••:.; ;‘' „ j A 1 I j ' A • 1 1 t) kII I4A-61:131-1 HEADINd. Pkw TIVQA-Y,. MAN it3q9. CITY AND COUNTY.. _ FIRST itomair- , :.i.g 107 R!MI . . t,osutuateAileirt, Intektiled ror publics -11,,n I the k id; Aoos belier,OmYntnted by reqpnnvolb mune, as a guaranpre of elm ce r ity on the DWI of the wrlter,„The name N ill not be patilitilled 'tithes, 89051110 by the eorresnontltitt. • Cum responden il M shotilake; coin. tit idea t tons' eltltt and to the. polOk Our IT l en Is Melted ror,very tppg 'articleo. Write only One irde of the intpor, an d t; ptnluty pti 0146 . 81 1 )10, withoßt flOuklehea. • poi re wile MU 10 reeeive t h e E kw.% vOOlllO/31 will confer a .favor by notleo at this onion, where all corn ',Wets of irregulatlty or atones de- Ilvcry will be prompt attemlettto. evaadivvreisaitsis maero tr easUar t l e y d. tO band In In the day as as our rapidly inortntaing otrOula ty,,a compels us to go te'press about. 2 p. 1131tIEP MONTIONB. largo number of business ehangos _will tako place on Penn street this spring. • • Miss Maria b. Sanford is a candidate f o r, county School Superintendent in t'iu for coullty, Pa. Wintor lingorS in the lap %Of Spring, 311(1 is orldontlyittonlog ,fur: mst dolin quonOlCS. Tho rigor, of the prosenti weather has a doublo sting [B. ii.qn.] stem shop .and ,SaloOn koopora aro e omplitinlng ordttlitteaa of trade. Scar city or stamps and an approaching April, aro thin concodo4 causes, litit (ha storm will soon ho Oyot, and'thingit Will move along In their inutatiThannol of Adtivity,. Patience I . ~ ~ . .. In a cold climate,• ceilings_ should never ho higher than nine foot; -• It takes ( onsitl9rably ! inro than double pc fuel 10 heat a coon 6yolvo 'Oat high than if It were OM), f ot'. , A "dog panic" prevails In many parts of the Sotto. No wish It would extend to Reading and create a spirit of opposi tion to tiro many ours which infest our streets. • Change Is, not alwaya improvement. thought HO last Ingl?t when Wdrdund that the chatunde maid had turned' OOF ruoni tepsy-thriloy. , • , . • T111:0 thing" flf4ilioy aro Emu no; ,a4,y01; ‘si4ll thorn td, bo if you domfro,to be,hatt py in thIH world. , = - . • Soom ovil-dispOso• ppreen, too the 'railing from the Our or James' Lu thoriot Church. - • The Editor of the Allentown :INews wants 1.0 light . the Editor the Bethlo., hem Timm Tho now lint fnetoTy of Levi deeemod, in Maple alloy, is Id . bo ecitt vorted into dwelling bowies. ► kHal boarding hanaoß nro in groat inin at tho present tiny). „ Mr.' Bonner hi Just finishing sovori two story framo houscs In South Twelfth ~Arcot. Callao ballu aro lulto tho ra g o in many playas. Thoy hada satltdhotoriiy &mon atratad that silks and Ratin'arnAlot India. 'pansablo to bpoial ploaHuro. , Mr. Datfart is building a, hat box. foe toi y on a ihtOk lot On Chestnut sfroot, be tween Elovorith aunt Twelfth streets. Frank foyer's, bandsomo throo-story brick rasidoneo at tho hood' of Penn street, is being rapidly coniploted. Tho Coinlnonial Old Folks .Woro in Williamsport on• Friday and tlatitrday. They opened in Jorsoy t3horo last night. 'lllliTtwo young HMI who, so sweetly mpg t,e other lilght a moot mo by moon light,', met an officer who sent thorn home to moot their mothers! It Is supposed that the tblot Who was reported as having loft tho dttl so haws° ho Was not able to tali° it with blur.• - Tho blue Mountaffi Is being rapidly htrippod of its hoavy timber. Icxtonsivo preparations aro being made in this city, Pottsvillo and other places, tor the go rd parado to come oil in Phil adolphia oh the 26th of April. it e has willows! his clothing house to, No. 433 Penn street. = . A patent fbr a snoring preventive - has been applied for. It consists in tho op plicatics - Or a common clothes pin to the nos( Tho en eke house belonging to C. B. Karr, nonr Milloravillo, I.n castor coun ty, was robbed ono night ittbt week of a largo int of meat and tWo hogs. The Ringgold Band of this city is be ing•complimonted by the Washingtoni an,. • leo six !adios thick, was out this la irning. 'r . Niossrs. Boshong tt, Bro., will shortly mainioneo tho orootion of a largo num ber of dwelling hottsos,i l on lUssingor :Arcot. , A , whool for thoillimigoinont voloo ippdeN will (von to-night at Koyatone 11101. Improvements and ropairs aro to be rinulo at Urn Fair Grounds. The hntel registers within the past few thy 3, presented a malt list or names, A petition Is luting circulated to tnko Kept to abolish the, Free Concert Saloons in this city. Tlid numbor of coal' trains coming down the rOrnl is incrOaslng. A aplondid rinsortmont ,of atattonory catibo fOutid at tho,blAol/14 book atoro. l:di.nsx of matt SUN.