R E A BlTia MONDA ;11Attdii 8,18414 - rsff; THE EftglC!,oOk &Ate, ADT:EA MW"DAYLV "RAW" and 'HEADING Nib' city have befi toiyl6oU i tO 542 PeNi l ift.to‘o,f',S'plittidelcer house tlie` Keystortellouse: • MR. J4G(14,11, 1 autiAF.T OR r fit) Iz od agentqcCobes k tr ilulkeriptions - far the DAti,Y l 'tiotir, ^Ast I)EMo(;RAT, lb e 11) _ _ com mence )1,4 , 40);71 . 14 401 ' e cuui y,41 once. ii arc Ey~:~aT;N. - The ultra Itadit‘abi lit 'ArneblngtOn'ere enfleavoring' to throw' A. 'T. f3tewetq,'o D.ew Yorkoint of bieliewpoeitioans Sec retary of the'Veheilei. 'ea Recii4t'isf the net of Sept.' 2.l7l3o.'Which debere per. sone engitged'in the intpoitlnif i btotinek from holding .poeltioti. A bill prdvitling foilint:rop'eal 'of this aet'Wee introduced itteltio:Sentition- Sntardey by Mr, Patterene; end 'wee eueqiined by Mr. Sherman.' bet " 'Sninnet,. Of Area aftehusetts, ohjectedi'-'end the. bill 'wen laid on tho • tahle., The 'appointment of Mr. Stewnttle not , imolefotory to the It rlicele , and:lbeir vexation f is, ilt.eon cenled.r„, • '.(./ f !. •.•( - • • Prenident Gonitais wade the followtn appointmentig • • • Gun. A. Terry toconnnand the Ito • moot of the Rooth, ' Oen. Meade Is maps(' 6 the Division of the Atlantis, lestlqusets Oen. Shorldati toAlio Department of touisinna. (ion. Itancock!iti Dakotati liTo ritory. (ion. Canby } to the First Military' Die • Ma Oen.llem' to duty with hie regi ment. • (len. J. J. Reynolds to Command the high Military District. • ' ' • Etnoty: to ttho ,Department of Washington, Appointing Bheridiuo,to :the command of notilsinns 'will , ' enable; that officeito wrunk his . vengeancw on the .1) coplo of Vow Orloans v , hicatum.ihey , made.no secret, of their contempt for the silly Popinjay whenim was formerly in cam rannd there, and ~d(iplayed in a carriage drawitiv four horses, decorated .with nodding pinipe#, And all the inaig- IA of a second OcAdor.; bending 9 1 1 1 ),.1 •lllVWftek, to .Doltotab Territory fg,pp, piecn of spite ' work,in other 4 ‘wordo * , ho, 141' IQ In punished for being n I)em,Oerat, ond for., roaming to join the Oriptcl Armi,pf the Itepubno. Oen. Gilimn le sent to his regiment bonus° ho dared to, fell the , truth ipxo gird to the *rkantets election; where the Radicals falsely claimod ayigtory for the. negro suffrage 4.9onstitution,P., , „ :,,, Oen. J..l l 4eynoldsEas alreatiy prove 4 himself a ,fil i ting tool fur • tyrants.-its Texas. , ! ,;,, , \ i ; , ~,, • Tho appOintment of most unpopu• ini won whO;ctin -, If Ofo nd in the army to. command tha diffore, t ",departments" and "divisional:.gr tile'F>tanth, appears to l i be a . strange mode or obtainli g th it "peace" which, Grant Seemed so dosir4 s of securing before the elotion. Tho open rehollion i t'd* bit. ,Sutnnpr against, tho 'ap ' pointment of Mr, Stewart shows then the ,!if,assaclnsetts t .5 enator has riot yet Pirgettatt h i s, (4111 ‘ , hehit of resisting tho w ,Iter the Prebident, • Such, opposition, will', resillt!inl. a, collision be. tweett the Prsaiden,t nit& Congress Unless tho Radleals'aie, urn, careful hereaflor. Tito fact that Pen. Meade received , no promolion,:iind 'that the title, of Liouten 7 ent•General, l'o ' which Ini, wai Noperly entitled, was„coprerletionten • Shoridan t causes muth i 'cOminent. , Wo „think l it probahlo th i s& lil l tiaoiC :rtlll yct: receive 11, profitablo aiiii;iintment,:pprhaps the p,otd tion of Suereptfy ot lirar. on Oa retfro l . rant of Gett'Bchi'lleki..:* O'iti notr;inatlon as the Radieitqsndidti foe at 'Governor of Penniylvang ' a apoicalt of- 7 ,oltoitgli:.ehe latter positiOn g "4"ieuld be ,a trifling one compared with' that of Lieutenant•Gener• al for life, WA 'it 'ealaiy - of $l4OOO a t • pier. 1 11' i" 1 • I , Tho taxlmyera play well ask, !Thy do wo mid atencral and Lieutenant • General, d oi a tititither 'of Ittajbr Generals and rigailieis, for an arwy of fifty thousand td i tt io,' • 'w o coil on v mt . , ,i ' , i serer, "Let`till halo pOati'l". ' IT 1 . ---- " . 7 , , --,r7-1—•-•------,- , 8 VeryM °OO tin l'hile the Dem ocracy intend to opvle impartial plan hood auffragit , ,‘ they will do what they 'can to Identify the 'selves' , with female soft rage, so the reatier We may.'expeot to ti see and heat. 114 the, chemplett of D,eino" credo candldatti, the ablest or our lady orators in the land, who ? as a matter of selrad iancement in pcilittes ) , will be coop pelled to attach tlketneelves to that or ganization. 