Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 10, 1869, Image 3

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    7 ;
lit; DAIL%
WE DNESDAY, mAitoii 10:1809.
ccry AND tiotirity.
011MV9a/LT/0/43. Intended -for publics,-
ill the EMIL'S 'lmA be accompanied by
ilevotetthle natno, aq gUltnitlVlO Of el n .
,rill• lit yen the part of the writer. Who. name
not he publltitteti unteae ho (leaked by
the correspondent. -
Lertetwontlents should make their cont.
elp)rt and to the point, Our
Ta of too limited for very tong artlooo.
Write only atone Otte of the paper, and
pl flty tet poettible, without ttottrfultes.
el ourats who fail to receive the
egularly', will (Wilco' . a - favOr by
Ica lug notleo atlas °Moo, 'where all torn
risinlb of irrOgularlty or lutenugi of do
tlvcry nit bo -prompt ly•attendad to.
tun:lumens aro requested to build In
118 early In tlitt clay 118
4/111' rapidly increasing diroula
-I,ml I osails us to go 10 Pros nbolit 2 p. in.
'•-••• - •
E't in' Veptelally every youpg
iumt, Amid(' read the Valedictory of Ex•
rie ,i,t e pt Johnson, •pithlished in the
t:o.t.c. It bretithe's throughout the spirit
of Wit: patriotism—such a spirit its wo
IA happy to see prevalent through•
out our country, instead of the wild fa.
„ o ki.m which is urging dur
tvo'et to political and iinanuiut rim
Rum!' •
A small boy Miele a narrow escape
i r on helot; rtm over by a train at the old
spot last el ening..
IThe Adlventltitli ,uy, t fin world , will
oit iete an end °litho UMlt of .Jilly,with
at postponoMent.
Tho borougholgetloir of Womo1s41or1;
%%111 tr‘lio r ...the 10tIt lust,
lionsun donee, - 525, MOot, Law
lug recolvbd 8 largo lot of Wall impor,
And luto(komo Window shades.
litho subject of killing tlogn woro now
bat to it voto of our oltizonti, welliavo no
,h►►bt that thoso in favor of it would tri
umph by a largo n►ajority.
Met trio at tho I it 0111CO 3 !' Ix tho
Imo( in tl►IH olty.
Contlflontal.Lodge bee ro - moved
its play° of mootitig from Aulenbach'a
Rhoads' (Mechanic's nail) at
tho corner- of 4 birth midWashipgton
ntroots. tir
Don't Hpeals. 111:of your old tnaidm,
They aro the true angels who resolutely
refuse to make inendulsorahlourtr
tying them,
!hid:holder tkjkladoira, , have Jut re
colved largo lot 1 41' St; Oebrgo eodlltth.
Pooplo that advortiHo only ono° in
threo months, toFkot that most tblks can•
nut rout nor anything Ringer than
Pies ' •
Irs, (lruntly bas returnod to the ally..
All thu nowo, and all the fresh ‘
nolo, ‘‘ 11l 1)0 !miter! lit the opOoalobt
Thu Itoacling Micnourchor givo
Anothor concert, on Monday oventng,
March 29th..
Air +exhibition vyill bo given by tho
'ublk tiohoolm of Moryavillo, thie coun
ty, on Satnrdny noxt, Much 13th, - ht the
l'olon hall, 4oyortoivn.
Everytylioro tho' watOonto Word 14 that
wheat never lookott bettor at thin Unto
of year. 'fravollors through allspar(s of
ur oatutry condttr, to eorroboratlngthbi
Veitsteg report.
President Onlyles If.;, Smith, of the
Philadelphia anti lit:tiding tilailroad, has
returned beta° to Philadelphia, after a•
residence, of several. weeks in tho South
for the lament of his hoalth.
'fillkkng clubs aro unit of the latest
laillilll4s, They nieut - etlen a weelt.ottai
.onto member( talks fifteen• minutes
upon gonie subject, provlOwily WiSigAed
nosiness loon mil iio supplioti with all
kintli of job printing,at reasonable rates
by calling tit ti►is With%
partiv4 aro tl►o latest neiN , no-
Thoso,invitod aro expeotod to eon
riliuto }I polinti of (oast 'of something,
,) eat..
yer inteluoss melt, should keei) en eye
otimi on .1.03 oti the 'Albany City Nati,st-•
al Blink, ay counterfeltn on tlio hank aro
circulation.iu They ere well executed
and calculated to decolyo good judgos.a
Beecher blows' that dining ratignal
mausonionts aro ton pins, base ball,
hortioback and voloolpodo
Pour wen sold ono hundred and IV°
ludo in ono day in this city-. A good
dO, people snap and snarl over
every little thing.that mayirritate them?
It does 010111 110, ikettlill good s 011(1 nit,kom
all around fuQl (11Na'grocabl(L
Everythiug In COAUIIIOB now
k emu to ho made of throe
rch ot, velveteen and -heavy
silks worn never less worn, whilo
no are obsoloto.
Our oxehangos agrco upon the fact that
there has boon a steady decline In tho
price of flour for tho past month. When
it tumbles hero we will make a note of It.
• Thu demand for dwelling houses con
tinues to hierOasel throughout the eity,
Anti surrounding towns.
.kgricultnral Convention hi to be
held Jn Harrisburg on the 16th of March;
titid we notice t hat delegates have been
4 1 ) 1 1 01110d to represent a number of Coun
ty. so. eties,
iii families of this cotinty will JeaVo
for the West tni Mot Way float.
Tho oxtonalVO two inlites• üboVa Woe
!term-1110, on tho Lebanon Valloy Ran
twd, have suspended ppc;i:ationS.
Several stables bolow the city I.nwo
been rublml or harness within ,11 tow
111 06,1110 thlovog leaving no traceii'lio
coats with gilt buttons nine antici
pated. •
Mr. allbbA Wtight of. Mr. *Samuel
1;ohler a lot of ground, sltoato In North
street, for :"1,000.