—WO 00 to have two eolipses of tho sun during the pros. nt year. .The iirat Nill take plane on the twenty-third of July, but' will only he partial, and bivisible in this country. Oa August 7111.6 tettil , oc\ipse of,tho sun oemits. This will he' the Most IntereSt!-• Ing that has been wltagsled In the Mal toil States for..many'y'ars, and will not ilappta again ,until • tea had year of the century. The shadow of'tho'earth will "mimic° crossing. the sun's dial{ about Mot past (bur in the arterbooh and will hot ontiroly - pass over It until nearly half past six.. 1. • ' • • " THII/ 3 / 4 ALT.E9T MAN /N 'run WOULD., Saturday • aftornoon t Charles IL Recker t • the smallest man •in the world, aoido "his appearance on the streets and ciliated quite a sonSatiOn. among tho little: folks. Ills business was to dispose of a tittmber of photo-, craplfs of itims'elf which he had in his p()asessioif. This diminutive 01)001111011 of humanity *as born on the Wd day Of A pril,lBlB, at Pontotoc, tjuly 31 inches high and weighs.just .45 pounds. Tho plotureir are sold at 85 Gouts apistee. : • • • PKNNSI /NAN IA Il.lsTirtvrloN INSTInftTION Op THE BLIND.—WO haVO 'Wei red the ,Thlity-siXth Annual lieport 01 the Pennsylvania Institution for the 1 ostruCtion of the Blind, for 1868. Tho Institution appears to ho in a flourishing condition. .The value of the articles Man ti fitethred•ii u ring the year 1868. are valtfed $14,626.93. .olnly two Of the p_uPils are from Borke' county—Charles •Frita and Hannah C. Weiss.. There are at present • 179 pupils in the Institution, of whom 30 support themselvfv. wirily or in port. No death occurred durit g the year. The 'lnstitution is situated at• Twentiet- find Paco streets, Philadelphia. It is4esorv.• jug of all support glut menu!..: eminent. . • ___ ______ ......____„, : :Al• t . 1 :•; 4' • . 1 a• a ' i,r. ; , s FOLIMP: AIi'AIRB.-- , - Cliari(040i111501) le an American citizen' of "adept 'scent. Chawies some tints in op coMmitted"sin assault and batterfeti - a titan named Quinn, and a warrant was iilatied iii the bandit 'Of Officer Mon forc hie ',arrest. Chawles made traciottbr Schuylkill Ha e'en, but yesterday he again tleteed Our city with his presence. Qincer'Dillon was at once ou his_ trall,,and the puranit bocatheno Close thatLthawies abandoned. his venal loafing Tplaceir and concealed hiniself ,:tip ' town. ''Laitt night ofilor Minnie endeavored to ,dispersis ‘ii . gang of five-noisy niggers on the . corner of Tenth •••sinti Washington streets. All obeyed - him except Chawles, who was , lip, the'erowd," and Who declared that he wouldn'tgo, and that nd officer 'could make him`_go or arrest him either. 0111 cot llmnple at omes tackled Chewies t but 'alto; colored troops fought , nobly ' and the, assistance of Constable Dial, was required to getChawles to Alto sta . tion house. This morning ChaWlee was requested to contribute $3.25 to the city treasury, but his exchequer not hieing in a fit condition for the resumption of ape-. do payments, ho was retained, and is now playing chequers with . .hls nose through . the bars. ,When ho isreleased,. his will probably have to answer for the 'assault and battery which caused his re. cent pilgrimage to Schuylkill Haven., John Summerhold resides in Tenth street, between Chestnut and Franklin. Summer'did riot get hold of John yes .torday, but whisky did. lAA %night Is. was ivory' drunk and disorderly, and was also ainisinghis wife: Officer Law rence took him to tho %Won house. Thli morning John's bettor halfappeared and, a compromise was effected. On paying a fine of 82:25 ho was discharged., Voter tetnitit WA-- slightly :weak lut the . knees, and,, • sleep . ' totem:an- Ing hiM, ho sank meetly to rest on .the PaveMent at tho corner of 7th and Penn streets. Otlrcer, Lewis took Peter tolho Stattim House, when 'he continued his Slumbers unbroken through tho-night. Peter had no money, and was retained, George flow() was in a state einellar, to that of Peter Smith.' George - selected a payment In Itingentan street -between 7th kiid Bth as his place oftrest,mt QM dbl. James 'titterer 'disturbed 1119 1 silitn hors, and tieorge • was compelled to "roost" the bajance of the night at the Station Honsio. Goorgo'st . pocket book was in a,hotto conliition, however, than that of, Peter,tut this morning by pay ing a fine of $ .25 ho was diseharged.. . Themes IC vellovas drunk et: the 1 corner of 'BOl lid Chestnut • streets. He lodgetf,itt the tation House the ,balanco of the night, and . titia morning paid his fine of $3.25 ' , like a man," and was dis charged. . :The Station House acctimincdated ,10 lodgers last night. , ST. Pierries DAY.