Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 09, 1869, Image 2
I REA I>l NO. PA. TllEsiitif,:irAcjig r [Bo - 1 StOr(;, ADO:Ii ' of!i'(..4.!;"'1 1 1I4(1:t '117,4;14; it 4 DEipi . CHA N l o y vi „k, c eis, reniovcd.. to 54 4 2 ,Poiltotreet,, kiclitn poker 1 loini . o opposite the ICeYate .1 1116'.1/( l (iii Ott' izesi alient tQ .plitniii r Au , ufgriptioN , i fur ir • 111 . 43 Por,y t)?e q)q.E111: ASV DP.MoCRAT, and the Ain LP. lie, will comutehed.hi3,ctitivaii uf,the ,copiily al ru tog ,HE N o A L i pi ur (.30.14ouptAis. • • 0. ~,:wpolmsov, ,the Sto)4e • Afr; (iojk4lijigilitroduced it Lill , w 1 e) ; w4B:,A•pforrA,3l,,tp prevent! seerot Aulea of gol4, b0r,(13 by ;be Goy , ;,. u,:itipplee4eft tary •. • Mr,,,Stimpr o lov,e4 thot ,his till giviug Peusin:Pi,46 s l94o.lto gtef',l4licolo ceesidureil ) Jopt inotiFel 3.1r, , ,1:4- :emis ; vim . ) ;eferrO Lg . the l'enAlert comoiitteck ;.,fn r , I! , r., • • • ,A POPPII!k014, rP l lo)tli,99 Plicre( l l).X.Mr , •w;(0, agrk11(1; to, , fifori a apd,cial, join( cyylluimey,,pa rcuiuval of pylitical ilisabilitjeL, 1 , 14 , ' Ou ni91;pit.10.14, 1, 84,0, 11 )0b. the' !liar, Irict of Columbia Equal nights wIli(4010 )icon at previo4B,egs• siotisoTglngeip atcpy I,q) upd N9v!ills)Oatia. fp;:(111:011i)p yomi: ;lee ~11p. gignvuu, iv,as,o.ljecl, 4y to ftecou4l4Nlyt.l,, , Mrs ! npvlicf Klima bill Or.lbil Mario, whicb, strikciti the,y/pril„,'"iiii4ll)" turd of : IVgmbiligt,(o) ge4l'gotowilt a ' TE1;414 11, Y. t rui:Ar; AV:Ttfitreli 9. Saliitl6) 6 ' 6 defaulting Cos!dry of 'iltoTotirtit Nntliffittl Bank of iiiinselHoter ntid Art ek [ t..?etiiiiitilitii)ii, ht 'Was taantletf it tilt± caste(( of the enstedy df the V.'S.' Markhiti:"l • • :iief(1)01e8 tiettott; that CongYe'qs . Will'hot i'elitive Mr. A.'l'. Flew: art of his tlispittliiii4iiiona''untler the net establishing 'the Treasury Department.. told it'is . bulleve'd Ito will decline the See retrOySll . o:" , • The, death Wlttintits of Ceorgo S. Twit. Jr.','and:ileraltl' Eaton': have been tiigndd by , on4inor (leery. They nye to be etdetited 'Utt Thursdnyi the Bth of ' • I. Th'o iitthilre't of iii,plientiotiß•for Office reeeiv6tl 'by Presideet' Grind; is already ovekilittlnlitig,"stiA . ! timid) i 8 given that they iditist ho sAlleto the Caldnet officers in witbsiNepartibetit the 'office is Relied for. ' ' ' o . olie l vnl 8110111110 will' remove the allay ItelidgaitVtoi's front 1 the building no ocCupied.ttiayboin •in the WM' De partnibuit. :•" ' ' The tirit'diceting'of' Preililent Grant's Cabindewiti lie held timlay. fit Aritimn, redently, a party of troops attacked hrlimbl Of tlePreibiting' killed eight' And •lenpturcil ' . Blx. • ' Some Aptieh'eA 'partY "Of whites, captking tWei,•tinti killing 'Ave men and one ilionitutp Other intadets and rob. berick titd • • ; A lire in l)ey and West streets, NLW York, :3'estOrdsy destroyed about' $90,000 worth of propeity. • • A St, I.ouis'tlespitteh says the settlers on tho 'olll , rokoe•nentral lands are pay ing the eluims of the Kansas Railroad Company oh tltb wring fixed by the Oovornmont Cernnthisioner. ( Mega• tioti t 9 ott tlio wtiY. to Washingbilit to. ob.. tail Om ratification of the treaty by which tly3rOshge Indians agree to coda 8,000,- ()Ogres to ceitain railroad companies. Tlloveti 'vosseld, l includipg two steam• ers, haVo•leß, 'San' Francisco for . Bitka since Veblimry Ist. • The Nmifonndlttild legislature adopt ed tot Olutiona favoring confederal - inn on Saturday, - W‘it'large majority. ~ , icononoateate,i.), 'Ai ii: E f ilia :'-4.1 . Wisii•th address aTow plain 'Wei 414 to mit fashionablos—the so eallod alit pf:0111:0 1 tYr ... , , li t l'ilo tendency . apiong 'Wont PUOllifi to, b tr( igkte*o the origin Of their wealth Out to - debillso , the hotiost Industry and thritly,ecpionnv fqr which their ancos tors woro nofcd, and through which they attained 1 Mir promeht• ptu omitioti. I n spoakhig now of.tho codfish . portion of tito,lioag og A ristoeraoy. There 11,ro nolny ntihte stet trulkintolli. gent TadieS and gentlemen who Move In the wadby ,cireles.or our eitT„ whoso rottuod n %tutors I, and unostentatious do • inoanlw' o tarot the oxperlimeod observer. Freht tllii) he turns to the elass f wo have in rovio w tipli tIIO contrast.. itos his pity and lisgitst, When t‘ lady 80 far 1 tbrgOtli 11 o'•trite dignity of labor us to otalte'a p tolls boast of her inability to porrprin f he blowlest dodos or house wifery, Ito liii)teerls' 'mid . ° impressed withlioriettrento silllnoastliati with her arlstoqatio taming. , The thought arises involuntgily, what wonid • the grand motheivof Mil itsolosiicroature think of her dogodorrilb offspring? ' TholoiluiroVerts to, the humble cot. tap whore, tho indlistrions housowifo b o giudie life, and the bußy routino ~iir carets, till b'wooteno& by. the, thought of the loy s od bobs. ror whom mho toiled. The busy wfitioi—lior sprightly stop—the childrou'd voices nrOUnd the , tidy hearth stone,---tiot! her OWn th eory woloonto , ---; what awe tier sight or sound Muhl the goott - tdad desire; en his return' ow field or abvil or store .. .But how would the busy dain'o blush to hoar it doscOndant of hots boktstlog or ignorant idleness i` • The "picture 4 will servo als for,tho young mon whose el- pro, wi lei mat worn 4 httas would aroused 44 ''' astOn iaetit , i d Ire tir hard.