A. E. Uraut bold ;ier brick rooi
,totwo, lbogainan etroot, to Mr. Chas:
a row days ago, for tho Btllll of
1,..".90. •
TUE Uity Uotol at Llarrisburs d.C
,troycd by fire this morning. '
furious fortifleattoes—tbe 'llledoubts"
the Heading Monnerchor, mOntloned
IT a Reading dail.t.
• -- e .
Y E•ttatoiti.wtto pay day Att) Depot,
mitt money Hootnott to be plenty ott .the
. .
. ,
Til 1 . housok&pe'ra' market vas not
well attended this morning, owing to aie
lisagreeablo State of the weather. There
was no , 'Bangs in prices. .
.t'.l'ttilal , Ml' LEN111:11(4, Win (10-
liver tho leetairo of tho. Library Coprse
to - morrow night. He haq ollONeo r lim
.11 14
) I thjeet, 'Nail."
wonsuipoter.-4-Ili the mittei of tit?
prevenient the beautiful Borough of
Womeisdorf is not behind band.
Messrs. Bel,l it &honour, Liquor Pea:
era, are oout completing a handsome
double two•story brick residence.
. • handsome' twaStory frame resi
dence is being finished—the property of
Mr. 'Womeisdorf.
The pitraohage 'of ;tho , Methodist
Church, a toscstory 'brick houso, Is re•
eelvlog the lad coat. of paint,•and will
ho ready for occupation sountinie mit
~The three-story hriekhetelat.tho
depot, built by Mr. Isaao 'Kinser, will be
ready for useiu a mouth or two. It hi
built with all the improyementkand'con
ventencei that may. be - desired, and'
makes a handsome appearance; and re
flects much credit upon its architect*
\ quite a number of houses will be built
during next summer, and if the tide of
Improvement continues, In, a (ow. yearg
Womelsdorf wilt rank among the larger
towns In point of business and site.
The Seltzer Bonne, kept .by Messrs.
If. it N. Ifachel, brone of thosbest hotels
in the 'town, having splendid accommo
dation for than and- berust.•, Their bar ii•
stocked with choice liquors, and - the
table won filled with Ail the market
affords. Connected with tho'hotol is an.
extensive.. Livery Stable, guests' thus
having at'4,onunaud' conveyances when
desired. Omnibuses run to and from the
depot; Aller•the slit* of April, Mr. N.
Knohol will assume!) entire control' of the
hotel,.and wo have no doubt • will keep
it up to its present good reputation.
Boyer, Collector of Amity township, has
settled his Tax Du' acato in full Pm 4868,
for tlfuto and County 'Taxes. •
CU,.—Our local caulk) to the con..
elusion this Morning A tbat this, world
really made up of sups and downs," He
started out, determinedto visit all his
stations along tho reportorial, lines and
gather thelatest IN spite of tifo disagree
ale state ,Of the•wcather. Coniingto Ninth
and 'Popp Bluets, 'Wet and weary, and
stopping a moment to take breath, all of
a sfidden 'a swoop of wind 0111Q)1101)ft
and lot almost carriedills utnbrella out
of sight ; but be held on to It, and oom.
lug to the gutter, he stumbled f and sad
to relate, foil headlong Into the gutter',
and what a sight ho presented! But
came to rights, when some scdundrob
who had neither respect for truth nor
humanity, informed him that a man hail
fallen into the canal and was drowned,
and that mon wore engagedin "lisbing"
for the body. Encouraged with the
hope of securing a first•class item, ho
proceeded to the guard•locks at the foot
orEtanklin street, and Booing the men
engaged in dragging the canal he made
inquiry, and to his chagrin, found that
they were hilshing" for rubbish which
had accumulated nud stopped up the
gates. He turned homeward,occa i stottsily
blessing his informant , and artliliig at
the sanctum, he, sank down into his
"easy" chair, with the consolation, how
ever, that the readers, under tho drown.
stances, would OX9IIBO tho Short-coming
of local to•day. j •
HAT 'PrtEamfavt:Ttorr.—A f number of
kind friends of one or the, worthy
hosts of the American • House, sympa
thizing with hint in the loss of several
hats, and thinking how beautiful that
estimable and handsome gentleman
would look in a now silk tile, detertniuod
to /Unwise hint the other evening. Ac
cordingly,- with II Malice aforethought,"
they assembled 4, unbeknOwns" to him in
the gentlemen's parlor of 'CO - American,
and at once issued a sunimous for lily
attendance then and there in his own
proper •person, commanding him to
" lay aside all business, 61c." .Thifrigh
toned gentleman, Mr. Ilandah Weller,
,obeyed the summons With alacrity and
yot tremblingly. •Every onovan imegino
bow greatly ho was ustoniehed' when
they placed a handsome now Covering of
the latest style and finish ofi: . him "bare.
footed) orenitint, at the smile time wish
ing him ever so rnuoh joy, etc., tte. Ed.
win Shelter,Esq "did up" the preson
tation in neat little speech, to which Mr.
Weller very appropriately responded.
The evening lapsed very pleasantly, anti
many , were the rogrAts -when its In.,
toroting festivities cattle to a close.
Deljberutd ..S . c/f..bektruction..-P:reaterddy
nibriting the passenger train on the Le
banon Valley railroad, which leaves this
city at ten uiluutea past eight,' ran over
and killed a man tined miles east of this
city, at a place called Paxton. Vrom the
testimony given at the'c,oroner'sluquest•
by the. engineer, firetnan and a repair
mau, yesterday 'afternoon, it appears
that the deceased had,•beeW stfinding to
the left of the road when first seen.
