WO. •11111 141181./111111# 1111111111111111410 ?AT Tilt: Ali just•intl suplo thu acaOlin titiho Criunty.bil flak*, f tl itte 1,1 ill i fmr oolo3, u5e..4,10. At' , • ootio ant ele Ito 11104, the. mon% tt•SpeCt(Ullit lay before t ► ono ablo,tt:* Jollies of tilt: Court of ' tutuon Pleat, tbu Itateruent , to wit: CHAR/WM if..P oci. Treatueen ,nt lircelpht /tom Gtitlectuta 41 (Amity , . 044.144kni i 41 • isfu..tun4 • # JuAso ' bi MS oilitOooilla ' VOlp 2tl al 40/11,64444 , 041 et er - 01 4,42 7 82 John Yoe", lOW In full ' • it* 2-1 Betsey Soloman); 14,7 On BOW nt , ' VAN n Deritel it. Went aelp,AlNot ti t. • '930 75 : Henry Boyer, letil In NIL Henry Boyer, l$Q on account ,• tern. D. 11..Kreatner, VW In foll D. U. Kreatner,lebe on nocon) Item Upper. Eilwatil Kninimon, Ihii6 in Ail Jnlin linvngo. Ufa In full Wm. U. Kantrinan,iftion wig Ikrneine. Dantol "filbert, isi7 wasomiji liftMipti I M 0 4 1 ACAQ Bethel. Elias lflefuttlnielt, 1801 on moo Jared Longo!, 1/107 In full Jared Lenge', 1.368 on account lloyerlown. Thomas Bohoonor, 1101 In full 'llkMae 801100110 r, 18 4 8 on acot Brorknode. Christian !Inning, Ma In full tihrloltun llarting,lt6B on acct them J. nom Uolzolli !WWI Duok, lefi7 * tin"' Jonoph titnilb, ltol on nooount ' Centre. goorgo litamlilor, 1867 in full vim rottolger, 11$04 on account • Ogebroo kdille. Jool Mahan; 11107 Jacob 1. Hilda, lekrontuallecouni • i Cutnru., aeepb klauttonbuali tf4 1& k 1 [till Noun. !Waal% 0 aoqt, v• er.if(4 Mario' Weit i lki r eaqiadalie henry Fox, 1807 in full • Y'ran l n Minor, lOW on account Dongram • 0.0. Hatfield, 1867 In fun 0,0, ilaullold, 1608 on nocount Bart. Itouheu IL Updogrove, 18061 n full Itculian ltt. Updcgrovo, 1807 on ant. 13. Brutubuch, 1808 on account aft C113Vit00.47 "' Po do 1668 on account 1 Its X Clreenlvieh. John 80111,nm, 1807 In full Do do ; 7808 on account Ilanibt4rg, IlatU Koyflor,l l o7 on account A. iltollimborsor, ISSN. on scot, 111((ttlberig Jon%than L I oics, tea, n full I) Intel btoyor, lOW In fun Jaen!) Boohtol, 1807 In lull Atiohnol, J. Iltshor,lBo on Rect. "Mac:berg Lower. 'iltonry 410/hart, 10651 u full . DanWl (I volt, IWO In full J, 0, lonnbort, 1807 on account Elijah Stooly, 18,8 3 on account Il iti l lqhfr ite. o •I I 1 ' Benjamin 42/ _ L 1 fttll • " 237 63 ".". Adam 81=0 clew On tatioondo ' , lit) 1 4 113 ' yo . • ' 4,rt , niil. , ll t):,., , ,,A1 ,TrTtror. ,l ll o l . il rq r Join At li . hi , y itiejui ‘,t. i ~,,•1,, , II In ~,,. t Jriktil l ttorOsookiAtaJ In i. , 1i. , : 427.06 •• • David Zollionfoott, 1808 on cot. ' .'?4 119 0 7 , a .," Wkilvtleoff i li dr io h i;, l . , . .$ i J,I •• i %4 , 7• !., ti f , ~ f , I 1„ . 7 m 1011 a e I II 1 um cf t )6 rg a r ,180 I at tat I f t1in4.115 • ' le tao Knoll, 1801 In full • 5098 b ~ John Vox, 1068 on a.ccount _ _ 2 000 00 / . . 2,7 70 guts/own Borough, . Isaao S. Uottonstoln, 1807 In full 1310 80 . Isaac/ K.Stauffor, 1008 on account 450 00' --. 4 , 1.2 80 Longsuump. 111.40ha0l ti. 7sllllur, 1806 in full • .' 1,50 0) • VI/Iv o /tint (lolvit,lBo7ltn full 2,018 02 • ... do 1808 on account 037 OQ - r - 6 $ 62 Maldencreck. John Saul, 1807 on coonnt • lgo 42 ~ John K. IdianresclAirpik appo,un) , 3 1 0-2 t, , Isf Maim_ . ' ".! ' • 1 ' t 4,84 00 t H. Oxonrider,lollPittifemou e: A A 14110 00 , 1 # David N, KIII/nor l ijilAth Sp I, , = „,004,11;• ‘, Bed), TroUttnan,AM tittl i so „, ,: c, / 1 .4 .6. 2L0 ' 's,outts , Mux.aftitunit. .. , 11. Vivrthorat, Die() In full V. O. Igo, 1807 In full lt sl' if ' D.ll. 8 g Old, 18.311 on account ''''' ' 1 0,451 leo ' O3 l • 7, 4 Muidenberg. ' 3. t Daniel Spongier, 1807 In full 2,214 44 Do do loOtion account 3,463 57 1 ! • -----,slp?' Qty. Wm. ()Altar, 1307 in full • 8,408 29 , Pant 11 htlucke, 1363 on account 9,281 33 '3 ------12,09 4 61 • Onletatinv. , David lloiry, 1807 on account ON 13 . • JOin W. Kemp, 1803 oil account 0,205 00 —7--- 4,08 t 13 ') iffl l4. WENS _lli oen tfitOdit • • ~• • , 10111 o 7; - 0,-111141Maire/RsB4NsisOccnult ~4.,„,a,14 ou ~ 1, ~ 0 ., I V.. 't .. ,•,1•' I , • , ,I, , 410 * co P. 8. anti 1 t,-liqbertiviniic. , . ~ ~ .1,710 43 • ci Alfto I Die bulblce,ilo6B oh aOOl. 1,7u7 31 . ~ , , .. , .t „ 7 - 7. - 1 - 1 3 : s 'P c 76 Pike. ,_._ ' --- i D. If. Druinhoderilefibr A' "A ;'' ' ' ,f . " 1,511 ; 1 42 . • Rialonond.l,o7 , it I. • . . ~.1 , ,- 1 Solomon 111111er, 1907 in full , 1,277 81 ;t i llonnavillo Bwoyor, 180 on nat. ' "4,572'57 • • 4....... a.-.... B p 4 41 •0tt••,44.0101. 4 ., 00 i.. 1 ,1, !. :';/ i 12 I_.t• ~ t Josoplik i ~ • . 0nt0u,1%,,.. , I DO t " C 11. ip; .. poT iix • -11,901'1,8 • ' I ADMIT , ( 4 ;.• ,1 • • / 1111 Riit " 2.61 41 49 1,. itf' .1/ • •• " '.. --bi- 5,117,192 • Rockland. and, 110141gLiaolt„1,831on.pqOupt I,l9lVi r '' T I. John ATAII*9WI,ISSO en itoctPk" ) l,2oT 201.) it ii...a inirn.) , 3tu.• o I layr , lt,l , -, Trri-4- 2,70413 AiteSMitiMlM.,ollitt"' 1. 166 oil 1i ~ 1 1 111a8 Saul, 1807 on WO • A I,Mhu 'Frank flollwitabi 1888 01119,0111 , 01,1 t. , it.. 024 Pi • t /it . . ik, —• 1,70348 . • tynrinfi; Isaac Define_ t r 1800 in full 633 01 .1 Daniel Ruth, 1807 In full 5,223 03 John M. Arta, 1868 on account 4,210 471 !; —10,10113 Iliinclooon. . AlOaca Oxontido7"l4 l o7 in lull 3,817 03 4 1' 1 ,.. DO •do , 1808 o A account WI 21 4 ~• , a------- 5.71%10 TulpehomottlAwcr. John ,Bolizltmer, 18001 n ftill 241 49 • ()corn 01108417 lu full • 1,123 -74 ...