11 YJ c 0 9,173 01 2,423 0 70S 3S 2 002 53 2 ....... _ ~ . d.,0.) 1,013 07 / 4,7 X Gt; 0,649 7 0,1 IM I OO 2,901 00 Vo; 9(1 144 IN 2,001 51 1 I '' i 4 =I 1)V hole naitutipt, 4)[ receipts TutAlta:only iitSprC(ore Eepell SO. David Rutz, MA entling Illuoting :44 a) .7. Glancy &mous., do , 93 09 D. McKnight, tin 53 al S. Summons, tin .43 (X) Jamb Young, 110 ' 45 (X H. Z. You 1te(34,1 flo . .30 00 C. H• VERT., tin 59 60 Total amount of Prison ExpOniirs .Principat Loan?, pulit. holo aulonnt of loans paid Inlereat Oracrs. intermit Dahl on loans &ationcry add .Prietters' Orders. M. P. Darting, Wm. Roarmtbal. J. h. Gots, J. 101(01) t Co„ Dispatch, Timo3, Samuel Loyal], • J. 11. Saszamnit, .11. F. Owen, antslablee .11flurns and Marge. Jammu Turin .., April Termt -1 Augurit Tam NOvpibet".Curm • Oorenere and Jusfiece Inquests. John pox, Coroner Justices, of the Peace, Dr. 1). L. Bicber, , pOt Mortem examination - Dr. M. Luther, post. mortrtn ex amination Election Orden', City Spring Election Spring Election in the county Constables attending and noti fying °Ulcers bolding General Elec tion in Octobue Officers holding Presidential lilootton in November 1,073 • ASIOSBOII returning list of Noters , 3t3 CO Assessor notifying day of appeal 1,47 S 80 Coiottobtee net . Conant)WV leo - in Common wealth eases lot 27 • Witness , /Iva Witneele fees in Commonweall► eaSes ,Rood Da Wages. Glitirri)it.tireaely.ptconwich as co Do,ul.lsllAmin, L: BOJO'berg Co littchael,eleltzinger,ll..Bertt ' t 3 00 Micb.ael liolitrtap, Jr., , ' 0) , Joseih 6 .‘ • team 'Wor k Ilein • Cexr&Deysher t ill .TlOllOOOO4 ••`4?l~rß`;< , ` ~'. s ti Jicoto Maier. do „ .11,4 A g10hn.i.y.,00610; • ' . 11°,11 lialdenerttk if J. W. Degler, U. Itulpohocoou. ..!,5 CO OboldiPenu 10 Snyder, Nxetcy 600 Erpreso AprilTery Term Pli August. Term November Term 1,0 1 50 t 41.00 i .1 1 ‘40 50 INII (Xsulip o.okvral &fork& OSeph . Bitter, 1 year's 111ary as 7 1 janitor & court eryer 'Wharton Morris, tote dist. atty. B.lrikearer, , do Levi. 11. Gerhart, Wok of Quar ter Sessions Michael K. Boyer, Commission. ors clerk Michael IC. Boyer, Cominlisiou •erS clerk extra 6086l011)) James B. Bechtel, cow. atty. J. G. Glues, A. Kun and J, hell, auditors ';• an) to Wm. Young; Commissioner LW (4t Jacob 'Moray, Vdo - I 500 OJ Benjamin Levan, do • . two ee Jcss(fll.llaWley,auditing uottit ty offices TS Oh Tobias liarto,summonlngjurors 37t tu W. D. Lirleseuter, prothonotary 113 PO FOE ME! 13131 UN . 367 8) 8,67/ 27 10 00 1 240 0,) Itayor'a, /Ptletnicn's anti Jitxtfcce nett, Mayor 540 54 • _ _ Altlormon'a 211 81 • JtuticcB 68 17 ',v • Triennial it tacsAilitell. f TFienctial mut dwent, vAiwtovi 1,955 70 • .... ME nuid u ee. Penn strce& bridge,Fratichilltvii tol,inuonths, salary Itautho it Heckman, plumbing U. lilt gas Leyrnastay t.eiling,pttinting Samuel Focht, carpenter work V. L. Danth, . L. Blishier, putting tip lightning roils 141110 10(1 00 '221 it QM &AI ,Ji ' Lanca,lce /;ridgc. Ilardot Maguire, 12 uttonthe.' BEI ' arV E. 1). Smith, gass E. )(fishier, putting rods Peter Horn, elentiieg bridge W. J. ) ( mine, h titling ground Baifluel Focht, eitrpenter work 12311 .13.927 00 MEM Poplar Ned: Bridge. Daniel hloyer f ll months' salary Reuben Rachel, maso►l work G. N,'llakerialo., l l:ghtning rani 8000 Foollt, carpenter work Peter Brown, lime moot Ituycrona9on work (v. Ihmburg Jh•Wge., John Kottorer, mouthy Imiftry 1o u► Whole amount of tot bridges 1,703 Refunding Orden". Ellen Dieffenbach, Bethel tax re. funded Nathan Miller; Winds( r tax 're-' funded ' :50 V) Edward Kauffman, Upper Bern 110 b 0 Michael H. Miller, Longramp tax refunded Wm.