= l' antlinticd from ,fird pace. ) - C' means at their command to bring t t , - tri I I "vet', the chief of the rebellion. hate it 1 life remarkable failures in his cas wecti ~ti Often repeated that, ler ril• prioty's Fake, if furl Aber reason, it became at last netessltY to extend to him an unconditional pardon. What more 111111111rthittlethlifilldstittleg ` the extremity of party management and inconsistency on the ono hand, and of faction, vindictivel s td ,i 'tolerance on the other? lait/.6 a is wit hiiily,hel ttncouraged, lwliblt it eh I ' tee'ord it' '-''= sl that 1 -4 ;lOWA rewar4l 'may , be the , most virulent patty abuse and obloquy, if ' riot attempted diggratio. :' ' ' I iinte9 ,of. seeking to' make treason,. odious, it :spiel'', iii.tretli, seem to have I herm their puivotte rather 'to wake the dehisce oi.•tlie C...'ortstitiition and Union a crime, undl4,punish tfidelity to nit oath of oflire„if winter to, party dictation, by all the, niepna , at. their- command. Happily tor the peac'e of the country, the war .for iTetbrinined ngtt:tist the ittC , : toned powerofitlios States In withdraw at plcamitlfro,ut i t ion Y.sion•: The in,iti• ttition of slavery. itlt,o found, its.destrue tion in atitbBlli 4i i ;',- d il .011 ~,,i.iit..tnee.. la it s n• Wrests. it''shotild ber borne hi fai d. howeVerrthht the WO neither impaired nor destroyed the Constitution. but, (fb the centrary v preserved its , existence ma made appareitt Ito rep) 'raiser land (maw:, iiig strength;; 'Alt' the rights gianted to the States, ,or revorlell 16,th0 popio, ti.)ereforei.,,,sip , ,ititi)i;t. , Among those rights is }fiat cif the pe9ple pc i ; ach State to declarellio' tittalijiention of their own State elebtoile' ' ''' 'I ' . . It isnlowy'asstitned I that Coegr'etes tall control t)JiO, tight l . Alibich tan never ly e taken tiwityrftdin thy i'tales without i , , n • pairing ttie tgrinikeitini prinelplo of the governed:elf 11self.. - `l'ill neeessar, t/r)th e existence of .theifitat i 3, as well ass to the ProtectioM4lo libmttes,oc, kite Teeple. ltir the ag it to indeet ',the elector in whom the r 4iffetil r i over' of the State dial( be hid Aiics'olilts'the riOit , of the Suite to lgortfro.,llse/Vis 'non, deprived of this 1VF14)4 4 •tiv,4)::,4i0 StAtits . twill havb no power w Oh l ivarlig. Al } will -tie gone, andil el ,Nlll' in, snh'ttettattp the 1 arbitrarylol 1 1 4 Odn'ffosi. f he'llovern• ' went wig then; he eclatralixod, if not by the passage,of,lawti f ilten by the adore -11011, tht;oyit partite it ,infltomete of t i n aniendinea, fre;do i eoelhet with, the original 'Osiltnit .01' he 'Consiittitl en ,_ 'l'b i 's provdt how:tide ,coryit' is Vint the people 61 MIKipquit the adtaitdistratiOn ..1 44 the tbre9 Wet, epllttoto',,s ,of the Goverinijit.iiittet. ithijklim limits of the Constithilon;' ' TI ( fit' lio n ii ii nr i p i b a i t :, been riociirOittly; viellii lid; ' and' neltlitfr should ..3e4 ialloweditg , Irespasa iipon the `',: i .itir; ilec,,ab ! U. S. BONDs .• STOCK', Go SI.LATfAt Aid) CO I:014$ • LW 11.DIK AND PUILAINitrill A Interest initti on nll Delitvlt9 ()pert t‘i 4t it. Hi. BUIIONG & - 11110riiElt. 103. 14z4;3 READING FIRE INSURANCE AND . TRUST COMP'Y OF BERKS COUNTY • (truant lei', eh. ty, /807: eswittai flaq,oo6.* Office, Reading hisuraneo Iluilrtina, tlO. 19 North kith &reel, South-R(4qt , corner of Court Street.. , ok VICE lIOU nti loith/24 BA. tti V. IP*l4 pintirwonts: - - J. I'llIg(ILE JAMPLII AIt.ANIOHT A lIENny Z. VAN REED, JACOII SIIAPYNER, J. T. JAvi(t , o7.ti, 1). E. STOUT, JONAH SHALTKR, .1. T. VALENTI?. 11, GEOIZO ILINSERe rrIIIS COMPANY INSURES ALL _k 409 of property against loss or. dam• agn bV lira ft rates as low as any other roll- Company end upon every plan linbwn to Stoeic Insurance Coinpanios. Perpetual Policies . Issued- molting no, renewal and upon which the amount of premium paid can be reclaimed at any time a deduction of aVe per tot; The ed. vantages of this Method are wm thy of the attention of fanners and others having tied-ehtbs Alwelling 'houses, bariut and other bulitlif -, s, In town or country, RS bOlite, the eheapet mid safest. r Policies for one, t we, three, five or mOrA years; or for ley Thai) one year, twitiod . and no chaigeleade, for PolibY and survey when renewed or when insurances art transfer rod from othereoMpanies. The citizens a Iteatii9g and vicinity, hitherto dependent mainly upOn tOreign eta,almaiva have tiO)Y the Priv il ege 14 c4. teetmgtheirr insuritnees In a home inStltu.' boil, well organty.ed, alt I, an adequate paid, 1,, told guaranteed edpital; pre4u4tiag as Along a basis of seeurity;as that of ally k \t, other Company. .'.4, to advantage of deli, 'hushieg4 iiireeil.Y %\ th 'the' ComPaaY - Plq the Importance Of lc ' o PiligmeliiliPariler. 6 f the largo sions'paiti for insurances; in eir culla inn at home,-wiii be:appreidatild hy I'M. , .1. PRING Li: .10NCS, PreEddmit. ~ JAM ES.MI.KN hall', Vivo President. S.E, ANCONA, Seeretary anti Treasurth'. .., Aug 0, ltchi-lyd&w . = , CA. ((fIIL+'RI9MH3B't3 Extc s nsivo Graiti.Viarolio.uoo, OE PAAti.c,Rf;;, , Alll) .2 . . . , who my ‘6411 0, Ftort' lintin, Ac, , Storage nua comini,kvion relit Intikqe,' Allf),.ti rer.iriOr stock 61 .;. r • - . FLO 1J It •AN b Y c., ' For,talo wlieltistile qui tetuilhl, 'ovior [aloes thud ~tti be purcip.na.i eleowl) rq i +, Also, a t iqpori,, T AA it • . • • Hu okwheat Meal, Potatoiia. 0 Lilco. /03 kt th tat, Itoadtni,Va. fobs- • PR. JACKS ON'ti NAiEllil'lCA.• F!W : //E/SIEDY IN CONSUM.'TION. A phyhielan who had consumption for revcralyear,,, with frequent bleeding the lungs, cured hlnisell with a medicine unknown to the profession, whenhis case appeared . hopeless, and when givtat up by several,entlnent physicians its incurable. lie is the only physician who has used it in his own pdrsod, or who has any' know). edge of its virtue:3 / and he eat ascribe the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing but tho use of this *medicine ; and nothing but otter despair and entire extinction of all hope of-rotw toy, together with a want of confidence in all others, induced. him to hazard the experiment. To those suf fering with this ntalatly,he proffers a treat tment which he confidently believes tvlli Oradhatte Lite disease and restore jimalth. Ito has Witnessed recoveries that seemed beyond hope, when the worst symptoms existed. tall or send for Circular. E BO Y LSTON JACKSON ,- . No. 230 T ENTII Street Phtlatla. For Sale by HARVEY Milton, Druggist!, Reading, Pa., and all Drugguns, !- Nov. 2-tvw M ONEY WANTED F 1 BY THE CITY OF READING. , The undersigned, Committee; on' r Mance of the Corpoiation of the City of Reading, Is empowered to borrow the saw of I-FiVE • TIIOI3ELAti D DOMAIN for the purpoBe of enlarging the Water Works of the ,suitl city, and the said Cont. taittee hereby give notice that they .are aFred to issue Certificates for the Salle at sES per cent. Interest, to parties loaning money to the city for the purpose above Ranted. Persons desirous of investing in this loan will apply Welting of the wider. committee, or to William iluklutt. , retell ( &111., City Treasurer. FREDERICK LAUER. DANIEL MILLER, DANIEL SPURN. Committee on'Ellitinee. , •x•!.' 1 I , II - U• •M D • - - 01 - • •• , T 11.13 (IBLEBRA2'ED -Ak3T 'TItOTTI t Ng STALLION' .1f A NI) STOUIC ,1,10116 T. ;WILL stand the onsoing your at Royer's Ford, above l'hoout*vllle from Aptit 1 to it Iy, 1, For Information, apply to Dr. Dean, V. S., Royer's Ford, Montgomery county. Ternts,,W• for thQ season, to be palthitt llto tttno•Of service. o°o4 ntubligg and pasturing on the Orem Ism , Partienlar attention paid to makes• front a dbAtuivo, All mares at the t Isk .of the oWnbr, Ills est trot of the season was over Point Breeze Park ; time, 2;214. JAM ES 1110 LE, inar,6 •Stw) • , Owner. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE PEOPLE.. . THE BEST - AND. CHIULPESTI RENHOLD.& SOHOENER Nb. 41 Nort Sixth Stroot, 1 1'11E SUBSCR 1 TIMIS liilVll JUi3T ESTAII - fished I. lint-class Boot, and 'Shoe-malting ostabliskincnt o and stre at th to o abovo stated place, v,here th ey aro 'ON accommodate customers with t nc host articles in their lino of btthilloti: , • and it lower Prices than at any other place in the city. The following list of prices proves all we say : Illen'tt calf boots, Ft 00 and upwards. Mon's kip boots, $3 00 Men's working shoes, 160 Mon's Preach calf Congress gaiters,hoz to es,3 90 Men's calf tiongrel:s gaiters. 2 21 1 Mon's calf Bohai: rats, 00 Mcn's kip Baluaorals, ' ' 1 0. Boye_calf Balmorals, " 160 . Boys' kip Daimon's. , 1 ' ' ZS Youths' kip Balmorals, 1 00 Women's lasting high Per::11, - 216. Wornon's (Ingress gaiters, -, Th to 260' Women's lasting Balutorals, . - 100, Women's Morocco Balmorals, ' 200 Women's Morocco shoos, ''' • 16 5 - Wonion's kid slippers. . . 6.5 . Misses' lasting Polish, 1— • 1 45` . Youths' galtors from . la tte.. to 11, Youths' and hogs' shoes foto :Pal. to t'l lso, a large stook of notloue , on (lau d at fol . sale.. - ' , Jl. The above prices are lower.,, thal at' arty ler shutter plaat of heliu in the pity: - 0 , R E,P A I R I.', m N:(1 . v i' ' ' Particular attention is paid to . all .kinds I:if repairing,- , 1 1 , .) A • ' REINHOLD k Scl - sICENER, i NO. 41 -NORTH SIXTH STRis;P:T • (180 . 61 THU ootiii.r . Bottio,), READIN4, • P4l . sii4lll- •i • WM D It A It"ls N , Owe at ut, own Now inrylye,r REAM NG, PA. =I ALL OF FAStiOl'i • 11 ~ • i,y-i• ,;-:. .... ,_ ~., •,...,. : :"!, f • " ... '', : 5 " ' 4 • 100. 610 rit 1-;! Nil sir s. NI 171 r I .' -: ,1:. • . "t• • 1, - '.i -P,• '%l \ 1 ~,- 4 ‘.. 4 0 el —",--,- ''‘, J A MES E. STAFFORW MEROII.IIIT .TAILOU announces to tho citiZetla of Heading that having removed his Merchant Tailoring establishment to,. tiro room, N 0.616 Penn street, he is noW• pre• pared, with an increased stook or goo4B. •and superior facilities for manufaCtUtidgi to supply all with ' ,__' 4 t PASIIIONA BLE 9( tl►e best quality goods, gotten up in the highebt style. . , GENTS',•CINDERCLOTIIINti AND NISHING GOODS. of every yle anit variety to suit the taste of all In want of anything In this lino. None but the best hands are employed. anu all work guaranteed, The patronage . of the publie Is respeetfuny J M.E6 E. STAFlrtirtl), fob ISM No. 616 Penn St LJ (TIM. EX VELOPES AND INITIAL LET TER PAPER, 45 CENTSBOX. INMAL EN VELOPEI3 A ND IN A ITIA J, LET TER PA PER, 45 CENTS A BOX INITiAI ENVELOPES AND INITIA I. LET TER PAPER, t CENTB A BOX S' ~ • • PpLEY'S 13EST UtilD iIiNS AND 1101. - - Ettri AT KM. FOLEI."§ DEST GOLD IrENS AND 1101D EMTIiBESTAPi;.ANDiaL I) • FO iirg. BEST i lthg S' AND 11 ThD ' , AT . - t NM • EMS AT EMILE so 1104. sTob Hot* kvolt 801, ) AT EA MA BOOK BTORn d 1 El N). 511, STREET NO. n: PENN STREET No. 41'2 PENN STREET •fob C AVIIAT EVERYBOD \ I WANTS. VT, MORNING I,IC4IIT.—W. P. 11AIN 11[1'4 secured of Olin, PAINTER, tt, CO., tlic inguitcy for the abovu naneed stove, which Is tnbuting'' with unparalleled . success wherever It appears,' It combine nil the I odern Intproventonts', such as reversible cross passes, toodor door end cut off dues, &e. It hasiixtralar4o OVEN, mid as tv bubo! Is ttot surpassed by any stove In tito mar ! hot. They Inive Ulligivett thc• best s tits. faction. Every. stove warranted. The place to got It is at No. ZI North •Elgltill .Street. ROOFING Atilt tiI'OUTINLI and nil kinds of light Job 'work solicited and promptly attended - to. Haying. had consider-. MAO exiv; t levee lit this line 1 Ice! -sat isfied that I tom prodUee week In the beet manner possible, and at reat-o a ttble teitas tis any.other pine° in the city. To such its »my ftwor '»to With Litelr mune 1 will say that the bust or sat tittle. tion will be guart r teed, W. 