—Tho annivorsary Of the birfhdaybf,lroland's patron saint ,will take place on •Wednesday, the 17th hist. ..Wo have licit heard that any organ ized* colobrathma the day 'will take Om this' city, but wo prostnno • our Irish follow.eltizens will insnage to }coop it in some appropriate manner: Popular •higonds havo Laserlhod to St.• Patrick ;many minion] nal aohiovoitionts, among villieb was the banishment of all veknom- Pus reptiles fom Ireland by means of a erosior or stiff, which is said, to have been preserved with groat veneration in 'Dublin as into as,tho year 1390. ' Accord ing to the best authoritios tho life of Saint Patrick was a very eventful ono ; some, writers state that ho was born In thiul'in 372, hut tho greater number ,agree that ho was born at the mouth of the Clyde, in Hcotland,j in 372, and died at Down in Ulster about the year 404. In the year 132 he began his missionary labors In Ireland, and preached the Gos 'pot with wonderfuloffect. While tireaclp mg to the Irish, ho usel , the shamrock or Allover with its loaves on one atom to illustrate tho_ Trinity ; this ac counts for its adoption by the Irish 'na tion as Its ombloni. 'Perhaps,no,niission.: ary ovor apcomplishod a greater work than St. ; Patrick, or ono more, productiyo ofgood results ; his Ilfo Was passed-fin a rude age, awl Is oonSenuently much obtioured by tradition, but the good effects caused by his preaching _will continuo ibiever. . 1 • Tun , BlanlNO MRPEN9ARY, ginco gal Ist of January, has boon favored with the following charitable contributions: 'Jan. 26—By MrS. Catharine Brooke, 3 pairs drawers and 1 shirt. • • Fob. B—By Mrs. Orrick, 2 pairs stock ings. Feb. 16—By Sowing Society of St. Mat thow's Lutheran Church, Ifranklin St., 0 pairs drawers, 1 cushion, 8 shootS, 2 wrappers 7 hospital shirts pair per's, 13 boson shirts, 10 pair stockings, 1 vest., lot of bandages, 2 pairspantaloons, •1 handkerchiefs, 3 blankets, 2 pillows, 1 comfortable, 1 bolster and 4 MOM Feb. 22—By Mrs. James Jtimeson, ono rocking chair. Fob. 26—By Sewing Society of The Universalist Church, 20 yards rag carpet, and bolster, 1 bed-spread. P. M. ZIECILNII, Seo'y. Mu. If.urron :L-The' Dispatch, has an article on tho subject of the rival eandi dates for Assessor, Will you permit mo througli your colunins to inquire whoth-_, or Mie,hael Walter Was 't{ candidate for an appointment under President John son , whether he and his brother Jacob called upon Major (letz to seouic his in fluence; and whether Jac* who is a Democrat, stated that Michael had got a little Ny rong, but . if ho would get the placo he asked i for he would bo all right; and,whothor Michael assented to this ? In short whether . Michael did not seek au appointment ,under President John son, whom the Dispatch so much abuses? ,The Dispatch will also state whether Mr. Walter's claims are not pushed by the whole of Coionel Alexander's friends and followers? and Whether he and they were such an honest party that the Gov eminent should put them in power again? Ilow would tho revenue returns of certain gentlemen be, and' how many, rings would he formed, if. they should happen to got an Assessor whom they can manago? Will the Dispatch an ewer? Owls, AimEsTun.—Two young men, giving tligir hames as Jth3les J. Watson and (liarlos Taylor, we° m : reated this morn. ing about 6 o'clock at tho Keystone House. They are charged with having stolon,Bloo from a man at Easton, They wore talon to Easton this morning. Contmetto.—ln our report of tho election bf officers of the Democratic- Association, published in tho EA,nr.n yesterday, the natnti Of Hiram S. Getz, Treasurer, Was •!. accidentally omitted. Mr. Getz was eleioted by acclamation.. . . .:-..-.:-._..._ • c...._ , . Parana , lifutimAt. litoirut:t.,..-Tito Mardi number, of Peters; Wake( 'Monthly eon; tains some twenty-four pageaof eholeatiew music, giving seloons froni tho best - it 6• tbori3; and varlety,eneugh to suit the most fastidious - Ameag, them is a beautiful lit o ballad, with chorus, by J. 8. Cox, out!. tie "'Left All None ; 1, a Snored Song by, 3 (Wile Leaeh:eatitled ``rho LorS 4 wlll Pro ? _yids ft,' ."Cotalino,l l by Will S, Ifqsi a comic, -song by T. *lghavir Bishop, entitled "The ,Yonng Widow;" :and throe instrumental pieces, bamely : , klietty as a Pittic, 3 i Baron. role, by Mack' "Fleur de Tho - Gatop, ll by Dressler, and .0e; famous " Grecian 410114 idareli,” by Prey,ot 7 . In addition 'to the abotle; Ili: :Peters glyca: tittpeO ,pages - ot ~choleei f atuily reading, and ell for the.matll 'orate Sum of 40,50ents; or $3 per year•:-over. $3 Worth, .of Ik,itttor, Id utile . aPpepriag „lit 'each numberi ,Tbeso 61 (416 4 008 feet friends arhe do not subsertho; are certainly lasing latch. :treat; alif'%slo':*orth 'Or 'Ode° CuntiOi to bought ovary day ler„simh tt small suni: Issued by,kl.l4.PeterS x ktneia l'Ablitilier, P. 0, fox NV, Kew YeritY'ali . eiolii'coi)tes, 30 coma. [Comuinnicated.] 