• R. P 1111111,3, Centre re funded 14:inlet Hahn, Find ard Read • iivg• tax refunded Jacob Schuler, Third Wardltead ling tax refunded Henry Wagenhoret, Ma xataw ity • tax refunded • Solomon Miller, Richmond tax refunded • Nano Helder, Fifth 'Ward Read ing tax refunded Joseph Muthard, Ninth Ward Reading, tax refunded - John Fox and others, Jefferson tax refiluded Joseph liaudenbush, Canna tax refunded Elias Dieffenbach, Bethel tax re funded 4271,774 40 ES= 123 V. 20 W 53 35 6 62 51 6 459 U 1 1Yrtforo NittvlN (Anal. John Flickinger mull)31).8otloy 116 01 POOR HOUSE EXPENSES Ou/ door Funeral ExpotuA. Frederick Miami, 2 coffins for Al bert Rickard and - 1% Er David Zimmerman, 1 collln for Faetto • Martln4l. Landiti,ll coffin. ler Sa rah liohrbach tieoroo Lash, funeral expenses of -butane' Hartman Mark tiehloiman,l coffin for Jut'. Ws child Athun'Gerlicri, 2 c'offins for Isaac and wife of Barnet Ochrtit George Lash, funeral expenses for wife of Win. Moyer floury Moyer, 2 coffins for 1,. Emote and Win, WHIM; is Clifirle4 Henninger, b Will ei for • sundry persona Paul Filbert, 2 coffins for Lydia Folk and child Peter Aulenbiteli,i coffin for bleu. Bower Franklin Molar, 1 coffin for Emu. Bartman's 01111(1 Win. Klein. 2eoffins forlierger o .l child and Thoiniminachild Raymond Mobil, 1 coffin; mate.; name unknown Jacob Lattb,l coffin forMenetilet, Maraburger Philip Eagle, for Charles Evans John Martz, 1 coffin for Wilfiaat Hartman Jeremiah Beard, 1 coffin, inan'e name unknown a.lB 4: IA 50 49 89 91 40 1 . 117 26 is 35 5 10 144' 70 00 15 00 'l7O 50 10 t 0 14 40 11 3 1 19 ON 00 7,161 01 Oul-door Widow Schnieht for golf JoromlahMoore,for widow Vidor Wertz Jacob Frick, for Heir WitiOW Grooms, for volt Peter Marshal, fur Cradle Luo pold Lydia limp, for Rolf Wm. Heffner, for Catharino numb • AlllO3 Yeager, for John fecaget James Healy, for Jacob normal! Ellzaboth Bane, for 8011 %%rm. Utnstoad, for „Mary Ann McCarty ' Wm. Steiger, for nolf Mrs. Hone, for I-elf • Rudolph Collor, for soil Widow Zeller, for self Michael Krcamor, for Caroihm Shoemaker Solomon Miller, for Helena Bower Andrew Kurt', for Chrlmilan Bower Andrew 0 Painter, for .oilf Boujetaht Zimmerman, for Sand. na Sholrer Edward 6.hoafer, for John \Vol. finger • Rouhen.Enily, ter '‘'ldow John Mottenert Daniel Buskirk, for Elizabeth Hajuich . Wm.illostor, for Sall (1. lass JormeMlner,forCathartne imbed, Richaid AdILIIIB, for i , tunted Hartmati Amos E. Wells, for Rodgera fain. Ily t Amos E. Welts, Inr Irwins Nlehohoillockman, for sundry 0,1.0 trj ......4- 10.926 t 6 '41,314 03 S15!8 persona Dernl•orb & ICueb, for sundry $20.429 05 perse.ia Otiose nor, for smithy fam ilies Peoeoolc & Ortli, for sitii(l6'fain- 03 .1 ,198 30 1. 1 ;397,96 Iles • Auguste) Kerchiver, for self . hum Mohr, for JONA) Kershner Samuel Filbert, Or Elizabeth Longs J, Danlel Wrioner for John Woo Peter Marshall, for m Wow New- 35 0;1 397 37 270 $S 311 1 3 13 38 50 35 00 35 00 1900 man Nicholas JoneS, ,for Susan Ito ' in Mt Catharine Maury, for self Matthias Liylngood, for Samuel Lessig Paul Blessing, for D. 1.111:1 Elfils for" Jacob Suhnua James Healy, for John Walker James Waly, for leatto Hoffman Antos B. Wanner, for Catharine Long • Aaron Getz, for Mary Burns John M. Luling, lor.self Amos 11. Wanner,for Ilenry Mest Adam Stein, for Chas. "Inward John Willitelm, for Joseph Pl fenbarger John Kurtz, for John Sionners l John Kemp, for John Vomit) Andrew Kurr, tor Carol ne Field Elias Obold, fur Johu Fisher Richard nolimaster, for Barbara Greath S. S. Unger, for Jacob Wingert Jacob Young k, Sou, for sundry 1,138 65 PS (6 2.) 