Hearing the train approaching he stepped
on the track, with his back towards. the
locomotive.. The engineer immediately
OMANI the Momentum of the train, but
the short distance interNening precluded
itstutire stoppage; The remains were
proinptly„hrought to this eityand Paid in
one of the'roonas of the Philadelphia and
titled, summoned Robert Porter;,
henry Wallowor, Samuel Crawford, 3,
Geiger Ingrain„Tohn Basehore; and Ben
jaMin Brightbill as jurors. !After tlie:
matter had been fully Investigated,' the
folloWiug verdict was rendered :
""The said unknown num-came to his
death ,by being struck by the• engine of
the passenger train on the Lebanon Val
ley railroad, leaving 'Harrisburg at 8:10
a. m., tit corneal', Paxton, while on the
track of said road. No blame attaches
to any of :the. employees of the corn
pany ,• • •
The doceised,had nothing Cu his 'per
son but : few viatelips 'and -a part cif a
cigar. It was inip'oSsible to identify him.
Ile is supposed to have been a .vagrant.
Ile was rather coarsely attired, about 'live
feet and a half in height, between forty
and fifty year of age, had a high ,pro
trading forel ttad and -light complexion,
with sandy \ I,ll3kors and hair; The tin.
known man will be buried thiFi evening
unless sooner identified.—/[a,, i4ury
Patriot of Tuesd«.y, 1_ • ' • 1
1'OW1; A1FA111.4.--,101111 Otrielli Was
arrested by officer Lewis, Pnn street
above Ninth, for heing drunk and ex
posing his person. Y Igo was taken to the
Station House, and being unable to 'pay
the tine, $1.25, was retained. This was
the only case before the Mayor this
. 'There wore 15 lodgerS at the Station
Rouse !Wit night.
At a meeting of the• Daughters of Lib.
orty - of 'Kutztown, Friendship Liuk,
ti, the
,fellowiug officers wore elected,
viz: •
S. C.—Mrs. Matilda Snyder ; . C.—
Miss Mary A. Levan ; P.,. S. C.:--Mrs.
Rebecca Mowry ; B. of B.—Miss S.
Loinnau ; K. of 1 0 .-Mrs. Sarah- Marks;
IC. Of7.—Mrs. Caroline Bieber; G. of 11.
—Mias , llanuah Ore; Cond.—Miss Sa
rah Strauter ; t. A.:---Mrs. Mary Weav
er ; L. A.—Miss 'Hannah Springer ; J.
P.—islys. Eliza Angstad ; 0. P.—Miss
Mary &dhoti ler.
,tior Shoetuakervllle Letter.
SnoEm A u Latvir,r.s, 'March P,
Itlyrion EA(41.1:1-4 see by your paper
that you have another correspondent
Very 'Sharp." Perhaps
ho Is trying to ballank me, hut ho Is net
(very)' sharp epough. It seems 'to , ' me
his proper nettels "Vory Dull." lie had
better take a doSe of fish, hooks, or put ft'
iirindstone - beside his bed, 'and .perhaps
he will be sharp enough to dud 'me ottt.
Nothlng•of Mobil Importance has oc
curred here for some time. The mild
weather Is gladly welCopied. •
IktOving has commenced to' strel i ch pp
its chains, and several changes .resi
donee are espeoo4'. When! atty.thing
happens your readers . ' AMM
C ikprof • it
through • ' . • SH4OPot.
• past TESTISIWit'S •
2 1.2 omuipa r.
' 'Dint/12th .itINCIC a well known aU
highly respected cit izen of West Brun.
wlc township, Schuylkill county, di
this toorulng, aged about 47 years.
-:-.- --r -
' tkwY.—The body of Mrs.
Catharinellipple, deeeased, was brought
from Kansas to Trentont on last Satur
day. .by her'son, Mr. John nipple, in
onmpliande with the dying roqueat of
John Sr., who dLied in December
laet at his son's !house in Tremont, for
re-interment, in the lot in the Methodist
11;- cemetery, where 'Mr. ' Ripple' is
burled. -,
On Sunday afternoon the eoftin was
opened at the request of Vor sons, In the
Volitlbule of the Lutheran. church, Where . '
').it'Was placed by \ tho kituhtem of. her
many frlends awaiting'a, sceotad
On the Co d ffin teing 'opeued,:although she,
lied boon burled for three years, the.
bOdy was Ho coMplefoly petrified, anal
her features'so.-preiterved ones be,
r,ocognlZed by, hey'relativoa, and friends
% iv*q gatliered for. the'pttrposo of taking a
view of her s , mortal remains. It was so
heavy that all n i en coOld scarcely han
dle the coffin.—/Vt.witte Mand(tril.
--;~- ---
• TUE E.!ktiT . MA.U'ANOY TUNNEL, on tho
road betweon Tai aqua and Mahanoy.
City,/ county, has boon
Widened so as to permit the passage of
thy wide passenger cars of the Reading
Road. The ,work was done by the Com
pany, undot the BupOriatendonco of Mr.
JOhtt 1). Brennan, and was accomplished
in five weeks.
.The work was prosecuted
day acidnight, .with it force of.somo two
hundred and twentY-tivo mon. Tito on
gineor of the road informed Mr. Bren
nan, wheal° coipmeziced tho Work, that
ho desired its Completion in six weeks.
Mr. B.'comploted the Job in live weeks,
thus exceeding the espootations of the
engineer. • . : •
4:1.1, 1 1 1 1thouoit iliuma4.--A:
Nulled Charles Longenecker, fell
through a bridge some time last night,
near Robesonia, on the line,of the Leba
non Valle y -- Railroad, and was picked up
this morning' in au altnogt insensible con
dition. When found ho had not been
hurt front the fall, I but was suffering
greatly from• exposure. lie was Tying
in tho rain all night, Unable to move, and
would in all probability have died if ho
had remained there much longer. He
was brought to this city, and medical
aid summoned.
Tlll4 FEIN RIWTAUItiNT, t i Pllll . ihreet,
IlitU Jae(' been opened by Alison Letninger.
AI / 1 ktitits of the best etttabb3B and drink
ables p.lwayet pu hand. Me t als tjekved at all
home. The uoati:et bar-reetrypt eityi
with MP beat of wines, ale, At 4, Wire him
apt% [mar 10-3td.