13=ZEI IMMIERV•• SIC 0141:1 ED I4ji 14,1 0" 14POIL 'OM* ,Ir ' t • 63 , Win(Os Band pad thexte ifs lidienneiehot, at' Keysjosie Opera ogee, tat nighte ;I;vas attended' by a orcialecl and fashionable audience, The'perterhOinobs elicitedlpmbral admit itoP atid.lfrgse. , , ' "11111ADRBBA ABBF.STED."—III ,00 EAOJJn yesterday wo mentioned the ar. rest of a supposed murderer on the Reading Railroad, below Pho*Mixville. We halm , since been interims:l'i by pas otengerion, the up train, that the, luau •was not arrested by the passengers, but .by three Philadelphia policemen Who 'Wore on MO' train. The passengers Merely rtisho . tt out of the ears to see tho arrest rnado t . , The man 'ad previously been concealed in a sta ble, which was Searched without finding him. Ito then Walked ,up : lie railroad; when ho was seer) ' acid calitured as above stated, taken tephoenixville, and,thenco. taken back to Philadelphia. He (Wins to have cdmmitted ' the supposed homicide in Selftdefence.;.fhe Philadelphia Bulletin "of last ovenin gives the following as Count of thee , air : , 41 .0 n Saturday evening, between 8 and `9 o'clock. tWo Germans named Joseph DollandCasper Weiss,ware in - .a lager beer saloon at Thirty-second rind Thong). ion streets.,. They got into a quarrel and Doll seized 'a stave from a barrel and begt .; Weiss upon the head with it. Weiss Was tie badly injured that his life is Ido• spaired of . After committing themur derous, assault, Dell fled. An account of the affair was reported at the Ninth Dlstriet Police Station,. about 0 o'clock yeSterday±' morning, 'and Lieuteuent Loioalre 4e,tached Serfant Atkinson and a squad of men. to 1 k after the rut. : salient: lie . was trace along the line oftha Reading Iteilroadiand was captur ,Od abont . three miles below Phoenixville, lie WaS.;brought Welt to the' city, and. after al hearing before Alderman Pan coast, was tomtnitted In default of ty,909 DirtannovrittylLl,.—Duritig the row on Saturday night at Canterbury Hall, the proprletcr,l , Mr. Christ, was an inueh injured by ' haying been kicked in the skip and.on the breast, that ho is confined to bed,' and. during last night was in a oriticaloondition. =MEI 'l3llliTollB' AociMlNT.—lsaao Alder f o r, living about ono mile north or Evans ville, mot 'With a sorionii accident last Saturday evening. Having just return ed from 'mill with a load of food, and, having his Dome partly unhitched from the wagon, the animal becanie frightened and started to run. Mr. Aldorfor, in en deavoring td stop him, reli,JAnd the load ed wagon passed over his arm crushing Ile vras attended by Dr. S. B. Detwiler and is now doing as well n$ could be expected., RIIAINNQ LumARY.- 7 WO mentioned yeateid# that library sllitteS!should pay an at,intud , contribution of olio dollar.— This,- however, is only on the shares tined. •For oxamplo, a stookholdor owns two, ton, twenty or more shrires but really bnlyusos ono share for obtaining , books. pays his one dollar per an nufn on this nhar',o, but nothing on the' rest. Tho thaws not used aro called dormant,- - -the alums used active. If ho chooses to do no ho can make • any of his dormant shares' active in the nano of any person he may designate, and the Aare so aotivized pays ono dollar annu al contribution. This is an. excellent arrangement. It would :not be right that persons who have liberally subscribed a • largo num ber of shares, in order to aid the Libra ry; Should' pay an annual' contribution upon,theui, as a single sharo would an swer ail the purposes of Obtaining books. -They pay but ono dollar per ammin on a single , share. They may, however, have HOMO 'friend, perhaps a deserving young. man or woman, who Is not able to buy a share. They can then activizo one of their shares in tho nanio of such per son who pays ono dollar per annum to thii Library for its lute. When this, dollar is no longer paid, the share ceases to be active, reverts to the stockholdip, and.bolonks to his dormant list. Stockholdors should sook out deserv ing your persons who aro willing to pay one dollar per annum,—and thoro are tow who cannot do that,—and givo thorn the use of tho Library., In this way they not only add to the ,fitilds of the Library, but promote a taste for reading, Which is the main objobt of the institution. All this has already boon done . to a considerable eitont: Homo 250 dormailt shares have already boon made active, and the number might, be greatly Increased. Willi whoever can, should buy'a share. - DEAD DOO.—A dead dog is lying in the gutter in Ponn street above 7th. It should 'be removed. - I ATTBMVTED BUROLARY.—Last night, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, an attempt Was made to break into the residence oflllr. Peter aift,No. 427 Laurel street. The burglar got over the fence and tried to forco open the back shutter. Ito was disturbed in his operations ,how ever, and did not • succeed in gutting in. 110 prowled About the holm nearly, all night, and every few minutes would give a low whistle. - On Sunday night an attempt was made ti effect 'an entrance into the cellar of Airs. Oartier, residing at 411 Laurel street, but the burglar was disturbod by her 'son, and loft. . iv __ • Tus Tamaqua Journal says that on the 22d ult., a young bay mare with harneSs'and a.buggy, bolonging to Jacob Millman and William Bitched, wore sto len from Spiberling's tavern, about• four miles below that place. A reward of fifty dollars is orfored for the rocovory of the property, With, an additional reward for ho arrest of the thiof or thieves. • 13. Y. irliE CUBA "CAiIL , • . rik„v,ANA l ‘ March .B.—A, severe engage ment 'occurred on the march of Oen general Lesea to Purr o 'Principe. Gen. Lesca found the et ' my to the number of 4000 strongly int;nched On the Sierra do Cubitas. Arti ll ery was brought up, I and commenced a vigorous fire upon the works. Covered by the batteries,' a column of regular troops, 1600 strong, attacked the enemy's fortifications wil h 'tho bayonet.' Both sides fought with viii- termination, and the havoc was fearfu . Gen. Lesea reports his loss at 81 killed and 80 woittrded. :the loss of the rebelsis estimated at upirnrds - Of 1000 killed and wOunded. Goiertititent acconuts claim a Victory for, General Lesea, anti assert that the.insut gentli are much disheartened by theif , del: at. The detachment' that left Norte , Prineipo for-Santa - Cruon . obtain sup , piies braughuto that port by the fleet, rc• turned on. the 2d inst., with ' prbvistons and ammanition,,having made the march: both wayti without serious interruption. ' Tlie entire available strettglit of the rebel forces now Under Quesad_a is estimated at 7000" teen. '. :. ,• ..,- i , f The Piano reports the rebel lea . dora irkl.the ,province of Santa Rspirifu, 'have detteytecl their men ,in the ‘Eastortr deParttiletit. , Ban& are roaming be. •tween tiollnin atid - Gibara, arid' comMit ting•'..grbat., deprOations avid' °aquas. They eartiothe rebel flag„ but are dis otvned l4Jthe ininigents themselves, and denettneed ab bandits. `‘ 4%; 'steamer .ifr , rived here today from Cie rt faeg o a vii fly ;a , number of prisonersotmong them .fbar prittate. • ' .. .: • - ti 86 11 111141111.111., autitto,.llo4:4, In ihe Settata t t :fallowitivatessage 'was ,:ieeitixiAlr,44;ttie; Governeo Exietfitive, ettaUsett` , Ati*oo44o,t'Wfili'itt4,ilsetc.l To the Seniiie aaej 'Mose of RepreseWa• tiers of the aotisi - eatrearth caniar 4 •=! ; 9 sau.satex."—l littyo the 'holler t mit, for the consideration of the' Oeueral . AsietriblYi'ii.dtili,,attested copy ot_a con .currenrt reeOlettoii, „of the Sedate and ) Housnof , ltepresentativca of the United tates; of "Q resolu- Q l l pr o oBlfl ,an ;Amendment to the Constitution oltlie:Uniteli States," this day ( received fritiM the So Department, Wasliiiiston;D. G. I cordially appiove this action of the National ,Congress, and unhesitatingly recommend the prompt ratification of the same b' Tha Legislature. ;.' . • 'JonN W. (sear. Several bills of a private l ;. eh tatter were then taken:up , and passed finally. Adjourned to tomorrow at 11 a. in. In the 'Tense, a largo nuinher of pe titions apt] remonstrances were presi•nki cd, inclUding severalfrOni various , coml• ties without , distinction of party, against the 'ratification - of the 'proposed 16th amendment of the Constitution, ,confer ring the right of suffrage upon nogroes., Air. Wilson presented a petition front the representatives' in Congress from Pennsylvania, asking the legislature to appropriate 4 'sane:Loa aunt of money to pay for A bronze statue of the late Thaddeus. Stevens,, to be placed :on the Lincoln mbrittinent tit Wastkinittnn. • 11111=13 . . "Time may sear and blanch yiir brow s ?' but It eanni3t - ally* your hair, if youl use . that exeellen rollaway known tul qllarretV i e Vegetable Hair ltestorat Nell to tlio- Oho, lute tag:MO:don of all the vile compounds with the, marlot is illoodo(1.—Porld mouth Journal. [lair,' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORtit 7 i - . ATTORNEY'• AT LAW. -*OP floe; No. 4 North Sixth street, WO Maim) nearly...opposite tho Coat lloOso. Itoading, Pa. • , Dour 9-11.14 =M12==1•111 JOHN D. HOOP, A UCTI.6OER.--NO. 834 BTNG x.x., man street', Reading, I% l ' Will at.tenil to.the selling 'of reit estut.e• and personal property oft rousOna lo talus, . „ mar 9-lwa . , , . I 1 . , . . OR SALE—A. FINE RESIDENCE, No j :132 North Eighth street, 1 ' imicrAmiN, mar 9-_td* Keystone OI`IOE.-7zThe ,tuemberq 'of Continental N Lodge aro hereby notified. that, their Lodge has boon removed from Aulonbftehlti to lthoad's (Mechanic's Italia sth ttnd Wash ington streets. All members are requested . to be it attendance on next IVednesday eveniugi 10th inst. • lly order of IC U. F. Wituratg, tiecry.' mar D-ltd • Quinton Tomatod; f Quinton,ToOdoos BUY VIE • , THE BEST; IS THE CHEAPEST:, The QuintOh chimed TomatoeM ore thit best In the market. For sale by the ease or clan at the store of InTRKUOLDER do MADEIRA. mar t-tl Marrow and, Medium Beans ainada - Peas, Sptie f Peas, LeittilB, ,Blinker Df•ieg Conn, slice, Tapioba; h'ago, - lcy, Gritz, Glitatarj),Yeed, &c.," at the cheap store of BURKHOLDER & MADEIRA, ' mur 941 61 t h and Wa g ten. ST. GEORGE CODFISH A choice lot. at, .BURIKIIULDER MADEIItAPS. mar 841 ANTED.--A GOOD GIRL to do gown al holm works Rooommendtaton ro go rod. Apply at WILLSON Cota mar 8-Rd] , Jowelty Store A NEW WINE t so _vt `s.'l 9 -i 'LIQUOR STORE } lIASIJUSTBEEN °PIMA) AT TUE I 00R. OF EIGHTH AND PENN STS;', GEE. W:' I FUdITES„ For many yoara with Jos. 311S1ilor & Co,► FRANCIS C. RIIODF,, Son of Itin. 11. Itho►lo, under the thin of HUGHES & RHODE. • They have on hand and will at all times keep alarge and well mulct:led stook of all brandealiid qualities of Il'ileoA l l`l4D WINES, gm. ct BRANDIES AND DINS, t . A choice lot of CHAMPAGNE AND CLARET. ' Alse,line'double distilled rye whisky of different brands;. also common rectified' whisky told Vinegar wholesale anti retail. Doeuljoims and bot ties of all sizes. All Reeds twill bo sold fit prides to suit the times. They extend an invitation to their nu merous (donde and tho public generally, and hope attention to business, arid courtesy to all who may favor thorn! with their riatrcniage, to gain the bond. donee el buyers. IIUGUES h 11110Dli. 140 8-Im4 STATII A.ORICULTURAL SOCl- ETV,—Proposhis for-holding tho annual exhibition of - Hie Pennsylvania State Agricultural, Society ia September next, will be repelvedby the undersigned Until Tuesday, March 17th, NA A gua t rao. tee for the JierfOrmanee of the propos'. tion tendered'. will be required. The Exec• will meet Wive et:herniae° on the 17th of Mareb, and ;decide upon location, Let. should be addressed to Amos E. lCupp, Northumberltind,A.BLongakerAllentown, or /v. - Boyd Hamilton, Harrisburg. , feb,2o-41w, CIAiti ) ,ETS FO RPETS 1 1 • ' • •'' B. _ NO. 4 118:11nows street, bettssr.Frarskthi f betwenis sAish . awlSeventh stgtetg, • RespeetfallyAniorm the ci s titentrof Roadlps and.vicinity, that they are a:mann:6oring the very best Ingrain, all-wool. Carpets, over , offer.... ad in this atty. '.Latest p_atterns 'and 'colors. Wholesale and retall.ew Y cirh: price& ,„"', We in the public to ll examine our gotOi before purchasing elsewhere.- and , save lover slant- : Buy out of first class ;leads and.save money. - • • • d.ll4ni n. H. MARKLEY.* On, STORK STAND 9 I OR RENT. -:-The good willoYah EXCELL VET STORE Br.i,Ko; corner of 241,hth Cbestant strbete; ig 'Offered for riltl with or wltheut :the salh pet of Gooth stand l*'s "seri? Oltifiv able one, amps nly(dlsposell dflor wan of In ttnie t0,t01141 to the beelnesl lo , rosseaton glven'oli the drat OLA intl. "A t 0..: EUli D1t.1 1 34' ' • mar f-2weedtlai On the Prenasee. I=l JUST RECEIVED, .' EEM 1031 AND --- 4.-tunvitit' 4lttk, illow*Tunii, , cir, irrAmps Pil's , , MAILS. ,'• -...,,,, amiaisidiffi•itta!Aii ermili LIN it_ . ligandei tql4littkitemlool4l lit:a4in at 8 s..m.itstnt 4•., „ . ay s lientreup• a • Saturday. Et t o 'II 0 ay" and arrives at i R. ta. ga" lAttg i stileVds ° ll•*l4.: tit TIN; 4mito r s-: 0 t:. ,;,::: _ w . _: BOY ETOWVIIIA4AND STAGE LINE Leav*tots at 8 o i ClUck. a. rn. Ar tiVas sk 0, , 9 o'clock,. c, rc.. Returning LOOM 10 ut IN, 11, UR Arrives at Boy ertown at p. pr. t sarVini StOhetliiriali. Bruin lidldvillii,Grasavillo, Yellosrlionde. Earlyme 1 and Boyurstoven. ; ,y , • • ERNVILLE,4Adi Oil) STAGE LINE , Leaves Bethel at • gio‘idlik, a. °nu b arrive.. at Rtiaditig at 10' , 0":1041‘, a. rn. Returning; leave" Beading at g o'elni t ty P. to., arrives itt *tient:thrall); p:in ii. t term: Leitbfflu!,l Turfatlon and log i c s. ulll ' ' 441 , "T. B OE RAU. NAIL STAGE LINE , . Ltrave.Vßiadlkon Mondl Wednesday and Friday. lit 8 otelOokes.