• litlas Reli,er, 1008 on &viola 1,387 25 i , i-.l`ril''• i= 4, - ,,,, --' 9 .76500 Union..ll.soti ito' 1 , •, . f 11ormin (lo 1807 in full • 1318 21 A. U. Wlso ‘ 1008 On account 3,501 74 4,683 93 Walington. P. U. Kulp, DM In full 31 9 •' Mao F. Medlur,lB67 In full 731 1u Do do 1888 On nooount 9,223 Oo i 3 ' M. A. boilers, I$U7 on account R. J. X. 1111110 r, 1869 on account Wonteirderii. Loyl lianaor 1837 on o. count IN 00 Amon VW 0404 00 1,83 • kV* Fall 'until /..•! .1 , 1 I 2 A . I 4t"tu t. mai BeAmmo--Becond ward. EdwAr:3 Bohmook,lBol On qooount 1348 70 / Jaoob 13 (tutor, RN on amount : 4 ,567 27 1 4,11! Ilianiso-77/anl Jaoob Sebald*, 1807 la fall Do 40 186$ on uocount " ism—Jobur ia Ward. D. 1160,1811, in fall 1,018 01 Do , on oopoont , • 4,130 ue UMWAr g ilitare r ritl , •, dAire viy)13 ,1 1, - ,11:14 , 0o• t Do , t, 1000 11441110440 ik lot! VIM ~.t —r— 2,101 . D11)11)1111O4rditi& 'Wbrd. iosoo Holder, 18V 10 full O do ' 188800 o.ooount. 8iLD1440.46040 1,74 Ward. Wllll6o2Rwmitrco44. 10671 n full 4 1,474 74 D.b . 420 1: •Ob aoo' 1,015 24 ' ;. 80001410-4//lesih .31000 MAO 1807 OteltoooUnti 1,001 50 • 4r04101,14. rrWs l 4~, ' ftl:t pitt -401, I , .#4 . 4 . t o 6 ,1 01101417.. , 452 . —/ g'4A4 . 17LiArelca.41 , 71404f vf .4 ' • .\\- 1 .4;.- 9 1 7 02 1 , . 1 4i , ' • :Ir ir „, S T i o l , a4 :ul •; ' 2thl Bt,' , , „•';',„,., , ‘,4,q11:014 4 2: 4443 1):: p i l t :, ‘''* '2 ,•.4 1.. .: . -. t ," 7 1,6 „4 : • tTP 4 ••• 4 4 , ttil Jiff -*-4,,, , , 0•e,•,-,- - ,•4 ,4• . 1,4' ti , *I tv ., IV' IV ~ i ii il4lB ‘ 4l 4:o:os 4' it O . ' f ii 1 404 6 , 330 11 *, : 4,Y). f r Huekaler• Licelfes tri and cniz•nr:i.-..e ., ..4 11 • , :-;.1-4 . .- - 1. .Berks tolauSf• • .-• . 1:. • ' '• : ~1 .; ' ll %kftfte_ _4*LuirMOPIAI3O4. 1,02/0,, :' : ., I,t 1 , t • ifi t p l ustr r ' tic t t r e F oul l yii •a) SXV ' "' . • .............5. 1,.11Q 1110 Ctintly Beta „ , , • - ''".Ut i * ~, ,w ,_:,!,.1 'Venn /Street LS ' • _,,, : and toll . v kj,t,, ..,‘, -'• mu . .7.1 • • l'oun 4treittilth ,P.l , 'OW h. ' -''•l • Lel by toll rivr :4,- , , ;` , 1 . ,;, 7 " 75 7it • 4 d ti , ' . ' t .2.. - .. ....'.....".! • 2 4 664 to Looca..itar'arbt ~ • • - ~,, : i t,-• , I,ois 64 , .. ~. ~...,.....• . - , :'.., , •Do , toll co • t,,• , . et klagulre ''i, '-',.,.;',.. A, •••.". j-, 4 •3' 637 10- •: I ,;) • ' • •: • 4 1, c 'iPOlr'•' , ' , :- j* ' - r"'"'" ' ) An 5 7 ' Poplar 240841knjohik, ito,i go • • • . Do tow, ~,, ,:,,,..•votet ... ,:, • :.: Lloyq • ..,,, • i „, .• . 33 7 73, - I ; bnrg Drift& by contract • 451 104P' 4." - 4=4 , , ', - -ir toll (*hooted by ,lobn ^ ~,,, rr 4. • 373 ,1111 .4. , ,• r.•, ! I '`; ' • • , . —..-..1.4. ~ 1104.1114 '•wo le arnOunt of toll B eblges4s,2ts' Ai) . ,4 , 4 , • 4 and Lost.. " • 1187 8) r n tocclpts • 4 ` ' - • ' ' 4 80 . 1•117, . omillbonal Rood Dlitiwiges. • , • Front WArge tlayett. Born t pi - • ; 10 GO . , Afircvaancoust„ ~, • ,4, •,- , • . • • Ifi l te'.4ll, the x 1 4 ,40111 or.betV , • A • • •72,244 70 Douglass ,11c1dge Votn_pany 4 NO va' trefikunliebuitt i tir Tulle( CO *1 43osts - • , -_, -, 4 ' • , '• . 17 73 dieob Ebiknone, -on acoount of ' Court obits; - , , 10 80 I)l33•slier liiltsel, plank sold ' C 00,, B.llu rtY,•on ado% 6! Court costs , ,- 000 • BetlyrarY/n,Treato ot•Oath twee ~Bi Idgo,(lolnpanY, • % 4" ~• ' • 105 CO BoWls'llott, dlfferonee 'ozi Bond • ' 're;ohanged- •.••• , • • • t - 100 00. I 'ltirtlkinlcpler; Trcasurerl f c la' riddle° Doinpuoy illvldcon, - ? z 2O 00 • Ju,d3ub 8. l.lvlsq.;ood, Itclolui sold l 74 A Wort G. thou) i mitt (1414nager., , , • ,11.,fte5414;41 froln 11. TutPollOccon y. , , , 4,0 1.0 iloicult lteltry, brlek 4 s . and old '( • Iron, lto - • • , ..• ' ;1380 00 Kul% .2 DtclbololoS, old tombe . Hold . - , • 41 00 • . 4rltti! PogiNullan, ~r 9 9110 . , •• • • ; 0i0t4,12 OK tigaliiVilliloypr .. (18 02 It ,l-1. . 0 •' ' , s ...;-.4,--. 83,927 00 --- -3-- won ei tkin. 3,065 74 2,017 15 MOO 00 2. 44371 is ta 1 I 3,500 00 3,t 101 71 I'ARM9 M iq tx) , z) I •Iqtfli t " .? )iii , 50.1 ti 1 125 50 t. 770 i SO 41917 47 9,1751. 5,141 06 3l • t WOW 1 1, 531 232 43 • , )1318 14 • '.--'--'lr.l 1.11. , il m l !! I. ~ j 801 33 1,7 k 00 11 01 ' ic ,022 U 5 ti to 4or ii.. 1 2 . , .)3. :0 1 ........--... t , oj 93 , 1,15() 87 , 1-' 7. e 1 `4,OM Oh i • 4 -J1 5,240 12 go !"J7 i s ;2 1 , ~. ',-..- 1, iOO . . . itKe.APITUL VI AON OP Itscairra 'yoke 180:16. . . , • - iWilllp tetuOlitot,tipleuty • Fax re: , teeve•l • - • 12030 OA ; nucleators liconsits In Ilerks co. 1;e20 50 1 ' n uokater, Moires out of Dories ~ • c • - county '5:4 00 • County toll bridges - 5,125 09 • • , ~ , Vorellot toes, fl ues and Coats ' 81 80 , • 4 Prison rd.'elpts . 84 9 1 13 Conditional rittad damages , , .1 et • • 51theollaneous receipts ' • 83,927 1.0 • ---271,774 40 2, 1,511 000 88 7 UO S ' el lfPl 414 . 01 '" 7411 (1° 1,449 88 • 4 7 & ‘ r4 tt'$ 0 4 ) .:0 4 I 4, 1 17. I 014 EDIT. eri'reasurer claims orodlt for the following, orders draws on him, ttr wit s • • ' ,Prifron rovOoloriar Oe!er4i • George Golicsapp 1300 Pr Nance /t Land:o,lookt) firsneiser 4,0% tobacco • AlllOll6ll reedsoto it. glazing • , thread„ml notions Alkqtgr , 9P4011 t ' Wikim Klee. .• • •I ,; , •2401 Reading Gass vompAny ~ : 141 81 gesly,'lumbey, 8' 25 autumns, carpenter will* 68 01 a. Stuumons, tpc. to Harrisburg 7 r 0 J. youoig 4 aim. coal ~ , .1,430 00 1 1f, Ihirkbart, masonry , 12 72 Y. Weabhe; Smith.work ' • • at ;0 • a,.IP r G POUIIng Annual re r - 00 I c. . , • •45 4. 