Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 04, 1869, Image 4

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:i• - : '' • 4 . : : . i 4
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1 .14“,,e ';1;4 11 Z, ' it 7 7•
0 • 4,, i ,
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1 04 4. 14 , 1 , h t 04•0411 • , • 18010
tieocoulm Y ,:i1,500 ce:
",`l.. A%:i 6 , 4 0,“,- e
..I,' . -. • '•••••••••••••• 5.091 -10
• uOPw '
r a Ks , I,l4istulL it
. is X I nsil . 1,741 01
4000Uht 3,40 85
'l'4 ' A , ' % '-, . ''
..' 4 1 , :, ''.."..."'•". 5,260 19
o,oooUnt. 200 80
'VII I i 001 0000 4520 00
• . :: , . •,, .: ',"'•• .; b `.•
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i : ' 411: . p15,.. , 1 - 1 t.. , 1 41 1 44 ,*),' •, .. 101 . 0 1 41 .
1 ~, •„,,, ~ ) , . , I.ity.., , 19.'n5 CO at
...: i :1,. 0Z TP ' ':' ' -....,,,r ; , ,•,- , i' ..... " . nilii 0
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's° ...,
r.. . ; ..:• ' ' O -; - 4,1 • — M
• ' 4; ttliii • *initill • ' Iq4 as
me .
• t, fan f ewest feet. : Imo 93
~ ; • 4.'• ~ ' ; :• ~ . ; , % : C
~ 4 44.444r4.4444.4. . 4 1,3111 13
;1 • ' .:' : i •:/-; i'• . LAY •• •
. ion . 1. 111000411 oot
t -- 7 --- • 156 vo
_ Mare.
natenohler, tar, Is NO 11.01
rmTroteelpr, 1858 on acoount ' 4.01* ifs
i ‘ 'ilielliliii2lMMl 11 •' • ' - 293 94
Jae" is. lab ism on account i 4,200 Oct
.-- 9,493 93
I' I ' Ctenru. .' ,
.. ,
Joseph,,,andenbush,lBss in fall ', 1,1101 if? ' • •
1104 m. Kir INS on sect. - 44,0:WU
. I ,17 --- D 5.2 5 6 9
l' . • Istria. .
Obart r arean, 18511 on sooonut ~` 15 00
, Hen /ex, 1887 in full•
on 83
• •irrei t It oll!,01) 100! On no b ocninB 1,100 Oo
I ' , f‘.ll'.•; Ag u a s ,: 'I.. g A 1 . i-- 1968 10
O.Q. 120,1101;10:7 In full . '1,511' 88 •
0.0. WitBaid, Me on account 5,000 4:0
~...---. 4511 88
pub,.e. t o fan 451
nben . r ope, on sot. 748 , 00
• ittala I hOO Cm afttociai 1419 118 ,
..i...4..1...., kw
"' Jfinter.
,Seri 8t20411,11117 In 0111 . Min Al • '
ao Ifloo On 11,000unt, • 9,271 40
)•' ' •, ,/ • ;':, 1 i ~.t i , i d , . • ~.7 . .....r . 4,mit0
• union
John 802kegeo, I In full 141 04 •
Do ao . 7 . On itOcOant 1,000 00
. 4,43101
,if u ‘k .
William 12,gy e rr,l r Mi on :moon n$ 12500
A. Minitel% ger, 1808 on amt. 4 1,001 80
•••••••••.••••• MN 50
lin 0111 ~, :31 10
qr .
t e
,-,...}..__, e tto i inzit •
ton 01
tonne ..
!ganef, 1005 On acOte Istno ti •
4 .----. 8 , ,v0v 87
• , 'Myr &Mere 1 ,
ea r •
t, i i
it i r t u l fen • il ao s 3i ~ ,
i ! 1it=tt1'i10.4 1 4. 4 .1): 1 4 I (ling, i,
E .
~......,....t„,,.,,. ....,,, ,P ' 4 .......... 4 1,037 00
vs North, 1 :
Seniemln , leo7ln full ' 287 9 .
AMIN BUM ,AA On 6000 ant 1400 UV •
i ' ll ' (Aft . " ei4 ' ' • •
il.dititterifeliKrailnglil, ', : .IU 41 • .'
Dachl Selosikfoos, 1858 on loot, ;sotoA ,
3 0 118 80
s 'Jrtoiin. „ ,
remszo ii o rcl i s,lBooln full I 85 -
-.. .
Jot Fur, iioll on aecount : : 00 : '
. , - • 9,70 10 •
patlO i l ' - ift le t . ' 1 "
1_ ;I is tall :MD 91
ame A. n 2,1808 on account i 450 00
1,289 80
/ V 444 (.' Ia , 1 Ai tun .' '(
1 4,00 91 . .
ilAti Kit ' 0U,19: Tull ,010 s 4
4 102 on aocoUnt : 007 00
+ l -4- 5,255 ei
4001Xtilk 011,11.410ounti ,', 11 1 636' la •
trS u.
Jon s. 4280111 00 .
11.0 xit: 01%1805 on ao43ount 100.20
Vityl Ilimer.,lllo7 In full 11,020 76 ' •
i "Pa' .11M#4111r0M.On 0. 0 4 •:4.219 CO
•I-4,-00 6,100'15
11 - I "aluonat . i t •
11. 4 1zikimil W I :in full 51
11 Oa '
11, 1 71p Cull _ 8,12:11 01 _ •
: • oh i lIPPO)II , 999I I utt >l4 ',BOlOl 70 •
,023 •• • '
-r;:: 6 - 1 ‘ , 743
V o te' beam er, lin full 2,94 44
ao . 1 on aocount 0,08 ,b 7
• ' i,l' 4 b lau . l: l ''.• ;',- • ' • -1-rrr-,0: 40201
Wm, 14. DarVik7 In full a i ‘ 44 - * it .
nto um's, 1,111), on oto9osql, 9,00 liS
:, 1,4,.• ; ,
g , i ' •,' • „. . , ' 'l----12,691 Ot
1 1
Deohlitalr'siellirliooB4 t 821 13 •
John W. Kemp, leot on eco l inink 8,260.00 1
1 -:.6:-&- 4,08713
: ..
..rione. - • • '
4 WIN. U, r11.111p0A_•'1837410 (011 • • 10193 0') • -
iv, saltnuer, ma on at:count . • 8;183 00, ,
:, Of 00
I - ' A i i irrt
P. 8. tor, pill a r
' Alfred re bli b , 1 011 moot. 1:70784
--- 11,5Y1 914
- 1,841 42
, : ':•!'' •?! ' If. ; AU. . "." !• • ',.