A YOUNU man, son of Solomon Rhoads;
of MOLLY township, Berke county was
considerably' hurt, at. Douglassville, on
Friday 4ast. The" horses becoming
(frightened at a passing engine, and
Starting suddenly, ran over the boy, cut.
Ling him severely about the head, and
bruising flint Considerably.: about the
body.--D d.iitgomery Ledger.
Three Eights Aft One Dny.
PETEitsui3m, VII., llarch.lo.
The Republican State 'Conventibu of
Virginia .mot tit Petersburg, yesterday.'
Tucker, au opponent of Governor Wells,
was ' declared • temporary Chairman,
whereupon- a' fight took place, which
had to. be quolled by the police. The'
Mayor than appeared, and. 'appealed for
peace, as did • the , rival candidates for
Chairman. Another , -fight, caned,
,however, and the hall was cleared by the
police. • The• Convention ; subsequently
assemblekut the African Church; where
the disorder being renewed, Abe Mayor
and police again interfered, 'and i
under, their supervision, tot t`porary or.
flnization was - effected, uftm which the
Convention adjourned until flight. •
ritutimaANGs OF dckyttnEss
11Ittroh . 9„
the Senate, the Public Credit bill
wu reported by . thu Finance Committee
in the Udine ftirtn inAieli it pulsed last
Tlo suiipletnealary 'Currency bill was
also repOrted%by theaimerce Caw•
• -
'Mr. Shernuin nkoved to take up
bill to rop,etkl the Tenure-of-Office act!'
,The' Vice President said it had been
referred to 114 Judiciary Connuittee, , atid
the only get at it would he to dis;
dime the committee, from its cousideritt
Shuman made a motion to that,
etiVot, wberdupoii Mr. S.tamner objected
tc? its consideration, Juni it was laid over.
Bills were •introdueed by - Mr. Sher
man, supplementary to the National
Bonking net; by Ma'.' Sumner, to secure
copyrights for paiatings, sculptures, etc. :
by Mr. Morton, .granting riglit of way to
the'Memphis ) Ell'aso and Pacßic Rail
road, and prohibitipg.Trcasury sales of
gold; by Me.. Ramsey,. to facilitate tele
graphke communicatiou'with Europe ; by
Mr. Corbett, for preservation. •of our.
harbors and nuvigalile rivers agailist en
message will; received lrgn► the
Pitilsident i •askinepormissien to withdraw
.I►is prtlioys mossagLl reforenee to Mr.
gtewart's disability.
On potion of . M f r. Sumner, it was ta•
bled aad ordered •
t j o ho printed, and on
motion Of D'lr..Spteg io, the request Ufa&
,ranted:. • ,
The bill to - in:otVerfur:beacing animals
in Alaska was pas'sed in the Bil me form
as at the litst session.
' tbb House ; the':-resigaati(ia as a
olembor of- Mr. E. B. IVasliburne,'now
Secretary of. State; was presented.
'Gltov. G. Butler of Waaliingrn, was
elected Chaplain. . •
Mr. Maynard ullered a resolution di- .
renting the Election Committee to,inves
tigate the Congressional electiou,in Lou
isiana,_ .
which WWI adopted. ..,,
Mr. Kelley re-introduced his bill for a,
neAralickel coinage. 1 . ' •
Resolutions were adopeed providing
for,a selee4oininittee on the eensus,one
on retrenchment, and increasing the
number of the committees on petisiott
‘. ,
and Pacific railroad. -
Mr. Boutwell orceod u resolution,
which was- adoptet;rre•establislting, tLe
Committee ou Reconstruction. , • -
Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts, offered a
rbill - repenliug _the Tenurt,of-Oetice act,'
:which was passed—yeas 143,nays1t). The
negatiVes; all ' Republicans, lactate
Soh:nck, (fetiches, antly'arusworth.-
Rouse adjourned until Friday.
~# T,
eitisiis*Lvanki X.Bt3lg6A tisk.
:iiiantstinin v Mardi 9.-4 o t4:Senate,
.about - 'gnu 4ttpd#4 private billi"wer*kfi
nally disposed .4, among them the fol
ldwing; • .
.. By Mr. Davls,.of 'Berke', ao net for the
teller of the Faimers' Tqationat Batik of
Reading. 'Passed finally.
By gr.°Davis, of Ber k s, an net • to, in ,
corporate .the. Kutztown .tviegiii Beek.,
Passed fittnuy.* " • •
By Mr.Vallace, of Clearfield, 'an act
to incorporate the State Dental society,
of Pennsylvania. Passed
An: act'lixing the pay' , of jorors'4
f3erks and Lehigh nt S 2 a day, and mila
dy.. Pasted finally, • • .
An act regulating the pay orcertaitt
officers in norks county. Passed finally..
'Adjourned to WOdnesday morning.
In the House, cL number of prixtifo
billy were read in plat!, and many others
dispose.d'of, among them the following ;
An act to authori MI the Auditor.
oral to settle the claims or the Common.
wealth for thg bonus due' on the Capital
stock of theKaslOtivilliant coal company',
upon thtrintsis,'of the existing amount
thereof. Passed finally.
!louse puniShingilie buyers or . re.
ceiver.; of scrap iron in (Iris State, was
passed i t senyd, the Senat, , .
WEDNEsPA V, March 10.
General Ames Gus been assigned
to command the Fourth MililaryDistritt.
,Wulter H. Smith, of Ohio, Las ! Leen
tippointed Solicitor of Internal Revenue;
in place of Blockley, removed,
(,►avid Gooding. t•. S. AI/n.Oll/11 for
the DiAriet of Columbia, has resigned.
• Chas. A. lyitlimns, a l'ost•nillee clerk
in New York, hits been arrested for 2.,teal
ing frou► the .mails.
At Bridgeport, 111., yesterday, the wife
and two children of Maurice Four we'e
found dead in bed, and Fear himself was
almost dead, They are believed to lkavo
• ,
been poisoned,' . • .I '
Three men were ,killed And a fourth
sedum* injnfed by t boiler 'expiation at
Nunda Statim,Livnusaton county, N: V.,
yesterday. The aHlour and'
lumber mill, in wlioh ..tho boiler )vas
placed, was partially destroyed,
• Tux lildvict'ry C.4ln lt.teas have been dis
tribatott in the 101letwing pla . ees: East
ronn. Depot, Manta& House,.