1 • 411118 ors c 0 1 41111 024 anneal rop port: J. (I.inser, miseellaneous - ellums „• OX illndrrstbtts'!tnobly, sea)), /to. , cetAir 4(02101, brushos .Valokson, ti.soinmons i liedsteads for prison Ct. Engel, buckets • HARM (coy la bons,' shoemaker . tools r - `llOrnhart it Hoch, straw Ifamtin shoe patterns , 'A. T. BleWgrt, blankets - blibaon Yb Walker, slide lasts And trees s 117 20 foyer it B ons, hauling' ' la 85 81 llollenbach. painti , • 5 10 Kline, Epphlinier Col e rash ' 14 13 beymaster Bellingriating • 70 00 Bea. Engler. last WI Ors 15 00 'REMY Co., lasts a "t 1 tools • 170 50 ii. trangen, 'Ameing umehino ' 83 00 V. a ioir soap; t l4 40 lietla it Shatter, lumber u 01 atrluklaud Hro., books 17 U 9 Douglass A Conrad, repairing' • • welt canter"- 8 78 J. Btioliter, hardware, . • 750 'Hitter Qq., printing to 01 Wm. Rosent hal do - 82 25 0. Dauth h don, tin ware and re. pairing 11. J. Ithos.dif, notion_ (2. rt. betan,ilaults, H. E. Owen, printing , 8. Weittedl, soap Um:floods Iteoknlan, plumbing ti; Uahggen shoes , , Llalit,.(lougS ' . John McKnight, hardware Hard it ssher, hardware j ) to IL Miller. smith work (lansor, inspectors' meals I uhf do* 1,(43 " 420910 1 ' 31 19 2030 • 2,037 Al •t •, 1,078 -3, #1. 1,23 - 2 78 439 03 4,042 2 . 2 3,571 00 1,0 J.lianeor,malntalnlng prlhonera s./Itanhfiednring, • Mossolinah & ; i trk, wool • 8,14 D 05 Yondi Alteinne Co., Co', dry Su grail 3. Fritz, chain /to. • F WItikoltoushooloy161; ynrn J. Gantlet', oarptA raga • • littler Ltttbetit•ovennti tat ' • Levan 4..1.1ubp, dhaln • Coylo Co. chitin Contiard, - leather E. Godfry d; Suns du • Ely A Sanger, do 11. A. Stookdoder du Lange,'; do ' J. L. - ~ d 0 • J . , A ?d. De Long, do I{Oherly,44 Eltd,ninth,ient)ter , AA): Oarrol 4k , Co., shoe *lotting- F. J Hoke!, hat rouuda. Kuts tt. Arnold, hatitOtulda , U. Lutz, do do t • Mea t (Shlanes. • Josaph,Ganpur, opt ypar's salary Itormtnik Ganser do dTObhomas Will, WW I & I year's salary JrcHotrort.„ do Jae Ob Spho , tlly, (10 Johh Groff, do W. M. %Valinan, Dhyeiolaii l)harlea IL Frith, Ittasurer .rtmed. oro .6tenses. . . David Katz, attending ment . ing :14 031 t 5 r, )` J. lilauoy.loouosi. f do .13 o‘); ~ i • D1N1014,, ' , do , , , . ,53 3-3 1 :: 8 4 01 1 N 1 A A (1 0 , ', ; t 1 45 001 Ja oung, 4o . 45 PO IA XI. Van Rood . ; ,do , , SR 90 TOttil itifibunt or lirlsoa tabonsos Prtncrpert Zcvms paid: , L - 7 .y Wholo amount of loans pia', interest (lidera. 'Mutest paid on loans bYalionery a id Fri ;fere Order*. M. Y. Dcerinir, 83 00 Win. flonOtithir, : • ; -; '' '•"t• ' 1 E , • J. L. ()nth 970' '' ' ' J. Keikbb ago ~ , 311 , DhipatotilliThnoi, ' " 88 50 . Simnel Levan, • 0 00 'J. Ni Satisftnian,' " ' ' 55 Do ', lil.r. Obyßn, t • , , , ~. kb 00 ' • r. • 1 , • - I ' • r 1,13403 Cnnstabtee *Omni and i 0., t itteir ' ' JOnfilky Term ~'1 ,i ' '; . ,`, ~ ~ 88 SO AprO, Term . 1 , F it 113 • litignist. Teta • ' ;1 '52 , 2 ' 4 9)'?l'l l , ) qr T em ?. ' ' - • it .......i.: 4t .1 Q ol ioriere and tagtecs' Inipieats. JODin Tor; Coroner _ - • :' . • 87 80 Justloes of the reaoo ' ' 123 78 Ok: , 1,1)1 tt, Bieber, twit, medic= • . oxnudnation Dr.•ll. LuthOr r poet inOrtOm• ex --aininattsA— 240 00 • , 2,170 01 2,425 .gtogion Orders: City Spring Motion Spring Inaction In the county, Constables attending and not!. • Offig iiobilnir : General ' : 'lilac . . 7° ?lift if 1,071 • 141 ovetn r , • ~.Y... g,Lit co' Assasscr a returning Hit .of • - voters . • 882 00 t Assessor notifying day of appeal 1,418 BO 703 38 2,062 03 . • y AettliT yoi 1 4' S, f • , oiteeS - 768 98 ' . 1,232 156 2,001 010041 1 tift WIt06815 ) foes i in udwnionnroitihl, • 640160 • 803.70 WS if i!•• WO* Gotittez ti• • . Daniel/41A 'llolooloor4 60 00 00 • • Alie l l l .o it! NC ? VArOk -OP • • 109 q ,10 ? . m o o -t•. 71 to %Vholo amount of rpoolPto Total income 2"''' 5 00 ,1340 ip . , ... . . , f ': !'.i*Si'Elitigiiiti.: il*bil f he : : . ' '' ' ''' '' ' ' ".. ' ' C; ; ' ...024 T s t• -: ' • 4 1 04 . , ,, : '1.40144.4 . .. , i . Or • '' ''' .: • . l 6 . - .:t, ~'-';,, , ^;:: •.2 git ~..',- f :;,..A. i. 4 .. it d ''. l;iiiiiiiiik'-d - ' 'l' )-441'1415, - •,' i•• : , 1.. . - .46111051111001,',• Iro w p I' ; .i,v', .''' "-: , • ' , 41,G"1,1!%; f.,:,;.-¢l , iiv =;,'••• A • li., 1,.. pi, . b., on. •,'s` ~ • - , V t 1 ;:i'leliklat•iiiittic:' .7 ^rY ) '' C : f i li . 4 , 0 Mara' , , ! iii i ' ' 1 • IT , rtIL -I. •:. • ;i•,!, '4,l ' ," - t '..: ' '..'2.. • ' ',o k', •.. ntl . .-• • . - , . 1401.05 - • -r: - •. - '.,' il4 , ; , 116- ,• ' C a ma bet • I 'C'.cfliqtatflttiV4o4fitgerieiv • 7' 44. 7 JoS Wk eph,444l4o, 4 yea Ityr's salary as :_,_ ' ~. •, !' . ~,,_,• lava* 14 - I,lie . 0 . .W. 3 1, •' • iiktol)llloW*l.4, ‘ fo) , t• a tO• •OA 0 $ ''.', 4 1 , 15.11lieskre1`;- -- - • ''' • - 1157 Oii' ' .4.0v.111144,1br/klrti•pletk col Ao ~ - 4 460- -10: • - • ' ', 11011t0:110.. ~.,". ''• '' 166•13 '. '''',, .. f ' • 111 1 4..lloyer ti . cok141011111011,• ••.. , .' . r *e t r , - ~.• . •, k,O OD , .. • i 0 i ol ' 5;00 r t ie Miklos IL• 1100601;0Oht.'atty:"t`z 10) 00 - . • J 1 G. Glues, A. - Olsor oitut 4.. setii .• : , . , I 11 "fli s l.k..v. if . ,:* 13 44 ,1 1 ' e,c • SOU XXI , 1 • , e s , • .it ::. .. 500 60' '•' ' • Bet+JoinihrlAvini '• ii••• ti9o vo •‘, • datum taillawleyisiWititmpoun. - . ! , h t:7 offices . ... , , • , -, • . ~.. • oi . ' Tob/ao,llurt4o4lnoloolngiurcors OP 70 , 11.) . , , ,V1:'0.441104100104 pr,6llAooo4Ory 110 00 • , • ' Mayors,, Aidermihi's and justices' Ate*. ' 1 d i Sayqr ~! •• ; - • 510 54 ,I, t • I luermen'a ..' ~ • ' liti M , 7uMoes 6617 -. .. 1 ) • 0, t —..- 7 .; ' 'FA Ala Oicnnial Astessinent. ' , . Telooolal assessmook4 e spouses ' Ix, 70 .. ,714:liiit r .. • ~.. • Penn stmt. Nldge,Fr..golalkett. 