132 51 115 Os MEI N 7 30 123 73 2'5 001 '2.1,001 Fria 190 20 U:3 40 MEI 1 4 071 30 3,131 Ira persons • floury Krlok,for sundry vorsons Adam ;Stein, for wklow L. Heins John Stoinit, for Catilarino Ox Eliza Fisher, for self Charleailoodiman, for self Adam Btclin.for itirs.Loudenstlin Silas W. Flahor, for Sarah Swswely Jacob Butz, for Jacob Datier 1. D..ilithinelbergor, for Sarah, lierOhnor, • , , J. Wanner , for Stifiaa I:ootuur Widow Salida, for self' Fitdcrick Latter, for Barbara Kling 4/[Olll4, Riymie wi. /AO 53 101 '3 F 0,3 79 ; 639 79 IA) 40 treit (kJ MOB 00 1.4N0 10 _ (AK) PO 6.10 01 1..17 60 Min 6.0 %I 150 00 1 IN 00 '219 vo 12 91 21 iii Ofi 10 to. 15 25 20 etr 48 30 24 1 .) 25 to oil $ 7,1 3 n IAI 17 V) DO 83 U 2; 3 I" 9 II; IBM IBM EINE CBEI EIS DEI 61 90 Sy 01 ETEI 13 U 1 EMI BEI EMI MEI OM 10 (0 1121 MEM 10 00 I() 00 ESE OH EIM OM EFS 6W 5 00 02/1 MO EEZI ELM 24) (K) .2n no 20 00 In va 19 09 :1) O'J '2O 00 _O.OO 00 00 10 09 0.1 '2O 00 10 C 0 10 00 .2o oo IBM 10 09 20 00 MEM •10 60 SEES .Z..) a► • 10 111 100 OEM 1 P.! 00 I!0 00 1:01 61 173 F! GO = 't.iiiiieittiyiit.lbt Lonttirt flitter' '.- :10' ip: '—',l' , pgrotokr,,lor . /Jary A. Spy g- - /0 01 • •. , . Mole n A a rt:ggrttt7ii li krtrti t A. •' ' 19 ‘ i.)) ' ' lii 00` ilium Obi Ail, for Macy Gable " , 10 cu' . Franklin _Ludwig, for Catharine • • 1 ~,,- - • , • FlOngbesehit a - „ „.. ~: 10 0421,,_, ' ~.. , Atlrahfttn,Kurtis. for fhtui, Grove 10 00 • ____ Ezra Root, for ,111'ni. Williams, • ' 3 00:: .:.. lona. stiantOr. for John Weimar bOO Win. Williarnaon, for Catharine Rhoads 3 00 ",, J, Daniel Wanner, for Catharine ' Float • 3 f)0 - J. Daniel Wanner, for Frookiiii . , Flood• :- tou ' /Mb Rol Miller, for tlaughtOr 'of . John eponglor, . ,lu co Goo. Lash, for Matthla Ulrich 211 et/ ' Wm. Iloilo, for self . . . ,'. io w 'Goo. Lash, for 31ra.lioniso , ' :I 'zo . Joseph 3luthart, for ILO. itilka rt . 1 i .01.) Elias Robot', for Rebetea Whit. ' moyer 10 01 Jeremiah Moore, for 'a ittow ,• John Wort n 10 to) - M, 6,516 W Dry 0.8. Reiter Kline, gppillimcv A. Co lAVAA Utlllll R Co. -A. W. Pottoiger 1.13Va1l h Shade C. Levan it Co. David KeiEct• D. H. Drown iltuuoraohitz al3u , .‘p David Neff Jacob Itiogcl Yocum .t flou~um H. A. Iloff F. D. Ficlithoril WM. Kerper .4 Sou C. 8. Birch John a. Peal -en d • t . O. h[irhlor .t 510011 3,:i.55 r.; MEI 1,:'.55 70 (;4torgo Lash, ilirtlutor ) month, salary EllO9 Mold, direet.ov 7 months salary Joseplilllotloo.ll,llirectar I year',4 ealitry • Silas W. Ilt4lier, director 1 pmt.'s salary., ••;,...)0 00 Jacob t;unro.(l, btowitriA 1- yearin sallryS4 l ) c 0 JacosConnt(l,stelyardlial.of 1811 7d SS filloliaol Itlghtinyer,untizr dew . ard , '275 00 P 111111) Eagle, AI li krltr(l 0:1 acct. -It; Siu (r) i‘'iu. R. Zultnur, untldr elowattll _ ... .._ DBE , On account .I'JI t 0 Mimi Snyder, clot k In lull to day lA, Is3B - 220 i.e W. 11, Filher, Clerk on acct. Pm LO Dr. A. B. Domicile, pliyideuta I , year's sainrj• . INI ($1 Dr. Ilrester M. Nagle, physician / 1 year's salary 130 00 Wm. Livingood, atty. 1 year's salary' 73 00 Philip Y. Clihain, englitecr 1 _ year's lialtay . ' nsov John Dome], baker I yoar's sal ary4oo 00 , John lie itz.2l,baloy bal. for 1883 23 00 Frederick kieltutttn) tiardner 1 year's salary . 3)0 I Moses 3. Dlckle, ldttek'nuttli in full 00 01 Wm. Van Buskirk, blachsmith on account ' \ • 223 03 ;Yin. Holier, laborer on farm on ' account 1 23/ Po David Helfer, tvanuiter on acct.. 17v 00 Do do bal. 1545 18 2 Alfred I/clerk:li, teamster on Recount WV 5 ) Christian Zeigler, tailor I b'oat's salary 181 03 John Pile, teacher In full 187,25 Mary 3Thttunan, maid in full la 00 EMI ME ME • . Gfroccrics. Win. litionde, Jr. 212 .70 , Burkholder. & Madeira OW (r: • ! Soiborling Soli( It Charleit Bytom! Hiram S. Uot z John D. Heiner 15,00.1 24 (hilie mut /dm dock bought. • litl4llll, mules W.) 00 Moses S. Blokle 1 cow antlelioats 180 40 Schlott, 811400ra 6,010 43 • Snyder Zt, Loral', bal. on steers , on 1807 ' 8 34 Abraham Bechtel, M , 245 10 ----- 7,218 23 b'hocs amt Hats. Benjamin Engler, sliovs, 111,00 IMEI 110 00 . . 