Iceystone, Berke .County House;Dissingeris
Saloon, Sohlatiektn: IWnso, -rost 01,11eo,
Amerleair House, Scott 'Hotel, ono at
Lyonslitotolot i t and (ma at •Wout
elsdorf. • These raeks are exactly What they
are ettiltl—it novelty/ They attract atten
tion, and as an advertising medium are a
success. Thcl subseroers front this place
ate all reliable Wittiness tnen—tuen with
whoni you ean deal 'honorably. • Their
names '
Ziegler A', Yeager, DeoggWs, No. i 2& Peun ,
stre,ot, where you 'trill ale ays . find a, good
supply of fresh 0 lugs. . Tkomas Sweeney,.
Jeweler and Badge SlanufaCturm No. 14
sth street above Penn: You w ill never go
wrong when you go into 'Tom's stortt, for
anything you want in Ilk line. You will lind
it good Millieti.4ll (4 watches, clocks and Jew
elry. Tout pays partit ular attention to the
manufacturing of society. badges. His
Knights' badges , are very
,Intadsome, as
well as all the other badges manufactured
by hint. lie.pnys particular attention to
the setting of diamonds and other valuable,
B`.,onett. Daniel D. heir, agent for , the Orig.
Mal Howe SoWing Matili Ines, the best fit the .
market. Persons desiring sewing machint is
will' do well to give him a call,. Ile keeps
constantly on hand sea lug silks, machine'
twist, needles, &e. No. 10 North Bth street.
Bach ttniro., Clothiers,..Penn street, have
the finest anti best selection of cloths ) eaS•
sintered and furnishing_ goods in the city,
You will lied their card in the rack. Give
them acall, as they arc enterprising young
mon, and deserving of patronage. Henry
Geissler, No, 7:11 'Penn street, dealer in
Stoves, Ranges, lintels and Tinware of
()Very description. Ills sleek is large, aid
lie Is offering great bargains lit his wares'.
Give him it call, 11. U. Hangen, No. ii2P Pettit
street, Wholesale Dealer and Manuracturer
of Boots, Shoes,. &c: if ott -. )vtutt a good
shoe and a 'teat tit ghee him a Call; B. F.
Boyer, Attorney at Law, is always,prepared
to give legal advice to all who Inky, visit
+him. lie may be consulted in the English
and German languages. Wilco No, 23North
Sixth street. - Henry J. Rhoads, No. OH Penn
street, keeps the most' complete stock of
Notions • in the city, ,ire will he sure to
pldase you, its his motto is "quick sales and
staid! profits." 6dl anti examine his stock,
tot he makes no ehargeS to show hts goctig.
Wertz it 'testier, Painters, No. 108 North oth
stret2 , 4 4 give particular attention to their
branch of business, and they know haw to
use the• brush. Charles Ilerblite,' Scott
Hotel, No. 855 North Bth street, keeps con
stantly on hand the best brands of Liquors.
'Drop In and try them. C. A. Uri:isomer,'
Flour and Feed Dealer. t/ive hint a Bali,
and ITO. good 110lili. Do trot have your wives
constantly scolding about bad flour, and do
not: scold your wife 'for hating bud broad
trim youbuy ler bad fleht. Mr. Griesemer
delivers his flour to all parts of . the city .
N 0.105 North iith street. Dr. Siegel t Bro.,
Dentists, in sth street, alp 'prepared to give
et\tire 8148(110t1011 In heir;'t Profession.
Teeth eat be extracted Without .pain by
them. Do net lot • that too* trouble
you any longer, but go . direct to
Siegel's • , and have ' it . eXtracted. 7
_Lewis-Winer, corner of 3d and Penn,
keeps a Brat rate selection of dry 'foods,
pee:tries, &0., .to Ills obliging clerks are.
always ready wroth smiling faces to wititen'
you. A. S. Kline, Produce Shipper, highest
prices paid for all kinds ,of Country pro
duce, No. .533 Penn street.', Shearer' it. ,
Moser, 18 North. sth, street', Dealer in all
kinds ofNew and Second' Handed Fin.*
taro. Now work Made to order and old
furniture repaired. E..W. Kreitler,,Viraelt
ington street. Itbeve, Bth, menufactnres all .
the latest styles of Carriage's; Ifni will .be
i3' uro'to suit all wlio shalt favoiltitu viith•t*.
ptll. Louis Neuderfer,C6urt street above
Ith, Leek' Maker and Dealer In ,iron Mail
ingi,. Give Louis a - call and get ono ,of
those locks that . will secure your Place
front burglars and lock.pickers. Philip •
Zieber, No: 80 South oth street, Insurance
Agent and Real Estate Brolcor. ' Every per. ,
soh should. make-some provision for the.
future. Ur, Molter represents some of the'
,best lasurufieo Colliptilded we have. They'
are home companies and can be relied.
Intuit as good. if you have braises' to sell,
- or 'wish to purchase, ,give..M4 Ziebor a
call. J. Rs Ritter, dealer in all kinds of
, household furnitaro,Orpels, OH cloths, &e.
Everythitig needed to I).t OW a 'house cart
be found there. Glve Jacob a' call, he
will deal right with yen; Illit t . i.tmtti Is' No.
Di l'enn street. John , W.' Metiers, dill:
fiteept ill)0 rotlll.Plaov, Vane); and Orna•
mental Painter:—Carl t be beat. See his
lettering on the racks. Plicei towel' than
the lone 4. alto hlrn ti call aaa _ sat;laty
iptirself. Daniel Parker, 204 Fifth street,
.dealer In fish, tiy*ertt; 40., de:. Byl giving
,Daniel " a", cal( Yfpa, • *NI - * have
'your fish 0101411;4 • and delivered,
ready for the pan. 'Fresh' 11;11 received
every day. Stiehter, No. 56:! Perin
'stieet,ltuportor of 1.01), nt eel 'and Metal•
of everydescription, and'. has the largest
stale of. iriode Irk MS line in the interior of
the State, and from the fact that ho int.