1 • _ Lel ;•1•1 Mon he Wary 21 0 00, • limbo & Bookman, plumbing .14 51 WIS. Bmllll oq , gas v • 169 21 Leytaaator 46 selling, painting 44 liscuuM Focht, urpoutor work 10 80 U. h. v. L - . Da4111,, , ' 2NS IL lallubler, putting up lightn fug • . rods ••.• . • ,• • ' 15 25 , I ifineaster Bridge. , , • Darrtet Maguire, Montle' sal.: *, pry - • 4 10 CO K. D. Smith, Bass 18 8110 Re Mtn hie r,• l p attiti g lug rods • 280 25 - Peter Itorn, "cleaning - bridge au 00 W. haultng ground. 6 75 Saltine' Focht, earpenter, work 3 111 Poignr Neck Nildgt • , 1 " 'Daniel / No.or. It Molithesidary ' 180 00 Netibeh Kaohy, nuisOn'artirk 1130, U. N. Bakerka., lightning rods 1 290 83 Samuel F9eti I t carpenter work 2-t Peter u_roipa, 500 Daniellloyer, mason work dio. 9 18 Numburg, Br geid 3 me . John Ketterer, Intigi Salary 160 00 Wh ß ole f amount 9f tell bridge' 1,708 89 " edg Dreters. • - - /Alas D u ie n N in enba d oh, !le4holitax re. funded • Nathan Miller, Witidscr tax re. flunked •' Edward Kauffman, toper Born Michael 11. I,ollllBwalzlP retundttd • Wm. U. Philips, contra tax re. AnYteit Daniul Hahn, First Ward Read ing. tax refunded , daeobilehuler, Third Waidßead , ing tax refundel • Henry' Wagenhordt, Maxatawny tax refunded . Solomon Miller, 11,lehroond tae: refunded • Isaac 'folder, Waal Read , jpg Aim retudpd., Joseph Nathan'', Ninth 'Ward Reading, tax refunded John Fox and others, Jefferson , tax refunded Josepli Itaudonbueh, CUgirli tax refunded, BMW ISJultonbach, Bethel tax re. , funded $471,774 40 : 1 ' 47 00 4S 78, • `•.' 110 02 06 •0 80 ' 28 47 10p0 .t 413 72 16 60 54 35 p 6 62 51 62 45 U 6 Tipstaves al A.S`ptydat 0 . 2 urt. i.olln ',Hollinger and Dim Motley POOlt HOUSE EXPENSES. Out door Funeral lexperuei. Fred rick ithead, 2 coffins for Al her • Richard and P - , . Erb ": 13 00 Davi Zimmerthan, 1 coffin for Tacit ' • " • 506 Martin H. Landis, 1 caftln for Sa rah llohrbaoh 5 00 George Lash, funeral expenses __of Samuel Hartman 10 CO Mirk Bohlottnan,l co ffi n for der. , Oxfseldhl : • , • 8 00 Adunt Oprltert i Sleoffins for Isaac andwife of Barnet Dehret 10 00 Oeorgo.Lash.• .funeral expenses for wife of Wm. Moyer , • • 11) 00 IlOnry Moyer. 2. co ff ins for. L. " more and Wm. Williams 11 00 'I) arles Henninger, S coffins Mr '' sundry persons . "22 00 Paulu Filbert, 2 coffin s -L y dia • Folk 104 child, • 1 , 675 'Peter AulOnbabh,lonffin fortieth Bower • • • 600 Franklin liohn a coffin for Sam. itartman's child 4 00 Wm. Klein. 2 eoMns for Yorger'a 3 23 'child and2hompsonle child itayMond xphn, 1 coffin, man's Ottme unkKow , n 2 ' , 500 Janolt Laub ,1 eo n for Benedict Matsb u l ger -i • ' 600 Philip Eagle, 1 coffin for Charles , Roans , 403 John Marts, 1 coffin for William Hartman 5 00 Jeremiah Beard, 1 coffin, man's name unknown - . 500 , _ Out-door Relief ......... . Widow Bohmohl for self - 20 00 Jeremiah Moore,for widow Peter. Wertz 20 Co Jabob Frick, fOr Self 20 40 Widow Oromes for calf • , 20 00 Peter Marshal, 'for Cradle Leo- pold • • 1 , ) 00 Lydia_ Drup, for self , • _, 10 00 Win. Heffner, for Oath:wino oh. • , • 20 00 Al- Amos Fenger; for John Featior 00 James. Healy, for Jacob Piero:lou 00 Elizabeth Bans, for self- ' • • 00 Wm. ihnsteati, for Mary 'Ann 1 1 • McCarty ' 10 00 Wm, Stolgor. for self Mrs. Haas, for sell 20 00 ilrolph Collor, for self . . ' 10 (0 ,_•W do Zeller, tor self •,' ' ', 10 00 la camel Kreamer, for Caroline) ' • Shoemaker •" 20 00 Solomon Miller, for • Helena Bower • 20 00 Andrew', Hurr, • for Christian • Sower • • 10 00 Andrew 0 -Painter, for self 40 00 Benjamin Zimmerman, for Host. na Slielrer 10 00 Edward Slteafor, for John Wol- ' it, od . finger . . - Reuben Endy, for widow John Beachert 10 Oil Daniel Buskirk, for Elisabeth Hain:ion , , • 20 00 WIZ llostor,:for SallytaltS . , ~1 ' , IQSO :JONA ifinerAr gether °Snood t 1 . 0 W, Richard Atlalna , for , Samuel " Hartlnan. 20 CO Amos B. Wend, for Rodgers tam - s - • Amos B, Wells, tor.lrwini . • Eloholas, Heckman, tor. sundr# persons Bernt Fit a 'Koch, for sundry rsons O,A pe . Oriesomer, for sundr7.fam litett Poocook 1t Orth, for sundry tam- Iles Augustus Kerchner, for self Isaac: Mohr, for Jacob Korahnor ,Sarnuel, ,Flibert, for Elisabeth , , J Dan iel Wanner, for John B. Ottoo Peter Marshall, for widow New man KR:bolas Jones; for S u san Ito much Oatbarhe Maury, for self . is llatth ig Wl Liviugood , for Samuel Less . Paul Biessinjr; for D. Line Elias Obold, for Jacob Schnell ; James Healy, for John Walker James Healy, for Isaac Hoffman Amos B. Wanner, tor,Catharine ' , Lona :3 `M .. , 'Aaron Getz,for,lt . ' Boum John M. Baslist, f r self Amos B. Wanner l f r Henry Meat Adam Stein; for Uh DOWard • John Willbeltn, tot. Joseph - rot fenberger Joint ludo, tor John Simmer* • John ompi for John Youso ' Andrurr, tor Caroline held • wigs OW'id,for John Fisher ILleherd lioffautster, for airboro , Oreath B. s. Ultger. for ?soot) Winger t .41100b - Toung 6 nOn t - for Sundry persOn. -.- i , • •. , , - - - IMWAtinlbror sundry_parsoes 111 -04 1 A 4teln, for widow B. Heins 411 0 n Staudt, for Catharine Ox LS -1 1 3-thikrktoP spit- r. , • 1 ' .- e t tlbomoofinsoni kr self, A outlitelo t for Aiti t imsdesusthp, dila. -',1r...,', Flsliar,",,- - 1 tot . Sarah • Sao .700111Mfetlanoti, Diner .