(,` t r d but tole-sot Can. i Is, and,' ;~ps pro eked a%T 1 J 'le s ewigell i •‘' •• if i . it vo N live l l I • 'yogi lve t0g , ... It VI rt r fool ~,‘, able 1 , ,,f1 cnow ;, v . to • 00 1 1 i- or lit '•• t i* , ulgar,, woman— ady I oh. uI4 bate said— low anything about the care of her . elilldith 0083nd' itraliklYWNl6Of; city it k surely snore high-bred tp leave beds untrbele, rooms unwept, than to employ her dainty lingers Su a servant's iagr , . 1 If there is lutyliting more . glorious in a wealthy young ~ swoll'o" future than to patronize bar-robins ' ' atid ' cigar , hires, drive List lioroCi4 „talk. _Alarm ,and visit places of doubtful rephie.Vif 'Mar memo or the spechnena in our city have hot yqt• math.? thp)iir4Ycr i 3* ' ' i .c . 1 i- if 111 : ti Mbitu Aron: -~-- •- INDI:bTP.V.-11. always attords ne ph :await to recommend to but mady re it/col a, tlrAt•elarss business esiale, Ilphment ; and It intiet also ho a Matter of ilea h Mod*, Interested to knout ' whorl) Oey can inirclinsb goods which will' glro them Out ire hatlsfactlon, both as to quality And price. It Is not necessary to go to Phil alicllth/P. and Ntfw York - , When yon can t chale goods In t Ids clt y knit astlicapand Inst. it good. W. Van Itt d, 1 / 2 1 Venn has juit . t . oeulved a spluadtd.assottnic4, of ;ails and casslunetes,,Wllloll he Will sdal.i. hi) into Ditit4 of tho latest Styles the 111031. ITIOOIIIII/11; 1C111194' Give hint a Cali, soar u-lt. NE, AV A ItiVll.R*lff EHENTS. I PA PER EEO WINDO W Si IA D ES.! ' j S RII3T ItEUE 'Ell,: , Ic ;Largo and Woll'Polaoted Stook , I w i th!, Pit iime AND" I :11' INDO IV f A DEB, At 'Orioas to Suit the Sires Furnished rind Lotiored to Order, . • . arp-aunt , : ' I 111 (i • • J 1.1 W WEI It ANT) • U; 1A Al ON I) SETTER, NO. 609 PENN STREET, READING. OV 1.1 It 1,1110 V. wipit 13.1 4"vt:clA I , NTRENTIQN ULVEN TO i - DIAM ("II D ZEIB SEAT: If MG ' IV OUR. 4 111 , IV AI IRIN(1 PTIONI; TI.V ATTENDHO TO. lifiii• 1)-3111d MEI 9AOTHING! CLOTHING! ItE4OYA 14 ) A. 1-I.ENLEIN, )(ERCII,ANT TAILOR, i,„ a IlvinoYed . his ' Eslabitaltinnnt ' from N . 3.sll l ,ullii alii.n!, 194•14 1 min ell Pr • . Ilya i illopi eiciw Inn r 111 111(ItS, Nalona Mink, Wt of •he will I'm i happy to .inuot all his (I•da na and pusttnera. , - , • now and recall stock of (Imala oil hand t fa lim Spring Campaign. which, will' ho ugilli. up in dm lIICS'I b'TY LE and at very mittionablo charges. • i . MI. GEORGE IIEOKMAN • 110 oliartto or tho Cuttingil,)epartmont,aild gd(Ht fits w111:bo ,guy•Aotoed. . . i A cA.I.t. IS s6Liev9'tio. flt' F-'!will A. IrENLEIN. a 0 tl . l{lll RS, COUNTER i• 50.% LICS, PLATFORM IiCA LES, ICE 110 X and 01 Rill store Fixtliros too ettlo itt Moor et Ito I's, two tloorti bolo* the lioy• stono, 119lin Iwor'3 Iltylement. unr 8-2 NI lipas.E I'QWIYEILS. TRIt:SF. OELFARATED t 1 I () P()W DE it S ) CUIiE W 111sT10411 ) 1.11t, FOUNDER., i ItOlitillNESS OF THE SKIN, MOE MUNI/NESS, ILOSS OP ..APPETPrE tllvases of liormid generally, :THEY ARE WARRANTED TO DELP. l'i . ..Tiee has in acticed as veterinary sur gdon for many yews, closely observed the di4trises of horses, and compounded these pOwilers after a long mid c.troitil study. They were never known to Intl. The de oniiiii for thonCis daily Increasing.. • Those elenliciit poittturs tire prepared nild [Or 13410 IN *:_ : • • ' ' DR, W.. 1. TIIIRW MAUER, '' MO retintitreet, Reading, ~.1 Oext door kow tho "Engle" Hook store.) NO IoY 111 0 0150 lid had of it &F. H. Lud wig, Wernersrille ; llowilisii & Dro..,:litibe. i it nia; Filhort & Jiro., I,l'onwitigwil Jonas S ititee, Schuylkill Bend; W 11. Lenhart, I o.Poril 0 01 9 1 nolt Reiter. Itaumstown ; L. 11l lialloway, Doughtsitvlite; W. K. Milli, si l iking ti rings; Lerch & Novtker, Bethel; Itslna A, Soifer, , lutieltsburg. i, !I,,,:•ritYsi . , .. • iEx To , natant It, 1861: f . , ),, me to call Ir. , , Minn to my .;z .Aty i POUND • a*, 1.. v ,m; 1 7e co Iw. neat parte are A_T u lt iu ;. 