Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 09, 1869, Image 4

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I OF BORIC* 17,9111,1'21" • ' • •
•'lfOit' Till: .11?..1,11, ..t. D. .18.68.'.
till'llg ,c.tibITOitS * ELEOTEI) TO 'AD-
A- tot and settle the accounts of ,the Countypf
her I, from the Ist day of January, Atter:pi/emir'',
'll9Ol to the, 31st ilsy. of !tenet - ober, A. D. 18&f,
(ho 1 ; dap; Ilioliided) having oxituthied It
s.ti u t redpebttnilyliti r beforo the Honorable the
.1 ti ges of the Court of Common Pleas, the follow
1n Stfitenierit and I t tsort, to iirlt :
C' A 111.K.Y ;If. FRIT' .R. 1., Trfoaurcr, • D.R.
211 Recelpfr /row taters of Obenty • ,
'Da, to CNN . .. • • .1•
• ~,to.Kniv • • '
' 1 .
09101119 n VI ter; I na ;
int alzlonnt • ;S:6O 51 sillier, ItH7 on accountl 10,61 fa
DAulel Frey P., on account ., 005 'AL AAA ,
.----- 4 1,..ta 31
Armee. • ,
John lees, 1691 In full s ' 106 ..t2 '
henry Bel/nicht, 1807 on account 1,944'77
Daniel M. Went zel, 19;3 on acct. 9.A1 75
1-i.-- :1,1i6b711
• Aiiiity. - ,•-• . 1
henry foyer, Idil in f nll . 2,1177 13 1
Henry llnyor, 16 , :id en account 0,100 00
0,37 i/ 131
I). It. KreAmer, 1H.;7 In full ' L 153 16
B. Kremer, "IttlA on tr;count 3,70; oo
• / cn► tipper,
Y.dw►trd Knll►ll'man, Ihr4 In full 7/ (0
hilitt tiaviii#9,li)67 In fill 1,711. f►l
Yin. 11.1(nnifninn,Iii93on account 3,4V1 10
5,222 29
/ i i
J./Julio', VIII) rt, 1193 on :moonlit
lo‘Tid It, It f iiig, 1%4 on accont
la 4 Diefenlnteli. oil fteuTtl,
dared Lenge!, Ir'Ad 11l hill
Jared Ungul,ls , :i on nt:Count
• Boyerlown.
Thomaa Schooner, it 47 In full
MOW tig MC 11 0011or,•18 ql on acct.
Christian Harting, It4l/ Inn
Christtan Itarting i trOS on acct
.1. 1t;01 In full .
',lintel Buck, MO on account,
JunvlrhfinOtll, le4l,in, account
Georg° IL item:hit:1 . 080 In lull
Win. l'ottolgor,lBo on account
Joelultiart, 140 in lull
Jacob 1.. liable, l' oil actotuit
:1434ep1i Italtilunlnrlli, MI In rim
Bonn. lilolignlna, 1,-.44840n
Chai lea IYean, 1•.a15 on account
floury M. Fox, 1t. , 0;7 ►n full
Frailltlln Minor, OM on at:coital.
O. I lattiolil, le+a In full
U. O. Ilnttluld,l 4 s uu account,
Reuben M. Uplegrovo, MOIR Dill 151 01
jgouboit M. Uplegrove, Itva on att. 7111 00
11. brinnbttch, Itkei on account 1;1111 3S
• 11tc1cr.
fiaintiel ritrunk, iwi7 in full tvi
Do do 1& on account, ..!,Thi 40 • • 4 ,
--- 1,733 26
ih - rustrrich.
John ticlito'or, 1t4;7 In full :, 7J: Ol
lkt(to itt, mcipilit, 10no Du
1(01/00 , 11/V.
Ivilllaut ICl)Yri . ,:r, IS nu 115 (X)
e/11 acct. I. 7d 1,0
11.',Q5 In lull
IMMO' Moyer s Void In fall •
JaGob Ileulitul,.lBs7 In full .
J. Fisher, 1150 on nucl.
/kith lberfit i Lqwer.
'Homy llurbitrt l in full
;Mulct I[lllol
0. Lumbr!, I=t,l tin t u•couut
!EllJult Steely, Pi d, Un uecouut
11,-1111 , !berg l h.
Urin , ll, IN;7hi inll '237 0
Allan) tittnnp, 1463 on ncuount 1,100 00
1,'97 00
Johil A, Adam, 1°.;‘,1 to lull 77 17
.J, S. ltutterweok, lh•Jf In tall, 427 05
1,./twltl Zolgonfoo 4, 1131/1 on not. ;1,1;12 (a
uoio 14)
lelialll I In in re 1666 In (till V3l SS
!nano Knoll, ltPli In lull 599 ;j5
..10119 l'ox, 160 09 tIeCOMIL 2,040 00
Kiiizpwort Bor ()ugh,
1.411 , 0) liOttisllo , olll. INI7 In Cull 8311 Mi
!b,ut•s K, 1868 on acconnt I 00
1,189 SO
Michael 11. Miller, mon in fall
Yctluallnn Unlit, I•1t;7 In full
Uu , to k. 1:0 on account
Joliq Suva, ou nootnnil
Join fitaurev, 186 i on ne6ount.
11; Qxun rldor.16(1 1 1 On account
David N. 'Unmet', 1801 n full
nen). Trnutinau, 1666 on acct.
11, Wagenliordt, 18.;(1 In full
G. MO In tall
I/. IL lilgtrltl, 1` J 8 on twcount
Daniel Spa;ln', 1 , 417 In full
Ho 4 1 0 1b& 011 in.:count
Wm. C. llain',lNl7 In tall
Danlol Lauoks, 181 H on account
DayAd dolly, Isol (Ai iteco,6rt
John W. Kemp, 16i nuifonnt
Wm. lt, l'lttilly: t 184;7 in .full i
C. Haltuasor, itoS on twoount
11, S. Albright, i 367 In full
Alfi oil 1401bullilua, 1e,63 on nvel,
I►, 1. Prituthoilov, 18 4 18
Holotnottllov, 1 ii 7 In run
111 u SYtuyur, on acct.
doaopl► Itlohr,lBo6 on account
IllukMinn, I:4;7 In (I‘ll
Alburt Ilull, It4;s on amnia
Ittntbeit k'ox, 1847 oil Kciintint
John A.. Angstatit, 184,4rni acot
Antoci Solouelit, 1M on no6oont
Elio 50U1,1807 on account
Mink. Bohmoltl, VOS on acct.
humus V. Deft I: k; In fi►ll
I)a►tlul Ruth, 189/ In NH
John M. Ariz, Ittoa kni account
• •
MOM 0/131tVitter, IN;7 3,Bl7'tki
it4;s on account 1,502
Teilinly.H.vost Uppo
lObn► 161 W In 101 l
Ueorgo Moil, ltztil in toll
ltobor, laitl on acoow►t
Iloro►an Bolger, t4 , , 7 In foil
A, U. 1Y Irto, MS on account
1), It. Kulp, 1564; In full
11ado k'. %defiler, Iso7 In full ,
Do do ItY;S on account
M. A. Bello:3, 167 on aceUunt
It. J. 11.. 111111ur, IStszton account,
Loy' thinstlr, Itiii on account
AA►vn Weisor, lacy on account
!WADINii —.PIM lliirtf.