7 girtisbum Shit,e Guard. We but roppat, whit. we, , haye„ c, , frp. quently exprryted, atA ilt'at Is, our oppe: action to terottlfkdithblittg •lo politics. Home and thi,tftitles of thehousehold are the true softer) of wotitin. , 13til!, as "the times are sadly o ut of joint,'' ' and there, seems.to be a disposition to et:titter , the elective frani hise upo ti al!: ocdore and conditions indts,6l;ttitlitstely, wpiive our voice and Intuence in tavt;tror,, woman, in 'preference tO i the , bhick: mr.. , We . are glad to knoW tho we' estact have ; '' pie the ~ championsofpen t Oer a tio ce(otlidee tha ablest of our fatly,' (Kittens I . lllfie l,atid." As a general thlnlihe ladie s it 101 , stip:tell the right cause, the Cause of truth and lusttice, and therefore we ,tied .theta ,lifil# , rolling in oases antler, the Deteeenttifi banner I 4919 2 7 1 .• 0f it!s : 0 . 0 Villt•Irri011 ' ' . Ili T '' '' i e(tt.ilA : ~ at 0!... ' 6l. H Co* _,:„..ijoe 14: : .0tatet, 1 ; d 1 neluri • it' P. -.01,. , ttiemiloi t , cp , , . 4/• --'O---- c , "::l l P!Veq,USerq l wori . tor refeyeice. - 4)overlicilllofiiiiacT cosreelioititio fibios:, - Orand Sachem of Towkwowy, , And *Di. SE Tweed has hien chased to atisiftithdry,,r,l7A. • .Ivic • "true WA* ts: C # 3,.. 14 -...o4bin i ( ad e; ette that ih:?\ eVriieekitrao 44041)10-h t.fripty i tilnE! pgainst themltcnn t34tkitag4t Orbs), in no i b a* . gagiment nearSttirtnispirlta, the rebels '16602 killed; inatif;i4undid, and, nine. teen priseuers.' The tiniernment, lest is trot given. The rebels have appiarcd In force bear Cienfoenti . and Pahnillos. The roads'iWci blockaded, and' no sugar la Coming Cientuegns. All 'the 1481 citizens in Rugua District have been , compelled to abandon' their •hems, consequence of the 'depredations 'of the insurgents. The rebel Drigadier-Generel Aruvz Was taken prlsOlierliud brought to Tagus,' where he was allot on the'folloWing aut. urtloy. A :fight lud occurred between Some colored volunteers and .a. band of estil°'red insurgents in the neighharbood of Stintiago s l° whioh seventeen' of the latter are reported killed.. The insurgents Aro increasing in num bers near Itetnedios. 315 politleal.pria onds are to ho sent to,the penal settle ment of'Fernando Po. 100 Cuban refu, gees arrived at 13eitintor0 Md., ton Fri day: • • ',Mg NOV Vt#Yo IVAII.-t-AdVICO , tO En Paraguay 'elite that President LoPea had an army with hint"' and was fortifying in the interior of the ountry. The dis sensions among the allied. Geheralt had culMtnated in 'the , reeigeation 'of , the Marquis de Cozies and G eneral Heryal, geld timatipreme command, n of the allied forret had conferred on the Bra ziliaa 4en,erslpe,§ottza. 11=11 . U 2B TOti fOrN OinTapapers to sopmer; ,Iybea a National Batik tails, .how can lie,depositore recover their money? Does the now Constitutional Autend• mer 4 confer the tight otauftrage upen,all wale persona in the liaised States above Awenty•one yeara of age; without &Hine , lion ante° ut color?: 4n4 if se, are not the Indians' now in arms. against the GoveriAmola of thee Unitt.d States, fully quallified to act as voters, as welt, as the idol worshipping Chinaturrron the NA, fie Coast?* • , • : .." Nang vase* would liko to be Wight ono(1 on the above points'. • „ py •Natio, Toleffettph. Nil t lit Lo t4)04 March B.—S a vo VeninO, I;;l'prlioned in v a rio u s parts.° the king dons, havO eon liberated, T eli' nunrs ere as 11)116 Pt ThowasF.BArkolthe Amer .,: ein F‘'eqiiiri oTganizer ; Hentria: Burke. recOntly co , fined at Cierlienwelli , Pilule. Rick Lam, poet and ono of oie editors o tho Irish' P. opio ; Captains' Mackey and O'Connor ' Stack and ,O'Koefe—the late tek.ientenced.to ton years' innirisonmens for haibig written ,n treasonablo article published in Irish People. O'COn nor, Stuck and O'Keeto nre liberated un. OnditiOnally... , 1 IMOOMIdIMICIIi , 01 CONGItEheI. Alan:Wl—ln the Scottie, various 'bills" were. Introduced, ,arnoni them one by Mr. • tirimes t lo'reerganizt the navy - , , Mr, Patterson intro4'C ed a bill to re . peat the clause of ihe 'act establishing flit Treasury Pepartment, Which disqualifier fbr tho tieciiitaryship persons 'engaged - in trade or commerce. . . lie usked,ittl . butnedjato o.4mideratiou but Mr. Sumner Cibittetvd, ttud, it • ins ro fared, ti After eo►ne' fintlier 44inese, a met, sage liras ,received froin7tlie Pre.sidont asking °engines, to retiare Mr. A. Ste , 46l, fiont !lie disqualification. ' • Sherman ()gored 'et bill:tor ilia pur poso to that propelled by Mr. Patterson, but Mr. Sumnpr again objevt,: Inv It waS not received. • .The /lons° was. not in session v haiing adjourn - elk until Tuesday.._ ' --(ion. Sheridan artived at yortiloyet on' Saturdah on his waY Wa, , ihington, Photo IS said to bd not one.hoitile Indian new in the Department of the blissouri 1 1 4411' Willi Street ' According to the returns made by Wall street brokers and bankers to thi luternal Revenue 'Asebisor foi out dis • it appears that there la . only about fifteen millions •of dollar's' of capital in the entire street. At any rate, that is that the Vall._streetera pay taxes on ; while everybody believes, and it,'gooti many know, that -the capital of Wait strict is many times $15,000,000. " a nail stioketh between the Stones of a wall, to stiekeihiniquity between buying, and selling," anith the sotv of Simla.; and this r ot espedially trae when-Lit is stocks that are bought and victims -tbat lire "sold," -in the , %lrall street fashion. The capital of Wall street sltould hr hunted down and made to bear its just proportion of the heavy taxes to which the people are now subjected.