011,0111 y & Cu., chore - WI 03 •Inl . ololo* 1101dlor, ulna's ,7 00 Franda Roland, 10111 .'J 00 Ilorkl Coutay prhun, shout and curpot3 101 12 0.201 and •Irtiarl«ge. Peocoek Ot th, coal Aaron Cletz, wharfage Wlllinin J. Frame, coal Rear tt Bro. & Co., coal Whiekcy awl' Vinc;ar. I 'robtaa Bart° t. einting an , l Sult , ll tqa r I h J. Lawrence taotz, priuting Win.llo.4entlial, printing ~ tiittor,a, Co., print,Big and r;ta tionary S %wool Ilecitiorotaliogary 6, ~f i n , /Weir m/ Orioirlhol Omin. lloininlg & Bro., grinilingzrain 221 54 SamuellVertz, flour, grain and grinding I'd 1 • • 81 Guergo LaB.ll, corn ~ 231 &. C. 4. tirioneinur, flour 401 Ir/, Reinhart ..t Koch, flour mr. - , trt Sam. NVoitzel, flour and pot AUK'S 407 213 thll.llC4 Z. Grherner, flour ' 33.51 00 Tobias Bartu, uhopulng ;train 33 50 . -- 3,711 ID roilop owl Ihiciay. Isaac S. lost, i 7d 91 Edolntan tst Iminbach - 107 47 , Lovand: Buts . 3 (3 e- , .----- 4 ,- 218 ' 41 1.',.,00 1). P. Liiv3► j 4 79 t'4l H. IV. Rank 3AO 43 D. 0. Miller 11 oo Brentler, Idayer .t Co. 413 75 // , ‘,ll , c , fre• bloorgc L4l 4h Co. Third & Heber J. 1,, titichter McGowan & AtiltimOic John McKnight - Ltqtflicr fey( Shoe M. DelOittx, leather 31 tt6 13ettjauilit 14tvelt4atIter ttutl Eaton flatllng , • 131 43 A. D. ltart•ey, leather and Elmo finding 190-09 J. hotly A BIOS li. Depiltui Jacob Deyslier James Ilcaly • Storcn nncl Tin Wore, Heller William Breitlegtvin bliarled banth • J. K. MoUtutly J. Thlrwoulltur rigt mid ,`Ade. Aaron Uutz, eRIL Dooklittintrair & 13u1141, o n o. n _ on 1666.) 16 Pi Roller a: 111 ling, 11;11 139 41 J. IC. Sahel!, 1141 i awl weal. " 163 39 Mht elhi fl uuv• Daniel S. Soh roeder, brick Shaaber & Johnson, castiags .I.W. Ilarper,bititling order book Leyan Bldg) &, CO „,ftitteensware Christian Schap or, curt lion ware Peter Stolnel, brushes Williams It Althottac, horse hire for i losepit Mutliart, John If. Horshm', painting ex press wagon Henry LlOcalfaitif, new expreAd wagon and cover John Spatz. medical 'attendance for Eliza Ulu F. J. Obcrt, pulling , grAte bars and labor , Christian' Zeiglyr, interest on lea for ISO T. A. Willson fc'Co., clock " ‘e. mid, Mary flipallo, estialla iuk Tasker Clo.,stettin lldg Peter Brown, limo Michael Rapp, Ball chains Leuhart & Greiff; steam pipe fixtures• Lewis Gable, laying brick Christian Ebel), re.setting stops and sand,.s George tillfh!ll3 V. iao A.B.Koonlgi butter Mollert & litnsoy, cat Wigs Dewalt - Kutz, seed wheat Charles S. Ritter, hire per Muthart Helms & German, brushes J. H. Bahia. saddlery Auehenbach & Bro., notions' • Dr. H. ?'L Nagle, medical at load. anco Bolger & Pecker, ready 'made clothing John.licpplcinan, castings Henri( Grouse, notions HAtighter & rangier, repairing'. threshing machine Frederiek Lauer, malt hops and beer. • Aaron Getz , housa rant for gardener whole roam of Poor House expens9l4 $33,539 - Miticeilaneotia Cotinty..Expenjui. Joseph Lft.nry, on prison eon- - tract ' 7,f40 a 0 , Dlk*tintfierextlyettavw v sillllllo 1? JainOa 1E Gettis,b`rulge contract WV 50 , Ii ogle kC Blethers l Wank look I • and liltullot - VA $4l Jaunt's` u. 1109atet, extra isorytl os . aud oestS, • , • • Fe John lleurileiger, watehLuall • prlaott 1211 kg Houlamin, Watehmtuil . prison' . - • 495 O) ' P. anill'other, labor ; t istrrn and water works , • 011 k %Y. Helver, blank books alt Idattortarl 100 el E. D. Smith, gas • 118 18 Elias Dieffenhach,sApt.afOrk at Owataraltridge • ' • 100 00 Jacob Wagner, watohnuta at prison 40 pa AmosWeller,Lonits sump bridge repair and !weber. 