Z. 11. Maurer, IsAi3 in full
Poillul hallo, 1
n, 1861 u full
"Do i do 15tii lit amount
ltE111 ) (
litlwaKd Scloneek,lAiion account
Jacob :ichulur, VOS on account
11A DI :in--Third nil',
J itcob Seim I or, 1.4 q in full
Do . du kips.? on account
it li ADIN (I —nil Tih Wired
i). Halm, hii;7 hi fall
Do I'AM on Account
111am:in—WM Ward.
I.9ttuo Holder, 18411 in full
Du do Mai tut tteGuunt
• Itt:Aviyo4litli Mtn/.
Naito 11(341or, ISO In full
I►o do 1& on atwomit
Wlllluw Erni ant rout, 180 Injull
Do do 18d8 op f Ago%
ulo—Eighth irard. '
,114 col) Smith, lati7 on Recount 1,091 50
Jotionli Blttllthorger, IRiA in full 3,•200 $4
, r ant. ,
Jo3tipu Muthirt, le% In On 207 o• ,do 18f4 in fullll ' *1,13
'Jock on ac4xtutlt i IMO iA
loaatlatuoke,lBsB int ttccOpf, 14 9 0 44, • •
(Wbute a motutti of County ix re 01,4 4 11 4 1 00.99
Huckeltrie licauts in irnd out
Iluckidets in county
iluotatuto out thu County
Munly Bridges, ,
rcuit titreet brcritroot
and toil • - 1,10346
Pe till Street Iltitlge,Frtt tteitl Duch'
tel by toll , , , 11l 76
• • • %IV r`
Lane:niter Bridge Vont:rat 1,033 (.0
Do toll Collected 111 /tartlet
Maguire 1 ., ' • • -•.- 637 (0 . t r.
• - - 40
Poplar Neck liridge.bYeontritct Z 30.00 ~ • 7
lie toll colleoWd b 3 Daniel .
hoyer 178 ,'•
Zia burg Bridge hy eontracC.
Do toll eolle.wte4l by Jelin
!letterer 373 W
vinpu(Whole amount of toll Uric , god 43.V3 eJ)
And Costa
Prison receipts B,OZ 2
antaittonal Road Damager. 1 - 0 60
From eorgo Hoyt:U. Winn tp. '
Dalanee hi the Treasury of Ind
Year ill
Douglas Bridge Company ' 240 00
Franklin &Mutt i,in (idiot oustC •
costs '
Jacob Finkbonci on am:Out_ ot
Court costs
Dey_sher :AIWA, plank aold
ilurly, on acc't of Cpart costs
lionj. Pa rvin, Treas. or Al thouto
Bridge Company •
Lewitt rot t; dliferentio on llouil
Ilarrbion lipler, Treasurer Lois'
Dridge Company dividend
Jacob O. Livingood, Backs :sold '
Albert G . , Green. road datudgos
refunded from U. Tulpelloccon
Joseph Henry, bricks unit old
Iron, to
Kutz Drolbelblea, old lumber
sold •
Jeremiah Ilagetimaii, money
colleotui Uo. llgatil B. • Moyer
^J)O ril
77J 8'
I A 47 47
2,775 W
11 1 1313
3(5 3(
WO 00
1,115 31
1,431 13
1.11 73
700 to) '
ef/1 33
1,750 06
II 0. 1
4,0:2 65
-- 4,033 63
2: 1 ,1 V;
2,11.X1 00
iVholuainout or County Tax:ro
eolvoi 211N0 UI
iluolostoro Itemises in Marlyn en. 1,0:11 50
ilueksteks licolicors out of Merlin
County lirldge:i
Verdict tees, timid and cofitn
Conditional road damage,
Miscellaneous rooolpte
2, ICt3 91
I,(t'! ; h i
nl7 ai
1,106 (Y)
1,511 8
2,0) CO
3,5118 d
Who Treasurer claims credit for .W 3 following
orders drawn oil Idth, to wit:
tioof'Aims limpcdoralWrafira.
go Oehttian, soap
Vanco & Lan die, looks
Brenelsor & uo. tobacco
Mitchell Co. last, reeds, &t:
D. It, Fastg. glazing
L. Kohner, thread and notion.;
Young & Summons, visiting
committee. 24 0'
Reading Mass Company. ' 143 80
J. lively, lumber 81 ;,'.5
S. Summons, carpenter work 68 04,
8. Stnt:tom, Os, tO 7 (0
3. Young & don, coal I,lltO cti
D. Burkhart, uutionry 19 7:1
Weselto, smith work bit 10
J. L. Getz, punting • atittutt:4
J. blansoi . , compiling .ritntail
re Port.
J. Gansu, iniscellanotmls
'mimes .
ncroli It .t Bubo, sump, Lc.
rotor :Refuel, brushtek
T. Jackson, 1807
B.6iiitunons,beilsteadatior Prison
I). Engel, intokets
Uotifrey & Sons shoemaker
liornintrt & Kota:, straw 58 50
Haman it Snow, shoo pattorna 49 89
A. T. Stewart., lilutilicts 91 40
Gibson it Walker, shoe lasts and .
troOs I 117 20
Boyar & Sons, hauling 13 35
S. liollonbaolt, painting • 510
Kline, Edwiiiiiner it . Co, crush It 42
Leyuntster & Selling. painting 70 011
Boa. Engler. last hot:tors 11 00
(randy & Co., lusts and tools 170 511
11. Mangan; sowing machine 83 00
V. (roll, soap, 14 10
lumbar ;* 001
Strickland ec Bro.. books 17 '9'J
Douglass it Conrad,
wait utatur
L. Stichtor, bard wino
.11 . 1tter & Co., printing
%Vim U 010,11,110 do
C. Duuth it Son, tin ware awl t
11. J. Rhoads, notions
U. R. Lovan, lamps
B. F. Owen, printing
8. Wentzel; soap
Rambo Beckman, plumbing
11. Itangon shoes
A. 11. Light (howl
John tdolChight, hardware
Bard it Reber, herd ware
J, H. Miller, stultir work
J. liansur, Inspodtors' Meals
1,e)11'.1 :49
- Of
----= 1,203 .50
1,037 01
1,4;75 71
1,n2 78
439 03
1 11 44 T 2
3,672 II)
------ 2,733 70
2,HIN 62
Oa 00
5,231 62
1,3141 l'.:
3i521 fit
—.....--- 4,818 ln
460 00
2,019 15
'll9 00
--. 5,398 15
11 05 •
3,162 76
7,0,1i1 43
2,2n1 11
3,453 57
J.Gatitior,tiottlittatillog prltiourrri
tloesoliottn Klrk, wot,l
----- 5,005 01
3,03 2'3
11,42tid 33
—11,691 U
Young, Altomus % Co., dry
Sotrerliu & Fritz, chain &n.
