Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 06, 1869, Image 1
VOL.: •-.N0.:. 32. ,; e It READING . PAlLYlalatas .••,.•. • .runzomp,p, BI • °,• - 1 1: d itivrE • • n: AT NO., 542 PENN MEET.- . • . . EBTIBRMHNTEP,INSHRT-BD RBA.' ISONABLII RATES. cc' MATTHIAS SIIE I NGEL, • lARDIAN AND ATTORNEY bor. at . Office No. 21 Smith Sixth A. AIL kinds ot eoileoting and eon anolng done at' the shortest' aotioo. ,0 sots as Counsel Or Administrators in t Hng up estates on reastmableterme. , march-tll , • DR. LAWS' De BARTH 'KUHN, Ninthet N n REBIDENCP,, No: ttiliorth. reet. Rending, Pa. taco 8 • • 1 )1t: JOIIN•8Tgr11 8 / 1 ; •:! endera his profosslonet eeriloes it:4th!) (lingerie, of needling. • Orrice: No. 207 NORTH lITXTII4T. Can Do oo n In the English Abe% unr. nninf o unges, at bouts o f t the drily Or ,11g1 lion not prefeolonal absent. mddcw - ---- , . H. M. NAGLE, , , , . DIIYSICIAN, (U. 8. Pension Burgeon.) • fie Penn street, Reading, PA. Oleo hours—D O 2 p. in. Qto Op. m.. JOB WORK, IN GERMAN AND reNGLISH, 1)4:1E AT THE EMI SHORTEST NOTICE, AT THE EAGLE PRINTING OFFICE, No. 4749 PIiNN 827111B2: OUSR FOR RRN't.—A I'aIIitERATORY II BRICK 1101JOR, with t wo-atozli back eltuate at Kt rano Ptreop, be= tircua E) ghth . atul Ninth, eultablo f or store. The third story le arranged ' for a Lodge Room. Apply to tear 1-411 klitKDigE RIOIKi. N OI LDT t. , • piOTICE is hoittbS s given that the mem bora of 41 rdiENDSUIP STEAM Flint ENGINE CO PANY, NO, 4, OP TEE 'ITY OF HEADING it have'jig) lied to the burr of Common Aims of Ber V ountyl ,or a Charter of IncorporatiOn b t °Above• tylo and title, and that such harterwill, grnate4 by tho Bald Court, on the Eighth lay of tiatch,lBo, unless sufficient reason bc shown to the contrary ,on or beforo that (lay. W. 11. 1 0111E8Elditit, Prothonotary.' lob tl-otritBEnar; ' CAl'llOl,lO PRAYER BOOKS. cknioLic URBUGINE MANUAL. KEY OF HEAVEN, TILE CATHOLIC VADE MECUM. MIA; FRANK'S SERIES, Mlr MERRYREART'S SERIES. CIOLDEN MOIIT SE to FAIRY iIOOiIBEA.Iii SERIES. SINGING BOOKS. lIAPPY VOICES. SABBATH SCHOOL BELL FOR SALE DY RITTER & co., AT TILE HAGUE BOOK STORE, No. 441 rents Street, *siting, Pct, A•li 7_. LUMBER! , LUMBER! BOAS & RAUDENEVO4, Corner 4th ind Sprtsce etrett. (The first Luthber Yard ofl 4dh lig below Penn.) TI BEST; CIIIIAIP.'Edi MOST CON VENIENVYA__DI • TY. ithE We have constantly on • haat a 'lama aqiertment of , all Made of Lumber, hlob w W 111 be ditipose d . of tat the lowest iriarket prices In quantities tO purchasers. • AUu. F. BOAS: 010.1 V. ItAIIMIKIIIIIIII. - rob. 24-tt'd FREDERICK W. IiAtIER, truer FiAk ti; itagAisiois *WA Aks2ol" N. Solo Agora for Irk. an " for the celebrate , , . • • • UMPSON 804p4 tiolta , tft • . Tho MgtWel ond' durable *ea eivOr ; Placed beforo the Call and eel, thew' beforit iritioirialurrtio; NAil are. kaporior Indueemorito of f ered to blOrerkt. ~ A iut of sooond..hali4 . ~ . YLATFORM 8 dir Jno ' on lend awl tot lola Oheatt. - . het i. A SSIGNEE IS NOTIOE.—ELI 41 Becker, of the township '0( Plkdon creek thd County of BOUM having efie• euted an assignment Of all his eehltfl to, John 8, Fox, or the same Ogee, in trust for the benefit of his creditors, mt. B th 4 /t3 , of February, A. 1809. ' ' Notice is hereby given, that all Persons' having claims on said estAtd; w ill present thorn, and all persons ow in g monerto myd estate, will make lmmediate_finlfinent w the untlerolgnOsi. JOHN B.IOX. feb 2o4tw ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF PER SON AL PROPMRTY„,--Wlll be' nold on Vrhlay. March lilth. 