-r-. its roil; Ledger. s. . Tun murder of Ilelmeyer, at Dayton, Ohio, a few years ago, will be remem• Belmeyer was the editor of Democratie paper, and was asiassinate a lean named Brown, wbo , was a quitted. The Bucyrus (Ohio)' Aritth says that every juryman on- the panel that aequitled . Brown of the murder of Belmeyer'has since been bereft of res• lee; met unnatural depth or -committed suicide, tied Judge . rarson who pr . esided _ over the - days eineci horrible aleyluni„a! Dayton., t 4., Ifinda letter-hol out ti to 111104 M RI .;., I= want that, 44).. ex*. Ito minuet, ally, -.art Cei?fs b * *lip a t: emits its frasgrantlake OAS *Oka *Oxeye this titssieUVCO pie), lea 8 • sollork end raw tSISXIIII.II • * - 1 preparation p otniustesi' *males qiimiUty She other IngredieE are ad-, ,or t ad to vrsvent termentationi u tinepeon it011.11:irtll be found not to tt Tina; Wes Se Made In PherillsOnsMis s tor 4 , 04 t. syrup—and t herefore Can De WO le where fever or leftammation - .Asti,. ill this you lame, the ,jultslausir the Loirm. Merits and thamods - of teogsratiOn. • • Sloping that on will ovor with a trt al, and that upon ineraltiori It Witt taebr with* yoUr approbrdilOth With a tee 1 4-0 eon - . Menotti • I am, Veryreppeettelli , U. T. Utt,MBOLD. • Cheudit and. Druggist o. la Years' • 'Experience In and now invited at Ids Drug and Ctioni • coal • Warehouse, &M Broadway, Now York. 'from thu lsrostPlunotitptiglng Chum. lets - ht the %VorlitA '1 ata acquainted with Mr. It. T. Helm. bold; he, °templed the Drug Store oppo eito my residence and was successful in conducting the business where others. had not been equally so before him. ',I. novo been favorauly Impressed with lila cheroo t ter and enterprise.i , WILLIAM WEIJIITMAN. ' Firm Ql.Powers & Wolglirinsii, hianu. lecturing Chemists. Ninth and Brown Streets. Philadelphia. liaLitsetn's Vtolo EXTRAiTt DUCH% for weaknetat arising from Indiscretion. ' The exhausted-powers of nature which ace au. cuiepenteti by so many alarming Symp. .toms, among which will be found, Ind bpo. Bitten , to Exertion, Lose of Memory Wake of Horror of 'Disease, or Forebodings of Ev 11, in fact, Universal Laatiltudo, Pros. truth:in, and Inability to enter Into the en joyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Or ganic Wooknein, requires the aid el Ito& • loino to strengthen and inclgonde , the system which lIELIIIIIOLB , S EXTRACT Humid Invarltbly does. Um) treatine tt V submitted to,, Consumption or . Insanity 'ensues; ' Ustniult,o's Ftniti EvraAer 1 lit , clio,, , In allo:Dons peculiar to Fertialety Is one. quailed by any other preparation, as In Chleroabl, or Retention , Painfulness, or' Suppreesion of customary, „Evaquations, Ulcerated or Sobbrua State of the Uterus, and all complaints incidoot to the I", whether arising front habits 01(116141ot on, lesprußence, or in the decline or change of • USLUSOLD'S FLUID_• ExraAov Utica(' Asti liiiratieno How WASH VIM l'adlCHlly ex. terminate limn the system diseases arising IrOni ' lvhits of dissltiation,. at little CM-, 'pens°, I Me or no change In diet, no In -oOntrent nee or eitpoiniee I completely. eft. inraging Omit unpleaSant ariv. dangemn9 rein lee, Cope va and Mormiry,lnall these discuses.' ',. dell Iletunor„O's FLUID EXTRACT' IHNHO in, all dbeases Of the organs, 'whether In male or ,female,fixna 'whatever , ctuse Oa- Ilinatlng, and no, matter &bow . l oi & stun leg. It Is pleasant in taste and od r, "lin. mediate" In setloll, and more etre igthen. In than any of t the preparations Of Bart: /, oflron. • ~ Those sufferlif from broken - down for ilelhlato constitutions, procure the remedy at once. ' The reaor Must bo aware that, however alight ma lio tho attack of. the above diseases, I is certain to afloat the bodily ei health and mental powers. , All tho above diseases require, the aid Of a Diuretio. lIELIAIBOUPS EXTRACT IMICHU is the greatent Moron% ‘. • • Sold by Druggists 'everywhere. rice —11.23 par bcttte, er *3 bottles for p3:50. Delivered to any address.. Describe symp. toms In all 'communications, ' Address IL T. lIELIIBOLD, .Drue and Ohensical-Warolienso, AM Broadway, N. Y. • sir NONE ABE '' GENUINE UNLESS DIME 11P in streel.et.graved wrapper, with Me-simile of my CheknicalWarobauso, and signed deo 2.2m00d &wl U. I`, 118141130T.D. I=l DILL" SELECT i'AMILY 11QAIIVING1 13(3..1.0dL, An Euglieb. elm/deal, 14atlioniatioal,goten- Otte mu, ArtlßOo luotltution, Foit,youNo AND BOYS At Putlifolvii, Montgomery Cout . tey, Pd. • 1. ThoepoOnd hilt of the olglstoorali alum session, :commenced on Wedtioaday, tha 811 day of FOrciary lan, Pupils co- Mved at tiny t • For Virectiars, address REV. (IEO. F MILLER, A. M. , Referencia. • itTeN. Ult 9. —iliolgi , .Bp/tit:Wet% Moon, ,K.auth, Selss Mohlenherg,ll.llitter,Storlc, nomborgor, ~tercet,t out ,MAYpity.' MON -.—Judge Ludlow, Leonard Myers, AL Meisel Thayor, 13enJ. M. Boyer, J . opol) - 8, Ynst tin Jester 11l V trier. SS4 A.—James L. Caldwell, Ysttnes L. Wog -86 E. IL Orno,Jamei Ittoullton, Theo. 'EL lloqfp4. C. Norton. • L. L. Unultt ; 8, Ornia Fry, Miller R. Dort% Vinirlett iliroconenpieher. jamek, K e a. .Isnnteo Co. John Wiest, eta: tub 20-2thootlitimer. . ' TREAT FURNITURE 'DEPOT SCHR(EDER St Eig, gar° ref) zu oornei Fifth end Washinir • tab streets, ' • • fAIVITA,UTVItY, . ,WABglig,ll7oly S 2 ' ifELOW • I:VgOI.I. 4 BALE . ANll rug' tiND6R/311.[NR W D RESPITULLY Invito akention to the!. splendid look o errt-Claris [lgnitor° now and constant• bn band,.:And niado to orders to soil Justoroire.• Among °tiler tan g ier. especial attention it united to their umurparsed EXTENSION TABLES,'" . DRESSING BUREAUS,, , .1 • DINING ROOM 011AIRK . • OENTR AND O'fIIER.TABIAS IIIiDBTRADS, FHA LATEIit fitp46 and every other mllOlBlll their llue.of bust. tedil Ev• ory artlelo is manufactured by themslves, itheir admirably iirranri manufactorr, with th• most ivied, mao !fiery. and Akin* ul mechanic; and, thistle •in an unduteass• .14 meatier. , , • • Also premed' to execute all orders for • 11111.171N0, , TURNING, ' 1. **. • ItIQUUDINQS. 1, •All orders promptly Ciente& and warrant tid I stye satisfaction. • BEAU MONDE HALT]. ! • CM BUCILBc.II4O.; No. 343 •rikanuf.'Axagior, • Ave now offorlug a eplontlfd stook 'of PIING GOODS,: COME AND SECURE 61ilt T LIAROAINS Suite made uri to order In 600(1. Id style= . , . „ - EXCELLENT.IITg: 2 ; • An unsurpassed etbolf ttt , o:lntel* • ru,Rias!ltlrd 4 ,360114: . nuoss , CH , , ',.&!;: i , 11R,0. , :'• , EAILI 410 NI:it:HAIL fib i... **l • 43:l6 * * *** 4* „..•. :i i ;• ' liiial ' ' 4" " : y.Vi• -1, , : •r . w : i; „' ,'. . ' . : .. 4,' ; l ‘. - . 1i, . 5, ‘ :,, ,: i ,. , : 7 , .;t..,,.,--i.r,,,1,tN,4,, :,',.; 1o„'. ~.:.:.' 1 . t' ..., 4e,''",4, ~., t,--,:,, ...:.k:„ .*.k,:.' r 4 • ° .„ ,';..v.., 4,,.' . 4 t '..a. i, : rlae, ..,* ,' , .:: ' :';ZN - 7. i 74ii 3; ),;'.;4. • 4,.h, AiR ~, ES • ,1, • 4_ -tritiON tvActilo WOCk " r 1 *r f IV& 'l, ; CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD 'DO., Jlare added Eight IlundrOd (BOO)ilos to their:ll4es doling the current year s while doing a largo Weal posioner44id.zpript bbidneei. The through', COpileikklitlk dedeubtedly be comPleted licit 'Simmer, when the thmugli trafilo will be very great rottylbousand Men are now employed by the t*o powerful companies in prosslog forward tho great national highway to if speedy completion. Only isoo miles ro main to bo built. of which mostly are graded and ready for the rails., First Mortgagotiold Lionda of the:llinfon Pacific Railroad tk"bnipiiny for_Ail!i:nt ynr and Interest, - and first ktoitgago Child flonds of tho tiintrai _Pacific 103 and iattrest. The princl ,al end nterest of both bonds arc payablo in gold. DEALER 3 IN GOVERNMPNT BECURI- *TIE3 UOLI), ETU., FICWEN B 4II I I,. 0 No. 40 , SOUTH THIRD' STREET, nor - rinLADELimA. BVIUMOLDEIZ &1118111 A, N. Tr. (Joyner Fifth and Washington tits. ftE &DlNti, PA. WROLIVIALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GAOL ERIES, PROVISI(iNS, GLANS • ,AND QUEENSWARE. ThnfinsgeAt and best selected Ntock of nil kind of goo lain our line to E) found in this city. conslgnme»te to parties from a ills tailtai promptly attended to—nt liberal charges—the beet of.elty reference given if,destrud. • Country Produce tatmn lq eichlnge for goods—or:cash If desired—for which the largest market - prices will be allowed. - A large assortment of all hinds domestic and ilaportcd VINE GROCkatlltE3 always 011 hand. tilve us a trial and be eonVlllCed that we can sulistautlate all we say. • fob 22-d NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! Ting following Book 4 are offoi'e'l for 1 sale by RITTER & Co., at the .EAULE 13001 E STORE, 51 . 2 roan street : • itoogs.l'luea. Newman on Fa/Annette'', 50 Life and Campa . igus of McClellan, 60 l'aitoraunt of Professions and Trades, 56 Itoss , ,Bookkeeithig, 50 Horatio and May on tancons , 2lotot In fittence, 50 Bandit's Bride, , 75 Aniaraiith for Young People, • 50 Christmas Greeting, 10 Stinks of Old Daniel, 25 Book of the Hudson—lrving, • 23 Jonas' Storks, 23 Sermons for Ow people, 60 An argument for Christianity, 60 Departed Sister, 23 Exposition of tiniversalistn, Small gooks on Great Subjects, 50, Tupper's Poetical Works complete, :" 56 Letters to a Daughter, : 37 Proverbial Philosophy, , 87 NitouiLlteston two hundred YVarti,culo t Deck and port, • ' 75 14emontlti'Exploratiens, • • '75 Couree of CreittlOn, 7( Course 'of Time—Pollock, • 65 ;Life Of •Josephine, 50 Poetteal :Woilts of the Davidson Sibtera, 65 ship and :Mote, • 75 St.otehes 111111 Legends of the lthind. s+' Colnho's Constitution of Man, -, 5e ilyil rophoby e lm the People, , . 5' Living Arthur's of Lugland, 37 Ireittud us 1 saw it, '35 Land and Leo, 55 Winslow PlitlOsophy, Lectures for tliti 'Fireside, The SilvenCup, • , Niemotra of a Hungarian Lady, 3 Fowler - int . itorealturir Descent, 40 , Debate on the Doctrine of tutliersal Ivation, • 1.23 Seott's Poctleal,Works, tisk Life of Joint epilitcy 67 Lire of General Taylor, Life . of James K I'olk, 07 fro of General Putnam, 0:1 . W1140011(1'6 Lifo'of Weigey, 65 Life of Gen., Nathaniel GreUllo, Life of Gen. Marion,' Life of =lit urray. • • ' 3 4 ( Life of Silas Wright' 60 Life of Gun. Pierce, ' ' • 23 Lleeit of SitollSon and Dionroe, 38 [Moor Gen. Lafayette, 67 II I tt.trat tom; of the Paritblea.• 75 Defence of Phrenology, 50 Mechanic's Assistant, , 75 rauitjy pictures from the Bible, 25 nationals of Crime, 60 Austin nu the Attributes, , 62 Young Husband, Ottistrated Life of Ft•atiklin B,olittioits Complete Works fob 2:T ' mAorcboNIAN,9II, TitIUMPAIANT. WILT; .y()u ; PLEASE READ THIS I Reading, Pa. .fan,,•l2, C,, Krouse, No t.etiottin t Fi(th street. says the M., ~011 is the only thing which has given gtrettgth to lite 'woken uric—has need it lu hisfamily for Earache, Neuralgia, and frosted feet, performing it, each cam n wonderfully quick anti rail foal cure. )0: FOX. Proprietor of Keystone House, &make that three bottle° of the Oil ,ou red strain a Horse, valuing the cure at • - -.)OLIN KEMP, Policeman - , says the Oil cured him of a severe fracture of the collar - , , • Tim above named persona are well known 'ln tale vicinity. anti areliying witnesses.- , Moving furs shed seal ittuplo testimony at time times we advertl3o with the ' 'FOUR' HOttBß CHARIOT, ' 01114 those popular open air " - I tleera uturscessary to add more names. Tho 'Magic Mactaloolan Qll • Co. ,wlll forfeit 1660 . ff aryl' dozen Tomcat/3s conibideti will fur nish as many good certificates from neat citizens Jitthe city and those who bestolibeert curial .by UOO of litteadtanfau Oil—call on • :POOP. It&TNIOND; - • • Tfl German and English lecturer of the Conlpsn3ri stopping at the Neystona nesse and Database a battle of Atm 011, or remain advise and treattnent free of chars*. Also" Sad -4: McCurdy, Doctor Ztealer and S. 8. Stevens. flan 1$ • fru i4EW rEE E L L !yojt 41,01,1611EN1 AND JUS'iLOISS OF TILE rEsolg o pprorodYebruarit 39tb, 186t1, ,„• For sate at tho 41. L I BOOK STORE, !; 1,: r1 - 6f9 Penn Street. • ' "".' :" . 134114: ,/ • :••• - 1405040 D.: -- t•-w'!A‘ 'Or fityvsn . G T 4 • I - • - . • 4, 4 , , ' ' • ' rTqtr, I K GIMODZ' r.f SILVER - AND COUPON ,*) Mak4fo • ON NEW YONWANOVIIIC4PaNIII4. FIEN " 7 , Ini.:)rebt,t,Q4.o4 oi7o6ls l oBfita. • • ' ; (Oen al 0 a. A 1 Cleric ui Sp. to !";•''r.417.7 BUSlici,lso t ,DIetRTUrA,'L, READING sfillEt INsllflAtick • TRUST COMP s t OVIIRRKS COUNTY: ;Orgalstscd,J'ettO !uteri, fittiatar, . ~ VQ,OOOl' Office, Rzatlinif lits'arailc4, il t ufblirigi'Noi, 19 NortA .iliftA *Wet.' 80iith.ANse Cihster o Nowt 'MVO, , . ..- •.• ' i OFFICE lit/Via it))1 9A.At ta 6.4'. O. -I. . . . . 1 ~ ma _T011e: , ..,' ~... J. PULNOLit JONES; - JANES zwitsioar, lizzat Z. VAN HEED, JACOU SitAyysan, . -, '''J T.. 1 set :tams, ••D. E. STOUT, . ~ •-,J011411 SPALTRII, ' J. T. VALlitirlio, . lisonoo RiFsir.U. , . , ..-. .• pliS COMPANY ,INSURES AM. Ithale of property against loss or dam. age by ilea at rates its low•us any _oilier reli able Company and upon every plan known to Stock insora,nse Culminates.' - • Porpaual Policies issued requiritig' no renewal unit tmon which the amount - of premium paid bun be red altneil at uny time leas a thalestlon of five per cent. The ed.; vantages of this method arc worthy of the, attention of ' farmers and others 'having drat-class ditching houses, bates and other buildings, in town or country, as being the cheapest anti safest, .. .J Polioles for one, two; three, flee ,or Worn years, or for Icsathnit ono year; issuod ttod no charge made for Pulley and surverwhen renewed or when insorances aro transfer red from o th eroompatiles. • . .., • The citizens of heading and 'Vicinity, hitherto dependent mainly upon foreign companies, have now the prltilege Of of.c beating their insurances in a home laStifu' bolt, well Organized, with an adtiquatlpahr in and i guartmletal 'capita!, L pre lath g uti strong a basis of 80°4001 8.4 t at flay h other company. , The' adrialta e 'of 41pIng business aircetly with the ho tipany an t the ne importance of )(wiping some potion of the large sums paid , for loSurances. in dr- . solution nt bonu s ) will be apProolatexl bY all. J. PIIINGIA;JON Eli, President. - • '• • JA.211103 AIoKNIGHT, Vice ProsidOnt. S.V.. ANCON A L Seoretary and Treeaurer. . . - ally 8, 1868-lytlet* 1- •.' • • • , • GB/103k.1*1 itee ' " C. Extonsive Wald Watehowie, PARDIERS AND CONSIGNORS, VIII° may irieh to store Qralo, Sm. Storage am; oonnuisalun, roaaon4ble. Also. a superior stock of r outdo wholo , talo and 'total', at lovrorpilots Ow, bo purohaao4 elsewhere. Also, a auperlorlot v• Buokwbeat Meal, and Potatoes. 0rn00,105 D?'orthiflighth febs. . 111t..f ANALEPTIVit. A NIiWILEME'DY IN CONSUMPTION. A physielan!l who bad consumption tor, several years, With frequent bleeding 01. the lungs,. cured himself with a medicine unknown to the prefeeslop, Whenhis base; appeared hopeless and when given up-by , several eminent physicians r s incurable. lie is the O nly physician who hastsed It in his own person, or who has shy knowl• edge of its viltues, and ho ea:inscribe the degree of ;health ho non+ enjoys to nothing butthe uee of tilts medicine I and , nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with ti want of centhicium In all others, !minded hint io hazard the experiment. To those wuf: Wing with this tnalady,lie nit:offers a treat talent rich he confidently boifrOVe4 tirikdic4 tb fitilbilitbellud restofe tie has 111106eti recOiorlos titat seemed beyond hope, when the worst 'symptoms xiqed. Call or send for Circular. E.IJOYLATON No. Itie N. 'l' ENT!'" tit refit l'h • roe. Saki by HARNEY U lICII, Drugglat, ittktiding, Pa., and all Druggists. 60 I Um, Y-1:01 AION2Y IVAN TED! i TIIE CITY OF , the nuimsigneil, Committee on Finance It the Corpusei 4_oll Of oho 'Jay or waiting, Is impel...l.:red to botiow't he sum et ' • tiEVEN : iI?-IrlVll '1:1101.11.1:11) 1101,LA1W for the iiert:to or enlarging 'the o attn. Verk . o of ;110 )I+tlit Awl the Niil(l Com- Lieu het eby givu notico that they ore ott.‘pitred to hr:ttu Cortilleatui tor It4+ eatttts tt tox per cent. Ititerflet to pactloslo#lllng . tho city for i tho pitiltomo , aboVt• motto.l. ree.wity ottyhrotti 01 fovea:o4Ni; to • Ills lnati, tvlll apply Weltherof Mt+ motor -4110c,1 Gotnotittoe, or to IV,llliato .144(1Cti euich, TrottAtirt;r. kW:DE:RICK LAVER, • D.INII L MILLIAt; DANIEL SPOILN Jan -2=, Corolnlttoe on Fitollloo, (i x itAND 0 • Winter's Band ASSISTED D , Y THE READING , .,II2I.INNEUOTIOR „ • AND • PROF. CARL 8040.'01T 1 , • AT THE •• 3.G0 Keystone Opera • House. moNDir,,M.AI7IVI/ 8, iBov. Pl?oGttAlviME: CONDUCTOR, MR, JOSEPH WINTER PART FIRST. I. Ov,yrtitrv, Itaitor Novllto, a Ito3ent 01161IEST11A. Yierite,, Der %Vahl, C.llaboi. 41$,LNEROHOR; ; 3 Waltz, ••• On Wingik of Might, C. Fnuckt ORCHESTRA. I. Solo, Solemn) Chlllo‘l with • tho Froat, F, Likelier . M R. C. 11. It RDA ellorttp, Nitmen nnQ laOpen, A.,thotrer , ALENNERtm - PART tiIECOK.O • - ' 1, Gran', selection front Tin%Ulu, Verdi OItCU BSTICA. 2. Terzettc, (101 l Is hire,' C. Krentier. 1.114;44018..1.. 11 it , 1 1 c1N01 , 111, C. B RHOADS AND J; f., - CIIO.E.NER, a. Polka. 1 ()olden Robin, N. Tionsguet. Piccolo Solo _by Sebastian Boolinlein. • 4. Cboru4 Orr Watniereraus (tail Vattrland C.:lltit•er. :ESN itCllolt, S. Galop,. Storm Finob, C. VAIPM. Dow open at 7 o'clook-001100r,t, COM , mencim at Is o'clock. Tickets 50 cents to all Darts of Cho hotL i ao' . muk.be bail at 0. O. Mititzburgerls, NO. ap Penn street; r. itissinger;- No,. all. Penn stroa awl hoick members of the ilamj., inarl-tdd , • I - jtONSIDESI • , .15t.td ViIiXDBATED • ' FAT' %%OWING STALLION A ,VD, AVER . WILL stand, tho onsulpg;,Veat 'et *Oen/ Yard, ! air) Phnonixyille, from Aprli 1 to itnY le 1 ' 4 2_ For InfOrmatlon; apply to Dr. MAD, Ir. - 8. 1 lloyer , a Ford o ilontgOrnery County, Pum% aWfar the soasOn o to• ha POI at the thus grigitteO. go o etablligand pzudoring onho,prem,‘altoutlel All mares a tho risk thO•ow ex, Ala nst Wit °, the seaeou'WheoYorlPtda urto44o Park, Untie. 1:49. 41A rflarfAlltlfi ' • ' 'mot s; BM tiOif I.lldy fur bIOVIt AND FEED, &c., =I , , Lant 411:43111i)Niniat MISKINIANT TAlLuit, . ~..... anntiuneeete thieltisitis of Healer, that basing...removed hls• Merchant 11010 ring estahliebtnent • to the handsome store room No, 616 Penn store 41:li rt anrr p ~. 01004,Mhiinik _ . and eupersor tea r Intlibtifitoturth , tOmeapply all with - cituhr ~••• : c ... 0 • • ‘,...",.,i :... ,t ' ~. , • :FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, ... •••. tv-, i'••. . • 'fit the beet quality geode, gotten 'up in the Idshest Style, . ' . , - UNIPi , UN *EIVIVENJtktiK Asp Fun , .., N toapte ways.: or awl vsrtuty to sulCtlio taste Of all In Want of anything in this lino. ; None but the best bends nro cranial ed. nriglin Work griarna toed. The natronngn tnelninlie it; respentfi7 koncitm. JANIS. S 4F/ttti),,,,_ ' feta 1011 ;GO Popp Street'', - • 4 ENVELOPES AND INITIAL LET- T 'R YAPhR 4i 1 4 3 4 V 3 141 1 14:4 IT I T A VlSi l lna 4 a li A%ith i t t rA ( L L . Er. Tilia PA PER. 43 ClikiTB A BOX INE3 piapvei DEs Tizi o A l P & AND 'DOM): volsrs;:itlisTtorii ANp r4LI r 6 itEST i ll. A ,) r t i li tir i AND HOLD • Rada% tENB AND II LLD NRS AT #l4O. ; HI AT EWA: ROOK STORE SSQL )AT E OLE BOOK STORE. OLD AT &MB BOOK. STORE. Xf►. Mt PENN STREET. NO. 50 PENN STREET. %! No. isit PENN STREET. 1 fob 2Q•lred EN ME W i l l lt ' lTNN ' tf " M1 1 17.-4 AN 'if S. — ll Il l ?? hassconred of ORit, PAINTER & CO,. tho stoney for the above named stove, which Is ateuttog with un aralleled • sticeess 'wherSver. it appears. t combines all the modern leuirovetnont hitch as reversible crOas vieoci s fectlor do r and cut off dues, ag i l i UnsoXtra large OV .1, and as a lialar ,is not surposSed . by any ctoro In ' tho Immo, ket. They bays ail given the littit .tralti. , faction. • F:verystove - warranted. The! piece to get it is at No. 2i North Eighth street. , . ~ ROOFING AND 81'0UTINti niu all k i nds pftlght Job work vollelted RIO prorudly attended to. flaying hint consider able OW! tenet! in thin line 1 feu! sat. What that 1 wit produce work in the bf.4t manner— possible. and at R 9 reastemble tOrills 44 any other Waco in the city To such as may favor mu with their pat voting° 1 will say that the best - of Bath Mc , tlon Will be guaranteed. w. T. HAIN, 2) North Elglttli street. =I p h, Eq . ° VAL! REMOVAL!) BARTO'4- LIQUOR STORE. (fits hoon-ionoved 'Yon, the KoYeterle Build" tag It. tho new and elegant stem 487 VENN tiTREET, Whore (women will find • very fags stock i(it the best bud purest WINES, BRANDIES, MUSKIES, . ke.. over offered to thebublie of Re.sdinir. A rho proof . of the above that is required i triaL A share of patroller) is solicited. TOBIAB BARTO. • J. CEELY J A t tiD R 1 TAIL ti~cdt.~ic u LU BE R , RIgADING, PA., liiotti`toilatantly on baud and for Hale note LOWEST PRICES ; : A general aeeortment.of wurpa mid% fiVitt/b* thiEU,N I Y, OAK, ASH, CHESTNUT, - • INpLeauCBLAVIC AND WHITE WALNUT, CAROLINA TmLLow .PINE. LEM 1(uI(L&( 4th I! Y.. - i -,- :4:ug.B.gß, ilaprUighly ftemiouel autl under cover. A LBO, ME Fr, rylc PINA :CY . 2 I :RE;94 ANO ;ApArrt ‘cAnoz,n4rA ChfiZEN • SWAMP (7E1)412 .81.1 N Or 14 t ,04 ; attended to. For prices, .to" oil' it the. BRICK. OPPICE; . fiploser trompek 0,44 nogi iMhvey , 10 0rosi. ' koh'%Aktflim .04.20.1,vcrifit) PAt r ' TTEItS 4 • 4 41 TONIO ibiginTile ftwasolth, MairattarAOßtAli-DlVizirtra . HOOPLANDA(.,VERVAI•hnthiIri , Ir li g n i tOollit - arlitt..,.;., th '''arit MI it • terra 1 4 , 16,1109, Wirt* atittialk o , • =a lireparst on, blahl ne enttb , went nity 11' , 60 fro* week ie (mk t , fors 4 any kind. 1100FLANDVOMMAN ' islo , . la a combination of all the t I ngredleo of the Bitters, with • tho intros, cin e li t -I , Sunda Owte Xuai, - Urangr s , Ate., Ineki lit r ot tO ; ! of the moat pleasant an d agreeable rot a: dies over otTerod i o the piddle, Those pro tarring"- kletitstee (MO fry... , Alcoholic! admiatortn wilt hoe • , - 75, 1 Roc4LODIEI GERMAN illitinis., 1116645 vtiusriatelirvehikainit toiliaohee binalon of Lite llit try., toesiteten b e f ul 144 , I.IOOFTJA.N.OI4 ,f 1 ER NI A 14, TON 10„ • 3 :'They are Utli iludry 1100(1, end eh le i , the balHO inEdloinal virtilker Vie ehelto b: torten the wo bollfil hitlo'9 mutterer tuns. the Ton to NM oit - he moot palatable. . •- Thu stonutoh, from a variety of reu se . , such• as hullyektis e mit D.V6Poinna, ficrsotts Debility, ova., to very A tto have Its time, Dona al e rang oil . The Liver, anv il , athisitty Sett closely as 11 does , win k 1 5 1 the Stomaohlthet»ttOrntil attettvd, the result of which le that the pati ent ,„ fftq front several or wore of the - following dfi, eases t • _ . . , , Constipation,- Fiatu lonpo, lnward pH %) Fu nem of Blood to the Read, Acidity of the Stornacb, Islstyeadi!tatt-burt, Disgust fir row, 01 Weight In the Stoniath, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Film ering at tho'Fit 01 the Stomach,. Swimming at the Head, Hurried or Difficult Bteathing, Fluttering at the }lean, Choking or kitif coating Sen. iation , when in a Lying Poethr Dim. nee of Viaion, Dota,,er Webe tmiora the Sight, , Dull PAW In the Head, , Defielenyy . of FArapirft.i?n, Yellow. nosy of lb‘ 81$10 And 141:4, p e - i xt hi iho 81(16,Baok,tleetfl4tnbe, eto., Sudden /flushes 01 Hoot, ,/lneulug /Ek'llss / 4 10sht Qoustaut lugs of Evil, and Depression Of Splrlts,. The eufforor from Moue disomes lobould eternise the stenttst, caution in th e se. Icahn' of u'remody for bis cute, lumens slug only that, which ho is assuied - from his Investiantigill arta inquiries pueseesca'l true merit, lei sitilt compound. , ed, ire tree 'from Nes' injurious logic. diode, and has osta tined:for ftself lep. ottnion ibx the cure of th ese discatles. ul this connection we wottlit submit times welldtnown it. niedica...; • Flool o l4llVD'ifi GE.R.M.4I.N J 1427114 r i li `r~ S' r In HOOFLANIYB (iElttlAN TONIU. PREPAIXED In Dr. a AC %LOWEON, r/lILADELPMA . PA Twouty.t w o years eine° they wu.ra first thti &laced into this country from Uor• many, (11,111, 0 ahleh time they have en 1 dentitedly performed nlorceuree, impl hes. Oiled in: nosing huinanlty tip a gteattr ex• tent, than airy other ten:make known to the imbue. , , , . if These r Oodles ND' . .etreotually tire Liver uo: itt, Jaundice, D 3 spepsio., Chronic o: e . v oce Debility, Dltronto Dl arrhcea,Dis A eloqf the lildneyBand, all Disettetl arl ins ken: a Disor dered Live ,Stonme Joy /uteatines . j \ a, • )FABIL/TY Resititfitg rohl !My , Cttudd .Whatever: PRO. 2' 2702 , 7 OF 7 . 1.114' 81'6- , ~ TEM, kieft4oe.. Ay. atmiro .Labor, Ilartialif , Eskroftire, ' , lrevoks, a t e . ~ .. . There is u "medicine extant equal to theta re weal 0 1116110 h oases. A toms a n d vigor is lisp Clad to the wholttey orate, the appetite - stvuouthisted, rood la se• joyedothe et Dome digests •routpily, the blotto le partn nt, the Ottteplexfirt:bocollloo sound anti b .alt r hy, the I chow huge Is li . raillontutl Cr( Ille €3 Cs, it ',loom 1/. given o the choelib, 1.1.1 the, at eh one re:yea, Invalid nee° ea a atroig' end healthy being. , . .. . , PERSONS AN I/VANCED .IN ,LIFB, II i m mut roomy I.to Attistt of lin r,(..113,111itii lionvu> utnni ilium, with nil iln ultrnolain 1119 will )1:1 s'it the'o9o Ortiiiii IJlTTkitli, or the TOl4lll. in 4211.xir ilint will in9til nes lifo Into iheii vnins, teetigo 14, a we e pe r( the energy •Alpi Artie* 'of mote i•otittou days, build Op Mar shrunken forma ane g i ve h e alth i ppit Itbppinges to thrit re aipng years , • . NOTICE ' . . It lb a woil.e,tawlatior Idk i that fully ono-ilait 01 the ((Lunde purlieu of our pop• oar are Fle l4ll l,ll o lL i fil the enjoyment ; eed health ori expression, to u 613 thetr own —Lane' feel They are languid, devoid of all energy extreme. ly nervous, end have,be appetite. To th is clues e f persops th e BITTERS, Or Mel 014IC, In tepee tallY recoinutended. • WEAK All 6 DELICATE CHILDREN 'Aro meow ntronE; by theme of either of thus, remedies They will Mira every eL.so et tlattaglial3, without fall. Thousands of .cortitiOaten have in] aimuL Wed tie the hands of the proprietor, but sp Leo will bon of the publication 'el but a few. Those, It will be observed, are men of note anti of Emelt • ktavd.rig that they mustbe believed.. • al -;:, Hon.:Geo: W. WOodivarti. • CAW Alsace of themirreme Cbusl of Pa,, . --s- tbeintwiti, blevAb JO, 18 "I and' BooPpitl's tiortutto hitters' it a ow tonic, tAk 7d disSaiss of the diffective, bf great ben. eft in duos of tAkka.ol3•• au4 Wank,of ner ,, VOUS action in the system, , You trlaly_i • • •' • 0P). % W.' WOOrtiVAIII)." Iton,,Jintlell , ThoMpson, Judge arthe itupillme (Mai cif Pavoistfrania. * . rasionmente, April YS, 1868 • "1 connidor 40016/4 1 / 3 1/ 1 6 GOMM liAttbnii s valuable MollrOlkt in ease , of SttaCkB 1 "' dhcohtion or nytipepata. r'can Certify this from my szperlence of it. . Yours, with rospeot 4 411. t !minus 0111'bON. , , , Fromilev. Joseph H. Kenna d, D. 0 Aoter of the TWABaittsi Cesar" IfhtiO. hr. Jtration•—Dear Ste I, ,i t have • been ire queini, renuested to ' eonnect my 'name with recommendatior of different lands of medicines, but re arding this practiOe as out of my appro r tv eillierc, 1 bre ail cases declined; , but, with a cI C Z proof in variou s; instances 'a n d laatioularly in m o • amily,of the use 0111000f Dr. Ilooillintl's Ocridlan /alters, depart for once from my usual courso, to spress my full conviction that,for general debility of the systens i and ram, los ifter comp 4 tint; it is a sceano tyi itablepreparation. In , aouto cases 1 may (ail but ustifißri I doubt not. it will very benedcisl tO those who Buffet from the above °welt • Xours,•,'ol7 resveottulin 4. la. 1111201A8% • , ( i SUMO. below Coates btreet . Fran 110. E, %Find" va.a atatatang Editor (*ka ft an Chronicle. • , • I haV * () defticil itcciffeff bellegi' f o rdi t ° tum or Moat niloil Berman Bitters, and fe It my Pltilligte to recommend them ef t j most valuuhlobakele toall:Wiio Aro su ff etin troulfferierlildieliLlitY of fatire 4fresse. \ stud notalimngeMent or the Inver.. ow* tuly's__ I. D. inu4DAl4 . MGM = rti 3 unottaftivtictlsll6,al,l:o tot' . . Writhed.: CO4 I tt Ibi gaunt , of G. JACKSOII - 16 Ob be ' prior Mob bo • Ile. A.ll othirapilp i rnp i (Ovid oftsy, slid a the 0.0101 Wee . ; A es AIZO •ItreAs=ro 4* 9,4 4 r . .411,9,4 4 riaer. t zg ov sotimal itac al,er ' • al 44 0 .44• Ne ,