F. Winkolman, coloring yet
J. Ganser, earpot rugs
Diller Luther, revenue tax
"Avail fi llubp, chaln
Coy to & Op. ebaht•
11. Connard, loather
E. (Marry d Sons do
Ely & Bangor, do
U. A. Stocks()Jor du
Lewis Lange, do
J. L. Moyer, do
J..' M. Do Long, do
lichorly A: Stein man, leather
A. D. Cum' tti Co., shoe itittling
F. J. Mokel, hat rounds
[OWL (1.7 Arnold, hat rounds
D. Lutz, do do
+al 13
.I,M 00
..,--.- 4,08118
1;325 00
5,133 00
1,133 00
1,710 12
1,797 31
1,277 rl
4,572 57
5,K0 IL
115 a►
2, 1 1 1 41 1;1
2,688 49
o.ol(cre sYalarics.
JoSop!' (humor, ono sem '.i snlaty
llormtna (Mutant. .10
Minim. Will,ashq,l year's salary
John itotrert, do
Jacob Scholllly, (lo
John (Iron', do
W. M. Weidman, phyalulan
Chariots 11. Fritz, trenaurer '
-- 5,417 92
1,4:17 .23
1,207 2.1
'2,701 13
;;00 oli
1,::15 1.11
32,i 7S
Isisprelm•al I!: rptssca.
David Rut z, attoudlng meeting
J. Glancy Jonuus, do
D. McKnight, do ,
8. Summons, ' do -
Jacob Young, • do '
11. Z. Van itced do .
C. 11, Peitz, , do
1,711 78
54'11 UJ
4410 Ciji
-••••1Q,103 13
5,710 10
Total amount of Prison Expensos
' Pelocipot 'Loons paid.
Vl►olo amount of loans paid
interest Ureters.
Intorost paid on loans • '
211 I 1)
1,12:1 it
1,:167 25
Stationery and Pit 184 Order&
M. P. Incriog,
Win. Rosenthal.
J. L. (tetz, _
J. Knabb .C . , Co., .
Dispatch 4 Mac:,
Slonucl Levan,
J. H. Sas:lnman, ,14 ,
H. F. Owcn, .
1,118 N
3,60 it
-- 4 il;ss 95
7.11 10
J,:~ 39
'2,173 01
Con41«111(4 , Returns mid Milevrue
January Turin
April lerm
August. Tenn
Nuvinuber Turku ,
2,12 0
495 00
1,30 00
1,832 (0
nyonora , and Juajices' hit/Heals.
John Fox, Coroner
Justleos, of tho retwo
Dr. D. L. Bieber, post met tow
uxotnination -
Dr. M. Luther, post mortom ox•
uuttunt ion
211 21
1,305 75
1,711 :11
- 3,211 J 1
Nl4 ill
3.54 27
laection ()Mem
City Spring Meet ion , •
Spring Cleetion in tho comity
'Constables attondlng ajni noti.
-------- 4113 Pi
2,061 55
OnThera holding General Elec•
tion in October 1,071 30
Mom holding Presidential
Election in Noveinber 1,073 30
2,77. J ti 3
1,113 07
4,730 tit;
l,61 1 ) 73
Assessors returning list of
voters 381 00
Assessor notifying clay of appeal 1,17 S 50
1,103 0)
l i t:01 00
2,DOi 00
7119 1 , 03
Collatablce .ktes.
Vonstabledi foes In Coiunnon•
wealth caeca 101 217
p-- IN
Wiltle#4 7 Les -
Witness' foes in Commonwenlh
cases 808 70
. ..
. —:--- 'BO4 7s)
--- 2,001 82
1,471 71
4,015 24
, 5,1C9 93
• Road Damages.
Godfrey Groniily, Greenwich :LS 00
I)antel Lamm, L. Ilehleiberg • 00 00
Michael iiiellAinger U. Born 6 00
MIQUeI floatnan, Jr.,, (o 'sto 00
-.- ',Di 81
%Vll°lo . amottut•uf reeekpls
Total Ittooula
Weeph Show, lininberg ' '
Xnano Wea k Berl% .
ii s
isebtolto et •.' ; lo
W let. o
Waren ' Kidd erMc
J. W. 111 • 1i.'T!A1R,4 0 , 00 , 711 .
I;kni i ego • • - • ,',
/ 1434 71/ 0 04ete r
. .?..
. PAW . • ors. ,
4lisouiajf erni ~, ' '
April 're
August Ortn ' ,i i i :
November Term '-'
1,011 60
#3O 00
1(40 60
*lndy Olken' Atularics. •
doSeph Bitter, l'year's salary ai • '
tor , " onrt cryer • 600 CO
Wharton likuirisilate.dist. atty. co 0)
B. Shearer, • _ do - )87 00
Lest /4. UerhasS, Clerk nt guar.
ter bretuildna -tW "1
suchasi K, Boyer, 00011.111olion
ern clerk . Co
htithatil B. Boyer, Comrsdasion—
era clerk extra Sessions 50 o 0
Janice 11. Beck tali cow. atty. 100 OU
J. G. Glaes, A. Karr and 3. Itt 11,
ttud RMS. - • • ' . suo co
Wni. Young, Co. ComtniasimierSOO cd
Jacob : l3l4llle, , do ` 500 04
Benjamin Levan,. dd 300 co
Jesse°. Ilasilo.y, auditing tor.
ty'oftieeti • .5 . 05
Tobias Barto,sucainuningjurora 37t .41.)
W. B. Griesemer, prothouutary 115 09
4110 1;P,
' --------
. • .
litaxtr's; AVcrinen's awl Jwstices' Are. 4,554 a
,Illtyor 610 51
Aletdirmen's 4 . , 211 st • .
JustieeS ,- - , 1 68 17
• ,
• 2'riennini darmicill, s,
Trithuhil itssussup..nt expense 1 % 913 70 ' • '
5 00r
7 ..............
r . .11,11Bridge.i. ' • .
Penn etieobridge,Frnuctolleoh- t
10), n Months , attlary ; 210 00
Rambo & liwkilian, plumbing ,12 32
11. D. Sintlh, ,gaso9 21
Loyinaetor 4 Boiling, painting to 06
Sanitt9lioeht, oafpnutur work 10 88
O. Lt. Y. 1...Dnut14 ; • 2 tss‘
E. Mellor, putting up lightning'
rcids. • ' 15 23
/OS 09
no Co
10 1 ) 00
:IL 71
09 51
Zancirefer Br*loo.
Ilaritet king titre, I'l mouths' sal
1). Stnitbi gas
E. kiloliter, putting upitglitning
i rode .
Peter Horn, donning brid g o
W. 4; Pririe, hauling ground
StitilUOl Woolit, carpenter work
IVplar'Neek'Drlctgo. , . . ' _ •
Daniel flyer, 14 niontho , satiiry :1-1 co
14nbeit itehel, nialon work 1
If. GO
-0,,N. 111 er4o9 ,limptningi'doli .'iot3
taittitulei oeht,lo;irpenter work •• 12 0 .,.3
Peter Brown, Hine' , 3On
Daniel UOYOr t 111t18011 work Av. • 9 Ili
, .fianiburg !bridge. •'' t
John lietterer, 12 inontlio salary Its e(),
-- 33,927
630 00 ' 1
1 3,:t25 '
3,37 EX)
ti,o9 - 2
Whole amount of toll bridges 1,108 39
Refunding Orden,
Has Dlolfenbach, Bethel tax re.
Nathan Miller, Wifidscr tax re.
funded .
Edward Kauffman, Upper Bern
Michael 11. Miller , L0418%1,10
tax refunded
IVIn. It. rifillps, Centre tax re
Daniel Hahn, FirSt, Ward Bead.
• lug tax refunded 43 67
Jaceblichuler, Third Warditettd
ing tax refunded- 11 9/
llenly Wagenboret, Dlaxatawny
tax refunded 47 00
Solomon Miller, Itielnuond tax
refunded el 99
/sane Helder, Fifth Ward Heed
ing tax refunded 58 04
Joseph Muthard, Ninth Ward
Beading, tax refunded, 14 2',1
J. Fox and others, Jefferson
tax refunded 13 33
Joseph Itandenbush, Cuturu tax
refunded 57: 7 1
Kline Dieffentielf, Bethel tax fe.
-funded ‘1
4071,174 40
47 30
110 92
SP 05
9 ell
28 47
10 CO
42.1 72
26 40
86 . 2
113 62
43 90
Tipet«res tft ki)iecial Court. -• • •
John Flicklnaor and Dan. SeHey 10.09
Out door Funeral 10m:uses.
Frodorlok Rhoad, 2 coffins for Al- •
bort Blehard and I'. Erb - 19 0)
DaViti ZlMmorman, 1 coffin for ,
Faott • • 500
Martin Ir. Landis, 1 coffin for Sa
rah Bohrbach, - . 50)
Vittorio Lash, funeral expenses
of Samuel Hartman • 10 (4)
Mark Sohlottmut,l 00111 n for Jur: g
Ox's child . 3 uu
Adam Gerhart, 2 coffins for Isaac
t and wife of Barnut(lehret 10 CO
;Cluing° Lash, funeral expenses
for wife of Wm. Moyer • 10 00
Ueury Moyer, 2 coffins for L. ' .. '
Elliot.° and Wm. Williams
~ 10. 00
Charles Henninger, 3 coffins for - -
sundry persons ' . 21 01)
Paul Filbert, 2 coßlns for Lydia
Folk and ,child . ' , 0 75
Polar Aulenbach,l coffin [or Geo.,
Bower 5 00
Franklin blobs 1 coffin for Sant: '
Hartman's child 1 00
Wm. .Klein. 2 coffins for Yerge.r's
child and Thompson's 'child
Raymond Mohn, I coffin, nitm's
name unknown
.Tstcob Laub,l coffin for Benedict
Marsbu Tger
Philip Eaglo, 1 coffin for Charles
JOU Mart; l coffin for William
Jeremiah Beard, '1 coillii, man's
IMMO unknown
Ott-door Relief.
Widow Solimehl for self
JoromittbMoore,for widow Peter
Wertz .
Jacob Frick, for self •
Widow Gnomes, for stiff
Voter Marshal, for Cradle Lou., pold
Lydia Wei), for self
Wm. Heffner, for Catharine Al
Amos longer, for John Feagut
James Healy, for Jacob riorman
Elizabeth Daus, for self
Win. Unistead, for Mary Aim
Wm. Steigor. for 8011
Mrs. HOU, for self•
lindolph'Coller, for self
Widow Zeller, for self
Michael 'Creamer, for Cat Wino
Solomon Miller, for Helena
Bdwer . .
Andrew lruer, for Christian
Andrew C Painter, for soli ' •
Houjamin Zimmerman, for Ito3l.
na Slicker
Edward Shearer, for John 1Vo1•
Hellbent' tidy, for widow John
Bono nt
B nta lusklrak, fur Elizitbeth
ili E
Wm. lkiltor, for Sully Offal
Jonas Miner for Cat lupin° bibtui
Richard Adams, for. - Samuel
Amos E. Wells, for Rodgers fam
Autos E. Wells, for Irw ins
Nicholas Heckman, for sunthy
persons .
Burnt:PA . a Koch, [Or sundry
308 43
a iti
DI 91
4,70; 60
7,101 01
6.149 0
- 10.928 88
900. W
&XI 01
000 00
105 00
010 00
424 00
100 00
20 00
-...- . . 1 13„3!0 (0
:11 Out
63 31
45 00
45 00
86 00
50 00
5g 6 1429
1) etriltati 173 8t
C.A. Orlesem(w, for sundry tam.
Hies 12 20
reocbck tt• Orth, for sundry fain.
110 s ' 33 52
Augustus Kerebner, for self • 20 00
Isaac Mohr, for Jacob Kershner 31./ 00
Samuel • kllbort s for Elizaboth •
Long 10 00
J. Daniel Wanner, for John B.
Otto() 20 00
Peter Marshall, for widow New-
man 10 00
Nicholas Jones, lOC Susan Bo
iniell 20 00
Catharine Maury, for soil 20 00
Matthias Livlogood, for Sauutel
Lcssig./1 20 00
Paul Ille.s§lng, for H. Liu' 1W (K)
EMUS °bold, for Jacob Holow4l V 09
James It(utly, for John Waticer 20 01,
James Healy, for Isaac Hoffman - 20 00
Amos B. .Wanner, for Catharine
Aaron Uet z, tor Mary Burns
John M. Easling, for self
Amos B. Wanner,tor Henry Mest 20 00
Adam Stein, for Chas I)ownrd • 20 00
John Willheitu, for Joseph ref. '
tenberffer . , 10 00
John Kurtz, for John Simmers 1.0 00
John Kemp, for John louse 20 01
Androw Kurt; for Caroline Fluid 20 00
Elias Obold; for John Fisher a/ 00
Richard Hottmas ter, for Barbara
Urcath 10 Q 0
8. B. Unger, for Jacob Wingert 10 00
Jacob YOUng a Bon, fOr sundry
persona . i 51 15
Henry Kriek,fdr sundry persons 12 KI
Adam Stein, for widow E. Heins
.10 00
John StOudt, for Catharine Oa : al no
EWA, leishtd. for self , 1 \ lO 00
Charles lioodman, for self ali OD
Adam Bteimfo • Alra.Loudenotim 10 00
Silas W. Fls or, for 6arah
Swavely 10 W .
Jacob Mom' fo Jacob Darter ,- au op.
A. D o Himmelbcrgor, for Sarah
Horehner. 10 00
,/ p.- Wanner, for Susan Roomer 10 00
WidoW !Sands, for - self ' ', 10 00
yrooriok Lauer, for parbaia. j
Bung , i
ID 00 Henry J. Rboa4h, for Susan WI. \
80,105 30
;15 ou
397 87
270 83
all 03
3l 50
35 00
31 00
Ir. 00
1,133 0
ue t'6
03 2.)
132 52
115 OS
87 80
123 73
M 03
191 0
513 0
217 70
3,131 93
I,M 50
itoyir, tar, Mohan. left(ler,
cAnfitOtMeih 14 . T Mary A.
Board, fOr John Hoffman •
rge Boyer, for Oathariae tnt
841,astcboldk for Mary Gabt4 " •) z
riramuln Lutbaig, for Cathoritiii
Baugh, till •
Atizllb4m Kurt*, for BMll;•orstir3
mini Et 44, rbrmze;• William" •
Jocuul Bhalter, for Job n Weimer
Ww. WlMatnaon, for tletharlake
Bhoadel .
er •
4131:0 . • '
;17 90 ''
10 tat ,••
l 00)" ' • " f
6 00,
;..iai • •
1040 00
. Daniel Wauuer, for Catburine
.•Flood •
Dritil44. Wanttur, for Fr#niti
Flood . .
Michael Miller, for daughtat of
John Speoglet .
Geo: Lash., for Malik% Ulrleh
Wm. RCM, for self t i
Geo. Lash, for Mrs. lleniusa
Joneph Iluthart, for Itts.tilltri,
Elias Bober, for Ilebeeea - Ay it.
moyer • • .
"Jeremiah •Moore, fur wltlow
\ JghaWerOk • J _ •
Dry Wads. '
Q. B. Kedor
Kline, Epp!hinter & Cu
Levanlittbp 4 Cv. ,
A. W. °Holger .
Levan & Sha le
C. Levinf& Co.. •
David Keiser
B U. Drown .
Ilinneisohits &Dap
David Nell •
Jacob Riegel
n. A. Hoff
F. D. FichthGrn
Win. Kerper & Sun
V. S. birth . • •
John S. PeArson at Co.
MAIM' & Myers •
I,t) 70
&tortes. -
Merge Lash, director 3 M T II4
. salary
Elias Ohoid, director 7 months
salary _
Josephrduthardolireetor 1 year's
salary •
Sluts AV. Fl.her, director year's
• salary •
Jacob bte MA 1 yeritll
Jacob Conrad, steward 1041.0 f 14.42
Michael Ulghttnyer,nuttor stew
Philip Eagle, steward on acct.
%Miner, under steward
Obi 80
.240 CO
48 30
to oo
. a 57
on amount.
Amos tinyilcr, 'clerk in lull to
Iday ' lst, Ism
W. ,Fisher, (lurk on, acct.
Dr. A. 11. Mindoro, physician'
year's salayy
Dr. Mester M. Nagle, physician
1 year's salary*
Llvlngood, atty. 1 year's
Philip Y. 611hato euirhiel r 1
years salary • ,
John Ben zel, 'Joker I year's sal.
388 a
13t2 72
100 00
Jo a hn y
lien sel,baker bal. for 141;5
Vreilerielc Sohn(ter, Gar4tacit' ,1
year's salary,
Moses H. 'tickle, biaeksmlth In
Wm.. Van .11uskirlr, blacksmith
on account, 211 00
Win..liolTer,laborcr on farm on
account • 25/ 00
Dayld Keifer, teamster on neut. 170 00
Do do . • bal. 1806' IS 25
Alfred' Doterich, teamster on •
account ISO 5)
Christianh Zeigler, tailor 1 year's
salary 181 Oa
John Pile, teacher lu full ..187 25
Mary Whitulan, maid In full - , 13 06
45 26
'.30 00
32 01
51 :5
GEOcericit. •
Win. it hoadn, Jr.
Butkivaidex &Iklatleira
Belborling e 4 Smith
(Marlin; lirlifeip
S. Getz
Jblin It. *Auer
attlle uul.lca atqck bought. •
tbiin Guld lu, mu it s EUI OA
Moses S. tholclo, 1-ctM , 'awl shoats Iwi In
Itluoholit Sehlott,,fil atcart • 6,010 45
finytler t Lortql,-1,0. on stool's ,
_ on '1667 - 8.38
Abrailtim tiecliteli 51 sheep ^54 IYJ
• Shues and Bali,.
Benirtmill Engler, .71me4' 111 00
0 1 1!Way It Co., throes . 11 04
J m
ereiah Beltller, Hiloes Oft
Francis Roland, hat.l 2 , . 00
Berke County prilon; slam anti •
earpats 201 12
Coo/ a n d ll'korfage.
Peocook 4t, OM', coal
Aaron blot z, wht}rfago
J. Immo, coal
Hear it Bro. it Co., cold
. • Wad:Eli and
Tobias litu to
Printing and Sfidifoletry.
J. Lawronoo GotA, printing
Ttrin. Rosenthal, printing
Muer printing. and Oa
tionary .
tlatigiol Molitor, stationary.
. ,
L ' Grain ' Flour and firbuting Grain'
Ihmitnigt% Bra., grinding litatit 221 31
0 atunel Watiz, dour, grain not
grinding • „ 1,161 NI
George Lash, corn . 231 83
C. A. tirlesemer, flour 464 07 -
Barnhart A.- Koch, flour - • : tO, 20 •
Sam. iVeit zed, tinny and potatoes , 407 23
Jamas Z. Grisenter, dour. , 331 00'
'robins Bart°, "chopping grata 33 60
• - - . 3,761
Fallioiv and Dyeing. . .
Isaac 8.1 ost ,78 01 , •
Edelman & Lalnhaelt 107 47
Levan d; Butz , 32 t 8
D. Pp Laah
.pronitior, lkinyot:t. Co.
Cani )ir(
tg " oLotoll &
Bard & Robot'
J. L'Stiolitor
Bic:Gowan tt,
John Molinlght
zca(hci. ((lid Shof• Finding*. r
M. M. Datong, leather 61 9 4 )
Benjamin lioeli,leallior and shoo
finding .131 ' 3
A'. 1). llarvoy, leather and ah9a t i
I.lllolng, giu clot
, Lam , " /.. '. l-----
J. Keely il
Amos 11,1)cyslxr '
Jacob Da.o llol. -
t i Tti t tUoB liiillly
190 rt.& and Thorgo.
Bret'lowan &11,911er
Charles V...t
20 00
10 07
10 (‘0
J. H. bloliurdy
William J; Thirwechter
rivlPon,l Salt,
..I..arti Out z, salt
Bookluttilmor ilmlll,-11sh
on 18004
Koller & Bitting, fish _
J. K. Scholl, fish and meg
Daniel ti. 9uhrouder, brick • in a 3
gimber 4 Johnson, castings 15 98
.1.5 v. Harper, binding order book - 450
Levan, Ilubp & 40, qneensware 9 80
Christian Schutter, earthenware 28 42
Voter Wino!, brushes ' 17 et
Williams & Althouse, horse hire
for Joseph 'Mut hart ' • 950
John 11. Kersliner, painting ex- •
press wagon ' 45 00
henry Goodman, now express
wagon and cover 170-00
John Spats, mod teal attendance
for Eliza Gin 2 00
F. J. °Vert, pulling, grAte bars
and labor
Christian Zeigler, interest, on
$560 for 1017 '.;11 00 •
T. A. Willson & CO„ clock 45 00 -
Mrs. Mary Capallo, candle wick 14 , •Hon isTasker & to.,steam 5.4 00i, °
Peter Drown, limo 112 02
Michael ltapp, CilHillH 6,00
Lenhart & bireth, Stearn 'pipe
fixtures 128 12
Lewis Gable, laying brick • 40 00 ,
Christian Ebel), re.setting steps.
and sand stones ' 161 91 •
George it. Levan, queensware 12 10
A. Koenig, butter 1:1 43
Mellen & Kinsey, caatinga • 26 49'
Dewult Rutz, seed wheat • • 78 09 •
Charleti S. Ritter, horse hire per •
Mulliart 21 00
Minis k German -brushes
27 03
11.1laIns saddlery - 10 6.5
Auehenbach & Bro., notions 0 . 70
Dr. IL At. Nttglo, medical Wend:
auto ti 0)
Holger & Becker . ready u.ado
clothingB3 0)
John lieppleman c-astinge StS 44
Henry Crouse A latiolls 129 20
Daughter it repairing
threshing machine 13 55
Frederick Lauer, malt hops and
beer • p 0 20
Aaron Getz, house rent for
gardener4s op
. .
1 475
Whole ain't of Poor Douse expenses $3 1 4;550
Miteellaner t mit I bunts, Espeava. •
Josoph Henry, on prison Con
20 00
12 00
20 00
201 03
20 01)
20 00
- -.--- 7,••••, - ;•••'• - • -- z ---- , - *:, - ';; 7,,s::•_• - •,.
y a llle ca r RI . itiftia m tri c l outro i it tit .
Ingle. 0 ' ItotWiTrek lank be* ' 4l
,attil bind fig. ,: ..; - , ‘.! -,', 1011 3 .%
Jatizes D. OW, Cattra serl/04 - ;
and oast •. , _ _ 1 274 Bli
John Hen lager; litOtillton. l ol4, '
• • - • •• Ili
'er, wittehtzutlt'• at -• •c•.; ~
4: 7)15 1n s: ' , . ,
4: am th 4' othera, labot ' '
•' at l •
. • prison 1-Water wer)te • • '
WWI W. *Or, Want b,oOtoll
• and btutlo ary ' '`• ' , •
E. P. Smi th ; . ‘ -
Elias -Ma A, oxtrit work M •
kiwatani n dip, . , 109 00
' IYagu!r, watchman at
AmosWeilor Longa vamP iiridge
repair anduutber . 2 t
Win, 1) . Al i
house, .horso hire
JIM per co .1W.7, •
Thomas Hoe ,_conyoying prison
ere to thiutt House
Jobs Magic mot stefundoti
'tray ho sold
John A. W r, tre% • or , al* of the
ilanicl' lei rlc h, l reps I rktg
bridge at Dietrich's win ,
i f
Elias Reber, repairing bridge
at 'Ober's mill
John L. Snell. rink flooring in
Cot House
Samuel Francis * , repair 1
• bridges on iloyeraiown road ,
Mebane • Hunter, plank and,
bridgo repair itt Moaelern
Fur an Sheppard, treas. of th e '
Efferent Penitentiary,. . Ma; NT
F. C. Butz .soda ash ll
John Filokinger, putting in ves4 ,l
in Court lions,,. .
Jacob Young k eon, coal fur ,
Court 110uko . ~
Christian Frees, book.binding
J. W. Wentzel, hauling ashes
Joseph Benne delivering op.
peal book to U. Tuipehothcon
J. s. Ermentront, county sup'(
for Teachers' Institute 1
C. Kreps, 'smith ‘vorlc on Black
Sitnon Dreibehts, repairing at
Ontolauneo bridge .
(ieorgo alorkeLrepairing at Len
• hal't's bridge
Samuel Focht; work% at Court
E. Fox - & Co., boarding jurors
April Term
Solomon Closo and J. Idlesoinor,
making tax duplicates , •
C. Mon, and atone
Mat. foyer, making tux diipli- 1
mites - • ' ~ ,
H. Summons and Schoonor, ma. ,
king tax duplicates . i 9 00,
Z. 11.1daurer, making tax dupli- .
. - f espes , , • , dCO
~/. Voting & Sons; coal for Court
' ;nous° I • ~ , 110
kldward Ilavilleial,• in full per
prison oordract. 1 1,208 10
Rambo & Ileekinati, gas pipe for
Court House I -
Win. MeNall, ter, tors for bri lig
lug prisoners frors% Phila.
Joseph Sob mole repairing
bridge at Flying 11111 --•
"Jeremiah. lieolitek atimiding
floury Ora Attending prison.
Loymnstor & Seib liganiintitig nt
Court House
Wm. Hall, work at Cout t House •
rotor Bingainati do 4
r• C. Butz, brasites die. Cyr. Cola t
Houma .
J. S.: White, hauling .
Strickland It liro.otationary
J, 1 , , !Muth, work at prison
L.• (ible, paviog atCourt House
ILIC cliel i repairing Reed bridgo
F 4 Freed,,blank book
.J.• C. Strohucker, making militia
D.'Flitter, viewing bridgo at Wintere) mill • .
S. gammons, earpentor work at
Court Houso
;inutile' Saiison, stool pens
1. K.
. Boyer, recording militia
rol• I .
Wet. Adam, Viewing bridge tit
tirieseineVe mill.
J. ifinnershltz, repan hug road to
J. Wanner, viowing - bridge at
Urlosenier'e mill
S. A. Stondt, viewing bridge at
Oriesemer a mill
D. S. Zacharias. survives
Joseph Honey, wall anti have.
mental Court Homo
Joseph Henry, prison yard pave
lug, Wator anti gas pipos. 2,6 71
Joseph Henry, building and
• trains 1,961 el
Joseph Henry, , •extension at •
Vagrant house r i m 21
Joseph Henry, raising outside '
wall sit prison
Joseph Henry, cupboard, tables, '--
shoe benches &o. *1. 1 02 . 4 0
JOsaill Henry, repairs 'at old •
prison 1,509 15
D. 11. lioldema», chairs for Court
O. W. Bruckintin and J. Faber,
Jury Commis:4lone re
D, Frey, repairing Alt house's
Tobias Rote', piper
John Flickinger, putting coal In
Court Howie
S. Flater c pahiting sign:for Ham=
bur,i bridge,
Wm. S. Young, Coin. viewing
' bridges /to,. .
.. •
lionJamin Levan, Coot. viewing
bridges Ito. ..
Jacob - Bhutto,' Com,- viewing
bridges hie. ,
.1. yiningik Holt , coal for ,court
house „ • .
J.ll. Spatz, het* hire for Cam,
Amos - Orconwaill, . repairing'
bridge n'Albany township'
.Albert ithsibb; iceib court hOuso
C.'S. Hitter horse hire for Coin.