1 (mu <mu ,c ( Ss, JtiNIPAP ( . II 0 Deb), f l its, aitiiiinitall.lut. Juniper Berries by distill:go, to formr4 „liaa-gia.. ; ,riatte ~04111iC, . It t ment by 11 uOTO talneu 01 ur p li Mr rieg, 'cell ' Ing.VerjrgttlfttWikAAVl proportion 'of Spint, and tetra Wit - able than any now in use. The notlie proper. ties aro by this triode extract ...ell- .;, 4 t ,- Iluchu, us pepatad bit/Drp4tglita gener ally, is of , ad , rk delOri "-it h W iit ent , th at melts Its fragrance; theactlon of e name destrtiyaildi Ms actleeprinelplenterllng a dark und glutinous decal:non, ' Mine is the color of ingretlieute.l7lte•PJ.ibinritrAly 1 pt operation' prOonilnitteel the spaillest I quantity of the, other irigretilente•Ottad; ilea, to pet-Vent" fertuentatlOU; upoo Inept*. clod, IL will bu found not to be a, Tine. Lure, as Made in Pluirniecencel, nor' tit it a. S. yEU ar4-stliti trierol - 0 sire be'Ree* itt COPS' where fever or el lamination exists. • In this yoU have th :knoirletieilOf th e , ingle; , l i c lie n ts and the th de Of preparation. !toping that yon will nivor-it *tithe trial, and that upon inspection it will wept with your approbation, Witha feeling of eon . lido' ev, . . - - I iery, re.spect hilly, 11. T. lIKLIIIIOLD. , Chemist lout Druggist of la-A c o re s Experience iii , ,Plillee4lphia, and ' noW Pleated at hi/. Drug and Cheirn teal Warehouse, 594 Broadway, New York. (From the largest efautifacttiring Chem. tr. ' ins In the , World.l , ~ . ,I ant , acquainted With Mr. 11. T. Helm brd i no,' beonpled the Drug Store oppo site in'y residence and was successful in ! cOnd titling the i)Usliiess where others had not been equally so ;before him. I , have been favorably Impressed with hlsehartic. ter anti enterprise. • , 0 , ‘ , WILLIAM is EldiliMAN. Firm ot Powers & Welglittnan, Mann . fatettiring (*ululate, Ninth and Brown' • • Streets, Philadelphia,' : ' • lie LMISOLD'S FLO u.EXTIiauT Been Us (Di woukitcwi al hilnir from indiscretion. The eitiausted powera of naturo which arc no-. compattieu •by so many 'alarming symp 'tome, among which will he found, Willem). sitlon tb Exertion, Loss of .Meniory.Waket. ,ulnesA, Horror of masses, or Forekalinits of Hy 11, in feet, Universal Lassitude, Pros. tration, anttliitibility to. enter into theen• Joymente or society. . The Constitution, once elected with Or* Weakness, require,' ie aid of Med. - mine to strengthen, 'anti ' invigorate , the ,system, which lIKIIMIIOI.II's KXTRAGT BUCIIU , invariably, does. If no trcTent is sulimbttini to,,COnstinOtion or! in ul ) ty elvi4B., Iltu.sinOthn's FLUIL Ei r rnAe'r BUclitti In allections ,peculiar' ,to yintuiles,' ili one. Tinned by tiny other preparation, , as, in (*lnrush+, Or Iletentlyk, Paigifuluess„:or slippressloti of ' ClietOrtutry • EtrattuatlOne, Ulcerated or nehirrue Slide of the , Uterus, and 'all eolpplaints incident to the sex, whether arising front habits ofdissipat Inn, lulprtutence; or, in the decline 'or eliange of ife, —• , ihmunorm's FLUID EVVIDAUT /WORD Amp IMPROVHD ROSH WAHJI will =ally ex torminato from thosystein disc 'arising front ~habits of dleelPatiOny at little ax peniie,,littio or,tio -change, in 'diet , 110 li p egn , :coleliefial expostiro i complielY sit:. pqrseding those unplett_saii t Into da germ's remedles, Copaiva out etereury,tualttlteets dirierkeee. i . , Alan iiiitig BOO'S IPt.elb Exrattirr Iltlcinti 'in all diseases of the organs, whether 'ln male or female, from WilatteVOr CADSO OH. [rippling, anti44l no matter elbow long etiniii . Lis pleasant in taste MO odor, "lm = inediattin in netiOn, mid more:strengthen, bite than . any ot the preparations of hark or iron. , , • Those sufferiug front broken-deft sor delimit() eonstitutions, procure the ro►uedy at r►ucu: The reader must be aware that, 110'wevOr slight, may bo the attack of the abovo diseases, it Is certain to affect thti • bedlly health and inelitel powers. All the ahoy° 4180asea require 110 aid a of Diuretic. JIEM. LBoxtu. s , ama nucil u is the greatest Pohl by Dragglittß. everywhere. Price per bottle, or fl bottles for 1id.50. Delivered to any address. Describe syrup tOing in all connnunleallonti. Address H.; T. blEl.hi VOLD, I.lreg and chew' ield;Warehouse, Mu Broadway, N. Y. Ate` NONE • ARE 'GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP in street-et.graved wrapper, with fee simile 01 tuY UherillealWarehouse, and signed duo ood &w I II. T. E 1.11.13(it, D. • • " Tri SELECT FAMILY IiOARIANG SCHOOL, An English, el tissicsil; Dinthorontiusl,Beion • Lille and Artlslluitn,titiltion, ' FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOtti I Al Pottstown, Montgomery County, Tho second half of tho,olghtoonth Anon. at soaston .onintnOnotal on Wodnoaday: tho stl day of F.thruary host. Pupils ro colVod at any timo o For Circular:l address 1U (KO. k', MILLER. A. M. I= HMV, DIM Melg4„ Sohaelror, Mann, 10 Utah, 80188, Huttor,Stork, Conrad, Bouaborger, bterrot, and Murphy., Ho N'4.- - Itidgt; Ludlow. LoOnnrd Myers, M. Itnssul Thayer, llonj. M. Boyer, Jacob b. Yost and II tester Clymer. p;sQ4.—Jainos (InldwolL James 1.4 (hag 'horn, J. If. & M. 11. 01'110, Janos Hamilton, Theo. O. ..ItoggS, • C. F. Nortoii. lioupt, S. Uross Fry, Miller A Don', ()limits Wannoinaoher,Jamas KOnt, Santee %I: Co.. John Wiest,:oto. fob 20-2mood&ilaw GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT, SCHR(EDER & FELIX, Wamooly, corner Fifth ,and Washing . ton street. . • . MANUFACTORY. WABIIOO,TOIO . 