1809, all o'clock r. .. of th 0 HALFWAY HOSlrin, the ti? ', of 11 111(10110 reek s the • rotund:lg pe pcperty, to wit I • .. • . . I t • lieds,aed Bedding. °bilk titbleoc ittrirek, carpet, shades amt blinilsonirtote, _' l ltete s timds,.tioware, bureaus. ohtrote, eel , A tpldlos, saddles, forks 'and mien, • •r. articles. - • - , s . .. , t , .. , ,.5.', 4 0:,,_ eond 'Mini made knOwn at tie OR and Vac° by .. JOll S' X ADS4IIOB 01 alatle r J OHN D. STITZI2t., Amettoncori (too b et+ .....; , , . . . •• , . . . , . . , ' -.- ",.,• .1 k. , •)";•,1..1 S." ' ,, , , Y"?..14 - %4,ttf.959.0*.1.W•f1m , .. i. ..-, , iip1,r,r4,144....,5N'i.i.rki"....A_Wr1.14 , 4. - tk„44.4•01/.:WW:14,44.1.!,•14.WM.1... 0 ,WW....•!**51riktt,, ,, kr.1101. 4 ,VV,110"1 4 .#9 Al , rtrikriM." . " 3. •'"" ± " l " . V .r4l44.l " : '''''''''''''''''': ". 3133 '" ''''''''''' '' ' '' ' '' ' ' ' " .. . "-"4- '''''' ''"4". ' 4' ' ` . , ' • . . , . • ~ 2 .' -' 1 ' .' '•• ' ' ' 1 . ; i • t .1 -3 1i !' Il • . , . , . ,' ~, •,' .1 ''•; :i , - i, k. •,t T,, i ~' - 'i f';'l:'•%. - I . I • . , . , : • . k• ' ' 1:4 '..., ' . . , ' ,T . •• . ~ ,' ', i l ‘,'' I ; ~' _ ... ' : ,_, -. tqc.. ... ~-. . . , • , , ' ' • ~ , .... '• - ,i , ;A • " - . ''' - . '' - ..... ' -'-'1 : 1 - .1,'. , t• ,4 , ~., ' . ' I , t • .', ~. . ,"aA V t • y ' i (, ' , ,i' . ,`• ) i. , ', '; S o .7: g ,• , :- , , , • - ' . . , 1 .. i. , '.. i :;,,, WI. 'T.N 1 '.* )4.4. v... -.,, 'd 4r4 - ' -11.- : 4 ;: ' -f fillii.: ,• „ .'. -:; , ,iz-i 0 . 2,-1 , '( , ..K, .-I,i ,11 - -- ••• ~ Alli, • t i' l % -• • 1.•- , 1 , . esti 4, .' .14 - , - .'i , . , ' k.= ~,PF,• • •••, : i "I '' .'.• zi ',' ',, '.. ' ._ • . ', .: , . ~. , 1i il '. .A. 4. ;•,. ,\ . . - Mg •:' r ifr ., ~. • , .• , ,. „-.-wip•-•.._ _. . .......,„, ~ r.„ .47 • '4 I. 'el !');, - !•t .. • G ..:.;l ti . i...„....,,...i! , . , , , . , ~„..y.,,.....: .._ ...... . F. . . '• ''' ' : •••-''' ..t; f,..1 ~, i. . • 7 -, A . i": `' ,• -. " 4 . ' 1 ',- * ' ' •, ~ i • . • 'f' ' - '-` A lot t %.•-• , .. _ -. 4 . , . . ' 1 -• • • 4 3 .' 4 `, to: .:' l A, .7..;:: c}i4 " . , ::- : ;::,.. ; : V :: 1 , •_ n t !: 7 ,. • i ii . : 14, , a : i I :4 ,tri . "4:: . , . -',' ' 4 c ••• ,1 ,i t , i ••‘ •d. •.- ~,, ,Z . .,/ ..i 1 ' . . ... ki , " ,, ,,, -':f-' I v .", I.: .. <:., 'i - ''; i• 7 , . .; . , - . . , . . . . . .-............-- -- -- - -- -- ,? =EI OE EM CLOTHES • • • I WRINGERS STEP LADDERS, ALL WASRANTBD, . MuKNIGHTS„ HARDWARE STORE THIRD AND PENN MA atir 10 ', ENGINE AND BOILER FOR SALE. iIIiPORTA ; I4T TO MACHINISTS AND MANIJFACTURERS. _.i;~ , The underelm4 over tor Male.. at rea l ruble rates, - liEl ONE FOUR OROI- 1 0 POW TA V TI ZIIIBIIO ENGINE OP • ER. . =I ET,onsmoutncrrunmAit RIGHT BOILER. . • Arid, the:ADTAIR Ornoty oreddreelr, h I,' .t f!k. n• s "4"-g I ', 7,7 tit'''. ' FOR THE' 40111 4 THAT .LACKS ASIRSTANOte: 'FOR * .:TIRC,;WRONO RESISTANCE" =MI • • EMI • MEM MEM IMO ~i • i i ) 't I ME I= K' a • `- IMI % ; 4 :i READING t ,4 I SATURDAY. AF,TERNOIV, #4ItOR 6, 18690 • ' : kJ 't PHILA. itio !exits - . azucoro l vorzurr ior PAIONNGRIL TRAINS • .. , inialtalui Nan, 1868. . • WM NSAWS DOWN TO' PAILADNI.. PM ot, patatng asiding, at 7.80, 10.85 and um A., ~,A . ,, arid LW and 6.35 P. N. • . , UP TO POTTSVILLE; at 10.33 A. X, and 8.60 and COO PAL_,‘ _ ~.. _,. • TRAINS MOM TO ANO N is HARMS. • • HUM*. , Western Express from New=lfork, at 1.06 Aitt u t r and t. 60 -P.M. and 11119 P. . isburg .Aocommodation , Train at 7.15 Add. and Mall• Trains at 10.41 A. M., and 8.03 P. ' On 81161104 Y, UR down mi • trains Re ' lug at 3. 1 40 A, .. and 4.23 and • oto trains 1 $ 10.50 A. M., and 4.67 P. M. • The 4. P.M. down, and , 10.59 4.