- • .Al/21 ) ).RimmelberaW• kir - 81reb *User., t , „ ~,,., W atinlits f firartsen Rtstntini,', AZlOrtio li ri, l4 ,gr, glutei*" inisill . •cli:j - .;j1 ,, t Ilenq 444940 m ow ;Mout lettv 8043 43 53 El 49 E 9 01 40 208 84 8 28 11 60 8 80 14 4.1 307 800 11 81 50 41 0781 21 00 ,01 50 ME 7, 4.703 60 101,61 103 60 601 01 42 88 757 tr 3 161 80 5 1,0 • • 1112 613 • 231 JAI • 272 07. 11150 768 88 421:25, 810.0'1 '77 25 IPQ 05 48 87 tri 63 8353 Q. • • 25 65, • •--••••-mri 10, L 228 85 000 00 800 0 iti 930'00 186 00' ato O 424 10 1 , /00 QO l 20 go AM 00 814,08 42144 p 86 *lOB3O =I 18,31)7,90 469 n 2500 II . , , is , I I= for itankhotriitict • zip •od 06 C9OlOl 4. spenf ; iii my rot4oliii tifittnArk ' %,10 tta Alooth,;ll4s)ier, 0. , • 1116 6 1 1 034 ,14 : VOable ran 14,14441 , 4 k r t f athertuo ' fir Seim. Urove, 10 g ' *lfralt. 111111ethe • ,- 6 • = * tor "Imo w *grit' - emu -.. Ipjuansoojor ,Coluittets- J. vie I!‘fliegi,lo,r (Ifiteitlee . - Ittoeirtt't_ • • •• • "LW Js M 4044 0tel yiellner, for cranklia, • 10, „: 4 , • . 00 .111.1obaotittt ovor 11praor dositgetail ,10 - • ' joho 1100 OW: Litsh; for liatleie Ultlob SO 6 0 Wto. Hows,for self• Q, • ,19 00 lash, for ma. fireman 20 JneApb eloteart,Orll.4.l.lllllteril: 11 00 1211 as Reber. for moeowat Welt. moy • • - ' Jeremia er h 1100 re, for midair Johil Werix • . • Dry Goods. ~0 . De hnor , Kane, E,pplhinter a Co. zretelill e r4.4. Levan *pillows lb Levan a+ Co. I • lof David Kti r , . B. IL Ma% situnoroott it &Bobo Datildi Neff Jikoh Riegel Yocum - a tlonaum :IL a: Holy • F. U. Flohniora Wm. Kerp a er Son • Ja. Hiroo ohn 8. Pearson a Co. Iltahler a Moors , • Sulnries. " George LaSholirectdr 5 'months / • sry • Eli al as a Obold, director inonthill. salary JOsephMuthard,dircotor 1 year's salary Silas W. Fisher, director 1 year's salary Jaotth Cunrad, steward 1 year's • salary I ZOO °ennui, steward bal.orlert2 Michael Medawar, under stew. anti rhitigifigle, steward on &oat. Wm. IL. Zeitner, under steward 126 80 on account AMQB Snyder, Clerk In tull tos May. lst, 1868 Wj IL Fisher, Clerk r qn Dr. A. B. Dundoro, physician 1 year's salary Dr.lltester. M. Nagle, physician 1 year's salary Livlngood, atty. 1 yotit'it sary • • Ph al ilipY: Vilham, englnere 1 year's Philip John Bence), baker 1 yeir's sal ary' John BenseLbaker bal. for 11155 - Frederlilk Schutter, ,Gardner. .1 year's salary noses 8. Sickle, blacksmith in full Winon . Vaountn Buskirk, blacksmith 'r am • 223 00 Win. HOffer f laborer on.tarm on , • . account 257 00 David Keifer, teamster on soot. 170 00 Do do ba1.1866 18 25 Alfred, Deterloh, teamster on account , 160 5) Christian Zeigler, tailor 1 year's salary . . 'lEll 05 John Pile, teacher in full 187 25 Mary Whitman, Maid In full 12 00 887 tlig 72 180 00 45 'AI 90 00 /0 80 in In 61 f• 5 43 67 21 9/ 47 00 61 90 68101 Groceries. Wm. Rhoads Jr. 212176 A Burkholder Madeira 1,808 02 Satherling & Smith . 1,H7 17 Charles Briner - 45 08 Hiram S. Getz 2,298 18 John B. Reiner 20 48 14 29 I i 13.33 67171 WI 23 (bile and Live neck bouifid. Samna' (luMtn, mules , . t 10) 00 biceps 8. Diehl% 1 pow and 1 130 40 ltinobold & Schlott, 81 atodre6,ol6 46 Snyder At Lorati,i bal, on steers on 1867 i' 8 39 Abraham Boobto4 - 61 sheep 256 00 NI 10 110 00 110 00 IS7loct and Hats. 116iijainin Engler, shoes O'Reilly & Co.. 8109 .lereinina addle shoes Francis Roland, is forks County prison, shoos anti carpets ''' { 204 42 Coal and Wharfage. Peacock. & Orth;coal Aaron Getz, wharfage William J. Frame, eoal Hear - & Bro. & Co., coal _ Whiskey and Vinegsr. Tobias Barba , Printing and Stations J. Lawrence Untie, Mint ng Win. Rosentimi. printin Bitter a 00., printing and sta. tionary Samuel feebler, stationary , Gratis, Pour and Grinding Grifti». Heron:dila Bro k grinding grain 224 51 Samuel Wertz, flour, gralu and grinding 1 1,154 81 George Lash, torn 234 85 0. A. Griesomer, flour 464 117 Botnhart Koch, flour Got 20 Sam. Weitcel, flour and potatoes .407 28 James Z. Orlsemer, flour 854 00 Tobias Barto, chopping grain' 88 50 Fulling and Dyeing. Isaac S. Yost Edelman a Lelubaoh Levan c 4 Buts 128 00 Ibbacco. 1 • 1). r. Lash 11. W. Rank D. G. Miller Dv:miser, Mayer & So. hardware. Geor Lerch & Co. Bard ge ltebor J. L. &folder McGowan & Mtltimoce John McKnight • Zeothfr and Shoo findings. M. IL Delong, loather Benjamin Kooh,leather and shoo 'fining • : , A. D. H a vey, loather at shoe tladlng I • Luniber. J. Keel} , Amos IL Doyshor Jacob Deysher James Healy _ Stoves and %mire. Broldegara , & Heller William Breldegem _ tllqtrlr,43 V. & DaT4h Drug , . J. K, McCurdy frweobter W:1Ilam J. TA RA and Salt. Aaron Gett, snit BoOkbammer & Bndd, fish (hal, on 18684 • Holler & Bitting, fish • J. IL %hell, fish and meat • , mel t VOW. . Daniel 8. isohrottildr, brick • ' 10 8) . Sheet:my &Jolmson, Onstitige 15 98 4,W. OTeribioding o t suer book 460' Levan; ub .At Co., qu neirare 980 Christian% utter t ea enWare 28 O. Peter fiteinel,- brushes • • 17 O . Williams & Althouso, for Jdeep_h ),Juthart t, • 9to Jobn H. Kereluter, painting press' wasoii 45 03 Henry Uoodman, new expreen wagon and cover - 170 00 John finatsjnedictil ,attendartoo for Elba Ulu • 90 0 9'. J. Oberti• tinning, grate bars • and labor• - •' • 21 87 Obviation Zeigler, interest on • $5OO for 1807 1 „ • 30 00 T. A. Willson &co • 45 00 Mrs. Ma_vt'apitillo,%can 10 14 25 mar t ja.Thaiter Uo.,stearri 58 00 Yeter BrOwn, lime • , 112 e 3 afiglinelßalip,. Bull UhalliB Lennart ' uretb, MUM pipe • (IQ`?: fitures'. • • • • " 128 19 Lewin laying crick • 49 co Uhristien Ebonl re.setting steps and sand donee. • 04 uooigt Leven., queit4*Arii - • /: 19 A: B. Kaleuig, butter 23 3 Moller& Killsok -0601111/51 98 Dewalt HOG Boit wheal, 78 tt lfrtes P. Miter, oree hire per •. tithert_ 31 00 i (Aerate% bnisbat • . 