32 BpOW FIFTH. i• • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . , THE 'UNDERSIGNED RESIITFUTIY liiiviteL public attention to tho splendid stook ot Ont.:class ftirnittiro nor an constant ly on hand, and ;wade to ' order 'to - shit oustofnora: Among 'billet; attlaloe, especial attention is invited to thole Uoaurpassesi. ' EXTENSION TABLES, thIESSING BUREAUS, DINING! ,RDON MIRE; CENTRE AND'OTHER TAKES, BEDSTP:ADS OF TOR CATEST STYLES and every other 'Article in their lino of bust nese. Ever y articlo is manufactured by themselves. in • their adutirably arranged manufactoiy , with the most per cot.' nmoitinery, and skill ful Mechanic!, an finished in an Minoan , od manner. ' ' Also propaied to °mute all orders for , CARVING, • . . • TURNING, , SAIVIN(I, 014 MOULDINGS. . ; ' All orders promptly executed, and retreat ed u give satisfaction. ap.lo - monni HALL I• • BUCH & 8it,0., No. 513 PENN STREET, Aro now offering n splendid stock of SPRING GOODS. COME AND SECURE GREAT BARA U NS Sults made up to order in splendid style An ousorpassed stook •of gents , FURNISIIMG GOODS. 1 1 11:I6F.14 CALL ANDI3EE.. • • U . BEAU -'1410.,N D.E,,H A No, 341 PENN • BTHEIET." icb 14t1 • I ' Iteferoaicei. liiiMil N• , 0 ! RLY , . r Fr • , • 1-* ~~~' ~ ~, . ;.,. I'l , `..'t -: :.v . )i . ..; ,- 11 . ~ f., . .4 • c • prE umox r.voirp Tt.' i ß t \CQ., ~ ..'l,'..‘t tiA iIV , i '‘'''' , If'' .i> ` ,r OENTRAL P Save iiiiiedkt . : 0 1, i i F ii i i, o n, ::::::D mil :: : : their lines during the enirent year ) while doing a largo 1 I paisengsr and freight business. The through connection will undoubtedly he, ecittipleted 'next sunnier, when the throu"truffle will be very great. Forty thousand en are now employed by the two powerf ul companies in pressing forward the great nat(onal highway to a speedy completion. Only 800 miles re Main to , lbe built , of which mostly arc graded and ready for the rails. First idertgage`Uold Bends of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for sale at par nrid interest, and First ltfortgage Gold' Bonds of the Cet4ral raoldoialiroad, at 103 and interest. ' , The prinel.inl and Merest of both bowie_ are payable in gold. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURI TIES GOLD, ETC., OE vEutcfpto .No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET,' BU R KIWI. VEIL & MADEIRA, t • , B. :• 11". Corner Fifth and trailtitigtota •ItE tint,tco, WHOLESALE, MID DETAIL I D/4 - LER§ IN GROOKItIES, GLAss AND QUEENSWAht. • . . Thu largest and ,boat soreotWatook of nil kind of goods in,our lino lobe tonna in this city. All consignments to parties from a die- Mime promptly attended toe , : -fit liberal charges—the beat of city refollice, giVCii ' If•desired.,' , ;• ' • . Country Produce taken in okehange for goods-or cm* If , desiretlL-•for which tho largest, market prices will be allowed, ,: , ' A large assortment of nil kinds tiomekic, and imported VINE GROCIiiIIF, allYnYs on hand; , titltiyUN it Mitten& qqqo convinced that we can substantiate! all.iy9 say. 1/41 fob 32-11 • - , ' I • . :-'• NEW BOOKS! N - EW BOOKS!! Frilli following Books are Offered for 11. 'intlo by RITTER. & CO., at the EAGLE BOOK STORE, 512 Penn street : • Boos& ' Putt's. Newman on 1ft9011114t1,011, , 50 Life and Campaigns of McClellan, 30 .Panoraina of Professions and7radcri, • 50 Itoss'Dookkeeping, • .50 Horace and May on unconscious In fluence, " • .. ' ,'T,. • •'; ' t ' ' ' • .60 Bandit's Pride, ' - ' • 75 Amaranth for Young Peciple, 110 _Christmas Greeting,: , . . ; , 10 Stories of:Ohl Daniel,. 25 Hoek of tho Hudson—lrving, 25 Jonas' Stories, 25 lierinons for the people, . re At' argument forChristinnity, i , CO DeParted Sister, . . .! .25 Exposition of Universillisus, , 50 Btnall Books on Great thilacetS,, ' 60 Tupper's Poetical Works'complete‘ , 66 Letters to a.Dabgliter, . .. , . ) . ll'r Proverbial Philosophy, 37 Neoml,lloston two liMuired years ago, 37 Deck and Port, ~ ,1, ' •• 75 Eremont's Explerations, ' ''. ' ' ' ' ,'' 15 Course of Credit* ' ' '7o Course of Timg—Polibeic i - 65 Li fn , of Josephine, . 50 Poetical Works of the Davidson , Sisters, , . ' , 46 ship and Slime, . , 75 Sketches and Legends of the Rhine, , .38 Combo's Constitution of Mini, i .-,, .50 ilydrepttoby for the people, i . :7 '',,; 55 Living Author's of England, ,„, c' 37 iroland as I saw it, 65 Land , and I,ee; . 1 - ! , 55 Winslon's Philosophy, 80 Lectureti for the Fireside, The Silver Col), ' 50 Memoirs of a itungiirlflll Lady, . . 34 Fgivler on hereditary Desceid,---- ,--,- 4O Debate on the Doctrine of Universal :. Salvation, '1,25 scow ! , roetico 1... works, . . 66 , Life of John Quincy Adman, 67 Life of General' Taylor, 37 Life Of James K. Polk, ' , eil, Life of General Putnam, . - ' 50 Whitehead's Life of Wesley,, 63 Life of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, .50 , Life of Gen. Marion, ' 83 LIM cf Murray, • so LifoOf Silas Wright, - 50 , Life of Oen. Pierce, ' 41a. . 