-?4.uP trains 4 f'• • • ' • s • ' rep -only between Philadelphia and p h oR ed ßea n d Harr an r s g l a a dP h tt a v d le'a a f .oan d - A: U. 12.50 noon, and 8.80 P:11. and it 4.45. forlleading only. The B.leA. M. train conneate with trains for. Tamaqua, 'Wil• limmort, , Elmira, Buffalo, - Niagara and Th y 08:16A. It ,and 8.84 P. /Cup trains troth Philadelphia, and 10.85 A. M., and 4.20 P. M. down ttains, stop only at :principal sta tions below Beading. • • Reading Aeoommodation Train a Leaves Beading - at 7.80 A. IC, ipeturuing from Phil adelphia at 4.45 P. M. • Tub Pottstown ',Acicominodtion I • train leaves Pottstown at 8.45 A. M. Returning leaves. PhiladeWhla attile P. M. • ThU f Western xpress , trains connect at Homburg .wit Ktpresi train's on the BeimsylVaniaßailroadforßaltimore,Pitte butgh and all points West ,and the 10.451101 train connects' at Harrisburg for 'Pitts. burgh , Lancaster,Chambersburg, Sunbury, Swanton, Pittst on, Wilkesbarre , Williams. TAwic Haven, Elmira n a nd the Cana. rar" , • • "raiment trains leave Upper Depot for Ephriaisb. Columbia bud Lanoletor at 7.00 A. iuld6A6 P. M • 1 • ' • Through First-Class Coupon TioketSlind Enkigrants , tickets atroduced Fares, to all the p_rincipaltoints in the North, West and the Vanadas. l , • • COMMUTATION TICKETS,: _ With 28 Coupons, at 26 per .cent. did. Mint, between anipoints desired. ..MII,I6AGICTIOKETB, • blood for 2000 miles, between all points, at 00—for families and business arms. SEASON TICKETS, Good for the holder only, for 8,6, 9 and 19 mcnthe, between all points, at reduced Paces. SOhool ,fleasen Tiekots ,Ohe•third lea than the above. u- Passengers will take the Express trains West at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other trains at the LOWER :Or OLD MOT.. • . 100 pounds Baggage allowed eaoh'passen. ger. Passengers are requested to purchase their tickets before entering the carsas higher fares are 'charged if paid in.the Excursion Tickets, good for one day,-b,y 7.80 M., Accommodation Train to Phil= adelptda, And return, at 4965 °soh. _ _ U. A. MOLLS, May 983 General Superintendent. ItRADIRO A _COLUIdBIA RAILROAD, an' 011011111 O n attorThurs dart Nov.liov. Ditli, r a will tun on this rbaa aii toLlowat •eave Be4tag at - .7.00 A. B . 11 4 , 41 8.16 P: Airlva At LiMot4ter at 9.15 A, Al , , ft Columbia at • • 9.23 A; At, II • I I • Lancaster at .1 8.25 P.M. " ti Columbia at • • 8.80 P.M. •. : • • . lIRTURNING r , . , ' * l Lem° Limailfter It Coltimbia, at .8.00 A. M. 0 CoIOuIDIA at , r . 8.20 P. M. • 4 1 , pAner at ' 8,28 P. la; Aiyiy. tit 11;tg at ' , ' ICAO A. _MM_. t i - - FC: at tiding at •, _ - ii.iiii:ii. TrahoNos. 9 and 4 make close connee. tion at Reading with . trains • North and South, at , the Phi: a tia and Readtnif Railtland Weston' e Lebanon Vallai Rtstit • o. i also cl ose connection with t for New Yerk. ± • Tiokets 004 Pc obta4unl. at the o m oe s of thin: Jersey Cent.r )4., foot of Lib ° street t New York, anPhila. ih Read, in 11.-R., Thirionnth a ndoo,llowhill Ste., Pa delphia. . J Through MOO to New Uri and Phil adelhiareold al all the urinelpal Stations and baggage checked. through. , . Trains are run by Philadelphia and 'Read , . I n Railroad lime, which is ten minutes faster than Pennsylvania R. R. Time. , 1 GEORGE P. GAGE, , • Superintendent. il, P. EMMA, OM Prtal Ticket ,ggent. . fob /8-Im , IC ES 110128 E PO DEES. ' T THESE OELEBRATEIi HORSE'' POWDERS, CUBE , YELLOPerWATER, •DISTEMPER, gouriDEß SOUOIt ' NESS OF THE SKIN, . '• HIDE lIOUNDNESS LOBS OF APPETITE and dioeitse i t lo Of flown) generally. THEY A WAREANTEb TO HELP. . ' • B -r:Tice ins 'pritaticed as 'veterinary Sur• geen for many years, closely observed the dioceses of home and compounded these potirders a ft er a Jong and careful study. They worenever known to fail. Tho mend:for them is daily ineriesisg. - • iloWderd'are prephred and for sale - ' DIL W.I. 4 THiESE6IITER, 4 f • Street,' Heading, (Next /:loor to the ""Eagle" Book Store.) bey may also bo had OLE F, 5. Wernerstillloi Bowman &Bro., Robe o la ; Filbert &Bro., Wornelsderf; Jonas Shelter, Schuylkill Bond; 8; Lenhart, Leftort; Sißotnen Steneri Baumetown'l -L, B. Halloiray, Douglassville; W.\ K. •Ruils, Staking Siprings; Lerch aliocsker, Bethel; Fisher A Keifer, kolieluibbrg. Wiettewai ; ' ok - liiiitimorei DRAMS Llf .- . • ,": 1 ; • ••.• ' H A' R, D W A "R'E .. , 9 ' •1 ' ' • CUTLERY, 0,0:$, HOtreg ruViDauttiG: GOODE( '" . ' .10E TAIAS' . ,rrif., , , f 4rAg, sBzr.i,i,i o „tßoN, , . ' ` B ding Materialg i BAlitOitt &o n o' &0., &o.; &o. PA#AM,AVATi iiE4OZSG, 1 %),: wi r rr ? . .,t.e. ai,AT.HAuttidtrialveiAl BOO; STY —rropooais for holding tho aunt* OxitAbition :of , thlo ,_ Pogooyyptit t Altikt6 .' 11C111 1 :4 turi lvitUrqur le , i iii be l4 ll,4lll . t t :10 ,4 • - th l oi l iPligui ra i . itic ttliffirol ti 'Z 1 4m,,,,,N0t1ii,d,, , , he e lntrli 111•40 AgW. 40140 Upon AO6atioO.LiiOtt. Oftgeit , 40 AM OI No-KAPP, A.llliOnt,,Allel4o*n, gaga.' Ord, ;', 14 touimarmarg., ;, • I C felt , .--- ~. -, ./'; -,- •,.,< •2 - 'At. , : ~. ~,. l i tr Xti l tt• en Ow . ir wnsbig e ; tt a r g i t =sm. " elt Mai 4; la Teo I l ith be tl e i, 41' tut) - Other it heitvidtye a sr 'WI VA lib!, Jim .. 4 .::,*!„i - /- - . - . - - -r.''ft.,,i. . - : ; .': i . . , ;...'-' : - •00 PRINTING. .1 I . : ;.; The Propiietoro of the Deily ,Eagle and 'Weekly. Gazette ARE PREPAiIED TO DO I ALL KINDS OF JOB - WORK PROMPTLY, NEATLY FAIR PRICES.! Having ample faCilitios and"good workmen they aro onablod 'to oxo euto every varioty of printing de sired by MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND BUSINESS MEN, SUOII AS Books, Pamphlets, Oatalo9o•9‘ Posters, " • , c Handbills, • , ' Programmes, Ciroulari, Legal Stank... Notes, . Rem)ipts, • . Letter•Heids, Ball Cards, " . • Bibs of Fare, . Lableni o Wedding Cards, Business Cards, 80., ME We are confident that, all work entrusted to us will 'be done satis factorily to the customer both as to style and price. Orders by express or mail will be promptly executed. Address 'RITTER it CO. WILT' MAGMA AND GAZETTV. OFFICE, 542 Penn Street, Reading, Va. nue 25;1g68. • TH:y4 CRY IS STILL TH.Wg COME I' TILE RUST CONTINUES FOR i-, ':'N.'T..:Or.g49,''' . ' ,nrifillowsuf BOOT ___._„;,,,..,..,,,, . -.4:‘'•-1, , ''''' ' 668 Penn Ofv 6 4 'AediNk,lip. ~ ~' i ' .. ~ ~,_',",,',.,‘ ,-,,:•,,;., :..„ ~,,--. . ,_.„•si v ir„_ l , ~.. ~, 010 • isle 41ft., • ts ii.. i1,..q1,7 t it an ohll,. - _OOO4. sumacs, : Ult. 4 styles", •. p • oil . - -.. ~ -"'T '-‘-, ...3 :' , f , :.: ..,:s 4,lfreitilltbooto. home made, $ 8 50 to 07 to i aip Ee: 10 1111 44 . 00 44 3 75 . to 4 au, mi le s u u. 0 lao 4 , 225 toOten's .gp lapel/Potty i "1_151". 1 :U 75 ' men% uoat rollibi- t. l t 2 oo- II -k. 2 72 , 1 :2 111 ' , C.,4-2irA 4 t 'f• ,!. ' '.. /10 M',l $ A *toy ittuo; - . yi ,-,.._-• ~,, -i ,LI i , '. ''• . 0o Plain (logs; . s 00 ail " 44 . ..._ -,• . - ..; -` --- 70. drenl • '-'!"•'-'''' ' ''' - • 55. ':detla ', , 1 - - . ls , X: , 't {` ' .l . Xi t i ~..,....., . , '.• ''' - 4 J - 4 , ' ,. .. 1. 1. i f. i l ii i rg l44'illt IrliAltiii i i ;it:a4A3illl „4 .11- QM*, ' ti - EMPLOYMtNT • r AT YOUR OWN-110MtS ettially Itso litrgo proftts,—Add teas to! particular* gt,•onoo. . glCOStkft," No. 10 CROSBY ST. N. Y . M LATEST NEw TORX NEWS LOOK .QUTII . LOOK , cruy .LOOK' OW. 1 t , LOOK 'O'UT 1,1 • , "Beautifies tit Oereplezion." "Gives a Roe. allow to the Cheeks." "A Ruby TI go to the Lips." t, "Removes II Blotches and Freckles," "The Bost n tho World." • s • g COSTAR ' S " B AUTIFIER!‘ yi r Bider-Sweet and . Orange.' BlossOms. sor One Bottle, sl.oo—Three for WM*. • 1000 Bottles sold In one In N. Y. Citk. 46ia AU Draglflateln RBADINO sell it. [Moriiine Alper. Avg. 20 t ) NMI t lOH MY loan , ' stand it g but he did, for he tient right eff and got a box of 'COSTAR'S' CORN SOLVENT, and it an,tagn,” r i n n ol° es ft l eAll DruggailEAtllloll it. "COSTAR'S" STANDARD' PREPARATIONS ARE ,„ 40)05ta: 4 . 0 .124 ft Reach,lo4Zeteii'MinniOr.4 f(o oB tar f ." Ite m Brptrtnisiators. , . 'mica , ai 4 erfP, (only pure) insect Powder. '0 1) , infallible Remedies known!' "18 ears eatablisbed in New York." "2, Boxes and Flacks manufactured daily." . " I I I Beware I I I of turlone imitationsif "All Druggists in It MMHG sell tbetn. 1 Address • 1 ' ' 1 "Cosmo s " 10 Crosby St, N. Y., or, Jowl F. HARRY, (Btloooo§Or to) Deems BAAIIBB & CO.; 21 Park 40,W ) N., X. feblB-41ari EAST' PRNITA.. , RAILROAD. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER . , • TRAINS, • menping .M'onday i beoember2l42, 16613. No. k Train . lentown 19.05; at New' YOrk 60, P, H • No. 7 Fast Mall, loaves Reading at 4.20 P. 31. arrives at Allentown 5.55 at Now York 10Aa„ P, M. • • Nos. 5 snai l run. daily, oxespt Sunday, stopping at all Way Stations;between' Beading and }fewpric. • EkPRESS TRAINS: Leave Reading at 5.44 I t . M. if • 14 16 7214131:, 1. 1.00 At.' Arrive at New York at 11.rilA . 14 64 • 44 11 11 41 ' 9 4 . ,0 1 i0 1 Pa M. II A .6.15 A: M. These trains run through froin burgh-Pitts rto New-York, without chai rof sit , cars, stopping only /Lyons,. Allah wn, thlehem, Easton - Junction i . Ol nton", (I kite House, Someryille, /lehnd BrOok, P ainileld and Elisabeth.. ' - The • 5.44 41. M. train . runs daily except Sundays. and Mondays. ' . • , ' • .The 2.28 P. M. trains run daily except S ol yIL aps. - dale 7.81 A. and 1.00 A. M. trains run y. -. West bound tralns;leave Now York, at theloot g Liberty street, as, follows I LSO* New reds. driive cd &Whim 13.00 K. i : Bail No 'il i .. I.ool'. 81. 0.00 A.X. - Express wrsini , , 1i.50 P. M. 5.16 P. 31. Express Train, • 10.19 P. 74. 9,09 P. H. Express Train, 1.00 A. M. Mail Train -leaving Allentown at 7.20, 41.; K., stops at all way Stations, arriving at. Reading at 9.10, A. IL, running daily except Sundays. . , The IS hi t ,Train from New .York srps at all Stations 'between Now York and Reiding,leaving Allentown at 4.10, P M., arrivin at Reading at 0.00, P. M g run ning ly except Sundays, i r I The' R . IL train from New York, runs d y stopping at Elizabeth, Plaid. El l Sommerville , Junction, Easton, and Bet ehem. arriving at UWE 011.45, P.. ~ pluming Lyons a 1 A.M., arriv 'Ova Reading at 1.00 A. IL delete are requested purchase tielete before entering the a 25 cite extra waite chad and collected on the train from all who pay the fare to the COnductor. . . f COMMUTATION -TIMM ~ S,' • ' . . . for Tvventpaix 'Trip., at 251 per cent. i , %mit between any desired. MILEAGE TiCKSTROOKEr. , , „, , f : for 9000 MHOS • 0 0 I between all points on this or Rea I'l I 1010414 Reading IL R. or the Reading COlunstds. IL • R., it $52.50 *tater famillea and firms. SEASON' T/INERTO•' . ' . ~.... . good . for the holder Only, for three, six Mae and twelvertiontlis e ktreduced rates: • •". -, , ~P. N. ERMENTROUT. .' , ; 11 ME .1!0 . . • . ~ , . 1 ', B . IL , maittraakty.,,- , ,( sa ponviitireet ow ppir*, Witween Illitial,lo.lll ' 010 suroesir ~ : top potful inform the el of Read y mid oint , their r *J crt t beet, o,' 0447=M1C *I this •4. 1 1,04rp0 t 54.4_ odors, liflo ipede sod re lit Meer TOW Woo, ' w. Invite tb u tinisi h o exagrar before lurch al I or oeat.l BOY ONO ' Va."4i ' . 4 4 oxiikii ix* . .1 W _. .0 p' -- Nifir4'' . 4`iiiiii4tio D ., vet *Wm stmeneAOLIFT .1 1 nm' 11101,0, I'elllll4lol .'' 4 j . / r - ./ LADIES ! I General Ticket Agent. • BuTomp. %mg .ftiviaa. 4 • ‘‘ Boon ilie'a raging tWOi, ' Iloyonti life's troubled drew)); ' , Beyond death% surging river.. Beyond that Billion stream— ' - ' Beyond tho land of sighing, . Whore countless teararei shed, Beyond the siek:hud dy Ig, l i IleyOnti the u4Rul,doillig 'legal . Beyond this soono .of trial, Whs . io heartnud,tlesh do fail Beyond the dark'ning shadows, Beyond the gloomy rale-. Iloyoud‘the thought of grieving A kind and gracious God ; Beyond the frit efsinning, Beyond the ohastfuing rod— Boy i ond earth's wet\ry burden, The °role, the scourge, the rod The saint shall dnfolt In glory, The saint ehall iwell With God. =l2 GOMM Oki THOUGHT. I DeNnt.—f,tt wo, are not ''going to change masters ; only to, bo employed in another and a better (Thor°. • Evan tasteful traveler upon tlik high: way enjoys the superb mansion ho looks at teorelhr the stupid qweerpui, .CoNvieentoir.—Whilethe gift aeon• veraationßrovim a clever' . •pari, z , the want of it ielno proof of a 011 .one. BOAIVRINO OV PaoliAnsoY.—Tho gonu• ino man of gallintiy generally endeavors to conceal hie success = but tho 'counter• fejt has the ineffable meanness to boast 'of favors that he• has never received, and to represent that he is an object of admi• ration in quarters where ho is regarded ash nuisance; • EVIL rIATOTIL-111•00 FAO' have be oomo add!otad to evil habits must .con quer them as they ,can—and they must be conquered, or they will conquer us, and destroy our peace and happiness, And those who have not yet yielded to bad habits, must, be on their guard, lest they be unexpeot4dly assailed and sub dued. THE WARM HANDIoIo we have reflected on it, we aye scarcely aware how much the sum of 101 nun hap piness in the world is indebod to this one feeling-rsytnpathy. Wo get cheer fulness and vigor, we ecatvely bow how Or when, from more ASSOCIatiOII with our fellow-men, and from the looks reflected on us of gladness and enjoyment, We catch inspiration and power to golon from human presence and from ohoorful looks, tinvir.—The shortness' of lite g very often owing to the ltregularity of the liver. - • PATlErfog.—Nothing • teabbes . patience like the garden, You may go round and watch the open bud from day to day; but it takes its own time,•arid you can'. not urge it on faster than it will. All the beat results of a garden, lit those of life, are slowly, regularly, pregretsive.—:. N. Y. Day Book. • ' • , • I Th 9 man h good, firm health is rich. qo is the ma with a clear conseientp. o is' the p , rent of Vigorous, happy children. Sole tho edits r of ft good paper ; With a big subsoriptio Bo is the elergytnan whose coat the limo children ,'of his parish 0%14 1 as he passes them tit their play, So is that wife who ilia the who!e heart tlf a mid husband. , , Bo is the maiden who id terizen is not ,bounded by the 4 . omilig men," bet, ivbe has a pprpeso in;,lifo, wliether ,she 'will over meet hi o r, not. - . : • So is the you f g man who i laying bie hand on his'heaiit, ean'eity, -I '.lhave treat:: ed every' woman I e*, eaw, as 1 sbould wish my sister treated by other - men.", ." : Ao is the little ehild Who goes to ship its on , ifs lips ! and for whose Ibleasing waits. , , with a waking a A TURA ing the sawyer 0 eleven oh port a wi . become • iittrd lab.. When leaving for tha in w ich ho waa employed, his wiffe told him I. at howls unable to work that day. .He j nswered; I WO tine 'no 4.ipod. no bread, and if I do not work, ' , nand the chijdren will die front starvation.. must go and earn serried:king, if. I perish in the ittelnpi:h Andllo 'he *ent; ho atteMpifd,to resume his labor, but NI deid. 1 : IN q9P4 i'er, 44t :ii . - 1 . 