'polls his goads front tirst Lands ho Is able
tootterllborai ludimoui,eri6i. Philip Ms
singer, AlreuuereltOr Ball, No. 611 Fenn
street; as you are passing his place just
stop in' aria, have ,yealtSelf refreshed, Ho
keeps•tbe genuine art tele. -We have tried
It and we profess to know. .A 7 K. Stauffer,
,Attoraey at Law wad Notary Public. Any
business entrusted to hiq care...will' be
promptly attended' to. W. Goldman,
City Billiard Hall, next. door 'to 'llslller's
,Dotel—ye lovers of amitsententgive hint a ,
'call anti to / his tables, ulitch are the e beq,
in tue city. Wm. Dickenson, i'lliMber and
ciao Fitter, 6th street above Penn, atttsotts
to all work entrusted to hiss• care . prompt-.
ly. tx. S, lierbine; dealer bn New and. See :
end-Handed Furnituro,". has the larik!'
est and most coniplete steek at` Await arc:,
and queen kware . In the city, at ;!iii.
SIS ; Penn street. Charles it liter's • Livery
Stable, Chet ry Alley above Glli, Ills teatttp-,,
are all in good condition : and will take oti
Over the grOnnthit a 2,10 speed. 'try them,
ills charges are moderate.; .lir;„eollins, sill
street. the great Indian dletliclito mph Ili' %
is no humbug, hiq in - opwraltoni
good, as they are all'. made ''froni — wet4,
herbs and plants. , , - , •
lle uses such means as Imvoolo*Nt tI t
With nature or the le.v. of life, • f
With bloohis hands he noCer stai ns, ;
Nor poltom men to 1113 e, t pit ;
But Gott with whom all goothie,ls illls
PrOyhteri the moin's to cure
Tho simple herb beneath our Net,:
Well used, relieves out pails coMplete
Fed?inary . / tin tobtr of IhSa boa at Ifni Fasit•
ion 1 orlotli4l s phblished At 1 ) 131.5..,
sin, and imparted by S.• T, Taylor, 1 .311
Canal Street, lTow York City, has lnien re•
colved. It is tilled with the usual contents,
which mak° It so popular and attractivo to
the laellos, .The colored plate is decidedly
pretty• and' admiralty executed, the sup
plemental pattern shoots nro voly useful
to the ladies, and the speehnens' of Fanoy
Work are innumerable and — hnuSually
splendid. The engravings of hullos.' cos•
tunic, in the, way of dresses, bonnets, oto s ,
aro also very Ilne, and must render DieWo
acmvell almost lad Isponeabio to the fatly.
Terms, 43 - Vor annum ; single copie' f s 83
• .t
to pall the special attention of our readerB
to the very largo sale of Atm Mut elegant
Furniture, to bP• hold on Tuesday, March
loth, at 10 o'olooh,,ntCOncort 111111 Auction
ROoms, P2lO Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
This sale Is on account Of largo manufac.
ur ors and doalers,,conshiting of . some three
hundred suits of Walnut and Cottage Fur
nituro, of tho latest and Most lasllion able
styes, comprising parlor, chathber fashion
ning room guits. This Is antic oppo,rtunity
for dealers anti codsunters,as •tho sale la
without rcoorre. • T. A; MCC tEL I. A su, Auc.
Witco': • • ' mar 10-41$1
“Time may sear and Mauch your brow,”
but it citunot billion your • huh., If you use
that excellent renewer ItVlOiVil ad "L,u•rct Ls 9
'VegetaOle Hall. Itesto . rative" to the raise.
lute exclusion: of all the vilu 'comp:nn - 18
'With whteh the market , ilooticd.—Ports
mouth Journal.,, • !mar 13.-Iml
lieu+, No. 10_Nortb gbali ree t, (up
stairs,) nearly oppoWto tho Court llouso,
Reading, Pa. •' • , _ (war
cot A t4l%
B {
Ul'4rl in o. •
W -
; • ."-k(
For many'..rettrig with Job. Mishler ett Co.,
AND 1 .
FRA IS ( 1 1 01 - YE
:ion of W in. H. I{i►o►lo, under the firm of/
They have on hand 'and will at hit tinted
koepa, largo and v olt selected stock of all
brantl3 and qualltlea of
. .
t r — ;• -
, .
BRANDIES A 24,1) 01Nii,: 7 , - --; -7 .•:';.!
• • • '44'
7 A oholee lot of . , ' . "
41180, 11110 double distilled rye whislty of
different brands; also common rectified
whisky and vinegar wholesale and retail.
Demijohns and bottles Oran sizes. All aoods
will t be sold at prices-to suib the times. -
They extend , an invitation to thoir
111010119 f11011(1c1 and 'the public generally;
and hope by strict attention - to business,
and courtesy to- all who may _favor them
with their patronsge, to gain the' cofill ;
deuce of buyers, HUG RES
Mar 8-lmd
. •
(, 3 011 N Al . . .SVA),I,1 1 ;
', % . n -.), • w
• ' -"." .''
'lll i ' ' - 'IT ,)
DI Alt ii•VD •• k li 1 T Et'
. „.,.•. • •
--, , . \
.11 -• ~:)" , , ..", •,,
! . 4
am 6.00 pENti , .. sTnter ; '
~. - ;.:, .' , •-‘. ..,. ~-, 'N ,
~..:-.,---- - -
Ali Li
;. ~ ~A
t titovplro*li.}.; ,11AT suititud
\ ' ,• •
SitEGIAL . •
I) 1 A N
I '
Atilt* . 6-Snit] . .
, .
0,11 PRIM:Q.4 Fd
description of Job
Pritittpt tioatly.ittoinfql st the' sAfkle . 1
4 ,l l iskthas xttablislunetf, 642, Penn strekit.
Zt, dame on the shield,
•Plit ti en li ntd pal(' OS on delivery. at Keystone
• °use, ituar 10.2td.
LAWN lbLiti win take pinee at the tt. 8:
owl on Friday, Marcia nth, 180. Tickets
23 mitt+. , • •
'N; 11.—The bog is to be eianglitered ,on
the prondees tut Saturday afternoon at
o'clock, whoa a box will ho opened for
gueasing. The winner can take the hog
away on Saturday afternoon at t o'clock,
mar le4td,
Vionelsdorf, forks Co., Ps.
tr, t N. 4 CHM..
ecellent aceonnuoilation, the land
lords obliging, and the table filled with all
the best the tnarket affords. _Connected
with tttio hotel Is a ilrgt.elass Lrvery Stable,
so that conveyancea are always at hand for
t ho4e who may f.ojeurn in the bountiful til
lage.. Omnibuses to and from the depot,
N, iii.--After April Ist, the partnership
.M ( 111 be divelved, and llvery Kachel will'
tok4inne entire control of the hotel.
4 -nrer 14-310 „
A:'I 7 CTI(*,TEEII.-- NO. 831 111 Nt;
A.. L. allitill stivet will ittlenil
Wilke of real catolo anti poNotial
propvily on re'agilliable terms.
- - -
sALE—A FINE luistin:NcE, No,
.1:13s tioutli Eighth gt vert.
it. D. 11ENJANI1N,
iqitt• Keyvlono Roust),
Quinton Toniatls !: Quinton Tomatoes !
fill 1:E BEST.
The Quinton canned 'lomat oes aro.the
Jose in t Market. For sale by the Ouse or
can At t ho Store of
Itl'HKltOLUhlt . l` MADEIIIA,
mar 8-41
, Marrow and MotriApn Beam ,
ConMo Pe«s," Nplit Peas, LeAtils ! hake).
Dried ('urn, fropiom. .ago,
• Bortey, Hominy, Gritz,
Canary Seed, (C.c.,
ttt 110) cheap atom 0f
ut:u• 9-tt bth ain't WaisblitgltNit
A eholeo lot at
mar 9-d
intived his MEAT MARICET to No. 41
Nortlicklinth strnct. , O 1 mid now custom
ers ttro Invited 16 call. All kinds of Fr'eslt
and Smoked Meats on hand.
mar 0-Iwd •
A liar'e and Well Selected Stock
ukam rApER
WIND() w 8141 DES,
At ,PriOes to Suit the Times. -
? Intdos Furniahod and Littorod to Order,
mar 9-littitl
130,11114 NC ; tV,ANTED.—A young gentle
man desir4boarding in a plat() fain
ily, itri.ou p w
er eM6. Address •
March 11--tll' “J," 'EAGLE 0 101()E.
i 3
. ,
• A •
All 841 es vviirrantod,to giro 14 t ,!itlilfacthiii
51 yE \IN•1511111,11DpT It*ADINt4. •
k inar I—tl A
, •
',468 ,4INTERS,
521 CO URN'
mar J-4--
• • '
:No.llB Piling street .below Franki In,*
between. Sixth and titeventb streets,
Ileaßectfully inform the oititens of heading
and vicinity, -that they are manufactuting the
very, best Ingrain, alt-wool Carpets, eVer offer
ed in this city, Latest Ykatterns sad colors.
Wholesale and retail at New York prices..
We invite the public to examine our floods
before purchasing elsewhero, and save 2a per
cent. Buy nut of: Orgt olruid hands. and i•urc
money. 1
C 0 .. , t ' 11. biAItIcLEY & O
AEA DAME pz coA)ol4Y•Dinnitimat9Bt
tilattti best works -1:11pagl with several
tine engravings. *Fries outs. , rur, sub
tit the • op TORE.
mar 81-3wdi • St* n street..'
ANtD r
The Greet Remedies it‘r aliDiseaseil of tht
Is composed the uro juices SOX. its
they art. wedicin •lally tenno 4 NA'
tIV013) of Hoots Herbs and Batts,
making a preparat oni highly conociitre
toi‘ and "ItirAlY free from 0160AQUO admix,
ilid 4 any kind.
. ,
itl n combitiat ten of all the Ingredients
of the Hitters, with the purest quality of
Mfoo &pa , ittn, - Orattge, ae.onalting one
of the most plea won and Agreeable reuse.
Ales ever offered to the publie,
• Those preferring it Mettleho free from
Alcoholto adtaixture b will use
Those who have no objection tit 014 cow.
Wiliam% of the hitters, ns stated, will use
Thoy ate both 1%41101y ctooil, met contain
the mime medietuhl virtoos, the Olioloo be.
I vireo the wo being n mere matter of t MO,
tho'l't►nte being he most pahitAble.
The ht quitioh, from a vorleqr of entities,
such as' lad Igestlon,Dympopida, Netvot,
etc., is very a ►A to Imo its Mae,.
lions d ()ranged.' ThOlAver,eympa
attilzintf as closely as it doott with
tla Stomach, nom beeomes atToct4l4, the
result of which is that the patient suffers
from several or more of the following i th i .
cases :
Constipation, Platalmo°, Inward-Plies,
, Fnneits of Blood to the Road, Acidity
of the Stomach, Naellea L _lleart-burn •
Disgust fbr Food, Ft'inelis Mr
Weight in the Stomach, Sour
Ernotations v Sinking or Flutt
ering et the Pit of the Monied',
Swinniting of the Read, Hurried
or Dlilknit Breathing, Fluttering at
the Hotta, Choking or Suti °eating-Sen
sations when in a Lying Postnr co, Dint
noss Of Vision, Dots or Webs botore
the Sight, Dull Pain in the Hoed,
Doficiency of Perspiration, Yellow.
nose of the Skin and Eyoa, Yalu
In thoSide,l3ack,Chost, Limbs,
. etc., Sudden Flushes of 'float,
Burning In the Flesh,Constant
magicings of Evil add Depression
of Spirits.
'rho Biafora' from Mono diseases should
exorcise thu groatcst caution in MO se.
lootion of a remedy for his case, 'mobs,
sing only that whiobilo is assured from
his investigations and inquiries possessor
true morit,ls skill fully compound.
eel, is fret) from ['Orions ingre
dients, and has ostab shed:for itself a rep.
uttakon for the cure of those diseases, al
this connection. wo would submit those
.welltknown ro modips—
-1106101,Ail D' S GRIZMAN 111,TZERS
PREPARBI) BY Dr. (1.-11. 4740K8011,
• Twonty•two years Mike they were first
1)11,10,111mi Into this country from Uor.
many, dorms which thug thoy hayq l
doubtmlly performo m
d merires, and.hon•
°Sited suffering immanlty.4 0 R greeter CA ,
tont, than auy other Comedies kuow;i to
the public,
Them) romodlei wilt • ofrootnallY cum
!Aver Complaint, Jamidipo,: - DI apopelii
Chronic; or Nervous Dobillty,. OwOnto Di:
arrlmia,Dbentio otltho Ridnoysantl,
all Ulm:loon mic a lug from a Disor•
(Wred Liver, Mum or WU:Blll44'
Beaulelng from any Canal Avikaloer:
I'ItasTIIATION Or 2'.110. Al*
inductdby Severe Labot4,
Hardships, Exposure l * Fevers, de.
. , .
Thero IR no tuedlemo inktant tnittil to
tht,so retnedlos in much (mites. A tone and
vigor is imparted to too witoloey atom,
the appotito h Rtrongtheite s l 4 ,.ood t Is IT
iTetoe ' i l ei e t 1 1 1 ) e ti 1111 4 :::1, ft tl i l l o e Avid eit i pri l (gig 0:
sound and healthy, the yel 0* - Ingo la
vradleatod front the eyes, u, bloom le given
to the eheeke,and tho Week mid iimous
invalid betomos a, strong 'and bettlthv
And feeling the hand of time Weighing
heavit) upon them, with all its attengant
inn, will find In the use or this DITTERO.
or tho TONIC), an elixir that will inlitiliten
life. Into their veina l _ restore In a Measure
the energy and ardor of more `yottthfue
(lam build lip their shrunken fermis ant.
give - health and happiness to their .re•
&lining yearn
it is a well-established fact, that' fully
one-hall of t h e female portion of our PEW
plation aro htlidOtlll a ill elkloymont
Of good health,' o r expression.
to use their nwn "never tutu well.olThey
are lnngtod, devoid of all euerffyeitteme.
ly nervous, and have no appetite.
To this einem of persons the BITT/0.8,
or the TONIC; is especially recommendttl.
• • ;
Aro made strong by the use of either of
those remedied. They will care every Cif OM
of DI Alt MOWS, without fail.
Thondande of certificated} have ito7 ;umu•
fated in the hands of the proprietor, but.
ap tee will allow of the'pablietition of but
a few. 'I hose, it will be obeerved, Exa.mon
of note 'and of suoh• Ntandlng that they
must be believed. •
Hon. Geo. W. Wooitward e
Ohis/ JUSIMer MiEtittrelne Crirg of PM, "`
.• • ,
a .•
I'HILAMILMarch THIAI i 6 ,la
"I f ind' Moofland's German hitter,,' is
goon 'tonic, useful ilk it} diteasoffOfthe
dikeativ,c organs end of gtqat ben
efit in emits of debility, and wan %Of ner
vous at:tion in the syntinad,
Yours, truly;
Mgt' W. WWI) W. 6,11,0."
• ,tlton. Jamee'Thom6oo6; A
Judge cite 19uprone Cburf
►' • - I'aILADIMPIII.II I , Apr,,ll 2141606
ccinsider lloodand's Gorman' , llitters!
a ratuabte rneilicing in civic) of attacks of
digestion or,DyspepsJa',• efin Foro.o this
from my experionde of it, •
• Yon)* with . rimppg," L '
troin Res. Joseph ki,'Kennipl i p. D
ruder rtf the Ten(hßapilil a&rM, Phila.
Dr. Jackson—Doer Sir : . I have , been ire
qubntly requested to connect my, name
With recommendations of different kinds
of me:Minos, but regarding the practice
as out of my appro date sphera l !. Ivrea in
all eases declined: but with a Clear
proof in various • Installs:Os an d
particularly in my own amlir,ol Ilge use
fulness ef Dr. Ilooffand's. GermanDittere
I depart for once from my usual course, to
express my full conviction t t for genera;
, lUity of the system, end v.
for Li'ver
lint,OomA it is a egfeand rxt eablepreporalion.
In some eases it may fail Out usually, I
doubt not, it *ill be very beneficial to those
who suffer from the above oensea. , .
yours, very reshettffiall ,
• ' ° J. - a. ICENKAIID,
Eighth, below Coates Street
• = )ror.l •ROV. E. Ip.Fetidall;
ilsisean4 tditor 1 07tristlan DAronfele. , Ary
I have derived decided bepellt from the
nee of Hoofland's German , flittersi and feel
it my privilege to recommend them' as a
most valuable tonieto all pito are eti ff erling
from general dehillty . ofJ'rOm Weaves art
sing from derangemjsnt, of th'elet •
K. P. V k1D0.1.1
. .
_, , , a.,
llootland's tferrutin;Rehiettell iti coun
terfeited. Boe that th wra pp erria f. M.
JACKS,ON is . en the of eae bbot-
Ale. all others arol?eotibterfeiti Prin.
Opal Office yid ti
. Ifaanfabtftry - a
the Delnan Mullane' tore Nat 03 AIWA
Street Philadelphia, Pa. -
di:W=o, #:
4.lpAtisi t rrop r og ot . •
, : • • . • .
X a ce
. 41r For wale by all Druggists anti dealar
In medicines. tJah 4,18-Iyeow