14 Lives of Madison and Monroe, - ,58 Life Of Ggn. Lafayetto, . • 67 liluidrations ot,the Parables, . , 75 Defence of Phrenology, ' . 60 Mechanic's Assistant, •.' - , 75 human Ri g hts;' ' Bo Family Pictures from.the 1.11146, Rationale of Crime, 60 Austin on the Attributes, ' • ' 62 . Yoting Husband.. . , .80 . . , 'lllustrated Life of Franklin 40 Sehilieriti COmplete WOrks 8.60 • Cob it,' • VAGEHONIAN OIL THIUMPHANT. JL .17 1..)" WILL I V P.LEASE READ TIIIS I Reading, Jan. 11. Iftei—Mr. Wm. 0. Kronen, No. 2003outlx Fifth street. says' the M. M. Oil to the only thing wlitell has ;given strenAth to hie broken arm—ba9 used It In leis ratittly for Earache. Ntiralgla, 1410 frosted foot,' perforinlh g In eadh ease a wouderfullY qutok and radical etire. " • E. FOX, Proprletnr Of Keystone Hotiso, corttkis that threo bottles of th6.oll'eured a strain in a liorse, valning the cure At woo. JOHN :KEMP, Policeman. says. the Olt ourod hint of a severe fracture of the cellar bone. The abottnatited persons are well known In this vletnity, and arit•living witnesses. Hating fern lotted seek antple testlniony, at the times we advertleetl.with the FOUR ItORBWOUARLOT, giving those popular open air CQM.M.ItTei I deem it unnecessary to add moro'names , . • The Magic MOOdOnlau 011 , Co: will ' ' • forfeit • ' . $ .1000; • '• i • II any dozen reinediuS combined will fur. Wish as many good certificates trtnn prOuti bent citizens in the city and 'vicinity as those who haVe been cured byth? use of the Macedonian 011—call •con • PROP. ItArIOND, Tbo German and Kuglialt looturei Of t h e Company, stopping at tlm,Keystone Houso and purOlutso It bottle of •theioll, 7 prroootio advice and troatrannt Ms of chaise: • Also Hold' by 1; K. .lifoCardy, Dobtor Ziegler and S. S. Stevens. pan /3 ert a 'NE W . ~. , ... . FEE BILL , 'FOR AI.DEUSIEN AND JUSTICES' Ol' • . TIU PEACE, Approved-February 19th, 1839 ,,, . ' t • 4 . 40reSo'iti,nie ' . ,•' ,', , • lalltr 3-4 - 642 Palm Street. ' l ANK I 43 110 . 4 , ‘ 4 ,4 BIT - % 0 „; of k. B • A • slcrs ll* ,BOXIA Oci STOCKS,II,I4W. ANP courffs. DRAFTS, 2VW VARIVAND IfittLA DE I.l'ol A. •-• Interest ixkiti on all Deposits. _ Open at 9 a. m. Close at Sp. tit • I ' BUS4O+Na, .8RQ1:14.13.•-,, rep. 14869 READING FIRE INSURANCE AND AND TRUST COMFY OF BERKS COUNTY. . , Orgaigzid,4ulvo 1867. Covital;sl3o,ooo. , • O f fice, Reading lituratice /Matting, Nu. 19 North! AIM 'street,' South-Baal Coreier of Court S'ireet. • ' OFFICE ROPII9 FROM 8 A. M. tdB P. M. ' nutsowoße: iitittiot.ool4BB, J Amos lioltviour c IIHNItf Z. VAN Ruiiw tLACODSHAVHNNH, I T. JACKSON, It E. 8i0U1), , JONAB SHALTEPi J, T. VALENTINS, OHOH.OIS /MOHR. • mum COMPANY INSURES ALL 1. kinds'ef property against 105.4 or dam ago byy tire at rates as low ashity 01101:ttIn; 11 1 / 1 0 4¢inpany and Upon every plan known to Stock*laSurante CompiMies. • Perpetual Policies issued requiring no renewal anti upon• witch the amount ut , premium paid eau ht reel:dined at any titnii leas &E dodAction of live' nor cent. Thu ad vantages Of thls method are worthy' f the attention of farmers and ethers - Wing first-tined dwelling houses, ,harhe and 'other buildings, In town or country, as being the cheapest - and safest. , Policies for 0.110, two, three, live. or more !ultra; Cr for kegs than one year, issued and ;no charge made forPolloy and survey When renewed, orWhen itititUrtlnCes aro triteger red froth othOrpothithiOrl. Thu citizens of Reading , and ,vietttitYi hitherto dependent Mainly ; upon foreign companies, have ,now the privilege Of ef fecting their insuritneesin a home litstitu: wultorganized, with awadeqtiati3 druid in and guaranteed IWO,' presellting'i,4, fit ong - rt basis of sect thy at Mit of any other company. Thu advantage of doing, business diructlY with the Company and the Importance of keeping seam million of the largo stuns paid for insurances,' eii4 'culatitm at home, Will be appreciated by.all: J. PAINULE JOI.ZEB; Preisidoht. • T JAair MoKNIGIIT, Vice President.' , B.E. A MN A„ Secretary and 'freastirer. , aug 8, sea-lydds* n. A. .11.11IESIIZIVItiti Vs Extensive drain 'Warehotiser Now ready for MEI FARMERS .AND OONSIGNOBB, Who may Wish to' store' Graln, are. !Storage ants oommitudon reasonahle. Also, a superior stook et • FLOUR AND FBED;•&c.) •Forsate wholesale, rind rota , il, nt lower prio,es than eon be purchased elsewhero."Also. suifertnl4o/ Buokwheat Meal, and Potatoos; otiloo.loslitor,,tih Eighth St: • feb,s , DR. rfAClKHolfi'd AIC4LIe4 1 21p41. SI.OV ItEDIKDY IN CONSIIAPTION. 