- • ID. 3 0 . urn Mlllo'oBoB - - 2, ,
? um
Salomon Iller, 1887 in fall ' 1,1177 84
Donner,* o,oworpr, 1888 on loot. 4072 07 •
-,......_ kw
• • 1
Jopn liai, - 18 - ofon pooonne Bs' Oo
' ' .. " Yi ligat ien lire l ig l Atlii . .'' l • Val S,‘ .
017 VS
, .! ' ' 1
' aiitbed t i ntet t &lot :c . 0 ' r
John A. An t,l 4 1 'on Mot. 'li gia, vos 46
~ _ • !. nOrt, - 1
lisitoil i oirin liooonnt SOO 0 , ,:) • •
lAN (11400QUUS WAVO ,
' Frio it 1000 on mi. , 88 3 78 ~ -,,,,!--
, lOUS 78
" Ott ' l it e trA 4 rili i tir l it 11 M :I •. . . in
tt ,i,;,, 4/1
• ! OM 18
OW •
Maki OtaaV r; WWI 8,817 03 "'.. •
DO. dil: Mon sooount lAA St
. 1" -,, I', .! -; . • - ...i,i 4 * , :- i t i 624l . — 7" --- . 5 7 10 1.0
tla r 1 ,g, o llj ~ -, 011 40
it 1 - 1• A - .4., . .. ~ , -.1,1v1 74.
Ot . lii . 1 --4,f 03
fitWIN •
' i,sea
• I. •
4F lA, 1 4 4 ` 441 •
t • ucooniki'
tl' ••
011 L, •
J D IL , • • ~,- MO 0!
14 ,101157141;$14 . 011710 1 t0 ff •
)14 . _ It ttet a ir ell' .24 *
usbO sioe i , ll l l Ims 7s
do 441 . , = sot '
X M oku o las 70 •
4 u or
M Ola
Sep BAS O 44 v. 1 0 / 4 , ,
, - 537. igriNisrafro
. .
ugs a later
oiltAti iat ;
' AO is 1 10% .
iTacoltgialtlk I iset ' 1,100 10 '• , ,
lO* 1 1 1 0% 1 4. Of 1110 1 4 •* I 'W. a
(WheadliallaUA t o n sty Tao M i d WOO ) ,
ii, taitaelmeagoikty ~ ' 1,41 SS ; „
maw Me amity • 12 4 .! , .a,
10 . vi
rtg e i t . ; , , .
•••• , ;
;Mairt , , bf contract tins*
tend ilireMStidithiPtiunis filicib• , ~: . •-•
. , lel by toll ' . . , IWO . '
~ , :.........,.....011,001 ;0
Lanosater Bridge ooktrick, . I" b 4
,So .. tell 00lleMOd by lam t e a
~ • 6
)dire • - 01 4 9
.1 " 4..."..".. iini 111
/War Heel( smige_br eontraist . 1 A! 69 , • -.F v 4 ",
tell 00biellia 0 3 ? Manila • •
liOnt ,W. a ,
. . ••••••,-,-,.* air
Ligillbillt lindge ini cmimorsec
DO toll collected by Joie • '
Ketterer . ' ' 1173 m
(Whole amnia of toll Bridges SUM SO) • .. ,
'iTinas and Costs .
SOT le
Prison receipts 8,691 ff .
_ thadiansmi Baud Damages. 10 0 0
From tioorgo Myatt.; Bern 4p. .
Delanoe to the Treasury of last
Becalms Bridge CoMpany tiO 00
Vranklin Schtilts,infull n(COurt
mite * 87 73
',soot" Winkbone. al' 11000 11 14 0 1
Court mete
De suer Stltsel, r rnk bold
Burly, Qll ate , of Court costs
Bridgeny • ,
Lewis pot t eVe rano) on Bond
• eavihinignst . • ' .. _
Harrison XPlers Touleurer 1 4°18 '
bridge Company dividen
Jacob ei Livingood, Bricks sold
Albert O. Oroon 4 read.. damages
roftlnded from U. Tolipatioooon
Joseph Mary, britilid Ind old
Iron, Bo
Kitts A Drelbelbles, old lumber
I . s ni sgld •
tsh Ilagettraant money
collect"! Co. against.:!loyer
iIKOAIPITULA7IOIf OP iliollll o lll VOIR 1868.
,Whalow/lout of Comity Tax re- •
°droll " $21,980 94 - 1 '
flooludops Ildentseas fir Horks 00. • , 1,020 60 ,
I / fooks cou tora Itqopooti out of D
00 erVs: i t
nty 1 It I 1 620
Gogotyltoll bkidges I 6,2 A 00 I
Verdlet'fooa, firma and costa 3818880
Prison relolpto ' _ 8,002 97 '
conaltlOnal road 4 1 afingoo 1') On
111600111Lneoua reootpts 23,027 00
—7--211.772 10
, • 1.11111,0 LT,
The Treasurer claims credit for the Mowing
• °Mere drawn on
OO H;it s
• Priem; Istspodor
George Uchida% •
Vance a randis, looks
Aroneiser a vo. tobitooo
Mitchell a Ce. last, reeds, ao
. G. 114sig; glazing
thread and ttilit a ematacssis.. visiting ,
committeer . • 24 01
•ReAdi elf Qiiia Company, 1 08 80
J. Neely innltier • ' i 25
Sa t rions, earpenjer work ' O4
S. Ru Olen% ox. tes'llarrisbarg 7(0
• Toil& Son, vial 1,050 00
. Durk art, maionry %., __le 73
• Wes* %smith work • 69 te
4 L. Get", printing annual ro•
port , p .
J,, GperL imisir, comp! ing ,annual ,
• rt.
J• Ganser, m noon. is•
I s i e ' •
ita Os IN , OciaP I !!_r:#3.
fn lie
tor MUOI, brus es '
. Jaeksolf, 1857 '
taannoas,bcdateads tor prison
u. Kugel, °WNW . ?
E. Godfrey, a" lions, shoomaker
~/teralunt. Os goolkstriiw ,
m .'lOO.O a u now , mine patterns -
A.,, , p, ilt4swart, blankets
Gibien a Waler, shoe lasts And
trees • ,
Boy_er a Sone, kanibsig , • . .
tl, uolleAibile%paidekqg ,
KilitOt aPab Mgr.* 40, crash
Le l astera o,mi:tilting
110. ogler, laet it gall
Of ily & Oa., lasts Viols,
II: nom, Sowing rcuiebine
V. firm, semi,
Moak a:Shifter, lumber ,
Strickland &Aro,. books
DouaitOnt glass 0. Conrad, repairing
w ter • • • •
J. L.'lltkikter, hardw.are
Hitter a 00.. printing ~•-•
Win. Itoaenthril do
O. Dauntring & Ben, tin weito mid re. _
U. .1. Rbbads
j . notions ,
U. B. Levan amps
11. ,r 0 wen, 'pri nting •
S. Wonting. soap • •
tagibo & Ilekinan, plumbing
U. MUM shoes
A. IL Light, drags! •
Job ileKnlght liaidware, ~
Da a Robot, bar ware
J. IL' Mllierosimilt , work •
J. Ganser. InSpW,Ors' meals
J.tiavisistmalntaining prieons)rs
Afinitifitaurtiig. , •
Muse t einilin &,Kirki 'Woo/ eh n
ao. - • 5 .140 Y0m A.ltemta a Co., dry ~140 65
• 103
tie UTUU a Itrits, chain 40. ! tel
F. Winkelman, ooioring yarn 49
Dillerser carpet rags 761
Luker, revenue tax • /81 ea
Levan a Bubpi chain ~,, /4 to
Coyloa Co. chain , - 109 sso
D. Coward, leather • IPI 00
N. liedtry dt Sons do vs el
sly a Sanger, !do 144
G. A. Stookstsder iii) 788 8i
Lewis Lange, do , 49148
J. L, Myer, , do 810 MI
J. Ilt 31, De Longa do ' 1, 77 25
Deberif a Stoltinuil leather 130 05
A; D. oattout Vogt 00 ilndlog 48 07
KiltsMoto', bat, roll rounds ' • , 07 so
Kilts & Arnold, hat rounds 1, 83 53
D. Luta,' ' 'do . , iio • 25 05
1 —•!---- 10,0121 88
r ;
Mara' Wanes.
ioSopb 4 / l ulSor, on e yoar'a salary' 000 00
llorzulna tlanser x do aoo 01
Thomas Will, ass't 1 year's salary 000 00
lobrillotrbrt, do 133 Co
Jacob 80W:day, do ‘ 50 to •
John. GM% do . 4t4 GO ~
w. M. Weidman, physician . :• • 100 00
,Unarlos It. Writ*, treasurer . so 00 ,
. i " .......:)..,.... 8 6 818 80
' "inapplore ktPentio.
. 04 nut, attendi d o
ng eetbig :41
3. liviStonbes, a
49 . 68 88 ~ • •
9; S cob Yum ontong g , do do 43 00
oul 43 CO
F> G. Volt Br e d do . 83 00
U. Writs, . do .' so $8 ..__
—.-• 313 98
Able! amount of Priori Expanse
Principal Loans paid.
w nolo amount of loam paid
li• barred Order /.
nieVoot vela OR OROS •
r kmenlascg printers' Orders.
le 6)
tia:l l = l ttal, 4 • 907 $7
J. L: • 970 88
Knabb a Co o en 93
Dlapatob a Time,. ' 88 50
Banaliel Levan . Na 00
00 00
1 1 . 9won, ts oo
Onuerbles' Rduniidad MU9089. • -
Jannav Term, , , 98 86
April Te
Terri. . •
Otter 141 011
• Orsio*O'cliscliisidefe /OWL •
• ~
dok4f e t b a g •
XS rt 1
see ;. • •
I.D. aletwo PnlttlOriv4
• opitainittl,W
n 4 k , 06 00
11. Lu th er. pat l4o era t •
,6141411110 1 4 . , 00 .
pilligo t at t n i M Oft 'Ars*
Nbhp ding On /wt.*
o TO •-.
ti t *. 04 . orikt
.. • %id so
0.. Ala i ; ivi*juitt lot , - •
9# l /14 . • I I
: . .
Ma4o4/ibildiYo4l 4 l ,oll l.ll " •
. • ; CotWiribi
00111110911111Wagil, ;:
6114401 (:4, t ; .1 1 .1 1 70", 'l 4
.drl 4
I s ;), ,
W 1 W 111, 0 V, 4 1 - ' 2 ,t4
' 4 l ; • r",;'! ‘ 1 0.411V.;
I- I 4, 1 40 *4s
• .
V •
• .4....6.4. 0 0
11 "--t4a.1004
v.t.f7mi es
4,1111* At,
VDU -.:4;
'e a : lo
Whole amount of iooolpta
Total Inoooxe
t o es*
- IMO 28
tra %lSOillawao . .
Wet, 1 yes ik r iL asiari SS •
tar * Dolan ever OOO r 0 '
Wbsortaa Konis, late dist. atty. • i 010 0 x
rrer, .t do lld 00
Gethart, Cler3t ot_clasr- •
r tons ' Hie TS
,Al el . Sow,. COMMbsiOn
item...a ? *violet ' . • ' KO 00
IC. BOOT, Corambslon
-0 Ork extra sessions . 50 00
James B. Beebtel, cow. atty. 100 Go '
sac away A‘Kurr atml J. , Bell,
atelitare , C o. — , no a)
Virls:p C Commissioner too to
Joon 8 e, • co ' 500 0)
Benl d Leval,. jdo - - GOO c 0
Jesse G. Hawley, 'Witting oonn.
ty Mobs 0) t 16 ,
Tobias Bart°, s nummoningi orors Or $) 4',,
Wi 11.4.4rteseiner, prothonotary lib 0) r
~ , , ......... 5,563 $3
Mbyor'h dktanien's and J'asaces' Au.
Usyor 510 54
AidertillOWS . 211 84
Justices - ini 17
__ _
924 Si
-... 820 03
Triennial moment expenses 1,936 70
1,153 70
MI Bridges.
Pena street brideranelslioeb•
tal i 12 niOnttut , ary
!lamb° a Heckman, plumbing
S. D, fina ink gas'
LoYinskster Iltelling, painting
Sittnnei Focht, carpenter work
U. 4b. V. L.Dituth e
liiisbler, putting up lightning
10 80
5 00
100 !XI
100 00
221 1'
OM 6#3
Lancaster' //Mae;
Harriet Maguire, n months' sal
-210 00
E. Smith, gals - . 1 48 30'
N. Mlibler, putting uplightning
rods 1 290 25
Peter U r rn - , cleaning bridge ,iu eo
W. J. V WO, hauling ground 875
Samuel 001, carpeufer work 367
4?aiMi.ltteas Eta"
0yer,,14 mont if , salary 180 PO
HentiF i ll i niaso work /17 60
'O. N. lie ,llghtbingrods 200 83
satin llr h enter work 12 Si
Peter Brown l i mo 3 co
Daniel Boyer, mason work do. 9 10
Ratnb t oner, e.
John Kot It months salary HO 00
Whole amdunt of. toll bridges 1,708 39
Refunding Orders. •
Bllas Dleffoithaoh, Bethel tax re•
~_ ___ • 45 28
;Nathan Ilmor, wtadscr tax re.
fillided 20 00
111.4wi114 Kapillociani Upper Born , 10 Eil
fu IL
nded Stiller, Longswamp
're 8d 91
Wm. 11. Philips, Centro tax re•
ftuuled Si iti
Daniefilabn, First Ward Road.
lag tax refunded 01 87
Jaoh Miller, Third War.dUead•
Ins tax refunded./ i - 21 01
Mont y Werun o gut 4 horet, lliixaumny
• 47 00
Solomon M iller, Ulehinond tax
.refunded _ 61 00
Isaac Molder, Fifth Ward Read
ing tax refunded . 88 01
Jooeph Ifutbard, Ninth Ward
Reading, tax refunded 14 29
John PGA and others, Jefferson
tali refunded 13 33
•losephr Raudenbush, Omni tax
refunded. 57 71
lilies L Afferibaohl Bethel tax re.•
dt C 23 23
_, ripe:eyelid Special °our&
JOhn Kligkinger and Dan. Staley 116 od,
----- 110
POOR 11001114 RXPRI4BIIB. 1 '
Out door Patient; .res.
predorlokßboad,9 co us or Al
bert Richard and P. rb lo 00
David Zimmerman, 1 ooMn for
raett , • 08
Martin IL Landis, 1 coffin for Sa-
rah Rohrbaoh - 5 oo
tleorge.Lash,_ funeral expenses
Of simnel Hartman 10 00
Mark Sehlotman,l ooMn for Jer.
Oes child 8 00
Adam Orrhort j 2 coffinsfor Immo
and wife of Barnet Gehret 10 00
, Outitge Lash,- funeral expenses
forwify of Win. Meyer 10 00
Henry Moyer., 2 coMuli for L.
Bintire and Wm. Williams 10 00
Charles Henninger, S brine for
, sundry persons 211 00
Paul Filbert, 2 coffins fOr Lydia
~, Folk and child
Peter AUlenbach,leofila for Oeo. 6
.7 6
Bower 5 00
Franklin Rohnl oat% for Sam.
___ltartinnu , s child 4 0 7
Win. Klein, Soollins for YOrger's
Child and Thompsonti child 926
Itaysnond Moho, I (*Me, man's
name Unknown 600
Jl4 = coffin Lau engin for Benedict
arshtirge f 5 00
Philip Xagie l 1 coffin for Charles
' Event! •
'John Marts, 1 0001 n for William
Ltarttnan • ~ 500
Jeremiah Beard, Toof4k, man'a
name nniknoWn 600
Outtor ,Relitf.
Widow Sehmehl forfeit - 20 00
JetelniahMoore s for widow Peter
boo t b Frlolt, for self 4 ED 40
Widow (homes, for self' 20 Oo
Peter Marshal, for Cradle Leo- '
Lydiaft 00
dia Drop, fOr.solt _ 1 1 1 0
Wm. Heffuor, for Catharine Ai
epoch, ,_,' 10 00
Amos Peewit*, for John Yeager • 2 0 4
lames Hoa, for Jacob Plernian 20
Blizahoth sa 'ue, for Self : 80 00
Wm. U ms clad, for Mary Ann,
ctlarty - 10 00
:fn. Steiger. for sell -, 2) oo
rs. Haas, for self ; 20 00
Rudolph Collor, for soli 10 00
Widow Zeller, for self 10 CO
Michael streamer , 'for Caro/2no ,
IlhoemilMr 20 00
Solomon Miller, for ,lielona
ow • 20 00
An ß drea ,er '
•Burr, for t Christian , .
Sower , : •
10 00
Andrew 0 Painter, for shit 20 00
Benjamin Zimmerman, for Reel.
,na Shaker . 10 00
Edwardnge Sheeler, for John Wol.
Ar : • 20 00
RinMen Igdy, for widow John
10 03
Da a tirl Buskirk, On Bliiitt4th •
Halm* 20 Oo
Wtn. Hoetor, for Sally tines hi eo
Jonas Minerfor Catharine Inbod 10 00
Richard . A dams, fur 'Samuel
Hartman% . 20 00
Amos B. Wells, for liodglre lam- 20
AUK* N. Wells, for Irwinit • ' 20 00 •
Ni Ilek&tain; for 'sundry
pers cholas ons .• 1 , MI 09
Berniert It gooh,' for ;sundry
peruses . 178 81
O.A. Orlosemer, foram:ldr, fem.
• Hies •
_, , 42 26
Pea & Orth, for sun d ry ismo.
• lies . -•
35 52
A l us for self gg o .
IstiM Mohr,. for Jacob Ketsbner 80 00•2
Ilso!nel FUN!: t, ; for - 1411seboth
J. ^ Biukiel Wanner, for john B. 10 00
01tecA 1 , _
_, ,- 4, sio coo
Peter 8/1011`04411, Nt Widow New
. than . 10 00
Nicholas Jones, for Susan no.
rekitt . •• • • 90 00_,
Amharine Maury, for 404 .-
2 ° w
VW litvlngoosi, for name) .
. . „ , •
. 20 CO
;tul easing, for D. Lhis • .20 00
ug d s for Jacob Schnell 110 00
'banes e asy , for j.9hA Schnell
20;0 •
;mei ottly, for blase Beeman 7 0
Amos Wanner, for Catharine .
tit, for Mani BurUs 20 00 ' -
lift ' OW 00)i -
Ad scas * to " A t i l: 1 0 4 ) 4 11 1)1 17 Meat,
4 - 0101 ill gum . r osepti PO- , • •
limberger .! • 101
Jolliet ilurtititbr Arlin Matta ers • 10
4 1
Le n fa r la il i2 ll l a I -
gn raw A: Of r i ti V ar kl o
_. - _ • ,
Bliss Ota= . 7,.__ , so •
• we
Great_ h• . • , - r • 10 io • r'' ,
.IL 11 re for Jacob Wigged 'IDOO '' •
481,21011, tor .stutetry , '
51 •
' —goer r' ~: 11 80 IS ,
10 00
GO v 3 .•
83/127 GO
tot:pm 0,
nign4 40
47 80
48 70
140 92
28 47
lb 00
10 06
423 72
20 CO
Ili 85
6 02
OS 62
tios is
40 30
Vi- 40
6 10
15 00
370 50
WOO . -
14 40
37 913
8 78
• 7 80
28 In
88 Yti ,
3Y3 34
8 22
11 so
49 0
8 07
21 81
ao 41
, 80
• fR ti SO
97 BO
Oft so
7.161 01
INV* 65'
*me a
c-F i t
„4,i,,,it .1.1,1,
3. . ~,t,
~,-,,sait ~ '
-, Hogioiv ,•.,' '
1 ,
: ••• ,Itik
1431011( 1 T0r• ftkr alitif4 ll 4. l 3l: "1 0. i ,49 l c. 'I. ;
rltraoo3‘ tor / 10 /1: 448 ,r ' ' .
• •e. , , ~, 10
lietsi liroW;Ar itlaiWist,', ) [ 0 f i t'.;
t• . Shyer, for, 1 - !boil „.. , • ,
. ...
-.. Y 000.10F 1 / 4 17 ibtl3,3 ; _ i _it'o l o.-1.:••, , ; ; ;u:
• i . r` itlial -Itt r i lll " l::4 ' v ittt:'',
4 Warts: for '.•:4lootirce'lo ;- •
- _
% or
• tot. w o k s , - • , •
• for., • r: - 00_ --' . 1
w •,,W • io l '.l , , 1 9 41 • .
,'• Igo .
vu t soics
4* nose *illi/er3t*Oitil4.l44l, -'''
JlOOOl4l - • !nonor• for' , o , 1 •
flood • • -•- •Il 0 0 -;
MEOW) Miller, tor d°1000 , " . 0 4 ,1,- ~' •
John Spengler , 1 . 1010 •
Goo. boob * for Itatllda MAO ' ' ICI 00
Wo. as ei gh fqr sett , • . s ' 10 00 .
Geo. h„ for gra, 11aine 11 to
Jneet ItuthafOr 114.11.4)10irt ~ 13.00
lillio Reber, for Ilaberna 110011; •
moyer ' . 1 0 01 .
;leratotat floor°, foe ti do*
John Wibrta • •. • .•10 o 0 ''
.. ' ---r•-• 1,010 01
o.a K ry 1 ,
Kline, Eppibime &
Levan, Balm & .
A. W. PoMeister
Levan & Shade
C. an& Co.
David Keiser
IL N. Brown
tka tlinnereehlts &Bubp
vict Neff
Yocum & Ifonsum
IL A. Hoff
V. B. Plchthorn
7Kerper & Son
. B. Birch
oho 8: Pearson t Co.
inshler & Moors
40 06
Sataries. • I
Uoorge ry Lash, director 5 month)) •
Eli al as a ()bold ry , director 7 months
sala 01
Josephatuthardolirootor 1 year's . 110 •
salar y Silas W. Fisher, director 1 year's, 20°
Salary -, 00
, 530
Jamb Conrad, Steward 1 year's • ,
salary B5O 00
Jimpbconrad, stewardbatof 1802 , 70 88 ,
Michael Ufghtmyer, under stew;
275 !It
ard 00,
Philip_ Eagle, steward on at . 500 i 00 ' '
Wm. B. Zeimer, under steward •
on account 1 . 8g0; CO,
Amos Snyder * clerk to Lull as 4' 1 ,
/lay lst, 1848 • - 8:X.140% ,
W. I L
Fisher * Qierk on acct. ,100 CO ,
Dr. A. D. Dander°, . physician 1- ', . 1 , •
year's salary 1 4 I 10104
Dr. Mester M. Nagle, physician • .•
1 year's salary . ' • 160 00 ..
Livingood, atty. 1 year's . .
salary -" ' • 75 00
• ... .
Philip Y. Gilhain, engineer • t ,‘ •
John Bencel,l3aker 1 year's , sal; '
ar „ —• .400 00
John y
Ben zel s baker bal. for 1865 • WV '
Frederick Schutter, Gardner 1
year's salary • '630 .(0
limes S. khaki°, blacksmith in
ull ,p 00 •
Win. Van Buskirk, blacksmith
on amount • toll oo
Wm. Hoffer, laborer on farm on
4161 • • .
account OO
David Keifer, teamster on soot, 170 00
Do . do bal. use .r; 18 25_
Alfred Deterich, teamster cut
account ' 100 63 •
Christian Zeigler, tailor 1 , year's
salary . . • 184
John Pilo, teacher in fall: , - ./87
Mary Whitman, maid in full ' 'IS 1)0
4tO SO
588 87
512 72
180 00
Wm. Rhoads, Jr.
Burkholder Madeira
ftelberlini; & Omit&
Charles Briner
Hiram 8. Getz
John B. Reiner •
adds and lA* -stock bettek
Samuel t3uldtn, mules • fel 00
Moses S. Diehl% cow nod shoats- 1.10 40
&toehold & Sohlott, 81 Stgera 0,016'40
Snyder % LOrab, bal. on steers
on 1807
Abraham Bechtel, 61 sheep
Moe, and Hats.
Benjamin Englero shoos 141 oo
O'Reilly a Oo.,Bl)pee - 05
Jeremiah Beidler, shoes 4 700
lerauels Boland, eats 29 00.
Barks County prison, shoe 4 and
carpets 201 42
OW and Whorftsge.
roocook A Bah, coal
Aaron Betz, wharrago
William frame, coal
Bear a Bro. ft Co., coal
Whiskey and Vinegar. '
Tobias Marto
Printing and Sintiopary. •
J. Lawrence Getz printing
Wm. Rosenthal, piloting • ,
Ritter It 00., printing Mut sta.
Samuel !feebler, stationary •
Grain, 174ur and Grinding Grain.,
UOMuilg Bro., grinding grain 224 81
Samuel Wortiaour, grain anti
grinding 1,16181
Qeorao Lash, corn la! 8 5
- -
U. A.
Barnhart & Roan, flour
Stun. Weitzel, flour and potatoes
Ames Z. Griseraer, flour
Woblas liarto, chopping grain ,
law S.
ostsp and Dyeing.
Edelman h Leinbach
Lovan & Buts
Ibacco. -
D. P. Loan
H. W. Rank
D. G. Mutter
Dreniser, Mayer £ Co.
Georgo Loroh & CO.
Bard Reber
J.I L . htlohtsr
McGowan a hfilthnore
John 11JoKyght
Leather and Shoe itedittiv.
M. Delong, leather
Benjamin Kooh,loather anti shoe
11 41ng
A. D. Darvey, leather and shoe
J. Koojy
Amos 11. Doyehor
Jacob Dayshor
Jams Healy
&ono and Tinware.
Breitlegam Heller
William Broideaain
Charles V. & L. Danth
J. E. IllaUvirdy
William J, Ttutrwebhter
1 'HA and Sale. •
Aaron Gets, salt
Bookhammer & Budd, flab (bal.'
on 18664 . • .
J K . KeSc 41 h 1
eßlli, ting,a B dmeat ' ',
1 6 80 5 4
liax sa. —_,,,,,,
• inioipo '
. Daniel lig nehrooder,ltrink • • 10 8)
BhAathlr & JOnnsOn, castings • 15 98
J.W.uawer, binding order book . 1 450
Levan 1 Bubp & Co,opuleruswaro. 930
Christian tlebutter t eartbenWare . 28 42
Peterßteinel; brusues... .- - -‘; 17.83
milionui a Althouae, horse hire
for loseph **Mart ~
Jobn U. lierehner, paintinisx.
press wagon . .
Usury Goodman, 1161 r express .
1 wagon ana 'oover
John Bpsta L tlledloal attendanee
for &lima uln
P. 0. Obit, pulling, grate b ars:
and 100, ._ . it , in
Christian elglsr, int ernal, ' on
IR 00 ,
11500 hr 1037
T. A. Willson & Co„ cloak ' • - 46 00
hirL 1141 4 0 4 4 1 1 1% Condi° wick , 14 re
b •
Koh ker & vo o stesm fide as 00
Peter 11.t.k i wil, lime • . 112 0.1 •
Woad pp, Ball Ohsfrie . i u 90 ,
Lonhart ' gAreth, steam Tog - • - •
fixtures * -v, ,- 128 12 -`•
te= able, layingkrielt - -z -,,ge so -.
n Bben, re.seiting • : •-. ~ .
' - a 400:wl sand atones
N eWit i krieett e rar ' ';', ' '„
•'7 O 00 ,: „
9 ~, tor, OW* biro yet •. ' • - ''• '
It '4ll.4etauti,bruk4isa 2 ~,:' is i
bi %4
.., eadpg*! , : s e, : : l :s e
trVALWitilXviid• ; : s s 1 . 1) . ' ,:::
....,, , - , . a )
rrill *9114 1 , mit" Vic '.: 1. . 1 ): - ..
', :, . • - t., ~•
4 , ttal. ie -'*: - ibistinee ‘• ' • VI a
'- '' . • ter • ' ''• i t . .00,i 4 -#lnk . '''" - ' . 1;
~ • • • - -,. 414,14 . 0p444,:.:. ~ ~; ~.- ‘,•-,:•,--:;
beer • '' ' ,• . • • ;,:0-, :, •:.' ' .
- 411 roll get& : lict!.* • :rOnk-
,aa. ,‘ .- -- ,- ' -,'''''..‘•
-,-1 lir i'ettr 41 • Oilk e 3 piCAi iit ' i: .' o%lre' t
aweel'Expoutv. -: e - - i 4 ' , le • 11:7' 4
4 ii k , . cas - prison cow . .
Irma - . . . • • WO 00 ‘'
' '
• ill,
oink - ,- ti , .-,':, • ' • i ~
liii !" titlititie s iig i ' i ', „ :•.,i,liit ~,.,
450.1 t,
' and a f, ,',.'.41,c ,, ' •,'-:-. ~.. t 11110111 '', ~V
4.11/1/1141110s. odi **ill! 111.100 C el Z ~ =t e i ,? " ' ,1 .1 -..: ' 1 ~..
' lp c as 34 4 . 04.! k. ,...,:.,1111?!..f.....1-, -,
I I F .. -
,4 51 .: , . t,.. ,1 L ' .4 . ;‘,;4 ' '''
7 4 ,•Iiii. ''.2'..' . 6 '.
1 ‘:
".. '
mpi r iki i f w omout , i l liv
1, - .: . 7. '. , -,e, ,, i, - ..-i,.,-,
0 - ,, t-t , !, • ' . .'N.t4: . , - rttlit 4$ 03 LK., • 'L. ,. ',
1 w ar j _ ;„•, : 411 00„,f y , ~,- ..,
_, . - Ir a Wilitk tidal <1 •
~ 1. lito k
Wi ' • r
4..4 v vs it ,
ere . , i r, -...'; '. ' '.' : • MIR '
11.11111411 Sen . • iiiextr& marks% '• '
SWittitran . •-• ' ,• ' ' sae"
JsOm - WOW 1114 4 :41 1 OVA: 10 , -
iPrtaW , . 40 00
Moe _
repair allal tortiiiino bridge: .
_sara , • . • .1117 le,
Win..lh All!r,; ImWsei..
• 4.7 - ,M44 i r eylatip,riisA• • ,
eri to 40 1 0nre Okkai • • • Se Se,
llotirgiii, win
ttifUnded, . • ' '
0 i tse sold Wi OS
Jolla Wi er, treasure s*, of • the . ' i . .
litate n Akirrigni t .• .• - -. '4l 14
Daniel Dietria r ep airing
brifia ntnietrio Is MI 11/3 07
BUM BOW.reledririg •• bridge '
at Reha's irilil "N 4103
John 1 .- swill. oink flooring in . .
Courtliciassi ~ ••• ,
Samuel • 'Francis, repairing 1100 •
bridges olilloyerstown road _ 778
Niehohui Hunter, plank an d .
bridge repair At Moeelein ' 43 16
Farman Sheppard, itres.s.'Of tho ' • •
Rastern Panitentiary , • • 1,1 6 e Os
OW . 45
John anomunger, putting In 000 ' ~
In Wart House. if 70,
Jacob Young .11 Son, Coal • for ' '
CoUrt lltmso , ' 41 40
YV.t'sttlfsslirillat: l l:sl4l IIT
Asepb ilenne_, delivering tip-,
peal bOok to U. Tuipohocoon
3. 4. Itrinentrout, county gavot
for Tea/Mors+ Institrito _ --
c.Arepe i go4th work on Black
Simon Drellielble,frepairing at
*D.utelitiinoe bridge • - •
peorge Morkel,repairing at Len
, heart's bridge
Wane'. FOcht, work at Court
'.,_,- Ho •
11, Fox use &
Co., boarding jcirors
April Term
Solomon Close and .1. Miasemer,
• making tax duplicates
IQ. It n, an stone
M. K. Boyer, making taxdupli
es - , ,
H. SUMMOOS and Schooner, maw'
kirig_tax 0 noinves , 000
Z. 11. Manner, making tax pupil- A - 1
M a tea '
JJ Yong & tone, seal for Court I 0
House 14 to
Edward Ilavilland, in full per
Ra m
prison ootitmotan, gas pipe for • 4268 Ed
Court House
Win. MoNall, services for_ bring
ingprisoners from Phila.. _
Joseph . Sohimble, rePairing
bridge at Flying 11111
Jeremiah Bechtel, attending
Henry rs
Henry Grind, attending prison
LeYtnatiter & Soillng,painting at
Court House •
Oeo. Roll, work at Court House ,
Peter Dingman • • do
F. 0, Buts, blushes &O. for Court
J. S. White; hording
Strickland & Bro., stationotiy
J. P. Dsoth, work at,iirlson i •
L. ffioble, paving at Court House
It. Koehig,riSpal ringlieed brld go
'V. Freed blank book •
.1, U. StrOliookiir, making Watts
rolls • •
D. Fistor s viewing bridge ar..
Mineral mill
.11: nummOns, caw:iter work At
Court House , , . "ti
Samuel Sanson, steel pons
M. R. Boyor, recording militia •
_roll ,
an. Ad am, viewing bridge tit
Griescinees mill. .
J. Utnnersiliitx, repairing road to
J. Wanner. viewing bridge at
Grimm:loa mill •
B,IA, Simla. viewing bridge at
Uriesenier's Mill
D. 13, Zaohnrie.s. mambo
Joseph Henry, wall and pave- ,
fount •
at Court House
JOSOph Henry,rison yard pave*
fog, Water an il gas pipes 1,634 71
Joseph Monty, building and
trains '
1,96{ 37
Jqloph Hearyv extension at
vagrant nom 1,200 21
Joseph Henry, raising outside'
wall at - nrlson l • 5,01- so
Jaunt Henry, OuPboardetabNa> 1
shoe benches /to. ,
~ • ,4,18 Z 40
Joseph Henry,
s tepairs at" old •
prison • . '1,30 . 15
Q. 11, &Mouton, 01'4111410r Court
, lions° • , .. • ,
11. W. Ilinekintin nets . Faber,
Jury Commissi
0, ,Frey, repairing •Althouso's
!bridge '
yObtits Banos wiper • '
ohn Flickinger, Putting walla
Court Rouse
s: Ft dor, painting sign for Ham•
burg bridge. .
Win. 8. Young , Com. viewing ,
bridges go.
Benjamin Loran. Coin. viewing,
;.bridges Ito. •
,;aciob :Shortie Com, viewing
bridges &o: 1,
. Young & So 1 , coal for court
. Ihouse1 house , , . MAME, hOrse hire for COm,
mm Greenwald, repairing
s_. Ritter, horse hire for Coin.
If; lounlapy labor at Penn street
J. P. itowell, city directory
John Flickinger; filling sip at
court house
0..14 cekblank book for Orphan s,
Court Wee
Th.. mutis • boob, running . Thank
Philadelphia and Reading'
.Mbert. Roland, working at pris
on water ,wprlis
W. P. Murphy ' & Sou, blanks
for Reeordoes oboe
Jattob Fi nkbono, fox scalps
111hui Dieffenbach. making and
PllOllllll sign beanie At bridges
J. 04.Wenster, stool pons . , ~
Charles m. Fr its. stae
Strickland £ tiro. s tati onary,
J. K. Snail; repairin g • eater at
court Innis° -• • .
Simon DV i elbles&Ruts,ropair
, 11),ff brl
J: selisra , Wentsel skid Me
• era, fox scalps . .
it di. I/. Zeohintin,. Scrubbing
410., °Wirt honed
X. Zimmerman, charcOld ' •
henry Beide_,r blank; b ook and
1 4 10 (ntling TrOlularOkS bond •
MIMI'S tiotolortob. cyan, 65
• Court house
Zi• Swill, loying wa i . pIPe at
prison and court house '
.10Xib" Ritter. taking Shutter
BOlfer to honsett ref
40550 Ganser, 'bringing boa t
Wets from Phliodolptila ' zio 15
itic dishier hardware &o. • lit 70
In ' sainsri l'• AL box hire 'and
Deficiency, in State tax
943 Et1
'l3 • •
19 W
42/ IT
'lO IT
161 89
43 44
601' 29
97 09 ' '
99 73
BO 90
88'08 • '
• 18 10 c
11186 •
4,190 86
1, 2 7)08 02
1,117 17
45 68
2,238 18
20- 48
5,002 24
8 88
28d 09
1,218 2$
527 41
tVia 80
17 60
31 110
42 CO
1M (K)
4rs 07
4 19 4 N
834 00
88 !KO
3,181 19
70 01
101 47
01 C 3
79 80
,f 880 48 '
418 75
8s) 04
•03 03 .
'9O 01
14148 41,
849 89
181 43
)00 OD,
876 89
+ `Bo
7 80
_ 855 it
t 5451 88
179 8 4
SO /
US 114
Miscellaneous expolyses
_ Trefterer'• anntsweione.
worlds exchanged Ai,900 at loos
Cen 00
All the t.
Moneys paid onto/416G 88
at % Sr cont. lea
ift SS,
All the money reeeived, $271,774-
40 at %per cent. , 1,08 77
•• Total I —.........,. A4BO 110
Balance In the Minds of the Treasurer 77,018 St
Beoapitniatios of &pewee.
Prison expellees , *.i* CS -
Principal, loins paid 1,4 80
Interest on loans paid •t , 1 INI
priutintrordels • .1,1 88
Lonstabiest returns 444 71
Bleotioti returns , 1# 00
Corntint'S Inquosta B,f SI at
Trieunial itealeinent 'V,
assamlng and plturning_lista pi . •-•,
notables • 1 4 110 SP
Itik# tables+ orders In' Vcitylilliti ,
th mita, , i i f t
tilMiel4 ni
tits es* *pedal court L .0 . ,
Court expanaaa , 4 1 ' is ito
Tollinkiduss - ' • i ` 1 :7 1 *
COnlity V 1144110 • • &A
Prosecution and Witness fir gel
Mayotte. 41.1dertnOuts and 041- 1 ,. '
1 .010 oideue 1' ' • oall ' .
maimul uill oribus ~ ~. , lia „,
pooen orders -r, ! , w a s
gum eiou•
E r r e i SqrStrittaiiii , t
, , ..
siotiios in ser Of it4)55. 018 A
1 A , ‘
No ' ' ' ''' • Onl Ing 4$
Aro US ilOssbit tlto audios, or tbo vo n of
0414410 p Sirßcor
- - lir Rowel
..._ • ...
/70 00
Aigoinmilf A
IlAilotsar t a* As
Albany, -
Ito hbl,
2 prifekneeir, ' ' •
IlionutrltOn s
Veatle,, - •
Haat °A, •
Heidelberg, •
Heidelberg, N.
Hereford, • ,
Lougsararapi, ,
Ontelanneo, ,
rerry, - .
Pike, •
Roboson. •
Spring, -
Linton; • -
Windsor, • :
First Ward
Second Wahl,
Third Wahl,
Fourth Ward
Fifth Ward,, •
Sixth Wahl,
Eleventh Ward,
Eighth ,Ward,
Einth War?,
, i !
1 1W
N 43
30 0
1 25
41 00
R 7 00
10 20
Oblides Wean, Distf 106 193 . 1
Jacob 8. riboUenberitore fun
bur(f, 18011 I , ,• _ , 1 •-RD 20
.1 - ,.. W.. Rood , Afar ion,- /8611 A '. 1 401 171
Elias Dieffellbaeh, nethel,lol 2121 co
D Mel Debris, Distriet, 1008 I g t 8 81
If resent Oxenrider,MariondB64l 4300 41
J. ; Rehr, RObesen,lBBO I
oeilehmehl, Rawl:alma/nor "
1868, since paid la full
Josee Miller, Albany,lBol , 1,
David Filbert,
Mlf ernViDer 1 1
Reuben M. UpdegrOfe: Peri, Set ,
Millis= R i For, Rambilrg,lB67)
J. .- La h ors, ' Heidelherg
L6wer, 1 , , l,OOO 04
John Saul, Ilaidenereek, 1887 1174 68
David, 11l pry; Datelaunee. 1867 i_l4l.
M Ol
Riles Q: Saul t Ruscombruo,nor, w 2 07'
.A; Sellers, induct, 1017 , 718 01
Levi Wesel, 1 omeisderf 1967 . •.IN M
pdward Schnuck, Reading* So.
egad Ward, DO • , 200 00
Jacob Smith, Reading Rlghth •
Ward, 1807
_._: i 700 00
Jacob Bm l th, Readlug, • rilitth
Ward, 1887' • , Leo as
Tittle *mei of outstanding taxes. otpyi v,
we the undersigned AualtOrs, do, hereby ear.
tify that tII abOVe -*mount is a correct state.
went of the outstanding WM", up to theist day
Of January, A. D., led&
:A N RUHR, 1 I
JAMES DELL. Auditors.'
• , 11",21.ALIIIIIQUT,
Whole AtuotOf Loans or 0411 - 40t4
Ike near as oduld be aseerultied . AEI it,
We the undersigned Auditor., do hereby oer
tify that the allove is a oorreqo statement of the
'whelp debt of narks eonntY, on she 110th day of
December, A. D. 1868. if • the ontatandAg taxes
and the balance in the hands_ of the Treasurer
be deducted, the real
t hen will ; as near
as we could ascertain the e, Wont to about, thousand two '',, onatea donate
(101 n4 O ). . . ', ' - .•• • ," r
t J AMmiasßS DELL. *tatter,
' . r. a. mal'.
feb 20-4tw , - •
16 03.
11 00.
21 00
8 87
a 00
1 13 88
31 78
11 00
19 19
160 00
3 tio ,
'7OO el
Aumate Ot,GrOonislith tosmsbailDerhs-equinli
dOtteneod,' 4.ettors of 'Qin, nto the ohne
'tie:of Stone,- nanttla dpa alt hovlng boin
nomad ; to 4ho Understino w residing in esT4
township. notion Is • hereby vim, that 011 nor .
eons, trittebted• to, sold. Osta :are requested to
MIOCO sh ip.
rynaont s • Sind. those having
Matins, Wlll pretest item. propody ntitheattoth
tett,. for sOtttement: ,
fob. 643 D • ;',l • M etier.
, - • • .•
49 00
190 00
014 Ad
• 1 VI
a 00'' \
ISO 16
61 01
eotrTu OTIVI;1 fiTauTe
67 66
119 50
16 04,
11 00
74 60
pAnin,•olL 014613;-)VET11.
erlil Pare its rederoe English Par"
White Leall i . /141Dbrtt fill While Lead, pew
Pure White Lead, lied rronoh Zino, French
MARNA ekes; Amor! Glassi all sistie,llnseel
Oil, -Putty; Palnts t Wor aisle ohoap, and
all geode warrinkatttd, by
MtgIOWAX dt 111 1 / 1 1)101113,
811 Penn street.
17 CO
0 4 100
Oot 814(
06 15
1 2
. .
• •. , Va. 4
Ri 001t i esiiItrote Reirdisfl .
(Neto 4Of; AO :ZetrOVII ZiordtOore Bore.)
. HARWICK : : 4 pitoE,
Be to - Otovistuko6 t4itif oplUitt or Hoiding " 4
Ho to oit•Yi upt*they, hire no*. Stott; tk Very W.
mosortutim of ~, ••, t : ~,s ,• , • ,
• , \_
104% Aiii> /Mr Bears' AND NOP.
8110119 of All Imo an troy
i ipevlor make,
whit% they* II boll a yk te' 101, colt trim.
Thoy Anytto ait to 11 en seethe! StOokbeforf
pnrofutiongoleeirtio =• ' .! 1- : , '• '
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