F. Dunlap, iiibor,at Penn area,
.1. F. 11(0011, City directory
John Flickinger, finit; up itt
court house
C. Ficed,blank book forOrplitins ,
Court °aloe
Thomas Hoch, running Black
Philadelphia and Reading
Albert, Roland, working at pris
on water works
W. F. Murphy & Hon, blttnku
for Recorder's °Moo
Jacob Vinktione, lox scalps
Elias Dieffeubacii, making and
'patting sign boards at bridges
J. H. Wet ster stool fume
Charles U. Fritz, Ramps
Strickland & Bro., atationary
J. R. Snell; repairing heater at
court lions()
Simon Dreibelblesttlints,repair
ing bridges
J. Schwartz, Wentzel and oth
ora, fox scalps
Si. 4t, E. 't , ealitnnit, - Acrubbing
&0., court house ,4
N. Zimmerman, charcoal
Ilehry Heider, blank book and I
recording Trenetirta 4 B bond :
Lewis .; Neuderfer, repairs nt
courtliouso *
E. Soul!, laying water pipe at
prison and court house
Joseph Ritter, taking Shutter
anti Heifer to house of refuge
Joseph' (humor bringing con
victs trout Philadelphia
J. L. Bitchier, hardware &e.
Win. Miner, I' Si. box hire and
stamps .
Deficiency In State tax
100 . •
to Ito
3' WI
i OD
I'lo (o
YO 00
10 00
1 S 24.1
a 1 00
10 0)
1,0 51
,1 , ,X1 S
2,3 Q 00
tin, I 0
273 00
6iXI 0)
t2O (m)
lOU (.0
AJ I yo
Fa) a►
i DO
786 tXI
400 00
23 11)
3CO tO
110 OCI
6,169 ei3
1 0 108 01
.1,1k7 17
43 68
'.1,21$ 13
20 48
8,01J2 24
7,218 23
WI 30
17 GO
;it 00
b 3 28
'22 co
4 4 V)
GO 33
.6 37
79 SO
330 43
3 00
413 70
Sri 03
110 01
480 15
141 41
4$ 70
7 $0
333 12
'3l 37
179 44 r.
39 '
313 II
809 9!
110 N.,
in RI
139 00
103 tl9
:Pa, collattemp expenses
fere , i+m , r 3 OrmintiirhimiT.
Bonds exchangetl,4lo,ooo at 1 pct.
cont. tnti Ou
All the I nonop paid 0ttt,192,204
at 1 4 per cunt. IC 83
MI th o money revolved ? 1271,771.
40 at %poi. cent , 1,856 77
Balance la the buds of the Treasurer
net:apt/00 , 1os of Expeatvcet.
Prison exiiensos 03,139 113
Principal loans paid .1,1,193 50
Interest 0 1 4 loans paid 13,897 9(1
Printing orders 1,133 63 •
Constablog l returns 460 71 -
Election returns 3,131 00 •
Coronet's inquests • , 261 03
Ti lennial essessualut,4 i 1,933 TO
Assessing and returning lists (St
votahles. . I,M) 50
Constables' orders in Compton
wealth case. ‘ 101 37 •._
Road d 9 in age s ' 291 30
Tipstaves at special court - • 110 00
Court expenses, , 6,116 tO _
Toll brill es . • • 1,708 39
County of 5,5"5183 .
Prosecution and. witness fees ' 80870
Mayor's, Aldermen's and Justl
cud, orders • ft2o 53
Refunding orders . 304 lo
Poor House orders - _ 83,539 90
Miscellaneousco 404 43
Treasurer's coral:Mission 1 2,1a9 20
Balance in the luiuds of Treas. 77,018 82
i Total 4271,774 40
To the, Honorable the Judges of the CeUrt of
Corn:non Pleas of Jerks County : -
Tho Auditors respectfully report that they
bate carefully audited and settled tho act:ening
'of Charles IL Fritz, Esq.. Treasurer of 'Jerks
county from tho first day_
lit (both January. 1068 , to
the thirty-drag day of December. .(both
days inclusive), and find a behmee fa the hands
of tho Treasurer of seventeven thousand awl
eighteen dollars and thlrt .-tweeents, ($77,01e ID).
Witness our hands at Rea ding this 50th day of
January, A. D., 180 U.
JAMES BELL • Aatlltore
r. 0, AmmtGAIL.
7,060 00 , I
. , tq• v•sr.
100 89
Albany, .
2003 X! Hu l k
Aisne!), ,
2 171 6 8 6 7221 81 ")*N. ; 124:11 : 744: 1 96 is t : 11 : : 7
, L t o 00, HIM ' 104 ,.
'Bern, "
Ilttru, - Upper
80010114 32501. its To! 1 1 1
110er,ttlitilt, , tioo eto• - Sles pe
Unirnarvoni, • WI 81 1 1125e3 1 k
Centro, -4001 Z" 1 360 11413 r
I 134t0 1
ColeßroOktlahi, 1. - - 220020 3011
Britar, • iiiiii pi 40g 2,3 ; 0,5e6
'District, • 113064; 11 at, 3334
Douglass, 2473711. 900000'
. 418 71
Earl, 1771 07 1 1449 /13 3•21 a
Exeter, • 3633 Mi. 2232401 3433 et ) !
Greenwich, : 1346 " 160 Oat NO 621 1( 4 4 14
llemburg,, • . 172306' 1 073 731 614 3$ %
Heidelberg, . 4373 Re 10 73 72 1 2%17 98 1 fr- 4111
•'/Icidelberg,' L. 4 7327 1 1 3; &Yu Co, 00 , 13 Ds: 1.4 4
Heidelberg, N. 2070 83 1 170066 070 431
Hereford, • 8083113; volt 011: 430 e tc
Jeffenion. . - 273811 1 20 0 00 1 71hi 11:
Kutztown, 161261! 48o0it 316161;3
IL 4:
'a? 31
e ri (3al ' en lull r' '
8 0 fit s
1 4° 7 4, 16 5 3 1 11 21 1M 1
0 4 2 2 9 1 61 121 7 0 1 , 1 ' ituir47 381,0411401
4903 03, 937 col' 4026 9,a!
Multlenbeig, 330340 ' 8403 47! it ut sq: TIAL
111ey, • '10336 39 1 • 0210 23! 1630 21 "
'Untelatineo, 4514114 8263 0:1 1179 so h ,
l'enn, . ,1020 63 1 3 1 3 8 00, ft'7 s 3 "
perry, - 4309 89: 1797 81 1 , al 23;
silk°, • . 11306 761 - 1544 421 6333
Richmond, 03129 e-; 4372 57 ' 11e9721 to
Robeson, • 4961 41; 26t11 ite -' ion 91; 0
Rockl a nd, 274002 !1207 201 1340 82
Ruscoininnanor, 1906 571 .- 129 78 1667 79
Spring, mg To . 4210 471 8139 32 818
Tulptilioceon,Up 178907 18872'8, 383 ti, al ,.
TitipoltoEcoit, • •117425 61 1862 9,11: .4013 Rol
Union, • . • • 431230 3367 71! . 744 (31
Washington, 4214164 •222600; goal int K A3
Windsor, • 274051 1175 011 , 833 sr ,
Womeisdorf, • 1560 180000 2 0 06•11 434e'
ltsztono ; • . ,
El rot Wart), M
' . NB7 . 1744 31 1000 MI
ticevntl Wan), ' 4812841 846727 ' 127311(
Third IVard, . 311144 . 2062 23 ' 1078 fa; .•
Fourth Ward, - ' 5647 03 475666 •,• OH tsl
Fifth IVard, ' 354167 160400 - POI 67; .
Sixth Ward, 8390,74 123236' , 2107 16 1 •
rtsvelith Ward; . , 681703; 4016 24 I. 2801,710 x
• ,
Eighth Wardt l 317141` .817141 !
Ninth Ward,. • ' 823024 1011 43 ••itss7tqfpco
i ? ~(
/• . I • t 19,154) 80134,494 14.'60130 9431
. , . ,
Ourara:nrortri 'Faxith FOR Bak.
• rzatiNT TUAlltig. ': - .
Charles Wean District:, 1t65 ' '
Jacob 8, ,Shollenberger, 11am
burg, 1863 • .
J. W.. Iteed, Marion, It•X;3
Elias Ditifoithaelt, Ifethel,lB4)l , ‘
BaitiolVehrito, District, It klB •
Harrison Ozeurlder i blation,lBo6 1
J:1 0 . Mohr, Robeson, 18611
Amos Belnelii Itnhcoullituauer,
ltUtosince paid In full • 114 03
, Jessobliller, Albany, 1867 ' 1.020 94
' Dariel Filbert, Bernvllle t 1867 • 183 81
Reuben M. UKogrofe, Ear1,,1807 Ns 44
l•Willlitim Keyser, Hamburg, 1867 1132 74
, I J.. U. Lambert, Heidelberg
I . Lower, 1807 . 1,9913 04 •
I John non!, blaidonoreelr, 1607 374 06
Pavid • Blery, Ontelaunce, 1 8 0 7 8 58 91
Elias G. Saul, Ituscomktnan, 03107
M. A. Boilers, Windsor, 1807 718'07
Levi Yensel, IYonielstlorf, he
186 00
Edward Soliwook,*Realllng o ;
cend Ward, 1237 • • 200 Ou
Jacob Smith, ltefeling Eighth •
Ward, 1307. ' 708 (
Jacob Binltli, Reading,' Ninth'
Mord, 1807 • 1,020 31
• .
Whole nein of outstanding taxes 1 ---
312,977 0 1
Wo the undersigned Auditors, 601 hereby cot.
lily that the above Amount is a•cprreet state
went of the outstanding taxes, Up to theist flay
of January. A. D., 11369. (
1 1 JAMBS Bblal k 'Il Anilines.
I'. 8. ALBRIGHT. i
Whole Awl of ',Omni or old debts
'as noar its could be ascertained 92,31218
• We tho undersigned Auditors, do hereby eta
t I fy that the above is a oorreot statement of thp
whole debt of Berke county. On the 30th day of
Oceembor, A. D. 1668. It the outstanding hire,
and tint balance in tho, hands of the 'Frowning
be deducted, tub real county debt will, as near
OS WO could ascertain tiio skint% annum to about
sixty-ono thousand two hundred donate
(3 61 ").
JAMES BELT. Auditors
' . fob 20-11 w
40 60
lot '
cti fy4
1i 23
7 p
13 111
41 40
la AO
5 ltl
au 0
100 TO.
it 00
67 00
10 TO
16 fXI
3 CO ,
21 IX)
3 37
xl tti
81 70
14 00
8 50
12 18
3 73
3 W
l'O 00
'2 00 *
It 39`
2 001
30 00
7U!► W
o,blia BO
E -
iato of Gi t tdmwieit township, limits tOtthiy,
400:wed. Lettere of admintstration to the mato
of .tho abovo named dooodont having been
granted to Um undersigned, rumbling In mild
towhellipototice Is' hereby givon, that all per.
sone:indebted to said ceinto aro re‘pitoteil te.
mako dnunediato paymont, and thozie lowing
Maims, will present them, peoporly unthentlett•
toil, for sottloment.
fob. 640 DAVID ALEITZIAIt, Atineor.
1 'JO 0()
90 I , i
11 VI
57 60
(Near Peach)
115-Chargoe moderati:
119 :11)
5 CO
16 01
11 (A
71 50
mut 6
4 50
otill Pure iYhlto Load, Foslor's Englldh Pure
White Load, 'Lib - orty Pura Mlle Lead, read
Parc Whitt) Load, lied Heal French Zino, French
CB ass., all sizes, AanorlcanAl lass, all sizes, Limed
Oil, rutty, Paints, ho., (to. For sale ollt‘mp, and
all goods warranted as sold, by
Oct $l-tf 612 Ewan dlreel.
66 00
GO 15
No. 000 reno Street, Itcattilith l'«.,
10 00.,
Q 42
(Next door to Larcti'a Hardware Store.)
& DI t tAKE,
be to announco to the citlaana of Heading' and
vicinity, that they kayo now in kitoro, a yery Ano
itseOrttnent of
aT 09
878 66
22 23
17 00
r 4 '
SHOES of nil sizes and of very superior make.
which theyy will so il at the lowest Cash pikes.
They Invite nil to call MI (1 sod their sleek - herd
P urchasing elsewhere.
They have also!" tine assortment of the latest
styles HATS and CAPS, at low figures.
zarAll kinds of customer work mantliketure 4
in tho very, best style, at short notice.
132 01
34 1
110 1 6 00
Thollatroougo of tlo public 18 respectfully so
ItelVed. LI an 11-1 y
80,404 13
if ,„ unfte 1„ •
rfoguoil havifi, opened now MSAT
TSTORE under Library Mali, curlier of Fifth
and Franklin etreets, respectfully solicit a stunt
of publlo patronage. Always on band a full bap.
ply of all•kinde of Meat, Sausage, Sorapplot Ac•l
&o g at reasonable prices. All ()Mom promptlY
filled, and customers aerved at their limes,
JR) '2O
,018 ES
slloP.—North Eighth, stroCt, itesding.i All
kinds of machinery anti other castings. Machin!
work by oxi•orienemit machinists . Ptittorn wort
by the best P latent Atakora Opieni promptlY
tilled on reasonable terms.
cbt l lo-bin] tiIf,)(PEUT AIcBIANtIB h VO,
,1)79 281 SOUTH .I'lkTli iSTRBErt
• y f
By Wm * "A" & Co. • 20 Om) MEDAL 3 AwAsutt
Calouberg Vauricl. Execedlng ly
1500 SOLD N l'nummurtibi.
9110A148 AND MELODEONS . ;
Dr Pantos & Co., TITS min. IN THE WORLD, 45/ 9
• IN tlBll.
Br Yer.nnne , r,i i i rlirblf CO., if RON I "comp, Co g a
ae„ teq,
no21:14 • AlvOns CIO up to 01,000,
aad IPldd Dl\
~ldAlsopriailt Jame.
• 1
alca 43,
ioao ea :
, N I
14726 17;
FYla te'
' '
A. O. ENTETLX, t•roprirtor.
it I '1
42 4
MO 20
161 71
2d el
,1106 42
325 1.4