4 Physician who had , eqnsuniption for Borstal years, with frequent blooding of th Dings, mired hiniselr WWI a medicine un 'lowa to the profession,' wiumbis atm ap Ora' ivoices, I{lltl Noll Cir }TillilV p by' it , several rainent'physiolanti as 'Mohr tilty llnitf tli "only physician 'wild' has used It in 118 bt icl, Do rmon, or who lies any 'hutiWit , edge qr• itskirtitelf, and he,tan ascribe the deioXif health ho Iltiw elieY,o to IlOttilng butlibluie Of this medicine ; ' and ' nothing buttitter despair' 'end entire extinction tir allimpo of recotery, together with a want of contidcneo in all others, intitteed libn to hazard the experiment. To these suf fering with this inalady,lieprollersit treat tmont•whfcli he 'confidently bollotes will eradicate tile disease and restore ;health. lie has * Itnoesed ropovories that' eoetned ,boyoiill hove, When the ,werst existed. symptoms . JAR or send for Circular: E, BOYLSTON JACKSON, AI: D., - • '' NO. 2.150 N, TENTII fitrect inillatin.; For, silo tisr:IIAIIVIY 10 RCM,. Druggist; pending, ra., and all Druggists. 1, r!iflV: 2- lyi ' :.._L' ;",' ~______:.............„.........._ '..:......_.....4._.,..— , _. ! . MONEY WANTED! By l Tap, cif,AT OF.ItE:).* - ,i.,, f n o , .. Tim! tintiersigetl, Committee Yon' Vienn~ei of the Commotion of the City of Reading, Is empowered to borrow the sum of slivENTy-FIVE TitMIIAM) DOLLARS for the purpose of enlarging tho Water Works at Um bald city and the said Com mittee hbreby give mitten' that, they aro 0431100 d to Issue Certlitcntok for tho same at six per ccutr, interest, to parties loaning tpOney to the City for the purpose above named. Persons desirous of •Itivesting in this loan, will apply'tocitherollho' under signed Voip‘nittee, or to William Bellcit., Mulch, L q. , (Ay Treaslit'or, FREDERICK LAUEIt. DANIEI f DANIEI, SPURN. CommittiM on }nuance. ,jan -2 a, 'egi -1 y "fßoNsi nESI" 21 4 1/8 CR/ f gpRATED . • FAST tri'llOTTlNt STALLION AND STOCK 110R5.141,. WILL .4 7 1.. stand the misninat year at . 1144ir'is lord, above Phootrixtllle from April 1 to July idl.4;e. For information / apply to Dr. Dean, V. .8., Itoyeni 'Ford', ;Montgomery County. Terms, *an for the season, to Ire paid at.the time of service. G ood - stirifling. and pasiturlng. On the pi•oullskiS. *Particular attention paid to mares front a distance. All mares at the risk Of the ()Omer. His ast trotof the seasoihwap over Foint Ilrgezp Park; time; 2:28. • ; ,JARIKS 31014 E, • Mat .-3tvr] -Owner. 130QTS .T ANp shOEs FOR THE PEOPI.E, THE' HEST AND' CH }APES' ! REINHOLD & SCHOENER No. 41North Sixth Street, . .READING, PA. 'I I .IIE SUBSCRIBERS TIAVE JUST ESTAI3- 1 lished a brat-class Boot and Shoe-making °stabiles went and store at tho above 'stated place, where they are able to accorpmodate customers with the best articles in their line of business, and at lower prkees than at any other place in the city. . , , • The St following list of prices proies all we stay 1 Alen a calf boots, ' 00 and upwards, Men's kip boots, , , • 113 00 Men's working shoes, • _. , 60 Men's French calf Congress gaiteri,bost t0e5,390 Men's'calf (bngress gaiters, . 225 Men's calf Beituorals, • . 2 . Mena kip Ba.licorals, Boys' calf Baltuorals, • 1 Boys' kip Balmorals, •• • 125 Youths' kip llaimorals, ' - , - 00 omen's lasting high P 1 olish; • 276 Wottien's Cbrkgress gaiters. • 75 tO 250 Wotocin's lasting Beitnorals, . • Women's Morocco BalmoralSe '• 2 2 .000 Women'? Moroccilahoea, . , '1 4 4 Women s kid slip era, iflases'iasting Po ish. • • • , 146 Youths' gal** from . ' ' eta. to . -75 'Youths .and boys' oboes from ..018.4 • .and • Also. a large stook of notions o' hand and for sale. , The Price, ate lower than lit any Othef War plade of business In th'e city.. IkErAIRING. t .• Particular attention hi , _Paid to all kinds of IWIIIIritAIt ! ' ' ' , •,•: : -• REINtIOLD Ai SORCENE I R, i , $O. 41 NORTH'' ElliffirSTABET I .., , Callous 4,itis 00tiaiI101:411.) aprllll- ..1 , BEit,D/NG l ' PA. _ 1 :, i 1 ...--. . t , - t Or' s 'llioN S 4, 1 6 oYi 1 •i , ...., . tk' p ti • No. 61 '''.-- UNN - • • i 1 JAMES k.I4IIIIFOATV FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR announOos to the citizens of Road Inv, that having removed hi* Merchant Tailoring eitablishuientito...the , - , iukudsoutov.staru; f room No, 610 Penn street, ho is n w pre • pared. with an 'increased ef.0011.11) IffriNi and superior facllltios for utti,n it tie two, to supply all with FASHIONABLE CLOTHIN4i, of tho best qupllty gOoLle, gotten up In the highest style. • - • • ; I' , - • # .; ENTS' 'tritialt,OLOT l LNG :AND' FUR. NISHINU GOODS. f Ovary style and variety to suit the taste f_gli in want of anything iu this lino None but the best hands are employed. no all work guaranteed The patronage r the public; is reaPiustrnlii ahliottbil. °' JA,3IE4 :STA FlOtiftn, feb Hal No. til6 Penn Street. , . ITIAL Eli V liTiOli'ES AND TN t i liA Tint PAPER 41 CENTS 4,‘ 110 X. ITIAL. EN V EI,OI'ES AND IN I 11444 LE TER PAPER, 45 CENTS A DOM 10. ENVELOPES AND IN ITI A Ii,LET TER PA PER, 45 CENTS A DUX. tOLEI."4 BESTOI3I A p r AND Wi l l 1) IJD. f01,11,1"S I.IEST F IIII 4 I k I, r 1;11 5( NS ANIO 1111,D 1 4 151.,11 1 / 1 8 'BEST ilt)1 . .1) 1)11;48 AN 110,1,D El_ts AT 81,t4). priT 'HOLD pk;Nte. ,iy t N HRH AT 91.5 C. Eli ROTA AT HAOLE 1100 K STOR , SOLD AT EA(II4E 1(00K STong,, SOLD AT HAMA; 1100 K • , =I NO. fb42 PENN STREET N(. M 2 PEN N STREET Nth 512 PENN S utnia 11Pal =I 1 ,1 Deb 204 wa ,WHAT EVERY nom' WANTS. Tho MORNING 14(111T.—W. T. - HAIN' has secured of OUR PAINTER Ot CO., the agency for the above mimed MAO, which, 184 Meeting with unprolieleti Oneness wherever it appears. 1 -combines all the modern improvements, such as reversible ormS Idem, feeder door and cut offfl ues, lit ALL/411404W an liii . ! N. t 444. Is not Purpassed by any stove in the mnr. liet. They have all given the best eatls. fai3tlon. Every stove warranted. Tho •racc to got It la at \ No. 2) forth Eighth Cruet. J HOOPING AND SPOUTING and all kinds Of light Job work solicited and promptly attended to. Having had consider able expe) lone° In this line I fool sat isfied that I osn produce work In the, best Milliner possible, and at as reasonable lams as any other place In the (Ay. o such as may favor me with their pat. itnage I will say that the best of fialisfitc. 1 ion will be guaranteed. fol)16-21(1.1 I REMOVAL! IREMOV Itia t li o t!, • LIMJOR STORE 4 Hite been removed from the Keystone Build ing to the now and elegant store, N 0. 4 PENN ,STREET, Whore (sus J urors will find a • r• ()stock o, the best and purest WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, 44., ever offered to the public of Reading. All tko proofof the above that is required is A. sok patroxißlp is. J. KEELY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER, READING, PA., keeps constantly on hand and for gale ill the LOWEST PRICES, A general assortment .of ; MUTE PINE, lIEMLOCiK, SPEOCE OAR, MIL CIIESTNUT t INDIANA BLACK AND WHITE': IVALNUT. CAROUNA YELLOW PINE, MICHIGAN PANEL LUMBEII, Thoroug4ty seasonal and under cover. ", • , ),,. ‘• 4 WHITH • P.1241,' 4NI) NORTH CAROLINA GIRRENL 81v4mr . CEDAR !k5.11,1[114t,0" . Alir Orders lespeethdly -r to:1(Ite 1 and promptly attended to. For pripos, ,Call at the NEW BRICK OFFICE, • • On the Corner ofPourth and Pine Street, .r9r,"4darm A i di I el " . IC ELY. Feb 28, 1888-tld 1 REA DINO' PA. ' i , I• ; ' •1 El OEM W. T. lIAIN, tXI North Eighth street Atiii I 1 . ,t,. ' OM - .••• -7.-:. • .. bI T r.ii ... _ 1 n i E 1 ) s 'Ft' ERItiAN Tom e, ItemediesibralliNs ea . %crux STOMACH OR brour - l• 11l JR ci I , A .Ns, ' ,'.' ! ;( 4: =,f 1 paCIOWL NI,ES.- tilikkli.,\N Lir tr . , :4, la,, curu oled oft pure Juices 12 , f .' 'flow are , iedicin #. ally te rm ,. ats insets) of toots Mails aud 44 : x• making proparutitm, inkhly ree tentr. t ;00, and 0 tirD; , , Yjrff 'OM PtcoAqic a d, . time qf an Alt/d. , HOGPLAND'S GERMAN Toliw, is a 0011itaaiton of all t..tte higreilkitt,' of the Bitters, with the purest qualll t tv --: &tnta (Yreze, RUM, tn Orange, 4e., tenth i' of the Ostiden stint aun t agreeable itcze dies ever otrertiel to the motto: , ‘ : I4' t co hoso protorring a will (10 Alcoholic admixture, will nue (tee 1100.2111.AND'S ,GERMAN 111Trilb Tlll l OSe who haVe WO Objection to the co m ' Mouton of ,the Ilitteta, as etotetl, itill '4, - HOOPLII.II VS GERMAN. TONIC'' • ~ • k ' ''' ' 1 k They aro botliequal y am, mat t'o i t c the eitl#,9l9-0 1 ,e1 1 , 1 41 Virlues, the ch o k e 1 2 twott•LW) M i Vitling a wore matter Of tnn t the 0n1e,41. ghe most palatam o „ 1: Thetitotidaelt, froni a Vatirty et e , u , such u,.s .s4(94qation, Ihrepoisfa,, R(4 1 ,4 D e bility, ht,44 1 hi,VhrY atit to,havu ils•hek., i t!: l' it 1 tad .1111"%Thehiver,t1,44, i t i t t c h it i : the Stont a a s ki, l° 4 l° lll 33 ;7 "F lteceu il i s t,: t ntr i u ti e le i 4ll t i te lh result of , wittelt Attila ti) tottielit intim front frieyollo (11'•ntoro . Of the . I ' oll eWling ini ; , onseSi:::,! ....• • ..: • 1 I . , , constipation,ptuleneel Inward, pit Fu'nes.s of B Ito the Ifead, Acidity; I Of thOlitOpladit NatiNeap Heart•bUrn, I , ) l izt l ui o4 t s(r f o or s !liar nuo;"::otiirt:::::::Rtortit ' 'WOlght 1 itt l ;t, 0 fittnnath; , „sow , oring,at tit:' c,,of .tbo• Stomach, , 1 ,0 Swimming of ho Bead, Hurried or Difficult. lire !hint V the Heart, (Amid Igot u beatiogN.o, nations when in a Lyitit; l'osttir o, Djui.J i Hess of vjogn, to ,Or Vohs bcalo ‘ll tine Sight, 1)141 i Pain in ithe Read, Dolielenoy of I"Orapiratkolt Yoilovi• - lima of the Skip and Eyea, l'ain" Irish° WO, Bilok,Oheat, Lint)" e 1 1 Burning Fluall6B or Beat;i !' Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings qf Evil, and Depresslca . of spirits, The sufferer from these diseases eltould mterciso the grentcet cantle* In the to lectlci l of Ili:91110dr for ills ,eiolu, paretic slog (I 13/ 1 h trich ho , 1 1af aviliced•t,„ 0 lllald 00, 4 t bile end liqiilrlea posniaei true merit, lotkill folly compound. 