107 15 Wind 1). Ant:tenses horse 'hire ' Oto.'per Com. 1907 12010 ! Thomas Hoolkoorivoying prison- • era tO Cohn Mum) • ' OS 00 Ulm. Eagle, Inoue) , refunded stray horse sold John A. Wier, treasurer of the State Asylum •11 I:3' Daidel Dietrich, repairing • • bridge at Dietrich's tut s 13S 117; Elias ,ocher, repairing • brilli) at Reber's milt . . John L. Snell, ziuk flooring in • Court. House . Oa; - Samuel tepairlng • bridges on Bo 'orstOwu road 7 78. Niebo as Iluntur,, plank anti bridge repair at 3108010 m 13 93 , Furman Sheppard,' t rem. of the Eastern Penitentiary Ltz.); F.C. Blitz soda ash John Flickinger, petting in coal . In Court , 70' Jaoib Young Soo, Coal for Court House iI 40 'Christian Frees, book binding la so 'J. W, Weitzel, hauling ashes 5 10 J oseph- Ht unu, delivering tip. • peal book to U. Tulptihoecoo 1 00. , J. Ilrincetrutd, county :mpg, for Teachers' Institute rl 13, C. Krops, smith work on Black Marla zat) ,Sknoti Drolbelbis, repairing tit Ontglaunco bridge 106 70 tietnVellerkel,repairing at Len lort's In 5 00 Samuel Focht, work at Court E. Fox CO., boarding 'Jurors April Term • - ' 41 Oft Solomon Close inul .1. Misseuscr, making tax duplicates 07 00 , C. Ebeit . ,eand stone 16 24.1 M. K. Beyer, making tax dupll l %,: sates 39 00 11. Summons ar Snootier, vial-- king tax dup icates Z. IL Maurer, making tax dupil. cities • • , J. Young 4t, Sons, coal for Court House / Edrard. llavllland, i n full per pi Won coat rant • 1,t13 83 Rambo Ileokman, gas pipe for ' -Court. Itolo3o Win. MeNall, services for bring ing prisoners from Phila. Joseph 'Minable. repairing bridge at. Flying 11111 'Jeremiah Bechtel, attending, p rison era henry (Irani, attending prison ers • Loymitster Seiling,painting at Court Home Geo. Mil, work at Court House Peter Itingainan 411) F. C. Butz, br ashore. for Court Moose• J. B._White. Strickland It Bre. (*lunar)? J. l' Dauth, work* prison ' L. paving at Coitrt i llotisci R. Kocliel,repairin g Rood bridge F. Freed, blank book J. C. Strobecker, making militia rolls D. Fister, viewing bridge 'at Winters) mill 8, summons, carpenter weak at Court I,LOIIBO Samuel Stinson, steel pens Boyer, recording militia roll Wm. Adam, viewing , bridge at (.4riesomork3 mill. J. lilnnetsltttv., repairing read 10 prison J. Wanner, viewing bridge at Uriesemer's nntli A. &Botta, viewing bridge at Lirlesetuto'h mill 8. Zacharias, services Joseph Henry, wall and pave ment at Court, /10080 Joseph Henry, prison yard pave log, water and gas pipes Joseph. Henry, - building and trains Joseph Henry, extension at • Vagrant Rouse I,Z)e 31 Joseph Henry, raising outside wall at prison Joseph Henry, cupboard, tables, shoe benches Re. 1,182 4o Joseph Beery, repairs at 'old p 11le10 1). 11. Beidetuan, chairs for Court 1,569 15 Douse • G. W. Brut:knew and .1. Faber, Jury Commissiouo to ,D, Frey, repairing A1(110(1/4(01 bridge Tobias Bart o, p.(per John Flickinger, putt lug coal In Court Holm S. Fist•er, painting for Ilam turx bridge. Wm. S. Yoini;.