1 .0,11 0 7 'VkIY gro' er, named i tilltfell;olysterieusiy disap-- , pearedi 'an nothing was' heard 'trent 11.14 until last hi lirfien he arr)*Olietthinite. Helv#o 1 0 ; 1 ! _g1iii*,.44 . 00.,0 In Weit 0.1 i;tittai, Y_Oflit 414 4 w l ieli he came tO his senseslound himself on ship=' board - "gel "y0ut : ,.."`.... the *, inithor,',' Pie, ship experenCl4 heti7,„wsither • NMI attandoA o o 44 , l o . .erAsiz.. mouths; BOW welt ',rear hie I Limit) , *Ad -faniltras above e ta , %,, ~, : ; ~, , ... : 4 P.,1 I zi i, 5) I . • %lie tetunerl- Aineovirievinalt 'and apn`k, etVarmeitoso z WetheiE day. Ne li,eo were 'oat. t :,Nte'NfTriV'''','"V:k' 041: ‘ .y . 4` . .P.AtrL'lV , :.......l , VrtgVPitv , V . nr, - . , :. , "- , : , 5 >7--• EN =I Riches. nu; tale of woo lit that attend-, Obeid death_br o.lafratne a Quebec. na-was *with* 9 01 Y. Maga a y/llelcf and had tOanp'. and four , .ebildreb. /To had, iak 'from want of 'rood too ~.. f 10 CENTS PM NEEK.Ita —Oreah , Fdrietiit-atintsonale 4' 11 ." near Alwial)4itt , clunPbeii , c mit% log :, ' , z ik a wad atano tigtelt haahltett la the t ill I. ly fc4 aiitty rims, and Atm ithiti C periaoa3 00 WO tc" 4 ! At Of* .i i the many ettseil of ‘ll,4i:im 46 t 9 !iiii ' I it has been applied. • : 't k ''` k°-'' l ..:• l' .? Olaagow, .Fabruarp - 44thi:tarins. a severe gale, OITOPOIy elj feth. high, felt to the ground, complete Mill ing IV house,. and 'killing eve' wotiettot man and two.ehildten !who) Item Itt 'bed at the tibia. ' —The other. 414 °lie !neither cif the Ohio ',l:egislain 'e ailed windier . "thing, 11.1iiippy of the lowest kind 'kid winit Of. dtnary breedi whom !it was 4144:411 •to treat with Ordinary decency --a p00r,,1, booby." Perhaps he is.--ahat's ONO the style of Many ,modera` leglilators. • —A•young wife; it.eni'; k • • in New Orleansinformal 99 9 1 ! r e. • " time MiSeleg hUsbaido diseevere4 Oa ho was a professional thief and in jail. o used to keep her handsopiely upon t he proceeds of what he represented u Ei annual "Southern tour." .• • —l.nst• sammer three , negioe, convicted in Weldon t N. 0. 1 , - 61 the 'zinc" or dof one Wade 'Maher,' Ilnd edge. quently mallard to 080611 e ihilh jail. them,One of lin Thomas ) ,vestai targeted in Norfolk, the othe! day. —Jacob Dilima% a man Of aixtYi dee+ . , nuking of recovery frota consumption / ,4i hanged himself' with 4i l bAt 01t,!t,444,,,i iron . window :bar in tie' Efilltirlt,/ 1 11 1 ,7 :, pital, in which ho was patient.. ' _ —A young umn'in' Tana, ~ anti raged and ehdt a' respectable b salad i lady, waa, Al , placqlParka with which' ho had wadddd his pia 1. Ti t fitted exactly a round hole in a co y O tho OalveatOn Bulletin; which Wag otim in his pocket , . When.paatad iar the Ant ed irlattor it could bo read without the 1080 of aletter. The Wan Was hitogOd b; a mob. —' -!