414, Is free from lanirloon Wm. d lents,turd hay eatah lited:for ithytt li i iv. ficp t Itainn tot the cora of Dam (linemen. ul t lia connection we would submit thorn N sli-known re inedics— .t. 1 , 00.e.itebt.iP I.ii.Riit - A 2;1 i/rl4/18 • 1 AND 11.00ELAND'S' GERMAN TONIC. P)tEPARED BY Dr. a M. trACESON, • ; 11 !.' i • . ) I '4 l l.ADiff.rillAtri :Twenty-two years since they were fin% itai °tweed Jut o-this •eorintry, free s G el . ninny, 'Willi s Which tithe they hilt . ° I/11. , (1 ° 1 4 44 40/Z morformod m94 . couyee, awl 1, 11% . oiled .8 - unOllDg linninulty to A illetaot , ,ox- tent, taityl 4DS , ,other,roteeilles known tO tho r iAlbllo.. , • .. , .- • - • „ film se_ rehm,dies - Wig effeettgally cute, Liver ''Utitnit t Oat, Ju Active, illiipiSpnia, Uhroulcyr , orvoh .im li(ty,, Chronic lil. ttrrlgoh, l OC Fio oi, , tithe Rhinoysiid, j o all -pis tt es . aria.' 1 %ghoul a Mr. dcred Liver, Etemae tor Ilitestlnet. UM I,IVER Mil • DEBILITY, Resitotng "rpm any 'Cause 1 3 R00TRATION OF THE NY& TEM, intliteedbp t Severo r Lot , or, .Exposure, Avers, Thetp le or modloirm equal to tlteno'remodlOs Itl tidbit autos. A nod ,iiitfor 'in Imparted to the wholceybtew, aPpaito iketrongthonetts le tin. .joyen, the stomach digenta itrouiptly, the blood lepttrititul, the complexion beconic4 Boned entl , bealthy, the tyollow tinge Is etadientott from the the week bloom given tO the cheeks,aild tho week and nervotn levalid becomes H strung foul healtitv Wog. j'ERSONS ADVANCED IN LIVE. Mid feeling 'the timid of time weighing heavily ,upon them, with all its attendant ills, will find in the use of this,lllTHlld, or the TONIC, an elixir that, will Instil now life intd..tlieir yeitukreitere inn, WAS'S* the omit' and and 'ardor of more' toullitut days, buil( up their shrtniken looms ane give health and happiness to their re aluing years. L I It is a well•oetabitalted fact that fully thie•hati of the fern lo portion of our pop. glutton are seldoni in the enjoyment of good health ; o r exree.don, to use thel i r own iliever fee; well." aro lung uid, devoid , of all ;mord Maw . ly nervous, and have no appetite. To this: Clan , Of parsons the BIVITIttI, et vie 'IONIC, 18 especially recommended , WEAK AND DELI6ATE CHILDREN Are made strong by the use of either of those remedies, They I,llllntre eyoryFip RASMUS, Without fall;• Thpl pf ,cortilleates ,havo, ;umu. WO, 10"thel hende of the proprietor, but ap (co will allow the publication Of but a few. l'ltoae,. it will be obaoryed aro inn of note and of Suoli btanding hat they must btrbelleved. Til.S.t;ll%t(iNl A LS, Hon.'Citii W. Woodward, • (ref Justioci of (Ad Sunrentft, Court of Ib. ) „.Pgii:Aintt.lll,44 Aftwoh 18,11 Gannon BlLiOrVis It good tonic, useful in dlooakesofthe digostivp,organs, anti of groat lieW eflt in COO Of debility, and: wont ot ) l e 6 voile action in tho essteln, . • ' I Yqsi trulyi . • • "G ur EO: W. WOODWAR)." - i Hon. , Jamesi Thompson,, - Judgf of illeotipprema (lours of :perinsetfinta. of , ' I, % ) " ! , 1 A • ,J. • '( ' ' . rart,AnaLvarsi April re, Ifril • •"I considplopflandos Gelman Bitten' a valuable n kik/ Meese Of ttacko of I"' digestion o • Dyimopsia. Lea certify dill from my experipttoo of it. . Yours, with respect, " • JAMES THOMPSON' rrOiti!HiY;' , l l 44),63o(kiti.iilfird, 11. 0 0 Pail t °r 0 the, renth.RoPliii (Aura), Pala , 110. J'ackson-'-Dear. sir 1 I have been Ire (ltis.ntly requested. to cOnneot my ra4 o 9 wit'VedOulen.thitimul pf different *holf of in Krim), 'but cording the Maio at Pin Of •holy Itppro late . sphere, I,hvecln buts a 1 Oak!, deelltiddi ' but with ik. dent pivot ,in Various instances slid pattioultirlyln my own family, of the ute• fUltteSs of DrAlootland's tiernitth Ditterl, I depart for Or from my usual couroo,l, l l ex pr as inv fu I conviction thatdor pentrin dee.,o of 114 a stet/hand eapadoll )1 for Lo. a• 1°4111)` gom ig e rit' e U ti,s i4 er3 s i fif t e n a i l a v Y 4 va ft l i t e b i tt r u elsi tt i l r o i rlY i : donbt not, it will be very benothnol to thou' who suffer from the above canals. , • . Yours, very reopeotfully, . • J. 11. ICHN.NAIII ) , Eighth, below Coateß Situ; , Fror.i Rev. E. D.Fendall, i allifsicant Editor 1127irjaikin- throtticle,.• PIO. ' .' 4 . . • • to II) VO (It:mixed decided benefit from , uSonf,llooils.ndts Gordian . Bitters, tind fo'' , it my privilege to recommend them g, a, most valuable tonic: toil'' , who are su6'er4 fe, 0 1 3 /0011oral flebliity,,ar. oviu filsouirli Pt! elllkp . pwdltyttigotnent of The liver, • , • Tours, truly. ' '•E. D rzsotti =I . .:. ,CA IJ F .r lON . 4. , Xolland'i iiormen ,Itemedies Inv (fool' terfeited." 13e° that ilia signature of C. 1 1 . JAVii 8 ON, to . on the whxylier of each bor" tic. All'ethors arc coMiterfolt. lieu elPfd Ofilo L _ltntl ManufactoryAllC 0 / 1 the Optkan Medic no fere, No. 63 ?It? Btreot;ricilB{lelphia, f*. '' 0 ,40,40 /46:10'.0.8 . , :Ivorieo , , t' - i Ifoliderly 11 N. jAuKsoa AOP or For 8030 by all Drwralmts and &ger in medicines. pan 4, 18-1100 E