'l', MAIN, 90 North Oct. 6313102it1. i R E PIO V A,LI IiEMOVALII 1144TO'S LIQUOk STORE. , 11`, Ilan boon romovott)trom tho Keystono Build ing to tho now and 'ologantfitoro, NO. 437 PIiNN NTREET, Whore oustothers will find a very Inrge eto,:k of the best rnd purest WIN leA, BRANDIES, WHISKIES,, ' &0., ever offercid to th; public of Reading. Alf •the proof of the Ohm, that to required is trial. A abaro of patroitage i soligited. f . - ; WODUSBARTO.P J, KERLY, WaIIIA:gALE ANI) DEALER IN i' I LUMBR I IIEADII44I, Keeo constantly on hand and for sale at tits I • IA EST PRICES, A general - witiortment of WHITE ' , Lim, HEMLOCK, CHERRY, OAE,, ASH, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK,AND WHITE WALNUT, CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, MICIINAI , 4 PA-NEL L UMBER, Thorougidy seasoned and under cover. 1' fl. ND NOII TM CAROLINA:4I RP, 'EN ,SIViMP VEDA R 'B.H IN Cr 14 E S • • KfrOktlOn 4.4l3pUctftiny tiqd komptly attt4oltitl to, kor dull at tho .NEW, II It,I,C.OFF.I.CE,H, ? , Orktlia pant et* . 4,Fotkrth and Pine St reni . . : * • Obi ai l k li B l 3 , 4 ' 17 1, :' vil j". *: *: ..; , 5,, .. 1 .i.t ; • . : ;'t IL 4 1* * M-121.1 " ' ' --; igib 28, 1.808-ifdl , REA.DINO PA, =I ~" i II IBM AND isx4o, AB uizAli AND PE ARTU It F. Op ikit lifttlitilla,4lltirNur, 'P r e l I s A l I A, L o B t . Li t !, Nat ed to q lontitatio —Leaves Ite i• a ..01 - 1 , li. Tttes ay, I h um! .! 14 tar .Re a saiikai a) . 6 and P ) 14 / ~,, 1,4 'inlet. it .4 1174ti4` ifeittiitotiowiii a tiled Post Ofi ct , g awn, tiouglersville. A iniatowaMa:rty. TWO. Rearatt9W44— . BOYERTOWN MAIL AND STAGY. LINE Leaves Boyertown at 6 o'clock, ee. inA rises at Reading at 10 o'clock , a , no. litt uni ,l' !wet Reading at 234 p. in. Arrives at It,' ertown at Ir. r. It aeives Si onentrille, 1.2 deldville. Orea,_ vale: Yellow Route, g i rl and BoYerrow • i TERNvrtiliß MAIL AND STAGE LINB Leave., Bethel at 3 o'clock, a, zo., a rt i,,, lak Aerns •if 10 o'clock ; a. to, Retur leaves eadlog at:: o'clo k, 1,, in.. u otli tti Millers uric at 9 p. co. • t serves LeintaclL4:, Lower Bern, Bernvkile, ehrersbur ilediti, Tulpehoecon and Reuters 1111 s. t. BLUE BALL MAIL AND STAtii; LINE Leaves Reading on Monday, ll'eAlne4r ail Friday at H o'clock,a. in. Itoturnins, i mt Blue lion on Tuesday, Thursday andSatuor,4 arriving at Reading at 4 1 , o'clock. l'• In. n supplies Mohn's Store. R miner's, 8,,,,,,,, is twills., Muddy Creek. Terre 11111, Weaver's awl Blue Ball. 1 PIQUA MAIL, AND STASIR LINE • Leaves Reading on Monday, IVede6ll and Friths)* 1 7 ° W ° °k• m. •Ak.rrives Reading on 1, estlity, More ity and battudip at 5 o'clock, p, to t It supplies Mt. Peen, enivillo Joanna k'urnace,Morganto wn T a l H villa, Honey Dlooko, ermitage. • LOBAWISVILLIi mutt AND 31AILLINE , Leavea Lobaohsville on ;Tuoday i Th umi . and Saturda.T at 6 o'olook, a. us A n i vei R ea ding at 9,4 o o.look. a. to. Returning, Leartß; Reading at 2'. .o elook.o. m, Arrives at L o . bachsvllle at 6 o'clock. p. in. It serves Oley and Lobachsville. READING TO COLUMBIA Daily by Railiati—Leaves Reading kt 4 t. " at 171)0Lr Dill, S uP l l . i n e n e i I l k ri v in ltiiin k li r o r it l is Station, Ititeyens Ephratax s ligg e , r it s l p a r n i b ni e e lm , • IVXSTCIIESTER Ito BITIDSLOR O Btarre—Letives Weotchcilet 6111101)1111Y. Weduestbir end Frid ay m 7 a. to, Artives at Dirdpboro at 7 v. tn. Rehnsiar le a ves Birdsboro on 'hoick, Thumi lva i Saturday 10,7.-o. M. SiiPlthes 'Ocifer's [ills, Bine Hoek, bong's Walhice, I.llteh lied, L . vilie and West 14 biteland. • READINO TO 11:011,SSO Scuul-wee.ktir Itjtage - L s iaves Reading t Tuesday and . a turday at 7:ZUa‘tiu. and arrivei at Reading ut a. • TO ROST' . tieuti-ookly - by Stage—Lewes A te di bl Tuesday and Saturday at 111 Anive4 at Routing tit :1344 R. Ili. Sai»iii.:4 Adam) Tavern,Leier 1( olburg, Nu ITeldelbers, Krlek's und LpESPORT TO NORA • Trl-vrenkly by.thafru—Leaves Leesport Tun. day. Thursday and Saturday at 12 La. - Ant% t. Mlle: and Mollto wn. eesport at p. in. Supplies SoutliTa • , COXTOWN TO VIIWINSVILLE Tri-waekly by Stn o-:--14etiv'es Col town Tut, day i Thunalay.and baturtlay at 9a. ie. Anil ta at I , OXIOViII at.! p. in. , Supplies Kirby %ilk Moselem and Virglusvillo. IttlliltE.4Bl3llßO TO fiTQUeIISII,IIIIO Tri-eieekly' by Stage --- Leaves iiebrertiaus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11 R a i , Arrives at 'iehtersburg At 6 D. m, SupOlici IVintcreville and Host. Important to Printers 3 PRESSES FOR SALE, A FINE CIiANCE 1 011, ,NISTS Al4ll MAN'UFAC En-8, wi,...• ( ONE EN GrlNt 't p ) )N 14; BO I,lli I3E SO Id) CIRAP. l'ho following ingoliltieCy le olierml kt rata, at 'APR ; ONE 081ILLATINQ ENOINE Ok FOUlt 'HORSE POWER. - ON 1: Eliill').LHOßS.o TUIMAAR RIGHT 11017.11:R. .ONE LA IMF: DER Plik NT. MU Pittlgs; Gazurrz ONE SMALL. VASLIINOTON PERM. ' Nin NO PRESS. Apply at flu) Adler ()Aim, or addreds .111,17Fi1t,tt CO., Reading, 11, dee 7-' t• , - SPECIAL NociTIC.E. Previous to removing Into our New Stole, NO. 11H CHESTNUT St, ABovr MANCH 1f .1869, We will clOHe out, elk large Eitecktof wA'ruitES, DIAMONDS, JFIVELItY, PLATED AN Lif3/ LV ER 11:ABL CLUCKS, IMM /ANC I tiOUIJJ, AT REDUCED PRICES., l'orbOnts tlosithig to purobtoie for the / 103 1 , 1ay Bottoon will Hod it, to thou► tolvan• tago to olutOttiO Our Ktak. (*JAltlif & 111RD1E, Btitcroo.ro - io 7'huliuts • , No . . 712 CHESTNUT STREET, PRO inay 23,15 t S - TA AtIItIOULTUR 1 . 4 SO' UP 'lll E'L'Y,—Proosald for holdingilican not exhibition o f, • the l'Onnekylvatilie Itgat! Agricultural Society in deptetuher i) 01 :1 will las reeetVed by the unilersiMied lot" ll Tuesday,- /den •17th, 1E69, 7i. gutoirr tee for the performance of the prej., tton ferniereti , *ill be required.The.r*,!",4 wilt Mett'ittive Committee on the 1 .9 4 Muth, -and:decide non location._ , I` . * NOrPiumbeilititt should he tiddrep l sed to - Atnoio loPv' or A., Boyd Hamilton, ' " feh 204tiv * • .„ • 111.111.ongakerAlleto*n. EMI = BIWNzES; ETC.,