—Professor Hamilton is d horse. tknii who for some days' pest has been U Wishing 110w_York b driving high epirited:hoise down Broadwq whhou reins or bit, guiding it only by or 'eels o the voice. Bonner) otDester celebrity pronounces him superior to , Barry. • —Tito Mormons had an olcoutioa„iss week. Tito prisoner was brought NMI into tho court yard—whera there' wile crowd of some four hundred—and segos id a chair. lie then road aloud stabs& from the Nov Testament } thcimis War takon off his hands, and at a signal fro is the sheriff he was abut deadi ' • > The Indians :4. sconem ATP eflu! their "annual movement north.' ' targ numbers Pais Ahroughlrustia dally,:bi their way to the head' Atari of, Ake in I consin Hirer, where they mahalpipm'i the spring, fish.end hunt.durinttne sum nier,, gather, erepberrlet till cant On attar payMenf, retrace' OW `aleps to tlf• Black Hirer. , ' • ! ii in "—Seven leaders . of the OUR 60,44'' meat have been - towed: i MON , 1 Spain. A quantity of artaktte them film which ,bad been concealed i them, wo P dlecovered and Seised; and iteptiitstili 1 ' papers and ootrcaliondenee also - tell into - tbe hands of the 13overnuteqt, ; , • —Tho Borten% Ip Cuba. hire ) let 1 , seine reason, associated flowhig female tresses, with idol proelivities.. therefore, who ride •otit In Havanit*lth •i• their hair unconfined, and; drooping over tlioltshouldere i are liable to inecdtc. • ight, .-midn ti ode tiri an io . phis uoov 'remark" the 'frequenlii - wiifi which they roe pollee:Den on ilia Weal& •`,' This is 4 ChAngolor tho'hetter.. 80 Medi; for having a DeolooTatip, 11,530!. _ •—A Young lady in ennoaseo bas bad a curious Jove experience: •. By 110.: friends' wish she jilted the map site low ed, apd married another. I,l3oipn tained divorce 'and married her own, rue lover. ' Then her died, and nowahe has id oried•ber - hot 1 ;•' husband. • • . •,, t: . , _ • Theimplo of 40 4 14iiii:Coptitts7N. .y. t where' a fatal' one ' 4 dto~ otourred lance-committee for- tho lestructiOst-of s 448. i' • egg° ppe me, e o, in 1888. Tho sinount.shippeft..n • 1808 w ue 40,96o,oarbushplii , ,• .• —Two brothers reiding - 4d t t + ot*h ills went out hunting the : ,,other c default of other gatneinhotoseh l ot 9Y. , —The Montreal' r wider Wm) teat of eno*.• " •.' '‘ • 1 l':•• • Ti• —The sale . , hnrcellech4ot ; . increas es in incre France. - ' •.• • , 2.0 j . —Wagon Sox, Fattt, arid Stoma • soh Were the totir • leading 'billop squaw ball, at Fort Benton, Now :Year's I)t.. . .. . ~- • —Moises ie,the 441, ocolte 14) ratiri•ther ' ,ConatitettobitAttietolot 4 ',-: It wltsMs -4b y b oth hotteet, ,,, -2'. " ' ''' li•l'o„ • .-% ri , • , i • , -.::.•/... - .;.,y ; z=i,4r4--: t, ; ‘,-- t ..,•. . c a SUMlll 4 l.ojaktiit itilel4o(POittil in : Centteetteut c ,*hO le: fitivfitrioeldi , ) , ' and can idOwlyilWitppltddi . 0 pitieo •''.- °Attie phdorwl WreaktetitiCW''' i s''''' 4-# Teti etithlie 'hie heed *c'. gootitt-' eteirphie liptsiititli . , 1, th , ',"•NraellitlFt6ii.; ';'-' ,Wednesday y i ng ki ; •. N. ;•.--.- i 41 ~/..:, , i: , ;-,'. *... I ?7 , , ..„”.;It - .-• if, .1,...'.. , , , , ; ;_; . , ,, a 4 '., '' ' il t. ,, ,T1 , .. ~ . • 1 --Athittit t 104 6retiiii the hOtitellit , *nu efityit,ts - ttoir the teit ; efili4rielt; - ‘ ,ityg till!Vaftti,:. . •:- Y.,',. , Pi ::,z..1'4 , s ,t .if ; ' ' ", , 11' ; f .f :' ,1. '44!:.: • f'ir ,^.‘", %*::1 , :-,..',:',! e, /i ~..:.'—At -1 w - O. - G ',; .' 666: . 604 hiliktifo .'', *V . " cooed on Prowl itteetc by tnetielt, - -• & pe)1041 by "figeetteteice; - . 04401df43, lif•t % e young laayi who oceopiOs. a seat ta*ktati - " ...,,, , ...-,..-,. 1 , -.., 1 41,-4,t-A.4 .. •\ - • _,l..,—The sib 0,104240.,ate . ;.atuliwar ~i, York: bn.,Tpitgday :fronti Am:, .ohar#ortilreollagitireithelgifet ' 4thefw.., vabtainfi'iwho.,wsto py,alitrittitd:,durlit Ow Ili afire Totagepy k9fl; .(eirerw „t. tit;.:?,.i k)a , ,:il 1 1 ' th 1p -1116 , 1:4(sga• i , ' ( gra", T 44i Aston Sweeiiter,; oaf t I st' 10 '1111,10*; - rilt Nirol 4 left , eidaY, awe' bll`4PictifttsiltdoNlM - 014( tho plaintiff, Q 4 ,Al4;:.yk t - WWI! NA ' > 1. , , ' 2111 i:k lIMI =EI