(, Coin, viewing bridges Ite, Benjamin Lem', Cont, viewing' br ages (Co. Jacob Shards, Coin, viewing bridges &A:. J. Yining Sun, coal fur court house A, 114800 x, hot FM hire fur Com. AlllO3 11111011Wilitl, repairing bridge in Albany township Albert Knabb, lee to court hbusu C. S. Ritter, horse hire for Com. F. Dunlap, btreet brid go • J. F. Howell, city directory John Flickinger, tilling up at (Wirt helve C. need blank book fotOrphans , Court 0111011 Whomas Bitiok Maria. Philadelphia. and Reading freight Albert Roland, working at oils• oii water works W. F. Murphy son, blanks - for Recorder's °Mee Jacob Finkbone, rot. scalps Elias Dleflentteli, making and putting sign boards at bridge!) J. 11: Weaster steel pens CliarlOs H. Fritz, stamps Strickland it Bro., stationary J. K. Snell, repairing heater at court house SitnoilDretheiblesSr,Ktitz,rapair ing bridges J, Schwartz, Wentzel and oth ers, fox scalps M. it. E. Zeeliman, scrubbing tte., court house N. Zimmerinan, charcoal Henry Rieder, blakk book and recording Treasurer's bond Lewis Neuderfer, repairs at court house B. Scull, laying wat i er pipe at prison and court house Joseph Ritter, taking Shutter. anti Buffer to boesecof refuge Joseph Banger, bringing eon • viats front Philadelphia. ,1. L. Stiebter, hardware ite. Win. Driller, P. M. Vox hire and stamps Defieleney in Slate tax h 1 • •• • izecilapeons expensea Troloo•Pr's 4)isetfiesB. Bonds exchanged, $ . 13,9e0 at I per cent. All the Moneys pail out, 102,2618 s at 1 ,4 per cent. All the money received, $271,77-1- 40 at %per edit, - 1,338 77 ' Total Balance in the hand:tot the Treasurer 1M tai 73 152 57 02 39 2 15 13 19 441 42 17 li9 77, 21 CSI )51 81 45 28 391 29 27 Gif 99 73 3'; 13) 6' Pt; 14190. 172 0.; 24 21 • 2,199 :13 116 67 6,11,9 83 1,117 17- 43 (iti 2;298 13 , 2) IS Mfi :;11 17 00 82 19 83 28 egia EEO 22 CA) 38 0) 60 33 5 37 M 3153 Mal Ca 03 00 01 .1P411:1 111 H 43 79 - 849 $J J 71.3 j 9 1359.3 NI ILI 739 :.3.1 , 3 12 .50 a 91 :17 179 41 J 9 16 ME 31'1 It .109 DI MEI 110 90 IMO 10 F. i , 15 9i 4.50 11 30 .2:; 42 17 82 9 50 15 09 1;0 CO j• • . 2 1 1 ?) . 21 ;7 :%) 00 45 oi) 14 94 00 112 02 0 93 1 1E1 0(9 101 '..11 12„10 13 43 tYS 43 7300 21 03 27 OT 10 05 070 5 0) 8) 00 2d ill I • 129 24 I 3 85 • 30 '2l 1300 ' 1,173 01 , Rtcapittilailo,i w E q ... •Prison expenses ...."34 1;5 Principal loans paid 33 ,'.0 hid 3U L. Interest on loans pith( 13,97 Ix; Printing ortitns • 1,13 S 65 Constables' returns 4b9.71. Election returns 3,131 (10 Coroner's inquests 761 at Triennial asscshinent 1,1153 70 Assessing and - returning lists of vOtables Constables' orders in Common wealth eases. Road damages I Tip staves at special court Cuurt expenses Toll hrldges , , . County officers ' • • Prosecution and Witness fees Mayor's, Aiderthen's and Justi- . cos' orders 1120 liS lefumling orders :-- • WI 16 'oor House orders ' 113,541 i ltd hfiseellaneons t 10,4011 43 Treasurer's commission _,_ 9,48920 Balaneo in thelhands of Treas. 77018 is 2 . Total- ' ' *271;174 40 To thu Ifonoral)la MO Judges of llm Court of COIIIIIIOII kleaa of Becks County : . ~. they 'Xlie Auditors , resoectfully; • report .. ill4l nave Carefully audited and aettltd the accounts of Chola% 11. 'Fritz. 1..:5q.„ ,TiOallttrOli Of Belts county from th e' drat day of Jautuir*. DIP, to.t. flu thlrty•llrat day of , Deoembdri 1846, (both - d ays - in °fuel ye). an a dud a balanpoin tho tututl. of the.Treasurer,of aorenty-aosett ttlOOsallol ita 1 ,—, .• • ' '' ' ix oat. of laden d ullard and t hirtttwOgentOrrhptv.'! ,' :.: . p ; (c g ,—fir ..P,at wog GO., ram BUT iit Tan lltoatty, l3,o Witness our hands nt Ateaoltlg:111411r win usyof If li , Lai:MKT rELTO3i Co., Selma- (I "' January, A. D., 069. •, -, ,- , . , ... .. .• , T g , t , , C0,../tP„ January, ANDllEWlitiltltit • , -' . f' '• •; •• • .' .. .: OHIO ONELIti 4 1 441.10 re -t ~ ~ .- - m - ',-, , I. - i0• 8 1 ow. . , , P. Se Aoßipain ~ ~, . . 4 . 00.371- 1 isyom, OM ii It_ , • i' "lv/ ' •' • '' '' • , ,• ~... • Aufirelit of To the Voari iiiiiii TOW) 0311418. Albany, A~Akar% Bern, Hem, Upper Bethel,. Mreeknook, Iloyertown, Cturnarvim ) Centre, COlebrOoktlale, Ctunra, Distrle4 • . Doug'tw o ' Earl, • Exeter, Greenwich,' Hamburg, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 1,. Heidelberg, N. Hereford, detrerdott, • Kutztown, • LongsWallin, laidenereek, Marlon, Ma satawny, Muhtenberg, Oley, Gatelntim:a\ Penn, Perry, . Pike, Itleinuond, Robeson, lieekland, linscombmanor, spring, Tuli)eltoeconiUp Tnipeliotaxat, lill Washington, Windsor, Wennelstiorf, - READII4I: First Ward, • second Ward, Third Ward, Fourth Ward, Fifth Ward, Sixth' Wart!, 89renth %Yard, Eighth Ward, Ninth Ward, MEI 000 6 N l' H 40 1,:0,150.39 131,494 14) $3l,Mi 2Z; 0 irrATANIDI NO TAxus von 111 V., Flinlihe'r YEARS, " I Charles Wean, District, 1t Jacob 8. Shollenbctgor, Hain burg, 1863 NO o J. W.iteed, Marlon, 180 401 /1 Elias Dielfonbach, Itothol, 1861 288 in Daniel Ochrle, Ithitriet, 1868 '2B 81 Harribou Oxenrlder,Alarlon,lSA I,:AAI 42 Sr J. F. Mohr, Roboson,lBoo A rnos.Solimelil, Hubcombinanor ihtid, kilned paid 111 full II Gs Jesse Miller, Albany,lBo7 i,o•L ) 91 Dario! Filbert, Hornvillo, 1847 I al ltoubon Al. Updogrofc, Earl, ltka 82. 48 IYlllllam Keyser, Hamburg, 1807 .Si7l J. O. Lumbort, ltoldolborg Lower, 1807 1, . Of John Saul, Idahlonurook, 1887 87 u David 111ory, Ontelaunce. IN7 r 91 Elias U. said, Itubuombmanor, 80 4 / 07 AI. A. Sailors, Windsor, is).7 718 87 IJoilrYotusel, Womolsdorf 1867 ‘ .50 De. Edward Schmuck, 1104011 m fr coati Ward, IN/ • :41 to Jacob Smith, Reading Klub li Ward, 1807 0.1 00 S Jacob mith, Reading, Kin h Ward, 1807 1; 1,0 0 3.2 ;---- IV holo (mit of ontidrind lug to cs Con 01 Wo the undorsignod Audit() s, do hereby cer• lily that the above account 1 a correct stste. intuit Of tho outstanding tare , up to the Ist flit of January, A. D. 1809. I ANDLLEW K lilt, JAMES /IEI, , i Awlltuls. P. S. ALUM HT, Whole Ain't of Loans or old 4 obit; IBM 15 00 ETD Ml MI 21 00 :1 3/ 3 OQ 11E1 23 $8 31 7f 11 00 451 8 1Y) 12 18 S® II lb 8W Ullll MI LE] '2 W 89 noar as could be asoortal tett 12,31: WO the undoesigned Auditors, do heloby tor Lily that the abOve is a correct statement of dm whole dobt'of forks comity, on the Nth day of Decontbor. A.' i , If the outstanding tsui and the leilancon the hands of the Tiesquimr ho deducted, the real comity iltibt will, as noal• as We oouhl asoortai it the stn°, ftinotin to about silty-one thousand two hundred dam. (461p0). ANDREW .1 AMES HELL Auditor, I'. h. ALIIIIKII4, ..1 «► ao •oq ME 2 1 f) , 5.i 71 1,951 II 9,M3 H 1 fat, p—Acw.. INISTATEOr WILLIAM MEITZI,EIi, .I.lllato of Green - Melt towinelelp, Iterku •eount), deceased. %setters of administration to the Ohre of this above named uocodent having Ifri•th granted to the entelerengneet s rebiellng herald township, notice Is htfreby g leen, that Mimi , Hems Indebted to bald 490/11.0 iteq retttfelfri fn Make immediate, payment s tenet those hiring: chinles s wiltresent them, properly buthentkm, teal s _ for bettlument. tub. 0-tit] IdEIT7.1.1•:11, Adts'or. IBM FE3M tr,l VI 1 75 8 'JO 7 DO 69 V) CITY 11 O'F 14:4 1, , SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 61 1.0 IMIEI I HIP fo 5 (A) 16 01 11 60 71 3il 40-Charm moderate. nug 6 4 50 2 rAI PAINT:3, OIL AND °rlll rure White Lead, Foster , s English Pure White Lead ) , Liberty Fare W kite Lead, Poll Pure White Load, Red Seal trench Zino, Front) Glass, ull el zos, American Wass, all sizes, blotted till, rutty, Palate, &es., etc. For sine cl.2ap, And all goods wahranteit es sold, by • j ?,. kIeGOWAN s 21111a1,11011g, oet 31-tt 012 Ptfill bi cut. 17 cOi 00 Od Ea 000 al 15 113 EXCELSIOR BOOT AND SHOE smiti; 11l 1. 