•m: • eturning. leaves Blue Sidi on Tnes.D.yillti ay. andHatardav: arriving atAteeditig at 4 reAloolf, p. in. -It supplies_ mohn'il St re. nauer's Rowinana a vine, Mutts Creek; Terre Illll,l4aver's Mill and Blue Ball. • " 1 PIQUA. MAIL AND STAGE LINE , • . Leivei Reading on Monday , Wednesday ana Friday at 7 ,e'rsigtpk. a. in. Aarrives at Ite" - ding oa Tuesday. Ihnrscial and iSatt.rdaY ,at 5, o'clock. P. MI It supplies rdt. Penn, oeok instill% Joanna Furnitee.Morga ntovin. Talbot yill/' a Honey Brooks. Qiukbritlge and :Sbuth' Her Rage. - LO ACHSVILLE STAGE AND MAILLINE • Liiitiiii Lobabbsville on *.Tti - °ado , . Th ursday and tiaturda at 8 o'olook, a. in. Arrives at, Reading rito o'cigek. a. ni. Returning. Leaves' Readitig at 2 o elookaty. In. Arrives at lo baohtsviiie at. o'clock. p. m. It serve" Aleuee, Oloyiind Lobabbsville. , • :•'. \ • READING TO iX)LIMBIA . '. • Dail/ by Railroad—Leaves 'Beading at 6 p. in. Arrives at 10:30 a. to. • Suptiles Fritslown. Reinhold' Station Sieyens, Ephrata, MillwaY; Litis, Manhelai, op q rting Dlii,Landisvl learat SilverSpringa. ' ' • . WRSTOIIESTER TO:BIRDSBORO 4 Trlmeekly. by Stage , -)Lesvos Westchester on Monday. WedersdaYinfl , Fthlii , at 7 it. in. 'Arrives at , Birdsboro at p. ta t Returning. , •leavoi Birdsboro.on Tuesday, Thursday And Saturday at? a._ In.; Supplies Geiger's Mille, Blueltock,__Losc W ,'s Wallace, Uwebiand, Lion ville find We 4t hßetand. • „, RIMDR , Rif RODBSON • ' SO 4 0410403kiiito - Liavea Reading 'on Tueo ey and baturday at 7:30 a. ra, and arrives at Readingst 11,4,' URAPING TO 110 ST Sethi-weekly by Stage—Leaves Iterating Tuesday sad Situvcbq at . 11:30 tn. Iterating at Itoading atit,3o a. Aunties Addam's Tasiera, Loam'- ? Borth Heidelberg. Xrialt's ' • • PlltSrOfq TO. NOltk • Triliseekly.by'Stage,-iiiales Leesport, Tues day. Tbuniday and BaturdaY at 12 in. Arrives at Leesport. at 3P. m. Supplies Soutliikvaus• villi4art,4•Molltovrn. • coaow ;4 TO VIROINSVILLE Trt-croak Stajta—loavos Coxtovrn daY.-Thu ay and BfttUt4bY at 9a. in. ArriVes at Coxtowri.at t Supppoa - Mootlera and Viretnoville, • • §:VOIR:1118BM , ° Trl-vvi3Okly, pi. . IREITRBRsBpE — Letavoll It etirorobUrx Tuoestay. - Th'uniday 'and Saturday at, 11 a. in. Arrives. at Rektboburg at 6 p: w. Suppliok W10(410111 and ti Ord. Importt) to Printers . . 3 , PRESSESI FOR SALE. . "1-r- A IINE OilAiTo* 14181 ii ANb:MANUiP.A.C.; • • ONE' ENGINE AND ONE BOILER TO BE SOLD 011EAP. Tho' foll Owing inaotillsory is offorel for sato, at, advantageous rat os OSCILLATING ENGINII 911 R 'llO4liT POWEI, ONE TIOHT-HQJ#sE TUBULAR UP RIGHT BOILER. ONE LARGE OYLINPER PRINT ING PIiE&S. GAZETTE SIZE. ONE SMALL I WASHINGTON HAND PRIG. ONI!I I STANDING PRESS. Apply at the Adler Offleo, or addreae - RITTER dc CO., Reading, Pa. deo,7 SPUCIAL.II(YrICE:. • Previous to removing into our Rimy Storo, IW. 1124 CHESTNUT ST • ..,411OUT 111 . 41.11C,11 1, 1860, ?We will close out our largestoek of , - , ' 'DIAMONDS, , • JEWELRY, 1 • PLATED AND SILVER WARE, pLooms, FANO' GOODS, ETU., • Al ItEDIJCS4) PRICES. Porßono desiring'a to pia roliami for 'the l a o g i c t i ft t to e:antluo our ic to theiradvan , CLARIc St' BIDDLE, .Bitc . o.4sors to Thomas C. Garrett, .NO.llO CHKSINUT STREET, 'may 24-1 y • " • • A SSIGNEE'S QP PER. ri.solum I.4toPHirrY.wll be 'sola . pn ,tgcb, 1089 at 1 (fetlock. P. X, 'at tIiCKAIFWAYIIOUAIf, in the township of lifilderioreek., t he , 'following 'personal 'pr i carty. tutritr:l • - . atld Boulling, chairs.tables, stop;es„ 'pa '.lhtujeti AM Minds, mtrrors , w#81.1% elaWaWbArtsue, ()begin. , halters, 1; ~sactdtes~ t . 0145, Aild *talons other artiq or. • k • • . ilitiiiruttnitOti,Xifolin at the tin*. and frihtpe hy • „.- • Jon)/ g,vpx. co ', of P.lllieeker, 'Joint D..liTiTssOittletioneer; (00 20-4tw 2 -140,: \ 4411T*Oltiiel4If!rfiti. k - AIIS VAT: ' l 7 ' , MB Iv- I t 141004111 -7 :1 MICAT,NII,IOqa 40 No, 11 NOrth Ninth stroot. • Old ond SC* Oilinnt ors aro invited to sail. t M vir I kinds Of And 8010ktqtAnitts,Onliandi.... , i • • ''•• • nstx . ,B-1n • . , , iiv.N.,11.m0!..s FASMONABLt HAT STOXLE.. Sl'll,lN4l, GOODS JUST • tEAUTIFUI; NNW STYLI:S TO AI.I.TASTIti4, All Sales:*tartiltukt tit give - Eatisfaction • •••• ) 01VE tJAA 010. :•• • • N f i r N o . ,PORTICO 3111 1 1111110 . 1 litkithET, 1i1iA011444; mar 4—ttt . ' : • nrrikrAN , ..,,,itoi,lbwiTsir ." lIMI 'V OB PRINTEits, 5:2f . cot.,ltry STltEE'[', ' RNAI),INO, PA.' war 3-(1 le''''THE: IMPORTANCE . _OF , HE it LT'll.‘ • -• ~ • ' None balling() deprived of this blessing know of its loss, :The pimp led' 0101.0'0 and tottered eovorod person loo's upon a oleo; smooth skin with jeaibusy, and in• wartily4lesires tlio.setuo. Thoso Witbsesys-, tenali are tilled with tho virus of SUROI , IT., 14, and other entaneous 41661:0.4eiti, cannot have good health. When the blood Is litt. win) disoaso is sum to follow. All have' timely warning in .tlioso Pim ples, Blotches, TotAttra, Sores ; Dolls, Cop, per•eolored rtifoltes, Beaks, /to. Avert the' oulainity bl peril Ing tht(systvrn with tho 84,I c AlaT NIS II OT AND HER IJUICES, 8 41)1TAN , SR OT AND ILK i"JUIUNS, tiA lAI ITAWSR OTAND It iJ1,1190, -.. Bo pre Scrofula takes a 'Ol kohl.' flow tinnily 'buy° 00 vim of Syphilis In the SYstomonti in' that condition con template tuarringe, kiioWlog Milo, of its baneful Brilliance 'on The constitution. To such we say STOP. , First cleanse yourself ot- those itoptifltigil i Of that Borotnlous in. (notion, (which in many eases 'is 'tomb itary in the constitution,) before you bring misery on yourself and ollitPring, Pi ice $1.25 per bottle. . 8 A Itt A kITA .IV I 8 GIFT Tot{ MOST CERTAIN RIINIEDi. EVER WED. Yes I A PUP*lye Core bb" pit Diseases Arising from Youthful thacretion. Contains no Mineral, no ilalsatn t no Men , only. Only ten NINA() be taken to cireet ..ure. They. are entirely,vegetable, having o smell florin* , unpleasant taste, and will net in any way injure the stomach or bow. els of the most delicate. ()urea in from . Lye to tour days, and recent cases in twen• ty-faar hours.' Bent by matt. Price—Maio packages s2,Tetriato Sold by Harvey Illreh, Reading, Pa., and by Druggists. DESMOND $5 'Co., PrOprietors • dean-101fllbRabo litroot, Philadelphia. ,•. , • MADAME DE O.IIAMBLAY, Dtimas' latest and best work-132 pages, with sovoral fine engravings. rate DO cents. For sato' at the • • EMILF, BOOK STORE. mar 91-Iwdl 343 Penn street. =IS= J. R. BARAETT & CO., PrOprlotors, NANOINISTEN, No N Sold by Ml Drttgrgists and Dealers • In Potion& Medicines. Et, BIRCH & BRO., DR; A. 'IL LIGHT, W. J. THIERWECHTER, r WILLIAM WELLS.' 4onts, Reading ! Pa. may 5 •lr LAUMAN (tz HA I NIPORZERS AND DEALERS ICY• amicE tuluons,.• MINES:AND BEGARS 128 SOUTII:N1NT11 STREET ' ) G. M. LAAnamf, . p. C. itAm4ll.l,. Feb. 9. piIiEDERICk. W. LAU4R, "OLD I.L Corner Fifth &Washington streets, Reading, Pa Solo Agent for Berke and Lebanon countle3 for the celebrated _ ' SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. The most reliable and durable &ales over pincoil before tho Call and see • them before purebnelng where. Kuperior induteinente offered to buyers. A lot of seeond•hand . PLATFORItf SCALES on hand and for Bale cheap. leopt 4- K RYDER it CO., Manufacturers ,of • .DR. MEYER'S Celebrated , Tonlo Herb Bitters . I Importer of WINES:AND LIQUOR Alai) Rote Agent's'ot nittalr ° 6 4 TlOV)!Psiifl• : -p0.,121 rortii,Viiird4*eo • pi1%400641A. ts. 2 , v • 'lol.'l4l:a.f3Y!#.:VlMlflY#f!°rea MMI 21311 Rua ItAw: tire 10 , Halo 1, 4 T 141 It C 0 . AT 111 N EAOLE 1100 K STOIC • No , 542 Piaui Street; Reeding, Pa. ? ...,, Quit Chitm Deetts . , • ' roc) poothi, • Admittionikora Dentlo. . TrusteeB', Exoeittone o( tinartllNteallleolA Mqrtyttige, Vnym) ."; " (Solye Va(tali) El • - • • . Juilitinent Mute, ef: t! 11, " (with . walyili) Promissory'Nuto, (with waiver) Magistratoon : . ICreention Attachment, (with int er,roga. • torten) • -81numonti, (Landlorit and Tonant), Summons, Subinuna,' Warrant, blicooutton, etinat apnea Salty, Petition in Dlveree, (Adultery) • Interregatorle's in ease of•Adulterj', it ion in Divorce (MAMA n►.) • ' Inteilogittories In o,►se of 1,%4(10 lon, In Divorce (Intolerable Trott!. tuna) • Interrogatorkm la _ease of Intolerabic Treatment, • - , II darationo, yobt by 21H1 Asl,lgnir of Hood, Dubt by 441 Asalgoot) o(Dol(1, Debt by Asslimoo or Bond, A ork, Law cola bittu!rialfi, ;. • 'hook, Slander, Common Motto'', 0111 of.Excliango,2tullin4Orsce vs. Acceptor , fill! OLEIC:11%1)W, NM. brftworoi; lip4nrm.r, 11111 of B.xelintigO'vo. Acceptor, ; Commencement of Declaration in cane, Goods Sold and Dellvercd„ Quantum Valebant, ' , Money Lent and Advanfed, money 'had Rio Recall/C . (11 Account Stated, Money raid, _ Debt upon Bond andMognovit Actl'onem, Proinnilasory . NotOl'ayee vs. Maker, 46 I $ 4 Intloricovo.llulorset gtflgor, h IS Troyer, Work, &0., (lootla Rohl, tho Mono, Counts Joined la (innCotint, ": Bill of Exo Payor vs. Maker in easy of Non Adqoptanco, Bill of Exchange Maker va. AcoUjaor, ILOPaseo( it Jpigineut, Refunding !loud. . MI POWERN OF ATTORAIEV. kowor of Attorney, (fitment') Powor of At toroov to Kt:collie Interekt, 1' wor of Attorney to Rode pnv I Dun nod cow lOff Due, • ; 4 - • - • lo PoTer of Attorney to Than9fe'r f3torlr, amll'eunnt ) 144(11nr(nt Molted toQuit, a I= 1111 'quil, Warr,tl4 19 V9rl9 repent I 'Aimptrit by hie Cfbiii tar 1 his count Mar. 4 R I "..." II A 11•1 IRE Mingl I= r 11'. \',_ MN ~ ~ 1 111 IN NA OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers