. . 5 . • • . . .. - 4'l • . . . , , I, . . , • • . . 1 • -.. .. • . ... ' "e• 4.11 , . .. 1 • . .. . . . • .i ..... . . •. • • . ."I • - .- . . . . . . .' . „ • ' •• • i ", t ~, ' . . , . , . . . . . , . . .-- -- - . - - - . •• , • . . .... _ . •. - •._ , • , • 1 • . i -, - ; . :. , .i..,.•. . , . . A, . . , . .. . • . .....,N,„ . . . , ..„.,.. k .." .• ~.•., .. ...,.„ 4 ., : . . : 4; 1 6 V ; 1: . :• .3 ,.1.... 1- ,t - - .•.:, , Y ~!;:.-,•- . • I ' '"' . ' 4 4 • ''' , ,'. •' '''. •_ . ~: ,_ . ...:'.7- ,'-•_,,,,.....- . .: i .. . -‘,,, -,..,-• ...,. . ~ . • .• - • , - - ..:' : C - ?..i... - • - ' • . , . . . , I . `• ,\ : 41=1.1":r••••.- - . . . . .-....,... • • .. . _____—.. ~ ~......—.,... , ,__._ ...--._.• _.__,.....__ . --- ~... , . ......._.... 1 .., .3_. - -. - .....i . _ ---•-. - . 41 ---- --- VOL: . : . •.. ... , . . .• . , MARCIE 10 •18f)P .. . , .- - _• • . . . ~,... • . . __ _, ..._._ .. ... . . , .e4G DAI,LY BAGLE • . . • . •• 1 , D i . IJOI ' . I.l\ ' • I • • !l ' r _-4 R iker 1.1 , • , , . . .• . BillilllOßE LOCK . . . , . .. • . .. • • II . . . . . Is rVithISIIED .11.11.ty ilk . • , ' • ', _• . . • • . 1, Oilleo 1f0.,7, South . , 1 , TUN 914LY . I'llY8J' It, I ‘,/ ) 11,1 14 1 P i & .0 0 , 1 . 1 . . • ' • I trio illecoyored ti' • ' F.lrcettitit Ital . . . i at syas• AT NO. 542 PENN STREET. • .. te/i . WY fled by t i . . __ _ ____. Poisor• - • , ' -- - -- . . - r•ll,RTlqP.ME:sifii INSERTED AT REA- . • , , • i • A CU' SONADLE RATER.• .. - . . , • '-• . 0 1 • . _ . . . , - - - • • i . .. .. .. _ ..... ..... _.. ~ , . .. • - ,MAT,THIAS MENGEL, - • . . , , . , . •fi , • • , . . '''- • • , . . . , . . :,, • , . . -• . . , , 7 ' . ' • . • .: : .r . . . . . . - ' • .., _ , . t .. ..., .. - - - . • . ' . . . . . _ . . . • . -.. . .. . -- .. .- . . . , . • • .• . . i • . . IR:Witiin AMOMMilliiiii9ll grain : Loaves , : '' . • Itoading at 7.30 A: M -, rotornlnit z front I'llll - . adelpitia at Lts P.M. U . : . . , Thu Pottstown Av.contunallton • train . . ' . leaves Pottstown at 0.14 A, M. li:turning . . loaves PlilladOtpttlit at 4.00 P. M. ( , „ . . Tho Il(ostern Exprosn trains 'connect, at bp' , . liarriabnit 1 with Expi•oss trains On Wm I'ennsylvanla Railroad lot nalLimore,Pitts .., 13nrgli and all pohiti %%rust ,and t ho 1,0.4 i, Mall , • train connoctv, at. Harrisburg , tor Pitts I ) . .• . _burghs I , lllWheter,Clittinborsitim Stinbar noran ton, I'ittston, IV II kosharro, Wi 111 P , . . , pOrt, Lock IlavOn, Minim and tho ' •d as, .;) - ? , . . . •' 1 .. ', , Pftssettgoi• trains leave tippet. I' • Ephrata, bltiz, Uoluinbitt and 1,: , 7,00 A. M. wok 0.15 P. M. • t . . Throngh First-I.:labs Collin) , Emigrants' tickotu at retio•- • t !to prinoipal points in Litc .._ . . t4lloo (;antolas. IN .4 COMAIUTATIV .r i . . ', . With 33 • Coupons "'? . cou n t, betWeoll lit' . h141,1'. ) 3 1 . - . 'Good tor , 2o•• a t irw. o0•-lo' y 1)03E AT TUE ' ! , , 5 ~ . i. _ . . tiood R . , , • . ' Wont , ?!. • . ' Farr ,:... . IoP • AT Tilt; •_' ' •---;•• i‘Z • - t . , ( • '• EA(O,E, PRINTING OFFICE, ..; . il 1 , 1 , , • A'n. 51 . 4 PENN siItEET. - 11 N --- ~, . •,1 , ..: iii 3 i ikil I 4,4 ('ATIIOI,IC I'ItAYIM, 11001(S. .c.• , Si l' t VI'llOl.IC UItSIII,INI.MAN Li..A L. . , ... .-.,.:' li EY UP' HEAVEN. • :,......! 1.,'. • '- VIII; cMIIIOI,IC VA.I.)F, I%IEI:UM -'' UNCLE IRAN K':i SERIE.-3. 11E READING DAI,LY :FACILE I.IIERMAN AND ATTORNEY m. " iv . omen Ni,. 2I booth - Sixth ;.et . All loda or collecting and' eon „riocilig ( k toile at Mc ahorpest notice. o h o t consul for Ailminlatratol . a in tituK up ritateN 01) rcitaonabletoroor r i-d .._ .. DR. LOWS Do BARTH KUHN, rvicr, AND It IiSIDIT:NCH, No. '2li North 1 Ninth otacct, Rending, Po. !deo 3 )It. Pin N STEPHEN. _ profesalonal services to alto eltlzonn of Iteloling ()rya 8 I No. gin NOWL'II 151kWIL T. 'ln he censultod In lie Enallahr and (lut e an languages, at all hours of the, day or l ot, % o l eo not profeluitnnOly absent. Ike ti-nualttlv I.',_ H. M. NAGLE, ll Y6WIAN, (IL 8. l'ohnlon Surgeon.) II sti cot, Reading, ru. ( Hun honris—l2. to 2 p. ni . . 0 to 8 p.lll. I . _ 13' -W 0 R K , iERM AN AN ENGIASH, Sl[c►.lt'l'ES'l' NOTICI4,, j OUSE FOR RENT,--A TIIIME.STOItY f BRICK HOUSE, with tlco•story batik nnl lint;, ettaata at MI l'ona atreet, he- Eighth and Ninth, ntiltablo for quirt% Tho tbli f a Rory 14 alTungeti for u rnl {r Room, ()ply to I' RI ZiCill; MU, 80011 Ninth btictit, MIS MERRY Illilltr3 UMIt I E 6. ' litil,DEN 1,1(11F1' SERWS FAIRY MOuNBEAM sINGI NU BOOKS. 11.11'1 1 T: V(liCE` sABBATH SCHOOL BF,LL YOU :3.11,E HT ' AT THE IlLeitiliE ILOOR wronE, Ne, 11 reit'l ,Sfrert neatility, ret, LUMBER LUMBER 1 1 BOAS & iIAUDEN B U 811, Corno r. 4th and Sp Shoot. rkib.vt Combo PIM on ¶(h a., below froit.) THE HEST, ell EAPIO , T AND StD.3T ENIENT YARD IN TIIEIuITY We have constantly on handl it largo tinent of all !chola of Lumber, which 1%01 tie disposed of at Oil low 08t Prtce4 In quantities to suit pureittwors. AUG. t, BOAS. (3) O. W. RAUL) EN MR 11. 14-titi E CRY 15 ST UAL 111 EY COME! lIU RUSH CONTINUES FOE, BooTs AND sHoES. N. T. AN ` l)) FASIIIONABIA BOOT AND SHOE IYIAKEE, 653 Pearl-Mad, Reading, Pa 1.1 AA CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE 1. i VINEST ossorttnent of Fino and licavy , No' and Shoes In this city, obi) Ladle's :1114 Children's Shoes of all kinds. Soo liet of '•'/(''' and Pikes: . . Men'e snit hoot 4, home made, $3 5 1 ) to VnO • " kip .1 ' o " 8 (1) " 875 ii(Vg 4 (41' It .4 200 " 275 Y OUtteg .. 4. .. 150 " 2 '45 Wo'lllo4 kip loco trouts, • 125 " 175 IVolocti , s Go*t Polkili, 2 00 , ! 275 Mi ,, cs , .. ~ 14" • .'A 25 Men.' , .; Myth+ i i ' 111 " Pillilltillll 4 i . no Wonivios " " SO Xtsi o 0 children'; b 3 • lce.7 _ . o :in VOlt 5A1,1;.-11111 bo hold nt Vrive.tto I the Stock of J. ROI/UE:IW n AJMER 'UM% With appurtenntiooP, al, No. 25.5 Point 'I wet. Itemlnig. Sold on occo - unt e of going into eller tin.6iness. " [fob.% tr;rTatT i t l , t t ns • 0.09 per week. Address • 31sreh 6 - 4 11 EAGLE twricit;. --- A SSIG N E E IS NOTICE.--ELI Al Hecker, of tho township of Maiden k.veek, in the ec.outy of Mirka, having exc• ttite.l un it43lgninont, of I►ll , his estate to .10514 S, Foli, of the same Witco. In trust for the Isenellt of 11 1 4 creditors; on 'Bth tiny of February, A. 1)., `lnolee 14 hereby glvon, that wi ll persons g M 3141 ostatC, P1.0861,1 HIP In, 10141 4411 personm on - lug' toolloY ( 0 ha" , , tme, will niuktl• unioctliato payment to the underaigne4l. • J°l2/'fr°N. feb .!`:titw • IMO BEM 111= CLOTHES WRINGERS, s TEr i., ADDYR c' .1 111 I' ' ! A RUA klib. I , Al r' \., 41 i t =I iN 1 1,1 N I 1 It 41 I RARDVVARE STORE TlllOl AND PENN S7B. miff In 143 N I E AND Bt iLl4 l ,li, FOR. SALE IMPORTANT TO mAupuasTs CM NI ANUFACTOIMRS, ME liiMil ilie outlorbigliefl offer her sale, at re.t. ,fontible ratN4, ON t)st'l ht s.VIAN(I EN(.IINE • FOU,B, 11( MSE POWEAL ON EIMIT-11011SE 'Min; R UP- R VI HT BOIL 1!: R. Apply. at the A toLiot Office, or athfreg., • u,irivrElt, .& co., itEMSINOI•PA. , I IM EMI E FOR THE 'GOOD ITHAT LACKS ASSISTANCE :! FOR , THE , WRONG TH • READING, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, ' • • PNILA.•AND READING RAILROAD WINTER ARR .INILFMENT A . ci,v' 411" E "1 - MOE lit W' 11711 FIVE TRAINS DOWN TO PIIILADEI PHI A, pasdlng Beading, at, 7,20, 10.1,) apt 11.15 A. dt., anti-4.2 and G. P. M. UP TI) POTTSVILLE, to., W.:15 A. 5.60 gild 6,00 P. M. TRAINS WEST TO LEBANON & HARRIS BURG. Westf.9.ll Exprems from Now-York, at 1.0.3 A. M, Knd 1.50 P. M. and 10.10 P. M. - - Ilarrlabittic Accommodat inti 'l;talit at 7.15 A. M. and. /scants at, , 1().45 A. M., and 11.05 P. M. On Humbly, the dou n irai►ts patis Ituailk itt 11.40 A. M. atml, A.V) I'. and up ttaliihlqt 10.60 A. M.lind 5.571'. L. Tho 1.25 I'. M. iloa 1 , and 10.50 A. M. up I t run only bola eon Philadelphia and It 4 qt.t. lug. Up tralua leave Philadelphia for Reading, liarrhilitirg and Poltsvilio at 7.30 and 8,15 A. hi t IY. i 0 noon, and 3.30 I'. M., and at 4.45 J'. N. tor lteadim:r only. The 8.15 A. M. t falu connects with tralto for Tamaqua, Wil liamsport, - Elmira, :Ungar% and Canada. The 8.15 A. M.,ststsl:l.3o I'. M. up trains It on l'Ill!sulolpItht, and 10.35 A, M., foul 4:20 M Abwn•ttßtlba,stop only stt, piiuctiotl to t lona bolow Heading. Heading Accomunitiatiun Train: Loaves Reading at 7.30 returning z froin Phil adelphia at }.151'. M. Tim vowitowit nv,commodtion train leaves Pottstown at 0.14 A, M. it:turning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Thu Western Express trains 'connect, at llarrisbnift with Express trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad lot ilalLimore,Pitt.9- berg Ix and all polnti West ,anil the 10.4 c, train councetv, at. Harrisburg ,tor Pitts. burgh, Lanciteter,Cliainbersburg, Sunbury, &wanton, Pittston, IV pert, Lock Haven, Bluth a and (he Cana. diet. Passenger trains leave tippet: Depot for Ephrata, bitiz, Colin:11)1a and Lancaster at 7,00 A. M. and 0.15 I'.ll. Through First-Chem Coupon Tickets and Emigrants' ttckotu at reduced Fared, to all t prjnetpiti points In the North,lVest anti the Canada& COMMUTATIO2C . PIOKETS,9 with '2O • Coupons, at 25 per cunt. die. count., between any points desired. ItIf.I,IUUE TIVKETB, 'Good tor, 2 . 000 tolloa, between MI }rotate, at, 4:4 04) -for families ontl bllBilloB3llrme. SEASON TICKETS, (lova toe the holder only, for 9, 0, p 0,11,1 Inoatll4, between all points, at reduced Fared, School Season Tloket lefi3 than the above. Jr4v : PamengerB will take tho Expresa trains West tit he UPPER DEPOT, and all other Mani; at the LOWER or OLD DE POT. 100 pounds Baggage allowed each passen ger. , • Passengers are requested to purchase theft ticketa before entering the ears, as higher fares are charged it paid In the cars. Excurrilon Ticket°, good for 6110 day, by 1.30 A. M. Accommodation Train. to Phi( adelphia, and return, at in 65 each. U. A. 241C01.1,5, Nay 23J Ueneral Superintendent. EADINO & COLUMBIA ILAILILOAD 11, un aft.orTlitirs &In:KM Lott nett any, Nov. 260 1869, i t 'ithseligor Anhui will run on (lila fon( n 9 Pillows: Leave Itcatiliii; at 7.0" A. tt ti •II f 13,15 I'. hi. Arrive at Ltoicivier at 9.15 A. At. " " Coluvabia at - . 0.25 A. tt " " Lanciiater at 8.25 P• M. " " Columbia at B.Bol'. M. RETUitti l Ntl : • Leave Lancaster & Columbia at 8.00 A. At. Colnibia at " Lan O caster at 3.2.5 P.-AL Arrive at Email Int( at • 10.20 A. M. ." ut (Loading at 5.40 P. M. Truing Nos. :Vaud I make close conliec- Lion at Reading with WOW) North and South, on thb Philadelphia and notullnu Railroad, and Weat on tint lalloton Valley Road. No. 2 als'o makes close connection with train for Now York. Tiokots can Ito obtained at the offices of thu Now Jersey Contral it, It., foot of Lib erty street, NOM York, awl Phila. a Read lug It. IL, Thirteenth and Callowhill Pnlholciph la. Through Tiekots to Now York and Ph 11- .mielphia, sold at all tiro urlnelpal t.taCons and ba3gago ehocked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and [Lead ing Railroad time, which is Lou minutes faster than Pennsylvanian. It. Time. , GEOIWE F . 44E, fitipachitewlent • h Bar F.R, Ticaet-A g olo,. Abb 13-1 w 1 1 ^ J. R. BAR T RETT & CO., Prop/100r,, I • . 31.1$011E8TE11, Di. U. • • ~ , 141111 by ittl 1 111rmfg•LNIN awl Den'evil ill Kilt.nt liTetillelsiet4. , _ H. 81R011,65 BRO., Di:. A. IL LIGHT, W. J: THIERWECIITER, WILLIAM WELLS. Iltgetits, 110;(littg; inny !, I; T A AUMAN& 11.11\17%111,1,, • AND IW,A LETS --' (IWIW'I4: LIQUORS, \VI NES A illl EG.EkIIS, 123 NINTH NW. tP1:1.1'111.% G. LAVMIN, G. C. lIAIIAIII.I, le' , . ..1 K RyDE v. .k ro. ~ 3i., 1(! hip • woEvEtcs ' ' Colobrated llorb Bittern (111 1.4)! ter ci WINES AND LtNORS, AL . 34_ , V 4 0i0 Agent:l - for 13AILyy's' ITNitivAtt,rl `I II, VA ‘‘'11181(11 , S. • No. 121 Noah Thircl•Street, l'lllll,lTvlil,lll For !if le st the Eagle pooknore. EINIPI.OVAI ENT AT YOUIt OWN HOMES. Hint to,it, SEX—lintlablo for steady Imo*. Pays largo profit e.—Addres tl for pa rlk tilat at Once; "COSTAR," No. 10 CROSBY MT. N. Y. t LATEST ikIEW YORK' AWS _ . 71 IJA FAS I I I r• • LOOK OUT I ! LOOK OUT !.! LOOK OUT I ! LOOK OUT I ! "Ileattl Hloy the Cowie:clan." - "tiyves a Rosy Glow to the Cheeks," dteby Pingo to the Lips." "It moves ell Blotches Red Freckles," write Bust Ito the World," " COSTAR ' S " • t • BEAU'rIFIEE! T 111: Bittor-Swoct and ,Orango Blossoms. ,oz• ono 101 +I.W-111reo For *2.00. woo nation Hunt hi ono (Inv in N. Y. City, A II Druggist , ' in Iit:AMNIA soli it. • [3l.,,ninv [4yw r • A vil. .26 . 