1 0 1 60 0 42 31 V 5 (Next chT). LO Lerch ' a llti,r(tlvare More.) J 7 09 11:A1t - WIC IC Sr, bltiAl(E J Beg to announce to the vitt zemi of Reeding end vielirity, that they in Store, a very 00 tiesVortnient of E~'A Ella :a 2.5 17 00 25 Ko • • ALBO i LADIES' AND clitiantEwp 1100r4 010 WIWI:Sof till sizes, and of very 811 1Hirl" /al "' which they will sell nt tho lowest Oita pricy. They invite all to Call and see their stock before purchasing elsewhere. They have alsou fine assortment .of the !aka styles ItATS and CAPS, at low figures. .07rAll kinds of eitstotner work manufacture , ' in the very best style, at • short notice. The patronage of the public is respectfully so netted. • • 11-ly EE 131 (P 1 at co 110 11 12 76 6 LT 7dl 68 0,401 t 3 ifill (Al 'NEW MEAT 'MARKET frim undeistaned having opened a now Pi V:AT STOIIIII under Library Hall, corner of - flta , and Vratiklin streets, respectfully solicit a slutre ofpublic patrOnage. Always on hand a fall OP ply Of all kinds of Meat. Bans ge, licraPPleo tt i„'! itc., at 4 reasonal)le prices. , Al oriClers P l ' ol4 Pl' tilled, mid eurtdniers served a thb)r 110tatem. jail Ziniknod KAUD*NR MI it coNump. 051 83 9,409 20 77,018 32 SCOTT FODRAitY'4I.NI) I •o'Bll.oP.—North' Eighth street, Reading. (All kinds of machinery and other castings. Saclin Work by , exobrieneed maChinists. Pattern no r by the best P utteritlakoriir Orders frond)") titled, on reasonable terms. oet.l(-0m) BEY,FEILT*I4I.I , N Us &IV, ;0 tiJ 101-27 VA 50 110 00 0,510 1;0 1,71:8 89 5,5'5 11,1 " 808 70 JAMES BELLAX, 3" fi OA: 8i(g711 1 0 1,1411iTREAT , • 21 1 111LADELIMI lA. 4s. .4• . VIANOS` II•- , I ' • LiT s WIIN Kir/IDE& CO. .ooLu AwAtcPgP.• MI calouberg & Vaupol. Ezoodingly„ tiweel• 'E4I 4 tE9I. GAULtrt ) fat* IN ' BNB Iturint2l.o:4 00 • f iGOO BOLD tat • PktiLADELVILi. • ORGANS AND MELODEONS! zAsseased aad Pak D find iert hu nd Amount Das jan. sty, lit 1469. ILI Otte 1 20c3 24 • 1181 14, 2s 9L 1140 11110 Ft 811000, Ifi- 1 6 to o M 1)107 63, &500 00, 1601 tG 4950 0' 314685 1304 60, 827102 I 2775% 2497 93 163016' 131600: 81l 56: Ito (4 050 70; 52300, 125 70, ' )02d 17. KO CO 228171 11' 9il n o , 3241 4457 31 1021 05 1 454 af, 13 1 501 82001101 1011 35 4 560377' 10!1125 1304 bi 745063; 1100 au 33363 2178 71 2000 00' • 478 71' 177407. 1119 38, 321 co. 5683 20; • r. 132 40 3435th61 1550,02 1300 04' ZA)S3 GI! 0) 171308' 107030: 6143. x; lip 0 ) 4313 70: 1073 72 269 7 3030, ) 7317 03 33T2 00 mkts 05' :07183 1700 00 979 53411 o) 3 k ia 3 2,1, 2012 67 , 430 38 24, 12728 11 • 200034' 758 11 " 101361 150 00; 1163 01' 1016 1063 (it,'; 931 CO 4020 to 100 1 3107 34' 3521 01 1883 7U ; 0,100 57' 2919 00'. 3117 ,55,1,1 37 1361 1 8149 13 1 3152 70 1 469(.; 5003 49 1 8163 074 /901 0) mot 0160 33 1050 21 4314 52' 35 9.1 1279 3\ ;,5,430 ) 402063, 8 133 OU toi7 65 43e4) $O, 1791 31' 2372 23, 1601 715 1541.12 63x1 0312 29: 4372 57 196.3 71 tplol 496141; '2682 49 , 227492! 271:101 Ito 7 20, 1310 772 1000 57! 3.31 78 1 1667 70: 737979 ,, 4:1017 + 3139 21 1 411 ) 270)971, 1327'23 13,52 i 2 ;;A10 ) / 3703 041 180124 1043 401 4312 36 1 330771, 71192. 4260 54 22 2 2,3 1x1. 2061 Gl' 200,65 2710 511 017301 , 36333' 7500 t43 ;1 'l34i) 00 200 84 t 3 t 4 17113`'2 3. 5 07 27 j 2062153' 1730 000 1 1201 00 1 1232 52 401321 i 3171 41; 1911 451 3314 87 ON 5,65, 3141 41 3.503 671 4.499 14 (0417 03 3171 41 1 323041. (Near Penn,) READING, PA. A. H. ESTERLY, Proprketor. No. 806 l'ents Sireeit, Itemlloth l'a., MEN'S AND Boys' BOOTS AND SDOES! EMI c % 4 1 a • P.l ' -T -.. g ' Fl • 11,00 03 1 1273 31' 1013 tiro 011 "0 11;Xl sr! 11167 131 MI 79 tto) 1 PISS 79'10 to EMEI