00 J. M. Maitursaddlery • lB 65 Auclieribiatt Bro., actions • , 7o' Pr.'l l l+ MIN 1 0. 11 150104 ;Writ& • . • nude : 543 Belau , * Biseke4 '40,40 clothing - • 6. 03 • John Koppleman c castings •28 46 'r Mo notlons , Duntihrr lobillers.r.94lllll42' • 'three in' ut btur • Yrederick ger, teen bobs 1144' •• • beer. • , • • 6O ID • Aaron „Get*, • •D4lllll : re - as los: r4ftt: s 4l,: g 11134 '1 '4 12 00 20u0 201 . 68 liB 84 43 2e 8664 /0;00 it 4 Po , 10 00 2QO. 1000 2000 5* 00 2b o 0 , 2000 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 • • 20 oo•. • - 2000 4 ' 20 ,00 2000' 1000 - ' 1000 , 20 2000' 101,, . St 111 • • • 111 00 • • 10 00 20 00 /0 00 • 11r00 1000. • • ••• 10 (10 30 00 ? 4 3000 10.00 , 1000.. lo oi4 , e. 61:kiE • • .;" 1 , Who% *mit of Poor noooo9 It MisoellamOois &logy44lMl POUT t' t ; :;;-.. Y -4021_012t 11011, 1 4 . 11 .1, 1412 • i : • 115 E. 00 •-• ' ' - = AO4 10 0) 10 00 *-t-- I,scgr Si 1 , 3 63 . 51 111 an EMI r so ll IR to 4t4 17 60 71 23 69 /04 64 40 601 24 29 2762 62 72 66 20 66 06 • 16 to 112 26 24 24 2,190 88 83&I no 67 200 03 2,10 00 650 10 70 &I VS 00 660 00 NO CO 220 00 100 c 16000 150 00 75 00 7600 400 00 25 00 IMO CO 1 8,160 88 5,001 24 I 7 1 218 23 141 00 140 7 03 00 2000 ,596 RO 17 150 SI CO 83 28 99 CO lit OD 00 83 ( 5 87, 0,704 10 78 04 107 47 82 l• 8 9¢ 890 70 43 000 413 75 6303 90 fq 480 NI 14149 4 7 1 0 - 61-96 131 43 190 00 NO3 8008 7 80, ittßi 19 81 87 179 44 89 10 818 14 809 91 11000 16 65 180 op 185 80 ,Diller LUthre't tab* Ll* •.. ' - 2? ', / 0 ,, , ,41 1 40e 0 8 .11ngle O I rtillybrlVOntlat,ol! "0; rO l / 1 48; 4ulk : 0i 11, ' Milt.billitinit . s 5, .., , 1 .• ' . 1. .7 <. ~ ,I ' ?,llkPitl B. bechtcip, , oxtraserelesB ' , ••• • ' ~ - and nostif • ' • • . •• , 2 4 0 , al , • .16bit Bent lager; 'ilatelnalM•:loe • • •',•• 1‘ -i3O, prisdo 9 ,• '" • • • • 419 el , •-, • BenjatirittßOyer r; liatehinau at • : .;,.. • _ prinda ' • - Wil . "I , • '41., V ia l; lead &tiers, . Wilir',loll ; ' ; • . ;...‘• :, od` water work§ " - 4 / 1 1 4 ' 1 , W."-119r 1 , kisnic boat* ~ 4R- li D fi dS * uli t t i h, d .• l cd ! 8 Itballteirensen;eXtru wor/ 4 t • • ' Biratar* Bri • et , .',. ~ 100 00 ' Jacob x4kiner, • •wortellinan at " ^ . prison% • . • \ 40 ' 00 AmotWeller,Lnzwarup bridge -_-_:_ . repair and lum • 107.13' 911 m, IX,' &R ho Urea hire • •' •• ' • &et , per corn. 1807 ' 120 30 Thomas Rich Oonveylug prison. ' era tO Copt% M ouse John fiti,gle, Money Wended • stray horse solid' John A. Wier. treasurer of the state Asylum' •• • n 25 Daniel Dietrich, repairing ' , brilat Dietrich's mill ' ; 158 37 Elias o*k:repairing bridge • ' • at Re r'n wW. . , 21 93 John L. /teen., Milk flooring In • • Court Howie • , . - • • ,12 00. Samuel Frattel_ : • repairing bridges on tio,rown road 7 78 2416 .0 01 0.* , hunter plank plank end , bridge repair at llotmloof .43 96 Ferman fiheppanli k tress: Of thee, Rastern Peniten tory 1,180 96 V. C. Bats ,soda,its • ' . • John Flickinger. putting la coal , • In Court Ilona°. •-/ , t , 9To Jacob Young dl Bon, *oat for t ,' • • CotirtHouse_.• • 41.40- Christian Frees, book binding ~, • le 60 J. W. Werdiel, hauling ashes •'5 10 Joeepb Benne, delivering ark. • . peal book to U. Tulpehoecon 1 00 J. A. Ermentrout, county sup , ' for Teachers' Institute , 54 45 C. Kreps, smith work on Mack Maria • • 30 03 elinon Drelbelbis, repairing at Ontolaunee bridge 106 70 George Merkel,repatring at Len- .• hati's bridge • Zaumellfeeht, 'work at Court noUSO , . Igs B. VOX It Co., boarding jurors ._ Arilei Term • ' 411 00 Bolomen Close and J. Missonser, making VAX duplicates el 00 0. - Rberf, .and stone - - 16 tO )1. IL Boyer; tuakinfi , tax dupli- ' catAni 30 CO 11. fittramenfednd Eklhoener, ma.). kin tax duplicate§ , 000 Z. H. Maurer, Making tctr,dupli ' mites J. Feting & Sons, coal for Court ' House 14'40 Edward Havilland, in full per• prison contract . 1,208 83 Rambo 4 Ifeektean, gas pipe for , Court Hausa Wm. McNeil, services fop, bring. • Mg prisoners heal Phila. Joseph Schnable,_ repairing bridge at Flying 1 11 J eremiah Bechtel, attending prisoners., Henry s Grind attending prison . , '• , Le_ymaster & fielling,painting at Le , House ' Geo. Hell, work at Court House illeter 'Dingman do Ho T. C, Butz, brushes &o for Court :o J. 8, White, hauling Strickland & Bro., stationary J. P. Dauth,worlr at_prison • 1.. Gable, paving at co, int House ,R.Kochel,repairing Reed bridge F. Freed, blank book ; J. C. Strohooker,' making militia rolls D. Fister, :vieill wing bridge at Winters' m S. Summons, carpenter work at Court House Samuel Balloon, stool pens M. K. Boyer, recording militia roll • Win. Adam, viewing bridge at Griesemer's mill. J. illnnershitz, repairing road to, prison J. Wanner, viewing bridge at Oriesetner's mill B.IA. fitondt : viewing bridge at terle - semer 11 mill. D. 8. Zacharias, services Josepn Henry, wall and pave ment at Court House Joseph Henry, prison yard pave ing, water and gas pipes 9 . 