1 “Oit MYI IohMY! can't strinfl ; but he did, for he tfefit right off and got a box of 'COSTAR'S' 000, SOLVENT, nod it °tired Liu►." Thoognuils of lioNeti MI dd. - All DrugglBtl in REA DINU sell It, "( OST A I VS " TA SN DA 1;1) P 11,11; ['AlL'Ai 44 C'oitaes" llytt, lintrehote.,Eiterottilirtform 44 Costaioriu tied /Inv Erter•ntinntora. “Comfar'N'Y (only pore) Insect _Powder. "Only infallible Remedies known." ~ 1 8 vcurH CMI mil (shed in New Yoylc." "2,etio Jhuses and Flasks mitn i quetured tie 11 _ I " ! ! ! Rem are I I ! of ,murious "All Oniggl3tB in HANDING sell them," Address "CosrAit' " 10 Crosby St,, N. Y., or, Joloi F. 111'N ItY, (6 1 1CettSIOr to) 1 ) EMA B B.VIZNES tt, Co., 21 Pork How, N. Y. feb 18-(f&W ARRANGIORNTI • I)te - . TR IN3, C , o , m m c pci llg l lonlq. , I?cctrbcra se, teo. ur e w..,s, M ail Tr„. „, ~i Jves lieu.llo 10.3',A. M.;.ailiv4,tholilowit 12.0xit Now York 3.50, I'. M. NO. 7 Fart 111.il, leave)Roatllnglat 4.20 I_.' M.,arrlvi.s at Allantowl 5.55 ; at NOwYmk in,3, V. M. -'. ,Nos. S awl 7, run dully, oAcopt Sunday, slobping at all Way , tilationa botwoun .13,4!AtlIng nod Now York. 1 • ' EXPItIc e SS TRA INS : rs.„ „ ..„ • , . : ~ .....,,..; ... leave livittllng al • II II 1:111 Arrlye at New Ybrk uL , - • The-At trains' run through from Pitts burgh to without ehange'of earfi,stoppkng Only byon•4, Allentown, Butlilehent, Canton .Intiotlon, Clinton, While toniesiville, Bound DrOok, Plaintivel and fillzithoth. • Thu 5.11 A, M. train runs daily (Except hiindays and Mondays. The 2.23 P. M. trains run daily exempt, Sdndays. Thu 1.3 t M'and Lee A. M. trains run West bound trains, leave. Now York, at thu foot of Liberty ,rt root, as f011owe . : Li - Ave New York. t • , difrrae al &Ming. 12.00 M. MO No. 6, 0.00 P. AL omo A. M. Express :Plain, 11.E0 P. Al. 5.10 P. M. Expre , .s Train, pus P. M. SAO P. M: Express Train, LOU A. AL Mull Train I,,tving . Allontown at 7.20, A. M., stops at. all Way Station: arriving at Beading ut 0.19, A. M., rtinn i ing daily o4ent. Sundays. he. 12 M. Tritinilrom Now York, stops at all Stations betwoon New ' and Reading, leaving: Allentown at 4.2 e), I'. M., arriving at Reading at 6,00, P. M , run. Bing daily excew. Sundays, • The,B.oo P. M. train from New 'York, runs daily- ktopplug at Elhombetli,! Plain deld, Sommerville, Junction, Easton, and' Jlethlehent, arriving at Allentown at 11.45, "P. M., passing I:yous at 12.29,A. Al., arriv ing at, Roadie:tat Iko A. M. rlteBolloll are • requested to purchase tickets boforo entocing , the cars, n - 25'cts extra will be chargadand collected on the train from - all who pay the fare to the Conductor. ' COMMUTATION *T/CICETS, good for Twenty•six Trips, at 25 per cent, MACOUnt liaWeAll any points desired. MI LEAti E TICKET BOOKS for 200) miles, nixst between all Points on this or the Philadelphia & Reading It. It., or Om Beading & Columbia R. It., at $52.50 each 101 fandlie_i and firma. good for this holder only, for throe, nine and twelve months, nt reilueed rat 08. P. M. ERMENTIIOUT. General Ticket Agent. Jan 2411 FREDERICK W. LAtißp, • ' LD' J ," , - (Inter 'FON& If'ath halo,, oircee., Regd i fig, Pa •Solo Agcnt for li, , rhs mi. Lebanon counties, for the oelobrated SAMPSON . SOALF 4 ` COIIP.I.NY. The most reliable and , durable Seale,a ever placed before the üblic. . • Call and sue the bufure 'purchasing Ott ere.• Superior inilacemeele oirerel baye t A lot seuozl-liaiol PI, T olt Id' 'Bl3 A I,E S on hand anti Cro onto cheap, I•!Ovi,4' itulit 2'3- a MEI RAILROAD. PASSENGER 5.44 A. M. 7.84 A. M, 2.28 A. M. 1.00 A. M. 11.00 A.M. 12.15 A. tai• 7.00 P. ➢I. 0.15 A. M. SEASON TICKETS, gos RESISTANOE." CIE IQ, 1869. 1)R: ?JOIINS'I'ON,, BALIIYO LOCK HOSPITAL; Olpeo No., 7, South /Pro/feria Street. 914L011Y81014N ADVERT/SING. lino discovered the most Cortain,Speody on Ntfootual Itou►ody in ,the wort(l tor all 3EASt;S OFi IktPRODE'NOE. teii • 81x Hours! No Trilling rersmis Ru fined by igitatxittle /Vet< rotces, Ur thcit•Dcadiv Poison, Atenutry, thouldapplyinimedivtely. A CURE WAREM 4 iTED Olt NO CHARGE, LN FROM ONE TO TWO DA VS. titeet,stricture,Sumbial Weakness, W oak. naws In the Back and Limbs, AlleutiOns 01 the Kidney and •Ilitulator, involuntary Ids. eliatgeta, impotency, tiunerad Uubillty, Nor a-am-aka:Bs, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low bpi's.. iti, Colati6lon of Ideas, Palpitation of tho dear!, Timidity, '1 rumbling, Dimness 'Ol Sight. or tfialtlinues, Mumbles of the !lead, 'Plaroat Node or Skin, Affections of the Llvor, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels-01040 rut:Wale es ariutug from the solita• ay llahats of Youth-8110 WI and SellitlEy PraCtio o6 111014) futul to their victitub than the mat; of the Syrons to the Mariners of Wyeseb,. blighting their nataA brilliant 'Maus of anticipations, rendering mar: riatoe, bc.,llApossilitlo. Y 0 ONG ALEN Espeetelly, who have Demme the viutims otbolitary Vice, that dreadiu' and destrue et No habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of lining Wit of the most exulted taleots and brilliant inaelleet, who might Otherwise have en tranced listening Senates, \kith the limn tiers oi eietplenee of ,walled to ecstasy ,the 1 iirlitg lyre, may call Milt cthitidende. TAKE i'ARTICULAK NOTICE. Tessa aro some of the sad melanehol) effect produced by early habits of youth, via 7 WOO:MIRA of the Back and unibs, pains the Howl, 1.111111M113 of bight, Less of Mutiottl ni row or,i'itipilatimiol the east , Dyspopshi t , Nervous trritabllity, Derange ment ill the Digestive fennutions, ()enure' byinottinis of (.011buliipLion, AltirvrALLy.—Tho 'foitt:ol edicts on the mini: are much , ft.) itanoen —thss of Monkery, ()mansion of Ideas, Depressions bpirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, ace., ,Rre some of the evils pro dueed. MARRIAGE. Married l'ersOns i pr Young 'Men contem plating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, Organle debility, deformities, .'to., should apply immediately. Du who places himself under the care of De.,l. nay religiously confide in his honer 1:9 a getallsnU4ll, t o ts confidently rely upon his skill as a phyMbialt. °HOW WEAKNESS', 1M ft/TEN. CY, IEPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE. By Dr. Johnston's marVellous treatment, weitunessui the organs Is speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous, dentlitated and 'impotent, who had i lost all hopes, have been imme diately relieved., All impediments to Marriage,l l 'hysical or Mental Disqualilleation, Loss of precrea. Live Power,. Nervous Irritability, Trent- Ming and Weakness, or exhaustion of 11.0 Most fearful kind, speedily tired. DR. JOHNSTON,- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Column ,;(4radnate row one of the most em inent Colleges in the Wilted States, and the greater part ,0 yihose life has been spent in the hospitals o LondOn, Philadelphia 1111 d elouwhei 0, haq effected seine of the most astonishing cures tbit were over known ;' many troubled with ringing in the head and oars when ableep, great nervousness, being Maimed at sud den sounds, bushfulnebs, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with de. rangement of mind, were cured inoncith: attny. YOILNG Mg.& Who ha o ip3uvert themselves by a certain prautleo ndrtlged in when Ititnie, a habit Irequently learned from cull companions, or at school, the effects of which arc night. ly felt, even when aaleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible ' and deal roye both mind and body, should apply imme diately. What a pity that a young man,,the hope of Jun country, tho darling of 1113 parents, should be snatchod from all prospects and enjoyments Willie, by tau elmsequonce 01 deviating from the puth ol nature and hi. dnhong in a certain adore!. habit. Such persons new!, before contemplating • MARRIAGE, reflect that abound mind and body are the most neeetidary requisites to promote eon mann' !twines% 'lndeed, without thee© the Journey through Hie becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes olitulowed with de bpair and filled with the melaneho. ly reflection that the liedipinese of another becomes blighted with our own; DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and,imprudent vo tary tit pleasure finds that he has imbibed tile seeds of this painful (newts°, it too often happens that en 111-timed sense of shatne, or drotol! of discovery, deters him front applying to thus° who, from educe. tion and respectability, can aloe o'befriond him, delaying till the constitutional symp toms of this horrid diseesu make their pearamm, such RA ulcerated hicre throat, Ifieft nose, nocturnal pains In the React limbs dimness of eight, deafness, nodes on 1110 shin-hones and arms, blotch es on the head, taco and extremities pro gressing with frightful rapidity,. till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim this awful disease becomes a horridobject of commiseration, till death puts a Derted to his droadful snlTerings, by canning him t o , "that, that, Undiscovered Country from whence' no traveller returns." DR. JOHNSTON, OFFICE, No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., Left-hand side going fromlialthnore street a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe the name and number. Letters must be paid amt contain a stamp. Vie Pootor'a Diplomft hangs in his ENDORSEMENT Or THE PRESS. • The many thousand e.ureki at this Disti tution year alter year, and the numer ous important Surgical Operations per formed by Dr. Johnston. witiaesecd by the reporters of the 4$ Hu p," , IlJlipper,) , anti many other papers, notices of which have tippeared again and again befog" the pub l re, besides 1158 at tv 10 in a am a gentleman of character and relponaibility, K it sufficient guarauteeto the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES EASILY CURED. May 24, 1668-10•Mvi Mc(lowan & DEALEIIB IN II A It D W A .11 14', , CUTLERY, GUNS, 11011 BE ITIVITOTING 000 DP METALS, TIN PLA7'ES, SHEET IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, k0,,tt0., No. 612 PBIsIA READLIYG, PA. an 21- ' N OTE 11`)::It FOIL SALE at 9a3 EAutr; - -..- ; -.-, , 1 - --- -;-,--- • - ----- - ‘ 4I I . TEKI, PIC,NR, reilliOhlerl 4 , 1.01141 l'enolk k and Statirmery r,f or(yy. kind. nt Ain! EAO liookc SToog, No. 5121 em' Bt VOCT. ;• fa) 1 9 .) ir (4 • VALEDICTORY OF ANDREW JOHNSON. (Conciusioti,S tunplaz.tii;l4 our future, could have sup . posed. that inn brief period of bitter ex• perience, everything dent'anded in the name of military emergency, or dictated by Caprice, would come to be considered es mere matters 'of course ? That con• seription, cOnfisention, loss of pertonal liberty, the abjection of States to military rule and disfranchisement, with the ex• tension of the right of suffrage merely to accomplish party ends, would receive the passive snbmissioa, if not iiequiesceeee of the people of the Republic ? - It has been clearly demonstrated by recent oe currences that encri lichen:nth upon the Constitution,eannot.be prevented by the .President however devoted or do ter' mined he may be, and, that unless the people, interpose, there is no power under the Constitution to chick a dominant majority of two-thirds in the Congress of the Mited Stßes. 'An 'tippet& to the nation, however, is.. attended with too much delay to meet an emergency,; while, if left free to act, the pet plo would correct, in time, such evils as might follow legislative usurpation. There is danger that the same power which disregards the Constitution will deprive them of the right to change, their Mice's, except by revolution. We bare already seen the jurisdiction of the ju• diciary cirentiieribed when it was 'op -prehencled thht 'the courts would decide against laws for their solo c-bject the supreiOcy of party, while the veto power lodged in th e Executive by' the Cobstitnti6n forthe interest and protec tion of the people, and exorcised by Washington and his successors, has been rendered nugatory by a partisan mtljdtity of two-thirds in each branch of the na' ttonalHLegklaturi, The Constitution evidently', contemplates that when a bill is returned, with the Vresident's objec tions, it will be ,calmly reconsidered by Congress. Such, however, has not been the practice under :present party rule.— It has become elided that men who pass a bill under partisan influence, arc' not likely, through patriotic motives, to ad mit their error, and thereby weaken their own organizations -by solemnly confess ing it under an official oath. nide of opinion, if nothing else, has intervened and prevented a calm end dispassionate reconsideration of a bill disapproved by the Execative.- Much ns I ven erate i the Constitution, it must be admitted that this condition of anirs has developed a defect which, ender the aggessive tendeney of, the legislative department of the Government, may readily work its overthrew. It .may, however, be remed i ed without disturbing the harmony •of the instrument. The veto power is generally exercised upon constitutional grounds ; and wheneviir it is so applied, and the bill returned with the Executive reasons for aithholding hirk signature, it -ought to be ininiediate ly certified to the Supreme Count of the United States for its decision. If its constitutioonlity shall be declared by that tribunal, it should then become a law; but if the decision is otherwise, it should fall without power in CongresA to re enact and make it valid. In eases nr which the veto rests upon hasty and inconsiderate legislation, and in which no constitutional question is involved, it would not change the funda mental law, for in inch case no perms :lent evil — can be :ineoporated into tho Federal system. It is obvious that with• out such 'an amendment; the Government, as it existed under the Constitution prior to the Rebellion, may be wholly sub verted or overthrown by a tao-thirds majority in Congress. It is not, there fore, difficult to ree bow easily and how rapidly the people may lose—shall _1 not say have lost?—their liberties' by an ii• checked and uncontrollable majority in the law making power, and when once depriied of their rights, how powerless they are to regain them.. Let, us look for a moment to the his• piry of the majority hi Congress, which lies acted in such utter disregard of the Constitution, while public j attention has been carefully and. tot9:4ffitly turned to the past and expititedlini'of the Mouth. The servants of the people in high places have boldly betrayed their. trust, broken their oaths of obServance to the Consti ludo!), and undermine:4l4l*o very found tion s , of liberty, jnstlee and good .govern merit. Anon the rebellion being tiuppl*C.ilitd by the volunteered services of pats iotio soldiers amid the dangers of the battle-field; the +e men erupt, without question, into place and power in '1144: national council. After all danger had piosed, when no: armed foe rctoeinell: when a punished and repentant people bowed. their hea - tti to the flag, and i.e- Hewed their a l legiance to the Govern meat or: the United States, then itwa3 that pretended patriots app. a. ed ,-hoefore the nation and ltt;;an to prate abouplie thou S -ands of lives and millions of rca• ,firc sacrificed in the suppresaion of ► ebellion. They hate since prdsul „ought to inthim►: the prejtuliee en. tiered between the it:Okias, to r!etnyd i restoration of pence Mid 111111104 j by d very means to keep opdn and exp to the poisonous breath of party pusi the terrible ub of,t four years ‘ 1 They hav'e prevented the return-Gf p And the 'rqtorntion of the Union 10 CENTS PER WEEK, every way rendered delusive the pttr• poses,' promises and pledges by which the army was marshalled, treason re• buked and rebellion crushed, and wade the liberties of tho.people and the rights and powers of the President objects 'of constant attack. They have wrested from the President Ms constitutionat power of supreme command df the army and _navy, They have dest'toyed , the strength and efficiency of the Executive department } by making subordinate oftl• eery independent of and 'Able to defy their chief. • They have attempted to placo the Pretli• dent under the power of 'a bold, defiant and treacherous Cabinet officer. They have robbed the Executive of the prem. gstive or pardon, rendered null and void nets oiclemeney granted to thousands of persons under the ptovisions t f the Con stitution, and committed gross usurpation by legklativo , attempts to exercise this power in favor of patty adherents. They, have eonspircia' to change the system ofp our Goverment, ;by preferring charges against the Pres:tdent In the form or orii 'cies Of impeneitment, and contemplating before hearing and trial that he 'should be placed in arrest, held in durance, and Witen it berimo their pleasure to pro. flounce his P entencoolrivett• from place and power n disgrace. They have in time of pe ice increased the national debt, by n r , ekless expenditure ot‘the public more •a, and thus added to the burdens wbi h already weigh upon the ".111 people. y hnve permitted the nation ri ) to suffer the. vile of a deranged curren• cy, to the eni ancentent in price,Of all the necessaries o >life. They have maintain ed a large sin iding army for the enforce- molt of' thei memiurei of oppression. They have ngnged iu - class legislation and built up mid encouraged monopolies, that the few might hp enriched at the ox. pease of the many. net upon important t dangering our prowl, with foreign powers. Their course of ustilrpation has not been limited to inroads tipon the Hiecutiva Department. By unconstitutional and oppressive enactments, the people of ten 'st a les of the Union have been reduced to rendition more intolerable than I h from which the patriots of the I . 4volutp6n rebelled. Millions 4f American Atitins can now say of thriir oppressors, With .more truth ,than our fathers did of British tyrants, that ttieyitave forbidden the State Governments to pass laws of immediate and pressing ` importance, unless suspend ed until their assent should be obtained; that they have refused to pass other Jaws tar the aecominotlation of large districts of people, Unless those people would re linquish thet . right off - representation in the Legbilature—a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyranti only; that they have made judges dependent upon their will alone for the tenure of their offices a nd the amount and payment of their salaries. That they have, erected a multi. tude of new offices, and sent hither swarms or officers to Press (rar people and cat out their substance. That, they have of to render tho mili!ary independent of and superior to the civil powers, com• bind with others, to subject us to a juris• dictiot\ foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by .our laws; quartered large bodice of armed troops among op. oteeted them by a mock trial from pin. islinient tor any murders which they should coinit on the inhabitants of these States; itirosed taxes on us without our consent; depyived tis in many cases of the benefit of a trial by juryiltaken away our charters, excited domestic insurrec tion among MI ) abolished our tuyst Yalu. able laws, altered fundamentally the forms of our Government, suspended our own Legislatures, and declared themselves in• vested with power to legis)ide for us in all eases whatsoever. Theyatttloguo of eritties, long as it is, is not yet, complete. The Constitution, vent 4 the power of rho United States In one Supremo Court whose, jurisdiction: shall extend to all eases. arising under this Constitution and the laws of the. fruited States. Encouraged by this' pre • wisp of a refuge front tyranny, a citizen_ of rho United States, who, by the order 1 ten . military commander, given under • the sanction of a cruel deliberate edict of Congress, had been Jlenied the constitutional rights of liberty .of con-• science,; freedom of the press and of . speeeli, personal 'freedom' from military -arrest,' of being held to answer for crime 'only on presentment and indielmeut, on trial by jury, of the writ of 110)04 or% pas and protection of civil and constitu tional go'Vernmnt—a citizen thus (leek_ - wronged nppertla to the Supremo Court (or the protection guaranteed him b' the ,organic, Iriw of the land. At once 4 &4e. and excited majority, by the ,rathiess helot of lm legislative power, stripped' the ermine from the judges, 'transferred the sword of justice to the general, and rt mauled the oppressed citizen to a klegratiation 'and bondage' worse than death. It will be recorded as one of the marveli . of Alia limes that a party claim ing fur iti4elf n monopoly of consistency ttlid:patrietistit ) and boasting too of its unlimited sway, endeavored by costly and deliberate triune) linpeach one who de fettled the Constittition and the Union, not only 01E014;110ot the .war ,of the re. hellion, but dining his whole tem c f office as Chief Magistrate, but at the ott , tne . ti* could 6nd no warronts of II I= They hav,e failed to entice, thereby en pen'esful relations