03 71, I , Joseph Henry, building and trains ' 1,981 87 Joseph 'Henry, extension at Vagrant House 1,200 21 Joseph, Henry, raising Outside wall At prison o,BBs 80 Joseph Henry, cupboard, tables, • shonbenebes fte. 1,182 40 - Joseph Henr -Tyst. repairs at old . prson , 1,509 15 • D. H. Heideman, ebaire for Court House G. W. Bruokman and J,: Faber, 1 Jury Comrnissiene• re p. Frey, repairing Althouse's • bridge Tobias Barto, patter John Filokinger, putting coal in CoOrt House • B. Fister, painting sign for Ham burg bridge. • Wm. 8. Young; Oom. viewing bridges 410, Benjamin Levan, Coe viewing bridges &o. Jatiob Bhartio, Com. viewing bridges ito. • , J. Young & Son, .coal ' for court house • J. H. Spatz, horse b ire for Com. Amos. Greenwald, repairing bridge in Albany township Albert Knabb, ice to court house 0.8. Ritter, horse hire for Corn. F. Dunlap, labor at Penn street bridge J. , F. Howell, city directory &Mu Flickinger, filling np nt court house C. Fr eed.blank book for Orphans" Court office ' Thomas Ilbehorunning Black Marla. Philadelphia , and Readieg , freight Albert Roland, working at prig: on water wdrlce ,W. F. Murphy is 'Son, blanks for Recorder's office Jacob Flokbone, fox acalpe ' Bliss pleffenbaoh, making and putting sign boards at bridges J. H. Weaster, steel pens ' Chariest!. Fritz, stamps Strickland & Bro. stationary 'J. R. Snell, repairing heater it cou r t house 't ' Simon DrelbelbleX&Ketz,tuPitilv hag bridges J. Schwartz, Ventzel and Oth. ere, fox maps H. is. R.. Zeohman, scrubbing *o.i court house N. Ziniraennan_, charcoal Henry. Heider, blank • book and recording Treasurer's bond ' Lewis Nenderfer, • • repairs at court h othi' • R. Scull, layin o g *liter pipe at prison and oefirt house Joseph Ritter,' taking Shutter and Heifer tOliouse of refuge ' Joseph Ganse, bringing gen. 'lets fron Philadelthl a . 3 - . L. Otiehter t hardwa &q. • Wm. B river , P.M. box hire and stamp; . •t_, • Delloleney in Mate tax . Miscellaneous expenses Treasureele Glens, le_r_wif ' . , Bonds exchangedoole,voe at 1 per , All the Moneys paid out, 1Q2,266 88 at % per cont. ' • .. - All the money receivOd, 0271,7* • /Oat %per G nte. • ' 10358 77 , Total .• • .• " ; ..--:..._ • f 2 to Balance In the hands of the Treasurer • 7 1,4 7,018 'Bl R•rea.pifehtlionsfEavesses. • -'' ----4 rPlintrp:nr,:::4. . ..., tog 2 •Interest on loans. paid 13,307 06 Printing orders . • • I,lSs ds •00 1i3141:01510 returns - . • /0* - Bleotien returns • ' ' • \ '''' Ig . s . ' Coroner's imp:tests • .1 151 20 /5 1 03 - : • Triennial aaseestrie7A, Amlefiri oteib lo to4 ll all , 11 , 2 eturning lista ' it 1'955 70 Ponstableet orders in 001111:0011- lA* 139.' 421 th ums. • dliMagea • ' Tipstaveifittapenlal Court gi t i r t t gr e eir s a ••'" .. 'lot 27 ' PM 60 • . H 6 00 6,618 (0 wont, ollieeti :‘•••-' .' • ' 81:441339 Proseent or; and I : l i en:ass fees 808 le Maybes. AiderMe•• 's and Jostle. 'n I - of* , caters ' - - • 820 to Refunding orderir - • • wile . • , Poor House oriera• • 83,660 00 Mliidell _ Treas l 4l l 4llnlasion : 1 4" tk Bahruie In the hands of l'reae. - 77 0 4 18 v. Total . - ••••• • -;: , , •---- '"" -- r • . • 0271 774 40 To the Honorable the Judges Of -Ur ' of Common Pieas of Barks County ' e • eeurt - is ,: The, y care AU r datra ctuc rtif _pectfully :report that they itea and settled the unto of ekaro Pit*. Rage Wean • 11 1: 4 nor •or Irk s comity 4 40 Snit. dafr ai lJanuar , o to the tb ' thw Of dwirt Hitilturtre) aim *4,2 1 M bar .' B uy) (kirk dale Treaeurei of *Oren ren el lll . • ' the , r i ll At dellarisndl in .two cent. • *-- ons i fn Weaken, hands ttir ...""0..A.0.00, ... tots.. i :,. ~, ..Ammtime ..,.:.,,..,..... 1., ,-,,,.-..Jonesa t ty c ... l ..4- ''• • '', 1 ' •'' ; r ' " 0 . ''' I'. 8: ALB a PA, ,A 41 ‘ 14 , 1.1.*, f .it• ~ ....t er NM MEI 1 11 / 077 47 729 06 279 AD 141 70 218 44 800 w 820 HO NS 39 US 811 Et!! Ski 08 ' • 43$ 14 t. 4' ~ It , • ' • ' 'TOO S Altiaay. , • AlsadiA , • With; 'Born, ' Upper Bettie),. .11 t eraziltri. , • itoyertowit,„„ ! Vilftrsiio4oo l l ' • Ventre„ Uotetirool‘ll{9o,-. Uninrui . • Dfst riot, Doug! sse, • Kxotor, " • 'Oroenwtob, Hamburg, •i Itoidolberg, N. • Itoreforil, • Jeribreon. . Kutztown, longswatup, • idaidenorook, Marlon, Maxatawny, •Idliblenborg, Uley, Untoilunee, roan, l'orry, riktr, itiobinond, limbo:Ion; Rockland, linsoonibmatior, Tuipeitoaooll,oP Tuipolmoon, Union, Washington, • Windsor, Wenielmlort, llKAnizo : • . Virst.Ward, • - Second IViird, Third. Wl 7- and Fotilit Yard, .' winii ardi sixth Ward,: 86vontli Ward,: Eiglith Wand, Niuth.Ward, ,• 4XI (X) 6303 600 ie co'l 013iSTANDING TAXIII2 'OR UM rualtNi Yasuo. Charles Wean, Distvitit, Jacob 8.. ShollenOorger, lialn burg, ItidB 3. W. Reed, Idarion_ r iSS9 SliceDieffonissob, _lBOO Dan iol Gebel., Dttitriet, 1860 Harrison Ozenrillor s Harion,lllN 1 J. P. Mohr, Robeellns / 86 0 Amott Hobmelll, ItUseombtnanOr 'INA 811104 i paid In full Joss° Miller, Albany, 1807 • Darlei FilbettliernVille;lBk7 /Wuhan It. flydegrofe, Eart; /887 ' Xeysor, Hamburg 1807' J. G. /Atubert, Heidelberg Lower, 1897 1,090 01 John Saul, Maidimereek, /eel 374 88,. David Blory; °tantalum'', ifei • 'Mild Elias G. Saul, Ruseonsbmanor, 6(1 07 A: Rollers, Windsor, 1857 1 71 d el Levi Yonsoi, Womoledort, 1891 -00 90 Edward Sobnieok; So. loond Ward, 11117 200 09 Jacob lEbnitli, leading Eighth 'Ward, 1991 fOB 'p4 Jacob Smith, loading, Ninth Ward, 1807 1,020 212 6266 25 00. 16 65 3 CO 1 50 21 00 S 87 300 1116 0 1 23 141 81.70 14 00 5 3 , 1 8 50 En -800 3 76 3 00 . Whole ain't of outstanding taxc a $12,77 di-' We the undersigned Auditors, do litrobteer. Lily that tho above account la a correot tate. wont of the outstanding taxes, up to tho 19 day of January, A. P.. DM. , 1 • 4.Tioapw gultg, i '' . , JAMES JIELL,L Auditors. 11. S..ALIIRIGUT. • Wholo Amt of Loans or old debts' , 4 as noar as could be ascertained I 3 'O9 We the undersigned Auditors.-do hereby tee tify that.tho above is a odrroot statement of the whole dobt of Berke county, on the Both day of DoceTbor. A. D.lBOB. If th e otitstaadjng taxes, and too [Wane° In the hands, of tho *Treasurer I be deduoted, the real county debt will, as near us wo could o.ooettltin tlie!sanie, amouh.to about sixty•one ,t,housand two hundrod dollars (. 1 4, 900 ). • ANDREW IfIt7RII,I JAMESDEIIL , _ AnAltors D. 8. ALuutolit. . 150 00 2 00 0 34 200 900 BO 00 700 01 fob 2G-40W • •VgrrA.TE OF WILLIAM; MEITZLEa, . I .Wllate of Greenwich townShifil neriff COutilYi deueased. Letters Col tenlnistration to the eatate of the above usta decedent ,iftvOing bees granted to the undersigned folding in mkt township, notice is hereby given, that all per. sons indebted to said estate' are requested to make immediate Payment,' and Alma° having claims, will profit,* them, Itroperly authentic*. - ted, for settlement. • fob, 6443 DAVID MEITZLER, AdnPor. il 00, r 120 00 03 21 1 75 8W 7W 50 15 .. . CITY. II:O.TEL: 13017TH SIXTH 'S i ritlirr i (*ear Pento . : READING, 'PA. , 113.0hiirgos mOderate. . ' A. N. NISTRILLir j . .0414101,01'. fined 61 03 57 60 119 60 1 0 LO 16 04 11 60 7160 41M) SICO PAiras i OIL AND 4LASS.--WETII. orlll Purer Waite Leo(1, Vostok's English Pure Wlilte Load ' . laborty Pura White. bead, Pearl Pure White Load, Red Real French Me, Froneh Glass; all tdzoti American Gloss, all als.ors,l4lneeeil Oil, Putty, Paints, ac., &O. for ,sale Cheap, 'and all goods warrotded at sold; by Oct 81-tf , hIoGOWAN IdILTIAIORE, • ' ' , OVA 'Peon 'street. 17 CO Go bo 8 35 aOO f 343 15 i VI EXCELSIOR . ROOT AND , SHOE STORE, 800 ,Peittt Street, Refulltild, 1000 150 049 84A95 8? 09 878 00 61 75 , (Next door' to bereloB Itardiedr,e tore,) lIARWIGK & DRAK E,, Beg to nrinonnee to the citizens. of Reading aM Vioinity, that they havirnow in EitoTe, every tics assortment of - • • ‘, • ' 22 25 17'00 Mali% AND BIAS' 4001i',1311iD... 2386 780 • • 4,tso,' 1112 LADIES' - AND. OHILDREN4 -BOOTS AND SHOES Of ail sues a ty, shporior •nuske , which thoy sell of o h vo owest +cash prices. They ihyltoull to call'and soo their Simile before purchasing'elsewhere. TheS' l pave ith3ca Asti ii4sOrtroenCOl the latest styles AT'S ; and OAPS / itt lOw figuTes. • StAlllVndslot ousterelor" 'lnanultv,cuted Ipther Or Vest eitylo, at short notfoe. • Tholoatrouuge of thO public is roil:sc.:o 4 (6lly so • Mimi: • • ; thin 11.4.7 181,E SI 00 110 12, 14,76 0 26 784 08 00 404 'l, 169 00 , ~ , NEW-ME _ s ry : . , 1 at . , _ . - 11:KIET' ' vim yuilieo g n o h,o, 4 1" . and Viranklin. atfofo' A STORE tindot Libr e .- 4 1 111 e, aod a Oa* NaNir AY ha lt ootoor of Fi ft h 9f Pilblio nskyro.... as, respect fii ly-adl OW a share o b, of to ff: 2.ingo_,_ Minty, on, hand a tan Mk' *44 tO"'reii4 l l: ll b 9l lie f i t; 01,0404 pritoroto 2 IllittuntidotpotePrlt s ' " i f r 4 . P Irlltli jim t l2o4 z o oti • 0 0 ritedlikt strhitiises. , - .- " RAVAXN 11 ;S 1114C9NRAD. ~" 161 ft • " . . SCOTT' IPOI,TXDRY A,141?•MA,C111 1 sticor.—North MOW 'date% 'leading% 0 kinds of machinery . analtilieresetinge‘ Wahine. work by nkretioncea rnacbl slats. Patten. work by the nest Worn linkers, Oplers pteuiPilY , afloa t On reabortable terwe. • ' oot * 4ll lll BEYFNIer flO• JAMES BiLLA.Ic, • ' 92l i O ‘ . I4I .#OiTTLfi!IFTEE.BiNB*To * PILLILA.D*PII , , BY Wir.' Xi/044 ()o.' 20 G0ttr11444, , ,,t,e . A.wAnoilv: •.. , -.. . • , 1 , ealenOorg it Naupel. Eii4i#46l4iy S w eet. Eli7lllll'2. GAS tali t S7oo IS . d SC' • : 13116Vititi002(47zo Or : I i . .16 1 X4 MOLD ix . 17iii,4,voii.iiit' e l. . . • , , i . ORGOCA:ND 1 ttO*Nl3:i e ' *V , • • PiPirON 604 , , fi ll t' ^•b 40 0 • .4.?! ifll4 l . , DT N./lid:44Si siiod too' . I 4 ;! . 1 1 , 3 111 fft a kti l~rdyi4llsi up 414itililto:' f, UO 14H itidll#loo / mil poitP4l4 pu l l.. weal P 448 qatta... C 74 figifq. ' , •••, e , • ', 4. , ' •- s; - ta , ~, • Al, ..";L:„ .... 4 , .....1 0.44 I& 2063 2 4 ) tea 91i; 71,910 11v0 .00 75, tydigi, '' tire ;' 33 06' ;, 115 ( 1 0 O D I .^ 2 ' 1 )2 7 3 ri . t , 0)1 4 t , 1 nhili 1904, fr i t i 7 .- .. „.! ~..,1 i . Ait' l ip l uy co 5085 40/9 23 / . 3459 • MU Qui 2478 71 mow 1774 07 1449 38 1 4 UN SU Mt 40 1 5 Oo 3662 .4610 , ins US , 1078,60 1 4873 70 1673 72 7527 tis 3 3 72 0 0, 267943 IR* " 304,1 ' 961187 878811 *USA 1613 61 • ,15000 4963 96 97'0 610/ 34 WO 611 ohm 57 ' • 21119 00 814916 r 464 78 11565 19 63,57 DAM 61 4448" 4514 1/11 •'3261 40201% 3138 cite 60 1797 Si hod 76 .1844 41 6349 20 . -4572 47 4981 41 . 288 i 49 274803 1207 20 189667 • 328 78 5... to) 73 ' 444017 218997 13317 26 370564 1382 24 . 43 36 8307 7,1 • 4280 12 04‘2271t) '.`1740 54 . 217 1 ' ' 166080 130 419 174434 •.350717 2082 66 ' 4738 63 lea • 1282 4015 p 8171 41 1011 10 1 ,f 1 •: ; • • 0..:. va • 1 4 NA . • 1 • 1 54°. iu l 607 a. 6130 133] 7'. • 1643 41Y 744 6 i 2064 61 1 663 33 1 200 £63 8341 37 41442al o44zi M t 447 06 8+50.1 67 ilßoo 03 143 2) /076 All 2600 67 tle7 11 EMI egrr 03 , • 317M1 41 24 320,160 39 181,491 14r--637(386.281 417 e 5 fly 461, 71 • tr a k B s ,866 114 65 NO 1848 028 4: • Mt 7 • s PIANOS , MI • IN 16 1 404 , blo mr 60 1 m! "'le 15€4 %Ha i , • 411 At; 4471 i ',it) iits l o 4.1 4 1 ,4 mai 1514 n Mau, 47 d 71 IMO Mt* 4n , 644 Db) w 2Oll 39.13 IInV so t 759 11 11081. 4 ltkis lfts tky, 701 $l l 7 bit OM as' 11tol 10.50 IVa iss 2371 83 1116.9 It s • Y.:27i.9* oat, Veael out *I N 4:40 1114 tag !SD) ~ .i~ I I . IlStsB79 =I 111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers